Index: C

Pages 527-536

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 4, 1527-1533. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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Cadiz, 481.

Cagli, letter dated at, 516.

Caiazo (or Gaiaza), Count of, commands the army of the League, 51, 52.

Cairo, Bashaw of, 699.

Calais, 374, 682, 694, 751, 753, 782, 797, 803, 805, 806, 808, 813, 816, 817, 819, 822, 823, 824, 827, 831, 860, 865, 907, 911, 1000, 1002, 1005, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1014, 1015, 1017, 1020, 1024, 1027.

-, letters dated at, 377, 1001, 1017, 1019.

-, instrument dated at, 820.

-, French ambassadors at, 49.

-, proposed meeting of Francis and Henry at, 96, 97, 104.

-, a free fair established at, as at Antwerp and Bruges, 140, 235.

-, Wolsey at, 156, 169.

-, garrison of, make a foray into Flanders, 241.

-, staple of, 718, 864.

-, fortifications at, 795.

-, captain of, 807.

-, treasurership of, note p. 65.

Calatrava, comendador of, 921.

Calvimont, Jean de, President of Bordeaux, French ambassador to the Emperor, 17, 19, 41, 107, 136, 137, 142, 145, 146, 152, 172, 195, 220, 221, 291.

Cambrai, 492, 671, 675.

-, League of, 265, 816.

-, letters dated at, 487, 495.

-, treaties made at, 495, 498, 503.

-, Wolsey going to, with the Duke of Suffolk, 471.

-, negotiations for peace at, 472, 473, 475, 487.

-, the Regent Louise and Margaret of Flanders, &c. goes to, 481, 487.

-, return of Suffolk from, leaving the Bishop of London and — in his place, 487.

-, Papal nuncio to, 487.

-, Bishop of, sings his first mass, 495.

-, dean of, 495.

Cambridge, University of, 694.

Camlets, 704.

Campagna, success of the Papal army in the, 37.

Campeggio, Laurence, Cardinal, 854, 860, 877, 887, 929, 939, 943, 971, 1089, 1091, 1092, 1093, 1094.

-, - Governor of Rome, 292.

-, -, Legate in England, 292;

his charge, 299;

and qualities for jurist, 301, 308, 318, 319, 322, 323, 327, 330, 333, 340, 345, 358, 361, 362, 364, 369, 370, 376, 385, 399, 461, 468, 481, 482, 485, 490, 491, 492, 500, 694.

-, -, dissuades Henry from the divorce, 372.

-, -, tries to persuade Katharine to a monastic life, 373.

-, -, troubled with gout and lumbago;

his entry into London, 374.

-, -, returns to Rome. 515, 519.

-, -, authorised by the Pope to concede matters to the Lutherans, 609.

-, -, at Brussels, 698.

-, -, his secretary, Francesco Florian, 364.

Campina, Dr., 1097.

Canal, Ser Bernardo da, 651.

-, Hironimo, secretary of the Venetian ambassador in France, 345.

-, -, letters from, 148, 151.

-, Jacomo da, Venetian Senator or State Attorney, 651, 879, 905, 910.

Candia, 715, 832.

Candida, Dom. John, 1029.

Cane games, a play so called, 124, 130.

Canon law, Gattinara's supreme knowledge of, 107.

-, doctors in, 881.

Canopy, a, of tissue, 105.

Canossa, Ludovic, Bishop of Bayeux, French ambassador to Venice, 54, 295.

Cantelmo (?), Sigismonde, 241.

Canterbury, 682, 811, 1002, 1005, 1006.

-, letter dated at, 1003.

-, Archbishop of, temp. A.D. 1490, 996, 1002, 1005, 1006.

-, prior of, same date, 1002.

-, Archbishop of, 610. See Warham.

-, -, speaks ill of the King, 754.

-, -, death of, 799.

-, -, primate of England, his income, 694.

-, -, Cranmer, 846, 847, 864, 869, 871, 878, 889, 914, 921, 933, 964.

-, -, -, consecration of, 867.

-, -, -, passes sentence in the matter of the divorce, 912.

-, bulls for the see of, 858.

Capel, Abbot of, 1117.

Capello, Cristofal, Captain of Brescia, letters from, 429, 474.

-, Ser Francesco, 651.

-, Ser Zuan Battista, 911.

Capello, Carlo, Venetian ambassador to England, 648, 665, 667, 672, 673, 692, 703;

his appointments, 659, 660, 759, 883, 911, 920, 933.

-, -, late ambassador to Florence, 651, 670.

-, -, letters from, 683, 686, 687, 688, 697, 702, 709, 712, 714, 715, 717, 718, 726, 733, 734, 735, 736, 744, 752, 753, 754, 758, 760, 761, 763, 765, 767, 768, 769, 773, 778, 782, 783, 786, 788, 792, 795, 796, 797, 799, 802, 803, 806, 808, 811, 816, 823, 828, 831, 834, 836, 837, 838, 842, 846, 850, 858, 860, 861, 864, 867, 869, 870, 872, 873, 878, 879, 884, 889, 896, 898, 912, 919, 923, 924, 927, 943, 956, 968, 971, 977.

-, -, letters to, 699, 704, 708, 725, 737, 739, 747, 750, 762, 770, 772, 776, 777, 779, 791, 800, 818, 856, 857, 882, 890, 900, 913, 972, 983.

-, -, his wife, 681.

Cap of Maintenance, 406.

“Capigi”, 772.

Capisucehi, Messer Paulo, “Auditor de Rota,” 705, 743, 914, 915, 917, 921, 925, 936.

