Cecil Papers: November 1605, 1-15

Pages 474-492

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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November 1605, 1-15

Lord Zouche to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 1. I have been with Mr. Bacon to let him know my Lord's pleasure for his attendance upon Sunday; whereupon he let me know that he had recommended 2 papers to your lordship whereof he kept no copies concerning this cause which might much help you. I presumed I might borrow them and therefore am to entreat you for them. Ceremony might have pressed my own attendance, but I know you have many businesses, and I confess I was weary.—Philip Lane, 1 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (112. 155.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 2. This poor man, John Bodeman, who by suspicion of coining was brought up by the means of Sir Henry Bunberie, for that being fellow servant to Mr. Whitemore with Thomas Dewsing, alias Taylor, alias Ward, who was to be touched for coining, he conversed much with him, and therefore was suspected. Mr. Ledsham an honest gentleman and his neighbour in Cheshire, whom for that purpose being now in town I sent for, reports very well of Bodeman's honest conversation, and that his case is generally bewailed in that part of the country where he dwells. He has a wife and 5 children whom he maintains, and has been in prison 34 weeks. Therefore, no man all that time coming to accuse him, I think it just that he be delivered.—2 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 65.)
John Bird to the Same.
1605, Nov. 3. One of two persons that were licensed on Thursday last to speak with the Viscount Mountacute about his liberty of St. Mary Overey's to be strengthened against arrest, was and is a secular priest named John Loane, being his domestical steward and receiver of his rents. Howsoever he goes in gentlemanlike sort with variety of colours in silk, silver and gold lace, gilt rapiers, and for all exercises in play horses and dogs is companionable for any knight after 500l. by the year, being a Kentishman born and a younger brother with small or no living. And if by the Viscount or himself it shall be denied, I will show proofs to have seen him under a cope in one Cope's house, executing the office of a priest at many masses, auricular confession and suchlike. It is said these weekly masses are used in the old lady's house to the family of Brownes and their adherents, and in one assembly or conventicle choice of Jesuits and seminaries there harboured and of the laical sorts out of London, especially three uncles of the Viscount's, (as fish or fowl in nets) may be there surprised. Whereof that cursed fraternity may be broken, and by an exemplary punishment many hundreds of pounds may be drawn into his Majesty's purse. It is very probable to find one that by corruption of money will discover his secret oratories for massing, vaults and places for all their books, church ornaments for closets and chambers for all festivals, saints' days, Sundays and working days in costly workmanships of gold upon velvet and silks, chalices, pipes, silver implements, beads well stored with valuable stones and gold, private letters of advertisements of foreign occurrencies and domestical from Jesuits and seminaries, and other things out of which great riches and secrets may be drawn. As the Viscount is of the Romish church in England held for their grand captain and firm pillar, so are his houses receptacles for all such dangerous guests, at their arrivals from Rome and foreign countries. And let the Viscount, Loane and Cope, his negotiators, be roundly dealt withal, if it be his Majesty's pleasure to have Blackwell brought forth of his lurkings, the Pope's arch-prelate, and one Wallys, a principal Jesuit, they may be made to discover and surprise them. And most like it is that they, and one Gerrard, an arch-jesuit, have been the hatchers and plotters of this damnable stratagem.
The Viscount told Loane that he has two strong enemies, your lordship and the Lord Chancellor.
How was no rebellion in Ireland these 30 years, but the Pope's legates ordinarily harboured in the Viscount's aunt's houses, called the old Countess of Kyldare, that has been as a teat to give suck and nourishment to all Romish rebels, were there hatched and contrived at the first. And so long as she is there suffered to dwell uncalled into England, no sooner is one rebellion quenched, but by those firebrands others are in kindling.
If I should use these motives for my own particular relief, being for debts by overcharging myself in zeal to my country's good ready to perish by general wants in Ludgate of 2 years' continuance, I might gain the less credence for these public detections, for it might be said that therein I do but captare benevolentiam, whereas one hundredth of more due to me for entertainment behind in Ireland would redeem me from all usurer's dangers and enable me to bring thousands into his Majesty's coffers. Nevertheless, whiles of the works of mercy, to redeem the captive and clothe the naked are per magna opera charitatis, especially to him that did not shrink in hazarding his own life for saving yours threatened, with my sword making him to yield, whom no powers nor policies of great ones could surprise in his lurkings, and thereby lost a horse, it shall be great honour to you to extend subsidium charitativum in any measure.—3 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 3 pp. (112. 156.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], Nov. 4. If you be pleased to suffer these letters to go in this form, I may say they are the most favourable that ever I carried into these parts, and that I was never so happy a man as I am made by the testimonies they yield of his Majesty's gracious disposition to me.—4 Nov.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (112. 158.)
