Treasury Books and Papers: June 1733

Pages 383-391

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 2, 1731-1734. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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June 1733

June 5.
70. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer.
A representation from the Board of Works, of April 26 last, read, concerning the necessity of having possession of the buildings in lease to Mrs. College at the Cockpit before they can adjust a plan and estimate the charge of building the new Treasury and other offices there. Their Lordships agree to the proposed 1,200l. for said purchase.
The Duke of Newcastle's letter, of 1732, February 22, read, with a copy of a report from the Board of Trade of 1730, December 10, chiefly relating to Mr. Bradly, Attorney General of New York. Their Lordships agree to the salary of 150l. per annum to him out of the Civil List revenues, as paid to his immediate predecessor, to commence from Midsummer 1727, and that as to any arrears of salary before that date, a warrant be prepared to answer them out of the quit rents of New York.
Thos. Jones, at the recommendation of Sir Nicholas Williams, to be surveyor of house duty for Carmarthen upon the resignation of John Philips.
George Ainslabie to be boatman at Sunderland, loco Michael Hardcastle, deceased.
The report of the Taxes Commissioners, of the 17th ultimo, on Thos. Billing's petition to be enlarged from prison, as a surety for Charles Wilkinson, late receiver for York, read and agreed to, subject to the proviso of Billing making a discovery of all his estates and effects, and assigning same in trust to be disposed of towards meeting Wilkinson's debt.
The case of Stephen Scott concerning the seizure of the “Unity,” from Stockholm, under the Act of Navigation, to be sent to the Customs Commissioners, for them to do as they shall think reasonable and fitting. [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 195.]
June 13. 71. (a.-o.) Weekly cash statements of disposable money in the Exchequer, giving the net receipts in cash per week, and the remains and receipts together, under the heads respectively of “civil government,” “late King's debts,” “uses to be appointed,” “service of the year 1732,” for the weeks ending 1732–3, January 3, 10, 17, 24, March 7, 14, 21; 1733, March 28, April 4, 11, 18, 25 (including l. (1), a paper of “unsatisfied warrants, for which letters are writ”), May 2 (including m. (1), a similar paper), May 9 (including n. (1), a similar paper), June 13 (including o. (1), a similar paper). 19 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 14.]
June 14.
72. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Dodington, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
“The Crown being restrained by a clause in an Act of the first year of Queen Ann from making any grants of certain revenues therein enumerated, for any estate to endure longer than the life of such King and Queen as shall make such grant, state a case upon that clause whether a grant made since that Act of a pension of 500l. per annum, payable out of the 4½ per cent. during the life of the grantee be good in law.”
Their Lordships will consider of appointing receivers for the present year's land tax on Tuesday next at 12 o'clock. The Taxes Commissioners to have notice to attend then with the proper accounts and certificates.
Order for a sign manual for the usual royal bounty of 200l. in the name of Charles de Sailly.
The Surveyor General's report on the respective petitions of the Duke of Montagu and [Joseph] Smith, for a lease of a slip of ground being a passage between his Grace's and Mr. Smith's house in the Privy Garden, read. A lease ordered to be passed to his Grace.
Thos. Sterling to be receiver for part of Norfolk this year, loco John Sparrow, declined.
Order for a warrant for issuing to the Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia the 10,000l. appropriated towards the charge of sending over and settling several Protestants in Georgia.
John Jones's letter, dated Michael Church, Herefordshire, the 9th instant, complaining of the want of a surveyor of window lights occasioned by the absconding of one Palmer for debt, to be sent to the Commissioners for Taxes to examine as to the facts complained of.
In reply to the Earl of Tylney's letter of the 10th instant a reward of 50l. to be offered with a view to stopping the destruction of His Majesty's deer in Waltham Forest.
Order for Mr. Lowther to pay, out of the King's money in his hands, 108l. 18s. to John Walthoe, junior, to reimburse the like sum expended for His Majesty's service.
