Henry VIII: April 1510, 26-29

Pages 273-281

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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April 1510

24 April. Exch. Accts., 417 (3), f. 31. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to pay bearer for furring a "glavedekyn" of russet satin with a great cape, &c. (described). Greenwich, 24 April 2 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
24 April.
Exch. Accts., 202 (25). R.O.
440. [1015.] CALAIS.
Receipt given, 24 April 2 Hen. VIII., by Sir Hugh Conway, treasurer of Calais, to the merchants of the Staple of Calais, for 800l. st. table 2s. st. table, towards payment of the garrison for the half year ended 6 April 1510; with further acknowledgments for sums of 738l. 6s. 3d., 801l. 7s. 7d., 500l., 445l. 2s. 3d., 648l. 11s. 5½d., 204l. 8s. 1½d., 355l. 0s. 3¾d., 100l., 224l. 2s. 2d., 194l. 0s. 6½d., on the 6 and 28 April, 25 May, 9 June, and 11 July respectively. Signed: Will. Wygston, lieutenant; Th. Alen, constable.
Parchment. Two seals attached.
26 April.
Venetian Transcr., 176, p. 84. R.O.
26 April 1510.—This morning received his of 21 and 22 inst. By the letter of the Ambassador in England, which he opened (a practice which he shall continue), it appears that the King is friendly. The English ambassador is to be cherished. The Pope is to be told that their Ambassador in England writes of articles in the agreement (fn. 1) very advantageous to Venice.
Ital., modern extract, ½ p.
27 April.
Anstis, Order of the Garter, I., 272.
Chapter of the Order of the Garter held at Greenwich, 2 Hen. VIII. (day not given), present the duke of Buckingham, marquis of Dorset, earls of Oxford, Northumberland, Arundel, Surrey, Essex, Shrewsbury and Wiltshire, lord Herbert, Sir Th. Lovell and Sir Edw. Poynyngs. At second vespers, the King being in his stall and other knights in theirs, nominations to vacant stalls were taken by Th. Ruthall, bp. of Durham, who, as a new registrar was not yet chosen, continued to exercise that office The King then chose his almoner, Mr. Thomas Wulsey, to discharge that office thenceforward. Nominations were:—
D. of Buckingham.—Princes, King of Portugal, K. of Aragon, carl of Derby. Barons, lords Burgavenny, Fytzwater, Latymer. Knights, Sir Henry Marncy, Sir Nic. Vaux, Sir Th. Knyvet.
Marquis Dorset.—Princes, Portugal, Aragon, duke of Urbino. Barons Burgavenny, Haward, Vear. Knights as above.
E. of Northumberland.—P., as Buckingham; b., Dacre of Greystock, Vear, Burgaveny; k., Marney, Vaux, Sir Th. Hungerford.
E. of Oxford.—P., Arragon, Portugal, lord Darcy (sic); b., Haward, Burgaveny, Lawar; k., Sir Edm. Haward, Marney, Vaux.
E. of Surrey.—P., Arragon, Portugal, e. of Derby; b., Burgaveny, Lawar, Ferrers; k., Sir Edw. Stanley, Marney, Vaux.
E. of Arundel.—P., as Surrey; b., Haward, Burgaveny, Ferrers; k., as Surrey.
E. of Shrewsbury.—P., as Surrey; b., Burgaveny, Haward, Lawar; k., as Dorset.
E. of Wiltshire.—P., Aragon, Portugal, Hungary: b., Haward, Lawar, Ferrers; k., Marney, Sir Edm. Howard, Sir Tho. (sic) Peyche.
Lord Herbert.—P., Aragon, Hungary, Portugal; b., as Surrey; k., Sir George Maners, Marney, Vaux.
Sir Edw. Poynyngs.—P., Aragon, Portugal, Navarre; b., as Surrey; k., Marney, Sir Wm. Sandys, Sir Th. Hungerford.