Capitano, Dr., of Strasburg, 787.

Capodistria, canon of, 653.

Capon, Dr., domestic chaplain to Wolsey, delivers an oration, 225.

Capponi, the, banking house, 999, 1005.

Caps, black and yellow, the wearing of, in Venice, to distinguish between Christians and Jews, 434, 438.

Captain-general of the Venetian army, 11, 16, 24, 52, 93, 139;

Duke of Urbino.

Capua, 260.

-, Archbishop of, Friar Nicolo Schomberg, a staunch Imperialist, 854, 887.

-, -, confers with the Pope, 275, 516.

-, -, counsels him to be neutral, 302.

-, -, sent by Clement to Spain, 357.

-, -, Papal nuncio at Cambrai, 487, 502.

Caracciolo, Prothonotary, Parma and Piacenza to be placed in his hands, 18.

Carcassone, 966.

-, Seneschal of, 1012.

“Cardinalis Pacificus”, title given to Wolsey, 225.

Cardinals at Rome or in attendance on the Pope, 359, 406, 486, 501, 705, 707, 746, 895, 897, 917, 921, 936, 939, 945, 967.

- take part in raising men and money for the Papal army, 100.

- College of, 114, 293, 378, 452, 635, 721.

-, -, letter to, 635.

-, -, Mons. Migliau sent by the Emperor to the, 137, 150.

- assembled at Ancona and Parma, 176.

- “congregation” of, 430;

held in France, 176, 177.

-, Gambara sent by Wolsey to the, 177.

-, the Pope's nomination of, to be considered invalid, 195.

-, send messenger and letters to Wolsey, for the affairs of the Church, 213.

-, resident with, Lautrec, 216.

-, creation of, 223, 854.

-, three French, 413.

- in attendance on the Pope at meeting with the Emperor at Bologna, 524.

-, Clement VII. requested by Henry to nominate Gardiner and Prothonotary Casal, 635;

Ghmucci and Casal, 637;

Stokisley, Bishop of London, and Casal, 639.

- and the proposed Council, 649.

- of the Holy Roman Church, 716.

- at interview of Henry with Francis, 822.

Caresinis, Lord Raphayno de, 984.

Carew, Sir Nich., English ambassador to the Emperor, 515, 527.

Came, Dr., 698, 915, 917;

and see Karne.

-, -, “excusator,” at Rome, 914.

Carnus, Dr. Herleus, 1097.

Caroldo, Zuan Jaocmo, 339.

Carpets, 105, 715.

Carpi, Albert, Count of, 254, 345, 1045.

-, -, French ambassador at Rome, 6, 71.

-, -, receives the Order of St. Michael, 174.

Carthusian monasteries in England, 694.

Carved wood, 682.

“Casa, Mastro di.” See Clement VII., house steward of.

Casal, Francis, captain of Venetian horse, 191.

-, -, his engagement made permanent by the Signory, 523.

-, - in Puglia, 566.

-, Sir Gregory, 315, 406, 1063, 1074.

-, -, letter to, 119.

-, -, English ambassador at the Papal court, 1, 71, 80, 85, 86, 93, 119, 120, 222, 237, 275, 280, 283, 286, 287, 293, 296, 301, 308, 309, 317, 318, 321, 347, 354, 359, 363, 382, 394, 398, 401, 404, 419, 422, 423, 425, 430, 435, 436, 445, 447, 449, 450, 452, 457, 460, 465, 470, 488, 522, 527, 571, 601, 645, 698, 742, (?) 749, 881, 902, 925, 967.

-, -, returns to England, 122, 123, 125, 126.

-, -, goes to Venice, 122, 123, 125, 196, 199, 216.

-, -, discourses in the college there, 126, 127.

-, -, receives presents from that State, 131.

-, -, departs for the French court, 132, 134.

-, -, speaks ill of the Signory's infantry, 139, 141.

-, -, commission to, from Wolsey, in the name of the King, to negotiate with the Duke of Ferrara (alluded to in Shakespeare, see note), 157, 207.

-, -, goes to the camp, under Alessandria, 167, 170;

Pavia, 183, 184.

-, -, with Count Guido Rangon advises the conduct of the Venetian army, 183.

-, -, presses for its march to Rome, 187.

-, -, goes to Piacenza, 189.

-, -, for his good offices, his brother has the command of 50 additional light horse given him, 191.

-, -, eceives a vote of thanks from the Council of Ten, 194.

-, -, styled Protector of the League, 209.

-, -, details the mode of the Pope's departure from Rome, 219.

-, -, goes to Venice, 310.

-, -, arrests the Ferrarese ambassador to the Pope, 312, 314, 316.

-, -, intercepts letters whose contents he doubts about imparting to the Signory, 316.

-, -, accompanies Campeggio to Leghorn, 323, 327, 331, 333.

-, -, ill with a tertian ague, 333, 342.

-, -, his younger brother, Paulo, 365, 512.

-, -, his family highly complimented, 403, 485, 523.

-, -, suspends the execution of a commission from Henry in respect to Ravenna and Cervia, 403, 405, 408.

-, -, to depart for England, 464.

-, -, arrives at Rome from Florence, 510, 511, 513.

-, -, his brother, Messer Francesco, 523.

-, -, receives account of Wolsey's disgrace, 528.

-, -, sends Henry fair promises from the Pope, 760.

-, -, goes to interview between Henry and Francis, 809, (?) 822, 829.

-, -, at Bologna, 846.

