Henry VIII: November 1510

Pages 347-359

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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November 1510

3 Nov.
Add. MS. 18,826, f. 1. B.M.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe, to deliver Sir Thomas Knyvett, knight for the Body, and master of the Horse, and in his absence George Lufkyn, clerk of the Stable, halters, headstalls, &c. (specified) for 18 coursers, one "courtant," a trotting gelding, and 22 "hobyes" and ambling geldings. Richmond, 3 Nov. 2 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
5 Nov. 606. DUBLIN.
8 Nov. 607. IRELAND.
Gerald earl of Kildare, Deputy. See GRANTS IN NOVEMBER, No. 22.
8 Nov.
Ashmole MS. 1779.
608. CROSCOMBE, Somerset.
Confirmation of charters to the Guild of Corscombe. 8 Nov., 1510. Original patent. See GRANTS IN NOVEMBER, NO. 23.
10 Nov.
Add. MS. 18,826, f. 2. B.M.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver a gown cloth of tawny velvet, etc., to Henry Pole, the King's servant. Richmond, 10 Nov. 2 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
10 Nov.
Sanuto, XI., 709.
610. VENICE.
[Out of a letter from Pelegrin Venier, to the Signory, dated Palermo, 10 Nov. 1510, and received _(blank) Dec.]
* * * A report from Barcelona that the King himself will come to Naples is not credited, because the King is at Valladolid; but many say that the Bishop (fn. 1) (the King's son) will come to Naples with the Great Captain, who has given all his estate in Naples in dote with his second daughter, married to the said Bishop's son. There is a league between the Empire, the King and the Archduke for 10 years, giving the King the rule of Castile. Of the fleet (armada) of Peloxa nothing is known save that it started; and there are rumors that Captain Pedro Novaro and many ships are lost, because they have not come to Peloxa. Of 44 ships coming from Alcantara (? La Cantera) to Barcelona, one, a Biscayan bark bound for Scio with kerseys from England, has been wrecked at Formantera, off Iviça; but 4,000 of the 7,000 pieces have been recovered. Yesterday a bark from Hampton with kerseys and cloth belonging to Genoese and Ragusans, for Scio, passed here, which brought news that the Grand Master of Rhodes had captured French ships and imprisoned merchants who had fled hence to avoid arrest. Letters from Tunis report many ships taken at Monaster and Susa. The Admiral at Tripoli will make representations. Two days ago, presented to the viceroy here a letter from the Signory; it was thankfully received and will be answered shortly. A friend affirms that the Catholic King will declare against France.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 93.
14 Nov. 611. REVELS.
Wardrobe stuff for a revel at Richmond, 14 Nov. 2 Hen. VIII. See Vol. II, p. 1492.
16 Nov.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, f. 16. R.O.
612. BAKING.
Bill witnessing receipt by Robert Pykryng, "clarke off Poulis Bakehoce," from Sir Harry Wyett, 16 Nov. 2 Hen. VIII., of 2 qr. of wheat in full contentment of 48 qr. for the year ended Michaelmas last and 16 qr. towards this year following, by the hands of Chr. Boer and John Graye. Signed.
Small paper, p. 1.
16 Nov.
Ven. Transcr. 176, p. 95. R.O.
16. Nov. 1510.—Having received his letters of 3 (fn. 2) Sept., announcing the King's offer of a loan, in their urgent need, incurred by exertions in saving Italy and all Christian princes from French ambition, direct him to say that, if the King will remit 100,000 ducats to his ambassador with the Pope, they will deliver to the said ambassador, or even send to England, security in jewels, bows, or other things. Badoer must send the King's resolution with speed. Will say nothing in answer to the other proposal and request in the said letters, as Badoer knows it is not permissible. If the galleys are mentioned he may say that, if guaranteed against attacks by Spain and France, the merchants would make the voyage. The Pope's increased exasperation against France. Excommunication of the grand master of Milan. Numbers of the Papal army at Modena.
Italian. Modern transcript, pp. 2. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 88.
Sanuto, XI., 604. 2. Motion passed in the Senate, 16 Nov., for the above.
Italian. Two modern transcripts. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 87.
17 Nov.
Leonard, II., 80. Dumont, IV. i., 132.
A treaty between them made, at Blois, 17 Nov. 1510, by the bp. of Gurk and Andrew de Burgo, ambassadors of Maximilian, in presence of John Caulier, amb. of Archduke Charles, for prolongation of the Treaty of Cambray. In Maximilian's power, dated Innspruck, 16 Aug. 1510, "Bannisis" is misprinted "Ramussis."
17 Nov.
Sanuto, XI., 714.
615. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 2 Jan., 1510–11.]
From Andrea Badoer [London], 17 Nov.—Repeats the King's offer to lend up to a million ducats upon security of jewels; Badoer's wife to be sent with the galleys.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 94.
18 Nov.
Add. MS. 18,826, f. 3. B.M.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver black velvet to Edward Nevell, one of the King's spears. Richmond, 18 Nov. 2 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P 1.
19 Nov.
Sanuto, XI., 625.
617. VENICE.
[Note of letters read 25 Nov. 1510.]
From the Venetian ambassadors with the Pope, 19 Nov.—The English ambassador has told the Pope that his King will league with him and Venice against France, provided that they bring 2,000 men of arms and 10,000 foot to the enterprise; and his King will attack France, and the King of Scotland, who is a most valiant man, would be a good captain of the enterprise. The Pope answered that the expense was too great for him; and so the ambassador told our ambassadors, adding other very secret words.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 90.
Confirmed. See GRANTS IN NOVEMBER, No. 53.
* Another copy at Simancas is described in Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 53.