George Mason to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 4. Your Honour has granted me the keeping of your house at Greenwich during my life, but because the house is very old and still will want some reparations, which I am loth to charge you with, I am now to plant an "orcharge" [orchard] which will be chargeable unto me. My life is so uncertain that having wife and children that would be glad to reap some fruits of my labour when I am gone, I desire a lease for 21 years of all that I have in possession, or rather of all your lands there, and I will increase your rent and be bound to all reparations, and free you from the clamours of such as will never be satisfied so long as it is in your hands, except they may have it for little or nothing.—From Grenewich, 4 Nov. 1605.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (112. 159.)
The Earl of Northampton to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605 [? Before Nov. 5]. We were not worthy of the tender care you have of this worthy Lord, if we should not account to you for his state, which I thank our Lord is on the mending hand, only he complains of a little weariness and sleepiness, which are inseparable accidents from a declining distemper. This night he forbare his supper and went to bed for the repose of weary limbs, but without any fit or other accident to show relics of his ague. The Lord Warden thanks you for your good opinion of his carriage this day, which was qualified between desire to show charity with caution, and to work compassion by good consideration.
This lady makes me dispatch that she may write, and therefore I will give place to beauty.—Undated.
Holograph. (114. 96.)
[At foot, in another hand]: I am too sleepy to write much to you that is great with the Q[ueen] and her sweet ladies. One of them doth brag to take your love from me. I give her leave to try her strength, and love him the better that is so much desired. I am so weary of company that I go to "Wismoster" upon Tuesday [? Nov. 5 ?].
Endorsed: 1605." 1 p. (114. 96.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney-General, to the Same.
1605, Nov. 5. Leonard Smalpece, with whom Thomas Wynter conferred at Mr. Talbot's house, is presently to be sent for, before he can have possibly any inkling of this overture. They say he is exceedingly popish but very timorous and therefore like to discover a truth. Mr. Talbot's porter is also to be sent for, and this is all that I have to trouble you with after your painful day's work.—5 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ¼ p. (112. 161.)
The Council to the Lord Mayor.
1605, Nov. 5. It is the fashion of evil-disposed persons or such as are apt to spread idle rumours (upon such an occasion as now hath happened) to utter their own conceits, or any vain speeches as they have heard. We understand that some evi bruit hath been cast out, as though the Spanish Ambassador might be touched with this horrible practice of treason which was intended. Which is so far from him as he having desired to be present this day to see the form of Parliament, and this being granted unto him, was in the same condition and fortune as all the rest to have been destroyed. Therefore his Majesty being careful both of the honour and safety of the Ambassador for the better assurance that no disorderly persons may offer unto him or any of his any affront, is pleased that you shall have care to suppress all such speech, as also have an eye to his house for his safety, that no wrong may be done unto him or attempted.—5 Nov. 1605.
Lo. Arch: Lo. Chan: L. Th'rer: L. Admiral: L. Chamberlaine: E: of Northumb'land: E: of Salisberye: L: Zouch: L: Stanhop.
Copy. 1 p. (112. 162.)
Sir William FitzWilliam to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 6. Understanding this very morning from London that you took the part of my letter to be doubtful touching the sheriffwick of the county of Northampton, I beseech you to conceive that my suit to you is to free me from it; for in truth I am not fit for it yet.—Milton, 6 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (89. 79.)
The Lord Treasurer to the Same.
1605, [Nov.] 6. According to my promise I attended here in court from our coming from the Star Chamber until 5 o'clock, to have joined with you touching some good course for the French merchants, but considering how late it was, and that at your return from the Tower it was likely that you would straight to the King to report what was done there, and I also having much business to dispatch at home, I went away ready and willing to meet you at any time and place you shall appoint.—Wednesday, 6 Oct. (sic) 1605.
PS.—I tarried till half hour after 5.
Holograph. Endorsed: "6 Novemb. 1605." ½ p. (112. 163.)
Justice E. Grange to the Same.
1605, Nov. [6 or 7]. In searching for Piercie, Thomas Symson is apprehended, a man dwelling in Greyes In[n] Lane, against whom I was informed not long since your warrant was forth, partly about his undiscreet carriage towards yourself and some others of the Privy Council concerning an ass whose milk was to be used for the Earl of Cumberland, partly for matter best known to yourself. He fled his house when the constable came to search it this present. The cause of his flying he saith to be a desire to avoid poursuivants lying in wait for him. Though I find no guile in him upon the first view, yet I thought it my duty to send him to you, not knowing what your lordship hath to charge him withal. I have made out warrants upon the receipt of your letters this morning.— "[St.] Gyles in the fieldes. . . . . Novembris, 1605."
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (112. 165.)
