Cecil Papers: September 1604,

Pages 299-323

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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September 1604

Paolo Lentolo, doctor and citizen of Berna, to Sir R. Cecil (sic).
1604, Sept. 1. From Cecil's many affairs, and his own long absence from England, the former will have forgotten him. Will always reverence him for favour shown him on the introduction of the late Sir Horatio Palavicino, for Cecil not only made him partaker of his friendship but wished to learn Italian of him; which studies he could not continue by reason of the weighty affairs that came on the whole kingdom by the coming of the Spanish Armada in 1588. Takes the present opportunity to testify his affection by sending a relation of his on Fasting, reprinted and dedicated to her Majesty the Queen. If he is too bold prays him to condone his error towards her Majesty, which proceeds from his sincere affection to all that most noble nation and to the nobility specially, by whom during his stay of four years in England he was most honourably treated. He left in the company of Sir Harry Neville, son and heir of Lord Bergavenny, whose father appointed him director of his son's travels in Germany and Italy; where they arrived in company with many other noblemen, and amongst others Sir Thomas Sakefild, son of Lord Buckhurst. He departed from such noble company with design to return and finish his days in that most happy kingdom; but the prayers of his late father, who was excessively sorrowful that he, his only son, in his old age when he had need of his comfort should be absent in a land so far off, were the reason he had not returned; since which he had been called to the service of that powerful republic as their physician in ordinary. Prays him to accept his little gift in good part, but especially his affection and devotion.—Berna, 1 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. Italian. Seal. 3 pp. (95. 36.)
Lord Say and Sele to Viscount Cranborne.
1604, Sept. 1. My happiness I should have accounted doubled if I might have enjoyed your most desired presence; for then albeit the defects cannot but be much to my great grief, yet your nobleness, having been the principal advancer of this poor house and the owner thereof, would have favoured me with your excuse and intercession for pardon.—1 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (106. 150.)
The Spanish Commissioners.
1604, Sept. 2. Privy Seal to the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Exchequer to pay Sir Edward Carye, Master of the Jewels, several sums of money for making the following pieces of plate to replace similar pieces bestowed on the Constable of Castile and the other commissioners from the King of Spain: viz. one bason and ewer, one enamelled cup with a cover, two cups and covers, and a cup of assay, all of gold, weighing together 289 ozs.; and one bason and a layer, two great layers and two flagons of silver gilt laid in colours, eleven pair of gilt flagons, nine pair of gilt pots, and two great water-pots gilt, three and twenty gilt cups and bowls with covers, six basons and layers gilt, one great gilt fountain, weighing 13,987 oz.— "At our manor of Broughton, 2 September, in the second year of our reign."
Copy. 1 p. (106. 151.)
Attorney General Coke to Lord Treasurer Dorset.
1604, Sept. 2. By your letters of August 22 I am required to consider how the Countess of Northumberland (who is to have an estate for life) may also have power to make leases for 21 years in possession, upon surrender, forfeiture, or expiration. I am of opinion that she having but an estate for life, the King cannot give her power to make leases in her own name to endure after her decease. Secondly, I can devise no way warranted by law for her to make leases to be of validity after her decease without question, but if his Majesty would make her an estate for life and 21 years after her decease; both which estates may well stand and subsist together. Lastly, if any scruple should be conceived of the validity of her power to make leases my Lady should never raise fine, nor any man will be willing to take any lease.—Godwick, 2 Sept. 1604.
Signed. Seal. 2/3 p. (106. 152.)
The Earl of Devonshire to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604], Sept. 3. I am exceeding glad that the Bath wrought so good effect as to send you back so soon; for of your health I never doubted though you had not gone. And now I am afraid to interrupt any course of quiet that you will betake yourself unto, but I do much desire to see you and it is reason that you should tell me both when and where; for your time of enjoying yourself is so rare and so little that I doubt not but you have divided already every part of it. I am like an idle beggar that is never out of his way. My neighbour Hixt puts me in some hope that you will see Wanstead; if you do I shall be very glad of it, and though my fat olives and pewets be spent and you are likely to find no good fare, yet I will take care that you shall have neither too evil nor too much company.—This 3rd of September from Wanstead.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (106. 153.)
Sir Thomas Hesketh to Sir Stephen Procter.
1604, Sept. 3. Before his leaving Ripon, Sir William Inglebie came to him for his [Sir William's] book of accounts: which on reasons given he redelivered to Sir William, so that he cannot satisfy Procter's request. Does not think it needful, as Procter will answer a great part of it sufficiently upon such grounds as Procter delivered to him. Is glad Procter's man heard of his being at Skipton: but he is uncertain in his report.— Durham, 3 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (107. 5.)
Sir John Salisbury to Viscount Cranborne.
1604, Sept. 3. Hears of a false imputation laid against him by Foulke Lloyd: who procured his servants and followers to murder Salusbury's kinsman John Lewys Gwyn. Because the distressed widow prosecutes Lloyd for her great loss, Lloyd accuses him to Cranborne of prosecuting him maliciously to seek his blood, for the sake of a piece of land. Protests his innocence. Would never take any lands or goods for his kinsman's blood, but seeks only justice. It makes him despair that Cranborne should credit such a notorious recusant, one of no reputation, who has endured his own father's curses for twenty years. His guilt in this murder may be perceived in that he has refused to take his trial before the Lord President, but stands upon his pardon.—Lleweny, 3 Sept. 1604.
Holograph, signed: Jo. Salusbury. 1 p. (189. 25.)
[Viscount Cranborne] to Mr. Winwood.
1604, Sept. 4. Explains some points in the treaty of peace with Spain, in the observance of which the States "shall find all friendly and just correspondency" on the King's part. Barnevelt to be made acquainted herewith.
Draft, largely corrected by Cranborne. 4½ pp. (106. 154.)
[Printed in extenso in Winwood's Memorials, ii, 27, 28.]
Christophe de Harlay to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604], Sept. 4/14. Sends a horse for Cranborne's son. Regrets that he is not trained, but those, which are, are usually spoiled and lamed. M. de St. Anthoine will have pleasure in training it.
Had several things yesterday to communicate to Cranborne in particular but was detained by the Lord Treasurer. Wanted also to withdraw his promise but has thought since that it did not concern him as Cranborne had given no copy of it and does not beg him now to make one as he is not certain that the King, his master, in view of the bad procedure of the Spanish Commissioners, approves of it. From what he hears the Ambassador arrived yesterday. If he sees Cranborne to-day begs to be informed what he says about their treaty and his manner of pursuing and terminating it, as de Harlay will only leave tomorrow to find his Majesty and would be relieved to be able to give certain advice in France of the state of affairs so as to be better instructed to prevent the umbrage and discontentment there at what has been so unhappily conducted and interrupted on the side of Spain.—"Londres, Mardi 14 Septembre."
