Cecil Papers: August 1607, 1-15

Pages 202-219

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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August 1607, 1-15

[William Brewster] to [Dudley Carleton?] (fn. 1)
[? 1607, Before Aug.]. It had been my duty to have wrote the whole journey unto you, and so I would have done had not this our ever renowned captain, Captain Newport, have come himself unto you, who will truly declare, better than I can, all this his discovery. This is all I will say to you, that such a bay, a river and a land did never the eye of man behold; and at the head of the river, which is 160 miles long, are rocks and mountains that promise infinite treasure. But our forces be yet too weak to make further discovery. Now is the King offered the most stately rich kingdom in the world, never possessed by any Christian prince. Be you one means among many to further our seconding, as you were a means to further the discovery of it, and you yet may live to see England more rich and renowned than any kingdom in all Europe.—Undated.
Unsigned. Incomplete. Endorsed: "A part of a letter of William Brewster gent. from Virginia." 1 p. (124. 17.)
Sir Francis Popham to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Aug. 1. I did before this time receive one other letter directed unto my father since his death from beyond the seas besides these here enclosed, which I imagining to concern only his privity did open, and found it to come from one Daniel Tucker, who lies now at Burdeaux in France, to solicit the matter against certain Spanish merchants for goods that lie there under arrest, in hope to recover Captain Challence and his company again, whereof now I despair. If there be cause, the letter is extant, and upon my credit with your lordship contains nothing in it but to have certain money repaid which he has taken up by way of exchange to follow that business; and says that if there may be a letter procured from the King of France unto the higher Court of Parliament there, he doubts nothing of good success. I, imagining these to come from him also, did the more boldly open them, but finding them of far different nature, and fitter for you to be made acquainted with than myself, did the next day after I received them, which was the last of July, send them here enclosed. And if I may perceive any error committed by me in opening of them, the next that come unto me so directed shall be presented unto you untouched as I shall receive them.— Wellington, 1 Aug.
Signed. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (121. 163.)
King James I to Sir John Ferne and Sir William Gee, Secretaries of the Council of the North.
1607. Aug. 2. Whereas John Lepton, one of the grooms of the Privy Chamber, has been granted the making of all letters issuing out of the Court at York, the execution of which office is denied him by the Secretaries who allege that it belongs to them; the King is informed that none of their predecessors intermeddled with what he has granted Lepton otherwise than to receive sixpence for sealing each letter. This fee has been reserved to the Secretaries in Lepton's patent. They are therefore required to seal all such letters or process as shall be brought to them by Lepton or his deputy or deputies and to restrain all others from intermeddling with his office. If they shall think this prejudicial to them they are to return their reasons in writing by the bearer, stating the damage they will sustain and what profit over and above the said sum of sixpence they or their predecessors received from the sealing of letters.—"Given under our signet at our Castle of Farnham, the second day of August, in the fifth year of our reign of England, etc., and of Scotland the one and fortieth."
Copy. 1 p. (194. 40.)
Ro. Greenheilds (?) to —.
[1607], Aug. 2. He writes out of sympathy to "our good friend Mr. Dr. Branthwhayt." Here is lately grown a question touching succession to Dr. Leg's Mastership. The fellows made a perfunctory election of Dr. Goslin, but the King has been informed of an inclination in the late Master, and in most of those who elected Goslin, to Popery, so the election has been disallowed. He thinks it probable, for reasons he details, that the nomination will fall upon the Chancellor (Salisbury). He has observed in the Chancellor a noble regard to revive the fortunes of such as were addicted to the late Earl of Essex, who in the eye of the world fell with him; and Essex's favour to Dr. Branthwhayt he need not relate. Details Branthwhayt's high qualifications for the place. The pretence against Dr. Goslin is a surmise of popishness, and such as love religion rely upon the Chancellor to preserve the University secure that way. Dr. Branthwhayt is so adverse to Popery that he condemns Puritanism; and so opposite to Puritanism that he detests Popery. He begs his correspondent ["either by Mr. Wilson, or any other that has good hearing with his lordship": struck out] to procure a seasonable mention of Dr. Branthwhayt to the Chancellor.—Cambridge. August 2.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (193. 132.)
A Bill of Exchange.
1607, Aug. 3. Copy of the receipt by the deputy of Sir Andrew Sinclair in Hamburgh of 1200l. Flemish Hamburgh money by a bill of exchange dated London, 26 June, 1607.
Copy. ½ p. (121. 164.)
