Henry VIII: December 1510

Pages 360-369

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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December 1510

1 Dec.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, m. 17. R.O.
Intimation (fn. 1) by "Will'm's Ostin', Oliverus Albanen', Jacobus Tusculanen', Marcus Venistrien', Julianus Sabinen', cardynall bysshoppes, Stephanus tit. de Sancta Maria Tanstib'r'i, Johannes tit. de S'cta Praxede, Joh'es tit. de S'cta Cecilia, Philibertus tit. de Sancto Johanne et Paulo, Joh'es tit. de S'cto Marcello, Petrus tit. de Sancto Nicholao inter Imagines et Jeronimus tit. de Sancto Balbino, by the mercy of God Cardynall preestes of the holy chirche of Rome," that to all Chistian people who devoutly help the guild or fraternity of Saint George in Southwerke they will each give "a hundred days of true pardon," 1,200 days at each of the following feasts, viz. the dedication of the church, St. Michael the Archangel, the 2nd Sunday in Lent, Good Friday, and the 2nd "fery" of Penthecost "from the first evensong unto the second evensong inclusively," also "at every feast of Our Lord singularl[y himse]lfe 1,200 days of pardon." Total pardon 12,[240] days yearly and of masses, 1,044.
"These l[etters] ... [the] ryght worshypfull Mayster Doctour Collet deane of P[owles, Mayster Doctour Yong, master of Saynt Tho]mas of Acres, and Mayster Doctoure Horsey [archdeacon (?) of Lond]on ... fyrste daye of December."
A printed slip, slightly mutilated. With scribblings on the back, among which are "Welbec 12d., abbas de Newbou 4½d." "For the Cleyff meddow that I mous pey 10s., and Richard Knotton 10s., William Westourn and William Drurey ether of them 5s." "In alle shepe that I haffe is boutt 14 schour and 14 odde."
1 Dec.
Exch. Accts. 202 (25). R.O.
634. CALAIS.
Receipt given, 1 Dec. 1510, by Sir Hugh Conway, treasurer of Calais, to the merchants of the Staple for 1,020l. 16s. 8d. and 1,000l. "sterling table," towards payment of the garrison for the half year ended 6 Oct. 1510; with further acknowledgments for sums of 215l. 12s. 8d., 763l. 10s. 8d., 542l. 10s. 10½d., 723l. 17s. 2d., 153l. 5s., 172l., 419l. 9s. 3½d., received on the 18th and 30th Dec., 11th and 31st Jan., and 3rd and 8th Feb. respectively. Signed by Ric. Whetcroft, lieutenant, and Ric. Dene and Thomas Elties (?).
Parchment. Three seals attached.
7 Dec.
Le Glay, Analectes Hist. p. 182.
"Henri VIII. prie Marguerite d'accorder sa protection à Guyot de Neul (sic), l'un des cent gentilshommes de sa maison, qu'il envoie dans les Pays-Bas afin de faire diverses provisions et achets de harnais pour cette compagnie de gentilshommes." Richmond, 7 December 1510.
7 Dec.
Le Glay, Negoc. entre la France et l'Autriche, I., 370.
* * *
The Pope has determined to make a dozen cardinals in these Ember Days before Christmas, so that if he die there might be a pope as bad as himself. To oppose this and get a General Council convoked this King has sent into Italy and expects the Emperor to do the like, to whom I have written at length on the King's behalf. The five cardinals who are at Pavia make means for the like and have sent a messenger to the Emperor, and to the King of France another who arrived with the King to-day, and goes on to you and then into England with the same object. Bloys, 17 Dec.
7 Dec.
Roman Transcr., Ser. I., 52 B., f. 425. R.O.
637. Fox.
Certificate by Raphael [Card. of Porto, Papal chamberlain] of visitation [of the Pope] by Wm. Stynt, rector of Hewant, Winchester dioc., on behalf of Richard bishop of Winchester. Rome, 7 Dec. 1510, pont. 8.
Latin. Modern extract.
9 Dec.
Adv. MS. 7.
