Cecil Papers: July 1599, 1-15

Pages 222-234

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 9, 1599. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1902.

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July 1599, 1–15

Victualling in Ireland.
1599, July 1. A declaration of all such victuals as remain in store in the several magazines in Ireland the first of July 1599, sound and serviceable.
Gives the store at Dublin of biscuit, butter, and cheese : at Carrickfergus of biscuit, butter, cheese and lings : and at Galway of biscuit, butter, cheese, lings, herrings and Newland fish. Number of days given for which they will serve 2,500 men. All the victual before mentioned is accounted sound and serviceable. The soldiers hath been accustomed to be victualled with fresh beef for some days in the week for July, August and September. And albeit the undertakers for the victualling in their contracts have compounded for a portion of beef to be sent to every magazine, yet hitherto there is no proportion of beef sent, as in the certificate herewith delivered for the victuals arrived for the months of June, July and August doth appear.
l p. (71. 29.)
The King of Scotland to Sir William Bowes.
1599, July 1. Having seen your letters to our Chancellor signifying that there is three English ships taken by the Dunkirkers received presently with the harboury of our burgh of Carreill; as we never allowed of any harm or injury done to our dearest sister or any of her subjects but have been careful at all occasions to see the same repaired, so allowing noways of this, but thinking it suspicious that such receipt or oversight should be within any our harbours or dominions, we shall take order in that matter to your satisfaction.
We have since heard by our cousin, the earl of Orkney, that the same three English ships are freed and departed out of that harbour. If it be not so, we shall cause the same to be done with all diligence, and punish that oversight in our subjects according to their deserving. We have directed our letters to the bailiffs of Carreill to know the truth of that matter, whereof being resolved we shall take order accordingly.—Fawkland, 1 July, 1599.
Addressed :—“To our right trusty and wellbeloved Sir William Bowes, ambassador for our dearest sister and cousin the Queen of England.”
Copy. l p. (133. 181.)
N. Combes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 2. Cecil granted the wardship of the infant daughters of John Gardyner to their mother and him. The office is found and returned, and he has appointed the bearer, Mr. Ward, father-in-law of the widow, to pay the fines. Prays Cecil to remember the widow's charges already defrayed and to be defrayed to the Lady Walsingham.—Warwick, 2 July, 1599.
Signed. ½ p. (71. 30.)
Richard Shute to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 2. As to his suit “to be restored,” apparently to some office of receivership. Refers to a cause between Sherard, of Lincolnshire, and himself, and describes Sherard's position and base dealings. Speaks of his own imprisonment for debt, his great wrongs, and public disgraces. Rather desires Cecil's favour without the office, than the office or other preferment without it.—2 July, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 31.)
Thomas Windebank to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 2. I have read the most part of Mr. Smith's letter to her Majesty, who could very hardly be persuaded but that old Pickering was dead a year past, and that his wife was married to Mr. St. John the pensioner, the contrary whereof I knew. And so at last her Majesty was pleased to like best of your Honour's device. Her Majesty would not believe that Mr. Smith's state of ability was so slender.—Greenwich, 2 July, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 32.)
Sir John Fortescue to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 2. Prays him to further the request made on behalf of his nephew Withepole, son of his sister the late Lady Wentworth, for a knighthood.—The Wardrobe, 2 July, 1599.
Holograph. ½ p. (71. 33.)
Sir Nicholas Parker to the Privy Council.
