Cecil Papers: June 1597, 1-10

Pages 228-250

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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June 1597, 1–10

Sir Robert Sydney to The Earl of Essex.
1597, June 1. Yesternight I came out of Holland, having been kept upon the way with want of wind. The men which are to go out hence are ready, and are such as I doubt not but you shall have contentment : only I am sorry that I cannot serve you with them myself. Since my coming hither I have also talked with the Vice Admiral of Zealand, who doth assure me that at the furthest within two days the shipping of this province shall be ready. And to-morrow I will speak with the captains themselves, and, if I find slackness in anything, I will not fail to make them make all haste. The Hollands ships were appointed to be here by the 10th of this month, by which time, I think, also the troops that are to come out of Holland will be here. I learn from two letters that there is some opinion that you will take me with you. If I cannot grace the place (which it is written unto me I am named unto) with any gallantry of show, I will endeavour in other things to make satisfaction. I would beseech you to bestow a good ship upon me.—At Flushing, the 1st of June 1597. P.S.—Captain Masterson, who is bringer hereof, I know hath a desire to recommend Austen Heth, his lieutenant, unto your favour. Truly he is as proper a man, and as sufficient, as I know any of his place in all these countries, and indeed is the man for whom I meant the company, whom I wrote to you for.
Holograph. 2 pp. (51. 62.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 1. I did not know of your return to the city last night, or I should have come to tell you of this instead of writing. The astronomer Rizza Casa writes to warn me that an enemy of the Queen's has been preparing poison against her, and offers to name the man either to me or to the Ambassador in France, as I may desire. He talks of the poison having been prepared five years ago, and offered to the Archduke Ernest, so I do not know if he is worth notice. Prince Doria has careened the Genoese galleys, and embarked the Lombard infantry for Spain. If he passes the Straits you may be sure that his forces are intended to protect the chief parts of Spain against us, and leave the fleet in Ferrol free to attack Ireland, England, or Brittany. The Earl of Essex ought to be strong, and not to get too far away.—From home, 1 June 1597.
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. (175. 67.)
Sir Robert Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 2. I find from these long delays that the Queen has disposed otherwise of the East March than to bestow it on me. I beseech you procure me the Queen's warrant for my year's fee due to me, and cause it to be delivered to my servant whom I have left to follow my business. I have made all the hard means I can to keep a poor house this hard year, and as mean as it is, yet it hath stood me in more than double the fee. Let me know when it shall be fully resolved of a governor and warden, that, before his coming, I may return to Court.—Berwick, 2 June 1597.
Endorsed :—“Received the 6 of the same.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (51. 65.)
The Earl of Essex and Sir Robert Cecil to Sir Matthew Arundell.
1597, June 2. You have understood that Mr. Thomas Arundel your son hath been in question lately, and so restrained of his liberty by the Queen's commandment to us. The accusation was as foul and the circumstances as pregnant to condemn him, or any man less to be suspected from his former course of life, as any matter that we had before us for a great while, but, upon exact and careful examination, we have not found cause to pronounce him guilty of any crime containing matter of disloyalty; howsoever, his practising to contrive the justification of his vain title, still have made him adventure, contrary to his duty, to write and employ ministers beyond seas, being a great contempt. The Queen, out of favour to the house whereof he is descended, both of yourself and his mother, whom she well esteemed, hath remitted that punishment which divers of his actions are worthy of in the second degree, lest it might be judged that he was as guilty of the greatest as he was faulty in the lesser. It is the Queen's pleasure also that, in regard, his own house hath been haunted with massing priests, though he pretend ignorance thereof, that you should receive him and his upon his good abearing for some convenient time, until there be better demonstration of his discreet and dutiful carriage, testimony of which the Queen will be content to receive from you. It is not without cause for a State to be jealous of him, considering by how strait an obligation he confesseth himself bound to a prince so nearly allied to the Queen's greatest enemy; and his own precious valuation of the honour he has received, which all other men do hold of little worth, doth give cause to believe that his own heart's love must be divided between the Queen and the Emperor, and so diminished though not alienated.—From the Court at Greenwich, 2 June 1597.
Draft with corrections. 1½ pp. (51. 67.)
Thomas, Lord Scrope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 2. I have received even now a letter out of Scotland from my brother Bowes which I send you here inclosed, and the pledges; in which letter he giveth to understand that I have had direction, which as yet I have not had. Therefore I pray you to show this enclosed unto your father, and therewithal to procure me direction how to proceed in these matters. Forasmuch as this commission is come to nothing, whereby troubles are likely to ensue, I heartily request you to hasten the sending over of the soldiers, that we may be strengthened against the worse fall out. I have a man in Scotland whose return I expect shortly with news of weight, wherewith I shall not omit to make my Lord acquainted.—Carlisle, 2 June 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (51. 68.)
Edward Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 2. Mr. Readhed telleth me he was wished by you to deliver the seditious posy written in a paper of Jacobus regnabit utrimque coloured by sending a bowed penny as a token to my Lady Constable in it. He saith he rode into Buckinghamshire, and with kind commendations delivered it, saying, for his promise' sake to Joseph Constable he rode somewhat out of his way to see her. She never looked what was in it, but put it in her pocket and asked heartily, How he did? And returned the like commendations to him.
This Joseph, since my coming to York, is, upon our coming to the Bishop, yielded to come to the Church, but whether of conscience or for fear of present death, standing outlawed upon felony, I refer to further proof.
What hath further happened for apprehension of one Warcopp, a notable recettor, and one Anlaby, an ancient seminary with him, I require you to be informed by my brother. My Lord Archbishop is very well recovered, rideth abroad, and looked not better or fresher this seven years.—York, 2 June 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (51. 69.)
Lady Margery Norreys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 2. I am put in good hope that you are now well satisfied in my son John Norreys' carrying of himself towards this last Lord Deputy, which I do impute to be much the better for the good advice which he received from you; and now I am to renew my old suit to you for the procuring of my son's leave to come home; for which I would have most willingly attended upon you, if my health were such as I were able to do it. And if I may not seem to be troublesome to you with so many suits, I would ask for a nephew of mine the place of chief justice in Munster, which your letters to the Lord Deputy in his favour would greatly further. His skill in law I leave to others, but he is very honest and void of that fault too often found in others in that place.—Rycott, 2 June 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (61. 56.)
H. Maynard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 3. Mrs. Hampden is much bound to you for the comfort you have given her to compound for her child. She desireth to be excused that she had not before moved the same. She doth now humbly accept your offer, as by her own letter here enclosed shall appear. Be pleased to signify to the bearer, her servant, your further pleasure herein.
I shall, within a few hours, satisfy you of the other matter, having spoken with the party.—From the Strand, this 3rd June 1597.
Signed. ½ p. (51. 70.)
The Enclosure :
Mistress Elizabeth Hampden to Sir Robert Cecil.
I understand by my good friend Mr. Maynard that I shall have the wardship of the body and lands of my son for eight hundred pounds. The sum is very much more than my estate (without the help of my good friends) is able to perform, yet I will satisfy your Honour the said sum.—London, 2 June 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ⅓ p. (51. 66.)
Sir Richard Berkeley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 3. I have received your letter of good news that I shall be discharged of this place. I have stuff and divers things to be removed. If I might know a few days before the time of my successor's coming, I would prepare myself thereafter.—At the Tower this Friday.
Holograph. Seal. ⅓ p. (51. 72.)
