Cecil Papers: July 1599, 16-31

Pages 234-256

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 9, 1599. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1902.

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July 1599, 16–31

Thomas Crompton to Mr. Wyllis.
1599, July 16. Sends the proceedings between Alderman Baninge and his wife, and notes concerning the intended review. Asks Wyllis to deliver them to Mr. Secretary, and understand his purpose therein. If it be not thought amiss, he will make means that the Lord Admiral and the Lord Chamberlain shall see the proceedings and inconveniences of the new commission. They are honourable, and will not do anything to oppress a poor gentlewoman. The party who first accused her yesterday came voluntarily to church and publicly asked her forgiveness, acknowledging his offence with many tears. If he (Crompton) did not think her guiltless, he would not have laboured for her so instantly as he has done.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Do. Crompton, 16 July, 1599.”
1 p. (71. 64.)
Richard [Bancroft], Bishop of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 16. I have spoken with Dr. White concerning his voice in the matter you writ of unto me, but I find by him that he being none of the eight residentiaries (who only deal with leases, &c.), his favour can neither further it nor his dislike hinder it. Otherwise, upon opening the reasons unto him of the suit, I think I should have found him more favourable than I expected. I was yesterday with her Majesty, and although it pleased her to be somewhat sharp, yet I well perceived that your Honour had been my very honourable friend, and made my way much more passable than I feared to have found it. I trust I have satisfied her Highness touching my proceeding with Mr. Banninge. And for the new commission of review, her Majesty of herself did find great fault with the penning of it, which proceeded I acknowledge from whom. I have desired Mr. Dr. Crompton to acquaint you with some reasons why I think it inconvenient to have any review at all granted, as I imparted them to her Highness. And so thinking myself exceedingly beholden unto you, &c.—At my house in London, 16 July, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 65.)
William Temple to Edward Reynolds.
1599, July 16. Enclosing a letter from my Lord unto Sir George Carew touching the usurpation made upon his Lordship's authority in the office of the Ordinance. “I pray you take care for the delivery of the same.”—Dublin, July 16, '99.
Holograph. ½ p. (179. 40.)
Bridget, Lady Norris to Sir R. Cecil.
1599, July 17. Thanks him for his care of her and her sister. Their great comfort in the amendment of their sister Derby.—Cheyneyes, 17 July, 1599.
Holograph. Addressed :—“My very good Uncle, Mr. Secretary.” Endorsed :—“The Lady Norris.” ½ p. (71. 66.)
Thomas, Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 17. I received by this messenger a letter that, I take it, came to you in a packet from York, and I am to require you that this other letter I send may be sent with the next packet that goes thither. It is an answer to a letter I received from the Secretary of York, who wrote that if he heard from me he would come up presently to give me certain instructions, both for the amendment of the former, as also certain additions for the better performance of the service. To that end I have wished him to send them up in writing rather than to take so long a journey : but I have . referred him to his own choice. I receive daily letters from my friends in the north with the title of President : they go too fast, and they from whom the titles should come go too slow : and in the meantime I remain as a man that dreams that he is awake; though in this matter I have both confidence in your power and in your desire to perform it, which shall be thankfully in the end acknowledged of my part.—17 July, 1599. From my niece's of Derby's lodging, where I found a very weak woman, and yet Mr. Padwey promises assurance, with God's help, of her recovery.
[P.S.]—Her Majesty's so often coming and not coming so distempers all things with me as upon every change of coming I do nothing but give directions into the country for new provisions : most of the old thrown away by reason of the heat of the time.
Holograph. 1 p. (199. 60.)
Sir Robert Cecil to —.
1599, July 18. Whereas a matter in controversy between you and George Berisford was by our appointment referred to the arbitrament of Mr. Jolls and Mr. Thompson, merchants, which, as we understand, you have performed, but seek by occasions to defraud the poor man of such sums of money as by an account made between you and by the said arbitrament are due unto him; we require you to make your present repair unto us to the Court, that such order may be therein taken as the poor man may be satisfied, who hath forfeited great sums of money, and is like to be utterly undone by your default; otherwise such speedy order shall be taken for the poor man's satisfaction as shall be little to your liking.—From the Court, 18 July, 1599, Your loving friends.
Signed by Sir Robert Cecil only. ½ p. (71. 67.)
H. Cuffe to Edward Reynolds.
1599, July 18. In the last part of the journal sent unto you by Francis Greene, in setting down the skirmish near Arkloughe, there is mention of a very brave charge given on the rebels by our horse under the leading of my Lord of Southampton, wherein Captain Constable was hurt and Mr. Cox slain. In the end thereof is particularly set down the names of such gentlemen of quality as were principally used in that service : particularly, I say, and sincerely, without respect of anything, I protest, but only of the truth itself. Notwithstanding, his Lordship is advertised (and as I gather by him from Mr. Controller) that Sir H. Carey, who in sundry private letters is related to have been present and to have done very well, (both of which I must needs acknowledge) is omitted in the journal, and that thereupon divers glosses and constructions are made. When his Lordship first charged me with it, I strongly denied it; but seeing him so peremptorily to insist upon it, I began to cast with myself which way the error, if any be, might rise; and having recourse to your first rude pile whence the journal was collected, I found among the rest one line of names in this tenor. Sir H. Carey, son to Sir Ed. Carey, Mr. Lacon of Shropshire, Mr. Gascoyne of Yorkshire. Now if this whole line be unfortunately omitted in the transcripts, as in regard of my exceeding haste and overmuch watching (for I assure you I wrote it after midnight) well it may be, though I fear me not only Sir H. Carey alone but the other two gentlemen also will find themselves grieved; and, which more imports me, exceptions will be taken against the narration, if not of untruth yet of partiality. I do therefore pray you to look into the copies, as well that with the Lords (which is of my own writing) as the other with yourself (which is of my man's hand) and in case you find this error to have been committed, supply the fault, as here out of the original I have set it down. And withal, since by Mr. Controller's means his Lordship first received notice thereof, I pray you both satisfy his Honour therein and entreat him, if you may, to be a means of satisfying some others who now perhaps are much distasted as if it had been a matter done of purpose.—Dublin, 18th July.
Holograph. Endorsed :—'99. (71. 68.)