Same for same to pay out of same 10l. 19s. to Mr. Samuel Barnesley, for necessaries provided by him for the Treasury Office. [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 196.]
June 19. 73. Warrant under the royal sign manual to the Commissioners and Trustees for Fisheries and Improvements in Scotland, approving of the report of the said Commissioners, detailed, of January last, for the employment and application of 709l. 2s.d. the savings of the moneys intended for improvements preceding Christmas last, and a further sum of 2,010l. part of the surplus of the malt duty in certain ways, detailed, for the purpose of improvement in and encouragement of the fisheries and trade in Scotland. [North Britain Book X. pp. 457–9.]
June 19.
74. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton.
The Taxes Commissioners attend with their accounts of the present receivers, their arrears, and with observations thereupon. All the receivers continued for 1733, except four, detailed, respited, and three, detailed, declining.
Sir Robert Baylis to be written concerning the great sum remaining in his hands, as receiver of the duties on houses for London, Westminster, and Middlesex, with directions to him to pursue the passing the accounts thereof with all expedition, and to make speedy payments into the Exchequer of his receipts.
The petition of Thos. Eyre for extraordinary charges as receiver of the land tax for Chester and part of Wales, referred to the Taxes Commissioners.
The memorial of the Paymaster of the Forces of the 7th instant, for 110,845l. 18s.d. for services mentioned, read, and 98,281l. 10s. 6d. to carry on the subsistence from 1733, June 25 to August 24, is only ordered thereupon.
Order for a sign manual for 10,000l. to be issued to Mr. Scrope for secret service.
Order for Mr. Lowther to pay, out of the King's money in his hands, 20l. as royal bounty to the widow of Joseph Richardson, deceased, late a messenger in the Treasury Office.
Same for same to pay out of same, 27l. 10s. to the messengers of the Treasury Office, and John Shephard, their assistant, for extraordinary services in delivering great numbers of letters to Members of Parliament on special meetings, beginning 1728 and ending 1733, taking care that these extraordinary allowances be not inserted in any of their bills payable at the Exchequer.
Order for a royal warrant for the Receiver of the Patrimony in Minorca to pay to Col. Edward Montague, late Governor of Fort Philip, the value of 2,230 dollars for expenses in improving and repairing the King's house at the said fort, being the residence of the Lieutenant Governor of that castle, as by particulars and receipts certified by Charles St. Morris.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 197.]
June 19. 75. Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands, &c. to make forth a constat or to send to the proper auditor for a particular of a small piece of waste ground lying contiguous to the Duke of Montagu's house in Privy Garden, within the precinct of Whitehall Palace, and to rate same with a view to the passing a lease thereof to the said Duke, being petitioned for by him.
Prefixing:—Report on the memoral of the said Duke by T. Walker, Surveyor General, dated 1733, June 12.
Appending:—Plan of the said plot.
[Crown Lease Book III. pp. 4–5.]
[June 20 ?] 76. Same for the execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant for the provision of furniture, detailed, for His Majesty's service at St. James's, Richmond, Hampton Court, Kew, and Somerset House, including inter al. items for Mr. Bilderbeck, Lady Susan Hamilton, Miss Lovelace a Maid of Honour, Lady Isabella Finch, Mrs. Swinton. All at an estimate of 1,030l.
[Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. pp. 433–4.]
June 21. 77. The Duke of Newcastle to the Treasury, transmitting a letter from Viscount Cobham, Governor, and Lord Carteret, Bailiff of Jersey, concerning prosecutions began there against seven jurats and an advocate for confederacy to interrupt the course of public justice and against His Majesty's authority, and requiring that the prosecution should be carried on at the public expense. 1 page, partially destroyed.
—Said letter, dated London, 1733, May 31. 2 pages, much destroyed.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 16.]
June 21.
78. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm, Yonge.
