Index: P

Pages 590-594

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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Packer, Thomas, son of the clerk of the Signet, 546.

Packets, the opening of, between Berwick and Edinburgh, 252.

Padilla, Don Martin de, the Adelantado of Castile, See Adelantado.

Padua, letter dated at, 217.

Paget, Pagett :

Lady, certain statements of, referred to, 349.

Thomas, lord, attainder of, 209.

Mr., 209, 218.

Paisley, minister at, 246.

Palatine of the Rhine, the, army of, 336.

Palavicino, Sir Horatio, 24, 40, 165.

letters from, 4, 6, 10, 11 (2), 21 (2), 57, 61, 63, 111, 125, 216, 224, 229, 249 (2), 261, 279, 319, 326, 339, 353, 379, 397, 398, 468, 507.

a test of his disinterestedness, 21.

a nephew of, visiting the court of France, 61.

his debt from the States General, 326, 380, 396, 397, 437.

relations with Sir John Cutts, 326, 337, 343, 353.

brother of, 500.

Palkington, Packington, Sir John, letter from, 341.

Palma, Conde de, in the Spanish fleet, 487.

Palmer :

Dr., recommended for a deanery, 256.

Sir Henry, 98, 109, 342, 429.

— cruising in the channel, 59, 69.

— letter from, 343.

— sickness of, &c., 457, 470.

Sir Jeoffrey, an application on behalf of, 255.

Palsgrave, the, christening of the son of, 309.

mentioned, 516.

Papal bull prohibiting traffic where the mass is not allowed, 38.

Papistry, a man apprehended for, 58. See Jesuits.

Paris, 256, 391, 396.

letters dated at, 57, 58, 64, 86, 90, 99, 105, 141, 144, 145, 169, 182, 201, 210, 211, 214, 235, 397, 497 (2), 500, 548.

an Italian in, 61.

Papal Legate or Nuncio at, takes part in the negotiations for peace, 213.

news from, 70.

discontent of the populace in, 103.

a conspiracy in, 143.

the King retired to, 140, 143, 144, 418, 420.

a suit between Englishmen in, 182.

Court of Parlement at, 505.

Paris, Mr. Dr., warden of Christchurch, Oxford, 170.

Parker :

Sir Henry, his company at Turnhout, 32.

J., keeper of the gatehouse, 411.

Lieutenant, 184.

Mr., chaplain to the bishop of Lincoln, 431.

Sir Nicholas, 446, 531.

— returning from Holland 84 (2), 119.

— his company, 84, 140, 180.

— letter of commendation for, 85.

— captain of seventy-five lances, pay of, 178.

— letters from, 206, 454.

Parkhurst, Robert, 347.

Parkins, Dr. Christopher, 320.

letters from, 76, 114, 401, 403, 453, 516.

dispute as to precedence, with Dr. Beale, 404.

his history, &c., 405.

Parkis, Dr., 394.

Parliament :

clerkship of the, 299.

Essex's opinion as to the time of holding the session, 352.

arrangements connected with the meeting of, &c., 359, 383.

meeting of, referred to, 367.

dispensations from attendance in, 383, 404, 422, 431.

election of burgesses to the, 385.

adjourned, &c., 392, 519.

elections of members notified, &c., 396, 415, 429, 432.

the choice of burgesses for boroughs, admonitions of the Privy Council, 410.

election for the county of York, proceedings at, 411–415.

committee concerning monopolies, &c., 476, 477.

a private bill in, referred to, 481.

bill for hue and cry, 482.

committee touching the subsidy, 484.

a speech in, giving offence, explained, 489.

debate, &c. in, concerning the subsidies, 489.

notes for, 497, 498.

ideas of the cause of the assembly of, 519.

note of bills passed in, 529, 541, 546.

an address, 535.

a retrospective Bill in, 539.

Parma, Duke of, 81, 521.

intended marriage of, 38.

Parry, Mrs. Blanch, a nephew of, seeking a place in the Queen's guard, 180.

Parry's death, 537.

Parsons, Father, English Jesuit, his influence with the King of Spain, 188, 363.

Partridge, John, 347.

Parvishe, Henry, 113.

Pasely, Elizabeth, 366.

Pasfield, John, 22.