1599, July 2. On Monday, being the 2nd of this present month, upon the discharge of my watch between 4 and 5 of the clock in the morning, we descried thwart the Manacles a great fleet of ships, to our conjecture about 60 sail or more, the wind being southerly, and the weather very foul with wind and rain, and immediately overcast with fog, that we could not any longer discern their course. And fearing lest it should be the enemy, I sent forthwith knowledge thereof to all deputies lieutenants and captains by the coasts, to be all in readiness as the time required : and such as were in the parishes next adjoining Falmouth to fall to the places appointed for them, to encounter any landing. And knowing that her Majesty hath no such fleet abroad, of necessity then they must be either the Flemings or the enemy, so far forth as I can imagine. Within duty I held meet to advertise your Honours herewith, humbly beseeching you that some speedy order be taken that monies be sent here for the labourers' wages : for the £200 I received I spent, and more too, on Saturday last, as I have already informed you under Mr. Trevaincus' hand and mine, according to your directions. And likewise that it would please you to think upon the ordnance out of the Tower appointed for this fort to be sent away; and a further command for the ordnances of St. Mawes, for your former directions in that behalf would not be obeyed, as heretofore I have certified.—Pendenis Castle, 2 July, 1599.
Signed. 1 p. (71. 34.)
Thomas Layton to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1599, July 3. The Queen has a title of wardship in the lands of Peter and Lawrence Pearson of Brakenthait, Cumberland, deceased, who purchased them from Sir Edward Herbert. Prays for the wardship of the children.
Endorsed :—“3 July, 1599.” 1 p. Note by Cecil thereon. (1773.)
Sir W. Malorye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 4. This last year Thomas Snowsdall, who married a daughter of mine, died and left his son her Majesty's ward of a small thing by year. My humble suit is that you will grant unto me the said wardship, he being my grandchild.—Huton Park, 4 July, 1599.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (27. 25.)
William Cecil to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 6. I am bold at this present to crave your favour for a petition this gentleman is to prefer to the Lords, against a lewd person who has undone divers with his bad dealings, and has long detained from me a good sum of money delivered to him by my bailiffs in the country to convey to me.—From my lodgings in Ely House, 6 July.
Holograph. Endorsed :—1599. 1 p. (179. 38.)
Alonso Faubauld to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 4/14. Has to-day received the accompanying packet of letters, sent to him from St. Jean de Lus for Cecil. There are letters of Madril of the 25th ult., in which no report is sent of the “armee des Flamans,” which has not touched either at la Cologne nor at Santender, nor at Farol, which makes them conclude that the said army has gone to the Indies. Some say it might go to la Havane.—Rouen, 14 July, 1599.
Holograph. French. ½ p. (71. 61.)
Sir Nicholas Parker to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 5. Your former letter, dated 21 June, I received the 24 of the same, and immediately thereupon did mine endeavour to perform the contents thereof, the party having no certain dwelling place, the which I informed you by my letter the 29 of the same month. In the mean while I sent messengers abroad with letters to the mayors of divers towns, where I was informed he used, as Bodman, Launceston, Truro and other, for he trades the country about for tin; and yesterday he came before me, upon whose coming I examined him according to my instruction. But he denied all, and seems both by himself and the report of divers men of good worth that he is no such manner of man. Notwithstanding, I followed your direction, made him send for sureties, which he had at first his choice, his credit is so current in this country; and so I bound him and three gentlemen with him in 200l., with the condition that the said John Lynn shall appear before your Honour within 14 days and hence not to depart without your leave, which bond I was by his sureties entreated to keep until I heard of his appearance, which they make no doubt of his clearing. I have likewise sent six letters to your Honour and the Council, dated 23 June, 26, 29, 2 of July and the 4 of the same, all which I hope are not miscarried, but I have heard no answer of any of them, nor hear not of any monies from my Lord Treasurer for this works, though I have certified long agone according to your order there, nor of the ordnance, neither will the Lieutenant of St. Mawes deliver any, which I beseech you to consider the necessity that this place requires of all these.—Pendenis Castle, 5 July, 1599, within two hours after the receipt of your letter dated 30 June last.
Signed. 1 p. (71. 35.)
Robert, Lord North to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 6. Thanks him for his friendly letter. Is now in the house of Sir Horatio Pala [vicino], who is much devoted to Cecil. Palavicino's entertainment is fit for the greatest state in England, which the writer makes less account of than of his friendliness. Is now in journey towards the Court.—Babram, 6 July, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 36.)