Sir John Peyton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 18. This morning I received from my son a letter dated from Padua the 8 of this instant stilo novo, and with it the advertisements enclosed.—The Tower, 18 July, 1599.
[P.S.]—It pleased your Honour and the rest of the Lords of the Privy Council by your late letters to require that John Lylly (who hath confessed himself to be the practiser of Garard's escape) should be put to the manacles for the discovery of Garard's places of resort and abode; but I (finding his humour desperate in concealing all things touching that cause) do find it a far better means to discover their traitorous consort by taking some time to work upon him by one of my servants, whom I have lodged with him of purpose : and to forbear his torturing for some 20 days, if it so stand with your Honour's pleasure. This Lylly is acquainted with all the Jesuits and seminary priests, and with their projects and favourers, and able to discover most of any one amongst them.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 69.)
M. De La Fontaine to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 18/28. Je vous supplye supportez moy, car vous ne pourriez croire avec quelle efficace ceste femme eshonlee vomit sa rage contre moy, veu mesmemt que de si long temps elle crie et tempeste en la Cour sans estre reprimee. S'il ne plaist a quelques ungs de vous pour ung quart d'heure de descourir ces impostures, ce que serait le plus court, je vous supplie :
1. D'en donner la charge a tel qu'il vous plaira, Maitre des Requestes, Clercs du Conseil, ou aultres : ne refusant pas que ce soit en la presence de M. l'Ambassadeur de France, de la faveur duquel elle se vante, et en la maison duquel elle m'a estrangement diffame, estans tous deux de la nation francaise.
2. Et pour que ceste femme se plaint incessament de plusieurs de la congregation des estrangers a Hamptoune, a quel lieu et non pas icy les ungs et les aultres cogneus, et ou les faicts se peuvent verifier, plaise a vostre Seigneurie (apres mon faict sera vuide) luy recommender de se retirer . . . . . . . pleintes, et pour ceste effect donner mandement a Monsieur le Maire et Aldermane, avec Monsieur le Soliciteur de la Reine, qui y faict sa demeure, ou aultres, d'ouir le faict pour certiorer vos honeurs de la verite qu'ils auront cogneus. Derechef je vous supplie, si ce n'est pour ma personne a tout le mesme pour ma ministere, de procurer en toute justice que je sois decharge de ce blesme.—Londres, 28 Juillet, 1599.
Holograph, Seal. 1 p. (179. 49–2.)
John Cage to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 19. Desires to be employed again in his office of collector of impost, of which he has been deprived through the false reports and malicious practice of Lawrence Smythe; or else to be the Queen's farmer for some convenient time. Will give 1,000l. yearly more than Mr. Swinnarton gave for the same.—19 July, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 70.)
Information of William Bowes, prisoner in the Marshalsea, for Mr. W. Wade.
1599, July 19. He was entreated at Buldike by the late Lord of Westmorland to bring to London his servant Jacob Dankair, and take him to Lady Adelin Nevill, to whom Dankair was to deliver, the letter already showed, and to tell her that she and her uncle Manners should entreat Sir Robert Cecil to move the Queen to make an allowance for the Earl to live upon, in consideration of which the Earl would be bound to forsake the Spaniard, and to live in France where appointed.
Lady Adelin Nevill was then to provide a brace of greyhounds which the Earl has promised to the Cardinal, to be sent by William the post for Brussels : also a boy that was brought up in playing the lute and other instruments.
After these occasions were despatched, he was to have taken the boy to one Pudsaie of Stappilton in Richmontshire, who has lately married Lady Margaret Nevill, daughter of the Earl : and beg Pudsaie to accompany him and the boy to Lady Gray, another daughter of the Earl's, and to acquaint her that she and her friends might be bold to write to her father, as the boy was a trusty messenger. Details proceedings he was to take to obtain money for the Earl, through Martin Jackson at Branspeyth and Mr. Hodshon at Hebbtirh, which money, together with the letters, was to be sent by the boy. [Margin :—“It may be by this suspected that there is divers friends hereby to be found, as Mr. Swinburne of Edlingham in Northumberland, and others.”] Pudsaie was to be entreated to go over with the boy, and remain with his father-in-law the Earl all this next winter.
The writer was asked by two gentlemen named Porter and Lasonbie to call upon their friends dwelling near Richmond in the North, desiring them to write to them the best news, and fit to be certified, and to send the letters by the boy. He was similarly entreated by Mr. Lawson, whose mother and friends dwell at Little Osworth in the Bishopric of Durham.
Suggests that Wade should send for the boy, and pronounce to him and the writer the fearful offence they had committed, yet nevertheless that he had obtained their forgiveness. Other measures he proposes to take to retain the boy's confidence and make him greedy of his journey to the North. Wishes for an appointment directed to my Lord of Durham and Mr. Robert Bowes to assist him : he will then be able to recover the whole secrets of many wild and perverse papists.—Marshalsea, 19 July, 1599.
Holograph. 4 pp. (71. 71.)
Thomas, Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 19. I thank you for your kind and resolute manner of writing unto me in this cause. And therefore I do apply that proverb, sat cito si sat bene. I mean to come to Court upon Saturday at night, and there will tarry all Sunday, and on Monday hope to know whether her Majesty will hold or no. This is the fourth time of her alteration, and I have thrice lost my provisions out of the country, for two days' alteration destroys all that is procured against the time.—19 July, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (179. 41.)
Richard Atkins and others to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 20. In answer to Cecil's letter of June 22, the evidence upon which they found William Bubbe guilty in the matter of coinage was strong and pregnant, and sufficient matter therein delivered to convince him of the offence. The jurors were generally reputed honest and sufficient men. Bubbe was not reprieved by them on account of dislike either of the evidence or weakness of the jury, but for some scruples in which they are now satisfied. Though the younger son of a yeoman of this county of small living and mean worth, Bubbe has either by coinage or other bad means not only lived a long time in excess, but in abominable and open adultery with the wife of a gentleman of good place; in which he means still to persevere. For these causes, and for the repression of like offenders, whereof they understand there are very many, they have thought fit at the next sitting to give order for his execution, unless Cecil commands to the contrary.—Gloucester, 20 July, 1599.
