Cecil Papers: June 1607

Pages 145-167

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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June 1607

Sir John Smyth to the Same.
1607, June 1. Thanking him for staying processes of law against him.—From Toffts, 1 June, 1607.
Signed. ½ p. (121. 67.)
The Bishop of Bristol to the Same.
[1607], June 1. In the absence of the Archbishop of York, I lately received letters to his Grace and the rest of the High Commission here to this effect, that where it pleased your lordships to grant to William Middleton, recusant, bound to appear before his Majesty's Commissioners in Causes Ecclesiastical at York, further time for his appearance, namely for three months, we should take order that his bond entered into for that appearance should be forthwith delivered to him and cancelled. But as yet I make bold not to deliver his bond, until he or some for him come and enter new bond to his Majesty's use for his appearance after three months. The recusants here who are not upon bond are over-insolent, and cannot be brought by friendly letters, ordinary process, attachments, or excommunications to make appearance. Only their former bonds continue to keep them in a little awe. I pray you, except your pleasure be that any of the recusants shall altogether be freed from the commission here, that we should take new bonds.— York, 1 June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (121. 68.)
The Bishop of Carlisle to the Same.
1607, June 1. Some late accidents concerning the Earl of Cumberland, whereof his servants here desire to advertise him, embolden me to send the enclosed. Questions of title for lands upon the late Borders are like to arise between the Countess of Arundel and him, which if not composed may much disquiet the peace of this country, in regard of the great dependency on both parts. As you have begun a reconciliation between them, I doubt not you will perfect so glorious a work.—1 June, 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (193. 112.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, June 3. Richardot of the King of Spain, he is fort battu de ses necessités. The cause why he hearkened to the renunciation of his title to the Low Countries. D'Ibarra allowed 2,000 crowns for the provision of his journey, and 1,000 crowns a month for his entertainment. The Pope's Nuntio removed from Brussels to Spain before his successor came. His place in Spain worth 30,000 crowns by the year by the right of Ecclesiastical livings. MacGuyer came out of Ireland allured by the favourable entertainment of those of his nation.—June 3.
Abstract. (227. p. 335.)
William Norris to the Same.
1607, June 4. About 11 months now past one John Drewe departed forth of this land, and has lived in Spain at Cades and Sante Lewecers, and is now lately arrived, as I guess, for Bristol in the company of one Hobkenes, a merchant with Drewe, [who] is very dangerous to the state and an archpapist, and the merchant with him likewise. Drewe has brought letters to some great persons of this land from sundry priests of that sect, all of Spain, which I refer to your consideration for the plotting of his apprehension and departure again. Also he has a brother lurking in these Western parts, a most dangerous papist to receive and convey.—Dartmothe, 4 June, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (121. 69.)
Berwick Bridge.
[1607, June 4]. The repair of the present decay of Berwick bridge will not be a matter of any great charge, his Majesty having timber of his own in Chopwell woods; yet there is necessity of speedy repair, otherwise the town, which is much decayed since the discharge of the garrison, will be undone.
It is not much above 30 years since this timber bridge of Berwick was built in a manner new, and every year or second for 20 years has been repaired, all which helps notwithstanding it is now in such decay as no repairing will serve it for any long time.
The charge of which bridge at the said building, if these accounts were seen, will fall out to be greater than would build a stone bridge, considering the helps that may be had. First, there is an old foundation of a stone bridge, about 40 yards from the timber bridge towards the sea, which if it be good, as by likelihood it is, a great part of the charge will be eased. Four pillars, five at the most, will carry it across the river at a low water, for the advancing of which work the tower now on the bridge and the pier may aptly serve. The pier, which does the haven no great good and hinders the salmon fishing, now altogether neglected, is built of very large, strong stones, not hewn but well bedded, [and] will be sufficient for all the water work of the said pillars, and lies so fit for the work that they may be brought in lighters to the hands of the masons. The tower is close upon the work. If the tower and pier cannot afford sufficient stone to finish the work, I think some part of the old wall without the new fortifications may be found out to supply the same, for it will not be very necessary that the stone be very choice for that part which is above the full sea-mark. The broached paving-stone of the pier will be fully sufficient to pave the whole bridge. Lime might be made as cheap at Berwick as in any part of England. In her late Majesty's time Berwick works were so surveyed that every 10s. worth of work cost her 30s. Therefore an especial care must be had that all abuse and fraud be avoided. To avoid his Majesty's future charge for upholding the decays of such stone bridge as may be built, a competent toll may be taken of corn, packs, carts, etc., that shall enter or issue at the gates of Berwick.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "4 June, 1607." 1 p. (121. 70.)
Sir John Ogle to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], June 4/14. These times, giving no other subject to write of than that which is altogether out of my element, makes me doubtful whether I seem not too officious in sending so often discourse of matter, which is supra me if not nihil ad me. I beseech you gather no conclusion of my indiscretion herein, but attribute it to the desire I have to do you service. This apology were superfluous were it not that some would have me believe that my letters of late have not the acceptation they were wont to find at your hands, but such suggestions shall be no bugbear to me to scare me from the duty I owe you. Our Ambassadors here are upon their dispatches so soon as they shall have some further notice from M. Caron. The pensioner's Berk of Dordrecht is appointed for England by them of Holland, and Vandermyle the son-in-law of the advocate Barnevelt for France; whether each of the other provinces will likewise send one is yet uncertain. Some think that Malrey shall be for them of Zeland in the employment for France, it being a business he much affects, and the rather to counterwork the designs of the Advocate, which though no man can say to be other than most honest, yet wants he not very great opposition, especially by those of Zeland, with an emulation of his greatness and credit with the State. These particular misunderstandings are a great obstacle to a good work in hand, which is the settling the government of this State, which many think necessary to be done before they enter into further treaty; as likewise to the good proceeding of the general business. We talk here of great offers made by the French to quit all debts and allow such a proportion for the three first years ensuing as these countries shall not need to take much care for money. The less credulous sort give small belief to it, and say "Let the King get on horseback and arm with us, and then we will believe him". All call for war and the peace is much suspected, yet can no man tell how they should avoid the one or continue the other without foreign aid. That the French King will engage himself in war is no way thought; to accept of any courteous promises and live still at misericorde were folly (they say); to embrace that uncertainty and let slip the good offers they now have of peace, that his Majesty will undertake the war for their sakes (and now when they may have peace), that they cannot imagine; so that the most probable conclusion made by the common opinion is, that though war be most desired and were the surest pillar of safety, yet they doubt they must embrace a peace.
