Henry VIII: February 1513, 1-15

Pages 732-738

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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February 1513

1 Feb. 1603. SCOTLAND.
Commissioners. See GRANTS IN FEBRUARY, No. 2.
2 Feb.
Otho C. IX., 8.
Had already informed him of the occurrences among the Turks. Their letter was delayed from the severity of the winter and the difficulty of the passage. Selim, after the defeat of his brother, Acumat, who held with the Sophians, sailed to Magnesia with a fleet of 20 [ships] and 40 biremes, under the captainship of Busta ... came to anchor near the castle of St. Peter's, belonging to the Knights, the rest at Physcus. Others are daily arriving from Gallipoli. On the 22 Jan. they encamped before the said castle. Expect to be besieged. Request that Fabricius del Carretto, of their Order, may be sent to them with a fleet of two great ships, knights and victuals; if their Grand Master cannot so soon come. Enclose a faculty for taking their crops and raising money on their estates of St. George's, Genoa, and elsewhere. Beg he will promote the same, confirm their contract, and send home the brethren of the Order for defence against the Turks. Request a loan of money from the Apostolical Chamber on the credit of debts owing to them in England and Spain; and that the Pope will write to the Viceroys of Naples and Sicily to permit them to export provisions necessary for the siege. Rhodes, 2 Feb. 1512.
Lat. copy, mutilated, pp. 3. Endorsed: "Copia literarum," &c.; in another hand (qu. Taylor's ?), "R. die xj. Aprilis 1513."
Stowe, MS.
146, f. 108.
The King's Council wills you to deliver to Weston's servant 84l. for the wages of 40 men, for three months, towards defence of the isle of Garnesey.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my loving fellow John Dawnce.
5 Feb.
Ib., f. 39.
Indenture, 5 Feb. 4 Hen. VIII., witnessing receipt by John Lytyllcott, servant to Richard Weston, from John Daunce, of wages of 40 men for three months allowed, by advice of the Council, to Weston towards defence of the isle of Garnesey, 84l. Signed by Lytyllcott.
Small paper, p. 1. Endd. with note that the three months shall be from 10 Feb. 4 Hen. VIII. to 4 May.
5 Feb.
Le Glay,
Corresp. de
Max. et de
Marg., II., 87.
Encloses a letter to the Spaniard (fn. 1) whom she has arrested to go into England, and desires her to order him at once to return to his master. Weissembourg, 5 Feb. 1512.
6 Feb.
Stowe, MS.
146, f. 40.
1608. GUISNES.
Indenture 6 Feb. 4 Hen. VIII. witnessing receipt by Sir Nicholas Vaus, captain of Guisnes, from John Daunce, of wages (specified) of the garrison for one month from 12 and 13 Jan. Signed Nicholas Vaws.
P. 1.
[6 Feb. (fn. 2)
Le Glay,
Corresp. de
Max. et de
Marg., II., 78.]
Hears that the King of England is annoyed at the long delay of answer to the English ambassadors upon the writing which she last sent to Maximilian, saying that his ambassadors have been here for eight whole months without being able to learn the Emperor's pleasure. The ambassadors continually solicit her to write. Thinks that if the Emperor were to send for them they would come to him and he could more easily induce them to condescend to things reasonable. Asks answer soon, not knowing how to detain them longer.
8 Feb.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, f. 109. R.O.
Memorandum of "thes percellis followyng delyverd to my master," 8 Feb. 4 Hen. VIII, viz.:—in "Nymyng grottes," 9l. 10s. st. "tabill"; in half Nymyng grottes, 10l. st. "tabill"; 200 "settelars" at 2s. 11d., 29l. 3s. 4d. st. "tabill"; 50 duckattes at 4s. 7d., 11l. 9s. 2d. st. "tabill." Total, 60l. 2s. 6d. "starlyng tabill."
P 1.
8 Feb.
Paris MS.
1611. FRANCE.
Louis XII.'s power to Lautrec to conclude peace or truce with King Ferdinand and his allies. Blois, 8 Feb. 1512, 15 Louis XII.
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 85.
8 Feb.
Le Glay,
Corresp. de
Max. et de
Marg., II., 89.
After the despatch of letters written yesterday (upon what she wrote about the Spaniard arrested by her), received her letters about her dealing with the English ambassadors which pleases him well. Whereas he wrote to her to allow the said Spaniard, Polveret, to pass into England as having a charge in this affair of England, he now desires her to send for the Spaniard and, with advice of the English ambassadors, ratify his instructions in accordance with her dealings with them; and then send him on to the King of England and the King of Aragon, his master, to make his report; for it would be unbecoming to deal with the King of England without the knowledge of the ambassadors. Weissembourg, 8 Feb. 1512.
P.S.—Since writing the above has received hers of the 6th inst. advising him to send for the English ambassadors. The long journey hither is dangerous and would cause great delay, and therefore he wishes her to deal and conclude. Sends back the letter of the Bastard of Gueldres.
9 Feb.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
229, f. 110.
