Cecil Papers: November 1597, 1-15

Pages 459-483

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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November 1597, 1–15

Henry Lord Cobham to the Earl of Essex.
1597, Nov. 1. This morning at five o'clock I received Mr. Secretary's letter signifying your present repair to Dover. The 400 men which he writes unto me your lordship hath commandment to levy, for the more speed I have appointed them to be here to-morrow by noon. I have stayed all hoys, both at Dover and at Sandwich, for the transporting of men and victuals, so that I hope you shall find all things in a readiness.—Dover, the first of November, 1597.
Endorsed :—“31 of October 1597 (sic). Copy of my lord's letter to the Earl of Essex.”
Holograph by Cobham. 1 p. (56. 71.)
Henry Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 1. To the same effect as above. Has provided victual for their transportation, and if cause require has given order to have victuals in readiness to be sent into Ostend. As the wind stands now looks for the return of Paul Ivy, upon whose arrival Cecil shall hear from him. Received a general commandment from the Lords at his coming down for the mustering of the whole shire, and has taken order for its execution.—From Dover, the first of November, 1597.
Signed. ½ p. (56. 86.)
Payments for the victualling of the Fleet.
1597, Nov. 1. £ s. d.
5 Nov. 1596. To James Quarles and Marmaduke Darrell for victualling of 10 of her Majesty's ships appointed to have been set to the seas with 2,360 men for 3 months 5,370 3 0
3 Feb. 1596[/7]. To them for the victualling of 12 of her Majesty's ships appointed to the seas for 4 months 5,675 7 9
13 April 1597. To them upon the warrant of the 13 of April, 1597 8,283 10 0
21 April 1597. To Sir Walter Ralegh for the victualling of 6,000 men for 3 months 18,900 0 0
13 July 1597. To Quarles and Darrell for one month's victuals sent to the army and navy, and besides 700 quarters of wheat to be converted into biscuit not prized 7,402 10 0
1 Aug. 1597. To them the sum of 857l. for the victualling of 250 men in the Golden Lion for 3 months 857 0 0
28 Oct. 1597. To G. Carew, Esq. and Wm. Stallenge for a proportion of victuals to serve in 16 of her Majesty's ships for three weeks 3,092 5 0
49,580 15 9
Memorandum that by a warrant as 5th of December last there was appointed a stable of victuals to remain at Rochester for 1,000 men, for which there was paid to Quarles and Darrell the sum of 1053l. 17s. 6d.
It is to be remembered that a good quantity of corn was delivered to be employed in biscuit for this service.
Holograph by H. Maynard. 1 p. (56. 87.)
Lord Thomas Howard, Lord Mountjoy, Sir Walter Ralegh, and Sir Ferdinando Gorges to the Earl of Essex.
1597, Nov. 1. The ships we suspected to be Spanish ships lying off Falmouth and the Lizard we now know to have been English, Scotch or Flemings, as appears by the enclosed. Any Spanish ships will have been dispersed by the late tempestuous night. The Vice-Admiral and the rest of the squadron are gone for the Low Countries without our privity. There is no need for our further stay here, and we would ask for instructions as to placing the ships in their winter harbours. We would also put you in mind of the prizes, the land soldiers, and the Spanish prisoners. We are despatching towards the coast of Spain to learn what is become of the Spanish fleet; we hear nothing of the St. Andrew.—Plymouth, this first of November 1597.
Endorsed :—“For her Majesty's especial affairs. At Plymouth the first of November, 11 of the clock in the forenoon. Ashburton half an hour upon . . . of the clock in the afternoon Exeter past ten in the night. Received at Honiton one hour after midnight the second of of November. Crewkerne . . . . . Sherborne half an hour past eight in the morning. Andover the second of November 6 o'clock in the night. Basing . . . . . .”
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (175. 121.)
Henry Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 2. Your letter of the last of October, with her Majesty's letter for the levying of four hundred men, I received the first of this month. I have given direction for the levying of them out of the trained bands. For shipping, this town being the nearest place, I have appointed their rendezvous to be here, and given order for ten days' victuals for the said men until they shall be shipped, and likewise victuals for their transporting; so that I hope whensoever the Earl [of Essex] shall come he shall find men and all things else ready. The weather hath been so tempestuous that no passage hath come from any place. Paul Ivie shall no sooner arrive but you shall hear from me. I have written to Rye for shipping and victuals for the transporting of 400 men out of Sussex, and likewise for ten days' victuals till their embarking. Now only remaineth that the soldiers be here, which by my next I hope to advertise you.—From Dover, this second of November 1597.
Signed. ½ p. (56. 88.)
Dorothy, Lady Wharton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 2. Whereas my ancient enemy Percival Willoughby hath by his 'Matchaviliam' practices and enchanting tongue, persecuted me ever since the death of Sir Francis Willoughby, my late husband, with so many suits and molestations as were odious to declare, in all which he had never yet any good matter or shadow of truth or right, conscience, or equity so to do; now, as I hear, he seeketh a lease of such small land as her Majesty is to have in right of my child, being utterly unprovided for by her father, which if he could bring to pass were matter enough for his malice to work upon and to procure my endless trouble. Which I trust you will never yield unto, considering I committed under your protection both my child and honest cause, and wished ever (if God had appointed my child to have been a son) that the commodity thereof should have come to you : and therefore, all reason, equity and conscience crying out in this case against him, I beseech you that his seditious nature be not armed nor assisted with that title, which I confidently hope of your accustomed goodness you will in no wise grant him.—This second of November, 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (56. 89.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Earl of Essex.
1597, Nov. 2. With us here the fear of the Spanish fleet is past, for that we do not understand of any upon the coast, which maketh us glad, hoping we shall be the sooner removed hence. For the satisfying myself more thoroughly of the enemy's purpose I have carefully questioned with such prisoners as are here, and find, methinks, an assurance by circumstances that they meant to land in Ireland. It may seem that the number was overgreat; but whoso considereth that the towns are in our hands, and how unable the Irish are to assist them in that kind of service, and how fit it is for so mighty a prince as their master to give the law to those beggars and be able to abide her Majesty's forces, will confess that his preparation was not superfluous. Whatsoever their purpose was, if they be not already landed in Ireland, with your lordship's correction, it shall not be amiss to provide both sea and land forces to withstand him there; for by their attempting that kingdom her Majesty may sustain most loss. And in my opinion unless their loss hath been exceeding great, being in the readiness they are, they will not attend the spring; rather desiring to abide the inconveniences of the season than the danger of encountering her Majesty's fleet, which by that time will be in more readiness. If your lordship shall think these quarters out of danger it may please you to give some order for the discharge of the flyboats which carried the soldiers, which are now both a charge unto her Majesty and the States.
The Admiral of Holland put to sea with 7 of his ships, as we guess to ply to the westward, for that he took not his leave; but being put forth he was driven to the leeward of this place and so gone home; and since I perceive there was some little discontentment among them.
Yesterday it being a very great storm, Martin Legerson's ship riding in the mouth of the Cattwater was driven on the rocks and sunk. If there were any means found to repair that loss it would give the States much contentment.
I beseech you once again, if the Brille be not disposed, to stand for me as for one that can have no good but by your means, and that is not altogether unfit for the charge.—Plymouth, this 2nd of November, 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (56. 90.)
Lord Thomas Howard to the Earl of Essex.
1597, Nov. 2. We your lordship's poor followers attend the glad news of our release, for here is no cause to hold us. The Spaniards with their own fears and our storms are beaten hence; and your lordship knows you left us not rich, and Plymouth hath no mint, so as our study is much more now to provide for means to live by than to fear being killed.
There hath been some disorder made at Dartmouth in the Spanish prize, but we hope not great. To prevent what may be we have this morning sent Sir Gelly Meyrick thither to take the care of her and to find what faults have been made. Your lordship, I hope, will send us directions both for her and the rest what we shall do with them. Of the Andrew we hear nothing, but we all believe that she is put into Ireland. The Flemings be all gone, but the ship that Martin Segar commanded, who seeking to follow his Admiral in warping out, is cast away upon the rocks. Other matter I have not to advertise you but that the ships ride dangerously these south-west winds.—Plymouth this 2 of November.
