Pages 2064-2079
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.
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September 1528
21 Sept. R. O. Ellis, 3 Ser. II. 149. |
4763. WARHAM to WOLSEY. |
Received today his letters, dated Oking, 18 Sept., bidding him receive the legate Campegius, and accompany him to Rochester. Was at Canterbury lately, intending to stay there most of the winter, but was obliged for his health's sake to remove. Fears that if he went thither now or in October, at which time he is usually troubled with his old disease in his head, he would not escape without extreme danger. In spite of all precautions he feels signs of it, and he fears that after the shaking in his horse litter he should not be able to do anything. Would be right glad to wait on the said Legate, but it would not be meet for him to go in a litter while the other rode on horseback, and he cannot now ride three miles on horseback. Asks therefore to be excused. Desires credence for his steward, whom he sends. Otforde, St. Mathies (Matthew's) Day. Signed. | |
Pp. 2. Add.: To, &c., my lord Cardinal of York and Legate de latere. Endd.: A letter from my lord of Canterbury. 21 Sept. | |
22 Sept. R. O. St. P. IV. 513. |
Sends a letter from Angus which was brought to him on the 21 Sept., with a credence, desiring Northumberland to mediate for him to the King, and stating that the king of Scots, who paid little regard to the letters of the King and Wolsey, intended to raise an army on the 29th, ostensibly against Angus, but probably against England, as the Earl was at Coldingham, within seven miles of Norham. Thinks no redress will be made on the Borders unless Angus be reinstated. Topclyf, 22 Sept. Signed. | |
Add. Endd. | |
22 Sept. Cott. App. 69. B. M. |
Confess themselves not learned enough to write even to bishops of the lowest class, but they write as he desired them to do in his letter, which they kissed, on account of his commendation of Dr. Fox and his promise of favor. In consequence of it, have elected Fox provost, and hope he will answer to the recommendations of the King and of the Cardinal. Beg him to listen to their complaints. Mention their foundation by Henry VI., and their endowment with ecclesiastical benefices as rewards for the deserving. "Defuncto jam vita Doctore Hacumblen [de nobis] optime merito rediit ad nos jus præsentationis vicariæ de Prescott ... reripuisse an jus ... e viderit ipse. Nihil enim nos volumus dero ... en ... [ob]secramus te per gloriam tuam, imo per Christi ... memineris nos scholares esse non cujusvis ... adduci profecto adhuc non possumus ut ... clientulos. Cæterum * * * ... lint atque optimis literis ornavit, quique modernas hæreses sic arcere atque extingu[ere] ... est ut athletam dixeris esse Christianissimum. Hunc si quid apud te valet con ... nostra candide excipias et dilige, clientulosque tuos omnes solito a more p ... E sodalitio nostro [de]cimo kal. Oct." | |
Pp. 2, mutilated. | |
Incipit: Etsi celsitudinem tuam, ter maxime heros, &c. | |
23 Sept. R. O. St. P. I. 326. |
The King, hunting in this park, showed me he was advertised from you that the Legate (Campeggio) intends to be at Calais tomorrow. He will therefore be glad to be at your manor of Hampton Court on Saturday next. As I told him you could not conveniently remove by that day, he wished to be at your house on Saturday or Monday at the furthest, where he will spend three or four days before his repair to Greenwich. Guildford, Wednesday, 23 Sept. Signed. | |
Add. Endd.. Sir William Fitzwilliam, treasurer of the Kinges House, of xxiij. of September. | |
24 Sept. Cal. D. X. 227. B. M. |
4767. [CLERK to WOLSEY.] |
"[After my] most humble recommendati[ons, please it your Grace to unde]rstand that my lord Card[inal Campegius ever si]ns our departing from Paris h[as been very] sore troubled with the gout in both [hands and also] somewhat in his feet, and for all that [he has put himself] to as much pain as was possible. [Without tarrying] or sojourning any day, thanked be G[od, he has] arrived here in Moottrell, still carried [in a litter], for he cannot ride, his feet being n[ot able to] abide the sqwasse of the stirrup, ne h[is hands] to hold the bridle, as more plainly [Sir Francis Bryan] will inform your Grace, who hath ry[ght well done] his part here, I assure your Grace, in a[ssisting] diligently and conducting the said C[ardinal, as] in pro- viding him from time to time h[orses for] his carriages with all other manner of ... and was contented to