The burial of Hemskerch, the late admiral of the fleet that defeated the galleons, was performed in very honourable fashion at Amsterdam on Friday, the 6th of this present stilo noro, and has a sumptuous tomb ordained to be erected for him, as the speech goes here.
Of the new broached troubles at Embden we hear no further. The Spanish "agreeation" of that which the Archduke has propounded is now not much doubted notwithstanding the overthrow of his galleons, for some hold it certain that Verreken brought it with him at his last return out of Spain, and that they will date it and deliver it at pleasure within the limited time.—Dordrecht, 14 June, 1607 novo [stilo].
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "14 June, 1607, St. no." 2½ pp. (121. 77–8.)
Henry Lok to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, June 5. Understanding your mind by Mr. Calvert, I have set down what I am informed is fit to qualify the tobaccopipes monopoly. For Ashby he will be some ready money unto me; but without you qualify my Lord Chief Justice's displeasure against him, it will hardly pass for a pardon, since for the like offence he had her Majesty's mercy. Yet by banishment and good surety therefore, I hope it may be the more easy. Else, these too failing I must have recourse to the last of "Fredenisus" which (since there are so many granted already and unfilled) will be little present to me, yet I can inform you of lawful and profitable means to his Majesty and commonwealth by this suit, whereby benefit may grow to me also; which I will likewise prepare in form, if you please. If it appear too beneficial to the proportion of my desert or expectation. I may be limited, and perhaps perform no unfruitful service to his Majesty.—5 June, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (121. 71.)
Sir William Waad to the Same.
1607, June 6. Complains of the insolent carriage of the gentleman porter, whose place is to be as the other yeomen warders, subject to be checked, imprisoned and expelled by the Lieutenant. For his late insolency Waad has suspended him from his office and commanded him to keep his lodging till the Lords' pleasure be known. Suggests that Salisbury should refer the matter to the Lord Chief Justice. It is hell rather than purgatory to be subject to the insolencies of so distempered a man. As by Salisbury's favour Waad was preferred to his great charge, he begs for his favour so long as he shall carry himself as an honest man and careful servitor.—The Tower, 6 June, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (193. 113.)
The Enclosure:
Signed statements by Samuel Wade. Under Steward of the Court Leet of the Tower, John Aggs, warder; William Sichmouth and Captain Thomas Hawkins: Lieutenant Geffreyes; Charles Byggyns; Richard Woolner; John Phillips and Richard Thompson, yeomen; J. Locherson and John Choo (Coe).— Dated 5 June, 1607.
These statements refer to the offence of the gentleman porter (unnamed) referred to in the foregoing letter. By order of the Court Leet of the Tower, any person fastening a vessel to the Tower Wharf without leave of the Lieutenant should forfeit 3l. It was also forbidden to land certain goods near the King's Stairs. The above statements detail the interference by the gentleman porter with Samuel Wade's execution of the above orders, by violent language and assault; his abuse and threats to other persons; and his refusal to obey the orders of the Lieutenant.
4 pp. (193. 114.)
Sir Richard Walsh to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], June 6. It pleased his Majesty to respect late service in my sheriffwick of Worcestershire in apprehension of the traitors, to refer me to your lordship and the Lord Treasurer for such reward as you should think fit. Your lordship laid down a course for the same, which my sickness, gotten in those travails, left unpursued. I entreat your furtherance therein, to end my days with this comfort of me and my posterity, and to wash away some aspersion which may be laid upon my name, when that great deliverance cannot be forgotten, and perhaps my service remembered. I protest unto you out of my sickness which I take for the highway to my grave, all that ever I seized of the traitors' goods I have made satisfaction thereof into the Exchequer, and unto the patentees more than ever came into my hands, to my great hindrance, which I attribute something to my own inability to attend and complain.—Sheldisley, 6 June.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (121. 72.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, June 6. I have signed with the rest of the Lords, finding the report to his Majesty very just and reasonable. I thank you for your news of the rebels, scattered and in a manner suppressed. Their libel was made by a Puritan minister. If some exemplary justice be done upon the principal heads, and withal a commission to examine these depopulations and to reform and punish the same with all severity, it may be hoped that all will turn to good end. I took physic this Friday, and in my whole life do not think that ever it wrought in me better effect. I daily increase in health and strength. Your advertisement of good success to the bill for composition for entails was most welcome to me; for believe me that will bring the King a great sum of money, besides settling the inheritance of the subject.—Friday, 6 June, 1607, Horseley.
Holograph. 1 p. (193. 117.)
The Earl of Essex to the Same.
[1607], June 9. He thanks Salisbury for advancing him; begs commiseration on his poor estate, and the continuation of his goodness. He will express his heart in performing all service to the Earl and his son. Often wishes the son's Cambridge [? friend] were here at Orleans, that they might enjoy one another; and trusts they will one day meet.—Orleans, 9 June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (193. 118.)
Ensign Garrot Kelly to the Same.
[? Before 10 June, 1607]. For answer to petition brought by him on behalf of the Moores, Kellies, and the five other septs of Leise, otherwise called Queen's County; and for answer to letters.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 768.)
[See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606—1608, p. 194.]
Sir Thomas Windebanke to the Same.