The Customs Commissioners to hasten the accounts with the East India Company pursuant to the late decree of the House of Lords, and to transmit to the Treasury an account of the moneys paid to the Receiver General by the said Company or due from them, before the money so recovered be paid into the Exchequer.
A memorial of Sir John Anstruther for 3,537l. for repairing the palace of Holyrood House at Edinburgh, read. Their Lordships order the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, to have the estimates examined, and to issue what is necessary to advance for the work out of the money now in the hands of the Commissioners of Excise arisen by fines before and since 1727, June 11.
The petition of Thos. Tomkyns, late cashier to the Commissioners for Hawkers and Pedlars, praying enlargement from prison on payment of 100l. as composition, read and agreed to.
A report of Mr. Horatio Walpole, Auditor and Surveyor General of His Majesty's Plantations in America, read, on the petition of John Clayton, Attorney General in Virginia, for an addition to his salary of 100l. read, and 40l. additional agreed to.
The report of the Surveyor General of Woods on the memorial of Edward Jackson, deputy ranger of Richmond New Park, for works and repairs there amounting to 922l. 12s.d. read, and ordered out of wood sales.
The petition of Samuel Robinson, Receiver General of Land Tax for London, Westminster, and Middlesex, read, as to the difficulty in passing his account of land tax, 1731, for want of a charge in the Remembrancer's office from the Acting Commissioners for Kensington Division and the Duchy Liberty, who have neglected to return their respective duplicates. Referred to the Taxes Commissioners.
The report of the Taxes Commissioners read, on the petition of Thos. Eyre, Receiver General of Chester, Anglesea, Carnarvon, Merioneth, Denbigh, and Flint, for the usual allowance of 3d. per £ for remitting and bringing up to London public money amounting to 65,518l. Ordered to be allowed the said poundage on the moneys paid into the Exchequer for North Wales only.
Order for a letter for paying the judges' salaries, Trinity Term, 1733.
The Treasurer of the Navy's memorial for 18,500l. read, and ordered out of supplies, anno 1733.
Order for the issue to the Treasurer and Paymaster of the Office of Ordnance of 26,891l. 17s. 3d. out of supplies, 1733, to complete the grant for the service of that office, anno 1732.
Mr. Pelham's memorial, enclosing Sir Joseph Eyles's proposal for remitting the subsistence money to Minorca and Gibraltar, 1733, June 25 to August 24, read and agreed to as follows, the rates of exchange being certified to be as usual:—
18,500 dollars for Minorca, payable at sight in gold, at 55d. per dollar.
24,750 dollars for Gibraltar, payable at sight in gold, at 54½d. per dollar.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. pp. 198–9.]
June 25.]
79. Draft proposals, in brief or skeleton form, and in more extended form, intended to form the clauses of an Act to permit the warehousing of tobacco in bond under the double key of the King and of the importing merchant: concluding with a pro forma statement of the account on such tobacco so imported and warehoused, and with a calculation of the new Customs officers (warehouse keepers and accomptants) rendered necessary by the proposed Act. 5 sheets.
—(a.) A paper of remarks and doubts upon the said proposals. 5 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 20.]
June 26.
80. Present: — Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Dodington, Mr. Clayton, Sir William Yonge.
The memorial of the Treasurer of the Navy of this day's date, for 131,329l. 18s. 5d. for services mentioned, read, and all the articles agreed to and ordered, except 10,000l. for Greenwich Hospital and 17,000l. for half-pay.
The Duke of Newcastle's letter of the 21st instant, transmitting to the Treasury a letter to his Grace from the Lords Cobham and Carteret of May 31 last, by which it is desired that the officers of the Crown may prosecute seven jurats and an advocate of the Isle of Jersey for interrupting the Courts of Justice in the said island and for other misdemeanours, read, “and being considered, my Lords say they can do nothing therein.”
Order for a sign manual for 400l. to John Anstis, Garter King at Arms, for reward and in lieu of all charges by bills in making his voyage to Holland and back again with the insignia of the Order of the Gaiter for the Prince of Orange.