Richard Neile, Dean of Westminster, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 3. His Majesty has been importuned here at Farneham by petition and otherwise by them of Caius Coll[ege] touching the mastership of that house, for the making good of that their tumultuary and pretended election. The reasons against that election are many, which do make a mere nullity in it: 1. The election was made by a plain conspiracy, and partial affection of such fellows as were for Dr. Gostlin, and a thing long plotted for by them of his faction, which is directly contrary to a statute of the college. 2. Whereas there is 28 days assigned for that election, in which time all the fellows interested should be expected, and it is required that all due deliberation be had in causes of such nature, this election was speeded by them only that were there at the instant of Dr. Legg's death attending purposely for it, without any monition to other the fellows of the house; insomuch that whereas they should have had at the election all the fellows within the kingdom, they gave not time convenient for him to come that might perchance be in the town. 3. There were not present in the election past the one half of the number of fellows which ought to have voices in the election, and the voices given with Dr. Gostlin at that election are not sufficient, though it had been permitted to him to be allowable in such sort as himself will acknowledge it to be required by statute. 4. Fourthly, that election is merely unlawful as no juridical act, both for the time of the day in which it was done, being at 5 o'clock afternoon, whereas all such acts are by course of law to be morning acts, and also for the day of the week, it being on Sunday; and as I take it, which deserves just blame, done when all the rest of the colleges in the university were at prayers, and they of the college should then have so been also. 5. That this election was made by them before the mastership was void in law, for the statute of that house is—Vacatio custodis numerabitur a die mortis, vel cessionis etc., so that the day of Dr. Legg's death is not included in the 28 days allotted for the election, and that upon a good reason, for many dead men have revived within 24 hours; but that election of Gostlin was made at the instant of his death before his body was cold. And that which also deserves a sharp rebuke, under your correction, whereas in Christian charity the use of the church is to have the bell tolled for dying men that others may thereby be moved to pray for them in the time of that their extremity, these fellows of Caius Coll[ege] would not suffer the bell to be tolled or rung out till two hours after his death, when they had dispatched this their election.
I am sorry to understand that whereof his Majesty also [is] informed, that notwithstanding all his Majesty's writing and commandment in this business, and that my Lord Grace and your lordship have written requiring them not to presume to proceed further, either to make a new election, unless to elect such as his Majesty shall recommend, or to admit Dr. Gostlin, yet he has sent down a proxy, and they have admitted him by proxy. His Majesty has commanded me to write to my Lord Grace to call both lawyers and others to him, and to examine the validity of the pretended election, if so be that your lordship, as Chancellor, should not mislike that course; and upon the resolution of the validity or nullity of the election his Majesty will proceed farther in it, as the cause shall require.
I promised at my parting with my Lord Cranborne to move you for him for one week to visit his friends at Chesterford Park.— Farneham, 3 August, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (121. 165 (2).)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 3. Your letters came hither this morning soon after six, but his Highness was on horseback before I could come to him with them, and my Lord of Dunbar also, so I cannot as yet return anything to you. But because you hasten the warrant for the Low Countries which was signed yesterday, I send that away presently. The other shall be done soon at his Majesty's lodging. In yours there is mention of some bill which should come from Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, but I received none, except it be enclosed in the packet to my Lord Dunbar. Whatever I received from him before the Court came from Windsor was delivered to Sir John Wood and Sir Thomas Clarke to pass the seals. They were two warrants, one for Sir Baptist Hicks and the other for Peter Van Lore, for assurances for money lent.— Farnham, 3 August, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (193. 133.)
Tobie Matthew to the Same.
1607, Aug. 3. Since I last troubled you it may have pleased you to have some speech with my Lord of Canterbury concerning me. I attend the answer, but with much more desire than hope that it will be favourable. His Grace is so much incensed against me that I have no hope or comfort but that which no man can take from me. However it fall out, the honour I bear you may excuse my ambition after your favour, and moderate if not good opinion.—The Fleet. 3 August, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (193. 134.)
The Mastership of Caius College, Cambridge.
1607, Aug. 4. Dr. Legge dying 12 July, 1607, the fellows of Gonevile and Caius College within two or three hours after elected Dr. Gostlin (a man in all points capable by the statutes) custos of the said college, and the senior fellow pronounced him custos elect by the greatest part of the company.
Since that election there has been a course taken to infringe the election by imputation of religion to the party elected, which being cleared they pretend an interpretation of an old statute made by Dr. Caius, which neither is a statute, nor has any force in law. The statute is—Vacante custode per mortem, cessionem, resignationem etc. they may proceed to election at any time infra mensem.
