Venetian Diplomatic Agents in England

Pages cxxii-cxxix

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 1, 1202-1509. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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TABLE No. 2.

Venetian Diplomatic Agents in England in the 14th, 15th, and 16th Centuries.

Agent's Name or Title. Date of the Employment. Documentary Evidence proving the Appointment, &c.
Gabriel Dandolo 1316–1317 By the miscellaneous Journals of the Senate (Misti Senato) it is seen that this ambassador was captain of the Flanders gallies. (See Index, vol.4, p. 182.)
Zuanne Da Lezze 1319–1321 Miscellaneous Journals of the Senate (Misti Senato), Index, vols. v, p. 124, and vi, p. 79; and Journal of the Grand Council, “Fronesis,” pp. 54, 57, 94.
Pietro Zeno and Perono Glustiniano. 1321 Miscellaneous Journals of the Senate (Misti Senato), Index, vol. 7, pp. 48, 60.
Luca Valaresso 1369–1370 Miscellaneous Journals of the Senate (Misti Senato), vol. 33, p. 82, tergo, and “Commemoriali,” vol. 7, p. 125, tergo; registered copy of a missive from Edw. III. to Doge Andrea Contarini, date Westminster, 24 April; also MS. lists of Venetian ambassadors in England, in St. Mark's Library and the Correr Museum, at Venice.
Carlo Zeno 1395 No documentary evidence exists in proof of this embassy, which is, however, attributed to Carlo Zeno, both by his biographer Giacopo Zeno, Bishop of Belluno, and also by the lists of ambassadors in St. Mark's Library and at the Correr Museum.
Vice-captain of the Flanders Galleys. 1400 Miscellaneous Journals of the Senate (Misti Senate), vol. 45, p. 8, recto.
Rev. Father Girolamo 1408 Miscellaneous Journals of the Senate (Misti Senate), 28 and 29 November 1408.
Antonio Bembo 1409 Miscellaneous Journals of the Senate (Misti Senate), last day of April 1409. Romanin, vol. 3, p. 391.
Giacomo, Venier Captain of the Flanders Galleys 1491 April Secret Journals of the Senate (Secreta Senato) vol. 33, p. 85–88.
Pietro Contarini and Luca Valaresso. Feb. 10 1496–7. Commission from Doge Agostino Barbarigo. “Commemoriali,” vol. 18, p. 53.
Andrea Trevisan 29 Nov. 1496 to 12 Jan. 1497–98. Secret Journals of the Senate (Secreta Senato). Election 1496, 29 November, vol.36, p. 84. Commission, vol.36, p. 136. Vote of recall, vol.36, p. 180. Also Sanuto's Diaries, passim.
Francesco Capello 27 Nov. 1501 to July 1502. Secret Journals of the Senate (Secreta Senato), vol. 38, p. 176, tergo, vol. 39, p. 10, tergo; also Sanuto's Diaries, passim, and original letter from Henry VII. in the Correr Museum.
Vincenzo Querini Jan. to April 1506. Original Letter book of Vincenzo Querini in St. Mark's Library.
Andrea Badoer, alone 9 Feb. 1508–9. 12 to 18 April 1515. Original commission in the miscellaneous Journals of the Council of Ten, Giustinian's Despatches, and Sanuto's Diaries, passim.
Andrea Badoer. Pietro Pasqualigo. Sebastian Giustinian. 18 April to 3 May 1515. Original commission in the Secret Journals of the Senate, date 1 February 1514–15, and Giustinian's Original Letter-hook in St. Mark's Library.
Andrea Badoer and Sebastian Giustinian. 3 May to 19 Nov. 1515. Giustinian's Original Despatches, passim.
Sebastian Giustinian, alone. 19 Nov. to 20 June 1519. Giustinian's Original Despatches, passim.