638. LEONARDUS BARTINIS, Scriptor Apostolicus, to PANITER.
Wrote lately to Paniter transmitting letters with a confessional to David Spens, rector of Flyisk. Now sends other letters for the same David with another confessional. Wrote also about his 30 ducats and hopes Paniter will keep his interests in view. Robert Broun, who is at Rome, has laid out 20 ducats de Camera, in behalf of David Broun, in the suit about the monastery of Marros. Understands that his kinsman David has made an agreement with the abbot, from whom he has received benefices. It is a great pity he should thus lose his labor. Hopes Paniter will see him reimbursed. If David neglect it let him be reminded that he is bound to the writer in 100 ducats, from which he is not released by the acquittance given by Thomas Nudrie. Rome, 9 Dec. 1510.
Lat., pp. 2.
12 Dec.
Add. MS. 18,826, f. 8. B.M.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver tawny chamlet for a gown, &c., to Wm. Lye, one of the sewers of the Chamber. Richmond, 12 Dec. 2 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
Ib., f. 9. 2. Like warrant to deliver a gown, &c., to the Princess of Castile. Same date.
P. 1.
13 Dec.
Exch. Accts. 417(3), f. 57. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe for liveries to the King's chamber, viz., for Wm. Stondon, John Worteleye and 10 others (named), yeomen ushers, Th. Aphowell, Wm. Studdon, Rob. Hopkyns, John Santfortht and 69 others (named) yeomen, Wm. Compton, John Sharpe, Wm. Tyler, Wm. Gower, Chr. Rochester, Nic. Baker, Th. Compton, Alex. Staveley, Wm. Dawborne, James Worseleye, Peter Malmeseye, Rob. Litill, Wm. [C]roxston, John Pultneye and Jenkyn Vaughan, grooms, and John Sige[wyke], Henry Kam[eys], John Copinger, Piers [Cham]payne, Richard Cacc[hem]ewe, Thomas Carvanell, and Thomas Wolbaston, pages. Richmond, 13 Dec. 2 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
13 Dec.
Add. MS. 18,826, f. 10. B.M.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver a gown of crimson velvet, &c., to Henry Courteney. Richmond, 13 Dec. 2 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
19 Dec.
Add. MS. 18,826, f. 11. B.M.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to pay for making, lining, furring, &c., of "trappours," "glawdkyns," jackets, &c., for the King's own use. Richmond, 19 Dec. 2 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
19 Dec.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 2. f. 21. R.O.
Fifty-one years' lease by the abbey of Bermondsey to Robert [Hawkyns'] (fn. 2) and Hugh ..., of land, parcel of the lordship or manor of Legham, in Streatham and Clapham, in co. Surrey; at an annual rent of 4l. payable half yearly at Lady day and Michaelmas. 19 Dec. 2 Hen. VIII.
Lat., copy. Large paper, mutilated, pp. 2.
19 Dec.
Receipt, 19 Dec. 2 Hen. VIII., by Roger Lupton, provost of the college of Eton, from Thomas lord Darcy, by Ric. Lyster, of 50l., part payment of 100l. duc upon "an obligation wherein the said lord and Master Thomas Wulcy, clerk, stand bound to me." Signed.
Small paper, p. 1.
21 Dec.
Lettres de Louis XII., ii.,81.
* * * A bishop (fn. 3) has come as ambassador from the King of Scotland. He has been well received and is despatched, and now goes to the Pope. The King of Scotland much desires unity among Christian princes and war with the Infidels. If the Pope does not do his duty the King of Scots will join the Emperor and King of France in calling a Council. Blois, 21 Dec.
22 Dec.
Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., I., 355.
Wrote lately by his valet Guillaume Pinjon that she should send a secretary to ask the King of England (1) to lend the Emperor 2,000 archers on foot for his expedition to Rome, (2) to pardon the young Duke of Suffolk (fn. 4) who is here, and (3) to give the Duke of Wertenberch two female dogs and one male. Desires to know, in haste, whe her she has sent, and the answer. Fribourg, 22 Dec. 1510.
23 Dec.
Add. MS. 18,826, f. 12. B.M.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe for blue say, hooks, curtain rings, &c., for the Queen. Richmond, 23 Dec. 2 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
26 Dec.
Exch. Accts. 417(3), f. 97. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver John Hethe, yeoman almoner of "our chamber,"broad cloth, &c., for a gown" to be taken of our gift and reward to the marriage of our said servant." Richmond, 26 Dec. 2 Hen. VIII. Signed.
29 Dec.
Le Glay, Negoc. entre la France et l'Autriche, I., 373.
