Cecil Papers: May 1607, 16-30

Pages 131-145

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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May 1607, 16-30

The Archbishop of Cashel to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, May 16. Being of purpose ever since our late Queen's death to come over into England, chiefly to see his Majesty's person, in performance of my duty as a loyal subject, and secondly to put your Honour in remembrance, that her Majesty in her lifetime committed to you to have a care of my poor estate, having incurred the displeasure of the whole Irishry in doing my duty in her service. In the end I obtained the Lord Deputy's licence, and came to sea at his Majesty's fort of Downe Cannon the 1st inst. One Peter Hooper, master-gunner there, pretending some authority in the absence of Sir Lawrence Esmund, chief commander there, demanded the sight of all letters that any passenger had there. I, thinking myself not to be noted of any suspicion, answered nothing, till he pointed specially to myself, demanding the sight of my pass, which immediately I showed. He demanded whether I had any letters, which I thought very unfit to a man of my place and calling, and answered that I was sure myself not to be suspected by the states of England and Ireland, not to carry any prejudicial letters against his Majesty's proceedings; but being loth to be suspected, immediately delivered to him the keys of my trunks. He opened the same, and neither sought nor opened any letter, but presently seized on the small portion of money which he there found, being 167l. 13s. 4d., which to me belonged, and 26l. sent to one Thomas Butler by his father, Sir Water Butler, nephew to the Earl of Ormonde, who is towards learning in London. All which and myself he brought to the fort, where my Lady Esmund and the rest of the ward were, being, as I suppose, set abroad by some notable recusant papists, doubting of some information to be by me delivered to his Majesty against those of that profession, who have ever been to me mortal enemies. I entreated a bill of his hand confessing the taking away of so much money, which he utterly refused, as also the sight of his warrant or authority. Having used all means to have some part of my money for expenses, upon great bonds I only obtained 11l. of short Spanish money. If I might have had my clothes and writings at that instant, my determination was to return back again to Dublin, but the ship would not stay, neither indeed was she able, being in the open road, having tempest of weather. I had no other refuge in that extremity, but making a virtue of necessity came to sea in the same ship, and being for 13 days between Ireland, Wales and England, by force of wind and weather, at last arrived at the city of Bristol; where I now remain in such scarcity for the lack of money that I am not able to travel as far to Bath, where by reason of some infirmities of my body I must stay for a time in hope of ease. My suit therefore is that you would write in such sort to the Lord Deputy of Ireland as shall be thought fit, to cause the money to be restored, without which I know not where or how to live.—Bristoll, 16 May, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (121. 44a.)
Sir John Smyth to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, May 16. I received your letter, in answer of mine the 25 March last, which contents me much, and moves me to make one only suit, that it may please you to deal with the King that I may have the forbearance of my debt to his Majesty in the Exchequer during my life; which being obtained, I have resolved never to trouble you with any further suits.—From Toffts, my house, 16 May, 1607.
Signed. ½ p. (121. 47.)
The Crown Jewels.
1607, May 16. Letters patent with regard to the Crown Jewels 16 May 5 Jac. (1607).
Seal. Endorsed: "A release and discharge unto the Lord Treasurer and others." 1 m. (219. 2.)
Portion of a copy of the same.
1 m. (219. 3.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Ralph Winwood.
1607, May 17. Confirmation of the report of the Cordeliers' return into Holland without warrant. Divisions and dissensions amongst the Provinces. Winwood will do well to exhort them to unity among themselves. Approves his care of the King's service with regard to his advice about reinforcing the Cautionary garrisons but does not see what more security two or three companies more may give to such places. There is no great fear that Zeeland will deliver Flushing to the French without the common concurrency of the Provinces.—From the Court at Whitehall, 17 May, 1607.
Draft. 4½ pp. (121. 48.)
[Printed in extenso in Winwood's Memorials, Vol. II, p. 310.]
Ordinance of Henry IV of France.
1607, May 17/27 He perceives by the dispatch presented to him by the Sieurs de Villernoul and de Mirande on the part of the National Synod of those of the Religion held at Rochelle, that they have not entirely observed his ordinance of Dec. 22 last with respect to the nomination of deputies general. Particulars given. On this account he cannot receive the abovenamed as deputies, although personally they are very agreeable to him. The 2 former deputies whose term has now expired will continue to act for the present, till that ordinance has been complied with.—Fontainebleau, 27 May, 1607.
