Venice: 1507

Pages 327-329

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 1, 1202-1509. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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1507. May 20. Deliberazioni Senato Secreta. 893. Henry VII. to Pope Julius II.
Since his accession, has been intent on universal peace. At this present is allied by friendship and relationship with well nigh all catholic kings and princes. Has not been moved to this course by any lack on his part of military resources, treasure, or power, as by God's grace it is sufficiently manifest that he is not deficient in the like. Is content with what he at present possesses, and does not seek to extend his possessions, even by such dominions as of right belong to him, nor yet by any foreign conquest; and has moreover been always, by nature, averse to shedding Christian blood. On the other hand, has always been inclined to wage war on the Turks and other Infidels, to avenge so many injuries done to the Christian commonwealth, and also to recover the holy sepulchre and the patrimony of the Church.
Requests his Holiness to pacify the Christian powers, which at the present time the King thinks would not be difficult to accomplish, and moreover to make every effort in favor of this holy expedition against the Infidels, by addressing briefs to all Christian sovereigns, urging them to undertake it and send ambassadors to Rome, with full powers to decide whatever may be requisite touching the choice of the commander or commanders, the amount of forces by land and sea, the number of ships and vessels, the supplies of the necessary provisions and stores, weapons, ammunition, artillery, horses, and military engines, whether for the land or sea service, whether for infantry or cavalry. The Pope must appoint the princes destined to wage this war in person, the number of their armed followers, and the pecuniary contribution to be furnished by those who do not go in person. In addition, the Pope must fix the year, month, and day, whereon this holy expedition shall commence, for how many years it is to last, where the first muster [of the forces] is to take place, which enemy of the Christian faith should be first attacked, and all other points relating to preparatives on so vast a scale.
The Pope will find the King most ready in so holy a cause, nor does the King doubt but that the other catholic princes, or the greater part of them, will accede to his opinion, especially when requested by the Pope.
Assures the Pope that at no time, since he came to the throne, has he seen a more convenient opportunity for the undertaking, considering the vast ability and incredible wisdom of his Holiness; and that other kings and princes would join.
Dated from our castle of London, 20 May 1507.
[Latin, 81 lines.]
June 29. Deliberazioni Senato Secreta. 894. The Doge and Senate to the Venetian Ambassador in Germany.
Enclose copy of a letter concerning Turkish affairs addressed to the Pope by the King of England,—“a King of such condition and quality as is known to everybody; in conformity with which letter, hut yet more strongly, it seems that the King of Portugal had written.” Are of opinion that both one and the other were inspired by divine providence, lest in the present peril of Christendom so great an opportunity be lost.
It was also carried that the King's letter be read to the Emperor's ambassadors.
[Italian, 15 lines. No copy of the enclosure exists in the Senate's Register.]
June 30. Deliberazioni Senato Secreta. 895. The Doge and Senate to the Venetian Ambassador in France.
Enclose copy of a letter from the King of England to the Pope, concerning Turkish affairs, announcing that they have caused it to be read to the imperial ambassadors in Venice, a copy being also sent to the ambassadors in Germany, that thay may read it to the Emperor, to induce him “to turn his thoughts to the Christian expedition.”
[Italian, 40 lines.]
Sept. 25. Original Letter Book in St. Mark's Library Letter No. 82. 896. Vincenzo Quirini to the Signory.
Arrival at the Emperor's court at” Inspruck of one Dom. Simon Framberg, (fn. 1) who had been his ambassador in England during two years. Wonderful things reported by him concerning the excellent disposition of King Henry towards Maximilian, and his offers of aid against France; Framberg adding that King Henry purposed sending an ambassador to the imperial court shortly.
Hall, near Inspruck, 25 September 1507.
[Extract, Italian.]
Nov. 12. Sanuto Diaries, v. vii. p. 126. 897. Letters arrived from London, dated—October, state that at Hampton the galley, Nadalin Contarini master, caught fire from a spark from the firepans; so they were obliged to scuttle the vessel, with the whole cargo, at great loss, and with damage of much merchandise. The deck was knocked to pieces, and the galley sunk. Had this not been done, it would have been entirely consumed. It remained thus two days, and was then raised and repaired.
Nov. 30. Sanuto Diaries, v. vii. p. 143. 898. Letters arrived from the Captain of the Flanders Galleys, Andrea Bragadin, dated Hampton. At a place called Huic (sic), they encountered a great storm, so that they were in great danger of foundering. Then, on arriving at Hampton the galley, of which Nadalin Contarini was master, caught fire from a candle's end, so that they had to scuttle the galley, with loss of the goods on board. To recover the vessel, they sent to London to the King for workmen and materials, and were supplied with all required; so the State is under great obligation to the King, who wrote the Signory a letter, which was not read in the Senate. Also, the galleys were then preparing to go to Flanders.


  • 1. In Bergenroth's Calendar (p. 402), the name of this ambassador is written Sigismund Frauenberg, and the extract being made from a German book printed at Stuttgart, the orthography is probably more correct than that of the Venetian Quirini.