Cecil Papers: August 1607, 16-30

Pages 219-239

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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August 1607, 16-30

Lord Eure to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 16. Asks to enjoy the herbage of the park of Beudley, with the Ladie Meadowes, while serving as President. Sir Francis Claer pretends that the grant thereof is in Lord Montgomery, purposing to frustrate the former grant to Sir Edward Blunt. Particulars of the descent of the lands, and of the cause. He offers, on obtaining the grant, to satisfy Claer for his charges in the latter.
The Lord Chancellor has bestowed many days, of late accompanied with the King's Attorney and Solicitor, in preparing the late and elder instructions for the King's signature, having abridged some material points in the latter, for the jurisdiction of the President and Council in the 12 shires in Wales, and enlarged other material causes omitted in the last instructions. These are to be sent to the Lord Chief Justice for his final resolution. The Lord Chancellor forbears to alter anything formerly concluded of touching the 4 English shires, other than was by the late Lord Chief Justice penned in the last instructions to Sir Richard Lewknor. Divers inconveniences have been made known to their lordships that have fallen in the government of Wales by the last restrictions, wherewith they will acquaint you.—London, 16 August, 1607.
Signed. 1½ pp. (122. 21.)
Lord Davers to the Same.
1607, Aug. 17. There is so good course taken in Munster, both by the Deputy and Commissioners there established, as I may well respite all other propositions until the end of the progress; only desiring your letter for the delivery of those companies of horse and foot, which appertained to the late President, to my officers.—17 August, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 22.)
Sir Thomas Smith to the Same.
1607, Aug. 17. You signified your desire to have a speedy dispatch of the ship intended to be sent to Virginia. As Captain Newporte finds his error in not bringing the same ore of which the first trial was there made, he is now minded to take upon him the present voyage again, and resolves never to see you before he brings that with him which he confidently believed he had brought before. For the more speedy effecting the same, we thought good to provide a nimble pinnace to accompany the other ship, wherein he may presently return, and hopes to be here before the middle of January next; in which ship and pinnace we intend to send 100 men and victuals, with all necessaries to relieve them that be there. Which course if you approve of, shall be presently effected.—17 August, 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (122. 23.)
The Earl of Bath to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 17. Though I am so far distant from his Majesty I cannot conveniently come to do personal service as others of my rank, yet desiring to be informed of his wellbeing, and hearing of your attendance upon him at Salisbury, I present you my thanks for your manifold favours, and entreat the continuance of your affection.—Towstocke, 17 August, 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (122. 24.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to the Same.
1607, Aug. 17. Having occasion to trouble Salisbury for a privy seal touching the suit the King bestowed upon him, he encloses two letters out of Italy.—London, 17 August, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 25.)
Henry Hobarte, Attorney General, to the Same.
1607, Aug. 18. Touching the commissions for depopulation, it seems to my Lord Chancellor (having had conference with my Lord Coke) that in respect of an exact course already taken by him in his circuit in the shires of Bedford, Huntingdon and Buckingham, there need no further proceedings by commission there, for he says that he has caused 13 or 14 score to be indicted in his whole circuit, and seems assured that no offender has escaped, so that it were needless, and some blemish to him, to have a review there. But in the other shires he holds needful to proceed, for which purpose the lawyers will no doubt attend, but we fear lest the appointment of gentlemen to attend for Northampton, Leicester and Warwickshire will fail, for we hear no word from the Lieutenants there. But for Lincolnshire my Lord of Rutland sent his certificate, which my Lord Chancellor has delivered me. Mr. Corbet, the Clerk of the Council, is gone into Norfolk, but I perceive by his man that no certificates came to his hands; so that except they come before Thursday I fear the service may receive some delay. I have received no instructions concerning those lands about Tibboltes [Theobalds] that you said were to be conveyed to his Majesty. The instructions for Wales are in a manner agreed, but my Lord Coke. who was with my Lord Chancellor yesterday about them, has them in his hands to see at a little more leisure.—London, 18 August, 1607.
Holograph. 1¼ pp. (193. 139.)
The Earl of Montgomery to the King.
1607, Aug. 18. For the moiety of arrearages of recusants' lands, seized in the late Queen's time only, to the amount of 20,000l. for the payment of his debts.—18 August, 1607.
¾ p. (P. 1322.)
"Il Conde Don Antonio Sherley" to his father, Sir Thomas Sherley.
1607, Aug. 19/29. I wrote you many letters out of Spain, from Genoa and from Naples, and have received no answer, which makes me distracted for fear of your health. I wrote what estate I hold in Naples, and offering you my poor fortune and services, and will obey you punctually in everything. If my brother will recompense himself for his charges made at sea, and for the miserable days he passed in his imprisonment, I can and will help him, and under hand he may do his business and I will have the public blame, if it be justly worthy of blame to make war and revenge himself of wrong done by God's and man's injury. I have written and offered what lies in me to give him large satisfaction.—Naples, 29 August, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 48.)
The Same to his brother, Sir Thomas Sherley.
