Cecil Papers: August 1597, 1-15

Pages 330-354

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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August 1597, 1–15

Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil, his brother-in-law.
1597, Aug. 1. Sending a letter from his brother, Sir William Brooke.—1 August 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (53. 92.)
William Medeley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon hath an especial interest, as he saith, in certain lodgings within the Castle of Wisbeach, as Constable of the same by patent, the which lodgings I now use, as having no other; wherein he thinketh himself somewhat injured for that he cannot dispose of them to his liking. He hath solicited me for my consent if he shall procure your acceptance of a gentleman to be joined with me in the charge of the custody of the prisoners within the same castle; whom he thinketh a very sufficient man for such a place; unto whom in some sort I have yielded, as well in the respect of the interest of his lodgings as also upon the allowance of my Lord Treasurer and you, without whom I yield to nothing. The reasons for my consent are these. First, Sir Nicholas Bacon's daily solicitations thereunto, the which if they should still be impugned by me might draw my name in some dislike with the Council, though there were very small cause, by his daily attendance and complaint of his grief. Another cause is the great poverty that the priests do live in by their friends' restraint, as also the fear of others that dare not come with relief. The last cause is my fear of their breaking away, being brought to that extremity by this their so slender maintenance. For seeing it pleaseth not her Majesty to allow them any maintenance, nor that their friends dare come to visit them, nor having anything of their own for their maintenance, I know no fourth means for their relief, but must needs expect their breaking away, which might procure me your displeasure, taxing me of great negligence in my oversight, whereas necessity doth enforce men to very strange attempts.—From Wisbeach Castle, 1 August 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (53. 93.)
Edward Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 1. Being at Eltham with a determination to attend her Majesty to Sir Thomas Walsingham's, I was taken with an extreme fever, and so was forced to turn back to London, where I have remained ever since in a perpetual fit, where all my hopes grow dismal in pains, and my only trust is in God, for if he shew not a miracle my hopes are all at their evening. I have one poor request to make to you, which I hope shall be the last I shall ever trouble you with, to have some care of the poor gentleman my nephew, who in your journey into Guiona (? Guiana) received one hurt, and will not fail to venture to receive many to [do] you any service, to whom after myself he is especially devoted. If it go by the general's voice or by a jury I know none will be preferred before him.
Endorsed :—“Primo Aug. 1597, Mr. Arthur (sic) Gorges to my master.”
Holograph. Two seals over green silk. 1 p. (53. 94.)
Noel de Caron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 1. Recommends to mercy four men of Sandwich condemned for stealing linen through an open window from a Flemish widow.—Clapham, 1 August 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. French. (175. 101.)
Encloses :
Christian Anthonius, Minister, and the Ancients of the Dutch Church at Sandwich, to Sir Robert Cecil.
Asking for a pardon to Thomas Oley, Anthony Ayeres, Richard Writte and Robert Writte, condemned to die for a robbery of small value from the house of a woman, a member of the Dutch Congregation.—Sandwich, this 23 of July 1597.
Headed :—“Translated out of Dutch.” 1 p. (175. 88.)
The Earl of Essex's Expedition.
1597, Aug. 2. “Instructions for Sir Robert Cross for the safe transporting of the Lion of her Majesty and certain merchant ships of London that are laden and sent with victuals for the fleet and unto the Earl of Essex, General of her Majesty's forces now on the seas.”
Holograph by Lord Admiral Howard with additions by Cecil.
1 p. (53. 95.)
Ralph Northayer and Thomas Ingram, Bailiffs of Colchester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 2. We are bold to renew our suit on behalf of our corporation that by your means we might be freed from the over-burthen-some rate imposed upon this borough towards the composition service for her Majesty's house, or that the same might be brought to a lower rate of some four or five pounds the year; otherwise our town must subject themselves to the taking of the purveyor, according to law; whereof our town always hath been exempted. We beseech you to have the same in remembrance, that some good order therefore might be set down by her Majesty's officers of the Green Cloth. We further beseech you have in remembrance Mr. Dr. Harris, general preacher of this town, touching the privy seal imposed upon him for the loan of 20l.—From Colchester, this second of August 1597.
Signed. ½ p. (53. 96.)
William Waltham, Mayor, and Thomas Bellott, Customer, of Weymouth, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 2. According to your directions we caused the prize of salt taken by Captain Watson and sent into this port to be valued by six honest men of this town who valued the salt and hull of the prize (as appeareth by their appricement enclosed), at 23l. whereof there is to be deducted for necessary charges 13l. 13s. 2d. The residue remaineth in my hands, the customer, to her Majesty's use, till further order. The true quantity and value of the same salt is set down in the appricement herein sent you. Gives particulars as to the victualling of the ship.
Captain Watson had with him to sea to serve in the barque, as we are certified by divers of his company whom we have examined, 55 men.—From Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, 2 August 1597.
Endorsed :—“2 August from Weymouth at 12 of the clock. Received this at Dorchester by 4 of the clock in the afternoon the same day, and presently sent to Sherborne. 3 August received at Fordington by 9 of the clock in the morning and presently sent to Bockington. Received at Blandford the 3rd of August at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and sent away presently. Received the fourth of August at Cranborne and sent to Bovridge.”
Signed. Seal. 2 pp. (53. 97.)
Herbert Croft to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 3. For Cecil's favour in dealing with her Majesty for him beseeches him to accept the small trifle sent herewith. Has deferred doing it till now hoping to light upon some gelding or horse fit for his use, but not being so happy as to get any for any money, chose rather to send this than delay longer.—“From my poor lodging at Deptford, this third of August 1597.”
Holograph. ½ p. (53. 98.)
E. Reynolds, Secretary to the Earl of Essex, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 3. I do acknowledge myself infinitely bound for your great care of my poor suit, without which it is apparent I had been prevented by one of my competitors, especially young Ousley, who was in such forwardness as he pretendeth to have an absolute grant of the better of those offices. But finding your honourable disposition towards me his hopes are now quailed and he a suitor, with your good favour, to be joined in patent with me, offering bond not to prejudice me in the execution thereof (if it happen to fall) during my life. In granting your assent hereunto you shall secure me from competition, remove a chief hindrance of my suit, and so much increase my obligation as I will ever study to make myself worthy of so great a favour. Your honour hath lately given full demonstration to all the world of your honourable mind to my lord [Essex], in renewing his lease for the sweet wines. My only desire is that you will afford me a good word when Mr. Killigrew shall propound the same and present my bill.—London, 3 August 1597.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (53. 100.)
Enclosed :
Copy of Reynolds' note to Mr. Killigrew, touching his suit to her Majesty.”
I served Sir Amice Poulet during the whole time of his charge of the Scottish Queen, and under him had the special trust of that service committed unto me; the importance whereof is best known to her Majesty. If that honourable knight lived he would witness my painful travels therein.
I have ever since served my lord of Essex, nine whole years, with what diligence I refer myself to his honourable testimony. For these services my suit is for a reversion of the offices of the Privy Seal and Court of Requests, for both which places my lord a good while since commended me to her Majesty; whereof there are already two several reversions granted to others.
If her Majesty make difficulty for the registership of the Court of Requests in regard to young Ousley's suit and refer me to the office of the Privy Seal alone, this reason will, I trust, satisfy her Highness, that the gentleman is contented to be joined in patent with me and to succeed in the execution thereof.
But if it be her pleasure to sever these offices that have been joined in so many grants, and to destine me to the Privy Seal, I do beseech her to consider that it is of so long expectance as I had rather attend the opportunity of some other suit than to attempt that whereby I cannot in all my life hope for any benefit or have means to do her Highness service.
