Henry VIII: June 1513, 11-20

Pages 899-912

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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June 1513

[11 June.] 1985. QUEEN KATHERINE.
Appointed Regent in the King's absence. See GRANTS IN JUNE, Nos. 46, 47.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
229, f. 203. R.O.
2. Licence by the King (who intends speedily to pass over sea against the French King and desires that his wife Katharine queen of England may be suitably attended) for servants of the Queen to be exempted from attendance upon him in the said wars. "Her Chamberlain and Chancellor hath certified" the names of her said councillors, officers and servants as appears "in a [schedule] to these our letters patents annexed. Given at our manor of Grenewyche, &c." Mem. subscribed: In the warrant of the Privy Seal for the above be it specified that any persons named in the said schedule shall, upon request and, without fine, have letters patent to the above effect bearing the date of this "grant."
Draft, p. 1.
11 June.
Stowe MS., 146, f. 67. B.M.
1986. CABLES.
Indenture, 11 June 5 Hen. VIII., witnessing receipt by Edward Guldefurde, to the King's use, of certain cables (weights specified) from Leonard Fryscombald. Signed: Edward Guldefford. Pp. 2.
11 June.
Deeds A., 13,349. R.O.
1987. [3241.] THOMAS WOLCY, clk., the King's Almoner.
Grant of an annuity of 100 marks from Lady Margaret Pole, 11 June 5 Hen. VIII. Signed.
12 June.
Vitell. B. II., 146. B.M.
"Extract of a letter from the secretar[y of] Andrew de Bourgo, dated at Milan, the x[ij(?) day] of June, directed unto my Lady of Savoy."
1. De Burgo entered Milan on the 7th, and was received with great triumph because of the victory over the French; 2, on news of which, the previous day, the people "took the Erbes," and attacked the p[alace], where were the Lord of Concersault (Concressault) with 500 French[men], Lord Antony Mary Palavesyne, the two brothers [of] Sieur Sacramor, &c., who with difficulty escaped into the castle from the stones that the women and children cast at them. 3. De Burgo went next day to an interview with the Viceroy at Piacenza, whom he induced to pursue the French to Alexandria and send Prosper Colonna across the Po to stop their passage at Turin and Susa. 4. Thus it was supposed that the Duke of Genoa put out by the French should be restored, and few Frenchmen escape. 5. De Burgo went from the Viceroy to Vercelli, where the Duke of Milan was with the Swiss, and concluded for a sum of 10,000 gold gilders that part of them should go to Turin and Susa and the rest into Montferrat towards Ast, to intercept the French. 6. The General of Savoy is with the Duke and has lent him 6,000 ducats. 7. The Swiss are enraged at the Duke of Savoy for favouring the French. 8. The 500 Frenchmen in Pavia castle were all slain.
Pp. 3, mutilated. In the hand of Spinelly's clerk.
13 June. 1989. SIR THOMAS LOVELL.
Steward and marshal in Shrewsbury's absence. See GRANTS IN JUNE, NO. 60.
13 June.
Stowe MS., 146, f. 71. B.M.
Bill, 13 June 5 Hen. VIII., of receipt by Wm. Legh and Wm. Cotton, the King's spears, of their whole year's wages from 31 July (altered from May) last, 121l. 13s. 4d., paid by John Daunce by virtue of warrant dated Greenwich, 9 June last. Signed.
P. 1.
S.P. Hen.VIII.,
229, f. 204. R.O.
1991. THE WAR.
Order by the King's Commissioners that the captains of "this the King's army," with their retinues, must be on board their ships by 6 o'clock this Monday on pain of death.
Copy, p. 1.
13 June.
Ib., f. 205. R.O.
To-day, at 3 p.m., I received yours of 12 June, touching the wages of the ships in the Narrow Seas; but the Caryke of Savona, the Kateryn Forteleza and the Mary George were already gone out of sight toward the Narrow Seas, with many small men carrying "the King's mowntes of the New Forest" and other necessaries sent from Hampton or going to "convey the King's army over," and they will be in the Downs ere you receive this letter. Upon what you write of the ship of Denmark in Flanders and the galleys in Dieppe, I have sent three small ships after the said carricks to carry them a letter of warning and help them against the galleys, from which they would be in danger if a calm came. We are here strong enough to encounter the whole fleet of France, and, had the wind served, had been gone towards Brest ere now. Scribbled in the Mary Rose before Qwar Abbey, "abiding to know the King's pleasure."
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord of Wynchester, my lord Treasorer and Master Almoner; delivered at Portismouth at 4 at afternoon the 13 day of Juny.
