Pages 602-606
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1895.
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Labalot, —, colonel of the Walloons, 295.
La Barlotts, Guaston, 360.
La Chaste (Chatte), Mons. (Chevalier) de, governor of Dieppe, letters from, 119, 358, 410.
La Couterie, M. de, 115.
La Crogna. See Corunna.
La Cruche, Monsieur de, 85.
La Fere, 3, 11, 12, 13, 15, 19, 20, 29, 47 bis, 52, 74, 75, 79, 81, 82, 95, 99, 111, 123, 131.
letters dated at, 14, 99.
La Fontaine, Monsieur de, 42, 55, 120, 243.
— letters from, 70, 130 ter, 131, 281, 385, 421.
— letters to, 221 bis.
Lagos, 380.
Lagust (? Lagos), bay of, 249.
La Hee, Mons. de, 130.
Laighton, co. Essex. See Leyton.
Laing, Robert, letter from, 446.
Lairepoole, co. Lanc. See Liverpool.
Lak, Mr., 444.
Lake :
Mr., 513.
Thomas, 33.
— letters from, 31, 32.
Lambert :
Captain, 52, 67, 70, 74, 122, 206, 361.
Mr., 248.
Sir Oliver, 341, 352, 357, 369.
— letter to, 367.
Lambeth, 181.
letters dated at, 97, 117, 159, 523.
La Mola, Chevalier de, 57.
Lamy, —, 2.
Lancashire, 59, 177, 206, 378, 558.
assessment of, towards charges of soldiers, 354.
commissions to levy men in, 114, 126 bis.
justices of the peace in, 126 bis.
sheriffs of, 126 bis.
Lancaster :
assizes at, 76, 459.
castle, constableship of, 241.
county palatine of, seal of, 76.
duchy of, 571.
— chancellor of, 76.
— court of, 241.
— receiver of. See Butler, Sir Philip.
— vice-chancellor of, 76.
Lancaster, Captain, 355, 564.
Lanch, Nicholas, seminary, 311.
Lancy, M. Beauvoir, 192.
Landgrave, the, 240 bis, 256.
Lane :
Captain Par, 558.
Sir Ralph, 433.
Lanerik (in Scotland), 220.
Lang, Robert, letter from, 569.
Langford, Roger. See Longford.
Langhey, 75.
Langley, Francis, 182, 184.
Langton, Dr., 199.
La Nocle, Mr. Beauvoir, 191.
La Noue, Monsieur de, 95, 508.
Larder, Anthony, 292.
Larkam, Captain, 558.
Larques, the horse of, 275.
La Rue, in France, 488.
La Ryviere, —, 112.
Lateran, St. John, 557.
Latham, Captain, 298, 475.
Lathinglande, Lovinglande, island of, co. Norf., 222, 223.
Latin secretary, 248, 433.
La Tremouille (Tremoille, Trimoulle), Claude de, 14.
— letters from, 6, 131.
Launditch, hundred of, co. Norf., 223.
Laurence, Captain. See Lawrence.
Lausanne, 237.
La Varence, —, 85.
Laverdin, Marshal de, 224.
Lawrence (Laurence), Captain, 205, 361, 363.
Lawson, widow, 179.
Layton. See Leyton.
League, the (against the king of France), 401, 430.
Leaguers, the, 56.
Leathe, Jeffrey, 69.
“Ledes” (Liège), prince of. See Cologne.
Lee, Lea or Leigh (Legh) :
—, 435.
Captain, 543.
Sir Henry, 208, 287.
— letter from, 18.
John, 18.
— letter from, 10.
— an officer of the Ordnance, letters from, 213, 272.
Robert, letter from, 198.
Sir Thomas, sheriff of Warwickshire, 552.
Sir Urian (Uriah), 544, 558.
Lee, port of. See Leigh.
Leechland, Edward, 569.
Leeds, co. York, 58, 348, 356, 424.
Leena, Æran, 473.