Sir William Waad to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 7. This morning when Johnson [Guy Fawkes] was ready (who hath taken such rest this night as a man void of all trouble of mind), I repaired unto him, and told him if he held his resolution of mind to be so silent, he must think the resolution in the State was as constant to proceed with that severity which was meet in a case of that consequence; and for my own part I protested I would never give him over, if I were not overruled by commandment, until I had gotten the inward secret of his thoughts, and all his complices, and therefore I willed him to prepare himself.
But first I told him I had received a commandment from the Lords to advise him in one thing to deal plainly, which was, if he had made a vow and were tied by oath, or received the sacrament to deal truly therein, and used some reasons to intimate that in such a case of conscience I was at a stay how to wrestle with him. Upon some further pressing of him, finding him to waver, he confessed unto me he had both made a solemn vow and oath and received the sacrament upon it, to perform it and not to disclose it, nor to discover any of his friends. I asked him whether this vow and oath was taken here or beyond the seas. He answered here. I asked him when? He said a year and a half since, and concluded that he knew not what torture might do, but otherwise he was resolved to keep his vow. Withal he added that the priest which gave him the sacrament knew nothing of it. Further discourse he used of canons and such arguments of learning wherewith he is furnished, as in our judgments he appeareth to be of better understanding and discourse than before either of us conceived him to be. Mr. Corbet came into the prison when we had proceeded thus far, before whom I caused him to repeat his confession, which he will relate to your lordship with other circumstances. I hope his Majesty will allow that respect I used in my poor judgment upon this confession to forbear to proceed with him at that instant, for then he would conceive I took advantage upon his confession to deal more rigorously with him.—From the Tower of London, 7 Nov. 1605.
PS.—I am confident, notwithstanding his resolute mind, in the end he will be more open.
Further PS.—He told us both that since he undertook this action he did every day pray to God he might perform that which might be for the advancement of the Catholic faith and saving of his own soul.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (112. 164.)
Sir Walter Ralegh to [the Council].
[1605, Nov. 9]. I have not had any other affair with Captain Whitlock than familiar and ordinary discourse, neither do I know any other cause of his coming unto me than to visit me, having not much wherewith to busy himself. I have sometime spoken to him to find the Earl of Northumberland's disposition towards me, from whom I never received other than a dry and friendless answer. From the Earl I neither received letter, nor sent him any either by Whitlock or any man else since my troubles.
With the French Ambassador I have no affairs. His wife came hither once with the Lady of Effingam and the pale being then down she saluted me, and desired me to give her a little balsam of Guiana; Whitlock being then in her company, I sent it by him to her.
I sent your lordships in the beginning of my troubles a letter from Sir John Bodle's concerning Rensey and others, and the same was my utter ruin. I did it to do the King service. If I now knew anything, or could devise how this horrible and fearful practice might be discovered, yea if it were with the loss of mine own life, as God liveth, I would give the one to perform the other. I beseech your lordships to call to mind my many sorrows and the causes, and to remember my services and love to my country, and I beseech you in charity and for the love of God not to make me more odious than ever the earth brought forth any, by suspecting me to be knowing this unexampled and more than devilish invention. Your humble servant.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605, 9 Nov." 1 p. (107. 108.)
[Printed in extenso from a transcript in the British Museum in Edwards, Life of Sir W. Ralegh, Vol. II, pp. 387, 388.]
Gamaliel Cassell to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 9. Asking him to accept a present of some fruits of his country exercise, viz. a few partridges and pheasants killed with a hawk and a "havor" with his bow.— 9 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. ½ p. (112. 166.)
The Warden and Fellows of All Souls, Oxford, to the Same.
1605, Nov. 9. The King and your lordship recommended unto us one Sr. Yeo, a bachelor of arts, to be chosen at our last election probationer of our college. Insomuch as the said Yeo was not chosen, we thought it our duty to acquaint you with the true cause which hindered us to make choice of him. By an injunction it is ordered that such scholars as expect a room or place in the college should 3 days before the feast of All Saints make their appearance in the chapel of the college, there to be tried for their sufficiency in learning. Contrary to which injunction the said Yeo did not submit himself to any examination at all. Also we had upon due examination passed our consents to other scholars (before the said Yeo delivered his letters), not expecting any other competitor. Further his Majesty very earnestly, and with a clause of derogation to any future letters, recommended unto our choice Sr. Cesar, second son of Sr. Julius Cesar, his Majesty's Master of Requests, whom we elected accordingly.—From All Soules College in Oxon, 9 Nov. 1605.
Unsigned. Seal. ½ p. (112. 167.)
Lord Say and Sele to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 9. He has not yet been able to obtain benefit out of the 8 recusants which the King bestowed on him. Begs Salisbury to be a means to the King to lend him 1,000l. to the enfranchising of his poor estate, till he can bring in that sum into the Exchequer from the recusants.—9 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 67.)
Sir John Haryngton to the Same.
