Index: D, E, F, G

Pages 646-657

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 1, 1198-1304. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1893.

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Daivil, Richard de, 18.

Dalboing [Ireland], 17.

Dalenard, or Dalnart, water of, 17.

Dalfinas, Master, papal chaplain, 352.

Dalgarnoc, William de, 382.

Dallington [co. Sussex], 74.

-, Daylington [co. Northants], 304.

Dalston, Daleston [co. Cumberland], 577.

Dalton [co. York], 462.

-, diocese of Glasgow, 365.

Dalxiel, Daliel [co. Lanark], 106.

Damerham, Domerham [co. Wilts], 127, 160, 312, 313, 367.

Damfield, Richard de, 535.

Darenth, Derente [co. Kent], 325

Darley, abbot of, 46.

Darlington, Derlington, canon of, 577, 613.

Darrington, Dirintona [co. York], 51.

Dartington, Dertington [co. Devon], 864.

Darton, Derton [co. York], 505.

Dasset, Derseto [co. Warwick], 533.

Davenham [co. Chester], 529.

Daventry, 119.

-, convent of, 126.

Daventry, Simon, son of Simon, late lord of, 259.

David, Eve, daughter of Thomas son of, 519.

-, John Walter, 532.

-, son of Llewellyn, prince of North Wales, 87, 109.

-, son of Manrice, 368.

Dax, bishop of, 104, 105.

Dayvile, Gilbert, 592.

Dean [co. Devon], 372.

Dearham, Deram [co. Cumberland], 54.

Debden, Dependen [co. Essex], 345.

Deeping, St. Guthloc [co. Lincoln], 187.

-, St. James, 187.

Delcot, Ascelin, 558.

Delfen, Helen, 510.

Delfric the priest, 558.

Delme [co. Warwick], 84.

Demecherethe. See Dymchurch.

Dena, R. de, canon of Malling, and Thomas, his brother, 76.

Denham [co. Bucks], 221.

Denmark, 427.

Denton [co. Norfolk], 548.

Denver, Denever [co. Norfolk], 468.

Deodatus, a monk, 236, 237.

Depeden. See Dibden.

Dependen. See Debden.

Depham, Master Peter de, 212, 234, 272, 288, 320.

Deram. See Dearham.

Derby, archdeacon of, 46, 327, 359.

-, canons of All Saints, 388.

-, earl of. See Ferrers.

Dercongal, abbot and convent of, 122, 418.

Dereford. See Dureford.

Dereham [co. Norfolk], abbot of, 171.

-, abbot and prior of, 116.

-, archdeacon of, 180.

-, rector of, 212.

Derente. See Darenth.

Dergrad [Ireland], 371.

Derham, Master Geoffrey de, 354.

Dericham, Reginald de, 601.

Derlei. See Darley.

Derlington. See Darlington.

Derlinton, John de, 445, 448, 449 452 455, 455–459, 480.

Dernecroch, 570.

Derry, bishop of, 104, 294, 460, 462, 555.

-, bishop and chapter of, 307.

-, bishop, dean, and archdeacon of, 231.

-, canon of, 541.

-, chapter of, 234.

-, clergy and people of the diocese of, 460.

-, dean of, 460, 462.

-, dean and chapter of, 460.

-, see of, 233, 234.

-, treasurer of, 460, 462.

Dersete. See Dasset.

Dertington. See Dartington.

Derton. See Darton.

Derveisyn (Dairsie) [Scotland], 30, 61.

Derwe. See Merwe.

Desborough, Desburch [co. Northants], 19, 523.

Despencer, Despenser, Hugh Le, 431, 441.

-, R., 140.

Deugot, William Seguini, canon of Agen, 510.

Devon, men of, 187.

Diam. See Dilham.

Dibden, Depeden [co. Hants], 381.

Diddlebury, Duldeburi [co. Salop], 222.

Dieppe, 1.

Dilham, Diam [co. Norfolk], 124.

Dinan, Gervaise de, 131.

Dinas [Wales], 412.

Dirintons. See Darrington.

Disce, Diste, Master Thomas de, 16, 35.

Dissurtbrich [Ireland], 18.

Ditcheat, Dycheszete [co. Somerset], 587.

Diteneshale, Master John de, 505.

Ditton, Roger de, 233.

Diuti, Luke, canon of Salisbury, 260.

Divona, James de, 404, 405.

Docking [co. Norfolk], 382.

Docking, Master Payn de, 382.

Dod, Master Peter, of Northampton, 212.

Doge, Master Hamo, 586.

Dobran, diocese of Schwerin, 245.

Dol, canon of, 252, 281, 566.

Dole End, Dolentan, diocese of Lichfield, 354.

Domassi, Simon, canon of Lichfield, 482.

Domerham. See Damerham.

Domnachescrach [Ireland], 18.

Domnel. See St. Dogmael's.

Dompno Martino, John de, 96.

Donanachsi [Ireland], 17.

Donatus, a Premonstratenaian, 110.

Doncaster, church of the Friars Minors at, 516.

Dondale, guardian of Friars Minors of, 228.

Donhead, Duneliet [co. Wilts], 195.

Donnebrugge, Robert de, 597.

Donodei, Hervey de, canon of St. Andrews, 465.

-, Michael de, 567.

-, Master Thomas de, 560, 561.

Donton. See Downton.

Donvico, William de, 620.

Dorcestria, Walter de, 524.

Dorchester, abbot and convent of, 95, 103.

-, archdeacon of, 547.

Dore, Drobo, abbot of, 152, 153.

Dorking [co. Surrey], 417.

Dorking, Robert de, 172.

Dorset, archdeacon of, 9, 357, 411, 471, 588.

-, Alexander de, 52.

Douglas, diocese of Glasgow, 479.

Dovenachimor [Ireland], 370.

Dovenachpatric (Downpatrick) [Ireland], 36.

Dover, castellan of, 44.

- castle, 63.

-, Fobert, clerk of, 183.

-, prior of, 132, 138, 217.

-, prebend of Guston, St. Martin's, 121.

-, prior and convent of St. Martin's, 139.

-, master and brethren of St. Mary's hospital, 154, 181.

-, abbot and convent of SS. Peter and Paul, 172.

Dovoria, Gregory de, 322.

Doveridge, Dounebrugge [co. Derby], 531.

Down, archdeacon of, 433, 461.

-, bishop of, 22, 425, 426, 430, 433, 460, 461.

-, clergy of, 430, 433.

-, prior and chapter of, 207.

-, church of St. Patrick, 476.

-, prior and convent of St. Patrick's 433.

