Cecil Papers: July 1607, 1-15

Pages 167-181

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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July 1607, 1-15

Foreign Dispatches.
1607, July 1. Schedules of packets dispatched and received for his Majesty's service, from 21 Nov., 1606 to 1 July, 1607. Signed by Mathewe de Quester.
Endorsed: Mr. Questor's note of packets sent and received from beyond the seas. 3½ pp. (124. 118.)
The Archbishop of Cashel to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, July 1. Expresses his thanks for his dispatch by the King and Council, and begs for passport to return. The Council heard how he was used at his coming over, which was no doubt done by procurement of the Papists; and though he has their letters for restitution of the money taken from him, he has not had the money, and has not wherewithal to carry him home. Begs that the Lord Treasurer will advance him some, to be repaid to the Treasurer there. Begs Salisbury's letters to the Deputy for justice to him and the Chapter of Cashel, according to their right to the Deanery of Cashel; and desires that the Deputy on perusal of his evidence, will commit the matter to the four chief judges. If he be vexed about matters which he has enjoyed these 37 years, and be used as he was in the haven of Waterford, and when in Ireland be still in suits and receive hard favour, the Popish Archbishop, who keeps his (the writer's) place, and the rest of that sect will say that he is forsaken in his old age. His 27 years' faithful service deserves better regard.—London, 1 July, 1607.
PS.—What he had to say concerning the ordering of Church matters he has delivered to my Lord of Canterbury.
Holograph. 1 p. (193. 121.)
Westminster Bill of Mortality.
1607, July 2. Certificate of deaths in Westminster for the week ending 2 July, 1607.
St. Margaret's ix
Of the plague ij
St. Martin's in the Fields ij
St. Clement Danes xiiij
Of the plague ij
Signed: Ra: Dobbinsonn. ½ p. (206. 42.)
The Spanish Ambassador to King James.
[1607, July 3]. In the last audiences I had with your Majesty I have been asked what was being done in Spain in the matter of your subjects and was desired to obtain from the King my master good reciprocal treatment. His Majesty has thought good to send me the papers and writings here annexed, whereby your Majesty can see how contrary to the truth are the reports of those who have complained here that some of your subjects' ships have been taken by force for the furnishing of our armies in contravention of the articles of the peace; as to other kinds of complaints how they have been made with the same falsity, particularly that of their money having been taken, your Majesty will see how they say that without any reason and will know also the good treatment your subjects receive in the ports of Spain as my master has not excepted any of his ministers who reside there but has ordered them all to send him these authorised informations of the treatment given to your subjects, and to this end the consuls themselves of the nations subject to your Majesty have been examined. As for the particular complaints made in every place the same diligence has been observed in giving answer to each. At the time that all this has been put in practice such injustices as your Majesty will see have been done to me here.
Since the peace no Ambassador of my master in this country has been able to obtain justice in any of the cases (proces) which have been presented, although his Majesty's subjects are dying here of hunger and some unable to endure the delays, have left the country.
The first case concerned one Lope Serrano Botello. In this there was an appeal (appellacion) and in consequence it has remained undecided (embrouillé).
The second concerned one Marchan Luis and was proceeded with in the same manner, for, after having apprehended a pirate called Morgan Brouck and had him condemned in 3,000 crowns (escus). an appeal has been similarly interposed and he has been set free without a word to me and is now threatening actions against the witnesses and those who have taken part in the pursuit of this cause.
This same pirate, as is averred, made the capture of one Antonio Dias and this fact progresses by no better way, since the pirate takes his pleasure and remains as though he had never committed such acts.
Captain Mansfelt [Mansfield], who is in charge of your Majesty's ships, made himself master of a caravel of sugars belonging to the subjects of my master. This came late to the hearing of Count de Villamediana and he could not get more than eight cases (casses) of the said sugars, which were taken out of your Majesty's own ship. At this present, the Captain is at law with me as if all the other cases, about 200 in number, were owned by unjust title and he still demands the eight cases.