[1605], Nov. 9. When I told you at Windsor of my purpose of dealing with Mr. Sutton, you allowed my endeavours therein; upon which I have proceeded confidently, my conscience being 1000 witnesses of my clear intention. The wisest and oldest have sparks of ambition, though it be like a young maid that blushes and will say nay, and is glad to seem forced. I pray let such a writ be made as I moved, and such a letter or message. If I bring not a deed sealed of Dominium et Manerium de Castle Camps, to Duke Charles and his heirs after the old man's life, that is above 70, I will bring back the letter, cancel the writ, and hazard the censure of my wit for attempting that I failed to perform. If I can once make this entry, having well battered the place with long letters and many discourses, Camps cannot come to this sweet Duke naked and alone. Give me expedition in this, as I know you dearly love the King and his children. I have set a rest upon it, and if all I have dealt with play fair and above board, I will get rest by it. If it miss, nobody's labour is lost but mine, and I have a strong belief I shall not lose it.—9 Nov.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (191. 68.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Edmondes.
1605, Nov. 9. Gives the account of the discovery of the Gunpowder Plot.—9 Nov. 1605.
Copy. 7¼ pp. (227. p. 109.)
[This with slight variations is in the same terms as the letter addressed to Sir Charles Cornwallis and printed in extenso in Winwood's Memorials, II. 170–173. It contains the first postscript there printed with the change of "the Archdukes" for "the King his brother" but omits the second. The original letter to Edmondes is in Stowe MSS. 168, fol. 213. See S. R. Gardiner, What Gunpowder Plot was, pp. 31, 131, where it is noted that the date of the original has been altered from Nov. 7 to 9.]
The Enclosure:—Anonymous letter sent to Lord Monteagle.
Copy. ¾ p. (227. p. 117.)
[Original in P.R.O. State Papers, Domestic, James I, 216 (2).]
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Edmondes.
1605, Nov. 10. I have written to you yesterday at large of the circumstances of that horrible conspiracy intended here against the State, and of the manner of the discovery thereof: by which as you may see on the one side the monstrous wickedness of the undertakers, so on the other side we have cause to give thanks unto Almighty God for His extraordinary goodness in preserving his Majesty and this state from their violent hands. And forasmuch as by daily examinations it doth appear that there is great cause to suspect that Owen hath been made privy to this horrible conspiracy, I think it very expedient now for his Majesty's service that you do inform the Archduke of it, and put him to the trial of the sincerity of his extraordinary professions towards his Majesty, by showing the horribleness of the fact and requiring at his hands whether he would not give order to make stay of the said Owen in some place of safety, until it may further appear what cause we shall have to charge him with in this action, and then to leave it to the Archduke's own judgment upon the proofs thereof, what course he shall think fit to hold with him. This you may press somewhat earnestly with the Archduke and put him to the wall, that when hereafter we shall have cause to charge Owen (as we have very probable suspicion already) the Archdukes shall not excuse themselves by alleging that he is fled and not in their power. The managing hereof I leave to your discretion.—From Whitehall, 10 Nov. 1605.
PS.—You shall do well to keep Hoboque's packet in your hands until you have spoken with the Archdukes of this matter to make all things sure.
Copy. 1 p. (227. p. 116.)
Justices of the Peace of Bedfordshire to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 10. A suit is now preferred by the bearer, Mr. Peter White, and other her Majesty's tenants, the inhabitants of St. Neots, co. Huntingdon, touching the repairing and new building of a bridge leading out of the county of Bedford to the said town. This bridge by ancient custom was main tained by the priory and monastery of St. Neots, the same land being now assured to her Majesty. The reparation thereof belongs to her Majesty, and Mr. Peter White, having heretofore wrought means whereby 40 arches of the bridge were new built, we seeing his forwardness in such work have thought fit to recommend him to your lordships. It is a very common road and traded way by which the inhabitants thereabouts have their only passage to and from the town and market, and by the decay of the bridge the inhabitants are greatly impoverished, in such sort that the market is likely in very short time utterly to be unfrequented, and his Majesty's subjects travelling that way in great danger, there being some lately drowned in the waters; in which regard we are the rather become suitor to you to vouchsafe your favour for the new building of the bridge.—10 Nov. 1605.
Signed: Olyver Seyntjohn: O. Cromwell: Edward Radclyffe: Robert Newdegate: Richard Conquest: Jo. Rotherham: Richard Dever. . . . . . . . . Seal. Endorsed: "Sir Roger Wilbraham as Chancellour to her Maty. is to consider of the contents of this letter, and to take such order in it as is convenient." Countersigned: "Salisbury." 1 p. (112. 168.)