Holograph. French. Endorsed: "1604. French Ambassador." 2 pp. (107. 9.)
Robert Prickett to Viscount Cranborne.
1604, Sept. 6. My discharge proceeded chiefly from your clemency, and therefore to you my submissive lines humbly bring themselves, entreating that as by your favour I am discharged from my late offence, so my liberty may be procured. I remain a prisoner, not being able to pay the fees due since my commitment, and though poverty is a virtue that is learned without a teacher, yet can it hardly be endured without help. If you will raise me from despair's dust, vouchsafe to accept my service.—Marshalsea, 6 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. Seal, broken. ½ p. (106. 157.)
Sir Stephen Procter to the Same.
1604, Sept. 7. I hope ere this you have received my letters of the last of August touching the service of the Earl of Derby by him and you committed unto me. Where I wrote that I had sent again to Sir Thomas Hesketh for the book of Sir William Ingleby's demands you may perceive by Hesketh's answer enclosed that Sir William would not let it abide trial but hath taken it away again as I guess that I should be forced to answer every particular upon the sudden, to see if by that means he caught hold of any advantage. It had been well not to have re-delivered without keeping some copy of it, and so many of my lord's friends here think. However, I hope to answer the principal points of it without book, though it will be more trouble so to perfect myself of the pleadings; and it might as well have been done before you briefly and have spared the commissioners' labours. I see Sir William did desire this course but to win time of my Lord, and free himself of such great advantage as I have against him in every Court, and wherein rather than endure the disgrace and charge likely to fall upon him if I proceed against him, I assure myself he will take a small money for his lease; which I beseech you to make use of, albeit my counsel make account that I shall have at least five or six hundred pounds costs and damages against him. All my Lord's tenants greatly rejoice that he shall have the lease in again, and I doubt not but to raise my Lord amongst them for seven or eight years added to the end of their leases to make them up 21 years, some 1400l. or 1500l.; and to that end I have already the most of their hands to it, and doubt not of all the rest saving some few that be popish, and in respect of Sir William not only deny to deal with his lordship for their farmers as others do but also labour to draw away all the rest; and so they had done indeed if I had not taken such course as I have. But I hope his lordship will never after accept such to be his tenants as in this kind oppose themselves as enemies, and yet it shall be no loss to him, for I will see the money by other his tenants made up. Note in Sir Thomas Hesketh's letter also whether I came not to the first meeting and had some conference as the cause required; because the other part here hint that you have taken some offence with my remissness at that time. It had been pity for so small a trifle to have lost such goodly manors as I find upon my survey well worth 800l. per annum, and that for every seven or eight years lease at the old rent will yield 1500l. or thereabouts; and if by my service these things may be drawn back to his lordship, and yet Sir William Ingleby's demands truly abated, Sir William or his friends will not refrain from speaking hardly of me.—At my house at Fountains Abbey, 7 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (106. 158.)
[For Sir Thomas Hesketh's enclosed letter see above p. 301.]
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to Viscount Cranborne.
1604, Sept. 7. As the Earl of Shrewsbury hath occasion to visit you before going into the country I have thought fit to signify to you there is a matter of some importance which he hath to impart to you; wherein I pray you for that the same doth in some sort concern myself give credit to his speeches concerning me. I am the more willing to commit the matter to his delivery because he loves you unfeignedly.—7 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (106. 159.)
Sir Fulk Grevyll to the Same.
[1604], Sept. 7. I do not know that ever I obeyed any commandment of yours with a worse will than this last which forbade me to wait upon you at the Bath, because I had long been proud with hope of freely enjoying your sweet company there. Besides I was a little ambitious to have done you some service, since in all other kinds I find myself unable. Now, Sir, examining this change in you who seldom change from your friends I grow doubtful of more indisposition of body than I left you in, which makes me send this bearer for news of your health.—From Wedgnocke, this 7 of September.
PS.—I humbly thank you for my hawk; she is one of the fairest falcons I have seen.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (106. 160.)
Sir Henry Poole to Viscount Cranborne.
1604, Sept. 10. I have stayed sending your hawk upon intelligence of your coming to Bath, where I meant to have attended on you to my poor house, lying conveniently in your journey to the Court. I have now sent her by this bearer, in good state to make you a pleasing flight.—From Saperton, 10 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. Seal. ⅓ p. (106. 163.)
Sir Richard Gifford to the Same.
1604, Sept. 10. The employment of this messenger for the 10 or 12 days has been to find you, who missing you at London followed after as the report of your journey carried him, first to the Bath, thence to Woodstock, where you being departed before his arrival he returned contrary to my commandment not to rest until he had delivered my letter unto your hands. But the desire to do you service causes me to post him again, to know your pleasure concerning the tassell which you committed unto my custody. I have given him 4 or 5 doves, but he will ask a longer time to bring him to his full perfection. If fortune cross me not I shall every year be able to furnish you with a good hawk or two.—From Tuderly, 10 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (106. 164.)
Sir George Carew to the Same.
1604, Sept. 10. The ratification, to be delivered to the Archdukes, has been ready a good while, and I have been once or twice at your house at Ivybridge to attend you with it. It is now at my lodging in London locked up in a desk, and I have so disposed of my servants and my business as I cannot conveniently be there till Wednesday next; so if you think good I will attend you with it at Hampton Court when his Majesty comes thither, which I learn will be this week, or else wheresoever his Majesty shall be after Wednesday.—From my poor house at the Wick near Kingston, 10 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. Endorsed:—"Sir George Carew of the Chancery." 1 p. (106. 165.)
Nicholas White to W. Brereton, Secretary to Lord Cranborne.
1604, Sept. 10. I send you the copy of the letter written by the Lords to the Lord Deputy of Ireland in my favour, whereby you may meet any objections my adversary might make in my absence, to have the course laid down by their lordships for righting me countermand[ed], in prevention of which I pray you have a care.—London, 10 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. ¼ p. (189. 19a.)