Signed: "Henry," and below, "de Neufville".
Contemporary copy. French. 1 p. (193. 109.)
Viscount Lisle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, May 18. I send you herewith the last letter I had from Sir William Brown, wherein there is matter of good importance concerning the Los Countries. When you have considered it, please return it. Please not to let any other see it, because he plainly names some persons who, if they should understand it, would both get him unkindness and hinder him from learning anything hereafter.—18 May, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (193. 105.)
Edmund Frenshe. Mayor of Galway, to the Same.
1607, May 20. This bearer, the portreeve of Athanry, having occasion to be a suitor to the King about that town and corporation's causes, entreated me to write unto you in his favour, because Athanry is the nearest corporate town to this town of Galway. Wherefore in regard I do well know how the state of that place did and does stand from time to time in our remembrance, and that we have learned by the report of our ancestors that the same is an ancient town, and continued an ancient liberty and corporation since the first foundation thereof, and endured many spoils and troubles in all the war times, and yet still continued loyal subjects to the crown of England, I crave you to be good unto them, and that the rather that your honourable father was their good friend in Queen Elizabeth's time. Be good to the bearer himself, for he is an honest man and well worthy of favour, and a true-hearted Protestant.— Galwey, 20 May, 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (121. 50.)
Sir Theobald Dillon to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, May 20. I have long forborne writing to your lordship, to avoid your trouble. If I were fortunate I might be favoured by you, by whose commendation in her late Majesty's time to the Lord Lieutenant and others to recompense my services done to this kingdom from time to time, I have many good testimonies to show under the several commanders' signatures of my continuous employment. In my services I lost many kinsmen, servants and followers; my brothers were maimed, my castles and houses defaced, rased and broken down, my lands wholly wasted, and my goods taken by the rebels in revenge of my services. The Lord Lieutenant importuned me to repair into England, and promised to procure for me both favour and reward, and when I came thither, his lordship brought me before his Majesty, who used me with very gracious words; but the time then being very unapt for suitors, I returned without any other reward. Now I was purposed to take my journey into England, to make my former endeavours and services known to his Highness, although my estate and means to defray my charge be much more backward than it was, and moving the Lord Deputy for licence I could not obtain the same, only for that I am in suit with some of the inhabitants of Athlone for one small ploughland whereon the town is built, wrongfully kept from me, it being the lawful inheritance of many of my ancestors from the first conquest of this kingdom. After my long and chargeable suit for the same, they seem now to entitle his Majesty thereto, no record being extant that can show any right from his Highness to the said land, but only a possession of 34 years, being thought meet by the state here that the said ploughland, lying near the castle of Athlone, should be annexed thereto; to which I am not unwilling to yield, so as I may be in some land of like value otherwise recompensed. If in your judgment I be not worthy to get any consideration for my title, then I pray that I may be left at liberty to seek by course of law to get the benefit of my right. In regard that the greatest part of my lands lie waste and dispeopled, an exceeding loss to myself, and some hindrance to his Majesty by the loss of his composition rent, for the better re-inhabiting of these lands I have sent an agent to be a suitor to his Highness to tolerate with me for some years, not to pay any such rent in Connaught, the same being but 40l. 15s. a year, and also to be allowed the like composition charged upon the barony of Kilkenny West, wherein myself and my kinsmen only dwell, which comes to 25l. a year; within which time I shall hope to rebuild my castles, repair many other ruins, and re-inhabit my land.—At Dublin, 20 May, 1607.
Signed. Seal. 2½ pp. (121. 51.)
Richard Percival to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], May 21. I received this letter from my Lord Chief Justice this night late, and because the messenger was very earnest your lordship should be presently made acquainted therewith. I send it, being myself in bed upon some little indisposition, for remedy whereof I purpose to steal some time to-morrow to take a little physic; and do therefore crave leave to make my Lord's messenger answer that your lordship will stay it for him, if it fall.—21 May, at 10 o'clock at night.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (121. 46.)
The Enclosures:
(1) John Ph[illip]es to Sir John Popham, Lord Chief Justice.