13 June.
Galba B. III.,
Ellis, 2 S. I.,
Wrote last on the 12th inst. from Estlynge. Spends money in sending letters to the Emperor's postmaster, but fears they may suffer delay; and "now in journeying" he is seldom in places where news is. His knowledge is in manner a day after the fair. Lewis Maraton never fails to write to my Lady of Savoy; and from thence to your grace Thomas Spinelly, doubtless, makes the posts run. News has come this morning that the Duke of Milan with the Swiss have surprised the French army, slain the Almayns, "and taken the Lords of T[remouille] and John James of Trevo[lcio] with many others prisoners. ... Sagramour the Viscounte, which was entered into the city of Milan, was there slain," with many of his band when news of the French overthrow arrived. Hopes to hear of similar success on the part of the Emperor and the Viceroy against the Venetians, and that the Emperor's 8,000 Swiss have passed the mountains to Dolphynye, where he has appointed 1,000 horse to meet them. The King will have all the advantages he had last year, and more, "though it was thought by many expert folks that the said advantages had been hard to have been recovered. But such is God, and better, which only is the head of your enterprise and hath given the noble courage and hardiness to elect of yourself the cost, travail, and jeopardy to attain the honor and glory that must needs follow of same and, in my conceit, without fail, the perfect recovery and attaining the Crown of France." Bruxcellis in Swave, 13 June 1513.
P.S.—Sends copy of "a let[ter one of] the Swyssers wrote unto me."
Hol., mutilated, pp. 3. Add.
14 June.
Stowe MS.,
146, f. 70.
1994. CANVAS.
Warrant to John Daunce to pay Robert Dobbes, haberdasher, for 6 bolts of poldavys, at 18s., 710 ¼ ells of "Normandie white," at 6½d., and 32 bolts of poldavys, at 20s., 60l. 8s. 6½d. Greenwich, 13 June 5 Hen. VIII.
ii. Subscribed with receipt dated 14 June.
Small parchment, p. 1.
14 June.
Hist. MSS.
Com., Rep. on
Collections, vol. II., p. 316.
Acknowledgment by Sir Ric. Wyngfeld, marshal of Calais, 14 June 5 Hen. VIII., of receipt of 4,000 cr. from Sir G. Talbot, for the King's business in Flanders.
14 June.
Le Glay,
Corresp. de
Max. et
de Marg.,
II., 163.
Encloses news of French defeat in the Duchy of Milan. Try to hasten the two payments from England, for otherwise we cannot entertain the Swiss or take advantage of fortune. Sends the ratification of the treaty of England and the licence for his subjects of Flanders. Stockart, 14 June 1513.
P.S.—Begs her to signify these news to the Kings of Aragon and England.
15 June.
Hist. MSS.
Com., Rep. on
vol. II., p. 308.
Indenture of receipt by Sir G. Talbot, deputy of Calais, 15 June 5 Hen. VIII., from Sir Res ap Thomas, Sir Gruffith Res, and Mr. John Gruffith, clerk and chaplain to the said Sir Res, of certain plate (specified) to be kept until required.
16 June.
Stowe MS.,
146, f. 72.
Warrant to John Dauncy to pay Walter Champyon 20 mks. for guns and anchors (specified). Greenwich, 15 June 5 Hen. VIII.
Small parchment, p. 1. Endd. with receipt dated 16 June.
16 June.
Sp. Trans.,
I., 5, f. 253.
His letters of 30 April and, afterwards, those of 10 May, brought by Beltran, received. Sends Don Pedro de Lanuza (altered from Martin de Ampies), forthwith, to the King of England. Credence for Don Pedro. Valladolid, 16 June (altered from 31 May) 1513.
Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 2. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 116.
Egerton MS.,
544, f. 359.
2. Another modern copy.
P. 1.
Sp. Trans.,
5, f. 259.
3. Ferdinand's instructions to [Don Pedro de Lanuza].
Reasons for the truce with France are contained in the answer he gave to the Doctor (Knight) and John Stile in the convent of Mejorada. Explains at length how the chief reasons were his own illness, England's failure to agree about the conquest of Guienne, and the disorder in Italy caused by Pope Julius and the Emperor driving the Venetians into a league with France (signed at Blois in March last) which leaves the French masters of Italy. His resources so strained, by the Emperor and England forsaking him in the war last year, that without subsidies he cannot assist in the enterprise of Guienne. Learns from Luis Caroz that on 30 (sic) April he concluded a treaty with England. Details negociations, beginning with the sending of Muxica, which show that the King of England and his Council must have known that Caroz was not authorised to sign such a treaty. This treaty seems to be merely a demonstration. If the King of England is in earnest about Guienne he must see that it would be unjust to ask Ferdinand to pay all the expenses. Has no money, but will undertake its conquest if that King will pay him as much as the cost of 6,000 Germans during the war. Can do this by attacking Bearn which is not included in the truce; for the French would certainly oppose him in Bearn and thus break it on their side. He shall tell Caroz at once to negociate (but not sign) a treaty which he may bring back to be signed in Spain by the English ambassadors. He shall tell Caroz henceforth to sign nothing without orders. A greater error could not have been committed than to sign last treaty when he knew that Ferdinand had concluded the truce from necessity and had rejected the more advantageous treaty by which England offered a subsidy. Fears that this treaty which cannot be executed will alienate the King of England from him; but he has no choice and can ratify no treaty except that of which he sent the draft from Spain.