The Enclosure: Earl of Devonshire and Viscount Cranborne to the Lord [Deputy]. The King has referred to them the enclosed petition of Mr. Nicholas White. They pray the Lord Deputy to examine the cause and yield White speedy justice. His suit seems to deserve favour, as he was dispossessed of his right (as is alleged) when he was her late Majesty's ward: and upon his adversary's suggestion of the disability of his tenants to maintain their possession in the late troubles there: which being now quieted, they think it meet he should be relieved.—Whitehall, 26 August 1604.
Contemporary copy. ½ p. (189. 19.)
Sir Thomas Wenman to Viscount Cranborne.
1604, Sept. 10. Recommending the bearer.—Thame Park, 10 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (206. 9.)
Lady Cooke to Viscount "Cranbrocke" (Cranborne).
[1604], Sept. 12. Begs for the wardship of the son of Dudlye Foskue, dwelling at Mr. Coanes at Chilton Hall, Suffolk, who has killed himself. Her husband is not now at home, nor her son Edward, which is the cause she sends her second son with this letter: who is Lord (Cranborne's) father's godson. Acknowledges (Cranborne's) favour in bestowing on her son the stewardship of Havering.—Gedyhall, 12 Sept.
Holograph, signed: Avis Cooke. Endorsed by Cranborne's secretary: "1604." 1 p. (107. 1.)
Sir John Fortescue to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604], Sept. 13. Refers to "the great disaster and most miserable accident" of the death of his cousin Dudley Fortescue and begs for the wardship of the son, to the use of the children. The widow is only mother-in-law, and a young gentlewoman not likely to continue without marriage.—Hendon, 13 Sept.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (107. 2.)
Sir Richard Warburton to Sir John Stanhope.
[1604], Sept. 13. The Bryll now affords no certain news, more than that it is said Sir Francis Vere quits this government to Sir Edward Conway; a gentleman well fitting the place, as best acquainted with the state of the town, the nature of the people, and disposition of the States; which news, if it were true, then is he to leave the place of marshal to a captain of the garrison, for so ever has been the order of this government. Then I have best cause to seek after the place. If there be such a matter in hand, move Lord Cranborne's furtherance herein. If I get the marshalship, or there be any reinforcements, as here is bruited, I should never more need to trouble friends for further advancement.—13 Sept.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (107. 3)
Sir Richard Warburton to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604], Sept. 13. Repetition of his letter to Stanhope above. Begs Cranborne's furtherance to the place of marshal there mentioned.—Bryll, 13 Sept.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (107. 6.)
The Earl of Dorset to the Same.
1604, Sept. 13. I am desired by the Countess of Northumberland to certify you of Mr. Attorney's opinion touching power to be given to my Lady from his Majesty for the granting of leases for 21 years in possession or upon forfeiture or surrender; touching which I send you Mr. Attorney's own letter (p. 300 supra). The same opinion is also confirmed to me by a serjeant of good learning.—13 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. Endorsed: "L. Treasurer." 1 p. (107. 4.)
Sir John Ogle to the Same.
1604, Sept. 14. It may be gathered that the brunt and fury of the wars for this year is past, Ostend being lost, and sickness having disabled our army for any further enterprise of consequence. I do not perceive any other intent than (as I wrote to you before) of finishing the works which are found needful for the defence of that which we have gotten. The Estates have settled most of the business for Flanders: only the place of General, which the common voice casts upon the Count Henry, is not disposed of. Some say the Count Maurice will remain there himself, because the world shall not tax him of an improvidence of keeping, having had the fortune to get so good footing; besides a jealousy of his brother's growing so great may continue him in such a purpose. Others imagine that this may be a way left open for a reentry to Sir Francis Vere, who, it is thought, will be solicited by the Estates at their coming into England, for his return. He is the fittest instrument for such a business that they can advise of, if they mean to make an active war in the Duke's own country. The Estates are shortly upon their return for Holland. Of the breaking up of the camp is yet no speech, only some troops which were drawn up for our late pretended action of unsetting Ostend may be sent again to the frontiers, especially if the Duke send forces (as is said) into Brabant and other parts. Those of Ostend got an honourable composition, contrary to the expectation of the world, by that hustling pretence of ours to go and assail them: which yet to have done was merely against the opinion of the General and all the chiefs of the army, if the enemy would but do that which was fitting for men of war or of discretion. That they would do otherwise we have but slight presumption, because they had failed in those parts in some late actions before. Some attribute much to the noble disposition of the Marquis Spinola in dealing so honourably with them; but it may be that that disposition was much stirred up in him by the expectation of our army being ready to march, and resolved (as the world took it) to assail their army. I should not think he would have given them lives, arms, colours, baggage, shipping, some part of artillery, all these being in his free power, only out of his own disposition. But he has gotten much reputation by it, and so has the Governor of the town, who was very kindly welcomed by Count Maurice and the Estates upon Thursday morning last, when he came to the camp with the troops out of Ostend, bringing almost 3,000 able men. The Princess of Orange remains yet at Sluce, and is thought to labour strongly under hand for the investing of her son into the command of the troops in Flanders.—Middleburghe, 14 Sept. 1604, veteri.
Holograph. 2 pp. (107. 7.)
Lord Cromwell to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604], Sept. 14. Details proceedings in his suit with respect to the manor of Allaxton, and begs Cranborne's letters to Lord Anderson and the other judges, requiring them to hear his justification of his title. Complains of his adversary's forgeries and perjuries, and of Justice Walmesly's enmity to him.— 14 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 8.)
Sir Robert Wrothe to the Same.
1604, Sept. 15. Encloses copy of the original required by Cranborne. He received the original from Sir Thomas Mildmay, and has returned it to him. Hopes Cranborne will remember to procure the warrant for money, and for timber for the bridges, as the time now serves very well for carriage. Note at foot of trees out of Chappell Hennolt, Hennolt, and Wallwood, Essex; Hatfield Wood, Herts: and Enfield Chase, Middlesex; with lops, tops and other things towards the charge of building the bridges.—Lucton, 15 Sept. 1604.
Signed. ½ p. (107. 11.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Same.
[1604], Sept. 15. Upon the advice I gave Sir Edward Conway of your honourable disposition to us both in undertaking to procure his Majesty's gracious liking of my resignation to him of the government of the Brill, he sent the bearer to his friends on this side about the performance of the conditions agreed on betwixt us, which it seems they are loth to do for want of sufficient assurance of their indemnity, which cannot be had unless Sir Edward Conway were here present. I beseech you he may have leave to come over for some few days.—London, 15 Sept.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (107. 12.)
