Cecil Papers: January 1607, 1-15

Pages 1-10

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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January 1607, 1-15

Edward Jones to the Same.
[1606–7], Jan. 1. He sends a present of Frankfort books. His brother, who obtained a small office of Provost Marshal of Munster, is dead. and he begs that the place may be continued to him. If the office requires a soldier. Sir Josias Bodley will lend him a name. Refers to his brother's 20 years' service in the wars, without reward till this last year; also to his own 3 years' service in searching into the King's revenue, whereby his Majesty is like to gain above 3,000l. per annum.—This New Year's Day.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (115. 44.)
Sir John Parkes to the Same.
[1606–7, Jan. 1.] Sending him a present of a little cup as a token of his duty and affection at the beginning of the year, according to the ancient and commendable custom.—Undated,
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119 61.)
Bill of Mortality.
1606–7, Jan. 1. Certificate of deaths in Westminster for the week ending 1 Jan., 1606[–7].
St. Margaret's x
Whereof of the plague j
St. Martin's in the Fields ij
St. Clement Danes iiij
Buried in all xvj
1 p. (206. 34.)
Edward Jones to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, Jan. 2. Is indebted for his brother above 1,200l., which with his other misfortunes is like to overthrow his estate. Begs for relief, in view of his brother's and his own services to the State.—Paternoster Row, 2 Jan., 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (115. 45.)
Edmund Knyvet and Henry Olney.
1606–7, Jan. 3. Pass signed by Sir Charles Cornwallis to Edmund Knyvet and Henry Olney, to land and pass forward to London or other parts of England. They came out of England with licence: the one with Cornwallis, the other with Sir Thomas Palmer, who died in this Court.—Valladolid, 3 Jan., 1606.
Seal. ½ p. (115. 46.)
Sir Henry Glemham to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606–7], Jan. 4. Theodore Melir, having employment from the King of Denmark to the King, came from Stoad with divers English merchants and landed at Yarmouth this last of December. Hiring a guide, they hastened towards the Court; but the guide led Melir and one of the merchants into such danger, by reason of the floods, that the Englishman hardly escaped drowning; in regard whereof Melir assaulted the guide with his sword and hurt him very sore; whereupon he was brought before Glemham. As the guide is in good hope of recovery, Glemham sends Melir to Salisbury, rather than delay him in his negotiation. As Melir has letters of credit from the King of Denmark, he believes he will attend Salisbury with his packet. He begs Salisbury to take order in the matter, either for Melir's appearance if the guide should die, or for Glemham's proper discharge. Melir seems to be a man of some quality, he having given bountiful satisfaction to the guide; who acquits him of his death if his hurt should miscarry.—Glemham, 4 Jan.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (115. 47.)
Thomas Campion's Masque.
1606[–7], [Jan. 6]. "1606. Verses of the Masque."
Begins: "Flora's song. Now hath Flora decked her bowers."
Ends: "Pleasure and music may not be too long."
This is a masque by Thomas Campion. It differs in some respects from the printed copy in Nichols's Progresses of King James I, Vol. II, pp. 105 seqq. Nichols says it was played on Twelfth night 1606–7 on the celebration of the nuptials of Lord Hay and the daughter of Lord Denny.
3 pp. (144. 268.)
Christopher Peyton, Auditor, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, Jan. 7. His letters patent of the office of Auditor. with the fee of 13s. 4d., were sequestered from him in August 1603, being procured by the late Earl of Devonshire's means on behalf of Mr. Ware, one of his lordship's men. He has petitioned the King that he may be paid the entertainment due to him for the time he served, as certified by the Auditors here, he having for 17 years only received in base moneys 368l. 13s. 4d. His petition has been referred to Salisbury and the rest of the Commissioners for Irish causes, and he begs their furtherance.—7 Jan., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 52.)
Monsieur de Gye to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, Jan. 7/17. Thanks him for his favours. He hopes shortly to return to the King's presence (aupres du Roy) and begs Salisbury to tell him how he may be of service to the King. He sends no news, as he saw the Ambassador yesterday, to whom he told everything. Salisbury may also learn some by Monsieur de Lenos [? Lennox].—Paris, 17 Jan., 1607.
Holograph. French. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (193. 64.)
State of Religion in Northumberland.
1606–7, Jan. 8. "The state of Northumberland for religion in the principal families, by whom the multitude may safely be led in matter of religion or other action. 8 January, 1606."
