Cecil Papers: August 1604, 21-31

Pages 268-299

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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August 1604, 21-31

Lord Zouche to the Same.
1604, Aug. 21. Pardon me if I implore your help to understand my Lords' more particular meanings, and to make my service acceptable to them and sort with the occasion of the King's service. This I have done in this matter has been for Shropshire with the advice of Sir Richard Lewkenor and Sir Henry Townsend: for the rest of the shires with the advice of the justices of those circuits. This vacation has taken all those means from me, otherwise I would have conferred with them again and have received it may be better counsel, and you speedier expedition.—Feckenham Lodge, 21 August 1604.
PS.—I think it not amiss also to let you know of an accident which I have not heretofore heard of in my time, which is that Justice Williams sitting of jail at Worcester there happened a man to be both indicted and convicted for coining, and he made the jury which had convicted him to acquit him. Whereof I advertise you, that if you think good further inquiry may be made.
Holograph. Seal, broken. 1 p. (106. 123.)
Sir Edward Hoby to the Same.
1604, Aug. 21. With a much more quieted spirit, by the sensible love and care appearing to me by a letter of the Queen's Vice-chamberlain, I yield you most humble thanks. I may say that the prophecy is fulfilled in you to me Homo homini Deus, and I pray God that they may receive spiritual plagues, and all their families, that should prove towards you Homo homini dœmon. By the end of Michaelmas term I hope to take an order of less fear. My ambitions be not great; it is but to keep what I had when my late Queen died, pay my debts and make myself ready to go to that last home, whereof my years now bring me to the vespers of the day. To satisfy you in the value of the Lord Cheynie exchanged land, it goes now for no less than 1000l. a year, a fitter proportion a great deal for the Duke Charles's appanage.—Q. Castle, 21 [Aug.] 1604.
Holograph. Two seals over yellow silk. 2/3 p. (106. 124.)
The Earl of Cumberland to Lord Cecil (sic).
1604, Aug. 22. Though often I have longed to be with you yet never more than now in my life, being far from well and believing that the Bath would do me much good, especially in such company. But that I must leave thinking of and now commend to you some things which were too long to write, wherefore I thought fittest to send up this bearer that he may at large let you know them and bring me your full resolution, which shall be observed. I am now returned "for" my Border journey, where I hope my proceedings shall not be complained of. Now am I beginning with my business here, and trust to your mediation for my absence from Grafton, if that hold which I hope doth not.—August 22, 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (106. 125.)
Noel de Caron to the Same.
1604, Aug. 22. He was very sorry when Cecil told him that the King was not willing that the dispatch he had signed in favour and honour of M. de Barnevelt should be delivered. As M. Erskin (Captain of the King's Guards) had informed him that the King wished to gratify Barnevelt with the "ordre de Chevallerie," he had advertised the latter of it at once. The honour was not sought by Barnevelt, but for him by Scottish noblemen and gentlemen, who knew him to be a very faithful servant of his Majesty when they were sent over to the Low Countries by the King, then King of Scotland. If now withheld, it being known to him that the King has signed it, it would utterly discourage a man devoted to the King's service. Begs Cecil to speak to the King again about the matter, and urges various reasons for the bestowal of the honour.—Suydt Lambeth, 22 August, 1604.
Holograph. French. Endorsed: "Sir Noel Caron." 1 p. (189. 17.)
Sir William Browne to the Same.
1604, Aug. 23. I have been bold in these dangerous times to write unto the whole Council desiring to receive their commandment, or that my Lord Governor receiving it may send me word how I shall behave myself in this neutrality; I have laid before them some particular dangers that this his Majesty's garrison is every day subject unto. I have sent you a copy of what I have written, desiring you to further that my ill-fashioned style may be countenanced by my true hearted devotion to the service of my prince; assuring you that the very name of our peace with their enemies is so unpleasing as that it seems in short time all pleasures past that we have done with them will be more than half forgotten: I would we had kept the old pathway of our late Queen, for then our old enemy, and now new reconciled friend, would have been at death's door, and Christendom no more have feared his usurping ambitions. But seeing upon grounds, which are not fit for private poor spirits to ask after, the peace is proclaimed, I desire you to persuade the care of this town, the commodity whereof I pray God we may rather take notice of by enjoying it still, than find it by the want when we are no more in possession of it. If my rash pen have been too earnest before the time, for as yet we rather prognosticate a shower than feel any drops, I crave pardon; it is only because I would be glad to take occasion by the forehead.—From Flushing, 23 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "Sir William Browne to my lord from Flushing, with a copy of his letter to the Lords, wherein he desires to be resolved of some doubts." 1 p. (106. 127.)
The Enclosure:
1604, Aug. 23. Sir William Browne to the Privy Council.— I have received the copy of a letter to my Lord Governor signifying the concluded peace with Spain and the Archduke jointly, his Majesty's pleasure agreeable to an article of the treaty forbidding any part of this garrison hereafter to join with the States in any actions against the said Princes or to give them other cause of offence, but that we shall contain ourselves within the necessary limits of a neutrality, only carefully attending the guard and defence of the places; and if any were employed in the States' service that they should be instantly revoked. I boldly take occasion to desire to be informed from your Honours how far the necessary limits shall bind me in these few points following which, with your leave, I propound.
First, if by these men's enemies any boats should be set upon under this town or between this and Ramekins within command of the cannon of either of the places, whether shall neutrality hold our hands chained from giving relief in such accidents?
If within cannon shot of Flushing or Ramekins the enemy shall land, spoil, and take prisoners, shall this garrison permit such landing, spoil, and carrying away prisoners without endeavouring to rescue them? If the enemy shall land forces with intention to possess himself of any part of this island, shall not this garrison forget neutrality and strive to impeach such designs, which by consequence may fall out prejudicial to this town?
If Spanish or Arch[duke's] ships, or belonging to the subjects of either, shall by tempest or by fight be forced for succour into this haven, or else shall come by way of traffic, shall neutrality bind us to the protection of any such ship or passenger so come into the town? (for though they may be taken in going out, yet their shelter for the time under our shadow will be incompatible.) If this neutrality bind us from assisting these men's triumphs with artillery, &c., for glad tidings of victories obtained or towns delivered (for without us they cannot triumph, and unfit they should), if we shall be a let unto it other towns will esteem Flushing as a distracted member oppressed in liberty, and we shall be loathsome when their prospering by usual signs is not joysome unto us, and yet will haply offend the Princes. If this neutrality so tie us that no officers may be suffered for their experience to go into the States' army, or that leave may not be given to some young gentlemen who serve under us, for their enabling to trail a pike in the States' army.
These points being excepted from the neutrality may for a while comfort the allowance of our peace in these townsmen, and the rather if hereunto may be added a benefit for the seafaring man, that these townsmen's ships trading between this and England may be freed from taking if otherwise they may not be privileged to trade elsewhere as his Majesty's cautionary subjects. Without one or both of these we shall be an eyesore and a heartburning unto them and they will be continual pictures of jealousy and mistrust unto us, whom we cannot help but must rather offend in favouring of their opposites or winking at their wrongs. I have been bold to write plainly because I dare say that I write feelingly of their dispositions. I will now, with your allowance, say somewhat of the general state of this town.
The peace already as some matters are handled begins to breed grudgings. These men are so far from understanding any such commerce that our maritime towns shall trade to the enemy's havens in Flanders, as that they make themselves believe that his Majesty will approve them for hindering any such traffic, and produce the examples both of the French King and of his predecessor though he loved them not, neither of which have disavowed their proceedings against any in such nature.
Of late not only divers ships have been taken but one also burned by these men of war and some English drowned. Our coasters do not well digest these usages and the matter is come to bloodshed in revenge, as well by killing of a skipper of this town at Sandwich, as now lately by setting on a sloop of a Hollands man of war that came to Dover upon occasion, where I understand two Hollanders were slain. Revenge hereof may be sought and it is secretly threatened: I have with these magistrates taken the convenientest order for preventing any disorder may arise in this town if Hollanders and our coasters should meet here. But these be matters of such consequence as that I cannot warrant ensuing 'garboyles' upon such occasions very perilous to this his Majesty's garrison.
I know all inconveniences which may be incident to this treaty have been sufficiently pondered by your Honours, yet seeing it concerns so nearly the conservation of this his Majesty's cautionary town and all our lives who be here, I could not forbear thus much. I am not ignorant that many strong reasons (of which I will touch some) may be yielded why these men should not dare to discontent our King, so mighty both by land and sea; which reasons if they have no underhand friends or other refuges questionless cannot be convinced. Underhand friends I name such as the Fr[ench] K[ing] may be called or any other the like; refuges among other I will only name their ultimum refugium in accepting peace with their old masters, if they dare trust to the sequel.
