Henry VIII: June 1513, 21-25

Pages 912-918

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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June 1513

21 June.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 3. R.O.
Bond by Mr. John Battemanson, doctor of law, to John Pakyngton of London, for 6s. 8d. to be well and truly paid at Christmas next. 21 June 5 Hen. VIII. Signed.
21 June.
Vitell. B. XVIII., 50. B.M.
Had on the [19th] of this present month written his last; this morning received [those] dated 31 May, with them one sent from Rome to the ambassador of ... resident in England. The letters from England had been sent to Augsburg, and had come very opportunely for [the Emperor] took it very strangely [that there should have been any delay] in the second payment; suspicions having arisen that the craft proceeded from the King of [Aragon], who thereby, it was thought, desired that [the Emperor], being out of credit with the Swiss for lack of the payment he had agreed to give them, would cause the Swiss to join with the French, and" condescend to let the duchy of Milan in peace." As soon as Wingfield had received these letters he went to the Emperor [who expressed satisfaction] on learning that they contained favourable news, saying he had slept ill a night or two. The Emperor then said that the Swiss had sent a messenger from Novara showing how the battle was fought, with the losses of the French and the artillery that had been taken. Then Wingfield communicated the King's letter of 31 May, which had gone out of the way, containing, in the first place, the King's determination not only to observe all bounden engagements; but also, for the advancement of the common affair, to send the second payment with all convenient speed. Secondly, that your grace had no suspicion of the King of [Aragon]. Thirdly, that, if it should happen that the King of Aragon "would have [so little] regard to his honor as to leave his friends [confederates] and allies and incline to their mortal enemies, [his Majesty] and your grace, with the help of such other friends [as would be] glad to join with you, might order so that he should be brought in such [peril and] danger, that the peril should not be only in [the kingdoms] of Naples and Navarre, but also in all the rest that [the said King is] governor of at this day."
To the first part the Emperor expressed his thanks, and his determination to do his best for the common cause. "To the third part he showed that [he hoped there would be none] occasion to his brother the King of Aragon, which [should] force him and his friends to press him with such loss [and heavy] displeasure;" yet if he saw no other remedy, he would cause him to know that deceitful dealing among friends is worthy of great penance. Touching another article in the letter, concerning the schismatic cardinals, the Emperor has not yet written in their favour; nevertheless, at some future communication, he will tell the Emperor Henry's mind in that matter. Has received the Emperor's confirmation under the Great Seal, and signed with his hand. My lady of Savoy has written many sharp letters for the recovery of the Emperor's licence for men of war of the Low Countries to serve "your grace;" saying, that if the same and the Emperor's confirmation were not sent shortly, there could no money be paid to the Emperor. Wherefore the Emperor caused another confirmation to be made, and sent to her with the licence for the men of war, in consideration of which Wingfield kept the copy in his hands, believing that "my Lady" [would give] the copy she had to "your grace." Sire, with these I send unto your [grace] ... which hath been delayed by mean ... nevertheless by mean of the said D ... adventures as hath chanced, his letters ... be more ample and fruitful than y[f they had been] dispatched or this." Sends also with these, tidings of the duchy of Milan, and such offers as are made by [the French] King to the Pope, and to his brother Julian. If Wingfield continues in his office he must have money, without which he cannot properly serve the King. Those that convey despatches in this Court, namely, Mr. Han[s Reynner and] Mr. Jacques de Banissis, think the small gratuities he has given them during the past three years to be of [little account] in such great matters. Worms, 21 June 1513.
Pp. 6, much mutilated.
21 June.
Roman Transcr. I., 1, ff. 159, 161, 162. R.O. Baronius, XXXI., 26.
2017. LEO. X. to HENRY VIII.
Confirms all indulgencies granted by his predecessor, Julius II., to Henry, whom he exhorts to continue as he has begun, in deserving well of the Church. Rome, 21 June 1513, pont. 1.
Latin. Three modern transcripts each, p. 1.
Roman Transcr. I., 1, f. 170. R.O. 2018. THE SAME to THE SAME.
For greater authority, repeats sub plumbo his confirmation of indulgences; and exhorts him (as in No. 2017). Undated.
Latin. Modern transcript, p. 1.
22 June.
Lit. Cantuar. (Sheppard) III., 429.
