Henry VIII: January 1513

Pages 713-732

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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January 1513

1 Jan.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, f. 104. R.O.
The following pieces of plate received from William Holland of London, goldsmith, 1 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII.
[Giving in three columns (1) name of a person (to whom the article has been presented); (2), description of the article; and (3), its weight.]
Bp. of Canterbury, a cup with a gilt cover, 34 oz. Lady Hastings, the same, 30¾ oz. Sir H. Marney, the same, 23 oz. Mr. Lupton, the same, 23 oz. Sir E. Ponyngs, the same, 22¼ oz. The Abbot of Abingdon, the same, 23¾ oz. Sir Edward Haward, the same, 24 oz. The old Lady Guylford, a little pot gilt, 177/8 oz. Lady Lucy, the same, 167/8 oz. Lady Mountjoy, the same, 167/8 oz. Lady Bulleyn, the same, 16½ oz. Lord Audeley, a salt with a gilt cover, 15¾ oz. The Queen's grace, a pair of great pots gilt, 575 oz. Mrs. Catesby, a proper bottle for rose water, 4 oz. Mrs. Briget, the same, 37/8 oz. Mrs. Lacy, the same, 4 oz. Which, at 5s. the oz., is 212l. 11s. 10½d.
James Worsley, a proper pot, parcel gilt, 10 oz. Copynger, 8 spoons, part gilt, 9¾ oz., Amadas. Which is, at 4s. the oz., 76s. 6d.
In part payment, old plate to the value of 194l. 16s. 8d. has been delivered to him. The remainder paid by J. Heron.
On the dorse:—Holland beseeches the King to reward him for the workmanship of the Queen's great pots, "for he cannot live to make such curious work at the price within written"; and 6l. 13s. 4d. is added in another hand, making a total due of 28l. 5s. Signed by the King.
Pp. 2. Endd.: Holland's reckonings and bill of "newyerestes," of ao 4to primo die Januar.
1 Jan.
Eras. Ep. [Edit. Allen], I., 268.
1550. ERASMUS to JOHN YONGE, Master of the Rolls.
Preface to a Latin translation of Plutarch's precepts on preserving health. Apologises for brevity on the plea that it is offered to one who is so busy performing embassies and transacting public business in these turbulent times. London, Cal. Jan. 1513.
4 Jan.
Galba B. III., 63a. B.M.
1551. [3639.] FRANCIS DE TAXIS to the COUNCIL.
On the 12th July last, at the order of Spinelly, he laid two additional posts (beyond the six) from this Court to Calais. The Treasurer of Calais declines to pay for them. Begs that order may be taken for payment of the same, and for the future. Has sent the account to Brian Tuke. Malines, 4 Jan. 1512. Signed.
French, p. 1, mutilated. Add.
5 Jan.
Eras. Ep. [Edit. Allen], I., 269.
1552. ERASMUS.
Preface to a third edition of the Adagia. States that the first was hurriedly issued at Paris. When the second was issued by Aldus Manutius at Venice John Lascaris, then French ambassador, Marcus Musurus, Baptista Egnatius, Jerome Aleander and others were witnesses of the labour Erasmus bestowed upon it. This third edition he has been enabled to enlarge and improve through the kindness of William Warham, archbishop of Canterbury, whom he very highly extols, and William lord Mountjoy, duos illos Moecenates meos. London, nonis Jan. 1513.
6 Jan. 1553. REVELS.
Wardrobe stuff for revels at Epiphany, 4 Hen. VIII., at Greenwich. See Vol. II., p. 1499.
9 Jan.
Galba B. III., I. B.M.
Has received two letters, dated respectively 28th December and 3d January, expressing the impatience of the Emperor for the conclusion of the matter in treaty, with Madame, between himself and the King of England, who, he thinks, has cooled. If the Emperor had dealt earnestly, it had been accomplished long ago; and the continual diligence of the King's ambassadors for eight months proves the contrary. Reminds him how, at the outset, the King wrote with his own hand to the Emperor. On the arrival of the ambassadors at her Court, instead of a brief expedition of the business that had been promised, the Emperor, after some discussion, demanded 100,000 escus d'or, saying that the Pope and the King of Aragon would give him as much,—a point that had never been mentioned before. And, although the treaty was for the interest of the Emperor and the King of Castile, as well as himself, the King, upon the declaration of Sir Thomas Boleyn, consented to let the Emperor have the 100,000 crowns. But before the conclusion of the negotiations the Emperor left, promising to send his daughter full powers and return in two months. The powers did not come till three months, and then clogged with new conditions, such as that the Prince and his subjects should remain neutral. Even to this the King assented, on certain conditions. Such conduct demands reciprocity on their part. Spinelly cannot believe what he is told, that over and above the sum already stipulated the Emperor will be so unreasonable as to demand more; and for his part he would not dare propose it. Begs him to obtain such a commission for Madame as may suffice to make an end without needing other ambassadors. Can think of no cause why the King has not advertised the Emperor of his wish for troops, unless it be that his ambassador, who is to return to him, will explain; and also he may think that what is said to the daughter is likewise said to the father. Malines, 9 Jan. 1512.
French. Copy, mutilated, pp. 3. Endorsed, in Spinelly's own hand: "Copia responsi [Thomæ] de Spinellis ad Ludovicum Moratonem."
9 Jan.
Vitell. B. XVIII., 27. B.M.
1555. [3648.] LEWIS MAROTON to SPINELLY.
Had informed him by his last [letter] that the Emperor was deliberating about [sending] one of the princes to the King [of England]. Maroton has now to inform him confidentially that the Count Palatine Frederick [has been selected], and will, he thinks, be accompanied by two councillors. Thinks that the alliance can be brought about without loss of time, and without these personages, [considering how inclined the Emperor is towards it]. [The Emperor would be the captain of the English, for he would not counsel the King to stir out of his country, but remain to keep the people in awe and to bridle the Scots.] Peace would be made with the Venetians. The Viceroy (?) had gone to lay siege to Bergamo.
P.S.—"... desideratis habere in scriptis ea quæ tractata sunt per Gurcen. [cum] S. D. n. mittam." Landau, 9 Jan. 1512. Signed.
Lat. Hol., pp. 2. Add: "[Thomæ] Spynelly pro ... Regis Angliæ apud Illam D. agenti."
The sense of some passages, partly lost by mutilation, has been supplied from a modern abstract (by Masters ?) in the margin.
10 Jan.
Hist. MSS. Com., Rep. on Various Collections, vol. II., p. 306.
Appointment, by Sir Charles Brandon, of Sir Gilbert Talbot as steward of Chaddesley Corbet and Rybbesford, Worc., 10 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII.
[11 Jan. (fn. 1) ]
Sp. Transcr., I., 5, f. 186. R.O.
1557. FERDINAND KING OF ARAGON to PEDRO DE UREA, his Ambassador at the Imperial Court.
Shows that the treaty which the Cardinal of Gurk has, with the consent of Urea and Vich, concluded at Rome, by excluding the Venetians, undoes all that has been done against France. Henceforth they must make no binding declaration without consulting Ferdinand. Had the English followed his plan they would now be masters of Guienne; and, like them, the Emperor has now hindered the accomplishment of his own wishes and made France stronger. Takes this as a command from God for Christian princes to unite in reforming the Church, and has therefore devised the measures explained in instructions sent by Beltrian. Gurk is to be shown the instructions, but not this letter. If the King of France offers Madame Renée as security, or offers to put fortresses in trust of third persons, Urea shall point out to the Emperor how little these offers are to be trusted. The marriage of Prince Charles with the King of England's sister must not be broken off; or France will gain the King of England, to the detriment of Spain and the House of Burgundy. Another essential condition is that all acts of the schismatical Council be annulled. Is glad to hear of the meeting between the Emperor and the King of England, whose alliance is both the guarantee that France will keep peace if concluded and the most valuable support in case of war.
Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 10. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 80.
Egerton MS., 544, f. 182. B.M. 2. Another modern copy of the above.
Pp. 8.
Simancas MS. 1558. FERDINAND KING OF ARAGON to COUNT CARIATI, his Ambassador at Venice.
Necessity of peace between the Emperor and the Venetians. Would gladly deliver Brescia to them, as their ambassador has requested, but the Pope, as head of the League, ordered him to deliver it to the Emperor.
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 81.
Ib. 1559. FERDINAND KING OF ARAGON to RAMON DE CARDONA, his Viceroy of Naples and Captain-General in Italy.
Has received letters from Gurk, Urea and Vich announcing the alliance with exclusion of the Venetians. Nothing could be more favourable to France. Has revoked the unlimited powers of his ambassadors and ordered them henceforth to ask special orders for everything. While the present treaty has no other object than to prevent the Pope making a separate peace with France, the writer's plan was by an alliance of all the princes of Italy to expel the French; and, simultaneously, to concert an invasion of France by England on the side of Calais, himself on the side of Guienne and the Emperor on the side of Burgundy. The treaty with England was nearly concluded. England and Spain were to pay their own expenses; the Pope, Venetians and Milan to help the Emperor with the pay of 7,000 or 8,000 Germans. In six months the King of England might have conquered Guienne and Normandy, Prince Charles, Burgundy, Gueldres and his towns of Picardy; and after that Italy would have been safe from attacks by France. At the last moment the Emperor has spoilt all by his hatred of the Venetians. Thinks God is punishing them for their neglect of the Church and that wars will never cease until they unite for its thorough reformation.
Supposes the Emperor will soon make peace with Venice. Sketches the conditions for a peace with France and conquest of Venice. The Emperor must take care not to break off the marriage engagement of Prince Charles with the King of England's sister; but if the King should propose another marriage it might be accepted and the Prince married to a French princess. Other considerations. Reformation of the Church and conquest of Venice to be kept strictly secret.
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 82.
R. MS. 13 B. II., 78b. (No. 209.) B.M. Ep. Reg. Scot., I., 173. 1560. [3634.] JAMES IV. to JOHN KING OF DENMARK.
In commendation of Magnus Beilde, a Dane, brought up in Scotland among the nobility, and nephew of Oswald Beilde, the King of Denmark's Chancellor.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 375. 2. Another copy.
P. 1.
R. MS. 13 B. II., 77. (No. 207.) B.M. Ep. Reg. Scot., I., 168. 1561. [3632.] THE SAME to THE SAME.
Credence for Magnus Beilde, a subject of the King of Denmark, who has been for some years in Scotland on James's service. Begs John to show himself an uncle now, as James means for life to act the part of a nephew and circumstances brook no delay.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 373. 2. Another copy.
P. 1.
R. MS. 13 B. II., 78b. (No. 210.) B.M. Ep. Reg. Scot., I., 174. 1562. [3635.] JAMES IV to the QUEEN OF DENMARK.
Credence for the above Magnus Beilde.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 377. 2. Another copy.
P. 1.
In favor of Magnus Beld, on his being recalled to Denmark. Edinburgh.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
12 Jan.
R. MS. 13 B. II., 77b. (No. 208.) B.M. Ep. Reg. Scot., I., 169.
1564. [3633.] SCOTLAND and DENMARK.
"Articulorum capita Regis Scotorum commissa Magno Beilde, ut ad illustrissimum Daciæ Regem referet, duodecimo _ anno duodecimo supra millesimum et quingentesimum."
James has used every effort, by his ambassadors, for two years, for a universal peace, and to put an end to hostilities of England and Aragon against France. Has not succeeded, the King of England declaring that he cannot make peace without the express consent of the Pope and King of Aragon. Has repeatedly implored his Holiness, by his ambassadors, for briefs, of which he may send copies to Denmark and to England, stating that James was to treat for peace with the French King, that the Pope had recovered the property of the Church, and that the Turk, having obtained the empire by violence, was preparing an expedition against Christendom. He had received letters from France authorising him to mediate with Henry of England. to whom he had frequently sent, in vain, desiring a safe conduct for his ambassadors, to treat for peace according to the order of the Pope. Offered England to forego all claims for redress, and renew the peace, on condition that Henry would apply himself to a universal peace. In spite of all, England has resolved in Parliament not only to carry on the war with France, but also to attack Scotland, pretending that he could not otherwise invade France with safety; and certainly, if he conquered France, Scotland would not be safe. England is raising unheard-of contributions to sustain the war, and boasts that he will occupy both countries; but, as James is informed, the English soldiers, after their experience of Biscay last year, will not be easily induced to visit Spain for the purpose of invading France; neither will they return to Gueldres, where they formerly were severely handled, when invading the country. They will not be eager to attack a country so well fortified, or fight with the French fleet, when they remember the losses of the preceding year. But although the English, anxious for novelty, exclaim against taxgatherers, they are arming by sea and land; they pretend fear of the French, but intend to attack the Scots, who are peaceable, thinking it nothing to seize the Scotch coast for security of their operations against France. Accordingly, as England and Aragon have made a league by which each is bound not to make peace without the other, James has thought it justifiable to renew the old league with France on similar conditions. Sends Beilde to inform Denmark of his requirements. Hopes he will perform the part of an uncle by despatching a fleet for his defence, and send supplies from the Hanse Towns, which will be paid for. Edinburgh, 12 _ 1512.
Lat., copy, pp. 3.
Adv. MS., 374. 2. Another copy, in which the heading runs, "referet, xijo Januarii anno duodecimo supra," etc., and the conclusion "Ex Edio xvijo Januarii mo qoxijo."
Pp. 4.
12 Jan.
Exch. Dipl. Doct., 1023. R.O.
1565. [3654.] JAQUES CONNEE.
Certificate made before the Mayor and Eschevins of the town of Aire, by Jean de Flechin and others, that Jacques Connee (?), said to be prisoner in England, lived for 3 years at Ploich engaged in the horse trade, and also at Tenen with one Jacques de Collencourt (these places being in the county of Artois in the Archduke's dominions) and that the said Jacques was not in the pay of France. 12 Jan. 1512.
French. Fragments of seal attached.
12 Jan.
Galba B. III., 96. B.M.
1566. [3651.] SPINELLY to [HENRY VIII.].
