Index: B

Pages 523-527

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 4, 1527-1533. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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Baden, 279.

- in Switzerland, letter dated at, 787.

-, battle of, 1116, 1117, 1118.

Badoer, Andrea, letter from, 1043.

Badoera, Venetian galley, 739.

Bagaroto, Antonio, letters from, 1098, 1099.

Baglioni, Marco Antonio. See Baiõ.

-, Oratio, 29.

Bainbridge, Christopher, Cardinal of York, 1045, 1048, 1049.

Bainham, Master, Proctor, burnt as a heretic, 765.

Baiõ, Marco Antonio [Baglione?], 797.

Balansom, —, Imperial ambassador to France, 766. See Belanson.

Ball, a game, query Tennis, 824.

Balls, given by Kings, 824, 912.

Bandinelli, Dom., Papal Nuncio, 896, 920.

Banitio, Jacopo, Dean, letter from, 790.

Bankrupts, 136.

Banners, 1117.

Banquet given by Wolsey to all the ambassadors in England, 3, 4.

-, -, by Francis at Amiens, in honour of Wolsey, 156.

Banquets, English, Royal, 386, 912.

-, French, 822, 823, 824.

Barba, Matteo, a Mantuan, servant of Henry, 841.

Barbarigo, Michiel, letter to, 156.

-, the “Primocierio,” 269.

Barbaro, Nicolo, 755.

Barbarossa, —, 777.

-, -, in France, 942.

Barbastro, letter dated at, 963.

Barbesieux, Mons. de, Naval Commander, 308.

Barcelona, 61, 107, 149, 152, 172, 323, 426, 450, 877, 903, 921, 940, 955.

-, letter dated at, 888.

-, plague at, 466.

-, Council of the Princes of Spain at, 864.

Barcha [Brossej, Mons. de la, French ambassador to England, 232.

Bardi, Piero Francesco de', letter from, 519.

-, the firm of, 1005.

Bardolino, 282.

Baretero, Jacomo, letter from, 169.

Bari, duchy of, 877.

-, Francesco Sforza, Duke of, 494.

-, Archbishop or Cardinal of, Stefano Gabriel Merino, a Spaniard, 107, 854, 877, 887, 892, 945.

-, -, sends infantry and ships to the Emperor, 479.

-, -, Imperial ambassador at Bologna, 524.

-, -, chaplain of, 524.

Barletta, surrender of, 260.

Barley, 190.

Barozi, or Barozzi, Dom. Ant., the bishopric of Cividal di Belluno given him by the Pope, 252, 918, 922, 941.

-, -, called the Rev. Doin. Francesco or Zuan, 350, 485.

-, Stephen de', priest, bachelor of laws, by Apostolic authority, 345.

Bartexius, Cardinal, 824.

Basadona, —, Venetian ambassador at Milan, letters from, 929, 940, 952, 958, 974.

-, Filippo, captain of Flanders galleys, 729.

-, -, letters from, 725, 727, 739.

-, Zuam, 1118.

-, -, letters from, 1113, 1117.

Basle, 384, 810, 1086.

Bastard galleys, 181, 770.

Bastardella, the, a galley, 319.

Bath, bishopric of, 1054.

-, John Clerk, Bishop of, 135.

-, -, deputed to meet the French ambassadors, 188.

-, -, replies to the Chancellor of Alençon upon the investiture of Henry with the order of St. Michael, 192.

-, -, ambassador to France, 35, 113, 254, 257, 273, 301.

-, -, proctor for Queen Katharine in the matter of the divorce, 482.

-, -, his intrepidity in respect to the same, 664.

-, -, arrest of, for disputing order concerning church benefices, 634.

Battista, Giovanni, the Abbot of Farfa's agent at Rome, 430;

and see Bernardino.

Bavaria, 1084, 1085.

-, Frederick, Duke of, in league against the Emperor, 726.

-, -, sister of, 864.

-, -, proposed marriage with Isabella of Navarre, 871, 893.

-, Duke of, 1084, 1085.

-, Duke Joachim of, 1092.

Baxiadona, Ser Felipo, 986.

Bayard, Gilbert, (Lelubajard, &c.,) son-in-law of Robertet, secretary to Francis I., French ambassador to the Emperor 2, 19, 136, 137, 142, 145.

-, -, returns, 41, 42.

-, -, goes again to Spain, 220, 224, 231, 233, 234, 247, 255.

-, -, arrest and release of, by the Emperor, 290, 291.

