Index: C

Pages 636-646

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 1, 1198-1304. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1893.

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Caalltulach [Ireland], 35.

Cabaliac, Peter, son of George, count of, 363.

Caballus, Philip, 334.

Cabanicio, John de, 416.

Cachiporc. See Chaceporc.

Cadeby [co. Leicester], 320.

Cadihow, Cadion, 107.

Cadney, Kadenei [co. Lincoln], 284, 311.

Cadomo, John de, 586.

-, Master T. de, canon of London, 130.

Caen, abbess and convent of Holy Trinity, 24.

Caeruent, Master Gregory de, 460.

Cæsarea, 436.

Caetano, Gaietan, James, son of John, canon of York, 136.

- See Gaetano.

Caistor, Castre, Castrech [co. Lincoln], 196, 222.

-, Castrech. See Caistor.

Caithness, 60.

-, archdeacon of, 564.

-, bishop of, 1, 2, 12, 59, 89, 96, 103, 178, 182, 183, 207, 379, 446, 448, 464, 467, 552, 554, 555, 564, 569, 572, 587, 588, 612.

-, canons of, 379, 448.

-, ceas in county of, 1.

-, chapter of, 465, 564.

-, clergy and people of the diocese of, 465.

-, dean of, 457, 464.

-, dean and chapter of, 446, 569.

- people of the diocese of, 564.

-, treasurer of, 448.

Caithness, earl of, 12.

Caithness and Orkney, H. earl of, 2.

Calais, archdeacon of, 157.

Calcedonius, Master, N. kinsman of, 130.

Calchor. See Kelso.

Calciata, diocese of Besançcon, chapel of, 558.

Calco. See Kelso.

Caldbeck, Camberch [co. Cumberland], 210, 235, 273.

Caldesete, 571.

Caldoiter, or Kaldoiter, 107.

Caldwell, prior of, 230.

Callan, Kallan, 317.

Calthorpe. See Thorp.

Caltrep, Walter de, 353.

Calva, Master William de, canon of Dublin, 329.

Calwedon. See Coundon.

Cam [co. Gloucester], 486.

Camberiaco, Master Peter de, canon of St. Martin's le Grand, 348.

Cambere. See Caldbeck.

Cambii, Lambert, son of Nigel, of Florence, 584.

Cambrai, 568.

-, archdeacon of, 601.

-, canons of, 467, 469, 473, 475, 482, 484, 485, 486, 494, 495, 503, 509, 552, 557, 573, 575, 580, 602.

-, St. Galeric, 199.

Cambridge, archdeacon of, 21.

-, chancellor of, 126, 142.

-, chancellor and scholars of, 135, 136.

-, dean of, 214.

-, Gilbertine students at, 514.

-, St. Andrew's, 323.

-, St. Botolph's, 281.

-, chapel of St. Edmund in, 534.

Cambuskenneth, abbot of, 567.

-, aboot and canons of, 28, 34.

Camel [co. Somerset], 65.

Camera, O. de, 23.

-, William de, precentor of Waterford, 313.

Camerarius, B., 483.

Camerino, canon of St. Venantius, 473.

Camesinges, diocese of Ross, 545.

Camezan, John de, 275, 276, 280, 290, 334, 350.

-, Master John de, 333, 361.

Camilla, Tedisius de, 448, 450, 451, 467, 473, 489, 596.

Campania, fair of, 124.

-, near Rome, 412.

Campania, John de, 241.

Campden, 314.

Campeden, Walter de, 273.

Campilio, Albert, curate of 249, 252.

Campsall, Camessale [co. York], 568, 569, 571.

Campsey, prioress and convent of, 121, 124.

Cams, Reginald, 408.

Can [Scotland], 30, 61.

Cancell, Master Philip de, 412.

Cancellis, Peter de, 127.

Candulfis, Andrew de, canon of Orleans, 495.

Canewdon [co. Essex], 96.

Canon Leigh [co. Devon], 478.

Cantalupo. See Cantilupe.

Cantebrigia, Geoffrey de, 532.

Cantebriggia, Thomas de, 593.

Canterbury, archbishop of, 1–4, 6–11, 13, 14, 16, 18–21, 23, 25–27, 29–32, 34, 37–39, 40, 42, 45, 52–54, 56–58, 62, 63, 66–72, 76–82, 85–88, 91, 93–96, 98–103, 108, 111–113, 115, 117, 118, 120, 123–125, 127, 128, 130, 137–140, 142, 144, 146, 148, 149, 151, 155, 156–159, 163, 170–174, 177–180, 182, 184–186, 188, 189, 193, 194, 195, 199, 200, 203, 205, 206, 208, 209, 212, 213, 214, 215, 217, 227, 228, 229, 233, 237, 238, 242, 248, 249, 252, 262, 264, 265–268, 272, 273, 276, 281, 286, 287, 290, 298, 299, 301, 303, 313, 325, 315, 316, 325, 344, 350, 356, 359, 366, 370, 378, 383, 391, 395, 403, 405, 406, 409, 410–412, 421, 436, 439, 440, 442, 444–452, 456, 458–461, 463, 466–468, 470–473, 476, 485–487, 489–491, 495, 497, 511, 514, 517, 519, 520, 532, 539, 542, 544, 547, 548, 552–554, 557, 560, 561, 564, 565, 569, 572, 578, 583–585, 589, 593, 594, 597, 600, 604, 605, 607–610, 612, 614, 615, 620.

-, archbishop and archdeacon of, 153, 171, 186.

-, archbishop, archdeacon, and official of, 103.

-, archbishop and chapter of, 164.

-, archbishop and prior and convent of, 236.

-, archbishop of, and his suffragans, 58.