Dr. Caius's exposition whereupon occasion is taken to infringe this election is, vacatio intelligitur ab ipso die mortis, which words, say they, be understood exclusive. But a vacation being made good per mortem, as is apparent, no exposition or interpretation of Dr. Caius can have force in law to take away the vacation expressed in the old statute, for that the power granted to Dr. Caius for making of statutes gives him no liberty to alter or interpret the old. The words of his grant from Philip and Mary, so far as it affects statutes, are these: Volentes insuper et per presentes decernentes. quod tam predictus magister sive custos et socii quam alii illis in posterum, ut inferius exprimitur associandi et eligendi sive adjungendi in omnibus et per omnia se gerent, exhibebunt coversabuntur et eligentur juxta et secundum obligationes regulas ac statuta per predictum Willelmum quondam episcopum Norwicensem in scriptis habita facta et redacta ac juxta ordinationes regulas ac statuta per predictum Johannem Caius, ad incrementum et communem utilitatem ejusdem collegii in posterum authoritate subscripta lienda; ita quod ejusmodi ordinationes regule ac statuta aut eorum aliquod per predictum Johannem Caius in posterum fienda non sint aut erunt repugnantia sive contraria predictis ordinationibus regulis et statutis per predictum Willelmum episcopum Norwicensem, ut prefertur factis aut habitis. All the fellows have confirmed this election under their hands, which is to be shown.
Item, 29 July a scrutiny being holden when Dr. Gostlin was absent in London, the election was again confirmed by the more part of voices, three more fellows than before giving their consent to that scrutiny. By the statutes nothing is required to the election of the custos but consensus majoris partis sociorum, all other solemnity being set apart.
The 29 July the fellows by a proxy admitted one of their company in the right of Dr. Gostlin, that his right might be tried, but Dr. Gostlin neither has as yet, nor intends to take upon him that place before his cause be heard, and he may fully understand his Majesty's pleasure.
These be the proceedings in this cause unto the 4th Aug., 1607.
Unsigned. 1½ pp. (121. 165 (1).)
Sir Richard Bulkeley to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 4. I received your letter upon Sunday, the 2 Aug., both the post-boats being then in Ireland; but because your letter to the Lord Deputy should be sent with all speed as you writ, I caused a bark that lay in the haven for lead to put to sea that night, and sent your letter by a trusty messenger to be delivered to the Deputy's own hands.—Bewmarees, 4 August, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (121. 166.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Same.
1607, Aug. 5. Your letters written yesterday came hither this morning before his Majesty went to the sermon, but his Highness put off reading them till afterwards, which was about 4 o'clock. It pleased him to take knowledge of the proclamation for jurors as a thing before sufficiently perused by him, and to sign it, which herewith I have sent you; and the bill for the Isle of Man with the former cancelled, whereupon it may please you to cause the signet and privy seal made upon it to be called in and defaced, if there be no patent thereof passed the great seal.
But if it be passed already then this cancelled bill is to be filed with the clerk of the signet, and so to remain still, though cancelled, and upon this new bill a new signet and privy seal to proceed. You shall also receive herewith a bill delivered me by my brother of Dunbar, which he had offered to his Majesty to be signed, but no officer's hand being to it his Majesty commanded me to peruse it. I told my Lord of Dunbar I would forbear to set my hand to it, because it was fit to be viewed by some of his Majesty's learned counsel, for I could not well judge of the intent of it. If it be only truly meant for Sir Patrick Hume to have leave to build a house near London for his own habitation as is pretended, I thought it a matter of no great [importance] to pass notwithstanding the prohibition; but under colour he should wrap in a licence to erect tenements, it would not be furthered by his Majesty's Council, as a matter that had cost you much labour to redress. He prayed me that by your lordship it might be commended to some of the learned counsel to peruse and so far forth as it should be requisite and in such form as they would set their hands to it, for his purpose was only to get him leave to build a house for his own habitation.
Concerning the proclamation sent from my Lord of Northampton, because his lordship in his letter so earnestly desires that his Majesty would take an exact view of it, his Highness has put off the consideration of it until his being at Beaulieu. This day being a festival day, his Majesty was attended here by the Earls of Pembroke and Montgomery and others of the ordinary train, and besides with the Earl of Southampton, the Lord Sandys and the Lord Chief Justice and some gentlemen of the country were here, but fain to scatter for their dinner, wherewith his Majesty was much offended that upon such a time for a meal there had not been a table for the receipt of noblemen and gentlemen resorting to Court.—From Wynchester, 5 August, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 2½ pp. (121. 168.)
The Privy Council to the Commissioners of the Middle Shires.
[1607], Aug. 5. We have received your lordship's letters and the rest being here at London about his Majesty's service, by which you advertise us that the justices of assize have committed John Musgrave to close gaol, nothwithstanding the former direction you received for his confining. We have received direction from his Majesty to let you understand that seeing they have found so good cause for his commitment in regard he is indicted as an accessory before and after so foul a fact, that his Majesty very well approves the forbearing to confine him, and thanks you for your diligent advertisement and leaves him now wholly to the law.—From Whitehall, 5 August.
Draft. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (121. 171.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Aug. 5. The delay of the treaty of peace suitable to other proceedings of Spain, who do draw all things to length by continual renvoys unto them. Don Diego d'Ibarra assisted by Don Louys de Velasco and Don Roderigo de Lasso with other principal Spaniards, runs a course different from the Archduke for the breaking the treaty of the peace.—August 5.