* * *
The ambassador of Scotland has departed to the Pope to procure universal peace in the name of his master and the King of England; and to propose a war against the Infidels, in which the King of Scotland would like to command the army by sea. If the Pope will not listen the said ambassador has charge to protest, "etc." Yesterday came news from Bologna that the Pope much desired the coming of Mons. de Gurce; and letters from the Emperor's court report that the Pope solicits this. Has received letters of the 20th inst. from the Emperor expressing delight with Mons. de Guree's report, whereat this king and all his Council are pleased. * * * Blois, 29 Dec.
31 Dec.
Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., I., 368.
Desires, as he has before written, to have the genealogical tree of the kings of Spain which will be found with a tapestry merchant of Brussels, who had charge from the King of Aragon to make it; likewise to have the genealogy of the kings of England in the house of the Sieur de Berghes at Berghes. Also writes to his secretary Pierre Ximaines for a printed history of Spain called La Valeriana; and desires her to pay for it. Fribourg in Brisco, 31 Dec., 1510.
1. John Yong, Keeper of the Rolls and Records in Chancery. To cancel a recognizance of 100 mks., made by Sir Thomas Curwen. of Wirkyngton, Cumb., Sir John Huddeleston, of Sudeley, Glouc., and Henry Kerkeby, of Kerkeby, Lanc., 13 July, 22 Hen. VII., for the payment of 50l., which have been paid to John Heron. Richmond, 1 Dec., 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. [1366.]
2. James Morice and Hugh Edwardes. To be, during good conduct, surveyors and receivers general of the possessions of Margaret countess of Richmond and Derby; from Mich. 1 Hen. VIII., as held by Sir Reginald Bray. Del. Westm., 2 Dec., 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII., p. 2, m. 10. [1367.]
3. Commission of the Peace. (See Appendix.)
Essex.—Knoll, 4 Dec. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3d. [1368.]
4. William Pawne. To be, for life, ranger of the forest of Melchuyt, Wilts, as John Boston was. Del. Westm., 4 Dec., 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. (Endorsed: " Apud Richemount, quarto die Decembris," &c.) Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 2. [1369.]
5. Thomas Fabyan. To bo, during good conduct, surveyor of the King's horses, for incisions, cauterizations, potions, phlebotomies and other medicines and cures of diseases, with 12d. a day, from the subsidies in the port of London. Richmond, 5 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Otford, 4 Dec. P.S. (Endorsed: "Mr. Pawne.") Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [1370.]
6. Sir Robert Coton, of Landwade. Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of Thomas, son and heir of Sir Nicholas Griffyn. Richmond, 23 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Otford, 4 Dec. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [1371.]
7. [John Yong,] Keeper of the Records in Chancery. To cancel five recognizances made on the 15th and 13th Feb., 24 Hen. VII., to Sir Thomas Lovell, Sir Richard Emson, Sir John Husey, Edmund Dudley, and John Erneley, attorney; 1st, of 500 marks, made by Mary Hastings, widow, Lady Hastings and Hungerford, Richard Sacheverell, of Kyrby, Leic., and Henry Long, of Draycote, Wilts; 2nd, of 500 marks by the said Mary, the said Richard, and Rauf Lech, of Chattesworth, Derb.; 3rd, of 500 marks, made by the said Mary, the said Richard, and Thomas Sacheverell of ... Derby; 4th, of 500 marks, made by the said Mary, the said Richard, and Thomas Brokesby, of London; 5th, of 300 marks, made by the said Mary, the said Richard and Humphrey Columbell, of Bassethewses, Leic.; with a clause similar to that contained in the Signed Bill, No. 448, § 4. Richmond, 5 Dec., 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. (Countersigned: Ri. Wynton, Ric. London, T. Duresme, Jo. Roff, T. Surrey, C. Somerset, J. Fyneux, John Yong, R. Rede, Thomas Lovell, John Cutte; in the presence of G. Shrouesbury, T. Englefild, Harry Marny, John Heron.) [1372.]
8. Abbey of Wynchelcombe. Grant, in fee, to Richard Kedirmystir, abbot, and the convent, of the manor of Sudeley, with advowson of the church or chapel of Sudeley, and lands (extent given) in Sudeley, Todyngton. Stanley, Grette Gretton, Catesthorp. and Newnton, Glouc., formerly belonging to Ralph Boteler and Alice his wife; with reservation of the castle and park; to hold in fee farm at 50l. rent. With release from the condition of their indenture with Hen. VII., made 1 April, 24 Hen. VII., by which they undertook to keep Sudeley park supplied with 300 bucks and does, exoneration from all annuities due to Sir John Huddylston or others, by reason of patents of Edward IV., Richard III., or Henry VII., grant of three bucks in summer, and three does in winter, out of Sudeley park, and licence to kill deer on their own grounds. On surrender of patent, 30 March, 24 Hen. VII., granting them the manor and park. Del. Otford, 6 Dec., 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 1. [1374.]