Wrote last on the 9th. A messenger has since come from the Emperor, and brought the conclusions of the negotiations made in Germany, of which he sends a Latin translation (fn. 2). My Lady has told him of the honorable treaty which the Emperor has made with the Swiss, of which he sends a copy. Madame is advertised from Savoy that the Swiss are not well disposed to the French, and only negotiate with them to obtain money from them and the castles of Lucam and Luca[rno]. Sir Tho. Boleyn tells him the better part of the town of Serizee are French. The two brothers (freres) whom Spinelly sent to England were among the best of them. Leaves the truth of his words to time. When the Controller of the Household comes, he will know it from the information of Madame and De Berghes. Serizee, in the late rebellions, took part with De Ravestain. Boleyn is dissatisfied, because he was not informed of the resolution taken with the said two brothers. Was at Antwerp at the time. The treasurer general of the Prince of Castile has been at Cologne, waiting for an envoy from Gueldres to arrange for a truce between the two. Gueldres has now notified that he can find no personage to send. A messenger has been taken, sent by the Bastard of Gueldres into France to state that if he was assisted he would pillage all the flat country of Brabant. The Hollanders have agreed to raise 1,200 foot for the Duke of Brunswick, and will have nothing to do with Diselstain. The said Duke has now 3,000 foot and 1,000 horse, and continually harasses the enemy. Heda, maître d'hotel of the Duke of Gueldres, has left the Court of France, bringing money and aid to his master. Watch is laid for him. Philip Galteroty is now at Malines. He has great friendship in Scotland, on account of his managing the ecclesiastical matters at Rome. He tells Spinelly that some Scotchmen from the Court of France informed him that Jaques Hogby, the resident there, had powers a month past, and made a new treaty between their master and France, binding their master to make war on England, and the King of France to send to Scotland 200,000 crowns of gold, and a certain quantity of arms and gunpowder, and 20 pieces of artillery. Philip says that four vessels of war have gone thither already with arms, &c., but the money does not go till March. Many of the Scotch are dissatisfied with England, and say they have been plundered, and will have revenge. The Secretary of Scotland has lost his cause at Rome, in the matter of the commandry of St. John's in Scotland, through the influence of the Card. of York, at which he is very angry. The Bp. of Murray and the Secretary are omnipotent with the King of Scotland. The King of France has promised the former a bishopric. Will send to-morrow to De Berghes to learn Scotch news from his son-in-law of Canferre, where the Scotch lodge. On his asking Madame if he should send the maître d'hotel of the Prince of Chimay to Blois, as he did last year, she replied that she expected satisfactory news from the Emperor in six days, and the Governor of Bressa would be sent in quest of the maitre d'hotel in her name, to make inquiries by means of D'Albret. Gave the Governor 100 fl. for the said maitre d'hotel. Wants money. Upon the King's letters, Madame has given a passport to Ric. Fermer, to export, duty free, 36,000 rasieres (fn. 3) of wheat or flour. The duty would have amounted to 1,000l. gr. Malines, 12 Jan. 1512. Signed.
French, pp. 4. Mutilated.
13 Jan.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 3, f. 86. R.O.
A boat of Dover bringing the budget was "upon the 12th day" taken by the Barke of Boulogne; but the budget had been previously cast overboard. Five Easterlings and two merchantmen of London were taken in her and remain prisoners in Boulogne. Thinks that more strict commands should be given for the keeping of the Narrow Seas, as many inconveniences have arisen. Calais, 13 Jan.
P.S.—The Lord Walayn has been slain at Brussells. Hopes the safe conduct Wolsey promised to send him (Wingfield) has not been drowned with the budget. Signed.
Pp. 2. Addressed: "To the right honorable master Almoner with the Kings most noble grace."
13 Jan.
Vitell. B. II., 20. B.M.
Betwixt this and Candlemas trusts to despatch his business here and next day to leave Milan for Ysbrokk. Has been able to raise only 500 Almain rivets. Jerome Fryskeball's factor and John Antoyn de Lumbard had bought all they could get before Jerningham arrived. The Spaniards do the same. The Duke raises 500 spears. Has made a bargain at Milan for 5,000 rivets. Will thus save his Grace 1,000l. under the price they could be had at in England. Had written of the Duke's entry into Milan. 29 Dec. He was accompanied by the Cardinal of the Swiss [of Sion], the Bp. of Gurk, the Viceroy of Spain, and the Swiss ambassadors. The last had promised that the keys should be delivered to him in the name of the Pope, and Emperor, the King of Aragon and the Swiss; but the Swiss would not consent. After much dispute that honor was reserved for the Swiss. The castles of Milan, Crema, and Genoa hold to the French. The Spaniards took on the 5th, from the Baron of Byarne, the castle of Trasse. The great and increasing army of the Venetians is mistrusted here, as it is rumoured that the French King and Venetians have made an agreement. Spoke with the Duke and the Viceroy, who say this rumour is not yet con-confirmed. Milan, 13 Jan.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 3. Add. Endorsed.
13 Jan.
Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., II., 82. Lettres de Louis XII., iv., 17.
Has received her letter of 23 Dec. and thinks that, by her answer to the King of England, she has gone too far and put the Emperor's countries in danger of open war with the French without any assurance of the King of England, who, if he thus obtain all he wants from the Emperor will not care about concluding any treaty. She must not permit him to levy men or hoys as yet; for when the treaty is made he shall have lansknechts, Swiss and hoys enough. Landau, 13 Jan. 1512.
13 Jan.
Vesp. C. I., 28. B.M.
1570. [3661.] JOHN STILE to HENRY VIII.
Duplicate of No. 1575, but dated 13 instead of 15 Jan., with merely verbal differences.
15 Jan.
Hist. MSS. Com., Rep., XII., App. 4 (Rutland MSS.), p. 20.
Letters missive for 100 men for the army which the King means to send to sea with all diligence. The men to pass muster at Greenwich 8 March next and certificate of "towardness" to be sent in writing by 15 Feb. Greenwich, 15 Jan.
15 Jan.
Stowe MS., 146, f. 24. B.M.
1572. ARMOUR.
Indenture, made 15 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII., between Mr. Thomas Wolsy, clk., councillor, and John Daunce, in the King's name, on the one part, and Robert Bolte, of London, mercer, on the other part, for delivery of 3,000 harnesses (described), at 16s., by 30 April next, at the Tower. Signed at the head by the King and at the foot by Daunce.
Parchment, p. 1.
15 Jan.
Ib., f. 25. B.M.
Acknowledgment by Wm. Johns, mercer, of London, of receipt from Leonard Fressgobald and the Company of Bryges, in Barow, of 403l. 16s. 8d. Fl., paid by command of Mr. John Clifford, governor of the "Yengellyshe nayceon," and commission of Jerome Frysscobald and Company, London, "which is ordained by Mr. John Daunce, receiver unto the King's Grace." 15 Jan. 1512.
Small paper, p. 1. Endd. in the same hand as ƒ. 22 of the same MS.
15 Jan.
Sanuto, XV., 488.
1574. VENICE.
Note of receipt by the Doge, 15 Jan. 1512, of a gold cup from Cardinal Hadrian tituli Sancti Chrysogoni, who sent a message that the King of England sent him two such cups, one to be given to the Emperor, the other to the Doge.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 214.
15 Jan.
Vesp. C. I., f. 24. B.M.
1575. [3662.] JOHN STILE to HENRY VIII. (In cipher.)
Date yn Valadalyd the fowrtyn day of Jenyver.
Plesyth yowr hyzgnys for to undyrstand that the Kyng of Arragon yowr good fader, wyth hys Qwyn and corte, cam unto thys town of Valadalyd on the fyvyth day of thys present, yn ryzghte prossperus astate, yowr sayd fader in al hys wryteyngs and proclamacyons calyng hymself Kyng of Navar, the whych ream hys Majesty hath yn hys poscessyon. Howbe that, and hyt plese yowr grace, the Frenschemen be yn the partys of Ghyayn and Byerne, nere unto San John Pe del Pwerto, yn grete number, intendyng for to do anoyance to the sayd place and to the Spaynardis beyng in that partyes, to the uttermost of their powers, as the tymys of wetheryng schal serve theym; the whych tymys of wetheryng hath ben contynwally mervelus fayre syth the fyvetyn day of September hether unto after the tyme of the yere; yn many days yt hath not byn seyn so fayre. The Kyng yowr good fader hath made the Alcayde de las Donsellas hys lyvetenant in Navar, the whych Alcayde ys yn the cety of Pamplona, and ys a ful dysscrete cappytayn in the warrys. Diego de Vera, cappytayn of the Kyng yowr good fader's artelary, ys cappitan yn San John Pe del Pwerto wyth a thowsand sawldyors and much artelary; and al other fortaresys and garrysons of the sayd ream of Navar be in lekewyse provydeyd and fwrnysschyd by the conmandment of the Kyng yowr good fader. That notwythstandyng, and hyt plese yowr grace, always therwylbe grete danger yn the kepeyng and conservacyon of the sayd ream unto the tyme that thys next somer the naturalys pryncypalys of Navar schalbe removeyd from thens, and pwt ynto other partys of thys ream of Castyl, or other places.