The abovesaid matters had their beginning in the time of Count de Villa Mediana.
In my time has followed the taking of another caravel of sugars belonging to my master's subjects. This was plundered (robbée) by one Adrien Rubell. This case has been pursued by the rebels [the Dutch] in three courts of justice, namely in the Admiralty (in which being a maritime cause I should have obtained justice), thence before the Mayor, and lastly before the Lord Chief Justice (au grand justicier). There it remains undecided, for the action has not been dismissed (rejecttée) in accordance with my application to your Majesty and the Council and also to the Lord Chief Justice. Hence it happens that my master's subjects cannot get possession of their foods nor can I give it them unless the action be not first dismissed.
In like manner I had arrested here a ship with sugars which had been purchased in the "Rade de Cafia" by English merchants partly from corsairs and partly from the Moors, and although the bad title was averred in this instance. I have been unable to obtain justice, the judge answering that he did not wish to obstruct the trade of Barbary and that the revenues (le fisque) of the Moors ought to have good place here and every favour.
The last business concerns a ship which was brought into Poole laden with sugars plundered in Brazil by the rebels [the Dutch] and in all equity seizable for not having paid the dues (droicts) assigned to the King my master in those parts; and although this was so clear the revenues (le fisque) of my master have not been able to have the place or favour given to those of Barbary, for having at first held a sentence of possession without its being executed, a third (tiers) was admitted in order to revoke this, notwithstanding that I had before pleaded with the same that the said sentence should be granted me. And although I have asked your Majesty for revision of this wrong, neither by favour nor by justice have I been able to obtain it, so that the judges who were nominated for this matter only, namely whether revision should be granted me or not, have determined the cause and taken possession away from me and given it to the rebels. Of the judges four were nominated by your Majesty's Council, to whom were added others nominated by Caron by your Majesty's order, not one being nominated by me. And although the number of those whom the Council had ordered was not complete, the others gave the above sentence and your Majesty confirmed it—a very different thing to what my master is doing, who not only allows cases to be revised but what is even more contrary to the laws of his kingdoms withdraws them from the competent judges in favour of your Majesty's subjects.
I last had arrested one Mannings, a merchant in London, who was found to be an agent (facteur) of the pirates, as I stated in my complaints to the Lords of the Council; also I had arrested one called Exton, a famous pirate, whom the other pirates call their general and whom Mannings had much assisted. And although their offence (mechanceté) was manifest and declared by three witnesses as required (conformes) confronted with Mannings and Exton, yet to make it more apparent and give occasion to punish severely such disturbers of the peace (as your Majesty has so often shown your desire to do), I sent into Holland for greater certainty and, although I was engaged in doing this, your Majesty has ordered (according to what the Lord High Admiral (le grand admiral) said in Council) that Mannings should be let out of prison on bail (avec caution). Being opposed to this I obtained with very great importunity his detention for another ten days in order to confront him with Exton, but the day before this should have been done Mannings with his abettors found means of effecting the escape of Exton from prison. By the same means another pirate (corsaire), not inferior in this respect to Exton, who had been detained at my request, was able to escape. But what! this is the least, seeing that pirates condemned to the gallows are put at liberty.
What would you, Sire, that I should infer from such things, and so much the more if one named Ralph Binle, made a knight by your Majesty's hands and greatly esteemed by the Council, is continually committing piracies to the present day, taking captures (prinses) of great value into Ireland and sending them to be sold in this kingdom, as I have proved in the Court of Admiralty? I have heard that he has been with the Lord Deputy (le viceroy) of Ireland and in a ship of your Majesty's of which Saint Johns is captain. So much the more do they do these things since they see that justice is not done to us here and that pirates are welcome and favoured. To such a point has this come that many merchants of the kingdom do no other business than equip (armer) the pirates, purchase their captures and send munitions of war to the Turks. Thus your Majesty will easily see that no justice is to be had here and that our wrongs are such as I have oftentimes represented to you and your Council. Adding to them what I have said above I thus represent them, hoping that your Majesty will show how much displeased you are that your word and oath added thereto, your sincerity and goodwill, are not better fulfilled, and that you will apply suitable remedy and punish these very great excesses. And as for those which have been committed in the seas about Sicily (Sicele) by your Majesty's subjects, they can be seen by the demands here inserted with other writings of Count Charles and the Countess Lucrece de Cigale. They have made their complaints to the King my master and asked for letters of reprisal but he has refused them, trusting that your Majesty will give them suitable justice, as I am commanded to represent to you and beseech you.—Undated.
