Henry VIII: Pardon Roll, Part 4

Pages 256-273

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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Pardon Roll, Part 4

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Thomas Lovet, of Astwell, Northampton and Russhton, Ntht., esq., 4 May. Thomas Lowthe or Lowth, of Sawtre and Sawtebemis, Hunts, Gretyngham, Suff., and Cas..., Essex, esq., 5 May. John Gryce or Grysse, of Titteshall, Hunnyngham and Brokedisshe, Norf., and Northcove, Suff., gent., 4 May. Ant. Wynkfelde or Wynkfeld, of Letheryngham. Suff., and London, esq., s. and h. of John W., k., 4 May. Wm. Davy, of London, mercer, merchant or gent., 6 May. Wm. Randall, of Hampsey, Suss., husbandman or butcher, 4 May. Miles Worsley, Worsley or Worsle, of Depyngat. and Colyweston, Ntht., and Bishops Hatfield, Herts g., or esq., and Margaret his wife, late called Margaret Payton, and d. and h. of Wm. Fairfax, 6 May. Richard Druell, of Clochall, Herts, late of the Middle Temple, s. of Wm. Druell, of Clochall, gent., 7 May. Clement Cotton, of Navestok, Chelmsford, Walden and Colchester, Essex, Cambridge and Meldrede, Camb., Berkhampsted and Hatfield Regis, Herts, Bury St. Edmunds, Suff., Aston, Bucks, and London, gent., 7 May. John Lee or Leigh, of Loughburgh, Melton Mounbray, Thorpe next Melton and Burley Logge, Leic., gent. or yeoman, 7 May. Henry Wodecok or Wodecoke, of London, gent., scriptor littere curialis civitatis London', alias secundarius computator in Pulletria, London', one of the clerks of Wm. Fitzwilliam, late sheriff of London, 5 May. John Bidwell or Bidwill, of Newton St. Cyr's, Devon, and Dionysia his wife, kinswoman and next heir of John Frankecheyne, late of Clistgerard, Devon, esq., and late the wife of John Elyot, of Stoke Canon, gent., dec., 8 May. John Compton, of Bekyngton, Soms., Salisbury and London, clothier, merchant, gent., or clothman, s. and h. of John C., late of Bekyngton, clothier, 8 May. Richard or Robert (sic) Corbet, of Hopton and Moreton Corbet, Salop, k., s. and h. of Richard C., k., and kinsman and one of the heirs of Elizabeth late countess of Worcester, late the wife of Roger Corbet, formerly of Moreton Corbet, k., 9 May. Henry Ughtred, Owghtred or Oughtred, of Kexby, Kexley or Kexly, and Crokwald, Crukwald or Cukwald, Yorks., esq., s. and h. of Robert, 9 May. Wm. Charite or Cherite, late of Salisbury and Oxford, clk., vicar of St. Bartholomew in Aratro de Hida near Winchester, rector of Eston, Hants, 1 May. Alex. Mathewe, of Brundwode or Brendwode, Essex, tailor, 12 May. George Staveley, late of Bignell and Burghchester, Oxon., esq., s. and h. of Wm. S. and Alice his wife (one of the d. and h. of Thomas Frauncys, knight, and Isabella his wife), 10 May. Henry Baker, of Bowers Gifford, Eastwode, Prittellwell, Pruteswell, Rochford, Parva Stanbrige and Southchirche, Essex, esq., g. or y., farmer of the manor and honor of Raylegh, Essex, and keeper of Thundreley park, Essex, late keeper of the honor of Rayleygh and manor of Eastwoodbury, Thundreley and Levedown. parcel of that honor, one of Henry VII.'s coroners of Rochford hundred, 8 May. Henry Pudsey, of Bolton next Bowland and Barforth upon Tees, Yorks, esq., and Thomas his s. and h. apparent, 8 May. Leonard Spencer, of Norwich, Blofeld, Solhous and Northwalsham, Norf., and London, g., clerk of the peace in co. Norfolk, an attorney of the Common Bench, executor of John Jullyn, clk., 11 May. John Spencer, of Hoddonyll, Snetterfeld and Worneleighton, Warw., Althrop. Ntht., and Baseworth, Leic., esq., 8 May. Wm. Atkynson, of Wistowe, Yorks., yeoman, 8 May. John Fitzherbert, Fiherbert, or Fiherberd, of Norbury, Northbury and Styd, Derb., Upton, Leic., Hampstall Ridware, Rowley and Pencrich. Staff., and Ripon, Yorks., esq., 11 May. John Stonywell, prior of Tynmouth. "nuper prior de Studens in Oxynford in com. Oxon., alias dictus Johannes Stonywell, doctor de Cathedra in Oxon.," late sexton of St. Albans monastery and archdeacon of St. Albans, 9 May. Richard Penros, of Penros Methle. Cornw., gent. (s. and h. of John P., gent., dec.), attorney of the Common Bench, 8 May. Wm. Wymondesfold, Wymondeswold or Wymesold, of Wilford and Suthwell, Notts, and Greys Inn, Midd., gent., 10 May. John Fyneux, of Herne, Kent, k., chief justice of K.B., 10 May. Edward Craswell or Creswell, g., late yeoman of the Crown, searcher and gauger in the ports of Plymouth and Fowy, 12 May. John Werburton, of Sutton juxta Aston, Werburton, Aston juxta Budworth and Arley, Chesh., knight (s. and h. of Peter W., esq.), steward and constable of Halton, Chesh., 10 May. Nic. Alyn or Alayn, of London, Adyngton, Snodlond, Birlyng, Bobbyng, Tunstall and Estchurch in Sheppey, Kent., y., tailor or husbandman, 10 May. Robert Smyth, of Bedford, Clapham, Colmorth and Wyboldeston. Beds., y., "coser," tanner, husbandman or "corser," 10 May. Geoffrey Marchall, Marshell, Marysall or Mershall, of St. Osith's, Essex, and Hull, mariner or yeoman, 10 May. Thomas Johnson alias Kernyngton, abbot, and the convent of Newsom, Linc., 12 May. Robert Sondes, of Throwle, Kent, London, Lyngesfeld, Surr., and Alveryscheston, Suss., esq., s. and h. of Reynold, and Alice his wife, late the wife of John Leventhorp, jun., late of Sabricheworth, Herts, gent., 14 May. Wm. Wright or Wreight, of Waldnewton, Woldenewton and Aylesby, Linc., husbandman or y., 15 May. John Dykar or Dyker, of Lemyngton, Hants, and Pole, Dors., merchant, s. of Peter D., late of Pole, Dors., 18 May. Edward Donne, Dounne, Dune, Don, Dume or Done, of Horsyngton, Bucks, Westminster, London and Calais, esq., 15 May. Michael Kidwelly, of Wynshefeld, Suff., Langton alias Longblandford, Dors., Upton Moyles and Blewbery, Berks, esq., kinsman and h. of Geoffrey K., esq., and of Isabella his wife, and tenant of the lands which were of Morgan Kidwelly, k., 16 May. Edward Burgh, Burghe, Boroughe or Borogh, of Gaynesburgh, Linc., (s. and h. of Thomas Burgh, knight), and Anne his wife, d. and h. of Thomas Cobham, k., 14 May. Edmond Acton, of Frankley, Worc., gent., and Mary his wife, late wife and executrix of Wm. Littilcan, or Litilcan, knight, alias Edmond Litilcan, late of Scotis Acton, Salop, gent., and Mary his wife, late wife and executrix of Wm. Litilton or Litiltan, of Arley, Staff., knight, 16 May. Richard Limbery, Limbere or Limbury, of Devysez, Wilts, clothmaker, one of the executors of Edmond Leversege, late of Westbury under the Playne, Wilts, gent., 14 May. Giles Gryvell, Grivell or Grevell, of Wike, Worc., Lasborowe, Glouc., and London, esq., gent. or merchant, 20 May. Robert Doughtfire, of Lee and Croylond, Linc., and Staunford, Ntht., clk., 18 May. John Darby alias Paynter, abbot, and the convent of Cleeve, Soms., 20 May. Roger Newton, of Oxford, London and Bristol, goldsmith, 16 May. Thomas Hall, Halle or Hale, of Huntingdon, gent., M.D., physician, or M.A. (alias "de Aula Regia in Universitate Canterbrigiæ artium et medicine doctor," executor of Thomas Chubbis, of Cambridge, clk., dec., s. and h. of Nic. Hall, of Colby, Linc.), and Elizabeth his wife, late wife of Wm. Millery, of Huntingdon, dec., 8 May. Wm. Gryvell, Grivell or Gryvyle, of Arley and Overlemyngton, Glouc., serjeant at law, s. and h. of Richard G., dec., 20 May. Thomas Swynnarton or Swynnerton, of Swynnarton and Hilton, Staff., esq., 20 May. John Vyalle, custos of the college of vicars of Hereford cathedral, 21 May. Robert Creswell, of Bedlyngton, Nthld., g., 18 May. John Neell, Neelle, Nelle or Nele, of Tylney and Lynn, Norf., y. or g., 20 May. German Pole or de la Pole, of Redboryn, Derb., Plumpton, Yorks., and London, esq., kinsman and heir of Ralph Pole, esq., 17 May. Edward Stanley, of Horneby, Lanc., and Langley Marres, Bucks, k., knight for the Body, 16 May. John Egerton, of Wrythenhull, Stoke, Colton and Wrynhyll, Staff., esq., s. and h. of Hugh, 16 May. John Sporyer, of Charlwelton, Ntht., London and Calais, merchant of the Staple of Calais, 17 May. Robert Hardy, of Ledyngton, Rutl., Rukden, Hunts., and London, g. or y., 18 May. Thomas Folkard, of Horham, Herham, Tanyngton and Denham, Suff., husbandman or y., 12 May. Richard Graunt. of Snaterfeld. Warw., Braybroke, Ntht., Salwarp, Worc., and London, g., 8 May. Robert Lynakre, Lynacre, Lynakyr, Lynacres or Lynakur, of Brampton next Chesterfeld, Derb., gent. or esq., s. and h. of John L., 20 May. Richard Savage, of Nuthall, Notts., London, Rochester and Chester, esq., and Elizabeth his wife, late wife of John Babington, of Chilwell, Notts, knight, dec., 20 May. John Asshedon, Asshidon or Asshydon, prior of Lewes, late of Cambridge, clk. and scholar, and the convent of Lewes, 20 May. John Eglisfeld, of Sutton upon Darwent, Yorks, esq., 8 May. Thomas Newkald (sic), abbot, and the convent of Evesham. 21 May. John Steke or Steyke, of Thaxsted, Essex, g. or y., late escheator of Essex and Herts (and deputy of Edw. Belknaper, esq., master of the prerogative of Henry VII. in co. Essex), 10 May. Richard Lye, abbot, and the convent of Shrewsbury. 30 May. Wm. Fyndern or Fynderne, of Carleton, Camb., and Horkelsdy, Essex, k., 20 May. John Nacton or Natton. of Gloucester, mercer or alderman, 22 May. George Tailboys, Tailboyse or Tailbus, of Kyme and Sleldinghope, Linc., k., lord of Kyme and Rideseale (sic), earl of Angus, lord of the liberties of Ridesdale, Nthld., executor of Robert T., dec., his father, 23 May. Hugh Apholwall, Awell, Aput Halwell or Aphalwell, of Bromfild, and Wrexham in North Wales, and Truribugh, Cornw., g. or y., 20 May. Robert Newell or Neuell, of Sent Austell, Cornw., Ware, Herts, London, and Assheby de la Zouche, Ntht., y., 20 May. Thomas Poynt of London, esq., esquire for the Body of Henry VII., and Joan his wife, alias Lady Joan Ferrers, 22 May. Robert Bell, of Westbretton, Doncastre and Kirsandall, Yorks., gent., 16 May. Robert Cary or Care, of Cokyngton and Byndon, Devon, and Georgehenton, Soms., esq., 16 May. Robert alias John Mire, Mere or Myre, abbot, and the convent of Sherborn, Dors., 1 May. Elizabeth, the abbess and the convent of Barking, 10 May. Chr. Blaket, of Hempholme, Patrington and Wisted in Holderness, and Nutthyll Garth, Yorks., y., butcher or glover 6 June. John Arundell, of Lanheron and Trurwe, Cornw., and Chadiok, Dors., k., receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall, s. and h. of Thomas A., knight, and one of the kinsmen and heirs of John Dynham, of Dynham, knight, 15 May. Peter Bevyll, Bevyle or Bevill, of Gwernek, Cornw., esq., late sheriff of Cornwall, under receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall (to Arthur late Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall), late farmer of the toll of tin within the manors of Halston in Kerier, Tywarnayle and Towington, guardian of Joan Fitz, d. and h. of John F., dec., and kinswoman and h. of Roger Fitz, dec., and one of the guardians of Richard Boneythen, kinsman and h. of Richard Boneithon, dec., 18 May. Ambrose George, of London and Henyngham, Essex, y., 28 May. John Foxwyst, of Caernarvon, g. or y., clerk of the Prince's exchequer of Caernarvon, executor of Richard Sclater, clk., vicar