On the next day, after mass for the dead, the King, going out of the Choir, entered the Chapter and, by consent of the other knights, chose into the Order the King of Portugal, lords Haward and Laware and Sir Henry Marney, of whom Haward and Marney, being present in the Hall, were summoned to the Chapter by Garter; and the King with appropriate words handed to Buckingham a garter to be put round the leg of Haward; and to Dorset one for Marney. (fn. 2) Letters were written to the absent.
29 April.
Faustina C. III., 407. B.M.
Confirmation of privileges granted to the town of Cambridge. Westm., 29 April, 2 Hen. VIII.
Later copy, pp. 19. See GRANTS IN APRIL, 2 Hen. VIII., No. 16.
See GRANTS IN APRIL, 2 Hen. VIII., No. 19.
Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., I., 256.
Requires her at once to despatch the embassy to England of which he has several times written. Also to despatch Mercurin de Gattinaire, president of Burgundy, to Spain, for delay might be to the Emperor's detriment. Augsburg, .. April 1510.
P.S.—The seigneur de Melun may remain there and the President alone go to Spain. On her notice that he is ready to leave, the Emperor will send instructions for him and Claude de Silly.
Le Glay,
Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., I., 396.
Has received his letters and rejoices at the good news of his enterprises. He writes to her to despatch an ambassador to England with the instructions heretofore sent; but there now seems no need for that embassy at present, for the instructions are void, as well by the alliance which the King of England has newly made in France, as by the absolution which the Pope has accorded to the Venetians. As to the going of the President of Burgundy into Spain, if the sieur de Melun had been willing to undertake the journey there would have been no difficulty about the President. Upon news of some excesses in Burgundy she gave the President leave to go thither, but believes he will always be at the Emperor's command. Sees no way of finding money for the despatch. Has no one suitable for the said journey except the sieur de Ve ... Will shortly send news of the state of the affair of Gueldres. Begs him to despatch the legitimation of her sister, the Bastard of Savoy, whom she wishes to marry the sieur d'Espignoy. * * *
447. GRANTS IN APRIL, 1510, 1 HEN. VIII.
1. France. Warrant to the abp. of Canterbury, Chancellor, to send into every county writs of proclamation of the peace concluded with the French king; one writ to be sent to the King, by the bearer, for the Deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 1 April, 1 Hen. VIII. Sealed. S.B. [974.]
2. Thomas Wall alias Guysnes, late one of the King's pursuivants. To be, for life, Lancaster herald, with 20 mks. yearly. Greenwich, 24 March, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 3 April. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 32. [975.]
3. Thomas Prude, one of the King's soldiers at Calais. Exemption from being mayor, alderman, or other officer within the town of Calais against his will. Greenwich, 28 March, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 8 April. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 32. [978.]
4. William Gower. To be, during pleasure, customer of wools, leather and woolfells and of the petty custom of the subsidy of tonnage and poundage in the port of Briggewater, Soms. Greenwich, 30 March, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Croydon, 8 April. P.S. [979.]
5. Master John Prud, B.D. Presentation to the church of Pepeling, in the marches of Calais, Canterbury dioc., void by death. Greenwich, 27 March, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 8 April. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 33. [980.]
6. Thomas Wilding, page of the Ewry. To be, during pleasure, bailiff of the lordship of Cracall, in the county of Richemounte, with 2d. a day. Greenwich, 25 March, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 8 April. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 33. [981.]
7. St. Paul's Cathedral, London. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 2 Dec., 3 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 16, No. 11) confirming:—
Ch. 1 Feb., 1 Edw. IV., confirming with additions:—
Ch. 18 Nov 12 Ric. II., confirming:—
Ch. 25 June, 12 Edw. III., confirming with additions:—
a. Ch. 6 Feb., 9 Edw. II., confirming:—
Ch. of Edward [the Confessor] (in English).
Chs. (two) of William I.
Ch. William II.
Ch. William I.
Chs. (two) of Hen. I.
Ch. 16 June, 1 John.
Pat. 15 May, 53 Hen. III.
Pat. 10 June, 13 Edw. I.
b. Ch. of William II.
c. Ch. of Hen. I.
Westm., 8 April [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 30, No. 1.