Unsigned. French. Endorsed: "The Spanish Ambassador's answers delivered to his Majesty the 3 of July, 1607." 5 pp. (121. 110.)
Hugh Hamersley to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, July 4. If the hope of your honourable disposition did not comfort me in the unexpected news of my dismission from the service of the currants, wherein by virtue of my Lord of Suffolk's warrant I have been employed almost three years, I were not able easily to undergo the discouragement which it provokes in me. I fear lest envy or emulation has by misreport incensed your lordships against me; but if it shall appear that I have laboured diligently to the benefit of the service imposed upon me, I beseech you to remember your promise, that if my Lord of Suffolk retained the farm of currants in his own hands or disposed the same unto others, I should not be left unprovided.— 4 July, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (121. 115.)
Port Bridgwater.
1607, July 5. Warrant appointing Rowland Jones as deputy Customer of the port of Bridgwater, during the absence of George Popham the Customer, who has with the King's good liking and consent gone in the late voyage to Virginia.—5 July, 1607.
Contemporary copy. 1 p. (124. 116.)
The Earl of Northumberland to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], July 6. When Sir Thomas Smith was here with me I told him that, if I could learn or call to memory anything of this matter, I would send the Lords word of it. What by search and inquiry I have found of it I have sent in this letter to the Lords, which I pray may be delivered; and withal let me entreat you not to suffer jealousies to spring faster than there is cause, to be stumbling-blocks in my way of gaining his Majesty's favour.—This 6 July.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (121. 116.)
The Earl of Northumberland to the Council.
[1607], July 6. What I answered your lordships at first upon the demand of Twing's warrant was as I then knew; what I writ since is also true, and what I write now is faithfully delivered. Looking over certain accounts of that time to see who might be with me, and examining the memories of my servants in this matter, I found by the date of the warrant and some other circumstance that it might be my brother Charles Percy that moved me in it; who now has told me that he spake for him (which I can by no means call to memory) and that the fellow importuning him and at the request of my Lady Mary Percy's letter, he being an old servant of her father's and desirous to pass into his country there to live. The man to my knowledge I did never see, and I am very well assured never spake with him. for it seems that he was of so mean condition, that little notice was to be taken of him. Thus much according to my speech to Sir Thomas Smith, that when I knew more I would acquaint you with all I have done.—This 6 July.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (121. 117.)
Lord Arundel to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], July 6. The departure from this life of my dearest wife has so distressed my mind I cannot think of any other thing than of the greatness of my loss. Yet could I not be but sensible of the misery of this distressed gentlewoman, whose husband was sometime a servant of the State. She has been my tenant in my house in Holborn these many years, and having not paid any rent now for a good while, I have this morning caused possession thereof to be taken to my use, so as being now out of doors she is like to be in the street and there to famish, for aught that I know she has to relieve her. Her only hope is that your lordship will be a means to right her of such wrongs as she supposes are done unto her; and if my entreaty (who have least cause to entreat for them by whom I have suffered so great loss) may add to your speedy regard of her distress, these few lines are to solicit for her good.—6 July.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (121. 118.)
Letters of Sir Thomas Sherley.
1607, July 6. (1) To the Earl of Warwick.