of Caernarvon, 6 May. John Godewyn or Godwyn, abbot, and the convent of Robertsbridge, 18 June. Wm. Courteney or Courtenay, of Poderham and Yelton, Devon, and Coker, Soms., k., s. and h. of Wm. Courtnay, knight, 12 June. John Esterfeld, of Ryngmere, Suss., and Wymbeldon, Surr., labourer, 8 May. Robert Clere, of Ormesby, Norf., k. (s. and h. of Robert, esq., and Elizabeth his wife, d. and h. of Thomas Ovedale), executor of Eleanor late wife of Roger Towneshend, k., and executor of George Hopton, k., alias Rcb. Clere, administrator of the goods which were of Wm. (sic) Hopton, k., alias Rob. Clere, guardian of Arthur, s. and h. of George Hopton, k., and administrator of the goods which were of Geoffrey Lesyngham, late rector of St. Edmonds in Norwich, 10 May. Chr. Clapam or Clapham, of Carleton in Craven and Bemesley, Yorks., esq. (s. and h. and executor of Wm. C., late of Westhale, Yorks, gent., s. and h. of Thomas C., late of Bemesley, Yorks), administrator of the goods of Wm. C., late of Bemesley, Yorks, who died intestate, 5 May. John Bell, of Cambridge, "pykemonger," g. or merchant, bailiff of the King's town of Soham, Camb., 8 May. John Longuevyle, Longevyle, Longvyle or Longefyld, of Wolverton, Bucks, and Parva, Byllyng, Ntht., esq. or k., 1 May. Edmond Verdon gent., and John Hunter, tanner or weaver, of Beswyke, Yorks., 10 May. John Renhewe, Redho, Redheue or Redhew, of London, Medhurst, Suss., and Berkyng, Essex, gent., and Anne, his wife, 13 May. Thomas Glover, of Benden, Kent, clothmaker or y., 13 May. Hugh and Lionel Coo, of Sahamtony and Woderysyng, Norf., gentlemen, and Richard Dunham, of Watton, Norf., y., 1 May. Robert Southwell, Sowthwell, Sothwell, or Suthwell, knight (s. and h. of Richard S., esq.), late great butler of England, sheriff of Norf. and Suff., feodary of the honors of Gloucester and Clare, in cos. Hunts, Camb., Essex, Herts, Norf. and Suff., steward of the lands in Norf. and Suff. forfeited by Edmund de la Poole and his mother, the late duchess of Suffolk, steward of Wm. viscount Beaumont's lands in Norf. and Suff., knight for the Body, of London, Hakyney or Hakeney, Midd., Wode Bysyng, Norf., Kelveden and Esterford, Essex, 8 May. Henry Chauncy, of London, Estwyke and Sabrichewortys, Herts, and Norwich, gent., administrator of the goods late of Edmond George, late of Norwich, notary public, 12 May. John Gyse, Guyse or Gyys, of Eimore. Glouc., esq., s. and h. of John G., knight, 13 May. Gilbert Eccleston or Egilston, of London, goldsmith or merchant, executor of Lady Joan Hastyngys, late wife and executrix of Richard Pygott. king's sergeant at law, and of Richard Hastyngys, knight, formerly lord of Wellys and Wylloughby, 14 May. Thomas Mountegu or Mountagu, of Hemyngton, Clopton and Hangynghoughton, Ntht., and London, g., executor "Edwardi nuper comitum (sic) Wiltes," 4 May. Henry Vavasour, Vavisor, Vavasorn or Vavasor, of Hesilwode in Tadcaster parish, Wodhall and Estbourn, Yorks., esq., s. of Henry Vavasour, knight, 8 May. Arthur Pilkyngton or Pilkynton, of Saureby. Helflabourgh, Fixby in Eland parish, Huddresfeld, Almondbury and Wakefeld, Yorks., esq., s. and h. of Robert, 10 May. Chr. Ayscoght. Askew or Asskew, of Asseby next Brigesley, Linc., and London, esq., 10 May, Richard Bolles, Boles, Boules or Boylles, of Hegh, Haugh, Hagh, and Gosberton, Linc., g. or esq., 10 May. Robert Lee, Le or Ley, of Bury St. Edmunds, and London, esq., and Anne his wife, 15 May. Peronallus Williamson, of Dunkeswyke, Yorks, and Berwick upon Twede, y. or weaver, or labouzer, s. of Richard, 18 May. John Roger or Rogers, of Bryerston, Bryanston, Sutton Walron, and Sturmyster Marschall, Dors., Wanstrow, Soms., and London, esq., s. and h. of Henry R., knight, 13 May. Thomas Parker, Parkour or Parkor, of York, draper or y., 8 May. Richard Mersden alias Hobson, prior of St. Olwald's of Nostoll, Yorks, 8 May. Francis Yonge or Yong, of Kaynton and Henshawe, Salop, esq., s. and h. of Wm. Y., knight, 20 May. Wm. Marke, of Leskerd Burgh, Cornw., and London, merchant, mayor or g., s. and h. of John, 20 June. Wm. Worsley, of Leigh, Lanc., Chester, Glenford, Suff., and London, y., alias late of Calais, gent., 14 June. John Mulsho, Mulsoo or Mulsole, of Thynden, Ntht., esq., 14 June. Walter Lysle, Lyle, Lysley, Lile or Lyell, of Leicester, g. or y., 26 June. Robert Slie, Sly or Slye, of Ledyngton, Luthyngton and Lydyngton, Rutl., baker or yeoman, 26 June. John Darsett or Darlett, of Elesham, Worc., Banbury and Thorlebury, Oxon., Brayles, Warw., and Hayles, Glouc., y., vintner, draper, tailor or innholder, 26 June. Richard Beauforest, abbot, and the convent of Dorchester, Oxon., 20 June. Edmond Cokayn alias Cokker, of Asshbourne, Derb., and Henyngham, Essex, gent., 18 June. Wm. Toweker, Towker or Touker, of Wyke within Milbourne Port parish, Soms., yeoman or husbandman, farmer, of Kyngesbury Regis, Soms., 26 June. Wm. Courtenay, esq. (s. and h. of Wm. C., knight) and Margaret his wife, late wife of Wm. Seyntmary, k., 26 June. John Ketelby, Ketesby or Ketelsby, of Martley, and Coderuge, Worc., and London, esq., 12 July. Agnes Molyneux. alias Moleyns, of Cranebourne, Dors., widow of Hugh M., of Cranebourne, gent., one of the auditors of the Duchy of Cornwall and receiver of Cranbourne and Dichampton, Thomas Molyneux alias Moleyns, of Cranbourne, gent., s. and h. of the said Hugh, and Henry Molyneux alias Molyyns, of Cranbourne, gent., executors of the said Hugh, 1 July. Wm. Swepston or Swepston, prior, and the convent of Ulvescroft, Leic., 3 July. Walter Whytyng, Whyttyng or Whetyng, late of Ascote under Wechewod, Oxon., and Westminster, labourer, husbandman or y., 3 July. Wm. Estoft, Estofte or Estuft, of Bratelsby and Gaynesburgh, Linc., Estoft and Brystewyke, Yorks., g., s. and h. of John E., 1 July. John Taverner, of Northelmam, Norf., husbandman or yeoman, 26 June. Richard Bukkeland, Buklond, Buclond or Bukland of Rosse or Rose, Heref., innholder or butcher, 2 July. Wm. Gryce, of Brokdyssh or Brodysch and Tyesale, Norf., London, Ippworth, Linc., Northcome, Suff., esq. or gent., 28 June. John Skewys, of Skewys, Cornw., and London, g. (one of the executors of Wm. Sayntmaure, k., dec., and of Lady Elizabeth Byconyll, widow and executrix of John Byconyll, k., and one of the guardians of John, s. and h. of John Mohun, esq.), and Katharine his wife, late wife of John Reskymer, esq., dec., 12 May. Richard Gylys or Gyllys, of Lyddington or Lydyngton, Rutl., y. or shoemaker, 7 July. Wm. Codneham or Codnam, alias Buntyng, abbot of Bury St. Edmunds, executor of John Chyttok, late draper of London or gent., 6 July. Thomas Aylmer or Aylemor, of Boughton, Northampton and Norton, Ntht., and Asshby de la Zouche, Leic., husbandman, vintner, innholder or yeoman, 20 June. Edmond Wylford, Wyllyford, Willeford, or Wilford, clk., provost of Oriell College, Oxford, rector of Byfeld, Ntht., and of Dartington, Oxon. (sic), vicar of Berypomere, Oxon. (sic), prb. of Erlington and Wode Horne in Chichester cathedral and Wolbey or Wolway in Lichfield cathedral, late vicar of Dampton (sic), Oxon., executor of John Pope, clk., one of the vicars of the parish church of Bampton [Oxon.], 28 May. Thomas Englysshe, of London and the Household, gent., late collector of rents of Henry VII. in Calais and its marches, sergeant of the Poultry, keeper of the gaol of St. Albans and porter of the monastery there, one of the executors of Wm. Artclyff, esq., of Henry VII.'s household and of Giles Daubeney, knight, chamberlain of Henry VII., 2 July. Ralph Tredenok, Tredeneke, Tredynex, Trethyneke or Tretheneke, of Bodmin, gent., 10 June. Richard Lawrence, Laurence or Larrance, alias Richard filz Laurencii ap Howelles, alias Richard Howellys, alias Richard ap Laurence ap Howellys ap Griffyth ap David, of Shrewsbury, gent., 24 May. Constantine Mowde, Mouhaunt or Mowhaunt, late of Redilsden, Rodelsden, Wodhowse, Mowde, and Byngley, Yorks., London, gent., 6 June. James Metcalfe, Metchalfe, Metcalffe or Metcalf, of Nappa and Hertlyngton, Yorks, Maydwell, Ntht., London, and St. Andrew's. Holbourne, esq., 8 June. John Drewe or Trewe, of Southbrome juxta le beuysez (sic i.e. Devizes) in the parish of Camyngys Episcopi, Wilts, gent., clothmaker or merchant, 20 June. John Emson, of Doncaster and Beverley, Yorks., carpenter, wright or yeoman. 10 June. John Chechester, of Yolston in Shirwill parish and Ralegh in Pylton parish, Devon, esq., 21 June. John Ford or Forde, of Ayssheberton. Ayssheperton, Chaggeford, Highhehaunton Pounchardon and Grilston in the parish of Nymet Episcopi, Devon, and Strand Inn without Temple Bar, Midd., gent., 21 June. Wm. Carent or Carant, sen., of Tomer within Henxstrigge parish, Mersshe juxta Yevell and Milbone Port, Soms., and Thorneton in Menell parish, Dors., esq., 3 July. John Broun, Bron, Brone or Browne, of Bishop's Lynn, Norf., Kyrkeby in Kendale, Yorks. (sic), and Westminster, merchant, y. or g., 2 July. Robert Warde, "pricie" or prior, and the convent of Wirksop, Notts, 21 June. John Hosyer, mercer of London, merchant of the Staple of Calais, 24 April (in margin "exa").S Roger Hunt, of Estnyng, Suff., Maksefeld. Chesh., and Hynton, Camb., y., late servant of Robert Parys, of Hynton, and servant and one of the executors of Robert Cottern, of Landewade, Camb., k., 30 June. John Burwode, Burwod or Barwod, of Chettisham in Ely parish and Bottesham, Camb., "h." or yeoman, 3 July. Ambrose Crakengthorp, Crakenthorp or Crakynthorp, of Holgill, Westmld., esq., administrator of the goods of Edward Crakenthorp, clk., late rector of Musgrave, Westmld., (and of Ashby, Milbourn and Holgill, Westm., and Carlisle, clk.) 4 June. John Marler, prior of the hospital of St. John Baptist in Wells, rector of Barkewell, Soms., and the convent of St. John's, 3 July. John Portesham, abbot of Abbottesbury, Dors., 26 June. Robert Ridon or Rydon, of London, and Wulwych, Kent, gent., clerk of the Council of Henry VII., lieutenant commissary or deputy of John earl of Oxford, Lord Admiral, etc., 23 June. Master Thomas Magum (sic), late of Cawode, Yorks, clk., archd. of Estrydyng, rector of Bedale, 12 June. Robert Egmanton, Egmangton or Emangton, of Folkerby, Yorks., and Alkeowe and Alkebargh, Linc., esq., s. and h. of John E. 5 June. James Copledyke or Copildike, of Wyfflingham, Linc., Meldreth, Norf. (sic) and Meldreth, Camb., and Beatrice his wife, d. and h. of Henry Moigne (kinsman and h. of Thomas Moigne) and Margaret Chalers, and one of the heirs of John Chalers (of Whaddon, Camb.), k., 4 July. Robert Nevill or Nevile of Faldingworth. Linc., g., s. and h. of John, 6 July. Roger Leukemore or Lewekemore, of Traton, Suss., k., 1 June. Laurence Aylmer or Ailmer, k., alderman and draper of London, executor of Thomas Pynde and of Wm. Whyt, draper (formerly mayor of London), 15 May. John Hosier, Hosyer, Hosyar or Hosiar, mercer of London, and merchant of the Staple of Calais, 10 July. Henry Beaumount, of Combe in Eydesham (sic) parish, Devon, Bradon, Soms., and London, esquire for the Body, 1 July. John Toker or Tooker alias Webe or Webbe, of Chydeley, Chydlegh, Chudlegh or