8. James Worseley, groom of the Wardrobe of Robes, and John Copynger, page of the same. Grant, during pleasure, of certain tenements in the parish of St. Augustine's, London, forfeited to the late King, and lately occupied by William Smythe. Greenwich, 19 March, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 10 April. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 33. [984.]
9. John Sharp, the King's servant. Grant, during pleasure, of two "lez doles" and the half of a work of stannary in Lower Whyttondon, and of a part of a work of stannary called Old Whittondon and Linthecombe within the stannary of Asperston, Devon, forfeited by Robert Storuge, attainted. Greenwich, 3 April, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 10 April. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 33. [985.]
10. Hospital of St. Katharine beside the Tower, London. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat. 1 Feb., 14 Hen. VII. (p. 2, m. 3), confirming:—
Ch. 3 March [20] Hen. VI.
B. Pat. 22 Feb., 8 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 8) confirming:—
Pat. 23 April, 51 Edw. III.
Pat. 20 Sept., 51 Edw. III.
C. Pat. 5 April, 45 Hen. III.
Westm., 10 April [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 27, No. 1.
11. Master John Underhill, bachelor of Canon law. Grant of the deanery of the college or free chapel of St. Mary and St. Nicholas in Walyngford castle, void by resignation of Master Steph. Berworth. Greenwich, 11 April, 1 Hen. VIII. P.S. [986.]
12. Robert Wotton. To be, during pleasure, chief porter of Calais, vice Sir Ric. Carewe, from 24 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Otford, 12 April. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 33. [987.]
13. Richard Herbert. To be, during pleasure, receiver of the town and lordship of Bergevenny, in marches of Wales, as formerly. Croydon, 12 April. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 33. [988.]
14. Richard Wodehous. Annuity of 20 mks. from Michaelmas last, during pleasure, out of the revenues of Calais. Greenwich, 30 March, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Croydon, 14 April. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 33. [989.]
15. John Cokeson. Annuity of 20 mks. from Michaelmas last, during pleasure, out of the revenues of Calais. Greenwich. 30 March, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Croydon, 14 April. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 33. [990.]
16. The prior and chapter provincial of the Order of Friars Preachers. Inspeximus and confirmation of:
Pat. 20 March, 1 Hen. VII. (p. 4 m. 4), confirming:—
[Pat. 30 Nov., 2 Ric. III. (Conf. roll 5, No. 5) confirming] (fn. 3) :—
Pat. 24 June, 2 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 9), confirming:—
Pat. 22 Feb., 8 Ric. II., of. Pat. 3 April, 51 Edw. III.
Westm., 16 April [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 31, No. 1.
17. John Heron, of Shakullwell, Midd., alias of the royal Household, alias treasurer of the Chamber. Pardon and release as treasurer of the Chamber to the King and his father. Greenwich, 4 April, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 April. P.S. (marked "oportet irrotulari," words which have subsequently been struck out and the document marked "irror" as usual). Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 19. [991.]
18. William Compton, groom of the Stole. To be, for life, bailiff of the town, manor and lordship of Ware, Herts, and keeper of the park there with herbage and pannage and the meadows there which were kept for the use of Margaret countess of Richmond, for livery of her horses; the said offices being in the King's gift by the death of Richard Shurley. Also lease for life of the 'farm of Trongcage there" at the usual rent. Greenwich, 11 April, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 April. P.S. (in English). [992.]
19. William Edwardes, surveyor for the King's mouth at the Dresser. To be, during pleasure, constable of Carlion castle in Wales, as held by Edward Ap Jenken. The fee does not exceed the yearly value of 5l. Greenwich, 13 April, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 April. P.S. in (English). [993.]
20. Christopher Garneys, gentleman usher of the Chamber. Annuity of 20l. from Michaelmas last, during pleasure. Greenwich, 12 April, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 April. P.S. [994.]
21. William Thomas, groom of the King's Privy Chamber. To be, for life, keeper of Netherwood park. Heref., with 4d. a day, as held by Richard Johnson, dec. Greenwich, 15 April, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 April. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15. [995.]
22. Cerne Abbey (Robert now abbot). Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 7 Feb., 5 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 22, No. 12), confirming:—
Pat. 6 May, 22 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 9), confirming:—
A.Pat. 20 Nov., 10 Ric. II. cf.
