Cecil Papers: January 1607, 16-31

Pages 11-33

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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January 1607, 16-31

Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, Jan. 16. To other parts of your letters to his Majesty and the rest that came with it, his Majesty makes his answer by his own letters. But concerning these two copies of letters sent to the King of Poland by Bruce, I am commanded to return them to you, and to learn from you the case of sending them, for that neither in your letters to his Majesty nor in Bruce's, there is no relation to them: and if there be cause for aught to proceed from his Majesty upon them, he will give his answer when he hears from you what it is, which he conceives to be contained in some letter of Bruce's to you. He is offended with Bruce for the unreverent form of his writing to his Majesty, which indeed is without all good fashion, beginning it with commendations to his Majesty, and ending with a subscription of his name so close to the lines of his letter as there is almost no distance between. But for the matter, seems to be glad of the King's success, as liking not any actions of subjects in such a kind, in what form of state soever.
Your packet was opened before it came hither, as I doubt not but you have heard ere now by Sir Roger Aston, who sent it to me from Waltham. The letters seem to be all here: but the post boy tells of a box missing, which we know not what to judge of, because your letters speak not of it.—From the Court at Royston, 16 Jan., 1606.
Holograph. 1¼ pp. (115. 64.)
The Same to the Same.
1606–7. Jan. 16. Encloses a letter from the King.—16 Jan.
Holograph. ½ p. Postal endorsements: "Royston 16 January at past eight in the night, hast hast hast hast hast for lyfe lyfe lyfe. Royston 16 of Januarie at past 10 in the night. Ware 17 Jan. at one in the morninge." (115. 65.)
The Same to the Same.
1606–7, Jan. 16. I send these bills which his Majesty signed this morning: the commission for the jewels, a letter for timber for the ships, the letter for Mr. Cooke, Sir William Godolphin's bill, and one of a renunciation for Robert Douglas.—Royston, 16 Jan., 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (115. 66.)
The Same to the Same.
1606–7, Jan. 16. After I had written my other letter, and while his Majesty was closing his, he commanded me to send you word that my Lord of Dunbar has apprehended of late divers, both on the English side and on the Scottish of the most ancient thieves and receivers of thieves that were there abiding; and many of them such as durst not beforetime be meddled, which his Majesty thinks by this time to have suffered the law. And the Earl has some other notorious service in hand of the like nature, but complains that there is no order given to the horsemen allowed to attend the Commissioners of the Mid Shires, nor of the garrison to be at his command for service: which his Majesty thinks an omission in the former letters of authority sent to him, and very well to be supplied, making no alteration in his power, and yet being requisite for his service. Wherefore he thinks fit that you in his name, or some of the Council joined with you, give order to those who have the charge of those horsemen appointed for that service, and any others in Berwick or elsewhere, but specially the horsemen, that whenever my Lord of Dunbar shall require their service they shall obey him. The names of the men taken are herewith sent. This warrant is to go by the post with all speed possible.—Royston, 16 Jan., 1606.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (192. 67.)
Sir John Scott to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, Jan. 16. Thanks him for the wardship of Burdett's heir, which proved more to him in value than he ever received from any person living, his father and wives excepted. Asks whether it is fitting for him to renew his suit to the King for a debt of above 500l. due to him for his service in the Low Countries, and for apparelling his soldiers on his own credit.—16 Jan.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (115. 67.)
Don Pedro de Cuniga, Spanish Ambassador. to the Same.
1606–7, Jan. 17/27. I have always preferred to withhold my own personal affairs than to weary his Majesty, your lordship or my Lords of the Council with them, trusting that the King's servants in his Courts of Justice would follow his will in maintaining justice in his realms. The Chancellor has held up for three weeks execution of the sentence awarded me in the Court of Admiralty, under pretext of an appeal on the question of possession. I believe that reason is on my side and beseech you to be a means with the other Lords of the Council with the Chancellor for execution of the sentence to take effect or that the appeal be held without leaving the matter longer in suspense, since the interest of the cause and of its justice is so notable by these delays in regard of the sugars which are being lost. I pray you to give Dr. Tailer what answer you please.—27 Janvier, 1607, stylo novo.
Holograph. French. 1½ pp. (115. 80.)
Captain Jo: Baxter to the Same.
1606–7, Jan. 17. He begs Salisbury's favour for the enclosed petition. He is willing to content himself with Salisbury's allowance for those things in Connaught; and desires but this one thing in the Pale, and will give as much rent as a stranger. Refers to his long service and old debts due to him.—17 Jan., 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (116. 68.)
The United Provinces and the Archdukes of Austria.
1606–7, Jan. 17/27. The States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countries having heard and ripely examined that which Mons. Walrave de Wettenhorst, assisted by Mr. John Gheraerts, licentiate of the law, had on the 13th of this month propounded by word of mouth in their assembly and afterwards delivered in writing, in the name of the Archdukes of Austria. according to a certain instruction of the 6th of May with letters of December 12, and a commission of the third of this present month; and having also taken the advice both of his Excellency and of the Council of State touching the same: for answer thereunto do hereby declare, that as the Low Countries were at the first enforced to take arms by the extremest necessity and weightiest reasons that could be, even for the defence of themselves and their inhabitants in their souls, bodies and goods, together with their liberties of rights, against the exorbitant tyranny of the Spaniards and their adherents; so there is not anything which they have more desired and craved of God ever since that time than that they might attain to an honourable and assured end of these wars, whereon might follow the welfare and safety of the said countries and people: in which desire they do still persist with like earnestness of heart. But seeing that by the aforesaid instruction of the 6th of May (whereto the letters and commission have joint reference) it is manifest that their Highnesses do still continue their unjust pretence and claim of the right which they would seem to have in and to the United Provinces: whereas notwithstanding the States hold it as evident to the world and irrefutable, that nothing can be pretended by any title but only violence or war; seeing also that on the other side, the States of the aforesaid countries in general have always sought, upon just causes and by warrant of equity, to restore unto that union which had once been formed among them all the Provinces, towns and places which have been withdrawn from the same either by force or secret practices, to the infringing of that solemn decree whereby the Low Countries for sundry most weighty reasons were declared to be a free State or States; which decree within the space of 25 years last past hath been confirmed by divers public acts and treaties and by the mightiest kings and potentates of Europe, and lastly through the singular mercy of God, and the assistance of great princes, together with the careful endeavours of the United Provinces, their several parts, towns and inhabitants have been hitherto maintained by the States aforesaid, both for themselves and their sworn confederates, of which number there are many thousands, who sincerely affecting the rights and liberties of the Low Countries, and sighing under the subjection of the Archdukes, do heartily desire the restitution of that aforesaid union: for the compassing and effecting whereof by the continuance and enlargement of the same mercy, assistance and endeavours the said States are likewise resolved constantly to prosecute their designs. For this cause as heretofore upon sundry like overtures and propositions, and not long since upon that which was made to them in the Emperor's name, they have declared, that it should be neither pleasing to God nor standing with their honour and safety to treat with those who contrary to the aforesaid decree and to the rights of the United Provinces, still being in such sort maintained and confirmed, do continue their pretences against the same. In like sort they do now again declare themselves and firmly persist in their former resolution, protesting before God, the whole world, and especially the Low Countries, that they hold themselves guiltless of all the miseries, harms and spoils which either they or the confining provinces have, and hereafter may sustain, by reason of this unjust pretence; and that consequently their farther proceedings in this necessary and enforced course of maintaining their right, cannot any way be justly taxed.