Chudley, Devon, husbandman, fuller or y., 14 July. Wm. Holt or Holte, alias Essex alias Mathewe, of Northchyrche, Northchurche, Northbarkhamsted, and Westbarkhamsted, Herts, Hadlowe, Essex, and Tunbregge, Kent, husbandman, labourer or y., 26 June. John Boyes, Boys or Boyzes, of Andover, Hants, and Amysbery, Wilts, y. or labourer, 14 July. Nic. Walys, Walysch or Nic. Lytell Frye, of Wyke St. Mary, Cornw., husbandman, labourer or yeoman, 18 July. Gilbert Talbot, of Grafton, Worc., Blakmere, Salop, Horshed and Balsham, Camb., and London, k., deputy of Calais, Henry VII.'s steward of Tutbury and of Feckenham and chamberlain of North Wales, executor of Richard late lord Beauchamp, 20 June. Thomas Cremor, Cremoure, Cremer or Cremar, of London, draper or merchant, executor of John Fynkell, k., late alderman of London; also Katharine Fynkell, widow of the said John, 20 May. Stephen Hatfeld, Hatefeld, Hatfild, Hattefeld, Hadefeld or Hadfeld, of Willoughby in Norwell parish, Notts, gent., merchant of the Staple of Calais, executor of John Hatfeld, late merchant of the Staple, 20 June. Thomas Machell or Machello, clk., vicar of Turpenho, Cumb., one of the executors of John Mauchell, of Trakenthorp (sic), Westmld., esq., 12 July. John Wythepoll or Wythypoll, of Malmesbury, Wilts, and Bristol, y., g. or merchant, bailiff of Malmesbury hundred, 23 July. John Irlond, of Hutte, Lathoum, Knowesley, and Wegan, Lanc., Hawardyn, Chesh., and London, k., 2 July. Thomas Layburn, Laybourn or Layborn, of Conneswyke, Skelmeser and Kendall, Westmld., Lakwyke, Lanc., Westminster, Holbourn, Midd., and London, esq., 27 May. Roger Walwyn, of Synton and St. John's parish in Bedwardyn, Worc., Marhyll, Aylton and Kyngys Pewen, Herts (sic), and London, late bailiff of Mawreden, Herts. (sic), g., s. and h. of Richard W., late of Myrhill, Herts (sic), g., 28 June. Thomas Stikney alias Scotte, abbot, and the convent of Revesby, Linc., 10 July. Wm. Bruyn, Broyn or Brewyn, of Roughmore, Perley, and Fordyngbrigg, Hants and London, esq., gentleman usher, 20 June. John Kyrrys, of Kyrrys Vere in St. Paul's parish and Saint Boryan, Cornw., labourer or tinner, son of Wm., 12 July. John Tregasowe, of Leskerd Burgh, Cornw., esq., s. and h. of Stephen T., late of Truru, 2 July. Wm. Forest, abbot, and the convent of St. Benet's of Hulme, Norf., 5 July. John Toton. abbot, and the convent of Combe, Warw., 2 June. John Barbour alias Weysbery, or Weyesbury, of Stratford upon Avon and New Stradford, Warw., barber, 4 June. Friar John Brockeden, Brokden or Brockden, minister (professed in the house of St. Robert beside Knaresborough), and the convent of Thellysford, Warw., 10 June. John Trelawny, of Menhynet and Duloe, Cornw., and Penbroke in the marches of Wales, esq., executor of Blanche Trelawny, lato the wife of John Trelawny, esq., dec., 11 July. Robert Johns, of Kardyff and Gower in South Wales, and London, esq., esquire for the Body, and Elizabeth his wife, late the wife and executrix of Robert Johnson, alderman and goldsmith of London (who was administrator of the goods which were of Richard Walker, grocer of London, and executor of Roger Fytz, g., executor of John Fytz), 5 July. John Nele or Neyle, of Milbourne. Derb., Staunton and Castilldonengton, Leic., and Heuse, Staff., y., 11 July. Wm. Rouse, Rous, or Roose, of Wurkysworth or Wurworth, Derb., "myner," "mynter" or husbandman, 11 July. Edmond Aylmer, of London, g., late customer of Ipswich, 15 June. Henry Palmer, of Portsmouth, London and Bramley, Surr., merchant or mercer, clerk of the works of Henry VII. at Portsmouth "tam de le Tower Blokhows Smythys Forgers Workhowsez pour lez Masonys et le Berehows," bailiff of Portsmouth town, clerk of Thomas Rogers (clerk of Henry VII.'s ships), husbandman or y., 12 July. Ralph Bekwith or Bekwythe, minister or prior, and the convent of Hounslowe, Midd., 12 July. John Wymbersley, Womersley or Wymbersla, prior of Hauctenprice or Hawdenprice, in Hull, late vicar of Elley or Euella, and the convent of Hawcemprice, 14 July. Thomas Graunger, of London, fishmonger, skinner or alderman, 12 July. Wm. Marke, of Leskerd Burgh, Cornw. (cancelled quia aliter). Mayor, etc., of Bedford, 16 Oct. Nic. Lovet or Lovett, of Wapenham, Whappenham Egecote and Astwell, Ntht., and London, g. 23 Oct. John Hopton, of Hopton or Hapton, Salop, and London, g. or woolman, 5 Nov. Robert Asshbroke, Assbrok or Astbroke, of Chepyng Wycombe and Estwycombe, Bucks, gent. or grazier, and Joan Buknele or Buknell of Cleware, Berks (widow and executrix of Thomas Buknell), and John Byllyngton, of Leyghton, Beds., g., 5 Sept. Chr. Wentworth, of Northelmesall, Wentbrigge, and Ryppon, Yorks., gent., 11 Sept. John Cokkis or Cokkes, clk., parson of St. Girens, or St. Gyryns. Cornw., 4 Oct. John Fakenham, prior, and the convent of the Carmelite Friars of Burnham, Norf., 4 Oct. Thomas Kynneston, Kynnerston, Kenneston, Keneston or Kynnaston, of Ley, Leey, and Schursbury, Salop, esq., 8 Nov. Thomas Elwyn, of Congham St. Andrews, Wygnale, Wygnale Brygge and Southlynne. Norf., g. or y., 8 Nov. Thomas Holland, Hoyland or Holond, of Swynneshed, Aslakky, Bykker and Wylloughby next Sleford, Linc., g. or esq., s. and h. of Thomas. 8 Nov. Thomas Babthorp, clk., provost of Henyngburgh, Yorks., rector of Bowmer, Yorks., late of Cambridge, 5 Nov. Simon Rice or Rise, mercer or merchant of London, late of Kedermynster, Worc., s. and h. of Thomas Ryse, 5 Nov. Elizabeth Hampden, of Wodestoke, Oxon., widow of Edmond H., k., alias Elizabeth Brome, of Halton and Sherfeld, Oxon, late the wife of Robert Brome, esq., 7 Nov. John Burwell or Burghwell, King's plumber, serjeant of the Plumbary, late of London, plumber, 5 Oct. Chr. Amys, Amyse, Amysse or Ammys, of Barton next Smalburgh or Barton Turffe, Norf., y. or husbandman, 8 Nov. Roland Wylson or Wilson, of Berton, Westmld., and Rippon, Yorks, y. or labourer, 12 Nov. Thomas Dawkyn, Dawkene, Daweken or Dawyken, of Chelmerdon, Chelmerton, Moneasshe and Monasse, Derb., y., 10 Nov. Richard Borlase, Burlaas, Burlas or Burlase, of Restourek, Seynt Colombe le Over, Borlase, Restaurak and Burlaas, Cornw., franklin, tinner, g. or husbandman, 12 Nov. John Froste, Frost or Forst, of Bristol, merchant, 5 Nov. Thomas Bullok, alias Dekylburgh, prior, and the convent of Herst in Mendham, Suff., 6 Nov. Thomas Treunwith, of Treunwith jurta Seynt Ies, Cornw., gent., deputy of John Style and Thomas Eliot, Henry VII.'s customers of the creek called Ies, s. and h. of Wm. Treunwith, 2 Oct., Wm. Bree, Abree or Bre, of Berypper, Treswethen, Treviswythen and Treveswethen, Cornw., tin merchant or y., s. and h. of John, 2 June. John, the prior, and the convent of St. Neots, Hunts, anciently called Ernulfiberia, 7 Nov. Thomas Blake, of Abbots Walden, and St. Albans, Herts, London and Westminster, g., 6 Nov. James Edwardys, Edwardis, Edwarde or Edwardes, of Litlbury, Essex. y. or g., 4 May. John Horne or Horn, of Shersden or Sheresden, Oxon., and Iver, Bucks, esq., 2 June. John Garrard, of London, grocer or merchant adventurer, executor of Thomas Garrard, late of Sydyngbornes, Kent, merchant, 29 Oct. Anne Crane, of Waldyngfeldhall, Suff., widow and executrix of Robert Crane, esq., alias Anne Arundell, late the wife of Amfridus Arundell, k., 10 Nov. Richard Sayntbarbe or Seyntbarbe, of Assyngton. Astyngton and Stewey, Soms., London, Assheby de la Zouche, Leic., Westminster and Wythebroke, Warw., g., s. and h. of John, 12 Nov. John Wattes, Wattys or Wattis, of Camelforth and Delybolle, Cornw., g., and John Butteler or Boteler, of Bodmin and Camelforth, smith, 12 Nov. John Geffrey, Geffrye or Geffry, of Chittynglegh and Burgherst in Haylysham, Suss., y., 13 Nov. John Cammyswell, bailiff, and the town of Hertford, 16 Nov. Richard Hill or Hyll, of Worsborowe, Yorks., husbandman, 10 Nov. Thomas Howard, k., earl of Surrey, John Bourchier, k., lord Barners, Thomas Fenys, k., lord Dacre, James Hobard, k., Gilbert Talbot, k., Giles Bruggis, k., Thomas Sampson, k., Richard Wentworth, esq., Thomas Grey, esq., and Henry Chauncy. g., 5 Nov. Henry Palmer, of Woodrysyng and Estderham and Moughton alias Mowton, y. or g., executor of John Cley, late of Folsham, 14 May. Robert Broun, Browene or Browne alias Sherman, of Exeter, merchant or sherman, 12 Nov. Margaret Medley, of Whitnasshe, Warw., widow and executrix of Wm. Medley or Medeley, esq., late of the Household and of Tachebroke, Warw., 14 Nov. Wm. Whityng, Whytynge or Whytyngge, of Kentisbeare and Oterey St. Mary's, Devon, husbandman, merchant or y.; 10 Nov. Richard Bexley, abbot, and the convent of Begham, Suss., 14 Nov. Richard Faukener, Faukoner, Fawekener, Fawconer, Fowekener, Foukener, Faukner or Faukenore, of Husborn Prior's and Basyngstoke, Hants, gent., s. and h. of John s. and h. of Wm., 5 Oct. Robert Myssyn, Myssen, Mysyn, Messen, Messyn or Mysson, of Beverley, Mapilton, Mykylhatfeld and Dodyngton in Holderness, Yorks., labourer or husbandman, 13 _ (blank). Wm. Bevill, s. and h. of John B., late of Marshasowe, alias Marhajowe and Trewarveneth, Cornw., g., who was one of the deputies of Thomas Eliot and John Style, Henry VII.'s, customers of Mountishay, Cornw., 2 May. Wm. Dale or Daale, prior, and the convent of St. Olave of Heryngflete, Suff., 21 May. Scolastica Esterfeld or Esterveld, of Bristol, widow, late wife and executrix of Wm. Bukkett, late of Salisbury, and of Richard Barret, late haberdasher of London, 27 Nov. Thomas Darell or Dayrell, of Lillyngston Dayrell, Bucks, Byfeld and Westthorp, Ntht., and Nethroppus in Banbery parish, Oxon., g. or esq., 4 Oct. Wm. Crowmer, Cromar, Cromer, or Kromer, clk., vicar of Preston Candever, Candeveresden or Chil., Candever, Winchester, "Soka juxta Winton." and "Dida prope Winton.", Hants, alias of Oxford, clk., 26 Nov. Giles Alyngton or Alington of Horscth, Camb., and London, esq., s. and h. of Wm., and Mary his wife, d. and h. of Richard Gardener, late alderman of London, 10 July. Thomas Boyland or Boylond, of Boylond in St. Ives parish, Cornw., labourer, 7 Nov. Robert Lynde, Lyende or Lynd, of Abbatys Thorp, Bekelbergh, Dekylbergh, Bellyngford, Bellyngforth, Parleston and Pulham, Norf., mason. tiler, brickmaker or husbandman, 12 Nov. John Richard, or Richardis of Cambridge and Histon, Camb., husbandman, carter or labourer, and Thomasina his wife, 24 Nov. Wm. Taillour, Taillier Tailar, or Tailler of Crakemersshe, and Bagottes, Staff., and Bagottes Bromley, Suff. (sic), y., grazier or husbandman, 26 Nov. Anne Bleneresset, prioress, and the convent of Campessey, Suff., 28 Nov. John Blount or Blont, of Burton upon Trent, Staff., and London, g., 26 Nov. Thomas Carre, prior of Brinkborn, suffragan bp. of Durham, and the convent of Brinkborn, 29 Oct. Thomas Middelmore, Midilmore, Midelmore or Myddelmore, of Eggebaston, Stodeley, Studdeley and Studley, Warw., g., 8 May. John Rosowaren, Roswarn, Rosworn or Ryswaren, alias John Harvy or Harvye, of Rosewaren, Riswarn, Rosworn, Rysworthy, Ridwory, Reswory or Rosoworn, Cornw., y., franklin or g., 11 May. Robert Talbot or Talbotte, of Ely, Camb., and Ipswich and Halley, Suff., yeoman of the Crown, y. or