And hyt plese yowr grace, as hyt hath byn here reporteyd to the Kyng yowr good fader, that the late Kyng Don John of Navar and Monsyr De la Palysa be departeyd towardys the corte of France wyth a smal cumpany for to speke wyth the Frensch Kynge, and leveyng theyr cumpany on the marchys of Ghyayn and Byerne as aforesayd; for the whych, and yt plese yowr grace, the Kyng yowr good fader hath sayde to me that hys Majesty hath provydeyd that a grete power of thys partys of Spayne schalbe redy on the sayd marchys by the furst day of Marche next comeyng. The Kyng yowr good fader yn thys Crystysmes holydays now passyd hathe receveyd letters by thre swndry cwrorys from the corte of Rome, by the whych hys Majesty hath had knowlych of the nwe leage, made on Sant Kataryns day (fn. 4) that last past, bytwyxt the Pope and themperowr oonly, ayenyst the Veneschyans, and yn the same leage they have not nameyd nor made any menschyon of yowr hyzghnys, nor of the Kyng yowr good fader; wyth the whych lyage so made the Kyng yowr good fader dothe take grete dyssplesure that ani swche lyage schwld be made so sodenly wyth owte the assent of yowr hyzgnys and hys. And hys Majesty takeythe grete dysplesure wyth hys ambassaturs that were present at the makeyng of the sayd lyage for that thay consentyd to the same, consydoryng the grete ynconvenyentys that by the same may enswe, the whych yn maner the Kyng yowr good fader hath for undowteyd that the Venyschyans wil adjoyne theym self wyth the Frensch Kyng, and also of a lyclyhode wyth the Twrke; by the reason whereof the Frensch Kyng may wythyn many days recovor the dwchy of Myllan, and be stronger yn Ytaly then ever he hath byn, onles that yowr hyzghnys and the Kyng yowr good fader by yowr most excelent wysdomes can take and entreate some peas or resspyte of tyme by twyxt themperowr and the Venyschyans, upon the whych mater the Kyng yowr good fader now hath dyspachyd two cwrrerys wyth hys letters towardys the Pope's Holynys and to hys ambassatwr beyng yn the corte of Rome, and also now wryteyth largely of the same unto themperowr, and also unto Don Luys Carus, beyng hys ambassatwr resyant yn yowr royal corte, that the sayd hys ambassatwr schal make instant labore unto yowr grace that yowr hyzghnys may plese also for to wryte unto the Popys Holynys and to the Emperowr and unto the Venyschyans of the sayd mater of acord to be had yn ani wyse by twyxt theym in the advoydeyng of greter ynconveyentys.
And acordeyng to the sam the Kyng yowr good fader hath wyllyd and conmandyd me for [to] wryte unto yowr hyzgnys, and as twcheyng ani other mater or cawse twcheynge the warrys to be made to the Frensch Kyng consernyng yowr enterpryse of Ghyayn, the sayeyng of the Kyng yowr good fader ys that he cannot determyne anythyng thereyn unto that he schal have answer from yowr hyzghnys of such letters and credence as that he sent unto yowr grace by hys ambassatwr the conmendador Musschyka, of the whych answer hys Majesty ys gretely desyrus. And the Kyng yowr good fader is fwlli determynyd that the Duke of Alva schal never more be cappytan gennerral of hys armey, nor wyl name non other cappytan generral unto the tyme that he schal have answer from yowr grace. And hyt plese yowr grace, as that y can persayve and understand that the openyons and myndys here ys, that yn cace that yowr hyzgnys schwld plese for to send any armey into this partys for yowr enterpryse of Ghyayn, that yowr grace schwld send no cappytan generral, but that in yowr armey and in the armey of Spayne schwld be but oon cappytan genneral.
Also, and yt plese yowr grace, Almasan the secretary hath sayed to me that the cawse why that the Kyng yowr good fader lycenceyd yowr late armey for to retwrne from hens was, that hys majesty thowzghte verrely that yowr hyzgnys secretely had gevyn in conmandment to yowr armey for to retwrne home, or els hys Majesty thowzghte that thay thwryst not for to have retwrnyd. How be that, and hyt plese yowr grace, by yowr Royal letters to hys Majesty sent by Martyn de Ampeys, as also by yowr herawlte Wyndsore, as also by my reporte, hys Majesty hath the parfyte knowlyche that the retwrnyng of yowr sayd armey was gretely dysplesant to yowr grace. The Kyng yowr good fader ys greteli desyrus for to have Almaynys yn hys warrys, for the whych hys Majesty hath apoyntyd that schortely Sir Ghyot schal departe from hens towardys Flanders, and for to brynge hether two thowsand Almaynys. And the Kyng yowr sayd faders sayeyng to me hath byn now of late, that there can be no good war made wyth owte Almaynys, and that therfore hys Majesty thynkeyth that yowr grace awzghte for to have many Almaynys in yowr warrys. The Kyng yowr sayd fader hath knowlyche that yn France the Consylyabelwm have made a nwe Pope, the whych was an abbotte, an innocent man, the whych was brother to the late legat cardynal of Roan. (fn. 5)
Plesyth yowr grace for to understand, that a servant that was of the late Kyng of Navar, and hathe byn yn the sayd warrys wythe the sayd late Kyng and Monsyr De la Palysa, hath sayed to me that yowr rebel Rychard De la Pole was yn the sayd warrys of Navar, cappytan of the Almaynys, where there yowr sayd rebel and hys cwmpany receveyd most hwrte and los of men then eny other of that party, and more myzghte and schwld have don, or hereafter may, yn case that thay do hawnte that partys or qwarter, by a secrete mean, the pleswre of yowr hyzghnys beyng thereyn knowen. The Kyng yowr good fader ys ryden fyve legys from hens for to vesyte and see yowr good syster the Qwyn of Castyl, and hys Majesty wylbe here ayen wythyn thys sevyn days. The saltepeter that was here restraynyd y had made suche labors by for the comeyng of yowr royal letters for the same, that the Kyng yowr good fader had conmandyd the same for to be delyverd, and was ladyn in to a schyp, the whych, by Godys grace, ys yn yowr ream of Yngland byfore thys tyme.
Also, and yt plese yowr grace, that a servand of yowr subjecte, George Harwardys, beyng yn Bylbawo, hath wretyn to me now of late that y schwld gete of the Kyng yowr good fader a lycence for thre score ankers that there mwst be made for yowr grete schypys the whych lycence y have gotten, and sent to the sayd George Harwardys factwr, beyng yn Bylbawe.