Since at this present I am very sick, and not knowing how it will please God to dispose of me, and my son and heir, whose name is Richard Phillipps, being not above 15 years of age is to be his Majesty's ward, I have thought fit to write these few lines, entreating you to be a means speedily to prevent all others; and that it will please you, if God do his will of me, to take my son into your protection and so dispose of him as you shall please.—Nerberth, 16 May, 1607.
PS.—I have sent this by my brother this bearer, who can further acquaint you with my estate, if need be.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (121. 45.)
(2) Sir John Popham, Lord Chief Justice, to Richard Percival.
You may perceive by this enclosed letter that one Mr. Philipps, being my kinsman and now in some extremity of sickness, is desirous, if it may please my Lord of Salisbury, that I should have the tuition of his son, if he should fortune to die. I pray you, therefore, do me the favour, to move my Lord in it, and I shall be ready to perform therein, when his lordship shall direct.— At Serjeants Inn in Fleet Street. London, 21 May, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (121. 53.)
William Typper to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, May 21. After my departure from your lordship I went to the auditors for such particulars as I expected to have been ready in the morning, whereof four were with Mr. Auditor Saxey, and he not being in town, they cannot be ready; and the like for two others with Mr. Auditor King, who is at his house in the country. I beseech you to spare to-morrow, and next week I will dispatch them all and the new commissions likewise.—21 May, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (121. 52.)
Westminster Bill of Mortality.
1607, May 21. Certificate of deaths in Westminster for the week ending 21 May, 1607.
St. Margaret's vij
St Martin's in the Fields iiij
Of the plague iij
St. Clement Danes vj
Of the plague j
Buried in all xviij
Signed. Ric. Dobbinsonn. ½ p. (206. 39.)
Sir Henry Poole to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, May 22. I have presumed to send you by this bearer a brace of bucks, being such as my Cottesowld park now affords. I assure you, in my credit, they were grass-fed, and not by any other kind of feeding, which being the best dainties these barren parts yield, I desire you will accept them, as a token of my true affection.—At Saperton, 22 May, 1607.
Signed. ½ p. (121. 54.)
Sir John Fortescu to the Same.
1607, May 22. How much your favourable regard to these suitors and my readiness to accomplish their reasonable requests have been, the very particular by me signed may plainly manifest, in that I gave allowance for the passing these 3 parcels, amounting to the sum of 82l. 19s. 1d. I only added, that had it not consisted of 3 parcels which could not be divided, it had been much to have so far enlarged the warrant. It seems the party has misconceivingly troubled you without cause, and laid burthen on me undeservedly. I have dispatched him presently upon his coming, and trust he will satisfy you that he has without cause complained.—At my poor house at Hendon, 22 May, 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (121. 55.)
The Masque at Theobalds.
1607, May 22. Two verses.
Begins: "O blessed change"
Ends: And duty thrives by breath of Kings."
A copy of the "Song" at the end of Ben Jonson's Masque at Theobalds of the above date, when Theobalds was delivered to James.
Printed in Jonson's Works, and by Nichols Progresses of King James, II, 131.
½ p. (144. 271.)
Mayor and Inhabitants, and the Captain of the Garrison of Berwick upon Tweed, to the Council.
[1607 ? Before May 23.] A great part of the ancient great wooden bridge there over the Tweed (there being no other bridge upon that river), was ruined on May 25th last, by an earthquake under water, as it is thought, so that there is no passage from the English side, and the town is constrained to be furnished with victual, etc., from Scotland, which cannot well be of long continuance. They beg that the bridge may be new builded of lime and stone, whereby it may be substantial and perpetual, and may be maintained without continual reparation.—Undated.
Petition. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (123. 157.)
The Enclosure:
Estimate for making a stone bridge over the river of Tweed at Berwick, 140 yards long, with 5 pillars and 6 arches; Total 5,440l. 10s. 4d.
Signed: James Burrell, Surveyor of the bridge. 2 pp.
Estimate for the repair of the bridge: "and yet by the same no surety of long safety or stay thereof can be further given than God shall give good and open winter from spates and ice, to which the same bridge of timber however it be repaired will be subject." Length of the bridge 280 yards. Total 1,858l. 13s. 4d.