[P.S.] Mr. Gresham humbly entreats you to remember him.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (56. 91.)
Sir Charles Blount to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 2. Here arrives no new occasion in these parts since the coming in of the last shipping, whereof I did advertise you, which hath withheld me from directing my letter with empty and unprofitable reports. Touching the state and condition of this town and fortress, I crave pardon, since it hath pleased you to employ my weak judgment and endeavours herein, if I briefly lay before you the manifest open dangers that of necessity it must be subject unto if by a needful consideration the same be not provided for. Whensoever these companies be called forth and discharged the honour of this place shall unavoidably be forced and ravished by the ordinary malice of six Spanish vessels, because there is not strength in this watch to allow any relief in a long dark winter's night, consisting of fourteen or sixteen hours; and withal that the shipping of her Majesty's, which for the aptness of this place and capacity of the haven is very likely to resort and abide hereat, will be very desolate, and ill accompanied when upon any alarum there shall not be means from hence to put aboard them present numbers of soldiers for their defence. And thus I most humbly crave again your pardon that have presumed badly to handle a matter of so great consideration.—Portsmouth, this second of November 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (56. 92.)
Sir Charles Blount and Hampden Poulet to the Privy Council.
1597, Nov. 2. Upon your letters to the alarums here given, we have taken into this town for the better defence thereof 300 men out of the hither parts of the shire adjoining, and them have here continued these four days already, expecting daily your pleasure either for their discharge or their longer continuance; the which not receiving we have now thought good to remember you thereof, as also to let you understand that without some present order for these men's entertainment we cannot here any longer continue them, neither can this town in any safety be guarded without them or at the least without an increase of this garrison, the which consisting but of 100 soldiers is so small that they cannot by any means (the largeness of this town considered) set forth sufficient sentinels to hold a reasonable watch about the same, although their sentinels should stand the whole night,—the which is overmuch for any men to continue, specially this winter time. All which we refer unto your consideration, praying that we may receive your pleasure herein as speedily as may be.
Of the Dutch fleet late in this voyage employed there is this last night arrived at St. Helen's Point the Admiral and Vice-admiral with one other of their consort; but of the Spanish fleet we hear as yet no more.
Sir Charles Percy and Capt. Sidney are in readiness with their companies to depart hence in the George of London, and we hope they will have all things fit to put to the sea to-morrow about noon. Upon view of the defects of this town we do find the planks in the main bulwark greatly decayed, and have called upon the surveyor and the carpenter for the amendment thereof; who, as they say, have signified the same unto the Lord Treasurer, by means whereof our hope is there shall be present order given for the repair thereof, for we do assure you there is great need.—Portsmouth, this second of November 1597.
Signed. 1 p. (56. 93.)
The States General to the Queen.
1597, Nov. 2/12. The Sieur de Buzanval, Ambassador of the most Christian King, on the 6th instant, represented to us, by virtue of his letters of credence of the 17th of last October, the difficulties of that King, who has two courses open to him. One, that of arms, which he has been following and in which he will continue, if we unite with him to drive the Spaniards out of the Low Countries. He cannot, however, resist them much longer unaided. The other course is to make a treaty with his enemies; and to this alternative the Spaniards are said to show so much inclination, as to have agreed to conditions fit to move heart weary of war. Our advice is asked. As the matter affects all Christendom, we have charged the Sieur de Caron, our Agent, to inform your Majesty more fully thereof, and to acquaint you with the reply which we have provisionally made to the French King. Suggest to us some ready means of breaking off any desire of his to treat with the Spaniard.—From the Hague, 12 November 1597.
Copy. French. 2 pp. (57. 12.)
The States General to the Lords of the Council.
1597, Nov. 2/12. To the same effect as their letter to the Queen above.
Copy. French. 1¼ pp. (57. 13.)
Paul de la Hay to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 3. Whereas he was a suitor for a bailiwick within Monmouthshire, is content to relinquish that and to pay back all such money unto Cecil and satisfy the rest to his father-in-law, if Cecil will procure him the office of receipt of Lord Burghley which Mr. Benson had, who is this last night departed; with the wardship of his son Edward.—3 Novembris '97.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (35. 103.)
Sir Charles Percy to the Earl of Essex.
1597, Nov. 3. According to your instructions I have sent you this post to certify you of our proceedings here. As soon as we were arrived at Portsmouth we could not be despatched, for our fortnight's victuals which we were to receive into the George of London, till Thursday morning at 9 or 10 o'clock, being the 3 of November, the wind till then continuing at south-west, and south-south-west, and sometimes set south. And now after the receipt of these victuals the wind is come to the south and by east, and south-south-east, wherefore I thought it best to tarry one 24 hours in hope that the wind will come about, but that if I do see the wind to be settled at the east, I will march over land, according to your directions. As soon as we are either under sail or ready to march by land, I will presently advertise you thereof by post.—From Portsmouth, this 3 of November.
Holograph. ½ p. (56. 94.)
Sir Arthur Capell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 3. Has sent him by the bearer a doe as a poor token of his love towards him. Thanks Cecil for the kindnesses he has received from him, and will ever carry a thankful mind to him.—From my poor house at Haddham, this 3 of November, 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (56. 95.)
Sir George Carew to Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 3. This day about three of the clock in the afternoon, I arrived at the Downs, but never heard of my Lord General's [Essex's] coming home until I fortunately met with my Lord Cobham at Deal Castle. I have been at the South Cape, where I understood of my Lord General's going for the Islands. I stood to the westward to recover him 100 leagues, but by violent storms out of the west and south was enforced to the northward to the height of forty-seven degrees, where again I stood to the westward, but all in vain, and lastly was driven to take harbour in Crookhaven in Ireland, from whence, [ thank God, I am safely arrived, but with great peril, for on Tuesday last I was embayed within Beachy and was enforced to ride it out at an anchor, where for safety of ship and men I cut my mainmast overboard, and lost at my coming thence, which was yesterday, two cables and two anchors. The one of them will be recovered, being fastened to a buoy. This is the sum of my tedious navigation, wherein I do assure you I have not had four days of fair weather, but have been thrice in extreme danger of perishing; and that which was most discomfortable, an infection not unlike to the calentura did so possess my ship as that of sevenscore I had not fifteen men able to stand on their legs to handle the sails when I came to an anchor.
I understand by my Lord Cobham that the Spanish fleet hath been upon this coast. It was not my chance, that I can certainly say, to see any of them, neither yet have they been in any haven in the west part of Ireland. But yet about the 9th of October in the night in a mighty storm I fell into a fleet of eleven sail; the least ship was bigger to my judgment than my own. We bare contrary courses, for they stood to the south, and I to the westward; they were in the weather of me, but yet notwithstanding I hailed the sternmost man, who said he was a Fleming; but the storm being extreme there could be no longer speech. There was an admiral that bare out his light, a far greater ship than the rest. I do think that this fleet was part of that fleet which was on our own coast, for they were very warlike ships. I would rather have been the messenger myself than to salute you in paper, but that in duty I do forbear to come into her Majesty's Court until a few days be spent, for that so many of my men in the Adventure be sick.—From Dover, this 3 of November, 1597.
[P.S.] At that time that I did meet with this fleet of tall ships I was then in the height of 47 degrees to the northward, and the same day in the morning I gave chase to a man-of-war. The ship was a fly-boat of 400 tons; she bare the arms of Castille in her flag, but by goodness of sail did outgo me. The time and height that they and I did meet doth make it very probable unto me that they were part of that fleet which was said to be on our coast; which if they were, then I do assure you that they were homeward bound, for they stood for the southward.
Holograph. 2 pp. (56. 96.)
