Cecil Papers: November 1605, 16-30

Pages 492-531

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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November 1605, 16-30

Sir Benjamin Ticheborne to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 16. According to the Council's letters to Sir Thomas Dennys and himself, for the apprehending of Alexander Cuffolde, gent., they caused search to be made for him at his house near Basing. They were answered that Cuffolde had been more than a fortnight in London, and have taken order for his apprehension as soon as he returns home. They continue their watch of the better sort of the inhabitants, and desire instructions as to the continuance thereof. The state of their country (which he fears is too general in other shires) is one of the greatest impediments to justice; and is not to be remedied but by the King's commandment, or some act of Parliament. It is caused by making the most basest sort of the common people petty constables and tithing men; it being an evil custom of late to make the tithing man by the house, never respecting the honesty of the man, be he never so disorderly or unable. If it happen upon a widow's house by turn, she must be a tithing man, and whom she can get best cheap must execute the office, no way respecting his ability, so that it usually alights upon the poorer and baser sort of people, "that dare not say buffe to a goose." Recommends that tithing men of good ability be chosen, able to answer their contempts if any happen, upon special searches, watches, and other occasions that many times fall out, whereby pickers and idle wandering people escape unpunished; as also those shifting recusants which play at base from county to county, either confined or not confined, would be the sooner apprehended for not conforming themselves to the laws of their confinement, which would be a stoppage of their intercourse.—Ticheborne, 16 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (113. 12.)
Sir Edward Hoby to the Same.
[1605], Nov. 16. I was yesterday informed by Mr. Attorney that the letters patent which I had from the King are very defective, because in my grant the words were "Collegium Roffen," and the foundation is "Ecclesia Cathedralis Roffen," whereby the church refuses to pay such tenths unto me as the King's pleasure was to assign. If Mr. Attorney had warrant, he would by a new bill mend the errors of my former. My suit is you would write to him for the drawing of such a bill.—Blackfriars, 16 Nov.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (113. 13.)
Order of Council as to opening the ports.
[1605, Nov. 16]. Since the first discovery of this late horrible treason the passages from any port or haven were stopped for some certain time to prevent the escape of persons guilty of the conspiracy. The plot being now thoroughly discovered, and the principal offenders in the hands of his Majesty, there is not that occasion to continue the restraint. You may now therefore permit not only all the ordinary couriers employed either from the Ambassadors or the merchants, but also any honest known merchant or his factor, not giving any extraordinary cause of suspicion, to pass freely. But for all others who shall repair unto any port in the quality of a soldier or traveller, either alone or in the company of any merchant or courier, whose privileges some may seek to use for their own escape, unless they show passport from the Council you shall not suffer them to embark.—Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "16 Nov. 1605. Minute for the opening of the ports." 1 p. (113. 14.)
Sir Richard Verney, Sheriff of Warwickshire, to the Council.
1605, Nov. 16. Under the conduct of Mr. Edward Reade, nephew to Sir Fowlke Grevyle, and one who diligently attended on him and executed his directions in this troublesome service, Mr. Peter Burgoine, a gentleman who commanded the company which were purposely sent to that part of the country which was most fit for these rebels' passage into Staffordshire, and Mr. Edward Gybbes, who was one of the principal gentlemen that commanded the companies prepared for my assistance, by God's grace shall be safely delivered unto your Honours the prisoners named in the schedule enclosed, whom they have taken in charge by indenture betwixt them and me. Mr. Purefie our Mustermaster, and Mr. Richard Nason for his associate, I have directed to go before to the lodging these companies shall be brought unto, to provide all things fit for them. For Mr. Huddleston, I purpose with all expedition to bring him to you myself.—Warwick, 16 Nov. 1605.
Signed. 1 p. (191. 73.)
Sir Richard Walshe to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 17. Asks when it is Salisbury's pleasure he should attend his Majesty and himself: which he has forborne to do, in respect that he would not leave the charge of his place: his country being left very weak through the absence of most of the gentlemen thereof, now drawn up to London for their own private or public occasions.—Sheldisley, 17 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (113. 15.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Same.
1605, Nov. 17. I received the enclosed from Thomas Morgan this morning by an Englishman, a stranger to me, but as he says well known to Sir William Waad. It was delivered him by Sir Robert Dormer. The contents are strange to me, for I never borrowed money of him, nor to my remem brance spake with him; but such a man I saw when I was very young at Paris, by reason of the company I kept with Sir Roger Williams and one Denys a Frenchman, followers of my Lord of Oxford's, to whom he sometimes resorted. It is true I was for a time with the Duke of Guise, as you may have heard: was called thence by her Majesty's command and made to know the error of that course, which has served me for a warning ever since. The man is known to be no well willer to this State, and I cannot guess what his purpose is in challenging a supposed debt of 30 years old in this conjuncture of troublesome and traitorous practices; but his meaning I take has some further scope, and therefore I thought it my duty to acquaint you herewith.—17 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Sir Francis Vere with a letter from Thomas Morgan out of France." 1 p. (113. 16.)
Sir Richard Walshe to the Council.
1605, Nov. 17. According to your letters, I have seized to his Majesty's use the armour and munition of Mr. John Talbott of Grafton, and also searched among his papers, but cannot find anything worthy your advertisement; only this enclosed letter of Lord Windsor's. I have further made search in Winter's house at Hoddington, and have seized his armour, munition and goods, but cannot find there as yet any writings or papers which may concern this horrible treason. His goods are of no great value which are left, by reason much both hath [been] and is conveyed away daily. What remains shall be carefully looked unto till I understand your pleasure.— 17 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 74.)
Francis Merbury to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 18. Acknowledges his favours. Recommends the bearer, his nephew, to Salisbury's service.—18 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Mr. Marbury my Lord's Chaplain." ½ p. (113. 6.)
Powell von Stetin to Jochim Wedeman in Sivilien.
1605, Nov. 18. Since his last letter of the 13th, by Hamburg, he has heard nothing from Wedeman. The latter will no doubt have heard that Jurgen Schiritzer and he have shipped jointly certain linen and other goods by Master Hans Bergkman. Desires them to be sold to the best advantage, as also the corn shipped by him. It would be better to wait time and opportunity, as through the arrival of many ships prices are now low. Desires information of the markets, and certain accounts. He hoped to receive more than he has for the corn sent, and did not expect so many great expenses. Orders certain goods. Master Hans Gruffel is ill at home, and Horstman made Master in his place. Begs Wedeman to obtain for Horstman a good freight for the Elbe, so that his ship may not be delayed.—Lubeck, 18 Nov. 1605.
Inscribed: "copia." German. 2 pp. (113. 10.)
Richard Willinson and Sir John Ferne to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 18. Cuthbert Parkinson, being apprehended by Sir Henry Wooddrington and by him detained by warrant from the Council, cannot be examined here as directed. Although Thomas Pearcy and he have been of long familiarity, yet this past half year, when they chanced to meet in the sight of others, they made show as though they were strangers. About Maytide last Richard Shereburne, of Topcliffe parish in Yorkshire, riding in company of Thomas Pearcy towards Wetherby to meet the officers of the Earl of Northumberland, Parkinson coming from Wetherby passed by Pearcy, and asked Shereburne who the said Pearcy was. When Shereburne told him, Parkinson answered he must then speak with him, and after a strange salutation between him and Pearcy, as though the one had never seen the other, Parkinson rode back with him about a mile towards Wetherby, they two riding close together and talking very privately. Then Parkinson, taking leave, returned on his way northward. After his departure, Pearcy asked Shereburne what his name was. Shereburne answered, he is a noted man over all this country: it is Cuthbert Parkinson. "Oh," saith Pearcy, "is it that honest gentleman ?" At supper that night at Wetherby, in the presence of Sir Henry Slyngesbye and others the Earl's officers, Pearcy told them he talked with a gentleman upon the way, meaning Parkinson, and knew him not. This is the effect of Parkinson's examination. Before we had knowledge of Cuthbert Parkinson's apprehension, search was made for divers of that surname: George and Philip Parkinson of the Haghouse; and for others noted to be near to Thomas Pearcy, as John Legg and Allan Pearcy, brother to Thomas. But these, on knowledge of the search, willingly suffered their houses to be thoroughly searched, and voluntarily submitted themselves to us, nothing to be suspected being found either in the houses or by their examinations. As we are certified by the Dean of Durham and others that George and Philip Parkinson have always showed themselves loyal and conformable, we dismissed them. Legg also being conformable, and no matter known to charge him with, saving his wife's recusancy, we have also dismissed. Allan Pearcy confesses that Thomas Pearcy has repaired sometimes to him at Beverley, but denies to have any knowledge or suspicion of any treason intended by his brother or any other. Nothing was found in his house, save divers letters written from Thomas Pearcy to him, which only concern their private business. Allan is reputed to be of very honest and quiet conversation, well affected in religion, and has often expostulated with his brother concerning his backwardness in religion and his profane course of life: which moved us to license him to depart home.— York, 18 Nov. 1605.
Signed. 2 pp. (113. 17.)
Lord Clinton to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 18. The happy and joyful tidings of the discovery of the late most horrible treason, and the variable reports of the barbarous treacheries following so thick, make me presume to trouble you with these scribbled lines, being at this time as it were alone, without any other commissioner near me, the most of our men of quality being now at London. Therefore I stand doubtful what to do or how to proceed in searching suspected places, or suppressing any seditious mutiny, if the Papists should grow to a head to attempt anything in treasonable or tumultuous manner. Whereof as I have no evident presumption, more than the general fear had upon the report of the like in other parts of the realm, so I perceive their hatred to our religion is mortal and irreconcilable, and nothing more desired than the extirpation thereof. Therefore nothing will be omitted that may but seem to serve for that purpose. Your Honour in your infinite wisdom well knows how weak our poor justice of peace unarmed is upon such an occasion without more ample authority; besides it is suspected that some of the traitors are as likely to be harboured in this country as in any parts of the kingdom, and I assure you some of our Papists are strong in faction, wit and power, and of inward familiarity with some of the fugitives.—Sturton, 18 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 2 pp. (113. 18.)
William Tate to the Same.
1605, Nov. 18. Being ill accommodated of coach and horses for so sudden a journey, which I have supplied as time and place would permit, our travel is become slow and troublesome. Nevertheless I doubt not but I shall bring Mrs. Vauxe to London this night. That I may understand your pleasure how she shall be disposed of when she comes to her lodging, and what further service I shall be commanded, I have dispatched this messenger.—St. Albons, 18 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 75.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Same.
1605, Nov. 19. Was moved by his lordship's letter reporting the manner of the most detestable treason ready to be executed against the King's person and his royal issue and all the principal ministers and members of the State to the greatest astonishment; his heart has not failed to acknowledge thankfulness for the timely prevention of so great a mischief.
