Cecil Papers: July 1597, 16-31

Pages 304-330

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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July 1597, 16–31

“Articles to be proved against [Richard Walker], the deputy customer of Rochester.”
1597, July 16. Accused of taking bribes, extortions, &c.
Endorsed :—16 July 1597.
½ p. (50. 115.)
David, Lord Barry, Viscount Buttevant, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 16. His several employments in this disquiet time in her Majesty's service by commandment of the governors have bereft him of leisure to write till now. Thanks him for manifold favours, and prays him to accept such small tokens as he sends by the bearer.—Barry Court, 16 July 1597.
Endorsed :—“Lord Barry to my master.”
Signed. ½ p. (53. 43.)
Eliano Calvo to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 16. Hier, à quatre hures apre diner, je reçu vostre letre, dans laquel il i havoit l'ordre, per l'home dicy. Ce matin je parti et etant arrive, j'ay trevé qu'il estoit alé de par dela aveche Don Antoyne, le Coregidor, et un otre, per chercher de l'argiant. Et le serviteur qu'il ha cy ne veut rien fere de les leser comunicher ansamble les un, de una mesion, aveche lotra. Sans laquel communichacion je ne puis rien esperoer, ni fere, de quoi il ma samble tot incontinant per cete espres vous an doner avis, a cele fin si se doet fere quelche chosa qu'il vous plese, Monsr, fere doner otra ordein, que je la suis atandant, ayant parle a ces mensiurs, il troveroent bon ayant quatre dens autorité de tos ceus d'ici de venir de par dela por parler a ceus de Mons. l'Amiral per aberger l'afere sans havoer causa de escrire, ni aler, ni venir. A vostre bon avis me raport de Varee, le sambedi a quatre hures.
Holograph. Endorsed :—From Ware. Seal. 1 p. (175. 95.)
Thomas Crompton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 17. I have, according to your pleasure, sent enclosed a letter to the purpose I conceive your meaning to be, for liberty of conference of the party with the prisoners, and of the prisoners one with another. If otherwise, I am ready to be further directed.—Hounslow, in haste, 17 July 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (53. 45.)
Sir Thomas Leighton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 17. Is not unthankful or unmindful of his favours, but since his arrival there has not presented any matter worthy the imparting. Is as ready and willing to do him service as any gentleman in England.—At Guernsey, the 17th of July.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (53. 46.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 18. Mr. Meredith did let me know you did wish that I should use some means to give satisfaction to the States for 2000 and odd pounds taken up by my officer at Brill. It is a thing I would most willingly do if I had any means for it; but my state standing as it doth, I find it a matter impossible for me at this present. For the opinion that is conceived of my debt to the Queen's Majesty to be much more than it is indeed, together with my other debts, doth hold men very dainty to purchase any land of me; insomuch as I protest, if it lay upon my life, I could never since my trouble sell any land. And other means I have none, I protest to you before God. But, Sir, there is no cause why the Queen's Majesty should be moved or troubled for the payment of it, for that money was lent upon my own credit; and I would be very glad to think myself bound to her Highness if she will let it stand between the States and me, for they do owe me many thousands for service done by me unto them before I was officer to the Queen's Majesty. For recovery whereof, if the Queen give me her gracious countenance, I shall be better able to satisfy her any debt that I owe her; and I shall be most bound to you if it please you to effect it for me. It is a matter that I have long since acquainted my lord your father in, unto whom I also beseech your favour in this case.—At this woeful place the Fleet, this 18th of July 1597.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (53. 47.)
Sir Thomas Leighton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 20. Sithens the writing of my other letter I received this enclosed intelligence from St. Malos, which I thought good to send you as the same doth confirm sundry other advertisements of the dispersion of the Spanish army by reason of the great sickness which God hath sent amongst them. The Lord seemeth to join with her Majesty to fight against the proud tyrant of Spain, so as it is verily thonght of sundry of good judgment that if the Lord General do give any attempt upon the King of Spain's ships at Farole that he shall easily burn and spoil them; which God grant may be well effected. I do guess that from Britaine [Brittany] we shall receive the first certain intelligence of the success of her Majesty's army, which I will not fail speedily to advertise you of.—At Guernsey, this 20th of July.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (53. 50.)
Sir Edward Norreys to the Privy Council.
1597, July 21. Has received their letters touching certain reckonings and acquittances to be sent to Sir Thomas Sherley, and has taken order that the bearer hereof, James Smythe, servant to Mr. Beecher, to whom these reckonings chiefly appertain, shall himself present them to their lordships, to be further disposed of as they shall think most convenient.—Ostend, this 21 July 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (53. 51.)
Robert Bennett, Dean of Windsor, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 21. I have, in all obedience to her Majesty, with all expedition despatched my servant with the precedent forms of leases of this house and with full direction to my counsel to draw a lease accordingly and bring it to your hands : wherein, as I am most willing her Majesty have perfect assurance to her full content, I pray you to signify her pleasure to her counsel that the poor hospital may have good assurance for their rent at the hands of her assignees. For my conscience requireth me to provide for their safety carefully, as I hope it shall be yielded graciously. And to that purpose I pray her Majesty may be moved to grant a counterpane to be extant in the hospital to posterity, and also a covenant that every assignee to whom the lease shall come, by conveyance or testament, may enter a sufficient bond, and that a re-entry may lie against the assignee for default of payment of the rent. I hope her Majesty will graciously pardon that I am so religious in this case. This being accorded and digested by her Majesty's counsel and mine, when engrossed fair my man shall bring it down, and I will without delay seal it before sufficient witnesses and in due course, and I will forthwith bring it to your hands.—From St. Crosse's by Winton, this 21st day of July 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (53. 52.)
The Lord Keeper (Egerton) to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 21. I return unto you here—enclosed the two letters you sent me and do most thankfully acknowledge your exceeding great favour in that which it pleased you to write unto me. I will always cherish and account your love and friendship amongst my best fortunes. I thank God I have learned noli altum sapere, but yet whatsoever you will vouchsafe at any time to impart unto me I will use as becomes me, and take as tokens of your affection which I esteem more than I can tell you.—At York House, 21 July 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p. (53. 53.)
The Lord Admiral (Howard) to the Earl of Essex.
1597, July 22. The comfort we have received by a letter from Sir W. Ralegh of your arrival into Falmouth is to us, your true friend, unspeakable, and do give God deep thanks for it. To me it is known what great and sore extremities you have bedden, for the like weather at this time of the year was never seen by man. The Lord send my lord Thomas, with the rest, safely to arrive in some good place. Upon Sir W. Ralegh's first letter we have taken order for W. Bright the carpenter to go presently to you, and whatsoever is to be had in those parts for to help the wants, that it will please you to command it to be taken, and order shall be taken as soon as is possible for money to be sent. My good lord, if it please you to write to me what you will have me to do for you in anything, Sir Gylyan Merrike shall not be more readier nor with more love to do it than I will. I protest before God I did never see creature receive more comfort than her Majesty did when she saw by Sir W. Ralegh's letter that your person was safe. She shewed the dear love she beareth you, for with joy the water came plentiful out of her eyes.—Mr. Carmarden's, this 22 July. On the back :—“We will send you as many boats as possibly we may.”
Holograph. 1 p. (33. 49.)
The Lord Keeper (Egerton) to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 22. The discomfortable news which London is full of and you imparted to me by your letter makes me desire to hear some better, as I hope and pray for, specially of the safety of the General and the rest of the fleet. Wherefore bear with me, I pray you, in that I do thus trouble you. God preserve her Majesty and turn all to the best.—At York House, 22 July 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ⅓ p. (53. 54.)
The Hanse Towns and the Merchants Adventurers.
1597, July 22/August 1. Proclamation of the Emperor Rudolph II.
