Cecil Papers: July 1597, 1-15

Pages 284-304

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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July 1597, 1–15

Thomas Plumpton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 1. I did not a little comfort myself that your honour vouchsafed to speak to me at the Court. According to your request I will ever remain ready and willing and think myself happy to be serviceable.—London, 1 July 1597. Signed. ½ p. (52. 97.)
Lord Dunsany to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 1. The father of this bearer, my kinsman, hath been all his life a painful servant of her Majesty. For his service he received certain leases in his later days for the relief of his children; by an advantage of law taken during the children's minority, these were defrauded of the goodness meant to them by the Queen, and of the only relief bequeathed to them by their father. May it please you to further the poor gentleman, who leaving his former challenge by law, will appeal only to the Queen's goodness.—1 July 1597.
Signed, “P. Dunsany.” 1 p. (52. 98.)
Thomas Windebank to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 1. I crave your dispensation for my absence and licence to remove myself, for recovering my strength abated by a sharp fever. I send you the things which you committed to my trust, sealed up as they be. My fellows are very willing to give their attendance and Mr. Wood (sic) enters to-day.—This first morning of July 1597.
Signature. ½ p. (175. 93.)
Ordnance, etc. for the King of France.
1597, July 2. Warrant to Lord Burghley granted at the request of Mons. de Sourdeaig, to allow La Motte to purchase and export for the use of the King of France, fifty thousand weight of powder, five thousand cannon shot, six hundred pikes and six pieces of iron ordnance of the bore and weight of sakers.—At our manor of Greenwich, 2 July, 39 Eliz.
Sign manual. Countersigned, “J. Wood.”
Seal. 1 p. (52. 99.)
Thomas Fane, Lieutenant of Dover Castle, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 2. Here arrived this evening from Rochelle a French gentleman, the Sieur de Coureiles, with a packet of letters to her Majesty, and other letters to the Lord Treasurer, the Earl of Essex and the Lord Admiral. In his company came a Spaniard, born in the Island of Tenerife, sent by the chief of Rochelle into England with this French gentleman, for that he has, as he says, matters of importance to discover to the Queen. The purpose of the French gentleman is first to repair to Mr. Killegrew and of him to receive directions, whereupon I said that it was not fit he should bring a Spaniard to the Court without first acquainting some of the Privy Council therewith, and wished him to repair to you for that purpose. But he was altogether unwilling and would not be persuaded. Wherefore I have stayed him for this night that you might thereby have knowledge of him and his designs before his coming to the Court. I caused the Spaniard to set down his name with his own hand, as also the French gentleman, with his desire, which I enclose.—Dover Castle, 2 July 1597.
Signed. Endorsed :—“For her Majesty's especial affairs. Dover this 2nd of July at 9 night. Hast, Hast, Hast, Hast, Post, Hast. Canterbury at one of the clock in the morning. Sittingbourn half hour past 3 the 3 of July in the morning. Rochester the 3 at 5 in the morning. Darforth half an hour past 7 in the morning.”
Seal. 1 p. (52. 100.)
The Enclosure :
Virgarat soy natural de la ysla de Tenerife y jo depc de Vegara y de doñda Mc de los Rios en la ciudad de la Laguna.
Le Sieur de Courcilles, pair et conseiller de la ville de la Rochelle, ayant lettres adressants a la Majesté de la Serenissime Reine d'Angleterre, tant de la part de Messieurs les Deputes des Eglises reformées de France assemblés a present a la ville de Chateaubriand, que de Messieurs les Maire, Eschcvins, conseillers et pairs de la ville de la Rochelle.
Holograph by the two mentioned.
(52. 105.)
François le Fort to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 2. You bade me apply to you when in need. I much desire to be exempt from the loan which Her Majesty is raising. The Treasurer, your father, has exempted all other Flemings at Mons. de Caron's asking. I have ten children to keep at school. I have not for twelve years had a penny from the property I left at Antwerp, nor enjoyed my inheritance in “Bretanique.” Mons. de Beauvois, the Ambassador, has wholly ruined me by feigning the service of the King beyond sea.—London, 2 July, 1597.
Holograph. French. Seal. ½ p. (177. 56.)
Thomas Harriot to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 3. Relative to a writing of importance which Sir Walter hath sent unto me in great haste to send him to be used by himself before his departure. He desires that it may come to him by the running post to Weymouth, where he awaits the coming of the fleet, having the soldiers there ready to embark. But if Sir Walter be gone, then the paper to be returned.—3 July, Durham House.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (52. 101.)
Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 3. I do send unto you a letter that I have received from Sir Arthur Savage, to peruse and consider how the matters therein contained may be answered, for I am very unwilling now in mine absence to intermeddle with such broken causes; but I will send both for Molle and for James, a servant of Sir Thomas Baskerville, and move James that the money detained by his late master, which was borrowed by Villeroye and hath been defaulted of the Q. money, may be repaid.
I understand also by some other means, that Sir Thomas Baskerville detained a groat a week from every soldier, upon pretence to have money to relieve them when they were sick, a matter wherewith, I remember, Sir John Norris was likewise charged, even by Baskerville himself at that time; but now renewed by himself to commit the like offence; and hereof Sir Arthur Savage would be admonished not to follow such an example, as I think he will not. I pray you send my letters hereinclosed into Zealand.—From my house in the Strand this third of July, 1597. Your loving father, W. Burghley.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (52. 102.)
Sir Richard Barkeley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 4. I have moved Mr. Wentworth to inform me whether he can find sufficient sureties not to depart from his house. He says he will be thankful for whatsoever liberty her Majesty may grant him, and to anyone who shall be the means of it. As to his house, he saith that no place will be so uncomfortable to him as that house in regard of the want of his wife which he so dearly loved, whose memory will always be renewed thereby to his great grief; and therefore would rather abide with the Lord St. John at Bletsoe, and that he might have liberty to take the air there within suitable compass of the house for his health's sake. Lord St. John will be his surety and find others; but he desireth freely to be set at liberty that he may see a child of his living beyond York, which he has not seen these eight years.—The Tower, 4 July,
Signed. 1 p. (52. 103.)