Downton, Donton, Dunton [co. Wilts], 517, 525, 530, 570, 609.

Dranton. See Drayton.

Drayton, Drarton, 187.

Drayton, Dranton, 134.

Drayton, Roger de, 485.

Drep, land of [Scotland], 106.

Dreux, archdeacon of, 583, 593, 604.

Driburg, G. de, 16.

Driffend. See Duffield.

Driffield, Driffeld, Adam de, 573, 574, 597, 599, 601, 605, 606.

Drivall, P. de, 165.

Drocheneford. See Droxford.

Drocnefort, John de, 590.

Drogheda, friars preachers and friars minors at, 530.

-, Thomas, guardian of the friars minors of, 281.

-, prior of friars preachers of, 228.

Drogo, Adam, son of, 187.

Droitwich, Wiche [co. Worc.], 46, 84.

Drokeneford, Roger de, 584.

-, John de, 577, 584, 593.

- See Droxford.

Dromore, bishop of, 457.

Droweda, William de, 214.

Droxford, Drokenford, Drokenesford, Drocheneford [co. Hants], 21, 128, 148, 201, 546.

Druimcosinti [Ireland], 18.

Druimerston. See Marston Sicca.

Drumbo, diocese of Down, 356.

Dryburgh, abbot of, 122, 196.

-, abbot and convent of, 309.

-, abbot and prior of, 188.

Duacen'. See Kilfenora.

Dubiltum, Master John de, 416.

Dublin, 36.

-, prior of All Saints, 145, 260.

-, archbishop of, 3, 13, 14, 18, 38, 39, 41, 42, 44, 47, 48, 52, 53, 56, 57, 67–69, 73, 76, 79, 80, 83, 96, 98, 103, 105, 111, 132, 142, 145, 165, 177, 183, 185, 195, 197, 204, 210, 232, 242, 325, 333, 345, 368, 370, 371, 395, 446, 451, 457–460, 464, 466, 468, 469, 470, 480, 481, 485, 502, 508, 517, 522, 553, 565, 571, 576, 579, 582, 583, 587, 595.

-, archbishop and archdeacon of, 253.

-, archdeacon of, 242, 489, 509, 541.

-, canons of, 258, 277, 278, 295, 329, 345, 371, 389, 515, 559, 577, 580, 581, 583.

-, clergy and people of the diocese of, 480, 565, 583.

-, dean of, 479, 480, 552–555, 583, 590.

-, canon of Holy Trinity, 481.

-, chapter of Holy Trinity of, 481.

-, prior of Holy Trinity, 104, 242, 260, 583.

-, prior and convent of Holy Trinity, 333, 457, 458, 460, 480, 576.

-, chapters of Holy Trinity and St. Patrick, 451.

-, people of the diocese of, 457.

-, prebends of, 199, 291.

-, precentor of, 242, 590.

-, prior and convent of, 565.

-, hospital of St. John, 476, 530.

-, St. John's, prior of, 141, 312.

-, St. Mary's, abbot of, 141.

-, -, abbot and convent of, 372.

-, canons of St. Patrick's, 67, 69, 333, 334, 458, 583.

-, chapter of St. Patrick's, 481.

-, dean of St. Patrick's, 183, 565, 583.

-, dean and chapter of St. Patrick's, 333, 457, 458, 460, 480, 576.

-, St. Thomas's, 277.

-, abbot and convent of St. Thomas, 96, 163, 322.

-, suffragans of, 395.

Duddington [co. Northampton], 91.

Dudelesfaude, 28.

Duedon, Master Adam de, 323.

Duffield, Driffred, Drifferd, Driffiend, Master Adam de. See Driffield.

Duffis, Duffys [Scotland], 365, 448.

Duglas. See Douglas.

Duibgaldus, lord of Macherummel in Kintyre, 231.

Duisk, diocese of Ossory, abbot of, 293.

Dulas [co. Hereford], 46.

Dulbrudot [Scotland], 30, 61.

Duldeburi. See Diddlebury.

Dullart, Adam and Payn, 36.

Dumbelton, Master John de, 488.

Dumblane. See Dunblane.

Dumo, Ralph de, 483.

Dun, Adam de, 325.

Dunbar, 214.

-, earl of, 29.

-, Patrick, earl of, 107, 214.

Dunbarney, Dunbernyn, diocese of St. Andrews, 545.

Dunblane, 60.

-, archdeacon of, 74, 106, 349.

-, bishop of, 28, 74, 75, 89, 157, 232, 237, 251, 298, 367, 395, 413, 414, 416, 463, 467, 472, 473, 540, 567, 596–598.

-, canon of, 567.

-, chapter and clergy of, 473, 567.

-, dean of, 318, 319, 334, 350.

-, dean and chapter of, 596.

-, diocese of, 228.

-, see of, 163.

Duncan, earl, 14.

Duncro, St. Andrew de [Ireland], 17.

Dundaleglas [Ireland], 476.

Dundee, 341, 521.

-, H. de, 74.

-, Robert de, 575.

Dundraynan, Dundrennan, abbot and convent of, 70, 188, 196, 197, 199.

-, convent of, 228.

Duneliet. See Donhead.

Dunelmo, William de, 157, 278.

Dunfermeline, abbot of, 62, 74, 225, 243, 258, 261, 283, 298, 408.

-, abbot and convent of, 107, 139, 215, 216.

-, abbot and monks of, 28, 34.

Dunfermline, monastery of, 60.

-, St. Margaret's, 520.

Dunham [co. Norfolk], 214, 388.

Dunion, Dunimum, Ralph de, 220, 288.

Dunipast [Scotland], 28.

Dunkeld, 60.

-, archdeacon of, 70, 106, 296.

-, bishop of, 30, 46, 47, 59, 61, 74, 89, 146, 160, 163, 178, 183, 227, 261, 338, 379, 411, 416, 445, 450, 469, 491, 545.

-, bishop and dean and chapter of, 157.

-, canons of, 46, 70, 106, 219, 346, 416, 469, 485, 491, 598.

-, clergy and people of the diocese of 470, 491.

-, dean of, 271, 287, 296, 297, 349, 445, 461, 491, 578.

-, precentor of, 524.

Dunkland. See Tongland.

Duleek, Dunelek [Ireland], collation dated at, 416.

Dunmals [Ireland], 107.

Dunsby [co. Lincoln], 321, 325.

Duriard, Richard de, 485.

Dunstable, abbot of, 60.

-, prior of, 49, 143, 149, 189, 194.

-, prior and convent of, 215.

-, prior and precentor of, 125.

Dunton. See Downton.