depart from us t ... to advertise your Grace of his arrival, [and of the] estate and disposition he is in, and to p[rovide such things] as shall be necessary for his transport [from] Dover to London, as well a mule f[or the Cardinal], and horses for his company, as a hor[se litter in case the] gout shall continue, as it is likely [to do] ... for, as he saith, this is the ty[me during] the which he is accustomed [to be most troubled with]e that disease. T * * * ... [ve]rye necessary for his re ... ther serving God willing ... ng, but that your Grace hath wry[tten to us t]hat we shall there find such assur ... the case shal require." Mott[reul, Thursday mo]rning, 24 Sept. Subscribed in Clerk's hand: Your Grace is most humbyll cha[plain.] (Signature lost.) | |
Mutilated. | |
—Sept. Cal. D. X. 228. B. M. |
4768. [CLERK to WOLSEY.] |
"[After m]y most humble recommendation, [please it your Grace to] understand, that according to the ... with my former letters yesterday, being ... month, we arrived here in Calais [where my lord Cardi]nall was right honorably received ... [with] spears and other horsemen a mile bey[ond] ... After, on the side Newnam Bridge, t ... the town and the lieutenant of the s ... accompanied, and last of all by the de[puty] ... and comptroller, a little from the gate ... [to] his lodging in my lady Banester's th ... marketplace, ranged on both sides ... all in very good order, and every thing ... trimmed for that purpose. The same night [I received] your Grace's letters of the 23rd of this mo[nth, and] immediately Master Deputy and I to gy[ther, going] unto the Legate, made congratulations u[nto him in your] Grace's name of his arrival, and [I informed him] how sorry ye were of his disease ... [in such] words as came to my remembrance ... all to his great consolation and comf[ort. The gout] troubleth him still in so much [that he entered] the town in his horse litter, all tho[ugh he had other]wise determined to have tak[en horse at] Newname Bridge. Saving * * * ... content that everything be ... yned, and saith he will take p[ains, be he ne]ver so troubled with his gout, ... [I as]sure your Grace he hath been marvello[us] ... [si]nst his coming from Paris, and hath ... many a bitter kyrieleyson. I have declared [your] Grace is pleasure unto Mr. Deputy, and oth[er officers of t]his town here, concerning the Cardinal's in[terta]ynement, as well for presents as otherwise, ... they be right glad to follow your pleasure in the [same], and they made him yesternight right honor[able] presents, as I myself divers times since ... met with him have and will do in ly[ke manner], assuring your Grace that there hath fallen no [lack] ... of gratitude or humanity since our first mee[ting] ... but it hath been showed him, so that I dowg[ht] not but the said Cardinal is right well satisfied. As for transporting of any horses from hence for his conducting to London, as for they of this tow[n] had but six horses, and the owners be very loth [to sen]d them over the sea. There were ten here of the [Ma]ster of the Rolls which must needs be sent h[ome again], for he hath not many left him. I do ... day 40 horses and mules of mine ... to my folks to London to send me * * * conduct him and his folks ... at London, where I am right w[illing that] he be lodged in Bath Place, as I would [be to do the] King's highness service in any other th[ing that it] shall please his Highness to command m[e] ... beseeching your Grace that I may have ... whole, for it is showed me that there be ... and inhabitants that dwell in the better ... so far forth that there is no room to ... so that my lord of London when he ... fain to lodge his servants in London pa ... your Grace that there may be some provision ... to appoint me Chester or Exeter Place, for ... where I shall lodge my servants. | |
"Upon Tuesday next, by the grace of God, [wind and tide] serving, we shall take the seas. It may l[ike your Grace to] remember to send some harbinger and ma ... again to take up carts and make log ... | |
"The oration shall be sent your Grace by [this post], or else at the next infallenter." | |
Calais, ... Sept. | |
Mutilated. | |
24 Sept. Nero, B. I. 74. B. M. |
Desires restitution of the goods in the ship of Antony Paciecho, which was wrecked on the English coast about a year ago. Asks that they may be given up to Roderic Fernando, his agent in Flanders, or to Francis Perso, who is now in England. Coimbra, 8 cal. Oct. 1528. Signed. | |
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd. | |