Holograph by Reynolds. 1 p. (53. 99.)
Piers Edgecombe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 3. I was once or twice at the Court for conference with you, but yourself either not there at that time or my evil hap to fail of speech with you. I have since forborne access unto you the sooner because I am unprovided of money for payment of the rent due for the mines royal, having since my coming up and before also earnestly endeavoured to have procured the said rent, to be paid by some pretending a desire to take a further lease of those mines; offering not only to pay the arrearages of the said rent, but also to disburse money sufficient for continuing forth the copper mines in Cornwall, which thing also I earnestly prevailed to bring to pass for the good of the company of the said mines royal, as this bearer can at large inform you.—At my lodging in the White Friars, London, 3 August 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (53. 101.)
Sir Edward Coke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 3. I have subscribed the bill for Mr. Smyth, and I am very glad that a place of so great trust is by her Majesty bestowed upon so trusty a person. Such was the careless negligence of the last officer, that if my now Lord Keeper, both when he was Master of the Rolls and since, had not taken special order therein and brought back some things of great importance, it might have infinitely prejudiced her Majesty and the subject also.—From Godwicke, this 3rd of August 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (175. 102.)
John Burnell to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1597, Aug. 4. The messenger that Mr. Waad did appoint to attend upon me is gone to the country, and Mr. Waad also, praying you to give me leave to go home to Michaelmas term; for my money is all spent, and without your countenance I am not able to stay here longer, praying you for God's sake to give me answer upon these my three letters.—4 August 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (53. 102.)
Robert Bennett, Dean of Windsor and Master of the Hospital of St. Cross, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 4. Touching the lease of Husborne to be sealed to her Majesty. There shall be no suspicion of delay, God willing, justly imputed unto me.—From St. Cross's this fourth of August 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (53. 103.)
Thomas Elliatt, the Mayor, and others of Salisbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 4. Having received this enclosed letter accidentally, which, it seemeth, was lost and brought from tithing to tithing to the city of Sarum, and perceiving the direction is to you, we thought it our bounden duties to send it with all speed.—Sarum, 4 August 1597.
Signed. ¼ p. (53. 104.)
Thomas Alablaster to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 5. This bearer, Juan de Aguirrez Vergara, returneth this day to attend according to yesterday's commands. For his loyal and good service to this estate to excellent and sound purpose and event, by the good permission of God, methinketh I dare promise, although I have good cause to be jealous of that nation. During the time that he hath been in my house by your commands, he hath behaved himself modest and temperate.
I “encommend” unto you his poor estate. He hath not one penny in his purse, and for the rest he carryeth all with him. If he will go with my Lord of Essex, he hath the more need of the greater and presenter supply. My opinion is his allowance may be such as he may pass in an honest mien and without any want.—From my house, this present Friday morning, 5 of August 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (54. 1.)
D. Hilles to Archibald Douglas.
1597, Aug. 5. Hold me, I pray you, excused that I carry some care of my business, and thereby seem, peradventure, too troublesome. For that I hear not from you, and perceived yesterday Mr. Doctor Steward (if I be not deceived) to ride out of the town, which argued unto me that either the matter between you and him is determined, or some contrary resolution had, I thought not amiss to entreat your advertisement how the matter standeth, that I may dispose myself thereafter. And this matter once ended with good success, I shall be readily prepared for you farther : but wish this not neglected.—From my house in Holborne, this 5th August 1597.
Signed. ½ p. (54. 2.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 5. I may not forget to give you many thanks for your honourable favour towards this bearer, my servant, Edward Reynolds, in his poor suit; and for the care it hath pleased you to take of him; without the which, he informeth me that he was like to have been prevented by several competitors in this time of my absence. I pray you still assist him with your like favour, and give him such furtherance as you shall find expedient, when Mr. Killigrew, to whom I have commended his bill, shall prefer the same to her Majesty. I do assure myself she will graciously remember my earnest recommendation of him to her for these places, and her own princely disposition to do him good.—At the Court, the 5th of August 1597.
P.S.—In Essex's own hand :—“I must give you many thanks as well for this honest servant of mine as for Mr. Smith.”
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (54. 3.)
Sir Matthew Morgan to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 5. Since my arrival here there hath not happened such occasion as I thought worthy writing of to your honour : I live here attending to be employed at your honour's devotion. My sacred sovereign's misconceit is more punishment than all wants that may befall. How unworthily I am blamed in some causes I leave, and will, whilst I live, acknowledge your honourable favours, hoping you shall never have the like guess of my infortunes, as by that which I most faithfully purposed for the service of my country at my imployments in France which I ought to remember with grief. Your warrant I will ever take for sound judgment, for that now three years past your honour told me you durst warrant I should not have her Majesty's good conceit for such a space, she had so grounded conceit of my neglecting that which I propounded, if I may be permitted thus far to answer, I did my uttermost as appeared with the charge of all I was worth.
I have been affected to the seas, and have laboured my honourable and best friends to be assisting thereto. There is every year certain ships that fish at the Grand Bay which I would take and dispose at your will. The return would quit cost with good advantage, the men not unnecessary for other employments. If that could not stand with your liking, yet might the enemy be disabled 600 or 800 tons of shipping, and of so many men. It shall be no man's adventure but mine and my friends' if it may be permitted. Idleness overthrows the best minds. We have daily precedents of the good that riseth by industry : as now, for example, at this instant is arrived from the East Indies three great ships that passed by the Cape de Bone Spe unto the countries adjoining to Java Major, called Sumatra, where is found traffic and great wealth. The inhabitants enemies to the Portugals, yet as now at truce, for, as it appeareth, the Viceroy that lieth in Goa sent 30,000 pieces, of 8 ryalls the piece, to have won them not to have trafficked with these Flemings, whose market they so much esteem as they have entered league notwithstanding the Portugals' money was received. The ships have of great wealths, the chief lading and the worst, spices; three ships of four are returned but with not above 80 men, most of their pilots and masters consumed, yet the principal, a man of Encusen, that hath inhabited in the China of long time, is returned, and, as is thought, will give such encouragement, as many will arrive thitherwards. I fear to have been too tedious, weighing your weighty affairs and my harsh secretaryship, but if you will have commiseration of me, no poor gentleman shall be more grateful.—This 5 of August, Flushing.
P.S.—The Palatine's army, it is reported, is now before Bengh upon the Rhine. It seemeth it is rather at the instance of the French king than of any great desire of their own to be in field. Yet is their army fair. They are reputed 7,000 foot, 2,000 or 2,200 horse. Here is little heard of the Cardinal himself, but his forces have been very busy about Ostend. They addressed an ambush about the town, which was discovered, yet they fell to some skirmish, as we hear. The weather has been extreme that much less hath been heard thence than from England. I dare not credit the last newses that have been given out here this morning, which was that they had an enterprize upon the town. I rather think it was the ambush. Yet hath it been reported here in this town that the enemy was entered the town but repulsed with loss.
Holograph. 4 pp. (54. 6.)
Lord Thomas Howard to The Queen.