Thomas Fane, Lieutenant of Dover Castle, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 3. This day from Dieppe arrived one James Beard, who saith that, about seven or eight months past, he went over from hence into France, and denieth not that he hath been since with the enemy, both at Brussels the space of two months and at Antwerp as long. He affirms that he hath been employed in those parts by you, but he is known to some persons in this town as a person of ill governance in his own affairs, and he giveth some occasion of suspect in coming over disguised, with his outward habit and apparel like to a man of base occupation, and having under the same decent and convenient raiment. Yet he pretendeth great want of money, insomuch that he hath not wherewith to pay his charge to London. I am detaining him therefore in the Castle until I hear from you. I send you here inclosed his own letter which I required him to write.—Dover Castle, this 3rd June 1597.
Endorsed :“One Beard, who hath confessed to have been employed by your Honour, detained there. Dover, 3 June 5 p.m.; Canterbury, past 8; Sittingbourne, past 12 half an hour; Rochester, the 4th day at past 2 in the morning; Dartford, the 4th day of June, at 5 in the morning.”
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (51. 73.)
Robert Beard to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1597, June 3]. On my way to see you I have been stopped at Dover by Mr. Thomas Vayne, Lieutenant of Dover Castle. Pray let him know that I am employed by Mr. Mool in your name, and send me a little money to come to you.
French. Undated. Holograph. (52. 92.)
Certain English Prisoners in Spain to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 3. In two petitions heretofore directed unto you, dated the 28th December and 31st January, we ask you to pity our most miserable estate. Being of Sir Francis Drake's fleet, we were taken, the 12th March 1595, 10 leagues off the Avano, by the King's fleet, having lost our own fleet by foul weather. After 4 months' imprisonment in the Avano, we were brought to Seville in Spain at the end of September 1596, and there thrust into the most vilest and filthiest gaol in the world, where as yet 25 of us still remain. The rest, 30 in number, being put into the galleys, are since, as we understand, a great part of them starved and beaten to death. We vehemently fear, except some speedy order be taken for our release, either to endure the same end, or not much inferior, by taking away the small allowance the King bestoweth on us, and putting us to the allowance of twelve ounces of bread a day, as they have done to 9 poor Englishmen whom for these five years in this most noisome prison they have detained.—From the Carcle Royall at Seville, the 3rd June 1596 (sic).
Endorsed :—1597. Remains of Seal. ¾ p. (51. 74.)
Captain Francis Chichester to the Earl of Essex.
1597, June 4. In my last letter I besought you to accept me as a follower in your intended enterprise. I think you have heard little of the estate of these forces since the sickness of our Colonel-General, who departed very weak from the army two since (sic), and continues exceedingly pained. We then removed our quarters off the other side the river, and are lodged at Cammowe, some culverin's shot above the town. The King is come but no great forces. The Duke de Mayenne is expected, at whose coming the army will be some 14 or 15 thousand. The enemy as yet sort coldly out, the friends are in heat. The town is blocked of every side, but, for what I see, the King is unready for approaches. Fresh victuals among the enemy are at good prices, and all things dear but bread and wine, whereof they are well stored. The fortifications of small strength. If the King trifle not, it will be no long siege. We are in as great want for lack of treasure as ever, some captains being 5 weeks unpaid, all 4, besides some odd reckonings. We could wish you did truly understand our poverties. If we miss our entertainments but one week our men fall more in decay than we can recover in a month. Had not the King's bread relieved us in these times, we had, ere this, been utterly broken, notwithstanding our borrowing and engaging all we may. The King hearing of our wants hath leut unto the companies now in field, 2,000 crowns, and makes show to esteem better of us than at any time since our coming.—From our quarter at Cammowe this 4th June 1597.
P.S.—News is come of the death of Sir Thomas Baskervile. Superiority is claimed by Sir John Aldridge and Captain Power, one as Sergeant Major, the other as left him by Sir Thomas. This gentleman can show you the course I have taken to stay all dissension till your pleasure be known. All care shall be had of the troops.
Endorsed :—“Before Amiens.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (51. 75.)
Sir Nicholas Molyns to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 4. Lady Willoughby beseecheth that the wardship of her daughters may be reserved for her. She understandeth, to her great grief, that her mortal enemy, Mr. Percival Willoughby, laboureth and practiseth to get the same.
Holograph. Seal. ⅓ p. (51. 76.)
P. Edgecumb to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 4 Thanks for your favour shewed me touching the mines royal of Cornwall Where I promised to pay the company of the said mines in Michaelmas term next such rent as is due for the said mines, I hope in God not to fail. I crave the continuance of your favour for procuring me a further estate by lease of the said mines for Cornwall and Merioneth. There is not above two years of my old lease to expire from Michaelmas next. Mr. Customer Smith had a good purse to follow the mines while he lived, but left no successors willing to continue the great attempt. As I suppose, the action had lain dead for Cornwall, if myself had not taken the same in hand. In the shires of Devon and Cornwall are many gentlemen and others of good wealth and account, but I could find no man willing, much less desirous, to adventure any money with me, in such a desperate and forlorn hope the case of those mines do stand so far; but, in my poor opinion, the mines in themselves do not deserve this slander. I have laid out about 4,000l. at the least in working of them. I shall, God willing, be in London about the end of this midsummer term, and I crave that the company may be summoned to make a general meeting at the end of the term, or as shortly after as you shall think fit, when I shall attend your Honour and them, having some things to say to the good of the whole company.—From my house at Mount Edgcumb the 4th of June 1597.
Signature. Seal. 2 pp. (51. 77.)
Henry Fades to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 4. This night I received a letter from Mr. Percival to signify to you my opinion concerning Beadnal Park, and the wood therein, which I did once acquaint you withal when it was offered my Lord to be sold. The price then was somewhat hard, since which time some other bargain hath been made with Potter, which I take to be the better match. The timber and wood were esteemed at 500l., but, on better view taken by Potter, are thought to be worth 1,000l. Potter hath now a lease, as I take it, of some 15 or 16 years to come, which must be redeemed by Sir Edward, and will cost him 1,000 marks at the least, for Potter payeth not above 4l. a year in money and coneys. I humbly thank your honour for your favour towards Mr. Comptroller, whose bill, I hear, is passed for the Surveyorship.—From my house this 4th of June at one of the clock after midnight.
Holograph. 1 p. (51. 78.)
James Perrott to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 4. I humbly entreat your furtherance in my suit unto her Majesty for a portion of the living which was left me by Sir John Perrott's conveyance. I have received her princely promise that I shall be well dealt withal, but in what measure or manner I cannot be assured. If your Honour will be a means for me to effect such satisfaction as her Highness shall be pleased to set down, you shall find that I will have care to know what belongeth unto an honourable man's favour in such a case. My suit shall not be prejudicial in any way unto my Lord of Essex or to his sister, for I take nothing that they do desire, but rather I hope that he will be a mean unto you for me in this behalf.—The 4th of June 1597.
Signed. ½ p. (51. 79.)
Sir Robert Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 4. I have received a letter from Sir William Bowes on Tuesday last, together with the names of the pledges to be delivered on either side, as well Scots as English. The King hath set down the time and place for performance thereof to be the 26th of this instant, near unto Norham. Whereunto Sir William hath not yet given his consent, not knowing Her Majesty's and the Council's pleasure, and therefore hath required me that I would advertise you thereof, to the end that I and the other wardens may receive her Majesty's further pleasure and directions in this behalf.—Berwick, the 4th June 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ¼ p. (51. 80.)
