Chronological Table of Documents

Pages cix-cxxi

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 1, 1202-1509. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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Table No. 1

Chronological Table of some of the principal Documents belonging to the Chief Magistracies, Boards, and Councils of the Republic, and now preserved at the. “Frari,” which contain the Materials for General History.

Progressive Number of the various Classes Magistracy. Title and entire Amount of the Registers, Files, and Portfolios; with Specification of the Material on which written. Period embraced. Remarks.
From the Year To the Year
1 Minor Council Liber Comunis sive Plegiorum: This volume, containing 210 written pages, small folio, has 705 distinct entries or paragraphs, of which No. 271 alone relates to England.
Register, 1, paper 1223 1228 and 1253
2 Grand Council Decrees: Files” are original drafts, minutes, memoranda, letters, &c., half-bound, but which had been originally filed.
Registers, 72, parchment 1232 1793
Files, 96, paper 1507 1797
3 Senate Paeta: The 8 registers do not contain any treaty concerning England; but in the Portfolios there are several to which she was a party.
Registers, 8, parchment 883 May 1473 Sept.
Files, 49, paper 1200 1764
4 Commemoriali: Register No. 30 is on paper.
Registers, 33, parchment 1295 1787 10 Sept.
5 Miscellaneous Decrees (“Misti”): Of 14 other volumes of similar decrees from the year 1293 to the close of 1331, the indexes alone are now extant; and those same indexes show that 7 other volumes of the Misti, from 1422 to 1440, have also disappeared. There are also 5 other registers marked with the letters from A. to F., from the year 1345 to 1397.
Registers, 39, parchment 1332 4 March 1421 Feb.
6 “Secreta” (Privy Chamber): Decrees (Deliberazioni):
Registers, 135, parchment - 1401
10 April
30 June
Files, 143, paper 1510
1 March
31 Aug.
7 Senate Courts (“Corti Secreta”): Decrees (Deliberazioni): The three classes of the Senate's decrees “Misti,” “Secreta” and “Corti,” maybe considered one series.
Registers, 163, parchment - 1630
6 Sept.
23 Feb.
Files, 442, paper 1797
29 April
8 Governors (“Rettori”) Decrees:
Registers, 173, parchment - 1630
3 Sept.
20 Feb.
Files, 424, paper 1797
26 April
9 Land (“Terra”) Decrees:
Registers, 411, parchment - 1440
Files, 3128, paper 1545
10 Sea (“Mar”) Decrees: In these volumes, from 1440 to 1544, there are various notices of the “Cotimo di Londra,” that is to say, the “London Factory” or Consulate.
Registers. 247, parchment - 1440
Files, 1286, paper 1545
11 Constantinople (Decrees concerning):
Registers, 62, parchment - 1556
6 March
18 Feb.
12 Rome (decrees in ordinary concerning):
Registers, 121, parchment - 1560
8 Nov.
Files, 172, paper 1560 1796
13 Rome, Decrees concerning, entitled “Expulsis,” because the relatives of all Venetian churchmen were expelled from the Republic's Councils during their discussion:
Registers, 35, parchment 1684 6 Oct. 1796
Files, 158, paper 1674 March 1796
14 Rome, ecclesiastical matters:
Files, 32, paper 1784 1796
15 Documents communicated to the Senate by the Council of Ten, and entitled “Communicate Consiglio Xci”:
Files, 32, paper 1582 20 March 1787
16 Commissions:
Files, 26, paper 1627 1794
17 England, despatches from:
Files, 134, paper 1554 12 June 1787 30 June.
18 Senate Germany, despatches from:
Files, 292, paper 1541 10 Nov. 1787 30 Feb.
19 Constantinople, despatches from:
Files, 235, paper 1527 2 Oct. 1793 26 May.
20 Spain, despatches from:
Files, 186, paper 1554 16 March 1787 24 April.
21 France, despatches from:
Files, 267, paper 1554 11 May 1788 30 June.
22 United Provinces and Münster, despatches from:
Files, 64, paper 1643 31 July 1744 16 Feb.
23 Poland, despatches from:
Files, 18, paper 1574 5 Jan. 1718 8 Nov.
24 Switzerland, Monaco, and the Valtellina, despatches from:
Files, 92, paper 1569 9 Nov. 1762 3 Sept.
25 Rome, despatches from:
Files, 205, paper 1566 1693 May.
26 Savoy, Turin, despatches from:
Files, 103, paper 1566 January 1787 April.
27 Naples, despatches from:
Files, 166, paper 1570 September 1797
28 Florence, despatches from:
Files, 78, paper 1589 3 May 1777 1 May.
29 Genoa, despatches from: There are also other despatches addressed to the Senate by the Governors on the mainland, and by the Proveditors General in Dalmatia, Istria, Corfù, Zante and Cephalonia, of various dates.
Files, 30, paper 1627 6 March 1785 February.
30 Mantua, despatches from:
Files, 21, paper 1613 6 May 1647 13 Feb.
31 Modena, despatches from:
Files, 3, paper 1642 August 1643
32 Milan, despatches from:
Files, 231, paper 1569 1788 30 Feb.
33 College sive Cabinet Order Books (Notatorio): There is likewise a second epistolary series belonging to the Cabinet, comprising letters, replies, addresses, petitions, commissions, depositions, &c, from the year 1554 to 1797.
Registers, 225, parchment 1327 1796 27 Feb.
Files, 627, paper 1549 1627
34 Secret letters:
Registers, 2, parchment 1308 16 Sept. 1310 15 July. 1666
Files, 57, paper 1436 2 Jan. 22 Jan.
35 Letters:
Files, 110, paper 1521 July. 1786
36 Statements in ordinary, made to the College by the diplomatic agents of foreign Potentates, and entitled “Esposizioni Principi.” For the history of diplomacy these statements, ordinary and extraordinary, are very valuable, as they contain the precise words uttered by all negotiators, whose speeches, gesture, and tone of voice, were alike noted at the moment in short-hand by the Cabinet Secretaries, stationed there for that especial purpose.
Registers, 127, parchment 1541 4 Jan. 1795 27 Feb.
Files, 179, paper 1541 4 Jan. 1797 May.
37 Statements as above extraordinary, relating to the court of Rome, and entitled “Esposizioni Roma.”
Registers, 56, parchment 1567 1794
38 Reports (Relazioni) of England: Containing 13 reports by various Venetian ambassadors.