Thomas, Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 6. Enquiring whether it is true that the Queen's coming is deferred until Tuesday come fortnight. “Whether you have had time to propound the proposition I made unto you at London, I know not, but I hope you will remember it. I mean to-morrow or Friday night to come to the Court.”—6 July, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (179. 37.)
H., Earl of Lincoln to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 7. Hears that Cecil is at the Savoy, and is ready to come to him as often as he will employ him in any way.—Chelsey, 7 July, 1599.
Holograph. ½ p. (71. 37.)
Lord Lumley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 7 Sends his servant, Ambrose Germen, who has lately returned from Lumley's business in the North. Asks Cecil to write in Germen's behalf to the Bishop of Norwich for the continuance of his further liberty, whereby he may proceed in Lumley's affairs.—Nonsuch, 7 of July.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1599” 1 p. (71. 38.)
J. Goisteme to Archibald Douglas.
1599, July 7. Has been here in Yarmouth 5 or 6 weeks at great charge, spending all that he has in waiting on the searcher, who is denied at his house. He asked counsel of the “baillzeis,” who said they would pleasure him if they could, if they had any warrant, for they do not love the searcher. Asks Douglas to procure a warrant to the “baillzeis” to see his (Douglas's) goods delivered to the writer.—Yarmouth, 7 July, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 39.)
Thomas Fanshaw, Queen's Remembrancer of the Exchequer, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 7. Queen Mary, in the last year of her reign, caused all merchandises then known to be rated for the paying of customs and subsidies, and to be published in a book under the great seal, which remaineth in the Exchequer, whereof all customers and all other persons that would have had and may have notice by printed books; and according to those rates, customs and subsidies have ever since been answered, for anything I know to the contrary. And about four or five years ago, as I remember, my lord your father did signify that her Majesty was informed that sundry kinds of merchandises were by that book under rated, to her great loss, and some other over rated, and did appoint Sir Henry Billingsley, Mr. Carmarthen, and other of the Custom House, and some merchants and myself to peruse the old rates and to consider what new rates were fit to be set. About which business we met sundry times, and at the last agreed upon divers alterations and new rates, and set them down in a book, whereunto, as I remember, I did amongst others subscribe; it being brought or sent unto me by Mr. Carmarthen and returned unto him again. But it was thought at that time inconvenient for her Majesty to ratify the same, for reasons which I do not now remember; and, since I have heard nothing of the matter until of late that one of the new surveyors of the customs asked me of it. But of the book or anything that was done in that matter, I suppose Mr. Carmarthen can best inform you.—Warwick Lane, 7 July, 1599.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (53. 16.)
Francis Cherry to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 8. Whereas your Honour by her Majesty's letters referred the Emperor of .Russia to the bearer of the same letters to be informed by him of the manner how the English merchants' ships and their mariners, which were found at Melvin and Dansicke the last year, were employed by the King of Polonia against Duke Charles, the said messenger, the “phisition,” being shortly to depart with her Majesty's letters, I put you in mind to set down some instructions for him. And concerning the manner of the employment of the same ships and mariners, and how they were pressed to the same service by the said King, if it please you to inform yourself therein by Mr. Carie, her Majesty's late ambassador, he is able to advertise you of all the circumstances.—London, 8 July, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 43.)
Sir Robert Wrothe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 9. As to a stag or hind that Cecil is to have from Waltham Forest, by warrant of the Lord Admiral. There are few or no red deer in his own two walks : recommends therefore that the warrant be directed to all the keepers of the forest.—London, 9 July, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 42.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 9. Your Honour may perceive by the enclosed what gentle and benign usage may work with a troubled and preplexed mind. There be (amongst much refuse) many things worthy of your observation in this large discourse.
I desired he should name as many as he could remember that could agree with him, though it were but in circumstances, because it would add faith to the principal matters.