1607, Aug. 19/29. To the same effect as his letter to his father above. If Sir Thomas sends a ship or more underhand, he will give them commission and pay, and free port in all the King of Spain's dominions within the Mediterranean Sea, and will provide their wants, cover the action and bear the blame, and the profit shall be Sir Thomas's. Desires his commands.—Naples, 29 August, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 49.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 19. Spinola sends his secretary into Spain to get a new ratification, to make known the state of the Archduke's necessities, to dispose matters for the Marquis's own going into Spain. No money to be had out of Spain by reason of great expenses in setting out a fleet to encounter the Hollanders; 2dly in maintaining the army at Milan, from whence they write that the Count of Fuentes makes the same to live by the blood and tears of that people. Jealousy of the President Janin's treaty in Holland. D'Ibarra prepares to be gone; purposes to tax the proceedings of Spinola. The Archduke gives him 300 ells of tapestry at 38s. the ell; glad to be rid of him at any price. Mr. Jeffrey Poole, servant to the Cardinal Farnese, gone into England, having enticed his sister, wife to one Redish, with whom he was suspected. His mother dwells near Chichester in Sussex.—August 19.
Abstract. (227, p. 336.)
Thomas Fanshawe, Auditor, to Lord Chancellor Ellesmere.
1607, Aug. 20. I understand you have been moved to grant a Commission of Sewers for the river of Lea from Ware Bridge to Lea mouth. About 4 years since, at the suit of inhabitants of the parts of Essex and Middlesex nearest the Thames, you renewed a Commission for Sewers to gentlemen dwelling near, for the survey of the levels of Layton, Walthamstowe and West Ham in Essex, and the levels of Hackney, Bromley Marsh and other places in Middlesex, and other places lying on both sides the Lea, to the place where it falls into the Thames, with many other marshes in Essex, within which bounds there are near 20 mills standing on the said river; and many great controversies have grown between the millers and others, by reason whereof the levels lying near the river have needed the careful execution of the said Commission. Accordingly the Commissioners, whereof I am one, have settled orders to the contentment of the country, which we hope will relieve former inconveniences; and without their good execution a great quantity of marsh is like to be utterly lost. The gentlemen desired to be appointed by your Commissioners mostly dwell in Hertfordshire, far from this place, and it is supposed they will hardly attend the execution of the Commission in these parts. The great charges of the country, and the necessity of having gentlemen who dwell near, cause me to acquaint you with the true estate thereof. As most of the Commissioners with us are either dead or dwell far from us, we should be eased if by this new Comission the charge of the levels adjoining on the Lea were committed to other Commissioners.—20 August, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 26.)
Sir Thomas Smith to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Aug. 20. Expresses his thanks for having had by his favour so much liberty from attendance as he seldom or never had since he was Clerk of the Council; which he desired only for repair of his health. Being at his house at Fulham, he had notice from the Lord Chancellor of the business appointed this day at his lordship's house, where he found enough service to require his attendance. He wished to go to the Bath next month, but considering that Mr. Corbet will be absent then, he will wait, hoping to live so long, and take another opportunity if needful.—20 August.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (122. 27.)
Henry Hobarte, Attorney General, to the Same.
1607, Aug. 20. This day has been spent in setting the course for the commissions of depopulation. All the gentlemen in effect, as well towards the law as the others that were appointed to attend, appeared and have received their directions, and divided themselves with your allowance to their own likings, in such wise as the service is like to proceed with more expedition than was expected. The commission with the instructions concerning the same was ready before they came up, but could not be finished till all the commissioners were named and allotted to their several places. Somewhat is altered in the instructions that might else have occupied much time to the hindrance of other things more necessary. But now all things are perfected, and our commission for the county of Northampton shall be presently sent ready for his Majesty's signature, with a warrant for 8 other shires, for there must be 9 in all, to be directed to several commissioners in other parts; whereof Beds, Hunts and Bucks are 3; all in my Lord Coke's circuit, wherein (as I certified in my last) he affirms that all those faults are so exactly judged and found that there can be no use of this commission in those parts, which my Lord Chancellor in his letter to you now confirms. Nevertheless commission shall also be prepared for them, that proceeding may be had or spared there as his Majesty or you direct. I beseech you that the commission for Northampton and warrant for the rest may be signed with all speed, because all these commissions are to be under seal, and delivered over to-morrow sennight at my chamber, by general appointment.— Thursday, 20 August, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (193. 140.)
Lord Ellesmere, Lord Chancellor, the Earl of Dorset and Sir Julius Caesar to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 20. They express their pleasure at the welcome news of the good health of the King and Queen.
They report their proceedings in the matter of reforming the great abuse of depopulations and unlawful enclosures. They have perused the certificates of the gentlemen in the several counties, and chosen those meetest to be employed, according to the enclosed schedule. They have made known his Majesty's pleasure to the gentlemen and lawyers who have attended them, and appointed them conference with his counsel learned; and will take order for perfecting the commissions. As for the counties which are in the circuit of the Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas [in margin: Buckingham, Bedford, Huntingdon] they understand from him what course he has already taken for prosecuting the said abuses in the ordinary course of law, and think it doubtful whether it is meet to undertake the same business there by commission; but refer the matter to the Council. They have ordered commissions to be made for those counties also, to be used or left as shall be thought best. A privy seal must be procured forthwith for 300l. towards the expense of the service.—York House, 20 August, 1607.
Signed. 2 pp. (193. 141.)
Jo. Loveden to Mr. Levinus [Munck].
1607, Aug. 20. I put the French Treasurer's case for the merchants of Scotland in writing, and on Monday left it at your house in London. Yesterday I received the enclosed from Mr. Saint Sauveur. If you have occasion to write to him, I can on Sunday next send your letters.—Lambheath, 20 August, 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (193. 142.)