It is sure that their chief wealth depends on trade through our narrow seas to our havens and port towns, and most especially on their fishing on our coasts: next upon their trade eastward through the Sound, from both which in appearance they will be barred if they shall run "brace" courses with our King. To keep them from the first will be an infinite charge; from the second which brings in so much wealth by the toll, doubtful whether the King of Denmark will forbid them si non pro forma et id ad tempus. It may be alleged, and it is a good argument, that these States dare not attempt anything against this town so long as our nation are so strong a party in the field. Admit the States will not be seen in such a business, yet one of them when the concluding of peace was doubted speaking freely to me told me it was to be feared that the commonalty here would grow discontented with the peace and examine whether it were not better for them to agree in time with their old master whilst they might have la carte blanche to set down their own coudltions, seeing all their confederates made their own peace, and if not forsake them yet laid the burden of a mighty war upon them, while they lived at ease, grew rich, and looked on. This fear of the commonalty pretended will be a good cloak to malice when aught is attempted, whether the success be good or bad. But though these States did sincerely desire to hold friendship with us foreseeing a thousand harms which a breach may bring unto them, yet so many mischiefs (of bellua multorum capitum) will necessarily follow upon this peace and neutrality even in this town when our King's subjects may trade into Flanders and everywhere and these ships be unfree wheresoever, as that one time or other discontented sudden particular rages of private men (either for loss received or little love to us) which brook no considerateness, will stir up dangerous seditions, quarrels, and contentions between us and the indwellers, which will draw us into arms, and if evil befal his Majesty's garrison excuses may be made but we in the meantime shall suffer. And that they may do it with less danger a time shall be chosen for practice, if any practice be, when the army shall be in garrison, wherein that care is ordinarily taken that in frontier towns the strength is least of our nation, and for the most part our nation is garrisoned in the heart of the peaceable provinces, where they can do no harm if they would. At such time all the 'maroniers' (a disorderly drunken multitude for the most part) who were in the army in the field will be in this town, and then the strength to offer us disgrace will be greater and the country will be the securer from present revenge from our nation.
I cannot omit among infinite many other reasons why these men should contain themselves in officio to our King to mention these 4 following: 1. Conformity of religion a band to many. 2. The agreement of dispositions, having proved thus long how lovingly we have lived with them. 3. The reproach of the world if they should treacherously unburden themselves of us. 4. The numbers of these country people dwelling in England, friends and allies to such as be here, who haply would pay the forfeit of any their rash attempts. I do only aim at the answer to these reasons, lest I should be a discourser. For religion, zeal at this time is not so hot but that points of profit and government will dispense with their falling from us though of the same profession, seeing they can still maintain themselves without us in the same religion they live. The band of former correspondency will be forgotten when we shall not be so strictly tied unto them by leagues. The reproach of ingratitude in falling from us will be effaced if they prosper by a new union with some other (for nowadays policy of preserving their own estate howsoever is accounted chief wisdom) and so their necessity of being driven to an extremity will excuse them to the world and accuse ourselves for giving that scope. As for those of this country which inhabit in England their particulars will not hinder a general resolution, and they may think that we will be merciful to the innocent, though themselves have offended us.
I may well add as suspicious dangers to this town the States' prosperous successes and namely this last of Sluce, being enabled every day more and more to second and be seconded by underhand friends. Then his Excellency's late victories, which may breed ambition in him to seek the recovering of his town from us, which he holds to be his patrimony. I will conclude thus, that if by the safe keeping of this town these men may be kept from making any peace with their old masters, but at our master's pleasure, if his Excellency may be held in devotion, we holding so good a pawn of his, and these States assured from committing idolatry with any other foreign prince, I submit it to your deepest judgments how necessary it were to reinforce this garrison with reasonable numbers, and furnish it with store of all munitions, which hitherto lies open to all perils before spoken of, though we who be here will upon any event sell our lives and forego the town at a very dear rate, and will rather die with these few men than be called to account for the loss of it without hazarding all our lives.
I confess to love this nation more than any but our King's natural subjects, yet fearing their inconstancies, and perfectly knowing of how great moment the devotion and service of these countries is and will be for all his Majesty's dominions, I do wish from my heart that our King would be pleased by your inciting thereunto, to hold them such friends whom he may always command and give them no advantage at their best advantage to stop the collar. I crave pardon for this my tedious letter, written rather in discharge of myself than that I dare think I can inform you of more than hath already been familiar unto you.—Flushing, this 23 August 1604.
Holograph. 2¾ pp. (106. 128.)
The Bishop of London to Viscount Cranborne.
1604, Aug. 24. Captain Alphonso Lanier, the late Queen's and now his Majesty's servant, mine old fellow and loving friend, has obtained a suit of his Highness for the weighing of hay and straw about London. I have seen a letter of Mr. Solicitor's, whereby I perceive that both he and my Lord Chief Justice do not think it inconvenient. Besides, he was put in good hope of your favour by the Earl of Southampton when his bill should come to your hands. I therefore very heartily entreat you on his behalf. He did her Majesty good service in Ireland and in some other employments, whereby he has decayed his estate; and we served both together the Lord Chancellor, which makes me the bolder to crave your acceptance of my desire of good success to his said bill, remaining now and stayed by your lordship. I the rather presume thus far upon your favour because, if any inconvenience might in time ensue of his Majesty's grant the same is referred in the grant to be reformed by any two of his Majesty's Privy Council and the Lord Chief Justice for the time being.—Fulham, 24 August 1604.
Signed. 2/3 p. (106. 130.)
John Winter to the Same.
1604, Aug. 24. According to your letters I have learned the true state of the Bath concerning the sickness. It began there 6 May last and from that time until 18 August there have died in all of that disease fifty persons. From 18 August until this present 24th there have died only three persons out of two houses one being an inn and the sign of the Swan in the parish of Stalls, and the other likewise an inn in the parish of St. Michael's without the Northgate of the city. Which inns with two other houses only, one being the house of John Elmer very near the Cross Bath, and the other the house late Thomas Chapman's deceased in the parish of Stalls, are the houses now infected in the city. I learn two other houses have likewise been infected near to the place where you mean to lie, which were the houses of one Richard Bayly and of Thomas Smith which one month or more past died out of the same; but none since that time have died. If hereupon you hold your determination for coming to the Bath I will do you all the service I can, and could wish you to have there with you as few attendants and followers as you may. And as for your gentlemen and the provision for your horses my house at Dirham and such provision as I can make shall during your abode in Bath be ready to stead or pleasure you.—Dirham, 24 August 1604.
PS.—There lie 2 sick of the sickness at the Swan, and 6 already have been buried out of the house.
Signed. 1 p. (106. 131.)
The Earl of Thomond to Lord Cecil (sic).
1604, Aug. 24. I have thought good to acquaint you with my hard fortunes touching the grant which by your means I obtained from his Majesty, by reason of the infection spread in Dublin and thereabouts, as with safety a man may not make any inquiry or means to find out any land for his Majesty either there or elsewhere. All the principal things of this kingdom being already passed to others, I cannot find any parcel worth the passing. Only I have passed the manor of Caterlogh in 23l. of the said grant, whereof Sir James Fullerton has passed fourscore pounds of the best parcels. I have sent you a cast of falcons.—Limerick, 24 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (106. 132.)
The Earl of Dorset to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604, Aug. 24.] I have kept this new establishment with me these 8 days, thinking to have had some time with my Lord Lieutenant and you, to have moved the abatement, not only of divers idle officers set down in this new, but also in respect of the victuallers, which herewith also I send you to have abated a 1,000 men more: and so to have left but 3,000 in the list. But having sounded my Lord Lieutenant, and finding some difficulty in him, I think best to let all alone, and to take it as it has been last agreed upon, which is according to this list herewith sent you: only that thereby you may have information before you to cause all letters to be framed and sent to the Deputy for the putting in present execution of the said list. Which letters, when you have drawn and taken order who shall present both them and the list to the King, and dispatch them into Ireland, for somebody, now you are gone, must have the care thereof, I will as soon as you return this list to me cause Mr. Auditor Gofton to engross it, and send it to such one as you appoint to take care thereof. Return me this list and my other two papers I send you.—Friday.
Holograph. Endorsed: "24 August." 1½ pp. (189. 18.)