As my service was wholly devoted to my Lord your father in his life, so I am and ever will be as desirous to do your service as any poor kinsman you have. I had written to your lordship often 'ere this since my return into England. but that I feared some interception of my letters by the ordinary post; and therefore I was exceedingly glad to catch hold of the opportunity of this gentleman Mr. Starky's going into those parts. I beseech you to hold me in the Duke's good opinion, and it can no way be ill for you to have me in those parts, because I am so much yours truly.
My knowledge in Turkey matters may work great honour to me and more to your lordship if I find it good for me to return into that service, where I have received so much detriment. The news of our Court is that one branch of the Union is concluded by Act of Parliament. Sir Thomas Knevit was made a baron on Saturday last, and Sir Julio [sic] Caesar of the Privy Council on Sunday The States have sent certain commissioners hither, who are received as ambassadors, an honour never done to them before. This morning they shall have audience at Whitehall, and in the afternoon the King begins his progress.— London, this 6 July.
(2) To Sir Thomas Glover.
I have written to your lordship and never received answer, at which I wonder, yet I will not leave writing to you until I hear from you, because I love you much. I shall not need to entreat you to use care for the help of poor Mr. Strangways, for whom my Lord of Salisbury has written. Have the like care of poor Arnold. I desire to be most kindly commended to your lady.—London, 6 July, 1607.
(3) To Giovanni Bassadoni at Venice.
Since I wrote my last letter unto you I have prosecuted that matter of Turkey to that height that I make no doubt but to shake the foundation of the trade of the English in those parts, if my Lord Baylley and you do please but strongly to second those good informations which you have well begun. Your letter to me has been a great engine to better that business withal.—London, 6 July, 1607.
(4) To Sir Anthony Sherley, of St. Jago and Councillor of State in Naples.
I have yet spoken little with La Ments. and that was in an audience, that I could not say what I would have done, for there was one that answered to all that concerned me, and forced me to be silent or to affirm his assertions. There are certain commissioners come hither from the States, who are received as ambassadors. This makes me imagine that the begun truce will never grow to be a peace. This article of allowing them to be a free state and people, over whom the King of Spain and Archdukes pretend no title, has mightily graced them in the eyes of all princes hereabouts. Only my father continues low and unregarded. I have not yet gotten my suit, but am fairly promised.—London, 6 July, 1607.
(5) To the Grand Duke of Tuscany.
With offers of service and an account of certain negotiations with a member of the Privy Council.—16(6) July, 1607. Italian.
(6) To Belisario Vinti, Secretary to the Grand Duke at Florence.
To the same effect as the preceding.—London, 16(6) July, 1607. Italian.
Copies. 5 pp. (121. 119.)
John Langton to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, July 6. John Yelding being accused by Anthony Brison for speaking of these words, viz. that they had chosen a new king in Scotland, in the hearing of the same Brison, Thomas Fox, William Garret and others, has upon examination confessed he spoke the same the 26 of June, and avouches for his author one John Jonson of Fosdike Stowe. Jonson avouches that he heard the same words spoken at Spilesbie by William Baker in the hearing of George Galle and Dokeray of Horncastell. Dockeray is at London and Baker out of the country, for both which persons warrants is [sic] directed and shall upon their appearance be examined. Jonson and Yelding are both by me committed to safe custody, where they remain until I know your pleasure. There is a proffer to stay this my certificate under colour that the first author is not yet found, that so it might be referred to the assizes; but I neither find that course safe for myself, neither think it fit to delay a service of that importance in so turbulent a time. I have particularly directed these my letters to you, as having better means by this bearer to make you acquainted with the cause than any other of the Privy Council. I have likewise written to the Lords of the Privy Council as much to this end, that if it shall not like you to deal with this cause in this private sort, the other letters may be delivered to such as you appoint.—6 July, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (121. 121.)
The King to the Same.
1607, July 6. For a testimony of our favour towards the farmers of our customs, and of our good anticipation of their service, we are pleased to bestow upon them two brace of bucks to be taken out of our grounds in your charge, that is, out of Chesthunt Park one buck, out of the old park of Enfield one buck, out of Norris Walk in Enfield Chase one brace of bucks. And these our letters shall be your sufficient warrant.—Given under our signet at our Palace of Westminster, 6 July, 1607.