Henry Cuffe to Henry Savile.
1597, June 4/14. A little before leaving Florence I acquainted the Grand Duke with my departure, and laboured to leave in him the best impressions of my Lord's love and devotion. He protested that he much esteemed the affection of so worthy a prince, and would give him all real correspondence to the utmost of his power. He then said : “The peace between the two Crowns is fully concluded owing to the necessities of Spain and the errors of the French, who see not their own advantage. Spain is so distressed that the King and his counsel instead of erecting an universal monarchy cast for their own security. His fleet is weakened by disaster and want of provisions; the spirits of his subjects are broken. On land he can do nothing against either England or the Low Countries, his most hated enemies; and if these hold out a few years more, his means of war will utterly fail him. Besides, he hath lately received a blow, though afar off yet of some consequence. The King of 'Giapone,' [His sons came to Rome anno 35 and were solemnly received by Gregory the 13th and after by Sextus quintus—margin], whose friendship of late years has been the chiefest securing of the 'Isole Philippine,' is now revolted from Christianity and professeth open ho-tility against him; and when the Jesuits presumptuously braved him with the power of Spain, in a fury he crucified seven of them, and seized a Spanish ship which lay in one of his ports, containing a million of treasure besides other merchandises. So that if any expedition were sent into those parts against Spain, men might assure themselves of safe landing, victualling, &c. from that King. I do not therefore marvel at the King of Spain's commission to his ministers authorizing them to conclude any peace either with France, or, without France, with the Queen of England and the States. The first of these two, by the cunning of Villeroy and the potency of the King's mistress, hath been effected, notwithstanding I opposed all the reasons I could both of honour and profit, in so much that the Pope (who mortally hates me) takes occasion to reproach me as an enemy to the common repose of Christendom. The effects of this peace I will not undertake to divine; only, when I consider the proceedings of the Spaniards, which hath ever been in time of peace 'acconciare i fatti suoi e guastare gli altrui', [These were his formal words—margin,] and on the other part the dissolute and negligent humour of the French, who seek no other fruit of peace but ease, that they may freely pursue their pleasures, their feastings, their 'Signore e altre cosi fatte bestialita,' [His own words—margin,] I hold it no hard matter to foresee to whose profit it will finally redound. If the Queen and the States are not comprised therein, they should make a design upon Havana. The place is important, and not so impreguable as the world esteems it. I saw at Livoruo an engineer who helped in fortifying it; he assured me that there was only one 'monticello' of some difficulty; which being taken the rest must needs follow. I will give more information when the case shall require. The emprise of the Terceraes is less feasible and less important. In Spain itself without great forces it is impossible to acquire a footing.” He spoke at great length, but all tended to the same end, how the Spaniards, notwithstanding the 'vilcacheria' of this King (for so he terms it), might continually be troubled in these parts. To this he will be ever ready to assist with his best advice, and perhaps with his purse, at least if any foundation may be made on general promises. And, by the way, he wished that the Queen in her messages to this King would proceed more mildly, chiefly touching his mistress, considering that good counsel avails nothing with him who is 'impazzito,' and in the 'bagascia' herself, who is infinitely potent, it works infinite hatred. For his own part, he says, he courts her and 'presents her' often, and knows that the Spaniard does the same, wherein he imitates his father Charles, who in all his greatness did the like to the Duchess of Valentinois. Likewise he wishes that the Queen would cause the Duke of 'Bollyon' to yield more outward conformity to the King, who hath privately alleged as one principal reason of his inclination to peace, the suspicion he hath of the Duke and his partisans, lest, while he is deeply engaged against Spain, they should brid'e him at home. These things are not all important or reasonable, but I could not deny to send them, neither would he suffer me to send them until my coming hither; I now commit them to your discretion. Don Perez hath sent his man to me 'alla Spagnuola' to signify that he takes notice of my being here. I excused myself for not having visited him, saying that my apparel was not yet made, and that I was loath to go abroad in my Italian suit. Once for fashion's sake I must visit him; but more I will not without further direction, because I know not on what terms his Lordship and he stand.—Paris, 14 June, stylo novo.
Endorsed :—1597. Holograph. 1½ pp. (52. 10.)
[Mr. Guicciardini] to the Earl of Essex.
1597, June 4. I sent my last letter about a fortnight since by Mr. Henry Archier, who can inform you of all our occurrents here. I will only add this that—
(1) there are come at this instant s e b z1 f b t r1 c 4 e f b a f1 b 3 7 e r ς r g n 6 5 4 e g w f χ r a g f
(2) 5 c φ b t ζ 5 b t 91 2 7 γ x p v 9 3 21 c r θ r m o 7 γ v g 2 n 7 8 ρ 3 7 γ π1 p 9 5 9 f γ u b C t v g 2 7 γ γ 9 3 5 c z b 5 9 y d 5
(3) i s p 5 k g e g t 5 6 c r d 91 5 d x χ c d g i t c M with intention only for the present to
(4) p e 4 7 s p r k o 4 0 and at some other time to go through 9 s 7 r k r o o τ 7 0 4 2 5 s 6 0
(5) for the effecting whereof they expect e f k χ w τ t 2 c 6 7 8 i f v [symbol] and do
(6) alredy x g f r 2 s m v.
(52. 12.)
Henry Lok to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 4. Being perpetually pressed with cares of want and peril of restrained liberty, I have been forced of late to use importunacy more than my deserts might expect acceptance of or my natural inclination doth well like. I have hitherto made proof of other friends; but now seeing days and weeks wearing away, I am forced to have recourse to you, whom I beseech to move some one to let me receive the favour to have my bill lie in view and with others to pass Her Majesty's next gracious censure.
Undated. Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (175. 71.)
Sir Edward Coke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 4. This term is so short as it is not possible to try the traitors of Oxford this term unless the Queen sign this commission whereby power is given to hear and determine this treason at Westminster by a jury of Oxfordshire, as was done in Arden's case. My Lord Chief Justice and others of the Justices think it very fit to be done. Otherwise they must be tried at the next assizes.
Endorsed :—“Mr. Attorney General to my Master. For commission to proceed to trial of the Oxfordshire rebels.”
Holograph. 1 p. (175. 72.)
Florence McCarthy to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 5. Since my imprisonment and trouble I have remained here a suitor, her Majesty having promised to take some gracious consideration of me for my relief and the satisfaction of my creditors, your honour and the rest of the Council having taken order that my body might not be restrained or imprisoned by my creditors until her Majesty had consideration of me for my relief and their satisfaction. I humbly beseech that I may have the Council's warrant renewed to that effect, the rather that Mr. Herbert Pelham and others, who are to have a great deal of the land that I sue for, will help me to satisfy my creditors when the same is granted and passed by me unto them.—This 5th June 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (51. 81.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Earl of Essex.