1607, June 10. Since my writing of the King's speech upon the decease of Sir Henry Bruncard, his Majesty sent for me again and gave me a letter written to him from Tyrone, without acquainting me with any part of the contents, but only telling me that he would have a letter written to Tyrone in answer of his in this manner; that as his Majesty would be sorry he should have just cause to complain of any wrong that might be done to him by any whatsoever in that kingdom, so he is to think that it is requisite his Majesty should have time to be further informed of the points contained in his letters, and thereupon to consider for redress thereof as there should be cause; for his Majesty cannot, upon a vast trust of his own writing, give him suddenly satisfaction in those things whereof he now complains, the same requiring a year's day of probation (that was also his Majesty's term), rather than otherwise; and yet would have him be assured that all his Majesty's goodness has been already graciously begun unto him, so he may not doubt but the same shall be still continued. This the Earl's letter I am bold to send you, to the end you may consider of it, and of this kind of answer from his Majesty, and whether it were not meet that a copy of both should be sent to the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland, and they to return hither their opinions of the justness or otherwise of the Earl's complaint, with their judgments for redress or some satisfaction to be made to him.— Greenwich, 10 June, 1607.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (121. 73.)
Viscount Bindon to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, June 10. I lately received my contented satisfaction in a letter from your lordship and others of your most honourable table. I cannot believe that apparent injury will be offered unto anyone who deserves not blame for the forgetfulness of his bounden duty. The mistaking of him that wrote that letter that touched me in these particular words following moved me to answer as I did. These are the very words, wherein you cannot but think yourself touched, as Lord Lieutenant of the county of Dorset. If reformation of abuses be expected by the authority of that trust which is by his Majesty reposed in me, those certificates which I make unto higher authority than mine is may not be accounted to proceed from spleen, and therefore little to be regarded; and I protest that bounden duty charged my conscience to write those advertisements which at sundry times I have given of any abuse. For this great offence committed by the governor of Portland I have many times formerly advertised unto those, unto whom I thought the reformation most properly appertained, never finding any reckoning to be made of my information, nor yet at this time when I sent unto the judge of the Admiralty that petition sent me from the mayor and merchants of Weymouth, with sundry examinations by the mayor taken to approve such as are aiders of pirates both with men and victuals; with going aboard the pirates into the road; with the entertaining of them in Portland Castle; as also with the spoil the pirates made then in the Island, in stealing about 50 sheep from the poor inhabitants. One of my servants who not long since delivered these several examinations unto the judge at the Admiralty, at his being a fortnight past at the court about these affairs, missing some of those writings which were fittest for your lordship, new demanded them of the judge, who answered that he could not find them; whereby this great offender is like to be favoured. This bearer has acquainted me with the assistance you gave unto the examination of these abuses. He has good cause to lament his unfortunate destiny to be employed in Portland services, as he has been to his utter overthrow, if by help he may not obtain restitution.—10 June, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (121. 74.)
Pedro de Zuniga, Spanish Ambassador, to the King.
1607, June 11. I have heard your Majesty will determine to-day what shall be done with the process of the sugars, after each of my Lords of the Council shall have spoken. But before determining this matter it seemed fit for me to inform your Majesty that according to the laws of Portugal no vassal of the King my master can traffic in Brazil if he be not of the kingdom of Portugal, and the conditions under which this is allowed them are, to wit, that taking their merchandize in the Bay and in Brazil they are obliged to come to the isles or to Portugal to pay the droiets due to his Majesty under pain of losing the merchandize and the ships. Your Majesty will be given to understand that all this would be detained to the King my master, and the same reason operates for the right of confiscation. I trust your Majesty will have regard of my request to be permitted to signify my reasons in writing and, moreover, to assure me of the satisfaction that justice promises and much more to know that your Majesty is so much inclined thereto.—"De ma maison, 11 de Juing 1607."
Signed. French. 1 p. (121. 75.)
Sir Edmund Fitzgerald to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, June 12. Your Honour the last month was pleased to give direction for a letter from his Highness in my father's behalf and mine to the Lord Deputy of Ireland, the copy whereof I send you here enclosed. The same letter has been drawn according to his Highness's meaning, yet some words necessary in the construction of law to be inserted by special name (as my counsel alleges), though not different in effect, which words are interlined in this copy, being omitted, and thereupon the letter thought defective. My suit is that you would order that the said letter may be renewed with inserting the interlined words.—From my chamber near the Savoye, 12 June, 1607.
Signed. ½ p. (121. 76.)
Sir George St. Poll to the Same.
1607, June 14. I presumed long since to entreat you to move the Earl of Rutland to make me one of his deputy-lieutenants, as before his time I was. Notwithstanding, he has since appointed another, Sir George Grantham. Yet has he one place, and but one, to bestow, wherein if he use me I shall do him the best service I can. If his lordship purpose this place to some other, he has not yet appointed any colonel for the foot companies in the parts of Lindsey, and in that place I shall be ready to serve him; for having held the place of deputy-lieutenant and captain there for 20 years past, I cannot now learn to be commanded by those whom before I have had power to command.— 14 June, 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (121. 79.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607. June 15. I have moved his Majesty in this petition of Lord Arundel's; whose answer was that he thought it no time to deal in a matter of this nature as long as Parliament sits; but otherwise did not seem unwilling, but only that it was unseasonable. Whether you think meet to acquaint Lord Arundel with this, and advise him to stay, or that I shall move his Highness any further. I leave to your consideration.—15 June, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (193. 119.)
Viscount Cranborne to the Same.
[1607], June 15. He is now at Cambridge, where he purposes with diligence to frequent the exercises and disputations of this "commensment".—St. John's College, Cambridge, June 15.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (228. 15.)
Viscount Lisle to the Same.
1607, June 16. I speak now unto your lordship for Sir John Stafforde, an old servant to Queen Elizabeth, and who for his mother's sake may challenge somewhat of them that honour the said Queen. My first suit is that you will hear him; he desires only a letter in his behalf to Chief Justice Cooke [Coke] in a matter (if I can judge by what I have been told) very honest and conscionable. The gentleman deserves very well of me, and I shall be very glad to procure him this favour. His adverse parties are base people, and such as once did serve him.—At Baniards Castle, 16 June, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (121. 80.)