Signed :—Ry. Atkins, Thomas Semys, Luke Garnons, Thomas Machen, Ei. Stephens, Thomas Coventere.
Endorsed :—“The justices of peace of Gloucestershire.” 1 p. (71. 75.)
T. Savile to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 21. Asks for his favour with the present Lord Treasurer, who has her Majesty's pleasure sent by the Master of Eequests for the despatch of his business. His suit is to have the like commission as Mr. Litchfield had for subtracted sums of money, arrearages, &c., the moiety to be his for his reward, which the Queen graciously allows of. Sir John Fortescue has promised to assist him.—21 July, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 76.)
Jo. Colville to “my Lord Secretary.”
1599, July 21. I am yesternight arrived with such information from Bruce and other parties as your Honour shall know when your pleasure shall be to call on me, for which cause I shall be this night at Greenwich attending.—21 July, 1599.
Holograph. Endorsed with list of names :—Mr. Colvill, Sir Rob. Steward, and 9 others. 1 p. (71. 77.)
The Vice-Chancellor and other Heads of Colleges at Cambridge to the Queen.
1599, July 21. Praying that, as aforetime, they may be exempt from payment of subsidy, the exemption of the University not being clearly expressed in the act of Parliament; and that the townsmen of Cambridge may be punished for the injuries they commit although they are under oath and royal displeasure to respect the privileges of the University.—XII Kal. Aug., 1599.
Latin. 1 p. (136. 75.)
The Vice-Chancellor and other Heads of Colleges at Cambridge to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1599,] July 21. To the same effect as their letter to the Queen.—Cambridge, XII Kal. Aug.
Latin. Endorsed :—“21 July, 1599.” 1 p. (136. 76.)
Sir Henry Docwra to Edward Reynolds.
1599, July 21. One of Mr. Gilpin's letters mentioned in your letter I received long since from Sir Gilly Meyricke; the other I never heard of, and am the more sorry because I imagine it contained matter of business whereof there is a kind of necessity to have intercourse between him and me, the like whereof I wish might be between my Lord and him, whom to that end I have often and often moved, but I fear me in nought effected excepting by you whom, he told me, he had charged to hold mutual correspondence between them. I put you in mind of this as one not ignorant of his multiplicity of business and therefore aptness to forgetfulness.—Dublin, 21 July, '99.
Holograph. 1 p. (179. 42.)
Jo. Colville to Lord Willoughby, Lord Governor of Berwick.
1599, July 22/Aug. 1. Having the honour to fall in company with Mr. Peregrin your son, I did accompany his wor[ship] to Paris, and would have gone further if so had been his pleasure; and departing from him, I did receive the enclosed, thinking to have put them in your lordship's hands myself, but my business not permitting, was forced to send them by this mean, wherein I crave your lordship's pardon, beseeching you hold me in your good graces and amongst the number of your humble servants, whereof your lordship has a great many that as yet have not the honour to be acquainted with you, being rendered thereunto (like as I am myself) upon report of the rare virtues wherewith the Lord God has endowed you.—London, 1st of August, stilo novo, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (72. 1.)
Robert Wyseman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 22. Refers to his petition to the Council for the third part of his parsonage of Donboyn in Ireland, due to him by the death of his brother Jaques Wynckfild, which he begs Cecil to further. Has been in Court these 53 years, and the Queen's servant 40 years past, but by reason of infirmity is now unable to come. Of his distressed condition.—“From my Cabben at Grenwich,” 22 July, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 78.)
Thomas Hesketh, E. Stanhope, and Ch. Hales to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 22. Upon the signification of her Majesty's determination to appoint your brother Lord Burghley to be Lord President of the Council of the North, and that very shortly he should repair unto the same, we have thought it our duties to make known some particular matters concerning the good of this country, which have been for the most part ever since the erection of the Council in the North parts used, and yet sometimes excepted against, as though they had been without sufficient warrant; but being now inserted into the commission and into her Majesty's instructions, (in our opinions) would much strengthen the authority of the President and Council for the better government of these North parts. The particulars will appear in the commission and instructions somewhat enlarged, wherewith Mr. Ferae (whom we have entreated to attend you with the same) will more at large acquaint you. And we are bold further to put you in remembrance that divers of the Council at large, since the last commission and instructions, are dead, that is to wit, the Lord Honsden, the Lord Ogle, Sir William Fairfax, and Mr. Robert Bowes; and some others of this country, which by former commissions have been appointed to be of this Council, and served as Vice Presidents in absence of the Lord President, are now become aged and weak, and cannot conveniently attend any service, as Sir William Mallory, Sir Thomas Fairfax the elder, Sir Christopher Hildyard. We have therefore thought it our duties to name unto you such of this country as, if it may stand with her Majesty's good pleasure, may be added for her Highness' service, viz. Lord Willoughby, Lord Sheffield, Sir Robert Carye, Francis Clifford, esq., Edward Talbot, esq., Mr. Justice Walmisley, Mr. Baron Savile, Sir Richard Malliverer, knight, Sir Thomas Fairfax, the younger, knight, and Sir Thomas Posth. Hoby, knight, or so many of them as her Highness shall think meet. We have also sent you the form of a warrant, which hath been usually signed by her Highness, to the Receiver of Yorkshire at the change of her President, for the payment of such fees and allowances as her Highness doth allow to be paid by him to the President, Council and other officers attendant of the Lord President, the last whereof was procured by our late Lord your father under her Majesty's sign manual and privy signet, written by Mr. Windebank at the Lord Archbishop's entry to keep the diet.—York, 22 July, 1599.
Signed as above. Endorsed :—“The Counsell at York.” 1 p. (71. 79.)