Signed by the same. Endorsed: "1607." 2 pp. (123. 159.)
[See Cal. S.P.D. 1603—1610, p. 358.]
Sir Arthur Gorges to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, May 24. It has pleased God to call my eldest brother out of this life very suddenly. His eldest son is now beyond the seas, and has been long, and all his daughters unprovided for. His living was small, and yet such as may perhaps be subject to wardship, which as yet I do not know. If it be, I beseech you to have care of his poor children, and that it may not be conferred upon any to their hindrance.—Kewe, 24 May, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (121. 56.)
Sir Henry Mountagu, Recorder of London, to the Same.
1607, May 24. The priest, Hugh Witofte, was taken by a "pursevant" in Woode Close, near Clarkenwell, upon St. George's day last. Committed by my Lord [of] Canterbury to the Clink, thence was sent together with his examination to Newgate on Friday last, during the sessions. Confessed himself to be a priest made by the Bishop of Arras, had been in England 7 years, is no Jesuit, but a secular priest. Nothing was charged against him other than being a priest here taken and remaining contrary to the proclamations in that behalf; which form of indictment my Lord Chief Justice directed, and was at his trial.—24 May, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (121. 57.)
1607, May 24. Dialogue in verse between Le Genie, Mercure, Cloto, Lachesis and Atropos, with song at end. On the occasion of the visit of the King and Queen.
Begins: Le Genie: "Ne vous estonnez pas Seigneurs si ceste place"
Ends: Et les loyaux subjectz s'avancent soubz leurs Roys."
French. 4 pp. (140. 110–1.)
The Bailiffs of Colchester to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, May 25. We are suitors to your Honour, for your favour in the passing of a bill for clothing, come into the Higher House of Parliament. If the clothiers be left unto the lengths, weights and breadths, according to the former statutes, they must be compelled to leave up their trades (as some already have done).—From Colchester, 25 May, 1607.
Signed: John Bird, Ralphe Northaye, Bailiffs. Seal. ½ p. (121. 58.)
Sir Posth[umus] Hoby to the Same.
1607, May 25. My Lord Stanhope is pleased to resign his place of custos rotulorum in the North Riding in Yorkshire unto me, if my Lord Chancellor shall consent. Fearing lest his lordship should except, either against my place, or unto my strangeness, for alliance and blood, in these parts, which in former times having proved motives of preference, I hope shall now prove no obstacles unto me, that have served ten years in all the commissions of the North and East Ridings, I have presumed to become a suitor for your letters to my Lord Chancellor on my behalf.—25 May, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (121. 59.)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to Sir Thomas Lake.
1607, May 25. The Earl of Cumberland has been a suitor to his Majesty, to admit him to compound in some reasonable sort for the manors, castles, etc., whereof his Majesty has not only the remainder but a pretence of title, in respect of some imperfections in his grants long since made to his ancestors. His Majesty is informed, that there be so many in remainder between the Earl and the Crown, as the possibility thereof is of little value. Although we are not yet informed whether there be any great number of heirs in remainder now living, nor what these lands are, nor at what value they were passed from the crown in former times, nevertheless because his Majesty in the general is resolved to grant his request, we require you to inform yourself of these particulars, and to draw up a book for his Majesty's signature, whereby the Earl may have a grant to him and his heirs, of all his Majesty's remainder and other rights and titles, in such sort as is usual.—From Whitehall, 25 May, 1607.
Draft. 1½ pp. (121. 60.)
James Hudson to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607, May 25]. I received the enclosed from the King's proctor, which because it concerns his Majesty's service I thought fit to make known to your lordship. If you have occasion to command him any service who sent it, he dwells in Sermon Lane, near Powells.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607, 25 May." ½ p. (121. 62.)
The Enclosure:
Alexander Serle to James Hudson.