20 Nov.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 2, f. 15. R.O.
619. [1334.] TOWN OF ANDOVER.
Translation of an Inspeximus patent confirming the liberties of the town of Andover. Westm., 20 Nov. 2 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 5. See GRANTS IN NOVEMBER, No. 59.
22 Nov.
Le Glay, Analectes Hist. p. 182.
Henri remercie Marguerite du bon traitement qu'elle a fait à Jehan Peche, capitaine de la tour de Risbanc, près Calais, ainsi que des lettres qu'elle a écrites au bourgmestre de Nieuport pour punir un receveur du tonlieu, coupable de malversations. Richmond, 22 Nov. 1510.
22 Nov.
Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg. I., 350.
The King of England now asks him to confirm the last treaty with the late King of England, which he made as guardian of his children, for continuance of alliances made by him and his late son Dom Philip with Henry VII. Has remitted the matter to her and his Council there, and is shortly sending councillors by whom she will learn more. Enghessen, 22 Nov. 1510.
23 Nov. 622. TIN AND LEAD.
Licences to export. See GRANTS IN NOVEMBER, No. 68.
23 Nov.
Add. MS. 18,826, f. 4. B.M.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver gown cloths of tawny medley, &c., to the King's footmen, David Philip, Th. Tristram, John Williams, Pety John, Andrew de Fosse and Gilliam Gore. Richmond, 23 Nov. 2 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
24 Nov.
Ven. Transcr. 176. p. 97. R.O.
24 Nov.1510.—The league between the Pope, England and Venice, proposed by the English ambassador, would be fatal to the French. Although the Pope seemed to decline it, on the ground of expense, it must be pressed. The Signory will bear any share in the military expenses which the Pope may think fit, and the proposed Legate should be sent to England speedily.
Italian. Modern extract, pp. 2. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 89.
25 Nov.
Vitell. B. II. 9.* B.M.
On account of the perils to which they were exposed, loss of liberty, and other evils, they have taken up their abode at Pavia, from its nearness to the lands of the Church, and its fraternization with England and France. He will learn from James Montero, the bearer, what remedy they propose to adopt. Pavia, 25 Nov. 1510. Signed: B. Ep's Sabinen Carlis S. ✠, S. Ep's Prænestinus Carlis Narbonæ, F. Carlis Cusentin., R. Carlis Baiocens., F. Carlis de S'co Severino.
Lat., p. 1. Addressed.
28 Nov.
Add. MS. 18.826, f. 5. B.M.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver bonnets, &c., to John Syngleton, Ric. Symson, Ric. Dunnall and John Williams, children of the Leash. Richmond, 28 Nov. 2 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
28 Nov.
Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., I., 353.
Although he wrote that the English ambassador, who now returns thither, desired confirmation of treaties with the late King Henry and he remitted the matter to her, she is not to do anything, but tell the ambassador that she expects the coming of some of the Emperor's councillors with commission in this and other affairs; and that, to save long waiting, he may retire to his master and, at the coming of the councillors, she will either send councillors into England or send her conclusion in the matter. The King of Aragon has suddenly sent 700 men under the Duke of Terme, from Verona, to join the Pope's men against the Emperor and France, and has already made alliance with the Pope and Venetians to drive them out of Italy and make his bastard son King of Naples. Would willingly therefore sever the King of England from the King of Aragon, and, to that end, discussed the affair with the ambassador of England, whom he found intelligent. Will signify his plan by the councillors. Orders her to give the said ambassador at his departure, a remembrance from him of 50 mks. of silver. Fribourg, 28 Nov. 1510.
28 Nov.
Ib., I., 353.
Desires her to get a painter who is in the house of the Seigneur de Berghes to paint for him the genealogy of the kings of France and England which is in his said house of Berghes; and send it hither by Philip Lombart. Fribourg, 28 Nov. 1510.
29 Nov.
Add. MS. 18,826, f. 6. B.M.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver cloth and raiment to the Princess of Castile. Richmond, 29 Nov. 2 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
Ib. f. 7. 2. Like warrant for gowns. Same date.
P. 1.
30 Nov.
Ven. Transcr. 176. p. 99. R.O.
30 Nov. 1510.—Anxious to learn what the Pope's forces intend, both because victory may be followed up, and in war swiftness is supreme, and because the Signory's proceedings for the Pope's glory must be regulated thereby. Yesterday morning the friar sent by Cardinal Adrian reported what was done about the League promoted by the English ambassador, and that he had spoken with you and the said ambassador. Are more than confirmed in their opinion, and emphasize the instructions they wrote on the 24th.
Italian. Modern extract, p.½. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 91
S.P. Hen. VIII., 2, f. 20. R.O. 631. [1363.] CULVERDON and SMYTHE.
"Form of the suit and manner of action of the cause of defamation done by Will. Culverdon against Will. Smythe," Mich. term, 1510; sc. that Smythe had impeded judgment in the consistory court of the bp. of London, and elsewhere, by various pretexts; that he obtained a commission of delegacy out of the Court of Rome directed to the abbot of Stratford, whose delegate, Master Roston of St. Laurence Pountney, on the parties appearing, told the said Will. Culverdon that "he would not trouble himself with that cause"; that he has caused various delays to Dr. Harington, to whom a new commission in the said cause of delegacy was granted; that he has maliciously caused his brother Walter Smythe, to trouble Culverdon "in my lord of Canterbury's audience, to his great costs and losses."
Pp. 2. Endd.: William Culverdon.
1. William Norreis. To be, during pleasure, keeper of the park of Foly John, and have the herbage and pannage, vice his father, Sir William Norreys, deceased, who held by grant of Henry VII. Richmond, 2 Jan., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. P.S. (in English). [1293.]