-, archdeacon of 11, 23, 95, 115, 122, 143, 145, 154, 195, 206, 252, 262, 276, 277, 294, 350, 404, 406, 432, 433, 461, 538, 566, 581, 583, 585, 590, 593, 599.

-, archdeacon and official of, 122, 158.

-, auditor of causes in the province of, 518.

-, bishops of the province of, 452.

-, bishops and clergy of the province of, 226.

-, secular canons in the province of, 181, 182, 189, 190.

-, college of secular canons, 173.

-, chancellor of, 519.

-, chapter of, 137, 166, 194, 456.

-, cathedral church of, 31, 32, 33, 77, 539.

-, churches of, 200.

-, clergy and people of the diocese of, 200, 442, 456.

Canterbury, convent of, 194.

-, debts of the church of, 227.

-, documents relating to, 174.

-, chapter of Holy Trinity, 192.

-, letters dated at, 290.

-, monks of, 4, 5, 8, 23, 26, 31, 561.

-, official of, 25, 224, 228, 233, 238, 242, 254, 257, 262, 286, 288, 334, 348, 361, 395, 405, 415.

-, possessions of the see of, 3.

-, precentor of, 133.

-, prior of, 12, 54, 276, 614.

-, prior and convent of, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 23, 25–27, 77, 120, 124, 128, 130, 136, 139, 149, 155–157, 159, 167, 170, 172–174, 175, 184, 200, 204, 214, 442, 560, 564.

- prior and official of, 124.

-, proctors of the church of, 182.

-, province of, 162.

-, see of, 135, 136, 120, 462.

-, sub-prior of, 200, 201, 208.

-, suffragans of, 4, 23, 26, 27, 58, 120, 129, 137, 139, 150, 158, 167, 173, 200, 207, 210, 237, 238, 278, 442.

-, treasurer of, 519.

-, St. Augustine's, 2, 23, 24, 171, 594, 608, 609.

-, abbot of St. Augustine's, 26, 41, 42, 45, 121, 158, 189, 195, 286, 295, 322, 333, 360, 361, 376, 391, 415, 455, 468, 486, 489, 583, 588, 593, 596, 603, 612.

-, abbot and convent of St. Augustine's, 110, 132, 146, 156, 157, 164, 170, 171, 177, 191, 199, 236, 271, 283, 290, 291, 322, 334–337, 359, 584, 585, 614, 615.

-, abbot and prior of St. Augustine's, 80, 305.

-, Roger, almoner of St. Augustine's, 290.

-, St. Augustine's, monks of, 23, 24, 603.

-, Robert, monk and proctor of St. Augustine's, 283.

-, prior of St. Augustine's, 181, 217.

-, third prior of St. Augustine's, 468.

-, prior and convent of St. Augustine's, 467.

-, priors of St. Augustine's and St. Gregory's, 2.

-, church of St. Laurence, 313.

-, hospital of St. Laurence, 585.

-, hospital at Northgates, 511.

-, church of St. Paul in the suburb of, 359, 585.

-, prior and convent of St. Thomas, 77.

Cantia, John de, 379, 380, 384, 386, 387, 424.

Cantilupe, Cantalupo, Hugh de, 205, 223, 417.

-, John de, 514.

-, Matilda de, 514.

-, Matthew de, 180.

-, Master R. de, 125, 128, 18.

-, Thomas de, 205, 228, 417.

-, William de, 223.

Cantolu, F. de, 32.

Cantor, Andrew, 537.

Cantuaria, Adam de, 412, 415.

Cantwel, Roger, 536.

Capella, Nicholas de, 316.

-, William de, 414.

Caperon, W. 278.

Capotius, Laurence, son of Processus, 611.

‘Capra,’ Thomas, 127.

Caprons, John de, 496.

Capua, archbishop of, 275, 303, 317, 318, 342, 493, 495.

-, Peter de, 60.

Carbrech, D., lord of Thomond, 212.

Carcassone, viscount of, 36.

-, viscount of. See Montfort.

Cardarellus, James, of Narni, 604.

Cardiff, Kerdif, St. Mary's, 82, 123.

Cardinals, Gualo. See Cardinals, Gualo, of St. Martin's.

-, James de Colonna, 597.

-, Jordan, 405.

-, Otho, 159–174, 176, 177, 180–183, 185, 186, 189, 227, 376, 378, 388.

- See O. bishop of Porto.

-, Pandulph, bishop elect of Norwich, 64 to 67, 165, 295.

-, See Norwich.

-, Peter de Colonna, 580, 597.

-, Stephen Langton. See Canterbury, archbishop of.

-, bishop of Albano, 74, 251, 276, 567, 568, 573, 601, 609.

-, Beraldus, Berard, bishop of Albano, 456, 562, 563, 592, 608.

-, J. bishop of Albano, 21, 22.

-, Leonard, bishop of Albano, 588, 598, 604.

-, bishop of Ostia, 49, 61, 179, 194, 277, 278, 287, 413, 420, 436, 466, 472, 483, 489, 582, 561, 564, 566.

-, bishop of Palestrina, 195, 265, 329, 378, 404, 406, 562, 563, 567, 568, 573, 590, 596, 602.

-, B. bishop of Porto, 220, 492, 494.

-, John, bishop of Porto, 592.

-, Matthew, bishop of Porto, 576, 582, 583, 585.

-, O. bishop of Porto, 212, 214, 220, 239, 240, 252, 295, 388, 405, 435, 484, 489, 587.

-, B. Kilwardby, bishop of Porto, 456, 462, 470, 511.

-, Master Reginald, chaplain of O., bishop of Porto, 240.

-, bishop of Sabina, 61, 241, 392, 396–400, 404, 431, 441, 443, 561.