-, -, at Viterbo, 309.

-, -, Seigneur de Neuville, Viscount Montague, Secretary of State, 345.

Bayeux, Bishop of, Ludovic Canossa, French ambassador in Venice, 40, 244, 1059, 1081.

-, -, goes to Ferrara, 54.

Bayonne, 124, 234, 246, 257.

-, ambassadors of the League at, after their captivity by Charles V., 290.

-, letter dated at, 291.

-, river of, 328.

-, Charles du Bellay, Bishop or Cardinal of, 824.

-, -, French ambassador to Germany, 99, 101.

-, -, - to England, 188, 192, 201, 205, 208, 244, 245, 250, 349, 458, 468, 612, 621.

-, -, despatched post-wise by Wolsey to France, upon reported death of the Pope, 413, 426.

-, -, in France, 601, 621, 701, 711.

-, -, brother of. See Aire, Bishop of.

-, Governor of, lieutenant for the, 234. See Aire, Bishop of.

Bean flour used in England for food, 208.

Beans, 185, 208.

Beaujeu, Comte de. See Bourbon.

Beauvoir, Mons. de, French envoy to Scotland and England, 860, 861, 863, 865, 867, 871, 880, 919, 943, 965.

Bebelius, —, 816.

Bed furniture, style and value of, 822.

Bejar, Duke of, 19.

-, -, stands godfather to Philip, Prince of Spain, 124.

Belanson, Monsigneur, Imperial ambassador to France, 757. See Balansom.

Belgiojoso, Count Ludovico di, 183.

-, -, takes Pavia, 282.

Belgrade, 70, 716.

-, Count of, 682. See Savorgnano.

Bellay, Charles du, Bishop of Bayonne, 244. See Bayonne.

Belluno, Cividal di, bishopric of, 918, 922, 925, 932, 937, 941, 946, 956, 957, 980. See Cividal.

Bembo, —, 730.

-, Ser Alvise, 651.

-, Gasparo, LL.D., Venetian senator, 651.

-, Marco, 992.

Benavidio. See Mantova.

Benefices, 694, 822, 824, 936.

-, in the Venetian territory conceded to the English ambassador by Papal brief, 160, 161, 199, 363, 655.

-, invalidity of the Pope's presentation to, whilst a prisoner, 195.

- in England, 753,

proclamation or edict against plurality of, 621, 657, 870.

-, -, arrest of bishops in consequence, 629, 634.

Benevente, Count of, 142.

Bennet, Dr. William, English ambassador to the Pope, his credentials, 475, 485, 488, 698, 714, 721, 723, 742, 749, 809, 881, 902, 914, 917, 967.

-, -, at Venice, 518.

Bentivoglio, Violante, 617.

Beove. See Beauvoir.

Bergamasque, 298.

Bergamo, 298.

-, letter dated at, 1087.

-, Venetian vice-bailiff and captain of, 1087.

Berkeley, William Marquis of, 1002.

Bernardino, sent from France by Cardinal Auch to Wolsey, 213.

-, Abbot of Farfa's agent at Rome, 423.

-, and see Battista.

Bernardo, Ser Francesco, 911.

-, Friar, 789.

-, Dom. Maffio, of the bank, 864, 879, 910, 911, 923.

-, -, letter to, 519.

-, -, his brother Bartolo, 905, 906.

Berne, 384, 787, 1087.

Bernese doctors, 787.

- government, 787.

Berri, Duke of. See Alençon.

Betrothals, 89, 90, 973.

Bevera [Briare ?], letter dated at, 829.

Bevila, (?) Abbeville, letter dated at, 713.

Bidemario, Antonio, letter from, 1085.

Bilboa, 235.

Bills of exchange, 857, 983.

Birr Castle, Ireland, 846.

Biscay, 426.

-, the Emperor seizes four French ships laden with wheat in, 233.

-, famine in, 233.

Biscayan, a. 481.

Biscuit, 433, 450.

Bishopric, abbacies in England converted into a, 831.

Bishops, English, 225, 629, 634.

Bishopsgate, London, 677.

Black Band, the, 113.

Blois, 1065, 1071.

-, letters dated at, 446, 633, 807.

-, ambassadors at, 446.

-, Wolsey going to, 446.

Blount, Sir John, knight, Elizabeth, daughter of. See Talboys.

Boche, Marquis Erast de, Chancellor and Elector of the Empire, 1097.

Bohemia, King of, election of Ferdinand as, 20, 84. See Ferdinand.