On Salisbury's letter being delivered to him on Friday at 6 o'clock in the evening, he took the liberty without ceremony to go presently to the Court and declared to the Archduke all the particulars of that most abominable practice and requested on his Majesty's behalf that order might be taken for the seizing of Owen as there appeared a cause to charge him with being a dealer in the conspiracy.
The Archduke was much moved and asked whether any of the nobility appeared to partake in the conspiracy. Edmondes answered that his Majesty in his own mind cleared from suspicion all persons of honour but that it was thought fit for form's sake to appoint the Earl of Northumberland to remain under the charge of the Archbishop of Canterbury till matters were thoroughly cleared because Thomas Percy the principal author of the treason was a near kinsman of his. Concerning Owen the Archduke hoped he would not be found to be a participant but would take order to have him apprehended and promised to write forthwith to President Richardott about it. Edmondes spoke further of the malicious complots of the English in Flanders and their abuse of the favour granted them under pretence of their religion.
Relates his proceedings with Richardott and how he succeeded in having both Owen and Baily who acts as Owen's secretary committed to the prison of the town, there to remain till further knowledge comes from his Majesty how they are to be charged. If there fall out matters to charge them the Archduke will not refuse to yield them to justice but Owen's friends will labour earnestly to assist him. Is bold out of his duty to say that, if his Majesty suffers this nest of vipers to remain unscattered, it will make them hold themselves more established than ever.
The Secretary Mansciscidor is Owen's special supporter and has procured him further liberty than he was allowed at his first commitment. Baily was heretofore introduced into these services by Holt the Jesuit and by all men's report is for his affection as bad as the worst and more capable than most of them to do mischief. He draws an entertainment of better than 25 crowns a month and Owen 160 the month.
Edmondes has communicated the news of the conspiracy to all the ambassadors and great men at the Court. Some have seen in it a purpose to reduce the State to a Commonwealth and of a practice that none were so like to be authors as the States of Holland and are sorry to find that it falls out in good earnest that they are Catholics which are detected in the conspiracy and wish rather that the infamy had lighted upon the Huguenots.
It may please Salisbury to be a means that thanks be acknowledged to the Baron of Hoboque for the Archduke's ready yielding to the apprehension of Owen and the other and that like notice be taken of the diligence showed by President Ricardott.
The return of Spinola has been long expected but it is said that the continuing of Count Maurice with his forces about Wesell makes him for fear of some attempt against the new forts he builds delay the dissolving of the army, whereby the sickness has much more increased among them. A report is now come that Maurice's forces have surprised the town of Nuys upon the Rhine which belongs to the bishopric of Cullen. This would be of great use to them to stop the passage of victuals down the river to the new fort, but the news is not yet well confirmed.
Monsr. de Terrail has not been able to proceed in his enterprises as he has found new provisions made against him by the towns by the casting up of half moons without the gate to hinder his access for applying his "pettars." Count Henry Vendenberg remains very much discontent for the charge of Lieutenant General of the Horse has been disposed from him unto the Cavalier Melchy.
The French Ambassador has lately complained to the Archduke of a purpose he understood he had of placing a strong garrison upon the frontiers of France at a place called Ivoy, for by the treaty of Cambresis there is special provision against both sides settling any garrisons in the places about Terrovane; but the Archduke denies any such intent.
Has not yet heard anything from the L. Arundell since writing to him, which makes him think he intends to be very shortly in Brussels. Captain Throgmorton that was reported to be dead is yet living but in great extremity. Captain Atherton is since dead of the hurt he received at the siege of Wachtendone.
Presumes to write to his Majesty in thankfulness for his happy escape from the late plots.—Bruxells, 19 Nov. 1605.
Copy. 8 pp. (227. p. 118.)
[Original in P.R.O. State Papers, Foreign, Flanders, 7.]
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the King.
1605, Nov. 19. Expresses his joy and thankfulness for his Majesty's miraculous and happy escape from the monstrous and execrable treason lately contrived against his royal person, his issue royal and State.—Bruxels, 19 Nov. 1605.
Copy. 1½ pp. (227. p. 126.)
[Original in P.R.O. State Papers, Foreign, Flanders, 7.]
The Same to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 19. Whilst making this dispatch an Englishman calling himself Barnes addressed himself to him. It seems he is employed to make relation to the Pope's Nuntio of the proceedings of the Catholics in England. He promised to make discovery of the business wherein he shall be employed. For a beginning Edmondes has got from him the enclosed copy of a letter written from Dr. Gifford from Lisle to the Pope's Nuntio's secretary in Brussels, wherein may be seen the course of their cunning and ingenious projects. In making use of it it may please Salisbury to conceal Gifford's name for Edmondes has entered into a correspondency with him and would be glad to make a trial how he would acquit himself therein.
Hears that Owen confidently justifies himself, but thinks it could not be but that he was acquainted with the practice. Salisbury may please to have it examined whether Sir Edmond Bainham were not also privy to the conspiracy. When in Brussels he was very inward with Owen and much favoured by him.—From Bruxels, 19 Nov. 1605.
Copy. 1⅓ pp. (227. p. 127.)
[Original in P.R.O. State Papers, Foreign, Flanders, 7.]
Lady Lovell.
Examination of John Tuttye.
1605, Nov. 19. He dressed 4 horses in the stable of the Lady Lovel, about the Tuesday that the business was at London, and they stayed but 2 days. Two gentlemen and a serving man came together, and one other came the day before, what day certainly he cannot tell.
Examination of John Sel.
He heard Broughton had said that he had ridden 3 or 4 score miles that day that he came to his house; but he cannot remember who told it him; and that he said to himself that he had come that day a great journey.
Examination of Mrs. Anne Percye.
There have been at her mistress's house, since she came to dwell with her, which was about the second week of Lent, none of the conspirators named to her, but only one Mr. Catesby before Midsummer once; and Sir Evered Digby twice; the first time Sir Oliver Manners was with him, and the second time he came alone.—19 Nov. 1605.
Endorsed: Examination of John Tuttye, John Sell and Mrs. Anne Percye, waiting woman to the La. Lovel." 1½ pp. (113. 19.)
Sir Richard Gargrave, Sheriff of Yorkshire, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605, Nov. 19]. According to your letters I have herewith sent Mr. Allen Perecy, eldest brother to Thomas Perecy, the traitor.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Nov. 19, 1605." 1 p. (191. 76.)
Captain John Seintleger to the Same.
[1605], Nov. 20. It has pleased God to lay His heavy hand of poverty on him, and if his father had left him that living which his ancestors left him the world would have more respected him. Prays assistance in his suit that all those which purchased their lands of his unfortunate father may be required to give him some reasonable allowance for his present maintenance, since they bought at so low a rate. Also he has spent his youth in the service of the late Queen.—"From my house this 20th of November."
Signed. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (102. 28.)
Thomas Wilson to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 20. On Saturday last I entreated a Berkshire gentleman going then home, to enquire of Mrs. Perkins's abode. This evening I received a letter from him of this day's writing from Newbury, that about a fortnight or three weeks before that she was at Hartley Court in Berkshire, the house of one Mr. Speake, but what is for the present become of her he cannot yet learn. It seems she is not to stay there, for that Hartley Court is since on the sudden sold to Sir Thomas Smith, Clerk of the Council, and that Speake and his wife are here at this present to pass the assurance. He writes further that, at the very time of the late mischievous practice, there was great resort of dangerous persons to and from that house, the master thereof, Mr. Speake, being then at home, as there did also at the same time to the house of Mr. Kerry not far off resort store of people, especially horsemen.
The occasion of this letter puts me in mind to send you certain notes of the haunts and residence which Jesuits were wont to have a good while since, whereof haply there may be some use made at this present, nam ibi latet malum &c. These are gathered most out of some papers of yours and some out of memorials of mine own.
Blacwell, with one Mrs. Mayney, or the Lady Arundell, or the Lord Montague's steward at Montague House; and used sometimes to lie at a baker's near the Swan in Smithfield.
Bavin, with Mr. Pryce near Oundell in Huntingdonshire, or with Sir Thomas Trisham.
Johnson, amongst the Tirwitts in Lincolnshire.
Standish, with Mr. Abington in Herefordshire, or with Mr. Thomas Throkmorton.
Drayton, with Mr. Rookwood, or Mrs. Drewry in Suffolk.
Fennell, with the Earl of Westmorland's daughter, the Lady Gray.
Parker, with Mrs. Ratcliff in Yorkshire.
Clennock, with one Mrs. Williams in Monmouthshire.
Birckhead, with the Lord Montague.
Shawe, with Sir Francis Lacon in Lancashire or Yorkshire, which is he that is about to levy a regiment for the Archduke, and either hath or is to have money shortly aforehand to do it. All these Jesuits and priests beforenamed are of the Archpriest's assistants, unless they be changed very lately.
Garnett, at Mrs. Brokesbye's in Yorkshire, and sometimes was wont to be at Arundel House.
Holby, at Mr. Hogeson's at Heborne near Newcastle.
Lister, at Mr. Cotton's at Warblington in Hampshire.
Bennet, with Mr. Barloe of Pembrokeshire.
Percey, with Mr. Fitts in Essex.
John Gerrard, with Mrs. Vaux and young Mr. Hastings.
Gilbert Gerrard, with Edm. Fortescue's widow and young Mr. Hurstone.
Blunt, with Mr. Torrell in Sussex.
Bankes, with Mr. Wisman of Brodoke in Essex.
Hutton, with Mr. Abinton of Worcestershire.
Tismond accompanies the Provincial Garnet.
Jones, with Mr. Dracot at Paynsley in Shropshire.
Stanney, with the Countess of Arundel.
Pullen, with the Lady Lovel and Mr. Porrige.
Cooling, with Mr. Bentley in Northamptonshire.
Johnson with Mr. Rich. Thimblebey in Lincolnshire.
Walpole with old Mr. Cotton at Swanborowe in Sussex, who hath a fair house upon the seaside, whither resort many of these people at their first landing. There was one Walpole and another Jesuit which came from Spain at my being there, and as I heard since were landed thereabouts. I am not sure whether it be this Cotton or the other of Hampshire that owns this house.
Perpoint with Mr. Carvile in Norfolk.
Owen with Lady Clerke in Oxfordshire.
The rest that before this were in any custody or prison and are since released, are gone into some of these places, and all of them use to change often one into another's place, especially at times when they suspect search, that if such a man by such a description be sought for in such a place, there may none such be found there, though perhaps there be lately a worse than he come in his room, and yet escape unsuspected; such cunning have foxes in changing burrows when they smell the wind that will bring the hunt towards them.
This memorial of names I thought fit to send you at this present, if haply there may be some needful remembrance had of them. I thank God I have even almost gotten away both my cold and fever and . . . . . . healthful many years.— 20 Nov. 1605.
In hand of Thomas Wilson, signature torn off, and damaged. 3 pp. (113. 20.)