File, 1, paper; one single report, that of Daniele Barbaro, is on parchment 1531 1763
39 Germany, reports: Number of reports of ambassadors 7
Files, 1, paper 1533 1736, 15 Sept.
40 France, reports:
Files, 5, paper 1535 1791, 18 March. ” 42
41 Italy, reports:
Files, 10 paper 1533 1797 ” 74
42 Low Countries, Poland, Portugal, Consuls at Aleppo and in Syria, reports:
Files, 1, paper 1574 1611 ” 15
43 Spain, reports:
Files, 4, paper 1559 1754, 20 Feb. ” 38 In addition to the foregoing reports of foreign countries, there are others made by the Venetian governors on the mainland and in Dalmatia, of the provinces committed to their charge.
44 Council of Ten. Miscellaneous Acts (Misti):
Registers, 45, parchment 1300, 13 Dec. 1524, 25 Feb.
Files, 55, paper 1477, 5 March.
45 Decrees in Ordinary (Parti Comuni):
Registers, 241, parchment 1525, 3 March. 1791, 29 Feb.
Portfolios, 1,346, paper 1797, April.
46 Secret Decrees (Parti Secrete):
Files, 71, paper 1525, 3 March. 1797, 1 May.
47 Criminal Prosecutions (“Criminali”):
Registers, 206, parchment 1502, 4 Oct. 1796, 26 Feb.
Files, 160, paper 1797, 28 April.
48 Criminal Trials (Processi Criminali): The trial or deposition of the earliest date in these 45 portfolios, relates to the attempt made on the life of the famous Servite Fra Paolo Sarpi, A. D. 1607, 5 October.
Portfolios, 45, paper 1607 1796
49 Proclamations:
Portfolios, 59, paper 1457, 6 April. 1797
50 Treasurers' accounts; correspondence of Governors; and certificates from them, &c. &c: These portfolios exist in the chambers of the Inquisitors of State.
Portfolios, 88, paper 1664 1796
51 Chiefs of the Council of Ten. Note Book (Notatorio):
Registers, 56, paper 1478, 5 Nov. 1787, 28 Feb.
Portfolios, 65, paper 1542 1793
52 Letters:
Portfolios 67, paper 1473 1655
53 Secret Letters (Lettere Secrete):
Portfolios, 369, paper 1525 1797, May.
54 Signed Letters (Lettere Sottoscritte):
Portfolios, 131, paper 1510 1793
55 Criminal trials Duchy proper of Venice (Processi criminali dogado):
Portfolios, 56, paper 1630 1797
56 Chiefs of the Council of Tea. Diaries:
Registers, 10, paper 1787 1797
57 Inquisitors of State. Letters written by the Tribunal to Venetian ministers at foreign courts; and which on their return were given back to the Inquisitors.
Files, 18, paper 1617 1795
58 Twenty bundles, marked “Communicate,” all of the 17th or 18th century, being in great part communications from the Chiefs of the Ten to the Tribunal of the Inquisitors of State. There are also private documents seized apparently by the Ten in the course of domiciliary visits, and subsequently transmitted to the Inquisitors Some account of these State Papers was published by the Abbate Cadorin in the year 1847. The student should be apprized that if he desires to inspect the Archives of the Council of Ten and of the Inquisitors, he must apply, for a special permission to do so, to the Governor of Venice, or to the Director of the Archives. In my own case this permission was most readily and courteously granted. As the Council of Ten and the Inquisition took cognizance of crimes against morality generally, and especially of all which from their magnitude or scandalousness it was desirable to evoke from the common tribunals, abundance of matter is to be found in their Records, which belongs to the class of “Oggetti riservati.
58 Governors, Bassano, Belluno, Bergamo, Brescia, Candia, Chioggia, conegliano, Corfu, Crema, Dalmatia and Albania, Padova, Palma, Raspo, Salo, Treviso, Verona, Vicenza, Udine, Veglia:
Portfolios, and files, 50, paper various periods.
59 Foreigners:
Files, 28, paper 1790 1797
60 Letters of Public Representatives from the main land and Dalmatia:
Sundry files, paper various periods.
61 Letters written to the Inquisitors by ambasadors, residents, consuls, and other Venetian representatives abroad. 1585 1796
62 Constantinople:
Files, 22 1585 1795
63 Durazzo:
File, 1 1719 1721
64 Ferrara:
File, 1 1621 1742
65 Florence:
Files, 2 1585 1733
66 Genoa:
Files, 2 1610 1796
67 Inquisitors of State. The Hague:
Files, 4 1617 1761
68 Larizza:
Files, 1 1668 downwards.
69 Leghorn:
Files, 1 1681 1774
70 London:
Files, 2 1611 1797
71 Mantua:
Files, 1 1610 1769
72 Marseilles:
Files, 1 1765 1766
73 Malta:
Files, 1 1645 1766
74 Milan:
Files 13 1589 1794
75 Modena and Monaco:
Files, 2 1643 1751
76 Naples:
Files, 13 1587 1799
77 Otranto:
Files, 1 1725 1728
78 Paris:
Files, 7 1586 1790
79 Poland:
Files, 1 1586 1754
80 Pesaro, Parma, St. Petersburg, Piacenza, and Pisa.
File, 1 1610 1787
81 Rimini:
Files, 1 1670 1775
82 Rome:
Files, 15 1585 1783
83 Spain:
Files, 4 1586 1790
84 Smyrna, Syria, Switzerland, Tenedos:
Files 1 1612 1717
85 Trieste.
Files, 1 1731 1796
86 Turin:
Files, 2 1586 1790
87 Inquisitors of State. Vienna:
Files, 14 1576 1794
88 Letters written to the Inquisitors by the Governors on the mainland and in the colonies:
Files, 79, paper 1603 1797
89 Letters written to the Inquisitors by various Governors, and unanswered:
Files, 49, paper 1772 1796
90 Private letters from individuals from Verona, &c, and other places:
Files, 28, paper 1770 downwards.
91 Letters written to the Inquisitors by various Governors on the mainland, and which remained unanswered:
Various files various periods.
92 Trials and criminal papers:
Files, 43 1600 1797
92 Various crimes:
Bundles, 100 various periods.
93 Various political crimes
Bundles, 25 1700 downwards.
94 Other trials:
Bundles, 60 1700
95 Arts and trades:
Bundles, 27 1624
96 Original letters from the Inquisitors to Venetian Governors on the mainland and in the colonies, and to diplomatic agents abroad: In the Archives of the Inquisitors there are also several miscellaneous bundles and detached papers.
Bundles, 303 1698 1797
97 Magistrates for the Suppression of Blasphemy. Trials:
Portfolios, 47 1688 1797 And various Registers.
98 Inquìsitiou (Romish). Trials:
