Cecil Papers: November 1597, 16-30

Pages 483-500

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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November 1597, 16–30

Francis Cherry to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 17. Myself and the other twelve persons, merchants associates trading Muscovia, in October last made an end of delivering into her Majesty's storehouse at Deptford for her Navy such cordage as the Lord Admiral and Mr. Borough had bespoken to be brought from Russia. The amount in money is 13,922l. 15s. 2d. We beseech you to present our petition to the Queen with her letters of Privy Seal for our satisfaction. We desire to be paid in one payment, according as it was the year past.—London, 17th of No. 1597.
Signed. 1 p. (57. 25.)
Captain Loon to —.
1597, Nov. 18. About three weeks agone there arrived here in Bercke with a certain ship in the evening certain young men come from Rome, among the which there was an Englishman, who had disguised himself with a pair of red breeches and yellow stockings, but all this notwithstanding, by his face and fashion, I discovered him to be a priest, and that he trembled and shook whensoever we talked with him. At last on my telling him that I had myself seen him among the Jesuits in Rome, he was very perplexed and confessed afterwards that he had been at Milan but never at Rome. After that he was brought to the Provost, and there confessed that about nine years past, departing out of England, he went first to Rheims in Champagne, where he stayed with the Jesuits some three years, and thence to Rome, dwelling also in the college there for the space of five years, and then was made priest.
There was found about him a number of crosses of brass, many Agnus Dei, store of beads, and some foolish reliques, with many other toys of bulls and such like.
He confessed afterwards also that he had spoken often with the Pope, as also at the time of his coming away, who then gave him power and commission to absolve all such as would turn again to the Romish and Popish religion, forgiving them all their sins. He hath likewise leave to dispense with marriages and many other things.
Being asked whether he brought any letters with him from Rome, denied that he had any or that he sent or given them to any man. But, shortly after, those of the Chancery Court at Arnheim found certain letters about a Dutchman that was come with him from Rome and sent them hither to the commanders of this place, after they had heard of this English Jesuit's taking.
As soon as the letters were come from Arnheim, I went myself with Captain Wedenborgh and the Clerk of Justice to see whether he would confess that he had brought letters with him from Rome, but he stiffly denied it, and that he knew not of any letters, but only of one delivered for Bolognia in Italy, but none for England.
We demanded whether he durst affirm his saying by oath, which he presently offered. We wished him to bethink himself better. He swore by God and all that was in heaven that he brought no letters with him, neither out of Rome nor Italy.
Then we showed the letters to him, which he marvelled very much at, and confessed afterwards that there came more priests and Jesuits, and that there were some in England already. We found by him certain ciphers to write by, and, because I thought there may be matter of more importance revealed by him, which may concern her Majesty, I found it not amiss to acquaint you therewithal, although those of Cologne would very willingly have ransomed him, yet would I not do it without first of all to acquaint you therewith. I attend your answer at the first, and beseech the Almighty that by this man's means all evil correspondence may be revealed.—Berck the 18th of November 1597.
Copy. 1½ pp. (175. 131.)
Endorsed :—“Copy of Captain Loon his letter to me from Rhynberck about the English Jesuit there taken.”
Sir Thomas Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 18. I do now exceedingly desire my liberty, and I am heartily glad to hear that you will move her Majesty therein. If I had my liberty I would employ it in sending means to pay my debt to the Queen, but I can do nothing while a prisoner, having my credit so much impaired. Since my imprisonment I have not been able to sell anything to the value of 20l., except my stuff only, which was sold for 1,242l., and paid into the Exchequer. I will be bound for my forthcoming in any sum. Punishment I hope I have had enough, having been prisoner above 30 weeks.—This xviii of November 1597.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (57. 28.)
Cadwallader Price, John Owen, and [Harry] Pryse, Justices of the Peace for Merionethshire, to the Lords of the Council.
1597, Nov. 19. Having received your letters touching the Spanish ship lately arrived in these coasts, we, upon notice of the arrival of the same, repaired towards the place with such justices of the peace as were adjoining, having the forces (“forcesse”) of the county, and marching forwards within two miles off. We were given to understand that some of the better sort of the Spaniards came to land to refresh themselves that day, and would do the like the day following. Whereupon we consulted, and thought it best to send that night, privily, an armed company to that poor house where they had been and said would come the morrow after and spake for some victuals to be provided. We kept ourselves in ambush, having a spy upon a top of a mountain to give warning of their first landing. About 10 of the clock in the aforenoon, there entered into the cock-boat 8 persons, of the which 6 came to land and 2 kept the boat. They were immediately set upon by those that were in ambush; 2 were killed and 4 taken. We having been descried, knew there was no more expectance of their landing, so entrenched ourselves as nigh as possible. On the other side of the haven we found the Lieutenants of Cardiganshire with the forces of that county, who maintenant had sent, as they informed us, to the Lord-Lieutenant-General, and had been charged by a pursuivant from him to lie in camp on the shore and endeavour to apprehend the ship. We likewise declared to his Honour our want of shipping or ordnance, and he sent to the Vice-Admiral of South Wales, and also gave us great charge to use all means procurable to suppress the Spaniard. Whereupon we sent to William Morice, esq., Vice-Admiral of this county, to certify of the ship being there, requesting to be speedily relieved either with a ship or a piece of great ordnance. In the meantime we applied them with musket shot and killed presently three aboard and wounded others, and, on being certified by the Vice-Admiral that he could not help us, we fell to devise a way to burn the ship. We had provided for the same when the wind to our great sorrow turned. An English carpenter in captivity on board, perceiving this entered the cock-boat, and not without great danger came to shore. The Spaniards at night removed out of the danger of our musket shot, and, next day, sailed away with the loss of their anchors, finding a prosperous wind for two hours together. The weather being fair, they got safe over the bar, leaving us most sorrowful that our care and diligence took not better successes.—From Merionethshire, the 19 of November.