24 Sept. R. O. |
To the same effect. Coymbra, 8 cal. Oct. 1528. Signed. | |
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd. | |
24 Sept. Le Glay, Analectes Hist., p. 196. |
4771. The TRUCE. |
Reconnaissance de Henri VIII. d'avoir reçu l'acte de la ratification par Charles V. du traité de la trève cidessus (referring to No. 4376). Oking, 24 Sept. | |
25 Sept. Cleop. F. VI. 343. B. M. |
4772. TUNSTAL to [WOLSEY]. |
Intended to have come to Wolsey today to inform him what he had done in his progress in the diocese of London, but will not do so, as a servant of his has fallen ill, it is feared, of the great sickness. Has summoned all the clergy of his diocese, and taken their oaths as to their substance and has taken the valuation of the benefices of men who are not resident in the diocese. Has deputed collectors in every deanery for levying the King's loan. In London, the collector has paid Mr. Wiat 450l., and is collecting the rest. In the country they are likewise busy, but many of them write that few of the priests can pay ready money till after Michaelmas, when they have thrashed and sold their tithe corn; and, as the loan touches every man, none will lend money. Has taken the substance of many persons and monasteries which were excepted by a bill in his first instructions. As to those of whom he discovered that the King's demand by his letters was under the fourth part, has put the residue of the said fourth part in the collector's books, to be levied by them. In the case of some monasteries, he does not know for what the King has written, for the bill of exceptions does not always mention the sum. The abbots of St. Osythes and Bylegh, and the lady abbess of Barkyng, have received no letters, though he knows that letters were ordered to be sent to them. They have given him bills, by which it appears that the fourth part of the lands of St. Osythes amounts to 150l.; of Barking, to 155l. 2s. 4d.; and of Bylegh, to 49l. 10s. | |
Advises Wolsey to send letters to them for these sums, deducting what has been paid in accordance with former letters. Could not put these sums in the collector's books, not knowing for what the King had written. Will call upon the collectors to bring up the money as soon as levied. London, 25 Sept. Signed. | |
Pp. 2. | |
[25 Sept.] R. O. St. P. I. 325. |
4773. HENNEGE to WOLSEY. |
The King is glad you liked your pastime of hunting as well as you did when you were with him, and devised that you shall come to him on Monday next, that you and he may have pastime together two or three days. He will receive the ambassador of Florence on Sunday next, but said nothing of his reward, and I durst not urge it. The King is favorable to Norris, as you will see by his letter. I have delivered your letter to Wolman, who will not fail to wait upon you. The King is favorable for the ordering of Hampton Court and Richmond. Oking, Friday. Signed. | |
Add.: To my Lord's grace. Endd. | |
25 Sept. Vesp. F. I. 81. B. M. |
Was elected King after the death of king Lewis by all the peers except three, these having been corrupted by the promises of Ferdinand king of Bohemia, who has now invaded the country with great cruelty, aud refuses king John's offer to submit to the arbitration of the king of Poland or any other. He has forbidden all persons, on pain of death, to speak of the writer as King, or to pray for him. Though he promised to recover the castles taken by the Turks, he has lost those which remained, and among others Jaijcza, a seat of the kings of Bozna, and began to treat with the Turk for assistance against king John. Hearing of this, sent Jerome de Lasco, lord of Rythwan, palatine of Sirad, who negotiated a peace with the Turk, with promise of assistance. Defends his conduct. Tharnovia, 25 Sept. 1528, "regnorum ao 2." Signed. | |
Lat., pp. 2. Add. Endd. | |
25 Sept. Cal. D. X. 338. B. M. |
4775. [TAYLER to WOLSEY.] |
"... now by the advice and counsel of thambassa[dor] ... ordained and provided for 25,000 footmen ... horses that immediately should go into Italy and ... as there may be provision for victual; for upon ... come all this sickness and pestilence. | |