If the King is not in earnest about Guienne—as many suspect—and inclined to make peace with France, the peace must be general and the Emperor, Ferdinand and England remain united to resist further French designs.
He shall tell the King that the Queen of France sent word that her husband was inclined to satisfy England and all other princes, and Ferdinand should send a trustworthy person to conclude. Sent Quintana to learn particulars, but recalled him as soon as it was evident that France, while offering him great advantages, did not desire a general peace. Quintana has come back.
Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 11. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 118.
Simancas MS. 4. Instruction to _ (blank) to tell _ (blank) that, according to news from England, that King is about to invade France. Has not much confidence in the enterprises of England, but, to assist England, has ordered his Viceroy to reinforce the Swiss and attack M. de la Tremouille. If England promises to conquer Guienne next year and gives the securities asked by Don Luis (Caroz), Ferdinand will this year conquer Bearn and thus occupy the French army in the south this year and facilitate the conquest of Guienne next year.
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 115.
Sp. Trans.,
I., 5, f. 255.
Received her letter of the end of April. Credence for Lanuza. Same date.
Spanish. Two modern transcripts from Simancas, pp. 2 and p. 1. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 117.
Egerton MS.,
544, f. 363.
2. Another modern copy.
P. 1.
Ib., f. 364.
Extract from a letter or instruction to the effect that if Ferdinand had the money he would alone undertake the enterprise of Guienne for his son-in-law, as P. de la Nuça, the bearer, will say. (See No. 1999, § 3.)
Spanish. Modern copy, p. 1.
Sp. Trans.,
I., 5, f. 247.
2002. THE TRUCE.
Ferdinand's answer to the English ambassadors, viz:—
The King of England asks for succour in his war against France this summer, to consist of a fleet with at least 5,000 men. Never knew that the King meant to make war on France single-handed, and thinks he should desist. Muxica's journey to England and return with Dr. Knight. The new treaty proposed by Ferdinand after hearing Knight and Stile, to whom he said that the King of France was making overtures for truce. Explains reasons for making truce, viz., troubled state of Italy, intended alliance of the Emperor and France, war of the Emperor with Venice and the King of England's delay in concluding the treaty for their joint enterprise in France. Thought best, therefore, to empower the bp. of Catania to conclude the truce. In the interval (1) England and he may concert measures for war, (2) Italy may be pacified, (3) the Emperor and Venetians may come to terms and the former be thus set free and supplied with a tribute (indicated) towards the war with France, and (4) lastly the Italian League may be employed against France.
The Emperor advised him to conclude this truce in the name of all the allies, so as to give time for preparations for war next year. When his life was in danger through illness, last winter, following the precepts of his Confessor, he gave commission to conclude the truce. A further reason was that his Council could not find money for continuing the war. Also Pope Julius is dead and an understanding with his successor is necessary. Begs the King, his son, to ratify the truce. On no conditions would he consent to peace without the King's full knowledge and approval. Peace must be made by both together.
Endorsed: Answer of the Catholic King to ambassadors of England sent to ask a fleet with 5,000 men for the war of England with France.
Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 5. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, Nos. 111–112.
Add. MS.,
28,572, f. 121.
2. Another modern copy.
Pp. 13.
Egerton MS.,
544, f. 252.
He is to tell Madame Margaret as follows:—Reasons (detailed at length) why Ferdinand made the truce, viz., his own illness, failure of the English to assist in Guienne and the Emperor's mismanagement of affairs in Italy. During the truce he and the Emperor may make alliances in Italy if the Emperor will accept the conditions offered by the Venetians through Count Cariati. He begs Madame to use her influence with the Emperor in this, whose policy hitherto can only result in making France master of the world. Has advised the Emperor to see that at least the States of Prince Charles remain at peace with France. When the English troops left Spain he sent Muxica to concert a new treaty instead of that which the English had broken. The King of England answered that for the conquest of Guienne he would pay 100,000 cr. down and afterwards as much as his ambassadors in Spain should think necessary—and sent a draft treaty. Could not agree with the English ambassadors about the sum and therefore wrote to Don Luis Caroz not to sign such a treaty, but only one of which Ferdinand then sent his draft. Caroz, however, signed another new treaty by which Ferdinand was bound to declare war with France and conquer Guienne for England at his own expense. Both the King of England and his ambassadors in Spain know that this was signed by Caroz directly against instructions. Did not ratify it. Wrote, nevertheless, to Caroz that if England really wished to conquer Guienne he would concert a new treaty for next year.
Lanuza writes that Madame is willing to deliver up Don Juan Manuel as prisoner. Bearer Artieta sails with a ship purposely to receive the prisoner, whose removal will improve relations with the Emperor and Prince Charles. Don Juan of Aragon. Posts. After writing this received letters from Don Pedro de Urea, dated Augsburg, 12 May, that he and an Imperial ambassador were coming to Spain. Prince Charles's household.
Spanish. Modern copy, pp. 10. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 119.
17 June. 2004. SIR THOMAS LOVELL.
Master of the Wards. See GRANTS IN JUNE, Nos. 80, 104.
