Index: B

Pages 552-558

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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B., Lord, 422.

Babington :

Mr., undertaker for the furnishing of apparel, 202, 203, 347, 518.

Edwin, 347.

Gervase, Bishop of Exeter, 147.

—, letters from, 220, 324.

Babington conspiracy, mentioned, 300.

Baburham (Babraham), letters dated at, 11, 67, 112, 125, 319, 326, 353, 379, 398(2).

Backes (Baf rectius Bax), Sir Paul, Governor of Bergen-op-Zoon, in Brabant, 86, 277.

Bacon :

Mr., 188.

Mr., regularly receiving information from Florence, 424.

Anthony, 351.

—, letter from, 490.

Francis, 96, 294, 477, 484.

Lady, 35.

Sathaniel, 477, 484.

Sir Nicholas, Constable of Wisbeach Castle, 330.

Badgers,” licences to, 498.

Baer, Robert, letter from, 178.

Bagenall, Bagnall, Bagnoll :

Sir Henry, 73.

Sir Nicholas, 476.

—, letter from, 466.

Sir Samuel, 446.

Bagg, James, at Plymouth, 7, 147, 378.

letter from, 7.

Baggot :

Jo., wounded soldier in Ireland, 193.

Walter, 536.

Baggrave, letter dated at, 481.

Bagnall. See Bagenall.

Bagnoll, Marshall, 476.

Baines, Baynes, or Banes, Duarte, in charge of Spanish prisoners, 377, 381.

complaint against, 387.

Baldwin, Baldwyn :

Mr., groom of the Queen's Privy Bakehouse, 267.

Edward, 385.

William, 50.

Balicarbry, in Ireland, 291.

Ballard, —, 118.

Banbury Castle, letter dated at, 135.

Bancroft, Dr. Richard, 545.

his character, 146.

to be Bishop of London, 147.

Bishop of London, letters from, 371, 406.

Banes :

one, in Rome, 87.

(or Barons), Edward, of Lisbon, an Englishman born, 358.

Banninge, Andrew, 22.

Barbary, instructions for a voyage to, 82,

ships bound for, 124.

Spaniards going for coast of, 159.

prize sugar sold in, 277.

Barefoot :

John, 22 (2).

Lucas, ship of, 64.

Barkeley. See Berkeley.

Barker, Edward, 368.

Barliamounte, Count of, Spanish ambassador to the Senate of Lubeck, 271.

Barnard, Mr., 170.

Barnard's Inn, Holborn, 379.

Barnes, Bartholomew, 22.

Barnes, Mr. Beale's house at, 194.

letter dated at, 405.

Barneveldt, Jan van Olden, Advocate-General of Holland, 1, 2, 9, 191, 192, 205, 211, 216, 236.

a remark of, 68.

a word of compliment to, for his forwardness, recommended, 219.

a present of venison pasties for, 373.

marriage of his daughter, 373.

Barnham, Sir Thomas, 341.

Barrodel or Barodell, an upholsterer, dispute with Lady Russell, 296, 297.

Barry Court, letter dated at, 304.

Barry, David, Lord Viscount Buttevant, letter from, 304.

Bartelaes, —, sister of Michael Stanhope, 500.

Barton, Ro., at Constantinople, letter from, 40.

Bartram, Edward, 181.

Basing, 206.

Basingstoke, 169, 210, 338, 445, 461.

Baskervile, Baskerville, Baskervyle :

Alexander, of Exeter, 220.

Capt. Nicholas, 193.

— controversy with his sister-in-law, 495.

Sir Thomas, Colonel-General of the English forces in France, 30, 40, 184, 256.

— letter to, 44.

— letters from, 44, 76, 88.

— his covetousness, 200.

— death of, 232, 237, 242 (2), 245.

— money detained from the soldiers by, &c., 286.

—, park fallen by death of, 284.

young, lands of, recovered by the Queen, 532.

Bassadonna, 40, 198.

Basse, Humfrey, 90.

letter from, 293.

Bassett, William, chief justice of England, 301.

Basta (Basto, Bastion), Nicolo or Nicholas de, Spanish captain of horse in Flanders, 29, 32, 47.

Bath, Earl of, letter from, 92.

Battle (Batell), 396, 397, 401.

Baumburgh, castle of, suit to, 115.