-, bishop of Tusculum, 45, 55, 229, 234, 442, 461, 567, 594.

-, N. bishop of Tusculum, 38, 39, 40, 294, 295.

-, Ordonius, bishop of Tusculum, 470, 473.

-, of the Holy Apostles, 412.

-, S. of the Holy Apostles, 111.

-, Stephen of Holy Apostles, 70, 82.

-, G. of St. Adrian's, 219.

-, Neapoleo of St. Adrian's, 583, 614.

-, Ottobon of St. Adrian's, 345, 360, 363, 409, 410, 419–421, 424–445, 450, 619.

-, of St. Angelo's, 280.

-, R. of St. Angelo, 50, 100, 102, 110–112, 118, 119, 202, 208, 273, 274, 301, 329, 352, 377, 378, 406, 446, 492.

-, R. of St. Angelo, Richard, nephew of, 417.

-, John, of St. Cecilia's, 472, 479.

-, Simon, of St. Cecilia's, 434, 437.

-, Benedict, of SS. Cosmas and Damian, 559.

-, Giles, of SS. Cosmas and Damian, 153, 156, 208, 214.

-, Jordan, of SS. Cosmas and Damian, 377, 409 to 411, 417.

-, Stephen de Langueton of St. Crisogonus, 27.

-, L. of St. Cross in Jerusalem, 125, 298.

-, Aldebrandimus of St. Eustace's, 48.

-, G. of St. Eustace's, 302.

-, Jordan, of St. Eustace's, 471, 483.

-, Peter, of St. Eustace's, 572, 585.

-, R. of St. Eust ace's, 188, 196–198.

-, Richard, of St. Eustace's, 583, 585.

-, Ubert, of St. Eustace's, 449, 450.

-, V. of St. Eustace's, Albert and Boniface, nephews of, 414.

-, William, of St. Eustace's, 257, 274.

-, Geoffrey, of St. George's, 404, 405, 412, 413, 461.

-, Gregory, of St. George's, 16.

-, Peter, of St. George's, 348.

-, B. [Robert] of SS. John and Paul, papal legate in France, 67.

- of St. Laurence's outside the walls, 611.

-, Hugh, of St. Laurence's in Lucina, 464, 468, 471, 481, 483, 485, 495, 512, 581.

-, J. of St. Laurence's in Lucina, 217, 231, 251, 261, 266, 269, 271, 278, 293, 305, 324, 328, 330–334, 336, 340, 341, 344, 346, 348, 349, 351, 352, 356, 358–361, 370.

-, Richard, chaplain of J. of St. Laurence's in Lucina, canon of St. Andrews, 284.

-, Matthew, of St. Laurence's in Damaso, 510.

-, Francis, of St. Lucy's, 616.

-, Glusian, of SS. Marcellinus and Peter, 473, 487–489.

-, P. of St. Marcellus, 236.

-, William, of St. Mark's, 414, 456, 493.

-, Gualo, Wala, of St. Martin's, papal legate, 40–42, 44, 46, 52, 53, 61–97, 132, 140, 142, 145.

-, Gentile, of St. Martin's, 592, 594, 600, 607.

-, Gervase, of St. Martin's, 492.

-, S. of St. Martin's, 457.

-, Francis, of St. Mary's in Cosmedin, 569, 580, 586, 588, 596, 598.

-, J. of St. Mary's in Cosmedin, 407, 413, 414, 459, 465, 469.

-, John, of St. Mary's in Cosmedin, 38.

-, -, Leonard, nephew of, 401.

-, R. of St. Mary's in Cosmedin, 81, 166, 192.

-, Peter, of New St. Mary's, 583, 608.

-, E. of St. Mary's in Via Lata, 376.

-, G. of St. Mary's in Via Lata, 25.

-, James, of St. Mary's in Via Lata, 502, 503, 519.

-, Luke, of St. Mary's in Via Lata, 595, 616.

-, O. of St. Mary's in Via Lata, 302, 315, 317, 363.

-, Octavian, of St. Mary's in Via Lata, 221, 420, 493.

-, Otho, of St. Mary's in Via Lata, 351, 378.

-, P. of St. Mary's in Via Lata, 2, 5, 6.

-, M. of St. Mary's in Porticu, 518, 555, 581, 583.

-, Matthew, of St. Mary's in Porticu, 451, 456, 457, 460.

-, G. of St. Mary's in Trastevere, 198.

-, S. of St. Mary's in Trastevere, 156, 210, 254.

-, B. of St. Nicholas in Carcere, 492, 508.

-, G. of St. Nicholas in Carcere, 295.

-, J. of St. Nicholas in Carcere, 231, 258, 270.

-, John, of St. Nicholas in Carcere, 443, 446.

-, Otho, of St. Nicholas in Carcere, 120, 150, 159–162, 169, 170, 171, 179, 193–195, 199, 208, 212, 214, 237, 484, 606.

-, Ancher, of St. Praxed's, 386, 387, 408, 411, 442, 443, 460, 462, 483.

-, J. of St. Praxed's, 126, 129, 132.

-, Eustace, clerk of John Colonna of St. Praxed's, 175.

-, Hugh, of St. Sabina's, 265, 274, 355, 356.

-, Thomas, of St. Sabina's, 181, 182, 208.

-, J. of St. Stephen's, 14, 15, 22, 27.

-, R. of St. Stephen's on the Cælian, 49.

-, Gregory de Crescentio, of St. Theodore's, 70.

-, J. de Salerno, 476.

-, College of, 380.

Cardington, Kerdinton [co. Bedford], 313.

Cardolio, Master Thomas de, 468.

Carentuli, [Scotland], 258.

Carevilla, R. de, 228.

Carfantan, Hugolinus, nephew of Master Paul de, 278.

Carle, 457.