Signatures. 2 pp. (57. 29.)
Richard Carmarden to the Lord Treasurer.
1597, Nov. 19. My last to your Lordship was by Sir Gilie Merrick, which brietly told how far we had here proceeded. All the goods out of the prize are reladen into two barks of this town, except the hides and blockwood. The particulars we send under our hands in a book by this bearer Mr. Ridgwaye. In my last I thought I should depart hence the Thursday following, but I now find it will be Thursday next before I shall be ready. The barks have been ready ever since Wednesday last, with the Rainbow. Besides the book, I have sent you enclosed a breviate of both the barks' ladings. Please you to think of the disposing of the ship and of the ordnance, though but of iron, whereof I hear both this town and other places here have need.—Dartmouth, the 19th of November 1597.
Endorsed :—“At Dartmouth. Customer, Th : Ridgway; Comptroller Christopher Mainwaring; Searcher, Rich : Blakaler; Dept : Surveyor, Th : Fortescue.” Seal. 1 p. (57. 30.)
W. Cooke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 19. I have a great suit against one Mr. John Arnold, base son to Sir Nicholas Arnold, my wife's great grandfather, for 500l. a year, and by reason it will come to be tried by a jury in Monmouthshire, where he dwells and his land lies, I beseech you to hinder himself and either of the Morgans, with whom he hath matched, for being Sheriff of that county, that thereby I may proceed to a more indifferent trial.—This 19 of Novemb. 1597.
Holograph, ¾ p. (57. 31.)
Examination of Francis Godoy, a Spanish Captain.
1597, Nov. 19. He doth affirm that there were in the Spanish navy not above 115 or 106 (sic) ships. He saith he told them at the least ten times. The pilot is better able than he to say what number of the King's ships of war there were in this army. He came away from Lisbon a little before 8 galleys came from thence, whereof one was cast away with all her men, saving some twenty persons, through sticking upon a rock. These galleys came to Ferroll in July, and thence went into Brittany, carrying with them 1,000 soldiers of Bisoigne. Being demanded again how many of the King's ships of war he might note in the army, he thinketh there were about 24 galleons, the St. Paul, the captain, the admiral, St. Joé, the St. Augustin, St. Domingo, St. Lucas, which he knoweth not whether it was the galleon that was drowned or some other galleon. But the men were saved, and at that time a great hulk was drowned. He is not able to declare what Levantiscoes and hulks were in the fleet, himself being no seaman but a hand captain. The captain of the ship that is at Dartmouth, who is called Captain Jeronima, a Brittany, is able to declare those things. There were in the army about 8,000 soldiers, more or less, whereof there were 1,000 of those that had served in Brittany that were accounted brave soldiers. He denieth that there were any of the Terces of Naples, Sicily, or Milan. All the rest were soldiers taken out of Lisbon and other places of Portugal. Some few Italians, one company of Irish, the rest all Bisogny. The king oweth the soldiers of Brittany for 5, 6, and 7 years, and yet those 1,000 soldiers of Brittany that were in the army, had payment but for 5 months since their being at Ferrol, which was about a year. Of great persons with the army, he saith there was the Conde de Palma, and another poor Earl. There were gentlemen of calling that had charge, but none that came voluntarily. The most part of the army did consist of shot of harquebusiers, and some muskets and pikes. In every company of “harquebushes” shot there are some half-pikes. Being demanded how they use to sort their weapons, he saith in every company of 100 there are 25 corslets with pikes, some 18 muskets, and the rest are calivers. There were but very few horses. They were not victualled for two months. When they were an eight leagues from the shore, there was a — (sic) that passed by all the ships and willed them to direct their course to Falmouth. Other captains had directions in writing but he had none. There were no ships left behind at the Groyne or at Ferrol, nor provisions of victual or munition, saving of biscuit some 5,000 quintals. Before they put out of Ferrol, they looked every day for the Marquis de — (sic) with his squadron with victuals for the army. How many ships he cannot tell. When the English army was seen upon the coast, they thought at Ferrol, that they went to seek — (sic) to intercept him with his victuals, for he was then put out from Cales, but, as it seemeth, returned again.
The fleet consisted of four squadrons. Adelantado, General; Don Diego Brochero, Almirante, who had a general command over the whole navy under the Adelantado. Of the four squadrons were captains,
Subiaure, Biscayno.
Auliste, Italiano.
Villa Viciosa, Spaniard.
Britandona, Biscano,
Don Pedro de Guevarra, general of the Artillery.
Don Ferdinando Giron, maestre de campe, a soldier of — (sic).
— Luna, maestre del campo.