9. Richard Babham, the King's apothecary. Annuity of 10l., for life. Richmond, 29 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 7 Dec. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII.p. 2, m. 9. [1373.]
10. John Blyaunt. Petition for a commission to inquire into his claim (set forth) to the manor of Cotton called Champaynes, and the manor of Gippewich and Compaynes in Cotton, Suffolk, granted (temp. Edw. III.) to Ralph Hempnale by Robert Asshefeld. John Harleston, rector of Blaksale, John Almott, and John Muriell, rector of Wortham, which descended to John Blyaunt (his father) who was wrongfully disseized by John Pole, late Duke of Suffolk, from whom the said lands descended to Edmund De la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, his son, late of Wyngfeld, Suffolk, by whose attainder they passed into the King's hands without just title. S.B. [1375.]
ii. Sir Richard Wentworth, Sir Wm. Waldegrave, Sir Wm. Clopton, John Aleyn, one of the barons of the Exchequer, Humph. Wyngfeld, John Suliard, Lionel Talmage and the sheriff of Suffolk. Commission to enquire as above. Knoll, 9 Dec. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 1d.
11. Robert Annesley, clk. Presentation to the chantry founded for the souls of the Duchess of Lancaster and Countess of Westmoreland, in the irons near the steps of the high altar in the cathedral of St. Mary, Lincoln, void by death of Thomas Coverdale. Directed to Thomas Wulcy, dean, and the chapter of Lincoln cathedral. Richmond, 30 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Otford, 9 Dec. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9. [1376.]
12. Sir Marmaduke Constable. Exemption for life from serving on juries, or being made justice of the peace, &c. Richmond, 7 Dec., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 9 Dec. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9. [1377.]
13. Lincolnshire. Warrant to the abp. of Canterbury, Chancellor, for a commission to Will. lord Willoughby, Sir Will. Tirwhit, Sir John Skypwith, Rob. Brudenell, justice of King's Bench, John Henege, Geof. Paynell, John Robynson, Tho. Robertson, and Will. Goderyke; to enquire into all murders and riots committed in co. Linc. Richmond, 9 Dec., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Otford, 11 Dec. S.B. (countersigned: T. Surrey, R. Wynton, T. Duresme, Harry Marny, and T. Englefild. Sealed). [1378.]
(2) The commission. Otford, 11 Dec. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 2d. [1380.]
14. Commission of the Peace. (See Appendix.)
Buckinghamshire.—Knoll, 11 Dec. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m.3d. [1379.]
15. Matilda, Thomas, William, Agnes, and Joan Courteman. Grant of the goods of Henry Courteman, forfeited by his escape from the prison of Edmund bp. of Salisbury, where he was confined for heretical opinions. Richmond, 6 Dec., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Otford, 12 Dec. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 2. [1381]
16. Thomas Morton, clk. Licence to found a chantry in the church of Bosbury, Heref., with one chaplain; and mortmain licence to alienate lands of the annual value of 10l. to the said chaplain. Del. Westm., 12 Dec., 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 2. [1382.]
17. George Grey, spear of Calais. Annuity of 10 marks out of the issues of Calais. Richmond, 8 Dec., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 12 Dec. P.S. (in English). Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9. [1383.]
18. Joachim Altoveti, merchant of Florence. Protection for one year as he is going in the suite of Sir Gilbert Talbot, Deputy of Calais. Richmond, 8 Dec. 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Otford, 12 Dec. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 2. [1384.]
19. William Compton. To be, for life, constable of Sudeley castle, master of the hunt. and park-keeper, with 30l. a year from the fee farm of the lordship of Sudeley, payable by the abbot of Wynchecombe. Richmond, 21 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 13 Dec. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9. [1385.]
20. John Yong, Keeper of the Rolls and Records in Chancery. Cancel of two recognizances of 100l. and 100 marks, made by Richard Clement, John Wrothe, of Enfeld, Midd., and Edward Palmer, to Henry VII. Richmond, 13 Dec. S.B. [1386.]