Bavier, Maximilian, Duke of, journey to Pisa, &c., 38.

brother made cardinal, 38.

Baynard, Captain John, letter from, 499.

Bayon, Isles of, 14, 385.

Bayonne (Baione, Byon), 37, 122, 402, 428.

rumour of siege by Spaniards, 81.

complaint of losses by English pirates, 104.

fear of the English fleet going to, 261.

governor of, letter from, 104.

Beachy Head, or Beachy, 287, 465.

Beadles, Mathew, 347.

Beadnal Park, 233.

Beale :

Mr., secretary of the Council of the North, 127.

Robert letters from, 193, 319, 404, 505.

— in charge of Thomas Arundell 194.

— dispute as to precedence, offices held by, history, &c., 404.

Beard, James, having been in France, Brussels, and Antwerp, 231, 244.

letter from, 232.

Beaumont, Mr. Justice Francis, letter from, 496.

Beauval near Doullens, Camp at, 409.

Beauvoir la Nocle, Mons. de, letters from, 19, 548.

Beauvoir, Pierre, and others, letter from, 534.

Beauvois, 99, 136, 143, 155.

Mons. de, the ambassador, 285.

Beaux Aulanes, governor of, captured, 219.

Becher. See Beecher.

Bedchamber lordship, 225.

Beddington, letters dated at, 187, 196.

Bedford, Bridget, Countess of, letter from, 470.

Bedford, co. of, levies in, 181, 247 (2).

lord lieutenant of, 181.

Bedford town, letter dated at, 88.

Bedford House, letter dated at, 269.

Bedmyster, manor of, 494.

Bedwell Park, lease of, 244.

Beecher (Becher, Bicher), William, 6, 57, 305, 532.

letters from, 113, 178.

money failure of, 101.

statement of losses in the Queen's service, 113.

certain articles offered by, 200.

his factor, 279, 379.

accounts between him and Sir T. Shirley for disbursements for the Low Countries, 363, 368.

Beecke, —, 142.

Beer, for victualling the ships, 379, 381.

too fine a quality in tippling houses, 498.

export of, 531.

Beeston :

Mr., 351.

R., 413.

Begging licence subscribed by the Privy Council, 295.

Belfast, 313.

Belgrave, Hastings, 22.

Belhous, Bellhouse, letters dated at, 396, 429.

Beling, Mr., attendant in the Council Chamber, 417.

Bell :

Geordie, of Bowbank, 227.

Will, red cloak, 226.

Bellarmine, popish book of, 453.

Bellassis, Henry, 484.

Bellchamber, William, letter from, 432.

Bellegarde, Rogier, M. le Grand, letter from, 51, 58.

Belle Isle, 399.

Bellingham v. Bowes, 170.

Bellott, Thomas, customer of Weymouth, letters from, 218, 220, 251, 332, 355, 446.

Bellowe, Silvester, 366.

Benet :

Dr. John, Chancellor of the Archbishop of York, nominated to represent a borough in Parliament, 404.

Sir William, 342.

Bengh upon Rhine, 336.

Bennett :

Mr., alderman of London, 54.

Robert, Dean of Windsor and Master of the Hospital of St. Cross, 334.

— letter from, 306.

Thomas, 22, 368.

Benson, Mr., in the office of Receipt of Lord Burghley, his son Edward, &c., 464.

Bentivolus. See Chaloner, Sir Thomas.

Berck (Rhynberck), 44, 75, 219, 482.

besieged, 361.

a disguised Englishman, a priest, arrested at, 484.

Berga, 78.

Bergame, 114.

Bergen-op-Zoon in Brabant (Berghes), Governor of, 86, 277.

Berkeley, Barkeley :

Captain Jo., letters from, 45, 245.

Sir Richard, lieutenant of the Tower, 152.

— letters from, 231, 248, 260, 286, 468.

Berlot, la, regiment of, 47.

Bernes in Ireland, 340.

Beroune, Marshal, 344,

Berry, Captain, 108.

Bervisius, 194.

Berwick, 71, 80, 239, 240, 269, 451, 522.

letters dated at, 229, 234, 251, 252, 269, 290.

garrison of, payment of, 489.

allotment for, 500.

Bethell, Hugh, 414, 415, 416.

Betti, Francis, a gentleman of Florence, 523.

Beverley, John, letter from, 503.