Sir George Carew to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604, Sept. 15.] Has received Cranborne's letter by Mr. Manberie, but does not remember that ever he told the party of that of which Cranborne now gives him caution. Cranborne may rest assured he will observe his direction. Sends a cast of Irish falcons by the bearer.—Savoy, Saturday.
Holograph. Endorsed: "15 Sept. 1604. Sir Geo. Carew the Q. Vice-chamberlain." 1 p. (189. 26.)
John Wynter to the Same.
1604, Sept. 16. No physic can sooner hasten Cranborne's health than the Bath; wherefore he came now to the Bath to understand the state thereof, and encloses Master Stone's report upon it.—16 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Captain Winter." 1 p. (107. 13.)
The Enclosure:
Christopher Stone to Captain Winter. Touching the sick of this city, for Lord Cranborne's information, there are 3 houses suspected to be newly infected since Sept. 8. Gives particulars. From the sign of the Swan in Stalls St. to sign of the Swan without the north gate are all clear. From the house of Thomas Brinkworth to the bridge is all clear. All the houses near both the Baths are all clear.—Bath, 15 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (107. 10.)
Sir John Popham to the Same.
1604, Sept. 16. I thank you for this understanding of his Majesty's determination, and will not fail to be at the Court on Monday to-morrow sennight. Yet I have been touched with my former disease since I attended you last.
As I find the estate of the country now, I would have wished the loan might have been paid between "Allhollandtide" and Michaelmas, when gentlemen might have received their rents to help them, for I never knew these western parts so bare of money as I hear now it is; for I have known men of very good sort that could not have wanted four or five hundred pounds when they had willed, yet they could not this summer by any convenient means furnish themselves of one hundred, the want of money seems to be so great.—Litlecote, 16 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. Endorsed: "L. Chief Justice." 1 p. (107. 14.)
The Prebendaries of Christ Church, Oxon, to Viscount Cranborne.
1604, Sept. 16. There is a suit made to the King that Dr. Ravis, Dean of this Church, may be promoted to the see of Gloucester; and his friends as much importune the holding of this Deanery in commendam, as the obtaining of the bishopric. We would be glad to further his preferment in hope to have Dr. King his successor, of whose good affection to this Church which bred him we have that experience, that there cannot a man of this foundation be named with whom we would more willingly join in the government, and whom the whole body of our Students would more willingly obey. We wish that, if our Dean be preferred, his two benefices, with his prebend of Westminster, which is more than either of the two last Bishops of Gloucester held, might suffice for his commendam; and that this Deanery, which requires more attendance than any 3 deaneries of the land, by reason that it is both a Cathedral Church of prebendaries and singing men, and a Collegiate Church of 100 students, and thereby requires daily and hourly attendance, be not made the reward of service to any other Church. The many inconveniences of which commendam, if the compass of a letter would give us leave to set down, we would not doubt but to make it manifest that this Deanery more necessarily requires the personal residence of the Dean than any either Bishopric or Deanery of the land.—Christ Church, 16 Sept. 1604.
Signed: Leon. Hutton subdecanus, Rich. Eedes, Richard Thorneton and Jo. Howson. Endorsed by Cranborne: "the Fellows of Christ Church." 1 p. (189. 27.)
The Earl of Hertford to the Same.
1604, Sept. 17. I was sorry when I understood you passed by my house in your intended journey to Bath, and was much grieved when I heard of your sudden return, because I hoped to persuade you to take some recreation with me in killing of a stag reserved for that purpose. But I hope some better occasion will one day draw you into these western parts, when your friends may more freely enjoy your company, and better health. I have sent my servant Kyrton to attend you and the rest of my Lords, and to put you in mind of the day you have appointed for hearing my cause, which I hope will after so long time receive end. I shall not need express how earnestly I desire the same, because all men that tender posterity cannot be without sensible feeling of my cross, which God has given me patience to bear, and will put into the King's heart, and into yours, readiness to do me right in so just a cause.—Easton, Monday, 17 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 15.)
The Earl of Oxford to the Earl of Nottingham.
[1604], Sept. 17. The bearer reports Wytheringe's utter refusal to appear before Nottingham, according to Nottingham's warrant: Sir John Grey undertaking in Wytheringe's behalf to answer the matter before the King, avowing that what has been done was by his commandment. Prays Nottingham to take speedy course to chastise their contempt, and also to restore his (Oxford's) servant to his wife, children, house and goods.— 17 Sept.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (107. 16.)
Lord Mounteagle to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604], Sept. 18. There are some of my counsel, which I have entertained against my Lord of Hertford, in the country, where they will remain till term. There is also a report that my Lord Chief Justice will not come to the town till after Michaelmas. I beg another day may be appointed, speedily after their return.—The Strand, 18 Sept.
Holograph, signed: W. Mownteagle. Endorsed: "1604." (189. 28.)
Sir E. Stafford to the Same.
[1604, c. Sept. 19.] His mother is at the point of death. Dr. Tourner her physician is of opinion that with great care she may be drawn on till the full moon, but cannot pass it. She is much troubled at not having worthily to give her servants before she dies; and he has asked the Lord Treasurer to advance 100l. to her, but was informed it was against his oath. He begs Cranborne to move the King to order the Lord Treasurer to make the advance, the money being due in 10 days' time.
Hearing that Cranborne would be at the Bath, he went there to meet him, but heard at the bridge that Cranborne went back; he therefore went in at the gate, turned about by the wall to the other gate, and went to Sir Thos. Harington's, and sent to discharge his lodgings: which but for the word he had given his mother he would not have done, for he might have been without danger, for the day before the last infected man in the town was dead, nobody sick, and all the houses still kept shut that had any infection from the beginning.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Received Sept. 19, 1604." 3 pp. (107. 17.)
Bill of Mortality in Bath.
1604, Sept. 20. There have died of all diseases and all sorts of persons in the City of Bathe and the suburbs of the same since the middest of May or thereabouts 1604 so many as follow and out of so many several houses mentioned:
Goodwiffe More 8 pest
George Perman 1
John Adye 8 p.
Old Adye at the bridge foot 1 p.
Whitaker 2 one of them doubtful
Zacharye Levet 2 p.
John Delamer 3 p.
Walter Milsam 4 p.
Barton House 1 p.
Willowghby, by the West Gate 2 p.
Richard Baker 1
In the West Gate House 1
Henrye Chapman 3 p.
Thomas Chapman 2 p.
Pincarde at the Swan 8 p.
Nicholas Smithe 2 p.
Woodyarde 1 p.
Dunne at the Mill 2 one doubtful
Richard Baylie 5 p.
Thomas Smithe 2 p.