Passage (now La Renteria) in Spain, 7, 14.

Spanish warships at, 123, 137.

Passports asked for, 142, 143, 158.

Paston, the Laird of, 227.

Patent, use of a woman's name in a, unusual, 499.

Paule, Mr., 40.

Paul's Grove at Edmonton, 134.

Pavis, John, 181.

Pawlett, Hamden. See Poulet.

Payler, Mr., H.M. Attorney before the Council of the North, 162, 252.

death of, 506.

Payne, Edward, 385.

Payton, Peyton :

Sir John, Lieutenant of the Tower of London, 248.

— letter from, 417.

Richard, 152, 153.

Peace, Justices of the, letters to, 410, 459.

Pearce, Bishop, 135.

Pearls presented to Her Majesty, 500.

Pearson, Michael, prisoner in York Castle, 515.

Peaze, Mr., 189.

Peck, William, letter from, 496.

Peckham, George, letter from, 23.

Pedro, Don, brother of the Duke of [Tuscany?], 423.

Pedro, Don, de Toledo, in command of galleys from Naples, 110.

Pelham, Herbert, 236, 290, 291.

Pellerin, at the mouth of the river Nantes, 399.

Pembridge, Mr., 477.

Pembroke :

Countess of, letters from, 375, 405.

Earl of, H.M. Lieutenant of the Welsh Counties, 250, 341, 448.

— letter from, 354.

— son of, received at Court, 354.

Pendennis Castle, weakness of, &c., 467, 480.

Penington, Robert, a tanner, 134.

Peniston, Michael, 347.

Penrin, 466.

Penzance, 447.

Pepper :

Cuthbert, 493.

Mr., practising at the Bar in York, 506.

Percivall, Percival, Perceval :

Mr., of Somersetshire, wardship of the heir of, 170.

Richard, “servant” to Sir R. Cecil, 117, 233.

— letters from, 254, 394, 426, 429.

— letter to, 411.

Percy :

Sir Charles, 463.

— letter from, 464.

Thomas (his wife a recusant), 452.

Perer, a servant of Lord Essex, 278.

Perez, Antonio, 120, 235, 253, 258, 497.

letters from, 509, 510, 528.

Perriers in Cheshunt, 514.

Perrington, John, 414.

Perrot, Perrott :

James, 249.

— letter from, 233.

Sir John, 233, 393.

— lands of, 249.

Thomas, 249.

Perslowe, Giles, 22.

Peseley, —, a deputy in the Wood Street Compter, 394.

Petcher, Thomas, 181.

Peterborough :

Bishop of, appointment, 147.

deanery of, 252.

— a candidate for, 256.

Peters, John, of Hamburgh, brings news from Seville, 137.

Petitions granted by the Queen, 139, 157.

Petrarch, 525.

Petre, Sir John, letter from, 215.

Pewterers' Company, the, petition from, 136.

Peyton, Sir John, See Payton.

Phelan, Richard, 506.

Phelippes, Thomas :

explains difficulties connected with a cipher, 96.

letters from, 84, 96, 150.

Philip, King of Spain. See Spain, King Philip of.

Philippine, Isole, 234.

Philips, —, 221.

Phillippes, Edward. 477.

Philoponus Tlimon, letter signed, 506.

Philpot Lane, 351.

Philpott, Mr., owner of a manor in the New Forest, suspected, 87.

Picard, on the west side of Amiens, 144.

Picardy, 8, 153, 517.

preparations for hostilities in, 90.

English forces in, money wanted for, 101, 129, 293.

nobility of, come to the King's aid, 103, 149, 173.

danger of Spanish supremacy in, 104, 105.

the regiment of, 153.

accounts of disbursements for, 368.

cause of the war in, 420.

Picquigny (Pigayny, Pickane, Picceine, Piqueny, &c.), 102, 143, 155, 238, 256, 496.

letters dated at, 126, 142, 183, 184, 187.

French army at, 129.

Pigott, Thomas, 508.

Pillison, —, 224.

Pillow, the, harbour for ships, 114.

Pilton, Monastery of, Devon, lease of the manor, site, &c. of, 258.

Pimpolle, 113.

Pinchebacke, Mr., 27.

Pinners and Needlers of London, petition of, 545.