Bevill, Sir William, letter to, 443.

Bewsborough, hundred of, greediness of the farmers of, 156.

Bicher. See Beecher.

Bigott, Hugh, justice in Eyre, 300.

Bilbao, Bilbowe, 7, 22, 400.

Bill, Dr., first Dean of Westminster, the college statutes drawn up by, 169.

Billingsley :

Henry, Lord, Mayor of London, 22, 54, 102, 347.

— letters from, 148, 351.

Martin, 22.

Billy, Monsieur du, Governor of Lille, Douay, and Orchies, letter from, 367.

Bilson, Thomas, Bishop of Winchester, letters from, 218, 220, 292, 302, 313.

Bingham :

Mr., captain of the “Pearl” of Weymouth, 446.

Mrs., a poor widow, 483.

Sir Richard, 344.

— letter from, 252.

Bipont, 516.

Birchinshaw, Mr., 227, 228.

Biron, Maréchal de (“the Marshal”), 30, 39, 103, 149, 183, 219, 360, 389, 478.

letters from, 128, 541.

campaign before Amiens, &c., 144(2), 153, 154, 204, 205.

brother of, 99.

Biscay, Spanish ships from, 136, 137.

Biscayan ship, a prize, 53, 61, 79.

Todos Lossantos, 83.

Bishop, Mr., Mr. Norton's factor in Dublin, 280.

Bishop Auckland, letter dated at, 405, 453.

Bishoprics void, appointments suggested, 147.

Biskie, 21.

Biskaie, reports from, 158.

Bisogny soldiers in Spanish service, 487.

Bistellings or letters of marque, 338.

Blackfriars, Lord Cobham's house at, 117, 217.

—, letters dated at, 198, 257, 421, 430, 475.

disorder in, 298.

a Scottish minister with a cure in the, 353.

Blackwall, 341.

Blackwater, the taking of the passage of the, 311.

Blakaler, Richard, 486.

Blakfan, Father, 474.

Blanche, Mrs., buried as a baroness, 41.

Bland, Thomas, 412, 413, 414.

Blandford, 332.

Blavet (Blauett, Blawett, Bleuet, Bleuvet) in Brittany, 118, 158, 250, 261, 399.

Bleake, one, passing to and from Antwerp, 223.

Bletchingly, letter dated at, 292.

Bletnesham, 303.

Bletsoe, 286.

Bleuet, Bleuvet. See Blavet.

Blomer, William, of Hatherop, a commission against, 261.

Blount or Blunt :

Ch., signs a minute of a council of war, 291.

Sir Charles, letters from, 463 (2).

Sir Christopher, 250, 369, 371.

Sir Thomas, 346.

Mr., Keeper of Wood Street Compter, 393, 394.

Blow, Mr., 260.

a merchant in London, 278.

Blundell, George, going to France, 143.

Blunket, Lieutenant, 157.

Blythe, Mr., Secretary to the Council of the North, 127.

Boats, devices for propelling, 167.

Bocher, William, merchant, committed to the counter, 377.

Bockington, 332.

Bocxfeld, Mr., of the Temple, 392.

Boddelow, George, 372.

Bodenham, Jonas, the case against, &c., 280, 281.

Bodenhowsen, Jhons., a subject of the Landgrave, of great birth, at Oxford, 309 (2).

Bodley, Sir Thomas, 13, 392.

—, letter from, 491.

Captain, brother of Sir Thomas, on leave from his company in Ireland, 491.

Bodmin, general sessions at, 161.

Bodnam, Captain, 534.

Bois le Duc (Bolducq), 219.

Bois, Pedro de, of St. Martino's by Rochelle, 138.

Bologna, 485, 525.

Bolton in Yorkshire, 217.

Bommell, 482.

Bompas, Edward, joins a rising in Oxfordshire, 50.

Bonde, alderman, house of, in Walbrook, 186.

Bone Spe, cape de, 336.

Bonner, John, 22.

one, gaoler at the Tower of London, aids an escape, 417, 418.

Bonratty, 65.

Bonyface, Mons., purchase of government of Arques by, 64.

Book of Common Prayer, curious carpers at, 448.

Books from over seas, 377.

Booles, —, servant of Sir R. Cecil, 430.

Boord, a messenger, 12.

Boost, the seminary, 300.