2. Alice Stanhop, widow. Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of John, son and heir of Edm. Stanhope, her late husband. Westm., 4 Nov. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [1294.]
3. Alexander Alby and Lucas Ambert, merchants of Provence. Licence to ask alms for payment of their ransom, they and their company, to the number of 28, having been taken prisoners at sea by the Turks and Saracens, about two years ago, and brought to a city called Gerby, where 19 of them yet remain in captivity. The Pope has granted bulls of indulgence to all persons who shall aid them. In margin. "Per unum annum dumtaxat duraturam a quarto die Novembris anno r. R. Henrici octavi post conquestum Angliæ secundo. W. Atwater." S.B. [1295.]
4. Sir George Nevile lord Bergevenny. To be, for life constable of Dover Castle, and warden of the Cinque ports, in reversion, after Sir Edward Ponynges, comptroller of the Household, who holds for life by patent 9 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Westm., 5 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Nov. S.B. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 12. [1296.]
5. John Santforth, yeoman of the Crown. To have the fee of the Crown, being 6d. a day, surrendered by John Wattes. Windsor Castle, 25 [Oct., 2 Hen. VIII.]. Del. Westm., 5 Nov. P.S. (mutilated; in English). [1297.]
6. Mayor and City of Dublin. Grant, for 40 years, of 20l. a year out of the fee farm of 200 marks at which they hold the city, for repair of the walls and fortifications, which are in many places ruinous, in consequence of the decay of the city by pestilence, invasions of the Irish, and desertion of the inhabitants. Richmond, 28 Oct., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Nov. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15. [1298.]
7. Gerald earl of Kildare, and Elizabeth Saint Jone his wife. Grant, in tail male, of the manors and lordships of Shenyngton alias Shenyngdon, Glouc., of Dunchurche Toft alias Dunchurche and Toft, Avendorset alias Auvyndorset, Ulnale, Kingesford alias Kyngford, alias Kyngesford and Kyngton, Pakkarse alias Pakkers, Honeley alias Honyley, and Blakewell, cos. Warw. and Glouc., with free warren, &c. (forfeited by Sir Simon Mountford, of Colshell, Warw.); on surrender of patents 25 Aug., 12 Hen. VII., and 20 July, 18 Hen. VII., which were found invalid. ..., ... Oct. 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Nov. P.S. (defaced). Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17. [1299.]
8. Anne Bokynham. Annuity of 10l. out of the issues of Kent, on surrender of patent 27 March, 1 Hen. VIII., granting her the said annuity out of the 40l. payable into the Exchequer by the abbot of Bury St. Edmund's, because it is invalid, as the said 40l. was granted to Katharine, Queen Consort, and confirmed by Act of Parliament. Windsor Castle, 13 Oct., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Nov. P.S. [1300.]
9. Sir Richard Hastinges. Wardship and marriage of Henry, son and heir of Sir John Savell; with custody of his lands. Richmond, 29 Oct., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Nov. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10. [1301.]
10. John Yong, alias Somerset Herald. Protection for three years, as he is going in the suite of Sir Gilbert Talbot, Deputy of Calais. Wardelham, 17 Sept., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 Nov. P.S. French Roll, 2 Hen. VIII. m. 12. [1302.]
11. James Worseley, groom of the Wardrobe of Robes. To be, during pleasure, butler of the port of Pole, with ancient customs and prisage of wine from the first day of the reign, on surrender of patent, 13 (sic) Jan., 1 Hen. VIII. Windsor Castle, 15 July, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Nov. P.S. [1303.]
12. Elizabeth, widow of Sir Giles lord Daubeny. Wardship and marriage of Henry, son and heir of the said Lord, and custody of his lands. Greenwich, 15 June, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Nov. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10. [1304.]
13. Abbey of Fountains. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 20 Feb., 23 Hen. VII., conf.:—
Chs. (2) of Hen. II.
Ch. 18 Sept., 8 Edw. I.
Ch. 16 Oct., 20 Edw. I.
Pat. 22 July, 27 Edw. III. (p. 2, m. 18).
Pat. 9 Jan., 3 Hen. VI. (p. 2, m. 2), confirming:—
Pat. 5 March, 9 Ric. II., conf.:
Ch. 26 June, 40 Edw. III. confirming:—
Ch. 9 Nov., 10 Ric. I.
Westm., 5 Nov. [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 39, No. 6.
14. Abbey of Heyles. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 26 Oct., 24 Hen. VII., conf.:—
A. Ch. 20 Oct., 21 Edw. III., conf. (with additions):—
a. Ch. 3 May, 19 Edw. II., confirming:—
Ch. of Richard earl of Cornwall (brother of Henry III.).
Ch. 17 June, 30 Hen. III., conf. (with additions):—
Ch. of Richard earl of Cornwall (as above).
Ch. 11 Sept., 33 Hen. III.
Ch. 20 July, 37 Hen. III.
Ch. of Richard earl of Cornwall, 23 Feb., 1256.
Ch. of the same, 24 Feb., 1256.
Ch. of the same, [ ], 31 Hen. III.
Ch. of the same.
Ch. 5 June, 18 Edw. I., confirming:—
Ch. of Edmond earl of Cornwall.
Ch. of Edmond earl of Cornwall.
Ch. of the same.
Ch. of the same [ ], 8 Edw. I.
Ch. of the same, 20 June, 14 Edw. I.
Ch. of the same, 3 Feb., 23 Edw. I.
Ch. of the same.