(fn. 6) And hyt plese yowr grace, y have hyt for undowteyd that yowr hyzghnys hath hyt yn yowr most royal rememberrance, that at al tymys y have certefyed unto yowr hyzghnys of the nature and maner of thys partys, that the pepyl be of fwl many fayre wryteyngys and wordys wythe sclacke dedys, the whych defalte ys not to be thowzghte to be yn the person royal of the Kyng yowr good fader, but yn hys cownsayle, as some of theym, with the pardon of yowr grace, repute nor mynd any other thyng then thayre awn profytes, more then the Kyng thayr lordys honore or performeynge of promysys, for the whych, as wel the naturalys of thys cuntray as other, be dyscontentyd yn myndys; and the natwre of thys cuntray ys so hasty and envyus to al strangers that thay dysspyse everry man and regard not strangers. Yowr grace shal unde[r]stand, that yn case that the Kyng yowr good fader were so pleseyd, that the men of war, as wel on hors backe as on fote, wold gladlyer serve yowr hyzghnys for yowr royal payement then ani other prynce, for here vaylent men of war be not regardyd nor cherysyd beyng estrangers. Yowr grace plesyth for to understand that here ys oon master George Almayne, the whych, by the conmandment of the Frensch Kyng and the Kyng of Navar, fortefyd Bayon of the strengyth that hyt now ys, beyng then the sayd master George Almayne, master of the late Kyng of Navarrys ordynance; the whych master Georje, by fayre promysys, ys cum hether to the Kyng yowr good fader, where he ys entertaynyd wyth fayre wordys and fwe dedys, of the whych he ys wery. He made Bayon strong as hyt ys, and wyl undertake, as by hys sayeynge, for to gete the sayd cety wythyn thre days wyth owte los of men, so that the fyld wyth owte wyl reskew hym. Thys, and hyt plese yowr grace, I do certefye un to yowr hyzghnys of the nwys, as wel good as other wyse, yn thys partys accurant to my knowlych, as hyt knowyth Almyzghty God, who perserve yowr royalyst asstate long for to endwre. Wretyn in Valladalyd on the fyvetyn day of Jenyver, wyth the hand of yowr most humyl servant,
Pp. 4. Addressed: To the Kynges most nobylle grace our Soverayn Lord.
16 Jan.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, f. 105. R.O.
Indenture, 16 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII, witnessing receipt by Th. Perteriche, servant to Sir Edward Ponynges, Comptroller, from John Jenyns, servant to John Heron, treasurer of the Chamber, of Ponynges. costs, "going of embassade to the Duchess of Savoy and the Prince of Castell," 100l., Sir Richard Wingfeld's like costs, 66l. 13s. 4d., and "like costs" of Sir John Wilteshire for 60 days at 10s., John Clyfford, for 40 days at 6s. 8d., Wm. Saxulby for 60 days at 6s. 8d., Th. Perteriche for 60 days at 3s. 4d. and "Lancaster pursuivant" for 60 days at 4s. Signed: Per me Thomam Pertriche.
P. 1.
16 Jan.
Ib., 3, f. 87. R.O.
1577. [3663.] SHIPS OF THE WEST.
Certificate by the customers of the port of Bristow of all ships there, 16 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. [, giving owners and tonnage of each], viz.:—The Trinity, Elizabeth, Margaret, Mary Christofer, Edward, Trinity Grace, Mary Katharine, Barbara, New Mathew, Mary Penrice, Little Jesus, Little Cristopher, the pinnace that was taken, Mary James, Maudelen Gelyan, Antony, George, Mary Radclyf.
Orig., p. 1 (broad sheet).
Exch. Accts.,
62 (26). R.O.
2. Rough jottings of the number and tonnage of ships "in the West [parts]," of over 30 tons.
Mutilated, p. 1.
16 Jan.
Sanuto, XV., 529.
1578. VENICE.
[Note of letters read 4 Feb. 1512–3.]
From Lorenzo Pasqualigo to his brothers, London, 19 Dec. and 16 Jan.—The King makes great preparations against France in the spring, and has retained all ships and vessels. He will go to France in person. A tax of three millions of gold is laid upon the island, equivalent to 600,000 [l.] st.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 215.
17 Jan.
Vesp. C. I., 94. B.M.
1579. [3664.] HENRY VIII.
Safe conduct for Don John Aragon and another gentleman (fn. 7), now on their way, as ambassadors, "from our father the King of Aragon unto our brother the Prince of Castile." Greenwich, 17 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. Signed at the head.
17 Jan.
Stowe MS., 146, f. 23. B.M.
Warrant to John Daunce to pay Thomas Sutton 235l. 17s. due for wages of ships, "victuallers for our army lately in the parties of Biskaye." Greenwich, 3 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. Signed.
ii. Sutton's receipt, 17 Jan. ao 4o, is subscribed.
Parchment. Seal injured. Endd.: Exm per Dalyson.
17 Jan.
Adv. MS., 380.
1581. JAMES IV.
Charter conferring on Andrew Jensoun the privileges of a Scottish subject on his being taken into the King's service. Given under the Privy Signet, 17 Jan. 1512.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Ib., 372. 1582. JAMES IV. to [JOHN KING OF DENMARK].
Thanks him for allowing him the services of Andrew Jensoun, whom the King of Denmark sent over in former years and who now returns with Magnus Beld, "juvenis nobis familiaris."
Lat., copy, p. 1. See also No. 1561, § 2.
18 Jan.
Hart's Hist. et Cartul. Glouc., III., Introd., p. xxxvii.
Requires him to send 25 tall persons to serve on the sea to be at Greenwich by the 8 March, instead of 25 Feb: as required by previous letters. Greenwich, 18 Jan.
ii. Acknowledgment by John Stradlyng, the Abbot's servant, of receipt on 20 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. from John Daunce, the King's servant, of 10l. in prest for the coats and conduct money of the 25 men.
iii. Letters missive for the hastier sending of the men who must now be at Greenwich by 15 Feb., it being now known that the French prepare to invade the realm in February. Greenwich, 30 Jan.
iv. Letters missive thanking the Abbot for sending the men. Greenwich, 18 Feb.
18 Jan.
R. MS. 13 B. II., 62b. (No. 170.) B.M.
1584. [3617.] DE LA MOTE to the KING OF DENMARK.
The French King has sent the King of Denmark a letter by a servant of his brother, the Duke of Holstein, with a safe conduct for 40 ships to be laden with French salt,—though his Majesty says the ships of Denmark require no safe conduct in France. Is bound to Denmark by many benefits. Thinks the King might marry his heir to a cousin (fn. 8) of the King of France. Will fulfil any instructions which the King may send him by letter. From the court of the King of Scots, 1512.
Lat., p. 1.
Adv. MS., 381. 2. Another copy of the above dated 18 Jan. 1512.
20 Jan.
Hist. MSS. Com., Rep., XI., App. 6, p. 20.
Letters of legitimation by James IV. of Sir James Hamilton of Finnart, natural son of James earl of Arran, Sir Patrick Hamilton of Kyncavil and John Hamilton of Broomhill, natural brothers of the said Earl, to whom the King has granted a new infeftment of his lands and who has no heirs lawfully born to succeed him. Edinburgh, 20 Jan 1512.
20 Jan.
Sanuto, xv., 530.
1586. VENICE.
[Extract from letters received_(blank) Feb. 1512–13.]
From Lorenzo Pasqualigo to his brothers, 20 Jan.—Describes the carrack which the King is building, of 4,000 butts, the largest ship afloat. Its name is The Regent, the same as the other which was burnt with that of France. The King has retained all ships of 300 butts and upwards. A fleet of twelve is guarding the Channel and the rest being put ready; so that Venice may not hope for English ships. Matters with Scotland are adjusted and there is peace also with Denmark; but the French are spending much money to win those Kings, and are even said to be spending money here.
See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 217.
Sanuto, XV.,
ii. [Note of letters received 10 Feb. 1512–13.]