1597, June 5. I send you herewith a letter which I received from the Count Ludowycke. In the business committed to my care by her Majesty and your Lordship, all things go forward in the manner I have advertised you by Captain Constable and Mure. It is given out by Mons. de Barnevall that the King's ambassador is returned into England with offer of all that her Majesty required for the enterprise of Calais. These men hearken whether it will bring any alteration in the employment of the troops now prepared. Those of most authority incline to the favouring of the action of Calais, but wish also that the fleet in Ferroll were destroyed, which they hold a work of a month or six weeks, and judge this summer long enough to do both. They suspend the engaging of their forces, being ready to second her Majesty's forwardness to either with the uttermost of their power. I presumed to write in my former what difficulties I had conceived in that of Ferroll, wherein I persist, if there be an army of 6000 men and a good chief, the difficulties in landing your cannon, and training it, with the slender provision you shall have, over a country so mountainous, maketh me despair of the good might be expected that way. Without them the army cannot destroy the fleet, and with your navy, unless by fired ships or such other devices, no hope. I do not make the exploit unpossible to be actioned, for the business of an army, and the evil conduct of a chief, may make their advantages unprofitable. I only cast doubts of the event. If you were resolved an army such as you have could not assure the effecting of the design, I am out of doubt you would never attempt the same with the fleet only, which, under your Lordship's correction, I hold fitter for them to whom the charge was first nominated. In a dearth of action, employments seconded with small means and hope are not always to be refused. You are at the spring head, and may choose. That of Calais hath his difficulties too, but to be overcome, and the consequence of good success far beyond comparison with the other, as there is difference hetwixt stopping the rage and destroying of an enemy. You saw Boulogne and Montreuil that are threatened make the King recover Amiens, flee from the refuge of a peace, make these men's forces her Majesty's for the prosecuting a war, make you the instrument of this good, give you the recompence of commanding a place so much desired, and so profitable to the State, and that so necessarily shall draw you to the achieving of far greater things. I rate myself from the labour, finding that my affection may make me tedious and unprofitable for whom I honour.—Hague, 5 June 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 3 pp. (51. 82.)
William Lillé to the Earl of Essex.
1597, June 7. This bearer parting in this great haste, and the captains employing me to write their letter to the Council, I could not do that duty to your lordship that I should, but leave the relation of all to him, who knoweth it as well as myself. Touching the enterprise that I wrote in my last, it is discovered, and many of the conspirators poignarded (30) and many hanged (200), and a captain sent in to conduct this business, so high as he is seen all over the K. quarter; for revenge hereof the K. will hang 6 Spanish gentlemen which he hath prisoners, so as hereupon we think to have a cruel war. The K. hath now made two bridges over the river, the one above, and the other beneath, and yesterday hath drawn a line on the Burgonian side of the town, where a trench shall go behind with certain forts to succour it, so as we have hope of good success of this enterprise if the Cardinal come not to relieve it with a great army. They in the town have armed all their horseboys, so as we esteem them there 5,500 strong; they give out 6,000. The K. forces are increased 3,000, so as I judge they will be shortly, when Demayne shall arrive with 4,000 lansknights, and Espernon with as many French, some 16,000—and a great many more, if those come which the K. braggeth of. This I am assured from one of the Religion, that none of them will stir unless the K. will take all suspicion from them. The General of the Cordeliers being at Paris, and his parture to the Cardinal, breedeth much doubt of the K. intent. I was also assured that the Count d'Avernies' parture was but for want, being a man of great expense, yet hath he procured some towns in that country to depend on him, and Tavane's apprehension to be for that he would not take his leave of the K, at his parture to his country. The General's death I need not write, but when he parted the army to Pigayny, where he died, he left the charge of these troops to Sir John Aldrich as the fittest and worthiest man therefore. Since his death, Captain Power hath claimed it, as Serjeant Major-General. The French esteem the first much, for that they think him your servant thoroughly, and many of us your servants here desire his advancement, so do we none other should be advanced into this command. I beseech your lordship to hold your favour to myself touching any calumny any man has touched me withal.—The Camp about Amiens this 5th of June 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (51. 84.)
Arthur Gregory to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 5. My sister Waltham, the Mayor of Waltham's wife, hath been suitor to my Lord Admiral, to have the salt which he hath sent in at a reasonable rate. I desire your Honour to consent thereto as his lordship hath done. She desireth to make me partner, and I intend for my health to go down and visit my friends.—From my poor house this Sunday morning.
Signature. ½ p. (51. 85.)
Richard Carmarden to Sir Walter Ralegh.
1597, June 5. This bearer, Richard Hodges, craveth an appointment as one of your guard. At his earnest entreaty, I write in his behalf.—London, 5 June 1597.
Addressed : To the right worshipful Sir Walter Ralegh, knight, Warden of the Stannery, and Captain of Her Majesty's Guard.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (51. 86.)
Bobert Bowes and Sir William Bowes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 5. By our former letters, first severally unto her Majesty in answer to those from her unto us, then next by our joint letter unto your Honour, it hath been advertized that her Majesty's express negotiation presented to the King by me, William Bowes, hath been propounded principally in the demand of Sir Robert Kerr and Sir Walter Scott, upon such reasons and grounds as in our said letters are specified. This demand being firmly supported by the league, treaties and last commission, hath been by us made the point of this service, to this end that, either the delivery of the said persons into her Majesty's hand might give her the greater honour, or that the King's denial might force him in justice and reason, more readily and soundly to effect her Majesty's satisfaction in the rest of the other defendant parts mentioned in our last letters, and being indeed the purpose of the late Commission. And, albeit we do still stand so strictly to this demand, as that we forbear to become parties in the proceeding with the rest, yet such order as the King could be drawn to give for the advancement of the pledges, delivery for recent bills and stay of the Borders, we have so far both secretly procured and openly admitted, as her Majesty may be pleased to give further direction, to be received, refused, or suspended, in expectation or entertainment of her further satisfaction.
In some way and towardness hereof, we have received and delivered notes of pledges, with a day and place set down of the K.'s purpose to tender them, viz., such as the bill enclosed will give your Honour to understand in particular, being a copy of the same we have sent to all the Wardens, together with some advertisement of our proceedings here. Touching the delivery for recent bills, these impediments, found in the two principal of Tynedale and of Killam, have hindered all the rest. Namely, in the bill of Tynedale, Buccleugh only was billed, which was done by the Commissioners by special advice, because if any other persons had been contained in the said bill, the delivery of any one had satisfied the bill for the time, and given great colour for Buccleugh's discharge altogether. But now the said Buccleugh being thereof billed and filed and not delivered by the K. that bill hitherto can receive no further proceeding. Touching that of Killam, Sir Robert Kerr had pursuaded the King that the matter was nothing so heinous as it had been reported unto her Majesty, and by us pressed to his Highness against his servants, in which cause, we being by Sir Robert Carie's letter furnished with the direct contrary to Sir Robert Kerr's report, desired of the K. that he would hear the cause, and that we might compare Sir Robert Carie's letter with Sir Robert Kerr's speech. This our desire of calling Sir Robert Kerr had a further reason reserved to our secret purpose, namely, that, where his attempt against her Majesty had been so extenuated as the K. seemed to take knowledge of no other matter than of the slaughter of one man only, whose wife and children were also satisfied by the said Sir Robert, we might make our former charge more clear, and thereby free her Majesty's demands the better from all such exception.