Lord Zouche to the Earl of Pembroke.
1604, Aug. 25. I have received your letters and talked with Mr. Lloyd, of whom I would have been glad to receive better satisfaction; but it may well be that my humour to draw this country to surcease those malices may blind me. Having therefore sent up already a breviate of the cause to Lord Cecil, and now the speech which passed betwixt Mr. Lloyd and me, I ought to leave it to his judgment whether pity or justice shall more prevail. I could willingly leave this to your censure but his Majesty's commandment was I should acquaint him with all things concerning this government. What therefore you shall conclude herein I shall think myself satisfied with, though if it be in favour of life I shall I confess be sorry for the country, because I hold that severity must work a change here or much hurt will grow by the contrary.—Feckenham Lodge, 25 August 1604.
Copy. 2/3 p. (106. 133.)
Marie, Countess of Atholl, to Lord Cecil (sic).
1604, Aug. 25. According to his Majesty's will I gave in my complaint before the Council of Scotland of all the wrongs I have received, but can have no expedition of justice, specially because this present Chancellor both is and "kaythis" himself my "partie" from the beginning and not as a Judge and has his own particular commodity and interest therein as this gentleman will at length inform you, whom I have presently directed to attend his Highness's gracious answer by advice of his Council of England if it shall please his Majesty so to do, in what sort it shall best please him to take order with such a high contempt contrary to his laws. Being assured that you will be careful to see justice duly ministered within the bounds of his Majesty's dominions, I request you in this my just cause to "kaith" my friend, that I have no longer delay in justice.— From Dunkeldin, 25 August 1604.
Signed. ½ p. (106. 134.)
John Sachfild to Captain Wood.
1604, Aug. 26. Yours of 16 August I received by the carrier of Devon with 3 hampers of ale, but no "gord of viales" which you wrote, for he said he could not have the gord of my lord's man. The hampers are laid in a close cellar at my cousin Horton's. One of the locks is broken, the cooper says it was done in the packing and my lord's man well knows it. Your other I received by the carrier of Beckington with a black hamper and 2 boxes corded, &c. Your wood and coal you wrote for are all brought in and one ton of beer more at my cousin Horton's by my Lord Cecil's harbinger's appointment. Enclosed is a brief note of those that have died of the plague weekly from June 29 to August 26. Morgan Walter's wife that has been so long sick by the hot bath is now so sick it is thought she shall not escape. More particulars about the plague.—Bath, 26 August 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (106. 135.)
The Enclosure:—
1604, August 26. Deaths from the plague, from 29 June 1604 to date. 1 p. (141. 280.)
The Earl of Northumberland to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604], Aug. 27. The business I had with you the other day when I sent to you was to offer you a manor in Dorsetshire for your money; you have divers lands thereabouts, and that makes me give you notice of it. It is but 10 miles from Cranborne; the manor is an entire thing, 60l. old rent; excellent good land, very finable, without all incumbrances, ancient land belonging to our house, the lives in it much spent, some good farms to come out within 7 years, and of yearly rent for the present 100l. If this purchase shall like you either for money or land in Sussex or Yorkshire it is at your commandment, and you shall have a better bargain in it than any man.—Sion, 27 August.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604," 1 p. (106. 136.)
Sir Robert Crosse to the Same.
1604, Aug. 27. I have this morning received your letter and a piece of plate and forty shillings, and thereby I understand your pleasure is that I shall be your deputy in the "crissing" [christening] of Sir Richard Warburton's child. I will be ever ready to perform anything that is in my power to do, if you command. I have been oftentimes at your chamber at the Court to offer you my love and service.—From my house at Marten Abbey, 27 August 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (106. 137.)
The Earl of Devonshire to the Same.
[1604], Aug. 27. But that I know how precious privacy is unto you, especially now when you are ridding yourself from hence, I would have strived to enjoy your company as long as I might; but I will accompany you with true desire of your contentment and only now (if you think it good) desire you will give order that I may have a copy of the treaty, which I will use with as great reservedness as you will give me caution.— 27 August.
Holograph. Seal, broken. Endorsed: "1604." 2/3 p. (106. 138.)
[The Privy Council] to Attorney General [Coke].
1604, Aug. 27. The late Queen's grant to John Evelyn, Esq., and others for the making of saltpetre and gunpowder was intimated to his Highness to be against the law and his subjects thereby much burdened. Whereupon the patentees petitioned his Majesty, insisting upon the validity of their grant, and showing the necessity of the service and the great charges they had been at. Thereupon his Majesty commanded us to take such course as that his provisions of so needful a munition should be supplied and his subjects well dealt with. We have considered all the parts thereof and have thought fit that the patentees should surrender their patent, to which they have agreed, and a new grant should be made by his Majesty to John Evelin and Robert Evelin, Esqrs., for — years for the making of saltpetre and gunpowder to his Majesty's use, with liberty to dig and work for the same in places convenient, and for taking of carriages as has been used (paying for the same 4d. the mile laden and returning empty, which makes 8d. the mile) and that none be compelled to carry above nine miles; that the patentees deliver yearly into the Tower of London 120 last of sufficient powder, for which his Majesty is to pay 8d. the pound and for any overplus 10d. the pound. No gunpowder shall be sold to any within the realm above that rate. In case the patentees shall have greater store than his Majesty shall think good to buy and can be vended within the realm, by licence of the Lord Treasurer for the time being they may transport the same, paying there for the customs due, with a proviso that his Majesty may upon two years warning avoid the grant. Of all which particular cautions of ours perceiving that you yourself do well allow, we have thought good further to require you in his Majesty's behalf to cause such books to be made for his signature as in your wisdom shall be thought meet.—Whitehall, 27 August 1604.
Draft apparently intended for the Council's signature, and signed by the Earl of Devonshire, but afterwards extensively corrected by Cranborne. 1½ pp. (106. 139.)
Viscount Cranborne to Sir George Harvy.
1604, Aug. 27. The bearer Thomas Fane is to have access to James Fitzgerrald, now prisoner in the Tower, to bring him such necessaries as shall be for the preservation of his health.— Whitehall, 27 August 1604.
Signed. ½ p. (189. 20.)
The Same to the Same.
1604, Aug. 27. As Thomas Fane, who is granted access to James Fitzgerrald, now prisoner in the Tower, is unknown to Cranborne, he cautions Harvy to prevent any danger that may ensue by Fane's access.—Whitehall, 27 August 1604.
Signed. ½ p. (189. 21.)
Thomas Jeffery to Lord Cecil (sic).
1604, Aug. 28/Sept. 7. I am informed by some friends that here is come an Englishman from Vallenchyne which hath been showed unto me, of whom I had discourse. I did think good to certify you, that his vile pretences might be hindered. He hath made a pistol of some half yard long stock, being two barrels laid in one stock and made by a singular good workman. It hath 2 firelocks to shoot one after the other or both together, and hath been tried with 2 balls upon three sundry times to see if they would fail, which they did not.
The party that made them said unto him that would have them made they were not fit but to murther somebody. The party answered he did mean to travel by the way for his own defence, and moreover what then if it were to kill him that did maintain heresies ? were it not well done ? for that was a thing worthy of memory. This man is an Englishman and a painter by trade and dwells at Vallenchyne and belongs to the Jesuits: he is of middle stature, a long small yellow beard, not red, betwixt those colours, high nosed, some little spots on his face, clothed in English cloth "faisant" colour, black stockings, with a little boy, his son as I suppose, which he doth carry over into England to learn the language. This day I think he will go into England. I have writ to the Lieutenant of Dover to seize his person and to send him to you.—7 September 1604, stilo novo.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (106. 161.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Viscount Cranborne.
1604, Aug. 28. Recommends by the bearer Capt. Barley, his lieutenant, a poor and simple token of his service, which he wishes were as rich as it is fair.—Plymouth, 28 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (106. 140.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Same.
1604, Aug. 28. I send you the warrant signed for the loan with such amendments as you ordered and the old with it, having given it the date of the old because else it could not be warrant for those which are already passed; and so your lordship's style is made as it was then because it would else be an incongruity. I have also sent your book for Greenwich, which this morning I got signed, to be written there, because none of the seals be here and I know not what speed you would use in it. No messengers being here I have made bold with the posts, being otherwise idle enough. The King goes to-morrow to Grafton and has been exceedingly pleased with his entertainment and sports here.—28 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "From the Court." ½ p. (106. 141.)
Sir William Browne to the Same.