"The second article of Andreas Doria is now so far ... is without hope of recovery. The King told me ... Andreas asked nothing reasonable or unreyson[able, but he] granted it to him; and when the King ag[reed to all his] demands and desires, then finally he said h[e would not] serve him, and now is returned from Naples, [and has] laid his galleys in the haven of ... s e ... the town finding never a man to resist him ... water nor land. I said to the King ... it w[as great] negligence to leave such a town so ... without ... The King imputeth it to the treason of the said [Doria], the which compacted and consented with seni[or] de Threvolsis, that within 20 days that he sh[ould take] upon him to be Cæsarian, he would not attempt ... anything against the French king, and came in[to the town] with a white banner; wherefore Theodore de Tre[volsis had no] doubt in him; but when he entered into th[e town, he] cried Libertas, libertas, and Saynt George. T[revolsis went] into the castle, and shall shortly have eyd [from the count] de S. Pawll, and the King says that h ... galleys in the haven that he may surely fle[e] ... come to rescue. I asked of the King wher ... water to let Andreas Dorea to flee out of th[e haven] ... quyre. He answered me he trusted it was pro ... d it may be so, for it was told me in secre[t] ... m out of Cecilia seven gallies to Andreas Dorea to ... s commandment, and how he reputeth himself [ready for] sea with 19 galleys, and two that he took of the Fre[nch]. | |
"The third article, where in the King our master's name [I thanked] his Majesty for his honorable receiving and good [entertain]ment of the cardinal Campege. He said he did no[thing] but as he is bound in his loving brother's cause, and [as he] doubteth not but that his brother of England would [in like] case do for him. Farther, he told me that in recommend[ing the] King's cause to the said Cardinal, he marvelled greatly [when the] Cardinal told him that he would return home by [Spain]. Then the King said to him that the King his brother [was] a prince of such virtue, wisdom, and estimation tha[t he] would enterprise no matter but righteous and of good ... wherefore he thought that after the Cardinal had sp[oken unto] the King's highness, his mind would be changed ... going home by Spain, if his brother's cause took g[ood] effect, as he trusted it should. | |
"To the fourth article, as concerning the duel, his Grace thynk[yth] that your Lordship shall be clearly and well satisfied, for my lord of Bath, the which was present at everything, bring[eth] to your Grace a copy authentical of everything that was spo[ken and] done therein. | |
"The fifth article, as touching the King's and your Grace's prosper[ous hea]lth and laborious solaces and pastimes in hunting, of ... [a]bundance of all things within the realm ... of the swete, finished standing before the ... [he th]anked God of those tidings, beseeching his good ... and continuance for as long as his dear broth[er] ... and did well, he could not do amiss. And h ... he had some time discourageous and displeasant ... these tidings comforted him very much whe ... shortly send one of his chamber to the King's high[ness and your] Grace, the which should ascertain you of all su[ch] ... take for the maintenance and renewing of his [army by] land and water. Here is an answer to all the cont[ents of your] gracious letter. And because the Grand Master being a[bsent from] the court, neither by the King, the Chancellor, nor [any] other of the Council, I could know the truth of the ... the army at Naples, by secret ways and ... d fre[nds I have] sent your Grace the copy of all the order and final def[eat of] all that army being at Naples. Surely if there ha[d been a] good captain they would never a yielded them in th[at wise,] being 4,000 men. And all those that were in Nap[les with] those that persecuted them, were not 6,000 men. Se[d amisso] pastore facile disperguntur oves gregis. I beseech your [Grace to] keep these copies secret to yourself, that the ambassador [may] know not of them. It is enough that your Grace kn[ow] ... there would follow much business to know how they [came] to your hands, for the King himself knoweth not ... things." Paris, 25 Sept. 1528. | |
Mutilated. | |
26 Sept. Cal. D. X. 356. B. M. |
4776. [TAYLER] to WOLSEY. |
"Please it your Grace, the 25th of this I wrote ... [lett]res, and this day the King sent for me. I found ... all the ambassadors of the League. When they went [away the King's] grace called me to him, and showed me a letter of [the count of St.] Paull's own hand, and caused it to be read ... [In it] was contained that the 19th of this present [month, by assault] and manly violence, Pavia was taken and th ... 2,500 Spaniards and Cæsarians and th ... defended. He could not tell how many men h ... he lay sick of an ague within Pavia. | |