Ch. 28 Feb., 11 Edw. II.
Ch. 22 July, 4 Edw. III. confirming with additions):—
Chs. (two) of Hen. II.
Ch. 28 Sept., 9 John.
Ch. 16 June, 34 Edw. I.
Ch. 28 Feb., 19 Edw. II. Certain releases of rent.
B. Pat. 21 Feb., 20 Ric. II.
Westm., 17 April [1 Hen. VIII.] Confirmation roll 26, No. 9.
23. Sir Robert Brandon, of Henham, Suff., late sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Pardon and release. Also release for himself and his sureties, Charles Brandon, of Lenne, and Roger Towneshend, of Reynham, Norf., of their recognizance of 100 mks., made 1 Feb., 23 Hen. VII. Sir John Cutte and Wm. Coope, executors of Sir Reginald Bray, are commanded to give letters of acquittance to the said Robert and others, who were bound in 100 mks. to the said Reginald and others to Henry VII. for the said office of sheriff. Greenwich, 16 April, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 April. P.S. (defaced). [996.]
24. Sir Piers Eggecombe, knight for the Body. To be, during pleasure, general receiver of the possessions in the King's hands by the death of Edward late earl of Devon, in Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Dorset, and elsewhere, with the appointment of officers, and allowance of portage money yearly at the rate of 20s. for every 100l. Greenwich, 12 April, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 April. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 34. [997.]
25. Thomas earl of Arundel and Sir William Arundel Lord Mautravers. Grant, in survivorship, of the offices of warden and keeper of the forest and park of Claringdon, and of the forests or chases of Groveley, Milchet, and Bukholt, Wilts and Hants. Greenwich, 16 March, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 April. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p 2, m. 25. [998.]
26. Thomas earl of Arundel and Sir William Arundel Lord Mautravers. Grant, in survivorship, of the manor of Wardelham, Hants, and the office of lieutenant or keeper of the forests of Alisholte and Wolmer, Hants, and keeper of the park of Wordelham; for charges in the King's affairs. Greenwich, 16 March, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 April. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 25; and 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 4. [999.]
27. Thomas Ap Guylliam, yeoman of the Guard. To be, during pleasure, keeper of Mikelwode chase in the lordship of Berkeley, with 40s. a year, vice Robert Bendell, dec. Greenwich, 27 March, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 19 April. P.S. (in English). [1,000.]
28. Burgesses of Berwick upon Tweed. Inspeximus and confirmation: Pat. 6 Nov., 2 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 10, No. 14), confirming:—
Ch. 18 Feb., 22 Edw. IV., cf.
Ch. 28 March, 30 Edw. III., cf.
Ch. 4 June, 10 Edw. III., exemplifying:—
Pat. 4 Aug., 30 Edw. I.
Westm., 19 April, 1 Hen. VIII. Confirmation roll 29, No. 1.
29. Ramsey Abbey. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat. 12 July, 3 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 18, No. 2), confirming:—
Pat. 19 Feb., 4 Edw. IV. (p. 4, m. 6), confirming:—
Ch. of King Eadgar.
Chs. (2) of Hen. I.
Chs. (2) of Henry son of King Henry [II.].
Ch. 7 June, 4 John.
Ch. 3 Sept., 35 Hen. III.
Ch. 20 March, 51 Hen. III.
Ch. 14 May, 21 Edw. I.
Pat. 20 Feb., 3 Ric. II., confirming:—
a. Ch. 10 July, 8 Edw. III., confirming with additions:—
Ch. of Edward the Confessor. Dec.
Ch. of the same (in English).
Chs. (2) Hen. I.
Ch. Hen. II.
Ch. Hen. I.
Chs. (2) Hen. II.
Ch. 6 Oct. [ ], Ric. I.
Ch. 19 June, 37 Hen. III., confirming and extending:—
Ch. 22 Oct., 2 John.
Ch. 11 Oct., 2 John.
Ch. 23 April, 19 Edw. I., confirming:—
Ch. 16 June, 37 Hen. III., confirming:—
Ch. 14 kal. Jan. 10 Wm. I., A.D., 1077.
b. Ch. 18 June, 12 Edw. III.