Ch. of the same.
b. Ch. 20 June, 46 Hen. III.
c. Pat. 8 July, 11 Edw. II. (p. 1, m. 34).
d. Pat. 31 May, 16 Edw. II. (p. 2, m. 11).
e. Pat. 27 June, 17 Edw. II. (p. 2, m. 6).
B. Pat. 21 Feb., 24 Hen. VI. (p. 1, m. 15).
C. Pat. 17 Nov., 6 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 23), confirming:—
Ch. 20 June, 46 Hen. III.
Westm. 5 Nov. [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 39, No. 11.
15. John Audeley and Elizabeth his wife. Annuity of 10l. in survivorship. Hanworth, 27 Oct., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm. 6 Nov. P.S. (in English). Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [1305.]
16. William Blount lord Mountjoye. The grant noticed under 7 Nov., 1509, is enrolled in 2 Hen. VIII. (See No. 257, § 27.)
17. William Smyth, gentleman usher of the Chamber. Lease, for 20 years, from Easter, 2 Hen. VIII., of the manor or lordship of Chebesey, Staff., with appointment of steward, bailiff and other officers, and all appurtenances (except advowsons, wards, marriages, knights' fees, reliefs, woods and underwoods), at an annual rent of 20l. Richmond, 3 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 Nov. P.S. (in English). Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 11. [1308.]
18. John West, Th. Penny, John Wodward, and John Barne. Licence to alienate a messuage in Northampton, called Coyfrowe, to Agnes Derby, widow, Th. Mayne and Elizabeth his wife, and their heirs. Westm., 8 Nov. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15. [1309.]
19. Thomas Homo, clk. Presentation to the church of All Saints, Dorchester, dioc. Salisb., void by death. Windsor Castle, 16 Oct., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Nov. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 16. [1310.]
20. Thomas Haslerton, late escheator of co. York. Pardon and release. Windsor Castle, 24 Oct., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Nov. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 20. [1311.]
21. William Almayne, clk. Presentation to Wyke church, dioc. Worc. Richmond, 4 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Nov. P.S. [1312.]
22. Gerald earl of Kildare. To be Deputy of Ireland, during pleasure, with power to appoint, during his pleasure, all officers there (except the Chancellor and Chief Justice), to receive and dispose of the revenues, to pardon all offences except treason touching the King's person and false coining, and to exercise the office in same manner as Sir Edw. Poynyngs; also grant, in tail to the said Gerald and Elizabeth his wife, of all such possessions as he may recover from any rebels in Ireland. Westm., 8 Nov. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18. [1313.]
23. Guild of Croscombe. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 3 Nov., 5 Hen. VII.
Pat. 3 Dec., 12 Hen. VII.
Westm., 8 Nov. [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 36, No. 7.
24. Sir Gerald Fitzgerald, son and heir of the Earl of Kildare. Grant, during pleasure, of the manor or lordship of Ardmolghan, co. Meath, in Ireland, of the annual value of 40l. Westm., 9 Nov. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18. [1314.]
25. Sir John Fyneux, chief justice of the King's Bench. Grant of two tuns of Gascon wine yearly, from prises in London and Bristol, from 25 April, 1 Hen. VIII., as long as he occupies his office of justice. Del. Westm., 9 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [1315.]
26. Sheriff Roll.
Cumb.— (fn. 3) Sir John Penyngton, Edw. Musgrave, John Skelton, of Armathwayt.
Northumb.—Wm. Hilton, Thomas Carnaby, *Roger Fenwik.
York.—Sir John Constable, *Sir Ralph Eure, Sir Ric. Wodrof.
Notts and Derby.—Sir Edmund Busshe, Hen. Sacheverell, *Wm. Souche, sen.
Linc.—Sir Wm. Perpoynt, *Sir Th. Parre, John Haryngton.
Warw. and Leic.—Sir Maurice Berkeley, of Womondham, Edward Grevill, *Sir John Aston.
Salop.—Wm. Otteley, Th. Scryven, *John Neuport.
Staff.—Ric. Asteley, Sir John Draycote, *Th. Nevyll.
Heref.—Sir John Lyngeyn, Sir Th. Cornwaill, *Sir Ric. Delabere.
Glouc.—Chr. Throgmerton, Sir John Hungerford, *Th. Poyntz.
Oxon and Berks.—Th. Heydok, *Wm. Harecourt, Wm. Barentyn.
Northt.—Wm. Parre, Wm. Lynne, *Sir Ric. Kynghtley.
Camb. and Hunts.—Sir Giles Alyngton, *John Parys, Th. Thorisby.
Beds, and Bucks.—*John Dyve, Ralph Verney, Ric. Grenefeld.
Norf. and Suff.—Sir Th. Boleyn, Sir John Heydon, *John Hevenyngham.
Essex and Herts.—Hen. Frowyk, Edward Tyrell, *Wm. Lytton.
Kent.—*James Dygges, Sir Wm. Scott, Wm. Whetnall.
Surrey and Sussex.—John Shelley, *Edward Lewkenour, John Gaynsford, of Blokfeld.
Hants.—Wm. Paulet, *Sir Wm. Sandys, Robt. White.
Wilts.—*Sir Walter Hungerford, Chr. Wroughton, Sir John Danvers.
Somers and Dors.—John Marney, *Sir John Speke, Wm. Carraunt.
Devon.—Robt. Cary, Robt. Yoo, *Ric. Coffyn.
Cornwall.—*Roger Greynvile Sir John Arundell, of Trerise, Wm. Carnesewe.
Rutland.—John Calcote, Geo. Makworth, *Edward Sapcote.
Del Westm., 9 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. (Signed by Hen. VIII. at the beginning and end.)