Stephen le Sieur to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 22. At my arrival here upon Saturday last, your Honour's letter of the 29 of June was delivered me, which made me thank God that the Queen and you conceive well of my service. On Saturday the Ambassadors of the Elector Palatine arrived, sent to Fridburg (three leagues hence), where to-day an assembly of Ambassadors from the Protestant princes is to begin for the continuance of their armies upon the late resolution. I have talked with them on the subject. Yesterday they left; but, in respect of the assembly, I shall remain here eight or ten days to instruct myself in that and other matters of importance. The towns of Rheinberg and Rees held by the Spaniards have been lately summoned by the Count Van der Lipp, General of the Rhenish armies; refusing to yield, the said army is come under Rheinberg; there have been some skirmishes, and the Spaniards have lost most men. The army has taken a fort on an island under Rheinberg and put all in it to the sword, hoping thereby to take the town soon. Meanwhile a body is gone to besiege Rees. Cologne, Liege, Aix, and Juliers refuse to pay their promised contribution to the army, alleging it holds correspondence with the States. Archduke Albert, with the Infanta, is shortly to leave Milan for the Low Countries; the Swiss have granted him passage through Basel. The Duke of Mantua lately passed through Lorraine, giving out he would go to Spa, but returned to Nancy again.—Frankfort, 22 July, 1599.
Holograph. l½ pp. (179. 43.)
W. Temple to Edward Reynolds, agent at the Court for the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland [Essex].
1599, July 23. Mr. John Rawlins has sent Reynolds a barrel of usquebach, which Temple's wife will send to Essex House upon knowledge of Reynolds being there.—Dublin, July 23, '99.
Holograph. ½ p. (62. 78.)
Sir R. Sydney to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 23. I did purpose to wait upon you this morning, but my Lady of Huntingdon hath sent for me to come and speak with her. This evening, if your Honour be in London, I will attend upon you, or if you stay at the Court I will not fail to be with you at your writing. I received this morning letters from Flushing of the 17 of this month, and in one of them this pamphlet concerning the Archduke and the Infanta's landing at Genoa. Sir William Brown doth also write unto me that the Council of State and the Count Moris have written very earnestly unto him to send 200 men out of our garrison to Ostend, not alleging any occasion for it, whereby I presume that they do suspect somewhat in those quarters. Another writes unto me of the same date that the army of the Germans had taken Perche, where the garrison at their going out had received a month's pay. The bruit there is that from thence it will come before Rees, which being yielded, a great part of them will join with the States to perform some good matter together. It is also said that there be deputies of the Empire expected at the Haghe, and that those which are sent to the enemy are already come to Boleduc. Of the Holland fleet there are no news at all. From Antwerp it is written that the Spanish fleet set sail towards the West Indies the 23 of June, whereby it is gathered that our fleet is pursued, and that that is the occasion that there is no certainty of it. It is likewise reported by a gentleman of Arthois that the Prince of Chimey having proposed in the assembly of the States of Heinault that it were fit that now in this time the Churchmen should contribute somewhat to the charge of the war, the Bishop of Cambray, being present, said that the said proposition was a point of heresy, whereupon the Prince did give him a box on the ear. To-morrow I will not fail to attend your commandments.
[P.S.]—I beseech you let not the Queen see this letter lest she be offended that I am not yet gone, which I have not been able to help.—At London, this Monday morning.
Endorsed :—“1599, 23 July. Sir Robert Sydney.” 2 pp. (71. 80.)
The Enclosure :
Discours sur le retour de ses Altezes a Gennes, en ce present mois de Juing 1599, avecq une particuliere Declaration de tout ce qui est passe sur le mer, de jour a autre.—A Bruxelles, par Rutger Velpius, Imp. Jure A L'Aigle d'or. Avec permission.”
Printed. 6 pp.
Stephen Soame, Lord Mayor of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 23. This bearer John Lynne, according to your warrant, is lately come from Tryro in Cornwall to make his appearance before you. As he, being suddenly called away, was constrained to leave not only the charge of his own businesses, but also of mine and others by whom he was there employed in great uncertainty, I beseech you to hear his answer to such matters as are informed against him (whereof I presume he is innocent) that he may make his speedy return. I will undertake for his forthcoming upon reasonable warning.—London, 23 July, 1599.
Signed. Endorsed :—“L. Mayor.” ½ p. (71. 81.)
Robert Wyseman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 23. To the same effect as the letter of 22 July, 1599 (supra).—“From my pore house at Grenwich, 23 July, 1599.”
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 82.)
Sir Anthony Sentleger and Robert Napper to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 23. At their first coming over, Cecil's father procured from the Queen that they and Sir William Weston should have lands to the value of 100l. per annum for their better maintenance in their place : and, at Weston's death, that they should have the benefit of the whole sum. They moved the Lord Lieutenant for the passing of some small portion of the lands granted to Gerald late Earl of Kildare and Mabel his wife, escheated to the Queen by his death. The Lord Lieutenant was pleased to stay it for them, so that they did not deal with the lands formerly sold to Sir Edward FitzGarret. Their book being ready to pass, the Lord Lieutenant was restrained by letters from Cecil and the Queen, staying all Kildare's escheated lands. The valuation of those lands is 225l., and they have chosen only 45l. worth. Beg Cecil's favour with the Queen on their behalf.—Dublin, 23 July, 1599.
Signed. Endorsed : —“Sir Anthony St. Leger.” 1 p. (71. 83.)
Richard Carmerden to the Queen.
1599, July 23. Your Majesty nearly seven years past was pleased to grant me, in payment of my charges before that expended, a licence to transport 1,200 packs of Irish yarn yearly for seven years. Owing to the troubles in Ireland I have not had the commodity of more than three; and would therefore pray for the extension of the licence which expires on the 27th of this month. I hear the Earl of Essex will be greatly laboured to grant the same unto some of his.—London, 23 July, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (179. 44.)
M. Noel de Caron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 23. I forgot yesterday to remind you of the venison. I hope you will remember it, for it is high time. I hope also you will remember to arrange for some music, for otherwise I could scarcely get it fit to please her Majesty.—Clapham, 23 July, 1599.
[P.S.]—I have already received two deer of my Lord Admiral, but not fallow deer.
French. PS. in English. Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (179. 45.)
Dr. Jo. Nowell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 23. My Lady went to bed between 9 and 10; in her bed she took her cordial which she kept not above half an hour. From 10 till 6 in the morning she hath slept every hour, drinking three times broth this night and other means to refresh her. Her looseness has not troubled her all night. Her water begins to be of a good colour again, with signs of concoction; her legs being last night somewhat swollen are now abated, the spot appearing to decay. Her heat is nothing so great as it hath been, neither inward nor outwardly. I trust her Honour shall do very well; she is so tractable in anything ministered.—This present Monday morning.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“23 July, '99.” 1 p. (179. 46.)