-, John, Prothonotary, English ambassador at Venice, 1, 125, 134, 164, 190, 263, 264, 265, 267, 269, 294, 295, 297, 316, 338, 394, 434, 523, 622, 624, 822, 832, 833, 837, 804, 885, 918, 922, 925, 932, 937, 946, 947, 954, 957, 980, 1059, 1074.

-, -, letter from, 363.

-, -, in audience in the Venetian College Hall, 1, 12, 53, 55, 63, 73, 85, 86, 108, 111, 117, 123, 126, 127, 132, 133, 161, 162, 170, 173, 180, 184, 196, 197, 206, 207, 214, 219, 237, 277, 280, 284, 286, 287, 288, 296, 303, 304, 310, 337, 339, 347, 354, 360, 451, 470, 476, 497, 518, 528, 566, 611, 619, 655, 740.

-, -, goes to the Duke of Ferrara, 58, 59, 63.

-, -, credence for, from Henry VIII. to the Marquis of Mantua, 154, 157.

-, -, benefices conceded him by the Signory, 160, 161, 162, 199, 200, 202, 252, 350.

-, -, receives letters from Wolsey, 365.

-, -, his dispute with Giovanni Pisani, 368.

-, -, returns to Venice from the Pope, 382, 402.

-, -, goes to Bologna, thence to Rome, 402.

-, -, highly spoken of by his compeers at the Papal court, 403.

-, -, his suit concerning the bishopric of Cividal de Belluno, 485, 613, 655, 679, 941.

-, -, returns from Bologna, 562, 566.

-, -, his proceedings in the divorce of Henry and Katharine, 572, 580, 581, 588, 589, 591, 592, 593, 595, 597, 602, 720, 731, 732.

-, -, Henry asks the Pope to nominate him Cardinal, 635, 637, 639.

-, -, at Bologna, 853.

-, -, secretary of, 196, 368, 445.

-, Paulo, the younger brother of Sir Gregory and the Prothonotary, 365, 366, 367, 403, 485.

-, -, accredited to England by the Pope, 512.

Casela, Dom. Mathio, of Faenza, LL.D., named in the agreement between the League and the Duke of Ferrara, 209.

Caserta, 148.

Cassano, 203.

Cassel, provost of, ambassador from Margaret of Austria to England, 259, 261.

-, -, departs for France on his way to Spain, 268.

Castellesi of Corneto, Dom. Adrian, 1018, 1021, 1033.

Castello, Dom. Antonio da', military engineer, 742.

-, -, letter from, 351.

Castiglione, Baldassar, Papal nuncio to Charles, 17, 19, 41, 87, 89, 107, 124, 136, 142, 145, 149, 152, 172, 220, 334.

-, -, his chaplain, 142.

Castile, arms of, 524.

-, constable of, 124. See Velasco, Don Iñigo de.

-, - his place called Villa Lapando, place of confinement of the sons of Francis I., 88.

-, council of, 172.

-, grandees of, eldest sons of, 426.

-, King of, 1022, 1025, 1031.

Catholic cantons, the five, 706.

- King, 1044;

and see Ferdinand.

-, -, princes, 790.

Catholics, 379, 699, 790.

Cavagione, 282.

“Cendallum, sandali, a fine silk stuff,” 704.

Cephalonia, 818, 972.

“Cerchio”, 730.

Ceri, Signor Renzo da, desired by the Pope to disband the troops, 71.

-, -, effects the capture of places in the kingdom of Naples, 79.

-, -, quits the French court, 163.

-, -, sent to harass the enemy at Naples, 348.

-, -, embarks for Puglia, 370.

Cervia, left to Venice by will of the Lord Domenico Malatesta, 175, 191, 298.

-, negotiations for its restitution to the Pope, 227, 235, 238, 242, 250, 256, 259, 261, 263, 265, 266, 273, 285, 286, 287, 293, 294, 295, 296, 298, 299, 301, 316, 329, 337, 338, 341, 350, 363, 370, 376, 382, 388, 401, 403, 404, 405, 406, 408, 451, 473, 492, 505, 508, 509, 520 524.

Cesis, Cardinal, 854, 877, 929.

-, -, in hostage with the Emperor, 406.

-, -, in connexion with the English divorce, 490.

-, -, the Pope's assistant at Bologna, 524.

Chabot, Philippe. See Brion, Seigneur de.

Chain, a, given by Henry VIII. to the Venetian ambassador, 690.

Chaldæan scholar, Richard Pace said to be an excellent, 144.

Chalice and paten, of gold, presented to Wolsey by Francis, 168.

Challenge, to single combat, the formal, of Francis to the Emperor, 345.

Chamber, grooms of the, 208.

Chamberlain of England, First, Sir Wm. Fitz-william so called, 2. See England.

-, of France, sent to England, 70.

Chancellor, Lord High, of England, 718, 768, 769, 773, 847, 873.

-, -, -, Audley, (?) 771.

- of France, Duprat, 7.

- of Spain, Gattinara, 19.

Chancery of England, seal of the, 517.

-, Court of, 694.

Channel, the, English, 19, 90, 129, 138, 257, 278, 245, 472, 629, 632, 797, 802, 803, 804, 806, 809, 813, 817, 822, 823, 1000, 1002.

Chantilly, 805, 807, 813, 862.

Chappuis, Eustace, Imperial ambassador to England, 525;

resident, 889, 923, 927, 965.

Charlerois, 291.