27. Thornton abbey. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 8 Nov., 11 Hen. VII., conf.:—
Pat. 11 Feb., 20 Ric. II. (p. 2, m. 8), confirming:—
Ch. 3 July, 1 Ric. I.
Ch. 20 Sept., [1] Ric. I.
Ch. 24 Jan., 52 Hen. III.
Pat. 7 June, 12 Edw. I.
Ch. 24 Jan., 20 Edw. I., conf.:
Ch. of Henry de Lascy.
Ch. 12 May, 29 Edw. I.
Pat. 7 May, 4 Edw. III.
Pat. 15 Sept., 6 Edw. III.
Pat. 8 May, 15 Edw. III.
Westm., 9 Nov. [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 34, No. 7.
28. Hillary Warner, a native of Germany. Inspeximus and conf. of:—
Pat. 1 Oct., 5 Hen. VII., of denization.
Westm., 11 Nov. [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 33, No. 3.
29. Nottingham. Inspeximus. See below.
30. Henry Briges, gentleman usher of the Chamber. Custody, for 30 years, of the manor, town, and park of Ludgarsale, Wilts, as Sir John Langford, late farmer of the same, held it, subject to an annual rent of 15l. Richmond, 5 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Nov. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [1318.]
31. John Gifford. Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of Sampson, brother and heir of Hugh Erdeswyke. Windsor Castle, 10 July, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Nov. P.S. [1319.]
32. Haberdashers of London. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 6 July, 17 Hen. VII.
With additions, changing the name "merchanthaberdashers" to "haberdashers," and giving authority to the master and guardians in London and three miles round. Richmond, 30 Oct., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Nov. P.S. (much defaced). Conf. roll 42, No. 10. [1317.]
33. Wynchecombe abbey. Warrant to William abp. of Canterbury, Chancellor, to cancel certain letters patent to the abbot of Wynchecombe, dated 30 March, and an indenture, 1 April, 24 Hen. VII., concerning the manor of Sudeley, Glouc. Del Westm., 13 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. [1320.]
34. Byland abbey. Inspeximus. See below.
35. Thomas Marler. To be, during pleasure, bailiff of the hundred of Colrugge, Devonshire. Del. Westm., 14 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. (Countersigned: C. Somerset, Harry Marny, T. Englefield. Certified, as examined, by T. Englefeld and John Ernley.) [1321.]
36. Barking nunnery. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 4 Aug., 4 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 21, No. 3) confirming:—
A. Pat. 8 Nov., 4 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 22), confirming:—
a. Pat. 14 July, 7 Ric. II., exemplifying:—
Pleas of the forest, 17 Edw. II.
b. Ch. 5 July, 7 Ric. II., of.:
Chs. (8) of Stephen.
Ch. William I.
Chs. (2) of Hen. I.
Chs. (2) of Hen. II.
Ch. Hen. I.
Chs. (3) of Hen. II.
Ch. 27 May, 9 Ric. I.
Chs. (2) 6 Feb., 16 Hen. III., confirming:—
Ch. of Hen. II.
Ch. 20 Feb., 18 Edw. I.
Ch. 15 Dec., 12 Edw. III.
c. Pat. 1 May, 3 Ric. II.
d. Pat. 29 June, 16 Ric. II.
B. Pat. 20 Dec., 2 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 10).
Westm., 14 Nov. [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 33, No. 6.
37. Christopher Johnson, yeoman of the Chamber. To be, during pleasure, bailiff of the towns of Orwell and Wrastelyngworth, in the King's gift by death of his grandame. Greenwich, 22 March, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 15 Nov. P.S. (in English). [1322.]
38. Lewes priory (John Assheton, prior). Inspeximus and conf. of:—
A. Ch. of William II.
B. Ch. of Hen. II.
C. Ch. 18 May, 15 Edw. III., conf. .
Ch. of Hen. I.
Ch. 11 June, 37 Hen. III.
Ch. 10 June, 56 Hen. III.
D. Ch. of Hen. II.
Westm., 15 Nov. [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 36, No. 9.
39. William Fytton, yeoman of the Butlery. Grant, during pleasure, of all lands in the town of Mapilthorp, Linc., of the yearly value of 6l., late of Edmund Dudley, attainted. Richmond, 9 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Mortlake, 16 Nov. P.S. (in English). [1323.]
40. Marmaduke Constable, esq., and Barbara, his wife. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 7 Feb., 11 Hen. VI. conf. (to John Pouger):—
Ch. 13 Jan., 23 Hen. III. (granting to Hugh Paynell a weekly market at Westrasne).
Westm., 16 Nov. [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 35, No. 2.
41. Henry Pynago, one of the King's sewers. Annuity of 20 marks which Edward Skelton, deceased, had of the late King, out of the issues of Norfolk and Suffolk. Richmond, 12 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 Nov. P.S. (in English). [1324.]
42. William Tyler, groom of the Privy Chamber. Annuity of 20l. which Nicholas Gaynesford, deceased, had of the late King, out of the issues of Kent. Richmond, 13 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 Nov. P.S. (in English). [1325.]
43. Inhabitants of the hamlet of Saltflete Haven, in Skytbroke parish, Linc. Licence to found a guild in honor of the Virgin Mary, in the church of St. Botolph, Skitbroke. Richmond, 12 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Nov. P.S. (mutilated). Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15. [1326.]
44. Hales Oweyn abbey. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat. 28 April, 11 Ric. II. (p. 2, m. 18), confirming:—
Ch. 6 Aug., 2 Edw. III., conf.:
Ch. 28 Oct., 16 John.
Ch. 8 Aug., 17 John.
Ch. 5 April, 11 Hen. III.