Don — de Cleua, maestre de campo generall, came not. There came divers English Jesuits in the navy, but what their names were he knoweth not. Taken 19th November 1597.
Copy in the handwriting of Cecil's Secretary. 4 pp. (57. 33.)
Sir John Holles to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 21. Being guiltless from ever giving you cause of offence, and persuaded of your judgment and justice, I presume now to write to you, hoping it hath pleased you to overview the breviate of my Star Chamber cause, which yesterday I required my uncle, Sir Thomas Stanhope, to show you. My purpose was not thereby to complain me of the sentence given, but to inform you of the true disposition thereof, for that the same, being grievously aggravated by untrue circumstances, drew forth my Lord your father's public imputations against me and my ancestors. Touching my letter to his Lordship so offensively taken, though at the first view, looking no further than at his Lordship's greatness and my meanness, he a magistrate, I a private person, my act may seem unsufferably presumptuous, yet, if it shall please you to weigh the nature of his Lordship's speeches, the public assembly, the persuasive authority of the speaker and my enemies, and therewithal confer the manner and matter of my letter, being to so infamous accusations only a moderate “apology” for myself and them to whom all laws of God and nature do bind me, my error will appear much less and more pardonable : and though, in the entrance, my speech may seem something taxing, but yet, seeing it excepteth against no judicial but only bye-speeches, remembering only the mutual bond between public and private persons, I trust your wisdom will no otherwise interpret and strain it but as spoken from a free man and no slave, not willing thereunto but haled by necessity. And whereas it pleased his Lp. in court not to remember these injuries by me mentioned, and that, until cause by me given about the execution of Sir Thomas Stanhope's will, he always well esteemed, I answer that, if of these words I had not had so many hundreds of witnesses, I could easily as have overpassed the memory of them as I digested (“disiested”) the same formerly by his Lordship uttered at the Council table a 2 years past in Mr. Youtch his cause, though they were famoused by my ill-willers in the ordinaries of London, Nottingham, and divers other places of England. Your good opinion I always coveted, and, had occasions served, I would thereof ere now have yielded good testimony. Your kindness I have often tasted, and therefor I should be too unthankful if I had nourished the thought to offend you. This opinion, I beseech you, conserve, and account more of the honest love of free men than of the servile flatteries of slaves, who respect your greatness only and their own commodity. Craving pardon for troubling your graver occasions.—This Monday,. 21 of 9ber /97.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (57. 34.)
John Hare to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 21. I grieve that by my late speech in Parliament you have conceived mislike of me. I beseech you, out of your love for the nether house, that I may not be misconceived and so misjudged. There are some out of that house who out of old ill-affection to me will be glad to blow this coal, besides other great personages at court, for speaking my conscience in the last Parliament against their purpose. Your Honour seemeth persuaded that I did deny that any aid at all should be given to her Majesty. This thing was far from my thought, albeit I did wish satisfaction to her Majesty otherwise. It may please you to remember that after divers opinions given, Sir Edward Hoby, whose speech first moved me to speak, said he thought 3 subsidies and 6 fifteens too little, and rather advised some yearly payment to be made during her Majesty's life, or, at the least, 4 subsidies and 8 fifteens, and therewith that the gentlemen in all countries should specially bear it. The diversity of these opinions and the seeking of these new and further payments made me think of the course taken the last Parliament, that when we had in like sort then travailed and concluded amongst ourselves to grant 2 subsidies and 4 fifteens, their Lordships above took it unkindly, that we did not first in a matter of so great purport confer with them, wherewith, notwithstanding our former resolution, they drew us to 3 subsidies and 6 fifteens, whereby also we lost part of our thanks. The fear of like course at this time made me mislike to assent unto any certain payment until their Lordships were first conferred with, lest our conclusion should bring like effect to the former, and your Honour, I doubt not, remembreth this was plainly opened by me in the last part of my speech. Besides, the continuance of the people's great love was a chief thing I aimed at and spake of, the impeachment whereof I feared if this new course should take place respecting the many payments and charges otherwise in the country. This was the worst I spake or meant. My speech touching the small hospitality of the nobles in all countries was in truth free of all unreverent thoughts, and was wholly to show that the gentry thereby, amongst many other things, did by their housekeeping abide the greater charge, and consequently deserve greater favour.—This 21 of Nov. 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (57. 35.)
1597, Nov. 22. Warrant to Lord Burghley for the appointment of Ralph Bowes, son and heir of Robert Bowes, Esquire, deceased, late treasurer of Berwick, to pay the garrison of that place wages for the half year ending Michaelmas 1597.—The 22 day of November in the fortieth year of our reign.
Sign Manual. Seal. (57. 36.)
John Wheler, Merchant of Middelburgh, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 22. A while ago you gave me order for letters directed to Charles Grafton, but hitherto I have not received any such. This day there came to my hands a letter from one Robert Moore, requiring me to send him a passport from hence to come into these parts, as by the copy of the said letter here inclosed you may perceive, which I send to the end that I may have direction what to do herein.—Middlebroughe, 22 Nov. 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. Seal. (57. 39.)
Enclosing :
Robertus Morus to Wheler.