Carleton, Chapel of St. Mary, 544.

Carleton, William de, canon of Wells, 595.

Carlingford, Kerlingford [Ireland], 17.

Carlisle, archdeacon of, 170, 216, 538.

-, bishop of, 54, 57, 67, 68, 69, 78, 81, 87, 91, 108, 112, 141, 142, 178, 179, 188, 203, 214, 256, 273, 862, 373, 382, 391, 454, 461, 492, 496, 512, 528, 534, 552, 554, 555, 564, 574, 587, 588, 597.

-, bishopric and parish of, 91.

-, canons of, 48, 57, 91.

-, church of, 48, 112.

-, clergy and people of the diocese of, 461.

-, dean of, 91, 256.

-, canon and official of, 81.

-, official of, 91.

-, precentor of, 461.

-, prior and convent of, 81, 91, 108, 112, 250, 256, 273, 861, 362, 461, 540.

-, St. Mary's, 91, 476.

-, sheriff of, 81, 91.

-, succentor of, 461.

Carlisle, Simon de, 461.

-, Lugubalia, 91.

Carlton, Karleton, land in, 51.

Carmunnock, Curmanoc [Scotland], 106.

Carric, Duncan de, 107.

Carnebro [Scotland], 107.

Carney, William de, 182.

Carnoto, Peter de, 564.

-, Thomas de, archdeacon of Lothian, 382.

Carobroche in Insula, Master Peter de, archdeacon of Exeter, 559.

Carpenter, Lefwin the, 558.

Carrow, convent of St. Mary [co. Norfolk], 540.

Cart, Kert, water of [Scotland], 106, 107.

Carthusians, 94, 411, 429, 432.

Cartmel, prior and canons of, 135, 12

Cas [Scotland], 30, 61.

Casamario, abbot of, 15, 16.

Casate, count of, 489.

Caserta, count of, 611.

Cashel, archdeacon of, 356.

-, archdeaconry of, 98.

-, archbishop of, 3, 10, 14, 35, 68, 70, 75, 80, 97, 98, 110, 118, 129, 142, 184, 192, 204, 212, 231, 232, 236, 267, 275, 287, 289, 305, 313, 368, 395, 425, 446, 449, 488, 490, 514, 516, 517, 521, 552, 553, 611, 613.

-, archbishop and archdeacon of, 253.

-, archbishop and chapter of, 304, 370, 371.

-, canons of, 304, 305, 516, 611.

-, chancellor of, 611.

-, chapter of, 97, 304, 305.

-, clergy of the diocese of, 611.

-, clergy and people of the diocese of, 304, 516.

-, dean of, 304, 516.

-, dean and chapter of, 166, 327, 611.

-, official of the archbishop of, 53.

-, precentor of, 98, 287.

-, province of, 283.

-, see of, 297, 369.

-, suffragans of, 304.

-, treasurer of, 304, 305, 308.

Castelargot, prebend of, in Hereford, 301.

Castelbeg [Ireland], 461.

Castelleto, Master Giles de, 473.

Castello, James de, 561.

-, Master Roger de, 442, 448.

-, Opizo de, 561.

-, Simon, son of Zachary de, citizen of Genoa, 273.

Castile, 472.

-, king of, 371.

- and Leon, king of, 437.

-, Holy Land tenth in, 555.

-, Alphonso X. king of, 555.

Castle Airaud. See Chatellerault.

Castle Camps, Castle Catterbridge [co. Cambridge], 323.

Castle Conkufin, diocese of Killala, 500.

Castle Connor, Castle Oconheur [Ireland], 498.

Castle Hymel. See Fineshead.

Castor [co. Norfolk], 535.

Castor, Castre [co. Northants], 130, 131, 154, 168, 558.

Castro Bernardi, John de, 590.

Catania, bishop of, 407.

Catering. See Kettering.

Catfield [co. Norfolk], 117, 609.

Cathal, king of Connaught and o. his son, 77.

Cathcart, Kathkert [Scotland], 106.

Catteley, 284, 311.

Catterick [co. York], 174.

Cattistock, Cattestoke [co. Dorset], 525.

Catworth, Cattewirth [co. Kent], 536.

Cauç, Geoffrey de, 165, 339.

Canute, king, 156.

Cauda, Simon de, and Joan his wife, 233.

Caunton [co. Notts], 138.

Cautio, Geoffrey de, 66.

Cava, Master Roger de, 320.

Cave, Master Robert de, 606.

Caveham. See Covenham.

Cavendish [co. Suffolk], 479.

Caxton, Jeremias de, 212.

Ceallehluam [Ireland], 35.

Ceallehurrigi [Ireland], 35.

Ceailinithini [Ireland], 35.

Ceallmumenoch [Ireland], 35.

Ceallosenthan [Ireland], 35.

Ceccano, Richard de, 594.

-, Stephen de, cardinal, 82.

Cecus, Maurice, 108.

Cedonore, Ceudenore, Master Stephen de, 459.

Cedre. See Cheddar.

Celano, Nicholas de, son of Boetius, 258.

Cella, Geoffrey de, 120.

Cella Parva, Thomas, abbot of [Ireland], 232.

Cellasnad [Ireland], 18.

Cellederggidam [Ireland], 18.

Cellmecchatil [Ireland], 18.

Cenis, Mont, provost of, 424.

Cenon, diocese of Meath, archdeacon of, 165.

Cerby, Master Roger de, canon of Dunkeld, 346.

Cercellis. See Churchill.

Cerne, Cernel, abbot of, 61, 588.

Cerneia, Master William de, 159.

Cernitor, Roland, son of Matthew, of Ferentino, 609.

Cervia, bishop of, 221.

Cesteton, Master Adam de, 353.