1604, Aug. 28. I received this day by one Captain Turner the enclosed from Mr. Winwood to be sent unto you. I use what diligence I can: I must confess that my messengers are but too well rewarded by your means unless some of them had more discretion to do that duty which is belonging unto you.
The enemy is very diligent in advancing himself upon those advantages he hath at Ostend, is already at the foot of our first new works in the midst of the work, and we have no pieces that flank that work of his but only two from a false bray of New Helmont which cannot play but by night. On Saturday our men in a ravelin without our New Helmont blew up a mine which they had made in an old cellar and buried some 60 of the enemy, and one of their miners was cast alive into the town. They are gotten likewise over our old haven to the foot of the false bray of our Sandhill, so that we are there driven to hard exigents. Some opinion there is that the States will venture if there be any possibility of prevailing to relieve it. I hear that patents are gone to bring from above out of Holland and those quarters 10 more companies of horse and 14 of foot, and there is a fast appointed to be kept the next week about Wednesday which maketh me judge that they will be doing somewhat more this summer. Yesterday the States General went to Ysendick and so to Sluce: they landed nowhere in Zeland. I desire your good opinion for my pains though happily my letters merit not your painstaking to read them over.—From Flushing, 28 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (106. 142.)
Sir Edward Conway to Lord Cecil (sic).
1604, Aug. 28. The Lord Governor, who is resigning, offers him the post. He has offered the Governor for it more than it can be worth to him [Conway], yet not the full of his demands, which he cannot accomplish except, through Cecil's favour, he may dispose of his company and place, as the Governor does his. Speaks of his 10 years' service abroad, 6 of them being in that place. If another succeed to the Governorship, he begs Cecil's favour to hold his own company, and to come when occasion presses into England, where he has no very broken estate.—Breill, 28 August 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (189. 22.)
Sir Richard Wigmore to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604], Aug. 29. Passing through this country I hear of a woman which hath done and daily doth admirable things in the cure of the ringworm, tetter worm and cankerworm. She is called Goodwife Veazy, dwelling in a town called Wollerton, not 2 miles from Ashby the now residency of his Majesty. She is of honest fame and good account in the country, about 36 or 37 years of age; and the manner of her cure is only in these words. When she cometh to the party ill affected she saith "In the name of God I begin and in the name of God I do end: thou tetter worm, or thou cankerworm begone from hence, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Ghost." Which words being pronounced three times the worm presently dieth, and she only applieth to the place a little honey and beaten pepper. This I have from the relation of one Dr. Pretheroe, parson of Ashby, who amongst her other cures wherewith he is well acquainted hath known her to have healed one was eaten to the very brains with a cankerworm: and he hath affirmed unto one he will engage his life (in case you shall be so pleased) that she will cure you.—From the Court at Ashby, this 29th of August.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604. From the Court at Ashby, in Northamptonshire." 1 p. (106. 143.)
Sir William Browne to Viscount Cranborne.
1604, Aug. 30. Mr. Winwood arrived even now from Sluce, who with this messenger hath undoubtedly resolved you of the resolution taken beforehand for succouring Ostend. What the report of those which came out this day will bring I cannot imagine; I presume that they will hardly give the adventure dangerous enough for their whole state.—Flushing, 30 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (106. 144.)
The Same to the Same.
1604, Aug. 30. I hope my diligence to advertise you how matters go here shall be accepted, though I have not always a joyful subject to write of; as now I must deliver to you the distressed state of Ostend, from whence came this morning 3 Captains and the Baylieu, who without stay here went presently to his Excellency to crave either present succour or the States' and his advice what they were to do. For the enemy being already at the foot of Sandhill, yea in Sandhill mining, and being likewise at the foot of all their first new entrenchment, he will be master of it in 5 or 6 days, and it seems all their other works of last refuge prove not of that strength as that thereupon the longer subsisting can be hoped for. The dyke which they cut through the midst of the town which they hoped would make a great scouring is almost filled up again with sand, and the breast on the tip of it of no force; and for the last cutting off of the town the work is neither perfectly finished, and I hear the water can not be brought about, so that it will only serve to help them to composition, which the States must be content they may listen unto, if they will not leave so many honest men to misericordia. Yet the hope is here that his Excellency will give an essay to relieve them and that to that end he send for those horse and foot which I mentioned to you in my letters of the 28th of this month. Reckoning is made that his Excellency will be able to march 12,000 foot and 3000 horse; if he will or dare adventure so great a service I pray God prosper him in it. He must now make haste lest his time forsake him.— Flushing, this 30 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (106. 145.)
Ralph Winwood to Lord Cecil (sic).
[1604], Aug. 30. The importunity of the States did carry me with them to their army, whither they came on Tuesday last. Wednesday I stayed there to visit his Excellency and the Princess of Orange, who is lodged at the Sluys. This day I arrived in this town; where I understand that there are sent from the Council of War within Ostend four principal men, amongst whom is Captain Broge, lieutenant colonel to Sir W. Edmonds, to make a peremptory instance to the States and his Excellency either to send present succours or to permit them to enter into capitulation. I know the States do hold the resolution whereof I advertised in my last of the 24th I am loth to forspeak them to whom I wish all happiness in an action of so great advantage and so honourable to their state; but I fear in this attempt they are too forward and transported too far by the felicity of this year's success which perhaps may receive some blemish if his Excellency doth not interpose with effect. He with Count William doth oppose this enterprise, whose reasons are grounded upon the strength of the enemy in force of men and fortifications; upon the weakness of their army, which though it muster many heads yet is it weakened with much sickness wherewith the third part of their men is now infected; upon the straitness of the passage by Damme or Blackenburgh, where the enemy must be sought upon his advantages: lastly upon the necessity of employing the end of this summer in raising up the fortifications for the assurance of those places which now they have gotten, which otherwise are subject to the enemy's discretion. What alteration this message, which will be unwelcome, will bring you shall understand by my next from Middleborough, whither now I go. I was yesterday with his Excellency when Mr. Barnevelt came in with the States General, who then newly had received the articles of the late treaty, which were read in public. The judgment in general was Littera occidit, spiritus vero vivificat. The town of Bridge [Bruges] hath received a garrison of 4 companies, which after the manner of the proceeding with Bolduc [Bois le Duc] will draw after it a greater number to master the town. And so in haste lest the passage be lost I take my leave.—From Flushing, 30 August.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1½ pp. (106. 146.)
Sir Stephen Procter to the Same.
1604, Aug. 31. Lest you might be informed of some remissness in me in not meeting the commissioners for the Earl of Derby's business the forenoon of the first day appointed, I thought it my duty to acquaint you that by Mr. Ireby's instructions to me in writing the meeting was set down to be the 25th, and they came not till the 28th of July; and it was after that ere I received your letters; but I came to them in the afternoon and saw Sir William Ingleby's demands in a long book which he had delivered Sir Thomas Hesketh with this condition, that by no means I should have it; for thereby he alleged I might take great advantage against him for confessing maintenance of so many suits. But Sir Cuthbert Pepper thought it meet I should have it, seeing the objections against it for my Lord depended chiefly on me and I hope Sir Thomas Hesketh will send it me, for I have sent for it again, and so shall be able to answer everything particularly. It was as much as could be done the first day to hear Sir William Ingleby's allegations and demands; for I neither could nor would undertake the same day without further time of advisement to set down particular answers to objections. Some agreed of another day, the next sitting to meet at Durham for conclusion; and in the meantime I doubt not if I may have the book of demands to furnish myself with such sufficient matter on my Lord's behalf out of the pleadings in law and otherwise as shall rightly lessen his unreasonable demands for suits, to my Lord's great profit. And now by Sir Edward Stanley's death my Lord shall also have a great sum demanded for the estate had of him as I shall set down, so as I hope upon view of his demands and my answers you will be well satisfied to pay Sir William with a far more moderate sum than his conscience would exact of my Lord by many degrees, which is the mark we aim at. I have ever since my coming down travelled in these things and in surveying his lordship's manors and dealing with the tenants to raise the money informed of, which I hope to do only by adding 7 or 8 years unto their old leases to make them up 21 years, and to clear all the remainder to his lordship besides. Great spoils of woods have been lately made by the officers and farmers, insomuch as one man had a bargain for 1000l. of woods, and a lease of the grounds for 21 years, whereby he hath cleared already in 8 years for wood at least 2000l., besides woods yet left near worth 1000l., and for the lands he pays but my Lord 40s. rent, and lets it for 70l. yearly. The "coppes" be also destroyed of great value, and 6000 trees which should have been left for wavers all sold, all the tenants quite barred of woods, and many other strange courses held to wrong my Lord and spoil his land to the decay of rents, by ill foresight or corrupt officers all tending to destruction without restraint; but I hope I shall save my Lord 500l., if not 1000l., I find much money and profits taken by Sir William Ingleby to help to lessen his demands, which he doth not charge himself with, as he should. The particular good like to ensue to his lordship by these surveys I will not discover till I attend him and you, but only deal here for the demands for suits, to bring those as low as may be. I never saw more hard measure offered to any than hath been lately and yet is here offered to my Lord, and such cross courses taken against these proceedings to hide deceits and withdraw his tenants from assisting him, assuring them Sir William will have so huge a sum of money as my Lord will never pay, or he will never yield his lease; and another while, that I should have the lease of my Lord and give 3000l. for it and rack it up amongst the poor tenants; hoping thus to keep his tenants off, that my Lord shall not be able to redeem it. It grieves Sir William that my Lord made me a commission to survey and look into these things, for he knows I will find all out, and reports what letters he hath procured to you and my Lord to withdraw your opinions from me.—At my house at Fountains Abbey, this last of August 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (106. 149.)