Abstract. (227. 336.)
The Earl of Rutland to the Same.
1607, Aug. 6. I have according to direction sent up the names of so many commissioners and such as are least interested in these depopulations, which I do assure you was a hard task to find so many that were men of sort free. The county is now very quiet and the noise of this commission coming down has pacified the minds of the people well, which stood before very ticklish.—Belvoyr, 6 August, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (121. 170.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to the Same.
1607, Aug. 7. Mr. Newport, unto whom these letters were directed, set sail from hence on Friday the last of July. I was not at home when he came first into the harbour, but I understood so much by him since, as I conceive a possibility of great good to be done in the place where they are; the harbour being commodious, the country fertile, the clime healthful, but the people dangerous to be dealt with, being by nature valiant and in number many. Wherefore in my opinion it were necessary that all the haste possible were used for the supply of those that be there, for if any disaster happen unto them, it will be a great discouragement to the attempt, but if they be royally seconded there is no doubt of success, so industry and good government be not wanting. I have understood of your most honourable care had for the release of our poor men that are prisoners in Spain, whose names I have sent to Captain Barlee to be delivered to you. Their estate without your favour is desperate, for they are in the hands of such who delight themselves in doing wrongs to all and right to none, unless forced by necessity contrary to their natural custom. I forbear to speak of them what I think, because I do not desire it should be thought I delight in the controversies of princes; but I pray that common experience do not make too manifest our danger procured by the word peace, purchased (as themselves confess) for their necessity, not of love to our prince or nation. I cannot as yet give any assurance of the particulars of the estate of the country where we have sent our colony. But, if I be not much deceived, it will prove to be such as there will be great reason to induce some noble nature to undertake thoroughly the protection for accomplishment thereof. The which, if I durst be so bold, I would rather wish your worthy self to undertake than any subject whatsoever. For mine own part, if our nation may be so fortunate as to have your exception [sic] thereof, I will think myself most happy, if you shall vouchsafe to make use [of], or command, my best endeavours.—Plymouth. 7 August, 1607.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (121. 172.)
The Earl of Dunbar to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Aug. 8. I have received your letter this morning, retailing the motion made to Lord Haye; and from Mr. Chalmers, her Majesty's servant, I have received your other letter. His Majesty has laughed as heartily at the reading of it as ever he did in his life, and says there was never a wise man so good a fool as you are. Yet his Majesty desires you to be assured that, for all your pains you have taken to advertise him of the Queen's new servant, he will not be jealous; and if there be any that have occasion of jealousy, it is Thom. Durey that may have just cause to fear discredit, when a nobleman such as you writ of, and his son are both striving who shall have his place; and if there be any others of that kind not well settled, his Majesty says you best know. For answer to her Majesty's just desire, the King says he is not so weary of the Queen that he would make a change of another wife; and therefore he will not have her to be killed with a wild, unwholesome air; and so is most heartily glad that her Majesty come to Salisbury upon Thursday or sooner, if so it please her. And for her remove, his Majesty desires you to further it as hastily as her Majesty desires, for his Majesty is afraid that the evil smell of these paltry houses do her Majesty evil in her health. Sir Thomas Monsowne brings a letter from his Majesty to the Queen, and [I] believe you shall find you are remembered in it. I have no news to send you but that we are all become wild men wandering in a forest from the morning till the evening.—Bewlley, 8 August.
Holograph. Endorsed by Munck: "1607." 2 pp. (122. 1.)
Sir William Bowyer to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 8. The bearer, Robert Atwood, purchased from divers pensioners of Berwick their pensions, resigning to the King's profit a third part thereof, which amounts to 36l. 5s. 4d. per annum. In consideration thereof he begs warrant to the receiver of Yorkshire to pay him jointly with the rest of the garrison. He is enjoined to attendance in Berwick for the King's service, and so shall the better keep residence.—Barwick, 8 August, 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (122. 3.)
The Turkey Merchants to the Same.
1607, Aug. 8. We are bold to remind you of the being here of the Turkish Chans, at a very great charge for him and his retinue. Here is a ship that will shortly depart for Constantinople, and we are very desirous that he be dispatched to go away in her. We pray that he may have audience of the King. We understand he is a man of very good sort, and has been five times Ambassador to the Seignory of Venice, and elsewhere; and because he is the first that ever came hither from the Grand Signor, we would be glad that his entertainment might be the better, for the more credit of his Majesty's Ambassadors on the other side; for it seems that the Grand Signor has a special respect to those for his Majesty in his country; which appears by the payment of 3750 "chequins" given to Mr. Lello by him before his coming from Constantinople.—London, 8 August, 1607.