Arthure Butler by the South Gate. 1
Lettice Gaye 1
John Mines his brother 1
Hadnotte 1
Morgan Walter 1
Goodwiffe Greene of the almshouse. 1
Goodwiffe Hull 1 p.
Cockette 3 p.
Nicholas Pitcher 2 p.
Thomas Cutler 1 incertum.
Jasper Porter 1 p.
John Elmer 1 p.
John Tomson 1 incertum.
William Underhill 2 p.
Nicholas Cooke 2 p. 1 only.
Old John White the cook 1 p.
Out of the pest house, which being sick were carried from the town and some of the houses aforesaid:
John Porter.
Joane Porter.
John Morgan.
Thomas Beaker.
Thomas Write.
Mother Garlande.
Thomas Owen.
John Huberdyne. Of the plague all.
Of all diseases have died from the time above mentioned to the 20th of September 1604, 88, of the plague, 72. Of the residue, five uncertain and eleven by the ordinary visitation of God.
Houses at this present visited and shut up, four; the Swan without Gate, the two Cooks last mentioned, and one Butlar's a tailor, out of which house none have yet died.
1 p. (105. 88.)
Lord Harington to the Council.
1604, Sept. 20. I have received your letter for the Lady Elizabeth's coming to the Court, which I will perform with expedition; but because her Grace is unfurnished of "caroch" and wagon for her own ease in travel, and for the carriage of her attendants, I beseech you that as she had such helps for her coming into the country, so there may be sent down for her bringing up.—Combe, 20 Sept. 1604.
Signed. 1 p. (107. 19.)
Sir Thomas Bennett, Lord Mayor, to Viscount Cranborne.
1604, Sept. 20. The King required of him and his brethren, upon conference with other merchants, their opinion touching the setting over of such bills and obligations as are made over from man to man for commodities bought and sold. He encloses their answer.—London, 20 Sept. 1604.
Signed. ½ p. (107. 21.)
The Enclosure:
Suit has been made to the King to ordain the custom here, as is used among merchants trading into other countries, of setting over the above bills; and they have caused the question to be propounded to the Merchant Adventurers and other merchants. Detail their reasons against such setting over, which would enable the strangers to bring far greater store of commodities into the land, and drive the English merchants out of trade.
Signed: Thomas Bennett, Mayor; Henry Billingsly; John Garrard; John Watts; Henry Anderson; Thomas Myddelton; Henry Rowe; Thomas Hayes; Roger Jones; James Deane; Clement Scudamore; Willm. Romeny.
1 p. (107. 20.)
Viscount Cranborne to Francis Angier.
1604, Sept. 21. Resolution was taken that her Majesty's surveyors should now be made acquainted by the stewards of the state of her revenue, upon their first beginnings to make grants of her lands. He is advertised by divers of his deputies that they are enjoined at every Court to give notice to the surveyors of the time of their sittings, and to forbear demising anything without their consent, "in which direction my own hand is to the letters." He instructs Angier, as steward of the manor of Risboroughe Prince, Bucks, that when such letter is brought to him, he shall take the same as a matter mistaken by him who drew the letter, and signed by oversight. The surveyor is to be suffered to have no other authority than heretofore the King's surveyor has used to assume in like cases; only he is to be given sufficient warning of the next keeping of the court, and any information he needs for her Majesty's service.—The Court at Windsor, 21 Sept. 1604.
Signed. 1 p. (107. 22.)
Sir Henry Wallop to Viscount Cranborne.
1604, Sept. 21. According to my promise I have sent bearer to convey your hawk safe to my brother Gifford. Remember me in your next letters to my Lord President of Wales. Last term I moved you in a matter by Sir Rowland Lytton, wherein I forgot to know your pleasure at my late being with you; please let me understand it.—21 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 23.)
The Master of the Requests.
1604, Sept. 21. Sir Daniel Dunn's patent as Master of Requests.
Copy. Latin. ½ p. (142. 194.)
Dr. Jo. Sherwood to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604], Sept. 22. At the christening of Captain Winter's child all "accomplements" were as fully performed as if you had been present: where Sir Thomas Seymour and Lady Byllingsley attending you, with myself for naming the child, and willing to satisfy the parents because they had devoted the infant wholly to you, called it Cecil, a name which somewhat revived the Captain's spirits, being somewhat daunted by your not coming to Bath and disappointed his great provisions for your entertainment. I imagined the citizens of Bath would censure me hardly for your sudden return, and was nothing deceived: the meaner, for their present gain: the better sort in hope to renew their old charter with more immunities, which are already too many: all for love of themselves, without regard of the health and safety of those by whom the burden of our estate is supported. They rail and revel at their pleasure, but I esteem it less than nothing, as long as my conscience witnesses I have dealt honestly. I suggested no untruth. I numbered the persons dead of all diseases from about the midst of May to the end of August, 72, and the several houses out of which they died, about 24. How modestly I have dealt therein shall appear by the breviat I have sent, to the just reproof of those who by false suggestion of others in favour of the place, impugned my report. Of the number mentioned in the schedule there have not died above 5 or 6 since I saw you; since which time 3 houses were newly infected, the inhabitant of one a cook retaining to you, who had provided 3 beds for some of the meanest of the train; and himself no doubt would for the most part have been in your kitchen, a thing full of terror to those that truly love you. God be praised these dangers are avoided, and the respiting of bathing shall not, I hope, much prejudice your health. I should rest better satisfied if I had met Mr. Gooderouse at Chipnam, where I expected him according to your command; but I shall have opportunity to confer with him in London.—Bath, 22 Sept.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (107. 24.)
R. Lewkenor and others to Lord Zouche.
1604, Sept. 22. Death of the late Bishop of St. Asaph. They recommend Dr. Parry, Dean of Bangor, for the see, for his gravity, good life, discreet government, and painful preaching as well in the Welsh tongue as the English.—Wrexham, 22 Sept. 1604.
Signed: R. Lewkenor; H. Towneshend; Tho. Mostyn; J. Salusbury; Tho. Hanmer; Roger Puleston; Edward Eyton; Owen Vaughan; John Williams; M. Broughton; J. Jeffreys.
Endorsed: "Certain gentlemen of Wales." 1 p. (107. 25.)
Lord Zouche to Viscount Cranborne.