Whereas in the time of the Emperors Ferdinand and Maximilian, our grandfather and father, and during our own reign, there have been many complaints from the Dutch Hanse Towns, not only at the Imperial Court but also to the Reichstags, especially to those held at Augsburg in 1582 and at Regensburg in 1594, that notwithstanding that for more than three hundred years they have had in England notable privileges, partly through benevolence of the kings and partly with great sums of money, and the same have been granted, approved, and ratified during fourteen successive reigns, with the consent of the Estates of that kingdom, down to 1474, so as to obtain the force of irrevocable possession; and they and their company have had their abiding place in London in the place called the Guildhall, where they have bought their cloth of the subjects of England and transported the same into Germany, by means whereof the same was good cheap throughout all the dominions of the Dutch nation, to the no small profit of the Holy Roman Empire as well as of the Crown of England; yet certain companies of merchants have risen up in England, amongst whom are the Merchants Adventurers, who have occasioned grievous oppressions towards the said towns, with great and intolerable alterations against their ancient and dear-obtained privileges and inheritable agreement; whereas also, because they of Hamburgh refused to permit these Merchants Adventurers to have any residence there answerable to their desire, all the privileged trade of the said Towns, both in and out of the realm of England, hath been wholly cut off to strengthen the trade of the Company of Adventurers, insomuch that while the Towns do not enjoy their privileges and lawful dealing in England, the Adventurers settle themselves in heaps in Germany, first at Embden under the Earl of East Friesland, afterwards at other places, and now of late at Stood, in the archbishopric of Bremen; and besides that, to the great hindrance of the said towns, they have erected amongst themselves a several society, staple, college, confederacy, whereby cloth and other commodities is at their pleasures risen so high that the price is as high again as when the Hanse Towns enjoyed their privileges; whereas also they vend the cloth contrary to the regulations of the Empire, which having passed for a certain time unpunished, giveth other merchants who buy the cloth of them occasion to follow the like ill example; whereas also, (to pass over in silence how the queen of England with armed navy safely conducteth the ships of the Merchants Adventurers from London to Stood, into the jurisdiction of the Empire, and all other oppression done on the free sea hindering the Edict of Navigation, whereby the Hanse Towns and others of the Empire are frustrated of their navigation in all West German seas and the river of Embs, and partly also in the eastern and other places,) the complaints of the Hanse Towns were weighty and of great importance; we, finding that our neighbourly and friendly letters to the Queen of England, and our imperial commands to the Governors of the Merchants Adventurers, could reap nothing fruitful, thought it necessary to direct an inquisition whether these English merchants did deal in forbidden merchandise, which was taken at Frankfort on the Maine, 10th March 1581, when it appeared that, before that time, they had been put away from Danswick in Prussia, Low Burgundy, and other countries. The whole question was therefore referred to a Reichstag held at Augsburg in 1582, when the electors, princes, and estates, with ripe council and cogitation, set down their meaning that, seeing there was no means to be had by the Queen for setting up again the privileges and inheritable agreements of the Hanse Towns by fair means, and that the English company did carry on an unrighteous and very shameful monopoly, their merchants should be forbidden by proclamation to trade by water or by land within the Empire and wholly expelled from the same. In spite of this, we did not at once proceed with the proclamation, hoping that by fair means, the Queen of England might be moved to redress the grievances and would appoint Commissioners to meet with ours at some fit place within the Empire to settle this ado according to reason. Further, we prevailed on the Hanse Towns to send at great cost a special legation on the subject into England. When this only obtained of the Queen a clear contrary answer, one way as well as another, and when the Adventurers did more and more invade the Empire, with great violence done by Englishmen to our subjects on the mean sea, and no heed given to our remonstrances; after twelve whole years spent in seeking peaceable means, the Hanse Towns renewed their complaints to the Reichstag holden at Regensburgh in 1594. Thereupon it was enacted with one voice, that if the Queen of England would not let them enjoy their privileges as in time past, the proclamation passed at Augsburg in 1582 should be put in force. We, therefore, on 5 July 1595, wrote once more to the Queen of England, urging her by fair means and all neighbourly motions to remedy the injustice, but yet again received such answer as we might well perceive that the long labours hitherto were small regarded on her part; she thinking that by reason of the deferring of publication of the proclamation the dealings of the Adventurers were become reasonable, and that the freedom and inheritable agreement of the Hanse Towns, clearly obtained by them, should vest in her power to displace and to suffer no tractation therein but in England where she herself is judge, while yet she desires that her people should live and trade in the kingdom of the Dutch nation at their pleasure; so we cannot longer delay to put the proclamation in force. Wherefore, within three months from the publication hereof, every Merchant Adventurer and factor, attorney or servant of the company within our Empire shall depart and forbear wholly to trade, either by water or land, within our jurisdiction. If any infringe this our command, every magistrate or superior power shall have power to lay hold of such and confiscate their goods. Nor shall any of the company have safe conduct by any superior power within our Empire nor be capable of such. If any magistrates be negligent of their duty in this matter, complaint is to be made to the Procurator Fiscal of the Empire.
Given at our Castle of Prague, 1 August 1597, in the twenty-second year of our Romish Empire; of Hungary the twenty-fifth, and of Bohemia the twenty second. (133. 170.)
Translation. 4 pp.
Sir Richard Fiennes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 23. It was lately my hap at Oxford at the Act to meet with divers Germans which one Vanheal, a Low Country man, brought thither—unto whom all such as come out of Germany hither are commended—and I understanding by him, who, as far as I can learn, is maintained by the King of Denmark, that it is thought her Majesty will before it be long send into Germany the Garter to the Duke of Wirtemberg; “But,” saith he to me, “the King of Scots” (whom, it seemeth, he doth, next unto the King of Denmark, most depend upon) “will first look to have his Garter sent unto him.” Which as I thought it my duty to advertise you of, so must I most earnestly beseech you that if amongst others my name, in respect that I have been in Germany lately, should come in question to be one of them that should attend such honourable personage as in that service should be employed, that at this time in any wise I might be spared. For I having as yet neither recovered thoroughly my health, neither repaired fully my poor estate since my travel, the hope of both these depending only upon my stay at home, I must wholly rely upon your favour herein; it being no less prejudice than half my undoing if I should now be commanded again to go. Nevertheless I thought it my duty at Oxford to the sons of the lord chancellor to the Landgrave, as also to another subject of his of great birth called Mons. Bodenhowsen, dwelling within 4 leagues of the Landgrave's house at Cassells, to do any service and shew any courtesy that I might. I beseech your good word to Sir William Knollys that my recompense for my last year's service, wherein truly I spent nine hundred pounds, may not be a privy seal which I have received for as much as any other hath that tarried at home. Wherefore I beseech you that at this time my poor purse and sickly person may be spared.—From Browghton, 23 July 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (53. 55.)
Sir Richard Fiennes to Sir John Stanhope, Treasurer of the Chamber.
1597, July 23. To the same effect as above.—Monsieur Bodenhowsen, whom her sacred Majesty spoke unto one day most graciously as she came from the chapel, returneth forthwith to his country. I perceived by him that if he might but obtain a few lines by Mr. Secretary's aid in a letter from her Majesty to his prince, only of compliments, he thought it would grace him much and rejoice the noble Landgrave more. I am the bolder to move you to move Mr. Secretary that it may be so, in respect I must privately advertise you that I fear it is nothing pleasing to the Landsgrave that the Duke of Wirtemberg is preferred to the Garter before him; between whom, as also their ambassadors, in all meetings, there is ever great emulation for priority of place only, which was thought alone to be the cause why the Duke would not meet personally the Landsgrave at the christening of the Palsgrave's son, when I was in Germany. For although the precedency be adjudged with the Landsgrave, yet will in no place the other yield it; and therefore, pardon my boldness in wishing that both their best affections might be retained to her Highness. The Germans at their being here told me of great alliances forthwith between the King of Denmark and the M. of Brandenburg, and the Marquis of Br[andenburg] son's son and the King of Sweden's daughter. I doubt not but therein Mr. Secretary knoweth more than I can learn.—From my poor house at Browghton, 23 July 1597.—I beseech you let Mr. Chambers deliver this enclosed to Mr. Secretary.
Holograph. 1 p. (53. 56.)
Sir Henry Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 23. But for my unhappy chance as I was coming towards the Court I had moved you myself in this matter I now write of. There is a neighbour of mine in Oxfordshire, dwelling near Woodstock, called George Whytton, her Majesty's diligent servant, which hath long appeared and of late not least in the repair of her Majesty's manor house there, doing chargeable offices without any allowance. His losses have been sundry, many impositions laid upon him more than beforetime, he knoweth no cause why, nor yet I, except it be his good will to me. He hath received a privy seal for 25l. , which by your favour I would ease him of if I might. I beseech you let me some way know whether he may be spared from this charge or no.
Endorsed :—23 July 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p. (53. 57.)
James White to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 23. The commissioners have of late proceeded in the controversy between my brother and Mr. Itchingham, and have awarded the possession of the whole tithe, with the third part of the land, being the widow's third part, to Mr. Itchingham, leaving the possession of the other two parts in my brother until such time as the title thereof be tried by law or farther determined by them. And for that the tithe is worth sevenscore pound by the year, and that the title of the land is doubtful to the commissioners themselves, resting altogether upon points in law, and now Mr. Itchingham, who heretofore alleged disability, is well enabled to follow the course of the common law, I therefore beseech you to be a mean to her Majesty or the Council to procure the dismissing of the tithe of the land to the common law.—23 July 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (53. 58.)