Edward Conway to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 4. I only trouble you out [of] the assurance I have of your free and noble “yoemor” [humour] and knowledge of the sincere affection my most worthy governor bears you, in my duty to whom needing an “adres” I seek you. I have received orders from your Honours for the manner how her Majesty's garrisons shall be paid, and for avoiding certain abuses practised by the captains. This order gives us hope that treasure will come which hath been so long hence, and the “burgour” wearied with a despaired loan, as, if it shall not be reformed, it is a fair way to inconvenience, however the success prove better. There is in the order a cannonier's pay defaulted from every captain for the satisfaction of extraordinary cannoniers of her Majesty's garrisons. In this garrison my Lord Governor hath ever held in his company both cannoniers and other officers that were presently out of place, at his charge, and ready to do service here when the occasion should call them, those entertained upon his private purse having been both sufficient and extraordinary. The pay from every band of the cannoniers he hath bestowed most worthily upon a sufficient preacher, to whom both his Honour and the rest of the captains at his Lordship's pleasure are further beneficial. If this shall be now taken away, the preacher will be driven to quit the place, a matter of great inconvenience to the garrison, who are Christians, and to the Queen's service, religion being a greater bond of obedience in the soldier and of justice in the captain, both for number, and right in their bands, which has been so observed in this garrison, through the care of the Governor, as her Majesty has had great account made of her men here : in the last year's action from Spain out of six companies 400, and the town in all possible measure furnished; and now out of the same six, 300, and yet left to do duty in the town (besides officers) in the weakest company 65, besides those that are absent with passports and sick in the town. The Governor's orders observed here being a way to that end extraordinary and beyond the power of the most diligent commissary, who musters but once a month, but here all hands are trained once a week. I mention this because of the clause which commands no commissary to be resident above six months in one place, nor to serve the place by a servant without six of the Council's leave. The commissary for this place is my Lord's necessary servant in his business in London; and I beseech he may be left free for that. As to shifting the commissaries here, it can better nothing. A resident commissary can account better by his knowledge of every particular soldier, as the present commissary does. I therefore commit us to your favour, especially in the matter of maintaining the preacher here.—July 4, 1597.
Signed. Seal broken. 1½ pp. (52. 104.)
Thomas Fane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 4. As your letter requires me, I had formerly warned the French Gentleman not to presume to come to the Court with the Spaniard without special directions from Mr. Killigrew, to whom they said they were going, meaning, I suppose Sir Henry Killigrew at London.
Concerning the fleet I hear that on Saturday morning they were off Beachy in Sussex, but were driven back by the wind to the Ness point [Dungeness], where they were yesterday. But this morning the weather being fair, the best mariners think they will reach Beachy again.—Dover Castle, 4 July, 1597.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Dover, 4 July at 8 morning. Canterbury past 12, 4 July. Sittingbourne 6 a clock night, sent by a traveller and not post. Rochester the 4th at almost 8 at night. Dartford at 12 at night.”
Seal. 1 p. (52. 100.)
The Landgrave of Hesse.
1597, July 4. Warrant to Lord Burghley to allow Robert Brown, servant of the Landgrave of Hesse, to transport for the Landgrave's use 100 long bows, 2000 bow strings, and 3000 arrows, without paying any custom.—Manor of Greenwich, the 4th July, 39 Eliz.
The Queen's Sign Manual. Privy Seal. ½ p. (53. 2.)
Robert Bowes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 4. Your last of the 22nd of June last, with her Majesty's declaration of the causes moving her to send for her navy and army, I have received. I have dispersed the books you sent into honourable hands, commending highly her Majesty's enterprise begun, wherein the well affected here pray for the good success, for the which especial prayers and fasting are continued in some houses. But many here and of other disposition are pinched therewith, fearing that the Spanish affairs shall not speed and prosper in these northern countries as hath been expected.
By my letter to your father I have advertised the proceedings in Border causes since the departure of Sir William Bowes. Good effects are promised, as by that letter will appear. Some impediments may peradventure fall in the execution of the complete delivery of all the pledges on both sides. But the greatest difficulty will be in the due delivery of Buccleugh and Sesford, which will be hardly effected except this estate may understand that her Majesty will actually enable her subjects to defend and revenge their wrongs, as out of her letter to Sir Wm. Bowes and myself it hath been confidently delivered by us, and as at this time it is here expected to be put in speedy execution.
By Macklayne and his friends I am still urged to let him know her Majesty's resolute pleasure towards him and his service for her Majesty, that thereon he may retain or dismiss his companies. I hold it my duty to certify you, as many times I have done, how I am pressed in this behalf, and 1 pray to be directed whether my silence in this matter (with fit excuses for the same) or any other meet course shall best please her Majesty.
In like manner the Laird of Easter Weemes desiring to pass through England to France, and Mr. Robert Deneston, Conservator for the Scottish nation in the Low Countries, seeking likewise to return through England to Middleburgh, do earnestly call on me to procure for them by your good means her Majesty's several safe conducts. The Laird and his cause are known to you; and the Conservator so frankly offereth and is very able to do profitable offices for her Majesty, and thereof to give sufficient proof to yourself, as with the greater boldness I have importunated you for him. As they stay their journeys in expectation of her Majesty's favour, I beseech you to yield me some notice how I shall either please them or clear myself.—At Edinburgh, the 4th of July 1597.
Signed. 1½ pp. (53. 3.)
Dr. John Duport to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 4. “I understand by my loving kinsman Sir Edward Wutton the great favour your honour hath extended towards me in my present suit to her excellent Majesty. Accept therefore, most renowned and worthy Cecil, my most hearty thanks for so high deserts, and manifest the resolution of a noble mind in the courteous entertaining of so slender a present. And if it may be, let the poor unworthy Doctor find in his suit what it is to be seconded with the favour of so honourable a gentleman; and if not so, yet either with it or without it, let him have the assurance that worthy Sir Robert Cecil hath a care of him, and I dare engage myself for him his life shall be vile in his eyes to confine himself in all things to your designments.” [Profuse compliments.]—From Medburne, 4 July' 97.
Holograph. Portion of Seal. 1 p. (53. 4.)
Wm. Alton to John Lee.
1597, July 4. One William Colston served here in Bristol the office of searchership, and for misbehaviour is dismissed and his patent taken from him. It is the Queen's gift, and now in her hand. Colston bought the office of one Mr. Ley, which before served that office here, and gave for the same 300l. Pleaseth you to deal with Sir Henry Ley, or yourself to beg the same of the Queen in my name, that I may have that grant as Colston had it, I will give you good payment, 300l. for your pains. If you please to deal therein you must do it forthwith, for sundry this day is rid hence to be suitors to my Lord Treasurer for his good will for the office. I have done her Majesty very good service sundry times and never had any recompence. If need be (although no searcher ever gave sureties) I will do so.—Bristol, 4 July 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (53. 21.)