Their sharing of our lands beforehand, their publishing of a book, &c. (the forerunner commonly of invasion), the imaginative discontentment of the question of Scot's death, do as much prognosticate a mathematical conquest (which yet may be imagined) as mustering, making of armour, expectation of forces from Denmark, hope of and from Ireland, &c. So many of the parties as he hath named and be now in England were in my opinion necessary to be examined quietly sine strepitu. In mean time this man in good and discreet manner to be cherished and not dejected, because there may be use of confronting, &c.
I am persuaded there may be much more drawn from him in time [See Interrogatories, p. 230, infra], and that a principality will not be accepted of, for concerning that matter more fell from him ore tenus than is set down, and trahet nescio quam energiam viva vox.—Hatton House, 9 July, 99.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 44.)
Sir Nicholas Parker to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 10. Since the writing of my last letter I have further enquired of this bearer John Lynne, of whom I hear but well; and now he is come to make his appearance according to his bond. This day I received a letter from the Council that Mr. Vinion should be an overseer in this her Majesty's works, which I willingly embrace, and am very glad of, for that you shall understand of my faithful dealing herein. And another letter from my Lord Admiral and your Honour, which I likewise most willingly obey (for the stay of the ordnances at St. Mawes), though your letter was not by him so well regarded.—Pendenis Castle, 10 July, 1599.
Signed. 1 p. (71. 45.)
William FitzWilliam to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 10. I have entered into a search of such writings as my father left behind him concerning Ireland, and for that I cannot as yet find any other matters save letters from sundry of the Council, and divers letters signed by her Highness, I pray direction whether I shall send them or any thereof, or such articles of instructions as shall concern special services, if any of that sort shall come to my hands. Sir John Stanhope has twice sent by her Majesty's command and has had some things from thence, by the attendance of which service I have partly a guess what kind of papers I shall there find, of all which, either the whole mass, or special parts, shall be brought unto you, after your pleasure once known.
Begs him to thank her Majesty for her gracious goodness towards him for Fotheringay, which if he does, Mr. Killigrew doubts not forthwith to get his bill signed.—London, 10 July, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 46.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 10. I pray you remember the privy seal for the 300l. to be employed about the affairs in Dublin, for without the privy seal we cannot pay it : and within 4 or 5 days this month's pay will be despatched, so as you must please to haste this privy seal.—10 July, 1599.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“My Lord Treasurer.” ½ p. (71. 47.)
John Ferne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 11. I hear from the Court that Sir Edward Hoby should labour to obtain a grant in reversion of the Secretaryship [of the Council of the North] here; and also to procure Mr. Beale's resignation of the office, and that he purposeth to supply the same in person at the coming of the new Lord President, albeit I have Mr. Beale's bonds and covenants not to defeat my deputation, which is by her Majesty allowed, and myself appointed by her hand one of her Council in these parts. If you, being the person on whom since your father's death I have wholly and unfeignedly depended, should allow Sir Edward's suit, I may not gainsay it. But my hope is that you will take consideration of my case; and if Sir Edward do intend any such suit, dissuade him from attempting that which tendeth to my overthrow and disgrace; and that I might by your means be joined in patent with Mr. Beale at the renewing of these instructions. If so much cannot be obtained, then my suit is, to exercise it as I now do until I shall give just cause of offence. I came to this place by the means of your father and yourself. The exercise of this office requiring a whole man that must continually attend hath bereaved me of all other my good fortunes.—At York, this 11 of July, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (53. 27.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Thomas Sawkeld, High Sheriff of Cumberland.
1599, July 11. John Storie is committed prisoner in the gaol of Carlisle upon bare suspicion, not grounded upon any warrantable proof, as appears by a letter written by a principal officer of Lord Scroope. The Queen is pleased, if the quality of the offence with which he is charged may in any way permit it, that he shall be bailed against the next assizes.—The Court at Greenwich, 11 July, 1599.
Cont. Copy.