Booth :

Mr., Sheriff of Cheshire, cousin to Sir E. Fitton, 327.

Edward, a youth in Lord Shrewsbury's service, 365.

Boots, shoes, &c., a monopoly for export of, 166.

Borck. See Berck.

Bordeaux, 88, 343, 469.

passenger fare from Plymouth to, 91.

Bordeaux fleet, wine in, 510.

Borders of Scotland :

horseband for defence of Middle Borders, 76.

proceedings of the commissioners for settling the affairs of the Borders, exchange of pledges, and other Border matters, 79, 89, 90, 91, 226, 227, 234, 238–242, 262, 263, 268, 269, 271, 276, 288, 290, 323, 451.

a collection of Border laws made, 89.

Lords Commissioners for, at Carlisle, 250.

list of pledges, 271.

a meeting for delivery of pledges described, 274, 275.

Scots Commissioners for, 271, 274.

proposals of the gentlemen of the Middle March for ensuring peace, 325, 326.

causes of the disorders of the Middle Marches, 452, 453.

a house burned, &c., 530.

a map of, 547.

orise Fedarie, Lord, of Muscovia, 192, 505.

Borough or Burgh, Thomas, Lord, 228.

troops under his colours, 46.

letters from, 56, 175, 186.

permitted to absent himself from his government in Flanders, &c., 62.

Lord Deputy of Ireland and governor of Brill, 134, 388.

sickness of, 175.

restriction in his instructions, 186.

Borough (Borowe), Lady, 41.

Borough (Boroughes), W., 484, 504.

letters from, 314, 338.

experiences in the service of the Muscovia Company, 338.

Borough representation in Parliament, 404.

Boroughs, mandate sent to, 410.

Bosome, John, and others, petition from, 301.

Bossevile, Sir Ralph, letter from, sickness, &c., 15.

Boucher, Lady Susan, 152.

Bouillon (Bollyon), Duke of, or Marshal, 1, 11, 19, 20, 30, 63, 235, 360, 478.

jealousy of, on the part of the King of France, 27.

treaty made by, 60.

discontented, 130.

proceedings at Hesdin, &c., 141.

reference to his wife, 141.

offers of service from, 145.

at the head of forces to retake Amiens, 149.

a gratuity promised by the States to, 171.

a pamphlet in justification of, 420.

letter from, 538.

Boulogne (Bulloyn, Bullen), 31, 38, 39, 44, 104, 125, 136, 183, 237.

an attack upon, feared, 45.

belonging to Duc d'Espernon, 136.

garrison of, reinforced, 418.

Bounteve, Thomas, defends island of Ailsa, 246.

Bourbonistes, the, 183.

Bourchier :

Sir George, 193.

Mr., 477, 484.

Bourgoigne, Comté de, marriage portion of the Infanta, 367.

Bourley, 223.

Bourne, letter dated at, 223.

Bournes, servant of Sir Robert Kerr, outrages by, 240.

Bovridge, 332.

Bowden, one, of Plymouth, 455, 456.

Bowdler, Ric., 22.

Bowes :

—, “brother” of Lord Scrope, 230.

Lady, first husband of, 170.

Mr. 389.

Sir Jerome, 294.

Ralph, son of Robert, 489.

—, letter to, 500.

Robert, or Sir Robert, letters from, 238, 246, 253, 263, 287.

—, letter to, 250.

—, deceased, 489, 523.

Sir William, ambassador to the King of Scots, 80, 252, 271, 276, 451, 532.

—, wife of, 170.

—, seeking an audience of the King of Scotland, 253.

—, letters from, 225, 238, 246, 253, 257, 263, 268, 274.

—, settlement of Border matters, 234, 238–242.

—, departure from Edinburgh referred to, 288.

—, still on the Borders, 405.

Bowker, Edward, Lord Burghley's bottleman, 444.

Bowrgh on the Scottish Borders, 547.

Bows and arrows exported, 287.

Bowser, Wm., 22.

Bowyer :

Edmund, a charge against, 174.

John, 477, 484.

one, candidate for the clerkship of the Parliament, 299.

Box, James, imprisoned for clipping silver, 515, 516.

Boyer, Edmund, 477, 484.

Boyle :

James, a servant of Lord Dunsany, apprehended, 33.

one, committed to Newgate, 371.

Boyse, of Fredvile, 304.