Bohemia, King of, sends ambassadors to England, 70, 80.

Bohemians, 248.

Boldù, Ser Zuan, 911.

Boleyn, Anne, 236, 461, 567, 598, 601, 682, 694, 701, 724, 760, 761, 768, 802, 803, 808, 811, 816, 822, 824, 846, 850, 861, 864, 867.

-, -, Countess of Pembroke, her appearance, 802, 824.

-, -, her tutor, 846.

-, -, her brother, 865, 868, 869.

-, -, Queen, 870. See also Anne.

-, George, 515.

-, -, Lord Rochford, 867.

-, Sir Thomas, Viscount Rochford, 112, 236, 461.

-, -, letter to, 615.

-, -, See Rochford, and Wiltshire, Earl of.

Bologna, 71, 298, 402, 528, 562, 570, 583, 638, 645, 789, 818, 847, 850, 860, 873, 878, 889, 896, 899, 924, 991.

-, letters dated at, 222, 226, 363, 520, 522, 523, 524, 526, 527, 559, 560, 567, 849, 854, 859, 1054.

-, governor of, 280, 1054.

-, the Pope goes to, 510, 511, 512, 570.

-, the Certosa at, 524.

-, St. Petronio, church of, 524.

-, St. Francis, church of, 527.

-, the Emperor at, 524, 527, 570.

-, English ambassador to the Pope and the Emperor at, 617.

-, English agents at, 652.

-, university of, 652.

-, French cardinals at, 844.

-, resolutions formed at, 846.

-, ambassadors at, 864.

Bolognese territory, 984.

-, Spanish army in the, 79, 95.

Bolognese, friends of Sir Gregory Casal, 321.

-, a, 801.

Bolsena, the lake of, army at, letter dated from the, 120.

Bon, Alvise, 775.

Boner, Dr. Edmund, ambassador to the Emperor, returns, 847;

goes again, 850.

-, -, ambassador to the Pope, 881, 902, 914, 945, 968, 969.

Boni, Mons. de', captain of the Emperor's guard, ambassador to France, 928.

Bonignadagnis, Amadeo de, 984.

Bonnivet, Admiral of France, 907.

Bonvixi, Hironimo, 978.

Books, 107, 144, 597, 642, 677, 682, 772, 783, 790, 792, 823, 846, 867, 1083, 1092, 1109, 1110.

Bordeaux, Archbishop of, 234.

-, President of, Calvimonte, 136, 290.

Borders, Scotch, 811, 839, 842, 844, 919, 923.

-, -, English places on the, 584.

-, -, nobility of, 806.

Borgi, Alvise, 658.

Borgo, Dom. Andrea dal, ambassador from Ferdinand to the Pope, 444, 450, 452, 460, 698, 749.

Bosco, native of, 674, 676.

Bottigella, Pietro Francis, Milanese ambassador to England, 614, 615, 616.

-, -, his instructions, 617.

Boulogne, 30, 782, 797, 811, 813, 817, 820, 822, 823, 827, 863, 876, 1005, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1014, 1017, 1020, 1027.

-, letters dated at, 824, 1016, 1018.

-, its surrender demanded by Henry, 2.

-, proposed interview of Francis and Henry at, 96, 97, 104, 113.

-, Wolsey goes to, 113, 117, 140.

-, Sir Francis Bryan at, 345.

-, Notre Dame de, 824.

-, in Picardy, 845.

Boulogne, Madame de, niece of Albany, 886.

Boulogne and Auvergne, Jean de la Tour, Count of, his daughter, 926.

Bourbon, Anne de', 994.

-, Cardinal of, 345, 822, 823, 824, 902.

-, duchy of, 494.

-, Duke of, 1002, 1006.

-, Charles, Duke of, 87, 97, 107.

-, -, remonstrated with by Henry for attacking the Pope, 7, 65.

-, -, proposed marriage-with Madame Eleanor, 29, 48.

-, -, urges the Emperor to make peace, 91.

-, -, death of, 114;

rejoiced at, 124.

-, -, his obsequies, 136.

-, -, city of St. Amand belonging to, 880.

-, Count of, 1002.

-, Pierre de, Comte de Beaujeu, 994.

-, Mons. de, 1002.

- Princes, 994, 1002, 1020.

Bourges, 871.

-, letter dated at, 385.

-, Archbishop of, Primate of Aquitaine, 345.

-, Cardinal of, 823.

-, castle of, 1008.

Bow, the, almost the sole weapon of the English, 858.

Bowls, 431.