Sebastian Giustinian and Antonio Surian. 20 June to 27 July 1519. Giustinian's Original Despatches.
Antonio Surian, alone 27 July to 1519 26 May 1520. Original commission in the Secret Journals of the Senate, 25 January 1518–1519, and Sanuto's Diaries, passim.
Francesco Corner and Antonio Surian. 26 to 30 May 1520. Sanuto's Diaries, passim.
Antonio Surian, alone 30 May 1520 to 27 May 1522. Sanuto's Diaries, passim, and Gaspar Contarini's Original Letter-book in St. Mark's Library.
Antonio Surian and Gasparo Contarini. 27 May to 5 July 1522. Gaspar Contarini's Original Letter-book in St. Mark's Library.
Antonio Surian, alone 5 July 1522 to 9 Sept. 1523. Sanuto's Diaries, passim.
Lorenzo Orio 5 April 1525 to 12 May 1526. Original Commission in the Secret Journals of the Senate, date 5 April 1525, and Sanuto's Diaries, passim.
Gasparo Spinelli 12 May to 13 Nov. 1526. Sanuto's Diaries, passim, and original commission in the Secret Journals of the Senate, date 8 June 1526.
Marc' Antonio Venier, alone. 13 Nov. 1526 to 17 Dec. 1528. Original commission in the Secret Journals of the Senate, date 1 August 1526, and Sanuto's Diaries, passim.
Marc' Antonio Venier and Lodovico Falier. 17 Dec. 1528 to Jan. 1528–29. Sanuto's Diaries, passim.
Lodovico Falier Jan. 1528–29 to Aug. 1531. Original commission in the Secret Journals of the Senate, date 3 October, 1528, and Sanum's Diaries, passim.
Lodovico Falier and Carlo Capello. Aug. 11 to — Sept. 1531. Sanuto's Diaries, passim.
Carlo Capello, alone —Sept. 1531 to April 1535. Original commission and vote of recall in the Secret Journals of the Senate, date 12 June 1531 and 14 January 1534–5; also Sanuto's Diaries, passim.
Girolamo Zuccato April 1535 to Aug. 1544. Secret Journals of the Senate, 14 January 1534–5 and 29 August 1544.
Giacomo Zambon —Aug. 1544 to June 1548. Original commission in the Secret Journals of the Senate, 29 August 1544.
Domenico Bollani 4.June 1547 to Oct. 1549. Original commission in the Secret Journals of the Senate, date 4 June 1547, and letters of recall, date 25 April 1549; also Barbara's Report, p. 227, and Turnbull's Calendar, Edward VI., p. 17. The letter from Edmond Harvel shows that Bollani was still at Venice on the 20th March 1548.
Daniele Barbaro 25 April 1540 to March 1551. Original commission in the Secret Journals of the Senate, 25 April 1549; Printed Report, Series I. vol. 2, p. 228 (Alberi's edition); and Turnbull's Calendar, Edw.VI. p. 98.
Alvise Agostini March to July 1551. Original commission in the Secret Journals of the Senate, date 27 December 1550; letter recalling Daniele Barbaro.
Giacomo Soranzo March 28 to May 1554. Original commission in the Secret Journals of the Senate, date 28 March 1551; letter of recall; private motions of the Council of Ten, files, date 29 December 1553, and 6 and 28 March 1554.
Gio. Michiel 27 March 1554 to Feb. 1557. Original commission in the Secret Journals of the Senate, date 27 March 1554; private motions of the Council of Ten, files, March 1554; letter of recall, date 5 December 1556.
Michlel Surian 5 Dec. 1556 to 2 July 1557. Letter of recall addressed to Giovanni Michiel; Secret Journals of the Senate, date 5 December 1556; and Despatch from Michel Surian to Doge Lorenzo Priuli, date London, 2 July 1557.