Sir Henry Winston to Lord Burghley.
1597, July 5. Having a cause of some weight at our assizes at Gloucester this summer by means of a forged lease supposed to be made by the late abbot of St. Peter's of Gloucester, and understanding your lordship hath a book of the same abbot's wherein most of the good leases he made were registered, my desire is you would either lend me the said book, or let the bearer hereof, one Mr. Arden, search whether the forged lease now in question be registered. Also, there is one Mr. Jeffe, a merchant that dwelleth in London, that hath a court book and a survey of divers of the same abbot's manors, whereof some are now in her Majesty's hands; send your warrant for the same book, because it appertaineth to her Majesty, and I will undertake to see it very safely delivered where you will appoint. Moreover I am to entreat your letter to my Lord Keeper to lend me the seal his lordship hath of the same abbot down into the country, and he shall have it safely again.—From Standish, the 5th of July 1597.
Signed. ½ p. (53. 6.)
Sir Henry Winston to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 5. Asking him for the above purpose, to write to Lord Cobham to lend such court books and records of the abbot's as his lordship hath.—From Standish, 5 July 1597.
Signed. ⅓ p. (53. 5.)
Susan, Countess of Kent to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 5. I have received yesternight a message from my lady of Warwick how her ladyship hath once more moved her Majesty for me that my poor child might be joined with me; and her Majesty granted it, and my lady of Warwick willed me to make so much known unto you. Therefore, good Mr. Secretary, I desire that while her Majesty is so well bent to me and my poor child, it would please you that there might be a bill drawn for me, leaving the sum of what it shall please her Majesty to give yearly unto us to her most princely bounty; which when you present unto her Majesty, I do assure myself that by your most honourable mind which I found in you at my last being with you to help both me and my poor child, it shall fall out far better unto us than otherwise it would, by your honourable word unto her Majesty for us.—From my lodging in Greenwich, 5 July 1597. [P.S.]—This morning my Lady Stafford sent me word that her Majesty had made known unto you what her pleasure is for me and my child.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (53. 7.)
Thomas Owen, Justice of the Common Pleas, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 5. Requesting a licence to travel for three years beyond seas for his brother-in-law, Mr. Thomas Duekett, being a man well affected in religion.—From Hertford, 5 July 1597.
Signed. Seal. ¼ p. (53. 9.)
John Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 6. Your Honour's of the 28th of June, received by me the 2nd of July, with the enclosed herein, I presently delivered to Sir Robert Carey according to your direction; still expecting to hear how our Scottish “opposites'” dealings will be taken, who “bobes us so feynley.”—Berwick, this 6 of July.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (53. 10.)
Florence McCarthy to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 6. Having these three years sued her Majesty for those two parcels of land which my father-in-law mortgaged to my wife and to Nicholas Browne, about two or three years since Sir John Stanhope wrote by me to my lord [Burghley] that her Majesty's pleasure was to grant me those lands if his lordship thought fit; whereupon my lord referred me to Sir Thomas Norreys for a certificate of the state of those lands. But these late proceedings make me doubt that either his lordship is much led by mine adversary Nicholas Browne's surmises, or else had no intention that I should have those lands; for if he were determined to deal favourably with me he would not now set down that Nicholas Browne should have letters to the Lord Deputy and Council to have those lands surveyed and certified whether they be fit to be granted unto him; from whence the said Browne (who is a miserable fellow, well moneyed, having these eight years enjoyed those lands worth 200l. a year, being almost twice more and better than all the rest) will be sure to bring a good certificate, for the Lord Deputy cannot appoint any commissioners to survey it but will for money say whatsoever Browne wishes them. And where my lord hath set down that I should have such another letter, I assure you I will never meddle with any, for the certificate that I brought, which now avails me little and cost me above 300l. with a year's travel from place to place about it, was so diligently and carefully done by Sir Thomas Norreys at a general sessions that I cannot tell how my lord can be better satisfied. Besides, I am by mine imprisonment and long suit so consumed as I am not able to follow this suit any longer; for I beseech God let me not live an hour if myself and all that are with me have 20s. to live withal, or can get money to bring me to Mr. Herbert Pelham to see whether I might be furnished by him to go into my country before myself, my wife, son, and folks had starved. My suit is, you will be a mean that I may have those two parcels for which my lord is already sufficiently certified; and for all my father-in-law's rents, &c. I will refer all to her Majesty's and his lordship's pleasure when they are duly certified thereof. I have set down in this note what sums of money are due of those two parcels and what little portion thereof shall come to my hands.—6 July 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (53. 10, 2.)
Enclosed :
The two parcels of land for the which I sued being mortgaged by my father-in-law, the one called both the Coismainges and Onaght, to Nicholas Browne, and the other to my wife, which parcel is called Castell-logh, the palace and Balicarbry, all which are but half so much as the other parcel that Browne hath, or thereabouts; besides that an island, which is the most part of the lands of Balicarbry, is mortgaged for more than it is worth to Mr. Thomas Denny; of all which two parcels my lady of Clancarthy must have her third part together with the palace wherein she dwells, and which is the best part of my wife's mortgage; and the other parcel that Nicholas Browne hath, (my lady having first her third part thereof) will be too little for Mr. Pelham, who must discharge me from himself and other creditors of 800l. and pay unto Browne his mortgage of 560l., whereby of all those two parcels there will rest unto me but Balycarbry and Castell Logh, with 4 or 5 quarters, which I would give for the third part of my living which I was constrained to consume and make away here.
¼ p.
Minute by the Earl of Essex and other Generals.
1597, July 6. Immediately upon the fleet's arrival at Portland, we coming ashore to give order to the troops and to see them embarked, a council of war was called, at which Mr. Fulk Greville was present. And in it the state of the fleet and army being considered, the short time for which at the first we were victualled, the distance of place where the intended services are to be performed, the loss of time and expense of victual by these contrary winds, it was agreed on and spoken by all that only want of victual was likely to hinder the good success of our action; and therefore it was wished by the whole council of war that Mr. Fulk Greville should with all speed be despatched to the Court to move her Majesty that in her dear and princely wisdom she would weigh how much both in honour and interest she was engaged in this action, how just and how great a grief it would be to her royal heart that those services which yield glory to her blessed name, safety to her estate and profit to her coffers, should be hindered for want of mean to keep this brave fleet and army together. Which being in all humbleness by her Majesty's poor servants laid before her, they think to have discharged their duties to God and to her royal self, and will believe that that resolution is best which she is best pleased withal. And they have all signed an act of council in which they entreat Mr. Fulk Greville to procure answer of this proposition. And for the proportion of the supply they think a month's victual for the fleet and army would be sufficient.