Signed. ½ p. (121. 126.)
Robert Savage to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, July 6. Hearty thanks for his kind remembrance. I understand that two of the States of the Low Countries are come over, having a desire to embrace the peace offered by the Archduke, except our King will stand by them. If they conclude a peace by sea and land, as well with the King of Spain as the Archduke, our trade for Spain (which has been very bad for want of discretion by us the traders, as in respect of the multitude of merchants of other nations) will be worse, and not worth the adventure: and I fear the greatest part of our shipping will lie still, and come to decay, in that the Hollanders can, and I presume will, let forth their ships to freight one third penny better cheap than we may. Some experience hereof I have, being by God's mercy part owner of the one and other. God grant of two evils the least may be chosen, which I leave to your good consideration.—Buklersberrie, 6 July, 1607.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Mr. Savage the merchant." 1 p. (94. 4.)
Sir William Cornwaleys to the Same.
[1607], July 6. Expresses his gratitude to Salisbury for being pleased to "think me worthy of breathing in liberty, and honest enough to be trusted with my own conscience".—6 July.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (193. 122.)
John Ferrour to the Same.
1607, July 7. I am sorry to write to you in a complaining manner of the unkindness of these citizens with whom I live. How I demeaned myself towards the unruly rioters I sincerely related to you upon their action, yet malice begot an accusation that at that time I was an encourager of them in their lewd attempts. It pleased Mr. Mayor without regard of my service or profession to bind me over to answer a few boy rioters' verbal accusations without oath, taken in my absence, without letting me know of anything till I came to be bound. I was yesterday acquitted by proclamation before the Lord Lieutenant and other commissioners upon examination of my accusers in public court. The main cause of all this malice is only because out of my bounden duty I wrote letters to you concerning the rebels before Mr. Mayor, who (as some of his own council house have affirmed) had, as they thought, not written at all but only by hearing from the postmaster that my letters were sent before, and therefore strict charge was given to him to haste their letters so as they might overtake mine before they should come to your lordship's hands. I am the rather persuaded their malice grew hereupon, because the mayor's wife told me immediately after, that one of the now sheriffs affirmed to her husband that I lived here but as a spy, to give intelligence of the state of this city, and that they should use some means to rid me forth of town; and yesterday the swordbearer affirmed that I did more than became me to write before the mayor.— Coventry, 7 July, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (121. 123.)
Lord Danvers to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], July 8. Although many experiences in the success of suits, and even in this matter of Munster, are sufficient to make me know myself very unlikely to obtain, yet some hopes which I once conceived from your lordship draw me to remember that this government was the King's gift to me at his first arrival; your lordships promised all sitting at the council table to give me further satisfaction with the first opportunity, and to confirm the resignation offered of my pension. If these considerations may persuade you to extend your power in my behalf, I shall be but made in place more able to manifest that now I am free from all other obligations you advance no ungrateful unworthy man.—Cisiter, 8 July.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (121. 124.)
The Bishop of Carlisle to the Same.
1607, July 8. The 24 June Sir Wilfrid Lawson and myself received letters from the Lord Deputy of Ireland by the hands of Hutchin Grame, John Grame of the Lake and George Grame of Mill Hill, to whom we have given licence to abide here for collecting their debts and other necessary occasions until the 14 Sept.; yet we have not allowed them to lodge within the bounds of their former dwellings, and have warned them that they wander not in any place in the night time. The wife of Richard Geordie Grame (whom we sent over with the last company) is returned and is said to have a pass, but I have not seen it. The wife of Hutchin came over before any of these, yet has neither showed herself nor her pass to me. These parts having long been quiet begin again to be in some fear by reason of sundry felonies lately committed. And greater danger is like to ensue, because the number of fugitives both English and Scottish is greatly increased, who generally lurk in woods upon the other side. And though it be apparent whither the principal malefactors daily resort, and those in authority there have often been advertised thereof, yet still we are annoyed with them. and nothing is done.—Carlile, 8 July, 1607.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (121. 125.)
