Treasury Books and Papers: November 1733

Pages 411-414

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 2, 1731-1734. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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November 1733

November 6.
140. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Geo. Oxenden, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
The 4,000l. per annum payable to the hands of the Secretary to the Postmaster General by the Receivers General of that revenue is to be enlarged 300l. per annum more from Michaelmas, 1732, in favour of J. Ernest Bode.
On a memorial from the Excise Commissioners, of October 25 last, relating to the escape of five smugglers out of Norwich Gaol, a reward of 50l. for each smuggler ordered to be advertised in the “Gazette ” or other public papers.
Mr. Cartwright's petition to be relieved with respect to the debt paid by him upon the failure of Hughs, clerk to him as Receiver General of Stamp Duties, referred to the Stamp Commissioners.
Charles Brockwell, surveyor of duties on houses for part of Lincoln, and John Grainger, surveyor of same for part of Middlesex, to exchange divisions.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 225.]
November 8. 141. Charles Carkesse to John Scrope, dated Custom House, London, enclosing account as below for the Treasury. 2 pages. Appending:—(a.) An account of the totals of the several species of unrated East India goods imported after 1711–2, January 23, by the United East India Company, in 25 ships, with the gross price or value at the candle for which the said goods were sold, the amount of the duties on the same payable by the method confirmed by the decree of the Court of Exchequer, what hath been paid by the said company according to the method insisted on by them, and the difference between the two methods or sums due from the said company for Customs on the said goods.
Minuted as under November 13, infra. 2 large sheets.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 26.]
November 9. 142. J. Scrope to the Excise Commissioners, concerning complaints from several parts of England as to a new order made by said Commissioners, viz. for maltsters to make monthly entries of all malt by them made: “which has never been required or practised, and will put the makers of malt to great trouble and expense, and gave uneasiness even to those that are at present very well affected. Their Lordships desire to know what reason there is for this complaint, and direct you to avoid as much as possible giving any new directions or making any alterations in the charging or collecting the said duty without first acquainting their Lordships therewith, and they desire you [to stay any proceedings on the aforesaid order till you have their Lordships' further directions herein.” [Letter Book XIX. p. 189.]
November 13.
143. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
Mr. Carkesse's letter, of the 8th instant, read, informing that the charge on the East India Company for the difference of duties of unrated goods imported after 1711–2, January 23, in dispute between the said Company and the Crown amounts to 10,586l. 9s.d. minus counterclaims, which will reduce it to 6,000l. Ordered that out of this money the Customs Commissioners pay to Richard Score 3,000l. for first detecting the abuse carried on in computing the duties of unrated East India goods, and for having been the means of establishing another method of computing the said duties, which has been confirmed by a decree of the Exchequer Court, and proves much to the increase of those duties and to the advantage of the public.
Lady Rider's petition for a stay of prosecution against her on account of 50l. for the duty of a quantity of hops belonging to her late husband, read and referred to the Excise Commissioners.
A letter from the Board of Ordnance, of the 7th instant, read, but no order taken thereupon, it intimating that a house in the Old Palace Yard, which they have rented for several years to carry on their office business in Parliament time, is reverted to the Crown by expiration of a Crown lease.
The memorial of the Treasurer of the Navy, of this day, for 10,000l. wages and 3,000l. victualling, read, and ordered out of supplies, 1733.
Order for a warrant for 1,025l. 1s. 8d. to Col. John Moody for the loss he sustained by his houses and lands in Placentia being taken up and employed in erecting a fortification there in 1720.
Same for same for giving Jeyes Seawell possession of a house in the Savoy, belonging to him by a lease which expired in April last, on payment of the reserved rent on said expired lease.
“Let the Paymaster of His Majesty's Forces know that a considerable sum of the monies arisen for the deduction of 6d. in the £ remains in Scotland, and that the public service here does greatly require the same. Desire him, therefore, to accept Mr. Francis Burton's receipts for the money remaining there and transmit them to the regiments in Scotland, to be taken up and received as part of their subsistence, any agreements made by them to the contrary notwithstanding, and upon notice of the said receipts being satisfied accordingly, to pay to the said Mr. Burton, out of the money ordered here, the amount thereof.”
Richard Nichols to be one of the deputed searchers, London port, loco Thos. Fletcher, whose deputation is to be revoked.
“The warrant lately signed by the King for 600 and odd pounds to be paid by the Treasurer of the Chamber to the Earl of Tankerville is to be recalled, and a new warrant prepared for issuing the like sum to his Lordship at the Exchequer.”
The memorial of Lord Oxford, on behalf of the Duke of Leeds, for the stewardship of three hundreds in Bucks, read, but no order made as yet thereupon.
Order for 1,000l. to the Treasurer of the Chamber for advance to messengers sent abroad, according to the Duke of Newcastle's letter of the 12th instant.
Jonathan Litler to be tidesman at Parkgate, loco John Humphreys, deceased, at the recommendation of George Earl of Cholmondeley.
The Salt Commissioners to come to a speedy hearing of a cause between Bullock and Hopgood, salt collector at Droitwich, and in which Sir Richard Lane is concerned, and to do all in their power to bring the same to a conclusion without delay.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. pp. 226–7.]
November 16.
144. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
Order for 10l. to Eliz. Fish as Royal Bounty by the hands of Mr. Lowther.
“Mr. Lowther, out of the King's money in his hands, is to pay to Richard Bentley, Esq. 364l. 2s. 7d. upon his executing an assignment of his arrears of salary payable at the Exchequer, as library keeper to His late Majesty, to the said Mr. Lowther.”
[Ibid, p. 228.]
November 17.
145. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
Mr. Watson's state of account of Derwentwater estate to 1733, Whitsuntide, together with his memorial therewith, referred to Mr. Scrope to peruse and reply to.
Order for Mr. Lowther, out of the King's money in his hands, to pay 733l. 6s. 8d. to Mr. John Peele to defray sundry expenses for His Majesty's service.
“His Majesty's having been pleased to grant the holding a market for hay and straw in the parish of St. Margaret, Westminster, for the benefit of the poor of the said parish, and my Lords being acquainted that if the charges in passing the said grant, amounting to 101l. 12s. are to be defrayed out of the toll to arise thereby, the poor will have no benefit therefrom in several years, their Lordships, in consideration thereof, are pleased to order the said sum of 101l. 12s. to be paid by Mr. Lowther, out of the King's money in his hands.”
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 229.]