Sir Julius Caesar to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 21. The still increasing disbursements and the overpressing wants enforce me to pray your remembrance of some speedy proceeding in the business of the jurors. Time runs on most swiftly, and extremities foreseen are better prevented than borne when they fall. My Lord Chancellor expects the proclamation, my Lord Treasurer marvels at the stay.— DD. co. [Doctors' Commons], 21 August, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 29.)
Lord Ellesmere, Lord Chancellor, to the Same.
1607, Aug. 21. What we have done touching the Commissions for Depopulations and Inclosures you understand by the letters of the Lord Treasurer, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and myself. What is to be altered shall be performed as we receive direction.
Mr. Attorney was directed to certify you what has been done for the instructions for the Council of the Marches of Wales. I have no part in it but care and pains. I think the last instructions were too meagre, and much too strait, as well in regard of the Council's honour as of the government of the 12 shires of Wales. For these, some few articles are added or amended. We leave the 4 English shires as the judges left them in the last instructions. It is a noli me tangere, because these last restrained the power the Crown has enjoyed since the statute 34 H. 8; of which what I think I will freely deliver when his Majesty shall command. Many observations have been made of absurdities and inconveniences fallen in these 4 shires, and in the Council's jurisdiction, since this alteration; which I will consider of. The instructions as now conceived may pass provisionally to enable the Council for the present, and to be reformed as his Majesty shall see cause. Of the Council, some which were before are dead, some may be put out, and some are to be added; but this I leave to the President, to inform you what he thinks best. This only I say; those 4 which be judges in Wales, and are to be bound to ordinary attendance and so bear the burden, are specially to be respected, both in their profit and precedence for their judicial places; and amongst them Sir Richard Lewkenor, the Chief Justice of Chester, whose charge is greatest and his place most eminent, is to be somewhat preferred before the rest, so as his Majesty be not charged with more than 300l. per ann. in the whole to all four. One of the 4 places now becomes void by the removing of Justice Croke, for which no fitter man can be chosen than Mr. Richard Barker, one of the Judges in North Wales, who has been many years of that Council, and is constant in ministering justice.—York House, 21 August, 1607.
Signed. 2 pp. (122. 30.)
Baron De Hobocque to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 21. In favour of the wife of M. d'Esteves, Governor of Phlippeville, who desires passport to return to Sondt Mary.— Stepney, 21 August, 1607.
Signed. French. 1 p. (122. 31.)
Bidstone Manor, Cheshire.
1607, Aug. 21. Cause between Anthony Randalls and Margaret his wife, formerly the wife of Christopher Themilthorpe, plts.; and Sir John Egerton, deft.; heard at Chester, 21 August, 1607, before William, Earl of Derby, and Justice Sir Henry Townshend.
The cause concerns the manor house and park of Bidstone, Cheshire, with meadows and a windmill there. Liberty is given to the plaintiffs to sue out commissions for taking certain evidence to complete their case, and the premises are meanwhile put into the hands of certain curators, to be held without interruption from Sir John Egerton.
pp. (122. 38.)
Cav. Pagliavini to Sir Thomas Sherley the younger.
1607, Aug. 21/31. In answer to yours of the 24th last, Sir Anthony will shortly be at Ferrara following the Emperor and will return to Naples, where he has taken a house into which he has put Odnino Ricci by way of a good steward, and some others, having been indulged by the viceroy with four months salary beyond that of this year, which informs me that he has not much money; he is a good spender. He has not written to me, but as a special favour has borrowed 400 ducats (d') of mine, lying in Naples, saying that his lordship (S.S.) will repay me. The King has not raised his pay, and when I know the rest I will tell you fully, being an honest man. Do not forget to enable me to return the 300 ducats to the Jews. It is no use writing since they will hear of no other terms. Indeed they are so enraged that most of them want to go away to the East, this place being utterly ruined. No more ships appear, since the few which have ventured to sea have all been captured by the enemy.
I wish you could manage to leave London and take service with the Grand Duke, since the English Court is expensive and unprofitable. Sapienti pauca. In Italy you will always have me and my house. I send some news on the other half sheet, it is exceptional and I would not trust it to anyone else—I repeat that I should like to see you in the service of the Grand Duke. I am sure he has taken prizes in Cyprus and furthermore he has fitted out two more galleys with better soldiers on board, and means to do some great deed, so that you might find yourself engaged in important affairs next year. If you like me to open the matter with the Grand Duke I will go to Florence specially, knowing that you will not be ungrateful. But do not fail to come to Italy, for the time is coming for the world to be turned upside down.
I am informed that Sir Anthony has no more than his usual pension of 200 ducats a month, and they will have it that he has not received the order (abito) of Santiago. But I will make sure and let you know. Some letters sent me from Florence by Sig. Traci, I have forwarded to Sir Anthony.—Venice, last of August, 1607.
Holograph. Italian. 2 pp.
News Sheet attached.
There has been a diet in the Grisons, which has opened the eyes of the Swiss who have decided to maintain their freedom and oppose Ct. Fuentes, and to keep the passes to Italy open, or under the control of France and Venice. They voted 18,000 [ducats?] to protect themselves from the surprise of the Valtellina in "Valle Luganiga." The Pope's nuncio will leave Venice shortly, being unable to obtain anything which the Pope wants. Indeed he goes from bad to worse, and the Signory is more and more favouring excommunicated persons. We may expect great events before the end of October. The shipping here is doing very badly. The Ambassadors of Spain and France are expected. It is asserted that the Tuscan Fleet will combine with that of Spain, Naples and Sicily in the expedition to Cyprus.