1597, Oct. 10/20.—I wrote to you about the 10th of this month, but fear my letter has not reached you. I write now to renew my request, on account of your friendship with my friend Charles Grafton, for a passport (“pasportum”) from your Council, for me to come and treat with you personally on certain matters not suitable for letters. I should like a passport for 6 months, if you can get it. Send it either to Jasper Hilmselroy, citizen of Antwerp, at the Golden, or rather the Gilded Head, who will see to having it forwarded tome at the Scots' College at Louvain; or, if you prefer, to Father John Hayn, Scotch Jesuit, at the Jesuits' College, Antwerp.—Louvain, 20 Oct. 1597.—Latin.
(57. 37.)
Sir Robert Crosse to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 22. I was lately advertized that the Calizers are making ready 15 or 16 ships, whereof some carry 12 or 14 pieces of ordnance, but I am ignorant whither they purpose to send them. This day I received a letter from Sir Robert Sydney, whereby he seemeth to expect leave from Her Majesty to come into England, requesting me, after the grant thereof, to send over one of her Majesty's ships for his convoy. I shall yet have no conveniency to lie off at sea, as I would, being restrained by these long and dark winter nights, which, in the Channel might very much endanger the greater ships : yet I have sent a ship and a pinnace to secure the west part as high as the Isle of Wight.— From H.M.S. the Vauntgard, in Goare End the 22 of November.
Signed, ¾ p. (57. 40.)
Anthony Bacon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 22. I thank you for your honourable indifferency towards Mr. Poole, in whose behalf I am to continue my humble suit till, by your favourable determination, the matter take a good and perfect end. For the which effect I am bold to present his “motives” here inclosed. With most affectionate thanks for the honour and unspeakable comfort of your kind visitation the other night. Your H. poor kinsman.
Signed. Endorsed with date. ½ p. (57. 41.)
Lancaster Castle and Stewardship of Lonsdale.
1597, Nov. 22. Order of the Court of the Duchy of Lancaster in the cause between James Anderton and William Farington.
The matter in controversy being the two offices, namely, the keeping of the Castle of Lancaster, and the Stewardship of Londisdale, the Chancellor orders that one of the offices shall be granted to each party, Farington to have his choice. If either office becomes vacant by death, during the Chancellor's term of office, it is to be granted to the survivor. 22 Nov. 1597.
1 p. (2152.)
Heir of George Harrison.
1597, Nov. 22. Two petitions of Edward Aston to [Sir R. Cecil.]
1. Prays for the custody of the heir of George Harrison, an idiot, and lease of his lands.—Undated note by Cecily an office to be found, and he will then consider who is fittest to be guardian.
Endorsed :—22 No. 1597.
1 p. (P. 227.)
2. Through his endeavours, an office has been found that the heir of George Harrison is an idiot. Prays for his custody and a lease of his lands.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 228.)
Samuel Fox to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597. Nov. 23. In his master's lifetime there was conferred upon him the lease of the moiety of the township of Burton and Sheplye, Northumberland, part of the Duchy of Lancaster : a place so far off, and so near bad neighbours, that he never received profit from it. His especial hindrance has been that being matched with Luke Ogle, who had the other moiety given him by King Henry, Ogle's name and credit carried away all. Ogle being now dead, he prays that in the demising of Ogle's moiety care may be had of his own portion, that he may at length receive the benefit intended.—23 November 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (174. 139.)
Hannibal Vivian to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 24. I have written to the Lords of the Council as to the state of St. Mawes Castle which is under my charge, and I crave your good furtherance herein. At the worst I trust my letters shall stand for my excuse if aught, but good befall the castle from the enemy. —St. Mawes Castle, the 24th of November 1597.
Signed. ¼ p. (57. 42.)
Thomas Bodley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 24. The bearer hereof, my brother, Captain Bodley, who hath had the charge of a band of 100 men in the North part of Ireland, hath been licensed to remain in England for a time which is now expired before his business can be ended. He not knowing to whom he should repair for a month's longer licence, I have presumed to recommend his petition by my letter unto you, and to entreat that in another small suit, which he may propose in finding opportunity, you would vouchsafe him cause of encouragement in his painful profession. He hath followed the wars, in Ireland, and before in the Provinces United, as likewise of late in the services by sea. But that a brother's commendation may seem improper, I would report him to you to be groundedly qualified in all the parts that can pertain to a man of his vocation.—No. 24.
Holograph. 1 p. (57. 43.)
Charles Topcliffe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 24. If the place where I have lived had offered any occasion worthy of your knowledge, I would not have been slack in my duty or unmindful to advertise you thereof. My employment there was not long under a noble Lord Master, now taken from me. Being now bound to no one on earth (saving my sovereign) above or near you, I do, and will, endeavour to be accounted only yours, and my suit is that it may please you so to accept of me. I have deserved by service in other countries to rely on some besides your honour : and, if I may speak it without offence, a motion of my good ought sooner to proceed from them of whom I have so well deserved. But being now frustrate of any hope thereof and masterless by God's providence, your Honour shall command me in that which remains for ever. If it shall seem fit in your judgment that I shall follow the wars, I will be ready as a vassal of yours, and if to follow your Honour in Court, I will be as careful to serve you as the meanest you keep.—The 24th of November 1597.
Endorsed :—“24 Nov. 1597. Mr. Charles Topcliffe to my master.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (57. 44.)
Sir Robert Sidney to the Earl of Essex.