-, William de, 215.

Dunwich, St. James's [co. Suffolk], 137.

-, See Donvico.

Durandus, papal legate, 37.

Dureford, Dereford, W. abbot of, 5.

Durham, archdeacon of, 115, 281, 348, 352, 360, 471, 505, 582.

-, bishop of, 4, 11–14, 18, 20–22, 30, 47, 62, 72, 78, 80, 82, 83, 93, 97, 101, 104, 114, 117, 120, 124, 130, 135, 138, 139, 145, 156, 162, 172, 176, 183, 192, 224, 241, 251, 255, 278, 279, 310, 348, 361, 444, 454, 490, 515, 524, 537, 547, 570, 571, 573, 574, 578, 589, 590, 597, 599, 603, 606, 613–616.

-, chancellor of, 225.

-, chapter of, 192, 278, 603.

-, church of, 4, 47, 336.

-, dean of, 115.

-, dean of Christianity of, 108.

-, exchequer of, 62.

-, monastery of, 297.

-, monks of, 78, 82, 83.

-, prebend of Northon in, 518.

-, precentor of, 597.

-, prior of, 78, 128, 142, 172, 182, 291, 297, 416, 537, 589, 597, 599, 615.

-, prior, archdeacon, and dean of, 115.

-, prior and convent of, 4, 12, 13, 18, 21, 26, 30, 32, 47, 78, 93, 95, 97, 101, 104, 108, 114, 116, 119, 192, 336, 337.

-, prior and monks of, 12, 13.

-, St. Cuthbert, 336.

-, St. Nicolas, 86.

-, see of, 115, 117.

Durham, Master William of, 251.

Durnach [Scotland], 521.

Durward, Alan, 408, 409.

Duston [co. Northants], 18.

Dycheszete. See Ditcheat.

Dymchurch, Demecherethe [co. Kent], 370.


Eadward, king, 12.

Easington, Esynton, Hesingthon [co. Durham], 255, 348.

-, [co. York], 115, 549.

Eastern Empire, 177, 185.

Eastham, Estum [co. Worcester], 123.

East Leach [co. Gloucester], 508.

Eastoft, Esketoft, diocese of York, 293.

Easton, Eston, [co. Hants], 21, 28.

-, diocese of Lincoln, 324.

Easton Neston, Estneston [co. Northants], 353.

Eastwell, Estwille [co. Leicester], 352.

Eastwick, Estwick [co. Herts], 235.

Eaton, Ecton. See Nuneaton.

Ebchester, chapel of St. Ebba [co. Durham], 548.

Eboraco, Master N. de, official of Salisbury, 273.

-, Master R. de, 49, 55, 67.

-, Master Ralph de, 266.

-, William de, 168.

Ebroyco, Master John de, 594.

Ebulo, Master John de, 388, 417.

Ecclesfield [co. York], 145.

Eccleshall, diocese of Worcester, 373.

-, See Eldebaldeste.

Ecclesmachan, Egglesmanekin [Scotland], 30, 61.

Ecde, Emma, wife of John de, 517.

-, John de, 517.

Eckington [co. Worcester], 46, 594.

Ecton, Eketon, 215.

-, See Eaton.

-, See Ektun.

Eddertoun, Ederdoner [Scotland], 175.

Eddlesborough [co. Bucks], 547.

Edenbridge, Edelinbridge [co. Kent], 539.

Edingbroke, Lorade, and Lucy, her daughter, 519.

Edlington [co. York], 315.

Edmondsley, Edmanesley [co. Durham], 570.

Edmund, brother of Edward I. 379, 397, 408, 426, 435, 444, 446, 447, 506, 562, 575, 614, 619.

-, and Blanche his wife, 526, 527.

-, count of Champagne and Brie, 467.

-, king of Sicily, 338, 354, 369.

Edward I. 446, 450, 452, 455–457, 459–463, 466–468, 472, 473, 475–477, 479, 480, 484, 486, 488, 490, 492, 493, 498, 500–507, 509, 511, 513, 516–519, 525–527, 530–532, 537, 548, 550–553, 555–557, 559–570, 572, 574, 576, 577, 579, 581, 583, 584, 586, 588–593, 598–605, 610, 611, 615, 617, 619.

Edward, son of Edward I., 576, 579, 592.

-, son of Henry III. 290, 347, 377, 396, 397, 407, 409, 424, 426, 431, 432, 435, 439, 441, 444, 447, 585.

-, the Confessor, 271.

Edworth [co. Bedford], 314.

Egelred, the cordwainer, 558.

Egfrid, son of Offa, 63.

Egg Buckland, Ekeboclande [co. Devon], 317.

Egglesmanekin. See Ecclesmachan.

Egglesros, diocese of Exeter, 342, 344.

Egham [co. Surrey], 6.

-, Ralph de, 203.

Egiptius, Peter, 203, 301.

-, Peter, of Ferentino, 442.

-, John, of Ferentino, 254.

Egles [Scotland], 28.

Eglingham, Egelwingham [co. N'umb.], 188.

Egmanton [co. Notts], 277.

Egres [Scotland], 34.

Egton [co. York], 537.

Egwin, St., bishop of Worcester, 25.

Egyptins. See Egiptius.

Eidnec [Ireland], 18.

Ekeboclande. See Egg Buckland.

Eketon, Ektun, Stephen de, 103, 105.

-, See Ecton.

Eldebaldeste, 96.

Eldon, Ellendon, Helendon [co. Hants], 21, 201.

Eleanor, queen of Henry III. 153, 209, 225, 226, 242, 249, 252, 290, 300, 301, 307, 380, 383, 385, 396, 397, 419, 420, 423, 426, 433, 434, 435, 437–439, 446, 505, 619.

-, queen of Edward I. 445, 450, 453, 456, 507, 513–515, 530, 544, 577, 589, 612.

-, sister of Henry III. 172.

-,wife of Edward, son of Henry III. 412.

-, daughter of Edward I. 476.

Elston. See Elton.

Elgin, Holy Trinity, 96.

Elias de Harvilla, envoy of Edward I. 473, 479.

Eling, Heling [co. Hants], 291.

-, Robert, prior of, 214.

Elizabeth, danghter of Edward I. 602.

Ellingham, Little [co. Norfolk], 549.

Elm, Helm [co. Cambridge], 187, 318, 327, 342.

Elmdon, Elindon [co. Warwick], 146.

Elmley [co. Worcester], 46.

Elmeley, Elucle [co. York], 351.

Elon, or Ellen [Scotland], 30, 61.

Elphin, bishop of, 218, 395, 488, 610.

