Venice: 1508

Pages 329-332

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 1, 1202-1509. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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1508. Jan. 11. Sanuto Diaries, v. vii. p. 186. 899. Letters arrived from the Ambassador in France, dated Rouen. Letters had been received from the French ambassador in England, stating that a marriage had been agreed between the daughter of the King of England and Don Charles, Archduke of Burgundy.
Jan. 17. Sanuto Diaries, v. vii. p. 190. 900. Letters arrived from London from the consul, Piero Tiepolo, stating that many bags of wool remained there which the galleys were unable to take. He suggests that the Signory do order their conveyance by any ship, as had been formerly done. Had also communicated the news about the Sophy (Ismael) to the King, who thanked the Signory.
Feb. 29. Library of the Venetian Archives, Miscel. No. 51. 901. Protest of a Bill of Exchange for 669¼ ducats.
Drawn in Venice at usance plus one month, on the 15th January 1507–8, by Pandolfo Cenani on Giovanni Champucci and Co. in London, payable to Lorenzo Pasqualigo, at the exchange of 52 sterlings per ducat. Protest registered by the notary public (by holy apostolic and imperial authority) John Devereux, at his dwelling in Lombard Street, parish of St. Mary's Woolnoth, on the 29th February 1507–8. (fn. 1)
[The bill in Italian, the rest of the document in Latin. Parchment, 19 lines.]
May 13. Sanuto Diaries, v. vii. p. 362. 902. Letters arrived from London, from Lorenzo Pasqualigo and the merchants, dated — April, addressed to Antonio Condulmer in France. Give notice that there are 1,200 bales of wool, and J 2,000 pieces of kerseys and other cloths, so that after loading the galleys, there would be freight for another.
May 16. Sanuto Diaries, v. vii. p. 365. 903. A Scotch Bishop in Venice.
On the morning of the 16th the ambassadors from France, Milan, and Spain came into the College, and a Bishop of Scotland, (fn. 2) dressed in purple camlet, accompanied by Lorenzo Orio, doctor, Marco Gradenigo, doctor, and Jacomo Moro and Mafio Machiel, of the “Catavero” office.
He is lodged in Canaregio at Cò Frizier, and has come with . . . persons to go to Jerusalem. Has a revenue of 2,000 ducats. On entering the College sat near the Doge; presented letters of credence and recommendation to the Signory from his King, and from the King of France, and made a Latin oration in praise of the State and of the Doge, and of the good will between his King and the Signory.
He then said he would consult about going either by the Jaffa galley or by the ship. The Doge spoke him graciously as usual.
June 1. Sanuto Diaries, v. vii. p. 413. 904. The Scotch Bishop in Venice.
On Ascension Day, the 1st, the Doge went as usual with the ambassadors [and others invited to the dinner] in the Bucintor beyond the two castles [of St. Andrea and St. Nicolo] to espouse and bless the sea. There were present the ambassadors of France, Spain, Milan, and Ferrara, and also a Bishop of Scotland, who is going on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
July 7. Senato Mar. v. xvii. p. 17. 905. Flanders Voyage.
Decree of the Senate, that the captain of the galleys be confined to his galley on Sunday next, and depart on Wednesday, the other galleys going in succession as usual.
Ayes. 119. Noes, 3. Neutrals, 0.
[Italian, 4½ lines.]
Aug. 17. Sanuto Diaries, v. vii. p. 473. 906. Illness of Henry VII.
Receipt of a letter from the secretary at Milan, with the news that the King of England was very ill, and “in extremis.
Sept. 16. Senato Terra, v. xvi. p. 30. 907. Tiepolo Bankruptcy in London.
Decree of the Senate, reciting and confirming an agreement between the firm Tiepolo and Company, of London, and the greater part of their creditors, to the effect that the said firm, if granted a little time, will pay all their debts in cash, giving good security. It is fitting to confirm the agreement, as in other cases, and especially because the signatures of creditors for some 12,000 ducats alone are lacking, the entire debt amounting but to 22,000.
Ayes, 130. Noes, 13. Neutrals, 8. Kinsfolk excluded.
Nov. 5. Sanuto Diaries, v. vii. p. 509. 908. Arrival of the Venetian Galleys from the Flanders Voyage.
On the morning of the 5th the Flanders galleys arrived, under captain Andrea Bragadin, who comes with good repute. The masters [were] Zuan Paruta and Giacomo Michiel. The third galley, Nadalin Contarini master, remained off the port, having been unable to lighten, but came in on the 6th. “These galleys have very rich cargoes, worth — ducats.”
Nov. 14. Sanuto Diaries, v. vii. p. 512. 909. Death of the Scotch Bishop.
In these days the Jaffa galley, Jacomo Michiel master, returned, and the ship belonging to the Marconi, on board of which, out of 36 pilgrims, 27 had died, including that rich Bishop of Scotland, the King's relation, who was treated with distinction by the Signory.