The present occasion concerns the King's Majesty so much, that I think it meet his Highness were acquainted therewith. In this my journey into Yorkshire, in levying his Majesty's fines and forfeitures due in causes ecclesiastical, I find the country there full replenished with papists; and in a valley in Blackey-more, about 40 miles beyond York (having the sea on one side and about 30 miles of marsh grounds on the other) inhabit almost no other people but papists, many whereof have for their notorious contempts and not appearing before the Commissioners for Causes Ecclesiastical in that province, been fined in certain sums, which I went to procure to be levied. Two of my men with their guide coming thither to that end, were by 44 men well-weaponed, and upon a whoop or two given gathered together, resisted, pursued and reviled. Being peaceably required in virtue of their writ and authority to desist from such behaviour, answer was made that they cared not for the King or his authority; and four of them on horseback, one armed with a petronel, and the rest with long bows and arrows, followed them four miles into the moor, and there, as they were ready to kill them with shot, two poor men by chance cutting of turfs were called upon and prevented the mischance. These men live like outlaws, or rather rebels, having divers times before resisted the King's authority, and draw many unto them which are hunted out of other places as to a place of sanctuary, and there they stand upon their own offence, unless the King will yield unto some malapert demands of theirs which I have in writing. If the King would give me and some justices of the peace in that country sufficient authority, I would adventure my best blood to amend or end them.—From my house at London, 25 May, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (121. 61.)
The Earl of Northumberland to the King.
[1607], May 25. Pardon my troubling you with this solicitor of mine, to move your consideration of my liberty, since she to whom I before committed that charge is so heavy as well she cannot attend and wait. Your great affairs in Parliament have withheld me that I durst not be too importunate; besides I know your noble heart cannot forget him that ever vowed his faith and service with that zeal that I have done; I say such a zeal as neither my own conscience or any creature can lay the least spot of unfaithfulness to my charge. I attend with hope your pleasure, not doubting but one day my inward affections will as plainly appear sincere to you as my outward actions have been plainly well meant and honest.—25 May.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (193. 107.)
The Earl of Northumberland to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], May 25. I pray that I may use your favour that his Majesty may receive this letter. I must be my own solicitor, now I have no other means. You shall do a deed of charity, and not contrary to your place, and shall tie me to acknowledge it with any service I can do you.—25 May.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (193. 108.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to the Same.
1607, May 27. I hope for no health if the country air and quiet from business do not cure me: to which I am resolved very speedily to bend myself. But first I desire you to move the House to appoint Saturday next for the bill of the Archbishop of Canterbury, at 2, Painted Chamber, where if alive I will be. Please take it to heart, for next to the Union and the bill for entails and defective titles, it is most important to the Crown, being 1,300l. lands now 50 years in the possession of the Crown, and some of it dispersed but still resting in the Crown, 1,100l yearly and more. I desire only the Lords will hear it, being assured that it shall appear to them to be so just and reasonable, and good exchange for the see of Canterbury, as they never had a better. You see my Lord of Canterbury puts down the credit of the cause with generalities, which when you see answered, will satisfy himself, but when you hear the particularities it will make it most clear against him. The slip in law is that this resumption was perfected four days within sede plena, whereas it should have been perfected sede vacante: besides, if the Archbishop should prevail in suppressing this bill, this might give encouragement to others. And forget not that Hatfield is resumed Bishop's lands.—27 May, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (193. 110.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Same.
1607, May 27. Don Diego d'Ibarra. Ambassador extraordinary, of a fiery and wilful spirit, therefore unfit for the treaty of peace with the States, for which purpose he was sent. The Spanish and Irish nations of all others were most favoured in the Archduke's government. One of the house of Bentivolia Archibishop of Rhodes appointed to come Nuncio to Brussels.— May 27, 1607.
Abstract. (227. 335.)
A Challenge.
Challenge from the Chevalier Pindamon and Astrurio to the Chevalier Frances.
May 27, 1607. Having been warned of the honour achieved in our absence in the Court of England by the Chevalier Frances we have left our enterprises in haste to come there as to the most glorious one to show him that one cannot get away so cheaply where we are. The favours of the ladies and the honour of knights of this country will then rest with the iron of our lances which we will prove to you are better worth than all the world together. And as proof of our defiance we have come upon this road to defend the passage until you have handed over to us the favours and glory you have unjustly carried off.—Grenuche [Greenwich], 27 May, 1607.
Contemporary copy. French. 1 p. (193. 111.)