Copy, underwritten: "It was dated the 27th of January, 1607, stilo novo." Endorsed: "1607. Th' answer of the States General to the proposition of Vanderhorst (sic) about a treaty for peace or truce." 2 pp. (120. 31.)
Lord Haryngton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606–7], Jan. 17. I have received your letter and therewith the jewel of a diamond, a ruby and a pendant pearl, the diamond set about with little diamonds; which was delivered to the Lady Elizabeth from the King, which she received with great joy as an assured testimony of his favour; which not a little encouraged her to proceed in all good qualities and virtuous exercises wherein she is exercised, and so profits, as no doubt will be very pleasing to his Majesty and honour to herself. Her Grace gives you many thanks, whom she assures herself to have been a great mean of this favour. My wife has received plate from his Majesty which she values much. We think ourselves happy to understand by you his Majesty's good allowance of the poor service we can perform to his worthy daughter.—Coumbe, 17 Jan.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (192. 68.)
The King to the Same.
1606–7, Jan. 18. Grant to Richard Harris, one of the gentlemen ushers quarter waiters, of the benefit of the conviction of Mary Morgan of Westham, Warwickshire, widow, recusant, whom he purposes to prosecute.—18 Jan., 4 Jac.
Endorsed: "Copy of his Majesty's letter to the Earl of Salisbury." 1 p. (115. 69.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Same.
1606–7, Jan. 18. Your letter arrived this morning about 9. at what time his Majesty was calling for paper to write to the Queen by Lord Montgomery, and said he would do the like to you. Touching the letter for Lord Dunbar, he commanded me to signify that by letters newly received from him he perceives that he is to journey hither within 8 days, so as the letter cannot now be of any great use. Yet has he sent it to him by the post, that if he will he may use it before his coming. Also to let you know that neither it is Lord Dunbar's desire, nor his Majesty's intent, to attribute to him thereby any power that may make alteration in the government, but only that he may use such as have pay to do service and lie idle for his Majesty's service. His Highness thinks it reasonable that any man of quality resident thereabout ought to have them at command in the like case; and named expressly Lord William Howard; but not with order that any such warrant should be directed for him. Touching whose service mentioned in the Council's letters, his Majesty is not informed of the particulars, because the letter which should express it is not sent within their letter as intended.
For Sir Ed. Grevill, I find his Majesty somewhat stiff that he should have no part of the money but out of that which shall come in of the assarts, and says he never understood it otherwise; and will yield no further than that the warrant shall contain the 500l. to be paid presently, or as soon as my Lord Treasurer may spare it, as your letter is penned, and not presently without any such condition, as Sir Edward would have it.—Court at Royston, 18 Jan., 1606.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (192. 69.)
R. Cocks to Thomas Wilson, at Lord Salisbury's.
1606–7, Jan. 20. This 20th of January your packet with the book and other letter came to my hands, which I dispatched for Valladolid. It appears you sent me a former letter by way of Paris, but that never came to my hands; but the other by Mr. Dorington came with this last. By way of Paris is longsome, and doubtful they will never come to my hands. In two or three former letters I have advised you of all matters. I have again and again perused your letters, and for four or five months will have a care to effect your directions from St. Sebastians to Valladolid. It would have fallen out so fitly if the consulship had effected, that heart could have desired it no better. You say you thought Mr. Wiche would not keep the place. For the first, he has taken a house in St. Sebastians; for the last I confess he is more capable than myself. It will be a great trouble to him who has it, if he perform it as he should.
I notice the continual pains you have taken about the establishing of the Spanish Company. If it had not been by your diligence it had never taken effect. I apprehend their unthankfulness in not making you free of the Company, as you desired; therefore no marvel if they gave no ear to you when you spake in my behalf. I am sorry you took so much pains about it. Your reason alleged in your letter is of consequence, yet I am assured that my Lord is so fully possessed of your good parts that such a thought cannot enter his mind. It may fall out that you may be even with some of them who have made so small account of your merits, namely Mr. Wiche and those of their fraternity, who lade ships in other lands and send them directly for Spain; and do so grease the fists of some in the world that they can bring attestations and quits that the goods were discharged and customs paid in England.
For our being taken prisoners at St. Jean de Luz, I would we had never spoken more of it, for it is construed otherwise than it was effected; for you write me it was adjudged to be an injury offered us by a private man. Truly if the bailie or mayor of a place be a private man, then we were so injured, for it was the bailie of St. Jean de Luz, called Gerant de Sanson la Groo, that gave permission to Villa Nuefe to do that he did, and sent his man with him.
Your letters touching the recando for Valladolid being well perused I committed to the flame, remembering the Spanish proverb Cartas hablan y barbas callian. The kerseys sent to Valladolid are come to Mr. Williams's hands, as appears by the enclosed note from Thomas Forman. I am promised the swordblades, but they are not yet come. Mr. Dorington writes me very earnestly to come away. If he had laboured as much as you, matters had gone forward in other sort. Now there is no remedy. I make account Mr. Hawkesworth will pass this way shortly. My Lord Ambassador has offered me so honourably, that I acknowledge I am unworthy of so favourable acceptations. Mr. Hawkesworth and Mr. Osely have used me very kindly. I perceived by Hawkesworth's speeches that there is little goodwill betwixt them. I would I were in the country where I was born. I could live with a piece of bread and cheese and a cup of small drink, rather than with all the dainties in the world in these parts. It was told me by men of account that a fool, jesting with the King of France, or rather the King with him, the fool told him he would neither be Pope, King nor pork. And wherefore? said the King. Because, said he, the Popes are no sooner chosen but they are dispatched, for there have been three or four within less than three or four months. And for Kings, said he, they stand upon a ticklish state, for their own subjects went about to kill them: as for example, said he, you and the King of England. And for a pork, said he, he is no sooner fat but his throat is cut.