Upon notice given us by the K. the 3rd of June that Sir Robert Kerr was ready attending, we immediately repaired to Lithguhoe, where, having audience given us, and propounding the remembrance of our former desire in the matter of Killam, the K. called for Sir Robert Kerr, willing him to deliver the plain truth of that cause unto him again in our hearing. Hereunto Sir Robert made answer that he was ready in this and whatsoever else he could be charged, to give his Majesty satisfaction and to purge himself, so as he doubted not fully to discharge both his Majesty's honour and his own duty. From this we signified to the K. that we perceived Sir Robert's answer to exceed the matter of Killam, as further offering an avoidance of those particular charges whereupon we had grounded our sovereign's demand justly, to have him delivered into her Majesty's hands for his trespasses according to the law : that these particular charges we must still fortify as not avoidable; the first whereof we accounted the surprise of Swinburne. This he confessed but sought to mitigate. Our second charge was that he had murdered sixteen of her Majesty's subjects. Hereat the K. showed a great mislike that we should aggravate the matter with old faults. We said that his own new offences called the old to account, and that which never was answered before must yet at length have an answer now made unto the Queen. Which in effect was framed thus. Sir Robert affirmed that, before the Commissioners, he was charged only with three slaughters, the first he has proved a Scottishman directly, the second he was ready to satisfy the Commissioners that he was also a Scottishman, as he had offered before to prove unto them at Berwick. For the third, he was a light person and a thief, yet had he satisfied his wife and children for his death. For the other slaughters of the fourteen soldiers wherewithal we charged him at Estington road, he answered that there were no such filed upon him. Next that the Queen had since that time, during his banishment, both given him a gracious oversight within her realm, and did also become intercessor to his highness for obtaining of his pardon for the slaughter of William Kerr of Ankoram, which implieth, said he, a remission of trespasses by him before made unto her Majesty; so that he ought not now to be any further charged therewithal. This answer was prosecuted and earnestly fortified by the K.: but we replied that the first of the three with whose slaughter he was charged, albeit he might be born a Scot, yet, having lived from his infancy in England, we knew no other but he was naturalized after the manner of the Border. For the second slaughter we affirmed upon our knowledge that at Berwick he was set down foul upon the Rolls, if he did not, before a certain day, prove that person a Scottishman; which condition because he had not satisfied, he stood now thwartout (sic) foul of that murder. The third was both foul by the Commissioners, and by his own confession. For the agreement with the wife and children, it was no answer to the Queen for her subject's blood, finding herself bound both by the law of God and dignity of her crown to do justice with equality to the meanest of her subjects, as to the best, in like cases. Touching her Majesty's remission by Sir Robert imagined, drawn from her mercy and grace mentioned, he must think that though her princely clemency did forbear to add affliction to an afflicted person for the time, yet did she not abandon justice demandable at a fitter opportunity, which, if it now fell upon him, might plainly appear to grow rather from his fresh merit than from her Majesty's desire of old revenge, so as her Majesty's exceeding grace past did justify her displeasure present, and double condemned him both of old and new faults, and continual unthankfulness.
Here the K.'s countenance shewed miscontentment, and his words were that these old things were too far urged. That himself had since that time sustained greater things, and looked to hear no more of these matters. We professed that we knew not his Majesty to have suffered such wrongs, and therefore we could do no less than press them on her Majesty's behalf. Thirdly, we charged him that, being a warden, he had suffered the Youngs and Bournes, his servants, with his knowledge, to kill about 30 of her Majesty's subjects and to do many other outrages, to the prejudice of the peace which he ought principally to preserve. He answered that he was always ready to do justice if it were demanded, and that he was no further bound, being, therefore, not chargeable with anything his men had done. This answer the King allowed and fortified; but we directly denied that it was enough for a warden to pretend readiness to answer justice, if he did not also withhold the mischiefs from doing within his knowledge, and that he was a public minister of justice and ought to be a conservator of the peace and amity between the realms. In this point both the K. and his warden differed directly from us, Sir Robert adding that he knew not of such attempts purposed by his said servants before they were done. This we put instantly to the trial of his own honour, but he directly refused to speak thereto upon honour, affirming that he would, in that point, satisfy the K., and the K. determinately concluded that Sir Robert should reserve that point to satisfy himself as he should demand. We inferred that in the mean time he must be holden guilty of that charge.
Fourthly, we charged him with seeking the murder of Sir Robert Carey. To this he answered that intentions were not punishable by law, and that Sir Robert Carey and his brother had shed his blood in the slaughter of his cousin Dagleish, endeavouring to prove it by sundry circumstances, at which said fact the K. shewed great detestation. We replied that intentions were to be judged and prevented in ministers of justice, howsoever more or less punished by law. That the world conceived not the slaughter of Dagleish, but the executing of two Burnes, his servants, stirred him up to that intention of revenge against Sir Robert Carey. But this he denied to be the cause though he denied not the purpose. At the ending of the four particular charges above said the K. descended to the matter of Killam, which being opened in long circumstances, we required that the cause might be directly set down by Sir Robert Kerr under his hand, which was agreed unto so as we would do the like from Sir Robert Carey, which was by us promised accordingly.
Here the K. dismissed Sir Robert Kerr, and drawing us further aside, entered into a long speech, framed upon sundry points which he called our own grounds formerly delivered, the scope whereof was to show that he had, from time to time, suffered more harms than he, or his people, had done to the Queen or her realm. His last instances were given to be an attempt done about the 26 of the last month against the Larde of Fernehirst, wherein his people were both spoiled and six honest men slain in defence of their own goods; also the L. Eure his officers had upon the last of May invaded Liddesdale with 300 horse and 400 foot, with ensigns displayed, trumpets and other warlike shows, and in the open daylight taken up the whole country before them, to the utter beggaring of his people and disabling them to live in any sort, so as first he saw not how pledges could be gotten or delivered justly of persons so spoiled. Next he thought it was a hard matter that, during the special treaty of justice, and whilst the Queen had her ambassador with him, to require redress with the one hand and with the other hand to offer him so great dishonour in the spoil of his people, was a thing he could not take in good part, but must first seek remedy at the Queen's hands in favour and amity, hoping that she would have respect unto his honour as to her kinsman, otherwise he must repair in person to his Borders, and in duty of a K. defend his people, concluding with these words, Ne quid dicam asperius.
To this we answered : That the general ground laid by his Highness signifying that he had received more detriment than was done by his people to her Majesty or hers, because it had pleased him only to propound it generally, we could not give it any other answer than generally that we understood it not. In such particulars as could come to our knowledge, we affirmed directly that his people had done manifold more injuries in number and of far higher quality than any they had received, as could not but appear unto him by such matters as we had before delivered unto him at large. In these his last and fresh grievances which his Majesty had then remembered, we must answer confidently that we had no knowledge of any such things other than by bruit spread in the town of Edinburgh, so as having no other certainty than such as his Majesty had then delivered, we could give no other answer for the time, than that we would do our endeavours to understand these things from the English Wardens, and certify her Majesty as we found the truth to be. In the mean time if his Highness had any such certain information in writing as he might be pleased to communicate with us, we should give her Majesty notice thereof without delay.
Touching the true estimation and value of these wrongs, albeit we had no authority to justify them, yet did we lay before his Highness sundry great probabilities, which might justly induce a more favourable apprehension in the greatest circumstances of those attempts than he seemed to conceive; as in the slaughter of the men, the necessity that the poor Tynedale men might have to defend their own lives from their assailants, seeing that the killers were said to be on foot and the men slain pursuers on horseback. In the matter of Liddesdale, it might very well be that, now in shielding time, which they use yearly upon the wastes, some of their cattle might be taken “staff-hearded” in the English ground, as lawfully they may and last year they were, and yet the complaint, after the usual manner, come thus heinously unto his Majesty. We concluded that these were the fruits springing from delay of justice, which we affirmed directly to rest on the part of his Highness, seeing her Majesty had left nothing undone, for her part, to perform the honourable purpose of her late Commission, having expressly addressed me, William Bowes, unto his Highness for that end. And whereunto I was ready for all particulars, if his Highness had been pleased to have proceeded accordingly. Finally the K. agreed that these his last grievances, should be given us in writing, which we promised to certify unto her Majesty upon receipt thereof, and so, being dismissed, we returned to Edinburgh.