21. Commission of the Peace. (See Appendix.)
Warwickshire.—Knoll, 15 Dec. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3d. [1387.]
22. Commission of the Peace. (See Appendix.)
Hampshire.—Knoll, 15 Dec. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3d. [1388.]
23. Richard Cachemaide, groom of the Chamber. Grant, for life, of two tenements, with a piece of waste land, in Flete Street, called "The sign of the Walsheman," and one in the Old Baillye, London, which tenements were granted to Edward Ap Rys, deceased, by the late King; also of the rangership of Dene Forest, Glouc., granted to John Peke, dec., by Edward IV., with the fees out of the town of St. Briavells and Dene forest. Richmond, 8 Dec., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Otford, 17 Dec. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9. [1389.]
24. Ralph Egerton, gentleman of the Chamber. Annuity of 24l. 13s. 4d., from the first day of the reign, out of the fee farm of the town of Ludlow, Salop. Richmond. 24 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 18 Dec. PS. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9. [1390.]
25. Sir Marmaduke Constable, late sheriff of Yorkshire. Pardon and release; also discharge of recognizance for 100 marks, made 18 Nov., 1 Hen. VIII., by his mainperners, viz., by Sir William Tyrwhit, of Ketilby. Thomas Burgh, of Stowe, Linc., Launcelot Threlkeld, of Annesburton, and Thomas Lowson, of Scakeby, Yorks. Richmond, 14 Dec., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 19 Dec. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9. [1392.]
26. Commission of the Peace (See Appendix.)
Berkshire.—Knoll, 20 Dec. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3d. [1393.]
27. Piers de Champagne, esquire for the Body. Annuity of 50 marks from the Exchequer, which Anthony Feteplace, deceased, late had; on surrender of patent granting the said Piers an annuity of 20l. from the customs of Southampton. Del. Knoll, 21 Dec., 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 2. [1394.]
28. William Compton, groom of the Stole. To be, for life, bailiff of the town, manor and lordship, and keeper of the park, of Ware, Herts; with the herbage, pannage and agistment of the park and the meadows which Margaret countess of Richmond held for livery of her horses; vice Richard Shurley, dec. Also grant of the fishery, truncagium, and the three mills there. Richmond, 8 Dec., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 21 Dec. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 6. [1395.]
29. Master Richard Brok, clk. Presentation to the church of St. Margaret Moyses, Friday Street, London, void by resignation of Thomas Turnour. Richmond, 10 Dec., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Otford, 23 Dec. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9. [1396.]
30. Anthony Cavallari, merchant of Lucca. Licence to export 800 sacks of wool from London, Southampton or Sandwich. through and beyond the Straits of Marrok; paying, for all customs and dues, 5 mks. per sack at the end of four years from the date of shipment. Richmond, 4 Dec., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Otford, 23 Dec. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9. [1397.]
31. John Yong, Keeper of the Records in Chancery. To cancel a recognizance of 2,000l., made by Francis Pansano and James Pounte, merchants of Jeane, Antony Baveryn, merchant of Venice, Peter Centuryon, merchant of Jeane, Thomas Otteley, grocer, and Robert Udale, of London, goldsmith, 25 Nov. 23 Henry VII. Richmond, 28 Dec, 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. [1398.]
32. John Yong, Keeper of the Records in Chancery. To cancel a recognizance of 1,000 marks, made by Anthony Spynell, merchant of Jean, John Reste, grocer, Robert Wattys, draper, of London, and James de Ponte merchant of Jean, 7 May, 18 Hen. VII., to Sir Thomas Lovell, then treasurer of the Household, Sir Reynold Bray, James Hobart, Richard Empson, and Thomas Lucas. Richmond, 28 Dec., 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. [1399.]
33. Commission of the Peace. (See Appendix.)
Herefordshire.—Knoll, 28 Dec. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3d. [1400.]
34. John Yong, Keeper of the Records in Chancery. To cancel a recognizance of 2,000 marks, made by Sir George lord Hastynges to Edward duke of Buckingham, Henry earl of Northumberland, Hen. earl of Wilts, and Sir Robert Ratclyf, 26 March last. Richmond, 29 Dec., 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. [1401.]
35. Sir John Skipwythe, of Ormesby, Linc. Exemption, for life, from being made sheriff, serving on juries, &c. Richmond, 30 Dec., 2 Hen. VIII. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3. [1402.]