Le Fort :
François, letter from, 95.
Mons., 513.
Leggett (Legatt), Captain, 469, 473, 474, 494, 574.
Leghorn (Ligorne, Livorno), 449, 457, 505.
letters dated at, 78, 89.
Leicester, earl of, 181, 204, 237, 260, 280, 444, 462, 570, 571.
Leicester, sheriff of, 65.
Leicestershire, 558.
collectors of the subsidy in, letter to, 17.
Leigh. See Lee.
Leigh (Lee), co. Essex, 112, 138, 169.
Leighton, Sir Thomas, 196, 556.
— letters from, 49, 50, 138, 160.
— letter to, 147.
Leipzig, 237.
Leith, 447.
Lemish, —, 308.
Lemmon, Peter, 475.
Lemrick. See Limerick.
Lennox, duke of, 60.
Leominster (Lemster), 420.
Leoninus (Longolius, Longoluit), chancellor of Gelderland, 353, 364, 384.
Le Roy, J., 58.
Lesboa, 31.
Lesdiguieres (Desdiguieres, de Diguieres), Monsieur, 56, 66, 414, 440, 489, 520, 521.
— letter from, 443.
Le Straung, Roger, 223.
Leva. See Liva.
Levant :
the, 231.
Company, governor of the. See Staper, Richard.
Lever, Thomas, the preacher, 73.
— his son Sampson, 73.
Leveson (Luson), Sir John, 482.
— letter from, 375.
Levin, 199.
Levison, Corneiles, 354.
Lewen, Captain Edward, 559.
Lewingburgh, (in Germany), 53.
Lewis (Lewes, Lewys) :
Dr., 199.
Griffith, dean of Gloucester, letter from, 249.
John, the confession of, 388.
Lex, in Ireland, 543.
Leyton (Laighton, Layton), co. Essex, 198.
letter dated at, 218.
Libertade, Captain, 82, 83.
Lichfield, diocese of. See Coventry.
Liefkenshock (Lyeffkenshock), 344.
Liège (Leege, Leedge, Lucke), 225, 405, 406, 420, 486.
bishop of. See Cologne.
Lierre (Lyre), in Brabant, 74.
Liesuelt, barony of, 27.
Liffer, 11.
Lightfoot, —, 432.
Lightfoote, Geo., 92.
Ligon :
Barbara, 266.
Hugh, 266.
Lilly (Lylly, Lylye) :
Dr., 197, 199.
Dr. Edm., letter from, 510.
William, 523, 524.
— letters from, 472, 488, 519.
Limerick (Lemrick), bishop of, 428.
Limousin, 14.
Lincoln, 53.
letter dated at, 401.
the church of, 270.
dean of. See Reynolds, Dr.
mayor of. See Dicconson, George.
sheriff of. See Hussey, Charles.
diocese of, 463.
Lincoln :
William Wickham, bishop of. See Winchester, bishop of.
Dr. White, bishop of, 221.
W. Chaderton, bishop of, 269.
— letter from, 223.
Lincoln :
H., earl of, 218, 318.
— letters from, 240, 254, 255, 289, 425.
earl of, the old, 374.
Lincolnshire, 236, 378, 358.
lieutenant of. See Burghley, Lord.
levying of men in, 350, 376, 401.
man, a, 458.
Lindsay (Linsey) :
David, 60.
Sir James, 225.
John, 60.
Lingen (Linghen), 367.
Lisbon (Lisborne, Lixborne), 14, 48, 71, 125, 147, 226, 231, 249, 255, 263, 270, 315, 332, 381, 382, 394, 396, 438, 456, 462, 469, 471, 480, 484, 485, 487, 494, 499, 501, 505, 521, 533, 570, 574.
Lisle, in Flanders, 384.
Lismore, bishopric of, 166, 167.
Lister or Lyster :
Captain, 544.
John, mayor of Hull, 356. See also Ryster.