A nephew of Earl Cecil, by name Mr. Cave, died of the stone at Padua. He has been buried at sea, as directed in his testament, at Malamocco where the English ships come, enclosed in a chest.
Autograph. Italian. Seal. 1 p. (124. 106–7.)
Thomas Wilson to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 21. As to the works at Hatfield.
Holograph. 2 pp. (143. 115.)
Sir Robert Hicham to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Aug. 22. I send your patent of Theobalds, with small alterations, but not concerning the matter of your grant; also copy of my warrant, to be signed by two of the Council before the patent be tendered to her Majesty.
It is agreed that several commissions should be granted into every of the shires with some alterations; for whereas Mr. Serjeant Nichols was appointed principal commissioner for the law in Northamptonshire, I am put in his place, with some translation of the others. Our beginning shall be on Tuesday fortnight at Aylesbury, Bucks. In the interim we award our precepts and warrants into the countries. Mr. Serjeant Nichols certified me that my Lord Chancellor and Treasurer have written to you for a privy signet of 20l. apiece for the 12 commissioners towards the law, which he thought would have made some difference in the proportion, which he regards more for the manner than the matter.—Gray's Inn, 22 August.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (122. 32.)
The Enclosure.
Instructions from her Majesty to Mr. Attorney to draw a patent granting to the Earl of Salisbury the custody of Theobalds House and Park and Cheshunt Park, the Laundry house etc.— Undated.
Draft. ½ p. (122. 33.)
The Earl of Shrewsbury to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 22. If a light occasion would not be sufficient for me to trouble you with some lines, then a piece of reed could not move this writing, which I send to your house in the Strand to be sent you herewith. After many stays by the indisposition of my wife and daughter, we all went to Arundel Castle, and if we had had a good bark we had certainly embarked ourselves [in margin: 2 earls and 4 countesses], and whether to have landed in France or not had been in the pleasure of the winds. How far Mr. Attorney may stretch our intention in the Star Chamber I am doubtful, and therefore if you find cause, beg our forfeiture and deal nobly with us, and let my Lord of Arundel know your pleasure herein. This day we set forward from this good city.— Brodstreete, 22 August, 1607.
PS.—My wife desires me to remember her to you.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 34.)
Henry Challons to Sir Ferdinando Gorges.
[1607], Aug. 23. I am condemned in 9000 rials, as appears by the copy of my letter to the Lord Ambassador enclosed. My hope is nothing from him, for I fear he wishes us worse than the Spaniards. I was condemned because I produced no witnesses that would confess themselves Romish Catholics, but affirmed themselves to be Protestants and true Catholics of the Church of England; and were reputed no Christians and their testimony of no validity. Whatever you recover at Burdeous is so much money lost except we be first returned, for they will enforce it out of us again. Send direction for Burdeous that the Spanish ship, men and goods remain in deposito till we return home. When you know what subjects his Majesty has lost and what we have suffered, you will know what satisfaction to demand. They are pirates by their own confession, for they deny not to have taken us to dispose of according to their base dispositions. I have sent a certificate to Tucker, approving us not taxed for any piracy, as the Spaniards falsely suggested. Let me be relieved with expedition, else are we all lost. Since the Lord Chief Justice's death, and this sentence against me, we are despaired of. I am unable to maintain myself, or any sick man. I fear despair will ease one half of us before we can hear from you. The Spaniards have prisons of such distemper, aloft, so near the sun as no man can endure it; others where "rotts" so abound as no man lives long there. Our company are almost consumed with chinches [bugs]. I leave it to the Lord's mercy and the mediation of good friends. God make you sensible of our extremities.—Sivill, 23 August.
Signed. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (122. 35.)
The Archbishop of Cashel to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 23. Though your sharp speeches against me might discourage me, yet you do justice to the oppressed. I submit myself to what course soever you prescribe, either in reforming what has been done amiss in my diocese, or resigning all the bishoprics I have, or to receive what other punishment shall please his Majesty. I crave speedy knowledge of your determination, being unable to wage law with the Lord Deputy and Lord Chancellor of Ireland, and being assured witnesses will not be wanting there to prove untruths against me, the Papists being persuaded it is meritorious to cut off any of my profession. Further, I am aged and poor. If nothing will suffice but that I must lose all the callings I have, I will never contend for the same, so that I be suffered to live a private and quiet life. Whether his Majesty for my services will grant me any relief I know not. I am disquieted above the rest of my brethren under colour of reformation, though I was always forward in seeking good order to be settled in the Church and commonwealth of Ireland.— Salisberie, 23 August, 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (122. 36.)
Roger Goodlake to George Rook at Venice.
1607, Aug. 23/Sept. 2. Since his imprisonment he has had little means to write. Has much matter to impart which he cannot relate for fear of uncertainty. Their friend Captain Elliott is captain or rather centurion of 100 men and "Capo" of the scaling ladders. Mr. Giles Thornton is where no man may speak with him, his men all sent slaves in the galleys. "Our" business passes as Mr. Thornton's: all in like fashion.—F. erence [? Florence], 2 September, 1607.
Holograph. 2 pp. (122. 58.)
Thomas Wilson to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 23. As to the works at Hatfield. Forwards various packets.
Holograph. 1 p. (143. 116.)