Sir John Savage to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 10. Whereas he has formerly endeavoured to be dispensed from the bill of sheriffs for Cheshire for divers reasons much importing his poor estate; yet considering the danger of this time he is so far from seeking to be dispensed as he will take great comfort in any employment, if it shall seem good to the State.—10 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (112. 169.)
Thomas Wicliffe to William Wicliffe.
1605, Nov. 12. Brother, within one hour after my coming to Tynemouthe this 12 Nov. came thither Sir Henry Wodrington with commission for the avoiding of the captain out of the castle, with the like power for Alnwicke and Cockermouthe, so that my going to Tynemouthe is determined. God preserve my Lord of Northumberland and grant all the treacherous hearts in this conspiracy may be laid open that the sackless may be freed from blame. As for your occasions at home, I shall attend them as required. So wishing you a prosperous journey with a short return I take leave.—From the Castle, Tynemouthe, 12 Nov. 1605.
PS.—The captain had done all that I should have done by virtue of your warrant at Alnwick. Nevertheless he thought meet that I should have gone thither, but that Sir Henry Wodrington's command hath altered my second seizure.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (112. 171.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], Nov. 12. When I saw after the first discovery of this most devilish treason, by the confirmation of the rising in the country and removing and transporting of arms that further danger was apprehended, I could not but show myself in Court with like readiness for any occasion of his Majesty's service as others his loving subjects. Whereas otherwise I should have forborne going thither for the dispatch of my particular affairs till further order from you according to your directions in that behalf, as I shall do, now the apparent brunt of this treason is past.—12 Nov.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (112. 172.)
Sir Richard Verney to the Same.
[1605], Nov. 13. There is come to my hands even now this enclosed letter; although it be without name, yet it is sent from Mrs. Vaux, the Lord Vaux's mother. I hope I am not so unfortunate that you will easily think me inclinable or apt to be moved by such provocations as the acquaintance only that I have had formerly with her as a gentlewoman, and this entreaty of hers at this time in a business of that consequence. For the men which she endeavours to describe to me in her letter, I conceive them to go under the names of Thomas Anderton, John Clifton, William Thorneberry, or Matthew Batty, all taken in the company of Mr. Hurleston, and what opinion we conceived of them is expressed in the catalogue of their names, that I sent by my last messenger. And of these men I will give an honest and safe account. For the inducement which she makes of the letting pass on of my Lady Digby's man, whom I conceive she intends to be a servant to Sir Evoratt [Everard] Digby, either I am assured I was not present, or else it was before we had knowledge that Sir Evoratt Digby was one of the conspirators. I have even now received letters by Sir Robert Digby, for the sending up all the persons in my custody attached since this last rebellion. The number of them is such as may appear by the same catalogue, as I suppose upon your view of their names and qualities, I shall receive a more particular direction, which I hope will be returned to me as soon as I shall possibly be prepared of a company of fit men to conduct them.—In great haste, Warwick, Nov. 13th at 9 o'clock at night.
Holograph. Endorsed in Salisbury's hand: "L. Vaux at Mrs. Grantz," "14 horses by Singleton [struck through]. Gerret Ogle." 1½ pp. (112. 173.)
John Lytler, Mayor of Chester, to the Same.
1605, Nov. 13. Having received your letter of the 10th inst. and a packet directed to the Lo. Deputy of Ireland, I forthwith impressed George Combes, an owner inhabiting in this port, and to him have committed the charge of transporting these letters with all celerity. Immediately after the receipt of letters for the apprehension of Thomas Piercie, I made stay of all shipping in this port, so as no passengers nor any person whatsoever have been permitted to put to sea for transportation into Ireland or any part. I have also caused search to be made in all places here adjoining for apprehension of the said Piercie, but as yet have not been so happy as to meet with him.—Chester, 13 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (112. 174.)
Powell von Stetin to Jochim Wedeman, in Sivilien.
1605, Nov. 13. He wrote him on the 24th of last month by Hamburg. Hans Gruffel is ill at home, but his ship sails, and Stetin begs Wedeman to provide it with a good freight for the Elbe, and see to its dispatch. Acknowledges his letter of Oct. 20, and certain goods for Harmen Rickman and Jurgen Albers. As to sale of linen and corn. As to a shipment made jointly by him and Jurgen [Schiritzer], per Master Hans Berghman, to Wedeman, with instructions for the disposal of it. State of the corn market.—Lubeck, 13 Nov. 1605.
Inscribed: "copia." German. 2 pp. (113. 1.)
Alban Stepneth, Sheriff of Pembroke, to the Council.