17 June.
Stowe MS.,
146, f. 68.
Warrant to John Dauncy to pay Guydo Portynary 42l. for 63 hagbushes. Greenwich, 11 June 5 Hen. VIII.
ii. Subscribed with Portynary's receipt dated 17 June.
Small parchment, p. 1.
17 June.
Vesp. C., I., 40.
2006. [4267.] KNIGHT and STILE to HENRY VIII. (In cypher.)
We (the most humyl servantys to yowr grace, Doctur Wylyam Knyzghte and John Style,) certefy un to yowr hyzghnys that on the tenth day of thys present monyth of Juny cam hether yowr subjecte Rychard Prows, the berer here of, (servant to me John Style), by whom we receveyed yowr royal letter of the date of elevynyth day of May, and also wyth the same yowr royal conmyssyon and the copys of the nw treaty and of the actys upon the same don on Sant Markys day that last past, upon the whych, acordeyng to the hyzghe conmandament of yowr grace, ynmedyatly and dyvers tymys syth, we have had conmunycacyon wythe the Kyng yowr good fader of Aragon, and also, by hys conmandament, wythe hys secretary Almasan. We yowr servantys, by al the ways and resons that hath byn to us yn al goodly maner possybyl, have sulucyteyd to the Kyng yowr sayd fader that hys Majesty schuld confyrme the late treaty that hys ambassatur hath made wyth yowr hyzghnys and wyth themperor on Sant Markys day; to the whyche, and yt plese yowr grace, the answer of yowr sayd fader was in lyke maner as that yt hath byn to us byforetyme syth the recepte of yowr other royal letters of the dates of the ayzghte and twenty and last day of Apryel, acordeyngly as that we by fore thys by our other sundry letters and sent by dyvers messengers we have certefyed un to yowr grace, how that yowr sayd fader ys gretely dyspleseyd wyth hys ambassatwr for that he granteyd to the sayd treaty, sayeyng that hys sayd ambassatwr had non suche atoryte nor canmandament from hym for to make any suche nw lyage or treaty wyth yowr hyzghnys, other than the fwrst treaty conserneyng the enterpryse of Ghyan, whych was begon the last yere. And now hys sayeyng ys that the sayd treaty and holy lyage ys and standyth voyde by the reson of the returneyng of yowr armey from hens, and also for that the late Pope Julyo and the Ytalyans kepeyd no promyse wyth hym, and that therefore he hath taken a truys wyth the Frensche Kyng for oon yere from the furst day of Apryel last past, the whych hys Majesty sayth that he wyl yn no wyse breke, on les that the Frensche men do contrary to the sayd truys; and sayeyng also that for as muche as that the ryzghte and enterpryse of Ghyayn be longyth to yowr grace, and not to hym, that hyt standyth not wyth reson nor consyens that he schwld make war yn that behalf unto the Frensche Kyng at his aune proper costys and chargys, the whych hys Majesty sayth that he ys not abyl for to do, and schawyng hym self to be yn grete extreme nescessyte of tresore, for the whych he sayth that he yn no wyse may folow the sayd warrys; sayeyng also that yt ys gretely to be mervelyd that yowr grace wythdrawyth the thyngys and offers to hym made by the copy of a nw treaty to hym sent by the conmendador Musschyka for the foloynge of thenterpryse of Ghyayn, so that now by the treaty made on Sant Markys day yt ys syngnyfyeyd that he schul, al alone, and at hys proper costys and chargys, make war to the Frensch Kyng on thys partys; the whych he sayth playnly that he wyl not so do, but that furst a nwe treaty and apoyntament must for the same be made by twyx yowr hyzghnys and hym, so that he wyl be sure of the ayde that yowr grace wyl geve to hym for the same.
Wyth oute the ayde some what of yowr grace, we fere us that yowr sayd good fader wyl do any thynge yn affecte ayenyste the Frensche Kyng, on les that he schalbe drevyn there unto for the safgard of hys aun causys. And where, and yt plese yowr grace, that the sayeyng of yowr good fader to us had byn dyverse tymys that hys ambassatur had of hym no conmyssyon nor atoryte for to conclude any other treaty wyth yowr hyzghnys then the furst holy lyage; whereupon, sythe the recepte of yowr royal letter and yowr other wryteyngys by yowr subjecte Rychard Prows, the berer hereof, we have comunyd wythe the Kyng yowr good fader of that mater. For as yt apereyth by the sayd wryteyngys that yn the monyth of July that last past, he sent a nw suffycyant power and atoryte unto hys sayd ambassatur for to make and conclude any nw lyage wyth yowr hyzghnys, and wyth the Pope and other that the sayd hys ambassatur schuld thynke convenyent and nescessary for to be don, or wyth any oonly. To the whych then, and yt plese yowr grace, the sayeyng of yowr sayd fader was, that trawyth yt was that at the sayd tyme he had geveyn a conmyssyon and atoryte to hys sayd ambassatur for to make and conclude a nw lyage generral wyth the Pope and wythe yowr hyzghnys and wythe themperor and other joyntly, and not oonly specyal wyth yowr grace and themperowr as yt is nowe don. And we yowr servantys, acordeyng to the tenurys of the copy of hys atoryte in that be half gevyn to hys ambassatur, resonyd largely with yowr sayd fader; upon the whych hys Majesty determynyd that hys secretary Almasan schulde comune wyth us farther of that and all other causeys, sayeyng that he wold do al that he may in any wyse for yowr grace, how be that yn no wyse he wold not breke the tryws that he hath made wyth France on les that yt be yn thayre awn defawte.