1597, [Before Aug. 5.] Most gracious Sovereign, The joy I found to see the princely characters of that royal name whose person and virtue by this your fair fleet and army is so admired, would take from a better man's pen than mine any words to express the deep impressions which this your Majesty's grace hath wrought in me, who do so much desire to prove by my deeds how much I am wholly your excellent Majesty's humble servant, as but to witness my thankful mind for this your goodness, I am loath to present any manner of remembrance of myself, till under our noble general I may have yielded you some actual sacrifice against your malicious boasting enemies. It is true, generous Lady, that wind and weather hath been our bitter adversaries, which now indeed have more wounded the hearts of your general and all of us (all princes not being born of so clear judgment as to distinguish of such impediments), but the proof of you and time (most gracious sovereign) have both sufficiently assured all yours, for whom it is that they hazard anything, and as in this time the renewing to me (amongst the rest) of this your comfort comes most highly welcome, so I beseech your Majesty to believe that I am persuaded no prince on earth hath fleet or army that dare encounter such a general and such a company, where we shall not make them confess on whose side true power and justice reigneth; for such a day of trial do I think, and in hope of it can witness, as well for my general as my fellows and inferiors, that no extremities already endured nor perils to come are prized at aught in comparison of our desire and zeal to do your Majesty service, whose fair and precious hands I humbly kiss and while I breathe will rest, your Majesty's humble and affectionate servant, Howard. We are here a naked flock without our shepherd, whom we beseech you return us.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (55. 4.)
Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1597, Aug. 6. This 6 day of August being in her Majesty's fair forest of Sherwood enterprising the destruction of a stag, wherein the wind was principally observed that he might come without offence to the bows, with all other circumspections belonging thereunto, did I receive your letter of the first of the same month, which, agreeable with your conceit, somewhat perturbed the quiet of my heart's rest, wherewith, by those idle exercises, I was formerly possessed, and quickened my senses, though with some grief, to think of the wind in another sort than I did before. My prayers for most happy success in this most honourable voyage, and all other attempts wherein the safety and honour of her most gracious Majesty is chiefly respected, shall never be failing. I do admire the most pregnant, wise and excellent speech used by her Majesty to the Polish Ambassador. Such wisdoms are no less easy to her Highness in nature than to the wisest of the world besides with longest study.—From Worsop, this 6 of August 1597.
P.S.—I am entreated by my wife to present her best thanks to you for remembering her in your letter.
Holograph. 1 p. (54. 8.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Sir John Cutts.
1597, Aug. 6. Sir Horatio Pallavicino was servant unto her Majesty before he made himself a subject, and hath served her faithfully in sundry services. Now, being surprised with weakness in his body, is retired into the country, holding still the former quality and that good opinion of her Maty and her Council that he hath deserved. He is, besides, my dear friend, so that even in public respects and in my particular I must have care that he be well used of all, and I do look specially for it at your hands as my good friend, so if there be between you passed some dryness, and that I find any spleen borne him whose moderation of spirit I know to be such as he well nigh will wrong no man, then must I take liberty to stand to him upon any just occasion in all things fit for me to do, wherein, I hope, Sir John Cutts, now he knows it, will give me for one I so much love no cause of just exception, being one to whom I have ever been and presume I shall have cause ever to be a loving friend and neighbour.
Endorsed :—“6 August 1597. Copy of my master's letter to Sir John Cutts.”
Draft. ¾ p. (54. 9.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 6. I send you here enclosed a direction for Darrell and Grove. I pray, Sir, if they be not gone, send for Darrell and deliver it to him; if they be, I pray you send it after them. I will for more insurance send them another to meet them at sea ere they pass Plymouth.—Sherburne this 6 of August.
Endorsed :—Delivered at Sherburne the 6th of August at 3 in the afternoon. Andover, 7th, 8.30 a.m. Basingstoke, 12. Hartford Bridge, 2 p.m. Staines, 5 p.m.
Holograph. ½ p. (54. 10.)
The enclosure :
1597, Aug. 6.—The Earl of Essex to Mr. Darrell, General of the Victuals, and Mr. Grove, Master of the Lyon.
If you come not to us before we go off the coast, you shall bear with the North Cape and lie off in the heighth of the Cape and of Zisarke two days, some six or eight leagues from the shore, and if there you shall receive no directions, you shall ply to the heighth of the rock, and there lie off some ten leagues one day and a night, and if you there fail of us and hear not from us, you shall set yourselves in the heighth of the South Cape and there lie off some fifty leagues till you hear of us. If we alter our purpose we will send you new directions.—From Sherburne this vith of August 1597.
P.S. by Sir Robert Cecil.—This is the true copy of an instruction which my Lord General hath sent you, and I have sent you the original by a messenger, but being it may be he shall miss you, I pray you take this and follow it.
(54. 7.)
W. Borough to the Lord Treasurer.
1597, Aug. 6. I understand that of late an ambassador from the King of Pole hath been in presence of her Majesty, where, amongst other things, he hath demanded restitution of goods taken from the King's subjects at the seas by our English nation, in their passage either outwards towards Spain or homewards from thence. Whereupon I call to mind what happened in the year 1570, at what time I had charge and government of certain ships that were sent from London to the Narve in trade of merchandize for the Muscovia company. Near unto the Narve we happened to meet with six ships, freebooters, set out from Dansicke, which had their “bistellings” or letters of marte [marque], or what else they may be called, from the King of Pole under his hand and seal, to apprehend, and take as good prize, all ships, English, French, Scotch, &c., that did trade to the Narve, a port of his enemy's, the Emperor of Russia. Those 6 ships lay in wait for me, and the fleet I had charge of, but, when we met, they were soon weary of our company, and were driven to fly. What fell out thereof, your Lordship may prove by this enclosed copy of a letter then sent from the Narve to the Emperor by Christopher Hoddesdon, who was then chief factor for the Muscovia company at the Narve, and myself. We sent then one of the King of Pole's letters of marque to the Emperor by a messenger from us, whom we appointed to return with speed and to bring us back that letter of merte (sic), but we stayed not his return. (The Emperor sent then for me to come up to him, but I was gone thence or the messenger came). I reserved then to myself three like bestellings or letters of mart (sic). Those three and some other writings in paper I do send herewith to your good Lordship. (I have yet by me many other like writings in paper, which your Lo. may have at your pleasure). It may be, by those letters of marque your Lo. may gather out some matter the better to answer the ambassador's demands.—Limehouse, this Saturday morn. 6 August 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (54. 12.)
The Lords of the Council to the Earl of Essex.
1597, Aug. 6. Mr. Darrell is ready to depart with this supply of victual which her Majesty sends you. For the lessening of the charge and the more speedy making it ready, she commands your proportion of beer to be but after the rate of a pottle for a man by the day, and your beef, according to your own desire, to be supplied with fish, rice, and oatmeal. In all things, saving the beer, the proportion is in substance answerable to the ordinary rates allowed in her sea-services. We have given charge that there should be great regard had to the goodness of every thing.—From the Court, the 6th of August, 1597.
Signed :—W. Burghley. G. Hunsdon. R. North. Ro. Cecyll.
Seal. ½ p. (175. 103.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 8. I had yesterday another letter from him of Brussels, dated 30 July new style, in answer to the one I wrote to him when I sent him the last. He says that there is nothing to write about in Brussels. The Cardinal has not more men than enough to garrison the towns with. But he writes again of treason in Ostend, and says the garrison ought to be changed. It might be well to let Mr. Norrys know of this. Of the marriage of the Infanta there is not so much talk; I begin to think it is not true, or that there is some obstacle.
From Zeland they write to me that the fleet and troops in Ferrol are very weak, and might easily be beaten in their own port. The intelligence is from a Fleming who was there three weeks ago and saw the place. Whence I conclude that the Earl of Essex, who so much desires to return thither, is well informed. The pay of him of Brussels ends on the 20th of this month. Is it to be continued?—London, 8 August 1597.
Italian. Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (175. 104.)
Edward Mylar to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 9. Although my lady hath had a tedious journey, yet she hath by courtesy and virtue got the love of all here.