Charles V., Emperor of Germany, 9, 17, 18, 23, 25, 52, 70, 74, 76, 91, 107, 109, 124, 135, 146, 158, 210, 215, 250, 253, 255, 263, 293, 418, 488, 509, 510, 649, 666, 668, 671, 675, 682, 691, 693, 694, 696, 698, 706, 707, 709, 723, 742, 748, 753, 754, 757, 760, 761, 763, 765, 773, 781, 785, 788, 792, 793, 795, 796, 797, 803, 805, 811, 816, 824, 825, 826, 830, 835, 837, 846, 848, 850, 853, 854, 858, 860, 861, 864, 865, 870, 871, 872, 873, 874, 877, 878, 881, 883, 887, 889, 892, 895, 897, 900, 903, 904, 912, 919, 921, 924, 927, 928, 931, 938, 940, 943, 955, 956, 959, 963, 1054, 1058, 1060, 1067, 1070, 1075, 1077, 1079, 1080, 1081, 1082, 1086, 1090, 1091, 1092, 1093, 1095, 1096, 1098, 1099, 1101, 1102, 1108,. 1109, 1111, 1114, 1115.

-, (A.D. 1527): inclined to a general peace, 12, 13, 29, 30, 33, 62, 152.

-, arrives at Valladolid, 19.

-, gives audience to different ambassadors, 19, 92, 124, 136, 142, 145, 172, 195, 220.

-, - makes war with the French in Italy, 26, 41, 42, 70, 81, 215, 220.

-, goes post to Segovia to meet the Empress, 42.

-, urged by Bourbon to make peace, 91.

-, takes part in jousts and games, 124.

-, present at the Duke of Bourbon's obsequies, 136.

-, his favourite, Migliau, 137.

-, (A.D. 1528): French and English heralds, Clarencieux and Guienne, declare vrar on, 234, 235, 246, 247, 248, 249.

-, proclaims war against the French, English, and Venetians, 241.

-, the Gueldrians make war on, 245, 254.

-, arrests the ambassadors of the League, 247, 248, 255, 290, 291.

-, proposes terms of peace, 249, 291.

-, said to neglect his affairs and to be very unpopular, 251.

-, challenged by Francis to single combat, 257, 328, 334, 345.

-, his coronation, 291, 387, 462, 524, 566.

-, truce with England and France, including Margaret of Austria, 300, 313, 410, 417.

-, Cardinal Campeggio in the confidence of, 301.

-, sends a herald to Francis with acceptance of his challenge, 345.

-, the Pope's remarks on his nature and education, 357.

-, employs Andrea Doria, 365.

-, going into Italy, thence to Germany, 376, 420, 426, 432, 433, 445, 446, 453, 456, 458, 466, 479, 487, 492, 496.

-, the Bishop of Utrecht renounces his temporal jurisdiction in favour of, 378, 475, 501.

-, (A.D. 1529): three promises made by, at the Diet of Worms, 387.

-, exhorts the Pope to go to Spain, 388.

-, obtains the Crusade bull from the Pope, 404.

-, authorises the Prince of Orange to stipulate a treaty, 406.

-, makes concessions to the Pope, 406.

-, commission of, for peace with France and the confederates, 417, 454.

-, Francis demands of Henry pecuniary assistance, troops, and a fleet against, 437.

-, Wolsey the enemy of, 440.

-, makes bargain with the King of Portugal, about navigation of the Indies, 453.

-, letter to, from the electors and princes of the Diet at Spires, 459.

-, rumoured truce with Fiance, 461, 463, 468.

-, will not allow Lutheran affairs to be discussed at the Diets, 462.

-, Wolsey and Suffolk at Cambrai to negotiate the general peace with, 469, 471, 472, 473.

-, conclusion of peace with, (treaty of Cambrai,) 494, 495, 503, 507.

-, arrives at Genoa, 499, 507.

-, debt due from, to Henry, 500, 502.

-, league with Eugland, 504.

-, swears to the peace, 527.

-, galleys promised by Francis to, 507.

-, Francis desires an interview with, 514.

-, his exertions for the welfare of the Christian commonwealth, 516.

-, descriptive account of his entrance into Bologna and meeting with the Pope, 524.

-, (A.D. 1530): receives the Duke of Ferrara, and leaves Bologna, going to Trent, thence to Augsburg, 570, 621.

- and the divorce of Henry and Katharine, 578.

-, delays the deliverance of the French princes, 585.

-, proposition by Francis to, respecting the Milanese, 612.

-, the Castle of Milan and the city of Como held by, as security for money due from the Duke, 617.

-, insists on the Council, and Francis writes to the Pope to summon it, 633, 645.

-, closes the Diet at Augsburg, 634.

-, left heir by the Archduchess Margaret to her estate, 641, 643.

-, (A.D. 1531): going to Flanders, 650.

-, quits Brussels, 657.

-, his interview with Francis I., 691.

-, (A.D. 1532): league against, 726, 780.

- report by the Venetian ambassador touching, 774.

-, goiug to Bologna, 818.

-, his movements, 821, 822, 859, 1089.

-, the tenths and Crusade bulls granted to, by the Pope, 829.

-, (A.D. 1533) urges the Pope to summon the Council, 849.

-, cardinals, his feudatories, 854.

-, goes to Inspruck, 1089.

-, ambassadors to, from England. See Ambassadors,

-, -, from France, 2, 19, 89, 90, 101, 104, 105, 115, 136, 231, 234, 257, 290, 822, 876.

-, -, from Archduchess Margaret, 273, 326.

-, -, from the Pope, 19, 87, 479, 610, 645.

-, -, -, from Venice, 19, 231, 234, 612, 628, 759, 849.

-, -, letter to the, 596.

-, -, from Florence, 19, 45, 234.

-, -, from Milan, 19.

-, -, from the League, 234, 235, 236, 243, 257.