Thomas Wilson to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 23. The letter enclosed came this morning, with a letter which I sent you for my Lord of Worcester, which if I had read before I sent away those letters, I had sent this with them, for therein is some matter which concerns that letter. It seems by this, that letter was written from our Ambassador in Spain in behalf of 2 gentlemen of Portugal, Don Luis de Lancastro and Juan Brandon, who challenge to be come of English race, and crave favour for 4 English nags to be bought and transported for them. The letter confirms what I have had by other letters concerning the Spaniards' present preparation by sea. As for the design upon Barbary, my brother now returned from the Islands tells me that in coming from thence a fortnight since he met with a pirate that came directly from Barbary, from Alarach, the very port whereupon the Spaniard means (as is given out) to enterprise. This pirate came along with my brother's ship from near the Islands until they came upon the coast of Ireland, whither the pirate went to sell his booty gotten by taking a Spaniard now of late, as he had done a Hamburger before, laden with corn, which he sold at Alarach upon the coast of the kingdom of Fez; and in this Hamburger's ship is he gone upon the coast of Ireland, having sold his other ship and sent the Hamburgers on shore. This pirate went first out by commission from the States; his name was Owen, the Lady Hawkings's brother; but falling into a mutiny amongst themselves, Owen the captain took his share and left them; and they of the ship, being about 80 Englishmen, chose one Roberts of Plymouth, and so is the captain pirate's name now. This is the news he tells my brother out of Barbary. The 3 brothers have so wasted one another that none has any force or hope but the youngest, the elder being now driven to such a strait that he has no refuge but the protection of the King of Spain, and thither he is now about to fly, having detained for that purpose a great ship of Hamburg to bring him to Spain, with the treasure he has left. The other brother is in the mountains, with small or no hope. The pirate says if he had stayed one hour longer in the road at Alarach, he had been forced also to help the King over into Christendom.
Other matters Sir Walter Cope and I have sent by a messenger express.—From your House in Strand, 23 August, 1607.
Holograph. 2 pp. (193. 143.)
Thomas Wilson to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 24. As to the Commission of Sewers, Sir Henry Fanshawe, and the River Lea. As to the works at Hatfield.
Holograph. 1 p. (143. 117.)
Lord Davers to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 25. My desire to conserve those few remaining old soldiers of the President's company for hereafter instruction occasioned my error of importunity, which you have promised to pardon. I am entirely satisfied with your answer. According to your direction I send herewith what as necessary I can collect to be restrained, confirmed, or enlarged by you, concerning the receivership of Munster. Otherwise, all my industry to govern well is subject to be frustrated by a deputy, a treasurer, nay a pay-master.—London, 25 August, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 37.)
Sir George Snigge, Baron of the Exchequer, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 25. Thomas Croocher and Agnes his daughter (fn. 1) were condemned before him at the last assizes at Maidstone, Kent, for the murder of the bastard child of Agnes; but are not yet executed. By two young men, Bolton and Green, they have practised to procure evidence for the defacing of justice; and these young men came to Snygge at Bristol with the collection thereof, and with a letter from Viscount Hadington, a copy of which, with his answer, he encloses. He refused to redeliver the original collection to Bolton and Green, but gave them a copy. This day one of them, Bolton he thinks, feigned that the copy was not true, and Snygge gave the original and copy to his man to examine; whereupon Bolton violently took both papers from the man, and offered to depart. He was however detained and committed to prison. Snygge begs for warrant that he may remain there until he redelivers the papers, and gives security for his appearance before the Lord Chief Justice.— Bristol, 25 August, 1607.
Signed. Endorsed: "Baron Snigg." 1 p. (122. 40.)
The Enclosures:
(1) Lord Haddington to [Sir George Snigge].—I have been moved on behalf of two condemned persons in Maidstone Gaol, convicted before you on the testimony chiefly of Thomas Piercie, a man it should seem of no good name or credit, who took oath that he saw a child born of the body of one of the condemned, her father and mother-in-law being there by: and for that a child was found dead in the grounds of her father. As the honour due to your place and the love I bear you advise that I should move nothing without your privity, I entreat you to advertise me by the bearer the true state of the cause, and whether it is not likely that Piercie might not swear of malice, and whether it be a matter fit for me to move in, as deserving pity.—21 August, 1607.
PS.—Since writing this I have moved his Majesty for your more warrant, who wills that you should immediately satisfy the contents of this letter.
Endorsed: "Copy of my Lord Haddington's letter." 1 p. (122. 28.)
(2) Sir George Snigge, Baron of the Exchequer, to Lord Haddington.—For answer to your letter, his Highness's pleasure being signified to me, albeit it be very rare for judges to certify causes tried, heard and censured, to any unless to their Sovereign; these are to certify you that the matter you write of was a very odious and foul murder committed of the child, and in my opinion by other circumstances than the testimony of Piers only, the parties are justly condemned, notwithstanding the shadowed defences showed to me. I leave the further proceeding for mercy in case of such murder to your wisdom.—Bristol, 24 August, 1607.
Contemporary copy. ½ p. (193. 145.)
The Fellows of Gonville and Caius College to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, 25 Aug. They appeared before his Grace of Canterbury at Lambeth and submitted themselves for the examination and hearing of their cause; but well knowing the hope and refuge of the University and Colleges have ever been to their Chancellors, they do return unto him as their competent judge, to whose judgment they prostrate their whole cause—to be determined and ended according to the wills and statutes of their founders.— August 25, 1607.
Signed as in the letter of 8 August. (fn. 2) 1 p. (136. 155.)