1605, Nov. 13. Upon intelligence had by this bearer, William Dugdall, one of the messengers of his Majesty's Chamber, of the most horrible and detestable treason lately practised, I, with other gentlemen of this country, according to Lord Zouch's letters, Lord President and Lieutenant of Wales, have caused due watch to be set all along the sea coasts in this county, that no strangers or suspected persons shall take shipping or pass the seas before they be examined. Conferring with the Deputy Mayor and Aldermen of Haverfordwest, in joy and thanksgiving for the preservation of the King, we have caused bonfires to be made, and the bells to be rung, and prayers to be celebrated accordingly. This poor and little county of Pembrokeshire is free from treason and treacherous practices, and filled with most faithful subjects.—Prendergast, 13 Nov. 1605.
Signed. Endorsed: "High Sheriff of Pembrokeshire. The proclamations sent are published." 1 p. (191. 69.)
Sir Thomas Shirley to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 14. The bearer his servant, for whose honesty he vouches, can inform Salisbury of some things which may concern the King.—14 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (113. 2.)
Thomas Lawley to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 14. On the 8th of this present month I, with all the small power I was able upon a sudden to make, did attend Mr. Sheriff of Worcestershire unto a place called Holbache, and there did my best endeavour for the suppressing and apprehending of the traitors there assembled; one of my servants being the first man that entered upon them, and took Thomas Winter alive, and brought him unto me, whom I delivered to the said Sheriff: and thereupon hasted to revive Catesby, Percy, and the two Wrights, who lay deadly wounded on the ground, thinking by the recovery of them to have done unto his Majesty better service than by suffering them to die. But such was the extreme disorder of the baser sort, that while I with my men took up one of the languishing traitors, the rude people stripped the rest naked, their wounds being many and grievous, and no surgeon at hand, they became uncurable, and so died. In the hurly-burly my man that took Thomas Winter seized his horse, which I keep to the King's use. Now the Sheriff of Staffordshire, who was not at that service, nor any gentleman of Staffordshire but myself, demands of me the horse, which I refuse to deliver unto him until I know your further pleasure therein. And hereupon he threatens to complain to you and the rest of the Council: in regard whereof I have thought it my duty to inform you of the truth.— Prestwood, 14 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (113. 4.)
The Council of Scotland to the King.
1605, Nov. 14. Since the glad tidings come to us of your Majesty's happy delivery from the abominable conspiracy so inhumanly contrived by the devil and his "suppostis" against your royal person, the Queen, your Majesty's children, and strength of that State, we used the diligence become us to make the same known to all your Majesty's good subjects of this your native and ancient kingdom. In whom we have found, from the highest to the lowest, and in all qualities of persons, such an emulation who might show himself most devotious in praising God for that inestimable blessing, and most cheerful in his outward exultation to manifest every way that exceeding joy that all good subjects ought to have for the safety of their most dread Sovereign. And lest we, in whom your Majesty is graciously pleased to repose the trust of your service here, should either wrong the rest of your well affected subjects in not testifying to your Majesty their exceeding gladness, or neglect our duty to congratulate, with our most earnest wishes for your Majesty's everlasting happiness, the unspeakable mercy of God in that miraculous delivery, we have presumed by these presents humbly to offer to your princely consideration that which in the midst of our joy gave us greatest matter to think upon. First the many blessings we have enjoyed by your Majesty's most just and happy government: next the desolation should have ensued if God's infinite mercy had not prevented that evil day: last, the fear that still possesses our hearts if the ground of so pernicious a plot be not ripped once to the quick and surely extinguished. In these difficulties we were comforted with the assurance that that omnipotent God, who ever from your Majesty's conception has ever wonderfully with His right hand protected your Majesty, and has made your Highness in despite of the devil and all your enemies the corner stone of His kingdom in this earth, howsoever our neglect of duty either to God or your Majesty has deserved the contrary, will still keep and defend your royal person and posterity, to the glory of His Church and comfort of all your subjects. We are likewise assured that your Majesty lacks not about you wise, valiant and faithful ministers, and subjects of all degrees, who resent with us their own misery in your Majesty's overthrow, if your Majesty's too great clemency, which we would if we durst term preposterous, were not a hindrance to their proceedings, both in the trial and punishment of so barbarous and inhumane a parricide would leave nothing undone that might detect and avenge the same. And therefore since there is nothing resting to us but our earnest and hearty prayers for wisdom to your Majesty in proportion answerable to this time, and to attend and execute to our power your Majesty's royal commandments: only we are bold to assure your Majesty that many thousands are here who sorrow, that by the sacrifice of their lives may not attain to that felicity to have a part in the trial and avenging of so cruel and detestable a fact. And if it shall please your Majesty at any time to make use of their service, as in your Majesty's greater wisdom you shall find convenient, they will not weary to spend their lives and whatsoever is most dear unto them in the performance of your Majesty's gracious pleasure. Therefore we are bold, out of our bounden care for the tender preservation of your most sacred Majesty, in whose safety stands the life and weal of all your subjects, humbly to request your Majesty curiously to research and severely punish, but [without] respect of persons, whomsoever can be detected to have in any sort been of this more than barbarous conspiracy: that neither quality nor profession, alliance nor kindred exempt them. And "sen" [since] pity cannot assure your Majesty's innocency, let justice prolong your days, that we having daily matter to praise God and rejoice in your welfare, the devil and all his "suppositis" may think their labours all in vain against him whose person is guarded by the Most High, and estate maintained by the entire and loyal affection of so many worthy subjects as the Great Britayne contains.—From your Majesty's burgh of Edinburgh, 14 Nov. 1605.