This journey hath also “dissyfered” my lord's humour of frenzy, for when her ladyship lived at Court in the eye of the world, then you know, and with grief I witnessed his violent course. But now here yesterday, upon letters from my Lo. Cobham, the Countess of [Warwick?] and my Lady Raley, he is in such a jealous frame as we have had such a storm as is wonderful. But such it appeareth, though [her ladyship] lived in a cell unseen, all is one. Mr. Irland the la(w)yer, did in wisdom, upon conference with me, prevail so much with all my lordship's officers seeing my lord's madness and my ladyship's patience, whose only defence was patience with tears, as they all went to my lord when he was looked to go to the Court and leave my lady here to shift for herself, and told him that as they had served him and his father and been the same by them, if he held this jealousy in that force as he did, themselves, seeing my lady's carriage of herself and managing my lordship's estate with that honourable care of his house and himself that never any the like, if he would hate her and [not] desist from this humour, they must all hate him and follow her in those honourable courses she professeth and performeth, wishing him to desist from this jealousy and bitterness to her ladyship, and not dishonour himself, or else they would hate him; and bring her to my lord and you, if all Ireland had would do it. If my lord had come I think scarce one man had come with him to attend him. You, Sir, in my simple opinion, you may do well [to incite] my lord Treasurer to write to my lord without knowing of this : assure yourself my lady wanteth not friends, friends firm to our purposes, wise, and experienced in this humorous house.
Thus having nakedly delivered the truth, for the honour I bear to your old father, who I love above any subject, keep this from him till I see you, for now all is well : but write to my lady to comfort her, and direct your letters to me; you may always send them in the packet to the manor for Chester who will convey them safe to me. I have not seen my own house yet, but should have gone yesterday if this had not been.—Knowsley, this ixth of August.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (54. 14.)
Sir Henry Harrington to Mr. Waad, one of her Majesty's Clerks of the Council.
1597, August 9. I received letters out of Ireland from some of my men : 'tis pitiful to hear what famine and extremity the poor inhabitants of the Bernes are driven to. They eat horses. A quarter of a bad garron is sold for five shillings; their stud mares, their best relief. The extortion and spoil of the soldiers is such as they leave not anything with them. Such is the good government of those that have the charge of them. My friend Captain Lea takes his pleasure of all that is mine. He hath the charge of the fort at Radrum. It is within my rule and the land whereupon it is built, mine. So long as he commands there no inhabitation will be in those parts. If it may stand with the Council's pleasure to write to the Lord Deputy to assign over the charge of the fort unto me, I will ease her Majesty of some charge. I will undertake the carriage of the victual and the repairing the fort without charge to her Highness. I do not hear of any trouble in the Bernes; some scattering rebels there be, which I make no doubt soon to cut off, if I were there. For the fort at Radrum I think 20 warders sufficient to keep it; and where her Majesty alloweth eight pence a day, I will take four pence both for their wages and victualling, which will be to my charge, but I had rather bear it than to see the misery the poor people are driven to by the abuse of the soldiers. If you think it good, let me entreat you to move Mr. Secretary in it : I flatter myself so much that with half the company appointed to discharge the service that is there to be done, I have had the government of the Bernes and Towles this twenty years, to my cost four or five hundred pounds a year more than I get, but that my living lieth amongst them, and by the countenance of that I hold my land the better. If you think good to move it, I think it will not be misliked, and if I may return with her Majesty's gracious favour and countenance I shall be the better enabled to serve. I have sent you my man's letter that you may see the misery of that poor country.—Whitecross Street, this ixth day of August 1597.
Signed. 1 p. (54. 13.)
Martin Darell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 9. There are two ships of this fleet, the Prospect and the James, whose masters I do find more negligent and careless of the haste that is required than the rest, both in our first setting forth from Limehouse and now in their staying here at Blackwall; when all the rest are gone. I pray they may receive a message from you that may hasten them from hence. The one of them seemeth to want a cable and an anchor, which is to be furnished by the owners of the ship, and the other seemeth to lack some of his company, who may very well be sent after.—From aboard the Mistress, the 9th of August 1597.
Holograph. ¾ p. (54. 15.)
The Dowager Countess of Derby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 9. I have received this day after my return from the Court, a particular from Auditor Took, of the lands descended to my daughters by the death of their grandmother. I entreat you to favour the rating of the particulars from my lord your father, upon such fine and under such yearly allowance to my daughters as to his wisdom shall seem fit. The lands are to be leased to me during the minorities of my two daughters.—Of August this 9th.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (175. 105.)
Sir John Palkington to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 10. I am commanded by the Privy Council to furnish two lances and three light horses to the City of London by the 12th of this month. I am now at my house in Worcestershire, 100 miles from London, with less than three days to perform the service. I am also a deputy lieutenant here, serving her Majesty with horse charged upon me under the Earl of Pembroke, Lord Lieutenant for the Principality and marches of Wales. I am consequently “disfurnished” of horse, and every body else is charged in service, whereby neither horse nor geldings are here to be obtained. It is, therefore, impossible for me to perform the said service as well as that on which I am now engaged; whereof I pray you to take note that I may not be reputed forgetful of my duty towards her Majesty.—From Hampton this 10 of August 1597.
Endorsed :—“Sir J. Packington, Sir Ro. Fludd, Sir Geff. Fenten, Sir Ri. Weston, Sir Cl. Fysher, Sir J. Harper, Sir Jho. Ramsey, Sir Ja. Mervyn, Sir W. Romney, Sir N. Jerneam, Sir J. Dowdall, Sir Tho. Barnham, Sir J. Egerton, Sir J. Spilman, Sir Bevis Bulmer, Sir W. Stone, Sir J. Davis.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (54. 16.)
The Earl of Essex to the Lords of the Council.
1597, Aug. 10. I received a letter signed by your Lordship, my Lord Admiral and by Mr. Secretary, in which you signify that her Majesty, upon the news of the coming of 7 galleys to the coast of Brittany from Spain, doth command that I should both give some directions for the strengthening and guarding of these Western coasts, and send back two ships to reinforce her Majesty's fleet in the Narrow Seas. In the letter the Rainbow and the Tramontana are named to be returned.
For directions on the coast, I have sent a captain of the army to Sir Francis Godolphin to lie in the westernmost part of Cornwall, both to train the men thereabouts, and to lead such number as shall make head upon any sudden alarm, and to attend all other services which the Deputy Lieutenant of that county of Cornwall direct. I have also sent another captain to Sir William Benet, and appointed the captain to lie at Fowey for the like service. I have sent a third captain to Dartmouth to Mr. George Cary of Cockington, and I think the captains will approve themselves both honest and sufficient men. I have also advised the Deputy Lieutenants of both the counties to see good watch kept all along the coast, and to have their men which are destined for the guard of the coast to be in readiness with their arms and to know their several rendezvous upon all alarms, and that, upon the firing of any beacon, all the horses and nags of the country near the coast should serve to carry the best armed and trained men to the place whence the alarm comes : and where there is any good town which may be likely to be attempted to be burnt by the enemy, I have wished them to keep guards every night, both of the townsmen and with the help of the inland parishes adjoining. Of these things I conferred with Sir Walter Rawleigh, Lieutenant of Cornwall, and with Sir Ferdinando Gorge, Captain of the forces of Plymouth, and find they are satisfied with them. For the sending back of ships, with the advice of the Council of War, I have sent the Antelope and the Tramontana, for of all the ships in this fleet we can worst spare the Rainbow, she being the only ship we have that is clean and fit to give chase, and the only ship of strength that draweth but little water and is fit to assure or countenance our landing wheresoever we have occasion to make descent. And if it will please her Majesty or your Lordships to command Sir Henry Palmer to send hither the Adventure to join with Sir John Gilbert and these two ships which I have left, we here are all of opinion that, as Sir Henry Palmer may well guard the coast from the Isle of Wight eastwards, so these three ships will assure all the Western ports. Under your Lordships' pardon, it is a far better course to have her Majesty's ships lie divided, some in the mouth of the Sleeve, and some in the Narrow Seas, than to have them altogether. For 3 ships will be as well able to beat so many galleys as 30; and, if they shall be all to the East or all to the Westward, the other, where they are not, would lie open to all attempts. Besides, as your Lordship my Lord Admiral knows, while the Queen's ships that guard the coast lie thus divided, though one part be to leeward of the galleys that should come over to our coast, yet the other will be to windward of them, and so still either one or other able to give succour. I have appointed the Mayor of Plymouth to set out some little nimble pinnace that may go within the trade on the coast of Brittany and discover, by which means Sir John Gilbert shall know what becomes of the galleys, without engaging her Majesty's ships in so dangerous a place.