-, Masters Christian and Thomas, canons of, 364.

-, dean, archdeacons, and treasurer of 218.

Elsdon [co. Northumberland], 559.

Elston, abbess and convent of, 352.

Elston [co. Notts], 363.

Elvaston. See Alvaston.

Elueley. See Elmeley.

Elwick, Elwete [co. Durham], 47.

Ely, archdeacon of, 280, 327, 342, 349, 525, 533.

-, bishop of, 4–6, 11–14, 16, 18–21, 23, 25, 27, 29–35, 37, 40, 49, 52, 54, 55, 72, 78, 82, 88–90, 93, 95–97, 101, 104, 119, 120, 126, 133, 135–137, 139, 140, 151, 175, 195, 204, 225, 258, 268, 272, 279, 323, 359, 365, 382, 392, 417, 419, 433, 488, 454, 502, 508, 507, 529, 581, 547, 574, 582, 583, 591, 603, 605.

-, bishop and archdeacon of, 251.

-, bishop and prior of, 142.

-, clergy and people of the diocese of, 604.

-, monks of, 604.

-, prior of, 183, 208, 582, 583, 604.

-, prior and convent of, 97, 322, 323, 360, 365.

-, see of, 55.

Ely, Nicholas de, 462, 620.

Emanuel, kinsman of the king of Castile, 371.

Embleton [co. Durham], 517.

Emly, 35.

-, bishop of, 36, 50, 68, 97, 118, 146, 184, 289, 489, 490, 494, 509.

-,canon of, 36.

-,chancellor of, 489, 490.

-, chapter of, 490.

-, clergy and people of the diocese of, 490.

-, See Elmeley.

Empingham [co. Rutland], 19.

Endredeby, Isabella Johannis de, 523.

Enford, Enedeford, Heneford [co. Wilts], 21, 201.

Engain, Richard, 92.

England, 486.

-, archbishops and bishops of, 492.

-, earls and barons of, 396.

-, marshal of. See Bigot, Roger.

-, prelates of, 123, 396.

-, prelates and clergy of, 453.

- and Scotland, wars between, 55, 59.

Englefield, Inglesfelt [co. Berks], 28.

Englesham, Master Peter de, 23, 26.

Engliston, lordship of, 123.

Engham, abbot of, 151.

-, abbot and convent of, 418.

Eppynge, William de, 602.

Epworth [co. Lincoln], 285, 320.

Erdbury, Orbedir [co. Warwick], prior and canons of, 149.

Erde. See Erith.

Erderacheth [Ireland], 17.

Erdington, Thomas de, 97.

Erdinton, 358.

Ergadia, Christiana, daughter of Alexander de, 518.

Eriel. See Uriel.

Erith, Erde, Herde [co. Kent], 590, 592.

Ernesbi. See Arnesby.

Erskine, Hirskin [Scotland], 106.

Escantia, Master John de, canon of Lyons, 617.

Esclotle, Master Peter de, 559.

Escrick, Eskerik [co. York], 598.

Esinwald, Master Alan de, 570.

Eskdale [co. York], 538.

Espedar, [Scotland], 107.

Esperune, Laurence, 377.

Essce. See Ash.

Essebi. See Ashby.

Essebritel. See Ashbrittle.

Essemere. See Ashmore.

Essendon [co. Herts], 550.

Essex, archdeacon of, 173, 263, 264, 284, 352, 588, 596, 406.

- See Valon.

Essex, G. son of Peter, earl of, 39.

-, William de Mandeville, earl of, 112.

-, Roger de, 250.

Essurst. See Ashurst, 471.

Estanayco, Estravaco, William de, 505, 508.

Estfolio, 13.

Esteland, Estelant, Master Simon de, 139, 157, 214.

Estherling. See Harling East.

Estlethesham. See Lexham, East.

Estneston. See Easton Neston.

Eston [co. York], 297.

- See Aston; Easton.

Estrahan. See Stretham.

Estravaco. See Estanayco.

Estria, Master Adam de, 467, 473.

-, Anselm de, 489.

Estude, diocese of Winchester, 533.

Estude, Henry de, 530.

Estudenham. See Tuddenham, East.

Eastum. See Eastham.

Estuna. See Aston.

Esynton. See Easington.

Ethelred, King, 63.

Etton, Thomas de, 292.

-, Eton [co. York], 614.

Eu, St. Mary's, diocese of Rouen, 103.

Eudes, the sewer, 156.

Eugubio, Peter de, 586.

Eukesbiri. See Exbury.

Evenlee, Walter de, 605.

Rverard, Bartholomew, son of Thomas, 545.

-, Hugh, 390.

-, John, and Thomas his brother, of Faversham, 519.

Everdon, Master Phillip de, 601.

-, Robert de, 461.

Everesdon, John de, 601.

Eversholt [co. Bedford], 377.

Evesham, 252.

-, abbot of, 27, 103, 154, 156, 185, 189, 203, 204, 218, 223, 254, 269, 270, 305, 313, 316, 330, 356, 392, 420, 467, 468, 603.

-, abbot and convent of, 24, 25, 250, 252, 298, 299, 492.

-, abbot and prior of, 27.

-, monastery of, 544.

-, prior and convent of, 467.

-, sub-prior and convent of, 330.

Evesham, Master Adam de, 327.

-, Hugh of, 481, 495.

Evreux, Master Richard, archdeacon of, 63.

Ewell, Hewell, manor of [co. Surrey], 201.

Ewelme [co. Oxford], 140, 388.

Ewesan, Master Hugh de, 459.

Exbury, Eukesbiri [co. Hants], 546.

Exeter, 33, 301.

-, archdeacon of, 2, 451, 452, 466, 559, 591, 596, 611.

-, bishop of, 11, 42, 44, 56, 81, 87, 95, 97, 117, 139, 145, 176, 194–196, 210, 211, 216, 262, 363, 383, 405, 417, 418, 434, 444, 463, 478, 573.

-, bishop and chapter of, 136, 155, 345.

-, canons of, 47, 261, 274, 350, 365, 594, 609.

-, chancellor of, 217, 364.

-, chapter of, 32.

-, dean of, 127, 160, 282.

-, dean and chapter of, 32, 217.

-, diocesan clergy, 608.

-, official of, 267, 417.

-, prebends of, 97, 145, 241, 280.

-, see of, 176.

-, treasurer of, 168, 169, 291.

-, treasurer and dean of, 287.

-, prior of St. Nicholas, 357.

-, St. Stephen's, 11.

Exeter, Master John of, 241.

-, Master Walter of, 349.

Exming, Ixminge [co. Suffolk], 321.