Cestreton, Valentine de, 234.

Cestretun. See Chesterton.

Cestria, Peter de, 293, 494, 549.

Cetorlocth [Ireland], 18.

Chabaudi, John, 303.

Chacepore, Chaceporch, Cacepore, Peter de, 154, 202, 273, 274, 300.

Chaddesley, Chedeslei [co. Worcester], 81.

Chadeswrthe, Robert de, 510.

Chalcombe, Chaucomb, monastery of, 476.

Chale, 357.

Chalgrave, Chauegrave [co. Oxford], 347.

Chalons, Master Angel, canon of, 391.

Chameltone. See Hamelton.

Champagne and Brie, Edmund count of, 467.

Chancellor, 302, 550, 581, 583, 605.

-, bishop of Durham, 78, 80.

-, Richard, 287.

-, Walter de Merton, 385.

[Chancy], Robert de, 461.

Chandiac, Stephen, clerk, son of the lord of, 252.

Chanker, Raynald de, 303.

Chantotey, lady of, 512.

Chaourse, Payn de, 445.

Chaplain, Roger, 407.

Charfield, Charfeud [co. Gloucester], 551.

Charing, Cherringes [co. Kent], 215.

Charlecote [co. Warwick], 84.

Charles of Anjou, 227.

Charles, king of Sicily, 472, 502, 568.

Charlinch, Cherdelinch [co. Somerset], 551.

Charlton Mackrell [co. Somerset], 248.

Chartres, abbot and prior of, 54.

-, bishop of, 146.

-, canons of, 145, 146, 158, 575.

-, Master Jordan, canon and precentor of, 433.

-, dean and chancellor of, 48.

-, dean and official of, 416.

Charwelton, Cerwalton [co. Northants], 187.

Chatean Gaillard (de Rupe), 1.

Chatellerault, Castle Airaud, prior of St. Romain, 151.

Chatiry, Chanty, Robert de, 265.

Chaury, Robert de, archdeacon of Bath, 346.

Chauro, Robert de, 307.

Chautelier, Robert, 337.

Chauvent, Otto de, 508.

Chaus, Matilda de, 51.

Cheam, John de, 277, 372.

-, Master John de, 274, 277, 279.

Cheam, Cheyham [co. Surrey], 460.

Checkley, Chekkeley [co. Stafford], 561.

Cheddar, Cedre [co. Somerset], 308.

Chedelaerth, Thomas de, dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, 583.

Chedeslei. See Chaddesley.

Cheham, John de, canon of London, 299.

Chelchuthe. See Chelsea.

Chelse, land in, 187.

Chelsea. See Cholsey.

-, Chelchuthe [co. Middlesex], 520, 585.

Chelsfield, Cheffield [co. Kent], 373, 559.

Chenigale [Scotland], 83.

Cherbury, Chrisberi, St. Mary's priory, 10.

-, St. Michael's, 10.

Cherdelinch. See Charlinch.

Cherringes. See Charing.

Chertsey [co. Surrey], 6.

-, abbey of, 6.

-, abbot of, 8, 138, 576, 578.

-, monastery of St. Peter, 475.

Cheshunt, Cheshuthe [co. Herts], 509.

Chester, archdeaconry of, 529.

-, Master Adam, archdeacon of, 289.

-, canone of, 589.

-, John, constable of, 45.

-, dean of St. John's, 549.

-, rectory of St. Mary's, 345.

Chester, Chester, earl of, 43, 48, 124.

-, Ranulf, earl of, 39, 45, 73, 81, 112.

Chester-le-Street [co. Durham], 570.

Chesterton, Cesterton [co. Warwick], 84.

-, Cestretun [co. Hunt.], 187.

-, -, [co. Cambridge], 97, 613, 614.

Chevele, Master Helias de, 9.

Cheveley, 9.

Cheventon, Roger de, 601.

Cheverell [co. Wilts], 543.

Chew [co. Somerset], 213.

Chewton [co. Somerset], 269.

Chich, 27.

-, abbot of St. Osyth's, 2.

Chichester, 33.

-, abbot of, 21, 22.

-, bishop of, 29, 43, 44, 49, 52, 58, 68, 83, 92, 95, 125, 138, 165, 173, 178, 179, 185, 195, 199, 215, 263, 264, 280, 290, 332, 339, 377, 421, 443, 483.

-, bishop and treasurer of, 158.

-, canons of, 135, 228, 323, 354, 377, 391, 486, 531, 559, 570, 581, 588, 587, 588, 603.

-, chancellor of, 575.

-, dean of, 16, 21, 23, 143, 273, 334, 483, 605.

-, dean and chapter of, 32, 377.

-, diocese of, 472.

-, guardian of Friars Minors at, 291.

-, official of, 404.

-, prebends of, 92, 267.

-, precentor of, 173.

-, treasurer of, 70, 125, 173.

Chicksands [co. Bedford], 284, 311.

-, chapel of St. Thomas, near, 534.

Chilbolton, Cilbodinton [co. Hants], 21, 201.

Chilcomb, Chiltecumbe [co. Hants], 21, 201.

Childeconoel, 21.

Childwall, Childewelle [co. Lanc.], 577.

Chilfrome, Childeferme [co. Dorset], 268. 390.

Chilwell, Chillewell [co. Notts], 19.

Chin, John de, 66.

Chinachim, 863.

Chingesbiri. See Kingsbury.

Chinttune, 46.

Chineburne, Master Richard de, 277.

Chineden, Master Alan de, 606.

Chirstore, mill of, 10.

Chisengh, prebend of, 47.

Chislett, Cistelet [co. Kent], 121, 171.

Chisull, Master John, 273.

Chobeam, Master Thomas de, 569.

Chobham [co. Surrey], 6.