-, ambassadors from. See Imperial.

-, his relations with England, 26, 34, 36, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51, 57, 60, 61, 92, 107, 112, 137, 145, 201, 211, 218, 272, 694.

-, -, with the Turk, 26, 45.

-, -, France, 3l, 34, 42, 46, 48, 49, 51, 57, 60, 67, 94, 137, 155, 159, 169, 196, 201, 210, 211, 217, 224, 258, 407, 410.

-, -, Milan, 49, 290.

-, -, the Duke of Ferrara, 63, 238.

-, -, the Pope, 65, 66, 67, 71, 80, 83, 87, 97, 137, 142, 146, 149, 150, 151, 225, 259, 406, 522.

-, -, the Signory of Venice, 238.

-, -, his sister, 2. See Eleanor.

-, his sister, the Qneen widow of Hungary [Maria], 437, 686, 754.

-, -, her proposed marriage with Henry VIII., 847.

-, his natural daughter, Margaret of Austria, 610, 877, 887, 892, 907.

-, his son [Philip], birth of, 115, 124, 152, 172.

-, -, to be crowned King of Spain, 864.

-, -, his niece, daughter of the King of Denmark, p. 95 note, 813, 904, 907, 916, 920.

-, his chancellor, 17, 88, 107. See Gattinara.

-, -, his confessor, Bishop of Osraa, 19, 107, 291.

-, -, in Flanders, 357.

-, his secretary, 19, 291, 697. See Alleman.

-, councillors of, 19.

.-, his aunt, Katharine of England, 274;

called his sistur, 369, 639.

-, a gentleman of his chamber, 290.

-, his mother, 749.

-, -, his brother-in-law, Christian, King of Denmark, 778, 867.

.-, his sister's daughter, 861.

-, his brothers-in-law, 945.

Charles VIII., King of France, 994, 1005, 1021, 1032, 1035.

Chartres, Duke of, 345. See Este, Dom. Hercules of.

Chateau-Neuf, M. de, 1008.

Chau, Mons. de la, minister of Charles V. 19 41, 145.

-, -, spoken of as ambassador to France, 137, 142, 163.

-, -, ambassador to England, 697.

Chiapin, treasurer of the French Exchequer, 713.

Chieregato, Lionel, Bishop of Concordia, 1004.

-, -, letters from, 993, 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1011, et seq.

Chieti, Civita di, letter dated at, 247.

Chioggia, 627, 992.

Chiusa, the Signory's fortress of, 278.

-, warden of, 278.

Chollona, Antonio da la, 988.

Christian II., King of Denmark, 863, 867, 995, 1044.

-, his fleet, 718, 778.

-, taken captive, 778, 861.

-, his daughter, Christina, 861.

Church, the, 136, 147, 364, 374, 378, 488, 714.

-, -, towns of, 222.

- lands, money to be raised from, in England, 850.

- property, 790, 793.

Cibo, Cardinal Legate, ratifies agreement at Ferrara on behalf of the Pope, 283.

-, -, at Bologna, 524.

Cifuentes, Count de, 877.

-, -, Imperial ambassador at Rome, 887, 892, 897, 903, 921, 925, 929.

Circumcision of the Sultan's four sons, 582.

Cittadino, Evangelista, letters to, 248, 251.

Cividal de Friuli, letters dated at, 653, 1102.

-, -, proveditor of, 1102.

Cividal di Belluno, bishopric of, 252, 350, 485, 613, 655, 670;

and see Belluno.

Civita Vecchia, 11, 18, 22, 34, 51, 336.

-, letter dated at, 27.

-, restored bv the Emperor to the Pope, 406.

Clarencieux King-at-arms, 105.

Claude, Queen of France, her sister, Madame Benée, 151.

Clement (sic), Dr., ambassador to the Emperor, 726.

Clement VII., Pope, 4, 7, 9, 11, 17, 20, 22, 40, 41, 45, 49, 54, 55, 59, 63, 65, 67, 70, 73, 74, 76, 93, 176, 177, 226, 235, 238, 242, 252, 259, 264, 267, 319, 378, 383, 496, 502, 516, 623, 645, 649, 652, 669, 671, 675, 679, 698, 705, 706, 707, 714, 718, 723, 726, 734, 742, 743, 749, 752, 753, 756, 760, 761, 764, 801, 810, 812, 814, 815, 822, 837, 858, 864, 887, 893, 894, 897, 914, 916, 920, 927, 928, 929, 936, 939, 943, 944, 945, 948, 951, 956, 970, 1057, 1058, 1059, 1060, 1062, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1066, 1068, 1069, 1070, 1072, 1073, 1075, 1076, 1078, 1086, 1094, 1102, 1103, 1106, 1107.

-, -, (A.D. 1527): supplies sent by Henry VIII. to, 3, 7, 16, 44, 86.

-, -, discussion of his reasons for joining the Holy League, 19.

-, -, supplies sent him by France, 44, 51.

-, - makes truce with the Emperor, 66, 70, 97, 107.

-, - going into Spain, 87, 388, 401, 436.

-, -, blockaded in Castle St. Angelo, 87, 90, 108, 114, 124, 136, 145.

-, -, raising troops for his defence against the Imperialists, 100.

-, -, fasts and processions made in England for the release of, 140.

-, -, his release, 181, 192, 193, 195, 213, 220.

-, -, brief of, 199, 200.

-, -, quits St. Angelo, 219.

-, -, creates eight cardinals, and sends envoy to the army of the League, 222.

-, -, (A.D. 1528): procession and announcement of his release by Wolsey at St. Paul's, 225.