Ch. 15 July, 29 Hen. III.
Ch. 1 June, 5 (sic) for 35 Hen. III.
Pat. 5 May, 29 Edw. I.
B. Ch. 23 April, 18 Edw. III.
Westm., 18 Nov. [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 34, No. 8.
45. John Brygandyne, son of Robert Brigandyne, clerk of the King's ships. Grant, for life, of three void tenements (with lands) in "great ruin and decay" in the town of Portesmouth, of the yearly value of 26s., which came to the late King's hands by attainder of Piers Martyn. Allysford, 18 Sept., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 19 Nov. P.S. (in English). Pat. 2 Hen. VIII., p. 2, m. 13. [1327.]
46. Roger Radclyf, gentleman usher of the chamber with the Queen. Grant, in fee, to him, his heirs and assigns, of the manor of Whitcoke alias Withcoke, and a piece of land called Seway alias Seuay, in Withcoke, Leic., at the annual rent of 5l. Del. Westm., 19 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. [1328.]
47. Roger Radclif, gentleman usher of the chamber with the Queen. To be, during pleasure, ranger of Lighfeld alias Rutland forest, with 2d. a day, from Mich. 1 Hen. VIII., out of the profits of the manor of Uppingham, Rutland. Del. Westm., 19 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [1329.]
48. John Mason, clk. Presentation to the parish church of St. John, Exeter dioc., void by resignation of Thomas Frethy. Richmond, 8 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 19 Nov. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 20. [1330.]
49. Mayden Bradlegh priory. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat. 14 Nov., 11 Hen. VI. (p. 1, m. 18), confirming:—
Pat. 7 Nov., 3 Hen. IV., conf.:
Ch. 20 Oct., 2 Edw. III., of..
a. Ch. 24 Aug., 13 Edw. I., confirming:—
Ch. 23 May, 16 John.
Ch. 15 May, 11 Hen. III.
Ch. 15 Nov., 13 Hen. III.
Ch. 12 Dec., 52 Hen. III.
Pat. 4 May, 19 Hen. III.
Ch. of Hen. II.
Ch. 15 May, 11 Hen. III.
b. Pat. 12 June, 18 Edw. I.
c. Pat. 24 March, 10 Edw. II.
d. Pat. 12 July, 3 Edw. II.
B. Ch. 7 April, 27 Hen. VI.
Westm., 19 Nov. [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 34, No. 5.
50. Margery Dixwell, late of Dikkelbrough, alias of Spykesworth, alias of Briston, Norf., alias of Colchester, Essex, spinster, alias wife of Henry Dyxwell. Pardon. Del. Westm., 20 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13. [1331.]
51. Robert Hodelston. To be, during pleasure, bailiff of the lordship of Westhurok, Essex. Westm., 20 Nov. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10. [1332.]
52. John Sharp. To be, for life, bailiff of the lordship of Stradbroke, and keeper of the manor and park of Wyngefeld, with herbage and pannage of the park, and 10l. a year out of the issues of the lordship from Easter last. Del. Westm., 20 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. See below, § 65. [1333.]
53. Treaty with Spain. Confirmation of the treaty of 24 May, 1510 (see No. 468), between Henry VIII., Ferdinand of Aragon, and Johanna of Castile. London, 20 Nov., 1510. Del. Westm., 20 Nov. S.B. (injured). French roll, 2 Hen. VIII. m. 9. Rymer, XIII., 291. [1335.]
54. William Cheyny. Grant, during pleasure, of two tenements in the parish of St. Michael, Queenhithe, London, lately belonging to Sir Richard Charlton, attainted, or to Humphrey Savage; on surrender of patent 22 Feb., 23 Hen. VII., granting the custody of the said tenements (as part of the possessions of Sir Humphrey Savage, attainted) to Henry Northriche of the parish aforesaid, tallowchandler, for 20 years; and also of patent 20 April, 1 Hen. VIII., granting the same custody to the said William Cheyney for 12 years. Richmond, 12 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Nov. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2; and p. 3, m. 12. [1336.]
55. William Throkmarton, LL.D. To be notary or prothonotory of Chancery, during pleasure, with 50 marks a year out of the Hanaper. Richmond, 5 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Nov. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 16 (cancelled because surrendered 16 Dec., 22 Hen. VIII). [1337.]
56. Thomas Benolt alias Windsor. To be, for life, Norroy King at Arms, with 20l. a year. Richmond, 7 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Westm., 20 Nov. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [1338.]
57. Commission of the Peace. (See Appendix.)
Suffolk.—Westm., 20 Nov. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 6d. [1339.]
Norfolk.—Del. Westm., 20 Nov. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 6d. [1340.]
58. Brommore priory. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 5 Feb., 2 Hen. IV. (p. 2, m. 34), confirming:—
Ch. 6 Feb., 6 Edw. III., conf. (with addition):—
A. Ch. of Hen. II.
B. Ch. of Hen. II.
C. Ch. 6 Jan., 31 Hen. III.
D. Pat. 28 May, 8 Edw. II., cf.:
Pat. 28 March, 29 Edw. I.
E. Pat. of Queen Eleanor, 5 May, 6 Edw. I.
Westm., 20 Nov. [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 34, No. 6.
59. Town of Andever. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 24 May, 6 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 6), confirming:
Pat. 20 Nov., 25 Hen. VI., conf.:
Ch. 6 July, 40 Hen. III.
Ch. 6 July, 40 Hen. III.
Pat. 12 Feb., 5 Hen. IV., conf.:
Pat. 2 May, 14 Ric. II., conf.:
Ch. 15 Feb., 12 Hen. III.