Sir Charles Davers to the Earl of Southampton.
1599, [Before July 24]. I humbly thank you for the pains you have taken in delivering the particularities of my brother's “harting” amendment and freedom from danger, which being now past, I hope will turn him to some good, for that wounds in the wars, being the mark of well deservers, cannot lose their reward in a grateful time.
I doubt not but by this time you have received the verdict which has passed against you here, wherein, as you will find sufficient cause of discontentment in that it is a proof of your Prince's displeasure, so have you this cause of comfort, that your greatest enemies (by the proof you have given of yourself) are forced to confess you to be more worthy of the place you hold than any can be named, and unto your deserts and government are not able to take the least exceptions. There is great expectation what course will be taken by my Lord of Essex and yourself upon the receipt of your discharge. It is vulgarly conceived that the Council's letters written in the Queen's name will be presently obeyed, and that your lordship will presently dispose yourself to return, they looking no farther than into the ordinary course which men in this time do take in cases of such disfavour, and some friends of yours do persuade the like, both for the same cause, and judging it, moreover, in their conceit not altogether so honourable for you to remain there if you be sequestered from your command. But those which love you no less do wish that my Lord of Essex, retaining you in your place, would reply and expect the redoubling of the former commandment, so much being held, as the case stands, very warrantable; or else that your lordship would of yourself, at the first, without shew of esteeming it, resign your authority into my Lord's hands, where it might rest undisposed of to any other so long as you continued in the army, which should be even as long as otherwise you were determined. In the first place, your friends do judge that such reasons and unanswerable arguments may be alleged by my Lord as may move her Majesty to alter her mind, and that, they assure themselves, would be much the more easily effected if you would be moved to use your own pen in such a style as is no less fit for this time than contrary to your disposition, it being apparent that her Majesty's ill conceit is as much grounded upon the sternness of your carriage as upon the foundation of any other offence. And though this course take not such effect as is wished, yet your continuance there will shew that you embarked not yourself into the journey for the authority of such a place, but for higher and more worthy respects, esteeming not to have taken reputation from your office, but to have given very much thereunto. I know all this is needless, both for that I am acquainted with your mind in this case, and that you are of all other the wisest to give yourself advice, yet have I thought good to deliver you the conceits of others as matter for your own judgment to work upon. The progress was first appointed to Wimbleton, to my Lord Keeper's at Parford, to my Lord Treasurer's at Horsley, to Otelands, and so to Windsor, but by reason of an intercepted letter, wherein the giving over of long voyages was noted to be sign of age, it hath been resolved to extend the progress to Basing and so to Wilton, and unto Wimbleton the Queen goes on Tuesday next. Since the Mastership of the Wards, no office hath been bestowed save the Presidentship of York, which is promised to my Lord Burghley, but his patent is not yet signed. Sir W. Rawlegh is now the earnestest suitor for the Chancellorship of the Duchy, and Sir Ed. Stafford challengeth a promise from the Queen, but it is not likely it will be suddenly bestowed, for that the Queen hath committed it during the vacancy to Sir John Fortescue, and finds herself very well served by him. My Lord of Rutland hath so well satisfied all parties here as we hope he will scape the Fleet and all other punishment save the punishment of being kept at home. Sir Charles Candish, accompanied with three of his servants, was lately set upon in his own ground near his house by Mr. Stanhope; Sir Charles and one of his men were hurt in three or four places, and Mr. Stanhope left three of his people behind him. Harry Macwilliams is slain by J. Compton, who is likewise hurt in divers places, but now past danger of death. The treaty with Spain is still entertained underhand, and to that effect there hath one been secretly here of late from the Cardinal Andrea, only to keep on foot the motion made by one Coomans, who was sent in the same sort to the same effect this last winter. This Coomans was sent at his return from hence by the Cardinal into Spain, from whence he is looked for very shortly to return. Thus much notice touching this matter will serve you to inform yourself from those which are best able to acquaint you with the particularities of all this business. Mademoiselle Dantragues is now publicly declared to be the king's mistress. Your lordship shall do me a favour to burn these letters.—London, July, 1599.
[PS.]—Mrs. Bess Russell, when I was last at the Court, desired me to remember her to your lordship. Her sister was then absent in the country with my Lord of Warwick.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sir Ch. Devers.” 3 pp. (71. 104.)
H. Cuffe to Edward Reynolds.
[1599], July 24. Yesterday morning Mr. Harrison and Mr. Udall came to him for their packets. He bade them take them in the window, which they did, but for too much haste left the enclosed behind. Prays him to deliver it with speed, and excuse him to “his Honour.”—Dublin, 24 July.
Holograph. ½ p. (26. 82.)
Sir William Bevyll to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 24. His servant Henry Norton having a licence for transporting corn, and being in Bayonne with the same, a letter was delivered to him for the writer from Henry Locke (copy enclosed) with the request that he would send Cecil the enclosed letter.—Killigath in Cornwall, 24 July, 1599.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sir William Bevyll, knight, high sheriff of Cornwall.” 1 p. (1. 84.)
The first Enclosure :
Henry Lok to Sir William Bevill.
With an enclosure for Mr. Secretary, which he requests him to forward.—Bay on, 14 July, 1599.
Cont. Copy. 1 p. (71. 68.)
Henry Lok to Lord Zouche.
1599, July 24. Hearing by this bark of Alderney that you were in Guernsey, I thought fit to let you know of my abode in Bayonne for a small time, whence I attend a present occasion (with the French Ambassador) to go into Spain, or to return homeward shortly after Michaelmas; during which time I would offer myself to serve you in all my best power. I know you will have good intelligence from Spain where you are; else I would tell you such as we have : news of misery, plague, famine, and fear; of the King's and the Aragonese jealousies, which have made him refuse to enter Zaragossa after the preparations made to receive him; and an universal outcry at the Hollanders' spoil and cruelty in the Canary.—Bayonne, July 24,1599, stilo vechio.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (179. 47.)