"After this the King showed to me and bade me [write to your Grace] that Mons. Rens was in Aquila with [8,000 men, and more] daily resorting unto him, and 12,000 shall g ... being waged and made in the country there s ... in good comfort that Naples shall soon be recov[ered, for the] Cæsarians be retired into Naples and did sor ... and at the most they be not 6,000 men of wh[om] ... speak, they will fight no more till they have th[eir wages] the which the Emperor oweth them, and is behind v ... Also the King bade me write unto your Grace that [he hopeth] that Gene be in his hands or this day, for by th ... be a great band of Suches and other there for hy ... Andreas Dorea had sent in terras ecclesiæ and o ... of Ferrare to wage men. Both the Pope and ... have forbid any to take wages of him or to be ... ment, and he is very naked, for none of the c ... to his entry into the town. The great part of ... were out for fear of the sickness, and so tha ... Gene have made their excuse to the King. An ... such outrageous weather that if he have ... [g]o to his galleys; wherefore the King here is in [good hope t]o have good tidings from thence. | |
"Finally, the King showed me that the Emperor [is gone t]o Victoria, and that he hath taken a displeasure w[ith the ambassador] of England; but he could not tell which of tha[mbassadors] it was, and that the Emperor had commanded hy[m to be] lodged remotely from the Court. Specialties his [Grace would] not tell me, why or for what cause, nor how he h[eard the] news. At the Great Master's coming I shall know ... the King added that, if the Emperor would invade hi[s realm], he trusted that his brother would help him. Oth[er news] we have none, but I beseech your Grace that I may kn[ow your] pleasure concerning the duke of Albany's letter." Paris, 26 Sept. 1528. | |
Mutilated. Add. | |
Vesp. C. IV. 260. B. M. | 4777. SILVESTER DARIUS to WOLSEY. |
P.S.—News has come this morning from Genoa and Gaeta to the Emperor that the French army in Naples is defeated, that the allied fleet has fled, that Andrea Doria has taken six French galleys and three ships of burden, and that the French governor and garrison have been driven out of Genoa. The Emperor has enrolled 2,000 foot to send to Italy, with thirteen galleys, which are being equipped with all haste at Barcelona. | |
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add. | |
26 Sept. Titus, B. I. 275. B. M. Ellis, 1 Ser. I. 185. Fiddes' Coll. p. 128. |
4778. WILLIAM CAPON, Dean of Cardinal's College, Ipswich, to WOLSEY. |
On Sunday, 6 Sept., Master Stephyns, Dr. Lee and Mr. Crumwell came to Wolsey's college at Ipswich, and brought copes, vestments, plate, &c. as specified in a pair of indentures between Capon and Crumwell, of which each retains one part. The parcels are all engrossed in your Grace's book indented which remains with me. Mr. Stevens, Lee and Cromwell remained four days, and Cromwell was at great pains seeing Wolsey's stuff carried hither safely, and in preparing the hangings, benches, &c., for the hall, which is now well trimmed. On Our Lady's Even, Capon, with the company of the college, viz., the sub-dean, Mr. Ellis, six priests, eight clerks, nine choristers, and all their servants, after evensong in the College church, repaired to Our Lady's Chapel, and sang evensong there. They were accompanied by Stephens, Lee and Cromwell, by Mr. Humphrey Wingfield, to whose kindness they are much bound, the bailiffs of the town and portmen, and the prior of Christchurch. Next day, 8 Sept., it rained continually, so that they could not go in procession through the town to Our Lady's Chapel, but made as solemn a procession as they could in the College church. All the honorable gentlemen of the shire were present, as Mr. Wentford, Sir John Willoughby, Sir Philip Tylney, Mr. Bowth, Sir Thos. Tey, Mr. Benefylde, Mr. Pyrton, Mr. Jermeyn, and Mr. Humphrey Wingfield, besides the bailiffs and port-men, the priors of Christchurch and Butley, Dr. Grene, vicar of Aldborough, as commissaries to Wolsey, the bishop of Norwich and the duke of Norfolk's almoner, Mr. Hege. They all dined in the college. | |