Men speak very broadly that there was a great power ready in the Archduke's country to have passed into England from Dunkirk, if the treason had been effected, and that Spinolo should have been their leader; but the treason being discovered, Spinolo went post for Spain.
This day two English gentlemen are come here from the Court of Spain. One, a very young man named Knevett, is gone to Paris to his uncle, who is with the Ambassador of England. The other, Mr. Edward Onuye, is gone into the Archduke's country. Mr. Hugh Bourman is come over and gone consul for Seville, with a stipend of 200l. per annum.
PS. (on separate sheet headed: "kept until the 6 January 1606").—At St. Jean de Luz the Marquis Spinalo gave over his post horse and took a pinnace, and so went by sea to Fonterabia; and Monsieur de Sansac is this day arrived in this town of Bayon, and is very angry towards the Bailie of St. Jean de Luz because he suffered him to go by sea for they interpret it that it was for no other use but to take view of the coast as he passed along; and that which confirms them the more is certain reports given out that as the Marquis Spinalo attended the making ready of his dinner at the paluma at St. Sprit (who is now postmaster), walking up and down the chamber and talking with one of his followers, he told him that he thought the wars were proclaimed at Paris before that day, which was the 4th present. He spoke it softly, thinking nobody had heard him, but by fortune there was a man did lie upon one of the beds in the chamber, and being well covered with clothes they did not see him, and so he made report thereof after they were gone. It is said that the Marquis Spinalo is sick at Fuenterabia; and it is certain he has sent for the Portingale doctor, who dwells in this town, and for a Spanish doctor from Sebastians. So Edward Estman tells me, who is now arrived from thence. Yet these people are jealous that he feigns himself sick. because men should not enter into suspicion of his stay at Fontarabia. It is said that the secretary to the Spanish Ambassador is at Paris about this matter, pretended to Marcelles.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 5 pp. (115. 48.)
Sir George Cary to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, Jan. 21. He certifies to the good services of Captain William Cole in Ireland at the siege of Kinsale and in charge of the boats erected at Ballyshannon. As that kingdom is now in good obedience, he begs Salisbury to give Cole favourable letters to the States of the Low Countries, for a foot company there.— Kensington, 21 Jan., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 70.)
Ralph Winwood to the Same.
[1606–7], Jan. 21. I send herewith the answer of the States General, translated out of the Dutch, to the proposition of Vander Horst sent from the Archdukes, to mediate a treaty for peace or truce, which in effect is the same which was made to the Emperor's Ambassador, Maximilian Coche, in the year 1605: the copy whereof I sent you by my letters of June 3. I cannot perceive any great comfort conceived of the overture which Arthens brought with him out of France: be it that it is not believed that good faith is intended, or that it is doubted it comes too late and will not be entertained.
The States of most of their Provinces are assembled in full number, and will here remain until some resolution be taken, though not for the settling of their estate, yet for the entertainment of this next year's service. The season of the year, which is so far advanced, requires the effect rather of their resolutions than the attendance of longer deliberations.
Yesterday I received a packet of letters from the Count of East Frizeland in which were these, which I now send, to their Majesties and you. In those the Count writes to me he earnestly requires that I would humbly beseech you, which I do, to move his Majesty to recommend him by his letters to the Emperor (which letters he himself would deliver at the diet which is to be held at Ratisbon, as I take it, in April next) and therein vouchsafe to give notice of his affection towards him, and of the care he has had to pacify the troubles of his province, for the public good of his State, and the assurance of his posterity. He writes, these letters would give him great grace with the Emperor, and much advantage the advancement of such causes which a subject of the Empire is necessarily occasioned to follow in that Court. He likewise entreats his Majesty's intercession to the King of Spain and Archdukes for the neutrality of the town of Emden, from whence now the States have withdrawn their extraordinary garrison. The Chancellor writes that his Prince has a desire to reform the religion of his province according to the canons lately published by his Majesty, whose exhortation and encouragement he wishes for the better countenance of the cause. To this latter point I have answered the Chancellor that if his Prince shall first reform his Court in religion, his Majesty, upon information thereof, may commend his zeal and judgment, and so may rather wish than advise that the like form of religion were observed through his whole province. For the letters. I have answered I would solicit you, which if you should be pleased to procure, I would have care to send them with all expedition. This fruit, I understand, the Count has already received of his late peace, that thereby he has made his accord with his two brethren for their "partage" at an easy rate, whereby his province remains entire to himself, and so will fall undivided to his succession. The Count Ernest of Nassau, going shortly to solemnise his marriage with the daughter of Brunswick, the States intend to honour him with the dignity of the Marshal of their army.—From the Hague, 21 January.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 2 pp. (115. 71.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, Jan. 21. Herewith you shall receive a letter from his Majesty which he has spent this morning to write, having abstained from his delights. In answer of yours to me, I have no other direction but that touching the addition to Sir H. Wotton's letter, you have done well to explain it to the Ambassador, although his Highness takes it to be inclusive in the letter in those words that he should sound what certainty there was in Fr. Amb. overture.
The letter of Lord Dunbar his Majesty has stayed here, thinking it cannot come now to any great purpose for use before his journey which the former letter will not perform: and for any authority in his absence, his Majesty thinks that may be considered by consultation with him when he is here. But if upon his next letters it appear that his journey be deferred, or that he will need this "ampliation" of his authority, the letter shall be sent to him.
His Majesty has also perused and given his liking to the proclamation, which is returned to you, and is ready to sign it when it shall be offered to him.
You shall receive also herewith the bills for recusants.— Royston, 21 Jan., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (192. 70.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, Jan. 22. His Majesty yesternight, after the packet was dispatched to you, commanded to put you in mind of a matter which he had heretofore recommended to you, and wherein you had taken some pains: which is the dealing with the Bishop of Winchester for the exchange of Farnham. Although I replied that I thought nothing could be done in it now, because the Bishop was not in town, yet his pleasure was I should write, and to say further that you might confer with my Lord Treasurer about it; and if he were too straight in the composition you might overrule him, for that it is so commodious for his Majesty's pleasures as he would not stick at a little to purchase it by exchange. The letter for the Bishop in Ireland is not yet signed by his Majesty, but shall be sent to you when it is.—The Court at Royston, 22 Jan., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (192. 71.)