Sir William Bowyer to the Same.
1607, June 16. I received your letter concerning the bridge and according to your direction I sent for the surveyor and the mayor and two oldest aldermen, named Parkinson and Carpenter, a man very good for timber-work, that we might with conference make the more sufficient return to your Honour. Since the prosperity of the town lies only on the passage of the bridge, I knew the mayor and aldermen would not only now with their best opinions assist, but also from time to time, if you employ them by commission or otherwise in the oversight of anything that shall be done, be so careful as that your lordship shall not need to doubt the practice of that old and shameful thievery that was in her Majesty's days in the like work, which in my knowledge was very abominable, but that every name shall have a man (which was not then), and every man sufficient for his day's wages, and nothing expended more than shall be needful. I send you here enclosed (fn. 1) the estimate of a new wooden bridge, and also the estimate of a stone bridge, which if it were not too chargeable, would ever be without repair. For this pillar which is now fallen, there is provision ready to set it up again, and repair the breach before the winter or storms do come, lest the gap should be a ruin to all the rest. If you think it not fit at once to undertake a new wooden bridge wholly nor a stone, then my opinion is not to meddle with any part thereof, but if one or two pillars fail, to supply them presently with substantial new ones. And it may be the like will not happen these 7 years, being now well braced and pointed, and as much done thereto as may be.—Berwick, 16 June 1607.
PS.—I thought it fit to call in the mayor and others because the surveyor that now is was deputy-surveyor in the Queen's time and therefore a little infected with the abuse of those days for works. The present charge of this pillar now fallen will be about 150l., for there is no trees ready, and will be here presently from Chopwell Wood.
Signed. 1 p. (121. 81.)
Sir Edward Phelipps to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607, June 16]. This day suddenly and unlooked for was the petition which lately was offered to your view called for to be read, which I endeavoured to suppress by declaring his Majesty's pleasure that no further proceeding therein should be had, but was notwithstanding much urged to be read as otherwise greatly tending to the absolute breach of their privilege, which they conceive to consist in preferring of bills and informing of their grief by petitions; where I was driven to oppose at several times 10 or 12 speakers, being not backed by the speech of anyone; and in the end not without the distaste of many who misliked that myself should so often oppose their proposition, drew them that a committee should to-morrow in the afternoon view and report to them what has been herein warranted by former residents. I find the most part of them have no liking of the matter in the petition contained and yet will exceeding press the reading thereof, and then to stay any further proceeding for that the committee by order of the House have drawn and returned the same to the House and therefore ought to be read, for the House yet takes no notice what is therein expressed. I fear me I shall not be able to keep the same from reading, but then I strongly assure myself the same will be suppressed, wherein I beseech your direction; for I find the best affected to the King's service strongly bent for the reading thereof. The report of yesterday's attendance of your lordship will be to-morrow presented to the House, wherein I am commanded, if they be not satisfied with your lordships' answer, to make known unto them his Majesty's express commandment that they forbear therein any farther to proceed, which I much believe they will obey, and not proceed in any petition. But to stay them from talking thereof I doubt herein as in the former, and therefore, if I may not offend, I would wish they might spend their breath in speech, so that they proceed no further. I have conferred with many concerning the point of witnesses in the bill of the hostile laws, and find them much inclined that if your lordships restrain the clause to such witnesses as the jury shall allow of on the delinquent's part, and that they shall also be at liberty to refuse such witnesses as are offered on the accuser's part which have been in blood feud or malicious action with the delinquent, that then the same will readily be assented unto; otherwise, I conceive some doubt of the success thereof. I understand that Sir Henry Witherington much labours the passage of the bill, although the witnesses should be abridged, affirming that if the bill should be overthrown, himself and many others were in danger of undoing thereby. I was myself this afternoon to have attended your pleasure, but failing thereof, I hope you will excuse, this my long discourse.—From Boswell House this Tuesday.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "16 June, 1607." 1½ pp. (121. 86.)
Henry Challons to the Lord Chief Justice (fn. 2).
[1607], June 16/26. What I wrote you last as despairing to be relieved by our Ambassador here, experience hath since continually approved; for I weekly soliciting him with my letters could never obtain any material answer until the 7 of June, which was that the Condi de Leamos, who is President of the Council for the Indias, answered him that, rather than such as were taken in those parts should want an executioner, he would serve for hangman himself. And farther writes in another that the Condi de Leamos had written to the Contractation here, but writes not whether to hang us or discharge us. I, repairing to the President of the Contractation here as desirous to know my pains, acquainted him that I understood he had received letters concerning our business, who answered not a word, and that we were merely forgotten, and that no man spake for us, else could we not but have been delivered long since. We increase diseases and debts. Sixpence in England is not a penny here. Robert Cooke is already dead; the boatswain a prisoner, stabbed in the belly, in judgment not like to recover. The Indians are taken from us and made slaves; our ship is sunk in the river, not like to be recovered. We endure all the indignities possible, as to hear her [sic] Majesty, and especially certain of your Honours of our Privy Council most untruly and vilely reproached. We beseech you to conceive hereof and relieve us before it be too late.—June 26 stilo nova (sic).
Copy. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (121. 113.)
James Burrell to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, June 17. Giving an account of the state of the bridge at Berwick-on-Tweed, and enclosing estimates for a new one, or the repair of the old bridge.—Barwick, 17 June, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (121. 89.)
Postal endorsements:
"Barwick the 16 daye at 12 myday John Shafton. Belford this 16 att past 3 after none Tho. Armorer. Alnwick this 16 att 8 in the night John Atkynson. Morpethe(?) this xvij daye att one in the morninge Willime Readhead. Doncaster the 18 daie past 12 in the daie. Tuxford the 18th at x in the neight, Grantham the 19 at 6 in the morninge. R. att Newark the xix daye at almost 1 in the morning. Stamford the 19th att past 11 in the mydday."