-, -, recommended by Wolsey to ratify the agreement with the Duke of Ferrara, 228.

-, -, congratulated by Wolsey on his release, 237.

-, -, negotiations for restitution of Ravenna and Cervia to, by the Signory of Venice, 238, 256, 261, 263, 265, 273, 285, 286, 293, 294, 296, 297, 298, 299, 306, 324, 337, 338, 341, 350, 376, 382, 388, 401, 403, 405, 451, 509, 520.

-, -, ditto of Modena and Reggio, by the Duke of Ferrara, 238.

-, -, departs for Viterbo, 275.

-, -, complains of ecclesiastics being too heavily taxed in Venetian dominions, 283.

-, -, his relations with the League, 287, 449, 450.

-, -, gives audience to ambassadors, 293, 324, 327, 357, 379, 406, 432, 522, 877, 881.

-, -, authorises Campeggio and Wolsey to take cognisance of the divorce suit, 299, 369, 372, 482.

-, -, counselled by the Archbishop of Capua to be neutral, 302.

-, -, his relations with Andrea Doria, 308, 321, 323, 365, 366, 367.

-, -, quits Viterbo for Rome, 359.

-, -, negotiates for an agreement with the Emperor, 364, 381.

-, -, (A.D. 1529, seq.): and the divorce of Henry and Katharine, 401, 610, 621, 642, 846, 860, 881, 915, 917, 921, 925, 927, 964.

-, -, the Divorce to be referred to, 376, 383, 399, 436, 461, 468, 489.

-, -, Henry will himself annul it, if the Pope will not, 437.

-, -, and the brief of Pope Julius, 437, 447, 464.

-, -, -, Imperial ambassadors with, protest against the Divorce, 450, 452, 457.

-, -, charges the English ambassadors and the cardinal of Ancona to appear before him “in signatura,” 452, 457.

-, -, advokes the suit to Rome, 485, 488, 489, 500.

-, -, holds “signatura” &c. for the purpose, 490, 491.

-, -, his power to annul the Divorce denied, 597.

-, -, grants permission to give opinion concerning the Divorce, 600, 601.

-, -, his brief for the appointment of judges, 646, 650.

-, -, negotiations for a general peace through, 388, 392, 395, 397, 393, 401, 404, 405, 413, 431, 436, 489.

-, -, illness and reported death of, 398, 400, 403, 405, 406, 408, 409, 412, 413, 422, 424, 428, 432, 435, 472.

-, -, grants Crusade bulls and tenths to the Emperor, 404, 829.

-, -, concessions made by the Emperor to, 406, 488.

-, -, holds consistory, 475, 501.

-, -, with Francis to judge whether the Duke of Milan had forfeited his duchy, 494.

-, -, in the League of Cambrai, 495 503, 507.

-, -, goes to Bologna, 510, 511, 512.

-, -, his meeting with the Emperor, 524.

-, -, (A.D. 1530): sends to Henry for money, who first requires the sentence of divorce, 561.

-, -, grants the Duke of Ferrara a safe-conduct, 570.

-, -, leaves Bologna for Rome, 570.

-, -, delay of the release of the French Princes ascribed to, 585.

-, -, makes concessions to the Lutherans, 609.

-, -, creates Ghinucci cardinal, 609.

-, -, appeal to, forbidden in a proclamation touching plurality of benefices in England, 621, 634.

-, -, and the arrest of Wolsey, 632, 637.

-, -, exhorted by the Emperor to summon a Council, 633, 638, 645.

-, -, requested by Henry to nominate Gardiner and Casal cardinals, 635, 637.

-, -, ditto as to Stokisley and Casal, 639.

-, -, going to Bologna, 638.

-, -, advises the Duke of Milan to marry, 638.

-, -, (A.D. 1531): receives presents from the Bishop of Cordova, 707.

-, -, (A.D. 1532): requests the King of Scotland to hold a parliament for Lutheran affairs, 778.

-, -, letter from, 716.

-, -, bull of, 789.

-, -, and the proposed Council General, 785, 793, 849, 896.

-, -, his interview with the Emperor at Bologna, 818, 830, 859.

-, -, has the gout, 819.

-, -, French ambassadors (cardinals) to, 822, 826, 827.

-, -, (A.D. 1533): and the creation of cardinals, 854.

-, -, makes league with the Emperor, 873, 900.

-, -, proposed conference with Francis at Nice, 886, 887, 889, 895, 901, 902, 903, 907, 909, 912, 924, 939, 971, 974, 975.

-, -, pronounces sentence against Henry, and excommunicates his kingdom, 961, 966, 977.

-, -, illness of, 969.

-, -, his relations with England, 18, 24, 29, 36, 39, 51, 52, 74, 80, 83, 91, 201, 213, 372, 694, 783, 792, 809, 816, 824, 836, 847, 850, 867, 869, 892, 898, 967, 968.

-, -, -, the Emperor, 24, 29, 95, 146, 149, 152, 172, 195, 650, 781, 822, 903, 931.

-, -, -, France, 15, 24, 27, 34, 39, 61, 53, 315, 317, 824, 835.

-, -, -, Venice, 350, 363, 849.

-, -, his nephew's, hostages with the Emperor, 222.

-, -, -, in Florence, 235.

-, -, his secretary, Sanga, 327.

-, -, his “Maestro di Casa,” 388, 405, 479, 432.

-, -, his nephew Hipolito, made Cardinal, 406.

-, -, -, the Duke Alexander, 610.

-, -, his niece, 650, 671, 848, 876, 877, 886, 912, 924, 926, 931, 934, 944, 945, 950, 951.