Sir Francis Hastings to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 20. He has not presumed to present himself to Salisbury, who has now a work of great import to wade into. Prays God may assist him in finding out the depth of the intended danger, and in following the same so that the King and his issue may be preserved from the peril of such plotters, and the kingdom freed from such bastard slips as seem to delight in nothing more than in practising ruin both to King and kingdom. Begs him to consider him as a poor younger brother, an old servant of the late Queen, and a true subject of the present King, whose favour he desires.—20 Nov. 1605.
Signed. 1 p. (113. 22.)
Sir W. Waad, Lieutenant of the Tower, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 21. Mr. Forcet has taken cold and would be glad to go to his house to take some course for his health. I think if it shall seem good to you he may be spared, for Faulx is watched every night. Rookwood can procure no succour from any of his friends, in regard of the odiousness of his actions; but I understand that Digby has two trunks in Aldersgate Street in which amongst other things there is 100l. in gold and 50l. in white money. If you please to give order, the 50l. may be taken for provision of his bedding, diet and other necessaries. He further says the Sheriff of Warwickshire took from him 400l. which I thought fit you should know.
Thomas Winter finds his hand so strong as after dinner he will settle himself to write that he verbally declared to you, adding what he shall further remember.
I understand there was a meeting at the Lady Lovell's not long before the time of the intended mischievous plot.— 21 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (113. 24.)
Examination of Pownsard and Butt.
1605, Nov. 21. Examination of Nicholas Pownsard of Sherborne, Dorset, cutler, and Richard Butt of Sherborne, joiner, taken before Thomas Hulet and Richard Bythwood, constables of Sherborne, 21 Nov. 1605.
On Nov. 16 there came into Pownsard's house one Edward Clench of Milborn Port, to make merry with them. Clench said that within three hours he could know anything that was done in London. Also that at a fair at Sherborne, one called him aside and told him that on the 6th of Nov. Sir Walter Ralegh should be in danger of his life; but notwithstanding, "he will escape, and come to greater matters than I will now speak of." Also that there will be a rising in the North: and at a banquet there will be a great falling out among the noblemen. Butt answered that then this was the rising in the North, for that he heard say that divers of these traitors were taken in the North. Clench answered, this was a beginning, but you shall hear of greater matters before Christmas next; and that he could say more, but would not at that time.
Certificate follows by Margaret Thornington, wife of William Thornington, gentleman, and R. Eane, that they heard the above speeches.
pp. (113. 25.)
Sir William Romeny to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 21. He has signified to Mrs. Wright Salisbury's pleasure concerning the Barbary horse that was in her husband's keeping. She answers that the horse was taken from her house on the Tuesday by Marmaduke Ward, who said he would ride on him to his wife and children dwelling at Newby, very near Borrowbridge in Yorkshire. Her husband had three or four other horses at that time also in his stable, employed that morning, some by one man, some by another; but what has become of them she knows not.—London, 21 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (133. 26.)
Sir William Lane to the Same.
[1605, Nov. 21]. My Lord has written of some particulars to you which seem to concern his private estate. His desire is you would take some further information from Wyckliffe, whereby it may appear how long Percy the traitor has been in the way of treachery and abuse to him in his estate.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605, Nov. 21." ½ p. (113. 27.)
Sir Edward Leigh to the Same.
1605, Nov. 21. Upon the return of my man from you he let me understand your pleasure that those 2 of the traitorous company that had taken Holbache house in Staffordshire and were taken at Walshall should be sent up with some speed; and therefore have sent them by this bearer Mr. Jo. Wilks, one of the high constables of the Hundred of Ofloroe in this county of Stafford, and others; who can make known to you the courses observed by us when the rest of that traitorous company with them came out of Worcestershire into Staffordshire to the house aforesaid; which will prove otherwise than it was reported to be by the Sheriff of Worcestershire, as I hear, whose actions I neither praise nor dispraise, but leave them to his Majesty and your good considerations to be censured; but could have wished his forwardness had not been a hindrance to our intended service.—Rushall, 21 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 78.)
Sir John Ferne to the Same.
1605, Nov. 21. I make bold to signify the diligence of this messenger, Tho. Wright, who arrived here with his Majesty's writs and proclamations enclosed, for the apprehension of Winter and Littleton (two conspirators in that detestable treason), at 11 of the clock in the forenoon this day; and according to your letters to me directed, I have given a present dispatch for the delivery of those writs and proclamations accordingly by post. This Winter is a nephew to Sir William Ingleby (being his sister's son). At his house in Worcestershire was David Ingleby (a recusant and traitor often harboured): which Ingleby had conspired her late Majesty's death. No doubt Winter's house is full of vaults and secret conveyances. If he fly northward, I suppose he will resort to some of his kindred on his mother's side about Ripon, where he has a plentiful alliance, and most of them Papists. I will presently have a secret search made in all their houses.—York, 21 Nov. 1605.
Signed. 1 p. (191. 79.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 22. Introducing the bearer Barnes, the person mentioned in his last letters.—From Bruxelles, 22 Nov. 1605.
Copy. ½ p. (227. p. 129.)
[Original in P.R.O. State Papers, Foreign, Flanders, 7.]
Captain Richard Gyfford to [the Same].
1605, Nov. 22. I beseech you vouchsafe to give ear to your grieved servant who in no respect willingly have deserved to be accounted in the number of the guilty and unworthy members. I am a poor gentleman, altogether want friends, and means of my own but small. I have neither wife nor children which might bind me to retire into my country; but my allegiance towards my King and love to my country shall never by me be broken, whatsoever merchants or enemies may report of me. In serving the Great Duke of Florence against infidels with his commission and colours I hope my gracious King will oppose no more against me than against any other of my sort that serve under any other Christian Princes, or as merchant ships of London that have or do serve voluntarily the Great Duke in like actions.
My going out of England in our Queen's times was with a lawful commission; but not being 30 days at sea, understanding of our now gracious King, I proceeded not in what my commission lawfully authorised me unto. Had I been evilly disposed I needed not have left so good a ship as the Lioness was, so well victualled and with so many good men in her at my command. I might have done great spoil as a rebel unto my King and country. But God let me live no longer than to be a most true subject! No, no, my good Lord, they are some envious merchants, that upon their factors' false reports, for the better colouring their riots and large expenses, advertise their masters they are damnified by my proceedings and thereby to fill up their accounts with such and such damages; by which means they maintain their credit with their masters, and myself disgraced, nay rather accounted a rebel and a pirate through their false accusations. I beseech you to enter into due consideration of all my proceedings; then shall you find them to be honest and I hope lawful. Being lately in Spain in the Great Duke's ship and service I saw a proclamation wherein our King commanded all his subjects to repair home that were in service with other Princes; which seen I obeyed, and sent a man of purpose advising the Great Duke of my coming home. But hard is my fortune, I bending all my care in all places to perform the part of a most loyal subject, to be condemned for a rebel and a pirate and in disgrace with your lordship and my friends. I was coming to submit myself unto your pleasure, but understanding [you] to be greatly displeased against me thought best first to declare my case in writing. Most of my time since my being out of England I have employed in merchant voyages, as the bearer can show at large.—22 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 3 pp. (89. 122).
[The Council ?] to the Dean of the Chapter [Chapel Royal ?], Mr. Wilbraham, Master of the Requests, and Dr. Neale.
1605, Nov. 22. Robert Ersby has been stayed and examined by order of the Lord Mayor of London. In his house there were found many letters and other superstitious "tromperies," of which some are sent in this bag. They are to call Ersby before them, examine him again straitly, and report.— Court at Whitehall, 22 Nov. 1605.
Draft or copy, unsigned. 1 p. (113. 29.)
Sir Edward Hoby to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], Nov. 22. Begs him to recommend this bill, which Mr. Attorney has drawn, to Sir Thomas Lake, that his Majesty may be pleased to sign it. His former letters patent are of no validity, nor has he received any profit from Rochester as yet, for want of inserting the true words of the foundation.— Nov. 22.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (113. 30.)
Sir Walter Ralegh.
1605, Nov. 23. Examination of Harry Wattes of Curry Rivel, Somerset, husbandman, taken 23rd November 1605. About some fortnight after Midsummer term last was twelvemonth, Mr. Charles Thyne came to Mr. Harry Meres's chamber in the Inner Temple, and demanded of Mr. Meres how the suits stood between him and the Earl of Northumberland, and whether he had paid the Earl his money that he owed; when Mr. Meres answered he owed the Earl none, and that none he would pay. Whereupon Mr. Thyne said that if he would leave to prosecute the matter against Sir Walter Rawley, he should be released of the Earl's suit against him, and haply have 1000l. besides; for if he left it Charles Thyne said no man else would follow it. Mr. Meres answered, I prosecute that cause for the King, and therefore I will [not] leave it for anything you can do; and thereupon Thyne replied again in some heat, and said that he should not prevail, and that Sir Walter Rawley should certainly come forth of the Tower, or that else one that was of great worth, even the second person of the realm, would adventure all the credit and means he could make of it; and that he would bear Sir Walter Rawley out of the Tower upon his back rather than he should tarry there. And after his departure this examinate followed him to the Temple stairs, where he saw him take boat and row down the Thames towards the Tower; and took such a conceit of this kind of speeches, as when he saw the same Mr. Thyne after, he observed him well.
He says also that upon Tuesday last, as he came between Shaftesbury and Salisbury, one fell in speech with this examinate touching Sir Walter Rawley: and that it was said he was executed: amongst which speeches the said party, whose name he knows not, used these speeches to this examinate, that a tenant of his named William Stone, who dwelt at Stower by Shaftesbury, had been at Sherborne to have his locks mended about some three weeks before that, but could not have it done for the party that should have done it told Stone he was so busied to make ready divers pieces of Sir Walter Rawley's muskets, harquebusses and pistols, which were to be done with such speed as he could have no leisure to trim the locks. And the party said also he marvelled Sir Walter Rawley, long in Tower, should make such provisions ready. He says there were some three or four more in Mr. Meres's chamber when the words aforesaid were spoke by Mr. Thyne, but remembers not their names.
In Sir Jo. Popham's hand, and signed by him. Endorsed: "Examination of Henry Watts, taken by the Lord Chief Justice." 2 pp. (113. 33.)
Ralph Bowes to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], Nov. 23. Being unable to meet with the Earl, he sends the enclosed.—Whitehall, 23 Nov.
Holograph. Endorsed: "With some letters to the Earl of Northumberland, and others out of the North. 1605." ½ p. (113. 38.)
The Bishop of London to the Same.
1605, Nov. 23. I send you a letter directed to Sir William Cornwallis, cast into a tailor's shop at Highgate, unknown from whence it comes, and unperused by me or any other that I can understand of; also another paper of information, out of which your wisdom may gather something more than I can conceive.—My house in London near Paul's, 23 November 1605.