I have taken no victual out of the Antelope and think if she be supplied with 1,000 of bread, which was wet in the storm by a leak, and with 12 tun of beer, which she wants because she hath landed that quantity of stinking beer, then I think she will be able to tarry out two months without any further supply. And for the three land captains, I have given them out of mine own purse, after 6s. a day, a month's pay for this month of August, and, after that time, if they are to continue, they must be further paid. We had thought yesterday to have set sail this day, but now the wind is contrary, blows hard, and keeps our ships from getting out of Catwater; but we will this day despatch all things in harbour.—From aboard the Deu Repulse this 10th of August.
Signed. 3 pp. (54. 17.)
Robert Topcliff to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 10. The bearer thereof was the first man that discovered to me that seditious play called The Isle of Dogs. I have wished him to take a house in a solitary place fit for our purposes for his wife and four children. His wife, who is base daughter to the Earl of Kildare's father, is pregnant. He is in debt for the house and furniture, and has no other means to satisfy the same, but the allowance of a bill of imprest, due to his Lord, wherewith to repay to himself debts before laid out by this gentleman, and for the which he standeth bound for silks and other things taken up for his mistress, and for the which he hath been arrested, to the value of 86l. He is to answer the residue when it is due, and in the allowance of this bill, I trust he shall have some extraordinary favour.—At my lodgings this 10th of August 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1½ pp. (54. 20.)
Sir John Coutts to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 10. It has pleased you to give me notice by your letter of the service of Sir Horatio Palavicino to her Majesty, and of her favour towards him. I have not doubted either of his service or of her gracious opinion thereof, neither ever have, or will be, found wanting of due and special regard to any that you so much love. Having always specially honoured you for your justice, I trust the more to your honourable remembrance of those who have much longer time faithfully served her Majesty, and their ancestors her famous predecessors. I doubt not, therefore, but to find your lawful favour upon question, though I have not, nor have had, any with Sir Horatio other than in her Majesty's service, wherein I hope of your protection. I am ready to attend, and, under your favour, to justify that, without spleen, Sir Horatio never tasted other measure at my hands.—Child Erley, 10 August 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (175. 106.)
Sir Henry Palmer to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 11. I understand from your letter of the 9th her Majesty's pleasure for the staying of a fleet, expected from Holland and Zealand, and bound for Spain, with colourable pretence to go for Rochelle or Bordeaux. I have even now stayed 8 ships of Holland, laden with deals, bound, as they say, for Rochelle, Bordeaux, and St. John de Luze, whereof I have advertized my Lord Admiral. They give very hard speeches, desiring to know whether they are enemies, or not; and whether they shall be barred of all lawful trade. I do and will use them with all possible courtesy. As concerning the last fleet which passed this way in winter for Spain, I hope I have satisfied my Lord Admiral that I was not then in the sea. My Vice-Admiral and the rest were in the sea, but the weather was such none of them could have been laid aboard, the sea went so extreme high, and it was withal so dark and snowy that one could not see another. You write that ships brought in are rifled and so disorders committed. Peradventure in former times it was made a custom, but if it can be proved that I have taken from any man so much as a Holland cheese, I am willing to lose my poor credit. For those under me, I will answer as long as they have been in my company.—Aboard H.M. good ship the Vanguard in the Downs, this 11 of August 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (54. 19.)
Edward Mylar to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 11. I formerly writ of a storm which I did wish to be kept from my Lord Treasurer, but now I write of a calm, as by the inclosed will appear, which my Lord of Derby, in degrees, to show his love to his Lady, promised to me upon Tuesday last, but hath in sort performed, by articles and by statute bond to make assurance with my Lord of Cumberland, who truly hath shewed himself a kind friend to my Lady and a good uncle to the Earl. My Lady taketh kindly my Lord the Earl of Derby's trust; but whether herself will take the charge or those feoffees named, whereof my Lord of Cumberland is chief, her Ladyship will do by my Lord Treasurer's directions and your advice at her coming to you. As you bade me when I spake with you of this course that my Lady might appoint her own receiver, so my Lady now hath power to do if my Lord of Cumberland perform the trust. I have not yet been at my own house.—Lathom, this 11 of August 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (54. 21.)
C. Lord Mountjoy to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 11. This letter is to desire my dear friend, Mr. Michael Stanhope, to deliver my other, enclosed in his, to the Queen. If he should not be at the Court, as of late he is more from thence, I beseech you to open his letter and cause mine to her Majesty to be delivered.
Endorsed : “From Plymouth.”
Signed. ½ p. (54. 22.)
Lord Dunsany to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 11. I have always been of opinion that this age is too full of hot blood. The wars are not overcome with rash fight, but by the grave and mature judgment of old and experienced captains. The late Emperor Charles thought himself the stronger by an army having Anthony Delena, who was for many years carried in a litter up and down with his arms. The French kings of late made the like account of Marshall Beronne. Her Majesty had a great jewel of Mr. Edward Randolphe while he lived, and I believe she hath a good one of Sir Richard Bingham, notwithstanding his years. For oftentimes defending old experience against young captains who have advanced their rash fights under the colour of the virtue resolution, I have gained, I fear, the account of a coward, namely, that though her Majesty had given me good means to serve her, I would not enter into her service, which was given me to understand by that most noble gentleman my Lord Cobham, late deceased. He sent for me into his chamber at Whitehall a little before Xmas last, and advised me to make offer of my service at the Council table, which I did accordingly, and now do so again. Her Majesty willed me to make choice of a place of office in Ireland under the Lord Deputy. I chose the old government of Clandeboy, in which I lately served, but I since understand it was otherwise determined for Mr. Egerton. Nevertheless, not he, but another, enjoyeth it. I will now choose to live in the very bosom of the Earl of Tyrone (“Tyreowen”), upon the river of Lifford, where there is need of a garrison, without which, indeed, he will not be overthrown this long time, or scarcely at any time. This river parteth the Earl and O'Donnell's countries. I shall desire no other force than the garrison that is in that place, nor will I put her Majesty to any extraordinary charge for the same other than for the fortifying and victualling of us for this next winter season to be done before the feast of all Saints. Where if it will please her Highness to establish me, I will not doubt but to put more of her enemies to the sword before the end of May next, than hath been done these three or four years past. I will further refer your Honour to a private discourse that late I wrote for the best means to overthrow that arch traitor, Tyrone. I am told that my Lord of Essex left it with you at his departure, otherwise I have it in a reasonably well written copy at your command. For my debts, if her Majesty will give me a lease in reversion of any convenient quantity, I will sell it and employ the money only to furnish me into that service, except that I do pay some few poor people that otherwise would be undone. The others, of better ability, shall stay until my return from the service, where I hope to deserve so well as that her Majesty will willingly finish the rest. I beseech you that you will cause a warrant to be made, with blanks for the quantity of rent and the number of years. So shall I hope to be able to attend her Highness this progress, to attend what further service she will command me for Ireland.—The xjth of August 1597.