Sir Ralph Lane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 23. To shew myself thankful for most singular favours, as principally to your most noble father so also to yourself, in my many late inflicted disgraces towards her Majesty for supposed (but never yet, nor ever to be, proved) negligences and abuses of myself, or my deputed ministers, in this my toilsome office of the musters, I have, instead of a tedious advertisement by special letter, presumed to send you enclosed the copy of a project of an advice at wars delivered by myself, though unworthy of myself yet by favour of your father appointed by her Majesty a councillor at wars there, but in the same abased by Sir W. Russel during his government as much as he might. Wherein you may view the present state of the journey now entered into by my Lord Deputy, and his success in his first attempt in the same, together with some diversity of opinions touching the prosecution thereof; as also some touch of mine own particular poor case in England, unknown as yet to myself, though in a good conscience and in the assurance of her Majesty's renowned justice and peerless bounty assured in the worst, grounded on that pillar of justice and Christian equity to all men that God hath blest her Majesty with the ministry of.—From Dublin, 23 July 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (53. 59.)
Enclosed :
The copy of a project of an advice at war in the present journey of the Lord Deputy that now is meant for Lough Foyle, directed to the Lord Chancellor of Ireland and the Council authorised in the absence of the Lord Deputy, and sent by Sir Raffe Lane, being one of the Privy Council at Wars of the said realm, the 19th of July 1597.”
The present occasion of the late most happy success of the Lord Deputy that now is in the taking of the passage of the Blackwater without the death of any subject (the Almighty have the glory of it!), as also of the late loss of those few gentlemen, yet of special mark, which hath greatly puffed up the proud rebel, doth move me in the duty of my place, at this time of the apparent growing weakness of the English soldier in the Army by sickness, now before the beginning of the sickly months of August and September, humbly to advise an alteration with convenient speed of his lordship's purpose for his march this summer unto Lough Foyle, and to convert the army in the one part of it, at the least 1500 men horse and foot, with expedition to Sir Coniers Clifford into Connaught for the needful re-enforcing of him against Odonell; unto whom by all likelihood Tyrone, when he shall perceive his lordship's diversion from his former purpose, will forthwith join himself with all the great amass of his forces, against the which there is no possibility of any likelikood that her Majesty's army there can make any effectual resistance, or impeach him from taking the whole province with the castle and bridge of Athlone, and Galway itself. The other part of his army his lordship to divide into strong garrisons, and to bestow the same, well victualled and well commanded, in the new fort of the Blackwater at Armagh, the Newry, Carlingford, Dundalk, and along the county of Louth and the frontier of West Meath, upon the Brian Orley and Orourke; and to make the most honourable achieved enterprise for the passage of the Blackwater the whole work of this his lordship's journey for this summer in a prudent use of it.
The reasons moving me to be of this opinion are these which follow. First, by a certificate lately sent me from a deputed commissary of mine, which I sent to attend the musters of the army and to wait this journey upon my Lord Deputy, I am given to understand that the foot bands of the same, in the very first view of them in a camp between the Newry and Armagh, did muster in their numbers very weak of able men to fight, but many sick in every company, whereof my Lord Deputy held then a purpose to disburden the army for the saving of victuals, and to send them hither to be by passport transported into England. Which purpose it seemeth his lordship hath already and daily doth put in execution, by the repair to this town of a number of sick and starved creatures that almost hourly come to me for passports, whom, nevertheless, I send away without any, saving those only which your lordship and the Council authorised this last day, sent unto me by John Bremingham the pursuivant; and that your lordships ordered at the Council board that my deputy clerk of the musters, John Chambers, should the next day take the musters of and make certificate of them to Mr. Treasurer at Wars, who is to give them money for their relief and their present passage for England.
I am in like sort certified from another commissary of mine in Connaught in the present army under the leading of Sir Coniers Clifford, that in the same is great sickness amongst our English, and that but for the Irish the companies there one with another could not make 30 apiece strong. Which decay in both the armies shewing itself so great even in the beginning of the journey and in their freshest assembly out of their garrisons, where they were at more ease and with more commodities than they can have in the field in the unseasonable weather those northern climates afford of ordinary between this and Michaelmas, I have thought good of thus much to put you in remembrance, that if there were no other enemy to infest these two armies than the mischiefs that the discommodity of the season and the march in itself, with the want of victual and provision that of necessity they must be inflicted with before the two armies can join, for lack of carriages, the one half of our English in both the armies will no doubt be consumed.
But now the traitor having by this last blow, by the killing of those few yet principal gentlemen, taken no small courage, it is to be looked for that as he will stand to make good every bog and bush, in which he will gain much time and her Majesty's armies lose much by consumption of victual and all other their provisions, so also he will keep the army so short from taking any beeves from him or his, that for want thereof either the armies must suffer great penury or must maintain a daily fight for them; wherein there will be great hazard, considering the weakness aforesaid and that which time would further draw upon them. Moreover, by another certificate I have lately received out of Munster from a commissary of my own “lidger” in Waterford, I am gived to understand that the traitor of Tyrone hath sent his son into Spain, by the confession of a master of a ship of that town who was shipped for a pilot in the Spanish fleet which lieth ready in Ferroll to come for Waterford or Limerick or for both, out of which he escaped by stealth about the 18th of June last. And about four days afore arrived thither the said traitor's son, whom he there did see [marginal note by Lane : It is not the Earl's son, but Cormoc his son, as it is here said], and he landed two hobbies which the Adelantado sent immediately to the King, expecting only the return of the messenger from the Court of Spain with the King's pleasure for their immediate putting to sea; but they stood greatly in doubt of her Majesty's army and fleet under the Earl of Essex, which they heard was in a readiness, and did mean to see where it would fall before they would stir from thence. In the meanwhile they fortified the mouth of the harbour with two forts of each side of the same, between which from the one to the other they have drawn two great chains which are borne up with five hulks; and all to lock themselves up for fear of the English fleet; having 100 ships and 8,000 soldiers for the land, which the said party did behold the musters of.
The premises considered, although the Earl of Essex should fail to distress them in their harbour, they would nevertheless forbear to put forth from the same so long as they shall understand her Majesty's fleet to be abroad, which cannot be longer than the midst of October by every probable conjecture, because they say they were victualled but for two months; yet it is probable enough, considering the unextinguishable fire of malice in the Spanish King to her Majesty, and his burning desire of revenge for Cales, that he will with the same fleet, if it be not broken, make a second winter attempt when it shall be less looked for here, such as he endeavoured the last winter; in which the Almighty overthrew him with his immediate hand, for which we are ever to praise him, and yet not to hazard anything for lack of reasonable provision aforehand. And, therefore, in my simple opinion, it is principally to be cared for that the bands, for the recovering of their strength, should by the midst of next month be all bestowed in their several strong garrisons in the rebels' countries, as far from the English pale as conveniently might be, being well victualled by the State and with their own provision upon the rebel : that by sea 1,000 soldiers should be sent to Knockfergus, whereof 500 to be laid at Belfast and 300 at Maugherline in the edge of Kilulto and Kilwarline, and a sconce raised at Tume upon the river Ban at the head of Lough Sidny, with a garrison of 200; a number of boats to be there laid, as well for the fishing as also to transport our forces by all occasions upon the sudden out of Clandeboy into Tyrone. The employment of which companies all this winter by times and good espial will before the next spring take the rebel down, for his creats and every cow that is killed killeth also a kearne or a scotte. Thus much for the present might be begun to be put into execution. And as the war cannot in less space than two years yet to come be finished, her Majesty might be pleased to add a further number this next spring to land out of England directly at Lough Foyle, victualled for 4 months, to hold the correspondency at that time with Sir Coniers Clifford that in this my Lord Deputy's journey is now intended. Wherewith I conclude, and beseech your lordship and the rest to bear with all my errors or mistakings in this which I have set down only in zeal of my duty to her Majesty's service.
3 pp. (53. 48.)
Sir Robert Sydney to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 23. The bearer hereof, Captain Latham, coming to this town, found by chance some that had been soldiers of his company which he had in the Isle of Wight; and, in respect that he had been in some trouble about it, he requested me to examine them, whether he were guilty in any matter laid unto him or not. Which, indeed, I have done, and by the examination of them (whereof one lieth now a dying) there hath not been any fault in him, but in his officers, that I can find. And, therefore, in that he is an old soldier and hath been a captain under my regiment in time past, I could do no less than signify thus much unto your Honour in his behalf. If it shall please you to show him favour in his just causes, I shall think myself much bound unto you for it.—At Flushing, this 23 of July 1597.