And so, and yt plese yowr grace, the secund day after thys conmunycacyon we had also conmunycacyon wythe the secretary Almasan, the whych at lengyth wyth myche argumentys granteyd that the sayd conmyssyon granted to the sayd ambassatur was suffuschyeant and good for to conclude a nw lyage wyth yowr hyzghnys; how be that the sayeyng of the sayd secretary ys that or then that any such nw lyage was made the Kyng hys lord had wreteyn ayen unto hys ambassatur, conmandeyng hym that ynno wyse he schuld not make any nw lyage wyth yowr grace, unto such tyme that he schuld have other conmyssyon and conmandment, for as much as that yowr sayd fader had taken trwys wythe the Frensche Kyng for oon yere. Of the whych, and yt plese yowr grace, the sayd secretarys sayeyng ys that yowr hyzghnys had the knowlyche by the sayd ambassatur and other wyse by fore the makeyng of the nw lyage made on Sant Markys day, and yn a maner schwyd and sayed that the sayd thayr ambassatur hath wretyn that he confessythe that he dyd contrary to the Kyng hys lordys conmyssyon for fere, and for to fulfyl the plesure of yowr grace. And that notwythstandeyng, the sayd secretary sayed that the King yowr good fader hys lord wol do al that he may ayenyst the Frenchmen yn the favor of yowr grace, so that he may not breke the truys taken and sworn by hym wyth the Frensch Kyng, and that the Kyng hys lord for that consydoracyon by polocy, when that he toke the truys wyth the Frensche Kyng, lefte owte of the sayd truys the late Kyng of Navar and the cwntray of Byern; for that he knowyth verrely that yn case that at any tyme that he wyl or do make warrys yn and to the partys of Byerne that yt schalbe no les dysplesure to the Frensche Kyng then that he made war to and yn the partys of Ghyayn, the whyche he sayed that the Kyng yowr good fader entendyth for to do and make war yn Byerne. And then yn case so be, that the Frensshemen in anywyse do take the late Kyng of Navarrys parte for the defence of the cuntray of Byerne, thay so doyng, the truys schalbe brokyn by thayr defawte, whereby the Kyng yowr good fader schalbe dyschargeyd of hys othe and promyse, and schalbe at lyberty for to make war to France by any other parte that he thynke schalbe most advantage. But by fore the afore sayd occasyons inno wyse he wyl not breke nor proclayme war wyth France after thys.
And yt plese yowr grace we spake wyth the Kyng yowr sayd fader, the whych hath confyrmeyd by hys royal wordys the sayeyngys of hys aforesayd secretary Almasan, and that he entendeyth for to begyn schortely for to make some warrys by the partys of Byerne, and that for that entente, and for the farther foloyng of the same wyth the ayde of yowr grace, hys Majesty doth send unto yowr hyzghnys a jantylman whych ys brother to the conmendador Don John de Nosa, whych conmendador was of late yn yowr royal corte, and ys now ambassatur yn the corte of yowr good brother the Prynce of Castyl. And thys man that now from hens ys sent unto yowr grace hath, as we be ynformed, conmyssyon for to comune wyth yowr hyzghnys for the warrys to be made yn Byerne now and for the next yere further; whych by that we can persayve, Soverayn Lord, schalbe no grete warrys nor of no grete poysance wyth owte the ayde of yowr grace, but pastymys, on les that as we have byfore wretyn, that thay of nescessyte for thayr awn safgard be drevyn therunto.