P.S.—I cannot perceive that a lease in reversion to a man's own use will yield above 22 or 23 years purchase if it be of 50 or 60 years continuance; but, if it be to the tenant's use, it will yield little or nothing. This I thought good to lay down to your Honour that you might know the quantity of her Majesty's gift.
Signed. 1 p. (54. 23.)
Sir George Carew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 11. I hope your Honour looks for no news at my hands, the rather because you are hourly acquainted with our proceedings by the primum mobile of our army, who well deserves that power, for, without flattery or affection, he is a worthy commander. The greatest misfortune that happened in our army since my Lord General's first return into Plymouth, happened in my charge. On Saturday night last one of the fly-boats that carried match and powder, by extremity of foul weather in Catwater, by driving of her anchor, was bulged upon a rock, insomuch that she was full of water, and had spoilt all her powder and match if I had not used extraordinary diligence in bringing of boats to unload her. Notwithstanding, 17 lasts of powder, being double casks, and 16 dry-vats of match are so thoroughly wet, as, until they be new wrought in London, they are wholly unserviceable. For the sending of them thither I have taken order in Plymouth. My Lord General promiseth me to examine quickly, whether this mischance hath fallen out by negligence of the captain, the English pilot, or the Dutch, or the Dutch skipper's practice to relinquish the voyage : for unto the same he was ever unwilling. If any of them are faulty they are like to be severely punished.—Plymouth, this 11th of Aug. 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (54. 24.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 11. The bearer hereof is the Earl of Clanrickard's son, whom I have brought up from a boy, and the cause why I now return him out of this journey is only the indisposition of his body at sea. I would not let him come unto you without good commendations from me, having reason to affect him very well, both in respect that he was bred under me and for his degree, and, besides, for the fitness in himself to do her Majesty service. I will, therefore, entreat you to countenance him well for my sake, and to grace him so much with my Lord your father, that the favourable letters of my lords may make a way for his advancement with my Lord Deputy of Ireland.—From aboard the Due Repulse, this 11 of August 1597.
Signed : Seal. ½ p. (54. 25.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 11. Unconstant destinies must make an unconstancy in our styles, but our endeavour and courages shall be constant. I pray you receive information by this bearer, whom I have willed to shew you his instructions. And do him with her Majesty what favour you can, for, on my credit, he doth wonderfully deserve to be cherished, as you will say when you know him thoroughly. I will be both surety for him that he will deserve your favour by doing your service, and will be debtor with him till you have received full satisfaction.—11th of August.
Endorsed : “Earl of Essex to my Mr by Sir Anth. Sherley.”
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (54. 26.)
The Earl of Essex and his Council of War to the Lords of the Council.
1597, Aug. 11. As this short time since two of us attended her Majesty and your Lordships, hath bred an alteration in the state of her army, so we thought it necessary to send up some man acquainted therewith and privy to all our conferences since these accidents fell out, by whom her Majesty and your Lordships might be thoroughly informed. For which purpose we have made choice of Sir A. Shurley. who, succeeding Sir Ferdinando Gorges in the office of Sergeant-Major, is best acquainted with the state of the troops, and who hath also been a hearer of all our opinions and disputations every way. We do humbly beseech your Lordships to give credit to him.—From aboard the Deu Repulse this 11th of August. In Essex's handwriting, and signed by himself, [Lord Thomas] Howard, Sir Walter Ralegh, Lord Mountjoy, Sir Francis Vere, Sir George Carewe, and Sir Thomas Blount.
¾ p. (54. 27.)
Lord Thomas Howard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 11. This alteration I doubt not will breed amongst you conceit of our inconstancy, but God hath so punished the land army with sickness as there is assurance, if we should again carry them to sea, most of them would perish, and, by infection, take many companions with them that had rather stay behind; I mean of the better sort. I pray you let not this be cause of our dissolution more than my Lord's letters doth allow. I hope that we may meet with something at sea, that may give recompence of the charge her Majesty hath been at. You have, out of your better intelligence, more knowledge of the fleets' coming, which may give you greater probability of our speed. I would we might put it out of question by possessing them, without which I come home bankrupt.—Plymouth, this 11 of August.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (54. 29.)
Richard Carmarden to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1597, Aug. 11. A certificate of the sufficiency of James Cullymer, Baptist Hicks, Richard Venn, Michael Peniston, John Cornellis, William Hawes, John Cage, Ferdinando Cliterbuck, Henry Richardson, Anthony Cage, Philip Conysby, Richard Heathe, Henry Walton, John Partridge, Thomas Clyffe, Henry Stephens, Anthony Crew, John Shelley, Nicholas Brende, Jonas Ladbrooke, John Rannce, Thomas Alport, Thomas Lawrence, Mathew Beadles, Edwin Babington, Mark Morley, Peter Morley, Robert Savage, Richard Welbye, Henry Kynersley, Robert Parkhurst, Alexander Lockwood and Henry Jackson as sureties in 200l. each for Messrs. Babington and Bromelie for the apparel for Ireland. Certified by Mr. Lord Mayor Henry Billingsly, Mr. Alderman Richard Saltonstall, and Richard Carmerden.
Signatures. 2 pp. (54. 28.)
Henry Lok to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 11. I have only been indebted to you for the continuance of my employance and comfort of my wants. I have ever anchored my best expectations under the happy shore of your accustomed countenance. Vouchsafe to finish your happily begun work of my release in the course it is propounded to her Majesty already, or else that some pension may be allotted me, or, failing both, that I may have a grant of the Collectorship of Exeter, which is shortly to become void. This, with some small help besides (as of some recusant or such like), would be a full settling of my estate. Touching the widow in the Fleet, the parties are come hither to renew the motion, and promise happy success if your Honour admit the project.—Court, Aug. 11, 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (175. 107.)
Arthur Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 12. Here is no means nor occasion that I can find to do your Honour any acceptable service, and, therefore, I will only reserve myself to be commanded by you at your good pleasure.—From aboard the Wastespyght in haste this 12 of Aug.
Endorsed :—“From Plymouth.”
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (54. 30.)
Sir Richard Fiennes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 12. Having sent by 5 lances, for the two lances and three light horse of me required, which, willingly, if I might have leave to attend upon her Majesty I would make 10, so as I might be freed from having charge of the Recusants. I beseech you that during this my employment, you will suffer my only son to attend you as your page; and, upon knowledge had, I will presently send him up. I beseech you that wheresover the Recusants shall be, I may have warrant according to the quality of the time, to crave such aid as that important service shall require. And so I must humbly take leave, beseeching your Honour when you come to London that one morning at your appointment my mentioned horses you will vouchsafe to see.—From Newnton, this 12 of Aug. 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (54. 31.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 12. I do send in this packet a letter to Her Majesty which I pray you deliver, but, because it is tedious and full of idle matter, I would never have it read but when her Majesty will unbend her mind, and fits herself to hear things of small moment. Only the last part, which is in the last side, I will crave to be considered, and that I may have answer to it, for it concerns our present actions in hand.—From aboard the Dew Repulse this 12 of August.
Note attached. Sir. I pray you, if you can, get this letter into your hand after the Q. hath read it, and let Ed. Renolds take a copy of it, for I could take none myself for haste, and of these kind of evidences I would be glad to keep a counterfine.
Holograph. ½ p. (54. 33.)