Ch. 4 Nov., 29 Edw. III., confirming:—
Ch. 15 Feb., 12 Hen. III.
Westm., 20 Nov. [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 35, No. 4.
60. Anthony Fysher, clk. Presentation to the church of Turryngton, Exeter dioc., void by death of Thomas Borwell. Richmond, 19 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 Nov. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII., p 1, m. 8. [1341.]
61. John Fitzjames. Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of Leonard, s. and h. of Peter Knoyle. Richmond, 20 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 Nov. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13. [1342.]
62. Burgesses of Lyme, Dors. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. [4 June, 4] (fn. 4) Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 19, No. 6), confirming:—
Pat. 20 Feb., 22 Edw. IV.
Westm., 21 Nov. [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 35, No. 6.
63. Thomas lord Howard and his heirs. Grant, in execution of certain indentures, dated 1 July, 2 Hen. VIII., and enrolled in Chancery, between the King and the said Thomas and Anne his wife, one of the daughters of King Edward IV., of the manors of Claxton and Heluhton alias Helington, Norf., forfeited by Edmund De la Pole, and the manor of Fyndon, Suss., forfeited by Edmund Dudley. Windsor Castle, _ July, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Nov. P.S. (not mentioning Heluhton). Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17. [1343.]
64. Anne wife of Thomas lord Howard, and daughter of Edw. IV. Grant in tail (in execution of certain indentures, dated 1 July, 2 Hen. VIII., between the King and the said Anne and Thomas) of the castle and manor of Wyngefeld, the manors of Syleham cum Veles and Stradbroke, Suff., of Frostenden and Crething St. Olave, Norf. (sic), of Costessey and Stokton cum soca, Norf., of Cudlynton, Lewknor, Newenham Courteney, Oxon, of Langley West Bradley, Berks, of Gresthorp, North Clyfton, and Normanton, Notts, of Blyburgh and Westwode, Linc., of Fayxflete alias Flaxflete, Yorks, and of Norton under Hampden, Somerset, with all liberties, &c., therein, as enjoyed by Elizabeth late Duchess of Suffolk; which came into the hands of King Henry VII. by attainder of Edmund De la Pole, Earl of Suffolk; also the manors of Wylmyngdon, Kent, and Evyngdon, Leic., late of Sir William Stanley, attainted. Windsor Castle, 5 July, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Nov. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17. [1344.]
65. John Sharp. To be, for life, bailiff of the lordship of Stradbroke, and keeper of the manor and park of Wyngfeld, Suff., with herbage and pannage of the park, in the King's hands by attainder of Edmund De la Pole.; from Michaelmas last, with usual wages. Greenwich, 23 June, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Nov. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5. See above, § 52. [1345.]
66. Sir Robert Southwell. To be, for life, steward of the lands in Norf. and Suff. forfeited by Edmund De la Pole and John De la Pole, Earl of Lincoln, with 22l. a year; and overseer of the same, with 4l. a year. Windsor Castle, 4 July, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Nov. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5. [1346.]
67. Cornelius Johnson. To be one of the twelve gunners in the Tower, with 6d. a day, vice Whynaunt Godfrey. Richmond, 20 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 Nov. P.S. (in English). Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13. [1347.]
68. Sir John Cutte, Councillor, Under-treasurer, and William Compton. Authority, for life, in survivorship, to grant licences for the exportation of tin and lead from the port of London. Del. Westm., 23 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. [1348.]
69. Mayor, bailiffs and burgesses of Dertmouth, alias Clifton-Dermouth-Herdenes, Devon, parcel of the duchy of Cornwall. Grant of the office of water-bailiff of the said town, subject to an annual rent of 22 marks, payable to the receiver general of the duchy of Cornwall at Lostwithiell; 10 marks of which are to be paid, during pleasure, to William Crane, gentleman of the Chapel Royal; on surrender of patent 4 June, 1 Hen. VIII., granting the office to the said William. Greenwich, 17 June, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 Nov. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 20. [1349.]
70. John Yong, Keeper of the Records in Chancery. To cancel four recognizances of 600l. each, made 12 Feb., 24 Hen. VII.; the 1st by Lord Henry Stafford of Chute, Devon, Earl of Wiltshire, Sir Robert Throgmerton of Congston, Warw., William Wadham of Caterston, Dorset, John Skewys and John Orenge of London; 2nd made by the said Lord and Robert and Sir John Peche of Lullynston, Kent John Walsh of Chesthunt, Herts, and Lucas Langland of Henley-uppon-Thamise, Oxon; 3rd, by the said Lord, John Peche, John Walshe, Lucas Langland, and William Buttry of London, mercer; 4th, by the said Lord, Sir John Huddilston of Sudeley, Glouc., Michael Denys of Cheham, Surrey, Richard Lawrence of London, merchant, and Lucas Langland. Richmond, 25 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. [1350.]
71. Peter Champaygne, esquire for the Body. Annuity of 20l. from the customs of Southampton till he be promoted to the annual fee of 50 marks for the office of squire of the Body; on surrender of patent, 16 Oct., 2 Hen. VIII., granting him an annuity of 20l. from the customs of Southampton, till the above office was vacant. Del. Westm., 25 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. [1351.]
72. Sir Thomas Parre, knight for the Body, and Matilda his wife. Grant, in survivorship, of the manor of Kymball alias Kembyll, with lands in Great Kymbell, Little Kymbell, Estmarche, Westmarche, Bysshopstone, Hertwell, Stone, Somterope and Marstone, Bucks, in the King's hands by attainder of Sir Richard Emson. Del. Westm., 25 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. [1352.]