Holograph, signed: Ric. London. ½ p. (113. 39.)
Thomas Alabaster to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 24. In divers chief places of trade beyond the seas sundry principal houses and merchants have failed, whereby the house of Mr. Antonio Balbani in Paris, a great creditor of the above houses, is in danger to fail also. In respect whereof, Mr. Juliano [. . . .]otti who is in Balbani's business here, fears that the creditors of the Paris house, will seek to recover of the house here the debts owing by that of Paris. Juliano [. . . .] therefore prays to have protection from the creditors of the Paris house, which runs in the name of Benedetto, Bernardino, Massei and Antonio Balbani, as the houses are of two different accounts, properties, and partners.— 24 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Mr. Alablaster the merchant." Damaged. 2 pp. (113. 40.)
Sir Peter Manwood to the Same.
1605, Nov. 24. This day was brought to me Mathew Laurence who has been staying at Dover three weeks to get passage to Lord Arundel; and now returning to London, was last night taken in an alehouse near Canterbury. He is aged about 55, somewhat red faced, blackish hair and beard, somewhat grey, bald headed. At first he told me he had business over, and having spent his money was forced to return; but never confessed to Lord Arundel till upon search these letters from the Baron to him about apparel were found, and a copy of his to his lordship of news from hence; neither did he make any Commissioners at Dover acquainted whither he was going, but being not well and his money spent, he sent over his letters by Michael Clerke, a post. What so great a provision of apparel out of England means, and to be so secretly kept, I understand not, and therefore have sent up the letters and papers taken about him, and have committed him till I know your pleasure whether he shall be sent up or discharged.—My house near Canterbury, 24 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (113. 41.)
Sir Thomas Smith to the Same.
[1605], Nov. 25. I have made as diligent search of Mr. Herriott's lodging and study at Sion as the time would permit. To have made an exact survey of all papers there would have required many days, and I think it would not be to any purpose, because these be all of another sort than such as I should find. Letters there are few, almost none, and such as are carry an old date. Books of all sorts of learning, and many: of all sorts and professions of religion: but neither one place nor other, though I opened all his chests, has afforded me anything needful to be brought to you. I have therefore sealed up his study close and his chests, to the end there may be a more exact survey if you shall think meet. My Lady of Northumberland, with great respect unto the warrant that I had and with all willingness, yielded to the making of the search.—25 Nov.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (113. 43.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605, Nov. 25]. Hopes his lordship has long before this received his last letters of the 19th instant advertising the order procured for the imprisoning of Owen and Bailie. There is much discontentment here, especially among the Spaniards, that such a course of rigour should be taken against Owen only upon suspicion, he being a person that has served the King of Spain almost 40 years in these countries. He has been much visited in prison and there has been much labouring that his lodging might be assigned him for his prison. Edmondes upon receipt of Salisbury's last letters sent in the Baron of Hoboque's packet repaired yesterday to the Archduke, who protested his readiness to give his Majesty proof of his sincere dealing, though for his own part he believed there could not fall out any matter against Owen to charge him with being a practiser in the treason. He understood from his Ambassador that he had lately been with his Majesty, who had acquainted him with the course of proceeding but had used no express speech about Owen than only that he would further advise of that matter. In the meantime pressed by Edmondes to renew his order for the better assuring the persons of the prisoners, the Archduke acknowledged the motion to be reasonable and promised to take order accordingly.
Is ashamed to mention to Salisbury the daily new inventions at this Court to free the Catholics from the scandal. Some maintain it must be some suborned device against the Catholics of the Puritans. Others will have it to be a common practice of those of the religion in France and the discontented Puritans in England and those of the United Provinces to have reduced the State to a Commonwealth. The last consideration which these discourses resort unto is that the Catholics will receive a great blow for the King cannot but be justified in any severer courses he shall now take against them.
The disguised name of Johnson which Faux gave himself has hitherto prevented Edmondes from learning anything of him in these parts, but now upon the discovery of his true name he is generally deciphered for such as he has declared himself. It is said he has remained in these countries these 10 or 12 years serving for a long time as a soldier in the regiment of Sir Wm. Stanley and afterwards lived more domestically with him as a steward. After the battle of Newport he served at Alferez under the base brother of Sir William, whose company being shortly after discharged Faux went into Spain, where it is said he obtained a good Aiuda de costas, and shortly after his return hither he went into England and it is judged was absent there some six months and returned back about the time that the Earl of Her[t]ford came into these countries and in August following went secretly back into England pretending to go into the camp to obtain a company. During his journeys while in these countries he conversed with no other than Sir Wm. Stanley, Owen, Baily and Balwyn the Jesuit. He is justified by all men's reports to be as resolute an instrument for the doing of mischief as could have been chosen. He was a long time accompanied with a kinsman of his called Harrington that was born in the north, served here as a soldier, afterwards turned priest and went into England more than a year since and it is said still remains there. Harrington's elder brother serves the old Lady of Southampton.—Undated.
Copy. 5 pp. (227. p. 131.)
[A portion of the original letter, dated 25 Nov. 1605, which is in P.R.O. State Papers, Foreign, Flanders, 7.]
Thomas Winter's confession.
1605, Nov. 25. Headed in Coke's handwriting: "The voluntarie declaration of Thomas Winter of Hoodington in the county of Worcester, gent., the 25 of Nov. 1605 at the Tower, acknowledged before the Lordes Commissioners."
Dated 23 [altered apparently by Coke to 25] November 1605.
At foot: "Delivered by Thomas Wynter all written with his oune hand 25 Nov: 1605. Edw. Coke."
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury: "25 Nov. Mr. Tho. Wyntors declaration" and in another hand: "The forme of the Othe. The tyme Robert Keys came in. What ll. were wished emonst them to be warned to be absent, and by whom. What money was expected." 10 pp. (113. 54.)
[This is the original draft of the document dated "23 9ber. 1605" at the Public Record Office in Gunpowder Plot Papers, No. 114, and printed in extenso by S. R. Gardiner, What Gunpowder Plot was, pp. 57–69. The wording has been altered in many places and passages have been struck through or underlined probably by Coke for omission in the final copy. The following are the more material passages in the Hatfield draft which have been omitted or altered in the copy printed by Gardiner.
Gardiner, p. 62, l. 12: after "and received the blessed sacrament upon the same" has been inserted by Coke: "by the hands of Gerrard the Jesuite," the last two words being struck out. In the margin here is inserted by Winter, headed by Coke "theffect of the oth", the following passage, omitted in the P.R.O. copy: "You shall swere by the blessed Trinity, and by the sacrament you nowe purpose to receave, never to disclose directly or indirectly by word or circumstanc the matter that shalbe purposed you to keep secrett, nor desist from th'execution thereof, untill the rest shall give you leave."
Ibid. p. 63, l. 12: Hatfield MS. has "Robert Keys" for "Keyes" and adds "abought a moneth before Michaelmas."
Ibid. p. 64, l. 14: for "the Duke's chamber" Hatfield MS. has "the Ducks company."
Ibid. p. 64, l. 21: after "fit place for preparation" Hatfield MS. has "Of the yunger Lady Mary wee never had speech", struck out.
Ibid. p. 65, l. 7: for "might make away with us" Hatfield MS. has "might most annoy us."
Ibid. p. 67, ll. 9, 10: "I told him that his Grace thought not to be there": Hatfield MS. has "I tould him that as my L: Mounteagle passed by Richmond he went in [to] kiss the Princes hands, and amongst other speeches understood that his Grac thought nott to be ther," the additional words not being marked for omission. Gardiner has omitted the words "I heard that" which have been inserted in the P.R.O. copy after "I told him that."
Ibid. p. 68, l. 5: after "the uttermost trial" Hatfield MS. has the following, not marked for omission: "for which end he went one Monday to Sion, saying, 'if ought be amisse I know they will stay me.'"
There are a few small errors or omissions in the transcript as printed in Gardiner, the more important being: on p. 58, ll. 10, 11, for "for Allhollantide" read "from Allhollantide until the beginning of Lent"; p. 64, ll. 5, 4 from foot, for "we would not enjoin," "we could not enjoin"; p. 66, l. 4 from foot, for "fifteen hundred pounds," "fifteen hundred, the second two thousand pounds"; p. 67, l. 10 from foot, "for myself," "for himself"; and on p. 69 the names of the Earls of Worcester and Devon have been omitted from the Commissioners.]
Tho. Lawley to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 25. I informed you of the good service of this bearer, my servant Thomas Bannyster, in the suppressing and taking of the late rebels at Holbach. As he was the first man that scaled the wall, entered upon them, took Thomas Winter prisoner, and brought him unto me; whom I caused presently to be delivered unto Mr. Sheriff, because I hasted to have revived Catesby, Percy and the rest (if it had been in my power or skill); I have now made bold to send the poor man to you, to show you such superstitious and Popish idols as were found about some of the said rebels. Stand his good lord that he may be a partaker of his Majesty's bounty for the good service he has done, which I assure you (upon my poor credit), was the best of any man that served against these traitors that day.—Prestwood, 25 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 80.)
Sir John Popham, Lord Chief Justice, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 25. There is this night in Southwark a very notable outrage committed by certain insolent priests, such as the whole town was put in exceeding fear and uproar; yet the constable so handled the matter as he took three of them, who nevertheless continued in most insolent manner, threatening that they would not leave until they had fired them out; after which there came more, and gave great words and threats at the priest; the town pursued them also, but could not take them; and being searched for letters, one of them answered, if thou hadst searched me three weeks since, thou mightest have found a hundred about me. I have sent for that party to examine him presently, and will attend you at your time prescribed, and then you shall understand more; but there are too many of that kind about this city, and more than time they were looked unto.—25 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 81.)
Jo. Churchill to —
1605, Nov. 25. Understanding not long since that there was a house found out about Enfeild Chase, whither Catesby and his company often resorted, I remembered that about 2 years since he desired to take a house of Mr. Thomas Compton's at Earith in Kent, in my name, because he would avoid much company that pressed him at his house by Uxbridge, where he then dwelt. He requested me (for some acquaintance he had with me by means of Mr. Acton his near kinsman) to talk with Mr. Compton and to agree with him for a rent and term, which he then told me of and I have now forgotten. Which I did accordingly and went with Mr. Catesby thither to see the house. But how Mr. Compton and he agreed afterwards I know not, nor was ever requested any further in it, nor so much as thought of it till now. The house stands in a private back lane near the water. How it may be dangerous to harbour some of ill intent I know not, but leave it to you to acquaint his Honour therewith, if you think fit.—Holborn, 25 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. Unaddressed. ½ p. (112. 137.)
Sir W. Waad, Lieutenant of the Tower, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 26. Thomas Winter hath set down in writing of his own hand, as he was directed, the whole course of his employment into Spain, which I send to you hereinclosed.