Boysière, la, at the head of a detachment of horse in France, 98.

Brabant, 4, 21, 23, 26.

victories of the Spanish in, 188.

Council of, 362.

— letter to, 373.

people of, letter to, 373.

province of, provision for expenses of the war, 380.

Brach, William, 260.

Bracy, widow, at Theobalds, 378.

Bradshaw, James and Richard, join a rising in Oxfordshire, 50.

Brag, Mr., 252.

Braga, a city in Portugal, 122.

Braintree, muster of soldiers at, 215.

Bramstone, Roger, 152.

Brandenburg, 516.

marquis of, alliances of, 309.

Brastun, Edward de, 83.

Brazil ship, a prize, 220, 277, 348.

Breame, Prince of, 78.

Breda :

letter dated at, 25.

action of the men of, 219.

Bredcake, Captain, 522.

Bredgate, Breadgatte :

John, letter from, 348.

Captain Matthew, letters from, 79, 124.

— voyage to Barbary, 82.

Bremingham, John, the pursuivant, 311.

Brende, Nicholas, 347.

Brentwood, muster of soldiers at, 215, 216.

Brereton :

—, “brother” of Lord Keeper Egerton, 425.

Sir William, letter from, 277.

Brerton, letter dated at, 277.

Brescia :

measures to assure, 38.

designs with regard to, 129.

Bresse, province of, 141.

Brest, 398.

Brett :

Captain E., letter from, 221

— in the Essex expedition, 222, 379.

Brian Orley, 311.

Bridewell, escapes from, 204.

Bridges, Mr., 26.

Bright, W., the carpenter, 306.

Brikeheade, Martyn, formerly H.M. Attorney before the Couucil of the North, 162.

Brill (Brille, Briel), 67, 93, 294, 305.

the “band” from, 32.

troops from, under Lord Borough's colours, 46.

the government of, 75, 462.

Governor of, 134.

garrison of, support of a preacher there, &c., 286, 287.

Brise, John, of Dublin, 411.

Bristol, Bristow, 317, 422, 446.

letter dated at, 289.

searcher of, the office, &c., 288, 293.

sugar-prize sold at, 454.

deanery of, appointment for, 147.

Britendona, —, commanding a squadron of the Spanish fleet, 455, 488, 495.

Brittany, 4, 39, 173.

corn for the forces in, 113.

soldiers of, in the Spanish service, 131, 487.

accounts of disbursements for, 368.

army newly raised in, under M. Surdiac, 399.

discontent in, 399.

army sent into, purposes of, 519.

Brochero :

Don Farnando, 455.

Don Diego, commanding a squadron of the Spanish fleet, 455, 488, 495.

Broderode, —, in command of Dutch troops, 31.

Broghiere, —, in command of a Dutch company, 31.

Broke, Sir W., in the Dreadnought, 379.

Brokes, George, 42.

Brome, Edmund, 174.

Bromeley, —, copy of a letter to, 202, 203.

Bromelie, Mr., sureties for, 347.

Bromley :

George, from Portugal, 44.

Sir Henry, 477.

letters dated at, 327 (2).

Brooke :

—, of Temple Clowde, 224.

Basil, 508.

George, son of Lord Cobham, letter from, 96.

John, 523.

Robt., 22.

Sir William, 330.

Brookes, Sir John, 479.

Brouncker, J., letter from, 73.

Browghton, letters dated at, 309, 310.

Brown :

Captain Sir William, belonging to the garrison of Flushing, 32, 87, 475.

Robert, servant of the Landgrave of Hesse, 287.

Browne :

Jo., “toward” the Earl of Northumberland, 452.

John, letter from, 223.

Nicholas, 290, 291.

Thomas, 124.

— letter from, 545.

William, an evil affected person, 160.

Broxborne, letters dated at, 35, 119.

Bruckman, Borchart, letter from, 518.

Bruester, William, letter from, 373.

Bruges, 222, 400, 468, 529.

Brunswick and Luneburg :

Duke of, ordnance for, 83.

— a matter in the Admiralty Court concerning, 157.

Brussels, Bruxelles, 70, 131, 473, 529.

letters from, 155, 362, 368, 502, 503, 509.

letters from, mentioned, 158, 249.

many English in, 4.

agent for information or spy at, 27, 116, 125, 181, 231, 339.

a triumph held at, 37.

the Court at, 61.