The Enclosures:
(1) Berwick upon Tweed.—An estimate for the making of a stone bridge over the river of Tweed at Berwick containing in length 140 yards, which must be two lanstails, five pillars, and six arches. This stone bridge reaches but over the depth of the river: there is 140 yards more which may be made of timber, so that the timber of the old bridge will serve for that use. The whole length of the old bridge which now is contains 280 yards in length.
A detailed estimate follows here.
Sum total of all the charges amounts to 5,440l. 10s. 4d.
Signed: James Burrell, surveyor of the bridge, 2 pp. (121. 87.)
(2) An estimate of what charges the repair of the bridge at Berwick would amount unto, to be in good sort amended, as now the weakness and decays thereof appear; and yet, as I can conjecture by the same no surety of long safety or stay thereof can be further given than God shall give good and open winter from spates and ice, to which the same bridge will be subject.—15 June, 1607.
Detailed estimate follows.
Sum total of all the provisions with the workmanship thereof amounts to the sum of 1,858l. 13s. 4d.
Signed: James Burrell, etc. 1½ pp. (121. 88.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Same.
1607, June 17. Dr. Ibarra arrived at Brussels met with 300 horse; his 2 sons the same night of his arrival, the one made gentleman of the Archduke's privy chamber, the other a minion to the Infanta. No news of money by him, but that the assientos are making in Spain. The Marquis de Guadaleste expected to come Ambassador resident from the King of Spain. Macguire came to our Ambassador, alleges that he left Ireland because the L.-Deputy would have forced him to come to church. Two English gentlewomen came over and entered into the English nunnery with their portions of 350l. apiece.—June 17.
Abstract. (227. 335.)
Westminster Bill of Mortality.
1607, June 18. Certificate of deaths in Westminster for the week ending 18 June, 1607.
St. Margaret's vij
Of the plague ij
St. Martin's in the Fields 0
St. Clement Danes iiij
Of the plague j
Buried in all xj
Signed: Ric. Dobbinsonn. ½ p. (206. 40.)
Hannibal Vyvyan to the Earl of Pembroke.
1607, June 19. There came into Helford yesterday one Capt. Jenings, a pirate, that fled with his company and left his ship aground, being pursued by Jan Williamson Ram, captain of a Dutch ship of Horne in North Holland, who had some 14 days before taken the said Jenings and rifled her [sic] as by these examinations enclosed more at large appears. As soon as I had intelligence of the landing of these pirates, I sent three several warrants of hue and cry to the east, west, and south, for the apprehension of Jenings and his company; whereupon there was brought to me these examinates, which I have this day sent to the gaol, according to the directions given. What course you think fit to be taken with these offenders is desired to be understood, by reason the gaol will be very full.—From Trelowaren, 19 June, 1607.
PS.—After I had ended this letter, and ready to seal it, there were four more of Jennings's company brought before me, whom I have also sent to the gaol.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (121. 91.)
The Enclosure:
Examinations of Thomas Buck, of St. Giles in the Fields, Matthew Huchenson, of St. Tooley's, London, and Thomas Hunt, of Milton in Kent.
2 pp. (121. 90.)
Lord Balmerinoch to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, June 20. I have been silent all this time having no matter of writing, but the occasion offering by the decease of the Lord Chief Justice [Popham], that the reversion of Ropar's place which I had by your favour from his Majesty may now be secured to me before any other be provided to that place, either by his Majesty's prerogative or by the consent of the successor, as you think more convenient.—Holyroodhous, 20 June, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (121. 92.)
Adam Newton to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, June 20. His Highness having presumed upon his Majesty's birthday to kill one of his deer, has sent him unto you, desiring that you eat of him the more confidently because himself has made bold yesternight at supper with the keeper's fees to take the essay of him; and likewise that you like him not the worse for being bred in a more barren soil than your own deer, because what is wanting in the substance may be supplied by the circumstance of the season, or at least with the affection of the sender, being assured you will take what comes from him in good part, as you are accustomed to make ever good interpretations of his greatest oversights.—Nonsuch, 20 June, 1607.
Added by Prince Henry: "My Lord, thank me not for the remembrance, but your clock, which daily sounding in my ears doth not suffer me forget you."
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (121. 93.)
The Earl of Dumferline, Lord Chancellor of Scotland, to the Same.
1607, June 20. Commend this enclosed to your secretary to be sent with the first commodity to Sir George Carew, Ambassador in France. We have no news here, nor occurrence of any great importance. All is very quiet, and such novelties as has been lately, such as the unhappy slaughter of the Lord Spynie and our passing of the oath acknowledging his Majesty's supreme authority in all causes civil and ecclesiastic. I have written long since at great length to my Lord Dunbar, and I am persuaded you are better informed therein nor I can write.—Edenburght, 20 June, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (121. 94.)
Sir Edward Coke, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, to the Same.
1607, June 22. There was a prisoner apprehended this day in Holborn and brought to me, by the name of Robert Wall, who no doubt is either a jesuit or seminary, and was imprisoned while Garnet was in the Tower in the Counter in Wood Street, and brake prison. I verily think that my Lord Chief Justice told me when he was escaped that he would have charged him with great matters, and the gaoler was in great trouble for the escape. I have committed him to the Counter, because I think they will keep him the more safely, who have turned the key to so great trouble. He is a Somersetshire man, as he says, but will not give account where he has been, nor answer directly whether he be a priest or no. This little paper is of his own hand, which seems to be a traveller's hand, which I thought good, being all that was found about him, to send to you.— 22 June, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (121. 95.)
The Enclosures:
(1) For your money to speak with Mr. Stoctun's servant, one Badwell at the sign of the "Naked Boy".
Item, to Mr. Hary Leuellen that Christover will make a due reckoning with him ere long, and give the gloves and gaiters to him or James Boden, or to his man, a Worcester man, to be delivered to Harye Lewellen.