Holograph. ¾ p. (175. 96.)
[Thomas Bilson,] Bishop of Winchester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 24. The confirmation is acknowledged and put to enrolling and will bear date the 24th day of July, so that the privy seal for the assignment from her Majesty bearing date any day after will suffice. The officers of the Chancery make some doubt whether my Lord Keeper will put the great seal to the counterpane of the lease, except it come from the privy seal, as the assignment doth. I have many counterpanes of leases made by my predecessors that are signed with her Majesty's own hand and have the great seal to them; but what it pleaseth my Lord Keeper now to like I know not. Asks him to accomplish the due formalities, and the rest shall be discharged here with all possible speed. The tenants are determined to be here this week coming, and the readier they find all things the sooner they will make payment and depart.—London, this 24th of July 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (53. 60.)
W. Borough to [Lord Burghley].
1597, July 24. In the estimate for the four ships specified in the margin, there is demanded for all charges to furnish them forth to the seas, and for wages and conduct at their return (besides their victualling), the sum of 7816l. 10s. , whereof the wages and conduct to be paid at their return amount unto 3525l. Of the which there appertaineth to the Mere Honour for her 400 men, for three months' wages and their conduct in discharge, 972l. 8s. , of the which there is owing for the wages of 400 men for two months, accounting their entering into wages the first of June and to end on Tuesday next the 26th of this month, after the rate of 28s. per man (by the medium), the sum of 560l.; which being taken out of 972l. 8s. there will remain but 412l. 8s. That sum remaineth towards the payment of wages that may grow for bringing the ship about to Chatham, which time is uncertain, and for conduct.—Limehouse, the 24th July 1597.
Marginal note : Men.
Mere Honour 400
St. Matthew 400
St. Andrew 400
The Hope 250
Signed. ½ p. (53. 61.)
Dr. Julius Cæsar, Master of Requests, to Lord Burghley.
1597, July 24. Upon my motion to the Queen on the behalf of William Mompesson touching his enclosed petition, her Highness granted his suit upon such rent as you shall set down, and that you cause a book to be drawn up for her signature.—From my chamber at the Court at Greenwich, this 24th of July 1597.
Signed. ⅓ p. (53. 68.)
Minute of a letter [to the Earl of Essex from the Queen].
[1597, July 24.] How irksome long toil, much danger and heart's care may seem to the feeler's part, when they, that only heares reports of what might be full of evil chance or dangers' stroke, are so filled with doubts of unfortunate sequel, you may well suppose the weight of these balances, but remember that who doth their best shall never receive the blame that accidents may bring, neither shall you find us so rigorous a judge as to verdict enterprises by events; so the root be sound, what blasts soever withers the fruits, no condemnation shall light in their share. Make of this fleet I charge you a match, which being afire runs in extremum, with good caution of such points as my signed letter gives you. Adieu, with many good wishes to yourself, not forgetting good Thomas Mountjoy, with your joined counsel, and tell them that no occasion shall be made by us wherefrom they have not part. Undated. Signed, E[lizabeth] R[egina]. Copy. In the hand of Cecil's Secretary. ½ p. (58. 46.)
[See S. P. Dom. Eliz. CCLXIV. 54.]
T. Knight, his chaplain, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 25. We have an usual phrase, “Spare to speak and spare to mend,” yet myself not daring to speak have commended to my poor pen the hope of my good speed. I am informed that Mr. Dr. Andrews is in good possibility to be preferred to the bishopric of Salisbury, who, among divers other things which he now hath and upon his advancement must relinquish, hath a prebend which is called the prebend of Southwell in Nottinghamshire and is named North Muskham, which is yet in lease for 21 years and therefore not likely to be so beneficial to his successor as it was to him. If you would so far stand my right honourable good master as to procure either that or any other of his relies for me I shall think myself in all possible duty bound to you. Your Theopompus (my fellow chaplain) is already and hitherto more sufficiently provided for than I am; but your poor Ephorus hath no friends to rely on but you, upon whose patronage and protection, next under God, I do wholly depend. Let him preach, I will daily and heartily pray for you and all yours; and preach also, according to my poor talent, where and whensoever you shall command me.
Endorsed :—“25 July 1597.”
Holograph. ½ p. (53. 62.)
The Ambassador from the King of Poland.
1597, July 25. “The Queen's oration to the Polish Ambassador at Greenwich the 25th July, 1597.”
Oh! how I was deceived! I expected an embassage and you have brought me a complaint! By letters I took you for an ambassador, but truly you are a herald. In my life I have not heard such an oration. I marvel, I marvel indeed, at so great and so insolent boldness in open presence, and I can not believe that if your King had been in place he would have uttered such speeches. But if by hap he gave you commandment to utter them (whereof I greatly doubt), it is hereunto to be attributed that he is a young man, and King not so much by right of blood as by right of election, and but newly elected, therefore understandeth not so perfectly the course of the handling of such business with other princes as his ancestors have observed with us, and as, perhaps, others will hereafter which shall succeed him in that place. And concerning yourself, you seem unto me to have read many books, but books of princes' affairs you have not attained unto, and are further ignorant what is convenient between princes.
Now, where you make so often mention of the law of nature and nations, know this to be the law of nature and nations, that when war falleth between Kings, it is lawful for the one to intercept the warlike provisions brought from anywhere unto the other, and heedfully to foresee that they be not converted to his hurt. This, I say, is the law of nature and nations.
For your new affinity with the house of Austria, which you remember and whereof you make so great account, let it not slip out of memory that there wanted not one of the same house which would have taken the kingdom of Poland from your king.
For other matters which are not for this time and place, for that they are many and by themselves to be considered of, you shall expect answer from some of my councillors appointed for that purpose. In the mean time farewell and take your rest. 2/3 p.
Annexed :—Copy of the above oration in Latin. ⅓ p. (53. 63.)
An Italian version of the answer with the following paragraph in addition :—
Le proposte fatte dall Ambre furono : Che La Mta della Reina richiamasse l'Armala ch'ella havere apparecchiata, a danni del Re di Spagna. Ch'ella desistesse dalla Protectione prisa de gli Stati Rebelli di sue Mta Cattolica. Ch'ella restituisse tutte le Robbe si di Mercantia comme da guerra, che dopo la rottura della pacs fra ame dus quelle corone, erano state tolte da i sudditi della Reina, a quelli dell Re di Spagna di qual si voglia natione. Che fosse libro il passo, et il camino a tutte le Navi del settentrione che navigarrero in qual si voglia parte del Mare Occeano et il simile fosse concesso a tutte quelle che di Spagna et d'altrove passassero ne mari d'Ostlandia Protestava la guerra per mare et per terra in caso de rifiuto.
Headed :—“Risporta data della Serma Reina d'Inghilterra all' Ambre del Re de Polonia et de Suedia.”
2 pp. (166. 90.)
Thomas Edmondes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 25. To satisfy your commandment I have besought my Lord Admiral, my Lord Cobham and Sir John Stanhope to be intercessors for me towards her Majesty to favour me with such an allowance as may enable me to serve her according to her commandment; but unless you undertake that suit for me I know that I must hope for little relief. Because, therefore, your place and your former goodness towards me do enforce me to address these importunities only to you, be a means that I may be thus far favoured in justice, that it may be by any examined what provisions I shall be forced presently to make for an equipage to follow the [French] King, which will require a present disbursement; and next, with what numbers of persons and horses, and at what rate for them, I can live there, comprehending all daily extraordinary charges, which do almost equal the ordinary : and if I make unjust demands let me be punished, or otherwise be allowed the necessary means to live, seeing as it is apparently known I am not able to furnish anything of mine own to the supply thereof.
Her Majesty's pleasure being to be served by me I may not pretend against the same the incommodities that my poor fortune receiveth thereby, but instead of premium propter penam do only instant for necessary relief to exercise her service. Whereof if I may not be thought worthy, I beseech you to procure that the charge may be imposed upon some other that is more able to serve, and to consider that he that is forced to act a public service cannot tie himself to the straightest rates, the necessity proceeding from the quality of her service which we cannot possibly avoid, howsoever in our own kind we are poor wretches here, being also the means the better to serve her.—25 July 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (53. 64.)