Richard Percival to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 26. Since my last letter (when I was not a little perplexed with the check I found in this business by Mr. Fanshawe's letter) I have been at Hackney with Mr. Attorney, and by entreating him to consider of the Statute of Sewers, got order from him to proceed in the Commission notwithstanding Mr. Fanshawe's objections. Though it be true this Commission repeals the former, yet it alters none of the laws or orders made by them, unless the new Commissioners find just cause. You therefore need not move the King for any further warrant, for I hope that between this and the seal I shall meet with no new obstacle. I have received by Stoning the privy seals, and will be careful to perform your commands.—26 August, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 41.)
Eynon, Count of East Friesland, to King James.
1607, Aug. 26. Thanking the King for having assisted him in his adversity and restoring him to that state from which his rebellious subjects had expelled him; now for the third time he has to ask the King's help, and beg for the appointment of commissioners to set forth his innocence, which he can easily show to the confusion of the rebels; while in turn he will expose their want of faith.—From the castle of Strickhuis, 26 August, 1607.
Signed. Latin. Seal. 2 pp. (134. 112.)
The Earl of Nottingham to the Council.
1607, Aug. 27. I have received your letter, mentioning the sending for hither of Coward and some of his company out of Ireland, that justice may be done on such notorious offenders. It seems to me the Spanish Ambassador has herein been a suitor to you, albeit I had made him promise they should be brought over. I have been careful to see justice done on such offenders, for within these two years more of them have been executed than were in 20 years before, whom I am most willing to cut off, in regard they are so hateful to the King; besides I herein find the King's desire to give his neighbour friends contentment. These prisoners were taken by the great hazard and industry of an officer of mine for the Admiralty in the province of Munster, who came over to understand what proceedings should be held against them, and has left them in safe keeping there. If you hold fittest they shall have justice done upon them here, consider what allowance shall be given for bringing them over, for which a ship and men must be appointed. If the Spanish Ambassador would be satisfied, it were fitter that you wrote to the Lord Deputy to do justice upon them all there. To hang them by the seaside in the port towns, some in one place, some in another, would terrify others who frequent that coast, and ease the King of a great charge. My servant shall attend your further directions.—Halinge, 27 August, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 42.)
The Earl of Exeter to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 27. I received your letter saying it is reported to you that I have taken offence against your kinsman Sir William FitzWilliams [quotes passages from Salisbury's letter of August 12]. (fn. 3) If he had particularly offended me, or I him, one of your two censures must needs have proved true; but the case is otherwise. I committed two men on complaint that they violently took away a poor gentleman's goods by a warrant from Sir William, being an unlawful warrant; and the men scornfully refused to obey a lawful supersedeas for restoring the goods. I took so little offence against Sir William that upon his request I remitted the parties out of prison, and the goods were promised to be restored.
As for the second complaint that I should appoint a day for his accusers, it is untrue. I neither sent for any, neither came any to complain. I neither gave nor took offence against him, and there is no cause he should be a scorn to his enemies. How much I have respected him for your sake is evident by my making him a knight at the King's coming, putting him in the first rank before divers of better living; and making his eldest son a captain of a foot company; and have kept an indifferent course between him and my own kinsmen. I hope you will judge he is offended with me without cause. But it falls out often, as in this case, that men that seek superiority above others, can nowise abide to be crossed by others. I must now leave the whole to your wise and just judgment.—27 August, 1607.
PS.—Thank you for remembering of me with your news; and am glad of your domestical news, as you term it, of his Majesty's good health in his progress.
Holograph. 3 pp. (122. 45.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607, Aug. 28]. Conferring with my Lord Chancellor this 28 of August at Yeld Hall (where we met about the King's subsidy, and have given a full order for the taxing thereof according to the statute), we agreed to request your advice at what time we should repair to Windsor, and how long there to tarry, because here are many bruits that his Majesty will tarry there but two days, and thence come to Havering. If his stay there should be so short, or, tarrying there longer, he should spend his time there for his own sports (as most fit it is for his own recreation), we should hinder other good effects by so unseasonable a coming thither.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "28 August 1607." 1 p. (122. 47.)
Richard Ouseley to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 29. When he left London, one Sir John Jenninges was speechless, and not like to live. Begs for the wardship of Jenninges's son John.—Eggam, 29 August, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 50.)
Tobie Matthew to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 29. I received and sent your letter in my favour to my Lord of Canterbury. I know not what the fruit will be, neither must my thanks depend upon my knowledge. Whether or not my suit be granted, I shall not want comfort when I reflect upon your favour.—The Fleet, 29 August, 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (193. 146.)
Lord Sheffield to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 30. Lepton has procured letters from the King to the Secretaries here, that they either yield to the execution of his grant, or certify how the same may prejudice them; and they have certified accordingly. Details the objections to the execution of Lepton's office, which are, dishonour to the Court and government, prejudice to the Secretaries' office, loss to the attorneys of the Court of the greater part of their practice, and new imposition upon all the subjects. Begs Salisbury to submit this for the King's consideration.—Mowgrave Castle, 30 August, 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (122. 51.)
The Earl of Nottingham to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607], Aug. 30. Dr. Taylor told me that, in consideration that the whole pack of pirates are now at Balitemoure [Baltimore] in Ireland, you thought it good that Sir William Monson, being well provided, should repair there to do his best to overthrow them. I think his time will be better bestowed there than in the Narrow Seas, which in this time is an idle place. The pirates are strong and will . . . . much before they will be taken. There will be to join with Sir William Monson, Sir William St. John in the Advantage, and also the Lion's Whelp, so I doubt not the King may have good service done and the seas be cleared of those vipers. If you like of Monson's going, write me two or three lines, for of myself I dare not adventure it, although I have a very good liking to it; and if the pirates be so strong as is reported, it is not the Advantage and the Lion's Whelp that will do good against them.—30 August.