Mr. Alderman Baylis's letter of the 25th instant, concerning arrears of duties on houses for London, Westminster, and Middlesex, read, and referred to the Taxes Commissioners, with their Lordships' directions to assist Sir Robert all they can in obtaining duplicates, so as his accounts as receiver of those duties may be passed, and that in the meantime they state an account of the arrears depending and in whose hands they remain. “And they are to let Sir Robert know that their Lordships do not insist upon his making weekly payments of those duties into the Exchequer, but that he clears his account thereof once every quarter.”
Order for a sign manual for issuing 362l. 16s. 3d. plus fees thereon to John Wace for expenses for His Majesty's service. “This on letters of advice from Mr. Tickel to Lord Harrington of a bill of exchange from Dublin for that sum.”
Same for same for issuing — to George Middleton to reimburse expenses for His Majesty's service.
Order for Mr. Lowther to pay, out of the King's money in his hands, 20l. as royal bounty to Mossom Wye.
Same for same to pay out of same 300l. to Mr. Joseph Bell, Comptroller of the Post Office, on a bill for sundry particulars delivered for His Majesty's services, 1732–3, March 14 to May 25 following.
Order for Mr. Hinxman, woodward of New Forest, to be allowed 65l. 0s. 3d. to answer sundry cravings on the warrant for delivering trees to the Navy in the period between the death of Mr. Wither and the appointment of a new Surveyor General.
Order for an additional salary of 100l. per annum to Colonel Wm. Hanmer, Lieutenant Governor of Nevis, out of the 4½ per cent. duty; as Hanmer's predecessor, Colonel Sibourg, had.
The Customs Commissioners to be written to for a certificate of the sums saved on the established salary and allowances to the Surveyor General of the northern part of America between the death of Devereux Bacon and the appointment of John Peagrum.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. pp. 200–1.]
June 26. 81. Treasury warrant to John Grymes, Receiver General of His Majesty's revenues in Virginia, for payment to John Clayton, His Majesty's Attorney General in Virginia, of an additional salary of 40l. per annum as from Christmas, 1732.
Prefixing:—Report, dated 1732–3, January 25, to the Treasury from Horace Walpole on Clayton's petition for the above addition on account of the increase in the number of burglaries and felonies committed by imported convicts, his present salary of 100l. not exceeding the third part of what the customary fees upon so many prosecutions would amount to.
[Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 42–3.]
June 26. 82. Warrant under the royal sign manual to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland for the appointment of an agent to contract for the delivery of 50 tons of copper to John Conduitt, Master and Worker of the Mint in London, to be made into a copper coinage, as under the royal warrant of January 26, supra, p. 366. Said agent to receive the halfpence and farthings from Conduitt from time to time as they shall be coined, and transmit them to the Vice Treasurer and Receiver General and Paymaster General, Ireland, the said Vice Treasurer, &c. being directed from time to time to pay for the said 50 tons of copper and to defray all charges attending the coining of same and its transmission, when coined, to Ireland. “And whereas there have been former copper coinages for our said kingdom of Ireland under the patents of our royal predecessors, and the copper money so coined is now current in our said kingdom, in order therefore to continue the currency of such copper money coined under those patents, together with such copper money as shall be coined for the service of our said kingdom in our said Tower of London, our will and pleasure is that you give the necessary directions to the Commissioners of our Revenues in that our kingdom to order the several collectors there to receive such copper money as has been coined under the patents of our royal predecessors, or shall be coined for the service of our said kingdom in our Tower of London, indifferently and without any preference of the one sort to the other in discharge of what is or shall become due to us. Provided always that no more be received in any one payment made to them than 12 of those halfpence or 6d. and that if by such payments the said collectors or any of them shall have a redundancy of those halfpence, then the said several collectors shall and may pay to the respective
officers of our army there, or such other person as shall tender an Exchequer acquittance to the said collectors for the payment of our army there, any sum of the said halfpence not exceeding 5l. in every 100l. and so in proportion for a greater or lesser sum, and the like quantity to the officers of our revenue who shall receive their salaries from the said respective collectors: which regulation the Commissioners of our Revenue there are of opinion will be an advantage to our revenue as well as a convenience to the several traders of that our kingdom, as appears to us by their report in that behalf made to our Justices there, bearing date the 2nd day of April last.” The Vice Treasurer, Receiver General, and Paymaster General, or their deputy, to issue out such new coined copper to such as are willing to take the same in any payment. The said agent as above to account for the copper money so coined as often as required. Whatever profit shall arise from the said coinage after defraying all expenses to go into the public revenue at large of the said kingdom of Ireland and be employed there for His Majesty's service, as any other part of His Majesty's revenue unappropriated is employed. Given at the Court at Richmond. [Irish Book VIII. 445–7.]