Signed :—Essex, Howard, C. Mountjoye, F. Vere, Ch. Blounte, W. Ralegh, George Carew.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“'97. A copy of the general letters from the Earl and the commanders, the 6th of July from Weymouth.”
1 p. (53. 11.)
The Lord Admiral (Howard) to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 6. I send you herewith a letter from Captain Covert that is in one of the hoys that rideth at Gravesend, and I have also willed that the party shall be brought unto you. Sir, if I be missed, I pray you make my excuse, for I am busied in my own estate which I have greatly neglected, and seeing what I must look for I would do my best to prevent the worst.—Bletchingly, for this night, the 6 of July.
(53. 12.)
The enclosure :
Thomas Coverte to Lord Admiral Howard.
1597, July 4. Last night, being the 4th of July, there came up a fly-boat from St. Lucar's, which I stayed one tide and searched. The master told me that he had a passenger from Seville, one Robert Allison, taken in Sir Francis Drake's pinnace at Gourdelupo. He talks somewhat idly unto me, and confesseth he was in the college amongst the seminary priests, and that he could think nothing but they would tell him. It may be you shall learn more of him, for they would not give him that liberty which he said he had but for some cause. The master of the fly-boat tells me that on Sunday last all the fleet rode at Dungeness, for the Vey amberall spake with him. I have sent this passenger unto you by the bearer hereof, one of my company.—From the Daisy, this 4 of July, 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (53. 1.)
Thomas [Bilson], Bishop of Winchester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 7. Please inform her Majesty that I have sealed the annuity of 400l. out of the manor of Taunton Dean to her Majesty and her successors, as also a lease of some of the lands of the bishopric of Winchester to her Majesty likewise, which her Highness required of me in the behalf of Sir Francis Carew. I have taken special regard of her Majesty's pleasure therein, that the particulars should yield Sir Francis that value clearly which it pleased her to like of. And for proof thereof, though by no means I desire or mean to intermeddle with the assignment from her Majesty, yet if Sir Francis doubt or distrust the value thereof, I will direct him to two or three that shall stand bound to pay him that sum which her Majesty appointed him, and yet suffer the tenants and occupiers of the several things to have their own at a reasonable hand, which is all the petition I make to her Majesty, that the owners may be preferred before others, and dealt with in such wise as they may thank God and her Majesty and no way repine at the grant.—London, this 7th of July 1597.
Signed. 1 p. (53. 13.)
Sir Francis Carew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1897, July 7. [With respect to the leases referred to in the above letter from the Bishop of Winchester], inasmuch as I am presently unacquainted with the persons that presently enjoy those things, as also with the places, I have made a choice of Edward Cole and Anthony Dawley to be my dealers therein, to whom if her excellent Majesty assign the said particulars demised by the said reverend father, it shall stead and pleasure me as much or more than if it were assigned to myself.—London, this 7th of July 1597.
Signed. 2/3 p. (53. 14.)
Henry Maynard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 7. I was prevented of my meaning to have waited on you this morning, your departure being sooner than I expected. I do therefore humbly pray therein to be excused, having no other business than only to have offered my service to you. My lord [Burghley] sent hither for a note of the numbers as they are sent out of every county in his service with the Earl of Essex, whereof it may please you to send a copy, with the late discharged numbers, if you do know the same.—From the Strand, the 7th of July 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (53. 15.)
Count Louis of Nassau to the [Earl of Essex.]
1597, July 7/17;. J'avois extremement espere que l'occasion se fust offerte, telle que Monsieur mon frere Guillaume eust este employe en ceste ambassade presente, àfin que par ce moyen j'eusse este si heureulx de venir baiser les mains de vostre Excellence, pour de bouche vous plus humblement remercier de tant de fabveurs qu'il a pleu à icelle de monstrer en mon endroit lors que j'avois ce bien d'estre en Angleterre, et de l'honneur que depuis vostre Excellence m'a faite en m'estimant digne de son amitie que icelle m'a tesmoignee par tant de lettres. Mais puis que mon esperance s'an va perdre, je suis contrainct par ceste lettre seulement vous en remercier tres humblement, suppliant vostre Excellence de me continuer ceste bonne volonte.
On craint extremement par deça la resolution que sa Majesté pourra prendre de la paix, et la seule esperance du contraire gist en la seule prudence et authorite de vostre Excellence, laquelle tout le monde cognoit en icelle si grande et parfaicte qu'on a encores quelque esperance que par vostre moyen le practicques de la paix pourroyent estre auquunement renversees; cognoissants l'humour de vostre Excellence si noble qu'elle desirera plus en une guerre juste et honorable avec incommodités rendre son nom perpetuel par ses actes vrayement heroiques, que en une paix malheureuse pour nous vivre à son aise. J'espere que les effects respondront à l'esperance de tout le monde, et que par telle occasion me sera donne moyen, Monseigneur, de vous rendre la service que je vous dois.—Donne en Haye, ce 17 de Julius, 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (53. 44.)
John Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 8. In favour of one Walton, making suit for the place of Searcher of Bristol.
Endorsed : 8 July 1597. Signed. Seal. ½ p. (53. 18.)
Humfrey Basse to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 8. I have by this bearer received your warrant for the payment of this next month's pay to your Majesty's forces in Picardy. Mr. Smith desires some further allowance towards his charges, wherein I beseech your good word.—8 July 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (53. 19.)
Mr. Hicks to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1597, July 9. My lord [Burghley] willed me to write unto you to move both Mr. Michael Stanhope and Mr. Darcye to take all the good opportunity as either of them may, to procure the signing of so many bills of the Court of Wards as they can, there being more bundles at this time to be despatched than have been of long time, besides those which will daily increase.
Here dined to-day Sir Jerome Bowes, Mr. Fra. Bacon, and Mr. Hare, clerk of the Court of Wards. Their errands were nothing else but to do their duties. They be all gone since dinner, and now we be alone, my lord under a tree in the walks with a book in his hand to keep him from sleeping, and we ready to take bowls into our hands but that the weather is somewhat too warm yet.
There was a letter brought this day to my lord from Sir Edward Conway from the Brill. Amongst other things he writes that the 4th of this month there passed a ship that way from Lisbon, who reported that the rendezvous was complete at Ferrol, without fear of the fleet of these parts, and destined neither for England nor Ireland, but for Brittany or France.