The Earl of Bedford to the Same.
1607, July 8. As this summer I purpose to hunt the buck, having not many grounds of my own I entreat liberty in some of your grounds nearest North Hall for killing 2 or 3 brace, after his Majesty shall be returned from Theobalds.—Cheyneys. 8 July, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (193. 123.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, July 8. D'Ibarra called back into Spain by Birague, secretary to the M[arquis] Spinola. The Constable of Castile an enemy to the peace, who was chief cause of employing D'Ibarra to hinder the same. The Marquis of Guadaleste well liked for his great affability and not carrying himself according to the Spanish strain. Macguire, to second an ill beginning with a worse perseverance, gone into Spain. Heartburning betwixt the M[arquis] Spinola and Don Louis de Velasco.—July 8.
Abstract. (227. p. 336.)
Sir William Waad to the Same.
1607, July 9. About a month since I had understanding of a lewd fellow, one Bartholomew Helson, that went about the town, giving himself forth to be Queen Mary's son, and oftentimes gathered people about him. Whereupon I caused him to be apprehended, and examined him. He affirmed as much to me, and that he was stolen from Hampton Court where he was born, with other words showing more seditious disposition than any kind of lunacy that I could perceive, though I hear sometimes he is possessed with that humour. I committed him to Bridewell where he has remained ever since; and because the masters grow weary of him, I sent for him this morning, and cannot find he takes this course out of any distemperature, but out of a malicious, knavish humour, being in want and a tall lusty fellow. Therefore I thought good to advertise you of his carriage, that you may either continue him there, or send him to Bedlem.—9 July, 1607.
Signed. ½ p. (121. 127.)
Richard Watts to the Same.
1607, July 9/19. Since my last there has happened the death of Monsr. Monglas (afterwards Count of Soissons), first master of the King's Household. Monsr. Frontenac, one of the oldest of his Majesty's servants, has been promoted to his office. Monsr. Plassin, who was the first to advise the establishment of the chamber of justice for the examination of the practices of financiers, having several important cases (procez) to determine with his brother-in-law Monsr. Pujeit and not finding better expedient to clear himself of them, accused him of malversation of his charge to his Majesty and offered to furnish proofs to convict him of notable robberies. Monsr. Pujeit being thereupon committed to prison so far succeeded by the intervention of a third party that he settled all his differences with Plassin and further, in favour of the said agreement, extracted from him a writing by which he retracted all that he had before said to his disadvantage, rejecting it on the grounds of the hate and passion with which he had been transported, and this he has since confirmed in their confrontation before the commissioners of the said chamber. The King, who sees himself mocked in this fashion, has made him take (espouser) the prison of the conciergerie for his domicile. It is said that he runs greater danger than others, for not long since a brochure (livret) has been printed here entitled Examen catholicum Edicti Anglicani contra Catholicos lati authoritate Parliamenti Angliœ, which being a rhapsody of reproaches and taunts disgorged against the honour of the State appears to have been forged on the anvil of some Jesuit's brains. I have sent a copy of it with the present so that the father may be better recognised by the features of his child.— "De Paris le dixneufuiesme Juillet l'an 1607 stile nouveau."
Holograph. French. Seal. 1 p. (121. 139.)
Count Fabrizio Serbelloni to Girolamo Merli at Constantinople.
1607, July 9/19. I am surprised to hear by yours of the 25th May that you have not received my two letters. I sent one to your kinsman at Ancona, the second, enclosing a cipher, to a goldsmith in Venice whose name you gave me. Your mother and the Count Ca. R. have received their letters. I do not know if they have answered, but am sure they bear you no good will.—Rome, 19 July, 1607.
Holograph. Italian. 1 p. (193. 124.)
Frederick, Duke of Wurtemberg, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, July 10. Setting forth his respect for the King and his esteem for the Earl of Salisbury.—Stutgart 10 July, 1607.