innholder, 8 May. Edward Tyrell, of Beches in Rawreth, Essex, esq., tenant of the manors of Beches in Rawreth and Scottis in Caneweden and the marshes there called Kengeworth and Goore, s. and h. of John, 12 May. Richard Wasshyngton, of Hungerford and Charleton Strete, Wilts, y. or g., late yeoman of the Crown, 16 May. Thomas Hoskyns, Hoskynse or Hopkyns, of Bristol, g., late yeoman of the Crown, 18 May. Thomas White, of Pole, Dors., and London, merchant, 25 May. Jasper Filoll, of London, esq., Pole and Kyngeston Mowreward, Dors., and Camerwell, Surr., and Joan his wife, late the wife of Nic. Ruynon and of Robert Grey, 24 May. Nic. Chywon, of Chywon, Treris juxta Trefronek and Trerys in St. Aluin's parish, Cornw., y. or husbandman, alias Nic. Whyte, alias Nicholas Roland White, 2 July. Edward Ponynges, of Ostrynghanger or Westynghanger, Kent, k., knight of the Body, late constable of Dover Castle, Henry VII.'s deputy of the Cinque Ports, and lieutenant of Ireland, etc., 6 May. John Wrothe, of Envile or Enfyle, and Dourantes alias Dowrauntes, Midd., esq., 2 July. Richard Cloudesley, Clowdesley or Clowdysle alias Yin, Iyn or Eyne, of Islington, Midd., husbandman, y. or g., 1 May. Richard Trefronek or Trevronek alias Bodynyell, of Trefronek, Trevronek. and Lafeoke, Cornw., g., 23 July. Richard Fraunces or Fraunceis, of Tiknall or Tykenhall, Derb., y., esq. or g., 8 May. Roger Wentworth, of Codham in Wetheresfeld and Goffeld, Essex, k., and Anne his wife, d. and h. of Isabel, d. and h. of John Helyon, late of Belechamp Water, Essex, esq., and also one of the heirs of Thomas Rolf, late serjeant at law, 6 May. John Trevethen, Trevellyan, Trevillyan, Trevillian or Trevechen, gent., one of the six Clerks of Chancery, 12 May. Richard Norreys, of Westsheword and Yatendon, Berks, esq., one of the sons and administrators of the goods of Wm. Norreys, k., 13 May. Jasper Filoll, of London, Pole and Kyngeston Mawreward, Dors., Stepenhith, Midd., and Camerwell, Surr., esq., late Henry VII.'s receiver of the manor of Melbury, or Melbury Samford, Dors., of the inheritance of Giles Strangways, receiver of lands in Soms., etc., which were in the hands of Queen Elizabeth, the King's mother, receiver of Duchamton manor, Wilts, Cramborne manor, Dors., and St. Andrew's farm, Dors., 22 Jan. Richard Wygan, of Houndeslowe or Hownslowe, Midd., Pycknam Wade and North Pycknam, Norf., and London, y., 23 Jan. Ric. Norreys, 13 May (as on m. 11). Thomas Haymer or Hayner alias Seymer, of Salisbury, Wilts, and Henfilde, Suss., mercer, chandler or merchant, 9 Feb. Thomas Galen, Galant, Galaunt, Galond, Galaund or Galon, of Ely, and Strotham or Stretham in the I. of Ely, Camb., Braybroke and Chepyngwardon, and Wykelee, Ntht., and London, gent. or yeoman, 12 Feb. Walter Calverley, of Calverley, Yorks., esq., s. and h. of Wm. C., k., and Isabel his wife, d. and h. of John Drax, esq., and kinswoman and h. of Alex. Drax, esq., 12 Feb. Thomas Barnardiston, Barnardston, Barmston, Barnston or Barmeston, of Magna Cootys or Magna Cotes. Linc., Ketyngton and Ketton, Suff., and London, esq., 26 Oct. Joan Skypwyth, prioress, and the convent of Grenfeld, 12 Feb. John Burde or Byrde, of Helpiston, Helpeston and Collyweston. Ntht., Aldermyster, Berks, and London, g., 9 Feb. James Woode, Wode or Wood, of Berwick upon Tweed, Berewe and Neweton in le More, Nthld., y. or husbandman. 1 Dec. Thomas Williams, of Sturmyster Marchall and Lichet Moutravers, Dors., tailor, 4 Feb. Hugh Hyll, Hille or Hylle, of Buntyngesdale and Ternhill, Salop, gent., 12 Feb. Wm. Chedyll, Chedell or Chydell, prior, and the convent of St. Frideswide, Oxford, 10 Feb. John Pasford, prior, and the Friars Preachers of Sudbury, Suff., 20 Feb. Geoffrey Veyne or Veyn, of Dore or "de valia de Dore," Heref., y. or husbandman, 12 Feb. John Hygford, Huggeford or Hygeford, of Princethorp or Prince and Knoll, Warw., g., and Agnes his wife, late wife of Robert Inglyton, late of Thornton, Bucks, gent., 12 Feb. Agnes Stone alias Hause, of Wyngrave. Bucks, widow, late wife of Nic. Stone alias Hause, of Wyngrave, Bucks, husbandman, 12 Feb. John Bysshap or Beshap, of More, Salop, or Mour in Stoke Mylburn parish, or More within the lordship of the house of St. Milburia of Wenloke, y., 10 Feb. John Lye, Alye, Ly or Lee, of Potterne and Kyngeswod, Wilts, weaver, 5 Feb. Thomas Hudson or Huddesson, clk., chaplain of the fraternity of St. John Baptist and the Assumption of St. Mary of Danbury, Essex, successor of John Elwold or Sholdham, 20 Feb. Edward Croft or Crofte, of Croft, and Forde, Heref., and of Clunne and Wigmore in the marches of Wales, s. and h. of Richard C., k., 16 Feb. Henry Ardern. Arden, Arderne, Ardon or Erdon, of Legge, within Asshton parish and Kyllyngworth, Warw., Stratton within Bykeleswade parish, Beds., and London, g., groom of the Chamber, and Anne his wife, late the wife of John Enderby, esq., dec., 26 Jan. Thomas Pygott, of Cloderom, Clotherom, Clederom, Northstodley, Holey, Heley and York, Yorks., London and Westminster, esq., 3 Dec. John Arundell, of Talfern or Talvren, Cornw., esq., s. and h. of John, and one of the executors of John Trefry, k., 1 July. Thomas Tymyowe, Tomyo, Tomyowe or Thomyo, of Wells and Exeter, clk., rector of St. Columba Major and of St. Mangany, Cornw., archd. of Bath, canon residentiary of the cathedrals of Exeter and Wells, one of the executors of John Naus, clk., 29 June. Gilbert Lauson or Lawson, of le Olde More in the barony of Botell, Nthld., and Berwick, y., 20 June. Thomas Shernburn, Sharnburn, Shernbourn or Sherneburne, of Flyccham and Shernburn, Norf., Westhorndon, Essex. and Waverley, Surr., g., 20 June. John Coly, Colley, Cole, Coley or Coln, of Glaston, Rutl., and Glaston, Gloreston, Glowston or Gleyston, Leic., g., 20 June. Thomas Boleyn, Bullen or Bulleyn, of Bishops Lynn and Boston, gent., innholder or yeoman, late yeoman of the Crown of Henry VII., 20 June. Robert Abriggis, a Briggis, Brigges or a Brigges, of Carpnell or Carpmell, Lanc., and London, y., chapman or "kendalman," 6 July. Hugh Denys. esquire for the Body, gauger in Bristol, one of the ushers at the Receipt of the Exchequer, ulnager in cos. Oxon. and Berks, grocer and garbler of London, 16 March. Erkynwald Millyn, or Mellyn, clk., Austen friar, late of London, and vicar of St. Nicholas of Holcomburnell, Devon, 30 Jan. John Seymour, Semer or Seyntmaur, of Wulfall, Wilts, Elvetham, Hants, and London, k., s. and h. of John S., esq., and Margery his wife, d. of Henry Wentworth, k., dec., 22 Jan. John Kent, of Loo, Cornw., and Redyng, Berks, mercer, taverner, vintner or yeoman, 24 Jan. John Wryght, of Markyt Reson, Linc., mercer, executor of Robert Townend or Townesend alias Robert Androwe, late of Dunham, Linc., and of Alice wife of the said Robert, 24 Jan. Robert Walker, alias Graunge, of Thurmaston, Thirmaston and Leicester, Leic., husbandman, fuller or yeoman, 24 Jan. Robert Holand, of Hebbestowe, Linc., and Beverley, Yorks., weaver, 23 Jan. Richard Morall or Morell, of Kyngeston Bappyus, Berks, and Culnham, Oxon., tailor, y. or husbandman. 26 Jan. Giles Wodd, Wod or Wodde, of Walton, and Copmanthorp, co. city of York, and Gillyng, Yorks., gent., s. and h. of Walter, 26 Nov. Thomas Pygot, 3 Dec. (as on m. 12). Chr. Eltoft, Eltoftes or Eltofte, of Farnehell, Ryssheworth, Byngley, Haworth and Oxenhope, Yorks., esq., 15 Jan. Richard Methwold, Metheolde or Methewolde, of Langford, Norf., and London, g. or esq., 24 Jan. Richard Shyrlond or Sherland, of Northaunton, Crokeburnell and Seynt Jamys Stewe, Devon, groom, 6 Feb. Edmond Talbot or Talbotte, of Bacschalfe, Bagschall, Habton next Bolton in Boland, Swynden, Bakshall and Bakschawe, Yorks, and Holte, Lanc., Yorks., esq., 15 Jan. John Gerves, prior, and the convent of Ixworth, Suff., 16 Feb. Richard Carteret or Carterat of the parish of Seynton within the isle of Jornesey or Jernesey, s. of Philip C., dec., 29 Jan. John Brunstayll, Brunskalo, Burnskaill or Burneskeyle, of Burghe under Staynsmore, Yorks (sic), y., hermit, or glover, 13 Jan. Edmond Wykys, Wykes, Wikys, of Dursley, Glouc., Dodyngton and Stanley St. Leonard's, Glouc., Staunton Dryw and Chelworth, Soms., and Bristol, esq., s. and h. of John, 3 March. John Partryge, Partryg or Partryche, of Lenard Stanley or Stanley St. Leonard's, Glouc., mercer or chapman, 11 Feb. Humphrey Batell or Batall, of Bishops Hatfield, Herts, y., 8 Feb. Henry Alenby of Hole within the lordship of Castell Sourbye, Celywreye and Alenbye, Cumb., g., 8 Feb. Henry Chapelyn, prior, and the Augustinian friars of Parva Jernemouth, Suff., 10 Feb. Wm. Couper, Coupar or Coweper alias Wright, of Hasland in Chesterfeld parish, Derb., Melton Moubray and Thorparnald, Leic., and Maunsfeld in Shirwode, Notts., labourer or husbandman, 6 Jan. Roger Hungate or Hunget, of London, fishmonger, 5 Sept. Thomas Forster, prior, and the convent of Wombridge, 4 July. Thomas Laken or Lakyn, of Willey and Harley, Salop, esq., s. and h. of Richard L., k., 12 July. Thomas Bartlott or Bartlot, of London, draper or merchant, 25 June. Wm., the prior, and the convent of Merton, Surr., 12 July. Richard Hungerford, of Offecherche and Charlecote, Warw., Hampton Poyle, in co. _ (blank), and London, esq., and Joan his wife, late wife of Edmond Luci, esq., dec., 1 June. James Robinsyn or Robynson, of Overbaraforth and Raykyshows, Lanc., y., weaver or husbandman, 12 July. Henry Banyster, Banaster or Banester, of Parkhyll. Redeforthe and Lowerlammeschawe, Lanc., g., 12 July. Wm. Uvedale, of Wykam, Hants, Ludlow, Salop, and London, k, 8 June. Richard Bradford, Braddoford or Bradeford, of Dymmocke and Ludyngton in Dymmoeke parish, Glouc., husbandman or y., 12 July. Nic. Guyllym, of Mynsterworth, Estynton, Wynterburne and Duny in Mynsterworth parish, Glouc., waterman, labourer, y. or mariner, 12 July. Thomas Forde or Ford, of Hemston, Devon, g., s. and h. of Hugh and brother and h. of Laurence F., 10 July. Guy Spryngfeld or Sprengfeld. of Chelmsford, Essex, weaver or y., 12 July. John Carter, of Coscombe, Soms., clothier, s. of John and one of the executors of Wm. Champion, late of Coscombe, clothier, 13 July. Joan Coke, alias Benet alias Clerk, spinster, of Fetilworth, Suss., wife of John Clerke of Fetilworth, Suss., "fficysion," 13 July. Joan Clyfton of Overcolwyke and Hosydoke, Notts., widow, late wife of Nic. Byron, late of Overcolwyke, Notts., k., and of Gervaise Clyfton, knight, alias Joan Byron, of Cadney, Linc., widow, 10 July. John Hoton, Hutton or Huton alias John Thwayte, of Thwayte, Huttonroffe and Woderhall, Cumb., g., 10 July. James Whitstons, Whitstones, Whetston, Whetstones, Whetstons or Whestones, clk., prb. of St. Stephen's within Westminster Palace, late vicar general and chancellor of the bp. of Lincoln, dean of the New College, Leicester, president of the Council of Margaret countess of Richmond and Derby, 5 May. Brian Stapulton, of Burtonyose, Notts., Bolton and Carelton, Yorks., and London, k., 10 July. Robert Husey, of Old Lafford or Oldslefforde, Linc., esq., and Anne his wife, and Wm. Clopton, of Longmelford, Suff., esq., and Elizabeth his wife, the wives being sisters and heirs of Wm. Say, s. and h. of Thomas Say, esq., 4 July. Wm. Porter, warden, and the college of St. Mary of Winchester in Oxford, 15 May. Thomas Gerrard or Gerrad, of Bynne or Brynne, and Assheton, Lanc., Brommeley, Staff., and Hotton or Hoton, Chesh., esq., s. and h. of Peter, 8 July. Benedict Tregos, clk., and John Don or Done of Pensaunce, Cornw., merchant, executors of Robert Gold, of Pensaunce, merchant, 10 Oct. Thomas Dermer, Darmar, Derman or Durmer, of Offeley, Herts., husbandman or y., 6 Oct. Thomas Baker alias Clerke, of London and Winchester, draper, 12 Sept. Thomas Robertz or Robertis, of Willesdon, Midd., g., clerk of the peace in co. Midd., executor of Henry Frowyke, knight, 4 Sept. Wm. Carpenter or Carpentur, of Egkingdon or Ekyndon in Leyghton Busard parish, Beds., and Stammere and Weold in Harrowe parish, Midd., y., husbandman or labourer, 11 Oct. John Grover, of Kyngeston upon Thames, Surr., draper or chapman, 5 Oct. Thomas Mayhowe, Mayv, Mayve, Mayoe, Maywe, Mayhue or Mayhve of Henyngham ad Castrum, Essex, Okolt, Suff., and Norwich, yeoman, 19 Oct. Robert Amadas, of London, goldsmith, late keeper of the exchange of Henry VII., 15 Oct. Michael Bray, late of Tremer in Lanyvet parish and Lanam, Cornw., g., tin merchant or franklin, s. and h. of John, 7 Oct. Philip Munfrete, Munfret, Mounfret or Mounfrette alias Philip Peryn, clk., vicar of Sturmyster Neuton Castell, Dors., late of Glaston. chaplain. 