1597, Nov. 24. The year being now so far past, I think her Majesty shall have no further occasion to use the 500 men, which [were] taken out of this town to serve in your Lordship's last voyage, and, therefore, if your Lordship be not like to be employed heartily again, I beseech you to be a mean to her Majesty that they may be sent back again, or, if it be thought fit, in respect of their experience, to continue their service any longer time where now they are, then that it will please her Majesty to command as many other to be levied and armed and sent over hither. Your Lordship knows what it is to take 500 men out of a garrison. For the labour of the whole number must lie upon those which be left behind, which, while it was summer, was not so great a matter, but the nights being long and cold, makes the duties almost unsupportable to those few which I have now here. Truly, if it had not been the respect unto your Lordship I should, both the past year and this also, have protested very much before I would have suffered so many to have been taken away. Therefore I humbly beseech you to cause them to be sent back again. For the captains in their own particular are very much interested, but myself, and the service of the garrison, most of all. In any occasion hereafter of your employments you shall find nothing more at your devotion than this place. Also, I beseech you that the captains which were with you may be sent back. It is too much that some should take their pleasures abroad, and the rest should be tied to their duties in their garrison continually. The officers also which were this journey, I trust by your Lordship's favour, shall obtain the remission of their checks, especially those which had commandment in the troops that were sent hence.—At Flushing, the 24th of November 1597.
Holograph. 2 pp. (57. 45.)
Matthew [Hutton], Archbishop of York, and the Council of the North to Lord Burghley.
1597, Nov. 24. In this vacancy of the Presidentship, we do find a continual impugning of our proceedings by some of the Justices at Westminster. A decree was made by us against one Redhead (gaoler of York Castle by patent from her Majesty) for the unlawful and rigorous imprisoning of one Fletcher, wherein we decreed to Fletcher 20l. damages. Redhead made rescous with his weapons drawn in the streets upon the pursuivant that attached him for the execution of that decree, and has exhibited articles against our proceedings before the Chief Justice of the K. Bench, who at the K. Bench Bar hath publicly called in question the validity of our commission, and, as we hear, singled out me, William Cardinall, by awarding an attachment against me alone. We pray you, advise the L. Chief Justice to revoke the attachment, and let Redhead be punished, who, being the Queen's servant, dare call her prerogative into question. Let the judges also be advised not to conceive so hardly of us, and not so usually to examine of this commission as of late they have done. Be pleased to receive further particulars from Mr. Beale to whom we have written.—At York, this 24th of November 1597.
Signed by the Archbishop, Humphrey Purefoy, William Cardynall, and Jo. Ferne. 2 pp. (175. 132.)
Examination of Joseph Constable.
1597, Nov. 24. Says that Henry Starke, imprisoned in York Castle, on suspicion of felony, was released after his brother had paid 12l. to Redhead. William Reade, condemned for horse stealing, was lately seen to come out of the Castle with another man and go to Richard Outlaw's house in the city of York.—Taken at York, the xxiiijth of Novem. 1597, before William Hildyard, Robert Waterhouse, John Moore and Cuthbert Pepper.
Signatures.—Certified by Jo : Ferne. 1 p. (175. 133.)
Captain Hugh Price to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 25. According to your direction I have delivered my accounts to Mr. Lacke, both for my late company and pension in Ireland. The sum due to me is about seven score pounds. I was employed in several services after the other captains came over, and would have continued there till the wars had been ended, if I had had means to maintain myself there. The Treasurer at Wars referred me hither for the money, saying he had no warrant to pay any but only for present growing charges. I had hard shift to borrow the money to come over, and, therefore, I humbly beseech you to be a mean that I may receive the sum due to me.
Endorsed with date.
Holograph. 1 p. (57. 47.)
Daughter of Sir Francis Willoughby.
1597, Nov. 25. Certificate of Sir Thomas Hesketh, Attorney of the Wards, concerning the granting of the lease of such lands as the Queen is entitled to have by the minority of the youngest daughter of Sir Francis Willoughby, the which is required by the Lady Wharton, mother of the ward, and by Mr. Percyvall Willoughby, who has married the eldest daughter of the said Sir Francis.—25 November 1597.
1 p. (2124.)
Paul Toebast to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 27. I humbly pray you pardon me the words by me illadvisedly uttered. I think they rather prejudiced myself than impeded the service I was on, wherein I have been faithful according to my capacity, doing what I have done solely with the thought to please your and without receiving one penny profit. My present supplication, whereunto I am driven by the need to maintain my family, is that I may, under your favour, keep lodgings and table d'ôte for Flemish merchants and captains out of the Low Countries and Spain, provided I sell nothing abroad. After my long absence I have but small means to furnish my house. I pray you be my helper with my Lord Treasurer for a friend of mine, Jacques Fransson, a Flemish merchant, in the matter of his two petitions enclosed. If by your favour I can obtain an order for his relief, I shall receive a gratification for exerting my interest.—London, 27 Nov. 1597.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (57. 49.)
Manor of Bedmyster.
1597, Nov. 27. Particular of the manor of Bedmyster, Somerset.—27 Nov. 1597.
½ p. (2183.)
The Spanish Fleet.