"[symbol]" Lat, to his father, or brother in his absence, Mr. H[symbol].
1606–7, Jan. 22. Speaks of "the evil dealing of your near neighbour in showing his greatest rigour upon our dearest friend."
We heard by our captain that my brother and his companion were well arrived to the end of their long desired journey, but as yet I have not received any letter from them. Family affairs.— 22 Jan., 1606.
1 p. (206. 36.)
Thomas Gough to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1606–7, after Jan. 22]. Is bailiff of the Queen's manor of Newberry. Sir Robert Hitcham has made a patent of deputation of the bailiffwick of the town of Newberry to Bartholomew Yate and others, who oppose Salisbury's authority and deprive petitioner of his profits. Prays him to read information and petition annexed, and yield him relief.—Undated.
½ p.
Two enclosures:
(1) Information of rents detained by Yate, etc.
Endorsed: "22 January 1606." ½ p.
(2) Petition of same to the Council. Of certain tolls from "the waste" near the town bridge of Newberry which bring in only 1s. 4d. per ann. to the Queen. Prays for lease of the premises and offers 30s. per ann.—15 May, 1606.
½ p. (P. 257.)
The Mayor and Sheriffs of Carmarthen to the Council.
1606–7, Jan. 23. The Council by their letters of Dec. 18 required that Charles Lloyd the priest lately apprehended, now in the custody of the sheriffs, be delivered to Sir John Vaughan and Francis Lloyd esq. to be conveyed to the Archbishop of Canterbury. Vaughan has since last November continued in the county of Radnor, being busy about law causes before the Council of Wales, and was not able to undertake the charge. As the Council did not require them to deliver the priest to Lloyd alone, they still detain him till the Council's further pleasure be known.—Carmarthen, 23 Jan., 1606.
Signed: Evan Long, Mayor, David Edwardes and John Morgan. 1 p. (115. 75.)
The Earl of Salisbury to King James.
[1606, Jan. 23.] When first I did receive your Majesty's letter yesterday, beheld the length and read it over, I was confused within myself what I should do. To be silent had been more than too absurd, though oft times greatest passions speak not at all. To answer it as it deserved was impossible; for how can I sufficiently express how I admire the justice of those rules by which you are contented your servants' actions [be judged?], or what can I speak that were enough to acknowledge that grace according to the value which reflecteth in due measure from the highest cedar to the lowest hyssop? And when shall I be able to demonstrate the comfort I take in the virtue and benignity of your proceedings with me that feel so much disproportion between my merit and my obligation? All which considerations laid together I resolved only upon this course:
First, to crave pardon of those royal hands which I have put to so much trouble and for which I can make no other return but humble thanks until by the outward sign of kissing them I may confirm the inward love and reverence wherewith my heart doth honour the instruments of so much goodness. Next to beseech your Majesty if you have noted any sadness in my face (being the true seat of love and cares) that you will judge thereby how deep an impression the least shadow of distrust will work in those spirits, whose affections no art hath power to make dissemble; for the honest hearts ought ever to dwell in the eye and in the tongue according to the old verse, Intima per mores cognovimus exteriores. Accept, therefore, I pray your Majesty this plain and humble answer, not as any apology from which I see how far your princely judgment driveth me as no way necessary, but to let you know that the changes which I observed (as became me) in former times (when the age and sex were full of change and passion) did not so much trouble me as the least cloud that I should see gathering in your countenance, whom all men hold a King so full of wisdom and temper, nay which is more, so full of constancy (where you have placed confidence) as had not you that depth of judgment which enableth you to the piercing and searching (yea, the making an absolute separation of mixed considerations and to dispose accordingly of all your own affections) I protest to God I should take virtue sometime to be half an error in your mind; whereby your Majesty sees how far I am from giving you the attributes of a jealous natured prince (under which my life would be more miserable than ever any man's), so much must I acknowledge also that not myself alone but by others generally it is observed that the virtue of your trust is ever accompanied with such a greatness, as when any of those chords are so much as touched, you disdain to speak in any other voice than as they stand tuned high or low. In which your Majesty also makes us happier than many others who serve those masters that think it a piece of wisdom to cover their ulterior thoughts; of which there never followeth good effect to king or subject.
These and other observations being laid by me together, who next to God profess to study yourself and your commandments more than anything on earth (as the person for whom I chiefly am born) I must plainly profess that the first speech your Majesty had with me of this matter bred in my mind a great anxiety, the rather when I considered how continually my place was subject to the smart of false report and envy; and withal I do acknowledge that since I received your Majesty's first letter of caution I was grieved to imagine what could be the new occasion; in which doubts and sorrow as I confess to have received the most gracious and most welcome effects of your favour, so far to the joy and comfort of my heart as it thirsteth no less for means to deserve the same than does the hart for the water-brooks, so I protest if it were possible for you that are the true fountain of justice to do to me the greatest injustice it could never stir in my thoughts so much as an excentrical motion from the individual centre of faith and duty; and therefore I will here conclude that I esteem myself a new-born child of fortune to find now by such a placard signed that I am safely entered in that port where the least pinnace, as safe and calm a riding as the greatest and strongest vessels, the comfort whereof is such and th' infinite obligation as your Majesty shall be sure to find Mr. Andrew Melvin [Melville] no more precise in swerving from his fancies than I shall be to vary from the rules you have given me, who know so well that God doth challenge the whole heart and allows no man two masters as your Majesty shall never have my service but in corde uno et via una in saecula sacculorum.
And so beseeching your Majesty to impute it to the day of Council and the first morning of the term that you had not this to-night I humbly take my leave this Friday evening the 23rd of January.
This day her Majesty being in one of your galleries attended by the Earls of Arundel, Suffolk, Worcester, with myself and her Vice Chamberlain and some others, it pleased her to look upon all the chairs and stools which were provided for Duke Charles, whereof she hath given my Lord of Arundel and all [of] us each a suite of chairs and stools, and sent the rest to her new house at Theobalds. This is it I am bidden to write and therefore in your absence must obey be it good or bad news; so as if your Majesty find them all here again I hope your Majesty will rather impute it to some of our new conjurers' works than to my inclination to write news, whom your Majesty shall find your true Beagle and humble servant.
Copy. Endorsed by Salisbury: "23 Jan., 1606, a copy of my letter to the K'." 3½ pp. (134. 89.)