Doubtless he remembers that he (for his part) and the bps. of London, Lincoln, Chester and Exeter (on the other part) consented that the King should order the cause testamentary hanging in the Court of Rome between them; and that the King thereupon committed the hearing to certain of his Council, upon whose report he made the order contained in his other letters addressed to Warham and the others, who have each, by letter, thankfully certified their contentment. Marvels that Warham, using delays "not allowable of reason," has refused to obey. Commands him to observe the order and immediately certify by letter his conformity. Canterbury, 22 June (1513).
22 June.
Vitell. B. XVIII., 53. B.M.
Informed the King in his last that the Emperor had received a letter from his secretary [Rorarii] resident with the Viceroy, affirming the [capture of the castle] of Milan, and also a letter from a captain of the Spaniards ... captains of Verona, both of which letters s[ignified that Jehan] Jacques de Trevulci was taken; and one of these letters stated that Lord Tremoyle was taken, while the other asserted that he was slain. Both letters [agree that] "the Viceroy is verily determined to pros ..., the Venetians been repassed the river of Athis [as appeareth] by the iijrd letter which was written at Mantw[a] ... month; and the other twain be of the vijth and v ..." The letter from Rorarii stated that the V[iceroy] ordained that Fabrucius Colonna with 4,000 spears [should] join with the Swiss to pass the Mountains. Worms, [22 June] 1513. With a postscript [explaining delay of this despatch].
Pp. 2, mutilated. Headed in later hand: 22 June.
22 June.
Lettres de Louis XII., iv., 156. Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., II., 166.
Intends at once to send some good personages to thank the King of England for his writing to the Emperor, and notifying by his ambassador that his army has already entered France, and desire him to hasten his descent in person; also to give military advice and keep the King informed of the Emperor's marching to join him in Normandy, there to follow up the good fortune already begun by the Swiss. Desires her, therefore, to prepare the Seigneur de Berghes to be chief ambassador and Messire Simon de Ferrette ambassador with him and captain of the King's Almains. Will send their instructions within five or six days. Worms, 22 June 1513.
23 June.
Galba B. III., 110. B.M.
2022. [4280.] SPINELLY to HENRY VIII.
Wrote last the [20th] inst. This morning a [post] from the Emperor brought the enclosed letter from Sir Robt. Wingfield, for the King. On the 3rd inst. sent a packet of letters to Wingfield, through the Master of the Posts here. On the 17th it had not reached him. The explanation given is that he had left Awsburg, and a servant there put it in the wrong budget; consequently it came back again and was again sent forth on the 17th inst. Upon the defeat at Novara, Latrymoll and Sir John Jacques fled to a little town belonging to the latter, to which the Swiss instantly laid siege. Sends a letter written by the Swiss to the Emperor, showing their dislike of the French. On the 5th the French, being at the siege of Novara, had beaten down the wall 30 fathoms—but, hearing that succour was coming, removed their siege two English miles. These succours were 8,000 Swiss, who entered Novara the same day, held a council, and resolved to attack the French at daybreak. The French with 4[00] lanceknights they had with them, made such obstinate resistance they were in doubt who should have the victory—they took many prisoners, much ordnance and all the pavilions. A French captain, Monsr. de la Clee... was slain in Milan. The Swiss have raised 15,000 more men. Barth. Dalbian has succoured the castle of Cremona, and slain Galleas Palavesyne, who had received the city for the French. The troops of the Viceroy of Naples have killed 80 Venetian horse in a skirmish. The Addornes have entered Genoa for the French, and the Fregosys fled to the Isle of Corsica. My Lady is very anxious for peace between the Emperor and the Venetians. Brussels, 23 June 1513. Signed.
Mutilated, pp. 5. Add.
24 June.
Exch. Accts., 61 (30). R.O.
File of twelve warrants for payments for the wars, addressed to the King's "servant, John Dawnce," but so exceedingly faded that in only four can anything intelligible be made out, viz.:—(1) To pay Laurence Eggelsfeld, clerk of the check of the Guard, 2,000l. for wages of the Guard. Canterbury, 24 June [5 Hen. VIII.]. (2) For some payment to Henry Smyth, ... of the King's works. Dated, ... Feb. 4 Hen. VIII. (3) For a payment to Walter Fo[rster], comptroller of the King's works. (4) For payment of 100 mks. to William Gunsoune, towards rigging and apparelling the King's carrick called the Mary Lorett. Dated, 18 Feb. [4 Hen. VIII.].