It may please you to send to the Commissioners for a fair scarf that Rucwood made, which is amongst those things which were left with the Lady Merydethe. By the figures or ciphers something may be gathered; and if that scarf which Persy had could be recovered, it were well it were seen. I perceive there were very fair scarves made for divers of them, and it were not amiss to learn of the embroiderers what scarves of such sort have been lately made, and for whom. Rucwood made also a very fair Hungarian horseman's coat, lined all with velvet, and other apparel exceeding costly, not fit for his degree. I have made all things besides ready as I was directed.—26 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (113. 44.)
(?) The Enclosure:
Thomas Wintor's confession, 26 Nov. 1605.
The year before the Queen's death, Mr. Catsby and Mr. Tresham wished me to take a journey into Spain, which should be for the good of the Catholic cause, and in particular beneficial to myself. The message they delivered me was that I should move the King of Spain to bestow some pensions here in England upon sundry persons, who making use of the general discontent that young gentlemen and soldiers were in by reason of my Lord of Essex's death, and the want of his purse to maintain them, might no doubt by relieving their necessities have them all at his devotion. Because in all attempts upon England the greatest difficulty was ever found to be the transportation of horse, they assured him of 1000 or 1500 against any occasion or enterprise. And to make it the more probable that these three were able to go through with such a promise, they said that they would extend the knowledge of this to others as occasion served, but as then it was not fit for fear of disclosing to impart it to more. Besides, that those which sent were of a quality most convenient, for if greater personages should have sent, it might sooner bring the matter into suspicion. I went into Spain and by means of Father Crewswell had speech with Don Franceza, Secretary of State, to whom I imparted my message, and after to the Duke of Lerma, who assured me it would be an offer very grateful to his master. I spake shortly after with the King at Esquirrall, who told me that he took the message from the Catholics very kindly, and that in all things he would respect them with as great care as his proper Castilians; for further answer I should attend the progress, which I did. In the end I was called to the Count of Miranda, who gave me on behalf of his master this answer, that he would bestow 100,000 crowns to that use, half to be paid that year, the rest the next spring following, when he meant to be with us, and set foot in England. The King gave me for mine own expense 1000 crowns and a chain of gold. The means which they proposed to exchange this money first into Flanders and after into England was by help of Frederick Spinola, who offered, if the King would give him security, to do it himself. I returned about a month before Christmas into England and delivered answer of all had passed to my Lord, Mr. Catsby, and Mr. Tresham. Shortly after, by reason of a sickness, I was fain to leave London and remain till Candlemas in the country, all which time what passed I can less say than themselves, only expectation of money there was and none came. After the Queen's death coming to see my Lord Monteagle, he told me that he had done with all former plots, and wished me to have no speech with him of Spain, for he was resolved to stand wholly for the King, the which did Mr. Tresham; but Mr. Catsby sent into Spain Christopher Wright to advertise of the Queen's death and to know their resolutions, where he soon understood how violently they were bent for a peace with England, and to that end Taxis and the Constable were sent hither as Ambassadors. Then did he solicit for part of the money both in Spain and to the Ambassadors here, which was ever promised but never performed.
Signed: Tho. Wintour. Countersigned: Notingham, Suffolke, E. Worcester, Devonshire, Northampton, Salisbury, Edd. Coke. 2 pp.
On another page: In this relation there is wanting of what I delivered by word of mouth these two points. First, that Don Piedro Franceza asked me at my departure, in what part of England was best landing for an army. I answered him, that if the army were great, I thought Essex and Kent fittest as countries abundant and fruitful, besides that they neighboured upon Flanders, from whence they might supply all necessaries. If the army were small and trusted upon succours here, then I thought Milford Haven more convenient, being in parts where they could not be offended with the Queen's power until their friends might have time to assemble. I said also to your lordships that this last I had long since heard to be an opinion of Sir William Standley's. The second point was that after I had ended of discourse, Mr. Attorney asked me if none else besides whom I had named were acquainted with this voyage of mine. I answered no, then said he "I will show your lordships how drily he dealeth—was not Father Oswald Tesemund alias Greenway acquainted and went he not with you?" I said my meaning was, when I denied, of laymen. Friday after, being called again, I told your Honours that at my being in Spain, I found that Adonell [O'Donnell] had possessed the King and Council that it stood with his credit and Catholic charity to renew the wars of Ireland, from which I laboured to dissuade them all I could.
My Lord Chief Justice asked me whom I thought, if the Spaniard had invaded, he meant to establish the succession? I answered, by words the Duke of Lerma spake, I gathered Savoy or Parma; but after Fre[derick] Spinola told me they meant for the Infanta.
Signed: Tho. Wintour. 1 p. (112. 91.)
Sir W. Waad, Lieutenant of the Tower, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 26. My Lord Grey is exceedingly unwilling to part from the lodging he has kept in so long, and where his books and other necessaries are placed, wherein he entreated me he might write to you. In the brick tower there are two Lords already, the Lord Mordant and the Lord Sturton, and the windows in those lodgings have prospect over all Tower Hill to the Minories and St. Catherine's, so as they are not fit for that use, I am to take order. The chambers where Faulx was for other respect were thought by all the Lords to be inconvenient. So as there is no other place but the Constable Tower, where the Lord Montague is at this present, or the Lord Grey's lodging. Yet my Lord Grey to show his conformity has removed his stuff. In the mean season I have provided a very convenient lodging in my upper rooms.—From the Tower, 26 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (113. 47.)
Sir Thomas Windebank to the Same.
1605, Nov. 26. Topperley is lodged in the house of one Bankworth, in Bow Lane, a scrivener. Informs his lordship, so that he may give what further directions he pleases.— 26 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. ½ p. (113. 45.)
Sir Edward Hoby to the Same.
[1605], Nov. 26. I send you the letter enclosed, sent this day to me, by my servant W. Wash, a tailor dwelling in the Strand, where the gentlewoman mentioned sought to have lodged; and I think she is at this hour lodged not far off. I have willed him to attend you, and if he find you from Court, to leave this letter, if any light thereby might arise.—Nov. 26.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605. Sir Edward Hoby, with a letter from his brother Sir Posthumus." ½ p. (113. 46.)
The Enclosure:
Sir T. Posthumus Hoby to Sir Edward Hoby.—There is a woman lodged in the Strand that reports that she should have been a nurse to his Majesty's last daughter. It might be that she was motioned thither to some purpose, by those that named her to that place of trust. For she was sister to the Wrights that are slain, and well acquainted with Percy, that is likewise slain. She was wife to one Redshawe of Yorkshire, deceased, who lay in prison at York for debt, whilst this woman, with her brothers, Percy and one Mylner, that was a companion of Percy's when they robbed the now Archbishop of York when he was Dean of York, and were pardoned for it, did keep open house at Redshawe's house. If this be the woman, as she reports herself to be, this is her condition, which was ever held to be light.
For your own business, I have left it with Sir Francis Bacon's servant, Mr. Yonge; and have left a note at Mr. Urmston's lodging (an attorney) to attend you, that you may employ him in the business.—26 Nov. 1605.
PS.—Excuse me to my Lord of Salisbury in that I did not my duty to him; occasioned by my sudden departure 14 days before I thought; being sent by my Lord President to attend the sitting as Vice President. If he would thank my Lord President for his favour to me, he should favour me very much.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Sir Thomas Postumus Hoby," and the following names: "Sir Philip Hobby, Sir Thom. Hobby, Sir Posthumus Hobby." 1 p. (191. 82.)
Sir Peter Manwood to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 26. Robert Heards of Canterbury informed him that his kinsman, John Heards of Cork, lay at his house last night, and had communication with him as set down in the enclosed examination. Manwood took John as he was going to Sandwich, and the enclosed letters, two of which have a direction, but not the two worst. He encloses John's examination also, and doubts he is a dangerous young man. He details John's history, from his following Sir William Standley to his imprisonment for slandering the Earl of Dorset and my Lord of Canterbury.—My house near Canterbury, 26 Nov. 1605.
Signed. 1 p. (191. 85.)
Two Enclosures.—(1) Examination of Robert Heards. Gives particulars of his communication with his kinsman John Heards. John intended, if he could not get passage in the Vanguard, to go to Dover, to the Governor of the Spaniards there, with whom he said he was well acquainted, in order to get passage.— 26 Nov. 1605.
Signed by Robert Heards and Manwood. 1 p. (191. 84.)
(2) Examination of John Heards. He confesses that he was going over to Brussels to deliver letters to Sir William Standley, Captain John Standley his nephew, and two more to Edward Standley and William Standley, youths at school about Douay. All the letters were written by Mr. John Standley, Sir William's brother, of Cork. He meant to go aboard the Admiral's ship the Vanguard in the Downs, where there is a kinsman of his wife's, William Mills, by whom he hoped to get passage over.—26 Nov. 1605.
Signed by John Heards and Manwood. 1 p. (191. 83.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Same.
1605, Nov. 27. His Majesty this evening after his return from his sports commanded me to put you in mind of [one] thing in the examinations whereof he does not remember that you are yet cleared. That is, that where at Lambeth at the house whither the powder was brought by the porters, there was a young man that received it, which his Majesty and you conceived at first to be Winter, but since, as his Highness judges, could not be so, because the examinations make mention that that young man had no hair on his face, which is otherwise in Winter. He would therefore know whether you have yet found who was the receiver of the powder, or if it have not been enquired of, by reason of the multitude of other things, that you would bestow labour to discover it.
His Majesty has commanded me also to signify his pleasure to my Lord of Canterbury, that where in remembrance of these two great deliveries wrought by God for his Highness upon the Tuesday, the sermons in his own house are kept upon that day, his lordship would consider that a like order might be taken generally in the realm where sermons be on weekdays, that the same might be transferred to the Tuesday, that a universal thanksgiving might be on that day for this great work of God. There will be difficulty in this for the country towns, because for the most part where they have any lectures in weekdays they keep them upon their market day.—Hampton Court, 27 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1¼ pp. (113. 48.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 27. His Majesty has this evening been spoken unto by the Duke [of Lennox] for the stay of the letters patents granted to Sir William Cooke for Hartwell Park; and the complaint was made against me for procuring the bill. But it came not through my hands, and so I answered his Majesty. Whereupon his Highness remembered that they were offered by Sir Thomas Wyndebanck in your name. Much altercation was between his Highness and the Duke about it, the Duke being very much grieved with it and holding his reputation touched, as well because it is without example that the underkeepers had letters patents, as for that Mr. [sic] Cooke never sought his good will nor anybody else for him. His Majesty wanted not arguments to reply unto both those reasons; but the Duke was so instant, as the conclusion is that I should signify to you that his Majesty's pleasure is that as well Mr. Cooke's bill, as the Duke's, be stayed from the great seal till his Majesty's coming, who will then hear the reasons on both parts and determine. Another reason of the Duke's was that by that example others might sue for letters patents, one of them being Mr. Robert Knollys, a nobleman and a Councillor's brother and so the chief commander have no power in effect, but a title. He offers to give Mr. Cooke any assurance for his enjoying it without letters patents. But his Majesty's pleasure is as I have signified.—Hampton Court, 27 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 86.)