Exminster [co. Devon], 56, 588.

Extildesham. See Hexham.

Exton [co. Hants], 21, 201.

Exybi, Exibi, Master Adam de, 203, 358.

Eya, Philip de, 349.

Eye, prior and convent of, 273, 414.

Eylesbury. See Aylesbury.

Eyllefford. See Aylesford.

Eynesford, Heyneforth [co. Kent], 158, 182.

Eynsham. See Ensham.


Fachymfatha [Ireland], 370.

Fairford, Fereford [co. Gloucester], 81, 123.

Fakenham. See Falkenham.

Falconeri, firm of, 479.

Falk, a knight, 49.

Falkenberg, E. de, 71.

Falkenham, diocese of Chichester, 373.

-, See Freckenham.

Falkingham, Folkingham [co. Linc.], 311.

Falmaresham. See Felmersham.

Falvel, Geoffrey, 558.

Farcett, Farsened [co. Hunt.], 187.

Farlesem, Master Walter de, 233.

Farmborough, Fermbrewe [co. Somerset], 254.

Farnborough, Ferneberg [co. Warwick], 21.

Farnham [co. Surrey], 279, 294, 405, 406.

-, [co. Essex], 239.

Farsened. See Farcett.

Fascampo, Alberic de, 323.

Faschot, Roger, 542.

Fauleset, abbot of, 344.

Faulkbonrn [co. Essex], 330.

Faversham, 23, 121, 171.

-, abbot of, 470.

-, abbot and convent of, 122, 493.

-, monk of, 470.

-, prior of, 2.

-, monastery of St. Saviour's, 475.

-, John Everard, of, 519.

Fawley [co. Hants], 546.

Featherstone, Fedrestan [co. York], 6, 336.

Fécamp, abbot of, 64.

-, abbot and convent of, 111, 387, 471.

Fedrestan. See Featherstone.

Feering, Feringes [co. Essex], 256.

Fekenham, Robert de, 603.

Felda, Nicholas de, 96.

Felde, diocese of Armagh, 389.

Felechurche. See Felkirk.

Felekirche. See Felkirk.

Felested. See Felstead.

Felkirk, St. Felix, Felechurche, Felekirche [co. York], 6, 88, 206, 336.

Felmersham, Falmaresham [co. Bedford], 18.

Felmingham [co. Norfolk], 381.

Felsham, Felvetham [co. Norfolk], 549.

Felstead, manor of, 24.

Feltwell [co. Norfolk], 175.

Fenton, prebend of, in York, 378, 443.

Ferdinand, emperor, 98.

Fereford. See Fairford.

Ferentino, 254.

-, bishop of, 575.

-, canons of, 154, 258, 278, 609.

-, clerks of, 115, 303.

-, canons of St. Angelo, 199, 236.

-, canons of St. Pancras, 493, 575.

Ferentino, Master Alexander de, 238, 288, 294, 302, 305, 320, 334, 346, 347, 350.

-, Bartholomew de, 559, 574, 585, 590, 591, 593–595, 597, 598, 602, 604, 607, 608, 609, 612.

-, J. de, archdeacon of Norwich, 120, 125, 130, 147, 157, 236.

-, Peter de, 219, 430, 442, 443.

-, Philip Onofrii de, 214.

-, Rainald de, 98.

-, Richard de, 575.

-, Roffridus de, 274.

-, Roland de, 493, 495.

-, Roland, son of, Matthew Cernitor, of 609.

Feringes, Feringis, Master Richard de, 566, 580.

-, Master Geoffrey de, 221, 392.

Ferlinton, Simon de, 13.

Fermbrewe. See Farmborough.

Fermo, bishop of, 612, 617.

Ferneberg. See Farnborough.

Fernindravit, Fornindravit, diocese of Aberdeen, 340.

Ferns, R. archdeacon of, 93.

-, bishop of, 15, 29, 56, 369, 370, 481.

-, bishop and chapter of, 287, 321.

-, dean of, 321.

-, precentor of, 325.

-, treasurer of, 479.

Ferrers, Ferrars, W. earl, 39, 44, 45.

-, John de, 588.

-, Robert de, earl of Derby, 588.

-, William de, 239.

Ferriby, South [co. Lincoln], 284, 311.

Fescamp, William de, 226.

Fetheresath, diocese of St. Andrew's, 382.

Fettercain, Fetherdern, diocese of St. Andrew's 389.

Fidim [Ireland], 36.

Fiennes, Fienles, Michael de, canon of Terouanne, 347, 410, 411.

Fieschi. See Flisco, Fliscis, Fuxis.

Fife, 30, 61.

Fife, Malcolm, earl of, 408.

Fifield, Fifhide, Fifid [co. Hants], 21, 201.

- [co Wilts], 525.

Figham, prior of St. Bartholomew's, 406.

Filby [co. Norfolk], 16, 27.

Filebi, Master Adam de, 401, 406.

Filing, diocese of Geneva, 253.

Fillongley, Filungelege [co. Warwick], 84.

Fincham, Fyncham [co. Norfolk], 381, 545.

Fineshead, Fineshade, Finesheved, prior and canons of, 91, 92, 318.

Finmere, Finomere [co. Oxford], 343.

Fintreth [Scotland], 521.

Fisela. See Fishlake.

Fishlake, Fisela [co. York], 595.

Fitifelt, Joan de, 499.

Fitz Gerald. See Gerald.

Fitz Gerold, Maurice, 329.

Fitz-Piers. See Peter.

Flace, Flache, Sibyl and William, 563.

Flabury [co. Worcester], letters dated at, 252.

Flaford, Flaflue [co. Notts], 354.

Flaming, Robert, 497.

Flammavilla, Robert de, 484.

Flamvile, Agnes de, 102.

Flanders, 427.

-, Guy, count of, 579.

-, Margaret, daughter of Guy, count of, 482.

-, Philip of, 579.

Flecknoe, Flekeno, 187.

Fleet, Fliete, 17.

Fleming Heinrich, 278.

Flint, John, 270.

Flisco, Fliscia, Master Brancaleon de, 572.

-, Leonard de, provost of Bruges, 616.

-, Luke de, 572.

-, See Friscis.

Flixborough, Flikesburgh [co. Lincoln], 533.

Flors, order of, 164, 166, 236, 237, 356.

Florecia, diocese of London, 475.

Florence, bishop of, 175.

-, canons of, 193, 245, 298.

-, citizen of, 292.

-, abbot of Holy Trinity, 604, 614.