Pipe boards and iron hoops, prize goods, 61, 80.

Pirates gathered about Ushant, 469.

Piratical attacks on the French coast by English ships, 104.

Pisa, 38.

letters dated at, 10, 548.

Pistoia, a gentleman of, tortured for killing a priest, 101.

Plague in France, 30.

Plaisard, Mons., slain in a church in Rouen, 218.

Platt, Mr., a way to poison air, 167.

Pleadhall, John, 508.

Plumpton, Thomas, letter from, 284.

Plusgrave, Cuthbert, recusant, 106.

Plymouth, 250, 345, 355, 361, 382, 455, 456, 458.

arms left at, by the earl of Essex, 403.

barks ready to go out to seek information, 179.

captain of the forces of, 342.

defence of, 473, 480.

H.M. Commissioners at, letters from, 6, 7.

first arrivals of the fleet at, 443.

“hath no mint,” 462.

letters dated at, 7, 15, 21, 54, 58, 62, 79, 81, 103, 134, 141, 179, 252, 257, 261, 276, 344, 345, 346, 347, 350, 352, 355, 357, 359, 362, 365, 374, 378, 381, 385, 386, 395, 401, 403, 421, 422, 428, 438, 441, 444, 445, 448, 450, 455, 461, 462, 463, 471, 472, 473, 524.

mayor of, 88, 121.

— letters from, 134, 141.

oils sold at, 147.

passengers' fare from, to Rochelle, 91.

ship, &c. stayed at, 141.

ships cannot be repaired in, 480.

soldiers at, payment of, 524.

Spanish prisoners at, cost of support of, 472.

tax in, for furnishing ships, 168.

victualling of H.M. ships at, 471, 472.

wheat landed at, out of a Dutch ship, 7.

the Catwater, 345, 350, 352.

Sound, sailing of the fleet from, 368.

Poance. See Pouance.

Poe, F., letter to, 536.

Poitou :

landing of Spaniards in, 140.

men of, defeat the Spaniards, 399.

Poland, Polonia, Polony :

ambassador from, Queen's speech to, referred to, 315, 337.

— proposals or demands of, 316, 319, 320, 338.

— discontentment of, 319, 320.

— Lord Burghley's draft of a speech in answer to, 320.

King of, also King of Sweden, 114.

— his complaints, 317.

— an instance of letters of marque issued by, 338.

— allied against the Turk, 390.

peaceable from toleration of religion, 364.

people of, refuse to enter into league with the Emperor, 111.

the Turk in, 64.

Pontadema, near Ferrol, 7.

Pontalgado [Ponte del Cada], operations of the fleet at, 440, 443.

Poole :

lease of, 499.

Mr., 490.

Pooles, Richard, 453.

Poor, the, cause of the great increase among, 118.

measures for relief of, 160.

Poor-John, 355.

Poore, John, master of a ship, 137.

Pope, the, 38, 500, 501.

will support the Spaniards in Italy, 50.

edict against sending news from Rome by letters or gazettes, 101.

intrigues of the ministers of, as to Sweden, 114.

ships furnished by, to King of Spain, 187.

efforts for the peace of Europe, &c., 234, 388, 408, 423, 477, 478.

legate of, in France, efforts of, to make peace, 90.

Pius Vth's excommunication, 406.

Pope, Robert, in Paris, 182.

Popham, Lord Chief Justice, letter from, 88.

Popish books mentioned, 453.

Porte-manteau, a, bearer of the ratification of a treaty, 60.

Port Hercole, an exchange of, negotiated, 423.

Portington, Mr., 477.

Portland, the fleet's arrival at, 291.

Portman, Mr., 72.

Portocarrero (Portocarriera, Portocariro), —, governor of Doulleus, successful design for capture of Amiens, 90, 100, 103.

his straits [in Amiens], 204.

Porto Porto in Portugal, 4.

Portou, Capt. Isaac, dwelling in Henriquartville, 58.

Portsmouth, 58.

Commissioners of (names), letter from, 72.

corn embargoed at, need of the country roundabout, 72, 94, 128, 146, 147.

customer of, 72.

defence of, against the Spanish fleet, &c., 448, 449, 463, 480.

a good place to winter in, 440.

letters dated at, 147, 152, 358, 384, 449, 463, 464, 465.

ammunition left at, 395.

soldiers from Herefordshire set out for, 250.