In our speech with the K. we remembered sundry very late attempts committed by his people of Liddesdale in the West Marches, and besides sundry spoils made since the breaking up of the Commission, that an honest man, defending his house, together with his wife and three children, were altogether burned with firé which things, albeit we received from persons of that country, yet, because we had them not by advertisement from the Wardens themselves, we could not insist upon them to the K.
We are credibly informed that Buccleugh, receiving the message here at Edinburgh of this last spoil in Liddesdale, procured special commendation from the council here resident of that cause to the K. and, before his return back to his charge, let fall sharp words of purposed revenge. We must, therefore, of special duty, commend unto her Majesty and your Honour some timely provision for these Border affairs, which, by these continual new provocations on both sides, are like to dissolve and bury that towardness of good which is expected by the late Commission.—Edinburgh, this 5 of June 1597.
Signed. 6 pp. (51. 90.)
Sir John Aldrych to the Earl of Essex.
1597, June 5. Our general Sir Thomas Baskerville is departed this life. His regiment being now to be disposed of, I being his lieutenant-colonel, my only hope is that you will not let me receive any wrong, especially such a one as would force me to quit the wars. If you favour me for the regiment, I would likewise ask for the same commission Sir Arthur Savage has. I beseech you hear this bearer Mr. Gilbert in my behalf.—From the camp by Amiens, 5 June.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (175. 75.)
Captain Edward Wilton to the Earl of Essex.
1597, June 5/15. Sir Thomas Baskervile is dead. The conceit of his death is not the same to me as to others. When I see you, I shall discover that at large, and make you wonder at the error of such a spirit. He lay sick not past 5 or 6 days, and died raving. If you proceed in this honourable intention and leave your poor servants behind, I fear lest some of us may do the like, since all that can remain is discontent, and that is able to kill the soul, much less the body. The rest I know you shall understand from others.—From our quarter at Camont hard by Amiens, 15 June, 1597, stilo novo.
Endorsed :—Capt. Wilton, Sir Roger Williams, Mr. Wysman.
Holograph. 1 p. (175. 84.)
John Danyell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 6. Mr. Smaleman, the merchant, who delivered me 140l. upon my patent, is fined in the Star Chamber for a riot in so much to her Majesty and likewise 5 more of his company in 40l. a man. It is not estreated as yet in the Exchequer. He hopeth to be eased of his fine and to get those 5 discharged for a small sum in respect of their poverty. I humbly beseech you to get me a grant of those fines, whereby I may free my patent and pay my debt.
Captain Long being committed to the Fleet, and fined in the Star Chamber for some offences committed by him, and likewise indeed to stand in pillory the next Wednesday, two or three of his friends, in my hearing yesterday in the Court, lamenting his estate, said that my Lord Grey would deal earnestly with my Lord of Essex and my Lord of Warwick to be a mean for him to her Majesty. Another said that the Captain had a claim to Wombiltowne [Wimbledon] which is in your Honour's father's possession, and that, if he would pass a release thereof to your father, your Honour's father would be a mean for his discharge. This 6th of June 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (51. 91.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1597, June 6. Being at the Hague, I understood from Mons. de Buzemval that the K. of France had yielded unto all the conditions her Majesty had demanded concerning Calais, and that Mons. de Reaux was, to that effect, sent into England with Mr. Edmunds. At my coming hither I heard also that the K. of Spain had commanded the Adelantado of Castilia to retire all the ships which were at Ferrol to Lisbon, where, it seems, he is persuaded his fleet shall lie in more safety, an opinion being generally conceived that your journey is intended to the ruin of the said fleet. These two things give me some occasion to imagine that the forces her Majesty hath put in readiness may be turned upon Calais. Nothing at this time can be more profitable for the state of England, nor more honourable for him that should perform it, than to reduce Calais to the obedience of the crown of England. For such is the general affection of all our countrymen to see that town once more English, as surely the memory of it would never be delayed. If you had the good hap to take it, the government of it must be left unto you. It may also be feared that, if the K. of France be left alone, as he will think himself if the whole force of the K. of Spain's army lie upon him, that he will agree unto a peace, and already I know that he hath written that, if he miss of Amiens, wherein he hath no very great hope, then he will protest that he is forsaken of his friends and will provide for himself. And, if any danger should follow upon it, I fear that your Lordship's enemies would lay the blame upon you, besides the imputation that Calais was not had by reason your Lordship drew her Majesty's forces another way, according as the loss of St. Quintin's and of the Castle there was laid to the Duke of Guise's journey into Italy. The States also here, according as Mons. de Buzenval hath told me, do give an answer unto the King of France which both is unpleasing to him and breeds envy unto the Queen. For whereas they promised to be before this time in the field, to the end that the K. coming before Amiens should have part of the Cardinal's forces held from him, they say they can undertake nothing lest her Majesty, attempting the siege of Calais, should upon a sudden urge them to join their forces with her, and so to be fain to leave undone what they had begun. For the importance of Calais is known to be so great for the state of England, and how great the honour would be to the Queen to recover it again, and what contentment all England would have of it, that everybody believes that, now that the means is offered unto the Queen, she will not refuse them. Never yet since I was a captain under you when you were General of the Horse, have I been so happy to see you in the field, which I only attribute to the fetters with which this peace doth tie me in. But the liberty my Lord Burrows hath obtained for many years, may be a precedent to me for two or three months. If you will go to Calais, I assure myself I shall not be forgotten by you. I think they which be not your friends and consequently will not much desire me among them, will set to their hands to send me away with you. For I think your Lordship doth not expect better usage in your absence this journey than you had the last year; at which time if I had been at Court, I would have hoped to have crossed some of the practices against you.—At Flushing, the 6 of June 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 4 pp. (51. 92.)
Sir William FitzWilliam to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 6. I received the 6th of June a letter from my father, with this enclosed to the Lords of H.M. Privy Council unsealed, willing me to attend your Honour therewith, which after it had pleased you to peruse, then to seal the same with mine own seal, and to be an humble suitor unto you, that, if it pleased their Lordships, to write to her M. auditor of Ireland in this cause, that his own man might be the carrier thereof, by whom also he would write to Alexander Westlack and James Ware, the one sometimes his steward, the other his controller, that they should look into the cause likewise, whose fault only it is, together with the auditors', if anything be therein amiss, for himself never meddled with the finishing of that account. My seal this bearer Mr. Chichester hath about him. My father could not write to you himself by reason of the infirmity wherewith you know he is possessed, and for my not performing this duty by mine own presence, I humbly crave pardon, being stayed by a course of physic.—From my poor house in St. John Street, this 6 of June 1597.
Signed. 1 p. (51. 94.)
Sir John Denny to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 6. Regretting that he has gone too far with Potter in the matter of the lease of Bedwell Park, to break off now.—This 6th of June 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (51. 95.)
Master Richard Verney to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 6. I willingly undertook the business imposed on me by your letters in regard of your good affection to your kinsman and desire of the match, as well as for the good desert I know the gentleman himself to be of. The gentlewoman is presently to come to London, and if her father can be brought to be indifferently minded, I do verily believe your care and love to your kinsman will make him a very fortunate man both in his wife and her estate.—From Compton this 6th of June.