Sir Arthur Gorges to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, May 28. Of late years to purchase this little cottage which I now dwell in, I have been enforced to impawn some good jewels, that in former times, when my estate was better, I had gathered together. Not being able to redeem them, and less able to continue interest, I must sell them outright, wherefore, being fair and perfect, I did the rather presume you might like of them. There is a table diamond very perfect in all his corners of 250l. value; a string of 100 orient round pearls of 5l. apiece, and another of 40 pearls of 10l. apiece, all safely strung and fast sealed. They are in value all worth above 1,100l., and engaged for less than 500l., for on such pawns the goldsmiths will not lend half their value. If you have any disposition to buy such merchandise, you shall do me a high favour, to set those prisoners at liberty and free me from longer interest, and shall have them in far better sort than at any jeweller's hands in the world, and that without any scruple or making yourself beholden to me, so much as I shall be to you therein. If these or any parcels of them be agreeable to you, they shall be brought to you by any that you shall appoint, disbursing but the moneys which they are engaged for. When they are in your hands, if you shall like them, I will depart withal at any such price as you shall think them worth. The wardship that I lately wrote to you of is free, and the heir almost 23 years of age, and beyond the seas.—Kew, 28 May, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (121. 64.)
Captain George Popham to the Same.
1607, May 31. I directed my late letters unto your lordship concerning a command I had from my Lord Chief Justice to appoint myself unto the discovery and population of the Western Colony in Virginia. I sent also a letter enclosed concerning the passage of our merchants about their occasions in Spain and Portugal, whereof I thought fit to acquaint you. I am induced in this my second to offer due commendation of this bearer, Mr. Rowland Jones, collector of customs within the port of Bridgwater, who intends to be a suitor upon some occasions through which he may obtain a settled determination to continue in Somerset, by many desired there, being of credit by means of his honest and respective carriage. May it please you to yield him furtherance of his reasonable suits. He is known to the Lords of Northampton and Suffolk, as I was told in London, in regard to his services to the Lord Viscount Byndon, of whom he was long time a follower.—From Plymouth, this last of May, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (121. 65.)
The Earl of Cumberland's Grant.
1607, May. Warrant for a grant to the Earl of Cumberland and his heirs in fee simple of the castle, lordship and manor of Skipton in Craven, co. York, and the castles etc. of Apleby alias Apulbie, and Burgh under Stainmore, co. Westmorland, and the sheriffwick and bailiwick of Westmorland, and the rents of the said county, and service of all the king's tenants, which do not hold in capite; being things that the Earl and his ancestors have heretofore enjoyed. But because it is doubtful whether the estate of the premises heretofore granted to the ancestors of the Earl be good in law or not, the King's pleasure is that the premises shall be conveyed to the said Earl in such sort, as his grant shall pass unto the Earl and his heirs, whatsoever the King has in them.—From the Court this — of May, 1607.
Copy. 1 p. (121. 66.)
The Earl of Salisbury to the King.
[1607], May. According to your Majesty's pleasure I have now dispatched the gentleman sent from Monsieur Jeanvile [Joinville], by whom I find the Prince desirous to know what he carries to your Ambassador resident there; for which purpose I have sent him a copy in French of this enclosed. I have likewise made relation of all that passed between their Ambassador and me. Wherein as I used the best art I could to infuse into the Ambassador how much cause that State should have to thank your Majesty for such a recommendation, so have I made the person whom the Prince has employed hither so sensible of the strait charge I had from you to recommend his desire with as much of your own spirit as I was capable of, as he assures me the Prince his master will receive an infinite contentment when he shall behold ces beaux traicts of your favour. What shall be the issue is not for me to determine. In the meantime I find by this Ambassador some opinion that the Count Vaudemont continues still his pretention, of which circumstance as your proposition is carried your Majesty shall have time enough to advise when you have some answer. And so not daring to conclude that I am your humble servant, considering how ill that phrase was once applied, I will rather make my conclusion with this protestation, that I am your little beagle that wish myself every Saturday night at Royston till Monday morning.— Undated.
Draft in hand of Salisbury's secretary. Endorsed: "1607. Monsr. Janvill." 3½ pp. (124. 143.)
The Emperor of Russia to King James.