Sir Samuel Bagenall to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 3. After our arrival at Plymouth I was commanded by my Lord of Essex hither to Milford Haven and to the shires near adjoining, to do my endeavour to put the people of these countries in the best order I could to forbid the enemy's landing here if so he should attempt. I have taken the best order I can for the provision, and I find the deputy lieutenants of these shires very willing to employ their helps, and I presume to trouble you with those accidents that have happened here since my coming. The second of this month was driven with weather into this haven one carvell of 40 ton, and in her 75 men, soldiers and mariners. What the officers of soldiers or the pilots can say the examination hath been taken and sent to you and the rest of the Lords. Two other Spanish ships are here as yet untaken; one was before Tenby on Sunday last, the other is as yet at Dobye in Cardiganshire, where there is great hope she cannot escape. The vice-admiral of these coasts is gone thither, and I have advised him to lay her aboard if there be no other mean to take her; she is but of 120 ton.—Haverfordwest, this 3 of November, 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (56. 97.)
Sir Francis Godolphin to Sir Walter Ralegh, Lord Warden of the Stannaries, &c.
1597, Nov. 3. Since the despatch of my letter this night by foot posts unto your lordships, her Majesty's commissioners at wars, giving intelligence of the arrival and stay of a pinnace of the Spanish fleet into St. Ives, this bearer, servant to Lord Mountjoy, coming unto me for warrant for post horse, I could not be unmindful of your particular favours showed me, but with all thankfulness to witness my memory of them; leaving all further relation of the state of this fleet unto the report of a poor prisoner, one of Saltash, whom I will this day send to your lordships. I only remember first the great bounty of God in this our notorious deliverance, theirs being scattered that you had not fallen amongst them in return; ours that they being come withing 26 leagues of our coast where they intended their descent, were by His heavenly strength repulsed, scattered and, I hope, returned : or, as our sins may provoke, about Ireland with purpose to come again.
Now for Falmouth, the castles are of small force, Arwemech having in all but 8 pieces, some ill mounted; the hill naked, which by nature with some art and no great charge, I hold will be made a ground invincible. It needeth a greater standing garrison; that side preserved preserveth the whole harbour; that lost, I hold both sides lost, for the site of the other castle is nothing by nature defensible. Our country poor people do and will much repine at the burden of maintaining these small forces of 400 or 500 at Penrin for guard thereof, which guard to the intended force is of ineffectual moment. If the doubt of their proceeding hold, your lordship may in my poor conceit do well to order another garrison of the rest of the county with good leaders to lie in readiness about Trerrow and Tregony to be ready to second us. But what speak I of beggarly country aid against princes' royal armies, which cannot but by our prince's purse and munition be resisted? My son, I hope, is arrived at his weak charge in Scilly, weak only through want of more men, munition, and some necessary fortification to be added. I have only doubled his company of 25 and made them fifty, despairing to obtain allowance for their pay.—From Godolphin, the 3 of November 1597.
Endorsed by Ralegh :—“A letter of Sir Francis Godolphin's declaring the weakness of Pendennis Castle and the importance of the place”; and by Cecil :—“3 November 1897, Sir W. Godolphin to Sir W. Ralegh.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (56. 98.)
William Hunt, of London, fishmonger, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 3. At the time the town of St. Malo in France stood out against the French King that now is, the said town, minding to strengthen the King of Spain with a tall ship of war, wrote letters unto William Michelot and Michael Autramley, French merchants in London, who were born in St. Malo, that they should, by colour of a voyage for Venice, convey out of this realm of England to the King of Spain a ship of seven hundred tons called the Great Tiger; which ship was made in every respect like unto her Majesty's ships royal. They had in the said ship a hundred thousand weight of her Majesty's great ordnance, fifteen hundred quarters of wheat, besides great store of shot, powder, muskets, calivers, armed pikes, black bills, fireworks and other prohibited goods, to the value of 10,000l. and upwards.
There were fourscore and thirteen English mariners of good account violently set on land at Venice and driven to come on foot from Venice to Stode, which is 1,000 miles distance or thereabouts, and there stayed at Stode eleven weeks or they could get passage into England; who at their coming did discover the matter. Michelot and his confederates were arrested and driven to put in sureties, who hearing the mariners were come home, a great rumour was among English merchants upon the Royal Exchange about the conveyance of that ship to Lisbon for the use of the King of Spain. Michelot and his confederates, doubting their treasons would be discovered, fled with their wives and children out of England to St. Malo in France, where they were born. Michelot is now in suit of law against the town of St. Malo, who promised to save him harmless for the conveyance of that ship from England to the King of Spain. After the Spaniards had gotten possession of this ship they said that they had long expected her coming, and that she had done them great harm, and they would now see if she could make amends. The Queen's great ordnance that was in the said ship they took on land; some of it was laid on the market place in Lisbon near to St. Paul's, and other some was carried into St. Gyllion's castle. Divers, as well Dutch merchants as also English mariners that were prisoners in Lisbon and yet suffered to go abroad within the town, saw all these premises; who are now in London and will be ready to justify the same upon their oaths. Afterward the said ship was well furnished at Lisbon, and from thence set out to sea for a man-of-war, who had an English ship in chase and like to have taken her, whereof one James Daves was master and captain; and since she was made admiral of the King's fleet there is no six of the best ships the King of Spain hath to be compared to that ship only for the service. Right honourable the stay of this suit from due execution is not only a great encouragement for other strangers to commit the like, but also it is a great discouragement to all her Majesty's true and faithful subjects to see such heinous offenders, being fled for the same, suffered to wage their” law against her Majesty for so foul a fact. Michelot hath written letters to his sureties here in London, who are rich men, to spare for no cost to weary out your poor suppliant; for when he was in England he could with his money make the laws here to go as he listed. For justice' sake move her Majesty that your suppliant may have his execution according to the equity thereof.
Endorsed :—The information of Hunt against Michelot.
Signed. 1½ pp. (56. 99.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 3. My letters of this morning bring no confirmation of the news of King Philip's death. I expect it will turn out like most of the news we get from France. As to the siege of Ostend, they write to me that there is no siege, but the Cardinal is near with his army. He has put two thousand Spanish soldiers into Bruges, who will soon make the town repent of having summoned them. Verdiani writes that he does not believe in the siege, and adds that the reason of the march is the necessity of the camp and the bad weather. He says that President Ricciardotto has gone to discuss with Villeroy the terms of a truce. The Cardinal is willing to let the King of France have all the captured towns except Calais. The army is in a very bad state.
In Hungary the Turks are getting the best of the campaign with the Emperor.
For my own business I am still troubled, but wait what your skill can do with the Queen.—3 Nov. 1597.
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. (175. 122.)
Sir Richard Barkeley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 4. I will wait upon you within these few days with my answer to the matter whereof you gave me time to enquire and consider. I am desirous to recover a little more strength because I was sick at my last being at the Court.—At Layton, the 4th of November.
Signed. ¼ p. (56. 100.)
Sir Charles Morrison to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 4. Thanks Cecil for his kindness to himself and now his exceeding favour to Lord Grey, whom he holds very dear.—Whitefriars, this 4th of November 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (56. 101.)
Lady Joyce Carew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 4. It pleased you not long since to write to Sir Fulke Greville, Sir Thomas Lucy, and others, requiring them to call before them one John Smith, a tenant to Mr. Carew in Warwickshire, who, both contrary to her Majesty's proclamation and the Council's letters prohibiting him, did sow 'oade' upon a parcel of land which he holdeth of Mr. Carew, to the great decay of the soil and prejudice of the inheritance. These gentlemen have bound him over in recognizance to answer his contempt before you the fifth day of this present, to whom I beseech you give punishment according to the quality of his offence, and that he may be bound at no time hereafter during the continuance of his lease to do the like. Pardon me thus in Mr. Carew's absence to trouble you; and I would be very glad to be partaker of such good news as you shall hear from him; for I think it long, his so long stay, especially in this his solitary wandering.—From the Minorites, this 4 November, 1597.
Signed. ½ p. (56. 102.)
Sir Anthony Poulett to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 4. By virtue of her Majesty's gracious licence I am come into these parts, as also the 50 soldiers, by commandment from you and other the lords of the Council, are come from the Island under my charge and arrived at Lyme the last of October; where, following the directions, their arms are delivered to the Mayor of Lyme, to be returned into the country from whence the men were levied. If my health will give me leave I will wait very shortly on you.—My poor house, this 4th of November 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (56. 103.)