Robert Yaxley to [the Earl of Salisbury ?].
1605, Nov. 27. I have learned that Captain Gower was this last summer in the wars with the Archduke, and that he returned about 20 days since: and that Captain Allen had a purpose to have gone, but that his man robbed him of his apparel and some other things some little time before the day appointed for that journey.—27 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (113. 51.)
— to Lord —.
1605. Nov. 27. Death of Mr. Hugh Parlour, of whom the writer holds his lease of the Gatehouse, which by the death is now void. Prays that he may be well dealt with about the Gatehouse, which stands him in much money.—27 Nov. 1605.
Unsigned. ½ p. (191. 87.)
Will. Julian to Captain Whitlock.
[1605, Nov. 27]. I received of Sir Edward Francis 40s., of which I sent you by Mr. Hudson 20s.; the rest I kept for my board wages and lodging. I was to have spoken with the Lord of Newhall, and could not, but I perceived my answer was slight, and so I dissolved. I have sent you this morning ½ ounce of "tobbaca," price 3s. I know not how you will like it, but I take it to be good. Mr. Whaller the Lieutenant's man locked up your desk without perusing anything, and in a chest of Mrs. Watson's it is.—Undated.
In margin: "This came this morning, 27 Nov. 1605."
Foot note: Sir William Waad to the Earl of Salisbury: "This letter came this morning to Captain Whitlocke, and was delivered by my privity."
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 143.)
Sir William Monson to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605, Nov. 28]. I am advertised of the departure of the Spaniards this day from Dover about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, with a great and large wind, so that I assure myself about 9 o'clock in the night they will arrive safely in Dunkirk. Their business was carried both secretly and subtly, for neither did the masters of the ships that carried them, or any other of the town, ever suspect their going until the very hour of their embarking, though the barks had been hired above 5 weeks. The particulars I am not able to inform you, and therefore refer you to the report of them that can make a truer relation.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "24 (sic) Nov. 1605." 1 p. (113. 42.)
Postal endorsements. "Abord the Vangard the 28th of November past 4 in the after none. Will. Monson. Hast hast post hast post hast hast post hast hast. At Cant[erbury] at 8 a Clock at night. Settingborne at 11 a Clocke at night. Rochester past one a clocke after midnight. Darford past five in the morning the same day."
[Printed in Monson's Tracts, III, 340 (Navy Records Society).]
Sir William Lane to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], Nov. 28. Though the place I am now come to by your lordships' pleasures be very unpleasing, as this first night's lodging has given me a taste, yet do I proffer my service to his Majesty without respect, so long as may please your lordships to enjoin me. My Lord's [Northumberland's] first coming hither was full of passion, but now more reposed. For my direction and better respect in this place, let somewhat appear under your hand; for it seems Mr. Lieutenant takes no particular notice of my service here.—From the Tower, this 28 November.
PS.—I desire to be allowed 3 servants, because 1 will for the most part be abroad employed.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (113. 50.)
George Blackwell to the English Catholics.
1605, Nov. 28. To my reverend brethren, assistants and other priests, and to all Catholics whomsoever within the realm of England.
Since my late letters published declaring the unlawfulness of the late desperate attempt against our gracious Sovereign, the Prince, nobility, and other states of this realm, as also the inward heart's grief generally conceived among us that any Catholics should be instruments in so detestable and damnable a practice, odious in the sight of God, and horrible to the understanding of men, some uncertain rumours have lately been spread of intentions against persons of special honour and state (which how true they be God best knoweth): yet myself, in tender discharge of my duty with the first to fear the worst, and hoping charitably of the best, that they are rather reports than true suggestions, have thought good to signify unto you, mine assistants, and to all other my brethren, priests and Catholics whomsoever within this realm, that no violent act or attempt against the person of our dread Sovereign Lord the King, his royal issue, nobility, councillors or officers of estate, can be other than a most grievous and heinous offence to God, scandalous to the world, utterly unlawful of itself, and against God's express commandment, the which I desire you mine assistants to communicate to our brethren the priests, and we and they, as heretofore we have done, to instruct our ghostly children accordingly; assuring myself that as his Holiness hath already to me in general prohibited all such unlawful attempts, so undoubtedly, when notice of such shall come unto him, he will by his public instruments manifest and declare to the world his utter dislike and detestation thereof, with as deep ecclesiastical censures as are in his power to impose upon such as shall so wickedly and maliciously contrive such devilish devices. In the meantime, by the authority I have and so much as in me is, I do humbly entreat and straitly charge and enjoin all Catholic persons that live under obedience of mine authority, upon the utter pain that can or may ensue thereby, that none of them dare or do presume to attempt any practice or action tending in any degree to the hurt or prejudice of the person of our Sovereign Lord the King, the Prince, nobility, councillors or officers of estate, but towards them in their several places and degrees to behave themselves as becometh dutiful subjects and religious Catholics to their royal King, his councillors and officers serving in place of authority under him. "Vester servus in Christo, Georgius Blakwellus, Archipresbyter.—28 Novembris 1605."
Copy. 1 p. (113. 52.)
Sir Gamaliel Capell to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 28. Being informed that he is proposed for sheriff of Essex this year, he begs that he may be spared the appointment, on account of his debts and inability to undergo the charge.—28 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. ½ p. (113. 53.)
Sir Henry Widdrington to the Same.
1605, Nov. 28. He acknowledges Salisbury's letters of Nov. 17, and has accordingly examined Ourd and Fargus Storey; but finds nothing fitting to be committed to writing. They stand upon their innocency; but he detains them till his Majesty's pleasure be known.
Touching the further examination of Cuthbert Parkinson, what speeches passed between him and Thomas Percey about conveying over or entailing his land: Parkinson has not a foot of land, and affirms he has had no speech with Percey these 10 or 12 years. He met Percey, with another travelling, the one passing by the other, neither knowing the other but by the information of him who was in Percey's company, and only a friendly salutation passed between them. Parkinson he also detains till further directions.—Bothall, 28 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 88.)
Arendt S. Gosten (?) and Melsior van Hutsbeck (?) to David Vanderstraeten and Robert Marcellis at Seville (per mare).
1605, Nov. 29. Have been expecting to hear from you. July 24, 1604, we sent over the following; having heard nothing since have sent no more. List of goods follows.— Hamburg, 29 Nov. 1605.
Copy. Dutch. 1 p. (118. 65.)
Thomas Wilson to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. 30. The enclosed to your lordship is from Francis Seagar, servant to the Lantgrave of Hesse. He has also sent you 2 deers' heads, one of a reindeer, the other of an eland. They are here at my chambers at Somerset House, till it pleases you to have them brought to Court to see them. They were sent me by Garter King at Arms, Francis Seagar's brother.—Somerset House, 30 Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (113. 60.)
Lord Haryngton to the Same.
[1605], Nov. 30. I enclose a letter delivered to me by Mr. Milwood. If you please to command him anything, I have means to make your pleasure known to him. He would have waited on you himself, but that the Papists his neighbours have him in jealousy, and observe his journeys and to whom he repairs.—Coventry, 30 Nov.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (113. 62.)
James I to the Archduke Albert of Austria.
1605, Nov. 30. This is the letter described below under date Dec. 2 (p. 537).—Palace of Westminster, last day of Nov. 1605.
Contemporary copy. French. Endorsed: "Copy of his Majesty's letters to the Archduke of Austrich, sent to Sir Thomas Edmundes, his Majesty's Ambassador there." 1 p. (113. 63.)
Informations concerning Sir Francis Smythe and Mr. George Smyth.
1605, Nov. 14–30. Information of Richard Jones; taken 14 Nov. 1605. Sir Francis Smythe rode out of London the Monday before this most traitorous conspiracy should have been put in execution, and returned not until the Tuesday sennight after, when it should seem he had ridden very hard, for the Wednesday following his horse was so weary that he would not rise when Jones kicked him, as he lay in the stable at the Red Lion in Holborn. Sir Francis's horsekeeper, Thomas Hubbard, rode and returned with Sir Francis.
Information of Edward Cannynge, taken 16 Nov. 1605. John Randale, Sir Francis Smyth's father solicitor, told him Sir Francis rode on the 15th of November out of town, and that Sir Francis had been in London 3 weeks. Canning replied that could not be, as on Thursday sennight Sir Francis was in London, which was the Thursday after this horrible practice.
Information of Margaret Mascall and John Whittle, taken 30 Nov. 1605.
Richard James and Mathew Elletts, servants of Mr. George Smyth, Sir Francis's father, reported that Mr. George had sent 6 cases of pistols and 30 or 40 horsemen's swords from his house at Wotton in Warwickshire to his house in Leicestershire called Ashbie; and that Sir Everard Digby had been at Ashbie with Mr. George and Sir Francis, since their remove from Wotton, which was shortly after Michaelmas. Also that Robert Smyth and Roger Gennynges, servants to Mr. George Smyth, marvelled that their master sold away so many good horses so suddenly after his father's death, he dying but in September last. Moreover that Mr. George Smyth has not received the communion many years, and his wife a great recusant, and have bred up their children in Popery, and matched Sir Francis their eldest son to Sir Gryffin Markeham's sister, who also are recusants.
Endorsed: "Dec. 13, 1605." 1¼ pp. (113. 95.)
Sir Edward Cecyll to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], Nov. 30. I received infinite favour in your last letter, which besides the general assurance it yielded me of your worthy disposition towards me, you descended into those particular points of my former, where I adventured to let you perceive, what cause I had then to fear your coldness towards me, that having ever laid hold of all occasion, both of making my private duty appear and presenting you with such advertisements as fell here within my compass, I thought my endeavours had bad success to meet with more favour from you in others' hands than my own; and howsoever my messengers' negligence might well give you cause to suspect me for a tardy writer, yet none had ever more early dispatch from here, and I could not but blame my misfortune to have them at no hand acknowledged.
Touching Mr. Winwood, seeing you are contented to receive my opinion in that, I am bold to say that even in his particular, things threaten other issue than without the power of his place could well be effected; and although I ever rightly understood him the K[ing's] instrument for his negotiation here, and that it was his part to follow precisely any instructions that his Majesty might send him through you; yet I know his private to have such reference to your favour, that I cannot but wonder at his partial dealing in the business of our troops: and that he can so earnestly care to confer all honour there, where that light I have by my fortune here may so easily be dimmed. But I am persuaded when you let him know in what measure you acknowledge me, if it will not invite him to stand with me, it will certainly forbid him to meddle against me, being far from requiring his power in anything that might prejudice his public or private respect; my end (as he knows) being only to avoid servility or poorness in the rank I carry, wherein, when he shall leave interposing himself, my fortune will find freedom and I be better able to live with reputation in this profession, which otherways I shall be forced to give over.