24 June.
Hart's Hist. et Cartul. Glouc., III., 285.
Lease, 24 June 5 Hen. VIII., by John, the abbot, and the convent of St. Peter's, Gloucester, to Rob. and Marg. Keving and Wm. Badcock, of the inn called le White Hart in Holburne near London, for 31 years at 40s. rent; with condition that the buildings on the east side be reserved for the abbot and his household when coming to London to Parliament or other business.
25 June.
Hist. MSS. Com., Rep. on Various Collections, vol. II., p. 335.
Several warrants for payments, viz.:—
i. To the assigns of Lord Ligne 3,000 cr., upon certain "conventions." 5 June 5 Hen. VIII.
ii. To Sir Richard Carrewe, master of the Ordnance, 100l. for presting gunners and pioneers. 21 June 5 Hen. VIII.
iii. To Thos. Farley 1,500 cr. 25 June 5 Hen. VIII.
25 June.
S P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 4. R.O.
Thanks him for his good remembrance and expedition of his servant. Perceives by his letter dated Lambeth, 9 inst., the pleasure of the King and Council touching the fortification of the grounds and passages in Northumberland to prevent the Scotch inroads. Neither sees, hears or knows of any such appearance or likelihood in the Scots. Has met them twice since his coming from Court, and finds them so well disposed touching the good rule of the Borders and redressing of attemptats, that he has no cause of complaint. The bills of England and Scotland for redress of the two ships are given in and sworn, as he has certified the King's grace at length, with all the news in these parts. In the King's absence, the letter is directed to Surrey. As soon as he perceives any likelihood of misrule, will endeavour to accomplish the King's command. Will continue upon the Borders, "with keeping of days of marches," from time to time. Will let him know at all times how he speeds. Herbotell, this Saturday, at 5 o'clock in the morning, 25 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add. To &c., My Lord of Surrey, Lieutenant of the North Parts.
25 June.
Arundel MS. 26, f. 57b (102b). B.M.
"The sommacion of the cytie of Terevan," 25 June 5 Hen. VIII. Addressed to the captain and inhabitants, by Blewmantell pursuivant. The lieutenant of the foreward and army of the King of France and England summons them to yield within 24 hours.
ii. Captains' names of Terevan:—Lord Pont Deremy, captain general, the Seneschal of Rouergne, the lord of Sargus, the lord of Bournoville, 4,000 soldiers.
Contemporary hand, p. 1.
Harl. 6,064, f. 67. B.M. 2. [4286.] Copy of § i. above.
Modern copy, p. 1.
25 June.
Vitell. B. XVIII., 54. B.M.
Wrote last [on the 22nd] of this month [from] this city. Yesterday received a letter from Thomas Spynelly, "wherein appeared where you[r army was] lodged, beside Boulogne, and that your grace [would be] at Calais before the feast of St. John, and [that, upon the] arrival of John Millett, one of the clerks of you[r grace's signet,] at Calais, with your twain payme[nts] ... Baptist de Taxsis should depart the 21st day of [this present] toward Gravelynge, to receive the same." [Went] to show the Emperor the said tidings, and to ... of the King of Aragon; about 8 o'clock, found means to speak with him. Enquired if the Emperor had any tidings [out] of Italy, "and he showed that as for the Viceroy he [was] nought; for whereas he had the Venetians in [destruction] inevitable, he had let them go, so that the[y have made] a bridge over the Athis (Adige), and have done much [injury to the] cornys of Verona. And then somewhat he ... in speaking of the King of Arragon [saying that he was] surely advertised that he goeth a ... and that within three or ... answer continuing mine former opinion ... so, I modified the same according to the tenor [of your grace's] last letters to me, in the third (fn. 1) part; with which [he she] wid to be well pleased, and much beholden to your grace that ye had so friendly advertised him of your mind; [and] in conclusion showed that he doubted not, but either the King of Aragon should change purpose, and reduce his mind and order to yours, or else he should may repent, as other hath done that hath refused their friends and joined with their enemies."