N.B.—The words original commission, &c. are used throughout to designate the original records or enrolments of the respective documents.

Abridged Catalogue of the Series of Despatches written from England by the Diplomatic Agents of Venice, and which yet exist in the Archives there.

Name of the Diplomatic Agent. Date of the first Despatch. Date of the last Despatch. Number of the Despatches. Remarks.
Gio. Michiel London, 1554, June 12. London, 1557, January 26. 89 One sixth part of the letters written by Geo. Michiel, is in cypher without any key.
Michiel Surian Westminster, 1557, March 31. London, 1557, July 2. 25
Gio. Scaramelli London, 1603, February 4. Kingston, 1603, October 22. 72
Pietro Duodo Southampton, 1603, November 20. Salisbury, 1603. December 12. 21
Nicolò Molino Dover, 1603, November 4. London, 1606, January 25. 120
Zorzi Glustinian London, 1606, January 6. London, 1608, November 20. 233
Marc' Antnio Correr London, 1608, October 16. London, 1611. June 9. 168
Francesco Contarini London, 1610, February 4. London, 1610, March 4. 8
Antonio Foscarini London, 1611, May 12. London, 1615, October 16. 455
Giorgio Barbarigo London, 1615. October 16. London, 1616, June 3. 54
Gio. Batta Lionello London, 1616, June 6. London, 1617, October 13. 99
Pletro Contarini London, 1617, October 25. London, 1618, November 23. 78
Antonio Donato London, 1618, November 16. London, 1619, May 16. 36
Pier' Antnio Marioni London, 1619, May 24. London, 1619, December 13. 33
Girolamo Lando London, 1619, December 18. London, 1622, June 24. 225
Alvise Vallaresso London, 1622, June 24. London, 1624, October 4. 140
Zuane Pesaro London, 1624, September 27. London, 1626, May 29 129
Andrea Rosso London, 1625, February 7. London, 1625, March 7. 6
Andrea Rosso London, 1626, August 21. London, 1629, July 13. 7
Alvise Contarini London, 1626, June 11. London, 162 9, August 14. 244
Marc' Antnio Correr and Angelo Contarini London, 162 6, July 3. London, 1626, July 24. 20
Gio. Soranzo London, 1629 July 13. London, 1632, March 12. 109 Some of the letters written by Gio. Soranzo, from July 1629 to February 1630, have suffered from damp.
Vincenzo Gussoni London, 1632, February 6. London, 1634, May 5. 128
Franclsco Zonca London, 1634, May 12. London, 1634, October 13. 27
Anzolo Correr London, 1634, October 20. London, 1637, November 26. 209
Francesco Zonca London, 1637, November 27. London, 1638, August 27. 40
Gio. Giustinian London, 1638, August 6. London, 1642. December 13. 261
Girolamo Agostini London, 1642, December 19. London, 1645, January 27. 129 The letters of Giro lamo Agostino, from March 1644 to January 1645, are illegible from mildew.
News Letters from London. 1645, June 21. 1652, May 2. 239 Advices transmitted to Venice by the Ambrs. in France Battista Nani and Michiel Morosini.
Lorenzo Paoluzzi London, 1652, May 2. London, 1655, September 17. 171
Gio. Sagredo London, 1655, September 24. London, 1656, February 11. 41
Francesco Giavarina London, 1656, February 18. London, 1663. January 19. 373
Angelo Correr and Michlel Morosini Gravesend, 1661, July 22. London, 1661, August 21. 11 These despatches no longer exist in the Archives; but may be read in the MS. No. 1245, now preserved in the Correr museum at Venice.
Piero Mocenico London, 1668, August 10. London, 1670, November 28. 167 Some of the Mocenigo letters, from June 1668 to February 1669, are in a bad state, as also those of Girolamo Alberti, from January to October 1673; of Sarotti, from June 1676 to July 1677; and of Girolamo Vignola,fromMarch 1683 to September 1685.
Girolamo Alberti London, 1670, December 5. London, 1675, June 21. 353
Paolo Sarotti London, 1675, April 26. London, 1681, February 14. 372
Girolamo Vignola London, 1681. January 3. London, 1686, July 5. 309
Girolamo Zen and ascanio giustinian. London, 1685. December 21. London, 1686, January 25. 17
Paolo Sarotti London, 1686, June 21. Greenwich, London, 1689, April 29. 192
Lorenzo Soranzo, and Girolamo “Venier. London, 1696, April 27. London, 1696, June 1. 20
Alvise Mocenigo London, 1701, December 11. London, 1705, October 9. 312
Francesco Cornaro London, 1705, October 9. Rotterdam, 1709. July 12. 202
Nicolò Erizzo, Alvise Pisani, and Francesco Cornaro. Kensington, 1707, March 11. Greenwich, 1707, June 8. 23
Vendramino Bianchi London, 1709, August 3. Windsor, 1710, October 24. 72
Pletro Grimani London. 1710. October 31. London, 1714, June 15. 201
Nicolò Tron London, 1714, July 27. London, 1717, June 4. 171
Giacinto Fiorelli London, 1717, June 11. London, 1728. July 9. 566
Girolamo Vlgnola London, 1728, July 16. London, 1731, — Sept. 164
Gio. Domenico ImBerti. London, 1732, November,10, 21 London, 1736, July 23, August 3. 201
Giacomo Busenello London, 1736, August 10. London, 1737, July 4. 50
Pietro Andrea CaPello. Dover, 1744, March 27. London, 1748, August 2, July 22. 346 The letters of Pietro Andrea Capello, from March to December 1746, have suffered so much from damp, that they are mere fragments.
Pietro Busenello London, 1748, August 9. London, 1751, July 28, 18 197 The Businello letters from March to September 1750, are nt in a very good state.
Pietro Vignola Kensington, 1751, July 25, August 4. London, 1754, October 18. 177
Gio. Francesco Zon Kensington, 1754, October 17. London, 1758, February 24. 180
Gio. Colombo London, 1758, March 3. London, 1761, June 30. 218
Gio. Girolamo Zuccato. London, 1761, July 7. London, 1764, July 27. 119
Francesco Querini and Francesco Morosini. London, 1762, June 8. London, 1703, May 3. 50
Cesare Vignola London, 1764, August 3. London, 1768, September 25. 215
Giuseppe Imberti London, 1768, September 20. London, 1772, January 10. 166
Gio. Berlendis London, 1771, November 8. London, 1774, December 16. 163
Gio. Battista Pizzoni. London, 1774, December 16. London, 1779, March 5. 260
Simon Cavalli London, 1778, November 13. London, 1782, April 30. 208
Giorgio Torniello London, 1782, April 10. London, 1786, February 17. 217
Gasparo Soderinl London, 1786, February 17. London, 1787, June 29. 82

