Index: C

Pages 558-564

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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Cadiz (Cales) :

references to the expedition in 1596 to, 109, 110, 203, 251.

Spanish hostages from, letter from, 112.

ordnance brought from, 156.

Spanish prisoners taken at, ransom of, 544.

bay of, 14.

Cæsar, Dr. or Sir Julius, Master of Requests, Judge of the Admiralty, 95, 136, 145, 146, 220, 301, 404, 415, 419, 522, 524, 544.

letters from, 314, 525.

Cage :

Anthony, 347.

John, 347.

Caietane, Cardinal, 87.

Caius College, Cambridge, property of, 406,

Calais (Callis), 4, 15, 21, 26, 51, 103, 158, 211, 272.

proposed siege of, 1, 2, 8, 25, 34, 106, 107, 191, 200, 205, 248.

— the King of France's views, 41.

the question of its being held by the Queen, 8, 102, 130, 163, 164, 170–173, 236, 243, 408.

meeting among the Spaniards at, 23, 138, 529.

re-inforcement of, 44.

plague in, 63.

fortification of, 64, 71, 149.

condition of the Spanish garrison in, 70.

the plans for recovery of, 75.

proceedings at, 98.

dangerous to the Cinque Ports, 115.

advantages to be derived from the taking of, 139, 141.

the effect of the taking of, by the Spaniards, upon the supply of food, 149.

transport of men and munition to, 182.

the English forsaking of, one effect of, 423, 424.

Spain desirous to retain, 468, 477.

French hope of, 519.

governor of, letter from, 138.

— Scotchmen sent to Scotland by, 253.

vice-admiral of, intercepted letter from, 155.

Calentura, the, 465, 474.

Cales. See Cadiz.

Calewart, — 158.

Calizers, the, fit out ships, 490.

Callisthenes, son of Lady Cobham, 203.

Calvo, Eliano :

letter from, 304.

mentioned, 319, 326.

Cambray (Cambria) :

mutinous spirit in, 138.

letter from, 155.

Cambridge, 27.

mills at, belonging to Caius College, 406.

Trinity College, Mastership of, 252.

— Master and Fellows of, letter from, 539.

University, charge incident to the degree of doctor of divinity in, 299.

Camden, Mr., 411.

Cammowe, camp of the English forces at, 232.

Camont (nr. Amiens), a letter dated at, 242.

Campartes in Guernsey, 249.

Campbell, Mr., trading to France, 63.

Campeche, 357.

Campvere, Camphire, in Zealand, 67, 68.

Campion, Mr., money owed to, 376.

Canary wines and sugars, prizes, 277, 348.

Candeler, Richard, 395.

Canfield, Captain, 350.

Cannon. See Ordnance.

Canon Row, letters dated at, 186, 329, 436.

Canterbury, 117, 119, 174, 231, 264, 269, 285, 287, 348, 381, 397, 404.

Archbishop of, a summons to appear before, 18.

— consent of, necessary to a certain suit, 54.

— letters from or to, 146, 278, 395, 431.

— a licence signed by, 295.

the deanery of, 252.

Capata, Don Geronimo Gualter, Spanish Paymaster-General in Flanders, 206.

Capelin, John, one of the Commissioners of Portsmouth, 72.

Capell, Sir Arthur, letter from, 465.

Capicher, 138.

Caple, Mr., 302.

Cappenberg, Herman van, of Brussels, 83.

Capuchins, the, driven from Reims, 140.

Cardinal, the. See Albert, Cardinal Archduke.

Cardinal, Cardynall, William, 493, 506(2).

Cardinals of Rome made use of in wars, 143.

Carew :

Mr., 468, 522.

Sir Francis, letters from, 187, 196, 292.

—, dealings with the Bishops of Winchester with regard to a lease of lands, 187, 220, 292.

Sir George, Master of the Ordnance, 186, 346, 372, 386, 395, 429, 484, 541.

—, letters from, 196, 345, 371, 382, 384, 421, 465, 471.

—, signs a minute of a council of war, 291.

—, his adventures in the Matthew, &c., 380.

—, his return to the sea, granted, 384.

—, news of, 455.

—, account of his further adventures, 465.

Lady Joyce, letter from, 468.

Carey (Carew), George, of Cockington, 342, 352.