To remember Jo. Jeninges cross-bow at the cutler's.
Not to neglect to write to Jon Jeaninges.
To send commendation to Barns of Wickume.
Unsigned. Fragment. (121, pasted on to 95.)
(2) June 22. Richard Roberts, one of the constables of St. Andrew's, Holborn, says: He and others having warrant to search for papists, etc., did this day search the Lady Clarke's house in Holborn, and one named Robert Wall fled into one Drury's house, who is now presented to be a recusant; and upon demand made of him of such as were in the house, he was denied to be there, and yet afterwards upon great search was found to be in a coal-house. For it chanced that a collier came to bring in coals, and being near the coal-house door the woman of the house denied him to lay in any there, whereat the collier took offence, and after they had found him in the coal-house they suspected the woman refused the coals lest he should be discovered. After he was apprehended he was demanded wherefore he fled? he answered because Catholics were so hardly pursued. Afterwards being asked why he would not conform himself, Wall answered, "Well, well, I hope to see a day when this shall be redressed and that very shortly".
Signed: Edw. Coke: William Pym. 1 p. (121. 96.)
(3) The examination of Adam Fouler, one of the servants of the key of Woodstreet Counter, 22 June, who says: The prisoner now calling himself Wall was, while Garnett, the superior of the Jesuits, was in the Tower, within prison in the said Counter, by the name of Robert Walker; and that James Pecock, a prisoner that then was and yet is, when this day he saw Wall, testified that this was the man that brake prison, which turned the keeper of the prison to great trouble and blame.
Signed: Edw. Coke. ½ p. (121. 97.)
Case of John Sherewood.
1607, June 22. Warrant to Mr. Richard Jobson, vice-admiral of Ireland, to take into custody John Sherewood, now prisoner with the gentleman porter of the province of Munster for obstinate recusancy to be transported into England, and there disposed of according to the laws in that case provided. Signed by the Earl of Thomonde and his Majesty's commissioners in the province of Munster.
Copy. ½ p. (121. 98.)
Henry Challons to the Lord Chief Justice.
[1607], June 23/July 3. Since my last to your lordship Mr. Davice has received from our Ambassador's secretary a line or two concerning us, the contrariety whereof to his former writings approves his carelessness of us and the vanity of the President's speech here, which was that we were merely forgotten and that nobody spake for us, else could we not but have had liberty long since. I beseech your lordship not to be deceived by the Ambassador's letters, for I doubt not but whiles he serves the Spaniards' turn in suffering us to perish by loathsome imprisonment, whom their laws cannot touch for offence, he furnishes you with many glossing writings; from which these delusions good Lord delivers us! My boatswain, that I wrote was stabbed, is dead since, and I was fain, though they had murdered him in prison to pay the fees of the house ere I could have him out to bury him in the fields. All those that have died in prison have been most un-Christianlike used. Some have had their brains beaten out after they were dead, their noses, ears and privy members cut off; and Robert Cooke, the first that died, had a string tied to one of his legs, and was dragged down a pair of stairs of 30 steps, affirming they would teach the Lutheran the way to Hell. They forced his mouth open, and putting a gag into it, poured into it three pots of water, saying the Boracha should have drink enough. These extremities they use, as I conceive, to enforce our men to their religion; it does much terrify them. I am commanded on pain of 300 ducats and castigation not to speak with the naturals, for they conceive that by my means they cannot make them Christians. They will either convert them or by famine confound them, for they are almost starved already. I beseech you in Christianity consider of us, and let us with speed have some comfort, else will it come too late for most of us.—July 3, stilo nova [sic].
Copy. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (121. 114.)
Sir William FitzWilliam to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, June 24. Your lordship has lately made proof in what esteem you hold me, as the Earl of Northampton charged me to acknowledge myself most bound unto you. Give me this content I crave by accepting a trifle not worthy your view. The invention is my own, and kept from you many years by the delays of the workmen. The messenger that brings it is my younger son, who desired the office only to approach your presence.—24 June, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (121. 99.)
Sir William Lane to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], June 24. Being assured that your honourable brother can best make known to you the state of our late distempered country, I intend not to trouble you in that point. Only I affirm that my Lord-Lieutenant since his first entry into these parts, has carried himself so nobly as has begotten him much love of all sorts. It pleased him to command me to stay some few days after him rather for form than for any necessity I observe. If it please you, in my absence, to have me in your remembrance touching Dyggbee's [Digby's] ward, wherein you said you would be resolved in some points of doubt and accordingly I should receive an answer. I should acknowledge it a double favour. The loss of him that honoured you much has been some affiction to me since I heard the uncomfortable news. I have a brother and a son that followed him, with great regard of his part towards them both. If it please you in the disposing of that country government some way to employ them, they shall be happy and myself for them.—24 June.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (121. 100.)
Sir George Markham to the Same.
1607, June 24. Need makes the old wife troll, and my likely misery enforces me beyond good manners, or that due respect I bear to your graver affairs, to become a suitor for commiseration of me and my poor estate. By the death of my father and father-in-law I have lost of annual rent 180l., without the gaining of one farthing, which much disables my wife either to live there or relieve me here. In these parts the power of my enemies is such I can expect nothing but extremity of persecution, with all the fury they can lay upon me. By my personal being in England the neglect which now my friends show would turn to amity, and I should be enabled to recover both money and land to make myself live honestly in the world. Let your mediation assist to the obtaining a consummation of grace by a pardon, and that I may come into England. If you think it not fit I should stay to live there, if I may obtain some competent time I will assure you to return until his Majesty please to recall me, or by some fortunate service I may regain that grace and mercy.—Bruxells, 24 June, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (121. 101.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Same.
1607, June 24. The Spanish Ambassador d'Ibarra visited our Ambassador before the French. Divers priests sent from Rome into England. Sweet since his return to Rome has propounded to the Pope that in favour of their cause some of their priests in England might be qualified with the title of Bishops, the which motion the Pope referred to be considered of by the congregation of the Inquisition at Rome.—June 24.