1597, Nov. 28. The fleet under the Adelantado should have come out in September but that it expected still the coming to them of Marco Arom. He is by birth a Biscayan, born at Sebastian. His fleet being twenty-eight sail came out the 23rd September from San Lucar. It carried 4,000 men which the galleys had brought out of Italy. This fleet was taken with a storm at North-east that put them all in disorder; yet 13 of them recovered the river of Lisbon, and sent some soldiers overland to be taken into the army because the ships were distressed. Of the rest some were put round as far as the Canaries, others recovered the river of Seville (Siuyll), but one of them foundered at sea and another cast away on the bar. All this accident could not stay the coming out of the fleet of Ferrol, by reason of the King's order and the General's vow, but Sebure plainly protested against it, in regard that this fleet which carried all the gross of their victuals was not come. On the 18th day, stilo no., being St. Lucas day, all the army turned out of Ferrol into the Groyne, where the St. Lucas was cast away. On the next day the Adelantado set sail, being the 19th; he had six squadrons and his fleet 122 sail, 20 galleons, the rest stranger bottoms. They shipped 7,000 land soldiers, 300 horse, 10 mules, great store of carts with iron wheels, and whole barks loaden with lime. They had eighteen caravels, or ship-pinnaces, to land men. When they were at sea, as appeareth since their return, every man was directed for Falmouth, but at the going out, all men that seemed to know anything spoke of Plymouth. The whole fleet kept together till the 25th at night and within 25 leagues of Scilly with great joy, the wind at South-West and by South, but at the night it came to the North-North-East, and blew so vehemently as there was no sail worthy, yet they held it well enough all that night, all saving eight or nine of the fly-boats, but in the morning it was so thick and hazy, the storm increasing, that they could not see one another, so they were forced to bear back again for the coast of Spain, and on the 29th of October at night, we, standing on the land made sixty sail of ships, which we all held doubtful at first whether they might not be the English fleet, until at last they shot off for boats and carvels, having lost all their boats and pinnaces. The vice-admiral Don Diego Brochero, and Bretendona, arrived with their squadrons that night, and, on the morning after, the Adelantado with 30 sails arrived, whereof two Esterlings and one fly-boat with a Frenchman were cast away, having spent their masts and scarce ten men to handle the sails. Four ships arrived the next day at Portigallet by Bilboa. The Spanish fleet met an English bark at sea and fought with her till she was sunk. She fought very bravely, and only the captain with five men are prisoners in the Groyne. The captain is a tall burly man with a long yellow beard. To conclude, the fleet came home very sore beaten; they miss some 27 small and great. The place was Falmouth which they hold easy to be made impregnable, near them to succour by sea, which, if they get, they will hold. Don Diego de Guevara is missing yet, who is thought to be lost, his ship being once fired. He is the whole director of the fortifications. They are more scanted by the lack of the fleet of South Spain than by all their losses now. Their mariners were very few, and those whom they durst not trust, being compounded of all nations. The Adelantado is ridden post to the King, whom we expect here shortly, and if now it be true that England should have been invaded in winter, I shall be then no more counted a writer of news taken up in the streets. I writ to you of the 15th of September, new style, that this fleet would visit you, and land in some western port. All haste possible is made, and within three months it may easily be repaired, wherein nothing is more greedily expected than the fleet of provisions under Marco di Aramburo. Sebure is preparing twenty-five sail of ships to waft home the treasure at the Terceras, which came within sight of the English fleet. The King is sick of the Herodian disease, and his son signs all warrants.
In the handwriting of Cecil's Secretary.
Endorsed :—“Advertisements out of Spain touching the Spanish fleet.”
3 pp. (57. 26.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1597, Nov. 28. With regard to the controversy between Captain Nicholas Baskervyle and his sister-in-law concerning the herbage of the park of Wedgnor, this Baskervyle has great trust in your favour, and truly the right seems to me to be his. If the park shall be adjudged to him, he has parted with his right to me, so that your favour shall oblige both of us; and I entreat that you be at least indifferent in the matter. Mr. Grinel, I understand, has the keeping of the deer, but being that it belonged to my grandfather and uncle, I will give him for it what shall be thought fit, and would ask you to be judge between us.—Flushing, 28 Nov. 1597.
Holograph. 1½ p. (57. 50.)
Giacomo Marenco to [the Earl of Essex].
1597, Nov. 28/Dec. 8 During the last few months seeing the practices that were going on in connection with the peace between France and Spain, a zealous friend to the Queen proposed to her Ambassador, in order to have news of what was going on, to acquire the friendship of Madame la Duchessa, the King's mistress. The Ambassador approved of the suggestion and prayed my friend to use the utmost diligence.
The said friend spoke with a lady, a great friend of the said Duchess, showing to her how unpopular the mistress was to all the kingdom, and that if anything happened to the King, who was then under the walls of Amiens, herself, her son, and her property would be in the greatest peril; nor was there any help for her unless in the favour of the Queen of England; and this favour it would be easy for her to obtain, if she would look to the opportunities of serving the Queen which might arise in this country, giving intelligence of anything that might go on either about this peace or any other matter; to all which the said Duchess took time to answer.