Robert Wyseman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 25. Has received the Lords' answer to his petition. Hopes, though the Queen has given the land to a College, yet that he will be answered for the time she had it in possession : and he will be content to have the Council's letters to be possessed of the years to come, and to answer the rent to the College. Hopes that it is not meant to frustrate “our lease of Dunboyne, which my brother Jaques Wynckfyld paid 700l. for 21 years.” Begs Cecil's help that he lose not his third part of the whole lease.—“From my house in Greenwich, 25 July, 1599.”
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 85.)
H. Maynard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 26. Upon Friday at night last Mr. William Cecil your son came well hither, who rested at Starford the heat of the day, where I met him and brought him hither. Since his coming he hath both followed his book and his recreations at his hours allotted him, and for his health, I thank God it cannot be better.—Ofton Lodge, 26 July, 1599.
Holograph. ½ p. (71. 86.)
Richard Carmerden to Edward Darcey.
1599, July 26. Since I understood by Mr. Secretary her Majesty's pleasure touching my suit, I have got the book drawn and engrossed and Mr. Attorney's signature thereto, and did present the same to Mr. Secretary, who bade me leave it with you to offer to the Queen either to-night or to-morrow. If it be not done to-morrow, when my old patent expires, I fear some grant may be made by the Earl of Essex in Ireland. I pray you be careful therein; and especially to move his Honour to beseech her Majesty for a good number of years; seeing that of the old seven the troubles gave me the commodity of only three.—London, 26 July, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (179. 48.)
Roger Langforde to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 27. Has received Cecil's letter, wherein he understands the Queen's pleasure, upon the report of Mr. Grevill : to whom he accounts himself much bound since his (Grevill's) first coming into the office. If he may understand from Cecil or Grevill in what manner he should be employed, he will not fail to attend the same.—27 July, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 87.)
Sir Thomas Leighton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 27. I crave pardon that you have not heard from me this long time, but want of matter worthy the writing has been the cause, for there has not of late any shipping of St. Malos come from Spain. The last that did come brought no news but that the army of the States were seen pass by Lisbon without having given any attempt upon the coast. Three days since, here arrived a ship which came directly from Rochelle, the merchant whereof declared unto me that on the 12 day of this month there came unto that place from Spain certain advertisements that the States army have taken the great Canaries, and doth still hold all their land forces in the same meaning, to hold those places that best serve for their purpose, their army by sea being sufficiently strong to attend the King of Spain's India fleet that is this year to return.—Guernsey, 27 July, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 88.)
The Earl of Nottingham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 27. I send you here enclosed a letter which even now I received from George Fennor, which I pray you to read through, and to note it well, and to keep it unto yourself until I have spoken with you.—Court, 27 July, 1599.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lord Admiral : A letter from Captain Fenner.” ½ p. (71. 89.)
Sir Thomas Egerton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 27. “The clerk G. has been with me for the reckonings between Sir Thomas G. and him. He answers me not clearly. The patent, he says, was obtained without his knowledge, and that he has no confidence in it, and he desires to surrender it, and to come in by admittance as others have done.”
Has tested the clerk, and finds him insufficient and unable. His defects described. But he finds that Sir Thomas G.'s pension of 100l. per annum, and the reputation he stands upon, must sway this matter, and therefore, if Cecil can be a mean for a quiet end, he will take it as a favour; if not, he will appeal to the Queen to maintain her prerogative rather than yield to these influences, especially for so insufficient a person.—27 July, 1599.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“L. Keeper.” 1 p. (71. 90.)
T., Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 27. My physicians having enjoined me not to use reading or writing for a while, I am forced to use the hand of my secretary by my own inditement unto him.
There be two matters that concern her Majesty's service which, for lack of my own disposition of health, I must lay before you, though I know you have more than a body of infinite strength were able to endure. The first is concerning the impost of wines, in the which there are two several offers. The one is Mr. Swynerton, whose offer is to pay 14,000l. rent, viz., 10,000l. beforehand and the other 4,000l. likewise beforehand, at six months' end, with such other conditions as in a paper delivered to her Majesty by Mr. Bulmer is contained. Which offer, as he says, was tied with this condition, to have answer within ten days, or else not to be bound by it. Yesterday, Mr. Bulmer and he came to me and importuned me either to have present answer, or to be released from the offer. I advised Mr. Swynerton to enlarge the time of his offer, which with much ado he has granted, to the last of this month. The second offer is from Alderman' More, who is willing to give 14,000l. rent payable half-yearly, but not advance any money beforehand. And what need her Majesty has of present money you know as well as I. Touching the conditions, he says he hopes to have them reasonable, but not having set down neither his offer nor his conditions in writing, as Mr. Swynerton has done, it remains in his own power to stand upon what conditions are reasonable. In which meantime, a great deal of time being spent, if he shall refuse the offer in respect of not having his own conditions, the Queen shall be forced to keep it in her own hands, and so he to continue officer for her Majesty, as now he does, which some think is the only end of his intention.
Herein, as my office requires, being told to recommend the state of the cause to her Highness by your mediation for some present resolution, so will I no ways take upon me to give her Majesty advice therein for the acceptation of any of their offers, or for keeping the same still in her hands, because her Highness has not commanded my service therein. And therefore to intrude myself to a voluntary advice may seem presumption, and not having good success, her displeasure might fall upon me justly. So as, if I may know her Majesty's present resolution, I will follow the same with a present execution.
The second matter concerns a privy seal which you have sent me for certain money to be issued out of the Receipt for the transportation of certain pieces of brass ordnance remaining in Corfe Castle to the town of Plymouth, to such person as by six of the Privy Council shall be named to transport the same; and likewise for the pay of 50 men of increase to strengthen the Isle of Plymouth, after the rate of 8d. per diem per man, with divers other payments in the same privy seal mentioned, all which payments are to be issued to such persons as under the hands of six of the Privy Council shall be nominated. For that the execution of this service, which seems to me very present and important, cannot be executed by me without the said letters, I remember you thereof. Wishing you all health, and to be free from all diseases and especially from the stone.—Sackvile House, 27 July, 1599.
Signed. Endorsed :—“L. Treasurer.” 2½ pp. (71. 91.)