73. Walter Devereux lord Ferrers. To be, for life, steward of the town of Tomworth, with the leadership of the King's tenants of the said town when they do him service. Richmond, 20 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 Nov. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 19. [1354.]
74. Richard Cachmayde. To be, during pleasure, a ranger in the forest of Dene, Glouc., vice John Peke, dec., appointed by Edward IV., with the usual fees out of the issues of the lordship, town and castle of St. Briavel and the said forest. Richmond, 20 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 Nov. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [1355.]
75. Master John Taillour, clk. Presentation to the church of All Hallows le More, in the city of London, void by resignation of Master John Fyneux, clk. Richmond, 23 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 Nov., P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 16. [1356.]
76. Oriel College, Oxford. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 1 July, 17 Hen. VII., conf.:—
Ch. 20 Feb., 1 Edw. III., conf.:—
Ch. 21 Jan., 19 Edw. II.
Westm., 25 Nov. [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 33, No. 4.
77. President and fellows of Queen's College, Cambridge. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 30 March, 26 Hen. VI. (p. 2, m. 39).
Pat. 5 March, 13 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 10).
Westm., 25 Nov. [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 39, No. 5.
78. Elizabeth Percy. Grant of 1½d. a day, as enjoyed by Henry Wyndesore, godson to the late King, deceased; to be received through the Master of the Rolls. Richmond, 14 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 Nov. P.S. (in English). [1357.]
79. Francis Dyes alias Blewmantell. Appointment, for life, by advice of the Council, to be Windsor Herald, with 20 marks a year, as Thomas Beaunolt alias Windsor held the same. Richmond, 24 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 Nov. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 20. [1358.]
80. Master Thomas Wulcy, clk. Presentation to the parish church of Turryngton, Exeter dioc., void by death. Richmond, 23 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 Nov. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 8. [1359.]
81. William Dingley. Grant of a pension from the monastery of St. Peter, Gloucester, which the abbot elect is bound to give to a clerk nominated by the King, until the abbot promotes him to a competent benefice. Windsor Castle, 13 July, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 Nov. P.S. (in English). [1360.]
82. Abbey of Newminster. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Chs. (3) of Hen. II.
Pat. of Hen. II.
Ch. 23 Aug., 28 Hen. III.
Ch. 3 May, 36 Hen. III., conf.:—
Chs. of Roger Bertram, Hugh de Morewic and Sybil Morewic.
Ch. 6 Dec., 39 Hen. III.
Ch. 25 April, 55 Hen. III., conf.:—
Ch. of Gilbert de Umfravill and others.
Chs. of Walter son of Gilbert de Bolum, Alma de Bolum, James de Calce and Alice his wife.
Ch. 4 June, 18 Edw. I.
Pat. 6 June, 7 Edw. II. (p. 2, m. 6).
Ch. 18 March, 35 Edw. I. conf.:—
Chs. of Roger Bertram, John de Kerstern and Margery, widow of Richard de Gosebek.
Westm., 27 Nov. [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 39, No. 4.
83. St. Peter's, Gloucester. Restitution of temporalities on election of John Newton, D.D., as abbot, vice Thomas Branche, deceased, the election having been confirmed by Silvester bp. of Worcester. Richmond, 24 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 Nov. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 16. [1361.]
(2) Certificate of confirmation, at the bp's house outside Temple Bar, of Dan John Newton, S.T.P., monk of St. Peter's, Gloucester, to be abbot. Dated 23 Nov., 1510, consecr. 11. (Filed with P.S.)
84. Thomas ap Griffith, yeoman of the Guard. To be, during pleasure, bailiff of the lordship of Nethewode, Heref., vice one Shurley, deceased, as amply as enjoyed by Shurley or by Ph. Howard. Richmond, 24 Nov., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 Nov. P.S. (in English). [1362.]
29. Town of Nottingham. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 4 June, 20 Hen. VII., confirming:—
Pat. 1 May, 2 Edw. IV. (p. 4, m. 18), confirming:—
Pat. 28 June, 27 Hen. VI., confirming (with additions):—
[Pat. 24 May, 2 Hen. V., confirming] (fn. 5) :—
Ch. 18 Nov., 1 Hen. IV., confirming (with additions):—
Pat. 8 April, 1 Ric. II, confirming:—
Ch. 1 May, 4 Edw. III., conf. (with additions):—
Ch. 16 March, 7 Edw. II., conf. (with additions):—
A. Ch. 24 Feb., 14 Hen. III., conf. (with additions):—
Ch. 19 March, 1 John.
B. Ch. 20 July, 39 Hen. III.
C. Ch. 11 Feb., 12 Edw. I.
Westm., 11 Nov. [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 36, No. 10.
34. Byland Abbey. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 4 Feb., 15 Hen. VII., confirming:—
Ch. 12 May, 19 Hen. VI., confirming (with additions):—
A. Pat. 17 Feb., 4 Hen. IV. (p. 1, m. 1), confirming:—
Ch. 7 May, 16 Ric. II., confirming (with additions):—
Pat. 1 Feb., 1 Ric. II., confirming:—
Ch. 30 May, 33 Edw. III., confirming:—
Ch. 22 March, 12 Edw. III., confirming:—
Ch. 13 Nov., 56 Hen. III., conf. (with additions):—
Ch. 20 Feb., 31 Hen. III.
B. Ch. 3 May, 17 Hen. VI.
Westm., 13 Nov. [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 34, No. 4.


  • 1. Of Saragossa.
  • 2. Sic. Qu. 9 ? In Ven. Cal. printed "23."
  • 3. The names with asterisks before them were chosen by the King.
  • 4. Date omitted.
  • 5. Omitted in the inspeximus clause.