Eras. Ep. XXXI.
[Edit. Allen I. No. 185.]
652. [1418.] ERASMUS to SERVATIUS. (fn. 5)
[Had written to him long before he left Paris. Fears his letters have miscarried. It is too long to tell him the reasons for coming to England, especially considering he was robbed in it on a previous occasion. Has not taken this resolution without urgent advice. Has now been some months staying with Mountjoy (see No. 51), who invited him to England. There are five or six excellent scholars in London, who have not their equal in Italy. London, from the Bishop's house.]
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
229. f. 19. R.O.
The answer of Petur Knotforde, John B. ..., ... Lightfote, John Elys, Thomas Gilbert, Thomas ... to the bill of complaint of Thos. Lucy, Esq.
Deny any riot, forcible entry or other misdemeanour. Word was brought to Stratforde that Edw. Grevile and divers of his servants were lying in the pasture sore hurt by Lucy and his servants. Went thither and found them unhurt, and Humfrey Lucy and his servants departed. Grevile desired them to depart, saying that their coming might be construed so as to put him to further business.
Paper roll. 2 sheets. Mutilated.
Ib., f. 66. 2. Names of 62 persons "that made the riot." Large paper, pp. 2.
Ib., f. 68. 3. Answers to eleven interrogatories touching the riot. Fragment. Large paper, formerly a roll, pp. 2.
13 B. II., 58b. (No. 156.) B.M.
654. [2040.] JAMES IV to JULIUS II.
Begs the Pope will reserve to John Dinguel, clerk, of Murray, the King's assiduous attendant, the benefices in Scotland falling void singly in any one month (beneficia singula singulariter, etiam reservata specialiter seu affecta, extra tamen Romanam Curiam, quovis mense primo vacalura, sub Irrilanti decreto et antelationis prærogativa, etc., viz. legal verbiage to forbid power of recal by the Roman Chancery) in the gift of archbishops, bishops or other patrons, even of the Cistercian Order.
Lat., p. 1.
R. MS. 13 B. II., 53b. (No. 138.) B.M. 655. [1410.] JAMES IV. to CARD. [OF St. MARK].
Requests him to procure a dispensation for Robert Bertoun and Elizabeth Craufurde, who have contracted matrimony, notwithstanding that Gilbert Edmonstoun, former husband of the said Elizabeth, stood godfather to Bertoun's children by his former wife Elizabeth Jamesoun, and that the same Elizabeth wife of Bertoun stood godmother to the children of Gilbert and his wife Elizabeth. Edinburgh.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 292. 656. [JAMES IV. to PUTEOLANUS.]
Is to learn from the Card. of St. Mark whether the Cistercian abbey of Glenlus, dioc. Galloway, has been resigned in his favour, which Robert the present abbot, notwithstanding the King's letters, is seeking to obtain in commendam along with Melrose; "sed dimittere eandem reverendissimo domino de mandato nostro nobis addixit." Wonders the Card. has not mentioned it in his letters. Thinks the abbot would not have disobeyed. Does not offer so poor a gift to the Protector as a reward, but as a souvenir. Is to commend to the Cardinal's attention the jurisdiction of St. Andrew's and the rights of the Chapel Royal.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
R. MS.
13 B. II., 52. (No. 134.) B.M. Ep. Reg. Scot., I. 115.
657. [1407.] JAMES IV. to LOUIS XII.
Of the two ambassadors sent by France, the one, related to James by blood, is dead (fn. 6), the other was so overcome with grief that there were fears for his life; this has prevented him from returning till now. He is not yet quite restored. The ambassador, on his first coming, delivered Louis' letters, and urged the ancient league between France and Scotland. The archdeacon of St. Andrew's, on his return from France, and John Sellat, "quem diximus legatum et consiliarium vestrum," confirmed Louis' good will, which James reciprocates. Desires credence for the ambassador.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 282. 2. Another copy.
P. 1.
R. MS.
13 B. II., 53. (No. 136.) B.M.
658. [1409.] THE SAME to THE SAME.
Learns from George lord Seytoun that the King remitted the penalty of 1,200 livres imposed upon him by the Parliament of Paris at the time when the archdeacon of St. Andrews was ambassador there; nevertheless he is prevented from suing his cause there by the Chancellor, who detains the pardon.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 290. 2. Another copy.
P. 1.
R. MS.
13 B. II., 54. (No. 142.) B.M.
659. [1413.] THE SAME to THE SAME.