The Earl of Northumberland, greatest possessioner in that county, his tenants mean persons, unacquainted with their lords, who have not seen that country these 30 years. They follow the counsel of Anwick his principal officer.
The Lord Ogle's house gone from the name to heirs general; the eldest daughter married to Mr. Edward Talbot, residing in the principal house; a protestant. The rest of the Ogles gentlemen of mean livings, some protestants, some papists.
Sir Raph Gray of Chillingham, not thought to be forward in religion, comes seldom to church, his lady lately deceased a recusant; in her time divers seminary priests secretly entertained in her house; divers of his principal servants recusants. His eldest daughter a recusant, married to the chief of the Forsters. His second daughter married to young Mr. Huddleston of Westmorland. Neither of them come often to church. The rest of his children brought up in his house. One of his sisters married to Mr. Ratcliff of Dilston, both recusants, their many children brought up in papistry. Another sister married to Mr. Collingwode of Eslington deceased, both recusants. Edward Gray, a commissioner for the middle shires, his second brother, reputed a Church papist; his eldest son comes not to church, is servant to Lord William Howard. Roger Gray, the third brother, a simple man, not careful of religion. Arthur Gray, the fourth brother, has absented himself from church divers years, but now comes, his wife comes not. Divers of his friends, tenants and followers, recusants or Church papists.
Sir William Fenwick, a protestant by profession, his wife a recusant, sister to Sir George Selby; her children, as much as in her is, brought up in papistry. Sir John Fenwick, his eldest son by his first wife, a protestant. Sundry of that name, being a great family, protestants, others papists.
Mr. Heron of Chipchace, chief of the Herons, newly out of his wardship, his religion yet appears not. Roger Woddrington intends to draw on a marriage betwixt him and a daughter of Mr. Ratcliff's, a recusant, and another marriage betwixt Mr. Ratcliff's eldest son and a daughter of Sir William Fenwick's by this wife. The rest of the Herons mean men.
Young Mr. Ridley, not yet out of his wardship, married to Sir Richard Musgrave's daughter; his religion yet appears not. The rest of the Ridleys, men of mean estates, commonly follow their chief.
Sir Henry Woddrington has married the sister of Sir Henry Curwen a papist, who has lately married the widow of Christopher Wright the traitor; the mother of Sir Henry Curwen a papist. Sir Henry Woddrington since his marriage and his reconciliation with his brother, comes seldom to church: a great discountenancer of the best ministers. Roger Woddrington, his second brother, the most dangerous recusant in that county, his wife a recusant, the daughter of Mr. Ratcliff a recusant; his children educated in papistry. Raph Woddrington, the third brother, a simple man. His sister married to Mr. Herington of Bifront, both papists. Sir Ephraim Woddrington their uncle, not careful of any religion, a great bearer with thieves. Very few else of the name, and they mean men.
Sir Cuthbert Collingwode, deceased; in his life time a Church papist. Thomas Collingwode his eldest son, deceased, a recusant; his wife, who yet lives, a recusant, sister to Sir Raph Gray. His eldest son a ward, brought up with Sir Raph Gray. George Collingwode, second son to Sir Cuthbert, a recusant, his wife a recusant, sister to Mr. Swinborne a recusant. One sister married to Mr. Carnaby of Hatton, both recusants. One sister married to Mr. Thornton of Wotton Castle, both recusants. One sister a recusant married to Mr. Thomas Salvin. Many of the name, some recusants, some Church papists, not one good protestant.
Mr. Forster of Hetherston, chief of the Forsters, a Church papist, his wife a recusant, daughter to Sir Raph Gray. Mr. Forster of Bambrough a profane libertine. His eldest son, Claudius Forster, lately married the daughter of Sir William Fenwick, by this his second wife, and therefore her religion suspected. The rest of the Forsters gross libertines.
Mr. Swinburne of Edlingham a recusant, his wife deceased, daughter of Sir Cuthbert Collingwode, a recusant while she lived. His eldest son now page to the Earl of Essex. His children brought up in papistry. Mr. Swinburne of Capleton a Church papist, together with his wife, sister to Sir Wilfrid Lawson. His eldest son a Church papist, married to the daughter of the other Swinburne; she is a recusant. His second son yet unmarried, a Church papist.
Mr. Ratclif of Dilston a recusant, his wife sister to Sir Raph Gray; she is a recusant. His eldest daughter a recusant, wife to Roger Woddrington. All his many sons and daughters brought up in papistry. His tenants and followers all papists, or backward in religion.