14 Oct. John Whytyng, or Whityng, Whytingoz or Whetyng, of London, esquire for the Body, 16 Oct. Humphrey Walron, Walrond or Warlond, late of Ufculme, Columpton, Fysacker, and Exeter, Devon, esq., 9 Sept., Thomas Lange or Lang, of Axmyster, Devon, fisher, merchant or yeoman. 27 Oct. Richard More, clk., canon of Exeter and principal official or commissary general of Exeter diocese, 4 June. Richard Hale, late of Chester, Bewdeley and Canterbury, glover, 6 June. John Denner, custos of the college of vicars of the choir of Exeter cathedral, 12 June. Wm. Smyth or Smith, of Fekenham, Norf., yeoman, alias of Great Yarmouth, grocer, beerbrewer, merchant or burgess, 30 May. Thomas Aleyn or Alayn, of Penkrych, Honsaker, Aston, Newborogh under Nedewode, Pypehall and Tutbury, Clyfton Caumbell and Lychefeld, Staff., and Walton upon Trent, Derb., yeoman or husbandman, late servant of Humphrey Stanley, k., 11 June. John Waren or Warren, of Poynton cr Puynton, Chesh., Wodplompton or Plompton, Lanc., Skayton, Norf., and Rotley, Warw., k., s. and h. of Laurence W., esq., and executor of Lady Cecily Gerrarde, widow, dec., 14 June. John Arundell Treryse, of Est Ebbyngford, and Treryse, Cornw., and Lukcomme, Soms., and London, k., brother and h. of Robert, s. and h. of John Arundell Treryse, esq., dec., and kinsman and next heir of Joan Arundell Treryse, widow, d. and h. of Edward Saynt John, esq., 14 June. Agnes Whyte, of London, widow and executrix of Robert Myddylton, late tailor of London, and of Wm. Whyte, late alderman of London, 16 June. Thomas Brymstone or Brymestone, of Deysburgh, Ntht., and Snowdelond and Northflette, Kent, yeoman, 15 June. Robert Smyth alias Ploughwright, of Luton and Westonyng, Beds., maltman, y. or labourer, 16 June. Thomas Venables or Venabels, of Kynderton, Golbourne and Medywice or Medilwych, Chesh., and London, esq., executor of Ralph Ravenescreste or Ravinscrest, esq., dec., and s. and h. of Wm. Venables, esq., 19 June. Thomas Wellys alias Attewell, of Horecrosse, Whorecrosse, Yoxhall and Lychefeld, Staff., gent., one of the executors of Margaret, relict of Nicholas Langford or Longford, knight, dec., and John Wellys, late of Horecrosse, gent., another executor, and also one of the executors of John Russhe, late tailor of London, and of Nic. Mevercell, late of Bold, Staff., gent., 4 July. Thomas Rous, late of Ragley, Ragleigh, Raggeley and Coughton, Warw., and London, esq., 6 June. Thomas Taylowe or Teylowe, of Gloucester, g., clothier or alderman, 10 June. Isabel Manyngham, widow and executrix of John Manyngham, k., 27 June. Thomas Englysshe (repeated as on m. 6, except that Artclyff is written Atclyff). Richard Askwith or Askwithe, of Newestede, Beverley, Bagby, Styllyngton and Sutton, Yorks., g., bailiff of the abbot of Byland, 20 June. John Troughton or Troghton, of Melcheburne, Beds., Newcastle upon Tyne, Nthld., Mount St. John's, Rubston St. John's and Beverley, Yorks., York and London, receiver of moneys of St. John of Jerusalem in England, 20 June. Town of Plympton, Devon, 5 July. Alex. Paslew, of Redelysden or Rydelsden in Bingley parish in Craven, Yorks., esq., 30 June. John Dyngley, Dyngeley or Dygneley, of Shorwell in the I. of Wight, esq., s. and h. of Lewis D. and executor of Lady Joan Boureman, late of Broke in the I. of Wight, 9 June. Robert Doughtfyre, of Lee and Croyland, Linc., and Staunford, Ntht., clk., 8 May. Thomas Tikhill alias Pykhaner, prior of Monkbretton, 8 May. Richard Penros, of Penrosmethle, Cornw., and Strond Inn, Midd., g., an attorney of the Common Bench, 8 May. James Grysy, Gresy or Grese, late of Grysy, Cornw., Strond Inn, Midd., and London, g., sub-receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall, s. and h. of Thomas, 15 May. Thomas Vyvyan, prior, and the convent of Bodmin, 9 May. John Huntley, of Nethersloughter and La Ree in Queddisley parish, Glouc., and London, g., and Alice his wife, late wife of Thomas Everdon and one of the sisters and h. of Walter Langley, dec., 14 June. Richard Croft, of Croft, Heref., Cure, Worc., Westminster and London, k., late treasurer of the household of Henry VII., steward of the household of Prince Arthur and farmer of the manor of Wodstoke, Oxon., 20 May. Polidoreus Vergilius alias Castellensis, archd. of Wells, of Italy or of London, 10 May. John Gaudy, Gaudi, Gavedy or Gaude, of Harleston and Redenhale, Norf., and Mendham, Suff., y., husbandman, or grazier, 5 May. Marmaduke Constable, of Flamborough, Yorks., etc., esq., and Barbara his wife, one of the d. of John Soteyll, esq., 18 May. Peter Eggecomb, of Cuthell, Cornw., Stonehows, Devon, and London, k., s. and h. of Richard E., k., and keeper of Lanceston Castle, etc, 21 May. Peter Legh, Ley, Le or Lee, of Bradley and Burton Wode, Lanc., Lyme or Lyme in Hanley, Chesh., and London, k., 20 May. Hugh Aphawell or Apawell, late of Bromfyld and Wrixham in North Wales, and Turuburgh, Cornw., g. or y., 20 May. Robert Nowell, Newall or Neweall, of Sent Austell, Cornw., Ware, Herts, London, and Assheby de la Zouche, Ntht. (sic), y., 20 May. Thomas Poyntz or Poynt, of Gloucestershire, esq., and Joan his wife alias Joan lady Ferrers, 22 May. Elizabeth Grene, abbess, and the convent of Barking, 10 May. Richard Mellyngton, Millyngton, Milynton, Melynton, Mylynton, Myllington, Myllynton or Millington, late of Pype, Aston, Newebroghe, Pype Park, and Lyche, Staff., Nounwyche, Chesh., and London, y., 5 June. Wm. Dogowe or Dogoe, of Cleyff or Cleve, Kent, and Belovesa and Sent Gonans, Cornw., y. or husbandman, s. of Stephen D., of Belowsa, Cornw., husbandman, 8 May. John Colier alias Dewy, of Helston Burgh and Lanhargh, Cornw., "colier" or y., 8 May. Peter Smyth or Smythe, of Sydyngbourn, Faversham, Middelton next Sydyngbourn and the Isle of Shepey, Kent, mercer or y., 20 June. Thomas Tyler, master, and the hospital of St. Mark Evangelist called le Gauntis beside Bristol, 15 May. Peter Bevyle, guardian of Joan d. and h. of John Fitz and Richard kinsman and h. of Ric. Beneython, 15 May (cancelled quia aliter). Michael Ruthfos, Rudfos, Rutherfos or Roderfos, of Treveven, Nauskewell and Padistowe, Cornw., g., deputy of Thomas Elyot, John Style, and John Hereford, Henry VII.'s customers of Padistowe, Cornw., 27 May. John Arundell, of Lanheron and Truruwe, Cornw., and Chediok, Dors., k., receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall, s. and h. of Thomas A., k., and one of the kinsmen and heirs of John Dinham, of Dinham, k., 1 July. John Shomaker alias Harryes or Haryez, of Sudbury or Chepyng Sudbury and Dereham, Glouc., yeoman or shoemaker, 28 May. Nic. Pynchon or Pynson, late of Wrythill. Essex, St. Clement's Danes, Midd., and London, y. or butcher. 10 June. Wm. Leyland or Leylond, of Morley, Lathom and Leygh, Lane., Withgill, Yorks. and London, esq., 20 June. Edmond Forest alias Shyar, prior, and the convent of St. Mary of Lanthony next Gloucester, proprietors of the house, cell or church of St. John Baptist of Lanthony in Wales, 9 July. Richard Cave or Cafe, of Stanfford, Ntht., grazier or yeoman, executor of John Mervyn, late of Church Lawfford, Warw., of Thomas Cave, late of Stanfford, and of Thomas Merton, clk., late rector of Creke, 7 July. Richard Duke, of Exeter, and Powerhays, Devon, gent., merchant or scrivener, 3 July. Thomas Cornysshe, Tenensis episcopus, precentor of Wells Cathedral and custos of Otterey St. Mary College, Devon, 3 July. The same, as custos and canon of Ottery St. Mary, and the chapter of that place, 7 July. Thomas at Wode alias Thomas Wode. prior, and the convent of Stodeley, Warw., 20 June. Robert Sutton, abbot, and the convent of Stonley in Arden, Warw., 20 June. Ralph Colyngwode or Colingwode, S.T.D., dean, and the chapter of St. Mary's College, Warwick, 20 May. John Penton, prior, and the convent of St. Stephen of Hempton and Fakenhamdam, Norf., 8 July. Wm. Aglove, Ayloff, Ayloffe or Aylloff, of Breteyns in Hornchurch parish, Essex, and Sudbury, Suff., g., 23 June. Wm. Harecorte or Harecote, of Corunbury or Cornebury in Chorlbury parish, Oxon., and Wytham, Berks, esq., s. and co-executor of Richard Harecorte, late of Whitham, Berks, k., 6 May. Henry Wode, of Stokedon or Stoketon, Cornw., y. or husbandman, 6 July, John Prous, prior, and the convent of Taunton, 20 May. George Twynyho or Twynytho, of Kayford, Soms., Shaston, Dors., Silbington, Salop, Horton, Staff., Stawnden, Heref., Ungley, Wilts, and Bristol, esq., 1 July. John Bidlake, Bydlake or Bithelake, of Tottneys, Devon, clothier, weaver or mayor. 