Has received his letter on the 9th Feb. asking for workmen. Has none but Robert Boll, whom he wishes to keep to oversee three galleymen who are coming from Hampton. Has the greatest need of him, being bound in 40l. that "the said ship" shall be ready by Whitsuntide. An Irishman has come in to "our place" laden with herrings, at 8s. 6d. a barrel. Will get some for him if he will send word by the bearer. Lymyngton, 9 Feb.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To Master Bregandyne, dwelling in Portsmouth.
12 Feb. 1614. PROCLAMATION.
Expected invasion from France. See GRANTS IN FEBRUARY, No. 27.
12 Feb.
R.MS. 13 B.II.,
80. (No. 215.)
Ep. Reg.
Scot., I., 179.
1615. [3837.] JAMES IV. to JULIUS II.
Has received his brief by Octavian Olarius, and is glad to find that the Pope, out of regard for the unity of Christendom, intends an expedition against the enemies of Christ, which, on the testimony of the Ragusans (Ragusanorum), will be very beneficial. Has received the Pope's request that he should use his influence with the King of France for that purpose. James has the letters of Louis for a peace, and when the league was made with Scotland, James sent to England the papal briefs, urging the peace, requesting a safe conduct for that end. But Henry wrote back that the Pope had changed his mind, was no longer inclined to peace, and had even entered into a league with the Emperor and other confederates; consequently he refused the request. James is anxious to obey the papal commands to avert war. Thinks it sacrilegious to omit anything which could tend to peace. Invited Henry to join him in it, although he had received from him every kind of injury. His subjects were taken, imprisoned and slain. Kings, who ought to compose differences, he regrets to say, take the opposite course. The only hope is in the Pope, who should not allow one to be sacrificed to the ambition of the other; and as the danger is all the greater, he ought to treat with greater indulgence the devoted sons of the Church, such as the King of France and the princes of that House are, that the expedition against the enemies of Christendom may be unanimous and successful, Julio duce. The most obedient son of the see of St. Peter would deeply regret to see such a renowned family as that of France brought to ruin. Let but the ancient favor of the Holy Father be restored to his Most Christian son, and James will do everything in his power to promote the Pope's wishes. Will learn more by Octavian. Edinburgh. 12 Feb. 1512.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 382. 2. Another copy.
Pp. 3.
12 Feb.
R.MS. 13 B. II.,
80. (No. 216.)
Ep. R. Scot., I.,
To the same effect. Edinburgh, 12 Feb. 1512.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 383. 2. Another copy.
Pp. 3.
12 Feb.
II., No. 221.
By Octavian Clarius (Olarius), desires the Marquis to work to allay the dissension in the Church, and to say what part he will take and what are his hopes of concord. Feels bound to act as mediator. Edinburgh, 12 Feb. 1512.
Adv. MS., 388. 2. Another copy. Undated.
Pp. 1.
12 Feb.
Calendar, II.,
No. 222.
Heard from Octavian, the King's servant, how much the Marquis has done for him with the Pope. Begs him to aid towards peace, as in the royal letters carried by Octavian. Edinburgh, 12 Feb. 1513 (sic).
12 Feb.
Ib., 223.
Received his letters by Octavian, who described his appearance; and the King was pleased to hear that he had a kinsman of that age about the Pope. The King is sending Octavian to the Pope, through whom the Prince will learn the King's intentions concerning this peace. Edinburgh, 12 Feb. 1513 (sic).
12 Feb.
Adv. MS., 389.
Was gratified at receiving his letters by Octavian Olarius. "Gratulamur juventuti tuæ et consanguineum nobis istic esse gaudemus, ubi sibi et suis honori esse poterit." Desires him to tell the Pope that he had hoped to have satisfied him if he had transmitted his demands, as Olarius and the Archdeacon of Murray will explain. Edinburgh, 12 Feb.
Lat., copy, p. 1. Begins: "Consanguinee carissime."
Ib., 386. 1621. JAMES IV. to RAPHAEL CARD. ST. GEORGE.
Has received his letters by Octavian Olarius. Thanks him for his good will which he trusts will strengthen into friendship. Olarius will explain his efforts for the peace of the Church. Recommends the Archdeacon of Murray.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Ib., 387. ii. Note that similar letters were written to "Antonius de Monte, Car. St. Vitalis, Bp. of Sipentin" (with an additional clause relating to the suit about the preceptory of Rhodes); Robert, Card. St. Anastasius, Bp. of Nantes; Peter, Card. St. Eusebius, Bp. of Ancona; Dominic, Card. St. Mark, Bp. of Porto.
R. MS. 13 B. II., 62b. (No. 170*.) B.M. 1622. [3349.] JAMES IV. to [BALTHASAR STUART (fn. 3) ].
Has long since heard from his secretary and the Archdeacon of Murray, how he favors the Scots, and advances the affairs committed to the Archdeacon. Has now received his letters by Octavian Olarius. Acknowledges his claim of relationship and Scotch descent. His conduct shows his ancestry. Would have deserved the Pope's benevolence of which he writes if his Holiness had transmitted to him (James) his demands from the Most Christian King. Hopes still to satisfy his Holiness. Commends to him the affairs of the secretary and desires him when he has leisure to write the news there.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 390. 2. Another copy.