If you will understand the true relation of the action of Brouke Castle, you shall best know it by this gentleman, for he was a forward witness, first having charged with the horse when Sir Henry Cary was taken prisoner, then after with the foot amongst our own nation, having run many fortunes that day, his horse being slain, was twice prisoner, hurt in the forehead and shot in the leg. He can tell you how our foot was commanded that day.—From my garrison at Utricke, 30 Nov.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 3 pp. (191. 90.)
Sir William Lane to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1605, Nov.] My Lord [Earl of Northumberland] acquainted me with a letter to you and the other Lords Commissioners, that imports a request to you to examine certain advertisements which he has received out of the country from his officers, by which he supposes it may by circumstance appear to you that Percy's unfaithful dealing with him in his businesses of trust committed to him, may argue no such care or tenderness over him in his estate or person as the world has imagined. The papers I have not examined but have sent them with his letter to you.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1602" [sic]. ½ p. (97. 68.)
Gunpowder Plot.
[1605, Nov.] This assembly in Lent last came together at the Horns, a tavern in Cartter Lane, Sir William Willowby, Sir Edmond Baynom [Baynham], Sir John Roe, Robert Catesby, Frauncis Tresham, Captain Winter, the master of which house dwelleth now at the Pole Hedd in Powleschaine.
These had sundry times both before and since their meetings at the house sometimes called by the name of Catsbey's, after Mr. Ferrett's, since Rookwood's house in Lambeth.
On the Thursday "sennett" before the 5 Nov. there met at dinner at the Mighter in Bread Street the Lord Mordaunt, Sir Jocelin Percye, Sir William Mounsonn, Sir Mark Ive, Mr. Robert Catsby, Dr. Tailor, belonging to the Archduke's Ambassador, Mr. Pickering Esquire, of Northamptonshire, Mr. Hackelett and Spero Pettingarre; and there amongst other discourses this Taylor said that all princes' ambassadors were but honourable spies.
Dinner being ended the Lord Mordaunt, Sir Jocelin Percy, and Catesby with Pickering went away together, and coming up the hill Sir William Mounsonn and Taylor took a blind way in by a church; they two alone, for Hackelett and Pettingarre went together to Pettingarr's chamber to peruse a "rutter" of Sir Francis Drake's works of navigation and so parted.
Whitlocke, that is now in the Tower, was in the beginning of summer last in the Archduke's country as he confessed himself; and often afterwards came to the Tower after his return and there accompanied Sir Walter Raughley.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1605. Advertisements concerning meetings about the powder Treason." ½ p. (112. 160.)
Case of Sir Henry Hastings.
[1605, Nov.] Sir Henry Hastings sent for all his people and shod all his horses two days before the villainy should have been effected; and because they should not be seen in troops about his house he appointed them to go by two and two some into the pastures and some into the woods. As soon as the news of the discovery came into the country, he dismissed his company. Presently after his father went to London, but Sir Henry having been in displeasure with him long before then went to him, and rode with him upon the way as far as Foxsonn, and there the father and son lighted under a hedge, and after a long private discourse they parted with very passionate embracings and weepings, as though they should never meet again. This will be justified by one, John Hackett, a rich freeholder, who then dwelt at Braunsone, and now at Elmeston.
Sir Henry sent to this Hackett, at the first assembling of their company, to borrow 100l. for a month or 3 weeks. When they could not get that sum, they demanded 50l. or 40l. or 20l., and in the end they were importunate for 10l.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (112. 170.)
Sir Everard and Lady Digby.
[1605, Nov.] "That Sir Everard Digbie may be examined whether at Dunchurch on Tuesday the 5th of November he said that the Earl of Northumberland was committed to the Tower; and that James Digbie may be sent for, for he has reported the same.
That the Lady Digbie may be examined whether she sent one Mr. Shelton, servant to Sir Francis Fortescue, on Wednesday the 6th of November, with 4 great horses to Winter's house, where the traitors then were; and what messages he carried and brought back again. And that Shelton may be sent for, for that he there had conference with the traitors.
That Thomas Wintour may be examined what gentleman that was that conversed with him, Catesby and the two Wrights, at White Webbs, the whole week before the 5th of November, and then went by the name of Mr. Foxe, for that such a one is discovered to converse with them."—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605"; and in Salisbury's hand: "Phillips." 1 p. (113. 3.)
Captain Thomas Throgmorton.
[1605, Nov.] A letter from Thomas Oldwell the father to Thomas Oldwell the son, servant to Captain Throgmorton, containing commendations only, and wishing him to direct his letters to the sign of the Black Lyon in Leaden Hall Street.
23 Nov. A letter of Benedict Harecourt to Captain Thomas Harecourt his brother, concerning payment of a debt to Thomas Butler.
22 Nov. A letter of I.K., it seems to be a woman, concerning money matter. In this letter is a postscript of George Matthew, senior, thanking him for his beads he sent.
4 Oct. A letter of Dan. Sparrye to Captain Harcourt, containing thanks and compliments for his favour.
Without date. A letter to Thomas Butler from Anne Perse, a love letter.
23 Nov. A letter from Will. Flamsted to Captain Butler: news of this conspiracy, and a catalogue of the traitors.
A letter subscribed with two cyphers, to his brother Mr. Gifford, wherein he complains of the intercepting of former letters, because of this horrible conspiracy.
(A). A letter of Ellen Harbart to Captain Throckmorton from London, of 22 Nov. 1605: wherein she writes that she hath received his letter of 20 Nov., and for the two packets of his therein mentioned she received not the first, but the second she received and delivered it according to the directions.
One Mr. Percye and Mr. Grys send him commendations, and so doth one Mrs. Wyntour.
A letter to Captain Throckmorton for Lewys Evans of 22 Nov. 1605. Captain Throckmorton promised to be here in London the beginning of the term.—Undated.
On two sheets in two different hands. The second sheet, beginning at (A), is endorsed: "1605 Abstracts of letters sent out of England to Captain Throckmorton." 1½ pp. (113. 31.)
Captain Edward Fitzgerald to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Nov. Offers services. Is very glad of his Majesty's and the Earl's happy escape from the wicked plot of those barbarous traitors, whom God confound.—Nov. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (113. 49.)
1605, Nov. Warrant addressed to his Majesty's Officers, Keepers of Records, Auditors, and others, giving authority to Edward Forrest and James Spencer to search and take copies of all the books, records and writings concerning the King's and the late Queen's accounts for Ireland.—Court at Whitehall, — of Nov. 1605.
Contemporary copy or draft. 1 p. (113. 64.)
Nicholas Fortescue to [the Earl of Salisbury?].
[1605, Nov.] "Reasons to prove my innocency of conceit of any business at this time." He had no familiarity with anyone in this action but Robert Winter, in whose company he has not been 10 times in 7 years, and who has never been in his house more than once, and that a year since. He had no horse or gelding for his own saddle, nor armour. He has no recusants among his servants or tenants. He has not these many years been conversant with any riotous company, nor attended any meeting, sport or pleasure, whereby gentlemen have been drawn together. Gives details of his money matters. He was never esteemed discontented, factious, ambitious or violent. On the death of the late Queen, when the gentlemen almost in every county conferred together of the course to be then taken, he never stirred from his dwelling before he showed himself to "your lordship" in London, whence he never departed till fear of the plague drew him into the country. The probability that the eldest Winter should be harboured in his house is very small. Their acquaintance can prove nothing, because he was never in the country since the company began to break, and his wife never saw Winter above twice. Secondly, Winter was seen about the place where Catesby and Percy were slain, which is 16 miles from the writer's house: a great road lay between: so carefully by report guarded as it was not possible Winter could escape; and further, being backward, it was not likely Winter would fly upon his pursuers. As to Francis Garret, he heard of no undutiful carriage on his part. The only matter of suspicion is Winter's calling at his house, which being in their way, and first published by him (the writer), he has good hope shall not call in question his duty to the King. He prays " your lordship" therefore to hold him in his former favour.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 3 pp. (114. 16.)
Ralph Radclyffe to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605, Nov.] The Lord Chief Justice commanded me to attend the Council at the Star Chamber to-morrow, where it may be it is the King's pleasure to have the Earl of Northumberland. On deliberate consideration thereof, it seemed apparent that I should be there produced to testify what I have advertised you of. What I have adventured to write to you proceeds not through any fear to justify a truth, but when I call to mind of what consequence my affirmation can be, which implies no other matter than a relation from other men, and likewise weighing the person against whom I am to speak, being of such a spirit as either in himself will keep it in remembrance, or by his means hold some heavy hand over me when I shall not be able to appeal to you or the State for protection, then I could fall at your feet, and beg that this public testimony might pass me. For albeit I have been sparing in sending often to you, the main reason thereof having been my proponing to myself your wisdom in affairs of state, wherein I held it no comeliness for me to be too forward without very sound matter, yet to the end you may think me mindful of my duty, you may please to understand there is one Henry Bolde, a Lancashire man, nearly allied and no less inward with Sir William Stanley, so is he of my knowledge with Owen and that faction in those parts, and their confederates here in England. Betwixt Stanley and himself there is much correspondence held. Bolde is of an active spirit, wholly Jesuited, and alike treacherous, had he opportunity to show himself outwardly to be what inwardly he is. I have long observed him, my reason being grounded upon his violent breaking out and saying. "We cannot suffer these laws: we were better die than live under such tyranny: therefore it were good something were done; and the safest way will be to deal upon single terms, for then it will be but a hazarding of one man to another" (meaning violence to the person of the King and the Prince). This fellow I have in daily view, but as yet cannot be further ascertained of any confederates with him; only this, that I assure myself he will draw in some, and participate all unto his friends at Brussels, for thence draws he all his hopes to raise his dejected estate, which is desperate. He is a fit man to make a traitor; witness his speech to me in the latter end of the late Queen's reign, who maintained it a happy deed to have made her away that hindered the free passage of the Catholic religion. But this work of his own is not yet ready. He must first send over to his friends, or go himself, for he knows the way well. If it may stand with your pleasure that I use my means to compass his designs, I shall herein be ever most loyal, and I fear not to discover him fully.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (114. 112.)
The Countess of Northumberland to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605, Nov.] The respect you yield me in this time gives relief to my wearied mind, which cannot but be sensible that this horrible treason will be a blot to the name I love so well. Otherwise I am confident in my Lord's innocency, and that you will show yourself a true noble friend in salving his reputation, which is much wounded in the opinion of the world by this wretched cousin, who being taken I doubt not but all suspicion of my Lord will be cleared.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 99.)