Abstract. (227. 336.)
The Earl of Huntingdon to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, June 25. I received your letter the 25th inst. and withal my brother Egerton's, wherein he made known his Majesty's favour touching the Isle of Man, with his own desire that the matter betwixt my Lord of Derby and us might be ended by your lordship and my Lord of Northampton. I shall be exceeding glad to have it referred to such honourable friends as were it in my particular only I could not make a better election. The directions I received from you in the letters sent me by the judges (who come into Leicester this day) I will be careful to observe. This country is quiet, and I hope will so continue. I presume to send this letter enclosed unto my brother, wherein I have written there shall be no let on my side to hinder the speedy proceeding of this intended course.— Ashby, 25 June, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (121. 102.)
Westminster Bill of Mortality.
1607, June 25. Certificate of deaths in Westminster for the week ending 25 June, 1607.
St. Margaret's v
Of the plague j
St. Martin's in the Fields ij
St. Clement Danes ij
Buried in all ix
Signed: Ric. Dobbinsonn. ½ p. (206. 41.)
M. Saint Sauveur to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, June 26. Having no other means to return thanks for the honour you have done me in nominating me to the commission of the Isles and also in your recommendation of my services to his Majesty, I presume to fulfil some portion of my duty by these few lines. I trust that all my actions will be for the benefit of his Majesty's service and your contentment.— From Lambeth, 26 June, 1607.
Holograph. French. Seal. 1 p. (121. 103.)
Case of Thomas Prater.
1607, June 26. Warrant to Mr. Richard Jobson. vice-admiral of Ireland, to take into his custody Thomas Prater, now prisoner with the gentleman porter of the province of Munster; for obstinate recusancy to be transported hence into England and disposed of according to the laws in that case provided. Signed by the Earl of Thomonde and other commissioners in the province of Munster.—Cork. 26 June, 1607.
Copy. ½ p. (121. 104.)
John Bentley to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, June 26. One Robert Shewall, priest, was apprehended by me about 2 months past, and being examined before me and William Knyveton esquire of his Majesty's Peace within this county of Derby, would neither affirm nor deny that he was a seminary, but refused the oath and utterly denied the King's supremacy. He was prisoner in the Tower 30 years ago with one Rolston, father to George Rolston, pensioner to the late Queen, and confesses to have been at Paris, and in other parts of France, but not further. Thus much I thought it my duty to signify unto you. I find him to be a good scholar, and by his carriage and speech doubt him to be somewhat dangerously affected to the State; which I leave to your consideration, because our assizes draw near for his trial.—26 June, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (121. 105.)
Giles Bladwell, deceased.
1607, June 26. Two papers:—
(1) Grant of the custody, wardship and marriage of William Bladwell, son and next heir of Gyles Bladwell, deceased, to Calibut Downing and Susan Bladwell. Property in Norfolk and Suffolk.—26 June, 5 Jac. I.
Parchment deed. (223. 10.)
(2) Lease to Calibut Downing and Susan Bladwell of lands in Thurlow and Bradley, co. Suffolk, and Coxford alias Tony, in Grimston, Rydon and Cougham, co. Norfolk: parcel of the lands of William Bladwell, the King's ward, son and heir of Gyles Bladwell, deceased.—26 June, 5 Jac. I.
Parchment deed. (223. 11.)
Cuthbert Hillingfleet.
1607, June 26. Petition of for payment of his charges for keeping the person of John Ball, the King's prisoner, from July 10, 1606 to June 26, 1607.—Undated.
The Enclosure: Bill for the above, total 117l. 13s. 4d., balance due 67l. 13s. 4d.
1 p. (P. 256.)
Sir [Charles] C[ornwallis] to Andres de Prada.
[1607, June 27/July 7]. Your letter of the 22 of the last I received with much content as the true demonstrative of your desires to do me favour; the good effects whereof I daily expect, considering the businesses remain in the hands of him that has so great a will. I have sent you here enclosed the news lately received out of Ireland, and am sorry to understand that it is reported in France and sought to be made believed in England that the good entertainments the rebellious and fugitive Earls in Ireland received at Rome, and the most part of their maintenance is underhand derived from the King here, and that this supposition is not a little nourished by the late drawing so many of the vagabonding Irish to the Groyne, where they are by this estate appointed to make their residence, to be ready to be transported upon all occasions. For my own particular I believe no part of this report, and so have I already advertised into England, and the rather for that having before my late receipt of letters understood of that general repair of the Irish to the Groyne and complained of it to the Condestable [sic] and others, as that which would give advantage to the enemies both of the peace and of this crown, I have been resolved that he and others of the Council have conferred, and it is determined that as well those that be there as here shall not abide but be presently shipped for the Low Countries. Also so strange it should seem to me that a King of so royal a heart and sincere intentions, and a Council so advised as that of Spain should by any means be drawn to deal doubly with a King that has dealt so entirely and clearly with them, and to whom in words they so much profess; and by that means if the present friendship should break shut up all means ever to return to terms of amity or at least of confidence, as by no means I can think it possible. So great is, notwithstanding. mine affection to his Majesty, and my desire in all things to correspond with so well an intentioned minister as yourself, as I could not defer to acquaint you with what I hear to be conceived, and rest as ever most desirous that all things here should be so governed, both without and within, as the peace so necessary for both monarchies and the whole estate of Christendom may be continued, and that the amity between the Kings of themselves inclined to so much virtue and sincerity may not by sinister persuasion of the factions of either part be broken or suffer the least diminution.
PS.—Before the sealing hereof I have received later news that Odohorty is slain and his company dispersed.
Copy. Endorsed: "The Copie of his Lo: l're of the 7th of July sti: no: to Andres de Prada, secretarie of estate." 1½ pp. (121. 122.)