"Then he showed me that the Duke of Saxe should be here shortly, so that he trusted the Princes of the Empire would condescend to some good aid in these necessary affairs, and desired me that I should speak with all the Princes and move them to the same; which I showed to do with good will; and so I departed from him at that time. This day, in the morning at 4 o'clock, the Emperor departed hence, of which no man was ware yestereven when it was late, and all his carriage is departed, so that it seemeth he will not return hither." He is to rest this night [fi]ve Duche miles hence, and tomorrow at Frankfort, where it is thought the Duke of Saxe will meet him, "and [if he shall] find the said Duke favourable to his desire, he will [summon the remna]nt of the Princes to come thither or else to Colleyn ... will pass straight from thence to Brabant, and though so be he find ... that he assemble the said Duke with the p[rinces yet will] he cause them to assemble in some o[ther place], as I can perceive himself intendeth ... his way to Brabant. Sir, as for news from Italy they be confirmed of [the slaughter] of pietons, howbeit the lords of Tremoyle and Trevo[ulce and some] of the horsemen be fled into Alessandria, never[theless any] particularity worthy writing, is not yet kn[own]." Worms, [25] June 1513.
Pp. 3. Addressed. Much mutilated. Headed in later hand: 25 June.
25 June.
Vitell. B. II., 43. B.M.
Wrote on the 11th of the overthrow of the French at Noware. Tremouille and Trivulce are not dead, as then stated, but fled towards France. The Swiss have imposed a fine upon Milan of 50,000 ducats, on Pavia 40,000, on Lodi 30,000, for their rebellion against the Duke. The Duke and the Swiss have entered Savoy and burned San Germano. They will cripple the power of Savoy. The Swiss follow the Frenchmen but it will be hard to overtake any, as they "run away by post." The Duke writes that with his 14,000 Swiss, and another company following, he will pass the Mountains and for that intent has 400 men of arms in his company, under Prospero Colonna. Whether the Viceroy of Naples shall go too, or remain against the Venetians, is not yet settled. When Louis first heard of the rebellion of Genoa, and of the exclusion of the duke put in by Pope Julius, he boasted he would attack the English. Now all things are contrary to his hopes. Genoa has returned to the Fragoses; their Duke has pursued the French g[alleys] which succoured the castle of Lanterna, drowned one and taken another; and all who assisted the French in Alexandria are slain or banished. Thinks the King should make some confederation with the Swiss, and write letters of thanks to the Cardinals St. George, Sinogalen, St. Vitall, and Sedunen, for their good minds shown in the matter of the restitution of the schismatics Saint Cross and St. Severin. The Pope sends the King two briefs confirming the grants made to him by Pope Julius against the enemies of the Church, and will keep the promise to the King, but he cannot yet openly invade the French King, as he is bound by an oath to promote the peace of Christendom. He has written to the Scotch King, threatening him, if he does not desist, to grant Henry a still harder bull against Scotland. He has confirmed the interdict against that realm. (fn. 2) Sends a copy of the proceedings against the schismatic Cardinals, read on the x[vii.] of this month, in the 7th session of the Lateran council. They shall be restored, but not without disgrace. The Pope will never do anything for the absolution of France from the interdict without consent of his confederates. Cardinal Hadrian falsely presumes on his services against the schismatics. The Aragonese ambassador has informed him that Hadrian did divulgate amongst the cardinals things to Henry's dishonor, 1, that the King had crossed the sea, not to invade the enemies of the Church, but to make peace; 2, that no one in Rome had true tidings from England, except himself, by reason of his factor there, "named Polidorous, who, he said, was body and soul to my Lord of Winchester, and from him he had writing that your Grace would no[t] in any case personally proceed against the Frenchmen." The Cardinal denies it, though it can be proved before his face. The Emperor's army who kept the city of Verona against the Venetians, have abandoned it for lack of pay. The Pope has promised the Viceroy money and men to attack the Venetians. The Ambassadors of the Emperor and Aragon have, with Bainbridge, demanded of the Pope that nothing should be done in the restitution of the schismatic Cardinals without the consent of the confederates. Advises the King not to receive the papal Legate that is to be sent to treat for peace. It is only a show. All here have regard only to their own honor and profit, "wherefore, I doubt not but that your grace will do the same." The Bishop of Worcester, Henry's orator, does good service by reason of the favour he is in with the Pope. Rome, 25 June 1513. Signed.
Mutilated, pp. 5. Add.


  • 1. See page 857.
  • 2. The remainder of this letter is printed in Fiddes' Wolsey, C. 5.