June 27. 83. The Treasury to the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland. Understand that the roof of His Majesty's palace of Holyrood House is ruinous and continually runs into greater decay for want of needful reparation. Desire that a view of the said roof may be taken, and an account made of what is absolutely necessary to be done and the charge, “being induced to believe that the sum of 3,000l. well applied may be sufficient to make all necessary repairs to the said roof, which is the only thing that is meant to be done.” [North Britain Book X. p. 462.]
June 29.
84. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Dodington, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
Order for the issue of 5,000l. to the Treasurer of the Navy for Greenwich Hospital out of funds, anno 1733.
Same to Mr. Lowther to pay, out of the King's money in his hands, the fees of the 2,400l. issued to George Middleton.
Mr. Chancellor says the King will allow liveries for a groom and four boys under the Earl of Tankerville as Master of the Buckhounds. Orders to be obtained for the proper office to provide such liveries.
Order for renewal of a warrant for stay of process against Henry Lane, a receiver of house money, co. Worcester, till the end of Michaelmas Term.
Order to Mr. Lowther to pay, out of the King's money in his hands, 40l. to Edward Lloyd as Royal Bounty.
Mr. John Beresford to be under clerk in the Treasury office “by order of the Secretaries and with consent of my Lords.”
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 202.]
June 29. 85. John Russell, Consul General at Tetuan, to Christopher Tilson, dated from Woolwich, concerning his memorial as below. 2 pages.
—(a.) Memorial of same to Sir Robert Walpole. Was appointed Plenipotentiary to the Court of the Emperor of Morocco, 1728, August 7, “which full power has been executed with success, the peace having been renewed between His Majesty and that Prince and His Majesty's subjects, both British and German, who were captives in Barbary, redeemed from slavery: which negotiation was attended with a very great expense to your memorialist, who has the misfortune to have several of his goods taken from him while at Fez and Mequinez, and was many times in the utmost hazard of his life.” Prays the usual allowance of 3l. per day. 1 page.
(b.) Statement of account of Russell's expenses, 1728, August 17, to 1730, June 25. Endorsed:—With minute of 1732, August 8, and with entry of the payment of 300l. on account, 1728, August 29. 10 pages.
(c.) Paper of payments made to Russell. 1 page.
(d.) A further paper of Russell's expense in the presents to the Emperor of Morocco, and on his first and second journeys. 3 pages.
(e.) Memorandum, undated, from, Russell to Tilson. Was ordered home from Barbary with the Emperor's letter by the Duke of Newcastle, to prevent a Moorish Ambassador being sent, and it was June before he was settled in the employment he now has at Woolwich. 1 page. [Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 21.]
June 30. 86. Petition to the Treasury from the Dean and Chapter of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, in Westminster. Set forth that they are possessed by ancient grant of several water springs in Hyde Park, which supply their college with water, and have a waterhouse standing there at the head of the Serpentine river. Upon notice from the Surveyor General of Woods that several alterations must be made to it to accommodate the design of the river, they have performed same at a cost of 140l. 4s. Pray allowance of same. Referred to the Board of Works.
[Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 431.]