—, letters from, 421, 471 (2), 482.

—, payment to, 460.

John, letters from, 252, 290.

Sir Robert, 226, 274, 275, 290, 532.

—, proceedings in Border matters, 90, 239, 240, 241.

—, letters from, 229, 234, 251.

Carillo, Don Fernando de, Admiral of Arragon, 529.

Caringtone, Normandy, 35.

Carisbrooke Castle, letter dated at, 451.

Carlill, Edward, of the Limekiln, 226.

Carlingford, 311.

Carlisle, 250, 262.

letters dated at, 230, 254, 263, 298.

Dean of, recommended to represent a borough in Parliament, 404.

diocese of, Jesuits and seminaries in, 298.

Carltons or Carletons, the, Scotch Border family, 89.

sent up to Court for punishment, 279.

examination of, referred to, 319.

Carmarden (Carmarthen), Richard, 200, 215, 347.

letters from, 78, 59, 74, 147, 178, 238, 430, 473, 483, 486, 518.

letter to, 84.

letter dated at his house, 306.

Carmichael, Sir John, 268.

Carminoes, Oliver, lands of, in Cornwall, 504.

Caron (Carron), Mons. Noel de, Sieur de Schoonebvalle, Agent in England for the United Provinces, 21, 72, 73, 85, 116, 117, 125, 140, 156, 169, 180, 198, 216, 219, 285, 398, 482.

letters from, 54, 331, 373.

departure from England, 54.

expected in Holland, 60.

messages brought by, 74.

return journey to England, 120, 130, 136.

sends some venison pasties to Holland, 373.

return to England, 464.

Carpenter, David, 372.

Carr, Rob., 22.

Cartel, relative to Spanish prisoners, 544.

Cartwright, one, employed in victualling at Flushing, 114.

Carye. See Carey.

Cascales, 55.

Casimir, Duke, 521.

Cassilis, John, Earl of, letter from, 142.

Castell-logh, land in Ireland, 291.

Castiglioni, Marquis of, 101.

Castile, ships for the Spanish Fleet, from, 131.

a ship bearing the arms of, 465.

Castilla Lavieia [Castilla-la-Vieja], 6.

Castoll, Jean, letter from, 140.

Catchpolls, 420.

Catholic. See Roman Catholic.

Cavan, co., Ireland, 476.

Cave :

Francis, 481.

Lisle, letter from, &c., 214, 215.

Thomas, letter from, 481.

Cavendysshe, Henry, letter from, 185.

Cawde, William, 366.

Cebures, —, commanding a squadron of the Spanish fleet. See Seburo.

Cecester [? Chichester], Mr., 57.

Cecil :

—, cousin of Lord Stafford, 500.

Edward, nephew of Sir Robert, 383, 392.

Matthew, letter from, 170.

Cecil, Sir Robert :

letters to, or signed by, &c., passim.

letters from, 40, 82, 150, 229, 250, 276, 337, 361, 528.

offer of a wardship to, 4.

an endorsement by a son of, 36.

presents of various kinds for, 22, 96, 150, 171, 182, 268, 288, 354, 378, 430, 465, 496, 517.

letters of condolence on death of his wife, 35, 39(2), 49, 56, 87, 281.

couches from Ireland for, 31.

his attainments, 56.

instructions from, for a voyage to Barbary, 82.

asked to mourn in place of a baron at Lord Cobham's funeral, 117.

relations with the Duke of Holstein, 150.

first raiser of relief for maimed soldiers, 160.

persons desiring to enter the service of, 166, 203, 378, 430, 492.

a colt belonging to, 185.

allusions to his kindness, &c., 217, 468, 470.

alleged agent abroad of, 231.

payment to, for compounding a wardship, 231.

promotes the marriage of a kinsman, 244.

payment of a debt to, out of the Lord Admiral's tenth, 251, 252, 284.

his befriending of Lady Kent, 258.

hearing a cause in the Star Chamber, 261.

appointed to receive a debt, 261.

his steward, 262.

a house at Chelsea belonging to, 262.

asked to further a marriage, 267.

a bondman of, 278.

a chaplain to, 315.

called the Queen's “little man,” 317.

reference to his children, 322.