Choc, Sinod, 558.

Choing, diocese of Lincoln, 368.

Chollerton [co. Northumberland], 278.

Cholsey, Chelsea [co. Berks], 28.

Chondale. See Crundale.

Chotenham, William de, 534.

Chrisberi. See Cherbury.

Chupagni, Girinus, 469.

Churche, Longley. See Langley Kirk.

Churchill, Cercellis [co. Oxford], 547.

Chyahelle, Master John de, 366.

Cibesey. See Sibsey.

Cioestria, Roger de, 286.

-, Walkelin de, 278.

Cilbodinton. See Chilbolton.

Cimba, Peter de, 266.

Cinque Ports, 430, 431.

-, barons of, 43, 44.

-, inhabitants of, 441.

Cinthii Guidonis, Peter, 188.

Circuli, firm of, 465, 469, 477, 618.

Cirenoester, abbot of, 8, 42.

Cissor, Hugh, 620.

Cistelet. See Chislett.

Cistercians, 31, 60, 187, 383, 411, 423, 429, 432, 444, 556.

Cistercian, abbots and convents, 205, 206.

-, monasteries, 10, 33, 34, 142, 279, 359.

Citeaux, abbot of, 123, 342, 343.

-, -, papal legate, 33.

-, abbot and convent of St. Mary's 120.

Cividale, 450.

Civitate Antina, Master John de, 188.

Civitella, John de, 303.

Clacton. See Glatton.

Clacton, Clakintun [co. Essex], 81.

Clacy, William de, 462.

Clahaule, Clahevile, diocese of Lincoln, 238, 318.

Claipol, Master Simon de, 344

Clairvaux, Stephen, abbot of, 342.

Clamarhoth, 296.

Clandon abbots [co. Surrey], 275.

Clanfield [co. Oxford], 352.

Clanvill, Robert de, 218.

Clara, Clera, Bogo de, 466, 486, 509, 510, 519, 570.

-, Gilbert de, clerk, 207.

-, Matilda de, countess of Gloucester and Hertford, 448, 478, 485.

-, Nicholas de, archdeacon of Dublin, 509, 541.

-, Richard de, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, 317.

-, William de, 210, 550.

Clare, Friars Minors of, 610.

Clare, earl of, 48.

Clarel, John, 265, 311, 363, 376, 467, 488.

Claremont, abbot of St. Illidius, 566.

Clarentes of Pistois, firm of, 563, 565, 573, 588, 598, 600, 602, 611, 618.

Claromonte, Simon de, canon of Rheims, 257.

Clarus, scholar of London, 285.

Claston. See Glaston.

Claverton, Clafferton [co. Somerset], 269.

Claybrooke, Cleibrok [co. Leicester], 315.

Clayhanger [co. Devon], 353.

Cley, Clegh [co. Norfolk], 519.

Cleibrok. See Claybrooke.

Clement, Isabella, daughter of, 314.

Clementesthorp, Clementestorp, 296.

Clent [co. Stafford], 315, 317.

Cler, Ralph de, 107.

Clera. See Clare.

Clerbrand, Robert, son of Hugh, 391.

Clerkenwell, 153.

Clerkintun (Clerktun), 30, 61.

Clermont, bishop of, 285.

Cleveland, archdeacon of, 395, 432, 433, 537, 542.

-, official of the archdeacon of, 180.

Cliffe, Clive [co. Kent], 143, 158, 373.

-, West [co. Kent], 560.

Clifford, Roger de, 411, 620.

-, Walter de, 570.

-, William de, 489, 490.

-, Master Richard de, 355.

Clifton [co. Westmoreland], 360.

Clinchamp, Robert de, 66.

Clipston, letters dated at, 551.

Clipston, Walter and Robert, sons of Robert de, 611.

Cliva, 201.

Clive, See Cliffe.

Clochtol [Ireland], 370.

Clogher, bishop of, 50, 164, 193, 224, 501, 534.

Clonfert, archdeacon of, 395.

-, bishop of, 10, 36, 50, 117, 145, 168, 212, 395, 449, 451, 452, 454, 460, 498, 499, 536, 561, 562, 562, 565, 566, 568.

-, clergy and people of the diocese of, 561.

Clonmacnoise, 35, 304.

-, bishop of, 281.

-, bishop, dean, and archdeacon of, 190.

Clonmell, 370.

Clony, Master William de, 575.

Clopton, William de, 558.

Cloun. See Clun.

Clown [co. Derby], 289, 320.

Cloyne, Master Matthew, archdeacon of, 425.

-, bishop of, 110, 145, 229, 236, 293, 297, 367, 369, 425, 426, 430, 433, 501.

-, clergy and people of the diocese of, 425.

-, dean and chapter of, 425.

-, precentor of, 297.

Cluaitiencia [Ireland], 18.

Cluam [Ireland], 18.

Cluamarglum [Ireland], 35.

Cluammormoedoc [Ireland], 18.

Cluanferden’. See Clonfert.

Clud. See Clyde.

Clun [co. Salop], 390.

Clun. See Clown.

Cluniac abbots, 195.

- monks, 411.

- order, 126, 505.

Cluny, abbot of, 119, 507.

-, abbot and convent of, 186, 594, 595.

Cluoneda [Ireland], 36.

Clyde, Clud, water of, 106.

Cnockgrafan, diocese of Cashel, 500.

Cnoel. See Knoyle.

- See Childecnoel.

Cnol, John de, 278.

Cnoll, Master Edward de, canon of St. David's, 254.

Cochenato, Ubert de, 351.

Coconato, Boniface de, 473.

Coddenham, Codam [co. Suffolk], dean of, 122.

Codeston. See Cuddesdon.

Codicote [co. Herts], 63.