King James to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606–7], Jan. 23. My little beagle, because ye are lying idle there in mew I have found you an errand to deliver a letter of mine to the fairest unpainted lady in all the Court; and because Tom Potte hath a fine kennel of very little beagles ready to carry to France, I would know in time if ye mind to be one of that number, for that King would be a fine huntsman for you, except that ye could never trust his hallowe. I think the Rochelle needs to give him no other answer but if that his Majesty would with his tongue feel the want of his tooth, they are sure he would never press them to admit the Jesuits amongst them. For news here we have none but that we fear ye shall think us all turned puritans for such a feasting night as was made upon Friday last in this town, wherein I assure you it chanced well that the Act of Parliament against drunkenness is not yet passed, otherwise the justices of peace had had much work ado here at that time. As for your last letter I need not answer it, for in my former I sent you the true image of my mind; if Tom Laike [Sir Thomas Lake] did in my name desire to be informed for whom that bill of recusants was made, it was merely out of his own curiosity, for I verily thought that they were for the matter of the chain, and therefore gave him no direction for any such question: and so farewell.—Undated,
Holograph. Endorsed: "From K. 23 Jan." 1 p. (134. 140.)
Fr. Gansneb Tengnagel, Counsellor of the Empire, to Viscount Cranborne (sic).
1606–7, Jan. 23. I am leaving shortly for Prague and must ask a favour before I go. The Emperor has heard of the swiftness and excellence of great Irish hounds and of English trotting horses (equorum gradariorum), and his desire for them has been confirmed by his late Ambassador, the Landgrave, who has recently returned to Prague. I received special instructions from him a fortnight ago to request the King to give him some in exchange for some excellent Turkish horses. I have some hesitation in making this request, especially as the Turkish horses are not arrived, but can put it off no longer, so apply to your lordship to let me know privately whether such a petition will be acceptable to the King or not.—From my Inn, London, 23 Jan., 1606. O.S.
Holograph. Latin. Fragment of seal. 2 pp. (115. 74.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, Jan. 23. I send herewith the letter for the Bishop recommended out of Ireland. An information is made by Mr. Ellis Rothwell to his Majesty, that where he had apprehended by a warrant from my Lord Chief Justice one Richard Hawley and his wife, receivers of priests in the city of London, and had them in prison to abide their trial this last sessions, the Recorder has not only forborne to give them their trial, but bailed them, wherein Mr. Ellis takes his credit to be much interested. The King told him he might have addressed himself to you or others of his Council, and not troubled him; and for the matter, conceives that the Recorder, whom he knows to be no favourer of priests nor their abettors, would not do aught that he cannot justify; but yet was pleased I should write to you to speak with the Recorder, and hear his reasons. For the priest, his Majesty thinks that he might make some doubt, by reason he is the first that has been put to the point of trial since the proclamation for their avoidance, for the point only of being a priest without other matter, and would not therein proceed without direction. But for the receivers, if there be not warrantable cause for their liberty, his Majesty thinks they might have continued committed, or be committed again till the next sessions and have abided their trial; and if there were after any cause why they should be favoured, his Majesty might use it at his pleasure. This is the point Mr. Ellis most insists upon, and thinks his reputation wronged, because it should seem they have used their liberty with some ill language of him. But the King gave me no other direction but that you might speak with the Recorder and with my Lord Chief Justice, by whose warrant they were apprehended, and do that which was fit for his honour to be done.—The Court at Royston, 23 Jan., 1606.
Holograph. 2 pp. (192. 72.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, Jan. 24. This letter is dated at Royston, 24 August. 1606, and so appears in Part XVIII of this Calendar at pp. 247, 248. It is, however, endorsed 24 Jan., 1606[–7], which appears to be its correct date.
(192. 124.)
The King to the Lord Treasurer.
1606–7, Jan. 24. Grant to Edward Carpenter, gent., of the benefit of the recusancy of Sir John Webb of Oddstock, Wilts, John Preston of the Manor, in the county of Lancaster, esq., and Cressacre Moore, late of Leyton, Essex, gent., standing convicted.—Westminster, 24 Jan., 1606.
Contemporary copy. Endorsed: "Copy of his Majesty's letter to my Lord Treasurer." 1 p. (115. 76.)
John Corbett to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, Jan. 24. Acknowledges Salisbury's favours. Describes his sickness. He has again fallen into a kind of ague, and in danger of a "hectich," unless by change to some dry place and better air he may find remedy. He attends Salisbury's directions before he resolves on anything.—Totnam, 24 Jan., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 77.)
The Bishop of Durham to the Same.
1606–7, Jan. 24. The enclosed I received this day from a learned and grave preacher, Chaplain to my Lord of York and beneficed in the bishopric of Durham. He writes that he has acquainted some Justices therewith, who, he doubts not, have imparted it to the Council at York. Hereby you may see that the envious man sleeps not, and what "lymitours" our northern countries yield. By this letter I conceive the priest to be one Francis Stafforton, lately taken at the house of George Collingwood at Eppleden in the bishopric of Durham; and by his Majesty's pardon one of them that were appointed to be shipped over seas.— Durham House in Strand, 24 Jan., 1606.
Signed. 1 p. (115. 78.)
Advices out of Italy.
1606–7, Jan. 24/Feb. 3 and Jan. 30/Feb. 9. "Points of the ordinary advices out of Italy the 3 and 9 of this present February 1607, stilo novo."
The death of Boscay (fn. 1) in Transylvania the 9th of last month, much commotion thereupon, divers in arms, pretending to that principality. The Emperor will set Sigismond Battori into that state again, which the Transylvanians and Hungarians have resisted.
Ambassadors arrived in Poland from the new Emperor of R[ussia?] demanding restitution of the damages done there by the Pollacs that came in with Demetrius. A nephew of Demetrius yet in arms hath given a great blow to this new Emperor.
The marriage shortly to be solemnised betwixt the Emperor and the Duke of Savoy's daughter.
A conspiracy amongst the Jews in Germany and other parts of Christendom to contribute great sums of money to the Turk to hold on his wars with the Emperor; and a Jew lately turned Christian, of the Emperor's Chamber, a chief plotter in the business. The Turk hath not yet subscribed the articles. Sir Thos. Glover is arrived at Constantinople. The Turk hath promised to help the Venetians by land and sea.
Fuentes nominated general for the church, and Carlo Doria Gonsalomero or standard bearer.
The Genoese have disbursed money to the Swiss for the King of Spain to make them ready for the service of the Church when need shall be.
The D[uke] of Feria is dead in Naples as he was coming towards the Diet in Germany, who died in the viceroy's house the 26 of last month.
Forty companies levied in the kingdom of Naples for aid of the Pope ready to march under the conduct of the Marches Sta. Agatha, maestro del campo.