Sir Edward Coke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 27. By the enclosed I am commanded to deliver the brass ordnance taken from the enemy in '88 and sent to Corfe Castle by the Lord Admiral. Wishing to have a warrant for this, and foreseeing as much as I can that your poor niece (who has brass ordnance there of good value) might not be prejudiced by me, I have written to my Lord Admiral, who upon delivery of the Queen's pieces received a note under the late Lord Chancellor's hand certifying the receipt, to send me a copy for my better direction. My Lord Chancellor also became bound for answering of these pieces, which bond I cannot see now that the officers are out of town. Your niece prayeth that you will speak to the Lord Admiral on this 'matter, that she may not be prejudiced.—27 July, '99.
Holograph. 1 p. (179. 49.)
Sir John Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 28. I am very glad her Majesty has given so good allowance to the course devised for her ease in the signing of these grants, which otherwise would have been very troublesome to her, and truly a more readier and fairer way cannot be, and it will much ease you and further that service hereafter to pass some competent number from time to time in like manner. I thank you very heartily for the respect you have had to my ease now after my travel, which truly in respect of the great heat has almost tired me out, and must acknowledge myself, as always I have done, most bounden to her Majesty, as well in that it has pleased her to admit unto me some time of stay in these parts, to recover my weariness and settle my own business, as for many favours that it has pleased her to extend towards me heretofore without any deserving of mine; but to my power and what is in me, it is wholly devoted to her service, and it is a great comfort unto me that it has rather pleased her ever to look upon my willingness to do her service than upon my insufficiency to perform the same.—At Compton, near unto my home at Lytlecott, 28 July, 1599.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“L. Chief Justice.” 1½ pp. (71. 93.)
Anne, Lady Dacres to “my cousin, Mrs. Elizabeth Dacres.”
1599, July 28. Commences “Good daughter.”
Desires an answer to her letters, in expectation of which she has entreated her husband, contrary to his determination in some cause of weight, to stay at Warnell. They cannot stop here more than a week, but she will leave word with “your old aunt my mother” where she can be heard of, or her cousin Hudson, who dwells in Warnell, will direct the messenger. As to sending a dog and “my Lady her remembrance.” Sends commendations to Meg. Has sent Meg's sister Sympson to Gibson's wife about her kirtle. The latter says, when she is toward a husband, she will be six times as good to her, but the kirtle she cannot spare. “Sister Winifred” says she will be worth 10l. to sister Sympson when God sends her a good husband.—Warnell, 28 July, 1599.
Endorsed :—“La. Dacres.” 1 p. (71. 94.)
Ew. Seymour to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 28. As duty binds me, so I employ my best endeavours, now in time of threatened danger, to be made acquainted with all such persons as happen to arrive upon the sea coast under my charge worthy the knowledge. And this night I am advertised by the Mayor of Dartmouth that one John Aisheley, merchant, arrived there this present day, whose examination I have sent your Honour herein enclosed under the Mayor of Dartmouth's hand.—Berrye Castle, 28 July, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 95.)
Captain Edward Cecil to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1599, July 28. Acknowledges Cecil's favours, and offers services. Amongst other comforts your Honour's letters brought with them, it was not small to understand how worthily you esteem of our General here, who is reverenced of strangers in a high degree, and of ourselves as no soldier living more; and in my poor judgment, I highly commend many worthy parts that is in him. But I love and affect him for nothing more than that he is devoted your [s], and so he desires by all his actions that the world should know as much.—From the Vorne Island, being the camp now, 28 July, “Your honour's as much servant as nephew.”
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Captain Edward Cecyll, 1599.” 2 pp. (71. 96.)
Jo. Colville to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1599, not later than July 29.] Yesternight did arrive from Prance the Master of Montrose, a nobleman well affected, for of all our noblemen that has been abroad these two or three years, only the Earls of Argyle, Gowry, and he kept their religion.
I have again seen the French Ambassador, who is very desirous to know how our Scottish affairs go. I have deduced to him the King's proceedings from his birth without partiality, and to my opinion, I find him more apt to receive true informations nor any Catholic that ever I have dealt with, but if I shall hold out with him upon these grounds, let me (I beseech your Honour) have your direction. This bearer is your faithful servant, therefore please your Honour trust him in that he shall propone.—From London, this Sunday early.
I will one of these two days send over my servant to Bruce, if it be your pleasure.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1599, July”: also with a list of 20 names, of which the first two are Sir John Ramsey and Sir James Mernjne. 1 p. (71. 102.)
Thomas Smith to Mr. Secretary [Cecil].
1599, July 29. He has received a letter from Mr. Waade signifying Cecil's pleasure that he should repair to the Court. Special business that concerns his poor estate has occasioned him to take a journey into this country, but within a few hours he will follow this messenger and letter.—Abbotsan near Andever, 29 July.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1599.” 1 p. (71. 88.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 29. The 26th hereof I certified you of the departure of her Majesty's ships.from hence, and since, here is arrived Captain Willies with the Advice and. her prize, being a carvell, out of the which I have received 14 tons of iron in bars, to be disposed of as you shall think meet. I understand the captain and company have deserved well, and it would be a good encouragement if it pleased her Majesty by your good means to leave this small matter unto them. Such advertisements as we have received this morning, the Mayor doth certify you at large. The pinnace we despatched for Brest, by contrary winds was driven hither again this last day, but shall depart with her letters so soon as the time will permit.—Plymouth, 29 July, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 97.)
T. Lord Buckhurst to Mr. Secretary Cecil.
1599, July 30. I have stayed all payments in respect of this alarm of these ships and galleys, hoping that in some short time the event thereof would be made more certain. But Mr. Babington, for the winter apparel of Ireland, being to have for 10,000 men only 24,000l., besides the increase of 2,000 men more, for the which 12,000 he makes preparation, and being by the contract to receive upon the 20 of July for the whole, that is to say 24,000l., and also for the addition of 2,000 men more, which will come to above 4,000l. more, yet I have contented him with the present pay of 12,000l., without payment of which he saith he must break, and so in truth I think he must. My writing therefore now to you is only thus, to know if the present necessary defence of England, which (we) must principally regard, be such in respect of these alarms as that we ought rather to keep all treasure for preservation thereof than to yield to these provisions for Ireland, without the which, on the other side, that state may be endangered. And though I hope I shall pay 12,000l. presently for the one, and yet keep sufficient for the defence of the other, yet I am not willing herein to do anything without your advice first received. To-morrow is the last day of Mr. Swinerton's offer.—30 July, 1599.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (71. 98.)