Endorsed :—“Concerning Mr. Cooke.”
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (51. 96.)
Thomas Fane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 6. Having this 6th received your letters of the 5th concerning James Beard, I have accordingly sent him up to you by the foot-post of Dover, to whom I have (in respect the said Beard had no money in his purse) delivered 20s. towards his and the said Beard's charges. The foot-post being a poor unthrifty person, I humbly desire that he may not receive any money, but that the sum may remain until I send one of my servants for it.—Dover Castle, this 6th of June 1597.
Signed. ½ p. (51. 97.)
Captain John Barkeley to the Earl of Essex.
1597, June 6. I understand your lordship is setting forward to the wars. I have always desired to serve under you, but by reason of the death of our Colonel and that we are near Amiens, I know not how I may withdraw without your command in a letter.—Abbeville, 6 June.
Holograph. 1 p. (175. 73.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1597, June 7. This day being the 7 of June I received your letter of the 3rd and presently talked with Chr. Kennel, who, without any difficulty, hath undertaken to perform what you did require. If there had been any need of my credit, I would have laid myself to pawn for anything that may concern your service, but, as in all other things so in this, the said Kennel hath shewed his readiness to obey you. I doubt not the victual will be ready before the ships will be come together, for, as yet, there is not any news of the Hollands ships. This day I wrote to you by Captain Masterson, at which time I had not lost all hopes to have gone with you this journey, but now I am assured sufficiently to the contrary. I will expect your further pleasure by Sir Matthew Morgan.—Flushing, the 7 of June 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (51. 98.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1597, June 7. Sir Thomas Sherley returning into England, I take the boldness to accompany him with this letter. I think he hath a desire to follow you this journey, and thereunto he hath my good liking. I beseech you to continue your favour to him.—At Flushing, the 7 of June 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (51. 99.)
E. Countess Desmond to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 7. Forasmuch as I perceive that you think not meet that I should seek her Matys leave and favour to such as would be pleased to marry me and my daughters, I thought good to let you understand that my chiefest cause thereunto is for that we have no goods nor portion to give, nor I am not able to prefer us but with her Matys gracious leave and liking. Nevertheless, if your honour see not the same needful, I humbly crave your means for obtaining her highness' most gracious letter, with the rest of my small requests.—Westminster, the 7 of June 1597.
Signed. ¼ p. (51. 101.)
Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 7. I thank you for your care towards me, appearing by that which this bearer brought me, but I am sorry no better effect hath succeeded of your travail. Seeing no butter will stick to my bread, I must moisten the dry food with water for fear of choking.—7 June 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (51. 102.)
Sir William Bowes and Robert Bowes to Lord Burghley.
1597, June 7. According to our last before these the King passed to Lithgow and called thither to him the commissioners for the Assembly of the Kirk, to take order with them to plant ministers in the several churches of Edinburgh, St. Andrews, and Dundee. It is thereby ordained that four churches shall be prepared and set up in Edinburgh before the first of November next, and the same to be furnished with eight preachers to serve them. In the mean time the presbyteries hereabouts shall send preachers to supply the absence of their four ordinary ministers, lately at horn and now received into the King's grace, with liberty to preach in the suburbs and places adjoining Edinburgh, but not in the town until the four churches shall be put in readiness. At which time resolute order shall be taken for planting fit ministers in these churches of Edinburgh, and to place the four ministers mentioned either in the churches of Edinburgh or elsewhere at the King's pleasure. And the churches of St. Andrews and Dundee shall be shortly provided for.
The laird of Ladylands, with thirty-two gentlemen of his complices, in the bark prepared, proceeded in his purpose before signified to you to take and keep the Island and house of Ailsa in the mouth of the river of Clyde; and wherein Mr. Andrew Knox, minister at Paisley, had secretly sent his nephew Thomas Bounteve, with a dozen able men well furnished, to keep the Island and house and to encounter Ladylands and his company, who on the last of May last attempted to surprise that Island and house, sending first one boat with victuals, which boat with victuals Bounteve easily took and kept close. After, Ladylands drawing near with his bark entered into boat and landed at the port of the Island, where Bounteve with his company set upon and defeated him. And albeit they offered and sought to have taken him, yet he refused, and leaping into the water to recover his boat or otherwise was drowned, taken up and buried in the Island. Two gentlemen, with some other, are taken and kept prisoners and appointed to be brought to the King, now at Stirling, that they may be examined for discovery of the complot intended by Ladylands, and for the obtaining of his letters and papers of intelligences; which matter is earnestly commended to the King and diligently prosecuted for the furtherance thereof, as upon further success therein you shall have timely advertisement with better certainty. Mr. Knox and John Temple, (the special instruments in the interception of the blanks subscribed by the papist Earls for the band with Spain) thus well managed and carried this matter with frequent intelligence with us, as their travails, devotions, and good offices for her Majesty and common causes deserve to be thankfully respected, and themselves favourably comforted for their enablement and continuance of future services.
Maclayne still keepeth with him, as is informed to us, the four gentlemen sent to him by Odonell to draw him and all his forces to aid and join with Tyrone and Odonell. He still offers his service to her Majesty, with such number and in such manner as shall please her to direct, and heartily prayeth to know her Majesty's resolute pleasure to employ or dismiss him, that thereon he may keep together or cash the companies of his people prepared for this service and resting at his great charges, as by the letter of his servant John Achinross (which letter is before sent to your lordship) it may appear. In which cause we pray to be speedily and perfectly directed for the benefit of her Majesty's service herein.
It is reported that the King of Denmark having travelled covertly in Italy and elsewhere is lately passed into Norway with seven ships and with purpose to come quietly into this realm. In the King's passage on the seas to Norway a merchant of Leith gathered with some of the King's fleet, whereupon Andrew Sinclair, servant to the King of Denmark, willed the merchant to let the Queen of Scots understand that the King her brother would be with her id Scotland very shortly and with the next good wind; wishing the Queen to provide his lodging at Killough's house, near the gates of the palace at Holyrood House. Hereby it is thought that the King of Denmark will be here in the end of this month, or soon after, and it is given out that he intendeth in like manner to see her Majesty and England; whereof there is no certainty known as yet.
For the negotiation of the Border causes, the Council here think it meet, and intend to advise the King to send Mr. George Young, deputy Secretary, with the King's letters to her Majesty, and shortly after to send in embassage to her Majesty the Duke of Lennox, with others of especial quality, to conclude the Border affairs and to negotiate other matters of very great importance. As the same shall further proceed with the resolution of the King and Council, your lordship shall be timely advertised.—At Edinburgh, the 7th of June 1597.
Signed. 1½ pp. (53. 17.)
1597, June 7. Indenture for 100 soldiers, sent by the County of Bedford in the voyage with the Earl of Essex.
1 p. (141. 199.)
The Earl of Kent to the Privy Council.