Lord Hunsdon, Lord Chamberlain, to Sir R. Cecil.
1597, Nov. 4. As it pleaseth you to write that you hoped before this time to have written for my return, so had my return been without expectation of any demand of leave, having set in order what lay in my power, if you had not countermanded it by signification of her Majesty's pleasure to the contrary; being come this day with an ill-passage thus forward to Hampton. What advertisements may daily come from Plymouth, whether of truth or policy, I know not; but since their putting back the 15th of the last, that either 10 or 12 of that fleet hath been seen together I think will not be proved by any well seeing eyewitness, or found true by good sense of reason, considering the extremity of foul weather hath been such that in no possibility any fleet could continue at sea with life without putting into harbour; and the encountering of many of them turned back as distressed by the breaking of their masts, springing of their yards, and splitting of their sails, might be an argument sufficient of their return home to satisfy all doubts of any attempt to be made by them upon our coast, when the season of the year doth yield to us all help and unto them all to be devised disadvantage. That some of Fountenell's company or of the 15 pirates gathered together about Ushant awaiting for the stragglers to Bordeaux, may be supposed to be Spaniards I doubt not; every man chased through fear imagining all nations, their fleet being abroad, to speak Spanish. But I hold this season will privilege us from attempts. Yet because you write it is her Majesty's pleasure I shall, I will stay, yet have dismissed Sir Henry Norris and divers other captains that may do better service at Ostend, determining hereafter to use my liberty and not to come until I shall be sent for.—From Hampton, 4th of November, 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (56. 104.)
Lord Hunsdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 4. Having no certain allowance for entertaining such captains as have voluntarily followed me into the Island, and finding no occasion ministered by the siege of Ostend for their preferment, I am loath to detain them any longer, only asking that if any forces shall be sent to Ostend, as they have already served under Sir John Norris, they may be employed; or if any garrison be to be put into this Island, I would willingly employ them. Sir Henry Norris can tell their names, who desires much to be an assistant to his brother.—Hampton, 4 November 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (175. 123.)
Charles, Lord Mountjoy to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 5. Receives continually to his great happiness tokens of Cecil's favour; beseeches him to continue his good opinion and not to repent the course he has hitherto held to advance her Majesty's gracious inclination towards him. Will reckon it happiness to be an instrument of what office soever in the great work of her Majesty's safety.—5 November.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (56. 105.)
Bridget, Countess of Bedford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 5. Thanks for his many favours to her and hers, and now more particularly to Lord Grey. By writing cannot express her obligation to her Majesty, that of a princely care of his good hath in some sort corrected his rash and unadvised attempt, yet with such clemency it may seem rather a special note of her favour than a punishment, considering, she conceives, that his offence proceeded but of his over greedy desire to enable himself to do her Highness service. Trusts he has now gained experience to know that God and princes do more respect obedience than sacrifice.—Whitefriars, this — of November 1597.
Endorsed :—“5 November.”
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (56. 106.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 5. Sir Henry Palmer is gone this day, extreme sick, from this town to his own house. I do fear he will hardly escape it. These instructions which he hath lately received from my Lord Admiral he hath recommended to the care of Sir John Gylberd, which I pray you to acquaint my Lord Admiral withal. The ships will pass over for the soldiers this night if the wind serve; and because I understand Sir Henry Palmer hath no further order but to bring them to Dover, I am to pray you to know what shall become of them at their arrival; wherein I pray your present direction that so soon as they come it may be performed. What the former directions have been I know not, but thus much I perceive, that without you prevent it there will be a mistaking which will breed a confusion; for now it is a question among them whether the whole numbers or the 400 formerly appointed shall be brought over or not. This town of Dover hath been very ready in performing that which I commanded them, both in staying of shipping for the transportation of soldiers as also in providing of victuals for them, which doth now lie upon the poor town's hands to their great hindrance except it please her Majesty to relieve them with some reasonable allowance therefor, as in like case hath been in my lord my father's time; which I beseech you to procure if it may be. The proportion that was made of biscuit, lings, butter and cheese I do not see any allowance should be made for, in that the town will find means to utter it; but only for eleven ton of beer, and seven barrels and a half of beef containing 3,200 lbs. wt., which are the victuals they shall receive loss by; the value whereof comes to 60l., and for 20 marks disbursed unto them they will discharge all.—From Dover, 5 November 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (56. 107.)
Sir George Carew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 5. Touching the munitions returned in the St. Matthew I will honestly discharge myself without imputation of error or negligence, as you shall judge when you have heard me speak. Good manners make me curious to come to Court, as my ship has been so sickly; but if you will write to me, I will wait upon you. If you do not forbid me I will deliver the letters of yours to my Lord General, for it can do you no harm. I pray you say somewhat for me in answer of her Majesty's gracious remembrance, you can say better for me than I for myself. My Lord Cobham desires you to help him out of Kent.—5 Nov. 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (175. 124.)
George Cary to the Privy Council.
1597, Nov. 6. I have received your letters of the second of this present, commanding me to deliver unto my lord Thomas Howard, my lord Mountjoy, Sir Walter Ralegh and Sir Francis Vere the sum of 2000l., parcel of the 3000l. which I lately received out of her Majesty's Receipt; and there is now required by their lordships a supply of sundry kind of victuals, as well for her Majesty's ships as for sundry others that hath been employed in her Majesty's service, which will amount unto 1400l. or thereabouts, and it is to make up their proportion of victuals until the 13th of this month; part of which said victuals is by their direction already received, and the rest will be ready within these two days. Therefore, if hereafter it shall be thought meet unto your lordships to make any farther or larger proportion of victuals, I pray you to give order for the receipt of more money to perform the service, for from the customers of her Majesty's ports there is no money to be had, and hardly and not suddenly any portion of money will be collected of the loan money. For most of the gentlemen complain of want, and a great many of those that did lend last, and were then sufficient, are now in decay. I will do my best endeavour without partiality, having signified unto them already your pleasure, and how much it doth importune (sic) her Highness's services.—Plymouth, this 6th of November, 1597.
Endorsed :—“Mr. Carie of Cockington,”
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (56. 108.)
George Cary and William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 6. According to your letters and the rest of my lords of the second of this present we have delivered unto my lord Thomas Howard and my lord Mountjoy 2000l., parcel of the 3000l. which we received out of the Exchequer by virtue of her Majesty's privy seal for the victualling of her ships, according to the proportion set down by my Lord Admiral and the comptroller of her Majesty's navy for 21 days. And now there is required of us so much victuals as will amount unto 1400l. or thereabouts, being more than our receipts are, and this proportion of victuals already required will not last but until the 13th inst., so as if it please you and the rest of my lords to appoint a further supply of victuals, our desire is you will cause more money to be sent down, for from the customers there is none to be had, and for the loan money, it will be so slenderly paid that we doubt there will not be any great matter received.—Plymouth, 6 November 1597.
Endorsed : “Mr. Carie of Cockington, Mr. Stallenge to my master.”
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (56. 109.)
Lord Thomas Howard, Lord Mountjoy, Sir W. Ralegh and Sir Francis Vere to the Council.
1597, Nov. 6. We think it our duties to advertise you that we have now received knowledge from Sir Francis Godolphin of a Spanish bark put into St. Ives in Cornwall, whose captain called Juan Triego was taken in her, and his alferes, about whom were found the captain's commission signed by the Adelantado, a ticket for their rendezvous in Falmouth, and another patent for reward to the said Juan Triego for taking sundry fishermen upon this coast; of which we send herein the originals, leaving unto your grave judgments such farther collections as may be made upon them. And this we have thought the more necessary to be presented unto your knowledges because the said Captain Juan Triego hath been employed this 2 or 3 years upon this coast in taking of small barks, of which he hath taken many. We also send herewith a printed copy of the orders to be observed in the Spanish army and fleet. Now, because out of these and other intelligences it hath appeared unto us, and may appear unto your lordships under the Adelantado's hand, that Falmouth was the place which they purposed first to take hold of, we have thought good to send 200 of the 700 which are here of the old soldiers unto Falmouth, because it shall be no other charge unto her Majesty than now it is; and that place being of so great importance and so ill defended, we have presumed to hasten them thither. We are, before we conclude, to advertise you that the flyboats of the Low Countries which should transport the soldiers are departed without our consents.