B. Ch. 15 March, 20 Hen. VI.
C. Ch. 8 March, 4 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 20, No. 7), confirming:—
Pat. 30 March, 8 Edw. IV.
Westm., 19 April [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 30, No. 4.
30. Rochester Priory. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 12 Nov., 12 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 14), confirming:—
a. Pat. 11, Nov. 44, Hen. III.
b. Ch. 10 Nov., 3 Edw. I., exemplifying:—
Chs. (3) of William I.
Chs. (3) of William II.
Chs. (8) of Hen. I.
c. Ch. 10 Nov., 3 Edw. I., exemplifying:—
Chs. (3) of Stephen.
Chs. (2) of Hen. II.
Ch. 30 Aug. [ ] Ric. I.
Ch. 16 Aug. [ ] Ric. I.
d. Ch. 2 July, 9 Edw. III. confirming:—
Ch. 3 Dec., 50 Hen. III., confirming:—
Ch. of William II.
Ch. of William I.
Chs. (2) of Hen. I.
Chs. (2) of Hen. II.
Ch. 30 Aug. [ ] Ric. I.
Ch. 16 Aug. [ ] Ric. I.
Ch. 7 April, 7 Ric. I.
e. Ch. 16 May, 10 Edw. III., confirming:—
Ch. 3 Dec., 50 Hen. III. (as above).
f. 10 Sept., 23 Edw. I.
g. Pat. 23 April, 18 Edw. III.
h. Pat. 5, Aug., 19 Edw. III.
i. Pat. 20 July, 43 Edw. III.
j. Pat. 28 Dec., 48 Edw. III.
k. Pat. 29 May, 16 Ric. II.
l. Pat. 1 Dec 6, Ric. II.
m. Pat. 5 Aug., 12 Ric. II.
n. Pat. 10 Sept., 18 Ric. II.
Westm., 19 April [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 32, No. 2.
31. Sir William Meryng, knight for the Body. To be, during pleasure, from 6 Oct. last, marshal of Calais with the same number of soldiers under him, and with the same wages, &c., as he or any other person hitherto had. Greenwich, 12 April, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 April. P.S. (partly defaced). [1,001.]
32. City of Dublin. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Ch. 22 Nov., 37 Edw. III., confirming and extending:—
a. Ch. 11 July, 10 Edw. II., confirming:
Ch. 7 Nov., 2 John.
b. Pat. 26 Sept., 37 Edw. III. (Ireland), confirming:—
Pat. 14 Aug. 12 Edw. II.
Ch. 13 Oct., 8 Edw. III.
B. Pat. 14 June, 2 Ric. III. (p. 3, m. 7).
Westm., 20 April, 1 Hen. VIII. Confirmation roll 29, No. 6.
1. Scotland. Safe-conducts for one year to:—
i. Sir William Scot and James Henreson, commissioners, councillors and ambassadors of the King of Scots.
ii. John Lord Maxell, Sir Robert Lawder of the Bass, and John of Johneston, for the West Marches.
iii. Alexander Lord Hume, Dandy Car, and Ralph Car, in the Middle Marches.
iv. Lord John Hume, Lord David Hume, and Philip Nesbit in the East Marches. S.B. (countersigned: T. Surrey, Ri. Wynton, G. Shrouesbury, C. Somerset, Thomas Lovel, Edward Ponynges). Scotch Roll, 1 Hen. VIII. m. 1. [782.]
2. Parliament. Warrant to William Abp. of Canterbury, Chancellor, to issue writs for a parliament to be holden at Westminster, the 21st of January next. S.B. (undated). [783.]
3. John Yong, keeper of the Rolls and Records in Chancery. To cancel a recognizance of 1,000l., made by George Ardisono and Lukyn de Vivallis, of Jean [Genoa], merchants, and John Hardy, of London, merchant-haberdasher, 5 Oct., 23 Hen. VII., for the payment of 1,000l. within eight weeks after they should have received the King's letters missive or privy seal; and a recognizance of 200 mks., made by the said George on the same day, for the payment of the said 1,000l. "Given at our manor of_." S.B. [1,003.]