Nov. 24. Senato Mar. v. xvii. p. 34. 910. Wool Trade with England.
Decree of the Senate that all wools remaining for shipment in London for Venice, provided they remain in the same hands as those in which they were when the last galleys sailed for Venice, shall take precedence of all other wools purchased subsequently.
Ayes, 138. Noes, 10. Neutrals, 0.
[Italian, 10½ lines.]
Dec. 9. Sanuto Diaries, v. vii. p. 525. 911. Arrival of an English Ambassador to the Signory.
Arrival of an envoy to the Signory from the King of England, with letters requesting permission to export a certain wine, which he has purchased because it agrees with him, and which he has been accustomed to receive from Vilacho, (fn. 3) as the State has recently obtained the territory. The Emperor, has apologized for being unable to send the wine to England. The King of England requests the Signory to send him the wine.
Dec. 10. Sanuto Diaries, v. vii. p. 526. 912. Bailiff of Egle, Ambassador from the Order of Rhodes to England.
Allusion to the recent return of the Jaffa galley, on board of which came two ambassadors from the Grand Master of Rhodes, who, after making certain communications to the Signory, were to proceed to Milan, and at least one of them, the Bailiff of Egle, (dell' Aquila) (fn. 4) an Englishman, to England. They lodged at the White Lion, and came into the College accompanied by the sages for the orders, who went to fetch them; and after presenting their credentials made many statements, complaining most especially of the master, Lunardo Giustinian, who had disarmed one of their “fustes,” (fn. 5) and done damage; and they also claimed compensation for other injuries, and made other demands. The Doge spoke them fair, and dismissed them with “verba generalia.”
Dec. 19. Sanuto Diaries, v. vii. p. 531. 913. Dismissal, “super verba generalia,” of the Ambassadors from Rhodes. They departed dissatisfied.
Dec. 24. Sanuto Diaries, v. vii. p. 535. 914. News from Southampton.
On the morning of the 24th letters were received from Hampton announcing the arrival there of the Flanders galleys under command of the captain Agostin da Mulla; and it was good news their having made the passage “con la colla di San Martim.”
Dec. 29. Misti Consiglio X., v. xxxii. p. 56 915. The Council of Ten and the College to Nicolò da Ponte, a merchant in London.
Have on several days received divers letters from him, addressed to the chiefs of the Council of Ten; the last, dated the 15th ult., having been detained until the 28th. (fn. 6)
With regard to “the friend” (Pietro Carmeliano, Latin secretary of Henry VII.), comprehend what he has communicated to Da Ponte. Are extremely glad to hear it, both by reason of the fidelity of the narrator, and of the importance of the things narrated, and likewise on account of the good will of the King towards them, which, however, is no novelty, as his Majesty has always loved the State as his special friends, who have ever been the bulwark of Christendom against the Infidel.
Desire him therefore to confer with the said “friend” and thank him for his good offices, requesting him, in the Signory's name, to acquaint the King with their affection towards him. Are very mindful of the friendly offers often made by his Majesty for the benefit of the State, and in case of need will avail themselves of them as freely as they were made.
In conclusion, he is to urge “the friend” to keep the King well disposed towards the State; nor will they fail to do credit to his assurances by their acts.
Last of all, he is to assure “the friend” that, with regard to the benefice which he wishes to have conferred on his nephew, now studying at the Signory's University of Padua, they will very willingly oblige him, and thus confirm the devotion which he feels toward the State.
Postscript.—Desire Da Ponte to read the letter to “the friend,” that he may be the better acquainted with the Signory's mind.
Note, that the letter was made out on the 30th December.
[Letter in Latin, postscript in Italian, 28 lines.]


  • 1. No mention of the rate of exchange on Venice in London, on 29th February 1508.
  • 2. This Bishop is supposed to have been Robert Blackader, Bishop of Aberdeen and Glasgow.
  • 3. Wippach (?), 3 leagues N. of Trieste.
  • 4. The Bailiff of Aquila (i.e. Egle, in Lincolnshire) was the fourth dignitary of the English “Langue” of the Knights Hospitallers, the first being the Turcopolier, the second the Grand Prior of England, commonly called the Lord of St. John's, the third the Grand Prior of Ireland.
  • 5. The word “galley fuste,” in the year 1638, signified a three-masted vessel; and one was then moored in the Thames, above London Bridge. See a view of London, published in that year at Frankfort.
  • 6. The League against Venice, between Lewis XII. and Maximilian, was signed at Cambrai on the 10th December 1508; and it seems that already in November Henry VII. had warned the Venetians of their danger.