William, 53.
Littleton :
George, 527.
Gilbert, 527.
Mr., 553.
Liva (Leva, Llieva), Don Santio (Sancho, Sansyo) de, colonel-general of Flanders, 61, 380, 463.
Liverpool (Lairepoole), co. Lanc., 312, 436.
Livorno. See Leghorn.
Lizard Point, 48.
Llandaff, diocese of, 463.
Llieva. See Liva.
Loane, Samuel, 217.
Lock, Lok :
Henry, 567.
— letters from, 137, 238, 567.
Mr., Secretary of Scotland, 447.
Zacharias, letter from, 296.
Lockum, (in Friesland), 204.
Loddon, hundred of, co. Norf., 223.
Lodwick, count. See Nassau, Ludovic, count of.
Loftus, Captain Adam, 543.
Logie (Loggy, Loggi, Luggy), John Wemys, laird of, 151, 438, 439, 499, 500, 502, 503, 507, 541.
— letter from, 459.
— confession of, 514.
— examination of, 513.
London, 2, 13, 19, 29, 50, 53, 60, 78, 87, 96, 107, 127, 141, 147, 151 bis, 156, 164, 168, 169, 174, 177, 178, 179, 180, 191, 206, 213, 219, 237, 239, 240, 245, 555, 257, 270, 274, 283, 299, 303, 305, 308, 312, 313, 315, 320, 321, 331, 337, 338, 348, 354, 361, 367, 368, 369 bis, 383, 385, 395, 396, 413, 418, 419, 422, 426, 427, 432, 451, 461, 463, 467, 481, 487, 493, 501, 506, 518, 519, 525 bis, 527, 530, 536, 540, 546, 562, 567, 573, 574.
letters dated at, 10, 11, 17, 30, 41, 65, 66, 67, 70, 72, 93, 115, 117, 118 ter, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 136, 153, 157, 158 bis, 170, 180, 188, 191, 193, 209, 215 bis, 217, 221, 243, 245, 246, 249, 251, 252, 264, 266, 281, 282, 286, 294, 343, 345, 348, 352, 355, 358, 373, 385 ter, 387, 390, 393, 421, 426, 428, 429, 433, 437, 451, 454 bis, 456, 461 bis, 462, 467, 468, 473, 477 bis, 482, 488, 501, 506, 536 bis, 543.
aldermen of, 400.
— letter from, 293. See also Billingsley, Henry. Saltonstall, Richard.
aldermen and commoners of, discharged from holding office as mayors or sheriffs, 560.
citizens of, 507.
city of, 6, 118, 407.
— grant to receive stags and bucks from the royal forests and parks, 293, 294.
— lieutenants of, warrant for the levy of forces to, 419.
— magistracy of, 153.
— ships of war of. See under Ships.
— soldiers set forth by, a note of armour found wanting of, 551.
the custom house of the port of, a note of things entered in, 232.
customs in the port of, a note of, 407.
customers in the port of, 72.
dearth of victual in, 534, 535.
Dutch posts in, 463.
hose, &c., made in, for the French soldiers, 528.
levies in, 426.
lord mayor of, 170, 191, 430.
— letter from, 293.
— his house, 298.
— See also Slany, Stephen.
lord mayor and commonalty of, 305.
— letter to, 6.
lord mayor, aldermen, and commonalty of, letter from, 534.
the marshals of, 298. See also Simpson.
master garbler of, 16.
merchants of, 355, 368, 411, 429.
port of, collector of petty customs in. See Phillips.
— a note of the number of ships which arrived in (Nov. 1596), 497.
— searchers of, 539.
the Queen's store house in, 390.
seminaries and jesuits in the prisons of, names of, 311.
sheriff of, 298.
sojourners in, claiming to be discharged of prisage, the case of, 553.
London, places in and near :
Aldersgate, letters dated at, 209, 357.
the Arches, letter dated at, 419.
the Barbican, letter dated at, 490.