— splendour of, 164, 165.

— a visit to, 178.

Jesuits of, hire a man to assassinate the King of France, 178.

news from, 81, 224.

Secretary to the King's Finance at, 253.

Bubthorpe, Ralph, 415.

Buccleuch, Laird of, surrender of, into the Queen's hands, demanded, &c., 226, 239, 252.

outrages by men under, 242, 250, 251.

a complaint of his behaviour, &c., 268.

meeting at West Ford, 274, 275.

delivery of, difficult, 288.

mentioned, 389.

arrangements for his safe custody, 433.

delivery of pledges and entry of, 451, 452.

the detention of, 522, 532.

Buckhurst, Thomas, Lord, 119, 124, 136, 221, 251, 261, 295, 299, 349, 368, 436, 520.

letters to, 180, 396, 401.

letters from, 298, 302, 353, 402.

daughter of, married to Lord Montague, 402.

attitude towards Francis Dacre, 402.

Buckland, 205.

Buckley :

Dr., 394.

Richard, 372.

Budden :

Mr., 189, 190, 197.

—, a nephew of, 166.

John, letters from, 210, 268.

Buhe, Mons. la, the regiment of, 96.

Bulbeck, Mr., 170.

Bull's Walk, at Northall, 33.

Bulmer, Sir Bevis, 341.

Buquer de Barthon, Sr. Francesco, Sr. de Ygarça, letter to, 475.

Burgeon, Mr. Robert, of Wroxall, 304.

Burgh, Lord. See Borough.

Burghley, Sir William Cecil, Lord, Lord Treasurer &c., 102, 125, 128, 136, 295.

letters from, 196, 200(2), 286, 402, 422, 459, 522.

letters signed by, 339, 349, 377, 448.

letters, &c. to, 10, 63, 72, 74, 79, 82, 88, 89, 90, 105, 173, 178, 179, 196, 214, 217, 218, 270, 289, 314 (2), 325, 338, 354, 363, 365, 402, 403, 451, 486, 492, 496, 500, 506(2), 508, 514, 518, 523, 532.

threat of assassination, 95.

secretary to, 113.

woods at Edelmeton belonging to, 134.

appointment of bishops, 147.

effects on a jury of his being concerned in a cause, 186.

his state of health, &c., 200, 433, 436, 437.

alleged bargaining on the part of, 243.

a principle in his recommendations of leases, 258.

occupations and visitors at Theobald's, 294.

answer to the Ambassador of Poland, the Queen's approval of, &c., 320.

letter endorsed by, 410(2).

the Queen's sentiments towards, 425.

contentions amongst servants of, 444.,

land, &c. in Cheshunt, 514.

Burgoin, —, 221.

Burgos, 400.

Burgundy, defence of, 39.

Burgundy and Austria, princes of, 502.

Burgundy glass, 530.

Burley, Richard, an Englishman in the Spanish fleet, 456.

Burlings, Burlens, the, 371, 387.

Burlot, —, commanding Spanish horse in France, 360. See also La Barlotte.

Burne :

Jock, minor, of the Cote, 226, 271.

Ralph, of the Coote, 227, 271.

Burneham, 304.

Burnell, John, letters from, 322, 334.

Burrows, Lord, 244.

Burton, Robert, joins a rising in Oxfordshire, 50.

Burton and Sheplye in Northumberland, moiety of the township, 491.

Bury (Berie), 27.

Bury, Capt., letter in favour of, 17.

Bussey, Andrew, 330.

letter from, 278.

Butler :

James, Earl of Ormond and Ossory, sons and descendants of, named, 107.

Sir Piers, Earl of Ormond, 107.

Mr., 391.

Mr., volunteer for Essex's expedition, 222.

Richard, letter from, 380.

Butter and cheese, 3.

Buzanval (de Busenwall, Buzenval, Buzemnel), Mons., French Ambassador to the States General, 1, 20, 27, 60, 130, 191, 199, 201, 243, 464.

sent on a mission to the King of France, 9.

contents of letters of, 158.

arrival in Holland expected, 120.

journey to Holland, 163, 164.

arrival at the Hague, matters in charge, &c., 169, 171, 173.

Byan in Gallezin. See Bayonne.

Byllynges, Edward, servant to Sir Thos. Sherley, 134.