4. John Yong, keeper of the Rolls and Records in Chancery. Warrant to cancel four recognizances, of 200 mks. each, made by Geoffrey bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, Wm. Ketilton, of Lichfield, Staff., clk. and John Blythe, of Bysshopereton, Devon, clk., 1 Feb. 24 Hen. VII., for the payment of 100l. annually for four years; it having been found, on examination before certain of the late King's executors and of the King's council, that the said recognizances "were made without any cause reasonable or lawful, and that the parties recognizing the same were without ground or matter of truth, by the undue means of certain of the learned council of our said late father thereunto driven, contrary to law, reason and good conscience, to the manifest charge and peril of the soul of our said late father, and also that the sums of money contained in the said recognizances may not be levied without the evident peril of our said late father's soul; which we would for no earthly riches see nor suffer." S.B. (countersigned: Ri. Wynton, Ri. London, T. Duresme, Jo. Roff., Jo. Fyneux, R. Rede, John Cutte, John Yong, Harry Marny, T. Englefild, T. Surrey, C. Somerset. In the presence and by the knowledge of G. Shrouesbury. Endorsed: "The Bishop of Chester.") [1,004.]
5. Westminster abbey. Warrant to the Chancellor for confirmation, at the request of the executors of Henry VII., of the former grants of King Henry VII. to the abbot, prior and convent, of certain lands, for masses for the souls of the said King, his consort, and his predecessors, and for alms. S.B. [1,005.]
6. To John Yong, keeper of the Rolls and Records in Chancery. To cancel a recognizance of 100l. made by Ric. Weston and Sir Wm. Sandys, 12 Nov., 22 Hen. VII., for payment of 100l. to the King by the former, to be levied on their lands in Berkshire and elsewhere, if not paid by the following Easter. "Given at our manor_." S.B. [1,006.]
7. Philipp Whildone or Wildone, clk. Presentation to the church of Alriche, dioc. Cov. and Lich., void by resignation of Cuthbert Tunstall, LL.D., now in the King's hands by minority of Walter Deveres Lord Ferrers. No note of delivery. S.B. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 27. [1,007.]
8. John Yowarde, groom of the Ewry. To be, during pleasure, bailiff of the hundred of Byssey in co. Glouc., with 1d. a day, from the first day of the reign. No note of delivery. S.B. (Certified by Thomas Wulcy and Robert Sheffeld as agreeing with former grant. Countersigned: T. Surrey, Ri. Wynton, G. Shrouesbury, C. Somerset, Thos. Darcy, T. Englefild.) [1,008.]
9. Borough of Tottenes. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. [30 Jan., 20] Hen. VII. (p. 3, m 1). confirming and adding to Pat. 10 May, 7 John.
Unfinished. Confirmation roll 26 [1 Hen. VIII.] No. 2.
449. GRANTS IN APRIL, 1510, 2 HEN. VIII.
1. Henry Meeriell. Grant, in consideration of his services from childhood to Henry VII., and for continuing his studies at Oxford, of a pension due from the abbot elect of Cerne, Dors., to a clerk of the King's nomination, till he be promoted to a competent benefice by the said Abbot. Greenwich, 14 April, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 April. P.S. (in English). [1010.]
2. William Pawne. To be, for life, gauger of the city of London, in consideration of his services, as well beyond sea as at the victorious march (iter) of Henry VII. in the recovery of this kingdom. Greenwich, 27 March, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 April, 2 Hen. VIII. P.S. [1012.]
3. John Moreton, of Herefeld, Midd. Exemption from serving on juries, &c. Greenwich, 16 April, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 April, 2 Hen. VIII. P.S. [1013.]
4. Burgesses of Dartmouth. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Indenture between Hen. VII. and the burgesses, 16 Jan., 1 Hen. VII., for the making and maintenance of a bulwark beside the castle. Westm., 24 April [2 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 38, No. 5.