The 5th of this month there passed another ship which came lately from St. Lucar, who saith the report was there that the ships in Ferrol were 150, afflicted with sickness, and both the fleets an[d] army compounded most of unwilling men in great fear of this fleet from these parts, and the country more. The reports of these two ships, methinks, vary, the one saying that the fleet there are without fear of the fleet of these parts, the other otherwise. But I write this but to fill up the paper, for you know better than both these.
You remember my lord of Southampton spoke to you to give me a buck, which you promised to do. I pray you procure me one out of some of the parks about London, for your chase is very poor, and is like to be worse they say. There is a warrant come from the Greencloth for serving of two brace of bucks out of the great park at Enfield against August. I trust you will be a mean to my lord North to spare them; there are not so many in the park. I am more careful of their increase than if they were mine own, and I hope with a year or two breathing to have the game very fair. If I have leave to come to my house I will come over to the Court.
Endorsed :—“9 July 1597. Mr. Hicks to my master, from Theobald's.”
Holograph, unsigned. Seal. 1 p. (53. 20.)
Mr. Justice Owen to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 9 Explaining that the proceedings which should have been taken at the next Sussex Assizes touching the death of John Wheatley, gent., slain by George Rose and others, as it is pretended, have been deferred to the next assizes in consequence of the sickness of Mr. Justice Gawdy.—From my house in London, this 9th of July 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (53. 22.)
The examination of John Steele.
1597, July 10. The examination of John Steele, taken at Sibthorpe before William Sutton, Edward Stanhope, and Richard Whalley, esquires, justices of peace within the county of Nottingham. This examinate saith he received the licence or testimonial signed by Mr. Clavering and Mr. Mansfield at Mr. Clavering his own house, and that Mr. Mansfield wrote his letter to Mr. Clavering to procure the same.
He further saith that the licence which is sealed with a seal like to the seal of the Privy Council, and subscribed with the names of the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Treasurer, Lord Admiral, Lord Buckhurst, Sir Robert Cecil and Sir Jo. Fortescue, written in parchment, bearing date the 3rd of June last past, to beg throughout England for one whole year, he received at the hands of John Steele his younger son, being of the age of 15 or 16 and serving the Lord Hunsdon as his footman, as examinate supposeth; but saith that the same was procured by Robert Steele, his elder son, being about the age of 26, who served the old Lord Hunsdon as his horsekeeper, and now serveth Lord Hunsdon in the same room, as he supposeth, and is married and dwelleth in the Strand where his lordship's house is.
Also he saith his said son Robert got the said licence after he came to London, within three days, and in the meantime placed this examinate with his wife and his daughter in an alehouse at the outside of the town at a tailor's house at the sign of the Shears. And after it was gotten John Steele the younger son delivered the licence to this examinate, and the elder son came presently after and paid for examinate's charges, and gave him 5s. and the cloak he now weareth, and brought him with his wife and daughter forth of the town, and so departed from them, saying that he had now got that which should serve their turns, meaning the said licence; by virtue whereof examinate hath begged all the way homewards until he was stayed and brought before the said Wm. Sutton to have the said licence seen and perused. He further said that Margaret his wife and Jane his daughter went with him all this journey, which Jane is about 15 or 16 years of age, and that she is his youngest child whereof her mother died in child bed, and that this Margaret is his second wife.
Signed by the above-named justices. (53. 24.)
Juo Aguirre y Vergara to the Queen.
1597, July 10. The desire to profess the Gospel which she so heroically defends, made him long wish to come to this realm; but an occasion did not arise until, upon suffering some persecution, he complained to his king, who referred him to the Pope. Thinks he is therefore absolved from his allegiance; and he has come to offer his heart and service to her Majesty, and humbly begs that they may be accepted. Complains that the men of Rochelle, whom he supposed to be her friends, put him in prison and tried to make a merit of it to their king. London, 10—[month omitted], 1597.
Spanish. Holograph. 2 pp.
Endorsed : “July 1597, Friar John Aguirre, his offer of service.”
(53. 81.)
H. Sanderson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 11. Since the delivery of our letters from certain of the Aldermen and other burgesses of Newcastle, I have exhibited sundry petitions, but one especially yesterday. Because it importeth more than any of the rest, I beseech your Honour (in the behalf of many her Majesty's good subjects, who find themselves many ways grieved), to be a mean that the said letter and petition may be considered of, and so far as our humble suit and request shall be reasonable and just, to vouchsafe your honourable countenance and help, the adverse part having the town's purse privily and openly at their pleasure to support them, wherein there is notable abuse. On Thursday last a “bowle” of rye was sold for 32s. in Newcastle, which is after 4l. 16s. the quarter; [“It is said that in some part of the town it was sold the same day for xxxvj's. the bowle.”—margin.] and if, by the good providence of God, three Hollanders had not come in with corn on Friday following, what it would have grown unto, the Lord knoweth, many having not tasted bread in twenty days before, by credible report, and sundry starving and dying in our streets and in the fields for want of bread. A pitiful estate of that town, which might be most flourishing, and best able to serve her Majesty by sea and land of any town of England, if the revenues and commodities thereof were employed as was intended by her Majesty and her noble progenitors when the same were granted.—11 of July 1597.
Seal. 1 p. (16. 10.)
Elizabeth, Dowager Lady Russell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, [Before July 11]. I am going, God willing, into the country to see if there I may recover my health and strength, and must intreat you as a councillor in my absence to acquaint the Council table how unhonestly, despitefully and unlawfully for one of my calling one May, a draper, hath dealt with me. There is a debt, but of 16l., claimed to be due to May dead, for things fetched many years since. I left him and have not dealt for any groat there the space of 12 years. I never deal with any such, but either will them to receive ready money, or else to trust none without warrant of mine own hand for the delivery of anything demanded in my name. This was not so. But I denying any such to be taken to my use to my knowledge, they commenced their suit in ordinary manner and not by notice due to my calling. Yet was I willing to pay as much thereof as any could prove to have been received by any to my use; whereupon one Barodell, an upholsterer, confessed to have received part. So much was I content to pay, though Barrodel had received 700l. from me, for which I have his release to shew of all debts; so that it came to within 4l. of the sum demanded. And because I refused to pay all, unwittingly to me or mine he hath sued me to an exigent, being not lawful to outlaw any baron, my husband being known to be more than a baron. This indignity in this sort offered me I desire may be made known to the Council table, that I find my honour so much touched therewith, in respect of the danger that might have ensued by an outlawry to my estate by forfeiture, that I have no other refuge to fly to for redress : the rather if merchant books, perhaps paid and not crossed out in some cases, or not delivered perhaps but falsely required, shall have such privileges to claim from any what they command not, and be held for such a law as may force payment of what they list. I trust it may be your case and every one's of the nobility as it is mine now. I therefore appeal to their directions what I shall do or what order shall be taken; to whom I hope myself sufficiently known not to regard 3l. or 4l. so much as the manner of dealing; wherein my honour is so touched as if I thought it were offered to me because I am a widow, were it to shun an inconvenience with a greater mischief purchased to myself and a newer cumber like intestinum vulnus abditum in visceribus meis, I tell you, Sir—but not the Council table—as lately as I have been at death's door, I would rather marry some one that lacketh one of his five senses rather than carry so great an indignity presumed by so base a fellow for want of a husband honourable. Thus, nephew, may you see, how weak soever my body is made by sickness, my mind is the same it was. I pray commend me humbly and heartily to my lady of Warwick and wish her to look to the like, for it may to her what doth to me. This should be 'fett' 12 years since. “Your desolate Aunt, E. Russell, Dowager.”