Cognac, castle of, 77.

Cokefelde, Robert de, clerk, 303.

Cokersand, diocese of Norwich, 371.

Colchester, abbot of St. John's, 267.

-, abbot and convent of, 74.

-, archdeacon of, 136, 203, 253, 442.

-, W. monk of St. John's, 152.

Colcumbra, 46.

Coldingham, Goldingham, prior of, 562.

-, prior and convent of, 224.

Coleby, Collevi [co. Lincoln], 214, 220.

Colemere, John de, 278.

Colerne [co. Wilts], 533.

Coleville, Henry de, 125.

-, Hugh Sampson de, 545.

Colewich, John de, 509, 510.

Colingeburn, Peter de, 615.

Colinton. See Colyton.

Colkirk [co. Norfolk], 367.

Collabbain [Ireland], 18.

Colle, archpriest of, 601.

Collemedio, Master Guy de, 559.

-, Master Peter de, 69.

Collessie, Cullessy, diocese of St. Andrews, 494.

Collevi. See Coleby.

Collierley Coliesley [co. Durham], 571.

Collingbourne [co. Wilts], 288, 298, 303.

Collingham, North [co. Notts], 582.

Cologne, archbishop of, 398.

Colonna, John son of Landulph de, 569, 578.

- Columpna, Master P. de, 145, 146, 153.

-, Peter, son of Peter de, 288.

-, Peter de, 572.

Colpiel, 571.

Colton [co. Stafford], 591.

Colville, Master Henry de, 546.

Colwich [co. Stafford], 509, 510.

Colyton, Colinton [co. Devon], 11.

Combe, abbot of, 88.

-, diocese of Lincoln, 264, 445, 453.

-, William, provost of, 213.

Comber, Cumbyr, abbot and convent of, 433.

Comboc, diocese of Carlisle, 347.

Comite, Peter son of Adenulph de, 591.

Compostella [Spain], 421, 441.

Compton, Comthon, Cumpton [co. Hants], 21.

-, diocese of Winchester, 365.

-, diocese of Salisbury, 265.

Comin, John son of John, 590.

Comyn, John, archbishop of Dublin, 458.

-, William, 578.

Conal [Ireland], prior of St. Mary's, 282.

Conington, Cunigton [co. Hunt], 521, 609.

Coniscliffe, Cunesclive, Coneschive [co. Durham], 343.

Conkesheved 571.

Connaught, king of, 9, 38, 74, 77.

Connor, archdeacon of, 461.

-, bishop of, 131, 352.

Conrad, 440.

Conradin, eldest son of Henry III., 422.

Consilii, Janorus, 469.

Constance, bishop and chapter of, 134.

Constantine, emperor, 25.

Constantinople, 232.

-, empire of, 166, 383.

Conventre, Robert de, 620.

Corbally [Ireland], 36.

Corbolio, Master P. de, 4.

Corbridge [co. Northumberland], 361, 362.

Corbridge, Thomas de, 524, 599.

Corcomroe (de Petrafertili), diocese of Kilfenora, prior de, 110.

Cordewell. See Crudwell.

Cordwainer, Egelred the, 558.

Corfe, castellan of, 43.

Corimbra, Robert de, 602.

Corinth, archbishop of, 358, 447.

Corintun, 311.

Coririvel. See Curry Rivel.

Cork, 35.

-, bishop of, 5, 97, 267, 297.

-, dean of, 489, 490.

-, king of, 38, 74.

-, treasurer of, 516.

Cormeille, R. de, 32.

Cormeilles, abbot and convent of, 131, 147.

Cornbury, monastery of, 136, 141, 152, 163.

-, subprioress and sisters of, 153.

Correburch, W. de, 102.

Cornehull, Reginald de, 41.

Corneria, William de, 418, 457.

Cornerio, Master William de, canon of Dublin, 333.

Cornet, Master William de, 334.

Corniton, 17.

Cornsay, Corneshow [co. Durham], 571.

Cortingstokes, Master Robert de, rector of Aston Somerville, 543.

Cornubia, Robert de, 504.

Cornwall, archdeacon of, 294.

Cornwall, earl of, 145, 147, 155, 167, 170, 171, 177, 184, 185, 195, 207, 218, 224, 226, 227, 240, 241, 249, 305, 306, 346, 621.

-, earl, and the countess of, 233.

-, Edmund earl of, 485, 570, 573.

-, Henry, son of Richard, earl of, 184.

-, Philip, son of the earl of, 244.

-, Ralph, trinitarian, envoy of Richard, earl of 227.

-, John de, 215.

Correbrigge, Master Thomas de, canon of York, 459.

Cortenay, Robert and Reginald, sons of Mary de, 259.

Cortile, Jordan, 246.

Cosa, Florentine merchant, 395.

Cosenza, archbishop of, 379, 408, 447.

Cosinton, Master Peter de, 388.

Cossey, Costessey [co. Norfolk], 163.

Cotegni, Copus, 469.

Cotgrave [co. Notts], 19.

Cotham, Cotum [co. Notts], 390, 462.

-, John de, 318.

Cothis, 18.

Cotton [co. Suffolk], 543.

Cotum, Master Robert de, 282.

Coundon, Calwedon [co. Warwick], 184.

Courcy, J. de, 17, 22.

Courteenhall, Curtenhale [co. Northants], 18.

Coutona, Elias de, 528.

Couture, abbot and monks of St. Peter's, 54.

Covenham, Caveham [co. Linc.], 284, 311.

Coventre, Richard de, 565.

Coventry, archdeacon of, 88, 102, 238, 277, 283, 290, 561, 602, 608, 612.

-, Benedictine monastery of, 2.