Mr. Carr, at Fourd, yet a protestant, [his wife] sister to Sir William Selby, a dissolute man and a favourer of ill men. William Carr of Itall Castle, his brother, a recusant, his wife a recusant. The rest of the Carrs, some protestants, some Church papists.
Gentlemen of lesser families, papists: Mr. Carnaby of Hatton, his wife daughter to Sir Cuthbert Collingwode: Mr. Thornton of Wotton, his wife daughter to the same: Mr. Haggerston of Haggerston.
Sir Robert Delavale, a commissioner, a protestant, his sons and friends protestants, his lady long since deceased, sister to Sir Raph Gray.
Mr. Strother of Newton, his sons and friends protestants, his wife sister to Sir John Selby deceased.
Mr. Muschamp of Baremore a protestant, his wife sister to Sir William Selby, his children and friends (saving his mother) protestants.
Protestants:—Mr. Middleton of Betsa; Mr. Midfourth of Midfourth; Sir William Selby the elder; Sir William Selby the younger; Sir Raph Selby and Sir John Selby his brethren; Sir George Selby and his wife, sister to Sir William Selby; his brethren profess to be protestants; his sisters which are many are all married, some protestants, but the greater part and those that are married to gentlemen of best quality, recusants; Mr. Selby of Bittleston and his sons; the rest of the name protestants.
Strangers in the country residing:—Sir William Reade, by profession a protestant, a great libertine; Sir Henry Guavara, a protestant.
3 pp. (192. 63.)
Viscount Bindon to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, Jan. 9. I am enforced to acquaint you and the rest of your honourable company with dealings I fear will procure my own blame by concealing my information so long as I have done, and as I longer should have done, if all my hope of fit reformation had not been taken away by subscribing lately unto such a certificate as the mother of malice never durst to have done, if she had once cast her eye upon that danger she might bring herself into thereby. My request is you would be present when my cause shall be brought in question. I mean to be examined and censured in that high place of authority where justice only is to be expected, myself depending altogether on that censure you think meetest for the maintenance of well doing and reformation of misdoing apparently approved.—9 Jan., 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (115. 54.)
John Vaudray to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606–7. Before Jan. 11.] For letters to the Earl of Derby, chamberlain of the County Palatine of Chester, requiring him to assign counsel to the petitioner and forward the ends of justice in a suit depending in the Exchequer of Chester between him and one Edward Vaudray, who is trying to dispossess him and his brother Richard of certain leases which they hold by good title from their father, deceased.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (197. 99.)
[See Cal. of S.P. Dom. 1603–1610, p. 344.]
Commissioners of The Middle Shires to the Same.
1606–7, Jan. 11. By our letter of the 8th we advertised you of some malefactors of note whom then we had in gaol, as also of some whose apprehension we then expected. Since then the Lord William Howard, riding in person with his servants, has apprehended three infamous offenders. Thomas Armstrong alias Antons Edwards Tom, John Armstrong alias Jock Stowelugs, whom we certified fugitives in our last list of outlaws, and Christopher Urwen. His lordship took exceeding pains in riding all the night from his own house upon the late Borders to the confines of Yorkshire, whither he pursued them. We commend his great care, the rather because these eminent ill-doers, having long annoyed these parts, could not heretofore be laid hold on.
The many breaches of prison at Carlisle move us to hasten a gaol-delivery, knowing that men of their quality are desperate and full of practices. We have appointed to hold one on the 27th of this month, purposing to bring these three to their trial as well as others, unless directed to the contrary.—Carlisle, 11 Jan., 1606.
Signed: Hen: Carliolen; Will. Lawson; Joseph Pennington; Edward Gray. 1 p. (115. 55.)
Stephen Lesieur to the Same.
1606–7, Jan. 11. Encloses an English version of the Articles of Peace lately concluded between the Emperor and the Turk. Is advertised that the Emperor has caused a process criminal to be commenced against all the Jews of Frankfort, Worms, Mentz and Fridburg, not specifying the crime. Most men are of opinion it is to have the 200,000 fl: which he is to send to the Great Turk. A speech there is that he requires of the Duke of Savoy his eldest daughter in marriage.—11 Jan., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (192. 65.)
The Mayor and Burgesses of Portsmouth to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, Jan. 12. Sir Oliver St. John was appointed one of the burgesses of Parliament for this town. He being now employed in the King's service in Ireland, they have received warning for the nomination of another in his place; and knowing not how better to manifest their love and duty to Salisbury, they leave the nomination to him.—Portsmouth, 12 Jan., 1606.