Arundel House to be delivered to, 327.

present to, for favour in dealing with the Queen, 332.

an evidence of his honourable mind to Essex, 333.

a page to, 347.

draft in handwriting of, 349.

a jewel purloined from, 356.

the advantage of his favour, 370.

and Essex's private affairs, 376.

requests for nomination of the burgesses for Parliament for certain boroughs; 385, 404, 405, 415, 429, 432.

elected a knight of the shire, 396.

a horse for, 401.

allusion to his late wife by a kinsman, 419.

made chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, 428.

the Queen's “slender servant,” 425.

a niece of, 508.

portion of a prize cargo belonging to, 522.

negotiations for a house, 527, 528.

loan asked for from, 528.

memoranda from, 532.

Cecil :

Sir Thomas, quarrel with Lord Willoughby, &c., 387, 411.

— negotiations with regard to daughter of, 508.

William, letters from, 180, 195, 250, 366.

Cerda, Father, 475.

Cesare, Don, excommunication of, 524, 525.

Cessford (Sesford, Sesforth), laird of, surrender demanded, &c., 226, 252, 288.

attends a meeting near Norham, 274, 275.

his part in the Border disorders, popularity of, &c., 452.

Chaam (Chame), in North Brabant, 32.

Chaderton, William, bishop of Lincoln, letter from, 431.

wife and daughter mentioned, 431.

Chain shot, 167.

Chaligny (Challeny, true name St. Germain), Sieur de, sent by the Huguenots assembled at Châtelherault on a mission to the Queen, 407, 420.

Chaloner, Sir Thomas, (“Bentivolus”), letters from, 10, 37, 101.

Chamber, Treasurer of the, letter to, 145.

Chamberlain, Lord, letter to, 2.

Chamberlain, Chamberlayne :

Captain, letter from, 531.

David, 518.

George, letters from, 184, 195, 473, 475(2).

— his account of his examination, 474.

Captain John, in Holland, letters from, 16, 29, 188, 213.

Mr., cousin of George, 474.

— house in Great St. Bartholomew's, 475.

Chambers :

Mr., 310.

Mr., of the Exchequer, 196.

—, connected with Poole, 499.

John, deputy clerk of the musters in Ireland, 312.

one, a gaoler in the Tower of London, 417.

Chambery (Chombery), 360.

Chamblets, silver and gold, 259.

Champernowne :

Arthur, letter from, 213.

R., letter from, 168.

Chandos, Lady Dorothy, letter from, 403.

Chanini, Thomas, financial agent in Rouen. See Chauvini.

Chaplains in garrisons, maintenance of, 286, 287.

Chapman, John, mayor of Hull, 203.

Chard's, in Essex, 391.

Charing Cross, Lord Norreys' house at, 435.

Charles :

Duke, proceedings in Sweden, 114.

— marriage connexions, 114.

King, of Spain, pays court to the French King's mistress, 235.

the late Emperor, 344.

Charleton, Gib, of Boughthill, 227.

Chartres, Vidame of, letters from, 4, 548.

Chaste, M., Governor of Dieppe, letter from, 124.

Chastillon :

Madame, her plans, &c., 384.

Mons., the son, 384.

Châtelherault (Chasteleraud, Chastellrault) :

Huguenot deputies assembled at, 285, 317, 384.

— envoy to the Queen from, 407, 420.

Duke of Mayenne's attempt to take possession of, 421.

Chatham, 211, 314, 382.

Chauvini, Tomasio (or Thomas Chanini) of Rouen, 63, 398.

Cheek, Lady Mary, letter from, 499.

Cheeke, Mr., Secretary of the Council of the North, 127.

Chelmsford, muster of soldiers at, 215.

Chelsea (Chellseay) :

letters dated at, 72, 174.

house belonging to Sir R. Cecil at, the furnishing of, 262.

Chepman, Mr., mayor of Newcastle, 208.

Cherbourg (Sherbrough), 152.

Cherry, Cherye, Francis, letters from, 12, 61, 192, 484, 504.

Cheshire, reception of Lord Derby in, 327.

Cheshunt, home called Perriers in, 514.

Chest, the, true state of, 22.

Chester, 247, 279.

levies conducted to, 181.

bishopric of, appointment to, 147.

castle, a prisoner in, 277.

Chester, Mr., 340.

Chevalizers,” 144.

Chevillé [Chevilly in Loiret], 409.