Clergy, 1031.

-, English, 536.

-, - and French, their separation from the Roman See, 822.

-, -, their submission to the King in regard to Præmunire, 656, 664.

Clerk, Dr. John, 1065. See Bath, Bishop of.

Clermont, castle of, 148.

-, Bishop of, 996.

Cleves, Louis Duke of, 345.

Cloth of Estate, 151, 156.

- of gold, 105, 707, 772, 870, 912.

- -, material of dres at English masquerade, 105.

- -, presented by Francis to Wolsey's suite, 168.

- -, a part of the dress of the Order of St. Michael, 208.

- -, arms of St. Francis in, 156.

- -, canopy of, 385.

- -, with a raised pile, dress of Henry VIII., 385.

-, -, a cradle, bed, and bolster, all of, presented by Francis to Henry, 443.

- -, tent of, 793.

- of silk, presented by the Signory of Venice to the English ambassador, 131.

- -, presented by Francis to Wolsey, 168.

- of silver, 912.

- -, lodgings of Wolsey at meeting with Francis, decorated with, 156.

- -, lining of Robe of the Order of St. George, 204.

- -, material in gown of the Order of St. Michael, 208.

- -, Henry VIII.'s gown of, 208.

Cloths, 703, 718.

Cochlæus, —, 1092.

Coffyn, Master, 677.

Cognac, treaty of, 495.

Coin and coinage, 704, 1005.

-, clipped, 786.

Coir, 474.

Coler, Dr., “Executor” of the Marquis George of Brandenburg, 1097.

Collar, jewelled, worn by Henry VIII., 192.

- of the Order of St. Michael, 208.

College of Cardinals, 854. See Cardinals.

Cologne, 245, 459, 861.

-, letter dated at, 643.

-, Bishop of, 691, 993.

-, its government, 861.

-, Diet at, 921.

Colonna, Ascanio, 398.

-, Cardinal, 1068, 1070, 1076.

-, -, departs from Florence at enmity with the Prince of Orange, 274.

-, -, his brother, 1076.

-, Cavalier, 398.

- faction, the, 18, 87, 1068, 1070, 1073, 1074, 1075.

- -, feud between the, and the Abbot of Farfa, 359, 430.

Colti, Merchio de', 992.

Comedy, 156.

- played before Henry VIII. and Wolsey, 3, 4, 225, 229.

Comet, 678, 816, 956.

Comminges, — De, 1004.

Common Pleas, court of, 694.

Como, city of, 582, 617.

-, restored to the Duke of Milan, 664.

-, Bishop of, of the Triultio family, Papal nuncio to France, 512, 835, 920.

-, -, D. Antonio, secretary of, 934.

Compiegne, 151, 701.

Compiegne, letters dated at, 163, 168, 169, 174, 696.

Compieta, shrine of Our Lady of, Francis proceeds to, 156.

“Concam”, 1034, 1035.

Concordia, Bishop of. See Chieregato.

Confections, 105.

Conference, touching peace between England and France, (A.D. 1490,) 1013, 1019, 1020, 1021, 1100.

- between Henry VIII. and Francis I., 104, 820.

- - Francis I. and Wolsey, 156.

- - - and Clement VII., 871, 876, 878, 886, 887, 893, 895, 900, 907, 920, 942, 961, 968, 969, 971, 977.

Confession, 860.

Confessor, the Emperor's, Bishop of Osma, 41, 107.

Congregation of cardinals, the, at Rome, 430, 490, 491, 914, 929.

- -, the Emperor to assemble a, in Germany, of all the States, 459.

- of prelates held in Paris, 834, 835.

Congress, 849, 881, 887, 891, 896, 897, 903, 907, 912, 924, 927, 929, 936, 943, 944, 945, 949, 950, 951, 961, 965, 966, 974, 1027.

Consistory, 475, 654, 705, 707, 710, 721, 738, 741, 742, 743, 746, 749, 756, 764, 881, 887, 895, 914, 915, 917, 921, 925, 936, 939, 943, 945, 953, 960, 964, 967, 969, 1072, 1076.

Constance, Diet at, 429, 896.

Constantinople, 253, 623, 688, 716, 718, 737, 761, 762, 770, 772, 777, 779, 782, 818, 877, 882, 890, 892, 897, 912, 920, 924, 938, 981.

-, Solyman returns to, 23.

-, Venetian ambassador and vice-bailiff at, 255, 417, 708, 750, 900, 913, 972.

-, -, letters to, 821, 851, 982, 1080.

-, Alvise Griti, natural son of the Doge, native of, 503, 507.

Conta, Nicolin da, a Genoese, Venetian consul at Southampton, 719.

Contarini, Alessandro, 719, 730.

-, Alvise, 992.

-, Andrea, 984.

-, Carlo, 651.

-, -, ambassador to Ferdinand, report made to the Senate by, 84.

-, Domenego, proveditor general, letter from, 183.

-, Francesco, Venetian envoy to Count de S. Pol, letter from, 415.

-, Dom. Gasparo, 780, 877, 918.

-, -, Venetian ambassador to the Pope, 265, 275, 283, 287, 296, 297, 298.

-, -, named in articles stipulated with the Duke of Ferrara, 209.

-, -, his commission, 286.

-, -, power to negotiate genera, peace, 397.

-, -, Zorzi's apology for the divorce confuted by, 597.