From Andrea Badoer, London, 20 Jan.—Complains that he has had no instructions from the Signory for six months. Everywhere in England and Scotland it is said that the agreement between the Signory and France is made; and that the Signory is right. True! the King of England would rather have had an agreement between the Emperor, Spain and the Signory. Preparations to invade France in the spring. The King has written to the Pope urging the agreement of the Emperor and Signory. The Emperor has written to the King blaming the Venetians. A nephew (fn. 9) of the King of Spain who arrived in England was not received with much honour, so that there is discord between the two realms; but they will [both ?] be against France.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 220.
21 Jan.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, f. 106. R.O.
1587. BRIAN TUKE to JOHN HERON, Treasurer of the Chamber.
John Cavelcante has delivered me bills of exchange for 200 mks. for the master of the Rolls' and Sir Thomas Boleyn's expenses from 1 December last and 100l. for Thomas Spynelly "of such money as he hath laid out for the King." I have sent the bills to them. Please deliver Cavalcante the said money "which Mr. Almoner spake to you to pay." London, 21 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
21 Jan.
Lettres de Louis XII., iv., 21. Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., II., 83.
Has received hers of the 9th inst. mentioning that the English ambassadors are aggrieved at his writing to her that he intends to send ambassadors to the King. His object is to abbreviate the present affair. The articles sent from the English ambassadors only indicate what the King wants of the Emperor, not what he will do in return; but, to save delay, he wrote to her by last post to conclude in case the ambassadors have charge from their master to do so. His ambassadors will go to England by short journeys, so that they may be countermanded if the English ambassadors wish to treat (besoignier) with her; and he will not despatch them until he hears again from her. The English ambassadors are to know that the Emperor has the resolution much at heart and it is not his fault if nothing is done. Jungweiler, 21 Jan. 1512.
22 Jan.
Exch. Accts. 417 (9). R.O.
Bill made 24 Dec. 4 Hen. VIII., witnessing payment by Sir John Cutte of 4s. each to 37 persons (named but not described) by virtue of a warrant signed by George earl of Shrewsbury, Charles Somersett lord Herbert and Sir Thomas Lovell, dated 23 Dec. Three payments of later date, to 22 Jan. ao 4, are added. Entries signed by the recipients, John Lymster, Th. Dollyng, &c.
Large paper, p. 1.
23 Jan.
Add MS., 21,481, f. 347. B.M.
Warrant to John Heron, treasurer of the Chamber, to deliver to Sir Gilbert Talbot, lieutenant and captain of Calais, for Sir Edw. Poynings, various parcels of coins (described and valued), amounting to 10,000l. Greenwich, 23 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII.
Copy, pp. 4.
23 Jan.
Sanuto, XV., 574.
1591. VENICE.
[Copy of a letter received in February, 1512–13.]
From Nicolo di Favri to Francesco Gradenigo, London, 23 Jan.—Description of English life and weather. Wrote on 10 Dec. that the camps were disarming. One was in Spain where the King of Spain failed to keep his promise of co-operation and the Spaniards shot at the English who went to eat grapes in a vineyard. Another, under the Lord Treasurer, was in Scotland, whose King made terms; and a third at sea. A French and an English ship were both burnt while fighting together, but whereas the French lost 200 gentlemen the English lost only the captain (fn. 10). Parliament (which met on All Saints Day), and continual resort of its members to the Ambassador's house. Great service done by the Ambassador. His straits for money. Frenchmen in England ill-treated. Taxation. The King and his affection for the Ambassador. News, just come, of four victories of the Spaniards over the French, and death of Mons. de la Palisse (fn. 11).
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 219.
Ib., XVI., 7. 2. [Note of letters received 1 March 1513.]
From Andrea Badoer [, London], 23 Jan.—The King makes very great preparations against France, and the Council has decided that he may go in person. Every day he goes to hasten the Fleet and especially the great ship he is making. There is news that the Duke of Brunswick, captain of the Emperor and Madame Margaret, has been routed by the Duke of Guelders and lost two captains, one of whom, Mons. de Reselich, has been ransomed.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 225.
24 Jan. 1592. SCOTLAND.
Scottish commissioners. See GRANTS IN JANUARY, NO. 27.
24 Jan.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, f. 107. R.O.
Mr. Lister, you will, out of my rents and farms in your receipt, take 10l. to yourself for coming from London to perfect the matter betwixt my brother Melton and me; and also take the cost of such recoveries as my said brother has acknowledged before Mr. Fairfax, the judge, and likewise for Bekey. Templenewsum, 24 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII.
Hol., p. 1.
26 Jan.
Galba B. III., 98. B.M.
1594. [3678.] SPINELLY to HENRY VIII.
Wrote last on the 21st. On the evening of the 23d received his letters [directed] to himself, Will. Gunson and Will. Copland. Sent them forthwith to Copland at Berghes, with a letter (copy enclosed). If they do not avail themselves of the ships of Zerisee they must use those of Spain, of which there are a good number at Zealand. As already reported, Richard Fermer obtained licence to export 36,000 rasiers of wheat or flour. The ambassadors write of the affair of the "cracque" (fn. 12). As soon as the outcry is over, Madame will satisfy the King. All the harm has been done by the delay of the letter sent from England through Frescobald. They do not believe that the owner had offered to sell it to the French. Wishes the King would write to the Admiral and the Sieur de Beures in justification of the matter. There are constant complaints against the King's captains in Zealand for pillaging provisions. The ambassadors have written about it to Gunson. A despatch has come from the Cardinal of York at Rome; with a letter to the Emperor, of the state of the negotiations between him and the Venetians. The nephew of the Master of the Posts, resident at Verona, remarks, in a letter of the 14th, that the greater part of the King Catholic's army had arrived near Verona, and the Venetian troops that were on this side the Adige have crossed and gone to Soana,—that there is no open war between the Emperor and the Venetians, but, as the country about Verona is entirely wasted, the Spaniards will be constrained to pass upon the Venetian territory and will do all the harm they can. There is no news of the Duke of Milan. Expects the controller of the King's Household [will be this] night at Bruges. Madame and [De Berghes] have informed the ambassadors that the Emperor's pleasure will be communicated to them when he arrives, concerning the points declared to Spinelly by Berghes, the Governor of Bresse and Secretary Marnix. Thanks the King for 100l. received from his master of the posts (fn. 13). Sends his account. Madame has taken charge of the King's letters to the Emperor, and has sent to Baptista de Taxis those for the Doge of Venice. Learns that the French are fortifying in all directions about Honfleur, Harfleur, Caen and Rouen. Orders have been given here that all provisions of the flat countries be taken into strong towns. Captains are assigned to garrison these places with men of the country. His informant saw no great vessels; they are all at Brest; heard there were 10 or 12 at Honfleur, Harfleur, and Dieppe; two vessels of Scotland had brought fish. A fleet of 150 sail carrying 25,000 men will sail from Brest. Those of Dieppe have furnished two barques to plunder the English coast. Strong garrisons have been posted on the Somme. All complain of the heaviness of the French taxes. At Compiennes they have stopped two gates; the French seem to reckon that no towns on the Somme can be defended except Abbeville, St. Quentin, Peronne and Amiens. It cannot be long before some of his agents, and also the personage sent to Blois, return. Sends a letter from him who went to publish the bull, by which it will be seen that the Liegeois made no resistance. Sends a letter [received from] Mr. Gunson. Malines, 26 Jan. 15[12]. Signed.
French, mutilated, pp. 5. Add.
28 Jan. 1595. PROCLAMATION.
Expected invasion from France. See GRANTS IN JANUARY, NO. 38.
29 Jan.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, f. 108. R.O.
As the French King is preparing a strong navy intending to invade England next February and, as it is said, to land "on the sea-coast of that our county of Wiltshire," (fn. 14) the King has appointed Sir John Lile and Sir William Sandes chief captains of the power of that county. Is to make himself ready to resort to them at an hour's warning. Greenwich, 29 Jan. Signed with a stamp.