Chichester :

bishop of, a living held by, 112.

— letters from, 135, 145.

— value of the see, &c., 145.

port of, ordnance shipped at, 148.

Chichester :

Mr., 244.

Sir Arthur, 479.

— letter from, 256.

Captain Francis, letter from, 183, 232.

Robert, a ward of the Queen, petition for, 258.

Child Erley, letter dated at, 343.

Chillingham, letter dated at, 275.

China, 336.

Chingford, Essex, 33.

Chittwodde, Henry, 508.

Chombery. See Chambery.

Cholmley, Henry, 415.

Chomlie, Mr., 378.

Chon, Mons. de, president of the parliament of Paris, 407.

Church :

preferment, 126.

clergyman maintained by voluntary benevolence, 354.

of England, a tragedy written against, 394.

one, who had been in Hungary, 191.

Chyame, the living of, 112.

Chylmotte, 499.

Cinque Ports :

the wardenship of, 108, 115, 133, 156, 217, 225.

warden of, appointment, 403.

a cause depending against London, 217.

Sheepway Court, 404.

Cipher :

the deciphering of a, 96.

letter from Mr. Guicciardini, 235, 547.

letters by the King of Spain, mentioned, 97.

Civill, Mons., commissary of the English troops in France, 30.

Civita Vecchia, 548.

government of, 344.

Clandeboy, 313.

Clandon, letters dated at, 349, 410.

Clanrickard, Earl of, son of, brought up by the Earl of Essex, 345.

Clapham, letter dated at, 331.

Clare, co. of, free from rebellion, &c., 65.

Clarke :

Cory, 366.

Sir William, letter from, 505.

Clavering :

Mr., a licence signed by, 294.

Robert, 90.

Clement, William, agent for the King of Spain with the Emperor, 273.

Clements Inn, well, and fields, and the ditch and sewer there, 264.

buildings and rents, 265.

Clerke, William or Sir William, letters from, 384, 401.

Clerkenwell, letter dated at, 258.

Clermont, Mons., president of the Huguenot deputies at Châtelherault, 318.

Clerville, Sieur de, 407.

Cleua, Don — de, Maestre de Campo Generale in Spain, 488.

Cleves (Cleveland), 121.

Duke of, 521.

Cleyton, Lancelot, 393.

Cliffe, Kent, lands in, 149.

Clifford :

Sir Coniers or Conyers, 13, 280.

— his company at Flushing, 54, 57, 62.

— appointment mentioned, 57.

— in command of the troops in Connaught, 311, 312, 313.

Francis, of the East Riding of Yorkshire, 415, 416, 418.

Clifton :

Sir James, 392.

Sir Jarvis, 188.

Clink, the, 474.

Clinton, Lady, daughter-in-law of Earl of Lincoln, letter from the Council on her behalf, 375.

Cliterbuck. See Clutterbooke.

Clopton, Mr., collector in the Bishopric of Durham, 62.

Cloth, licence to export, 82.

trade, 159.

of tissue, &c. 259.

Clother, John, 181.

Clothman's Willie, 226.

Clunne, Edward, 174, 175.

Clutterbooke, or Cliterbuck, Ferdinando, 22, 347.

Clyff, Clyffe :

Mr., 419.

Thomas, 347.

Coach, a, an invention, 23.

Coap, Mr., at Dartmouth, 518.

Cobham :

Anne, Lady, letters from, 54, 203, 378.

— her son John, 54.

— Callisthenes, son of, in Ireland, &c., 378.

William, Lord, 55.

— will of, 82.

— dangerous illness of, 96.

— and the wardenship of the Cinque Ports, 108.

— arrangements for funeral of, 117.

Henry, Lord, 174, 289, 316, 339, 344, 419, 435, 465 :

— alleged unpopularity in Kent, 115.

— letters from, 117, 198, 217, 257, 330, 420, 429, 459–461, 470, 475.

— acquittances on behalf of, 162.

— a judgment against, 175.

— letter to, 403.

— desire to be helped out of Kent, 471.

Cobham Hall, 117, 415, 541.

Cochineal, prize, 473, 483.

Cock, Sir Henry, H.M. Cofferer, 134, 281.

letters from, 35, 119.

Cofferer, H. M., the office of, &c., 119, 281.

Coismainges, land in Ireland, 290.