1597, June 7. In accordance with your directions of the 9th of May I proceeded to the execution of that service at Bedford the 24th of the same month in the presence both of Sir Edward Wingfield, knight, and Captain Thomas Allen, with whom I conferred about the choice and arming of the men. I then delivered them to their said Captain to be trained, and I allowed them powder and match. In accordance with your letter of the 30th of May I called before me to-day at Ampthill (in the absence of Sir Edward Wingfield) Captain Allen, with the band of an hundred and fifty soldiers, of which we chose an hundred of the best and best armed men, half pikes and half musketeers. I have provided them with very good coats of colours and trimmed with lace, and allowed them conduct money for three days to London, and given them to the charge of Captain Thomas Allen in the absence of Sir Edward Wingfield, where they will be on Friday the 10th of this month. I have also caused muster rolls of their names, arms and habitations to be made out and signed by Captain Allen and myself, one part of which you shall receive. I do also ask as some favour for this small and poor county of Bedford, that Her Majesty's allowance of coat and conduct money may be had to ease the country's charge.
P.S.—I have also enclosed the muster roll of the soldiers lately sent to Ireland, signed at Chester by Captain Francis Crofte who received them, and by Thomae Halfepennie their conductor.—Ampthill, 7 June 1597. Signed, H. Kent.
Seal. 1 p. (175. 74.)
George Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1597, June 7. Yesterday I departed from the Hague and passing by Rotterdam saw part of those ships in a manner ready that are to go with the Queen's, and coming here find these men as forward with theirs. They will be ready and in the Downs by the day appointed, with those troops required, although we hear the time is prolonged for some days. Sir Francis Vere is doubtful about himself, because the States will think much if he were to depart without a letter from the Queen to them. I am come hither with others deputed to use all persuasions we can about the contributions, wherefore I will write this serving as a direction for the enclosed, which Sir Ja. gave me when I started, wherein you will see how much it is wished here that your Lordship were doing, especially against Calais.—Middleburgh, 7 June.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (175. 77.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1597, June 8. Since the making up of my last, Mr. Kennel shewed me a letter from Mr. Meridith, whereby I perceive that the same difficulty will fall out this year as did the last, if it be not provided for in time. For the fortnight's lendings which your Lordship hath appointed to be employed for victuals is to be defaulted between the 6 of June and the 22, and the victual you ordain to be bestowed in some of the fly-boats, whereby it appears that you do reserve it for some store; and the men are not yet aboard nor will not be I know not when, because the ships are not yet come down nor Sir Francis Vere neither : and from the 6th the lendings be stopped and yet, while they are ashore, no victuals delivered to them neither. The men must feed, and to that end credit is obtained of the town, which I fear how it will be satisfied, because my Lord Treasurer will say that the Queen hath already paid it. This was the very selfsame point for which you sent me, at your going away, to my Lord Treasurer; I have written to him about it, and I beseech you to deal so with him that, while the men be ashore, their lendings may be continued unto them, and I will not see them lose one hour's time from embarking.—At Flushing, the 8 of June 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (51. 103.)
E. Johnesonn to Mr. Archibald Douglas.
1597, June 8. The thirty pounds that Mr. Samuel Cokburne was “oblest” to pay to me for your Lo : is as yet unpaid; and therefore both he and Mr. Richard Douglas has desired me to write to you for the same.—From Edr the 8 of June 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (51. 104.)
Sir Richard Berkeley to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1597,] June 8. I have received this morning your letter signifying to me the time appointed to Sir John Payton to prepare himself to succeed me in this place. I humbly thank your Lordship for the favour and care you have of me.—At the Tower, the 8 of June.
Holograph. ¼ p. (51. 105.)
Ch. Keynell to the Earl of Essex.
1597, June 8. The 7th present I received your Lordship's of the 3rd ordering me to provide ten days provisions for the 1,000 men to be sent from here, for which purpose I am come hither to consult the Governor. The dearness of all kind of victual will make the proportion but small, being only 2s. 6d. for a man in 7 days, which will admit of nothing but beer, rye-bread, butter and cheese. The beer is brewing and cannot be ready before Saturday, the rest is ready. I have acquainted the Governor with some particulars concerning the men to be removed, which he will impart to you.—Flushing, 8 June 1597.
Signed. Seal, 1 p. (175. 78.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 8. I have just received a letter from Brussels come in six days. It is too long to copy it out, so I beg you to send someone to whom I may communicate the news, as I cannot yet write. I would send you the letter, but fear you could not understand it.—From my house, 8 June 1597.
Italian. Holograph. ½ p. (175. 79.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 8. I have just received letters from Teobaldi, dated San Lucar 24 April, and with them the enclosed for you. He tells me that there are few signs of war there. I hope he will say the same of Ferrol. I have sent a bill of exchange for 31l. 13s. 4d. I hope to hear from you if I have to pay it, and will then do so at once.—From my house, 8 June 1597.
Italian. Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (175. 80.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 9. I am to entreat your favour and furtherance in the behalf of my sister of Northumberland and James Perrott, unto whom it hath pleased her Majesty to promise to deal graciously : with the one for her jointure, with the other for his interest to the lands lately Sir John Perrott's. I understand there is one Thomas Perrot who seeketh by his suggestions to alter her Majesty's gracious disposition. I earnestly pray you that they may not receive any prejudice by the same or other misinformation in my absence.—Court, June 9, 97.
Signature. Seal. ¼ p. (51. 106.)
Articles for a Commission for the Isle of Guernsey.
1597, June 10. First. To enquire of concealed lands and rents or Fiages, and those in fee-farm to let out to them that will give most; provided, if any fines be taken, that they be received to the Queen's use.
Item, to enquire who have usurped upon the rights, royalties, and prerogatives of the Prince.
Item, to enquire who have erected fiages, elevated campartes and enacted trescemes, to the sovereign prejudice of the Prince, and contrary to the laws, usages and customs of the Isle.
Item, to enquire what noble tenures there be in the Isle, and with what privileges they be indued.
Item, to let out in fee-farm unto them that will give most all ground of the which her Majesty maketh no profit, and unto which no man can pretend interest; all fines reserve : also if any be taken [for her Majesty's use, and to be certified into the Exchequer].
Item, that authority be given to five or six commissioners, whereof the Governor of [Guernsey and the Bailiff of this Island and the Procureur to be three], to establish and confirm such good orders and constitutions as shall be found by them, with the advice and consent of the Captain, or his deputy in his absence, the Bailiff and Jurats of the said Isle, profitable for the common wealth of the said Isle, and agreeable to the ancient laws and customs thereof, and to reform such disorders as shall be found contrary thereunto, [with authority also to enquire of all the former articles mentioned and to execute them].
Draft with amendments in square brackets. 1 p.
Endorsed : “10 June 1597.” (51. 108.)
William Cecil to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 10. Sir Christopher Blunt with Sir Thomas Coningsby, and divers other gentlemen of this county of Hereford, by special letters from the Privy Council, have delivered to Owen Salsbury, a captain appointed in that behalf, 150 trained soldiers. Salsbury, as I hear, is already gone towards the haven of Portsmouth in Dorsetshire (sic), taking with him one Rowland Powell, a son-in-law of mine and a trained soldier, with a wife and six small children. The Commissioners will not hear of accepting a “supply” for him, although written to both by him and by the Earl of Pembroke, Lord Lieutenant of the County. My request is that you will deal with the said Sir Christopher or the said Captain for the discharge of the said Powell, and to accept of the said “supply,” being a sufficient and experienced soldier.—Alteronys, this 10th of June 1597.
Signed. 1 p. (51. 109.)
Sir Robert Cecil, the Earl of Essex and Lord Howard to Sir Matthew Arundell.
1597, June 10. Copy identical with the corrected draft of June 2.
pp. (51. 110.)
1597, June 10. Indenture for 100 soldiers delivered to Captain Dacres for the County of Hertford.
1 p. (141. 200.)