5. Gerard Danet, esquire for the Body. Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of Anne, d. and heir to Thomas Elyngbrigge, and sister and heir to John, son of the said Thomas. Richmond, 4 Oct., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 April, 2 Hen. VIII. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1. m. 20. [1014.]
6. Sir Richard Cholmeley, and Elizabeth his wife, widow of Sir Walter Strikland. Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of Walter, son and heir of Sir Walter Strikland; on surrender of patent 9 June, 22 Hen. VII., granting the same to the said Elizabeth and Will. Penyngton. and of pat. 9 Aug. 23 Hen. VII., granting to Sir Ric. Cholmeley and the said Elizabeth, as widow of the said Sir Walter, the custody and stewardship of the lands at 66l. 3s. 7d. rent. Westm., 26 April. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 14. [1016.]
7. Abbey of Waltham Holy Cross (John Sharnbroke, abbot). Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 12 Jan., 2 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 11, No. 5) confirming:—
Pat. 3 Oct., 4 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 9), confirming:—
A. Ch. 22 Oct., 13 Ric. II., conf. Ch. 10 March, 6 Edw. III. confirming:—
a. Ch. 29 Mar. 37 Hen. III. confirming:—
Ch. 14 Mar. 1 Ric. I.
b. Ch. 29 Mar. 37 Hen. III., confirming:—
Ch. 14 Mar. [1] Ric. 1.
c. Ch. 30 Mar. 37 Hen. III.
B. Pat. 12 March, 24 Edw. III.
C. Pat. 28 May, 1 Ric. II.
D. Pat. 20 Feb., 3 Ric. II.
E. Pat. 17 Dec., 7 Ric. II.
F. Pat. 8 Dec., 9 Ric. II.
G. Pat. 6 Oct., 11 Ric. II.
H. Pat. 14 May, 16 Ric. II.
Westm., 26 April [2 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 37, No. 4.
8. Town of Kingston upon Hull. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 1 July, 2 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 21), cf.
A. Pat. 27 July, 15 Edw. II. (p. 1, m. 23).
B. Pat. 5 March, 1 Edw. III. (p. 1, m. 19).
C. Pat. 17 July, 9 Hen. VI. (p. 2, m. 12), confirming:—
Pat. 10 Dec., 2 Hen. V., confirming:—
Pat. 4 June, 1 Hen. IV., confirming:—
Ch. 4 June, 5 Ric. II., confirming (with additions):—
Ch. 15 July, 8 Edw. III., confirming (with additions):—
Ch. 6 May, 5 Edw. III., confirming (with additions):—
Ch. 25 Jan., 5 Edw. II., confirming:—
Ch. 1 April, 27 Edw. I.
Pat. 6 Aug., 30 Edw. I.
D. Pat. 8 July, 11 Hen. VI. (P. 2, m. 5.)
E. Ch. 10 May, 18 Hen. VI.
F. Pat. 2 July, 18 Hen. VI. (P. 3, m. 16.)
G. Ch. 10 March, 25 Hen. VI.
Westm., 26 April [2 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 37, No. 11.
9. Thomas Benolt, alias Wyndesoure, one of the heralds-at-arms. Custody of lands and wardship and marriage of William, s. and heir of John Wodde. Del. Westm., 28 April, 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 4. [1018.]
10. Henry Wodeforde. Annuity of 10 marks out of the issues of Calais, during pleasure. Greenwich, 24 April, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 April. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 5. [1019.]
11. Commission of the Peace. (See Appendix.)
Hertfordshire.—Westm., 28 April. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1d. [1020.]
12. William Nesshe. To be, during pleasure, bailiff of Hoke, Yorks., with the "ferry to the same town belonging." Greenwich, 24 April, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 29 April. P.S. (in English). Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 5. [1021.]
13. Sir Robert Wyngfeld. To be, for life, bailiff of Silam and Veeles, Suff., as lately held by Robert Rochestre. Greenwich, 10 April, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 29 April, 2 Hen. VIII. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 11. [1022.]