[1607?], May. Acknowledging the receipt of letters sent by John Merricke to congratulate the Emperor on his accession, and assuring the King of his continual amity towards him and that English merchants shall continue to enjoy freedom to traffic in Russia.—Moscow. In the year of the creation 7157, May.
English. "On paper with a gilt edge with a black pattern." 1½ pp. (134. 122.)
The Earl of Derby to the King.
[1607, May]. Henry IV granted to Sir John Stanley, his ancestor, the Isle of Man, for his service and in discharge of a pension granted by Richard II. Since the grant the Earls of Derby have in nine descents enjoyed the Isle, during the reigns of 12 Princes, till the end of Elizabeth's time, when there happened some controversy between petitioner and his elder brother's daughters, and the Queen appointed the government of the Isle to the now Lord Gerrard. He prays that the same may be restored to him, in view of the ancient patent and long possession.—Undated.
1 p. (196. 124.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom. 1603–1610, p. 359.]
Hatfield and Theobalds.
[1607, May]. Act of exchange of Hatfield for Theobalds.
Draft, corrected. 2 pp. (143. 112–3.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom. 1603–1610, p. 358.]
Captain John Baxter to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607? May]. Prays that the rectory of Odder, Connaught, which he received from Sir Robert Dyllon his wife's father, may be included in his grant.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1779.)
[Cf. Cal. S.P. Ireland. 1606–1608, p. 145.]
Theobalds Park.
[After May 1607]. "A rate for the payment of certain fifteenths to the King's Majesty for the lands hereafter particu larly mentioned of late come to his possession by exchange and purchase as followeth."
For the manor of Theobalds, late in the possession of your Honour 22s. 9d.
For certain grounds, late Mr. Chiball's, taken into Theobalds Park 20d.
For the dairy land 2s. 2d.
For lands late purchased of William Clerk 18d.
For ground purchased by his Majesty of Sir Thomas Foster knight 14d.
For ground purchased of John Lowen 6d.
For closes purchased of Thomas Kitford 10d.
For part of the manor of Perzers, lately taken into Cheshunt Park (the whole manor of ancient time paying for a fifteenth . . . 9s.) 6s. 1d.
Total 36s. 8d.
Also out of the lands aforesaid, late being in your Honour's hands and others—composition wheat for his Majesty's household, and hay, litter and oats for provision of his stable have duly heretofore been paid by your lordship and others, as well as out of other lands in the occupation of other the inhabitants of Cheshunt; the burden and payment whereof being great before, and specially for hay, will lie very heavy upon the said townsmen, unless they be charitably therein relieved by his Majesty by your good means unto him.
[In margin: The rate of the compositions paid to his Majesty out of the parish of Cheshunt yearly is: 12 loads of hay, 12 loads of straw, 4 quarters of wheat, 5 qrs. 5 buss. of oats.]
As namely by procuring an abatement of so much composition hay as hath been usually paid by your Honour for such mowing grounds as you have lately exchanged with his Majesty, viz. in Theobalds Park 51 acres
In Cheshunt Park, and in a part of the manor of Perzers, lately enclosed into it 59½ acres
And for the mowing grounds before mentioned to be purchased of Sir Thomas Foster, knt., Mr. Chiballs and John Lowen, late enclosed into Theobalds Park by his Majesty 26 acres
Also for an abatement of composition wheat, litter and oats usually paid by your Honour for 35 acres, 3 roods and 25 perches of arable land of late years enclosed into Theobalds Park, some time lying with the common fields of Cheshunt at Albury season.
More for 25½ acres of ploughing ground heretofore enclosed by your Honour into the said park lying with Brookfield season.
And for 14 acres late purchased by his Majesty of Thomas Kyllford, late also enclosed into Theobalds Park.
In all 75 acres.
1 p. (129. 16.)
Margaret Clarke, widow, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 1607]. The Earl's officers gave order that no cottages should be erected in the parish of Hatfield, because the poor would much abound thereby. Notwithstanding there have been divers cottages lately erected, and now Richard Perrott endeavours to build a cottage among her lands, which would much prejudice her by pulling up hedges and fences. If suffered, there will in time be a multiplicity of cottages, so that a good part of the estate of the inhabitants will be exhausted in the maintenance of the poor. Begs the Earl to prevent the building of these cottages.—Undated.
1 p. (196. 109—2)