1 July. John Pope, of Taunton, merchant or glover, 1 July. Geoffrey Hakwill, Hakewyll, Hakevyll, Hakewell or Haukewell, of Tottneys, Devon, "pewtener," merchant or late mayor, 1 July. Robert Tonbrygge, of Lidiare Episcopi, Soms., yeoman or "holywaterclerke," 1 July. Wm. Hukmore, of Tottneys, Devon, merchant, vintner, clothier, or late mayor, 1 July. John Adams or Adam, of Taunton, merchant or "touker," 1 July. Ancreta Vynyng, of Bayford, Soms., and Myre, widow and executrix of John Vynyng or Vyvyng, of Bayford, gent., 1 July. Thomas Graynefeld, Greynfeld, Greynfild or Grenefeld, late of Bedeford, Bidford and Kilkehampton, Devon, Taunton and Monketon, Soms., and London, k., 1 July. Richard Gurnay, Gurney or Gurno, of Corymalet, Soms., and London, g., or courtholder, 1 July. John Water, prior, and the convent of Montacute, 20 May. John Dale, of Suthtudworthe and Winchester, Hants, and London, esq., 1 July. Robert Horsey or Horse, of Taunton, merchant, weaver, clothier, clothmaker or y., 1 July. Wm. Widerlade, Widislade, Wynslade, Wydeslade, or Wideslade, of Bokeland Bruer, Morchard Episcopi. Shepwasshe and Wulvysworth, Devon, and London, esq., 1 June. Thomas Whyte, abbot, and the convent of Bokelond, Devon, 1 July. Chr. Worfton or Wroughton, of Mildenhale, Medeburne, and Brodehenton, Wilts, k., 1 July. John Shawe, of Dymmoke, and of Hille and Rokke in Dymmoke parish, Glouc., and Gloucester, y. or husbandman, 12 July. Wm. Wade, Wadde or Waade, of Wyndell, Kyrby Came, Kyrkeby alias Kyrby, Wendall and Wendale, Norf., and Middelton and Knatteshale alias Knodsale alias Knatsale, Suff., g., 12 May. Wm. Knyvet, of Bokenham Castell, Norf., k., 5 May. Edmond Jenney, of Knotsale. Suff., k., s. and h. of Wm. J., k., executor of Hugh at Fenne, of Elizabeth late duchess of Norfolk, and of John Wetherby, late of Wyndam, Norf., and administrator of John Mellis, of Brounfild, Suff., 1 May. Wm. Gouch, Gouche, or Goche, of London, Brome, Norf., and Clyffordys Inn, g., 6 May. Hugh Vaghan, knight for the Body, late governor and captain of Jersey, and the castle of Gurrey alias Mountorgell there, bailiff of the liberty of St. Peter, Westminster, and late sheriff of co. Carnarvon, 6 May. Roger Porter, of Wallespole in Powesland, North Wales, and Westminster, late yeoman of the Guard, gent., s. of Hugh, 22 May. Wm. Jenney, of London, Knotesale, Suff., and Ormesby, Norf., g., s. and h. of Edmond Jenney, k., 15 July. Anthony Stylman or Stileman, of Devysez or Le Vyse, Wilts, gent., 4 May. Thomas, the abbot, and the convent of Stanley, 6 May. Richard Clerke, of Lincoln, London and Kingston upon Thames, g., executor of Richard Clerke, late of Willaton, Notts, gent., 12 May. John Steke, Steyke or Steike, of London, and Thaxstede, Essex, purser or gent., late escheator of Essex and Herts, deputy of Edw. Belknap, master in Essex of the late King's prerogative. 13 May. John Carter or Cartar, of Goscombe, Soms., clothier, dyer, or "touker," 8 June. Wm. Plompton, of Plompton, and Babthorp, Yorks., and London, esq., s. and h. of Robert P., k., 20 May. John Talgragen or Talgragan, of Talgragen, Cornw., y., franklin or g., s. and h. of John, 20 May. John Legh, Leygh, Lye, Ley or Lee, of the Isle of Wight, Flamberston, Wilts, and London, k., 11 June. John Byrchyshaw, abbot, and the convent of St. Werburga's, Chester, and John Hawton, Laweton, Launton or Lauton, clk., rector of Astbury, Chesh., 2 June. Wm. Gryffyth or Gryffith, of Penryn, and Crevoryon, co. Caernarvon, esq., s. and h. of Wm. G., knight, and Thomas Irland, rector of Llandifbenam, co. Anglesea, late of Krevoryon, chaplain, 25 May. Henry Chychelay, Chicheley, Chechelay, Chechelee, Checheley or Chylheale, of Wynpole, Wympole and Wendy, Camb., and London, esq., 4 May. John Oxonbregge, Oxonbridge, Oxenbrigge or Oxenbregge, clk., or "doctor," of Battle in Chichester dioc., vicar of Columpton in Exeter dioc., rector of Shetlyngton, Beds., commissary under the bishop in the archdeaconry of Lewes, 20 May. Robert Watson, of Little Walsyngham, and New Walsyngham, Norf., ostler or yeoman, 20 May. Thomas Yewdale, Yewdal, Hewdale, Ewdale or Yewdel, of Cottingham, Yorks., Rysbe juxta B. ., and Berwyk, milner or sawyer, 21 May. Hercules Fitzherbert, of Hardyngham and Morley. Norf., g., and Agnes his wife late wife and executrix of John Thwaytes, dec., 6 June. Meredith ap Jevan ap Robert ap Meredith, of Dolwethclan, co. Caernarvon, gent., and Gwenhouer verz Gruff ap Hol, his wife, 4 June. Richard Starton, abbot, and the convent of Hagneby, Linc., 24 May. Henry Chauncy or Chancy, of London, Estwyk and Sabricheworth, Herts, gent., administrator of the goods of Edmond George, late of Norwich, notary public, 12 May. John Walshe of Trurue and Truruburgh, Cornw., yeoman, merchant, or tin merchant, late clerk of the stannary, deputy havenator, etc., of Devon and Cornwall, 2 June. Robert, Erlington or Elrington, of London and Hakeney, Midd., g., 19 May. Joan Pendyne or Pendene, late of Cambourne, Cornw., gentlewoman, d. and h. and one of the executors of Richard P., of Beripper, g., 8 June. Thomas Dygbe or Dygbye, of Olney, Bucks, and Westminster, k., and Dorothy his wife, d. and h. of Thomas Oxynbrigge, k., 22 Oct. Richard Hawardyn alias Chalfaunt, of Chalfount St. Giles, Bucks, clk., bishop's commissary and official in the archdeaconry of Buckingham, 19 Oct. Hugh or Huchyn Dowson, Dawson or Doowson, of Barnacastell, Dham., and York, piper or stringer, 17 Oct. Geoffrey Lewys or Lewes alias Taillour or Tayllour, of Exeter, tailor, 9 Sept. Henry Bentle, Bentley, Bentlay, Bayntley, Beantley or Beyntley, of Bishop's Lynn, Norf., tiler, 22 Oct. Wm. Breton, Breteyn or Breten, of London, grocer, merchant of the Staple of Calais, one of the executors of Angelus Dun, late alderman of London and merchant of Calais, 23 Oct. Richard Hesketh, of Rufford, Lanc., London, and Grays Inn, Midd., g., 8 July. John Kyrkby or Kyrkeby, merchant tailor of London, one of the executors of Walter Stalworth, late merchant tailor, 31 Oct. Thomas Barnardyston, 26 Oct. (as on m. 12). Richard Hall, of London, tailor or merchant tailor, and Katharine his wife, formerly wife of Thomas Robbysley, late of London, surgeon, 29 Oct. Thomas Tyreil, of Esthornton, Creys and Samford Magna, Essex, Avon, Hants, and Shepreth and Milreth, Camb., k., late one of the executors of Thomas Mongomery, k., 12 Oct. Thomas Wyskard, late of Fraunsham, Norf., notary or g., 27 Oct. Peter Boyle, Byle. Boyll, or Booyll or Booell, late of Micheldever and Basingstoke, Hants, and Wortyng, clerk, late commissary general of Thomas Langton bp. of Winchester, 29 Oct. Thomas Wythe or Wyth, late of Bishops Lynn, merchant or gent. (deputy of Sir James Hobart, constable of Wisbeche castle and steward of the bp. of Ely's lands in Wysbeche and Frebrigge, hundreds), clerk of Wisbeche castle etc., s. and h. of John Wythe, late of Eye, Suff.), and Joan his wife, late wife and executrix of John Palmere, dec., late mayor of Lynn, 13 May. Wm. Byrd or Byrde, of Bradford, Wilts, and Thrukkeston, Hants, clk., 8 May. Richard Wade or Waade, of Rotherham, Yorks, y., labourer or "scolar," 5 Nov. Wm. Bryggys or Brygges, prior, and the convent of Friars Preachers of Norwich, 5 Nov. Richard Sapcote, Sapcotes or Sapcottes, of Ayleton, Hunts, and London, esq. (s. and h. of John S., knight), and Alice his wife, one of the d. of Nic. Vause, knight, 20 July. Richard Densham, Denysham or Denesham, of Quarleston, and Copham, Dors., gent., 29 Oct. Richard Decons or Decoyns, of Whitewaltham, Berks, Sulbery, Bucks, Berkyng, Essex, London and the Household, g. or esq., 3 March. Edmond Wykys, (as on m. 13, omitting Dodyngton). Robert Claveryng, of Calilee, Caluley, Yetlington or Yelington, Duddowe and Tylmouth, Nthld., esq., 25 June. Edward Ponyng, k., Wm. Hastynges, esq., John Porte, gent., Wm. Farefax, serjeant at law and Richard Daweson, clk., tenants of the manors of Severn Stok, Tunbery, Aginton, Brigge upon Wye, Worc, and Heref., moiety of the manor of Wighton, Yorks., and other lands in Westmld. and Cumb., to the yearly value of 266l. 13s. 4d., 21 June. Wm. Forman alias Rutland, of Blythe, Notts., yeoman or husbandman, 19 Feb. Lawrence Harreys or Harries late of Bulkyngton in Keivyll parish, Wilts, husbandman, 26 Feb. Charles Holcombe or Holcom, of Braynescombe, and Hole in Branescombe parish, Devon, gent., 12 Feb. John Lapfflode or Laplode, of Sydbery or Sudbury, Devon, gent., 18 April. John Hyndley or Hyndeley, of Newcastle under Lyne, Staff., mercer or yeoman, 25 April, 2 Hen. VIII. (vacat quia irrot. in anno secando). Chr. Savage, of Makesfeld, Chesh., Campden and Assheton undir Egge, Glouc., Bewedley, Worc., Nottingham and Ludlow, esq., 12 Feb. Thomas Purfote, Purfoote, Purfot, Purfotte, Pourfotte, Pourfott or Profote, of Burnham, Essex, and Cambridge, administrator of goods late of Thomas Causton, of Tyllyngham, Essex, husbandman, and executor of Henry Borde, late of Burnham, yeoman, of Wm. Pourfotte, late of London, grocer, and of John Rawlyng, late of Ultyng, Essex, yeoman, 1 March. Guild of Holy Trinity of Wisbeche, Camb., 12 March, Christopher abp. of York, primate of England, legate, bp. of Durham, etc., 7 May. John Fulford or Fulforde, clk., of Exeter and Bred ..., Devon [7 May], John Boteler or Boteller, of Cardiff, Chepstow, London and Westminster, g., executor of David Mathewe, late of Tortworth, Glouc. [7 May]. Wm. Carter or Cartar, of Dummar, Hants, husbandman, 5 May. George Bealsier, Beaulsyer, Belsier or Belser, of Gravesend, Kent, yeoman, 10 May. John Pole, of Westharptre, and Bridgewater, Frome Selwod and Midsomer Norton, Soms., and Randeleston, Dors., g., late yeoman of the Crown [10 May]. John Doget, Dogett, or Dogette, of Cheweton under Menedepe, Soms. [10 May]. Nic. Jenyn or Jenyns, of London, skinner, 7 May. Robert Folowe or Followe, of Nuttall, Notts, and Tyddeswall, Edall, Folowe and Wherton, Derb., y., 12 May. Richard Fernaly or Fernalye, of Tiddeswall, Derb., yeoman [12 May]. Roger ap Roger Vaughan, of Teleglase, in Wales and Talgarth in the marches of Wales, g. [12 May]. Henry Dacre, Dacres or Dakyn, of London, merchant tailor [12 May]. Thomas Oglonder or Oglander, of Brerdyng or Brardyng, I. of Wight, g. [12 May]. Richard Nevyll, Nevell or Nevill, of Latymer, Snape, Synelyngton and Synyngton, Yorks, k., lord of Latymer, [12 May]. Thomas William or Ap William and Jevan ap Ll'n ap Jevan ap Howell of co. (sic) Cardiff, yeomen, 15 May. Robert Spenser, of Staunford and Sondey, Linc., clk., or gentleman, prebendary of Mylton in Lincoln Cathedral, executor of Margaret Spenser, widow and executrix of Wm. Spenser, 21 May. John Kaylway, Kailwey or Kailway, of Rokebourne, Hants, esq., s. and h. of Wm. Kaylwaye, k. [21 May]. Rise (or Rice) Carter or Cartar, of Ilchester, Soms., yeoman [21 May]. Thomas Walshe or Walsshe, prior, and the convent of Bradenestoke, Wilts [21 May]. John Bigge or Bygge, of Wokkyng, Wokyng or Okyng, Surr., esq., late Henry VII.'s groom porter, 19 May. Henry Blakemore, abbot, and the convent of Lesones, Kent, 25 May. Maurice Barowe. Barough or Atborowe, of North Charford, Hants, knight, 5 June. Edward Rigge, custos, and the hospital of St. Julian called Domus Dei in Southampton [5 June]. Robert Bawdewyn, Bawedwyn or Bawdwyn, of Rye, Suss., merchant or yeoman, 30 May. Wm. Bolton or Boltun, prior, and the convent of St. Bartholomew in Westsmythfeld, London, 21 June. Richard Marten or Martyn, of Sproweton, Suff., and Croydon, Surr., g. or y., 1 June Robert Stokton or Stoketon alias Burgh or Borough, of Ardeborough, Leic., gent. s. and h. of Henry Burgh alias Stokton, gent., 20 June. Edward Waldegrave, late of Bewers, Suff., Radistoke, Soms., and Dytsam, Devon, esq., and Griselda his wife, late wife of John Rouchester and of Thomas West (late of Cornard, Suff., g.) and one of the ds. and hs. of Walter Wrettill, esq., 25 June. Thomas Pigge or Pigg, of Newark upon Trent, y., executor of Walter Pigg and of Wm. Pig, chaplain, 20 June. John Hothom, of Scorburgh, Yorks., etc., esq., s. and h. of John H., k. [20 June]. John Doget (repeated as above). Thomas Bekwith or Bekwyth, of Clynt and Bolton, Yorks., esq., kinsman and h. of Wm. Bekwyth, k. [20 June]. Henry Smyth, of Halton on Hill beside Skypton in Craven, Clynt and Barford upon Tese, Yorks, labourer or y. [20 June]. Thomas Shaa or Sha, of Thornton Wode and Ryppon, Yorks, Webster, weaver or yeoman [20 June]. Henry Patmare or Patmere alias Brykys or Briggis, of London, draper, clothmaker or merchant, late of Colchester, Essex [20 June]. Wm. Cosyn, Cousyn or Cosyne, clk., dean of Wells, prb. of the greater part of the altar in Salisbury cathedral, arch. of Bedford, prb. of the minor prebend of Bedford in Lincoln cathedral, rector of Clyff, Kent, one of the executors of Oliver late bp. of Bath and Wells and Exeter, and of Thomas Beaumont, clk. [20 June]. John Pennyngton or Penyngton, of Monkastre, Cumb., knight [20 June]. Eleanor Sayntlo or Seyntloo, of Kynges Sutton, Soms., widow and executrix of Nic. S., esq., and one of the ds. and hs. of Thomas Arundell, k. [20 June]. Elizabeth Darcy, of Danbury, Essex, widow and administratrix of Roger D., of Danbury. and of Berdwell, Suff., esq., late sheriff of Essex and Herts. [20 June]. Wymond Austyn alias John Gumby, Gumbee or Gumbe, of Exeter, merchant, wax chandler, tin merchant or wax merchant, 4 July. Chr. Drewell or Drevell, of Brampton, Huntingdon, and Parva Gyddyng, Hunts, g. or esq. 11 Oct. Robert Bewell or Bevyll, of Peterborough, Ntht., and Aylton and Chesterton, Hunts, gent. [11 Oct.]