-, -, letters from, 292, 293, 299, 301, 302, 307, 308, 309, 312, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 321, 322, 323, 324, 327, 328, 330, 333, 334, 342, 350, 357, 365, 366, 367, 368, 372, 378, 379, 382, 383, 388, 389, 390, 391, 394, 398, 401, 403, 404, 405, 406, 412, 416, 418, 419, 422, 423, 425, 427, 428, 430, 432, 435, 436, 444, 447, 449, 450, 452, 453, 454, 455, 457, 459, 460, 465, 469, 472, 475, 479, 485, 486, 489, 490, 491, 496, 499, 500, 501, 502, 505, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 516, 520, 522, 523, 524, 526.

-, -, letter to, 311.

-, -, his secretary, 423.

-, Hironimo, 991.

-, Marco Antonio, Venetian lord-lieutenant in the Friuli, 651.

-, -, ambassador with the Emperor, letters from, 781, 784, 793, 798, 849, 859, 888, 963.

-, -, letter to, 1086.

-, Marino, 990.

-, Mathio, 985.

-, Ser Tomaso, 885.

-, Zuan, the Exorcist, Proveditor of the fleet, 304.

Contin, Nicolin da, 884.

Convention, 1010.

Convocation of deputies from every province in Christendom, 378.

Convocation of English clergy, 629, 633, 642, 831, 861, 867, 869, 878.

Convocations, 933.

Coole, Th., 677.

Cordes, Mons. de, 1008, See Cortes, M. de.

Cordova, Bishop of, brother of the Duke of Alva, sends presents to the Pope, 707.

Coresara, —, transmits news from France to Venice, 236.

-, -, letter from, 247.

Corfu, channel of, 770, 772.

-, Archbishop of, 199, 200.

Corn, 430, 902.

-, scarcity of, and price in England, 205.

-, French proclamation concerning, 701.

Cornaro, Cardinal, 1044, 1047.

Corneto, Adrian de, Cardinal, 1054.

Corneto, 318, 319, 322.

Cornish men, their character, 694.

Coron, 818, 848, 904, 924, 943, 945, 976.

Coronation of Charles V. as Emperor of Germany, 291, 566.

- of Eleanor, Queen of Francis I., 642.

- of Francis I., 643.

- of Anne Boleyn, 872, 878, 889, 896, 909, 912, 933.

Corren, Dr. (?), 760.

Corsim, Andrea, Hungarian envoy to England, 744, 754.

Coite, Dom. Francischmo da, juriseonsult in the University of Padua, 578.

Cortes of Spain, 23, 25, 42, 60, 919.

- at Valladolid, 45, 91, 107.

Cortes, Mons. de, 1034. See Cordes.

Cortona, abandoned by the Florentines, 510.

-, Cardinal, [Ancona ?] 746.

Cosse, letter dated at, 480.

Council, proposed General, for remedy of the Lutheran doctrines,.378, 387, 459, 650, 666, 675, 705, 781, 784, 785, 790, 793, 831, 830, 840, 804, 876, 889, 890, 897, 945, 968, 977, 1090, 1104, 1106, 1111.

- to be held at Bologna, 638, 645.

- prorogued by the Pope, 645.

- for extirpation of heresies and abuses of ecclesiastics, 656.

-, at Turin, 671.

- of the Emperor, 19, 41, 136, 137, 142, 145, 163, 172, 847, 848, 849, 850.

-, Gattinara supposed to be sent into Italy by the Emperor to negotiate for a, 107.

- of England, 210, 694, 718, 726, 889, 933. See Privy Council.

- -, lords of the, 976.

- of France, 31, 34, 139.

- at meeting of Henry and Francis, 824.

- of Ten and Junta, 64. See under Venice.

Council Chamber of England, 834.

Councillor, Royal, Sir Gregory Casal so styled, 157.

Councillors, Privy, of England, 210, 617.

Courier to English ambassadors in Spain, 92, 136, 137, 149.

- to and from French ambassadors in Spain, 149, 152, 220.

- sent to France from Spain, 136, 137, 145.

Couriers, 901.

- of the Venetian ambassadors in England, 64.

- from Bologna to England, 847.

Courpiere in Auvergne, 942.

Court of England, 70, 105, 714, 715, 753, 761, 796, 811. See English Court.

- -, master of the kitchen of the, 806.

- of the Emperor, rejoice at the death of Bourbon, 136.

- of France, 871.

- of Rome, 967.

Courtenay. See Exeter, Marquis of.

Cranmer, Dr., 799, 802, 837.

-, -, his book on the Divorce, 677.

-, -, Archbishop of Canterbury, tutor to Anne Boleyn, 846.

Crema, 187.

-, letter dated at, 189.

-, captain of, 104. See Loredano, Andrea.

-, Venetian bailiff and captain of, 222.

Cremona, 298, 1078.

-, letter dated at, 104.

-, Duke of Milan in, 69.

Criminals condemned to death yearly in England, number of, 694.

Cristian, Francesco, 992.

Crivelli, Lucrezia, mother of Giovanni Paolo Sforza, 617.

Croatia, 1042.

Croke, Richard, D.D., English ambassador to Venice, 583, 588, 589, 595, 597.

Cromwell, Thomas, 838, 842, 942, 945.

-, -, Privy Councillor, 694.

-, -, Treasurer, 761.

Crucifix, a, defaced in Germany, 444.

Crusade, proposed, 1014.

-, French levies for the, 7.

- bulls, 404, 829.

Cuirasses, 838, 857.

Cup, a gold, presented by Henry VIII. to each of the French ambassadors, 105.

-, -, - to the Papal nuncio, 896.

Cupboards, 105.

Cups, silver, 431.

Cursogli, —, 772.

Customs, English, 682.

Cyprus, wheat and barley of, 190.