Postscript.—We humbly desire to have order from your lordships concerning the Spanish prisoners here, which stand the Queen in 14 pound a week, after 6d. a man.—From Plymouth, this 6 of November 1597.
Signed. Seal 1 p. (56. 110.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to the Earl of Essex.
1597, Nov. 6. Your lordship has understood from the Lords what they have done, whereby you may find them doubtful what to do, for they are of an opinion that the staying of the ships here is to small purpose or none at all, they being but few, weak, and unfurnished of all things; and to go from hence they dare not without order from your lordship. Which being considered it cannot be unnecessary they were appointed to go to the place where it shall be thought fit they shall be repaired; for to lie here unto no purpose is but expense of charge and loss of time, and doubtless in my opinion (under your lordship's correction) you shall hear the Spaniards will repair themselves before they put unto our coast again, the which will require three weeks after their return to their harbours. In the mean time you may take order for the establishing of things fit for defence, taking the advantage of the time and opportunity for making of new provision.
It hath been in council largely discoursed on of the advantage our ships have over theirs; and it was concluded by the two seamen they were as likely to beat us as we them when we were in our best trims. The which being considered, it will be found necessary not too much to trust to that ancient opinion of the Queen's ships, but to make necessary preparations for defence by land.
For these parts, as far as I have authority, I will promise the observance of your lordship's directions; and if there be commission granted me that I be not subject unto other men's wills who have neither judgment nor experience, if I fail in discharging the duty of a soldier I will ransom the penalty with the loss of my life.
For the present, until more provisions of lodgings be made in the Island, I will take order (if the old companies be to stay here) that they be lodged in Plymouth and Stonehouse, from whence they shall every night come to make guard by single companies where it shall be thought most fit. The troops of the country I discharged immediately upon the landing of the Low Country men.
As for munition and artillery, I shall not need to remember you any more how necessary it is this place should be thoroughly furnished, but do refer it unto your wisdom. It was wished upon receipt of your lordship's that some of these ships might run off the coast if peradventure those that rid under St. Ellens should with an easterly wind put off before the St. Andrew should recover them; but it is not done for that it was not commanded.—From the fort by Plymouth, 6 November 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1½ pp. (56. 111.)
Sir John Norreys to the Earl of Essex.
1597, Nov. 6. I am very glad of your safe return, and pray God send you many honourable voyages. I am sure you heard that the Cardinal threatened us and presented himself before the town. I understand that the siege is deferred until next spring, and that he means to go or is gone to Brussels; but I shall stand upon good guard.—Ostend, 6 Nov. 1597.
Signed. 1½ pp. (175. 125.)
Richard Carmarden to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 7. This morning I came to this town, meaning to be at Dartmouth to-night, and met some cochineal by a carrier towards London. If any part of the cochineal or indigo be disposed by sale, it will bring down the price greatly, and quickly hinder her Majesty in the sale of the rest, which is in quantity at the least ten thousand pounds. In my simple opinion the carriers to London should be well watched, and order given from my Lords to the Lords and the rest at Plymouth and Dartmouth, to send about all the cochineal and indigo for London.—Exeter, this Monday the viith of November 1597.
Endorsed with précis of contents.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (57. 1.)
Ge[orge] C[hamberlayne] to Joseph Cresuelo, of the Company of Jesus.
1597, Nov. 7. R. F. I know you have long wished to have some news of me, but matters here are fallen so cross and contrary to my expectation that I have wanted boldness and opportunity to send; for although, I thank God, I have my health (having had some fit of old Spanish calenturas) yet have I wanted my liberty, which do I not yet fully enjoy. At my coming away you gave the charge of me unto one who, not knowing what should have become of himself, much less should he have adventured me, and although, truly, I cannot but confess that I was wonderfully beholden unto him in my journey, not only for sheer good will but for exhibition of his purse (else mine had come short), yet could I have wished that at our arrival our friendship had ceased, but he hoping he could have found the means to prefer me to my Lord of Essex (of which, it seems, he conferred with Father Blakfan before), the very first day of his arrival went himself to my Lord and Sir Robert Cecil, and bid me tarry until I was sent for. Presently after dinner my Lord sent one Mr. Wade, a clerk of the Council, with his coach for me. I being come was examined of many things, viz., of what navy there was in Spain, of the forces going to Italy, of my remaining in the seminary and religion, and whether I would confer with any of them of that matter, and last of all, and that which they principally did urge, was whether I knew the reason of Mr. Ross's coming over at all, which having answered and satisfied them, yet they not being contented did determine, not so much, as methinks, for anything they found in my education as for fear of that last point (that I should afterwards discover something), I say, they did determine I should go to one Mr. Jackson's house, there to remain prisoner until new order was taken for me. After a 14 days being there I was removed to one Mr. Sturt, merchant, in the same form, where I tarried not a six days, but I was once again passed to one Mr. Gore his house, where, after I had remained two or three months, I came to speak of one Mr. Chamberlayn, who was my father's eldest brother's son, at Mr. Wade's own house, and he and I together made such means that I was passed over to him, I being desirous of it, for I stood in great need of some help; and truly I have found at his hands as much as I could have wished for. With him I was this last summer in Oxfordshire, and at the act time went to Oxford; and now am come again to London with him, who labours for my liberty, and hopes I shall have it within few days. In the mean time I go abroad where I will. Yet I am not sure of it, and when it comes I think it will be with a passport to go over again to my mother. As Mr. Wade told me, I being of a contrary religion, there is no preferment here for me, but if I would go to church, saith he, he would get me a place, wherein I might be preferred, but I think you know sufficiently my mind in that matter. The only thing that grieves me is the want of the sacraments, which I cannot have, not being acquainted with any priest. True it is that I have a token for Father Garnet, but I know not where to find him, and to go to the Clink I dare not until I have my full liberty, for fear that if I should be taken it might hinder. Thus you see how my case stands. As for Mr. Ross, he is in the Tower close prisoner. What shall become of him I know not. Father Wright is also close prisoner at Westminster, and the reason is because he converted one Mr. Alabaster, chaplain unto my Lord of Essex. As for any other news, many tales go abroad of the King's death, of the Spanish fleet of the truces between France and Spain which are like to grow to a peace—all which I think you know better than I. Of any other matter I will write to you more at large either at my coming over or else having my liberty. Thus for this time will I cease to trouble you, requesting you to do my hearty commendations with all duty unto the Duchess of Feria, and to tell her that I was sorry I could not come in time to do her commendations to my aunt Owen; for she died a little before I arrived. Nevertheless have I done them unto my uncle, and within these few days will do them to her brother, Sir Robert Dormer, and others of our kindred. Also I pray you commend me to all my friends and in their prayers. I would fain request you, good father, to write with the first to some friend here to find me out in Gt. St. Bartholomews at Mr. Chamberlain's house with a token from you, that I may know, for that perhaps I shall tarry here all this winter.—London, 7 November, 1597. To the Rector of both the Colleges and Father Montez, to Father Cerda and Father Santa Cruz, that they commend me in their prayers.
Holograph. 2 pp. (175. 128.)
George Chamberlayne to Hernand Rogel.
1597, Nov. 7. I arrived in England half a year ago, but have not yet met with Father Peter Martin nor been able to enquire for him, because I have been half a prisoner and have not yet my full liberty. I beg you to send on this other letter, with my commendations to Sr. Francesco Buquer and all his house, and also to Doña Mariana and all hers. If I was rich enough I would send them a present, but ere long I hope to send something and perhaps myself be the bearer. Father Writo, who sent you the knives, is a prisoner for having converted one of the Earl of Essex's chaplains.—London, 7 Nov. 1597.
You will pardon me that I send you nothing; however, from Flanders (if I go there as I expect) or from here, before long, I will not fail.
Spanish. Add.:—Al Sr. Hernando Rogel, mercader, en S. Sebastian (?) 1 p.