Petition of Edmund Powton, on behalf of his Master, the Earl of Northumberland, to [the Council.]
[? 1605, Nov.] That you will give warrant for the delivery of the castles of Alnewicke, Warkeworth and Prodhowe to William Wicliffe Esq.; and his Majesty's castle of Tinmouth to Mr. George Whithed, who under my Lord had the command thereof before.
That you will send for or to Sir John Spencer and Sir Thomas Bennett, knights, to whom amongst many others my Lord stands indebted, and signify to them my Lord's determination for the satisfaction of them and all his other creditors; which signified by you will be a mean that those which are engaged as sureties for my Lord may rest free from present trouble, which otherwise by these unfortunate accidents they are like to fall into.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (114. 100.)
Sir Richard Walshe to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605, Nov.] I would have made you first partaker of the news of the apprehension of Robert Winter and Steven Littleton, but that I was prevented therein by some who were present at their taking and immediately rode post to give notice thereof unto his Majesty and the Council; by which means I doubt not you are before this thoroughly informed of the manner of all things. I enclose a true relation of the manner of their taking, as it was delivered to me from my friend who was present. I would gladly have brought up the prisoners but that it pleased God to visit me with sickness; so that I am enforced to commit the bringing of them up to my brother, who, I doubt not, will be exceeding careful to perform the service. I entreat you to take notice of him, rather for that in the prosecution of these traitors he has behaved himself very forwardly and most like a good subject. If I am unable to attend you so soon as my desire is, I desire you will put his Majesty in remembrance of his gracious favour towards me.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (115. 8.)
Interrogatories for Winter, Fawkes and Digby.
[1605, Nov.] Winter and Fauks to be asked. Sir Everard Digby confessed in his last examination that Catesby alone did acquaint him with the project of the powder, no man being present. 2°. Catesby had power by consent to call whom he would, and so it is like of Percey.
Of Winter. Winter, Catesby and Hurleston were together in St. Clement's parish on Monday morning, 4 Nov.: inquire what conference was had between them, and when Hurleston was first acquainted with the secret, and by whom, and to what end he was sent into Northamptonshire.
Of Winter and Faukes. What and how many of the conspirators met in the Temple Garden this last summer; to what chamber of the Temple they resorted.
Of Winter. What conference passed between Winter and Mr. Talbot of Grafton on the Friday morning, Winter then coming from Holbach, Mr. Littelton's house; who sent him, and upon what occasion; and what answer was made to him.
Of Winter. What others were employed, and to whom; to whom went Robert Winter, etc.
Sir Everard Digby. Sir Everard Digby said when he was apprehended, if it be not done now it will be done some other time.
Lewys Tresham, brother of Francis, hath a chamber in the Inner Temple. William Tresham, brother also of Francis. All three about the time in conference.
About All Hallowtide last Lewys and Francis Tresham offered to sell their chamber in the Temple, saying they would travel, and sold it.
One Vavasor kept continual company with the traitors, and supposed to be Sir Thomas Tresham's base son.
Mem: to inquire who should have married the Lady Elizabeth, for it was in discourse between them.
A proclamation for taking of Greenway and Gerrard.— Undated.
In Sir Edward Coke's hand. The words in italics are marginal headings. Endorsed: "1605. Remembrances for Winter and Digby." 1 p. (115. 18.)
Informations concerning Lord Mordant.
[1605, Nov.] That there are in the Lord Mordant's house certain persons suspected to be very dangerous, in regard of their own obstinacy and their Popish superstition, and also for labouring to seduce others from the truth; namely Tutfield, tutor to the Lord his son, and late tutor to the Lord Vaux; and Gregory Hill, a musician who teaches the daughters of the said Lord in that art. Robert Wright, a servant. There are divers officers of the said Lord having houses in Turvey, held dangerous for the like stubbornness on their religion, namely Philip Dobb, his chiefest officer in his house; John Richardson and Lewis Richardson his son, and the wife of the said Lewis, who having brought forth two children since their marriage, it is not certainly known by whom, those children have been baptised and it is thought they were privily in his own house baptised by some Popish priest.
Robert Catisbee and Sir Edward Digbie did very often this last summer repair to the Lord Mordant's house, and were very inward with him; and Catisbee in the beginning of this term came to London with the Lord Mordant.
Since the commitment of the said Lord, one John Love brought word to the household that the King should give by message good hope to the Lord of the enlargement of the Lord; whereupon the bells in Turvey were rung for gladness on Tuesday last, 19 Nov. 1605, all day long, to the admiring of many in the country thereabouts. About the same time one John Lilliat, late constable of Turvey, making report of the said Love's speedy going from Turvey to Draiton, uttered those or such like words, that he thought it was for removing of armour, for the said Lilliat said he knew of a load of muskets and other pieces to be carried thither not long ago.—Undated.
Endorsed by Salisbury: "1605." 1 p. (115. 34.)
— to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605, Nov.] Sir Walter Leveson of Wolverhampton, (justice, his wife a recusant, and he a scorner of religion), the Saturday before the Parliament went in haste from London. He lay on Sunday night at St. Albans, and there said he would not for many hundreds but be about Coventry on the Tuesday. On Monday night he lay at Tovcester, and was on Dunsmowe Heath on the Tuesday. He has two houses, one at Wolverhampton, the other within 3 miles of it called Ashmore's, whereunto seminaries and priests resort, and it is said there is Mass usually, he being allied by marriage to the Colls of Worcester and other great papists of those parts.
If you examined where he lay on the Saturday night, and whether he spoke with Percy, Sir Everard Digby, or any other the complotters of the treason, it is thought it would be confessed he had notice thereof, for they were resorting into Staffordshire near his house; and it is reported that they meant to set on fire the houses of Sir John Bowes, Sir Edward Leigh, Sir Gilbert Wakeringe and Mr. Walter Bagot, whom he and the papists affect not because of religion.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (115. 35.)
Gunpowder Plot.
[1605, Nov.] Prisoners sent to London by the Sheriff of Warwickshire. (fn. 1)
By Mr. Edward Reade: Richard Day, William Udall, Richard Yorke, Thomas Rookewoodde, Roberte Askew, Marmaduke Warde, Robert Key, Robert Townsend.
By Mr. Peter Burgoine: William Snow, William Willmoore, Francys Pryor, Francys Graunt, John Clyfton, Roberte Conyers, Thomas Piers, Thomas Maunder.
By Mr. Edward Gybbes: Pearson Delves, George Bartlett, Mathew Battie, Thomas Richardson, Myles Raynarde, Thomas Anderton, Marke Bretton, William Thornbury, Christopher Ather.
Signed at foot by Sir Richard Verney. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (115. 36.)
James I to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605, Nov.] Sussex saith that Northumberland prayed him to dine with him that fatal Tuesday and that they being at dinner and discoursing of this great accident, Northumberland did ask some of his men how and when Percy got that house, who telling him that Percy had hired it long ago, Northumberland sware that he never knew before that Percy had it; so as you may see it was not lapsus memorie that made him deny to the Council his knowledge of Percy's having that house, but only that purposely he will not be thought to have had any knowledge of the hiring of that house. As for his purpose of not going to the Parliament he only said at dinner that he was sleepy for his early rising that day, but soon after changed his mind and went.
Cairlton [Carleton] would at his next examination be asked
i. who gave him my nativity.
ij. when he sent it and by what means to his Lord.
iij. what his errand was to Spain.
iiij. what packets he carried, whose, and whom to.
v. if ever he spake with Cresswell there.
vj. with what other Jesuits.
vij. and how often during his absence and by what means he heard word from his Lord.
i. Herriote would be asked what purpose he hath heard his Lord use anent my nativity or fortune.
ij. if ever his Lord desired him to cast it or tell him my fortune.
iij. if ever his Lord seemed to be discontented of the State.
iiij. if ever he heard him talk or ask him of my children's fortune.
v. if ever his Lord desired to know what should be his own fortune and end.
vj. and if he did cast my Lord and his son's nativity by his own command and knowledge.—Undated.
Holograph. Unsigned. Endorsed: "His Majesty to me." 2 seals on red silk. 1 p. (134. 86.)
Sir Francis Hastings to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605, Nov.] He begs for Salisbury's favour in his former suit; and that he will license him to open his soundly affected heart to his dear King. He comments at length upon "this horrible treason", the Pope's stirrers up of sedition and treason, and his dispensations to the wicked: all which Mourton, Sanders, Allin, Parsons and others prove. Refers to the Bull of Pius V excommunicating Elizabeth, and Cardinal Como's letter encouraging the traitor Parrey to shed her blood; and describes the subsequent proceedings of the Papists leading to the late attempt. Cites and comments upon the pernicious rules given by Rome to all her Catholic children, and the latitude allowed to seminary priests and Jesuits; and recommends their legal suppression.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 2 pp. (191. 140.)
The Gunpowder Plot.
[? 1605, Nov.] "Who so evar finds this box of letars let him cary hit to the Kings magesty. My mastar litel thinks I knows of this but yn rydinge with him that browt the letar to my mastar to a Katholyk gentelman's hows anward of his way ynto Linkonsher he told me al his purpos and what he ment to do, and he beinge a prest absolved me and mad me swar nevar to revel hit to ane man. I confes my self a Katholyk and do hate the protystans relygon with my hart, and yit I detest to consent ethar to murdar or treson. I have blotyd out sartyn nams yn the letars becas I wold not have ethar my mastar or ane of his frinds trobyl aboute this, for by his menes I was mad a goud Katholyk and I wod to God the King war a goud Katholyk: that ys al tha harm I wish him, and let him tak hed what petysons or suplycasons he taks of ane man, and I hop this box wil be found by som that wil giv hit to the King; hyt may do him goud one day. I men not to com to my mastar any mor but will return in to my contry from whens I cam. As for my nam and contri I consel [conceal] that, and God mak the Kinge a goud Katholyk and let Ser Robart Sesil an my lord chef gustyse lok to them selvse."—Undated.
1 p. (206. 22.)
John Streete to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605, Nov.] He, hearing of these late traitorous rebels, pursued them, with others of Worcester, to the place of their last refuge, where he carried himself so resolute, not without the great danger of his life, that it was his good fortune at two shots to slay three of the principal of them, viz. Pearcy, Catesby and Wright, and to hurt Rukwood sore beside; and since spared no cost to provide chirurgery and all other necessary means for the preservation of their lives that were sore hurt, attending them hither at his own charges without having any benefit in the world by them. As the King promised him that would bring in Pearcy alive 1,000l. and his whole estate, he prays for the said 1,000l., or a pension.—Undated.
18th cent. copy. 1¼ pp. (249. 44.)
[Printed in extenso in Lodge, Illustrations, etc. (ed. 1791), III, 300, 301.]


  • 1. Probably the enclosure in Sir R. Verney's letter of Dec. 2 (page 532 infra).