P. 1. Add.
See No. 1583 iii.
31 Jan.
Stowe MS., 146, f. 36. B.M.
1598. CABLES.
Bill drawn by Wm. Gonson and John Ysham, payable at sight to Leonard Freskoball, for 34l. 19s. 2d. Fl., in payment of cables and ropes for the carrack (fn. 15) received from Deryk Derykson, roper, of Ermew. 31 Jan. 1512. Signed by Ysham.
Small paper, p. 1.
Ib., f. 37. 2. The like for 51l. 19s. 10d. for cables from Arden Frysce. Same date. P. 1.
Ib., f. 38. 3. The like for 25l. 14s. 6d. for cables from Awdryan Jacopson. Same date.
31 Jan.
Galba B. III., 63. B.M.
Asks safe conduct for a ship with a cargo of herrings to be exchanged for wine at Bordeaux, he and the garrisons of Gueldres being totally unprovided because nothing can come down the Rhine. The lettres de pas to be delivered to the bearer, Ysselstain, his officer of arms, for whom he begs credence. Malines, 31 Jan. 1512. Signed.
French, p. 1. Add. Endd.: "For ships.—A ship of viiixx tons with c. last haryn. John Tison servant and factor to the lord Isilsten."
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
9, f. 280. R.O.
1600. [5790.] THE DRAGON.
Account for repairs, gunstocking, &c., in the Dragon, 24 Nov. 4 Hen. VIII., 28 Nov. at Dover, 8 Jan. in Solent and finally (no date given) at Armew, where a new foremast was fitted and a compass and "viewing glasse" bought. Wages to ship's carpenters, 8d. a day; meat and drink, 2½d. a day.
"Sir, as to these costs done by Walter Loveday upon the King's ship the Dragon, as cawking, as stocking of certain guns and lead that he hath paid for, with other costs writ within the same, he ought to be allowed of all as to that is contained herein bought. My fellow William Gonson saw what he (?) bought. Per me John Hopton."
Pp. 2.
Calig. D. VIII.,
230. B.M.
1601. FRANCE.
A hundred spears of Mons. Robert de Framyselle's company are coming towards Boulogne, and 50 are there already. The French King has come 3 day's journey from Blois towards Paris, and has very much ordnance with him. There has been a great fray among the lanzknechts about Rewe, and many of them slain in consequence the punishment of one. At Fynes there are 100 of the country people. At Tyrwyn plenty of victuals have arrived; and there and at Boulogne strict search is made upon every man that passes. An archer with the French King has advised a friend in Picardy to send all his goods to St. Omer's or elsewhere within the Archduke's lands for surety.
P. 1. Mutilated.
1602. GRANTS IN JANUARY, 1513.
1. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Berks.—Knoll, 4 Jan. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 7d. [3640.]
2. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Gloucestershire.—Knoll, 5 Jan. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 7d. [3641.]
3. John Crossewell, of Odyam, Hants, clothier. Protection for one year; going with Sir Gilbert Talbot, Deputy of Calais. Del. Knoll, 5 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 20. [3642.]
4. William Poullain, clk., and Julian Souchet, natives of Normandy. Denization, for life. Del. Knoll, 5 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 20. [3643.]
5. Henry Rowt, chaplain. Grant of the perpetual chantry in the chapel of the manor of Eltham, Kent, vice William Wrigh, clk., deceased. Del. Westm., 26 (sic) (fn. 16) Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14. [3682.]
6. John Wetewod, clk., minister of the Chapel. Presentation to the church of Badisworth, dioc. of York, void by death. Del. Westm., 8 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 20. [3644.]
7. John Scotte. To be chief baron of the Exchequer, during good conduct, in reversion after Wm. Hody, who holds by patent 29 Oct. 2 Hen. VII. Westm., 8 Jan. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 20. [3645.]
8. Robert Hall. Grant of the ferry of Paddistowe, with "le Haven Cathe" of the port of St. Ives, Cornw. Greenwich, 30 Dec. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Jan. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 7. [3646.]
9. John Jenkynson, of Newland, York, butcher. Pardon for killing Th. Megson, of Newland, yeoman, in self-defence; according to inquest before Th. Maners, coroner. Westm., 10 Jan. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 7. [3650.]
10. Gaol Delivery.
Gaol of the Abbot of Ramesey.—Commission to Sir Rob. Rede, Wm. Mordaunt, John Woode, Th. Lowth, John Tayllard, Wm. Grace, and Th. Dunholt. Westm., 12 Jan. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 20d. [3652.]
11. Thomas Emson. Inspeximus and exemplification, at the request of Thomas, s. and h. of Sir Richard Emson, of an Act of Parliament 4 Hen. VIII. reversing and annulling the attainder of the said Sir Richard. Westm., 12 Jan. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 1. [3653.]
12. Thomas earl of Surrey, Treasurer of England, Thomas lord Howard, Sir Edward Howard, and Sir Thomas Bulleyn. Pardon and release of all arrears, from Mich. 23 Hen. VII. to the present date, of an annual rent of 292l. 5s. 4¼d. from Mich. 23 Hen. VII., subject to which they hold, by patent 10 Nov. 1 Hen. VIII., the possessions of John Grey late viscount Lisle, and of Joan late wife of Sir Humphrey Talbot, to the use of Sir Thomas Knyvet and Mercella his wife, viscountess Lisle, during the minority of Elizabeth Grey, daughter and heir of the said Viscount. Greenwich, 7 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Jan. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 20. [3655.]
13. Edmund Denny and John Smyth, clerk in the office of Treasurer's remembrancer of the Exchequer. Grant, in survivorship, of the office of Treasurer's remembrancer; on surrender of patent, 3 June 20 Hen. VII., granting the same to Denny, vice Sir Robert Lytton, dec. Del. Westm., 12 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (filed on 12 Dec. 1512). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10.
ii. Warrant to the Lord Chancellor, dated 22 Dec. 4 Hen. VIII., to cancel the patent of Jasper Fyloll of the reversion of the above office ("remembrancer of our Tresoury within our Eshequier"), the King being now informed that the said Jasper has not sufficient experience and learning. S.B. (attached to the above). [3656.]
14. Thomas Holden, yeoman of the Queen's chamber, and John Hunt, master-cook for the King's mouth. To be keepers, in survivorship, of the Royal Household in Westminster Palace, with 6d. a day since Michaelmas last. Del. Westm., 12 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. [3657.]
15. John Westowe, the King's gunner (bumbardus), To be, for life, searcher of the port of Bristol. Greenwich, 31 Dec. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 13 Jan. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 16. [3660.]
16. Thomas Payne of Salisbury, merchant. Protection for one year; going in the suite of Sir Gilbert Talbot, Deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 7 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 Jan. P.S. (injured). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [3665.]
17. John Bradley, yeoman of the Guard. To be ranger of the Isle of Purbeke, vice Thomas Prichit. Greenwich, 11 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 Jan. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [3666.]
18. John Prowde, haberdasher of London. Protection for one year; going in the suite of Sir Gilbert Talbot, Deputy of Calais. Del. Westm., 17 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [3667.]
19. George Frauncesse, gentleman usher of the Queen's chamber. To be steward, during pleasure, of the lordship of Orwel, Camb., lately held by William Denton, deceased; and lease of the office of feodary and bailiff of the honor of Richmond, in Camb., Herts, Suffolk, and Essex, from Christmas, 4 Hen. VIII., for 30 years, at the annual rent of 20l. 10s. Del. Westm., 17 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [3668.]