Signed. French. Seal. 1 p. (134. 111.)
John Messon, Mayor of Boston, to the Council.
1607, July 12. I received this day your letters dated the 9th of this inst. touching Sir Henry Witherington, who resorted to this town upon Monday last, where he has ever since continued. and did this day being the Sabbath day resort to the church both at evening and morning prayer. He has taken a house here of one Mrs. Katherine Bennet, a widow, and purposes there to make his abode. I will according to your command observe diligently his carriage and conversation here, and what persons resort unto him.—From Boston, 12 July, 1607.
Signed. ½ p. (121. 129.)
Sir William Romeny to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, July 13. I have thought it my duty to advertise you of such small news as I lately received in my letters from Mallaga, the 6 June:—
The Hollanders have so terrified the Spaniards with burning and spoiling their galleons in Giberaltar, that every ship that comes being a flyboat is suspected to be a Hollander, and often other men are troubled about it. Here arrived some 4 days past two ships of the King of Denmark, and staying in the roads for two pinnaces more of their company which they lost at sea, and having made themselves known to the governor of this place, the governor admitted them leave to come ashore. But after two days that the captain and mariners were come on land, they caused them to be apprehended and put in prison, and would know whether the King their master had sent them, and for what purpose, alleging that they served the Hollanders. The captains of the ships, being (as is said) noblemen of Denmark, take this very unkindly. Nevertheless, the governor will not discharge them, until he be commanded by the King of Spain.
Which intelligence, although but little touches our country, neither do I write it with any intent of stirring the coals against the Spaniards, with whom I and many other merchants desire rather the continuance of peace, albeit with injuries sometimes offered us: yet I thought it my duty to acquaint you therewith, who desires to understand foreign occurrences.—From my poor house in London, 13 July, 1607.
Holograph, Seal. 1 p. (121. 130.)
Lord Danvers to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, July 13. It should be error in me not to undergo such conditions as his Majesty shall ordain, and your lordship, my best friend, has laboured to upright my credit far dearer than commodity. Not without good reason I am led to a confident belief, that our next war with Spain will be much disputed upon that very coast of Munster. But before and without the which I do not desire to be further embarked in the business. I beseech you to assure me that this favour of yours now showed shall be for ever seconded, as an assured protection from these crosses and misinformations fatally hanging over the head of that unhappy country.—Cisiter, 13 July, 1607.
Holograph, Seal. 1 p. (121. 131.)
The Vice-Chancellor and Heads of Colleges at Cambridge to the Same.
1607, July 13. We hold it a want of discretion to be over often troublesome with our suits to you, or at any time, but in such cases as are important and cannot be helped at home among ourselves; of which kind is the hindrance of our free elections of Fellowships and Scholarships in our several Colleges by the procurement of his Majesty's letters for the same, a thing so frequent as seven or eight Colleges have, specially of late time, this way received trouble and prejudice and so are like still, if remedy be not provided. We pray you to bear with us for making over recourse in opening so common a grief. The inconveniences are very sensible unto us, being against statutes of foundations, oaths of electors, and free choice of the fittest. Such letters procured from home. partly by the boldness of unfit youths moving suit by their parents and partly by the partial affection of their tutors, when they cannot have their pupils preferred as they would, whence also sometime grows faction in houses. These extraordinary ways too ordinarily practised by mean persons and, it is presumed, for money, and so the poorer sort excluded: several letters sometimes being procured for two scholars for one room at the same time, abusing therein the favour of his Majesty. Some of these letters have been answered, but not without trouble and charges to the Colleges, and no stay thereby to importunate petitioners. We therefore are humble petitioners to you, as our Chancellor, to be a mean unto his Highness for the stay of this abuse, even as your worthy father was unto the late Queen.—Cambridge, 13 July, 1607.
Signed: Sa: Harsnett, pro. can; Roger Goade, Umphry Tyndall: Tho. Nevile: Jo. Duport, Barnaby Goche, Jo. Overall, Ric. Clynton, Jo. Cornell. Seal. 1 p. (136. 152.)