. Thomas Appys, Nappys, or Appes, of Lempston, Surr., and Fyncheley and Hampstede, Midd., husbandman or labourer, 28 Oct. John Withers or Wethers, clk., chancellor of Durham, master of the college called Shurborne House beside Durham, prb. in the cathedrals of London and Salisbury, commissary, sequestrator general, surveyor and receiver general of the abpric. of York, etc., one of the executors of Thomas, late bp. of Winchester, Salisbury and St. David's, 28 Oct. Wm. Frodsham, of Byrmyngham, smith, 5 Nov. John Philippys, of Warwickshire and of Horbren, Worc., y., 4 Nov. Thomas Pygot or Pigot, of London, merchant, of the Staple of Calais, late master of the mint in Canterbury and York, goldsmith, 5 Nov. John Thurston, Thorston or Turston, of Sudbury and Magna Saxham, Suff., and Stecheford and Delyngham, Camb., and Newmarket, Suff. and Camb., carpenter, yeoman, husbandman, executor of John Thurston, late of Sudbury, tallow chandler or clothier, 7 Nov. Elizabeth Cornewales or Cornewaleis, widow and executrix of Robert Cornewaleys, late of Prittewell, Essex, gent., and of Wm. Mounteney, late of Coldnorton, Essex, esq., 9 Nov. Wm. Wright alias Lamkyn, of Asgerby and Lowthe, Linc., y., 20 Nov. Richard Randall, prior, and the convent of Wroxton, Oxon., 5 Feb. Sybil Chamberleyn, widow and executrix of Richard Chamberleyn, of Shirbourn, Oxon., esq., and executrix of Joan Fowler, late of Northweston, Oxon. (widow and executrix of Richard Fowler, esq., late chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster), 20 Jan. Miles Gerrard, Gerrar, Jerrard, or Jarrard or Garard, of London, g., fishmonger or goldsmith, late receiver general of the Duchy of Lancaster 1 Dec., (Knoll). George Kyrkbryd, Kyrkbrede, Kyrkebrede, Kyrkebred, Kyrkbrid or Kirbrede, of Murhus, Kyrkbrede and Wygton, Cumb., esq., 24 Jan. Ralph Baynbrigg, Baynbrigge, Baynbrig, Banbrigg, or Baynbrige, of Egleston and Middleton, Dham., and London, y., 24 Jan. John Rudstone or Rudston, of London, draper or merchant, 8 June. Edmond Burton, of London, draper, merchant or g., 27 Oct. Richard Roose, Rosse or Roosse, of Pountfret, and Cawode, Yorks., and York, g. or y., 7 Jan. Richard Fournes or Fournesse, of Bothes or Bothe, Yorks., draper, clother or yeoman, 25 Jan. James Hebbiltwayt, Hebeltwayt or Hebyltwait, of Ceddebargh, Floured Buske in Cedbar parish, and Merthwayt, Yorks., y. or husbandman, 18 Jan. John Whettehill, Whethill or Whitell, late of the parish of St. Thomas in Cowik outside the West Gate of Exeter, husbandman, 28 Jan. John Burnell, of Poyntyngton, Nuton and Newton Sermafeld, Soms., and Stourton, Wilts, g., s. and h. of Henry B., esq., 26 Jan. John Sharparow, Sharpearowe or Sharparoue, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Ponteland, Ponteeland or Pountlond, Nthld., and Bishop's Lynn, y., servingman, singleman or sergeant, 24 Jan. Wm. Ivenson, Iveson, Ivynson or Ivonson, of Beverley, Hull, York, Lincoln, Southampton and London, tailor or y., 4 Jan. Thomas Newesom, prior, and the convent of Wattre, Yorks., 4 Nov. Richard Greneway, esq., late Henry VII.'s auditor of North Wales and receiver of the earldom of March in co. Heref., 5 July. Robert Haldenby, of Haldenby, Haudeby, and Sandehall next Houden, Yorks., g. or esq., kinsman and h. of Robert H., esq., 27 June. John Crukern, Crukhorne, Crukherne, Crokhorne, Crukkerne or Crukerne, of Childehay, Childehay and Hartenyshay, Dors., esq., 30 June. Chr. Dacre or Dacres. of Carlisle and London, esq., 10 July. John Pennyngton or Penyngton of Munkastre, Mulcastre and Plumlande, Cumb., and London, esq. [10 July]. Adam Penyngton or Pennyngton, of Stanesby, and Bullyngbroke, Linc., esq. [10 July]. Leonard Castell, of Ravenyngham, Wheteacreborough and Bedyngham, Norf., Leek, Leverton and Boston. Linc., and Heryngflete, Suff., esq., 4 July. Thomas Sneth or Seneth, of Dalby, Daleby and Frisby next Stepyng, Linc., y., g., courtholder, or attorney of the Common Bench, executor of Wm. Stanes, 25 July. Wm. Grocyn or Grosson, of London and Maidstone, clk., 2 July. Robert Wadyngton, of Bracewell in Craven, Bollynghall next Bradford, and Stokke. Yorks., y., 25 Nov. Wm. Wilson or Wylsonne, of Kirkeby in Kendall, Westmld., and Ripon, Yorks., "corvyser," "cordyner," shoemaker or yeoman, 24 Nov. John Watson, of Eston, Drownbugh and Carlisle, Cumb., y., bailiff of Bones, Cumb., 26 Nov. Roger Wynter, of Hodyngton and Cokesey, Worc., esq., b. and h. of Thomas and s. and h. of Robert, 14 Nov. Tristram Faunteleroy or Fauntleroy, of Mychelmarshe and Sodyngton, Hants, and Okborn Seynt George and Counholt, Wilts, gent., 24 Nov. Robert Aylworth, Ayleworth, Ailworthe, Aylwurthe, Aylleworth, Alesworthe or Alisworth, of London, merchant or skinner, merchant of the Staple of Calais, 5 Nov. Walter Butte, Bute, Butt, Buttes or Buttis, of Hitchin, Herts, and Ampthill, Beds., g. or y., 5 Nov. Thomas Lambard, Lambarte or Lambert, of Skipton in Craven, yeoman, draper, "kendilman," husbandman or clothier, 28 Nov. Robert Critott, Critot, Krytot, Critoft, Cretoffte or Cratot, of Lamenham, Lauenham, Lanam, Laneham or Lanham, Suff., clothmaker or y., executor of Wm. Jacob, late of Lauenham, clothmaker, 14 Nov. Alice Clyfton, abbess, and the nuns of Stixwold, 20 Nov. Menad de Martes or Martis, merchant of Bordeaux, 25 Nov. John Bonde or Bond, of Almerstoke, Devon, and Puttenham, Surr., chaplain. 21 Nov. Edmond Skerne or Skern, of Bonby and Waltham, Linc., and Howton, Yorks, g., s. and h. of Henry S., late customer of Hull, 20 Nov. Edward Chyket, of Calington or Caryngton, Cornw., 18 Nov. Wm. Muwynyk, Meuwynyk, Meuwenek, Meuwynek or Meuwynnek, of Launceston and Southill, Cornw., Beare Ferrys and Milton Abbatis, Devon, Browe, Wilts, Farley, Soms., and London, clk. or chaplain, 20 Nov. Wm. Fote or Foote, of Bokelond Monachorum, Devon, "touker" or y., 12 Nov. Peter Carmelianus, clk., a native of Brescia in Italy, late Latin Secretary of Henry VII., prb. of the King's free chapel within Westminster Palace, 14 Nov. Mayor, etc., of Devizes, Wilts, 16 Nov. Ralph Ryther or Ryder, of Yorkshire, and Kelcotes, Linc., k., s. and h. of Wm. R., k., and b. and h. of Robert R., k., 26 Nov. Thomas Fayrefax or Fayrfax, of Walton, Folyfayt, and Acaster Malbyche, co. city of York, Gyllyng in Rydayll, and Carthorp, Yorks., esq., 20 Nov. John Maurice or Morice. of Slapthorne, Ntht., and Cambridge, esq., 10 June. Hugh Beley or Eelee, of Duns. Dors., and Berkeley, Glouc.. husbandman, labourer or y., 20 Nov. Thomas Wodherd, Woderd or Wodeherd, of Kyrkeley, Suff., butcher or y., 18 Nov. Wm. Wallar, Wallare, Waller or Wallere, of Ramysholt and Rammyshold, Suff., esq., 12 Nov. John Ardern or Arden, of Logge in the parish of Brymmyngham Aysshton and Meryden in Halspade, Warw., Narford in Ekyngton parish and Pebmore. Worc., esq., late esquire for the Body and gentlemen usher of Henry VII., 12 Aug. Philip Baskerfyld, Baskervyld, Baskerfeld, Baskerveld or Baskervyll, of Shurbourn, Dors., Rammesbury, Wilts, and Hereford, g., 25 Nov. Thomas Gyldon, Gyldun or Geldon, of Kyrkby next Bolyngbrok, Linc., Milbourne Porte, Soms., London, and St. Mary de Strond, Midd., g., 24 Nov. Robert Brette. Brett or Bret, of Bury St. Edmunds, mercer, chapman, merchant, gaoler or y., 15 Nov. Thomas Gunwyn, of Glaston, and Shapwyke, Soms., g., y. or courtholder, 12 Nov. John Cornysshe or Cornyssh, of Glaston, Soms., y., 20 Nov. John Lucas, clk., vicar of Est Pennard, Soms., late of Wellys, Soms., chaplain, and of Stourton and Hattisbery, Wilts, clk., 20 Nov. Geoffrey Ceble or Ceblie, of Saneryngham, Bishop's Lenn, and Flycham, Norf., London, and Wykham, Kent, g., 21 Nov. Wm. Russell or Rossell, of Norwich, Felmyngham and Horsham St. Faith's, Norf., skinner, keeper of the city gaol, sergeant, bailiff or y. [21 Nov.]. John Clerke, of Norwich, mercer, alderman, merchant or grocer, executor of Robert Thorp, alderman of Norwich, and Agnes Thorpe, widow, one of the sons of George Clerke, late alderman of Norwich, and Cecilia his (John's) wife, 14 Nov. Simon Dygby or Digby, of London, Colsyll, Warw., and Clypston, Notts., esq., deputy of Thomas Lovell, k., as lieutenant of the Tower, etc., 16 Nov, Thomas Boyere, Boywere or Boyer, of Upton upon Severn, Worc., and Aston, Warw., y., 12 Nov. Henry Alford, prior, and the convent of Markby, 14 Nov. Richard Tottenam. abbot, and the convent of Quarr, 20 Nov. John Asshfeld, of Heythorp and Deen, Oxon., esq., s. and h. of John A., esq., and of Margaret his wife, d. and one of the hs. of Misericordia formerly wife of Richard Forde, late of London, g., 12 Nov. Richard, the abbot, and the convent of Dale, Depdale or de Parco Stanley, Derb., 7 Nov. Robert Blake or Blaake, of Calne, Wilts, Walop, Hants, and London, g., or esq., 12 Nov. John Hoppar, Hopper, or Hoppier, of Walton Devyle, Warw., Byrcham, Elsyngton, Norf., Chepyngnorton, Oxon., and Erleston, Hants, y., grazier or woolbuyer, 24 Nov. Thomas Englisshe, of Warwick, y., husbandman or woolbuyer, 20 Sept. Lambort Drax, late of Temmys Ditton, Surr., Parva Haddam, Herts, London and Westminster, g., 15 Nov. Thomas Leygton, Leyghton, Leyton, Leighton, Lekton, Lecton, Leygtown or Leyghtun, of Bishop's Lynn, mercer, merchant, grocer, haberdasher, fishmonger or merchant haberdasher, 18 Nov. Richard, the prior, and the convent of Nocton Park, Linc., 16 Nov. John Harwode or Harwod, of St. Sepulchre's parish, London, y. or "corser," 16 Nov. Henry Tremerell, Trendell or Tryndyll, of Northelingham, Norf., y. or husbandman, 19 Nov. Elizabeth Esquier, prioress, and the convent of Senyngthwayt, 16 Nov. Robert Lee, of Beverley, sawyer [16 Nov.]