Portfolios, 14 1541 1558
99 Criminal Court of the Forty. Registers, 6, parchment 1347 23 July 1514 29 July In the Archives of the Criminal Court of the Forty there are also series of volumes, files, &c.
100 Lords of the Night-watch for Criminal Offences. Registers, 13, parchment 1289 1517
101 Proveditors for the Board of Health. Portfolios, files, registers, 1,009 various periods.
102 Board of Trade (V. Savij alla Mercanzia). Fundamental statutes (capitolari)
Registers, 15, parchment 1329 1719 The Archives of the Board of Trade (Cinque Savij alla Mercanzia) likewise contain other Registers and bundles, relating to a variety of commercial matters, consuls, &c. &c.
103 Alphabetical summaries (epiloghi alfahetici) from A to Z:
Registers, 22, paper various periods.
104 Decrees:
Registers, 23, paper 1707 1797
Various bundles various periods.
105 Replies or memorials addressed to the Senate:
Registers, 43, paper 1571 1732
106 Writings (scritture) addressed to the Senate:
Registers, 29, paper 1744 1797
107 Awards:
Registers, 33 1627 1751
108 Salt office (Provveditori al sal.) (Provveditori al sal) fundamental statutes (capitolar) Register, 1, parchment 1277 1792 The Archives of the salt office. (“Provveditori al sal”) contain a multitude of more modern memorials under various denominations.
109 Summary laws of the salt office: From the year 1480 (1 July), until 1555 (22 March), the Venetian Government make its payments to Gian Bellini Vivarini, and Titian, for the most part through the salt office, whose Archives throw much light on the history of Venetian art and science; especially the order books, one of which, date 27 February 1514—15, contains a voucher for the payment to a painter called Vetor (the son of Mathio then painting in the Grand Council Hall with Gian Bellini), of eight ducats on account.
Register, 1, parchment 1300 1500
110 Order books (notatorii):
Registers, 36, parchment and paper 1482 1633
Portfolios, 77, paper
111 College of the salt office:
Registers, 11, parchment 1411 1624
112 Red book (libro rosso):
Register, 1, parchment 1485 1493
113 Magistracy:
Register, 1, parchment 1460 1515
114 Collection of laws:
Register, 1, paper 1500 downwards.
115 Cancelleria Ducale. Grazie e privilege vol. i. 1374 1425 Parchment.
 ” ” ” ” ii. 1425 1552
 ” ” ” ” iii. 1551 1627
116 Cancelleria Secreta. Cerimoniali Palace, six volumes: 1464 1797
117 Procuratia de Supra. St. Mark's Church, 1 vol. Ducal Palace of St. Mark's, composed by Gio. Verdura in Nov. 1658:
1 Letters of Sovereigns. (College, Section III. “Secreta.”) Germany: In this collection is a letter from the Emperor Rodolph II., date Prague 13 May 1580, to Doge da Ponte, in favor of Thomas afterwards Lord Arundel of Wardour.
Portfolios, 2, paper 1563 1639
2 House of Austria:
Portfolios, 4, paper 1536 1797
3 Electors of the Empire:
Portfolios, 2, paper 1647 1796
4 Bishops of Trent:
Portfolios, 2, paper 1623 1796
5 Grand Masters of Malta:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1647 1795
6 Bohemia, Hungary, Transylvania, Sweden, Muscovy, Moldavia, Wallachia, Japan.
Portfolio, 1, paper 1567 1689
7 Czar of Muscovy:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1741 1796
8 Persia, Prussia, Denmark, Sweden:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1637 1780
9 Poland:
Portfolios, 2, paper 1569 1772
10 Free towns:
Portfolios, 2, paper 1517 1687
11 England: (fn. 1)
Portfolios, 2, paper 1570 1796
12 Letters of Sovereigns. (College, Section in. “Secrete.”) Kings and Queens of Spain:
Portfolios, 3, paper 1568 1795
13 Low Countries, Flanders:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1571 1630
14 Naples, Sicily, Malta:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1515 1624
15 Portugal, Naples, Sardinia.
Portfolio, 1, paper 1716 1785
16 Naples:
Portfolio, 1 , paper 1777 1793
17 Portugal:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1777 1795
18 Dukes of Savoy and Lorraine:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1568 1737
19 Milan:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1516 1639
20 Ferrara, Modena:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1516 1611
21 Dukes of Urbino:
Portfolio, 1 paper 1515 1627
22 Grand Duke of Tuscany and House of Medici:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1567 1623
23 Grand Duke of Tuscany:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1625 1791
24 Duke of Parma:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1570 1731
25 Grisons:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1535 1611
26 Grisons and Switzers:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1581 1640
27 Swiss Cantons, S. Gallo, and Gray Leagues:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1646 1690
28 Free Towns, Swiss Cantons, and Gray Leagues:
Portfolio, 1 , paper 1700 1782
29 Princes of France and Lorraine:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1516 1623
30 Kings of France:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1515 1773
31 Letters of Sovereigns. (College, Section III. “Secreta.” Kings and Republic of France:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1771 1795
32 Duke of Mantua and Duke of Gonzago:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1571 1623
33 Dukes and Princes of Italy:
Portfolios, 2, paper; 1628 1795
34 Princes of Orange, Holland, States General:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1606 1796
35 Genoa, Monaco, Mirandola,; Lucca, Correggio, Ragusa, Coir, Geneva:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1566 1791
36 Dukes and Republics:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1635 1640
37 Princes:
Portfolio, 3, paper 1606 1645
38 Rome and Cities of the Church:
Portfolio, 1, paper 1568 1628
39 Patriarchs, bishops, and other ecclesiastics:
Portfolios, 3, paper 1555 1628
40 Cardinals:
Portfolios, 25, paper 1560 1797