There follow the particulars of Storey's indictment, which is for felony and burglary for the heirship of Newby, whereupon he stands outlawed; for stealing various articles from Robert Plaskett and Richard Tolson; and for breaking into the dwelling house of William Bell. 2 pp. (71. 48.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 11. I have not heard of any from Sir Nicholas Parker for money : neither do I think that any is due above the time of this privy seal; nevertheless I have written to Mr. Skinner that if any come to him for money he shall be satisfied according to the privy seal. I pray you send him to me that should have the money, for I heard of none since I paid him 200l., which, as I think, is not 3 weeks since.—11 July, 1599.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“My Lord Treasurer.” ½ p. (71. 49.)
H. Sachevrell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 12. A writ was directed to him out of the Court of Chancery, being high sheriff of the county of Derby, to take good security of John Stanhope, esquire, and four sufficient sureties, for the Queen's peace to be kept by him, his servants and all other by his procurement, against Sir Charles Cavendish, his servants and people. Has performed the same, and certified accordingly. —Morley, 12 July, 1599.
Holograph. ½ p. (71. 50.)
John Blytheman, Mayor of Plymouth, and his brethren to the Privy Council.
1599, July 12. This day we received your letters with the enclosed written by the lieutenant of Sir Fardinando Gorges, Captain of her Majesty's fort here, of the late arrival into this harbour of a fleet of Flemings, set forth to be a fleet of 100 sail, which in truth we confess to be 63 sail of merchant ships, and not above. Whereas it appears that the lieutenant has advertised you of our remissness and negligence upon the arrival of these ships, we answer that upon the discovery of these ships we were given to understand by two flyboats that first came into the harbour, that the same ships so discovered were merchantmen bound for Rochelle in traffic of merchandise : as a Scot that came in the same time likewise affirmed, contrary to the advertisements of the lieutenant. Whereupon the fleet bearing into the sea towards the West, with full intent, as appeared, to have proceeded in their pretended course, we forbore for the present to put our men in arms, which we would otherwise have done. But the wind and weather altering, these ships put back with [in] the harbour, which occasioned the town to put themselves in so great a readiness as they saw the cause require : and so they mean to do, whatsoever shall be inveighed against them, noting this by the way, that a man of war which was of these ships' company as they came with [in] our harbour, did in dutiful sort strike sail before her Majesty's island here, which were sufficient tokens that they entered not proudly into the harbour, as appears it was inveighed.—Plimmouthe, 12 July, 1599.
Signed as above.
[P.S.] —We hope your Lordships upon consideration had of the place (this matter brought in question among us) will cause the fort to be better provided for than now it is.
1 p. (71. 51.)
1599, July 13. Interrogatories to be ministered to Weyman by Mr. Attorney.
1. To set down the title of the Book of Titles. Where it was printed. 2. What epistle it hath, and to whom. 3. Of whose inditing. 4. Whether it be translated into Scottish, and whether there is any there to be printed. 5. By what means (as he apprehended) the Sc. King meant to be rid of the Earl of Essex. 6. Whether he carried with him the English chronicle. 7. What discourse he had with Ashfield. 8. What opposition the King expecteth, and by whom, and on whom he dependeth. 9. What reasons he hath to persuade that the Scot intendeth a conquest, and wherefore they desire to have resistance. 8. (sic) What preparation he maketh : how he himself is provided. 9. Whether you did not inform Ashfield of the ambassador's malice. 10. Whether you did not bid him take heed that he was not carried away by force. 11. What was the first occasion that moved you to go into Scotland.
In Coke's handwriting : [see his letter of July 9, supra].
Endorsed :—“13 July 1599.” 1 p. (71. 52.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 13. This enclosed letter from my lieutenant I received at this very instant, who doth certify me that, by the report of certain Flemings that arrived yesterday at Dover, he understands that Ostend should be besieged. He with haste advertised me of it, which with as much haste I acquaint you withal, which I rather do for form sake than any belief I have of the advertisement, for yourself can best judge of the impossibility of it.—Blackfriars, 13 July, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 53.)