- and Lichfield, bishop of, 2, 5, 52, 66, 79, 80, 84, 85, 91, 96–98, 105, 112, 114, 116, 117, 124, 130, 134, 136, 137, 141, 147, 149, 150, 151, 153, 154, 156, 167, 172, 196, 198, 203, 214, 218, 255, 269, 289, 314, 346, 353, 375, 383, 499, 501, 510, 513, 514, 549, 567, 582, 584, 600, 605, 607, 610, 611, 616.

-, convent of, 5, 150, 153, 610.

- -, clergy and people of the diocese of, 601.

- -, diocese of, 150.

-, monk of, 203, 214, 218, 269.

-, prior of, 37, 102, 126, 134, 268, 510.

-, prior and convent of, 2, 32, 84, 85, 141, 151, 218, 219, 601.

-, hospital of St. John, 85.

-, St. Mary's, 514.

-, St. Michael's, 184, 198.

-, see of, 91, 601.

Coverham, Coversham, abbot of, 55.

Cowarne, Coura [co. Hereford], 374.

Cowlinge [co. Suffolk], 529.

Coxwell, Kokeswell [co. Berks], 129.

Coxwold [co. York], 7.

Craachpatric. See Croaghpatrick.

Crablevill, Drogode, 186.

Cragin [Scotland], 106.

Crakhale, John de, canon of Lincoln, 216.

Cranbrook [co. Kent], 370.

Craneburn, Henry de, 508.

-, John de, 345.

Cranbye, Cranley, diocese of Winch., 457.

Cranfield [co. Bedford], 614.

Cranmore, manor of [co. Somerset], 195.

Cranwell, Crainewell [co. Lincoln], 297, 311.

Craucumb, G. de, 95.

Craucumbe, Master John de, archdeacon of the East Riding, 579.

Crauford, John de, 286.

Craven, Master John de, 571.

Crawley, Graule [co. Hants], 367.

Creake, abbot of, 272.

-, North, Northrek [co. Norfolk], 567.

Crediton, canon of, 364.

Creeting, Gretinge [co. Suffolk], 307, 343.

Crema, Master Homodeus de, letters to, 404, 410, 411.

Cremona, bishop of, 581.

Creppinge, Master Alan de, canon of Hereford, 557.

-, Ralph de, 529.

Cresiaco, Peter de, 233.

Cressingham, Great [co. Norfolk], 353.

Cressonessart, Robert de, 202.

Creswell. See Greswell.

Crimbal, John, 526.

Cringleford, Cryngelthorp [co. Norfolk], 312.

Criraipe, Robert, 549.

Cristin, a friar preacher of Tralee, 289.

Croaghpatrick, Craachpatric [Ireland], 40.

Croch, land in, 102.

Crook. See Crook.

Croft [co. York], 254.

Croindenn. See Croydon.

Cromba, Thomas de, 298.

Crombech, Master Matthew de, 469.

Crondall, Crundell [co. Hants], 21, 201, 266.

Crook, Crock [co. Durham], 571.

Crophil. See Cropwell.

Croppe. See Cropredy.

Cropper, Master Ralph de, 356.

-, Ralph de, 351.

Cropredy, Cropri, Croppe [co. Oxford], 534.

-, prebend of, 145.

Cropwell [co. Notts], 51.

Crosragulol [Scotland], 107.

Croston. See Croxton.

Croston, diocese of Lichfield, 525, 529, 550, 559.

Croxall, Crokolhalt [co. Derby], 306.

Croxton, abbot of, 50, 180, 616.

- [co. Norf.], 546.

Croydon, Croindenn [co. Surrey], 130, 131, 154.

Croyland, abbot of, 120, 143, 381.

-, abbot and convent of, 193, 196, 515.

-, William de, 215.

Crudwell, Cordewell [co. Wilts], 284.

Crumbarch [Scotland], 326.

Crundale [co. Kent], 239, 551.

Crundel, Gilbert de, 185.

Crundele. See Crondall.

Cubbington, Cubinton [co. Warwick], 84.

Cuccanffan, diocese of Cashel, 498.

Cuckfield, Kuckefeld [co. Sussex], 173.

Cuddesdon, Culdedon, Codeston [co. Oxford], 126, 129, 132.

Cugenho, Master W. de, 182.

Cukesham. See Cuxham.

Cukewald. See Coxwold.

Culdedon. See Cuddesdon.

Culdees, 74, 271, 297, 319.

Culenes. See Karden.

Cullessy. See Collessie.

Culsamaiel, Culsamuel [Scotland], 30, 61, 521.

Cumba [co. Somerset], 17.

Cumbe, Thomas de, 593.

Cumbyr. See Comber.

Cumdelme, manor of [co. Warwick], 85.

Cumesma, 296.

Cumhir. See Cymmer,

Cumin, John, 408, 409.

-, Walter, 408, 409.

Cumingis, Master Hugh de, 348.

Cummertrees, Cumbertres [co. Dumfries], 837.

Cumpton. See Compton.

Cumyn, William, a friar preacher, 450.

Cunctavilla, Nicholas de, 241.

Cunesclive. See Coniscliffe.

Cunevet, or Conveth St. Laurence [Scotland], 30, 61.

Cunigtun. See Conington.

Cupar, abbot of, 28, 62, 569.

Curia, Peter de, 413.

Curry Rivel, Coririvel [co. Somerset], 481.

Curtenhale. See Courteenhall.

Cusac, Gualfrid de, 307.

Cusinton. See Cosinton.

Cusvach, Nicholas de, 460, 462.

Cuxham, Cukesham [co. Oxford], 346.

Cymmer, Cumbir, Kemer, abbot of, 85.

-, abbot and convent of, 131.

Cyrwin, Master Reginald de, 220.

Cyston. See Siston.