Pp. 2.
13 Feb. 1623. ABBEY OF THORNEY.
Election. See GRANTS IN FEBRUARY, No. 30.
13 Feb.
Adv. MS., 384.
1624. JAMES IV.
"Mandata et articulorum capita Scotorum Regis Octaviano Olario ad Sanctissimum, tertiodecimo Februarii apud Edinburgum, anno Incarnationis Dominicæ xijo; supra millesimum et quingentesimum credita et commissa."
1. James has received by Olarius the Pope's briefs for inducing the French King to peace. Sent them by a herald (fn. 4) to the King of England, demanding passage for his ambassadors through that country; but England has written in answer that the Pope ("Sm") had no intention of treating for peace, and that he would not permit the Scotch ambassadors to pass through England. 2. Is surprised that, if the Pope really did not wish for peace, he had commissioned James to procure it and not informed him of his change of purpose. 3. Has used his influence to induce the King of France to comply with the Pope's demands, and has no doubt he can accomplish it, if the Pope remain of the same mind. 4. Has received very great injuries from the English nation of late years, who seize and imprison his subjects. 5. Desires, therefore, that the Pope will not believe extraordinary reports of him or pass any sentence against him.
Lat., copy, pp. 2.
R. MS.
13 B. II. 76.
(No. 203.)
1625. [3630.] JAMES IV. to JULIUS II.
In favour of Master John Campbell, of the family of the Earls of Lismore, licentiate of the law; that he may be provided out of the benefices void by the death of Alex. Inglis, acolyte to the See Apostolic, who held the treasurership of Glasgow, the perpetual vicarage of Dundonald, at the presentation of the abbot of Paisley, and the canonry and prebend of Abirlady in the diocese of Dunkeld. Begs him to order the Datary and other officers not to expedite signatures of provisions upon these benefices except for Campbell.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
14 Feb.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
7, f. 92.
1626. [4766.] JOHN EARL OF OXFORD (fn. 5) to the ABBOT OF TOWER HILL.
Requiring him to appear at his castle of Hedingham, Easter next, to do homage and pay 100s. for relief of lands in Meseden, in co. Herts, which has been long forborne. Hedingham Castle, 14 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Addressed.
15 Feb. 1627. SCOTLAND.
Lord Dacre and Dr. West, ambassadors. See GRANTS IN FEBRUARY, No. 32.
15 Feb.
Sanuto, XV.,
1628. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 21 Feb. 1513.]
From the Ambassador at Rome, 10, 12 and 15 Feb.—Illness of the Pope. Letters from England, of the 20th, report that the King is displeased with the League made exclusis Venetis, and has written urging the Pope to agree the Signory with the Emperor; also that he prepares 40,000 persons for the new season against France. * * * Letters of the 27th from England, to the Cardinal, speak of great preparations and report that 14 ships laden with artillery have arrived in Scotland, sent by France in order that the King of Scotland may invade England in favour of France. The Venetian envoy had reached Blois with commission for the agreement, and the Cardinal of San Severin was trying to make the agreement with the Emperor by promising agreement also with Spain and England. The Catholic King had sent two friars to France about this. * * *
Sanuto, XVI.,
2. [Note of letters received 16 March, 1513.]
From Andrea Badoer, London, 15 Feb.—Preparations are made against France; and Hampton is being fortified because the King of France will invade the island with 111 ships.
From Lorenzo Pasqualigo to his brothers [, London], 15 Feb.—The King's preparations to cross to France in the course of this month with 100 ships, of which 70 are ready and 30 coming from Spain, &c., and other advices, contrary to the Ambassador's, as appears by this summary, viz.:—Wrote on the 5th that there were no letters from Venice since 9 Dec., but others had letters of 10 Jan. Agreement with the Emperor very necessary. The King has written to the Pope, Spain and the Emperor for it, without being asked. The Signory has never written about this new league; and, knowing what a friend the King is and how much his ambassador at Rome has done for Venice, everyone resents this silence and thinks the Ambassador should have been instructed to complain to the King of the league and pray him to interpose. In a week, the fleet of over 100 ships will put to sea; and after Easter the King will cross with a very great force and, it is hoped, go straight to Paris to be crowned, he being true King of France. Praises the King's qualities. Foreigners here, enemies of Venice, say that the Signory want to make an agreement with France; but no one believes the Signory would be so mad as to ally themselves with the dead.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, Nos. 227–9.


  • 1. Polveret.
  • 2. See Postscript to No. 1612,
  • 3. This name the transcriber gives as an inference of his own:—"Quas hic scribit Rex gentili suo Balthasari Stuerdo sanctissimi Julii a secretis primario et Romanorum Regi multo post folio taliter § § annotato cum literis ad eundem sanctissimum et sacrosanctum senatum conscribi debuissent." The corresponding mark occurs later at f. 80b (No. 216).
  • 4. Islay herald. See No. 1499.
  • 5. He died in March 1513 so that this letter cannot be later than 1513, and the firmness of the signature seems to indicate a date many years earlier