Endorsed :—“July 1597.”
Holograph. Two seals over green silk. 1 p. (53. 89.)
Sir William Cornwallis to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 11. As to a misinterpretation of the points of an order made at a meeting at the Star Chamber relative to the contentions between Lord Sandys and his uncle, Sir Walter. He begs that Cecil will continue to deal with the matter; also, if question should arise touching a certain bond for mean profits, that he will decide them to be due after trial and not after the order referred to, since the order was not a judgment as to title.—11 July.
Signed. Seal broken. 1 p. (53. 25.)
Elizabeth, Dowager Lady Russell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 11. I am content to refer the matter to yourself, only so that my honour may be repaired with punishment of that base fellow that as a solicitor followed the cause in the widow's name, and durst presume, contrary to law hitherto in such unordinary manner for my calling, to sue a noble woman to an exigent for denying to pay 4l. of a sum that, in my soul, was but a false pack made between them since her husband's death. There be good evidences to show I had paid above 1,400l. to that varlet Barrodell, from whom I have release of all reckonings; and whether these be parcels thereof I know not. But shall we ratify the merchant's books to be such gospel as without the hand to the book of the receiver we shall be bound to pay for that we never sent for, upon their words that perhaps forge upon their own being that never was, or cross not the books when debts be paid? I will certainly not be ashamed to kneel to her Majesty for redress before I pay a groat more than I offered at the first, or pay for proceedings so much against my honour and truth.
Endorsed :—“11 July 1597. Lady Russel to my master.”
Addressed :—“To my daughter Bess Russel at the Court.”
Holograph. 1 p. (53. 26.)
Elizabeth, Dowager Lady Russell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, [After July 11]. I thank you that you rattled up the attorney, who hath been with me and avoweth that he said that he had once waited upon me with a letter from Mistress May, which I confess; at which time I offered him 12l., though in my soul I owed not a groat, yet so much to avoid farther trouble I was then contented to pay, which he confesseth he refused to receive because he knew not the widow's mind therein, being not in town. After, he saith that he sent me word, but by whom he knoweth not; which I never heard of nor any word of the matter till within these three weeks. But now he is desirous of the 12l. I offered so many years since, which I have paid, and have a general release for the same; because I would not be troublesome to you more than in respect of indignities offered me, which he so avoweth may by law be done to a widow of any Earl, as by the grace of God, as long as I can crawl, I will rather marry some one that shall want four of his five wits rather than I will receive any indignity or disgrace by such base fellows for not being a wife to an Earl or a Baron. You may see, Sir, my heart is the same it was wont to be, though my body weak. So thanking you with all my heart for defending my poor part in honour, I have delivered him from the pursuivant and ended the matter. Touching the message my Lord Treasurer sent me by my solicitor Mr. Loman, tell him from me that Mr. Necton saith that there hath been and is needful to be a steward and a baily in the Blackfriars, to maintain the liberties of Her Majesty and to keep all things in order, which now for want of a governor are too bad out of course.
Holograph. 1 p. (53. 88.)
John Mey, Bishop of Carlisle, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 11. Let me entreat you to keep secret the contents of this my letter, fearing if the same were made known it would breed deadly feud unto him in whose behalf I write these letters. This bearer, Thomas Lancaster, is the only man that I have trusted or can trust to discover such Jesuits and seminaries as do lurk within my diocese, to the corruption of many of her Majesty's subjects. He was the only man that gave me sure intelligence when and where I might apprehend, as I did, Christopher Robinson, our late condemned seminary, whose execution hath terrified a great sort of our obstinate recusants; where, nevertheless, there be still harboured three or four more notable seminaries or Jesuits, who pass and repass within my diocese without controlment, such is the careless or partial dealing of some of our justices. Among the said seminaries or Jesuits there is one Richard Dudley, termed by the aforesaid Robinson and other his associates the angel of that profession. He is the only heir of Edmund Dudley, Esquire, whose grandfather, old Richard Dudley, being a good Protestant, did in his life time so detest his grandchild's obstinacy that he disinherited him of all his lands and conveyed them to his second brother. It is known to many of our gentlemen that the said angelical Jesuit or seminary is harboured in those parts, yet none of them will, though they see him, lay hands on him. Unless the said Lancaster, her Majesty's most faithful servant, may be by your persuasion induced and authorised to apprehend him, he will never be taken. But if he may find any favour at her Majesty's hands for redress of that injury and wrong which by sinister information he hath sustained almost to his utter undoing, I doubt not but that ere long Dudley and his associates lurking in this country will by endeavours be apprehended, to the great benefit and tranquillity of her Majesty's good subjects in these parts.—Scribbled at Carlisle, this 11th of July 1597.
Holograph. 1¼ pp. (53. 28.)
Lord Keeper Egerton, Lord Buckhurst and Lord North to Sir Robert Cecil.
July 11, 1597. We have perused the proclamation for reformation of apparel, and because we note divers imperfections in the same, in our opinion meet to be better digested and considered of before the publication of the proclamation, we would be glad to have conference with you here on Wednesday next.—From York House, 11 July 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (53. 29.)