14. The Household. Pardon of all arrears of accounts, &c., before 1 Oct., as well in the year 24 Hen. VII., as 1 Hen. VIII. to the following officers, viz:—Richard Guylle, late and now serjeant of the bake-house, Stephen Coope, late serjeant of the buttry of Hen. VII., now of the pantry, Roger Mynours, serjeant of the buttry, Nicholas Hylle, late and now clerk of the wardrobe, alias of the spicery, John Rycroft, late and now serjeant of the larder, John Sterky, late and now serjeant of the scullery, William Lathbury, late and now serjeant of the hall and chamber, Brian Roche, late and now serjeant of the accatry, alias of the great kitchen (grosse coquine) William Hatteclyf, late clerk to the marshal of the Household, alias clerk of the Stable, alias avener of the Stable, William Pawne, late and now clerk of the Stable, alias clerk to the marshal of the Household in the office of the Stable, Thomas Englyshe, late and now serjeant of the poultry, and Richard Pyttour, late and now serjeant of the pastry and saucery. Greenwich, 20 April, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm. 29 April, 2 Hen. VIII. "Med quod de pardonibus prædictis, non sunt sigillatæ nisi pro præfatis Ric. Guylle, Nich. Hill, et Tho. Englissh, Will. Pawne, Steph. Cope." P.S. [1023.]
15. Recognizances. Pardon, and release of recognizance of 300l., made by John Spenser, of Hodnell, Warw., Edward Belknap, of Weston, Warw., and Edward Grevile, of Milcote, Warw.; of recognizance of 300l., made by the same John Spenser, Sir Robert Throkmerton, and William Browne, of Wover, Warw.; of recognizance of 300l., made by the said John Spenser, Sir Richard Fowler, and Henry Smyth, of Fletchhamsted, Warwick. These recognizances were made before Will. Broun, Mayor of the Staple at Westminster, on 18 Nov. 24 Hen. VII., to Edmund Dudeley. Del. Westm., 29 April, 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 6. [1024.]
16. Burgesses of Cambridge. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 6 July, 6 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 15), confirming:—
Pat. 25 March, 15 Hen. VI., conf.
A. Pat. 8 Dec., 1 Ric. II., conf.
Ch. 27 Nov., 7 Edw. II. confirming (with additions):—
Ch. 21 April, 11 Hen. III.
Ch. 24 Nov., 9 Edw. I. confirming:—
Ch. 21 April, 11 Hen. III.
Ch. 11 April, 40 Hen. III.
B. Pat. 19 Feb., 6 Hen. IV., confirming:—
Ch. 9 Dec., 9 Ric. II.
Pat. 28 Feb., 17 Ric. II.
Westm., 29 April [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 35, No. 7.
17. Sir William Waldegrave. Wardship and marriage of Edmund, s. and h. of Thomas West, of Greyes, Suff.; with custody of his lands. Greenwich, 23 April, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 30 April. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 5. [1025.]
18. Sir Nicholas Vaws and Anne his wife, Sir Thomas Parre and Matilda his wife. Release of 6,550 marks, the remainder of a sum of 9,000 marks owing by the said Nicholas and Thomas to King Henry VII., by indenture made 10 July, 22 Hen. VII., with Sir Thomas Lovell, Henry Wyat and Edmund Dudley. Greenwich, 6 April, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm. 30 April, 2 Hen. VIII. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 12. [1026.]
19. French pensions. Henry VIII.'s receipt from Lewis, King of the French, by _ (blank), at Calais, of 25,000fr. due 1 May, 1510, in part payment of 745,000 due to Hen. VIII. by treaty. (See No. 257, § 13.)
ii. Commission to Sir Gilbert Talbot, deputy, Sir Hugh Conwey, treasurer, Sir Ric. Carewe, lieutenant of the castle, Sir John Wilshire, comptroller, Sir Will. Meryng, marshal, Rob. Wotton, porter, and Walter Culpeper, vice-marshal, of Calais, and John Bunowlte, the King's secretary there, to receive the above on 1 May 1510. S.B. (signed by the King in two places.) French Roll, 2 Hen. VIII. m. 11. Rymer XIII. 210. [1027.]


  • 1. Between England and France.
  • 2. A footnote states that they were installed on 27 April, 2 Henry VIII.
  • 3. Omitted in inspeximus clause.