— Willoughby House in, letter dated at, 100.
Barking Shelf, 169.
Blackfriars, 153, 188, 199, 309.
— letters dated at, 32, 310, 455, 477.
— constable of, 70.
Blackwall, 168, 169, 395.
— letter dated at, 169.
Bridewell prison, 311, 312, 427.
Broad Street, letter dated at, 1.
Cannon (Channon) Row, letters dated at, 369, 425.
Charing Cross, letter dated at, 441.
Charterhouse, letter dated at, 510.
Cheapside (Cheap), 386, 458.
Cheapside, the “Black Lion” in, 182.
— the “Horseshoe” in, 182.
— the “Mitre” in, 51, 53.
— the “Queen's Arms” in, 2.
the Clink, 311, 313, 413, 562.
Coleman Street, 16.
the Counters, 312.
Doctors' Commons, letter dated at, 182.
Durham (Duresme, Durram) House, 219.
— letter dated at, 373.
Ely place, letter dated at, 96.
Essex House, 419.
Fish Street, 298.
Fleet prison, 49, 159, 402, 409, 533.
— letters dated at, 351, 356, 365, 391, 459, 526, 530, 534.
Goldsmiths' Hall, clerk of the. See Read, Mr.
Gracechurch (Gracious) Street, “the Spread Eagle” in, 54.
Graces, late Abbey (St. Mary's) of, Patrick's garden part of the possessions of, 505.
Gray's Inn, 135.
— letter dated at, 241.
Great St. Bartholomew's, letters dated at, 260, 288.
Hackney, letter dated at, 195.
Holborn, 311.
— letters dated at, 1, 422, 500.
Houndsditch, “the Gilded Cock” in, 530.
Islington, letter dated at, 419.
King's Bench prison. See below Queen's Bench prison.
Limehouse, letter dated at, 457.
Lime Street (Lemstreet), 16, 55.
— letter dated at, 38.
Lincoln's Inn, a counsellor of, 529.
— steward of the Readers' feast in. See Stevens, John.
Lombard Street, 259.
Lothbury, letter dated at, 335.
Ludgate prison, 312.
Mark Lane, letter dated at, 529.
Marshalsea prison, 159, 312, 351, 353 bis, 419, 420, 421, 424.
Middle Temple, letters dated at, 13, 426.
Mile End, letters dated at, 166, 308.
the Minories (Mynorits, Mynoriss), letters dated at, 455, 468.
Newgate prison, 311, 312, 428.
— letters dated at, 187, 340.
Old Swan, 298.
Queen's or King's Bench prison, 311, 312.
— letter dated at, 456.
Ratcliff, 168.
the Red Lion, 527.
the Rolls, letters dated at, 171, 403.
Russell House, letter dated at, 187.
St. Bartholomew's, letters dated at, 245, 264.
St. Bride's church, 277.
St. George's church, 421.
St. Katherine's, letters dated at, 508, 526.
— names of all such seminaries and jesuits as are in the prison of, 311, 312.
St. Martin's parish of, 435.
St. Paul's (Pawles), 466.
— a prebend in, 427.
— churchyard, 288.
the Savoy, 96.
Somerset House, letters dated at, 277, 296, 322.
— keeping of, 304.
the Strand, letters dated from, 58, 448, 527.
the Tower, 2, 11, 50, 87, 144, 168, 170, 186, 313, 505, 508.
— letters dated at, 284, 451.
— lieutenant of, 288, 289.
— Her Majesty's store at, 474.
— minister in, 317.
— wharf, 141.
— — iron gate on, 198.
Walsingham House, by Market Lane, 444, 478.
Watling Street, the “Some” in, 379.
Whitechapel, letter dated at, 410.
the “White Lion,” 159.
Wood Street, 379, 383.
— letters dated at, 210, 370, 413.
— the counter in, 286.
London :
bishop of, the late, 533.
Richard Fletcher, bishop of, 312.