A few days later the Duchess sent for the same lady and told her that having considered the matter she had decided to do anything she could for the Queen's service and would risk life and fortune for the same; and as a beginning informed the English Ambassador of her intention and asked for an interview with him under the utmost secrecy. The friend informed the Ambassador who discussed the manner in which the interview was to take place. He suggested that the Duchess should visit his house as though to see his garden. But this being thought too suspicious he resolved to see her in Madame de Sordy's house, where he would have gone incognito. Things having got no further for a few days the Ambassador then suggested waiting until he could communicate with the Queen. But meanwhile the King sent for the Duchess to Picquigny and on her return she found the Ambassador gone, which seemed to annoy her, as her friend has often repeated to the friend of the Ambassador. And so the matter stands.—8 Dec. 1597.
Unsigned. Italian.
Endorsed :—“Sor Morenco.” 2 pp. (175. 139.)
Newton St. Lowe.
1597, Nov. 28. Particulars of the manor of Newton St. Lowe, Somerset, parcel of the lands of Edward Nevill, Lord Abergavenny.—28 Nov. 1597.
1 p. (2440.)
William Peck to Lord Burghley.
1597, Nov. 28. Prays for remission of his fine of 200 marks for ingrossing 15 quarters of barley.
Endorsed :—28 Nov. 1597.
Note by Burghley that he can discharge no fine in the Star Chamber.
¾ p. (1515.)
Sir Richard Molineux to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 30. I have presumed to send to you a simple lover's gift, humbly praying you to accept the same.—From my house at Croxteth (Croxtaffe), 30 November.
Holograph. ½ p. (57. 52.)
Francis Beaumont to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. 30. Recommending that Lord Monteagle be made a justice of the peace for Lancashire, in which county he purposes to reside.—Serjeants' Inn, 30 Nov. 1597.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Mr. Justice Beaumont to my master.” ½ p. (57. 53.)
Giacomo Marenco to the Earl of Essex.
1597, Nov. 30/Dec. 10 The enclosed statement will show you the intrigue carried on this summer with the Ambassador from the Queen. From which thinking there might result some good to the Queen and yourself, I thought fit to inform you of it, so that you may see how things lie and get the needful knowledge of the matter, seeing that this lady and the friend who are our go-betweens are so devoted to us that they will do just what we tell them. I told part of this yesterday to Signor Antonio, who judged it fitting to prevent that friend going further in the matter with the opposite party, but rather to get it out of his hands. So having found to-day that he had made up a packet for the Queen and written to the Ambassador, who was here, I had the packet opened and the letter to the Ambassador taken out, and I now send you the original letter with my statement. As Signor Antonio is writing to complete the story, I need say no more.—Paris, 10 December 1597.
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. (175. 143.)
Enclosure :
Francesco Grosso to [Sir Thomas Edmunds].
1597, Nov. 30/Dec. 10—You will remember that by your orders I caused Madame Sardini to speak to the Lady who governs this country [in margin, the mistress] to the end that she should speak with you. Her going to Picardy put a stop to the design. But after the fall of Amiens and her return to Paris, she suddenly asked Madame Sardini if you were in Paris, and hearing that you were returned to England, said, “I am sorry. I had something to ask him.” Madame Sardini has mentioned this several times to me. Accordingly if you wish to deal with the King you can do it, and if the Queen thinks it well that the matter should be taken up again at this juncture when peace is being treated of, it can be done. You will write to me, and I will cause Madame Sardini to bring the matter up again and then I will warn the Queen or you. The said treaty was continued by the Legate who thinks he will do it, and who will not. I ask for a reply that I may know that my letters reach you safely.—Paris, 10 December 1597.
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. (175. 142.)
“Notes for the Parliament.”
1597, [Nov.] The complaint of many how they are not able to keep hospitality, although they be well inclined thereunto, is in respect of the dearness and high prices of corn.
The lamentable cry of the poor who are like to perish by means hereof is chiefly or principally to be considered, how the same may be provided for.
The excessive price of corn doth grow either upon scarcity and want, or else by ingrossing and forestalling, or else by superfluous consuming the same. All which would be carefully looked into to prevent so great an inconvenience. That it doth not proceed upon scarcity or want is generally reported, but rather of the insatiable desire of such as do forestall and ingross for their particular lucre, which persons in all ages have been accounted so odious to the commonwealth as they are termed publici inimici patriœ.
Ingrossing may be in two sorts : the first, as in buying too much and keeping the same and uttering thereof when and how they please; the second, by the not selling or uttering of such as have great plenty of corn, but keeping the same until other poor farmers have sold their corn.
Licences to “Badgers” and to such as are of ability may increase the prices that would be restrained.
What punishment the laws and statutes doth inflict upon these people it is very meet to be considered. And if the mulct or punishment be not heavy or sharp enough for this present, then greater would be provided, and more severely put in execution than they have been.
But touching licences to “Badgers,” the same is left to the discretion of three justices of peace. These would be restrained to a number and to such as are but poor.
And if the prices grow upon scarcity or want, then the chief reason may be that more ground is employed perhaps to pasture than hath been of late. So as the inclosures and converting of tillage into pasture (which is generally reported to be of late increased) would be put into tillage again, whereby there may be more plenty.
The decaying and plucking down of houses, whereunto or wherewith some quantity of arable ground was used and now is not employed to tillage, may be also some occasion. But it is not only the plucking down of some few houses but the depopulating of whole towns which is of all things to be respected, and keeping of a shepherd only, whereby many subjects are turned without habitation and fill the country with rogues and idle persons, which is also a great inconvenience; and therefore this also is to be chiefly respected, as the other offenders.