Portugal, 530.

no naval preparations in, 81.

ships for the Spanish fleet from, 131.

the two princes of, arrival at the Hague, 139, 192.

recommended as a point of attack, 192.

reported rising in, 277.

truce with Sumatra, 336.

Bay off, letters dated in, 373.

Portugalete (Portigallet), in Biscay, 495.

Portuguese :

man, at Plymouth, suspected of being a spy, 121, 141.

man arrested at Dartmouth, 381.

Portyngall, port of, 121, 122, 123.

Post, the;

the foot post of Dover mentioned, 244.

running post to Weymouth, 285.

Postal endorsements on letters, 168, 174, 231, 264, 269, 285, 287, 332, 338, 348, 350, 358, 377, 380, 381, 404, 445, 461, 480.

Potosi, 138.

Pott, Percy, of Yeirdupp, 227.

Potter, Mr. 233, 244.

Pouance (Poance), France, 409.

Poulet, Poulett, Pawlett :

Sir Amice, in charge of the Scottish Queen, 333.

Sir Anthony, taken ill on his way to Jersey, 185.

— letters from, 185, 469.

Hampden, letters from, 358, 448, 463.

— deputy to Lord Mountjoy, 395.

Poultry, the counter in the, 209.

Poure, Sir H., 392.

Powder, 196, 531.

Powell :

Rowland, among the men levied in Herefordshire, 250.

Thomas, 50.

William, 195.

Power, Captain Henry, Sergeant-Major-General of the English forces in France, 238.

letter from, 187.

claim made by, 232.

Powle, Richard, convicted of beast stealing, 515, 516,

Powlesworth in Warwickshire, 206.

Poynter, William, 22.

Poyntz, William, letter from, 419.

Prague, castle of, 308.

Preachers in garrisons, means for maintenance of, 286, 287.

Prescott, Hugh, 181.

Prest, —, 227.

Preston :

John, 514, 515.

Thomas, 416.

Price, Pryce, Pryse :

Cadwallader, J.P. for Merionethshire, letter from, 485.

[Harry], J.P. for Merionethshire, letter from, 485.

Captain Hugh, letter from, 493.

Captain John, superintendent of the levies in Essex, 179, 215.

John, 175.

Priests :

arrested or in confinement, 33, 125, 206.

search for, 138.

escape of, from the Gatehouse, 224.

“those vipers” and their harbourers, 264.

in Wisbeach Castle, their poverty. &c., 331.

Pringle, David, younger, of Hownam, 226, 271.

Prior, Cape, 379.

Privy Council, Lords of the, letters, &c. from, 159, 228, 339, 375, 410(2), 426, 448.

letters to, 3, 168, 213, 247, 270, 305, 341, 346, 349, 352, 371, 417(2), 422, 437, 446, 448, 463, 464, 471, 472, 482, 485.

Privy Seal, clerkship of the, a third reversion to the office, 419.

Privy Seal in connexion with the Queen's loan, 101, 309, 310.

Prize :

cochineal, &c., 473, 483.

money, division and distribution of, 81.

salt, 332.

Prizes captured, 6, 14, 220, 277.

Probye, 425.

Proclamation for apparel, 279.

Prosere, Captain, at Fowey, 350.

Proverbs or proverbial sayings :

Omne malum ab Hispania : omne bonum ab Aquilone, 38.

Let them who are noble from the beginning reprove other's unnobleness, 270.

Sailors' fingers are limed twigs in harbour, 383.

The bargain is ill made where neither of the parties doth gain, 389.

With empty hands a man may lure no hawks, 476.

Provence, shipwrecks on coast of, 173.

Prudholme, Geoffrey, a coal-measurer of the City of London, 301.

Prussia, Duke of, probable policy of, 114.

Pryse. See Price.

Puglia, 51.

Purefoy, Humphrey, 493, 506(3).

Purevay, Mr., engaged in a controversy, 514.

Purevey, William, letter from, 430.

Purveyance for the Queen's household, 332.

Pykenie. See Picquigny.

Pyroth in Cumberland, 277.