Edward Baynbrygg to Sir Richard Lee.
1604, Aug. 31. The Duke thankfully received your letter and kindly bid us welcome, making large promises to me for my service past, and for the maim of my right hand which I got in his service against the Pole, besides my imprisonment with the Pole. His Grace has often afore now, before all the gentlemen of his Court, made me most large promises, but to say the truth, yet I have found little or no performance but I hope he will consider how great the loss of a right hand is, and remember what he has said to me, and the sooner he would do it if you would write to him, and procure my Lord Cecil (whom the Duke makes good account of) to write to the same purpose. He continues his wars against the Pole, and is far stronger in the field than his enemy. He is strong to sea also, and has taken many ships which were bound to Rie and from Rie. At this present I am to go forth to sea, captain of one of his ships; for we have certain intelligence of a great fleet of Hollanders, Embdeners, Lubeckers and others, that will go to Rie perforce, so that we are like to have hot service in the Eastern seas. The Duke has great want of sailors. If he could get some English sailors, he would pay them truly, as he does Scots and Dutch soldiers. He gives them great pay, and pays them well, and so without doubt would he deal with Englishmen, if there were any reasonable number together, as a 100, 2, or 3, as I would to God there were, for so long as we be but 2 or 3 of our nation in his service, we shall never be respected as others are, although our deserts be far better than theirs. Colonel Hill is as yet prisoner, but ere long I hope we shall see him in Sweden, and then Englishmen shall have a good friend in the Court.—Stockhollom, 31 August 1604.
Holograph. 2 pp. (108. 46.)
The Peace with Spain.
[1604, Aug.] Concerning the matter of peace with Spain if they be inquísitive of it you may say that notwithstanding it pleased Almighty God to finish the days of her Majesty the late Queen before there was any accord between her and the King of Spain, against whom God had so continually blessed her as all his attempts turned to her great honour and his prejudice; yet that his Majesty being her lineal, lawful and natural successor of this kingdom, having lived in perfect peace and amity with all Kings and Estates before and knowing of what consequence it is to break into a war if it may be avoided, hath now joined in a treaty with Spain and the Arch[duke] of Austria who married his (sic) sister of the King of Spain, not only for confirmation of amity precedent but for the reconciling of all such differences as remained between the government of England and those Princes at the death of the late Queen. You may let him know that the King of Spain, the rather to witness his inward desire to embrace all kindly amity with the King, hath congratulated with him by an honourable personage as soon as he heard news of his arrival to the imperial crown of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, and also hath sent the Constable of Castile purposely out of Spain with full power, taking this ambassador here into the commission, to treat of all things incident to the making of a sincere and durable peace: and so have the Archdukes deputed like commissioners. Wherein you may assure him that howsoever his Majesty out of christian charity is naturally inclined to live peaceably with all princes, yet it shall never be concluded upon other conditions than shall be for the honour and weal of his estates and people, and without prejudice to any of his allies and confederates, towards whom he intendeth to reserve all that liberty which can be expected of any other King or Prince. For all things else within his Majesty's estate you shall do well to represent the happiness which his people do enjoy by the goodness of God Who hath sent to this kingdom not only a king full of wisdom to rule over it but hath also blessed him with a plentiful posterity of the greatest hope and expectation.
For all other things by which you may set forth the great honours done his Majesty by all other princes in sending their ambassadors from all parts of the world to congratulate with him, together with the great success of his subjects in the new trades, and all other things whereby you may represent his greatness and the profit which that Estate may make by preservation of friendship with him, I must leave to your direction. ? Instructions given to the ambassador to the French King in August 1604.
Draft, corrected by Cecil, from "For all other things" to the end being holograph by him. 4 pp. (106. 58.)
Lord Zouche, President of Wales, to Lord Cecil.
[1604], Aug. Having received lately letters from the Council of an old date I have notwithstanding done somewhat in the execution of their commandments, whereof I have by letters herewith sent certified them. And for that there is some difference betwixt the accusation and the proof, the parties accused not confessing, I have desired the further resolution of their lordships how far I shall further proceed, and been bold to remember them of the examinations I was commanded to deliver to Sir Edward Coke to be considered of; and to pray to know their further pleasures, because the offenders look to know from me what they are to trust unto, and I cannot say anything therein before I hear from their lordships. I beseech you procure me some certain answer in all those businesses. I know I have need of your assumptions and doubt nothing but you furthered much any goodness [that] came from his [Highness's] favour. I earnestly desire to be thought worthy of your advices and infolded amongst those in your power to command, and then I doubt nothing but his Majesty's service shall have good advancement, I comfort in seeking to execute the same, and you reap honour to yourself. It is comfort unto me more than I will speak of that you like my course of writing both to his Highness and to the Earl of Pembroke, but it shall be as much comfort if not more when I find myself so far settled in your favour as to receive chidings when I deserve them, and advices that I may shun the occasions of chiding.— Ticknell the — of August.
PS.—Concerning the man my Lord of Pembroke writ for I have already sent to Sir John Salusbury, who has sent a breviate of the whole proceeding, which I conferred with Sir Henry Townsend, and confesseth it to be true, only he saith that the said Mr. Foulk Lloyd came in to them and offered himself. But I pray God they were not felt first whether they would commit him or no. For the present here is all I can learn. If you think fit that his Highness's pardon shall proceed I have in my former and in this showed my reasons of not consenting, and leave the proceeding as shall please you to inform the King upon these suggestions.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604 August. Concerning the murder of John Lewys Gwynn." Seal. 1 p. (106. 148.)
The Enclosure: Matters of evidence to charge Foulk Lloyd to be culpable of the murder of John Lewis Gwyn, being near the said Lloyd and he standing in view at the doing thereof. In the examination of Thomas ap John, of Henllan, co. Denbigh, taken before William, Bishop of St. Asaph, and Sir John Salusbury, knt., it appears that Gwyn, before the murdering of him, said that the said Foulk Lloyd bare malice towards him and he durst not pass to his own house through Henllan for fear of Lloyd; and further the examinate declares the words Gwyn uttered at the instant before he was murdered and how Lloyd stood in view and set forwards his friends and followers to murder him, who were the principal murderers. In the examination of Harry Myvott of Henllan appeareth what words Gwyn, a little before he was murdered, spake of Lloyd (being then not far from him in his view) viz. "It was Lloyd that set fellows upon him."
In the examination of David Moris of Karwedoynyth, co. Denbigh, gent., it is declared that Lloyd stood near the place where Gwyn was murdered, at the time of the doing thereof, and that the principal murderers came from wards Lloyd's house and brought their weapons out of the said house to commit the murder and fled again towards the house.
In the examinations of Thomas ap Robert, of Henllan, Robert ap John ap Rees, of Bettws, and Robt. ap Thomas of the same, in the same county, it is showed that Bryan Salbry (then household servant to Lloyd) and Foulk ap John ap William a follower of his, two of the principal murderers, were seen to come from Lloyd's house instantly before the murder, to the place where Gwyn was murdered by them and others, and that after the murder they fled towards his house.