Signed: W. Wynter, Mayor. 1 p. (115. 56.)
Sir John Savage, Robert Nedham, Robert Cholmondeleygh, Thomas Wylbram, William Brereton, Geo. Cotton and Ralph Wilbraham to Lord Ellesmere, Lord Chancellor, and the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, Jan. 13. Express their thanks for the stay that is made of the grant to Sir Ran[dolf] Manwayringe touching the common of Ranmore. Mr. Slade, their counsel, has their directions for the hearing of the cause, for which they beg consideration. A very great number of their poor tenants and other the borderers are utterly undone if the common be taken from them.—Acton, 13 Jan., 1606.
Signed. 1 p. (115. 57.)
Margaret Francisci to the Privy Council.
1606–7, [after Jan. 13/23]. For access to her husband LieutenantColonel Thomas Francisci, prisoner in the Tower, and for his enlargement.—Undated.
The Enclosure: Certificate, signed and sealed by Ambrosio Spinola, Marquis de Benaffro, that Francisci before leaving for England declared to him, through Colonel Jacomo de Franceschi his brother, that he was going solely for a certain enterprise upon the town of Sluys.—Brussels, 23 Jan., 1607.
French. 2 pp. (P. 1225.)
Ralph Winwood to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606–7], Jan. 14. The 11th of this month Arthens the Deputy for France came to visit me. To that which I advertised of the subject of his journey in my last dispatch, he added this, that the French King gave him in charge to represent to his Masters this overture: that he was willing to break his peace with Spain and desirous to make a league defensive and offensive with his Majesty of Great Britain, with the United Provinces and the Princes of Germany which profess religion; whereby not only these Provinces should be for ever secured; but also a perpetual peace, by confining the Spaniards beyond the Pyrenees, be established in these parts to all future ages. This overture, he said, Monsieur La Boderie had communicated to his Majesty some months since, which though it was not then embraced, yet that King did intend again to prosecute it, and to recommend to the States' diligence the negotiation thereof, as unto them who should reap the most present fruit of the success. My answer to him was that this overture was of a great consequence, which would ask much time for deliberation before it could be resolved, and, after resolution, as much before it could be brought to effect. I did not know whether the present necessity of these Provinces could endure so long patience, which to the judgment of them who best know their state did require a more speedy relief. I did not doubt but that he brought good warrant for what he should propound: but I remembered well the like overture was made in her late Majesty's days by Monsieur de Boissise, who was disavowed, and by Monsieur de Rosny two sundry times, to myself; to no other end, as the effect did show, but to amuse others and to entertain himself. The last league of this nature the Duke of Bouillon did negotiate; and if the French King did intend sincerely, it would carry with it a far better grace to employ in a business of this worth some of his own and of the best quality. I said I could not judge what ear his Majesty, now being in peace, would give to this overture, which would have been propounded in a more seasonable time at his Majesty's first entry into England; neither did I think the States without a good ground would undertake this negotiation. His reply was that other ground he had none than the words of that King, seconded by Messieurs de Sully and de Villeroy. The next day I spake with Monsieur Barnevelt, who acknowledged that Arthens had made unto him the like discourse, which he wished to be founded upon a more authentical ground, for the more sound proceeding of the States in a matter of so great importance, than upon the bare relation of the King's words. But, howsoever, he concluded that their state doth require a provisional assistance for 6 months, without which it would be to small purpose to attend the issue of this project. I have thought it my duty to advertise you hereof, until some resolution be taken in these affairs, which now shortly will be done, here being assembled the States of Zeeland, Utrich and Guelders, as well for the answer to the proposition of Vanderhorst, as for provision of means for the entertainment of the war this year.— The Haghe, 14 Jan.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 2 pp. (115. 58.)
Henry Lok to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, Jan. 14. In the cause between himself and Sir William Killigrew's nephew, he begs Salisbury to encourage Sir William to interpose to take into his own hands the writer's lands and lease, and to be accountable to him only so far as the right goes. He desires employment under Salisbury, requiring it for his present fortune and his child's estate.—14 Jan., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 59.)
Henry Hobarte, Attorney General, to the Earls of Suffolk and Salisbury.