Th. Smith to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 12. I crave that you will move her Majesty in my behalf for the Clerkship of the Parliament, now void by the decease of one Mr. Mason, that died this afternoon. The office is but of small commodity, and may be well enough executed by me notwithstanding the place of service I have already in the Court. I have none other on whose favour I may rely, my lord of Essex being absent, but yourself. I think there is or will be one Bowyer a suitor for the place by the means of my Lord of Buckhurst, who may be well worthy, perhaps, of some other and greater preferment, but I may be bold to say (without any ill affection to the man) that he is not fit for this place, by reason of a great imperfection he hath in his speech.—From the Savoy, the 12 of July.
Holograph. 1 p. (53. 30.)
John Danyell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 12. My creditors do follow me daily in such earnest manner with executions and writs as I know not what to do. To be committed, I had rather die; to live here, I cannot with my liberty; to go into mine own country in a miserable estate after my travail and long continuance here, I will not. My services in forsaking 5s. a day pension beyond the seas, besides the loss of 800 crowns; my coming hither to discover the wicked practices of her enemies there; my discovery of priests and other bad members since my coming; my readiness to lay my hands for the apprehension of any evil person suspected to have come hither; in taking the oath of supremacy upon your speeches delivered unto me from her Majesty; and also in going to the sermons and services here; do manifest my faithful loyalty and firmness in this religion. I beseech you to be a mean to her Majesty for granting my humble petition here enclosed, or the note I sent you touching the bonds forfeited to her Highness. Failing some speedy order for my relief, I must sue for a passport into Germany or some other place in league and amity with her Highness, for within the Spaniard's or Pope's governments I may not come; but wheresoever I shall be come I will remain a true and faithful subject to my sovereign.—From my chamber where I must keep close, this 12th of July 1597.
Holograph Seal. 1 p. (53. 31.)
Ralph Northayer and Thomas Ingram, Bailiffs of Colchester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 12. On behalf of our public preacher Mr. Dr. Harris, the faithful watchman of our souls' welfare, we beseech your aid (in the absence of his endeared lord and master, the Earl of Essex) for his discharge in the loan of that 20l. which now, by her Majesty's privy seal, is imposed upon him. We ground our request upon the knowledge we have of his great weakness and want to furnish the same, as his willing poor heart wisheth. He was drawn by our importunacy from his study, possession and possibility of greater preferment than can be expected within our poor town, and since his coming hath in his ministry among us employed his time very painfully, to all our great comforts; and yet what by reason of his small pension here (which notwithstanding is all the living that else he hath) and of the great charge incident to that degree in the schools of doctor of divinity which the University of Cambridge hath lately bestowed upon him, and of long detaining of his foresaid pension by the practice of some within our corporation, he and his thereby hath been so much weakened, as without his great impoverishment and discredit by running into debt and danger of others, he is in no sort able to satisfy her Majesty's said request.—From Colchester, 12 July 1597.
Signed. ½ p. (53. 32.)
Anthony Atkinson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 12. In Lincolnshire there is a place called Twigmore, and four or five houses thereunto adjoining, that harboureth a number of traitorous Jesuits, seminaries and others that are their consorts, and it is credibly informed me that Davie Engleby alias Jefford is often there. The place is one of the worst in her Majesty's dominions, and is used like a popish college, for traitors that use the north parts are there harboured. It joins upon Humber, and great woods, caves and vaults thereunto belonging. Their fraternity is great, their place strong with men, guns, and weapons. Sometimes they are in Yorkshire, Derby, or “Bishopric,” but their chief abode is at Twigmore, within twelve miles of Hull by water. This bearer, Mar Eyre, can more at large inform you therein. If it please you to grant a commission to John Gaytes, Esq., one of her Majesty's justices in Yorkshire, and to me, to make search in the said place and all other places known or suspected in the north parts, Lincolnshire or Derbyshire, then I trust we shall do her Majesty good service before it be long; your warrant being directed unto us, commanding the mayor of Kingston upon Hull and his brethren, etc. to aid us with men and weapons, that good service may be done in one night without suspicion. Your answer I humbly require by this bearer; men of Hull are most fittest for that service. At this instant there are three men of war alongst Yorkshire coast that are taken for Callis men. There is one small pinnace with 24 oars for landing men; the other two ships are well appointed with cast pieces, 24 in a ship. They have taken two or three Hull ships, and a flyboat laden with rye for London. They put in fear many in this country, they are so bold.—Hull, this 12 July 1597. P.S.—After I had taken Boost the seminary, I took one Markland, seminary, who was companion with Engleby; and one Warcop who harboureth the said Markland, was taken by me and in prison at York, and be escaped. Now he is taken again, and in his company a Jesuit. This Warcop was of Babbington his conspiracy, and was of counsel with Engleby in all matters, and is a most dangerous person.
Holograph. 1 p. (53. 33.)
The Attorney General (Coke) and Solicitor General (Fleming) to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 12. We have considered the petition of the Lord Mayor of London concerning the right and measurage of coal and other things measurable upon the river of Thames coming to the said city; also the records and proof following, produced (amongst others) on the City's part.
First, a verdict of 12 men of Surrey in 42 H. III. before Hugh Bigott and Roger of Thirkleby, Justices in Eyre, by which it was found, Quod nullus aliquid juris habet in Thamesia usque ad novum gurgitem nisi civitas London.
Upon controversy between the Lieutenant of the Tower and the City concerning arresting of a ship upon the Thames in 46 H. III. before William Bassett, Chief Justice of England, and others of the King's Council, the river of Thames was allowed to belong to the City usque ad newe Were.
In 29 Ed. I., the controversy then being for fees for measurage and portage of salt, it is found by inquisition and verdict of 12 men, Quod nullus mensurarius sit de London usque Lachenlade nisi dicti mensurarii et bushelli de Ripa Reginæ, that is, of Queen Hive [Hithe].
By the records of the City it appeareth, Quod ijo Julii Anno 43o E. III. Johannes Whirwale, Rogerus Cooke, Henricus Cornewall et Galfridus Prudholme electi fuerunt ad standum in officio mensurationis carbonum maritimorum venientium ad civitatem London et jurati quod bene et fideliter mensuram facerent de carbonibus sic provenientibus, capiendo pro labore ipsorum sicut antiquitus consueverunt.
In 8 Hen. IV. it was allowed by the King's Council, upon controversy concerning removing of kiddels, tanks and other engines in the river of Thames and Medway by the City, that the Mayor and Aldermen of London ought to have the conservation and correction of the river of Thames.
Also, we find it proved by divers Acts of Parliament that the City of London ought to have the conservation or conservancy of the river of Thames : 17 Rich II. cap. 9, and 4 H. VII. cap. 15, &c.