In the examination of Evan Thomas of Bodfary, co. Denbigh, gent., likewise appeareth that about a se'nnight before the murder the said Foulk ap John ap William confessed to examinate (being his near cousin) that speedy order should be taken with Gwyn whereby he should not trouble the said ap William nor any other. Examinate demanded whether he intended to kill Gwyn, and he said No, adding that others of better sort would take that in hand; whereat examinate was more desirous to know of ap William who should commit such a cruel deed, and at last ap William confessed that Lloyd would kill Gwyn or cause others of his friends to do it, bidding examinate to mark and he should find his speeches prove true ere long; and about a se'nnight after Gwyn was murdered.
Upon the inquisition taken before the coroners of co. Denbigh (upon view of Gwyn's body) by the verdict of divers substantial gentlemen, some of them being near of kin to Lloyd and being oculati testes of the murder, it was found and presented that Lloyd maliciously procured the said principal murderers to commit the murder, and knowing Bryan Salbury (sic) and Thomas Lloyd, two of the principal murderers, to have committed it feloniously, the same day received and comforted them; and further that Lloyd the same day with the rest of the murderers after the murder committed fled for it, as by the said inquisition may appear.
Further the said Bryan Salbrey (sic) and Thomas Lloyd stand outlawed by due course of law for the said murder and so are three more of the principals (being all followers and servants of Lloyd), and as it is vehemently suspected all the said principals that are fled kept out by Foulk Lloyd from answering law.
2 pp. (106. 147.)
Lord Cecil [or Cranborne] to Lord Zouche.
1604, Aug. Since the Earl of Pembroke received your letter concerning the stay which I had made of the pardon by your request, to whom the inconvenience of interruption of justice is best known in that government, his lordship and I had speech, all tending to recommend the matter to you back again, as to one whom we both know to have no other end but most just and honourable in this matter, as in all other your actions. Wherein because I find the party so confident in his own innocency, as he presses nothing at my hands but to join with the Earl to this purpose, that you will grant him access to you, to the intent he may give you that information of the malice borne him, which he is able to qualify to be most true, or else to forbear to ask your favour in any degree for this supposed fact. In this consideration, being moved by his tears and carriage of himself in his defence, I could not deny him so just a request: for whensoever I hear of any such violent courses in those countries where faction so abounds, though I doubt not but extraordinary care must be had to find out offenders, or else justice will fall to the ground, yet I confess in doubtful cases my course ever is (for fear of like partiality in aggravating) rather to be inclinable to believe the best than the worst, for fear of touching innocent blood. If therefore you can have leisure to hear him lay before you all things he knows, and that he may give you satisfaction, I shall be right glad you may find cause to change your opinion, which if you do not, then I shall hold on the course I have done, to let the King know why I stay it, and so remit all to his pleasure. This is the substance of my letter, whereof I pray you make this interpretation, that the man is to me a stranger, and that it shall never be found that I will willingly propound anything to you which I would not wish to be done to myself.—Court at Whitehall, —August 1604.
Draft with corrections by Cecil. 1 p. (189. 23.)
Lady Katherine Cornwallis.
1604, Aug. Warrant, ordering that as the late Queen was pleased that Lady Katherine Cornwallis, in respect of her duty and loyalty, and good carriage in all things except matter of private conscience, should be forborne to be troubled for that matter: his Majesty is likewise contented that she shall be forborne to be called in question for her recusancy, nor molested for the same: for which purpose this warrant is suffered to remain with her as a testimony of his Majesty's favour.—Whitehall,—August 1604.
Draft in hand of Cecil's Secretary. ½ p. (189. 24.)
C. de Harlay, French Ambassador, to Lord Cecil.
[1604, ? Aug.] I send a letter which I have just received from Calais written by the Lieutenant of Mr. de Viq who has returned from the camp of Sluys, being assured that you will be pleased to see the particulars he sends. If to-morrow at the great banquet of the Spanish Ambassador he speaks to you of what has passed at our last conference and begs you, as I think he will, either to give me or to see fit that he shows me the articles concerning the regulation of trade upon which the King of England has come to an agreement with him, in order that I may note the like conditions which he asks of me, I beseech you to say nothing about my having already begged you to show them to me. For I only did so upon an occasion that offered itself and I claim that if he wishes me to answer him, it is his business to give them to me or to get them given me. I should also regret his knowing that his Majesty had refused them to me, seeing that it is rumoured in London that they are common property and that there are several copies of them. It was to hide from him that I knew the very substance of them, that I expressly asked them of him. It will please you then to remember this and continuing your good demeanour and will in this affair to recognize the intention of the said Ambassador so that when I confer with you thereon I may better be able to resolve and advise myself of the way in which I may accommodate myself to the satisfaction of the King and my Master. If I had the said Articles, I would pay my visit before he set out to meet the Constable, but otherwise I cannot do so.— Undated.
Holograph. French. Endorsed: "1604." 2 pp. (189. 123.)
George Midleton to the Bishop of London.
[? 1604, Aug.] I have espied a great matter since my being with you. There is coming for England a bull from the Pope by Mr. Wareford, a man not unknown to you by report. Withal a book is coming called "a Review of our English Justice," containing the sum of all our English slanderous libels made at any time by any priest, and railing against such of the Council as were in her Majesty's time of any credit; a book very pernicious to the State, yet dedicated to his Majesty. Withal comes an English Jesuit called Flack, in Spanish attire. These two good fellows bring their stuff amongst the High Constable's baggage. I left them at Graveling, their books were shipped, and the ships almost full freighted; they come to Gravesend very shortly. If you send a warrant to Mr. Dean of Canterbury I will at their coming apprehend the men, books and bull; and as my desert shall be so I trust I shall be rewarded. But let your warrant be with all secrecy.—Canterbury, this Friday.
PS.—There come two ships, the one is after the manner of a flyboat, the other a Flemish "scuyte." Delay breeds danger.
Holograph. 1 p. (130. 31.)
The names of the Commissioners for Causes Ecclesiastical.
[1604 after August.] The names in the Past Commission (l) John, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury (l) Sir Thomas Egerton, knight, lord keeper of the great seal, (l) Thomas, Lord Buckhurst, lord treasurer, the Bishops of London, Winchester, Rochester, Lincoln, Worcester, Chichester, Gloucester, Exeter, Sarum, Ely, Peterborough, Hereford, and Norwich for the time being [all marked "l"] (l) Sir Robert Cecil, knight, principal secretary of estate, (l) Sir John Fortescu, knight, chancellor of the Exchequer, (l) Sir John Popham, knight, lord chief justice of the King's Bench, (l) Sir John Herbert, knight, one of the secretaries of estate, (l) Sir Edmund Anderson, knight, lord chief justice of the Common Pleas, (l) Sir William Periam, knight, lord chief baron of the Exchequer, (l) Robert Sackvile, esquire, (l) Francis Gaudie, one of the justices of the King's Bench, (l) Thomas Walmesley, one of the justices of the Common Pleas, Christopher Yelverton, one of the justices of the King's Bench, (l) Julius Caesar, LL.D., a master of the Requests to his Majesty, (l) Roger Wilbraham, do., (l) Daniel Dunne, LL.D. do., Sir John Peyton, knight, lieutenant of the Tower of London, (l) Thomas Nevile, D.D. dean of Canterbury, (l) Edward Cooke, esquire, his Majesty's attorney-general, (l) Thomas Flemyng, esquire, his Majesty's solicitor general, John Bridges, dean of Sarum, Thomas Blague, dean of Rochester, Matthew Sutcliffe, dean of Exeter, Launcelot Andrews, dean of Westminster, (l) Edward Stanhop, LL.D., a master of the Chancery, (l) Richard Swale, do. do., John Gibson, LL.D., one of the Council in the North, (l) John Crooke, esquire, recorder of London, (l) Charles Fotherbie, archdeacon of Canterbury, Francis Bacon, esquire, Thomas Montford, D.D., William Hutchinson, D.D., John Dixe, D.D., (l) William Ferrand, LL.D., Stephen Lakes, LL.D., John Drurie, LL.D., Francis James, LL.D., William Coombes, William Wade and John Boys, esquires.