And yt plese yowr grace, now of late the Markes de Comarys, whych ys the Kyng yowr good faders deputy yn the ream of Navar, assemblyd fowr thowsand men, lytel more or les, for to subdu thre fortaresys that be yn the ream of Navar belongyng to Monsyr de Egramownt and to Monsyr de Lusa. And al the contray of Byern and Bayon, and al the contray there abowte, fereyd that the sayd Markes wold have procedeyd farther on the partys of Ghyayn or Byerne; for that the castyl of Bedasen ys belongyng to Monsyr de Egramownt, mayre of Bayon, and the sayd castyl standyth but thre legys from Bayon on the ryver that comeyth from Af, and al the cheyf vytualys that comeyth to Bayon by water must cum yn the danger of the sayd castyl, and the sayd castyl standythe yn the ream of Navar. For the whych Monsyr de Egramownt, seying non other remedy on les that he schuld have by the causer of the brekeyng of the truys by twyxt the Kyng of Arragon and the Frensche Kyng, for the whyche he consentyd that the cwndstabyl of the sayd castyl, and al thoys there beyng dwelyng under the same, be sworne to the obbedyence of yowr sayd good fader; and in lyke wyse be thay of the other placys belongyng to Monsyr de Lusa, so that al that ys in the ream of Navar now ys under the abaysance of the Kyng yowr said fader. And the late Kyng of Navar ys yn the town of Salvaterra in Byerne, and hath no power of men wyth hym; for the whych, and yt plese yowr grace, in case that the Kyng yowr good fader of Arragon wyl make warrys now un to Byern or Ghyayn, he hathe many grete advantajys, and may do yt wyth oute inportabyl chargys, whych chargys hys Majesty gretely alygeythe, now there ys no power yn Ghyayn nor Byerne for [to] make anny assystance ayenyst hym; for al the Almaynys that were in Bayon, and there abowte, and al other men of war be departeyd from thoys partys towardys Pycardy and Bretayn, for to make resystance ayenyst yowr grace, and another grete power of France be departeyd yn to Ytaly; and yowr good fader whych now hath the hole ream of Navar at hys conmandament, and hys artelary al redy at San John Pe del Pwerto, whych ys ajoynant to Ghyayn and Byern; and the sayd artelary ys al redy pasyd the mowntaynys, and al evyl ways, whych ys a grete advantage, the whyche such lyke advantagys yowr sayd fader peraventure yowr sayd fader schal not fynd hereafter. How be that a swerty, Soverayn Lord, for dyvers causys thys warrys cannot be parfytely foloyed by the King yowr sayd fader. Oon ys that hys sawldyers and men of war be not wel payed at anny tyme; another ys that he putyth the ream of Castyl to the greteyst costys and chargys for the makeyng of the sayd warrys, and that thyngys that he conquereyth and geteyth, he anyxyth yt to the crown of Arragon rather then to the crown of Castyl; and the Castyllyans, nor other that be under the ream of Castyl, be not there wyth pleseyd, nor welwylyng for to make any warrys whych twrnyth thaym to no profyte; and the thyrd ys that the Kyng yowr sayd fader hath fue other cownsolorys aboute hym but Aragonesys and covytuys pepyl, and not nobyl, but such as that set nother by thayr onurys nor wordys, and so yt apereyth by thayr dedys.
And yt plese yowr grace, the verry tydeyngys that ys here, that the Frenchmen have taken Jeyn and Myllan, and that the Duke of Myllan ys fled, and that the Lumbardys wold not be agreabyl that the Vysorey of Napolys capytayn of yowr good faders armey schuld helpe for to defend theym ayenyst the Frenschemen; and that therefore the sayd Vysorey ys retwrnyd bacward towardys Bonany, and wyl to Napolys yn case that the Ytalyans do not send for hym ayen, for to have hys ayde. Tydeyngys from Rome here hath cum non thys monythe past or more, the whych ys thowzghte [a] mervel. A grete armey of Jeyn was departeyd from thens by the ze for to have encowntryd the French army by fore the takeyng of the city of Jeyn. The sayd armeys met not, and the Duke or Govornur of Jeyn ys fled to the sayd armey. Dyverse of yowr subjectys of late beyng on thys cost of Byskay by the ze have taken of yowr ennymys of France and Bretayn, the whych be redelyverd ayen, and put at thayr lybertys by the conmandament of the Kyng yowr good fader for the kepeyng of hys trwys wyth France. And as the farther nwys schal folow from tyme to tyme we schal certefy the same unto yowr hyzghnys by the grace of the Holy Gost, who perserve yowr royalyst asstate long for to endure. Wretyn yn Valadalyd and corte of yowr fader of Aragon, on the sevyntyn day of Juny, the fyvyth yere of yowr nobylyst reygne, by the most hwmyl servantys to yowr grace, Wylyam Knycghte and John Style.
[The following is in Stile's ordinary hand.]
And yt plese yor grace, by the berer hereof, my servant Richard Prows, y do send unto yor hizghnys of the commodites of thys contrey a litell whyte wyne of San Martyns, whereof yor grace so beynge pleseyd maye have more; and also by my said servant y do send xij. pair of glovys for yor grace, humylly besecheynge yor hizghnys for to accepte my trwe mynd to the onure and servise of your hizghnys wt pardon of yor grace for my unkunynge writeynge.
The Kynge yor good faders ambassatur nor themperors ambassatur be not yecome hether from themperor.
WILLIAM KNYGHTE. (Stile's monogram.)
Pp. 5.
Vesp. C. I., 88.
2. Decipher of the above with a few omissions.
Pp. 4.
17 June.
Sanuto, XVI.,
2007. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 20 June 1513.]
From the Ambassador at Rome, 17 June.—* * * By letters from England of the 12th ult. things there were sferdite and the King was not crossing in person against France; but he had sent a fleet and army and was very indignant at the truce made between Spain and France, and also at our league with France. * * *
18 June.
Stowe MS.