Bows, 148.

Bow-staves, 837, 857, 983.

Bozolo, Piro de, 282.

Brabant, 912.

Bracciano, 419.

Bragadin, Giulio, master of Venetian galley 727, 728, 730, 739.

-, Ser Jacomo, 911.

-, Lorenzo, Venetian Councillor, 579.

-, Marco, 730.

-, Nicolo, letter to, 27.

-, Pelegvin, letter from, 27.

Brandenburg, Gioacchino I., Marquis of, 662, 1089, 1092, 1101, 1107.

-, -, his brother John, 1115.

-, -, son Albert, 1115.

-, house of, 1115.

-, Duke George of, 1092, 1097.

-, -, chief doetor at the court of, 1097.

Brantome, —, 907.

Brandon, Charles, 616. See Suffolk, Duke of.

Bread, 902.

- stuffs, great scarcity of, in England, 208, 210.

- scarcity of, in Rome, 398.

Brescia, letters dated at, 429, 474.

-, captain of, 429, 474.

-, cuirasses made at, 838, 857.

Brescian territory, 298.

Breteuil, 148.

Breton, —, an instrument of Francis countersigned by, 575.

Bretons, 1035.

Brian or Bryan, Sir Francis, English ambassador to France, 345.

-, -, - to the Pope, 395, 398, 399, 401, 405, 406, 412, 413, 416, 418, 419, 422, 435, 436, 445, 447, 452, 457.

-, -, - -, returns, 464, 465, 481, 714.

-, -, -, again to France, 626, 641 701,

resident, 748.

-, -, -, again to France, 806, 878 959, 969, 975.

Briançon, 370.

Brianza, La, 877.

Briare? See Bevera.

Bridewell, 374.

Briefs, Papal, 160, 161, 199, 200.

Brindisi, Dom. Aleandro, Bishop of, 849.

Brinon, Jean, Chancellor of Alençon, ambassador to England, 2, 6, 25, 37, 40, 74, 97, 101, 105, 188, 192, 201, 205, 208.

Brion, Philippe Chabot, Admiral of France, Lieutenant-General and Governor of Burgundy, Seigneur de, 345, 907.

-, -, receives the Order of St. George, 822.

-, Count de, 345.

Britany, 336, 765, 769, 813, 861, 994, 1004, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1016, 1020, 1023, 1025, 1027, 1030, 1032, 1033, 1034, 1036, 1039, 1040, 1041.

-, Archduchess of, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1008, 1011, 1016, 1020, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1032, 1034.

-, -, great master of the household of, 1032.

-, marshal of, 1008, 1011.

Brocade, 156, 385, 524.

Browne, Sir Anthony, note, p. 58,

ambassador to France, 112.

-, -, called Henry's Grand Esquire, assists in bearing the Order of the Garter to Francis, 188, 213.

-, Sir Wiston, note p. 65.

Bruges, 398, 682, 911.

-, the free fair at, 140.

-, inundations at, 668.

Brunswick, Duke of, commander-in-chief of the Imperial forces, sends the declaration of war to the Venetian State, 277.

-, -, letter of, intercepted, 316.

Brussa, 623.

Brussels, 666, 698.

-, Imperial Court at, 682.

-, Venetian ambassador at, 715.

-, letters dated at, 675, 682, 691, 1108, 1110, 1111, 1114, 1115.

Bryan, Sir Francis, note p. 76. See Brian.

Bucer, Dr., 787.

Buckingham, Edward Duke of, 694.

Bulls of Pope Clement VII., 789, 847, 861, 864.

Burge, (?) Burgia, Baron de, Papal nuncio to England, 621.

Burgos, 19, 231.

-, the French Princes removed from, 41.

-, the Confederate and English ambassadors under arrest at, 233, 234, 236, 255, 290, 291.

-, the Emperor at, 246, 290.

-, letters dated at, 195, 198, 220.

Burgundian fashion, cavalry armed in the, 861.

- horse, 524.

Burgundians, 748.

Burgundy, lieutenaut-general and governor of, 345. See Brion.

-, its surrender by Francis to Charles, not agreed to by England, 136.

-, -, the Emperor foregoes the offer of, 172.

-, towns held in, by Francis, to be consigned to Henry, 249.

-, lansquenets in, on their march to Italy, 336.

-, articles stipulated about the affairs of, between Francis and the Emperor, 641.

-, a powerful Baron of, 1008.

-, Charles Duke of, his wife, 1042.

-, governor of, 1034.