(175. 126.)
George Chamberlayne to Francesco Buquer.
1597, Nov. 7. Although very busy I could not let the bearer go without writing two or three lines to thank you for the kindness I experienced in your house. I have not met Father Peter Martin because I have not been at liberty; but if I find him I will let you know.—London, 7 Nov. 1597.
Spanish. Add.:—Il Sr. Fran. Buquer de Barthon Sr. de Ygarça 1 p.
(175. 127.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 9. Yesternight late I returned, and, coming by water, have taken some cold, which makes me keep my house for this day.—From my house in the Black Friars, the 9 of Ober 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (57. 3.)
Sir R. Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1597, Nov. 9. I humbly beseech you that those captains which went this journey with your Lordship out of this garrison may be presently sent back again. I have great need of them, especially of Sir Will. Brown, for whom I give you very humble thanks for the credit it hath pleased you to lay upon him. The soldiers also, I trust, you will give order may be returned back again, for the nights grow long and the guards great, and the number was great was taken away from hence. They, or the like number, shall ever be ready to be employed by your Lordship, as myself also when you shall think me good enough.—At Flushing the 9 of Nov. 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (57. 4.)
P. Lord Dunsany to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 9. It is now well near two years since I was a suitor to her Majesty to allow me 200l. a year in lien of my pay in Ireland. By her gift unto me of my twenty horse, I should have had sterling pay, as all others have, the tenour of her letter being, that I should have the same pay as the marshal Bagnoll had, from whose band of fifty horse the said twenty were taken; but, because my agent, being a plain fellow, could not prove what pay the marshal had, Irish pay was set down for me by the practice of the said Sir Nicholas Bagnoll, and it hath so continued until now, notwithstanding that my men were still as complete and well furnished as any band in Ireland, until my brother that led them was in the service slain. If it were sterling, as it ought, my pay would amount to above three hundred and three score pounds. As it is, it is more than two hundred pounds, but these three years, as oft before, I received but one hundred pounds of my pay, and other living have I not on earth. My land is wasted which I allotted for the maintenance of the said men, and I therefore humbly beseech you to procure me from her Majesty's great bounty an absolute pension of so much. I am ashamed to go without some tokens of her Majesty's goodness, whereby I might be freed from the hateful imputation of a man either suspected or despised, being both worse than hell. Though with empty hands a man may lure no hawks, nor procure to be followed without an appearance of hopes, yet I would not doubt with a little hastening to quiet all the border upon the country of the Cavon, which may in sort be guessed by the good service which my nephew St. Lawrence doth there at this present. I have no other means to move her Majesty but by writing to you or to Sir John Stanhope.—This 9 of November 1597.
Holograph. 1⅓ pp. (57. 5.)
T., Lord Grey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 10. Trusting on your favourable remembrance, I omit all other means, and now write, not as doubting what I both have and will rely on, but only by communicating mine ill to one I so much honour somewhat to ease mine overpressed mind. This restraint exceedeth the former, that proceeding from an usual distaste, this from a deeper impression. Pardon me then if I overpress your favour, in a cause which so near toucheth me. If this afternoon, before other means (which I no way sought) be made, I might be freed, I should much rejoice.—This morning from my lodging.
Signed. Endorsed with date. Seal. ½ p. (57. 6.)
Committees touching Monopolies and Patents of Privilege &c., viz.:—
1597, Nov. 10. All the Privy Council being members of this House, all the knights of all shires, the burgesses for Rochester, all port towns, and Derby, the knights and citizens for London, the citizens for York, Sirs Francis Hastings, Edward Hastings, Henry Bromley, Mr. Fulk Grevill, Sir William Cornwallis, Messrs. Francis Moore, Oldesworthe, Lawrence Hyde, and Robert Wingfield; Sir Robert Wrothe : Messrs. Francis Bacon, Edward Phillippes, and Henry Yelverton; Sir Thomas Egerton, Messrs. Nathaniel Bacon, Henry Nevell and John Bowyer; Sir William Moore; Messrs. Tasboroughe, Jerome Horsey and Davies; Dr. Crompton; Sir William Hawarde; Messrs. Fynche, Edmund Boyer, Hexte, Jackman, Hicks, John Harpur and Angyer; Sirs William Howard and John Lewson; Messrs. Bowrchier, Pembridge, Henry Lynley, John Boyes, Conyngsbe, Jackson and Portington.
To meet upon Tuesday next in this House at two of the afternoon.—Iovis, xo Novembr. 1597.
1 p. (57. 7.)
William Lyllé to [the Earl of Essex].
1597, Nov. 10. Here they are upon a peace, if it be general, as it is termed, grateful to all Christendom. It is principally between two princes, who have no proportioned mean in their excess; the one, extreme ambitious, that thinketh the world too little for his conquest; the other, in his voluptie, doubteth he shall nover enjoy sufficiently his mistress, build fair houses, with other his little pleasures. Neither of both but in reason of state ought to seek peace to assure their estates. The Pope, termed sancta persona, being a better pope than prince, doth moyene this, and employeth his Legate, a good priest also, herein, who hath dealt with the Cardinal of Austria that is esteemed a more honest than able prince. So as it is seen who are on the stage; and yet two secretaries, Villeroy and Richardot, will conclude all, whose humours are very well known. Upon this it is suspected that this unperfect mixture may shape a monster and spill all. The Spaniard will not treat unless this K. will abandon his alliance with England and the States, and extinguish them of the religion. Then will he render him all his towns saving Calais and Ardres. The other will comprise them in his treaty and have his towns rendered, or else will not treat. Thus far hath the Legate dealt with the Cardinal, and in utter appearance the matter is no farther. How this difference may be reconciled it is not seen, unless these persons can effect miracles with these kings. The K. of Spain's poverty was fully seen in his army at Amiens, and in the same his “entens.” The French K., before the loss of the same town, that, being old, would be rich and take his pleasure. Some doubt not that, as he incurred much slander for changing his religion, he would strain himself in all if in the whole world he should thereby extinguish his reputation. It is thought, that if the K. of Spain had no other object than France, and knew it right, and foresaw future effects from necessary causes, he would make a peace upon reasonable conditions, for that in little time after the Fr. K. would become odious to his nobility with suppressing their authority, following privately his pleasure and avarice in gain, whereof he hath given indice sufficient at his assembly at Rouen. Had not Amiens been lost the effects had been seen. Then his estate was seen and his means, and had not the courts of Parliaments assisted him with their authority for other help than the Queen gave him, it might yet have been Spanish, and, amongst men of state and judgment, the taking thereof was not more commodious to him than glorious to your Lordship; the same being imputed wholly to your actions. It is not doubted but that the justice, clergy and commons cry after peace here, wearied with wars. The financiers, of which the Council is most composed, fear to come to account, and the active nobility, that fear the loss of their authority, desire it not. The Constable, drawn from his place of assurance and where he could have done harm by and with his alliance to Savoy, is here with reputation fixed and inutile. He is old and lecherous and desires nothing but ease. Others bear divers shapes. Demayne seeketh it rather to show his integrity to the State than hoping any profit thereby, yet tendeth he his pleasures. Espernon cries after it to please the people. His avarice hinders his ambition, and is greedy after Spanish pistolets. The rest there either worth nothing or at Villeroy's pleasure. Madame la Duchesse also, and all enemies to the religion saving two or three. The Marshall Biron, who is kept from the Court to manage the war abroad, and Marshall de Boullon, who is with them of the religion, and so suspected of the state to “trame” amongst them his friends and allies some new troubles, taking discontent from the ill usage they have from the Courts of Parliaments. The Count Soissons [Soysans] malcontent with the K., and, therefore, fit to join with the other or any against the K.; neither of these last but make demonstrations of their spleen. So as, if the K. of Spain would but attend with patience that which must needs rise upon these occasions and the natures of this K., nobility and people, he might at great ease gripe that which he gapeth after. But he seeth England interposed to all his actions, and your Lordship's famous voyages, profitable to all the world, have so blemished his reputation, that he hasteneth this to rid himself of that, for by them it is seen that the conqueror abroad is invadible at home; and, by that your Lordship hath done, what may be done if they were fully followed. To rid himself of that shame and worse effect, to take away that cause, will make here a peace, so the Queen be secluded, that he may have all his force as his will is to lie upon us, and so attend the rest at leisure of France. This the K., if he be not blinded in passion or beguiled in council, will never consent to, as well for his own profit as for his reputation over the world. The same confessing, and the Pope amongst, that your Lordship's stirring hath been the support of Italy and all Christendom, and neither it or France had now in liberty subsisted if your Lordship had desisted from your voyages. So as the Queen thereby may arrogate to herself much honour, and in all reason stand upon great terms as having done them all favour and from them never received any. Therefore, if the K. consider himself justly, and confer with them rightly, he, nor they, will do anything to prejudice her. The worst coming, she is no worse than in '88, and France not much better. For all this it is verily suspected that the Spanish corruption will effect much, for his instruments are esteemed great and many, and it is known he groaneth under the desire to acquit himself of the infamies he hath received from your Lordship, being, with the poverty you have caused him in Italy, not able to do anything. His own territories clean beggared of men and money. Genoa aliened from him so as the people are ready to take arms against their chiefs who are for him. Savoy extreme poor with the wars he hath caused them, and their Duke hateful to them. The Pope, as a Prince, always feared him. The Venetians were to him opposite. Florence now is suspect, being rather an ambitious priest than a true statesman, desires to be a king, treateth a marriage with the Emperor, and hath seized a castle of this K. to rid his suspicion of alliance with him, yet cannot he, in any reason, be Spanish, nor any the other princes of Italy, and, therefore, the K. of France shall infantly separate himself from the safety of his country and the rest of Christendom if he conclude this dangerous peace. Yet he holdeth great familiarity with his nobility, and is troubled now only with those of the religion, with whom he is extreme angry, and with the Count Soissons that he seeketh not to him. Whose friends have lately advised him to repair to the Court, and to be near to him, lest, in his absence, somewhat may be concluded there against his safety, which, being present, with his own virtue and place he holdeth in counsel, together with his greatness of blood, may be avoided. It is thought he will observe this counsel, if these motives make for him no further work. He is a brave prince and of many secretly honoured. My Lord, this is such stuff as I have gathered together to show you I would do well if I could.—St. Valery's this 10 of November.