Holograph. Endorsed: 30 Aug. 160 . . . L. Admiral for sending . . . . . Wm. Mountson and . . . . against the pirats . . . . ltimore." Damaged. 1 p. (122. 52.)
Anthony Tracy to Sir Thomas Sherley the younger.
1607, Aug. 30/Sept. 9. I thank you for the kindness of your letter of July 24. The captain you wrote of is not yet arrived at Livorne; when he comes I shall be ready enough to prevail of as much as you write me. Sir Anthony Sherley came upon the Duke of Savoy's galleys from Naples to Livorne, where he disembarked, and yesterday passed through this town onwards of his journey to Gratz, the Court of the Archduke Ferdinando, and thence to the Court of the Emperor. Besides his own followers, there is gone with him Captain Hebrun by command of the Vice King. He is to return about the end of November. It seems the G[rand] D[uke] is somewhat distasted with him, for besides he would by no means see him, he at first made some difficulty to grant him passage through his State. He was very well attended, richly jewelled, and as it was told me well furnished with crowns and better with credit. The G.D. galleys departed from Livorne last month, being 9 and 1 galeott; 5 ships are gone with them, and the soldiers they are to land will be 2000. The enterprise is of great expectation, but not known as yet what it will be. Write me how my friends do.—Florence, 9 Sept., 1607.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (122. 65.)
Fabritio Bediny to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Aug. 31/Sept. 10. He had the pleasure of the Earl's acquaintance when he was in Paris. Introduces the bearer his nephew, who intends to make a stay in England, and begs Salisbury to acquaint the Queen with his nephew's acquirements in music.—Paris, 10 Sept., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 66.)
The Earl of Salisbury to the Privy Council.
[1607, August]. We do so well remember the business appointed concerning the Commissions of Depopulation, as we think it our parts, that were partakers of the Council, to give you notice that we cannot now be actors in the execution with you, which we know your lordships can so well consider to grow by necessity as we shall not need to excuse the same, but only to advertise you thereof; and to let you know that his Majesty is very desirous that, notwithstanding our absence, you do in no case suffer the purpose to fall to the ground, but being there where you are, to call any other Councillors that are near the town, with any of the judges and learned counsel to direct those that shall be thought fit to inquire of this business, whose names the lieutenants in every county have sent up for those that dwell there, as you shall perceive by these letters enclosed; and for the rest, which are the lawyers, the election is to be made according to your discretion. Wherein, what allowance you think meet to be made, as soon as we understand it here, there shall be a privy seal procured and sent. Thus have we left that to your share which is the life of all counsels, namely the execution; after which you will hardly believe how much the King hearkens, because he says that nothing more displeases him than when his people are promised remedy and get it not.
Both their Majesties are this day met here at Salisbury, never better pleased, nor in better health.—Court at Salisbury.
Draft, in hand of Salisbury's secretary. Endorsed: "August 1607. Minute to the Lords." 2 pp. (122. 53.)
[The Lord Advocate of Scotland] to [the King.]
[1607 ? August]. Reports upon the silver mine wrought by him in his lands of Hilderstonn, which he hears it is the King's intention to have in his own possession. His search began in June 1606, upon discovery of spar powdered with lead, and in February last they found some ore holding silver. Since then there have been won 3500 stone of ore, of varying quality. The King's tenth thereof has been received by the Earl of Tullibardin, according to the King's gift to him. Of the rest there is fined 16 or 17 stone of silver, which has rendered 12,000 pounds Scots, or little more, and the work has been very chargeable. As to the worth of the mine, Sir Bevis Bulmer, who is thought one of the most skilful mineral men of this isle, with advice of Thomas Foullis, who is also very expert in that art, bound himself to pay 4000l. sterling rent yearly to him as owner, and 1500l. sterling more yearly to such others as he used in the works, besides the King's tenth. He hopes the works may prove worth 5000l. or 6000l. sterling yearly. Begs the King either to deal for the works to his own use, or to give him consent to prosecute them himself.—Undated.
Contemporary copy. Endorsed by Salisbury: "1607. The L. Advocate of Scotland his letter to the K. about the Scottish mine." 2 pp. (123. 147.)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to the Secretary of Scotland.
[1607, c. Aug.] My Lord; I could have advertised you many days since upon the order taken in that particular by his Majesty which concerns the office of Roper that the same was dispatched, yet I thought it fit to stay my pen thus long that I might as well send you something of the general state of our affairs as of your own particular. Next to the happy estate and health of their Majesties, which was never better, one of the greatest matters which can concern this crown is this negotiation between Spain and the United Provinces. The proceeding hitherto has been so quick and reserved, as both the princes of Britain and France have had cause to show themselves sensible of their proceedings; first, because they have always protested against treaty upon what condition soever; secondly, they are bound by contract with this crown to do nothing without consent first had. All which notwithstanding, they proceeded as you have heard to hearken to an overture of peace upon a condition to be treated with as a free state. To which as soon as the Archdukes had bound themselves and promised a ratification from Spain, they assented to a cessation and in expectation of that from Spain, did lately send over hither certain deputies to the King my master for two purposes; the one, to excuse their speedy conclusion which they affirmed to have proceeded out of that necessity they were in and the difference between their state and a monarchy, where opportunity and occasion cannot be deferred without prejudice, considering the inconstancy and distraction of their Councils; secondly, as an argument of their sincerity and dependency upon his Majesty, they had now sent their commissioners not only to acquaint the King how far they had gone but to entreat him to send over his commissioners thither to join with the French King who has also his commissioners there in the consideration and the resolution of that course which shall be held fittest for them to take for the common good. In this they not only protest an absolute conformity in the conclusion but have made it appear that they are no further gone on as yet, though the aggreation should come, than to abstain from hostility as now they have done and reserve themselves till the first of September, not whether they will make a peace or a truce, but whether they will treat or no.