The Earl of Essex to the Privy Council.
1599, July 13. Since the making up of my other packet I have certain advertisement both from the North and North West that all the rebels of both sides are yesterday retired and are already past the Newry 4 miles, and mean from thence to go to Armagh. Whether they have stayed out their proposed time, or dislodged upon my giving of rendevous to the troops upon the frontier, I know not. But harm they have done little. In Westmeath they assaulted Fra : Shane's, the sheriff's, barn into which the cattle of the country fled, but were put off, and lost near 20 of their men, which Sir Conyers Clifford's diligent sending of some shot to the sheriff did chiefliest cause. In the North they offered some bravado to the town of Dundalk, but my Lord Crumwell stood upon his strength and ground of advantage without putting anything to hazard, as indeed he had reason, so as not a man of ours was lost, and the rebels lost some in braving upon disadvantage. To Kells they came also, and laid some baits and ambushes for my Lord Awdley and the garrison there, but my Lord, after he had discovered them, very discreetly and carefully made his retreat home. Our West news is from Ofhaly, where there being placed by me 750 men well victualled and provided for, they have laid still like drones without doing service, and now have been beaten hard under the fort, and lost about 50 men, the soldiers showing extreme cowardice, and the officers neither courage nor judgment, of which I will have a severe account. This happened by the sickness of some of the best captains, and by the absence of Sir Tho : Egerton, whom I stayed to carry means and directions for the troops : for if either himself or any of 3 captains I sent thither had been in place, this foul disorder could not have happened : for by God's favour your Lordships [shall] hear ere long that those knaves are beaten with fewer men than those that were beaten by them. In Leix the garrison though of less number hath been more stirring, and have taken a prey from the rebels, and killed and hurt some 60 of their men, at which time Sir Fra : Prest and Captain Tolkarne carried themselves exceedingly well. Thus craving pardon for this hasty confused letter, which is written as my cousin Carey is ready to embark.
[P.S.]—I must free Sir Edward Harbert from being culpable of this last blow at Phillipstown, he being come hither to me two days before C. Williams commanded, and is to answer the ill carriage.—Dublin, 13 July.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1599.” No address. 2 pp. (71. 54.)
Sir Richard Ghampernown to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 13. Expresses thanks for his favours, and offers services.—London, 13 July, '99.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 55.)
Ja : Anton to Richard Percival.
1599, July 13. Sends 2 letters from Ireland, one from Mr. Large, the other from Mr. Brice, Sheriff of Dublin, with regard to the receipt of certain money by the Sheriff, and his disposal of it. The money has not been paid to the writer because Hooper, Sir Harry Wallop's man, retains the bills of George Kenyday's, saying he is to receive the money from Percival's master. Begs Percival to procure a letter to Kenyday to deliver the bills, and to discharge him or any other that shall pretend the receipt thereof for the use of Sir Robert Cecil. Wishes Percival to procure him the money from the Exchequer, or of anyone else here, and the money may be paid over to the Treasurer there, or anyone else that disbursed it.—St. Martin's, 13 July, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 56.)
Henry Fowke to Edward Reynolds.
1599, July 13. Has received his letter of the 5 July. Acknowledges his kindness. Asks leave to bestow his little Barbary mare upon him, to post between the Court and London this summer. Writes no news : “yet I must tell you, though it be beside the matter, I am as honest as the Chevalier Grac.”—Dublin, 13 July, '99.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Captain Fowkes.” 1 p. (71. 57.)