Cokburne, Samuel, 248.

Coke, Sir E., Attorney General, 302, 442.

reports or letters from, 209, 218, 236, 300, 334, 432.

Cokill, Mons. le, colonel of a regiment of Walloons, 29.

Colalto, Count Martio, 71.

Colchester, dearth of corn at, 526.

bailiffs of, 299.

— petition about heavy rating, 332.

— letters from, 415, 526.

letters dated at, 303, 332, 354, 415, 526.

public preacher at, 299.

Cole :

Edward, 292.

Nathaniel, 539.

Philip, 504.

Richard, examiner for Defendants before the Council of the North, his office threatened, 126, 127.

Cole's burgess ship of Westminster, 519.

Collard, Christopher, letter from, 318.

Collingwood :

Sir Cuthbert, 115.

Thomas, death of, 115.

Cologne (Cullyn), 44, 121, 485.

Colston, William, searcher of Bristol, dismissed, 288.

Combe, W., letter from, 429.

Comerforde, Mr., H.M. Attorney-at-law in Connaught, 8.

Compton, letter dated at, 244.

Compton, Lord, a debt owing by, 262.

Comptroller, The, 383.

appointed surveyor, 233.

Conbiana, General Pedrode, 131.

Concealments, 330.

Cond or Condy, Signor Jeronimo, letter to, 115, 116.

Conde, Prince de, 140.

Condey (? Conde), the, 387.

Condy, Patrick, 531.

Conger, dowes, and pilchard, a cargo, 7.

Coningsby, Conyngsbe, Conysby : Mr., 477.

Philip, 347.

Ralph, letter from, 370.

Sir Thomas, 250.

Connaught, 65.

“H.M. attorney-at-law in,” 8.

government of, 57.

sickness of the army in, 312.

Conquett, 398.

an attack on, repelled by Sir John Gilbert, 399.

English ships captured off, 399.

Conradd of the infantry, a title revived in Spain, 110.

Constable :

Captain, 210, 211, 216, 217, 219 222, 236.

Lady, a bowed penny sent as a token to, 230.

Sir Henry, 106, 412, 414, 415.

Harry, in Paris, letter from, 86.

Joseph, a notorious recusant in the north, 105, 230.

—, examination of, 493.

Philip, 415, 416.

Constant, le Sr., the King of France's messenger to the Huguenot deputies, 317, 318.

Constantinople, letter from, 40.

Conty, river (France), 204.

Conway, Edward or Sir Edward, at the Brill, volunteer for Earl of Essex, 212, 379.

letter from, 286.

a letter from, alluded to, 294.

Cony, John, 95, 96.

Conyers :

Mr., 228.

John, Auditor of the Exchequer, letter from, 365.

Conyngsbe. See Coningsby.

Conysby. See Coningsby.

Cooke :

Mr., a kinsman of Sir R. Cecil, 244.

Mr., 536.

Attorney-General. See Coke.

Anthony, letter from, 49.

Francis, 218.

Roger, a coal measurer of the City of London, 301.

William, letters from, 256, 281, 487.

Coolinge, Kent, lands in, 149.

Coots, Anthony, 188.

Cope :

Sir Anthony, 304, 484.

Edward, 508.

Coplay, Audray or Averie, 413, 414.

Copper mines in Cornwall, 333.

Corbet, one, a familiar of Smallman's, 191.

Corbizi, Virginio, gentleman of Florence, 523.

Corbie, 98, 100, 144, 219.

Cordage for the Navy, 12, 61, 484, 504.

Cordeliers, General of the, 237, 360, 408, 418.

Cordia, Don John de, cornet of horse of, 47.

Cordowa (Cordua), Don Juan de, 25, 32.

Corken, Ric., 32.

Cormoc's son sent to Spain, 312.

Corn :

and corn ships embargoed, 3, 7, 65, 146.

ships at Flushing, the question of arresting, 59, 65–69.

price of, 72, 148, 296.

dearth of, 156, 186, 296, 497, 526.

importation from abroad, 192, 206.

dearth abated, proceedings against engrossers, 411, 442, 496, 498.

Cornellis, John, 347.

Cornewall, Henry, a coal-measurer of the City of London, 301.

Cornilo, hundred of, greediness of the farmers of, 156.