Four thousand foot levied in Campagna and Romagna to put into the garrisons of Marca d'Ancona and Ferrara.
The Venetians continue their preparations still, but it begins now to be given out that they do it to assist the Grisons to raze the Fort Fuentes which is such an eye-sore to all the princes and States of Italy.
For Civita Vechia is arrived great quantity of arms brought in by the Genoese.
Two Spaniards that had charge in Naples [are] sent for by the Pope by the King of Spain's consent to command in the Pope's army; the one called Don Alonso d'Avalos who shall be general of the cavalry, whereof there is to be had small choice in Italy. so that the Pope is sending into Germany to buy horses, but they report that the provision is but made in words for no money goes out for them, as doth from the Venetians who are said to have [ (fn. 2) ] companies of horse about Crema and other parts of Lombardy. of whom it is written che mostravano poca volunta di accordarsi.
There are 1,500 foot levied for the Pope in the State of Genoa, whereof 500 are Corsi, the best soldiers of Italy.
The Duke of Urbin is required by the King of Spain to let him levy 3,000 foot [in his] state, which he means to employ in the Pope's service and pay them himself.
There is exceeding provision on all hands and yet there will be taken 100 to 50 that before Easter all will be accommodated.
2 pp. (120. 49.)
Stephen Lesieur to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, Jan. 24. Herein I . . . you the Articles of Peace with Bochkay, come to my hands . . . . . . those between the Emperor and the Turk. Bochkay is . . . . . . to live . . . . . . so discontented at the favours which the Emperor shows to Count de Belgioso (to whose tyrannical government the cause of the late revolt in Hungary is imputed) that he refuses to deliver up certain places according to this treaty, for which the Emperor is much offended.
Store of ducats are said to be in Poland, with the picture of Bochkay, and this inscription: Moulta aurca Regis Polonia.
The Emperor continues from Prague in respect of the infection. He has displaced his Chancellor Coraducius and his Secretary Barnitzius (the cause kept secret) and has placed Stralendorf and Hannywald in those offices.
The intended marriage of the Emperor with a daughter of Savoy is entertained.—24 Jan., 1606.
Holograph. Damaged. 1 p. (192. 73.)
Nevill Davis to Sir John Popham. Lord Chief Justice.
1606–7, Jan. 25/Feb. 4. Occasion being offered I am emboldened to send these few lines to signify the misery of divers poor men here prisoners that were taken in a small ship of Plymouth called the Richard, whereof was captain Henry Challines, and as it appears [they] were set forth by Sir Ferdinando Gorges and other gentlemen. They report your Honour to be one of the chiefest adventurers in this their pretended voyage, being for a new discovery in the norwest parts, under the latitude of 41 and 42 degrees. They were surprised by seven merchant ships which came from St. Domingo, meeting them some 150 leagues to the norward of Porto Rico in the height of 27 degrees or thereabouts. Here are 18 of them and two "salvages" [savages] of the country they went into. The captain and one Mr. Thomas St. John we have released under sureties. The relation of their proceedings from the time they departed from Plymouth I refer to their writings and report of some that have escaped. All their examinations are taken and sent to the Court last week; by their confessions it appears they have committed no offence against any of this King's subjects, only to do good to a Spanish friar and preserving his life was cause they fell into these troubles. I will assist them in what I may, being sorry their pretence should so unfortunately be overthrown. I have advertised my Lord Ambassador hereof, who I hope will seek their enlargement. The Spaniards here seem nothing pleased with this attempt and I think they will endeavour to prevent us from going into those parts, if by any means they can: wherefore in the attempting it again those which are to manage it must deal very circumspectly for being intercepted. I hope God will open those remote and unknown places to us, whereby in time our country may find a more profitabler trade than we have done here since the peace; for I assure your lordship what through the sundry molestations by divers officers here and the excessive impositions which we pay inward and outward upon our goods, we are and shall be consumed by this trade, as I refer me to the general report of those which do adventure hither and feel the loss. I am sure if a true calculation were taken it would be found his Majesty's subjects have lost near 80,000l. by the trade of Spain. Our woollen commodities for the most part are in no estimation here, as before the wars, and daily will be less and less by reason of the great store of cloth made here, and for this hot country far better than ours. Wherefore it is requisite we seek other places for the venting of our cloth.—Sivel [Seville], 4 Feb., 1607, stilo novo.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Nevil Davis to my Lord Chief Justice. Concerning the men that went to Virginia." 1 p. (120. 53.)
Sir John Egerton to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, Jan. 26. He has been put to infinite charge and trouble about the cause of Byddston, and begs Salisbury's furtherance to the Earl of Derby and my Lady that he may enjoy his lease of the same; or else that they would give him consideration for his remaining years therein.—26 Jan., 1606.
Signed. ½ p. (115. 79.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Same.
1606–7, Jan. 26. Three letters have been signed by his Majesty for the gift of recusants. The one is for Mr. Barcklay, a Scottish man's son born in France, whom his Majesty is willing to reward. His demand was for 7 or 8, but his Highness willed him to deliver what composition was offered him, and it appeared by his own notes that it would arise to 1,000l.; whereupon his Highness commanded me to will him to abridge it to 1,000 crowns. So the gentleman brought the names of those who are contained in his letter as offering him so much, who are three or four, if none of them be already disposed. Another is for M. Myners, serjeant of the carriages, who is recommended by Lord Worcester, for his attendance in two journeys out of Scotland, one upon the Lady Elizabeth, the other upon the Duke of York. He has delivered the names of four, and desires reward to the value of 1,000l. and says that my Lord Worcester told him the King would give him to that value, but that these do not amount to 1,000 marks. I am not able to judge of their value, but if my Lord Treasurer and you find these persons be of value more than 1,000 marks, his Highness thinks that a good reward for him, and to that proportion you may reduce him. The third is for my Lord Colvile, of whom he seems to have care, and would have him rewarded to the value of 2,000l. He has five or six names in his letter whom he hopes will serve his turn, but if any of them fail or are disposed of, his Majesty permits him to supply that person with another, so as he may get 2,000l.—Court at Royston, 26 Jan., 1606.
PS.—His Majesty has been moved by the bearer, Sir Robert Osbern, touching Mr. Carvile, for whom you sent hither a bill to be passed to Mr. Wright, alleging that he was given to his wife by the Queen, and that advantage is now taken against his lease for non-payment of rent which grew during the time that all things concerning recusants were in suspense. His Majesty thinks it hard to take advantage thereof, and would have further proceeding in the bill forborne till his coming, to satisfy the gentleman: but doubts not but you have good reason for that which is done.