Signed: P. Dunkeld; Glasgow; Ross; J. Balmerinoch; J. Saltoune; A. Spynie; Linlytqw [Linlithgow]; Orknay; J. Abercorne; Jo. G. Montrois; Argyll; A. Elphinstoun; Halyrudhous; Erroll; W. D. Anguss; Al. Cancellr.; Flemyng; J. Lyndesay; M. Neubotle; A. Elphinstoun; J. Torphecin; Cl[ericus] Reg[ist]rii; D. Uhittingham; D. Scone; Robert Melvill; Cranstoun; T. Hamilton; Jo. Prestunn; Kilsayt; J. Cokburne. 2 pp. (113. 5.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thos. Edmondes.
1605, Nov. 14. By my last letters you have received the particulars of that horrible attempt which hath no example in no ages; and the means how it hath been discovered. Since which time the wretch hath been won to confess many things, as by the copy of this declaration of his appeareth, standing a great while very obstinately upon a vow he had made, fortified by the receiving of the Sacrament, never to disclose anybody. He hath now directly accused Owen to have been made privy by himself not only to the general design to do somewhat for relief of the Catholics' cause, but particularly to the detestable act of blowing up the Parliament house by gunpowder. In which respect his Majesty is now determined this afternoon, when the Baron of Hoboque doth come unto him, to require of the Archdukes the delivery of the person of the said Owen into his Majesty's hands: a matter wherein the Archdukes shall do themselves also great right to condescend, thereby to make their detestation of so great an abomination appear the more clearly. I hope upon my former letter you have made sure work with the Archdukes before Owen could have notice to withdraw himself. Concerning the Lord Arundel, his Majesty is pleased at the Archduke's entreaty to dispense with his return into England again, albeit that the example of such an impunity might draw on others hereafter not to carry such due regard of his Majesty's commandments as they ought; but herein his Majesty doth labour to prevent all bruits abroad of any jealousies between the Princes, which oftentimes is as much apprehended by such circumstances as by matter of greater consequence.
For the rest of the traitors that declared themselves in open action in the country they are all dispersed; most of them are taken, Catesby, Percy, John Wright and Christopher Wright, who were principal actors, standing peremptorily upon their defence, were first sore hurt and then died. Some others are fled, which maketh us to continue the restraint of passages at sea but by extraordinary warrant, as this bearer doth, whom the Archdukes' Ambassador hath dispatched.—From the Court at Whitehall, 14 Nov. 1605.
Copy. 1½ pp. (227. p. 129.)
[An imperfect draft is in P.R.O. S.P. For., Flanders, 7.]
George Whitheyck to Ralph Bowes.
1605, Nov. 15. I send the bearer my servant with a letter to his lordship my master; advise him the best means to get it delivered without offence. I think it the best, if his lordship be at commandment still, that you will make my Lord of Salisbury acquainted with it, for I would be loth to incur any displeasure, for I live only to serve my Prince and country, and next my master. I pray God bless him and grant he may show himself a true nobleman to his Sovereign. I am yet extreme evil, hardly able to write right English. God confound all traitors, and especially Thomas Percy, the monster of the world. As soon as I am able to sit on horseback I will not fail to be at Court, wishing to God I might do any service for the apprehension of these villains. This same day it is said that Percy is in the country here. I pray God he hap on my side. For troth I cannot write it, but I am sure. There is notice given to Sir Henry Wooddrington thereof. He is like to get cold entertainment here, for no man living is more hated than he is in this country.—Tynemouth, 15 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (113. 7.)
Lord Harington to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], Nov. 15. This gentleman Mr. Milward, of Alchurch, has informed me of divers persons vehemently to be suspected to be acquainted with this late treason, or favourers thereof; and that where among the Papists great store of armour was in readiness, the same has been of late conveyed away, no doubt to as evil a purpose as it was provided. I have therefore procured his speedy repair to you, that he may inform you hereof, and of the state of Worcestershire where he dwells.—Coventry, 15 Nov.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (113. 8.)
Ralph Radclyff to the Same.