The Earl of Dunbar to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607, June 27]. His Majesty says that he has sent you a buck, because you are a "pwrretten"; he wishes that this Friday you may call your fellow puritans of the Lower House to take a part with you of your venison. It is his very earnest desire that the proclamation should be hasted with so great speed as may be. Here we are taking our sport quietly; His Majesty finds to his good liking; and the Prince is come this morning to pass the time all this day with his Majesty.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "27 June, 1607." 1 p. (193. 120.)
Sir Nicholas Walshe to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, June 28. I am bold to present you with an eyrie of falcons bred with myself. I am at this present appointed to a circuit of Meath, Westmeath, Longford, the King's and Queen's counties, to be assisted by Sir John Davies, the King's attorney general in this realm; and albeit the same may seem one of the best circuits in this land because they are thought to be longer acquainted with the use of law than other parts, yet if I had had my will I should not be drawn in my old years so far from mine own means. What I shall find there worthy the relating I will transmit to your lordship.—From Dublin, 28 June, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (121. 106.)
Sir Stephen Procter to the Same.
1607, June 28. Being much perplexed with grief ever since you showed so sore displeasure towards me before him that triumphs not a little of it both here, and by letters into the country, I will submit to your pleasure; which partly I have made known to Mr. Tillsley how by orders and bonds made in open court those causes will proceed, by Sir William Ingilby's and his man Daye's assent, and which now are brought in question by his petition before my Lord Chancellor, which I am enjoined also to answer. Give us leave now there to try our credits together, and in the meantime hold an indifferent hand towards me therein. For the causes between my Lord of Derby and me I shall yield in all willingness to be at your disposition.— 28 June, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (121. 107.)
Office of Custos Brevium.
1607, June 29. We have heretofore granted to our servants Sir John Lee and Sir Jo. Brooke, knights, by bill signed under our hand a reversion of the office of custos brevium within our bench whereof Wm. Davison, esq. has the possession, but stayed the further proceeding to the Great Seal for some respects. And now for that we are informed that Davison is willing to part with his present estate upon composition, and to surrender the same to two others, we thought good to signify to you that in regard of our former favour to our said servants, so far passed, and that they have made offer to us that they will give Davison as good consideration for the present state as any other will, our pleasure is that you make Davison acquainted with their offer and let him know our meaning is they shall have the said office upon composition with him and none other, if they will give that which others (bona fide) will, and that you shall treat between them and agree them if you may, or otherwise advertise us what the difference is.—Given under our signet at our manor of Greenwich, 29 June in the 5th year of our reign etc.
Ex. per Lake.
Copy. ½ p. (121. 108.)
Viscount Lisle to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607?], June 29? Since I saw your lordship I have had a letter from Flushing of the 18 of this month. The principal contents are that [there] are two deputies to come and only two, one out of Holland and the other out of Zeeland. They were to take ship this day or to-morrow. The Fr[ench] Ambassadors had insisted that when any deputies were sent higher there should be some sent also into France, but on the sudden they changed their mind and desired that none might be sent, but that they that came hither might be speedily dispatched so as none are [to] go into France. The Gr[and] Turk has written to the States that there might be truce at sea and land for all men-of-war, but it is denied. There was a French secretary that in his passing to the Haghe (which was by title on Saturday last) took Bruxels in his way, and tells much of the brave bringing of him into Brussels.—This Friday at night, 29 June (sic) (fn. 3).
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (121. 109.)
Richard Watts to the Same.
1607, June 30/ July 10. After dinner to-day his Majesty has sent one of the Exempts of the Guards to the house of Monsr. Pujet (Intendant of Finances) to command him to surrender himself in the prison of the Conciergerie as the terms allowed him to settle his domestic affairs expired on the 5th instant. It is not yet known to what part Monsr. Gobbelin and Monsr. Garo have been transported. Monsr. Prevost has been summoned by sound of trumpet and has been called three times in the Court of Parliament; but having in good time got at large (prins largue) he dreads the lion's claws, knowing that he who eats the King's goose voids its feathers a hundred years afterwards. (fn. 4) The Protestant Church in Paris has been re-inforced by a minister named Monsr. Durant, a man still young in years but ripe and accomplished in the qualities of his charge. A few weeks ago four religious of the reformed orders of the Chartreuse and the Cordeliers have been taken into the bosom (gyron) of the church and abandoned the cowl (froc). A lord of Turkey has had audience with the King at Fontainebleau and to-day has been to see Sir George Carew, with whom by means of an interpreter he has had conference for an hour. The rumour is that within a few days he will proceed to England.—"De Paris le dixiesme Juillet, 1607."
Holograph. French. Seal. 1 p. (121. 128.)
George Gascoigne.
[1607, June]. Prays for letters to the Lord Deputy to inquire into the murder at Sligo of his son George by Lieutenant Jones and two others.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 963.)
[Cf. Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606–8, p. 196.]
Thomas Bodkyne and Domynicke Browne. agents for the Corporation of Athenry in Ireland.
[1607. c. June]. For dispatch of their suit for means to relieve and reinhabit that town, which has been sacked, burned and dispeopled by the rebellious of that province.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 966.)
[Cf. Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606–1608, pp. 204, 205.]
John Rawson.
[? 1607, after June]. Fraud upon him by Sir Teage O'Rorke, now dead (fn. 5), whose lands are in the possession of the Earl of Clanricarde. Prays for help to cause the Earl to yield him satisfaction.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1237.)


  • 1. Possibly the above report of 4 June (pp. 146, 147).
  • 2. Sir John Popham had died on 10 June and his successor, Sir Thomas Fleming, was not appointed until 25 June.
  • 3. In 1607 June 29 (O.S.) was on Monday, not Friday, but on Friday (N.S.) But the writer is apparently writing in England.
  • 4. Qui mange l'oye du Roy, il en chie la plume cent ans apres: he that purloins the prince's treasure pays in the arrearages one time or another (Cotgrave s.v. Oye).
  • 5. Sir Teig O'Rourke is described as lately dead on 19 June, 1607. (Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606—1608, p. 196.)