Urges him to write to the Pope, as the writer has done, in behalf of Jerome Friscobaldi, a Florentine merchant, in favour with princes for his probity, now residing at Bruges, in your earldom of Flanders. Friscobaldi has fallen under the Pope's displeasure from some calumny.
Lat., copy. p. 1.
R. MS.
13 B. II., 54. (No. 140.) B.M. Ep. Reg. Scot., I. 118.
In behalf of John Francis, of his household, whom he has appointed consul for Scotch merchants in Burgundy.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Has heard their letters to the bp. of Caithness relative to the establishment of a station for the Scotch merchants. Has caused William Quhit to confer with the chief towns of the kingdom upon the matter, that a treaty may be drawn up. Sends at the same time ambassadors to settle the matter, as Quhit will inform them.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
R. MS.
13 B.II.,54. (No. 141.) B.M.
Has reported to the King the matters of which they and Augustine had apprised him by their letters. The adverse party is urgent, and hopes to gain his end by favour of the multitude, "et antiqua necessitudine sperans; quinetiam transmissis articulis abunde concedens promissis certat amplissimis." The Senate must fall to acts, not words, and proceed in a way which shall be honorable to both. James Mercheinstoun will explain, who supports their cause to the best of his power. Paniter is as zealous as though he were their townsman.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
R. MS.
13 B. II., 54b. (No. 143.) B.M.
Augustine laments his ill fortune, and hates his native Scotland. His enemy boasts that, as soon as he made his appearance, Augustine was driven from Court, "ac triennium supra vota impensum"; the rest of that sort have grown so shameless as to be unworthy of answer. "Orationem ipse dijudica, qui et propius astiteras et quanti fecerim exultans audieras." Augustine must not be impatient at having returned a second time to no purpose; his aims are lofty. The matter remains as before; it will probably be decided in favor of their friend the merchant (in eam partem futura ubi noster steterit mercator). The city will do wrong if it throws the blame on Augustine, and prove very ungrateful. (fn. 7)
Lat., p. 1.
R. MS.
13 B. II., 54b. (No. 144.) B.M. Ep. Reg. Scot., I 118.
664. [1415.] JAMES IV. to JAMES INGLIS.
Is gratified by his letters stating that he keeps his rare books of alchemy, "sanioris philosophiæ," for the King's use, though he has been much asked for them, as he knows that the King is much given to the study of that art. Sends James Merchenistoun to receive the books. Edinburgh.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Received his letters on the 5th February by the herald, Thos. Lummisden. Rejoices at his success and the good health of the King and Queen. His own Queen is well and happy (prospere quidem ac lete agit). Sends Lyon King of Arms. Praises his clemency towards the rebellious Swedes whom he has restored to their allegiance.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 311. 2. Another copy.
P. 1.
13 B. II., 52b. (No. 135.) B.M. Ep. Reg. Scot., I. 116.
Is glad to hear of his health from the King his father. Supposes the Prince was too much engaged to write. Lion King of Arms will explain what is doing in Scotland. Hopes he will maintain the glory of his ancestors. Edinburgh.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 82. 2. Another copy.
P. 1.
Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., I., 420. 667. MARGARET OF SAVOY to MAXIMILIAN.
A messenger (fn. 8) of the Cardinals of St. Croix, Narbonne, Bayonne (sic) and St. Severin has come to obtain letters from her in accordance with the minute herewith (in Castilian) and has hastened into England for the same cause. Desires instructions how to answer him at his return.


  • 1. The names of the cardinals show that this intimation must have been made in the year 1479.
  • 2. See under 2 June. 1511.
  • 3. Of Murray.
  • 4. Meaning Richard De la Pole.
  • 5. This letter seems to have been written about the end of 1505.
  • 6. Bernard Stewart, sieur d'Aubigny, died about 15 June, 1508. His servants, accompanied by the Archdeacon of St. Andrews, went home to France about the end of the same month—(Accts. of Lord High Treasurer of Scotland, IV., 125). The Archdeacon returned to Scotland shortly before 31 Jan. 1508.9—(Adv. MS., Nos. 257–8). Leslie gives the date of his going to France as 27 May, and of his return to Scotland, after shipwreck (see No. 202. footnote), in November, 1508,
  • 7. The transcriber, in a note, expresses his suspicion of the accuracy of his original.
  • 8. See No. 636.