1604, Sept. 22. Common bruit brought him news of Cranborne's advancement, and also that he was at the Bath, whither he sent to understand of Cranborne's health, and to complain that he neither vouchsafed to advise him concerning the loan, nor to give him the good tidings of his advancement; which grieved him, because it witnessed less affection from Cranborne. He has stayed some time in returning his certificate concerning the loans, hoping that his letter to him at Bath would draw some little watchword to guide him, and that if Cranborne came to London before its arrival, his errors would be better helped. He now sends them to pass under Cranborne's favour, and hopes to be advised when he shall come to London concerning this matter of the Union; wherein, though he has no substance but well wishes, and thinks he can do the King better service here than there, yet he will be ready after their term ends at Allhallowtide, to await any direction.—Fecknam Lodge, 22 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 26.)
Richard Percival to the Same.
1604, Sept. 23. Mr. Frere builds himself only upon the report that my Lord Admiral would have had it, for I never could perceive that his lordship had any interest in the present lease. If he have, it were fit he wrote to the bailiff to be assistant to Mr. Frere in surveying it; if not, I think it not amiss, it being not yet known in the country that you have it, that the Lord Treasurer sign this letter, and you also sign this other; that both being sent to Mr. Frere with a copy of your letters patent, he may make use of whether he thinks fit. The auditors are not in town that should inform me of the values of these lands about Greewich [? Greenwich], but in two days I hope to have means to know them.—23 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 27.)
The Earl of Derby to Viscount Cranborne.
1604, Sept. 23. On receipt of certain privy seals by the Mayor, aldermen and gentlemen of Chester, they have entreated his letter in their behalf; as his ancestors have ever used to stead that city with all the furtherance they could. The long visitation, to their great charge, the present payment of the last part of the fourth subsidy, and the "mize" due to his Majesty considered, he can do no less than commend their suit, praying Cranborne to further their petition to the Council for ease in the said privy seals.—"Your loving nephew."— Knowsley, 23 Sept. 1604.
Signed. 1 p. (107. 28.)
Sir Michael Stanhope to the Same.
[1604], Sept. 23. Having the convenience of my cousin Mr. Attorney's coming to the Court, I could not but make some remembrance of the love and duty which I have ever owed you, being as glad of your honour as any man living.—Sudborne, 23 Sept.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (107. 29.)
The Eastland Company.
1604, Sept. 23. Statement by the Company of the inconveniences if the Hanses should be permitted to bring in the commodities of Prussia, Pollonia, Livonia, and Swevia, in their own ships for English custom.—Undated.
Endorsed: "Delivered at Hampton Court, 23 Sept. 1604." 2 pp. (107. 30.)
Henry Lok to Viscount Cranborne.
1604, Sept. 24. Unprofitable suitors are not pleasing to common courtiers, but I hope my barren fortune shall not debar me your accustomed grateful ear and hand to hear and relieve. The particular means I crave at your leisure in a few words to deliver you.—24 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (107. 31.)
The Hanses.
[1604, Sept. 24]. The Council's answer to the three commissioners for the Hanses, delivered by word of mouth in Latin by Sir Christopher Perkins, at Hampton Court.
After discussing the general relations with the Hanses, the Council say it appears that if they shall in matter of custom specially make any difference between the Hanses and other strangers, it will draw upon them the importunity of all other nations, and overthrow the whole course of the traffic of the kingdom. Their demands can be in no way assented to: nothing being now more necessary to the King upon the closing of his wars (by which his shipping has been augmented and his mariners employed) than to foresee that privileges to strangers draw him not into this strait: that either he must suffer trade to fall in profit, or else force his subjects to sail in other bottoms. In anything else that may serve to their quiet residence here, all good offices shall be performed, as well for their habitation as otherwise.—Undated.
Endorsed: "24 Sept. 1604." 2 pp. (107. 32.)
Sir Francis Stonor to Viscount Cranborne.
1604, Sept. 24. He urges his former petition touching the service of wood for the King's household, out of his own woods. He is persuaded that the King's woods are worth in rent the yearly revenue of his other lands, after excepting the woods in the parks stored with deer. Recommends a survey and valuation. In many of the King's manors the woods contain almost as many acres as the rest of the land, the land at the old rent not being above 2d., 4d., 6d., or 8d. the acre; and the woods to be set at an overrent of 3s. or 4s. the acre; besides the commodity of felling them, which will be between 4 and 5 marks the acre. He hopes that out of them the King will cause his own provision of wood to be made, which service is now exceeding burdensome to the subjects whose woods lie fit for that service.
The Lord Chamberlain being lately at Grayes, Lord Knolles's house, Stonor informed him that the King had given 2000 oaks to the Earl Awmarle in Odiham Wood, Hants: which the Lord Chamberlain could not believe; but since then Stonor understands that the Earl has there 2100 of the chiefest oaks, and many oaks in Surrey; and he doubts not the King will find great want of such timber trees hereafter, both for shipping and his buildings. Sends 12 partridges and one pheasant cock.— Stonor, 24 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. 2 pp. (107. 33.)
The Hanses.
[1604], Sept. 24. The order entered into the Council Book, concerning the answer given to the Hanses.
Certain Commissioners have lately been sent from the Hanse Towns, to deal for the recovery of such ancient privileges here as they pretend to have of right by grants of various kings. The Council give detailed reasons for not acknowledging this pretended claim. The King would yield to the request if the privileges might stand with the convenience of the state; or rather if they were not greatly incommodious to it; but if they tend to the overthrow of trade, diminution of the customs, and give occasion to strangers to seek the same favour, it is just that the King should prefer the common good of his realm before the satisfaction of any strangers whatsoever. If any reasonable favour in their trade (except these privileges) may content them, which shall not be very incommodious, the King will graciously afford it, so as they shall find themselves in as good terms at the least as any merchant strangers whatsoever.— Hampton Court, 24 Sept.
Signed: Cranborne. Endorsed: "1604." 2¼ pp. (107. 34.)
Richard Carmarden to Viscount Cranborne.
1604, Sept. 24. There are some who cannot be contented with the farm of customs, but seek to ruin him and others by plucking from them those fees which the merchants time out of mind have bestowed. He prays Cranborne to speak in his behalf. He has nothing but the fees of his office to pay his debts, 500l. at the least, except the annuity Cranborne bestowed upon him. Mr. Plumpton is in the same predicament, and begs the same favour.—London, 24 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 38.)
Sir William Lane to the Same.
[1604], Sept. 25. Sends him a hawk of his own bringing up. Thinks he will suit with most hawks about the Court. He is not exceeding high flier, but stirs merrily, stoops freely, and flies ever very "stally" and certainly.—Horton, 25 Sept.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (107. 36.)
