Pages 606-609
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1895.
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Maas, the river, 52.
Macgill, David, 60.
MacHenry, Turlogh, 185.
Machin (Machyn), Enoch, 142.
— examination of, 135.
Mackwilliams, H., 570.
Macye, Samuel, 321.
Maddyson, Lionel, 286, 339.
Madrid (Madriti), 233, 394, 495, 533, 565.
letter dated at, 11.
court of, 462.
Maertens, James, merchant, 350.
Maes, the country of, 276.
Maestricht, 74.
Magwyre, O'Neyle, 438.
Mahomet III., Grand Seigneur of Turkey (“the Turk,” “the Grand Turk”) 5, 21, 32, 215, 307, 385, 458, 485, 487.
Maidstone, co. Kent, the college of, 566.
Maine (Mayne), duke of, 57, 66, 416, 417, 427, 472, 521.
Malaspina, marquis of, 360.
Malby, Captain, 544, 560.
Maldere, Jacobus de, 513.
Maldon, co. Essex, 245.
Malepart, Sr., 536.
Males. See Cadiz.
Mallahill, in Ireland, 543.
Mallet, John, 218.
Mallory, Sir William, 141, 211, 252, 253, 254.
Malta, 485.
the great master of, 485.
Maltby, Chr., 218.
Malynes (Mallines), Garrett de, 15, 16.
— letters from, 262, 455.
Man, Isle of, the case of, 553.
Mannelli, —, secretary to Virginio Orsino, 398.
Manners :
Mr., 76.
Roger, 198.
Manoel, Don, letter from, 389.
Mans, Bishop of, 14.
Mansell, Sir Robert, 368.
Mansfield (Mansfeld) :
Captain, 543.
Captain Ch., 558.
Captain Richard, 206, 361.
Raffe, 108.
Mantes, 12.
Manuel, Don E., 32.
Mar, earl of, 8.
Marberby, Dr., 199.
Marcary, duke of. See Mercoeur.
Mare, Samuel, 300.
Marenco, Jacomo, letters from, 49 6, 517.
Margate, 67, 420, 518.
letters dated at, 68, 70.
Markham, Sir Griffin, letters from, 482, 526, 530, 534.
Marlowe, Samuel, 527.
Marlyn, Nicholas, 322.
Marsanals, Martin de, de Cubibura, 493.
Marseilles (Maxcellias), 10, 62, 66, 82, 271, 521.
Marseillian Morisan, the, 397.
Marshal, the. See Vere, Sir Francis.
Marshall, Captain, 543.
Marshalsea :
office of, 314.
prison, the. See under London.
Marshland, [co. Norf.], 236.
Martiall, —, 432.
Martin (Martyn, Martyne) :
—, a scholar, 431.
John, a surgeon, 210.
Sir Richard, 53, 353.
Martinez, Emanuel, letter from, 524.
Martingho, Andreas, letter from, 340.
Martinluge, —, 370.
Marwood, William, customer of Plymouth, letter from, 290.
Masham, William, 98.
Masland Sluse [? Sluse in Maesland], 289.
Mason, Robert, 423.
Masterson, Captain, 164, 205.
Mathias, the archduke, 78, 486.
Matkyn, William. See Watkyn.
Matthew, Tobias. See Durham, bishop of.
Mauleverer, William, 141.
Maundy, the, 134.
money, 102.
Maurice, count. See Nassau.
Maxey, Edward, letter from, 286.
Maximilian, archduke, 4, 414, 440, 475.
Maxtoke, manor and castle, co. Warwick, 489.
Maxwell, Lord, 220.
May, —, a priest, 431.
Maye, Joseph, of Exeter, 219.
Mayence, archbishop of, chancellor of the Empire and Prince Elector, 106.
Mayenne, Monsieur de, 85.
Maynard :
Henry, letters from, 58, 135, 191, 249, 448, 527.
— letters to, 102, 425.
Mr., 74, 168.
McHugh, Feagh, 262.
McSwyne, McDermonde Breen, 437.
McSwynes, the three, 438.