Signed: Richard Staperr, Thomas Cordell, John Aldred, William Grenewell, W. Harrison, Morris Abbott, Hugh Hamersley. Endorsed: "Turkey Merchants to my Lord." 1 p. (122. 4.)
St. Perseus [Percy] to Dr. Gostlin.
1607, Aug. 8. I am sorry for your crosses in the election. His Majesty's command is the principal cause of stay in our proceeding, which confined me to loyal obedience, which I will never transgress for value of ten masterships to myself, or any respect of friends. Let our private jealousies be conform to reason's rule. Concerning the scrutiny, I took the election to be very absolute. Before the election came to Mr. Fletcher's turn and mine you had five voices: then I asked him, "What say you?" "Let us stay," says he. "Nay," said I, "let's now make an end friendly and quietly." "Be it so," quoth he. Whereupon I pronounced in this manner: Eligo et electum Doctorem Gostlin Custodem hujus Collegii consensu majoris partis sociorum, and that without contradiction of Mr. Fletcher.—Cantabr., 8 August, 1607.
Holograph. Endorsed: "From one Percy." ½ p. (122. 5.)
Lord Haryngton to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 8. In favour of the bearer Sir George Frevill, that long was a follower of Harrington's aunt, the Countess of Sussex.—Burley, 8 August, 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (122. 6.)
The Fellows of Gonville and Caius College to the King.
1607, Aug. 8. It was your Majesty's will that if we could not agree upon the choice of Dr. Richardson or Dr. Felton, we should suspend our election until we heard your further pleasure, which we have done to the very last day of our month to which by statute we are limited; and not hearing from your Majesty, only to presume the freedom of our election, which by the will of our good Founder and Statutes of our College is freely granted unto us, have on that last day made another election of Dr. Gostlyn; beseeching you to commiserate the cause of our poor distressed College and to accept of this election.—8 August, 1607. Mathew Stokes, Anthony Duisborough, Henry Hammond, Richard Parker, Tho: Batchcrofte, Christo: Husband, Tho: Thwaigtes, Jno. Browne.
Copy. ¾ p. (136. 153.)
Fellows of Gonville and Caius College to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 8. To the same effect as their petition to the King and praying him to accept the patronage of their cause and election of Dr. Gostlin, whom, being absent, they have chosen at two several meetings Master of the College, according to their Statutes.—8 August, 1607.
Signed: Math: Stokys, Antho. Duisborough, Hen: Hammond, Richard Parker, Tho: Bachcroft, Christ: Husband, Tho: Thwayts, Jo: Browne. 1 p. (136. 154.)
Sir Lewis Lewkenor to the Same.
1607, Aug. 9. Thomas Greene of Westmarden in Sussex, for wardship of whose son I was a suitor to your lordship, is now dead. I beseech you to bestow him on me, and to grant your directions accordingly to Mr. Percevall.—London, 9 August, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (112. 1.)
The Archbishop of Canterbury to the Same.
1607, Aug. 9. Being appointed to examine the pretended election of Dr. Gostlin at Caius College, he has assured Dr. Gostlin that should it fall out to be void, he would do nothing without their Chancellor, Salisbury's, approval. Doubts Dr. Gostlin has done him injury, insinuating he meant to prejudice Salisbury in the disposition of that mastership. He has sent for Gostlin and some of the Fellows on Saturday next, to examine the cause. Asks whether he shall refer it to be determined by Salisbury.—Lambeth, 9 August, 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (122. 7.)
Sir Thomas Glover to "Sir Tho. Berlie, the old knight."
1607, Aug. 10. My predecessor Mr. Lello has played you a cosening trick in charging you to pay him 1000 dollars for the release of your son, given unto the Vizerey Loffi Huan Bassa, wherof he has not disbursed a penny, and has charged you therewith as a most wicked and most unhonest person as he is. I have given Captain Laxey (who parted hence by way of Poland with the Polish Ambassador the 17th July) a remembrance how Lello deceives you herein. Put Lello to his oath whether he has delivered the 1000 dollars to the Vizerey; if he will take it he will approve himself worse than an "athiste" or a son of a devil. I will send hereafter the Vizerey's and his interpreter's certificate that he has not paid him.—Constantinople, 10 August, 1607.
PS.—Remember me and my sweet bedfellow to your good Lady, and send our duties to Teddingtons.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (122. 8.)
Lord Eure to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 10. A new lease is required by Mr. Combe for keeping the house of Ticknell, the park of Bewdlay, and the Lady meadows in Worcestershire, for 21 years. Eure begs for a lease thereof for the same term, at the accustomed rent, he being appointed President there, and the house appointed for him to use. Also for warrant for 20l. weekly, to commence with his nomination on July 19 last. As the warrant for deer formerly granted to Sir Richard Lewkner is now questionable, he also asks for warrant for the usual number, so that the Council who now attend there may be served with venison.