These are the terms wherein things stand and upon these propositions this has been his Majesty's answer; that neither he in the course of his favour towards them, nor her Majesty of famous memory before him, have had any private ends of greatness and ambition in all the support which they have given them; that the return which he now desires of all his careful endeavours and of the blood of his subjects spent in the defence of their cause is only such an establishment of their state, as he may thereby the more perfectly enjoy the fruits of their amity, religion may be maintained amongst them, and the public good advanced in all parts which may claim interest in their cause. Whether the means shall be peace or war, it appertains most properly to themselves to advise. They best know the strength of their own power and their own inclinations and affections. To advise them to a war cannot now be his course both because it is repugnant to his own amity and because he neither knows their means nor their end. On the other side for him to persuade them to a peace, the noise whereof has hitherto been so odious to their ears, were a sudden counsel in him to give, howsoever it might agree with his own Christian end, who always accounts the war unjust that has not peace in contemplation, before he heard the opinion of the French King and discerned how they were united in their own body, knew what would be the further condition and saw an assurance of security for that which should be concluded. In all which considerations his Majesty has resolved to forbear any further to open himself at this time than only to assure them in the general of his constant correspondency and care for them, until there be a meeting on the other side between his commissioners, the French King's and theirs. With which answer they are departed with very good satisfaction and his Majesty's commissioners likewise ready to follow within 8 days. Since which time there has been sent into Holland one called Vereychen, an audiencer or secretary at Brussels who has brought to the States a ratification according to the form enclosed. Whereunto the States have hitherto taken this exception that it is too short in the point of renunciation. To that the Audiencer has answered that it does verbis tacitis confirm the same, which in truth it does not, being rightly examined. So as the States have sufficient colour to suspend the acceptation, which they have done and remain yet upon these only terms, neither to treat nor yield to a cessation by sea, till it be amended. For which, though Vereychen pretends a post should be sent into Spain assuring it shall be returned with an amendment within one month, yet the States have shown themselves resolutely to proceed no further till it come, and therefore have commanded Vereychen somewhat in a rude fashion to depart within six days out of their Provinces. Hereof divers in that State according to the diversities of their humours discourse diversely. Those that wish the war urge this as a scorn. Others hold it rather an omission. For mine own part, I think it neither, but rather persuade myself that [it is?] in respect of the blow which the fleet of the Low Countries gave to Spain since the cessation by land at the burning their fleet at Cales and that it is the manner of Spain to spend time in disputation when they are resolved to proceed in all things by degrees, taking that to be greatness. I do persuade myself that the Archduke has engaged himself so far to be made a state and that there is already a better form of ratification come out of Spain, though pretended to be otherwise, lest it should ever be said that Spain did ever anything without a superfluity of formality and delay. Of which humour to reign in them it seems the Italian was well persuaded, who being called in question to receive a small punishment in Italy, cried out Venga mi morte di Spagna, thinking it less peril to be censured to die so the resolution thereof were to come from thence, than to receive a small punishment in another place, where things were quickly resolved.
To conclude, Sir, now that I have truly told you what is hitherto done in these great affairs, I hope you will not conceive I deal reservedly with you because I do not also tell you what his Majesty resolves to do, seeing his Majesty has held it fittest for him in such a matter as this, which is like to change the frame of all the affairs in those hither parts, to expect and attend what shall be discovered by his commissioners at the assembly with the rest and thereupon resolve according to time and occasion. Besides I am not so simple to affect so vain a secrecy as may easily discover itself to be folly being used towards those who may fetch as clear water from the fountain where I do daily drink as myself or any other. Let this letter serve for as much as concerns the public to inform my noble friend the Lord Chancellor to whom I have only written these few lines for answer of his last letter.—Undated.
Draft in the handwriting of a secretary. Endorsed: "Minute to the Secretary of Scotland." 7¼ pp. (128. 86.)
Dr. John Gostlin.
[1607] [Aug.] Two petitions:
(1) To the Earl of Salisbury.—Thanks Salisbury for favour showed in his long suit. He takes greater comfort of the worth which it pleased Salisbury, beyond his desert, to report of him in his letters, than he should have received joy in obtaining the cause.—Undated. 1 p. (P. 2193.) [Cp. Cal. S.P.D. 1603—1610, p. 368.]
(2) To —.—As to the College elections [at Caius College, Cambridge]. No statute or custom by which absent Fellows were either summoned or expected. Appends copy of the Statute which is so strangely torn in pieces in the second exception as to make a fair appearance of a foul breach of the Statute in this election. Asks the recipient to read the copy and the writer's answer to the exception taken.—Undated. 1½ pp. (P. 1047.)


  • 1. See Part XVII, p. 585, of this Calendar.
  • 2. Supra, p. 211.
  • 3. See p. 214, supra.