M. Paschal, French Ambassador in the Grisons, to —.
1607, July 13/23. Your last has borne witness to the grief that you and all people of good will have felt at the troubles of this country and what they have produced, namely, the violation of alliances and in consequence the dishonour of this nation and all the evil consequences which one could foresee. Now, thanks to God, the luck has changed. For the good party, being at last reassembled and united, partly under the ensigns, partly under the deputies of the communes, finds itself not only the healthiest but also the greatest and strongest party of this Republic; for the rest so strong that without fear of foreign threats, as much from The Archduke Maximilian as from the Swiss, it has brought to trial two men, one called George Beli, the other Gaspar Besalgin, who had made themselves ministers and executors of the designs which the Spaniard had in these parts. They after being put to the torture (apres s'estie fait tourmenter) have at last made their confessions, agreeing with each other, in which they have persisted until the death by which they were executed, one on the 14th, the other on the 16th instant. The result of their confessions is that in virtue of some pretended ancient title of the King of Spain as Duke of Milan, he claims to be Protector of the bishopric of Coire. To this the present bishop was so far agreeable that in one way and another the designs would have come to execution whereby the bishopric would have been much augmented, its greatness in estates and its dignity in titles and qualities; and the King of Spain would have found himself over it as protector, lord and sovereign prince of the bishopric, to which it was claimed all the rest of the country was subject. To achieve this design it was necessary to call in question and cancel the alliances with France and Venice, even the authority that the Kings of France had long ago acquired in these countries, to substitute for them the Spanish alliance, or rather tyranny. Of this design the abovesaid two condemned men had made themselves such good ministers that it was they who by means of money had raised that sedition of last March and furnished the party which by audacity and putting force above everything succeeded in violating the said alliances, even in that which concerned the passage (mesmes en ce qui est du passage). The aim of the Spaniard was to close the said passage to all Italy, so that afterwards he might at his pleasure and when he thought good oppress the most feeble in the country. God has not permitted this for the letters which contained the Articles violating the alliances have been publicly torn up at the townhall (l'hostel de ville) of Coire and not only those but also those detestable Articles of Milan, which have been so much debated (debattus) have had a like fate. The original of these was taken out of the archives of Coire and when the seals attached to it, amongst others that of the Duchy of Milan, had been first mutilated, it was annulled. Also this Straffgreight, which was a true sewer (cloaque) receiving all the impurities of the Spanish faction, and had been set up only to oppress the good party with injustice and cruelty, was changed and reformed into a means of pursuing justice against traitors.
Such is the state to which the interior of this country is reduced. Now there remains the exterior where we see on every side great preparations of war, to wit in Tyrol and in the state of Milan, and perhaps on the side of Switzerland. In short, everywhere where the Spaniard has his dependencies and adherents, only threats, rumblings and preparations of arms towards this side can be seen. And without a doubt by this stroke the Spaniard, full of shame and confusion as he is, would move hell not to stay there. But we must hope that He who is the great protector of the just cause will stir His ministers and servants to defend it against so desperate a rage. The Republic of Venice, which is particularly concerned, is moving much in the matter and the Protestant Cantons have good occasion also to take it as certain that it is not only the liberty of Helvetia which is attacked but also and chiefly they themselves, their peace and religion. Of everything I have advised the King with the greatest diligence possible and I hope that he, in what depends on him, will continue to make known to the confederate peoples that after God they have no greater support.
This it is of which I have wished to advise you and I pray you to inform your friends thereof and preserve me in their good graces.—"De Tosane ce 13/23 de Jul. 1607. Paschal."
Copy. French. 2 pp. (121. 82.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, July 14. In favour of Mr. John Stoner, resident in these parts, who he understands has already made known to Salisbury his being in England.—Bruxelles, 14 July, 1607.
Copy. ½ p. (227. p. 283.)
[Original in P.R.O. State Papers Foreign, Flanders, 8.]