-, merchants of, 366, 376, 379, 382, 384, 387, 393, 395, 404, 409, 410, 423, 465, 466, 469, 477–479, 481, 564, 565, 575, 581, 583–591, 598, 600, 602, 604, 614.

-, prior of St. James's, 583.

Florence, Garnerius, of, 465.

-, Lambert, son of Nigel Cambii, of, 584.

-, Master Rayner de Vichio, of, 561.

-, Rayner Giberti, of, 585.

-, Raynerius, of, 465.

-, James Sinibaldi, of, 545.

Florentia, Bartholomew de, canon of London, 612.

-, Matthew de, 354.

-, Silvagius de, 493, 535.

Florentii, Nicholas, canon of Cashel, 611.

Fobert, clerk, of Dover, 183.

Fodderty, Fotherdin [Scotland], 175.

Fodereth [Ireland], 18.

Folebourn, Master Adam de, 488.

Folesham. See Foulsham.

Foliano, Francis de, canon of Reggio, 515.

-, Guy de, canon of Terouanne, 244.

Foligno, canon of, 391, 395, 401.

Foliot, Robert, 352.

-, Thomas, 113.

Folioth, Thomas, 198.

Folk, John, 564.

Folkestone, prior and monks of, 17.

Folkingham. See Falkingham.

Folliot, G., 375.

Fontevraud, canon of, 315.

-, order of, 315, 448.

Fontmell [co. Dorset], 358.

Ford, Fordes [co. N'umb.], 571.

-, abbot of, 9.

Forda, Master Robert de, 210, 498, 504.

Fordham [co. Essex], 531.

Forel, Robert, 215.

Forensis, Cambinus, 479.

Foresta, Joseph and Thomas, sons of Stephen de, 260.

-, Stephen de, 260.

Forester, Matthew the, 571.

Forfar, 521.

Forgio, T. abbot of SS. Peter and Paul de, 110.

Foring, Master G. de, 266.

Forncett, Fornesethe [co. Norfolk], 291.

Fornidravit. See Fernindravit.

Fornindraut, William de, 340.

Forno, the deacon, 296.

Fornvah, Robert de, 211.

Fortan, Master H. de, 337.

Foscamp, Henry de, 488.

Foston [co. Derby], 18.

Foulden, Fuldon [co. Norfolk], 125.

Foulsham, Folesham [co. Norfolk], 609.

Fountains abbey, 50.

-, abbot of, 59, 66, 76, 90, 96, 100, 114, 308.

-, abbot and convent of, 60.

-, abbot and monks of, 102.

Foxmar, 187.

Fracton, Frayton, diocese of Lincoln, 533.

Fraiapanatibus, Master Nicholas de, 573.

Frakenham, Thomas de, 171.

-, See Falkenham.

France, 55, 177, 430, 567.

-, archbishops of, 177.

-, Holy Land tenth in, 555.

-, king of, 11, 14, 15, 98, 99, 100, 102, 109, 118, 123, 127, 134, 137, 141, 248, 249, 396, 402, 408, 419, 422, 430, 434, 435, 447, 472, 474, 498, 505, 562, 566–568, 576, 577, 579, 619.

-, papal legate to, 100, 102.

-, prebends in, 544.

-, prelates of, 123.

-, queen of, 120, 248, 249, 396, 426, 438, 563.

-, and England, relations between, 15, 16, 20, 51, 64, 66, 113, 118, 562, 563, 567, 568.

Franceis, Robert de, 36.

Francigena, John, 235, 257, 262, 278, 293, 294.

Francis, son of Peter Giles, 228.

Frankton, Franchaton, co. Warwick, 84, 85.

Fraser, William, 576, 578.

-, Master William, dean of Glasgow, chancellor of Scotland, 454.

Fraxino, Master Richard de, 454.

Frayton. See Fracton.

Freckenham, Frakenham [co. Suffolk], 373.

Frederick II., emperor, 119, 175, 188, 363.

Frederick, king of Sicily, 98.

Frekeham, Master Thomas de, 132.

Fremingeham, Master Ralph de, 360, 366, 374, 377, 378.

Frendebir. See Frindsbury.

Frescobaldi, firm of, 465, 469, 477.

Freshwater, Isle of Wight, 261, 425, 530, 584.

Fressingfeld [co. Suffolk], 526.

Frecone, Master Richard de, 349.

Friars Minors, 226, 277, 305, 321, 352, 391, 392, 398, 401, 411, 425, 428, 431, 438, 445, 456, 457, 460, 464, 487, 516, 521, 522, 530, 536, 551, 562, 566, 608, 610.

-, in Dublin, guardian of, 451.

-, minister of, 375.

-, provincial of, 553, 600, 605, 607, 610.

Friars of Penitence, 482, 490, 494, 514.

Friars Preachers, 226, 267, 302, 330, 392, 398, 401, 411, 423, 428, 445, 448–450, 452, 456, 465, 482, 485, 490, 495, 502, 507, 511, 526, 530, 535, 551, 571, 590, 608.

-, in Dublin, prior of, 451.

-, prior provincial of, 177, 211, 332, 375, 553, 565, 576, 600, 605, 607, 610.

-, provincial of, in France, 208.

-, in Ireland, vice-prior provincial of, 304.

Frindsbury, Frendebur [co. Kent], 219.

Friscis, Fuxis, Laurence de, of Berta, 573, 580.

Frisinone. See Frosinone.

Friskney, Freskenei [co. Lincoln], 284, 311.

Friston, 296.

Friuli, 450.

Frodingham, Frondingham [co. Lincoln], 451.

Frome [co. Somerset], 256.

Fromongh (or Fromoigh), Ralph de, 361.

Frosinone, canon of St. Mary's, 395.

Frosinone, Frisinone, Frusinone, John de, 253, 277, 278, 295, 308, 321, 380, 392, 393, 423.

Fuciniac, A., lord of, 257.

Fuer, Master Simon, 304.

Fulbeck, Fuleboc [co. Lincoln], 311.

Fulbek, Margery de, 510.

Fulcham, Master Geoffrey de, 353.

Fuldon. See Foulden.

Fulham, Foleham [co. Middlesex], 364, 529.

Fulk, Master, papal writer, 265.

Fulton, land of [Scotland], 107.

Furgers, lord of, 570.

Furness, abbot of, 301.

-, abbot and convent of, 206.

-, convent of, 69, 91.

Fuxis. See Friscis.

Fyndona, Thomas de, third prior of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, 468.


Gaddesden, Gatesden, diocese of Lincoln, 237.

Gaetano, Benedict of Pisa, 578, 579, 589.

-, Francis, son of Peter, 596, 611.