These late few wet years, whereby many sheep have died which have been kept upon such grounds as were formerly employed to tillage and now kept for sheep, have manifested that Almighty God is displeased herewith, so as there is not only some less corn than formerly hath been, but also fewer sheep.
Superfluous spending.
There is more spent than need in ale and tippling houses, and that the quantity and quality for the bread and beer is too fine and too strong for such kind of people as resort to such houses.
And the houses are far too many, and therefore if the number were abridged it is a thing most necessary, and the bread there spent coarser and drink smaller, it could not be but that much would be saved.
Abstinence also some one day in every week would also increase all manner of victual.
There would be also some encouragement to the husbandmen that use tillage.
As to have liberty when there is plenty of corn to transport, and so to make the most of the same. The liberty now is as I think when wheat is a 20d. a bushel; the same might be increased to 2s. 4d. or 2s. 6d. the bushel.
Also he would be somewhat respected in the taxation at the subsidies to be easily rated, and men of living to be more respectively taxed. And also to be more easily rated towards the setting forth of soldiers and such like charges as daily grow upon just occasion.
2⅓ pp. (56. 83.)
(ii.) More “Notes for the Parliaments.” Printed in full. See S.P. Dom. Eliz. Vol. 265, No. 29.
12/3 pp. (56. 85.)
Captain John Baynard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. At the beginning of this voyage I had the command of an hundred men of Wiltshire, which showed me that the county was in great want of a muster-master. I am a Wiltshire man, and of long service, and would ask for that appointment, wherein I may do good service.
Holograph. ½ p. (57. 54.)
Lady Mary Cheek to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. Understanding that it is unusual that a woman's name should be used in a patent of this nature, I have asked Sir John Stanhop, my old acquaintance find kinsman, that I may use his name, taking bond of him to pay me the fees, &c., of the place; my friends think that his credit will free the place from such wrangling as happens in executing it. Wherein I pray you to help to finish this work of grace from the Queen to one of her eldest servants, now a poor widow distressed with sundry griefs.
Signed. Endorsed with date. ¾ p. (57. 55.)
T. Lord Grey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. My offence and punishment so well known to you, I write of neither, but only desire your favourable remembrance as opportunity serveth. The pain of my restraint is much eased, when I rightly consider mine end when I offended : a cruel child to a loving father. My release I rather desire to be procured by you than by any, since I most willingly acknowledge the bond from you, whom I exceedingly honour.—The Fleet, this morning.
Signed :—“T. Grey.”
Endorsed :—“My Lord Graye to my master.” (57. 56.)
The Countess of Southampton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. To prevent the fortunes of my son's letter to you and myself, I send mine to him to expect the next despatch, hoping by your favour it shall be conveyed to him; all well done that were set to be done, I wish I might hear of his speedy homecoming; which, if you think I may hope for, I pray you give me a little light.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (57. 58.)
The Same to the Same.
1597, Nov. I understand yt is objectede agaynst Chamberes in his sutte for the lease of Poole that yt was by Mr Heneage or himselfe wronge from the ryght honor; howe far yt was from his hart to deall hardly wth any of her Maties sarvantes all his dealling wth them can aprove. What favor souche exclamurs now deserve I refere to yor honorable censure. For Chambers I assure you upon my owen knowladge, and do take wth attornye of the dewchye to wyttnes the sam, that yt was never ment to Chambers tyll the sommer before Mr. Heneages death, when, out of his fre love to him and for his honest sarvys, he bestowed hys interest upon him paying that he ded geve to Chylmotte that was 100l. Surly, Sr, the cause is very jest[just], and the man very honest; and yf yt please you to here him, wyll delyver a probable and aproved truth : but that wch mor nere touches me is to fynd him so deply wronged—that, whyll I am, I must deffend for jest and carfull of what he ded, beleving in yor wysdom and respecte of yor gon frynd that had desyre to do you all ryght. I leve all to yor best consyderacion.
Endorsed with date.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (57. 59.)
Michael Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Nov. I entreat your help in that which I cannot now perform according to my duty. These pearls my Lord Keeper presented by me unto her Majesty she liked marvellously well of the present, saying that he was hardly imposed by the arbitrators, and no reason he should be at so great a further charge, and, after many kind speeches, willed me to thank his Lordship but to signify that her mind was as great to refuse as his was to give, so she willed me to carry them back. When I came unto his Lordship and he saw the pearls, he looked upon me with a heavy eye, if I had either carelessly or doltishly performed my trust. In regard of her greatness, he said, the gift was nothing, but he did hope her Majesty would have accepted his dutiful and thankful mind. For the pearls, he would not lay hand of them, but bade me do with them what I would. I attend not her Majesty again, as I meant to do, because my wife's gentlewoman, after four or five day's sickness, is now full of the small-pox, and my mother-in-law's gentlewoman in like sort. My wife and I are at my sister Bartelaes house, where we mind to stay and cleanse ourselves. I beseech you perform the first part of my letter, and make my case known to her Majesty.
Endorsed with date.
Holograph. 1 p. Closely written. (57. 60.)