Holograph. 3 pp. (192. 74.)
Francis Beaumont to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606–7], Jan. 26. He understands that Salisbury mediated for him with the Lord Chamberlain to obtain the reversion of the Mastership of the King's cocks; and though he did not speed therein, yet he desires to acknowledge Salisbury's favour.— Leicester, 26 Jan.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (192. 76.)
Officers of the port of Lyme Regis to Viscount Bindon.
1606–7, Jan. 27. We received from you a copy of the Lord Admiral's letter touching what "sail" [sale] of ships of extraordinary burden, with their ordnance, have been made within this port or creek of Lyme Regis to strangers, etc. There have never been any such ships within this creek, or any other of what burden soever sold to any strangers since his Majesty's reign. The greatest ships of this creek are under 80 tons. We never had any direction since his Majesty's reign to take bonds to such effect; and such as were taken in her late Majesty's time were taken by the then Vice Admiral's Deputy, and remain not with us in the Custom House.—Lyme Regis, 27 Jan., 1606.
Signed: Rich. Wright, Customer; Ric. Carpenter pro Controller; Anthony Moone. 1 p. (115. 81.)
Sir John Ogle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, Jan. 28/Feb. 7. I make my choice rather to write little to your lordship than nothing at all. The Estates of the Provinces remain yet busy in their consultations, and what will be resolved of touching the offensive war in the West Indies is not yet fully decreed of. Touching the defensive in these parts there is now order this day expected for the reinforcing of the troops. An Admiral with 30 ships of war is upon his present departure for sea to go lie upon the coast of Spain; with him are appointed certain land captains, and with each of them 120 musketeers, those furnished out of several companies of several nations. The better hope is had of his expedition in regard of the loss of the seven galleons in the last great storm, which here is credibly received to be certain, having in them 500 pieces of artillery. The small head of the new mutiny grows not yet much greater, but they hope ere long to be 2,000 strong. Those grounds are but deceivable for us to build anything upon, and in my poor opinion that wherewith we will offend the enemy must proceed rather from our own power than their casual weaknesses which by experience we see quickly repaired. I beseech your lordship except [sic] of this testimony of my duty till a better occasion present itself.—Hague, 7 Feb., 1607, novo.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (120. 68.)
Officers of the port of Poole to Viscount Bindon.
1606–7, Jan. 29. We received your letter desiring to be advertised what ships of 100 tons and upwards, with their ordnance, have been sold to strangers. We do not know of any ship of that burden belonging to our place nor of any ship with ordnance at any time sold to strangers.—Poole, 29 Jan., 1606.
Signed: Chr. Sugar, pro Collector; Nicholas Sympson, Controller. 1 p. (118. 82.)
The Bishop of Carlisle, Will. Lawson, Joseph Penningtonn and Edward Gray to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, Jan. 29. By our letters of the 8th inst. we advertised you of our purpose to hold a gaol delivery on the 27th, which we have done.
John Armstrong alias Stowlugs, Thomas Armstrong alias Edwards Tom, Christopher Urwen alias Gifford Carleton, Robert Grame and William Grame alias Floughtaile, were tried and are executed. The condition of the three first we certified on the 11th, the fourth was a fugitive from Brill and returned from Ireland. The last, having long been a pestilent thief and most infamous murderer, was taken a day before our gaol delivery in the bishopric of Durham, by the great charges of Lord William Howard, whom we still find a great furtherer of justice, and a persecuter of those wicked cankers of our country. So many and so much noted offenders have not at any one time been brought to justice, by whose execution the poor country has received better satisfaction.
A late accident has happened in Westmorland wherewith the peace of these parts, being reasonable well settled, is much disturbed. The 13th inst. Mr. Craven, his Majesty's Deputy Receiver for these counties, was robbed in his travel between Penreth and Kendall. About 200l. were taken from him, besides his books of account, and bills and bonds for greater sums. We find upon examination more than vehement presumptions that the fact was committed by John Musgrave of Fairbank, servant to Sir Richard Musgrave, younger, Sir Thomas Musgrave, son of Sir Richard Musgrave the elder, and Christopher Pickering, a young gentleman, late servant to Sir Richard Musgrave younger. The better to confirm their guilt, the parties are all fled with the money, leaving the books and papers near the place where the robbery was committed, which the owner has since heard of. We have written to the Lord President and Council at York, as also to the Mayor of Newcastle, for apprehension of such persons. We have many reasons to believe that John Musgrave of Caterby procured the robbery to be done. He confesses he accompanied them all the night before in Penreth and harboured two of them in his house at Caterby. We have examined him and detain him till directed to enlarge him. If he were at liberty, the principals by his practices would be further from apprehension. If persons of their note escape unpunished, it will prove a dangerous example. If his Majesty's receivers cannot pass with safety, the estate of private men must be lamentable. If the matter were well handled, the offenders might be apprehended either in Yorkshire or about London.—Carlisle, 29 Jan., 1606.
Signed. 2 pp. (115. 83.)
Officers of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis to Viscount Bindon.
1606–7, Jan. 31. We received from you a copy of a letter from the Lord Admiral concerning what ships of extraordinary burden, with their ordnance, have been sold to strangers, and by what warrants, and what bonds were entered into for not selling the same. Within this harbour of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis there have been only two of such burden; one a flyboat of Mr. William Waltham's, now at Lychborne, the other lately bought by Mr. John Pitt, now Mayor, of a Fleming, which now remains here, with one piece of iron ordnance. We have received no order since his Majesty's reign for taking any such bonds. Such as were taken in the late Queen's time by Mr. Thomas Bellott the Customer, we know not how he disposed of them. There has not been any ship or ordnance sold to any stranger out of this harbour at any time to our knowledge.—Weymouth Melcombe Regis, last of Jan., 1606.
Signed: Ralphe Lighter, Deputy Customer; Richard Rainoedes, Deputy Controller. 1 p. (118. 85.)
The Earl of Ormond to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, Jan. 31. Certifies to the services of Captain Edmond Wodleiff under him as Lord General and Lord Lieutenant of the forces there; and recommends him for pension.—Carrick, last of January, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 86.)
The Earl of Salisbury to King James.
[? 1606–7, Jan.] Having duly observed as becomes me all the parts of your letter which was brought me this morning by 7 of clock I have thought it my duty to return you my humble answer as followeth.