Sir William Kingsmill to the Same.
1604, Sept. 26. Thanking him for kind inquiries.—Malshanger, 26 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. ¾ p. (88. 63.)
Lord Harington to the Same.
[1604], Sept. 26. If her Grace's coming to the Court be not so soon by a day or two as may be looked for, excuse the same, and impute it to the many lets in unlooked for removes. But she will be at the Court on Monday or Tuesday at farthest.— 26 Sept.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (107. 37.)
Viscount Cranborne to the Earl of Rutland.
1604, Sept. 26. Addressed to the Earl as steward of her Majesty's manor of Grantham, Lincoln. To the same effect as Cranborne's letter to Francis Angier, 21 Sept. 1604 (see above, p. 312).—Hampton Court, 26 Sept. 1604.
Signed. 1¼ pp. (107. 39.)
William Dale to Viscount Cranborne.
1604, Sept. 26. In reply to a complaint made to the King against him by Mr. Serjeant Brookes, with regard to killing a buck in Cranborne's Little Park of Brigstock (Northampton). The King being at Lord Mordant's, Mordant told Dale he had warrant from the King to kill a buck, and Mordant, with William Duke, Sir Valentine Knightly and others, broke down 2 perches of pale and did so. Dale entreated the company to go into the Lodge, where they had no worse wine and beer than London yields for money. All the lords there took it in very good part, and he thought Serjeant Brookes went away well contented. Brookes came a second time, with 20 more. Describes his violent proceedings, to the great damage of the bucks. Also the violent proceedings of Sir Pecksall Brokett. He begs for remedy, and for restraint under Cranborne's hand, that he may be able to preserve the deer; also that Cranborne will satisfy the King in the matter. Gives list of bucks killed in that park at the King's appointment, for Lord Rutland, Sir Thomas Terringham, for himself and for Lord Gray, Serjeant Brookes and his company, and Sir Pecksall Brokett. Also list of bucks which he has bestowed upon Lord Cumpton, Sir William Lane, Sir Robert Lane, Francis Tressame and others.— Benifilde, 26 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. 3 pp. (108. 79.)
Viscount Cranborne to Sir John Fortescue.
1604, Sept. 27. Addressed to him as steward of her Majesty's manors of Hatfield, Herts, and Hanslopp, Bucks. To the same effect as Cranborne's letter to Angier, 21 Sept. 1604 (see above, p. 312).— Hampton Court, 27 Sept. 1604.
Signed. 1¼ pp. (107. 41.)
Sir Henry Poole to Viscount Cranborne.
1604, Sept. 28. Thanks him for his favours. The cast of sore falcons which Cranborne has sent him, with such others as he can procure, he will endeavour to make fit for his use.— Saperton, 28 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 42.)
A[rthur] Broke to the Same.
1604, Sept. 28. By Cranborne's letters he finds him much offended. Sickness has prevented him from coming; and he prays Cranborne to have patience till he can come, when he doubts not to satisfy him. He is very unfortunate to have an office at the charge of 200l. a year for 19 years past, and have but 11l. a year fee, and never got a penny, to the great hurt of himself and his children. But he would rather lose his office and all that he has spent, than Cranborne's favour.— 28 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 43.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to Viscount Cranborne.
1604, Sept. 28. I send you the conditions considerable between the King and the farmer in the letting of the customs. I have no other copy than this, so when you have taken a copy send it to my Lord of Northampton to do the like, and his Lo. of Barwick to do the like. I at my last going to London have so far forth sounded my merchants as I doubt not but according to the effect of these I shall draw them to consent. I know you will use all speed, and therefore if you sent this first to my Lord of Northampton, and he after to my Lord of Barwick, it were not the worst way, because it may be they deal with more merchants than you do, and I guess that one of my company that offers is the company that offers also to you; and if it be so, that company will be outbidden far.
PS.—My merchants have caused me to make some alterations, but in points smally material. The chief is instead of 5 years by us proponed, they will not deal under 7 years. There must be great expedition used, for the farm must be taken from this Michaelmas.—28 Sept. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (189. 29.)
Captain Barnaby Ryche and Captain Christopher Levens to Lord Cecil (sic).
1604, Sept. 29. With the paper enclosed. If Cecil thinks it to be matter of danger or moment, they are ready, with the rest whose names appear in the paper, to approve the same.— 29 Sept. 1604.
Signed. 1 p. (107. 46.)
The Enclosure:
Note of speeches passed between Captain Gosnole and Katherine Ryche, at Mr. Denyse's house at Shanklyn in the Isle of Wight, 3 Sept. 1604, set down by Barnabe Ryche.
Ryche, his wife, and Captain Christopher Levens, being in company with Captain Gosnole, Mr. Bowyer Worsely, and others at Mr. Denyse's, the new book of statutes of the last Parliament was called for, and Gosnole made trifles of many of them, namely of that against conjurors, and against the marriage of two wives. Gosnole also used the following speeches to Ryche's wife: "he never before had heard any woman speak so well of the King as she had done"; "the King is a good hunter and he kills bucks, but he is good to does, and he grows weak in the back, his date is almost out"; and "his back is weak and he is going on his last half year." Mr. Denyse thought Gosnole to be a counterfeit Papist, and ill affected to the King.
Signed: Barnabe Ryche; Christopher Levens. 3½ pp. (107. 44.)
Articles to be objected to Mr. Dennys and Bowyer Worseley.
[1604, Sept.?] How long is it since they had news in the Isle of Wight that they should be sent for about this matter of Gosnall's. Whether "we" had laid any plot or set down precepts to be observed in their answers, and whether they hear that "we" had any purpose to inform this matter against Gosnall. Whether they had conference about the matter long before they were sent for.
Articles for Mr. Dennys. What speeches did he hear concerning the King and Queen. Whether he did not deliver these words: "That his Majesty since his coming into England had so demeaned himself with that kindness towards his Queen that might give example to all married men." Whether, on Gosnall's speech that his Majesty was grown weak in the back, and that his date was almost out, he did not make this answer, "You mean his date is almost out for hunting of the buck this year because they now grow out of season." Whether, on Gosnall's reply, Katheren Rych did not rise suddenly from the table saying "Marry, God bless the King, I hope he shall live amongst us these forty years," after which she went discontented to her chamber. Whether, after Gosnall and Worseley were gone, meeting with "me", Barneby Rich, he did not confess all the speeches, adding he did not care to see Gosnall again, but he was toward a noble lord whom he loved, or he would have said and done more, as he perceived he had a traitorous heart.