Thomas Fane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 12. I have received your letter of the 11th of this instant by post, wherewith I have acquainted Mr. John Bredgate, requiring him in your Honour's name to satisfy the tenour thereof. [See below.] His own letter to your Honour I have here enclosed.—Dover Castle, this 12 of August 1597.
Signed. ½ p.
Note (apparently by Fane). Mr. Bredgate affirmeth most constantly unto me that, if Captain Goare had not informed him that he had sent letters both to my Lord Admiral and unto your Honour, which his brother wrote at that time to either of your honours, his purpose was then to have repaired unto the L. Admiral, with his letter which he received himself.
Endorsed : Dover, 12 August, 11 at night. Canterbury, past 2. Sittingbourne, past 6 half an hour. Rochester, half-past seven. Dartford, almost 10 aforenoon.
(54. 34.)
John Breadgatte to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 12. I do understand by Mr. Fane here, that you have heard report of late of a letter that I should receive from my brother, wrote the 5th of July from off the coast of Spain or Barbary. These are therefore to signify that I have received no such letter so lately, but about four, five or six weeks past, I received a letter from him, wrotten, as I remember, about the first of June last, which letter I know not what is become of it. The effect was, as I remember, meeting in the sea with a ship of Amsterdam he thought good to write me by him, being then, he and all the rest of his company, in good health, saving only one of his company (my wife's brother) who was shot through the leg as he was in fight with a Brazil man, who made a great fight with him, but at last took him and also another fly-boat, the one laden with sugars and the other with Canary wines and sugars. This letter was brought me on land here, in my absence, by one Captain Goar, with other letters from my brother to my lord and master the Lord Admiral.—From Dover the 12 of August 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (54. 32.)
The Lords of the Council to the Earl of Essex and his Council of War.
1597, Aug. 13. Although her Majesty have now by her own royal hands sufficiently answered and directed you, yet hath she also commanded us to touch some particulars incident to this despatch. First, for the “cassing” of the land army according to your purpose in your letters, she doth allow it. Secondly, for the attempt of Ferrol in genere she doth well approve it with the adventure of those ships, but, for your person, she doth wholly forbid it in any such sort. As you have promised not to do anything without council, so doth she think that none of all your council there will admit it reasonable in your person.
For the ships she valueth them not for such an enterprise if you find it probable, and saith that you, amongst you, can choose out other valiant gentlemen enough, fit to be in such sort hazarded :—all which she leaveth to your considerations. Your loving friends at Court.—From the Court this 13 of Aug. 97.
Signed by Lord Thomas Howard, Burghley, and Sir Robert Cecil.
P.S.—Though we would be sorry you should think that in an action of this nature we would advise you to leave honour and life upon a mariner's report, yet you shall see what the States General write unto their Agent this day, which he sent the Queen, and which we send you hereinclosed.
Fair copy. Seal. 1 p. (54. 35.)
Draft in Cecil's handwriting of the preceding letter.
Endorsed :—Aug. 14, 1597.
(54. 44.)
Sir Richard Weston to Sir Robert Cecil.
1591, Aug. 13. I received your letter, wherein it hath pleased my Lo. Thomas and his Lady to deal with your Ho. for me, and, that I may find that favour by your honourable means, I will perform what you shall think reasonable and fit in regard it is a thing I much desire. Whatsoever my Lady Paget hath said since in any sort, I desire it may not be ill taken by your Honour. It comes from her as from a woman; if it be to your dislike I am exceeding sorry. I have ever heard you honourable and will not imagine other. I do not believe you will deal in it for yourself; it is a thing of no worth for you; therefore, whatsoever my lady Paget hath said, I protest I will believe nothing but I shall find honourable dealing of you and expect your honourable proceeding for my good, and ready to deserve it in all service. For the letter of my lord of Buckehurst, I will keep it, yet rely upon no letter nor promise but only yourself. I hope my honourable friends by whose means you deal for me, will give you thanks for my good, and I ready to perform anything you will command me. So I cease (“Sowe I ses.”)—From Clandon the xiii of August.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (54. 36.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 13. I hear Mr. Sharpe is like to be disappointed and undone by another man's having her Majesty's grant of a parsonage, which is now in my Lord of Exeter his hand, and was by me obtained for Dr. Sharpe. I pray you favour him and stop the other. You cannot do for an honester little fellow, and you shall do in it a great favour to your most assured friend.—Essex, 13th of August.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (54. 37.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 13. I despatched away my cousin Sherley on Thursday night, and I hope this day he will be at the Court. If the wind and weather had come good I had not stayed for him. But, ever since he went till this day, the wind hath been all southerly. Now it is east, but it rains extremely, and blows little wind, and we having here in Catwater 4 anchors aground, it being now full sea, we shall not get up our anchors till the water be much fallen, and ere it be flood again it will be night. Therefore this day is lost. I have been disputing in the rain with my master and his mates, but I see there is no good to be done. If the wind continue good to morrow morning, I will by God's favour get out the fleet. I pray you let these two letters enclosed be sent to Ed. Renolds.—From aboard the Dew Repulse this 13th of August.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (54. 39.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 13. I send you this enclosed, which, because it was sent in haste from the coast, I was bold to open, because I might be nearer to give remedy upon any alarm in those quarters than you were. I have since received another letter, of the like advertisement, to myself. I hope they shall have no cause to fear anything in those parts. I have left at Fowey Capt. Prosere, that is near of kin to some of the gentlemen, and sent Captain Canfield to “West farther of Cornwall.” Captain Alley shall lie at Dartmouth, and these three will make the people keep diligent and orderly guards. But if the Adventure be sent to Sir John Gilbert to strengthen him, I doubt not but he will guard these coasts sufficiently. Of the Lyon and of our victuallers we hear nothing; and even now we come to our lower tier of drink, and find the casks so bad, as all our beer is almost leaked out. Therefore we shall have cause to wish shortly for our supply. The wind flatters me now again at East, but it shows very little wind. If it continue but these 3 hours till it be day, I will be at work for life to get the fleet out, and will leave a pinnace for my cousin Shurley.—Aboard the Dew Repulse this 13th of August at midnight.
Endorsed :—“Delivered at Plymouth the 13th of August at midnight. Ashburton 12 noon. Exeter half past four afternoon. Honiton half past seven. Crewkerne 10 o'clock night Aug. 14. Andover half past one afternoon being Monday . . . . . half past four. Hartford Bridge at 6 at night.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (54. 38.)
The Earl of Essex to Edward Reynolds.
1597, Aug. 13. I pray you let Linley know that I have received his packet wherein was the counterfine of my lease of sweet wines, and it is delivered to Oldsworth, signed and sealed, to be brought up. I do only stay Oldsworth till I may have a wind to carry me hence or till my cousin Sir A. Sherley's return. Such contrariety of winds and such extreme weather at this time of year has not been seen. I spake unto Mr. A. Bacon, at my taking leave of him, to make it known abroad how violently these winds and storms both drave me back and now keep me in, though I did strive against them to the uttermost; so far that I beat it up in all the storms after most of the officers of the army, as the Rear-Admiral, the Marshall, the Master of the Ordnance, the Sergeant Major and half the Queen's ships were returned. I beat it up till my ship was falling asunder, having a leak that we pumped 80 tons of water a day out of her, her main and fore masts cracked, and most of her beams broken and rent, besides the opening of all her seams. Now I have been almost as long time at sea as I was first victualled for, and the supply of a month's victual is not come to me : but I will, by God's grace, yet live at sea till I see winter come in, if my month's victual come to me; and we will fare hardly but that we will offer to dispute the cause with the Adelantado, if he means to look abroad this year. I have had some sickness in the new levied companies, but no mortality, for to prevent it, I have dismissed divers half and some whole companies. Perform, in my absence, such compliments as you shall think good to my friends, for I have my heart, my head and my hands full. Farewell, good Renolds.—From aboard the Dew Repulse this 13th of August.