Touching his instructions, the Lord Chancellor will acquaint Salisbury with what he has done. The Chancellor returned from the country on Saturday last, expecting to meet the Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, but through his not coming there is no certain conclusion.—London, 10 August, 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (122. 9.)
The Master and Fellows of Christ's College, Cambridge, to the Same.
1607, Aug. 10. His Majesty has written his letters for a bachelor of Trinity College, Cambridge, to be chosen fellow in Christ's College at the next vacancy. Not to accomplish his letters we fear would be prejudicial to us, and to yield to them cannot stand with our oaths. We beseech you to be a means that we, having very few fellowships but very many scholars of good hope, may elect according to our statute, without his Majesty's displeasure.—Christ's College in Cambridge, 10 August, 1607.
Signed: Edmund Barwell, Cuthbert Bainbrigge, Oliver Greenhow, Daniel Rogers, William Ames, William Pemberton, William Chappell. 1 p. (122. 10.)
Sir Bevys Bullmer to the Lord Advocate of Scotland.
1607, Aug. 10. Being unable to pay the workmen at the mines at Goddesblissing, in the lands of Hilderstonn, heritable to Sir Thomas Hamilton, or to pay to Sir Thomas the money he contracted to do in April last, he desires Sir Thomas to intromit with the said works, pay the workmen, and possess the same to his own profit.—Edinburgh, 10 August, 1607. Witnesses: Robert Foullis, son to the Laird of Colington, and others.
Contemporary copy. 1 p. (123. 173.)
Sir George Snigge to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 12. I received your letters of August 6th that John Sherwood might be bailed, you being informed he is detained by me in prison for recusancy: for which offence only I neither will nor may imprison any. I enclose copies of the warrants from Ireland. The bodies and the warrants being delivered in Bristol, they were by the Mayor and Justices kept a fortnight in prison before my coming there. Sherwood being brought before me without any other evidence, and the keeper in whose custody he and Thomas Prater were sent being departed, I could not proceed at the Assizes. Nevertheless I caused them to be brought forth, where they saw one Peter Chambers, whom I had formerly apprehended as a priest, made in December last in Dowa [Douai], with divers beads, crucifixes and other things of that quality from Rome, coming from Ireland and landing at Plymouth; who upon conference forsook his profession, and came to church and offered to receive the Communion. But neither that nor any other means moved Sherwood and Prater, saving Sherwood denied he was a seducer; and therefore they remain in prison till the evidence for his Majesty may be better prepared, if there be any, the offence being treason, and they not now bailable by law by me.—Bristol, 12 August, 1607.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Baron Snigg." 1 p. (122. 11.)
The Earl of Mar to the Same.
1607. Aug. 12. We have been here at our Parliament. What is done in the matter of the Union I remit to others, who can set it down in better terms. It may be we shall be censured by many for our sudden resolution in so great a matter; yet let our willingness to so good a work be our excuse.—Edinbruch, 12 August, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 12.)
The Earl of Salisbury to the Earl of Exeter.
[1607, Aug. 12]. Having heard you have made it apparent to the world how much you are offended with ["my cousin" struck out] Sir William Fuwilliams [FitzWilliams], one of my mother's near and well beloved kinsmen, not only by forbearing to make him one of your Deputy Lieutenants, but by calling some warrants of his in question, with such other circumstances of disgrace as he is now become a scorn to his enemies in that country; I esteem it ill fortune that the world must either see my brother seek the ruin of my kinsman's reputation, or one so near me so much forget himself to him whom I cannot more respect for that which I owe as to the eldest son of my father's house, than I do love for many other noble obligations. For, Sir, though your leaving him out in your last election be not a matter whereof men may take any such particular notice; yet if it should be true that you have committed men for executing his ordinary warrants as a justice of peace, and appointed a day for all that hate him to bring in what proofs they can against him, of which his enemies make great brag: I leave it to your own good judgment what must be the issue of any such proceeding with him or any man: yea, what it would work if the like were procured against those who now would fain shine brighter by his fall. Of this my plainness you will make that interpretation which my affections towards you both deserve. Now you see what I apprehend in respect of the consequence, I remit your further proceedings to your own care and wisdom, beseeching you to conclude that as I will utterly abandon any man that shall forget himself in any main point concerning you in honour or fortune: so I can but expect from such a brother that he will make a difference between any sudden or imperfect apprehension (rising or maintained by craft or malice), and the reputation of a gentleman well born, well affected to the State, and so near in blood to him whom no man will respect when they receive not protection from the malice of their enemies.—Undated.
Draft, corrected by Salisbury. Endorsed: "1607 Erl of Ex." 2 pp. (122. 44.)
Another draft or copy of the same letter.—Undated.
Endorsed: "12 August 1607. My Lord to the E. of Exeter concerning Mr. Fetswilliams. Andever (Andover)." 4 pp. (122. 14.)