Gaietano, John, 413.

-, See Caetano.

Gailard, William, monk of Westminster, 345.

Gainford, Gameford, Geyneford [co. Durham], 119, 191, 219, 223.

Galdebug, Thomas de, 573.

Galdington, Henry de, 294.

Galecrum, diocese of Meath, 333.

Galfridus, Philip, and William, son of John, 313.

Galgan of Veroli, 406.

Galicia, 472.

Galloway, Alan de, constable of Scotland, 87, 122.

Galtrim, diocese of Meath, 550.

Galwechia, Alan de, 196.

Gamach, Matthew de, 120.

Gameford. See Gainford.

Gamelin, Master, 318, 319, 320, 331.

Gentz, Master Henry de, 233.

Garantulin, diocese of Moray, 324.

Garcino [N. Italy], 450.

Garde, Master Richard de, dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, 183.

Garibaldi, P. 130.

Garin [Scotland], 107.

Garnerius of Florence, 465.

Garsington, Geraingdon [co. Oxford], 540.

Garviah [Scotland], 521.

Gascony, 41, 67, 427, 472–474, 552.

-, barons of, 285.

-, Master Rostand, legate in, 338.

-, seneschal of, 159.

-, viceroy of, 266.

Gasthorpe, Geistrop [co. Norfolk], 8.

Gatele, Hamo de, 578.

Gatos, Geoffrey de, 354.

Gatton [co. Surrey], 528.

Gaufridi, J. 219.

Gaufrido, Nicholas de, 246.

Geallbetan, diocese of Cashel, 35.

Gedeworde, G. de, 16.

Gedewrde. See Jefburgh.

Geiste. See Guist.

Geistorp. See Gasthorpe.

Geldeford, Peter de, 489, 497.

Gelderegge. See Gillridge.

Geneva, canons of, 507, 594.

Genoa, archbishop of, 271, 489.

-, citizens of, 137.

-, Perinus, clerk of, 292.

Gentilis, Master, 139.

Geoffrey, son of Swan, 558.

Gerardi, Simon, 465.

Geripart. See Jerpoint.

Germany, 422.

Germenym, William de, 525.

Germita, Raynald de, 373.

Germunfekin, diocese of Armagh, 331.

Gernemue. See Yarmouth.

Gerniges, Hugh de, 558.

Gernum, John, 149.

Gerold, Maurice, son of, 165.

-, Maurice, son of Maurice, 369.

-, See Gherold.

Gerolweston, diocese of Canterbury, 325.

Gersindon. See Garsington.

Gervase, Master, 59.

-, Master, of London, 368.

Gerwalle. See Jervaulx.

Geyneforde. See Gainford.

Geynville, Geoffrey de, 527.

-, Simon de, 513.

Gherold, Master Thomasius, son of Maurice, 345.

Ghetti, firm of, 477.

Ghiberti, Gilberti, Rayner, of Florence, 356, 585.

Giburne. See Gisburn,

Giffard, John, 411.

-, Richard, 261.

-, Walter, 261.

Giffiz, Master Adam de, official of Bath and Wells, 242.

Gila, daughter of Maurice, of London, 368.

Gilberti, Alan, of Thorrenton, 561.

-, James, 387.

-, See Ghiberti.

Gildeford, Philip de, 315.

Giles, Francis, son of Peter, 228.

-, Master, 58, 76.

-, Peter, son of, 257.

Giliat, Gerard, 56.

Gillevillis, Master H. de, canon of Lincoln, 17.

Gillridge, Gelderegge [co. Sussex], 542.

Gilo, archdeacon, 209.

Gimetorp, Yvo de, 558.

Gimund, Peter, of Rome, canon of Laon, 348.

Gimundus, kinsman of Aldebrandinus, cardinal of St. Eustace's, 48.

Ginelleden. See Yelden.

Ginges. See Thoby, near Ingatestone.

Gippesmate, land of, 462.

Gippewic. See Ipswich.

Giraldus Cambrensis, archdeacon of Brecon, 14.

Giramuilla, Peter de, 56.

Girvalle. See Jervaulx.

Gisburn, Giburne [co. York], 277.

Gisburn, prior of, 28, 309, 461.

-, prior and canons of, 36, 54, 180.

-, prior and convent of, 337, 338.

Gislebert, 558.

Gissing [co. Norfolk], 540.

Gittinges. See Guiting.

Giudice, Gregory, of Alatri, 601, 602.

-, Master John, son of Andrew, of Anagni, 598.

Glannach, Glannan, prior of the Isle of, 8.

Glascombe, Glascum [co. Radnor], 301.

Glasgow, 47, 60.

-, archdeacon of, 87, 188.

-, bishop of, 37, 38, 55, 70, 78, 89, 144, 146, 157, 163, 166, 175, 182, 183, 188, 195, 219, 220, 227, 234, 243, 251, 318, 319, 337, 372, 380, 384, 413, 416, 418, 445, 467, 491, 562, 572, 584, 603.

-, bishop and chapter of, 160, 257.

-, bishop, dean, and treasurer of, 106, 216.

-, canons of, 70, 215, 236, 243–245, 295, 578.

-, cathedral, 476, 491.

-, chancellor of, 576, 578.

-, chapter and clergy of, 55.

-, Master William, of the church of, 70.

-, dean of, 286, 337, 344, 454, 462.

-, dean and official of, 196.

-, letters dated at, 337.

-, prebend of, 413.

-, prior of Friars Preachers at, 318.

Glaskete [Scotland], lands of, 72.

Glaston, Claston [co. Rutland], 356.

Glastonbury, 12, 22.

-, abbey, 9.

-, abbot of, 196, 365, 455.

-, abbot and convent of, 92, 127, 160, 193, 196, 217, 218, 242, 249, 250, 312, 313, 324.

-, convent of, 55.

Glastonbury, monks of, 9, 194, 195.

-, prior of, 47.

-, prior and convent of, 25, 67, 68.

-, prior and monks of, 242.

-, sacristan of, 92.

-, church of St. John, 217.

Glastonbury and Bath, 9, 12.

Glatton [co. Hunt.], 458.

Gleauneam, diocese of Cashel, 35.

Glendalough, archdeacon of, 516, 517.

Gliesche, diocese of Chartres, monastery of St. Clare, 512.

Glinte, Ralph de, 558.

Glinton, soc of, 558.

Gloudussen, diocese of Leighlin, 18.

Glorach, diocese of Leighlin, 18.

Gloucester, abbot of, 369, 471.

-, abbot and convent of St. Peter's, 374, 471, 486.

-, archdeacon and dean of, 144, 417.