Lord Admiral Howard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July [25]. It may be you may hear of some letter come unto me from the Earl [of Essex]. I thought good, therefore, to send it to you, and to pray you if any do come to you that I may hear from you of the contents. On Thursday, God willing, I will be at the Court, if need be, sooner, if I may hear from you.
The alderman of the Stillyard was with me this morning. I do think the complaints will not be many or great that do concern the King of Pole, for all the barking of his ambassador; and this I must tell you, which your father doth know and the alderman confessed to me this day. The last year there was not any one ship saved at Cales but one that I saved, being of Dantzic and of 400 tons. She was laden with salt. I did deliver her to the master and owner of her there in all safety without the loss of one pennyworth. The master and owner, after our departure being misliked for the favour I shewed him, was put in prison. The company, seeing them so used, came their way with the ship and brought her to Bristol, where my lord your father and myself, upon the desire of the secretary of the Stillyard, we stayed her and all her lading, fearing the mariners had run away from the owners with her. Within two months the owner and master came, to whom she was delivered, without the loss of one penny. This was an extraordinary favour to save such a ship and goods in such a fury, and it would be remembered to this man. I have rejoiced to myself to see the majesty and princely dealing her Majesty used yesterday : if there were any 'Spanolates' in the chamber they may send their friends word of it. Sir, the Almighty ever bless her and her little man with long life.
[P.S.] By the Earl's letter you may see he hath had a feel of a fever, but, God be thanked, it hath forsaken him. I have written to him, and to Sir Walter Ralegh.
Endorsed :—“Without date, July 1597.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (53. 85.)
Juo. Aguirre y Vergara to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 25./Aug. 4. To show his desire to serve the Queen, begs an appiontment to serve in this armada, and that Cecil will take him under his protection.—From this City, 4 Aug. 1597.
Spanish. Holograph. 1 p. (53. 105.)
Henry IV. of France to the Huguenot Deputies at Châitellerault.
1597, July 25/Aug. 4. Nous avons receu votre lettre par le Sr Constant present porteur, et entendu encores plus parfaitement par luy, suivant la creance qu'il en avait de vous, les occasions de son voyage par deça. En quoi nous ne pouvons que louer votre bonne intention de désirer l'esclaircissement sur tout ce qui vous peult porter soupçon ou umbrage et prevenir par ce moyen la deffiance qui est toujours la cause principalle des troubles et divisions qui adviennent. Il n'y en a, Dieu mercy, aucun subject, en ce que nous a esté representé de votre part par le dit Sr Constant, sur la proposition que vous avez entendu qui c'est faite par deça pour parvenir à une paix generalle, l'advancement de laquelle nous estimerons tousjours grandement obliger tous nos subjects que d'affectionner comme nous voulons faire, estant l'unique moyen de remettre ce royaume en convalescence de tant des maux qu'il a soufferts, à recouvrer les forces qu'il y a perdues. Mais notre premiere protestation a tousjours esté, et en laquelle nous sommes très resolus, de persister de ny rien faire qui soit contre et au prejudice de la foy et parolle que nous avons donnes a nos amis et a nos subjects. Vous estes aussy bons tesmoins que nuls autres, si nous le scavons religieusement observer vous le serez encores en ceste occasion autant qu'en nulle autre qui se soit jamais passée, et de ce nous desirons que vous en demeuriez tres assurés et en teniez vos esprits en repos. Quant aux deputez que nous avons envoyez par de la, ils sont garnis de pouvoir suffisant pour vous asseurer en notre nom l'execution et accomplisement de tout ce qui vous a par nous esté accorde sur vos demandes et articles; et de conclure et respondre entierement cest affaire avec vous. Auquel nous vous pryons et exhortons de vous rendre traictables et facilles et conjoindre tousjours aux raysons de vos interests la qualité du temps et des affaires. Et, surtout, ce que vous vous pouvez asseurer et promettre de nous que y apportons de notre part tres volontiers, tout ce qui en peult deppendre. Comme vous verrez par ce que vous reporte presentement le Sr de Monmartyn que l'a veu, comme aussi le dict Sr Constant, deliverer en leur presence, et peu compendre que c'est tout ce à quoy nous nous pouvons estendre, ayans remis en la creance dudit Sr Constant ce que nous aurions à vous dire d'avantage sur ce subject dont vous voirez comme vous feriez à nous mesmes, ne voulant adjouster icy si non que vous debuez considerer l'importance de l'entreprinse à laquelle nous sommes icy attachez, et que la longueur de l'affaire que se traite par de la retarde un bon secours que nous y pourroyns avoir. Le quel ne nous fut jamais si necessaire et doibt porter ung extreme regret a nos bons serviteurs, d'estre retenus a ceste occasion de ne nous venir servir icy, on ils nous scavent en personne. Et un grand reproche a ceux qui favoriseroient ceste longueur pour s'en servir d'excuse. Nous remettants du tout le surplus audit Sr Constant nous ne vous ferons par ceste ci plus longue.—Donne au camp devant Amiens le iiije jour d'Aoust 1597. Signe, Henry, et plus bas, Forget. Et au dessus est escrit : A nos chers et bien ames les Deputes des Esglises de la religion pretendue reformee assembles par notre permission en notre Ville de Chasteleraud. Colatione a son original en l'Assemblee generale des Esglises reformees de France tenant a Chasteleraud xxe Aoust 1597. Clermont, President; J. Rochelle, Secretaire.
Annotated in margin.—Lettre par laquelle sa Majeste de la Royne cognoistra que le Roy affectionne fort le traicte avec le Roy d'Espagne. Et par la subscription d'icelle la Royne poura juger que l'Assemblee qui est a Chasteleraud y est par la permission du roy.
Copy. 1½ pp. (54. 70.)
Christopher Collard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 26. I spake with Mr. Selle, of the “Garde,” and have seen his house. I find the rooms to be very little; there is a passage from the street some 12 feet broad and a little cellar, then you ascend up the stair into the dining chamber and kitchen, and two other bedchambers and two pallet chambers; no court nor garden. The rooms he will not let for any yearly rent, but will let it for 21 years, and have 100l. fine and 10l. yearly. This is his proposition, or else he will keep it himself. If the party for whom you would take it could like thereof, then may you speak with Mr. Selle farther.—This Tuesday being the 26 of July.
Dorso :—“Deliver this, I pray you, to Mr. Willis at the Court for my master.”
Holograph. ½ p. (53. 66.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 26. Cecil's letter has freed his mind from some doubts but has raised others as great; for to hear that Lord Howard is at the North Cape, and that the enemy's armada has left Ferrol, makes him apprehend that Howard will have to fight before the Earl can join him. As to the two enterprises there is no hope for them while the enemy's armada is at sea, because it would not be prudent to leave it behind, “et io tengo per certo che il stato della cose mutera in cio la voglia del Ser Conte.” Lord Howard has shown valour and constancy in keeping his course so well in the storm. May God prosper him also in his other actions. It is well he has the Earl of Southampton and Lord Mountjoy with him. If the result is useless both to the enemy and us, it is likely that next year we shall trust less in these uncertain expeditions.
I hear from Calvo the same as he has told you and more, viz., 65,000 ducats, but I think it may reach 80,000 ducats, and though you have said much to the contrary I shall still hope.—Baburham, 26 July 1597.
Italian. Holograph. 2 pp. (53. 67.)
Edward Heset to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 27. Touching a petition to the Privy Council against me by one William Jeanes, justly convicted of a most wicked and unnatural murder. Understanding also that he hath mightily incensed you against me, and procured your letters to the judges of our assizes, as he lewdly reporteth, to the touch of my credit, yet assuring myself that if you have written you have not written so as to touch the credit of any that serveth her Majesty as a justice of the peace; therefore do pray you to suspend your opinion of me until this cause shall receive a due examination, to which end I send my servant with my petition to the Privy Council, wherein I pray your furtherance. And if in this cause of Jeanes I do not prove the most wicked corruptions to be committed by him to suppress his most wicked murder, let me never have credit again. As concerning my Lord Mayor's testimonial, most unduly taken to the prejudice of her Majesty's service and great touch of my credit, I will endeavour to be righted in it according to the course of law.—Netherham, this 27th of July.
Holograph. 1 p. (53. 69.)