W. Temple to Edward Reynolds, “agent at the Court for the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.”
1599, July 13. This gentleman Mr. Udall is acquainted with the occurrences here and can report to you the particularities. Notwithstanding, I may not let him pass without sending you this testimony of my love and kind remembrance. You are not forgotten either in public among ourselves, or in private when I meet with Mr. Fox, who will not fail both for himself and in my discharge to present you with usquebach. There has passed now some good time since, by commandment from my Lord, I sent you a journal of the occurrences of the camp. Whether it be received I have not yet understood. The times draw on which will yield argument of another journal, I trust such as will be memorable for the happy issue of the service intended; but the rebel is mighty in forces, and strong in advantages; as also grown to that height of pride and confidence in his hopes, as he fears he shall rather want a subject wherein to show his obstinate and malicious resolution, than variety of means to strengthen his proceedings. There has been opinion in England of facility to subdue him, and to range the country to obedience, but the knowledge here, and experience of his courses and means for lengthening the life of his rebellion, will easily check that opinion.
Sends an enclosure for Mr. Anthony Bacon.—Dublin, July 13, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 58.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 13. In the second negotiation in Almayn the Exchequer only paid me 10,000l., though I had a limited authority to go up to 15,000l.; and on my return I paid two hundred, which I had beyond, into the Exchequer, and had a tally for it; so that, if the Queen is charged with 15,000l. in the accounts, there is an error, and it ought to be corrected.
All the writings I ever had about these two negotiations are in a box in London, of which I will send you the key by Francesco Eizzo, who is here. But I cannot see how any papers of mine can tell you where the original documents have been put. Pray let the papers be given back to Giovan Battista Giustiniano. Pray be assured that I love the public weal and the Queen's service so well that I think little of any thing else, and can content all my wants with her good grace.—Baburham, 13 July, 1599.
Signed. Italian. 1 p. (179. 39.)
James Gerald to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 14. Has acquainted sundry of the Lords of his long, miserable imprisonment, and prayed for her Majesty's compassion, but has had small comfort in his grievous affliction. Prays Cecil to move the Queen for permission to go abroad in the company of Mr. Lieutenant, for the full recovery of this last winter's dangerous sickness.—From the Tower, 14 July, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 60.)
James Bagg to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 14. With letters from Bayonne, which were directed to William Stallenge of this town, but were to be sent on to Cecil if Stallenge were not at home.—Plymouth, 14 July, 1599.
On the back :—
“Hast haste haste haste poste hast.
Plymouth at 8 of clocke at neight the 14th July. John Blytheman, maior.
Asburton at one of the cloke in the morning.
Exeter at 5 a cloke in the morning.
Hunyton a [t] past 8 in the morning haff a nower. . . . . .
Sarum the 15 of Juli.
Rcd at Andever at 6 in the mpringe being. . . . . .
At Basingestoek at 10.
Hartford brig Rd 16 of Julie at 1 in the morning (sic).
Staynes 4 in the afternon the 16 of July.
London the 16 day at 7 after noune.”
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 62.)
Rectory of Spelsbury.
[1599, July 15.] Note by Rich. Erdes, as to the rectory of Spellsbery, demised by the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church to the use of Dr. Kenall, over the tenants' heads. Testifies that he heard Kenall divers times profess his meaning that Sir Henry Lee, the tenant in possession, should have it; also that Mr. Kenall acknowledged his brother had charged him to let Lee have it before any other.
½ p. (71. 73.)
Dr. W- James to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, July 15. Has received Cecil's letters in the Queen's name touching the resigning of his interest in the parsonage of Spelsbury to Sir Henry Lee. Dr. Kennall, sometime prebendary of Christ Church, Oxford, procured the said lease for his brother Mr. Kennall, and one of Dr. Kennall's last requests to the writer was to be his brother's friend in the disposal thereof. Details the proceedings taken by Mr. Kennall to sell the lease, first to Sir Henry Lee, and then to others. Seeing that none of them would offer him the value, and moved by his distressed condition, the writer procured him a good portion more than had been offered, out of monies given by legacies to the writer's sons, and the lease was assigned for their use to his brother Dr. James. Has been 24 years master of two colleges, but never sought to supplant any tenant, and being now old, is not able otherwise to provide for his sons than by the above portions Prays that the Queen may be informed of the truth hereof.—Durham, 15 July, 1599.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“The Dean of Durham.” 2 pp. (71. 74.)