1606–7. Jan. 15. He has had with him Lord Mounteagle's sister's counsel, the wife of Abingdon, and Sir John Dromond, with respect to the manor of Hanlip. Gives details of the charges upon the land: but sufficient proof of them has not been given to satisfy him. If they are of force, yet the grant to Sir John Dromond can do no hurt: for in his hands the lands will be more readily liable to their lawful charges than if in the King's. If Suffolk and Salisbury can accord the parties, saving his Majesty's right, it will be a good work. If not, the grant to Dromond may proceed.—London, 15 Jan., 1606.
Signed. 1 p. (115. 63.)
Noel de Caron to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, Jan. 15. Begs for a warrant for a doe, as he desires to send some English venison to the marriage of a daughter of a friend of his in Zeeland.—Suyd Lambeth, 15 Jan., 1606.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (192. 66.)
Replies of the King of Spain to the Memorials of the English Ambassador.
1606–7, Jan. 15/25. Memorial 1.
(1) A letter has been written to Don Luis Faxardo to report on the alleged ill treatment by him of four ships encountered off Cape St. Vincent and of Andrew Sheyllen at Lisbon. His answer is enclosed.
(2) A letter is ordered to be written to the Viceroy to investigate the ill treatment of certain Englishmen at Lisbon by Don Steban de Faro, and do justice accordingly.
(3) The Duke of Medina Sidonia reports on the case of Thomas Vens and one of his seamen at San Lucar (No. 3 in the English Consul's list of complaints), that the Spaniards borrowed an English vessel to tow a galleon, it being usual for ships to assist each other in this way. The crew made an armed resistance and the crew of the galleon took the ship by force and kept it two days. The Duke, though considering the English to be the most in the wrong, ordered the captain and soldiers of the galleon to be arrested, but owing to their absence could not lay hands on them, of which, as well as of the restitution of the vessel, he sends the English Consul's certificates.
(4) His Majesty has ordered payment to be made for the corn taken for the galleys from Thomas Caro and John Lead and others (No. 3 in Consul's list).
(5) Don Juan Maldonado has been ordered to release George All unless he has been imprisoned for another cause from that stated. Don Juan's reply will be sent to the Ambassador.
(6) The King has ordered the restoration of the ship seized by the Count of Elda off Gibraltar, the case is to be tried in the King's Court.
(7) With regard to the money said to have been taken by the same Count from a ship at Cadiz, the King has ordered justice to be done.
(8) The same Count has been ordered to send a certificate of restitution of the small ship seized by him with salt cod at Lisbon. This will be shown to the Ambassador.
(9) The corn seized at Minorca from Humfrey Rastal, an English merchant, has already been paid for, as the English Ambassador knows.
(10) The case of Charles Colfox and others at Seville (English Consul's No. 25) shall be settled with all speed.
(11) The Corregidor of Malaga and the Proveedor Miguel de Oviedo are to be written to for an explanation of their conduct.
(12) The King has ordered the Vice-Chancellor and Council of Aragon to conclude the case of the ship La Vonard, seized in Sardinia, as quickly as possible (English Consul's No. 2). The report will be sent to the Ambassador.
(13) The Constable of Castile shall call up the case of the ship and merchandise seized in Sicily (English Consul's No. 1) per viam recognoscendi.
(14) The Viceroy and Inquisitors of Sicily are to report their proceedings in the cases of Peter Hill and Robert Vell, and those of Portugal in that of Hugh Gorgayne. The reports will be sent to the Ambassador.
(15) The importation of forbidden books is contrary to treaty, and those who import them do so at their peril.
(16) The King of Spain harbours no traitors: he believes the persons named by the Ambassador to be falsely accused. On the other hand the King of Great Britain employs Levinus, one of his Majesty's rebels, and shelters thousands of others who are constantly conspiring. He also permits his subjects to take service with the rebels, and his Ambassador in Flanders has favoured the escape of rebels there.
(17) The King has ordered the payment of all debts which will put an end to the inconvenience alleged.
Memorial 2.
(1) Orders have been given for immediate payment of the debt to George Aresquin.
(2) The same for Ralph Edmund.
(3) John Nowes's case shall be settled and the order handed to the Ambassador.
(4) Orders have been given for immediate payment of the debt to John Reo.
(5) The same for Thomas Anderson.
Copies of the letters written to the King's Ministers in the Ports are enclosed herewith.
Madrid, 25 Jan., 1607. Andres de Prada.
Spanish. Endorsed: "These answeres were sent by his Maties Embassador in March last, but hitherto no performance of any of the Orders." 3¼ pp. (193. 65.)