Robert Beale to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 27. Yesterday, being come to the city to finish with Mr. Baron and Mr. Recorder the examinations of the Greeves and Carltons committed unto us by their Lordships, one Lisman, who is lately come over from Dantzic to the Stillyard, came to my house under colour of old acquaintance; for many years sith be was secretary of the Stillyard. After ordinary salutations, he told me that he found some discontentment in the Polish Ambassador, and feared that if he should receive any sharp or hard answer at the first, things were like not to have so good and friendly success as were to be wished for the benefit of both parties. The said Ambassador had in charge first to deal for the privileges and restitution of the Hanses, and afterwards to propound some means for a peace with Spain. If both these messages should be wholly rejected, he feared great inconveniences would generally ensue to the cause of religion, whereof he pretended to have a great care. But if it would please her Majesty to shew herself contented that there might be some treaty and dealing touching the Hanse matters, he hoped that in time some good might be done : and for that purpose the magistrates of Dantzic had sent him hither, to solicit and further their cause, and this he desired me to signify on his behalf unto my lord your father and yourself. I answered that I doubted not but that the Ambassador should receive no just cause of discontentment, and that it was not her Majesty's custom to give sharp answers; but if the Hanses still insisted upon such points as they were wont to do, in requiring things which her Majesty could not grant, I thought there would be now the same answer made that many times hath been made unto them. I desired to understand what causes the Ambassador could pretend of any discontentment. He answered me only that he looked to have been received with more honour than he was, and that on Monday night upon his return from the Court, when mention was made of providing another house for him, he should answer that it was good enough, for he thought he should not stay long. I demanded of him whether he had brought any letters to her Majesty from the magistrates of Dantzic. His answer was that he had brought only letters to Dr. Parkins, with whom he had already spoken, and would have delivered as much unto him to be made known unto your father and yourself but that he was at the Court, and therefore came unto me to do so much at his entreaty. At this time I had heard nothing of the said Ambassador's insolent behaviour towards her Majesty, as is now commonly reported in this city; for then would I have desired this man to have done the message by writing himself, or to have used the means of some other. But seeing ignorantly I promised him to certify you, I trust I shall not offend simply to inform you of so much.—From my poor house in London this 27th of July, in haste.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (53. 70.)
Sir John Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 27. Her Majesty sent for me about 10 o'clock in great haste, commanding me presently to write to you, that as she liked my lord your father's speech which he had drawn In answer of th'ambassador's of Powlacke [Poland] above anything that she had ever heard in that nature, and that she said I would have left admiring that little she had spoken to have wondered at the great learning expressed in his lordship's speech, with the elegancy of words and deepness of judgment; so, rather to serve for a remembrancer than otherwise, she thought fit to commend to his lordship's memory the manner of the beginning of his speech to be in this form : Cum potentissima serenissima et excellentissima Regina nostra, or in such like, but with the fulness of that style that both is due and requisite in such beginnings. A second thing is that, because he is now rather called to answer than to negotiate at first, her Majesty thinketh it more proper for an answer to stand awhile at first, than to have a seat offered him; though, when he hath satisfied the first proposition, she would then have him both offered a seat and all other compliments of curtesy, but yet not to be set as one of yourselves jointly, but with a distance and a regard of the person he represents. And this is all that little was recommended to my writing, wherein I hope I have not erred by mistaking; though if I have, it is to such whose wisdoms and experience can better divine all her Majesty's purpose than my poor pen can express anything proceeding from so divine a judgment.—This 27 of July in haste.
Holograph. 1 p. (53. 71.)
John Stileman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 28. Mr. Machin is removing from the lodge, and as far as I can perceive he was determined to go before I received your letter for that he was not able to keep it any longer; and, as you required me, I have given charge to Rice to look unto the walk. Further, we have received the Court warrant so as every keeper is to serve in a brace of bucks. There are two days appointed in the warrant for the serving them; the first is already served, so as we are to serve in a lease on Saturday next. Machin hath delivered one all ready to a gentleman there in the country by a warrant from some of the clerks of the kitchen; there is another letter from another of the officers to Rice to deliver a buck to another gentleman there. I thought good to stay it until I made you acquainted, for if her Majesty hath no need of this buck which should now be served, and considering how the walk is wasted, it were not amiss to stay it; for Rice telleth me he knoweth not as yet where to find a buck, there are so few. I hope you will take some order with the Leaks that they may leave their huntings, whereby her Majesty's game may lie in quiet. They give out hard speeches that they will hunt in despite of us, and if we offer to hunt in the deer they will kill our dogs. These be very hard speeches to use, the deer being her Majesty's. But if Mr. Leak, with his brother and son, will needs hunt, let him hunt but his own groves and not my lord's [Burghley's], which I think is more than he may do, for his woods are but a handful in respect of my lord's. But they spare none whose woods soever they be, as tho' they were lawless and none to control them. If we hunt the groves we hunt them in to preserve them from others which would kill them; but when they hunt the groves they do forestall them with bows and greyhounds, which is more than they can justify. And I think, if it were well examined, that he ought not to kill them in his own woods, being no purlieus, for we have none. Besides, they do make an occupation in hunting the hare through the chase, which they may not do, nor any others whatsoever, but upon sufferance, for disturbing her Majesty's game, for oftentimes their hounds do leave the hare and fall to hunting of deer, and by those means many deer are killed. But I trust you will take some order for such hunters, for now every mean man keepeth hounds, and by their good wills they will hunt nowhere but in the chase. It hath not been so in former time, but long sufferance hath bred many inconveniences in the chase, to the ruin of the same if it be not in time prevented; for they make no conscience now for their huntings, therefore some must smart for it before we shall have any better rule. Further, I am informed by old Austen, who hath been a keeper there of long continuance, in King Henry the eighth's time there were certain gentlemen dwelling about Edmonton and some of them were the King's servants; these gentlemen did use to hunt the same groves that now the Leaks usually do, so as the deer could never lie in quiet for them. Sir Thomas Seymour, Lord Admiral, being then Master of the Game, understanding of it by the ranger, did complain to the King of their misdemeanours towards the game. The King presently sent for them, laid them in prison, and set fines on them, and they paid it before they came out. And I do not think Mr. Leak or any of his hath any more prerogative for his hunting and killing of her Majesty's game than they had, although Mr. Leak's brother vaunteth he is glad it is come before you, for they will maintain their huntings. And I am credibly informed that this Leak, or his nephew, made his boast when he came from you that they were sent for before you to small purpose, for a piece of money given to one of your men would have salved all the matter.—From my lord's house at Theobalds, the 28th of July 1597. [P.S.] Your children are well.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (53. 72.)
The Earl of Northumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 28. To you as to another brother, he being absent that is, I must bequeath my mind and request. At my last being at Court I perceived some intentions were 'stirring' for my repair to the north Borders. If it might not be displeasing to her Majesty's will and the judgment of her Privy Council, I shall entreat you by your credit to procure me the sufferance of my quiet, secure, pleasing, and easy courses. If otherwise it be settled in your determinations, then must I desire your kind friendship that it may be laid upon me with such favourable conditions as I may perform that I am sent for to her Majesty's service and mine own reputation. I shall be very loath it were so imposed that my understanding should tell me of an impossibility to execute with fullness both of them, whereby I shall be forced to yield my reasons of disallowance in way of propounding, and so perhaps incur her Majesty's mislike.
This that I write is not out of jealousy of your proceedings without reason, but out of my care to be displeasing in no sort if it be possible; and rather to eschew a danger of misconceit in refusing, than be constrained to fly the greater of the two harms if there be no remedy.—Scion, this 28th July.
Holograph. 1 p. (53. 73.)
Thomas Flemyng, Solicitor General, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 29. I have perused the draught of a lease brought me by this messenger and now returned by him, and have considered of the covenants, and do think the same to agree with the former lease and to be reasonable for the Hospital [of St. Cross] to have for the assurance of the rents. Details of certain amendments. The Master of St. Cross's will be here at Winchester within these four days; if it please you I will see the lease effectually performed; with most humble thanks for your permission of me to stay in the country for a season.—Winchester, 29 of July 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (53. 74.)
John Burnell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 29. Mr. Waad has appointed John Merrett the pursuivant to help me to search for those wicked persons. We find the houses they should come to shut up and the people gone to the country. Give me leave to go with the pursuivant into the country, for he do go about the like service, where we do mistrust to find them and there we will make privy search. If I cannot speed I will into Ireland again, and there will make privy search, I hope in God to your contentment. My money is spent; now I crave your leave and courtesy according to my labour and desert.—29 July 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (53. 75.)
The Borders.
1597, July 29. Points of the [Scotch] King's letters compared with the Overtures for the quieting of the Borders set down by the King's Council.
By the reference of letters noting the differences of the material points.