The names of such as are thought fit to be appointed in the Commission now to be renewed.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, The Lord Treasurer, the Earl of Northampton, the Lord Viscount Cranborne [the two last names drawn through] the same Bishops as before [except Lincoln and Worcester], Sir John Fortescue, Sir John Herbert, the two chief justices and the chief baron, omitting the other judges but adding Dr. Montague, dean of his Majesty's chapel, and retaining the masters of the Requests (Caesar, Dunne and Sir Christopher Perkins) Sir Edward Cooke, Attorney General and Sir — Dodderidge, Solicitor General, Sir Edward Phillips, Sir John Crooke and Sir Francis Bacon, knights, Sir Edward Stanhop, Sir Richard Swale and Sir John Benet, doctors of the laws, Sir William Waad, knight, Sir Henry Montague, recorder of London, Sir Henry Savire, warden of Eton College, Sir John Boys, knight, Thomas Nevile, D.D., dean of Canterbury, John Overall, D.D., dean of Paul's, Launcelot Andrews, D.D., dean of Westminster, Thomas Blague, D.D., dean of Rochester, William Barlow, D.D., dean of Chester, Charles Fotherbie, archdeacon of Canterbury, Theophilus Ailmer, D.D., archdeacon of London, Thomas Montford, William Hutchinson and Richard Neile, doctors of divinity, William Ferrand, John Drurie and Francis James, doctors of the laws. 49.
Endorsed: "1602" (sic) and by the writer of the document "The names of the commissioners for causes Ecclesiasticall." 2 pp. (97. 37, 38.)
The Earl of Cumberland to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604, after August.] Since I came from you I was not out of my chamber, this weather being such that I cannot get Mr. Butler's leave after strong physic he gave me yesterday. My patent of lieutenantcy and all my proceedings in those parts is not yet come hither, being in my servant Jno. Tayleur's hands who will not be here the Tuesday or Wednesday next; wherefore I pray you put the dealing in it off till then.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1603" but addressed "Viscount Craneburne." ½ p. (102. 166.)
The Earl of Pembroke to the Same.
[1604, after Aug.] I came to London this morning to have spoken with you, but you dining at the Star Chamber, and riding and hawking presently after dinner, I could not stay in the town till your return; but if you will dine at your house to-morrow, I will wait upon you there at dinner, or if your businesses suffer you not to be at leisure at that time, I will wait upon you any time in the afternoon you shall appoint.—Baynard Castle, this Wednesday in the afternoon.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (109. 4.)
Sir Walter Ralegh to the Same.
[1604, after Aug.] Since his wife was last with Cranborne has withered in body and mind. By her he perceived a sad change in his lordship's favour towards him. Is daily in danger of death by the palsy; nightly of suffocation by wasted and obstructed lungs. Now the plague has come next door to him, his poor child having lain this 14 days next to a woman with a running plague sore and but a paper wall between, and whose child is also this Thursday dead of the plague. His most humble desire is to be removed elsewhere.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed "1604." 1 p. (109. 13.)
[Printed in extenso in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, Vol. II, p. 314.]
Oliver Randall to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604, after Aug.] Thanking him for a pension of 40 marks a year.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (109. 18.)
Sir Carew Reynell to the Same.
[1604, after Aug.] The weightiness of your dislike of me when I attended you, and continued displeasure, which daily I hear you bear me, so much surprises me, as I know not in what course to raise myself. But your noble disposition emboldens me to plead my innocency, and to beseech you not to condemn me before I answer whatsoever has been amiss informed of me. The which I would not every day thus importunately desire, if I had not racked my thoughts to the highest consideration of ever deserving ill either towards you or your person, but rather have effected the contrary, as by many demonstrations I can make apparent. As for my brother's courses, I am no way acquainted with them, and therefore I hope that I shall not suffer for them, but rather, I shall persuade him to be conformable unto your pleasure.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 20.)
Lord Roxburgh to the Same.
[1604, after Aug.] This Saturday before my away coming from Wystoun I received from Sir Thomas Laik some letters to be given you at his Majesty's directions; and being frustrate of my expectations to have found you here, I have sent my cousin for the more assured delivery of them. For myself is forced to stay here at Londoun some days to have remedy of a dolor that troubles my eyes a little, the which makes me to hope the better to be excused that I did not bring them myself, and I must entreat you to bear with me for that I have desired him a little to trouble you in the term I spake to his Majesty, submitting me always most willingly as it shall please you.— Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 26.)
Elizabeth, Dowager Lady Russell, to the Same.
[1604, after Aug.] On Wednesday last I understood that the night before it had pleased you to receive to your service Hercules Francis Cooke, son to my dearly beloved nephew, the unfortunate Sir Anthony Cooke, killed by butchery for surgeon's practice. I take this your favour exceeding kind by showing yourself thereby willing to grace and comfort your mother's father's house, myself willing to acquit your kindness as I may. Hearing that your little daughter Frances is come to London, not to return, as my Lady Cope telleth me, I being loth that any of my father's blood should be infected with bad religion, whereof her Aunt, my Lady Sturton, hath been suspected, if it please you to have her with me, I will use her as I would mine own. She shall see here no bad example of life. This is all I have to say. I have not since the death of my most excellent sovereign cared vjd. for the world more than loyalty to my prince, deserve well of all, do injury to none. Written, God knoweth, with such eyes as in truth seeth not what I write, for which only I crave pardon.—Your lordship's old aunt.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 27.)
Thomas White Sanders to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604, after Aug.] May it please you to send the certificate of the officers of the Mint concerning my private unto Sir Thomas Lake, myself to be the messenger, with your only own opinion thereof, that his Majesty may be made acquainted therewith, and his pleasure known, whether he will have such small moneys made of silver and copper, as well for the better and speedier relief of the poor, as bringing unto himself private benefit. I shall be much bound if I may receive his Majesty's resolute answer herein.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (109. 30.)
Sir James Sempill to the Same.
[1604, after Aug.] The Duke [of Lennox] hath carried Mr. Hammilton with him towards Dover for divers his lordship's affairs, therefore be pleased to excuse him bringing that letter of exchange for 100l. land in Ireland till his return next week. I had both my credit and commodity standing upon it. The last was but little, some 300l. if the letter had stood in his first force; which seeing it could not, and my small loss may easily by your means be hereafter repaired, I entreat you that for safety of my credit with the poor man (whose whole fortunes almost stand upon it) to give your assistance by a line or two for the expedition of that course which you shall take with Mr. Hamilton by any new letters to the Deputy; and at least that letter may show all other general clause of security (as it now doth) against eviction, seeing it is a high sale, and no free gift.—Southwark, this Friday.
PS.—Sir Thomas Lake hath warned me of one Mr. Ord's arrival, challenging some entries in my custos brevium. Sir Thomas shall be instructed at length for me, to whom I pray refer the particular in your answer to Ord.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (109. 37.)
Capt. Stafford to the Same.
[1604, after Aug.] Last night it was my sad fortune to be arrested for a debt of 160l. which I stood in bond with my father for, and now not being able to pay it yet, in respect I am left so bare by my father, but will willingly pay according to my ability. I beseech your warrant for my release, and I shall be bound to pray for your lordship, both for your favourable letter to the bailiffs last night, and now for my release.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (109. 42.)
Sir Edward Stafford to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604, after Aug.] The unspeakable kindness that your lordship offereth my mother is such as, though I am not to-day fit to stir out of the chamber, I did go to her to acquaint her with your letter. She took it with that passion of kindness as she was almost gone with it, but when she was come to herself, weak as she was she held up her hands to pray to God to bless you, crying twice or thrice she was ashamed to take your kindness; but at length made me give her assurance, that if she lived till that day, I should receive it, and pay it you, or if she died I should myself be a suitor to the King to have it to pay you; or else for her sake, though she did not leave me wherewithal, that I would promise to pay it you. She hath commanded me to send to you this her own servant William Edge. If I fulfil not her commandment, let God forsake me.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 44.)
Sir John Stanhope to the Same.
[1604, after Aug.] My Lord of Northampton's presence here, who is best acquainted with the occurrences of this place, might excuse me for writing, save that my love to you cannot but witness my goodwill to wish you all good success in that place, the course whereof being guided with your own good judgment, and the direction of such as are led by good experience, will further the good you seek and all we desire.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (109. 46.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604, after Aug.] The many favours my late good [father] and myself have received of your good father, and of you, embolden me to be a suitor for the sparing me at this time from loan to his Majesty, whose privy seal I have received for 100l., from which loan I would not desire to be freed, but in regard of my great debts I am not so able as willing to perform it. The most part of my living is in jointure to my mother and devised by my father to his executors for payment of his debts. I owe 2000l., which I have borrowed for my private maintenance, and am as yet unable to repay any part thereof. I am charged as deeply as any gentleman where I dwell, yet others of much better ability are charged with less.—Undated.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 47.)