Moreover, in 36 H. VIII. the Lord Mayor and Aldermen exhibited a petition to the King's Council, and thereby claimed to have the measure of corn, grain, coals, salt and other things upon the river of Thames by prescription and ancient allowance, and complained that they were disturbed of the same by one William Dowley, who claimed by patent from the King to have the measurage of corn, &c. upon the Thames; and upon hearing of the cause it was ordered that the City should continue their measurage, and that Dowley should no more meddle therein.
Lastly, it appeareth to us that the City hath continually used the said privilege, and yet doth to this day.
We also did of ourselves send for divers of the ancients and chief men of the Trinity House, who by all probability should best know how the possession hereof hath gone, who did una voce acknowledge that the City during all the time of their remembrance had used the said privilege and still doth use the same.
Forasmuch as this case concerned her Majesty we have taken the more time and pains in informing ourselves of the state thereof. And we are of opinion, that the privilege of measurage, in the said petition preferred to her Majesty, doth of right belong to them by prescription, and is confirmed to them by divers Acts of Parliament.—From Holborn, this 12th July 1597.
Signed. 1½ pp. (53. 34.)
John Bosome, and others, Queen's Tenants.
1597, July 12. Petition to the Queen for leases in reversion of their farms, on conditions.
Note by Sir Julius Caesar that the Queen grants their petition.—12 July 1597.
½ p. (571.)
John Stileman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 13. I have sent my man unto you with this note, whereby you may perceive what rule Mr. Machin keepeth in his walk, trusting you will take some order for his disorderly huntings; else he will or it be long leave never a deer in his walk. My man can inform what deer he had at his lodge at the beginning of the year, and what are now left. Further, I have sent you a letter which Mr. Manners wrote unto me from Mr. Caple's house since his coming into the country. I would be glad to understand what I shall do therein.—Theobalds, 13 July 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (53. 35.)
The Bishop of Winchester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 13. As to the formalities and arrangements connected with a certain lease and assignment in which her Majesty was concerned.—London, 13 July 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (53. 36.)
The Earl of Rutland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 13. Being informed here of the dangerous sickness of Mr. Thomas Markham, with an assurance of his hard escape, if it should so happen, my request is that you will move her Majesty in my behalf for the offices and parks that were in the forest of Sherwood in his hands; that as she hath bestowed upon me the lieutenantship of that forest, so she will be content I may have these walks, being things only of pleasure and not of profit, not valuing all 10l. a year, and have ever heretofore gone with the lieutenant.—From aboard the Mere Honour, 13 July.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p. (53. 37.)
Sir Walter Sandys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 13. On the same subject as Sir W. Cornwallis's letter of July 11. (See p. 297).—13 July 1597.
Signed. 1 p. (53. 38.)
Thomas Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 13. By Mr. Wade's not advertising the alteration of your coming from 8 to 4 in the afternoon, my Lord Keeper and I and Mr. Attorney being together from 8 till 11, we resolved upon a course to be referred to my Lord North and you; namely, that this proclamation should go on as it is, unless my Lord and you thought fit otherwise. If my Lord North and you do approve our course, upon advertisement thereof to my Lord Keeper to-morrow, the proclamation shall be published on Friday.—In haste, 13 July 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (53. 39.)
Captain Dawtrey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 14. Where you would have me declare the quantity of my debts, that thereby you might set down the quantity of the lease in reversion which it pleaseth her Majesty to bestow upon me, I thought good not to declare the greatness of my debts, but only to show you the time I have spent in her Majesty's services, and also the losses I received thereby. I have laid them down in articles as brief as I can, whereby you shall see as in a glass the chief causes of these great rebellions afoot in Ireland, and the grounded reasons why they are so strong and chargeable to her Majesty to suppress.—14 July 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (53. 40.)
Thomas Crompton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 14. The speech Mr. Lindley and I had with the prisoners gave us no such hope as we could assure ourselves of good payment, for they offered us but 50,000 ducats for all; alleging they could go no further without a new conference with the rest. Whereupon we thought it not meet to speak any more with them, finding they did but trifle with us, and gave present order to their keepers to take them back to Ware and to keep them more straitly than before, and prescribed him the manner how to use them. Notwithstanding, we perceive by others, and from some of their own company, that there is more hope than we can perceive from them, and that by good handling of the matter there will be a better payment than they make show to yield; and yet I think there must be a good abatement. If it would please you to use your friend's help, and yourself to take pains to deal therein to further the Earl of Essex to some good and speedy payment, his lordship would take it very kindly at your hands, and Mr. Lindley and I be readily persuaded to yield to any reasonable abatement you think meet. I am well persuaded that your dealing therein will avail the Earl, and pray you to hold your purpose. I have enclosed sent a letter directed to the keeper to such purpose as I perceived your meaning to be.—Hounslow, this 14th of July 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (53. 41.)
Roger Manners to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 15. I have received your warrant for my Lord of Rutland to hunt in this little park of Enfield, for which his lordship doth infinitely thank you. But if it please you, I will presume to attend my Lord of Rutland in the great park or the walks in the chase, where there are store of deer, and to forbear this little park until it be better replenished. I intend, God willing, to tarry here until Wednesday, and then to take my journey into Lincolnshire, and so into Derbyshire.—At Enfield, this 15 of July.
Holograph postscript by the Earl of Rutland. Thanks Cecil for this additional favour.
Holograph. 1 p. (53. 42.)
Peter Wentworth to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, July 15. I am advertised by the Countess of Warwick of your favour towards me in furthering my liberty; of the which I do think myself much bounden to be thankful and to pray for your Honour : for as the hope that is deferred is the fainting of the heart, but when the desire cometh, as Solomon saith, it is a tree of life. I have, according to your pleasure, sent you the names of those that I desire to make my abode withal, and also of those friends whom I greatly desire to see, namely, the Earl of Kent, the Lord St. John of Bletnesham, with whom I do most chiefly desire to remain; Mr. Lilton, my son Boyse of Fredvile, my son Fleetwood at Wigan, my son Strickland at Yasthrope, Sir William Lane at Horton, Sir Anthony Cope at Hanwell, Mr. Jerome Farmer at Tossester, Mr. Robert Burgoen of Wroxall, my sister Wentworth at Burneham, Mr. John Doyley, Oxford, Northampton and London. At the which I desire (for the present time until I may send for my horses) to be with Mr. Walter Williams or Mr. Roue. I hope that I shall have this liberty with her Majesty's favour, the which I do most chiefly desire.—From the Tower, the 15 of July, '97.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (175. 94.)