1. He excuseth the not performance of his promises made to the ambassadors by the default of others his unruly subjects.
2. He prayeth the Queen to give her ambassador power to appoint a day for the delivery of pledges, promising at the prefixed time either to deliver the said pledges, 2. That the pledges craved and given in on either side shall either be interchangeably delivered betwixt and the day of next, or
(A) or, in their rooms, the Warden of that office where the fail is. (A) the Wardens themselves, astricted to relieve the Princes, shall be confined and keeped in sureward, ay, and while the said delivery be made.
3. He desireth her Majesty, 3. That a convenient day be presently appointed for the immediate redress of all attempts committed on either side since the dissolving of the late Commissioners, to be kept at usual places betwixt the marches by the Wardens or their deputies, assisted with such gentlemen on either side as the princes shall think meet to adjoin unto them to that effect, who shall see the said injuries and attempts indelayedly redressed according to the order set down by the said Commissioners.
(B) to command her Wardens to appoint and keep days of meeting with their opposites with all convenient speed, for
(C) the redress of all attempts committed since the sitting down of the Commissioners.
4. He desireth that proclamations may be made by them both, commanding quietness, and assuring them, in case they continue in disorder, that the princes have made them free to the opposite prince, whom they permit to correct them. And for this purpose that a lieutenant be named by either of them, who at such a day as they think convenient may with armed hands concur together for punishment of the breakers of the said proclamation. 4. That proclamations in the princes' names be published, &c., agreeing fully with the King's desire in his letter.
5. He prayeth that she would hasten 5. That for that his Majesty may have occasion to alter Johnstown from the wardenry and to commit that service to some other, where his successor cannot be able to assure the delivery of the west pledges till he be set down and settled in his—
(D) her answer that this turn may take effect, and syne that he may, (D) office, which hardly can be before Michaelmas next; therefore that commission may be given by his Highness's dearest sister to her ambassador here resident to condescend with his Majesty and Council upon a certain day near the said feast for the delivery of the pledges of the whole three marches together and at once, or to agree upon a short day for Teviotdale and Liddesdale, appointing a longer for the pledges of the west. That so soon as the delivery of the said pledges shall take effect his Majesty shall direct one of his own to—
(E) send one unto her for satisfying her in all the rest of the points of the treaty. (E) his dearest sister to satisfy her Majesty in reason anent the petition proposed to his Highness in her name by Sir William Bowes, her late ambassador.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“An abstract of the varieties between the King's writing and the orders of his Council.”
2 pp. (53. 76.)
Gervase [Babington], Bishop of Exeter, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 29. I thank you for your furtherance of my remove to the see of Worcester, and pray that the pains which you have still to take in the matter, may be abridged. I shall not forget to be thankful when the business shall require my repair to your Honour to Court.—From Exeter, this 29 of July 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (175. 97.)
Peter Wentworth to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 29. The Holy Ghost willeth you in St. Paul, (while you have time) to do good unto all men, but specially to them that are of the household of faith. Of the which number, I hope, I am one, even in your favourable judgment. And since my 4 years and 24 weeks' imprisonment already accomplished, hath grown upon an earnest and hearty desire to preserve all from unrecoverable perils, and since my good will (I say) hath been (that may) extended towards you all, I pray you think it not much that I (as an humble suitor) do put you in remembrance thereof; and that (in some recompense of my true love and good will) I do crave favourable conditions in the bond that you will demand of me; and, also, a speedy discharge without delay, sithence I have showed so much love. Beseeching your Honour that I may see the conditions, for otherwise I may not, with honesty, intreat any sureties to enter into bonds for me. I am the more earnestly enforced to entreat a speedy discharge for that I have been this three months weekly troubled with sickness in this place of prison; only for want of air, exercise and liberty. Here I cannot expect any health. It would pity your heart to see my oftener than weekly sickness, and some compassion, I trust, will be carried toward me in regard of my old years, being above 73.—From the Tower, the 29th of July, '97.
Signature. 1 p. (175. 98.)
Ralph, Lord Eure to Lord Burghley.
1597, July 30. Upon these continual raging courses committed by th' opposite forcing a like requital of revenge of our parts for want of justice, of both which I find divers of the March wearied settling from revengeful courses, I convened the gentleman of the best sort of the March to a general consultation; craving their advices in their experiences what were the best means to suppress this raging fury of th' opposite and insafe themselves from these shameful dishonourable acts, and presently to strengthen themselves with their own power sufficient to the defence hereof.
They answer me that for revenges, by general consent, with the small forces of the country and my public command as Warden a spoil may be done to the Scot; but they know not how to defend themselves after such act done. Therefore they would either have me in person with them or my command notoriously published in the country to such an act, both which are merely unfit the state of our government with maintenance of the treaty of peace. Otherwise they are unwilling, by animating or a secret toleration of myself or preferring my secret personal assistance, to undertake any revenge upon the special malefactors, but rather upon the honest person whose goods are easily compassed. In which conference thereof of the 28th of July divers good orders were set down for the government of our people, by watches rising and following to frays with such naked forces as we have, and such like; all which, by their general consent, is estimated nothing defensible without some garrison presently to lie upon the borders, for which purpose they have entreated me to make known this their suit to your lordship, and that I may by your favour be admitted to make known the secret and distressed estate and their willing minds out of their small ability to assist this serviceable course now presented. I crave your lordship would be pleased to favour their suit and at their request give me leave to present to you and the whole [Council] table my knowledge herein, to that furtherance of their suit.
They humbly require, in respect of their weak distressed estate, that the Queen would grant allowance of pay monthly, according [to] her former grant of 12d. a day, for 200 horsemen, together with the wage of 4 captains, 4 lieutenants and officers into 4 several bands, the same to continue so long as in your wisdom shall seem convenient, till the country be enabled to furnish themselves with horse and furniture sufficient for their maintenance and defence, and to enable them to be more serviceable to her Majesty when time shall require; the which they crave might remain certain for 5 years.
They undertake to furnish the said 200 with horse and armour out of the common charge of the Middle March without pressing any other country to levy or cessment for the same, promising to supply out of their charge the defects of horse and armour, if any be during the term aforesaid, of their proper costs and charges.
Likewise they offer, for that they think the 200 horsemen are not sufficient strongly to defend the Middle March, being so ruinated and the Border so spacious, to furnish the number of 100 horsemen with horse and armour more, and to maintain the said 100 horsemen with monthly pay after 12d. per diem, together with two captains, lieutenants and several officers for several bands, out of their own costs and charges; the same to continue so long as the 200 her Majesty doth give pay to doth continue : her Majesty nor any other her dominion pressed or charged with levy hereof saving the Middle March only. And further do crave her Majesty will be pleased to leave the nomination and appointment of the captains, lieutenants and soldiers to the Warden of the said March and 12 gentlemen more of the said March elected by the Warden.
Thus boldly I present the summary of their suit, presuming your lordship at their request will hear me deliver reasons of the speedy suit and probabilities of the eminent dangers, craving you will appoint some gentleman to govern, deputed in my room, till my despatch obtained.—Hexham, 30 July 1597.
Signed. 1 p. (53. 78.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 30. It is well to speak in our money and not in ducats. The Spaniards reckon 5s. 6d. st. a ducat, at which price 90,000 ducats are 24,750l. and 80,000 ducats 22,000l. Remembering what the Earl, the Lord Admiral, and others, pretended, thinks it well to hold out for the first sum; but it is very different from their offer. Writes to Calvo both to persuade and force them to it, and speaks of using both Cottels and Vanlori in the matter. Supposes the Earl is ready with the ships, but the wind is contrary and meanwhile Lord Howard remains with half the forces in front of the enemy. Cecil's letter however persuades him that the enemy has not left the port. God grant that the Earl may rejoin him soon! As to Cecil's offer to write to Sir John Cutts about his opposition to Palavicino here in the country, met him lately at the baptism of lady Bridget Manners, where in presence of Sir William Cornwaleys he confessed that his hostility was because Palavicino had refused to lend him 300l. , but promised for Sir William Cornwaleys' sake to cease opposition. Trusts him little and would like Cecil to write to him that Palavicino lives in Cambridgeshire as the Queen's servant and under Cecil's protection, and is to be treated with courtesy.—Baburham, 30 July 1597.
Italian. Holograph. 2 pp. (53. 79.)