Thomas Wilson to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 12. As to the works at Hatfield. News from Spain as to the Spanish armada, and visit of a Nuncio from the Pope.
Holograph 1 p. (143. 114.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Robert Carey.
[1607, Aug. 12]. Before I came out of London I received yours, by which it seems you conceive some alteration on my part towards you. I would have answered before, if I had not thought to have kissed his Highness's hands at Nonsuch in my coming hither, and there to have seen you; of which I desire you to take notice, rather to prevent your conceit of any neglect in me by being silent to a letter so full of courtesy, and from a person of your birth and quality, than that I would handle any matter of that nature by letters, which may be so well deferred till our meeting.
In the meantime this may serve to declare two things; first, that I know you have misliked me for my answer concerning the government of Munster, wherein, as you may well have taken unkindness, if my refusal to give you furtherance had proceeded from any private inequality of well wishing to any other particular man, that might upon less reason pretend to such a place, or challenge less good will at my hands, than you; so when you perceived I made only the general rules and maxims of state the argument of my withholding any promise to set forward your desire, and saw and heard how cross a judgment you made thereof, I will not hide it from you that I resolved to value your good will at a lower rate, having fixed all my courses so unmovably upon my first duties to his Majesty's service as I thought other men fitter for friendships apt to change upon so unjust occasions. If you suspect my intentions towards you, either in wishing you ill, or forbearing to give you your due upon any occasion, I protest (which I need not say if I intend it not) you shall do me wrong. For I still assure you I think your fortune is less than your merit, and will deliver the same wheresoever your name shall come in question, or any desire of yours. And thus expecting that you will remain satisfied with this which I have said, because my manner is not to speak what I think not, I commit you to God.—Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "12 August 1607. My Lord to Sir Robert Carey, Basing." 3 pp. (193. 135.)
Lord Balmerino to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 14. I received your letters of the 3 of August, the 8th, and those for the Lord Chancellor and Earl of Mar were safely delivered. I thank you most heartily for your furtherance in Roparis business. It is no light favour that you spared time to acquaint me with the course his Majesty had taken with these of Holland, in this weighty negotiation betwixt them and the Spaniard, all which I imparted to my Lord Chancellor. I doubt not his Majesty's rare wisdom, upheld by your counsel, will take such course as may prove to the comfort of all Europe and good of this island in particular. From hence I can offer you nothing but all our people's joy for their Majesties' happy estate and their progeny: their great affection in the last session of Parliament to yield his Majesty contentment in the so much desired union, not only repealing all marks of hostility, and condescending to uniform justice for trying and punishing Border offences, but approving the remanent articles of the treaty, so unanimously agreed upon by the Commissioners of both Parliaments, providing it may please the great wisdom of that Parliament to do the like. The fear of the plague, which somewhat increased, made us dissolve and remit the consideration of many other things to May 10, which is the next diet appointed for our Parliament.—Halyruidhous, 14 August, 1607.
Holograph. Endorsed: "E. of Balmerinoth." 1½ pp. (122. 17.)
R. Langley to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 14. The late Company of Spanish Merchants sent Mr. Hugh Lee as one of their consuls into Spain, and Salisbury required Lee to advertise him of the occurrences there, his letters to be enclosed to Langley. This course he continues, notwithstanding the dissolving of the Company. Inquires if Lee shall continue after the same manner, or write direct.—London, 14 August, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 19.)
Sir D. Murray to the Same.
1607, Aug. 14. He received the Earl's letter from Windsor by his son (Cranborne). Expresses his thanks for the benefit bestowed upon him.
The Prince has very willingly granted your son liberty to visit you upon so reasonable an occasion. His Highness recommends himself very kindly to you, desiring you to remember your promise in your last letter. I crave that on your return to Windsor, where I hope his Highness will meet the King, I may have one half hour's conference.—Okem, 14 August, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 20.)
Nevill Davis to the Same.
1607, Aug. 14/24. I have certified my Lord Ambassador of the occurrents of these parts: of the stay and discharging of the Nova Spania fleet, and the preparations of ships of war made by Don Luis Fashardo, who departed out of Cadez for the South Cap with 30 sail, where he met with the forces of Lisborne 9 sail, and 17 ships of Byskey. It is reported that the 15th of this Don Luis went with 30 sail for the Islands, and the rest are gone with 14 sail of galleys into the Straits, which is said to have taken 4 merchant ships of Holland. It is thought the men of war of the States are at the Islands, attending the galleons with treasure, the West India fleet, or the two carracks which are daily expected.