Sir Oliver St. John to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604, after Aug.] I have been so much displeased with myself for being so over earnest a suitor concerning Mr. Worsley, that I cannot give any rest to my thoughts, till I may confess to my error. I was not drawn to what I did out of mislike of what was done concerning him, or out of any private end of mine own, but only to satisfy the importunity of an uncle whom I could not anyways content without becoming a solicitor to you in that business. As soon as I perceived your determination in the proceeding, I not only myself carried the youth to the committees, but cleansed my hands of further meddling in that matter. I beseech you that the error may not stop the course of your former favours unto me.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 50.)
William Style to the Same.
[1604, after Aug.] My father has received a privy seal to lend his Majesty 50l., whose mind is most ready, but his estate altogether unfit. Unexpectedly he was ordered by decree in Chancery not long since to pay at one payment 2000l., which has brought him far in debt, and so continues at this time. I beseech your favour for the discharge of my father's privy seal.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 51.)
Capt. John Talbot to the Same.
[1604, after Aug.] Having no time yesterday when you took your coach at your house in Strond (? Strand) to acquaint you with any more of my business, but that I meant to prefer a petition to your lordship and the rest at the Council table touching a referment from the King to my Lord of Devonshire, which my Lord of Shrewsbury laboured and meant to have had the referment both to my Lord of Devonshire and your Honour; but you were bound then to Bath, and my Lord Lieutenant saith he will not deal in it alone. The King hath taken no reward that the late Queen gave any man but he gave other satisfaction. You have seen good letters in my commendation from the State of Ireland when the Queen granted me these warders to continue, being formerly appointed me by the Lord Deputy and Council; and if I would have had them but whilst the wars continued I needed not to come to the Court to sue for that matter, for the place they were appointed for exacted that favour, lying fit for the service on the Northern borders. Therefore the Queen granted them as it were in the nature of a pension, in such sort as neither the Lord Deputy nor any other officer could discharge them without express direction from her Highness. You procured me a speedy dispatch of this suit at the instance of my noble lady your wife. My Lord of Shrewsbury hath taken pains to get this referment now for their sakes. Let me not be answered among captains that got many crowns by having command in the wars, where I spend many of mine own, and had neither charge nor command, though the late Queen wished I should have both.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." 2 pp. (109. 58.)
Capt. John Vaughan to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604, after Aug.] I was discharged of my company at Lough Foyle a year since, and now understand that all those captains that were since discharged shall have the allowance of their own entertainment in Ireland, and that his Majesty's letter shall shortly be addressed to the Lord Deputy here to that purpose. My suit is that my name may be put into the list for the continuance of my pay amongst the rest.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 60.)
Mary, Lady Wingfield, to the Same.
[1604, after Aug.] Your former bounty in granting me the wardship and marriage of my eldest son makes me the bolder to write these lines. My only care was that by the benefit of my son's marriage and the custody of the lands some small portions might be raised for my younger children, being 4 sons and 2 daughters, and not one foot of land, or penny in money left them by their father. I have been ill dealt with by Mr. Francis Brackyn and William Walden, two that were towards Mr. Wingfield in his life time, one of counsel with him and steward of his courts, the other his attorney. By their advice my son lately procured himself to be made a knight, to set himself free of his wardship and marriage. Since, they have very lately procured my son, being yet within age, to marry one of the daughters of the said Brackyn, with whom no portion is to be had, her father being of mean ability and as little in reputation. I suppose also their further purpose is to strip me and my poor children of all we have, wherefore I beseech you to command these parties to be brought before you, and punishment imposed upon them.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 67.)
Lord Zouche to the Same.
[1604, after Aug.] I thank you for remembering me and the cause, which I take to touch the state more than me. In respect his Highness is perhaps to take his sports shortly, I think you will hold it fit to be ended with speed. If the King will end it with displacing me as not having carried myself well, I knowing that the same may be laid to my charge through my ignorance, shall most willingly undergo that censure. Or if it shall be thought fit that the place be subject to the King's Bench, and they tied by oath to judge according to law, his Majesty will give me leave to give over the place, all things may have a more easy accord. And I hope calling to mind how loth I was to take the place you will easily believe how I shall tremble to keep it, if my poor discretion must come to the censuring of judges sworn to observe the law, whereof I am most wholly ignorant.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 72.)
The Hanse.
[1604, ? Aug. or Sept.] Certain necessary considerations to be had in the present colloquy with the deputies from the Hanse.
Heretofore kings and princes have made contract with the society of the Hanse, but time has taken away most of the reasons that might move the successors to those princes thereunto, and has made them know their own strength and the weak estate of the Hanse.
That society consisted in ancient time of many rich cities, the certain number they themselves know not, who by their conjunction were of great power, which gave occasion to princes who had need of their friendship to embrace the same.
Most of those cities, having since found by dear experience, that their being of the Society served only to enrich and maintain the greatness of Lubeck, Hamburg and Dantzig, have and do refuse to appear at the assemblies for the Society, or to contribute to the same.
The assembly of the said Hanse at Lubeck in March last testifies this much. For but twelve towns, though more were summoned would appear, namely Lubeck, Colein, Bremen, Hamburg, Rostock, Stralsund, Wissmar, Dantzig, Luneburg, Magdeburg, Hildesheim and Brunswick.
It was then by these twelve concluded that six of them, namely Lubeck, Colein, Bremen, Hamburg, Stralsund and Dantzig, should depute two principal persons out of each town to be sent to the King.
Stralsund, notwithstanding this resolution, refused for the reasons before specified and many other, to send or to contribute.
All the aforesaid twelve towns, Dantzig excepted, must obey the ordinances and constitutions of the Empire, also the mandates or edicts of the Emperor, in default whereof they are subject to the imperial ban.
It is not unknown what means and practices Lubeck and Hamburg have used to persuade some few men in authority in each of the other towns to join and contribute with them; and that most of the commons of those towns are unwilling seeing little profit redounds to them by being of that Society.
Dantzig being under the Empire was some few years past subdued by Stephen Bathori then King of Poland. That King dispossessed the Hanse of their pretended privileges within his dominions.
The Hanse towns as subjects to the Emperor have from time to time not only implored his aid for the restitution of their pretended privileges here in England but also have referred their cause to him: witness the late colloquy at Bremen. Since which time these Hanse have again humbly solicited the Emperor, being their chief lord and sovereign, to take their said cause in hand, and by his ambassador to the King to assist them in their demands, or else to grant the execution of the mandate against our merchants.
The Emperor receiving letter and message about that time from the King by me, resolved to send an ambassador to the King and made the same known to the Hanse who then held an assembly in Lubeck. In the mean time the Emperor is pleased to suspend the execution of the mandate much against the will of the Hanse.
But they, as though they needed not the Emperor's intercession, have now sent certain from among themselves by the title of ambassadors to the King, challenging to themselves the rights and prerogatives due to kings, princes and sovereign states only; whereas it is not in the power of the Hanse to perform in the towns of their habitation any one article which they shall happen to promise, if the Emperor dislike it.
Besides that it is most credible that before long an ambassador from the Emperor will be here, who without doubt shall have in charge to treat in the behalf of the Hanse, and for the safe residence and traffic of our merchants in the Empire.
The state of the Hanse then being such I leave to your lordships' grave wisdom whether it be not most convenient and for the reputation of the King and this State only so to entertain these deputed from the Hanse with good terms and hopes to defer the conclusion of the treaty, till the Emperor's ambassador be arrived.
The Emperor will esteem this done with respect towards him, and it is agreeable to all the letters that have passed between him, the late Queen, and the now King, yea, her Majesty's instructions to her commissioners sent to Bremen.
Neither will it be prejudicial but rather greatly beneficial to our merchants that trade in the Empire, for the longer the Hanse be kept from trading in and out of England upon English custom, the better it is for the King and his subjects.
As for the Emperor, he has so manifestly declared his pleasure for the suspension of the execution of the mandate against our merchants, that they traffic now in the Empire as freely and with as much safety as if the mandate were not (only that they may not keep courts) notwithstanding the daily practices of the Hanse against them, till the Emperor have taken further order in it, which is not to be till he have sent his ambassador to the King and this matter determined by both their Majesties.
Endorsed [in Le Sieur's hand]: "1600, 1602, 5" (sic). 2¾ pp. (97. 53.)
William Grumball to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604, after Aug.] Details outrages committed against him at the incitement of Symon Mountague on account of his taking part with Mr. Stevens, Cranborne's servant. Cranborne appointed his servant Mr. Nicholas to give him 20s.: but he never received it. Being cast out of doors, at the age of 94, and blind, he is ready to perish, and begs present relief. Richard Barton and Matthew Lawe can testify to his truth. He was a workman to Cranborne's grandfather at Burleigh House. —Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (190. 21.)