John [Young], Bishop of Rochester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 30. I understand by your letters that it is her Majesty's pleasure that I should be at Westminster upon Monday next to give my consent for the confirmation of a certain lease granted unto her Majesty by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster and assigned over from her Majesty unto Mrs. Hyde. I was not present at the granting of the said lease, being earnestly required by some of great authority thereunto, and that upon some scruple of conscience, as not liking that any such grant should pass from the college, tending, as I take it, to the great prejudice of the same. Which scruple remaining as yet in my mind, it is not like (under her Majesty's favour and pardon I speak it) that, if I be at Westminster upon Monday next, I shall yield my consent to that which is required. Whereby our meeting and Mrs. Hyde's purpose should be frustrated. This scruple I thought good to acquaint your honour withal, and, in regard thereof, to crave forbearance of my journey.—From Bromley, this xxxth of July 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (175. 99.)
Anne, Countess of Arundel to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 31. Is grieved she could not so speedily perform his request for delivering of her house as in heart she most earnestly desired; also, that he has been too greatly troubled by her desire in being otherwhere provided. Thanks for his careful and friendly placing of her. For her stuff yet remaining at Arundel House, she will forthwith take order for its remove, that the house may be delivered to whom he appoints; wishing it may be in every sort to his health and best liking.—This 31st of July, Sutton.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (53. 80.)
John [Young], Bishop of Rochester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 31. To the same effect as his former letter of 30th July.—From Bromley, this last of July 1597.
Signed. Seal. ⅓ p. (175. 100.)
Sir Edward Fitton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 29–31. We are arrived here the 28th of this July all in health, and your honourable and virtuous niece so without all weariness cared for her house as, I assure you, I rejoiced much. My cousin Booth and some few others of my kinsmen and friends met my Lord at the confines of Cheshire and Shropshire, near the Nantwich, and there lodged all night, with near 500 horse. Mr. Booth, being sheriff, and this company, with others, did attend his Lordship to Chester and thence to Sir John Savage's : and so until Sir Richard Molynux and a great number of Lancashire, to the number of 700 horse, met my Lord near Warrington, at which town Mr. Ireland made him a banquet in the street, and so Sir Richard Molynux and divers others attended his Lordship to Knowsley, but went home that night. For the lease made to my Lord of Oxford and you, there is no other lease nor assurance but the lease made for my Lady's jointure, which lease is warranted by fine. The deed doth remain, as Mr. Ireland assureth me, under my Lord Treasurer's hand, the Earl of Oxford's and yours, with my Lord, and my Lord Treasurer hath the deed under the Earl of Derby's hands. Whereby the very interest of the possession is in your Lordship instantly. It were good you caused my Lord your father to seek it up and peruse it. I beseech you, keep this to yourself till I see you. It is better for me to speak all I know than write. I have appointed all the names of the gentlemen that met my Lord to be set down for you. My lady was entertained at Sir Thomas Gerrerde's, but his mother's sickness did keep thence both their daughters and sons-in-law.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. closely written. (54. 110.)
Lord Dunsany to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July. Having no other shield against beggary but her Majesty's goodness, nor other passage to come thereby but through your noble favour, I beseech you to descend a little from the height of your great affairs to the due consideration of what is meet to be done for a poor gentleman in the distress I am. I have long relied upon the expectancy of her Majesty's promised goodness. I have made sundry offers of services in divers kinds which I am still ready to perform. My lands are all wasted, as the rest of my kindred's be. I am much indebted, for the help whereof I have no hope but from her Majesty. Many that have been traitors, many rebels, and very many opposite to the proceedings of her Majesty, have been, and are daily, restored, relieved, and employed in my country by her Majesty's pleasure. What a shame is it, therefore, for me, having been here these four and twenty years without committing any trespass, and not omitting the duty of an honest man, to be in worse case than they. Think of it, good Mr. Secretary, and I doubt not but as you can you will do me this great good to tell her Majesty your mind therein. My suit is for a pension, such as her Majesty shall think meet for me. For mine entertainment I refer it and resign it to her Majesty. And when I shall have something to live on it shall appear that I am both willing and able, as concerning my person, to do her Majesty service as any is in my country. I desire relief and employment, and God give me mercy as I desire and mean to deserve both—This July.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (53. 82.)
Sir Edward Fitzgerald to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July. Last night, after you ended speech with her Majesty, I moved her Highness in my suit, requesting her to consider of my petition and to be graciously pleased to despatch me, as better able in my employments in Ireland to do her service there than by expense of time here to be further troublesome to her Majesty; to which very graciously she answered that she would be mindful of my suit, and that I should before her remove hence be despatched. I doubt not upon any such motion by you but her Majesty will appoint my despatch; my hopes only expect by your furtherance to find good success in my business.
Holograph. ½ p. (53. 84.)
Sir Edward Fitzgerald to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July. I am thankful to you, having done that good for me and my poor house such as hath tied my love and service ever to you. I beseech you in my behalf to write to the Lord Chancellor, signifying how graciously her Majesty hath dealt with me, having given me the reversion of all such lands as I hold of the house of Kildare in the same nature that the Earl formerly held them, which notice from you will free my letter from being scanned upon, as is common there; and that, accordingly, you wish his good furtherance that I might have my patent forth with the convenientest speed that may, insomuch as my attendance upon the services there might upon any delay greatly prejudice my estate.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (53. 83.)
Lord Thomas Howard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July. My lady of Derby hath been very ill this night and is very weak; Mr. Gilbert saith she is dangerously sick. I find her desirous to have you here; I would you did take pains to come to her here, it would comfort her much.—In haste from Canon Row.
Endorsed :—July 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (53. 86.)
Mrs. Katherine Malby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July. My boldness extremity of want urgeth me to, never tasting the like miseries before, hoping you would have taken compassion of me, my husband being in her Majesty's service where he cannot provide for me nor his children, and myself no way able to go where he is except it please you to consider of me. My husband hath been at the charge of 35 hor[s]e this nine months without entertainment; have been fain to seek means of my friends here for his relief there, for the which I am destitute of all help. I beseech you not to think my bringing up hath been to beg or to presume to urge you for anything but my husband's due; the tenth of it shall satisfy me, or what you shall think meet to carry me such a journey. I brought to the town coach and horses for my people, but was driven to sell them all, and if I might be allowed so much as would provide me horses and furniture at the lowest rate, and 20l. to bear my charges, I should be highly bound to you. If not, I beseech I may have so much as you are content to afford me, to relieve my present extreme wants till my husband may have liberty to take some order for me.
Holograph. 1 p. (53. 87.)
The Earl of Rutland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July. You will give me leave, amongst the rest of your friends, to recommend my service and best affection to you, being infinitely glad that her Majesty was not acquainted with my going; for I protest I would not have been stayed for anything in the world, so much I desire to know and see the wars.
Endorsed :—“July 1597. Received by Sir Rob. Crosse.”
Holograph. Seal. ⅓ p. (53. 90.)
Lord Montague to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1597, July.] If you will grant me a warrant for some post-horses for myself and company, I shall make the more haste after my Lord of Essex. I have now dispatched all he charged me with. If you command me, I will come to the Court for your commands. P.S.—I had hoped to have found you at your house yesterday; I am loath to come to the Court, except I find you in your chamber. Undated.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (58. 35.)
Sir Walter Ralegh to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1597, July.] I am sorry to be now so near that my letters may come to your hands, but this unfortunate year is such as those that were ready and at seas two months before us are beaten back again and distressed. This long stay has made me a poor man, the year far spent, and what shall become of us, God knows; the body is wasted with toil, the purse with charge, and all things worn; only the mind is indifferent to good fortune or adversity. There is no news from here worth the writing. If I were more fortunate I should be more worthy the commanding. As I am you may dispose of me. [P.S.] I pray be gracious to my friends in my absence, and not too credulous. Further, that if any of my officers be suitors to you in my behalf, you will grant them your favour. I pray excuse me to my lord your father, having nothing worth his reading.—Undated.
Holograph. ½ p. (58. 52.)
The Earl of Rutland to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1597, July.] I pray you present my service to the Queen, hoping she will be pleased with my determination to take this journey, wherein I desire to show my duty to her and my love to my country. I have taken with me your trusty servant my countryman, Andrew Bussy, who desires to be a soldier rather than of any other profession, a spirit agreeing with my own.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (58. 54.)
[See S.P. Dom., Eliz., cclxiv, 55.]
Edward Wymarke to the Queen.
1597, July. The Queen's displeasure at his book of concealments. Describes it, and begs that it be referred to the Lord Treasurer and the Chancellor, and that relief be given him either by this or some new book, or other satisfaction.—Undated.
Endorsed :—July 1597. 1 p. (391.)
A letter to Sir Robert Cecil on the same subject.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (53. 91.)