Mr. Osley from the Court wrote me of the death of my Lord Chief Justice [Popham], being very sorry his Majesty has lost so worthy a councillor. Captain Challines with his poor company laments his loss; for he laboured greatly for their enlargement. I certified you that through the Spaniards' negligence their ship was here sunk in this river; since which Captain Fran.° [Francisco?] Mison, the chief that took them and had their ship kept with Spaniards, has put the captain in suit for the charges in weighing the ship, and condemned Mr. Challines to pay 9200 reals, against all just law. He has appealed of the sentence, and advised the Ambassador of the wrong done him. I had a letter from Burdeux from Daniel Toucker, who sues against one of the captains that took them, and has arrested their ship and goods. The Spaniards to clear themselves of this injury, allege that Challines and his company were here condemned for pirates; by which means justice was stayed. Tucker asked for a certificate whether it was so or no, which I have sent him. God send them justice there, for here they are like to have but little, seeing one of the judges says we are not to be taken for witnesses. I answered, the King did otherwise respect us. For speaking in behalf of my wronged countrymen I am hated by this nation; but I weigh not of their malice.
They are here preparing a fleet for the Terra Firma. It is thought this and the Nova Spania fleet shall go forth together about February. In two ships from Callis are lately come 12 English young scholars, which are here in the English College.— Sivel, 24 August, 1607, stillo nova [sic].
Holograph. 1½ pp. (193. 144.)
M[argaret], Countess Dowager of Cumberland, to the Council.
1607, Aug. 15. In reply to their letter of the 15th inst. (?) requiring her to forbear from cutting down any woods in her jointure. She has had only some few oaks to repair her houses, and no more birches than the country there requires, being much distressed for want thereof. If my Lord of Cumberland's title be so good, and hers and her daughter's so bad as he gives out, it is strange he should not rather draw her actions to public trial than impeach her lawful proceedings to the King. She begs for indifferent trial. My Lord has published that the lands whereof her late Lord was seized (her jointure being parcel thereof) being forfeited to the King, he has obtained a grant thereof; and she takes this report as a device to bring her title into discredit, and to terrify the country from dealing with her. The woods in my Lord's life were valued at 1100l. or 1200l., and he might have made of the underwood 300l. or 400l. a year for many years, and yet have left the woods in good estate. Though it be now more than two years since his death, she has not raised much above 100 marks by wood sales.—Castle of Appleby in Westmorland, 15 August, 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (122. 16.)
The Bishop of Carlisle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 15. He is persuaded that if the robbery lately done upon his Majesty's deputy receiver had escaped punishment, it would have greatly broken the peace of those parts, which now grows to a good settling. As he did his best in procuring the offenders to be apprehended, so in his desire to have the truth of that insolent act he promised Christofer Pickering, upon his true confession, to mediate for his pardon. The other offenders were like to have been acquitted had not Sir Edward Philips, by laying his own examination together with Pickering's confession, traced Musgrave from Penrith to the place of the robbery, from thence to Caterlen, and so to the place in Scotland where, on the Bishop's entreaty, Lord Dunbar had them apprehended. Begs that Pickering's life may be pardoned, and that he may retain the annuity of 20l. the only stay which the poor gentleman's father left him.—Rosecastle, 15 August, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (127. 130.)
Levynus Munck to the Same.
1607, Aug. 15. The Commissioners for the Low Countries are this afternoon departed towards Gravesend, with a resolution to make as much haste as they can to satisfy his Majesty's and your expectation in the business committed to their charge. They purpose to embark on Monday next at the Downs for Flushing, in one of his Majesty's ships. Sir Richard Spenser two days since was sworn of his Majesty's Privy Chamber by the Lord Stanhope at Eltham, according to my Lord Chamberlain's direction; whereof Lord Stanhope willed me to advertise you, and to desire my Lord Chamberlain to cause one of his Majesty's gentlemen ushers to make an entry of it, as done on 13 August, 1607. Sir Walter Cope since my last letter has altered his determination of going with the Commissioners into Holland, but intends to go first to Brussels, and thence to Holland which has caused me to withdraw the patents for Monsieur de Maldesée and his son from him, and to commit them to Sir Raphe Winwood, to be delivered them in your name. These two packets are come by post, from Brussels and Venice.—London, 15 August, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (193. 137.)
Sir Richard Spencer and Sir Ralph Winwood to the Same.
1607, Aug. 15. We know it is expected we should use diligence to hasten our dispatch, and therefore held it fitting to acquaint you with our proceedings. Yesterday the 14th we received our commission under the Great Seal; also a warrant from my Lord Admiral for a ship to pass over in. So we purpose this evening tide to go down to Gravesend and so towards the Downs whither we are directed for our shipping. We cannot but consider the weightiness of the business imposed upon us, which we hope will be lightened by your favourable interpretation of our best endeavours.—London, 15 August, 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (193. 138.)


  • 1. See Carleton's letter of 18 Aug. 1607 in Cal. S.P.Dom., 1603—1610, p. 367.