Chronological Series of the Parrician Superintendents of the “Secreta,” appointed by the Venetian Magistracies.

Date of the Appointment. Name and Surname. Date of Resignation or Death.
1601, 17 September Andrea Morosini Died in June 1618. His appointment was made by the Council of Ten. See file, No. 27, “Parti Secrete,” and the Chevr. de Reumont, “Della Diplomazia Italiana,” p. 320.
1618 — Nicolo Contarini Elected Doge 1630.
1630, 27 Sept. Girolamo Corner “Parti Secrete.” Date of death or resignation unknown.
163 — Paolo Morosini Precise date of appointment unknown. Died on the 20th December 1637.
1637, 29 December Jacopo Marcello Appointed by a decree of the Council of Ten. Died 26 December 1650.
1651, 17 March Battista Nani Appointed by a decree of the Council of Ten. Died 5 December 1678.
1678, 19 December Michiele Foscarini Appointed by a decree of the Council of Ten. (Parti Secrete). Died in 1692.
1692, 10 June Pietro Garzoni Appointed by a decree of the Council of Ten (Parti Comuni). Died in 1735.
1735 — Marco Foscarini Elected Doge 1762.
1762 — Girolamo Grimani Resigned 17 September 1765.
1765 — Nicolò Donado Elected by a decree of the Council of Ten. Died in 1775. (See Count Girolamo Dandolo, “La Caduta della Repubblica di Venezia, ed i suoi ultimi clinquant' anni. Studii Storici,” pp. 109, 110. (Venezia, 1855.)
1775 — Francesco Donado Elected by a decree of the Council of Ten. (See Count Dandolo as above, p. 110.) Displaced 12 May 1797.