Articles for Bowyer Worseley. Partly repeats the above. Whether he knew of any private quarrel between Gosnall and Katherine Rich. Why yesterday, when "we" stood together, waiting till your Honours came forth of the Council Chamber, among his complaints at being drawn to London, did he add that in all this time of his being here he would never go to the Earl of Southampton, because he would avoid suspicion; as though "we" would be jealous of his going to the Earl, or that "we" did not think as honourably of the Earl as Worseley himself. Why should he bring his lordship's name in question when no other man spoke of him. Why he, at the same time fell to open railing and threatening of "us", unless he was backed by somebody; or how he durst so openly seek to quarrel with us at such a time and place.—Undated.
2 pp. (130. 127.)
Barnaby Riche to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604, ? Sept.] I had resolved to omit any further informing against Goswell, but I do not think it amiss to let you understand of Mr. Denys and Bowyer Worsely, what they are and how reputed.
First for Mr. Denys, a man beloved of all for his honesty, that keeps great hospitality, and is hurtful to none, but willing to do every man good, and yet of so mild a nature as is easily to be seduced, and in kindness to be carried away as a man list to work him. In May last past by a hurt received in his head by a grievous fall, he is so enfeebled, as he forgets in the morning what he has done or said the very night before.
Now for Worseley, his grandfather, a tanner, but that is the least disgrace, but his father of a most dissolute life, a man of memorable infamation throughout the whole island, who stood in a sheet and did penance for his ungodly life.
Bowyer himself, a right brat of such a breed, given to all manner of licentiousness, a breeder of debates, yet himself a rank coward, it was he that had a part in that quarrel between the Davers and Longe that was slain; it was he that came behind one Oglandre (a gentleman of the Isle [of Wight]), and striking him behind his back, ran away when he had done; it was he that Lord Mounjoy (now the Earl of Devonshire) committed in Portsmouth to a base prison, called by the name of Little Ease; he that is reputed in the whole Isle of Wight to be but a pot companion; it is he that now in his reports has done your Honours that wrong, that if I should have done I should smart for; he has dared to smother up treason against his Majesty, and then to brag and brave of it in every ale-house where he comes. I would the Earl of Southampton did but know something what I could assure him, he would think I loved himself and his honour with more discretion than any pot companion, that will drink a health to his lordship, and then make those braves which might more touch him in honour and credit than I presume to think on.
How we be enforced now to complain these enclosed lines will make manifest; we can no more.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (109. 22.)
The Enclosure.
"Collections as they are to be proved in the behalf of the King against Goswell [or Gosnall], Worsely and others, by Barnabe Riche." Set out in eighteen articles.—Undated.
Unsigned. 3½ pp. (109. 96.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604, ? Sept.] Levens and I at the first made choice of you to present this service to his Majesty, for the which we are daily scandalised, and my poor wife (for saying the truth) is threatened and abused in the Isle of Wight; although you may perceive something in that letter by her sent unto me, yet that is nothing to what she endures. I am not able to fetch her from thence for want, my poor pension being denied me upon this innovation of the money coined for Ireland. Having done our duties, if his Majesty shall have this service no further examined, let us not be enforced by their ill demeanours to revive any further matter.—Undated.
Holograph. ½ p. (109. 23.)
[Viscount Cranborne] to the Justices of the Peace for Hertfordshire.
1604, Sept. The townsmen of Hertford have petitioned to have their privileges not only confirmed, but further augmented. He desires the Justices to inquire into the requests, and certify him their opinion. Such are often the desires of rule and privilege, that many towns sue for that which may not only prove inconvenient for others, but for themselves, when they have more than they can well wield. As he will not be a suitor for them for anything inconvenient, so to do the town any good upon good grounds he will do his best.—Court at Wynsore, — of Sept. 1604.
Unsigned. In hand of Cranborne's secretary. 1 p. (107. 46(2).)
Thomas Welles, Richard Bruninge, William Corham and Henry Cheyney to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604, Sept.] They were convented before the Bishop of Winchester and other High Commissioners in Causes Ecclesiastical for recusancy, the 5th of this September, when the only offence that could be charged against them was that they were "recusants of ancient continuance." Nevertheless the Bishop required them to enter recognisances of 200l. to appear when required. Considering that all the severe laws against them are by Act of Parliament renewed and in force, amongst others the Statute of Confinement, itself sufficient to contain them within their limits, they refused to enter into the recognisances; on which the Commissioners have committed them to prison. They pray they may enjoy their former liberty without recognisances or other like oppression.—Undated.
Petition. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (190. 7.)
James Hudson to the Same.
1604, Sept. Encloses a letter from the Lord of "Backcleugh," who begs Cranborne to commend his suit to M. Caron, and to his Majesty's agent. Begs him to thank Backcleugh for his favour to his (Hudson's) nephew.—Hakney, Sept. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (189. 31.)
The Enclosure:
Lord Baclughe [Buccleugh] to James Hudsonne. Mr. Caron the States' agent is sent for by them, and he is to be here within 15 days; and before his return to England the matter concerning me with the States is to take end some way. I have therefore written to the Lord of Burleye, and in case of his absence to the Lord of "Spott," to entreat Lord Cecil to recommend me to Mr. Caron before his parting: and also to write to the King's agent here to such effect as Mr. John Murdisone will inform you; that all helps may concur to put me to some point. Speak yourself for me, for I left in these terms with Lord Cecil, that he should willingly do the premises, and that I should remember him by the Lord of Burleye or the Lord of "Spott" or yourself.
Ostend is now in the enemy's hands, the manner of which has no less honour with it than the defence of it has had. All the while since the beginning of the siege the garrison has come to our camp here by land, and your nephew amongst the rest is returned safe and in health. I had before his coming recommended him to be captain of the company that was my sergeant major's who was slain in Ostend, and I think he shall have his act of it this night. We are yet lying still here and repairing the Sluse, as the enemy is repairing Ostend. If the season of the year were not already spent, our so near neighbourhood might produce some farther effect; and as it is, we being to continue here some days if the weather break not, somewhat else may be attempted.—From the Camp beside the Sluse, 25 Sept. 1604, stilo novo.
Holograph. 1 p. (189. 30.)
The Crown Lands.
[1604, Sept.] Warrant restraining the passing under the great seal of any grant of the crown lands, till the Act of Entail be finished: with the exception of such grants as are certified by certain officers of state.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (206. 13.)
[See Cal. of S.P. Dom. 1603–1610, p. 150.]