146, f. 73.
Bill, 18 June 5 Hen. VIII., of receipt by Ant. Vivald, on behalf of John Baptista Sophia [of] Genoa, from John Daunce, of 106l. 13s. 4d. for Malmesey delivered to the King's army lately in Bysquey; to be refunded if found to have been already paid by Lord Howard, Sir Wm. Sandes or any other. Signed.
P. 1.
Ib. 74. 2. The like for 170l. received by Henry Everard, secretary to my lord Treasurer, on behalf of John Grenewey.
P. 1.
Ib. 75. 3. The like for 5 mks. received by Ant. Cartelege.
P. 1.
Ib. 76. 4. The like for 213l. 6s. 8d. received by John Bruges, alderman of London.
P. 1.
Ib. 77. 5. The like of 36l. 13s. 4d. received by John Keme, mercer, on behalf of Laurence Cavalere, merchant of Jeane.
P. 1.
Ib. 78. 6. The like for 30l. received by Francis Bawdewyn and Richard Reynold of London.
P. 1.
Exch. Accts.
56 (2).
"The percelles of the accompte of Thomas Pertrich," one of the commissioners appointed by pat. 16 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII.
Receipts:—Various sums received in crowns of the sun at 6s. 1d. Fl., 19 April and 5, 30 and 31 May from Sir John Wilshire, at Middelburg, in all 1,819l. 16s. 7d. Fl.
Discharge:—Payments for ships; naming the owner, burden (that is capacity for carrying horse or foot, very seldom the tonnage) and value of each, with marginal notes about the date and nature of the contracts. The ships are arranged in groups, namely, 40 of the town of Dordright (1 May), 30 of Roterdam, Skedam, Gurrey and Delf which are "under the seal of Dordreght" (1 May), 30 of Amsterdam (9 May), 8 of Harlam (12 May), 17 under the seal of Dordreght, some of which are of Oudyn Busse and Turgowe and the rest of no indicated port (1 May), 5 and 6 (1 May) and 3 (16 May) under the same seal; 53 of Inckehusen (7 May), 8 of Turgowe (1 May) and 2 of Middelburg (1 June), the dates in parentheses being when each group "entered wages." Total hire, 1,576l. 13s. 4d. Fl. The accountant's own costs in Holland, including payments to attendants, 12s. to the greffier of the Hague for writing twelve letters "directed from the lords of the Council there unto 12 towns of Holond shewing them the Emperor's and the Duke's pleasure that the King should have as many ships and men as it should like the King's commissioner to take," 6s. 8d. to a messenger sent, 23 May, from Delffe to Sir John Wyllshere for more money, 12d. to a messenger sent, on 24 May, from Dordryte to Gorkham to fetch Thomas Quaderyng, payments to town clerks and others for valuation of ships, 45l. towards the value (246l.) of five ships of Dordryte and Gorkham "which the men of Bolen took," of which value Wm. Atclyffe and Miles Jarard paid 15l. and Sir John Wyllshere paid the rest at Calais. Accountants own wages at 6s. 8d. the day from 16 Jan. 1512 to 18 June 1513, viz., 154 days.
The account ends with some reckonings of money received from John Jenyns, servant to John Heron, &c., and concludes "and so he (accountant) oweth," 64l. 7s. 2d.
Pp. 19.
19 June.
Vitell. B. XVIII.,
Wrote his last letter of this month from the town of Bruxcellis in Swabia; the [same] day had written to the Council in answer to their letter from [Baynard's] Castell the 3rd of the same. Also, "with the same letter [came one] from your grace to the Emperor, and one to the Dw[ke of Venice, with] the copies of the same, and also the copy of a [letter from] your highness to the Pope." The same 17th day the Emperor [came] to Spires, and was advertised ... from your grace, whereupon he appointed next day at 12 o'clock [to meet] Wingfield at a town mid-way between Spires and Worms, when the letters were delivered and read to him, with the contents of which he seemed pleased, and also with those your grace had sent to the Venetians. "And showed that the ... was now changed far from the state ... I should send your said [letter] ... must needs serve to good purpose, and especially [cause] them to know their folly, and showed me that I [was welcom]e to send the said letters by his posts to Augsburg, [to som]e merchant of mine acquaintance to send them forth from thence," suggesting the Fukkyrs or Hugstettyrs or, better still, the Belzers. The Emperor also was pleased with the copy of the letter to the Pope, and said he had written a similar letter to the Pope 15 days before. The Emperor's ambassadors were to be ready to go with those from England whenever it should be convenient to send them. The Emperor asked if an answer had been returned respecting "your second payment," and seemed to marvel that no advices had been received respecting it, saying he was afraid "delay will do harm to us both," and that any machinations seducing Henry from his interests would do more damage than the suspicions that arose between the Emperor and the King of England's father. He also shewed that he had ordained the Lo[rd Berghes] to meet Henry at Calais "the only Councillor he trusted." Wingfield answered that there should be little likelyhood of any suspicions, especially concerning such things as the King of England was bound to perform. The Emperor shewed that the principal "huswyffe" of his county of Tirol was dead, and also his vice-chancellor, who were two of the most necessary of his councillors, especially in this time of war with the Venetians, so that the rest of the Council ceased not [to urge] "him to return towards those parts." Wingfield dissuaded some and confirmed others of the many things said by the Emperor; [especially agreeing with him] that if there be not tidings shortly that the Viceroy has made some exploit against [the Venetians] who were in an inevitable trap, the Viceroy should be esteemed the most unfortunate and most cowardly gentleman that ever leapt on horseback; "and over that the Emperor is [advertised from] divers places that the Viceroy and Jerome Wyk, tha[t is at Rome,] and the Count de Carryate, that is at Venice, hath ... of the Venetians in large manner, which must ne[des] ... shortly." Having been with the Emperor more than an hour [he desired Wingfield] to ride before him to Worms, as he wished to meet the ... of Magunce by the way, and then took leave of him, saying that he would send letters to the King of England in answer to those received from him, wherein Wingfield trusts he will inform "your grace" what he will do concerning his army. Worms, 19 June 1513.