Chronological Series of the Directors of the Venetian Archives from May 1797 to June 1863.

1797 — Zorzi dall' Acqua (Director). Displaced 1804.
1797 — Giovanni Polacco (Keeper).
1805 — Gio. Matteo Balbi.
1807, March Carlo Antonio Marin Died 17 April 1815. (See documents in the Archives.)
1815, 27 December Giacomo Chiodo Pensioned 1840. (See documents in the Archives.)
1840, 27 November Antonio Ninfa Priuli Pensioned 1847.
1848, 7 February Fabio Mutinelli Pensioned 30 April 1861.
1861, 1 May Count Girolamo Dandolo Assumed the direction ad interim of the Venetian Archives, of which he was formally appointed Director-General by an Imperial decree dated 4 November 1861.


  • 1. The letters in this collection addressed to the Doges of Venice by British Sovereigns, and members of the royal family, are upwards of 200; in date from the 29 June 1510, to 10 January 1796. There is also a curious document signed by Charles Dudley, the descendant of the Earl of Leicester. It is dated Bologna, 21 February 1671. The writer styling himself “Carlo Dudley per la gracia di Dio Duca di Northumbria et del Sacro Romano Impero; Conte di Woruik e di Licester et Pari d'Inghilterra,” confers the title of Marquis on a Veronese, by name Ottavio Dionisio. This Charles Dudley seems to have been the son of Sir Robert Dudley by Miss Southwell.