. Edmond Rede, Reed, Reade or Reid, of Norwich, merchant adventurer, 5 Nov. Wm. Babisdyke or Babysdyke, of Brandonfery, Suff., barber, brewer, waxchandler, y., warrener, or husbandman, 28 Nov. John Mylborne, Mylborn, Mylbourne or Mylbourn, of London, draper or merchant, late of Long Melford, Suff., y., 20 Nov. Robert Michell, prior, and the convent of St. Mary Overey, 27 Nov. Henry Barkr, Barker, Barkare or Barkar, of Norwich, mercer or merchant (executor of Robert Northern), and Alice his wife, 20 Nov. Robert Eland, Elande or Heland, of Raby, Halingeon, Lowthe, Maltby, Leyghburn, Cawthorpe and Wilsthorpe. Linc., and Carlynghaw and Brighouse, Yorks., esq., 27 Nov. Wm. Lyster, Lytster or Lister, of Medope, or Middop, Yorks, g., 28 Nov. Richard Longe or Long, of London and Lincoln, mercer or g., s. and h. of Wm. L., late of Lincoln, mercer, 28 Nov. John Wensley, Wenslay or Wenslowe, of Beverley, gent, or merchant, 28 Nov. Wm. ap Huskyn (or Houskyn) ap Egn, of Llandeffrodok, co. Anglesea, y., 26 Nov. Nic. Partriche or Patrich, of London, grocer, 25 Nov. Thomas Wulvyn, Wulfyn or Wolvyn. of Brokenest, Brokenhurst, New Forest and New Lymyngton, Hants, g., 10 May. John Bollyngeham or Bellyngeham, alias Richardys, of Winchester, merchant, vintner or brewer, 20 Nov. Thomas Grey or Gray, of Haverburgh or Harborowe, Leic., butchér, 29 Nov. Jevan (or Evan) Lloyd ap Gruffith ap Ll'n, of Talillenor Lkanavaur Tallyn, co. Merioneth, y., and Owen ap Jevan ap D'd ap Ll'n, of Tallyn or Talillen, y., 25 Nov. Marmaduke Pateson, Patson or Patteson, of Beverley, Holme, Framburgham and Bridlington, Yorks., and London, merchant, mercer or chapman, 8 July. John and Otwell Hegynbothum, Hegenbothom or Hegunbothum, of Marpole, Chesh., Whigmore, Salop, and Beweley, Hants, yeomen, labourers or husband-men, 5 Aug. Walter Hackeluyt, Hakeluyt or Haklet, of Leomynster, Heref., and Gloucester, g. [5 Aug.]. John Streynsham, Streynesham, or Straynesham, late of Munmouth, co. Heref., clk., vicar of Lyme Regis, Dors., prb. of Dynder, Soms. [5 Aug.] Thomas Brown, Broune or Broun, of Haddon, Netherhaddon and Selneston, Derb., and London, y. [5 Aug.]. Lancelot Salkeld, Salked or Salkyld, of Golborowe and Cokyrmouth, Cumb., London, and Whele Cragg and Lother, Westmld., g., and Margaret his wife, and Hugh Flemyng. late of Rydell, Westmld., and Joan his wife, the said wives being the ds. and hs. of Richard Huddylston, late of Millume, k., 8 Feb. Adam Ralegh. Rawley or Raley, of Cornewode and Fordell, Devon, London and Southwark, g. [8 Feb.]. Wm. Clyfton, Clefton or Clyftun, of Bracewell, Bollynghall and Sandall Castle, Yorks, and Kydsnap in the parish of Gowssna, Lanc., g., 6 Feb. Chr. Codrynton, Coderyngton, Cuddryngton, or Cothryngton, of Coderyngton and Wapley, Glouc., and Sheftesbury, Dors., g., 7 Feb. James Pedler, or Peddeler, of Launcels, Cornw., husbandman, 6 Feb. Richard Robyns, of Wotton under Edge and Wythestyr, Glouc., weaver, clothmaker or clothman. 6 Feb. John Hill or Hille, of Burton, Yorks., husbandman, 6 Feb. Robert Bateman, of Hertyngton and Sneterton, Derb., husbandman, or y., 27 Jan. John Hall, of Byggyng, Hethcote and Duffeld, Derb., 27 Jan. Wm. Shawe, of Hertyngton or Hortyngton, Derb., y. or labourer, 27 Jan. Robert Dawkyn, of Byggyng, Fayrefeld and Pygtore, Derb., and Caster Graunge, Staff., y.[27 Jan.]. Richard Sandwarth or Sandewarth, of Surlyngham, Norf., and Carlisle. Cumb., y., 4 Feb. Thomas Wryght, alias Humfrey, of Northpykenham, Norf., Rotell, Rutl., Dunstaple, Beds., and Leicester, "tapster," labourer or y. [4 Feb.]. Wm. Aunsell or Auncell, of Fynchyngfeld, Essex, carpenter or labourer, 7 Feb. George Broughton, of Thornhyll, Hepstonstall and Rotherham. Yorks., g., 10 Feb. Wm. Orgrave, of the parish of St. Mary le Stronde, Midd., brewer or y., 5 Feb. Wm. Williams alias Bruer, of Bukhorn Weston, Dors., and Truttokeshyll and Wytham Charterhouse, Soms., husbandman, labourer or brewer. 8 Jan. Agnes Willons, prioress, and the convent of Nunburnholme. 4 Feb. Wm. Walron, Waleron or Walrone, of Brynkworth and Lokkeswell, Wilts, and Inkepenye, Berks, g., or esq., 10 Feb. John Bofet alias Eambeth, of Southwark, capper, 6 Feb. James Laweson or Lawson, y., and Robert Belyngeham or Belyngham, g., late of Alberwyk or Alberswyk, Nthld., 6 and 8 Jan. Ralph Bygod, of Flameburgh, Yorks, esq., late of Setteryngton and Moulgrave, Yorks., and London, k., 10 Feb. John Davy, Devy or Dave, of Toriton, Potherugge, and Winberlegh, Devon, Duntysche, Dors., and Camberwell, Surr., y., 9 Feb. Thomas Wentworth, of Wentworth and Wodehousehall next Wentworth in Wath parish Yorks., etc., esq., s. of Wm. W., esq., 13 Feb. John Kelsham or Kelsam, of Hedcron and Rolvynden, Kent, g. or y., 20 Jan. Ralph Darby or Derby, of Fryskenay, Benyngton and Cibsey, Linc., g. or esq., late of Waltham Holy Cross, Essex, y., 1 Feb. Wm. Smyth, of Elford, Staff., and Redeley. Chesh., esq., late Henry VII.'s escheator in co. Lanc., 4 Feb. Robert Brill or Bryll, of Reading, Berks, y., clothier, innholder or g., 3 Feb. Wm. Scott or Scot, of Stepney, Midd., London, and Byrlyng, West Mawlyng and West Farlygh, Kent, g., bailiff of Marworth manor, Kent, 12 Feb. George Scott or Scot, of Northweld and Garnanshall, Essex, London, Lewes, Suss., and Stepney, Midd., g. [12 Feb.]. John Causton, Caueston, Cavston, Caweston or Cawston, of Tyllyngham, and Bradwell St. Laurence, Essex, and London, g., y. or franklin, administrator of Thomas Causton, who died intestate, 14 Jan. Thomas Kendall, Kendale or Kendell, of Tykhill and Egglesfeld, Yorks., and Clyderoe, Lanc., y., 11 Feb. Wm. Rysby or Rysbye, late of Lavenham or Lanam, Suff., clothmaker. merchant, y. or clothman, executor of Thomas Rysby, 12 Feb. Thomas Wetherby, Wedurby, Weddurby, Wetherbie or Wederby, of London, carpenter, 20 Feb. John Bysshop, Beshop or Boshap, of More or Mour in Stoke Milbur' parish, Salop, y. or husbandman, 10 Feb. (cancelled). Thomas Cardmaker alias Jonys, of Devizes or Le Vise, Wilts, cardmaker or y., 12 Feb. Elizabeth Skynner, of Lichfield and Stafford, spinster, 24 Feb. Wm. Fitzherbert, clk., rector of St. Magnus in London and of Crayford, Kent, late of Southwell, Notts., Lincoln and Wrington, Soms., clk., 20 Feb. John Robyns, of London and Worcester, merchant, mercer, merchant of the Staple of Calais, executor of Robert R., his father, 23 Feb. Wm. Aske or Ask, of Aske and Richemond, Yorks., esq., 21 Feb. John Caryll, Carryll, Carell, Karell or Carrell, of Warnham, Suss., g., 25 Feb. John Mathows, Mathowes or Mathowys, of Leominster, Heref., Oxford and Worcester and Borington in the marches of Wales, y., "sergeantar," of the lordship of Wigmore, 12 Feb. Robert Grene, of Coventry, mercer or haberdasher, 12 Feb. John Underhill, Underhyhyll or Underhull, of Nether Etyngdon, and Coventry, Warw., and Wolvernehampton, Staff., g., 26 Feb. Oliver Byde or Hyde, of Southdencheworthe, Berks, and Elvenden, Oxon., esq., 18 July. Thomas Stedam, of Bekynfeld, Bucks. Ocley and Capell, Surr., and Crawley, Suss., tailor, y. or innholder, 10 Feb. John Hobyns, of London, freemason or mason, one of the sureties of John Milles and of Nic. Miller and John Hochyn, yeomen, 24 Feb. Thomas Webbe or Webb, of Westhothle, or Westhodelegh and Erdynglye or Erdynglegh, Suss., wheelmaker, wheeler, husbandman, labourer or yeoman, 22 Feb. John Poky, of Leskerd Burgh, Cornw., weaver, 22 Feb. Christina (or Lady Christina) Colet or Colett, of London and Stepneth, Midd., widow of Henry Colett, k., late alderman of London, 1 March. Wm. Pennyngton or Penyngton, of Neweton and Monkastre, Cumb., and London, esq., gentleman usher of the Chamber, 4 March. Wm. Willughby, knight, lord of Willughby and Erysby, 12 March. Geoffrey Berton, abbot, and the convent of Lilleshull, 12 March. Henry Sacheverell, k., of Hopwell, Morley and Sneterton, Derb., and London. 4 March. John Archer, of Beverley, Yorks., chaplain, and of York, "scoler" and "literatus," 21 March. Richard Pratte or Pratt, of Bergham, Bergham or Berham, Suff., husbandman or y., 23 March. John Carter, of North Stoneham, Hants, husbandman or y., 24 Oct. Evan ap Meredith ap Evan alias Jevan ap Meredd' ap Jevan ap Tudeur ap Grono, of Llanthervell in the commote of Penllyn, co. Merioneth 20 March. Thomas Jameson or Jamesson, of York, merchant, merchant adventurer or mercer, s. and h. of Thomas J., late alderman of York, 23 March. Henry Cooke, Coke or Cok of Kyrkeby in Kendall, Westmld., and Durham, shoemaker, 12 March. Thomas Fysche, of Launceston, Cornw., and Ever or Iver, Bucks, spicer. 9 April. Thomas ap David Vaughan alias David Vaughan, alias Thomas Davy Vaughan alias Thomas Davy, of Burgovenny, Bergavenny, or Bergayny in Wentislond, in the Marches of Wales, gent., yeoman, husbandman or labourer, 17 April. John Howton, Howlton, Howeton, Houghton or Hooton, of Worcester, gent., clothier, clothman, merchant or brewer, 23 April. Thomas Harries, Haries, Harres or Haryes, of Salt Asshe, Cornw., mercer, merchant, chapman or g., 20 April. John Abney or Abnay, of Aston or Coldeaston, Derb., y. or labourer, s. of Thomas A., of Coldeaston, "blomer" (plumber ?), 12 April. Wm. Elyot, Eliot or Eleot, of Dorkyng, Surr., chapman, mercer, baker or miller, 18 April. Emma Agmondesham, of Lederede, Surr., widow and executrix of John A., late of Bekennysfeld, Bucks, gent., late keeper of writs called "exigend." of the Common Bench, 20 April. Elizabeth Norwode or Norrewod, widow and executrix of John N., junior, of Milton next Sedyngborne, Kent, and executrix of Joan Norwode, late of Stratford at Bowe, Midd. (widow of John N., senior, late of Milton next Sedyngborne). 20 March. Mildred Hales, prioress, and the convent of St. Sepulchre without Canterbury, 4 March. Thomas Elderton and Wm. Palle. wardens (gardiani), and the company of Stockfishmongers, London, 27 Feb. Richard Westley, or Westlee, of Hempstede and Newport, Essex, husbandman. 6 Feb. John Sexten or Sexteyn. of Depden and Wymbysshe, Essex, husbandman, 23 Feb. George Westley or Westlee, of Hempsted, Essex, husbandman, ... Feb. Agnes Galle, late of Leystoft, widow of ... Galle, merchant, ... Bartholomew Stodart, late of Conwey, co. Caernarvon, y., 19 Feb. John Pottell or Pottelle, late of Wyngfeld, Lethringham or Leddringham, and Ipswich, Suff., y., 23 Feb. Richard Whetehill, Wetehill, Wethill, or Wetill, late of Calais, gent., merchant of the Staple (s. and h. of Adrian W., late ... of Calais and its marches, and administrator of the goods of ... [Whe]tehill, late wife of the said Adrian) and Elizabeth his wife, sole daughter of Wm. Muston, of Cropwell, Notts, gent., 8 Nov. Joan Champney, of Frome in Selwode, Soms., widow, relict of Thomas Champney or Champneys, 11 March. Cecilia, the prioress, and the convent of ..., Soms., (fn. 1) Wm. Rammysbery*. Hugh Appilby, gent., s. and h. of Thomas [of the ?] Household of Henry VII.* Roger Seyntnicolas (?) gent.* Robert Brews or Breux, s. and h. of Thomas Brews, knight, and executor of Elizabeth Brews, widow.* Thomas Walle, of Groundesborough, Suff., salter.* Robert Wyngfeld, knight, ... August.* Lady Margaret Veere or Veer, widow, d. and h. of Wm. Stafford, late of co. Hereford, esq., ... of John earl of Oxford, 27 Oct.* John Wyseman late of Thornham, Suff.*


  • 1. These final entries are all so injured as to be almost unintelligible.