Edward Heron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 30. As to the suit made against him by John Marshall, utter barrister of Gray's Inn. Gives details of the various proceedings taken in the cause : complains of its having been heard without sufficient warning to him, and prays for leave to appeal to the Council against the certificate given by Lord Anderson and Mr. Justice Walmsley in the matter. Encloses articles thereon.—Warwick, 30 July, 1599.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. Sergeant Heron.” l p. (71. 99.)
Richard Martyn to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 30. Begs for the signing of the privy seal which her Majesty has granted him. For whatever he shall be found indebted upon the finishing of his account, he hopes to make present satisfaction.—30 July, 1599.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Alderman Martin.” 1 p. (71. 100.)
Mathew de Quester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 30. Sends enclosed, even now received from Calais, and asks him to reward the bearer, a poor neighbour of his.—London, 30 July, 1599.
Endorsed. ½ p. (160. 142.)
Henry Cuffe to Edward Reynolds.
1599, July 31. This day his lordship [Essex] sent me a letter, and in it these enclosed, which I send you that both you yourself and others of his lordship's friends may be acquainted with the occurrences of these parts.—Dublin, last of July.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“'99.” ½ p. (63. 2.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 31. Asks for a loan of 100l. for 6 months. The occasion is important and sudden, and amongst Londoners he has no credit. Will pay at the day, as assuredly as the Lord Mayor of London.—Last of July, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 102.)
Thomas Edmunds to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 31. I send your Honour the letter to the Cardinal Andrea, hoping therein to have followed your directions. I beseech you to excuse my stay this afternoon to conclude the price of some horses.—London, the last of July, 1599.
Holograph. ½ p. (179. 50.)
Sir Edward Fitzgerald to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July. Encloses note of the lands which he craves from her Majesty. Has limited himself to special parcel amounting to 864 acres of arable, acquired by his father and himself and in his own possession. Prays Cecil to respect his estate, being a poor gentleman greatly disabled by the wars in Ireland, and his means little to continue suit here; and begs him to further the despatch of his business. If the Queen will join his estate for years with his other parcels, to have an estate tail in them by the like tenure that the Earl of Kildare held them before by grant from Queen Mary, to begin after the death of the now lady, he will receive it as a bounty and a consideration for the loss of his father.
Undated. Holograph. Endorsed :—“July, 1599.” 1 p. (71. 106.)
Henry FytzWyllyam to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July. Is a poor cousin german of Cecil's mother, and “the decayed man of his name,” as his cousin Robert Winfeilde can testify. Begs some ward, or office in the Court of Wards, or other help, towards the maintenance of his wife and 10 children. Is living in a poor cottage at Clapthorne near Awndell, at the will of his cousin Brudnell.
Undated. Signed. Endorsed :—“July, 1599.” 1 p. (71. 107.)
G. Norden to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July. I have desired upon your noble father's foundation to have laid your gracious continuance of favour towards my endeavours for the finishing of my simple work begun. But I humbly conceive, and with willing patience do accept, the refusal of your Honour's recommendation of my travails for the time, without which yet I cannot proceed, waiting when it may please you to think it more fit. In the mean time, I beseech you to weigh my case, deeply pressed with the unpleasant wants of things fit to maintain me and mine : for upon his good Lordship's promise of sufficient allowance, I have waded in the business, wherein, and in attending his Honour, I have spent near 1,000l., and am thereby come so dangerously indebted and impoverished that, without you favour my cause, I am like to taste of deeper miseries, to the undoing of my wife and poor children for ever. In mercy let it please you to afford me your aid, whereby I may be in some measure relieved; and the rather being deprived of the hope I ever had in his Honour, I fall utterly without your favour, by whose means I may be in the meantime employed in some business of survey either for yourself or for the Lord Burghleigh. In it I have been trained up and practised, and wherein my ability being tried, I doubt not but to gain me deserved favour and relief.
Undated. Holograph. Endorsed :—“July, 1599.” 1 p. (71. 108.)
Robert Wingfeilde to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July. Your letters to me, a poor countryman, out of heart since the decease of my hon. Lord, brought exceeding comfort unto me, and so much as I am at a strife with myself which way to shew myself thankful. Finding myself no way able to deserve a favourable look, much less a good turn, I only will address my prayers to God that by your virtues and honourable endeavours the world may eternise my lord your father, who being departed may seem to live so long as you are in life in your person. As one confined to the country and vowing to abridge myself of all worldly pleasures, I will ever be devoted to your house in all love and service, and remain ever a faithful kinsman.
Undated. Holograph. Endorsed :—“July, 1599.” ½ p. (71. 109.)
Walter Cope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July. I lately presented you with copper; I now present with silver, but I pray God it have catcht no copper. This tincture it received upon a stool which my Lady made yesterday in the afternoon, and my Lord of Cumberland protesteth he did make the like in his last journey to the Indies, and it was avouched that my Lady Norris did the like in her sickness lately. But Mr. Paddy is peremptory that she hath taken mercury sublimate, because it toucheth being tried with gold, which how much it is you may see in the bottom. The rest, Mr. Gilbert, Foster and Nowell, seem doubtful. I thought it fit you should see it because I hear there was the like once before, which the women say now passed without note.
If in speech of matters of sales it might please you to inform her Majesty that the clause of restraint keeps her from sale of many petty matters and hinders her of much money, and enforces you of the commission to sell better things further off, I know she would refer that clause in general to your consideration that are commissioners; so might I be relieved and her Majesty find profit.
My Lady was much afraid of death after they had showed her the basin, and called for me to know the truth from the Doctors' mouths, which I was fain to enforce with three or four oaths before she would believe me. She was after much distempered with heat.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“July, 1599.” Seal. 1 p. (179. 51.)
1599, May-July. Papers and Accounts relating to the Victualling of the forces in Ireland.
23 pp. (179. 52.)
Robert Goodshawe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July. Asks for the concealed wardship of the son of William Budget, of Nunney, Somerset.
Endorsed :—“July, 1599.” Note by Cecil thereon. 1 p. (1505.)