Cornwall :

measures for defence of the coast of, 118, 341, 342, 350, 442, 443, 454.

justices of the peace of, orders for the relief of the poor, 160, 161.

“foreigners” and “inores” in, 205.

levies in, 205

mines royal of, 233, 333.

lands in, 504.

sheriffs of, 536.

Cornwallis, Cornwaleys :

Sir Walter, 297, 302.

Sir William, 327, 404, 477.

—, letters from, 86, 297, 381.

Correspondents or spies abroad, of Ministers in England, 214, 217, 223, 231, 232, 254, 339.

Corsa, Alfonso, 360.

Corseillis, Michael, creditor of the Earl of Essex, 283.

Corsini, Filippo, letters from, 24, 523.

Corunna. See the Groyne.

Corva, island of, 422.

Cotswold deer, 517.

Cottell :

Amyas, letter from, 424.

Thomas, merchant stranger, 283.

Cottels, —, 326.

Cotton :

George, of Warblington, 35.

Captain Robert, 399.

Council of the North. See North.

Council, the. See Privy Council.

Counter in the Poultry, letter dated at, 255.

Counties of England, descriptions of, 459.

Counting house, portable, an invention, 23.

County lacking deputy lieutenants, 186.

Courcelles, Coureiles, Sieur de, bearer of letters from Rochelle to the Queen, 284, 285, 505.

Court, the :

its manner of dealing, characterised, 203.

letters dated at, 347, 349, 358, 362, 375, 425, 529.

Courtrai, letter from, 155.

Cousins, Dr., 394.

Coutts, Sir John. See Cutts.

Covent (Comming) Garden, 265.

Covert, Coverte, Captain Thomas, 291.

letter from, 292.

Cowell, Dr., 536.

Coxson, Tom, of the Wolland, 227.

Cracow, besieged by the Turks, 64.

Cranborne, 332, 405.

—, priory of, conveyance of, 434.

Cranmer, George, letter from, 217.

Cratoy, a little fisher town on the Somme. See Crotoy.

Cray, Sir Henry, 261.

Craynford, letter dated at, 531.

Cresuelo, Joseph, of the Company of Jesus, letter to, 473.

Creswell :

Father, influence of, in Spain, 188.

—, English fugitive at Madrid, 261.

Crew, Anthony, 347.

Crewkerne (Crookerne), 168, 205, 350, 380, 445, 461.

Croft (Crofte, Crofts, Croftes) :

Captain, 91, 176, 181.

— return after a voyage, 14, 21.

— prize, &c., taken by, 53, 54, 80, 81, 102, 275.

— his setting out to sea, 81, 88, 103.

— of the pinnace Moon, return from coast of Spain, 261.

Captain Francis, 247.

Herbert, letters from, 332, 532.

Sir James, 28.

Crompton, Dr., or Dr. Thomas, 477.

letters from, 303, 304, 522.

Cromwell :

Sir H., 392.

O., 392.

Crookerne. See Crewkerne.

Crookhaven in Ireland, 465.

Cross or Crosse :

Sir Robert, 329, 331, 352, 457.

—, letters from, 490, 510.

one, keeper's man at Trematon Castle, 524.

Crotoy (le), (Cratoy, Crotoye, Crottoye) : letter dated at, 80.

English troops in, 30, 40, 100, 418.

Croxteth (Croxtaffe), letter dated at, 496.

Croydon, letters dated at, 146, 278, 359.

Cubiaur, Pedro de, 83, and see Seburo.

Cuffe, Cuff :

Henry, letters from, 234, 423, 524.

Robert, letter from, 280.

Cullymer, 347.

Cullyn. See Cologne.

Culverin (demi), its working described, 94.

Cumberland, George, Earl of, 361, 392, 416, 439.

preparations for a voyage, 128.

antipathy of the States General to, 130.

letter from, 258.

arrangements connected with the Countess of Derby, 344.

Currimallet, letter dated at, 186.

Cursin, Philip, 7.

Curteis, Oliver, 181.

Curtis, Bishop, of Chichester, 145.

Custom, licences to export free from, 82, 83, 287.

Cuttle, Robert, 181.

Cutts or Coutts :

Mr., 281.

Sir Henry, 537.

Sir John, unfriendliness to Sir H. Palavicino, 326, 337, 343, 353.

—, letter to, 337.