1605, Nov. 15. I commend to you an advertisement which may import subsequent matter of the Earl of Northumberland. In summer last one Mr. Harris, dwelling near Lyscarde in Cornwall, whose "surname" I take to be Christopher, brother to Harris now or lately Vice-Admiral of the Ports of Plymouth and Cornwall, being in London (and having been long time especially favoured by the Earl), went to do his duty to him. The Earl no sooner heard of him, but "diseased" all the noblemen and others at his table to make Mr. Harris a room, and after dinner singled him out into a privater place, where after long discourse the Earl said, "Mr. Harris, you know I love you well. I dare tell you the King will speak to me and say I am an honest man; but he loves me not, no more doth the men of the sword; and, Mr. Harris, I may say to you we have a discontented State. Many Lords and noblemen are troubled in mind; and as the State now stands, it cannot hold, and that will shortly appear." What further speech passed betwixt them I do not know, but in the end the Earl persuaded Mr. Harris to come up before the Parliament, and he would speak with him further. About this time of conference Harris was going into Cornwall; but afterwards, whether by a letter from the Earl or according to the former appointment it is uncertain, up came Mr. Harris, and upon discovery of the treason and the Earl's commitment, went down into the country again. All this was discovered to one John Davyes, a brother-in-law or near kinsman to Mr. Harris, by himself. This Davyes remains most in that country and has there to do under Sir Richard Smythe about the tin mines. You may be further satisfied by Harris and him at your pleasure. Please return me your warrant how far forth I shall be authorised to deal in these affairs, wherein my services shall approve my honesty.—15 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (113. 9.)
Susan, Countess of Kent, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 15. She has knowledge that Mr. William Willughby should be one of this most hateful treason. His living in Suffolk is but 200l. which by his most foul act is rightly his Majesty's. She asks if Salisbury is willing that she should beg it of his Majesty; or, if Willughby be free, some other of the like estate of living, to help her extreme hard estate.— London, 15 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (113. 11.)
Sir Richard Walshe, Sheriff of Worcestershire, to the Same.
1605, Nov 15. I understand by my kinsman, Mr. Homfrey Salwey, of your good acceptance of my late service for the suppressing and apprehending of these notorious traitors; whereby you have bound me to your service.—Wigorn', 15 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 70.)
William Tate to the Same.
[1605], Nov. 15. Remaining unsatisfied with my unprofitable endeavours in the former search, on Thursday towards the evening I renewed it with my servants; and approaching near to the place where this hidden serpent should seem to lurk, though there were no appearance to give the least suspicion, I insisted long upon that part of the house, upon intimation given that there was a secret receptacle in the roof of the same. I examined every corner there, and was resolved to have broken open some part of the wall; yet before proceeding so far, I required Richard Richardson, a servant of Mrs. Vaux, then present, to deal truly with me; who after some debate opened the door, whereat I entered and searched the same, and found it the most secret place that ever I saw, and so contrived that it was without all possibility to be discovered. There I found many Popish books and other things incident to their superstitious religion; but no man in it. I am assured none could evade out thence after I entered the house, having guarded it day and night round about, and within myself and servants keeping the keys of all the doors. For better caution I commanded a strong watch to be kept day and night throughout all the country adjacent and no man suffered to pass, unless he were very well known to them, but that he should be brought to me or some other justice. By this occasion many being stayed, one John Laithwoode was brought to me, whose examinations I enclose, praying for further direction concerning him, whom I yet restrain. At his first examination he was insufferably insolent, but on the morrow he became of a better tempered spirit. These priests and Jesuits masking under other habits make me jealous of any unknown to me professing themselves Catholics.—Harrowden, Nov. 15.
PS.—After these letters were written I received your directions to repair up to you with Mrs. Vaux in my company, which shall be performed, and on Saturday the 16th we will take our journey towards London. I beseech you I may understand how and where I shall dispose of her at my coming up, she having no lodging provided of her own. The Lord Vaux will likewise make his repair forthwith.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (191. 71.)
Sir William Lane to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605, Nov. 15]. I have read this letter of the Earl's [of Northumberland], herewith sent unto your lordships. It continues a declaration of some circumstances to show the improbability of his partaking in this mischievous and detested attempt, humbly and submissively set down. He remains confident, and protests highly of his innocency, yet acknowledges his Majesty's great wisdom and your honourable proceeding with him, as the case stands. I beseech God to make you the happy instrument of this needful and most worthy discovery in these practices odious to God and men.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Nov. 15, 1605." 1 p. (191. 72.)
A Ship laden at Hamburgh.
1605, Nov. 15. Letters patent of the city of Hamburgh testifying that Barthold Bekeman junior their fellow citizen had sworn that he had laden in John Berchman's ship the St. Peter 2 chests of table linen marked with the sign in the margin hereof, made in Silesia, and three bales of flax marked as in the margin, on account of Anthony Mölner living in Seville, whither the said ship and goods were bound.—15 Nov. 1605.
Latin. Common Seal of Hamburg. Parchment, damaged. (222. 3.)