McWilliam, O'Galchove, the sept of, 438.
Mearicke. See Merrick.
Meath, bishop of, 431.
Mecca, 5.
Medeley, William, letter from, 77.
Medici :
cardinal, 155.
Don Pietro de, 452, 499.
Medina :
duke of, 296, 381, 404, 519, 564.
Pedro de, 361.
Medina Sidonia (Cidonia), duke of, 227, 250.
letters to, 241, 242.
Medkerke, Captain, 361.
Medmenham, co. Bucks, 403.
Medway, the river, 482.
Meerheren, the land of, 485.
Meers, —, Sir Walter Ralegh's man, 153.
Meetkerken, Captain, 122.
Meilon, in France, 401.
Mekelborche, duke of, 212.
Melcombe Regis, 293, 314.
letters dated at, 314, 479, 536.
mayor of (and of Weymouth). See Jourdayne. Waltham.
Mellhale, co. Kent, 273.
Mendoza :
D. Barnardin de, 382.
Dominus, 242.
Mennell, Thomas, of Kilvington, 141.
Menmur, Lord, 150.
Menoco, President, 452.
Merbury, Captain John, 559.
Merchant, Captain John, petition of the widow of, 471.
Merchant Adventurers, 336.
trading to Muscovia, petition of, 511.
at Stade, 214, 529, 555.
— deputy governor of. See Ferrers, Thomas.
Merchants strangers, 15, 23.
Merchant Taylors' (alias Mourasters') School, 16.
Mercoeur (Marcary, Mercure, Mercury), duke of, 14, 57, 66, 82, 116, 224, 281, 383, 415, 462, 466, 472, 521.
Merionethshire :
assessment of, towards charges of soldiers, 354.
sheriff of, letter to, 163.
Merrick (Merik, Mericke, Mearicke, Meyrick) :
—, 76.
Captain, 206, 361, 570.
Francis, 449.
Sir Gilly (Gelly), 346, 347, 368, 370, 409, 419, 422, 423, 533.
— letter from, 567.
— letters to, 248, 292, 328, 332.
— moneys and goods chargeable on, 568, 569.
John, 449.
Mr., of Cadiz, 315, 349.
Sir William (Guilliam), 315.
Merryman, Captain, 543.
Merse, the, 9.
Mervyn, Sir James, 506.
Messenger, Mr., 153.
Messina, letter dated at, 397.
Metcalfe :
Abraham, 423.
—, 179.
Meteren, Balthazar de, 376.
Metz, 20.
Mexico, 565.
Meyrick, Captain. See Merrick.
Michell (Mychell), John, letters from, 159, 426.
Middleburgh (Mydelboro, Middleborrow), 10, 116, 296, 316, 343, 350, 353, 362, 383, 420, 439, 443, 448, 453, 460, 461, 476, 485, 486, 487, 490, 499, 500, 533, 538.
letters dated at, 60, 140, 143, 295, 365, 460, 463, 478 bis, 493, 496, 531.
Middlesex, 141, 206.
Justice of the Peace in. See Thursby, Henry.
soldiers levied in, the parcels of armour and weapons lost by, 551.
Middleton (Midleton, Myddelton) :
Mr., 311, 365, 423, 500.
Thomas, 136, 213, 390.
— letters from, 215, 334, 542.
Midlemore :
Henry, a groom of the Privy Chamber, 555.
John, 266.
Jane, wife of John, 267.
Milan, 66, 452, 532.
duchy of, 532.
governor of, 75.
Mildmay :
Sir Anthony, 281, 368, 394, 430, 451.
— letters from, 260, 401, 433, 541.
Sir Walter, 37.
Milford Haven, 152, 490, 491, 508.
customer of. See Vaughan.
Milford rectory, co. Southampton, 160.
Mills (Milles, Mylls) :
Christopher, 567.
Mr., of the star chamber, 188.
Thomas, 326, 327, 328, 329, 331, 374.
Mitford, hundred of, co. Norf., 223.
Moerscrans, 276.
“Moervert” (Moore vert), the sconce called, 258, 289.