20. William Towers, usher of the Hall, and Nicholas Hornecliffe, yeoman of the Vestry. Grant, in survivorship, of the offices of bow-bearer of Arkylgarthdale, under-steward of Middelham and Richemonte, and one of the foresters of Coverdale, co. Richmond, lately held by John Conyers, Gilbert Metcalf, and William Forster. Westminster, 17 Dec. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Jan. P.S. (in English). Pat, 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [3669.]
21. John Wodlesse, yeoman of the Crown. Annuity of 20l. for life. Greenwich, 20 Dec. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Jan. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [3670.]
22. Robert Crumwell or Cromwell, vicar of Batersey. Protection for one year; going in the suite of Sir Gilbert Talbot, Deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 22 Dec. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 19 Jan. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [3671.]
23. John Tollas, sherman of London. Protection for one year; going in the suite of Sir Gilbert Talbot, Deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 19 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Jan. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [3672.]
24. Sir Maurice Berkeley, knight for the Body. To be keeper of the park of Sodbury alias Sodbury, Glouc., with herbage and pannage, and wages of 2d. a day; on surrender of patent granted by Hen. VII. to William Denys, esquire for the Body. Del. Westm., 21 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [3673.]
25. John Boston, clk., m.A. Presentation to the church of Milsted, Canterbury dioc., void by death of John Guyllary, clk. Greenwich, 21 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 Jan. P.S. [3674.]
26. John Wheler, for services to the Queen. To be keeper of the park of Biflete, Surrey, for life. Greenwich, 20 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 Jan. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m 14. [3675.]
27. Scotch Commissioners. Safe conduct, at the request of the King of Scots, by letters signed and sealed, for one year, to John lord Drummond, Sir Robert Lawder of Basse, Sir John Ramsey of Trarinzeane, Sir William Scotte of Balverley. and John Henryson, clerk of justiciary, commissioners of James king of Scots, with 100 persons. Westminster, 24 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Scotch Roll, 4 Hen. VIII. m. 12. Rymer, XIII. 346. [2069, 3676.]
28. Pewterers of London. Inspeximus and conf. of:—
Pat. 19 March, 20 Hen. VII., conf.:
Pat. 20 Jan. 13 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 5).
Westm., 24 Jan. [4 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 48, No. 8.
29. Roger Salesbury, yeoman of the Guard. To have the fee of the Crown, being 6d. a day, held by John Whityngton, deceased. Greenwich, 27 Dec. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 Jan. P.S. (in English). [3677.]
30. Leonard Fryscobalde, gentleman usher of the Chamber. Annuity of 50 marks for life. Greenwich, 17 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 Jan. P.S. (in English). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14. [3679.]
31. William Porter. Licence to export so much broadcloths, kerseys and other woollen cloths, tin, hides and other merchandise (except wools and woolfells) as will in custom and subsidy yield 1,000 mks., and import as much; custom and subsidies to be payable at the end of six years after shipment. Greenwich, 20 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 Jan. P.S. [3680.]
32. Peter Warton and John Ketilby. To be bailiffs, during pleasure, of the lordship of Salwarppe, Worc., from Easter last; with keepership, in survivorship, of the park there, 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 Jan. P.S. (fragment only). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 30. [3681.]
33. Henry Rowte, chaplain. To be priest of the chapel in the manor of Eltham, Kent, with 10 marks a year out of the manor; as held by John Sweteman of Pentriche, chaplain therein Edw. III.'s time; on surrender of invalid patent 6 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII., granting him the chantry in the said chapel formerly held by William Wright (sic). Del. Westm., 26 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 33. [3683.]
34. Walter Devereux lord Ferrers. To be keeper of the park of Nethewode, Heref., for life, with 4d. a day, vice William Thomas. Del. Westm., 27 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 20. [3684.]
35. Sir Robert Brandon. Wardship and marriage of John, son and heir of John Carewe, dec. Del. Westm., 28 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in margin: "Ad instantiam Karoli Brandon, militis"). [3685.]
36. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Herefordshire.—Westm., 28 Jan. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 7d. [3686.]
37. Edward Guldeford, squire of the Body. Inspeximus and exemplification of Act of Parliament, 3 Hen. VIII. [c. xix.], reversing the attainder of Edm. Dudley, and conditionally reinstating John Dudley, his son, and appointing Guldeford guardian of the said John, during his minority. Westm., 28 Jan. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 31. [3687.]
38. Invasion. Writs of precept to the sheriffs, viz.:—
Kent.—For the sheriff to make proclamations that all males between sixty and sixteen shall prepare arms and be ready at an hour's warning to resort to such place in the said county as shall be assigned by the King's commissioners, and specially in Kent the Lord Bergevenny, who is deputed to lead the shire to resist the French King, who has prepared "a great and a strong navy" to invade England in February next. Beacons to be in readiness. Westm., 28 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII.
Norfolk and Suffolk.—The Earl of Oxford.
Essex.—The Earl of Oxford and Lord Fytzwater.
Cornwall.—Edward Willoughby, Sir John Arundell, and Sir Piers Eggecombe.
Devon.—Lord Broke.
Somerset and Dorset.—Lord Fytzwaren.
Sussex.—The Earl of Arundell.
Hants and Wilts.—Sir John Lysle and Sir William Sandes.
S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9d. [3688.]
39. William Rogiers, chaplain. Presentation to the church of Great Bylling, Linc. dioc., void by death of Thomas Harteley. Greenwich, 26 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 Jan. P.S. [3689.]
40. John Cristoferson, m.D., native of Scotland. Denization, for life. Westminster, 4 Feb. 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 29 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. p.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 30. [3690.]
41. Gaol Delivery.
Norfolk Circuit.—Commission to Sir John Fyneux, Sir Robt. Rede and Wm. Mordaunt. Westm., 29 Jan.
York, City and Castle.—Commission to Wm. Fayrfax, John Erneley, Robt. Henrison and Th. Stray. Westm., 29 Jan. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15d. [3691.]
42. John Bristall alias Burstall, fishmonger, of London. Protection for one year; going in the suite of Sir Gilbert Talbot, Deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 20 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 31 Jan. P.S. [3693.]
43. Wm. Hill, of Becclys alias Bexlys, Suff., yeoman. Reversal of outlawry in co._ (blank); sued for debt by Roger Dade of Wheybrede, Suff., husbandsman. Westm., 31 Jan. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 4.


  • 1. See the letter to Vich [1 April ?] 1513.
  • 2. See No. 1428.
  • 3. Rasier=4 bushels.
  • 4. Nov. 25th. See No. 1486.
  • 5. No. 1570 puts this:—"the Consylyabolum have nameyd an abbot, an old man that was brother to the late legate, Cardynal of Rone, for to be pope, the whyche ys callyd a verry innocent person, to thentent that they wol rule hym at thayr plesurys." The only surviving brother was Jacques d'Amboise, bishop of Clermont and abbot of Cluny.
  • 6. This paragraph appears as a postscript in No. 1570.
  • 7. John de Lanuza.
  • 8. Marginal note by the transcriber: "Hanc ex comitali Bononiensium domo Urbinas dux post despondit."
  • 9. John of Aragon.
  • 10. Sir Thomas Knyvett, killed in the fight between The Regent and La Reine in August 1512.
  • 11. A false report.
  • 12. The carrack Santa Maria de Loretto of which Andrew Scarella was owner and John Giustiniano master or patron. See Nos. 1072 and 1513.
  • 13. Brian Tuke.
  • 14. So in original.
  • 15. Santa Maria de Loretto.
  • 16. Probably a mistake fo 6 Jan. See § 33.