Concerning the Venetian quarrel your Majesty hath so rightly and so judicially limited your own censure as there remaineth nothing for me to add but my diligence in executing your commandments, only I have thought good (before I made any dispatch) to send your Majesty this last advice, not in respect there is anything in the same which ought to change your Majesty's path, but only to move you (if so you please) to give your own excellent rules the warrant of your own hand; as well because I have been importuned for it by the Ambassador once or twice since he embarked himself in this cause, as also because I would be glad to make it appear to so careful a minister that his endeavours do not only pass your Majesty's view but are particularly approved by your own immediate judgment; such being the affections of men employed, as they are encouraged by the sight of their sovereign's gracious hand to serve you, and those directions are strengthened wherein your ministers must ordinarily assume the knowledge of your pleasure. For this purpose your Majesty hath Sir Thomas Lake, who will either readily conceive your directions or may receive them by your dictating, to which pain I confess I would be willing to put you rather than this matter should lack his infusion from your own lucky genius. In the time you are not scanted, for the post departeth not before Wednesday for Venice.
For the Earl of Dunbar his worthy services I need write nothing to your Majesty, to whom his habit of well doing is so well known; only it remaineth with me to congratulate with the happiness of such a friend, and thus far to move your Majesty only for the furtherance of your services as to suffer Sir Thomas Lake to draw some warrant for yourself to sign, whereby the garrison of Berwick may be authorised to attend the Earl in all those services, because there is a clause in one of the instructions whereby Captain Bowier that shall command them is restrained from suffering them to serve by any other warrant but under your Majesty's hand. Nevertheless I send you now a letter signed by some of us, (fn. 3) in case your Majesty shall not approve my humble motion, lest any delay should work prejudice.
Concerning the matter of the ordinaries either as it toucheth the highest or the secondary offenders, although my course both hath and ever shall be so inseparable from your Majesty's royal judgment and just intentions as I shall never seek any other testimony towards God than the witness of a good conscience. which his divine Majesty ever accepteth. yet because the eyes of the wisest princes on earth can go no further than the outward actions of men, which are sometime subject to our own affections and sometime to the reports of others. I humbly beseech your Majesty to receive this much for answer to that part of your letter, wherein you vouchsafe to remember me of your trust, that I will prefer my Master before any particular friend dead or living; that I desire the continuance of that confidence no longer nor in no greater measure than you shall find me worthy for my faith and zeal; of which trust my hope must ever be as great as your grace because I know myself the father of that son, who shall have more need of your protection, when I am dead, for the sour fruits which all your greatest subjects have gathered from the trees of his father's poor credit (whensoever your interest came in question) than for any other arrearage which I shall leave him to pay, for any reckonings, whereon my private friendships have hurt your Majesty's benefit; and yet I think your Majesty conceives that particularity is no rare quality found amongst the sons of men. This I presume to write as an answer to that general caution which you have given me and by which I shall ever hold myself (the oftener you vouchsafe it) surer registered amongst your servants; for as for this particular your Majesty knows I neither had my hand or part in it, so I hope you believe so well of my poor discretion as I would not choose to be a proctor for his dead ashes, in whom as with grief I note a great fault, so to you I think it will prove felix culpa, seeing it will clearly define the nature of these offences, and by the provident bridle many others.
This day my Lords are busy about the debts in the Wardrobe which is the cause that we delayed the master falconer, by whom your Majesty shall receive an account after Monday, and withal shall be made privy to certain costly articles, which are set down by the Lady of Hatfield for the King of Brittany to subscribe, or else there can be no clock for the red house or the red deer park near Waltham; wherein lest your Majesty should conceive too sadly of this accident, being matters dependent upon that sex which commonly loves to have their will, I am contented to assure your Majesty thus much in the meantime, that if her conditions cost you any sums unreasonable above 500 maravedis, that they shall be helped by the conscience of your Majesty's humble servant and faithful beagle.—Undated.
Copy. 3½ pp. (134. 87.)
Edict of Henry IV, King of France.
1606–7, Jan. Edict of Henry, King of France and Navarre, establishing in his town of Paris a Chamber of Justice composed of certain officers of the supreme courts to be appointed by the King to determine civil and criminal cases arising out of frauds practised upon the revenues of the Crown. The judgments given by these officers are to have the same force as the decrees of other supreme courts. On account of the difficulty of proving such frauds except with the aid of those concerned in them, accessories to them may be pardoned upon giving such information as will lead to the truth being established. Informers are to have their costs and one-sixth of the fines adjudged. Papers in the registries of different courts and offices of state necessary to prove the said frauds are to be produced by the officers of those courts and offices upon the requisition of the judges and commissioners of the said Chamber.
"Donné a Paris au mois de Janvier mil sixcent sept et de nostre regne le dix-huietiessme."
Copy. French. Endorsed: "Edit pour l'establissement de la Chambre de Justice." 3 pp. (194. 60.)
John Vawdrey to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606–7 ? Jan.]. Two petitions:
(1) His property was taken from him by sentence of Sir Henry Townsend in the Exchequer of Chester, and given to Edward Vawdrey his nephew, a retainer of Salisbury's. The King has twice ordered his cause to be tried by the Earl of Derby with the assistance of judges: but Edward seeks to stay its rehearing. Prays Salisbury to further its being heard.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 19.)
(2) For answer to his former petition. Prays Salisbury not to be influenced against him and his friends by the imputations of Edward Vaudrey.—Undated.
½ p. [Cp. Cal. S.P.D. 1603–1610, p. 344.] (P. 301.)
Edward Vaudrey to the Same.
[1606–7 ? Jan.]. Encloses particulars of his suit against his uncle John Vaudrey, and prays for redress. Charges him with forgery, suppression of deeds, subornation, etc.—Undated.
pp. [Cp. Cal. S.P.D. 1603–1610, p. 344.] (P. 1276.)
Lord Hay.
[? 1606–7, c. Jan.]. Memorandum signed by the Earl of Salisbury as to "the Lord Haie's debt". The King has promised to bestow on Lord Haie "8,000l. for the settling of 2,000l. a year of Lord Denny's lands upon him." Gives amounts of money lent and borrowed, and bonds entered into. Hopes the King will cause payment to be made at the due time, whereby his son and his estate "may be freed from this, which I did only in performance of his Majesty's pleasure for the plantation of a noble gentleman."—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1301.)


  • 1. Stephen Bostkai, Prince of Transylvania, died 28 Dec., 1606 (N.S.) (Moréri).
  • 2. There is a hole here in the original.
  • 3. Probably the letter of 20 Jan., 1606–7. (See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, p. 345.)