Mola, Chevalier de la. See La Mola.
Molloghmore, in Ireland, 544.
Molsone, George, 447.
Molyneux (Mullineux) :
—. See Gerrard, Sir Thomas.
Captain, 361.
Sir Richard, 312.
Mompesson, Giles, 218.
Monceaux, 19, 29.
letter dated at, 363.
Mondragon, —, castellan of Antwerp, 1, 10, 462.
Monfords, Thomas, 504.
Monger, Benjamin, 264.
Mongomery, Monsieur De, 300.
Monkwearmouth (Weremouth), co. Durham, 176, 177, 178.
Monlue, Mons de, 138.
Monson, Sir William, 355.
Montague (Mountague) :
Captain, 543.
James, 446.
Montepellier, in France, 112.
Montescou, count of, 566.
Montesilaros, marquis of, 381.
Montigny, M. de, 84.
Montmartin, M. de, letters from, 14, 99.
Montmorency (Momorency), 472.
Montpensier (Mompensier, Mounpensier) :
Henri de Bourbon, duke of, 15, 66, 84, 225, 359, 415, 416, 417, 429, 472, 521.
— letters from, 43, 359, 464.
Montreuil (Monstreil, Mottrell), in France, 186, 269, 487, 525.
Moody, Mr., 486.
Moore :
Sir Edward, 351.
Mr., 347, 440.
Robert, 355.
— letter from, 321.
Moores, in Galicia, 574.
Moores, the, of Lex, 262.
Moors, the, 227, 251, 296, 462, 463.
Mora (Moro), D. Christoval (Xpoval) de, 381, 414, 455, 456.
Moraix, the river, 147.
Morcoke, Ric., 99.
Mordaunt, Lord, 96, 536.
More :
Edward, letter from, 50.
Mr., 279.
Moreton, —, 168.
Morezes des Rosiers, Monsieur de, 358.
Morgan :
—, 45, 308.
Captain, 165, 205, 906.
Captain Charles, 361.
Captain Edmond, letter from, 494.
Hugh, letter from, 111.
Captain John, 559.
Sir Matthew, 114, 125, 205, 206, 360, 361, 570.
Sir Thomas, 15, 214.
Morlaix (Morlas, Morleux), in Brittany, 138, 322, 505.
Morley, Lord, 317.
— letter from, 158.
Morocco :
the king of, 251, 520.
prince of, 432.
Morrall, Thomas, letter from, 569.
Morris :
Captain, 259.
Sir John, 527.
Mortoun, Lord, 150.
Moryson, Capt. R., letter from, 20.
Moselle (Mousell), the river, 485.
Mostyn :
Captain H., 544.
Captain W., 544.
Moucheron, Bal de, letter from, 495.
Moultbie, Dr., 199.
Mounshew, Madame de, 415.
Mounson, Mr., 458.
Mountacute, Dr., 122.
Mountenye, Dr., 199.
Mountjoy, Lord Charles, 147, 209, 291, 387, 460, 547.
— letters from, 120, 192, 210, 273, 390, 499.
Mountmarte, Monsieur, 85.
Mourasters' School. See Merchant Taylors'.
Mousseau, 29.
Mouy, Monsieur de, letters from, 20, 47.
Mownt, Dr., 122, 199.
Moyle, Captain, 175.
Moys, William, letter from, 102.
Mullineux, Sir Richard. See Molyneux.
Mulso, co. Bucks, 536.
Mun, Thomas, letters from, 397 bis.
Munster, 423, 544.
Murton Henmarsh, co. Glouc., 311.
Muscovia, merchant adventurers trading to, petition of, 511.
Musgrave :
John, 85.
Thomas, 85.
Musicians, 68.
Mychell, John. See Michell.
Myddelton, Thomas. See Middleton.
Mydedew, letter dated at, 487.
Mydnall, William, 333.
Myghton, John, 549.
Mylbourne, William, 379.
Myleke, in Ireland, 544.
Mylis, Th. See Mills.
Mylner, R., letter from, 435.
Mylners, William, 422.
Mytton :
Adam, 187.
—, 67.