Holograph. 1 p. crossed. (54. 41.) [Birch. Vol. II., p. 357.]
Henry Billingsley, Lord Mayor of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 13. I have made enquiry as to the four sureties named by Vincente de Vincentio, and find them to be subsidy men according to the rates set down in this several. As to their sufficiency for so great a sum of 4,000l. , I cannot learn that they are men of that sort. Matthew de Quester is reputed a very honest man, and Francisco Soprani is partner with certain merchants strangers who are accounted men of reasonable sufficiency for a competent sum.—London, 13 August 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (54. 40.)
Mr. John Gilbarne, Draper, nr. Bearbinder Lane. £5.
Mr. William Miller, Clothworker, Fenchurch Street. £10.
Mr. John Francisco Soprani, Merchant Stranger, in Mark Lane, £20.
Mr. Matthew de Questor, Merchant Stranger, Philpot Lane. £20.
(54. 40.)
Richard [Vaughan], Bishop of Chester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 13. Having received so great a benefit by your means, I will, while I live, carry a most thankful remembrance thereof. Neither do I account that sufficient, but will further express my thankfulness by some special gratification so soon as I shall understand by Mr. Beeston the Receiver what benefit accrueth unto me by my restitution.—1597, Aug. 13.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (175. 108.)
The Earl of Essex to the Lords of the Privy Council.
1597, Aug. 14. Though only my hand be to this letter yet write I in my associates' names as well as in mine own. This busy day, in which we had the whole fleet to get out of the harbour, and many men and much victuals to ship, hath almost tired us all. I have taken this dispatch upon me and sent them to rest, that I may have more help of them in the morning. And if in this hasty letter, I do not give your Lordships a full account of all things to your satisfaction, I beseech you to consider what a confused mind I am like to have, being “streighted” with time and oppressed with business. When I sent up my cousin Shurley to inform her Majesty and your Lordships of the state of this fleet and army, we saw no hope of a wind to carry us hence, and therefore sought for direction what to do. But the wind coming fair this day, which is now past, I, being aboard, got my ship first and then the rest out into the Sound, and then went ashore to confer with all my associates. They agreeing with me that we ought not by any means to lose this fair wind, urged me to dismiss the land army, saving the 1000 old soldiers of the Low Countries, and did all so strongly concur in that opinion, as I durst not contradict it, though I would have been glad that her Majesty's commandment had directed us, and we not driven to presume that her Majesty will believe our poor judgments in that point. This being resolved on, I sent as many as might by sea go near the place where they were levied, in the ships that were discharged. The others I sent from hence by land, giving to those that went by sea both conduct money from the sea side home, and victuals while they were upon the sea for a large proportion, and those that went by land after 8d. a day and 15 miles daily march. I also sent into every county a captain or some other sufficient officer to conduct them, and have left the arms of the whole army with Sir Ferd. Gorges. The reasons which moved us to do so were, first, that we put them into a safe hand whence either the county might have them restored, and her Majesty have the ready use of them, as also we feared that the soldiers having them would embezzle and make most of them away. To discharge this army I have been driven to take up of Mr. G. Careu, of Cockington, the other 1000l. for which your lordship, my Lord Treasurer, gave me warrant. And I do assure your lordships faithfully that though I have been a thrifty servant to her Majesty, yet I have been an ill master of mine own purse, for so long lying in so dear a place with so poor a company hath made me lay myself to gage. The particulars of my account of Her Majesty's money shall be sent to your lordship, my Lord Treasurer, if I can have but one hour's leisure in the morning. But if your lordship find any faults with it, I pray you suspend till I may justify it, for I am almost blind and dizzy, and therefore may commit errors. I will conclude in the name of all my fellows, beseeching your good lordships to censure favourably our poor endeavours.—From the Sound of Plymouth this 14th of August at midnight.
Holograph. 2½ pp. (54. 45.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 14. Once again we are gotten out of Catwater and are now putting to sea, in what manner, my general letter will show; and, with what difficulty, Sir Robert Crosse can witness.—14th of August at midnight.
P.S.—I hold it inconvenient the session of Parliament should hold before the success of this journey be seen; and look about you to provide extraordinary means to maintain the wars, for if you go the plain way of subsidies to work, I fear you will find it was not well forethought of.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (54. 47.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 15. Sir John Cutts shows what fumes he has in his head, but I think it beneath your dignity to answer his letter. If he is told that my name will be in future included in all the special commissions from the Council in this county by your favour and at the recommendation of the Lord Chief Justice, he will change his behaviour. The wind changed for the better yesterday, but is very slight. The Flemish ships, which came with them, report that the carracks have reached Lisbon. The Earl of Essex will have to fall back on his last project. I hope to have news from Spain soon.—Baburham, 15 August, 1597.
Italian. Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (175. 109.)
P. Edgecumb to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 15. Suggesting that by enforcing the Statute of Usury, “the same not intended to extend generally for England but only for one city,” 20,000l. might be gained for her Majesty and offering to explain further if required.—At my lodging in the White Friars, London, this 15th of August 1597.
Signature. Seal. 1 p. (54. 48.)
Thomas Flemyng, Solicitor [General], to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 15. I have returned by this messenger an assignment, engrossed and signed with my hand, of the Dean's lease, with as much expedition as I might, together with the counterpane of the same lease which I received. May it please you, after the assignment is put under the great seal, to cause the assignees to seal the counterpart thereof, and to return the same into the Chancery for her Majesty's indemnity of the rents and covenants on her Majesty's part to be performed.—This 15 of Aug. 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (54. 49.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 15. This day came unto me a gentlewoman to me unknown, the wife of Thomas Harward (sic), condemned in the Star Chamber to lose his ears. She brought me these two letters enclosed, the superscription of which when I saw, being very strange unto me, I asked her from whom they came. She said, From the Scottish King. I demanded of her if she knew the contents thereof. She said, Yea; and that they were in favour of her husband and to procure his pardon of her Majesty. I asked her how it came to pass that the King did write to me in this cause. She said, She could not tell. I demanded more of her how these letters came to her hands; and by whose means they were obtained of the King. She said that one Inglis, a Scot, being a minister, and serving the cure in Blackfriars, did bring her these letters a se'nnight past, and that they were procured for her husband by the mediation of a Scottish Lord, who was here in London, and went from thence in the beginning of May last, in whose company the said Inglis did also go; and she saith that she doubts the said letters are of a stale date, for that the said Inglis to whom they were delivered in Scotland to bring, fell sick, and lay in Scotland sick a long while. This is as much as I have learned of this matter, and if I had not understood from her touching the contents of the said letter, I would then have waited upon her Majesty with all speed, although at this present I assure you I feel myself nothing well. I cannot sufficiently marvel why Hayward should procure the Scottish King to write to me, considering that in the sentence giving (sic) against him, no man was more severe against him than I, nor no man thinks him more worthy of his punishment nor less deserving pardon.—This xv of August 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (54. 50.)
Ralph Northaye and Thomas Ingram, Bailiffs of Colchester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 15. Understanding by our messenger late sent to your Honour with our letters, that you had answered our former letters, we are sorry we were so troublesome. Your's Honour's answer came not to our hands, nor do we yet understand what the same was, and we were therefore bold to continue our petition to your Honour in that it did greatly concern our corporation. Having at this time no good thing but two firkins of oysters to gratify your Honour withal, we humbly take our leaves.—From Colchester, this 15th of August 1597.
Signatures. ½ p. (54. 51.)