Pp. 6, mutilated.
20 June.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 1. R.O.
2011. CABLES.
Receipt, 20 June 5 Hen. VIII., by Leonard Friscobald from John Daunce, of 1,708l. 5s. 10d. for cables and hawsers of Flanders make delivered to Edward Guldeford. With Guldeford's receipt for the stuff, 5 Nov. ao 4, attached.
Pp. 2.
Stowe MS. 146, f. 79. B.M. 2. Like receipt of 429l. for cables (specified) of which some are delivered to Edward Guldeford and some to John Dawtrey. Signed.
P. 1.
Ib. 81. 3. Like receipt for 339l. 16s. 8d. "delivered by the said Leonard's father, Jerome Fryscobald," by exchange in Flanders, to Wm. Jones, mercer, in the name of John Clyfford, governor of the English nation, to purchase kettles, pans and other necessaries for the King's beerhouses at Portsmouth, by the oversight of Deryke Nytingale.
P. 1.
20 June.
Ib., f. 69. B.M.
2012. HALBERDS, &c.
Warrant to John Daunce to pay Leonard Frischobald, gentleman usher of the King's chamber, 681l. 9s. 2d. for halberts, axes, guns, &c. (specified). Greenwich, 12 June 5 Hen. VIII.
ii. Subscribed with Freschobaldy's receipt dated 20 June.
P. 1.
20 June.
Hist. MSS. Com., Rep. on Various Collections, vol. II., p. 316.
Mr. Deputy, the King's pleasure is that you deliver to William Copland, on sight of this, 1,000l. for provisions. London, 20 June.
20 June.
Galba B. III., 107. B.M.
2014. [4273.] SPINELLY to HENRY VIII.
Wrote last on the xv[ij.]. Went on the 18th to Mr ... to send gunners to Calais, and other officers of the Prince of Castile, to conduct the King's ordnance, as Sir Richard Wingfield desired. Returning yesternight, found that my Lady has received letters from the Duke of Savoy, dated Tunon on the Lake of Geneva, the 9th inst., with a copy of a letter from his Governor of Vercelli of the defeat of the French in Novara. The Baron of Sazes named in it is pensionary, and the Emperor's friend. Sends letters written to Chevers and Rewez, from the Emperor, containing the news of the conflict, and the succour of the Duke of Milan by the Swiss. The Prince of Semay has heard a report of the departure of the French King from Paris to Blois on receipt of the news. It is a token that he will not "have any field with your grace, as he hath sent word to my Lady." France is discouraged. At the discussion with the ambassadors of Gueldres they declined the proposition that each party should remain in statu quo. They now declare that their master intends to have "the land of Kessell and Koke a this sid the river of Mosa and abought Graves," which Mr. Comptroller knows well. My lady condescended to give in writing the terms to which she will consent, with which they are gone to the Duke, but, unless this overthrow in Italy moves him, he will probably follow the French. Has heard from the Hubbartz of Seeryssey that, ten days since, two ships arrived at Camfera from Scotland. They say the King of Scots will make no war; that three French men of war were in Scotland, the greatest not 60 tons, and two merchant men of 100 and 160; that they intend to return on the back side of Scotland, and not between Dover and Calais. The Hubbartz, to sue for one of their ships which was taken, sent a man to Rouen, who there spoke with Lordy Pyennes and the Admiral. Pyennes said, "the King our master hath not enemies enow, but ye must seek to find him more"; but, finally delivered the ship. All the ships of Normandy had discharged their ordnance at Amflower and Diepe. Symon Differret and Pawle Armestoft leave to-morrow towards Henry with the Emperor's ratification; they have with them the license for the men of war. As soon as my Lady hears of the King's arrival this side the sea she will send my Lord Berghis. To-morrow, Baptiste de Taxis goes to Gravelyn for the two payments for the Emperor. Brussels, 20 June 1513.
Mutilated, pp. 5. Signed. Add.