— letters from, 134, 135, 214.
— steward of. See Watker.
Long, Longe :
Harry, 267, 268.
John, 357.
William, 159.
Longford, in Ireland, 544.
Longford or Langford, Roger, 393, 400.
Longford Place, co. Essex. See Pottells.
Longolius (Longoluit). See Leoninus.
Longton, Thomas, letter from, 59.
Longueville :
—, the daughter of, 415.
—, the widow of, 472.
Lonsdale (Londisdaile), stewardship of, 241.
Loozon, Sebastian Van, 473.
Lopez, Lopes :
—, a Spaniard, 151.
Signor, 533.
Lorem, Monsieur, 353, 364.
Loreno, a Frenchman, 476.
Loretto (Lawrettoe), St. Mary of, 557.
Lorraine, 28, 482, 485.
Lorraine (Lorayne), duke of, 383, 415.
Lorrayne, — de, physician to the King of France, 112.
Lostock, co. Lane, letter dated at, 459.
Lother, Garrett, 34.
Loulingston. See Lullington.
Lour, 281.
Louvain (Lovania), 233.
Scottish seminary in, 424.
Lovell :
Gregory, 222.
Mr., the cofferer, 403.
Captain Thomas, 223, 237.
— letters from, 236, 299.
Lovinglande. See Lathinglande.
Low Countries, the, 6, 14, 29, 48, 67, 78, 79, 95, 103, 135, 142, 145, 162, 170, 181, 204, 205, 225, 237, 251, 263, 270, 280, 325, 330, 332, 333, 341, 362, 372, 373, 388, 406, 416, 420, 421, 423, 485, 486, 491, 492, 509, 521, 522, 532, 548, 554, 570, 571, 573.
Admiral of, 216.
the forces of, 19.
(Spanish Netherlands) Governor of. See Albert.
ships of. See under Ships.
soldiers from, 201.
treasurer of war in, 212. See also Shirley, Sir Thomas.
troops of, 333.
Lowe, Mr. sheriff, 395.
Lowell, Lord Cobham's farm at, 541.
Lowestoft, co. Suffolk, 476.
Lowman, Captain, of the West Country, 559.
Lowry, John, of Leith, 70.
Lowther, Gerard, junior, letter from, 11.
Loydres, letter dated at, 95.
Lubeck, 112, 121, 404.
Lubing, the brothers William, Henry, and Francis, 219.
Lucas, Mr., preacher at St. Paul's, 549, 550.
Lucca (Luca, Lucke), in Italy, 457, 463.
Lucke, in the Low Countries. See Liège.
Lucke, William, 51.
— the examination of, 53.
Lucy, Sir Thomas, 552.
Ludgraves, 277.
Luenborghe, duke of. See Luneburg.
Luggy, the lord of. See Logie.
Luishborne, 187.
Lullington (Loulingston), parson of, 289.
Lumley :
Lord, 64, 265.
— letters from, 199, 334.
Lady, 265, 334.
Luna, Don Sansyo de, 463.
Lundy, island of, 35, 36.
Luneburg (Luenborghe, Liningborch)
duke of, 486, 533.
the house of, 143.
Luson, Sir John. See Leveson.
Lutherans, the, 237.
Luxemburg, 17, 28, 91.
Luz, Baron de, 566.
Lyddell, Thomas, 339, 447.
Lydney, letter dated at, 48.
Lyeffkenshock. See Liefkenshock.
Lylly, Lylye. See Lilly.
Lyme, co. Dorset, 354, 355.
Lymmer, —, a merchant of Ipswich, 136.
Lynford :
Martin, parson of St. Peter's, 549.
Robert, B. D., master of St. John's Hospital, Bedford, 549.
Lynn or Lynn Regis. See King's Lynn.
Lyons : 11, 57, 82, 225, 237, 466, 476, 495, 496, 522.
Lyre. See Lierre.
Lyster. See Lister.