Holograph. 3½ pp. (57. 9.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 10. I send you two letters, one from my Lord Thomas [Howard], the other from my Lord Mountjoy. If her Majesty did hear them read she should see the great care of those two noble gentlemen for her service. I have, I thank God, this morning some ease of pain, but am so unable to abide cold as with head and back laden with cloaks I think it a hazard to look out into my next chamber while I hear a lecture.
Holograph. Endorsed with date. Seal. ½ p. (57. 10.)
Actions at Law.
1597, Nov. 10. Notes of decisions, proceedings, and agenda in various causes.—Nov. 10, 1597.
William Lyllé to the Earl of Essex.
1597, Nov. 11. Here is a poor man debauched from the Spaniard, who hath long been with him in the Low Countries, and knoweth much of their intents and all their forces; hath been in all those practices for Ireland, and will discover much that shall be profitable for our state. I fear he hath fallen in the hands of those that do not well understand him, and that we shall repent. He will come over if you will protect him. As you will perceive by his letter, he protests his loyalty ever since he saw Sir William Stanley's violence against the state, and since hath done many services whereof in England he hath testimony. He hath diverted many from the Spanish service and now can do more, and will attend your pleasure these 15 days. Our general hath been with the K. at Fontainebleau so received and entertained as never any before him of our nation. He is now parted hence with four companies, Sir Arthur Chichester's, Sir Gerard Harvey's and Sir John Brookes', towards Ostend. Since their departure the K. hath sent commandment that all the nobility here shall be in readiness, to what end yet we know not. So soon as the apparel for our soldiers be arrived, I mean to repair to your Lordship. As you provide to favour many, I beseech you think on me that only have ever hoped in you, and will at all times be ready to die at your feet.—St. Valery, 11 of November 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (57. 11.)
Thomas Fane, Lieutenant of Dover Castle, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 12. This morning here arrived from Dieppe a bark of this town, and by the master of the said bark I received this enclosed rected to you, being delivered unto him, as he saith, from Mr. Edmonds.—Dover Castle this 12th of November 1597.
Endorsed :—Dover, 12 Nov., 11 a.m. Sittingbourne, 5 p.m. Rochester, past 7 at night. Dartford, 12th, past 9 at night.
Holograph. ¼ p. (57. 14.)
Answers of the Earl of Essex to the Points submitted to him by Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 12. i. I subscribe to the opinion of my associates in this late employment that H.M. Ships should come all away from Plymouth, because they neither are fit for present service nor can in that place be repaired for future.
ii. I think the Low Country companies should be retained in England, and, rather, more sent for as the enemy's attempts shall come nearer to us, than those returned. It is the same charge to her Majesty to pay them here to serve herself as to pay them on the other side in the service of another state, and I value every 100 of those men worth 1,000 of our best trained companies.
iii. I see the Western parts most threatened, and consider they are furthest from succour, and therefore I could wish them distributed that way : as 200 to Falmouth, 900 to Plymouth, 200 to Dartmouth, and the other 200 to remain at Portsmouth where they are.
iv. My humble opinion is that the castle or blockhouse on St. Mawes side cannot be made defensible, neither is there any other piece of ground on that side, that is both of use and can be made strong, the ground adjoining being low ground or shelving and so commanded the heighth of the hill far off and out of reach of great or small shot. The castle of Pendennis is somewhat better seated, but not by any small, cheap, or short work to be put in defence against an army that is landed : and yet, because it is a principle in the wars to yield an enemy nothing that may be disputed, and to let an invader find no place of descent or passage good cheap, I wish an engineer were sent thither to make the ground on which Pendennis Castle stands fit to endure some volleys of the cannon, both because those that shall come to defend the landing will with more confidence abide some blows when they may retire under the favour of such a fort, and because the disputing of such a place a few days will give time to the succours that shall come in to see whether the harbour may be recovered and the enemy dislodged. In all other places of landing, I wish good trenches to be cast up and all places to be held till the enemy hath forced his landing, and then an orderly retreat made to some rendezvous where it will be fit to gather head.
v. I wish the companies that are coming out of Picardy to be kept also hereabouts. In the Isle of Wight they shall find a good quarter and be of great use. If one company of them were sent into the castle of Guernsey and another to the Islet in Jersey, those places would be assured; for to defend the continents of the two Islands against such a strength as the Spaniard is said to be of, without an equal force both by sea and land to encounter him, is in my poor reason very difficult.
vj. I have not known the state of Ireland since my return, and therefore do not presume to offer council, and, as it seems, it is the main of England that the enemy threatens and not that kingdom. But surely some supplies of new levies would be sent to reinforce the body of her Majesty's army, with treasure, victual and munition accordingly as they want, and above all things a worthy sufficient governor established, who might, if it be possible, cure the desperate diseases of that state which without any foreign enemies' attempts will be else lost forthwith.
Endorsed :—“My L. of Essex's answers to the Articles sent him by my Mr.—1597, 12 Nov.”
Unsigned. 1¾ pp. (57. 15.)
Thomas Cave to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 13. I have been lately advertised that Mr. John Allen, the surviving executor to Mr. George Durant deceased, hath exhibited a Bill into the Parliament house for reviving the authority given under the will to him and to Mr. Ratclyffe his co-executor, deceased, for the sale of some quillet of his lands for the performance of his legacies if his goods were insufficient, according to the clause of his said will. The cause concerneth my son Francis Cave and my cousin Mr. Francis Hunt, who married the sisters and co-heirs of the said Mr. Durant. May it please your Honour, being informed of the cause and reasons by my son and cousin, to afford them your favour and furtherance as I suppose the justice thereof will deserve, and, if the Bill come to a third reading in the House, to aid their good cause that they take no loss by the same.—From Baggrave, the 13th of November 1597.
Signed. Seal. ¾ p. (57. 16.)
George Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1597, Nov. 13. Having understood by particular friends, (which, since, the common bruit and the Admiral Duynenvoord confirmed) your safe return into England with all the navy, I could not forbear most humbly to congratulate you. May God continue still His singular favour, that you may go forward in His fear to the advancing to the achieving of that so well begun to His glory in maintaining of the gospel of her Majesty's service and of the Common Cause. May a poor gentleman already employed abroad be remembered as occasion shall offer amongst the great number of those that affect and follow you.
The said Duynenvoord arrived here a few days past. Of his proceedings, how he and his were used, the bruits were divers, but had not audience until yesterday, when as he made report (as I am told), from the time Regenmorter was sent hither, of your being on the coast of Spain, at the Islands, what done there, how the Indian fleet was missed most unhappily, what prizes taken, the return to Plymouth, advertisements of the Spanish armada's being at sea, the sending forth to seek and discover the same, and how by foul weather and contrary winds he was put so far to sea that he could not return, but was forced, with his company, to come home, which they did the sooner because they were sure the Spaniards were all returned and no likely of any enterprise this year. He declared also how one of the Flushing ships had taken an Indian merchant at sea, and possessed him until by Sir Walter Rawley the captain was forced to take out his men he had put into the Spaniard, and leave the ship to the disposition of the said knight; that redress was required, but not yet made; and, because the States should the better understand how this matter was handled, he had brought the captain with him to tell his own tale. Both are since departed again until matters be further considered of. It may please you that I may also understand how all is past, or that you shall hasten Sir Francis Vere's coming over. It will not be amiss that letters of courtesy and thanks were sent over to be presented by me. The sooner, the better, ere they conceive otherwise of the courses than were fit or to be wished, whereby, if any like service should be required again, they might chance to be the more unwilling, and to press, or force them, is not the country custom, for to displease their mariners they love not. The Count Maurice is returned hither after the wars ended with great honour and contentment, though it stood them dear. He has left his cousin the Count William of Nassau to see Linghen repaired and look to those parts. The English and Scotch regiments are garrisoned in the Holland towns, and the Frisians with those countrymen from Berck downwards to Bommell and so in the frontiers of Brabant, to be the readier to withstand all the Cardinal's attempts, and to make any enterprise or do an exploit on the sudden, the Count Maurice being still plotting of somewhat. The Princess is, on her departure for France, to marry one of the late Prince of Orange's daughters to Mons. de la Tremoille, and hath gotten leave of the States to take her son along, being thought she will not return again this good while. From the King there is not come anything of late since he left Dorlaunce and sent the States word of the treating about some accord with Spain, but that he would do nothing without her Majesty and them. The course is not here well liked and will use all means to divert him from it, having written of late to the King to that end, as I am sure your Lordship hath understood by Mons. Caron to whom were sent copies of all.—From the Hague this 13th of November 1597.
Signed. Seal. 2¾ pp. (175. 130.)
George Cary to the Lords of the Council.
1597, Nov. 14. By direction from the Lord Thomas Howard and the Lord Mountjoy, there are two companies of foot of the Low Country soldiers appointed to lie in garrison in Dartmouth and Torbay, for the better defence of those places, with commandment unto me that I should take order that the said two companies do weekly receive their pay. This shall be done, and I hope that you my L. Treasurer will allow me upon my account for such disbursements, for the money which I received out of the Exchequer is already spent, partly as you directed, partly on victualling for the ships. Sir Gilley Merrick, before my coming, by calling forth from the masters of the ships the “remanets” of their old stores, hath saved her Majesty five hundred pounds. Now, by warrant from Lord Thomas Howard, there is provided by Mr. Stallenge and myself ten days' victuals more to bring the ships about. In regard that Torbay and Dartmouth are not furnished of any good ordnance, your lordship will be pleased that some part of the ordnance that is in the prize now at Dartmouth, may be left there for the better defence of those places.—Dartmouth the 14th of November 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (57. 18.)
Serjeant Christopher Yelverton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 14. I did cause to be read this day the Bill for Hue and Cry, wherein the same matters contained in the Bill you delivered me, were in some better sort comprised, and some others also. I did all the good I could for the furthering of it and made two questions, whether it should be committed, which being denied, I moved whether it should be engrossed, which was also denied, so as now no more questions be to be made of it. I did favour it as much as, with the dignity of my place, I could, and I am sorry, if you did anything affect it, that it succeeded no better.—From Serjeants' Inn in Fleet Street this 14 of November 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (57. 19.)
Richard Carmarden to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 14. This day we shall have discharged the prize, and re-laden her principal lading of worth into two barks of this town. Besides the “cochenelo” and “indico” we find no fine stuff. So soon as I have rummaged the ballast fore and aft, paid the men and discharged them, I mean to leave four honest men of this town to keep the ship until further order be given for her and her ordnance (which is but iron all), and then to depart, committing the barks to the charge of one of her Majesty's ships to “salconduct” them up to London. I have laden the goods into two small barks to the end the goods shall not be discharged into lighters but come up directly to the Custom quay, for I have found often lading and unlading bringeth loss, besides more charges.
This morning, after a foul night and day yesterday, is come under the command of the Castle of this town the Spanish ship that was in Wales, and hath yielded themselves unto her Majesty's mercy. The particularities by the examinations before the mayor, I make account he will write unto your Honour.—Dartmouth, the 14th of November 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (57. 20.)
The Earl of Rutland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 14. I pray you be a suitor to her Majesty, to continue me her tenant in certain leases to the yearly rent of 52l. 2s.d. of her inheritances in Nottingham, bequeathed to me by my uncle, the Earl, who purchased them that he might do her Highness the better service in his charge of the forest of Sherwood. I have since defended her title in divers of them in the Courts of Star Chamber, Wards and Exchequer.—At my house near Ivybridge this 14th of November 1597.
P.S. Beseech her Majesty also to renew to me the grant of the Office of the Forest of Sherwood, her former grant to my uncle John Manners being during my minority.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (57. 21.)
John Danyell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 15. Being in great distress, I went last Friday to Wanstead, hoping to receive relief from the Earl of Essex, but I could not come to him. Upon my return I fell sick, and do lie here in the Aumbry in the house of one Bingham, a poor widow, having not wherewith to pay for meat, drink or fire, or to send for a physician. Since I was eighteen years of age I was not without a man or boy, good apparel, and a sword, till within these two years. Her Highness hath known me since the fourth year of her reign. It grieved me not a little to have been charged by you with advertisements and to have inquisited of your proceedings, considering I never used the like. You shall find me, while I live, faithful to my sacred Queen, as true to you as any servant you have, and, towards all others, honest in my dealings, saving that I am not able to pay what I owe. I do not crave present money of you, but, since the Master of the Requests, after reading your lines to him in my favour, will do nothing for me, I beseech you to acquaint her Majesty with my distressed estate, that she may grant me the fines of Francis Smalman and the rest. He hath my patent and the 30l. will be diminished to 20l. or less. Let her Majesty understand that I have taken the oath of supremacy, do frequent the churches to sermon and service, and receive the Communion.—My chamber, this 15 of November 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (57. 22.)
Names of the Committee touching the Subsidy.
1597, Nov. 15. Members of the Privy Council being members of this House, the knights returned for counties, the citizens for cities, the Burgesses for Hull and Southampton, the serjeants-at-law and readers in Court who are members of this house, the Solicitor-General, the attorneys of the Duchy and Wards, Sirs William Moore, John Stanhopp, William Howard, Anthony Cope, Edward Hobby, Francis Hastings, John Harte, George Carewe, Thomas Walsingham, John Lewson and Humphrey Foster; Messrs. Tasborough, Robert Sakevill, Mr. Francis Bacon, Nathaniel Bacon, Robert Wingfield, Henry Bellassis, Edward Hubberd, Rotherham, Edward Lewknor, Henry Hubberd, Henry Fynche, Hexte, Hicks, Edmund Boyer, Fanshawe, John Boyer, Miles Sandes, Bowrchier and Francis Lee. To meet in this House, on Friday next at two in the afternoon.
Dated, Martis xv November, 1597. 1 p. (57. 24.)