-, R., proctor of the archdeacon of, 94.

-, Holy Trinity, 273.

-, rectors of St. Aldate's and St. John's 24.

-, prior of St. Oswald's, 608.

Gloucester, countess of, 147, 466.

-, Matilda de Clare, counteas of, 485.

-, earl of, 383.

-, Gilbert, earl of, 112, 432.

-, Isabel, daughter of Gilbert, earl of, 570.

-, earl of. See Clare.

-, Master Robert of, 471.

Gloucester and Hertford, Joan, countess of, 525.

-, countess of. See Clare.

-, earl of, 282, 317.

Gloucestria, Master Hugh de, 54, 55.

-, Master Robert de, 182.

Glovernia, Master Peter de, physician, 273.

-, Philip and William de, 159.

-, Master Robert de, 158, 159.

-, Thomas de, 203, 204.

-, William de, 151.

Gnarebur. See Knaresborough.

Gobeham, James de, 593.

Godelee, John de, 600.

Godisman, James, 575.

Godmersham [co. Kent], 373.

Godrishe, mother of Ingulf, 296.

Goffurd, William de, 567.

Goidekenape, Matilda, 549.

Goldborch. See Goldsborough.

Goldebornh. See Goldsborough.

Goldeborch. See Goldsborough.

Goldeburgh, Thomas de, 564.

Goldingham, priory of, 613.

Goldingham. See Coldingham.

Goldington [co. Bedford], 313.

Goldsborough, Goldeborch [co. York], 515.

Goldsborough, Goldborch, Goldebornh, Goldeborch, Anthony de, 515.

-, Thomas de, 514.

Gonaldston, Gunolveston [co. Notts], 19.

Gondige, William de, 489.

Gonerby, Gunwarbi [co. Lincoln], 311.

Gooderstone, Gotherstone [co. Norfolk], 528.

Goodworth Clatford, Godeword [co. Hants], 265.

Goronue, rector of Langyric, 559.

Gosberton [co. Lincoln], 221.

Gotherston. See Gooderstone.

Gottfrid, Master, of Alatri, 350.

-, papal notary, 123.

Gousla. See Goxhill.

Goxhill, Gousla [co. Linc.], 596, 615.

Graffham [co. Hunt], 187.

Grafton, Graston [co. Northants], 314.

Graham. See Grantham.

Graham, David de, 408.

-, Thomas de, 407.

Grai, H. de, 162.

-, John de, 165, 339.

-, Richard de, 165, 339.

Graignamanagh, abbot of, 192.

Gram, Master, 53.

Granard, abbot and convent of, diocese of Ardagh, 308.

Grandborough, Grenebirge [co. Warwick], 84.

Grande castrum, diocese of Agen, 501.

Grandison, Odo de, 505–509, 517, 530, 541, 579, 594, 599.

Gransden, Grandedsen [co. Hunt.], 888.

Grantham, Graham [co. Linc.], 33, 311.

-, dean of, 118.

-, church of the Friars Minors at, 521.

-, Graham, land of, 558.

-, -, prebend of, in Salisbury, 228, 278.

Grasmere, Grossemer, [co. Westm.], 294.

Grately [co. Hants], 285.

Gratwich, Gretewix [co. Stafford], 593.

Graule. See Crawley.

Grantesdene, Alberic de, 602.

Gravel, Master R. de, 73.

Gravenhurst [co. Bedford], 318.

Graves, prior of, 375.

Graveshendia, Master Richard de, 305.

Graynt, David le, 548.

Greatford, Gretford, [co. Lincoln], 342, 346, 348.

Greatham, Gretham [co. Durham], 315.

Grenecroft [co. Durham], 571.

Gregory IX., 208, 225, 231, 240.

Gregory, Master, of Naples, 346.

-, -, papal chaplain, 40.

Grena, Master R. de, canon of Salisbury, 265.

Grenebirge. See Grandborough.

Grenefeld, Master William de, canon of York, 555.

-, -, chancellor, 605.

Grenelawe, Master William de, 106.

Grenestede. See Grinstead.

Grenoble, prior of St. Laurence's, 237, 239.

-, Master Antelmus, prior of St. Laurence's, 233.

Gressenhale, Master Reginald de, 381.

Greswell, Robert de, 526.

Gretanhow, Gretenhou, diocese of Glasgow, 337.

Gretewix. See Gretwich.

Gretinge. See Creeting.

Grey, Henry, son of William de, 332.

-, Reginald, son of John de, 575.

Greynvill, William de, 254.

Greystoke [co. Cumberland], 507.

Grif [Scotland], 106.

Griffin, Master Geoffrey, 519.

Grifo, Master John, canon of Beverley, 358.

Grimaldi, Andrew Luke de, and Gabriel his son, 270.

Grimley [co. Worcester], 499.

Grinstead, Grenestede [co. Sussex], 508.

Grittleton, Gritelintone [co. Wilts], 588.

Gros, Master Geoffrey de, 377.

Grossemer. See Grasmere.

Grosseto, bishop of, 526, 527, 551, 553.

Grove, prior of, 300.

Gruerie, William, son of the count of, 344.

Gruffin, Kynuric, son of, 542.

Grunkeld, a tenant in Scotland, 106.

Gruyere, William, son of the count of, 228.

Gualfredi, Castra, 409, 410.

Gualo, Master, 402.

Guarcin, Sanctus, prior of, 406.

Guarcino, Nicholas de, 498.

Guelphs of Florence, 262.

Gueng, Gualuan de, 616.

Guiberti, Carlin, 326.

Guidi, merchants, 386.

Guidi, Francis, 381, 424.

Guifard, Walter, son of Hugh, 217.

Guiffard, Robert, 217.

Guildford, prior and brethren of St. Mary's, 378.

Guildeford, Peter de, 593.

Guilloti, Master Aymeric, 447, 448.

Guinfolt, William de, 527.

Guist, Geiste [co. Norfolk], 8.

Guiston, diocese of Lincoln, 547.

Guiting, Guyting, Gittinges [co. Glouc], 93.

Gundelund, a territory, 102.

Gunild, widow, 51.

Gunolveston. See Gonaldston.

Gunthorpe, Gunetorp [co. Norfolk], 51.

Gunwarbi. See Gonerby.

Gurdun, Adam de, 323.

Gurley, land of, 571.

Gussage, Gyasych [co. Dorset], 588.

Guston, Gothcistun, Gutteston [co. Kent], 121, 139, 171.

Guyting Temple. See Guiting.

Gwent, Lower, dean of, 237.

Gyrimeleye, William de, 604.