The receipt given by the French Commissary Bassal, on the 11th December 1797, mentions 139 volumes of despatches written by the agents of the Republic in England. Of these only 134 are now to be found at the “Frari.” Of the missing five volumes I can discover no account; but it is not impossible they may be still at Paris.

Reports of England by Venetian Ambassadors now existing at the “Frari.”

Number. Name. Date of the Report. Remarks.
1 Lodovico Falier 1531 Pages 38½. Published in the Alberi collection.
2 Daniele Barbaro 1551, May Pages 32¾. ” ” ”
3 Giovanni Michiel 1556 Pages 12. ” ” ”
4 Antonio Foscarini 1618, December Pages 62¾. Hitherto unpublished, August 1863.
5 Girolamo Lando 1622, September, 20, 21. Pages 58. ” ” ”
6 Vincenzo Gussoni 1635, April 13 Pages 52. ” ” ”
7 Angelo Correr 1637, October 24 Pages 23. ” ” ”
8 Angelo Corker and Michiel Morosini. 1662, February 8 Pages 17¾. ” ” ”
9 Pietro Mocenigo 1671, June 9 Pages 31. ” ” ”
10 Girolamo Zen and AsCanio Glustinian. 1686, May 30 Pages 31. ” ” ”
11 Lorenzo Soranzo and Girolamo Venier. 1696, September 19 Pages 70½. ” ” ”
12 Alvise Mocenigo 1706, August 21 Pages 94¾. ” ” ”
13 Tommaso Querini and Francesco Morosini. 1763, December 15 Pages 52. ” ” ”

As already stated, the report by Daniele Barbaro is on parchment, and all the others on paper. The first three alone have been published.