Your singing men are well chosen, but some of them who are very excellent say they got better wages where they came from. Fears that the commons allowed are not sufficient, for they can neither provide beefs nor muttons for want of pasture near. The Sub-dean and I, with Mr. Rushe, have viewed Bornebrige, but find it incapable of supporting fat cattle. As to the College church, one man is not sufficient to keep the revestry and the church clean, ring the bells, prepare the altar lights, &c. Has, therefore, put in another man, and named him sexton. There are but five priests under the sub-dean,—too few to keep three masses a day; and the sub-dean cannot attend, as he is required to survey the buildings. But for Mr. Lentall we could do nothing in our choir, he takes such pains at matins and masses. There shall be no better children in any place in England than we shall have here shortly. | |
Has made fifteen albs of the new cloth, delivered by Mr. Alvard, Wolsey's servant; but there are fourteen more to be made, besides fourteen albs for fourteen tunicles, and twelve pair of odd "parrers" for children. Nine "books" (bucks) were sent to the College against the day of the Nativity of Our Lady, viz., two from the duke of Norfolk, two from the duke of Suffolk, one from my lady of Oxford, the younger, one from Sir Philip Bowth, one from Mr. Pyrton, and one each from Mr. Sentcler and Ric. Cavendish, Wolsey's servants, "which books were spent on our said Lady's Day in your Grace's college," and distributed, with money, to make merry withal to the chamberlains and head men of the town, the bailiffs and port-men's wives, and the curates. Mr. Rushe also gave them six couple of coneys, two pheasants, and one dozen quails, and the prior of Butley two pheasants and a fat crane. | |
Have received of Mr. Dawndy 121 tons of Caen stone. Expect 100 tons more a fortnight after Michaelmas, so that the workmen may be well employed, and Mr. Dawndy has promised us 1,000 tons more before Easter next. From your Grace's college in Gipswiche, 26 Sept. Signed. | |
Add. Endd. | |
26 Sept. S. B. |
4779. GEORGE BULLEYN, squire of the Body. |
Annuity of 50 marks, payable by the chief butler of England, out of the issues of the prizes of wines. Del. Westm., 26 Sept. 20 Hen. VIII. | |
Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 20. | |
26 Sept. | 4780. SIR THOS. LOVELL. |
His will, 10 Dec. 1522. Proved, 26 Sept. 1528. Printed in Nicolas' Testamenta Vetusta, p. 640. | |
27 Sept. R. O. St. P. I. 327. |
Since you signed the papers when I was last with you for a diet with the Scotch, news is come that the earl of Angus is attainted by Parliament, and he himself compelled to remain, for security, in the March country. Bothwell, Buccleugh and others are taken into favour, and the Borders exposed to danger. News is also come of a conspiracy against the duke of Ferrara. Though I am now on my journey to London, I will diverge from my purpose, and repair to your Grace, unless you appoint some other place. Richmond, 27 Sept. Signed. | |
Add. | |
27 Sept. R. O. |
Has sent to Calais four passengers (ships) for transporting cardinal Campeggio. Among the others "the Peter Baily, for his own person, which is the ship that your Grace hath passed in divers times, and hath a bed in her, and the cabin, appareled after the best fashion." Wishes to know whether the charge is to be at the King or Wolsey's cost. The Legate cannot stay more than one night at Dovor, as it is infected with the sickness, and as the priory is in that quarter of the town, has appointed the bailiff's house for the reception of the Legate. The town is prepared. Dovor, Sunday, 27 Sept. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add. Endd. | |
27 Sept. R. O. |
Received on the 27th your letters dated the 23rd at Hampton Court, conveying the King's pleasure that I should be at London, Sunday, 4 Oct., at the reception of cardinal Campeggio at St. George's bar. Am so impotent in my legs that I can neither ride nor stand, "a mass while," without intolerable pain. Sit I may not, unless my legs are as high as the stool I sit on. I beg you will make my excuse, and as soon I can ride or stand I will wait upon your Grace. Dodynton, 27 Sept. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add. Endd. | |
27 Sept. Cal. D. X. 327. B. M. |
* * * "... [Mon]sieur de Bade (Bath), estoient telles que je ... [au]ra eu deplaisir de les entendre. J'ay bien voul[u] ... vous advertir des bonnes qui me vindrent hyer dit[allie pour] les faire entendre au Roy mon bon frere et perp[etuel allye, et a mons.] le Legat mon bon amy, qui sont telles que ... de St. Pol, mon lieutenant general pardela, n ... de ce moys apres avoir batu Pavye par deux jou[rs] ... ceste grace qu'il la print de bel assault et par ... y eust deux mil oinq cens hommes de guerre ded[ans, comme vous] pourrez veoir par la lettre mesme qu'il m'en a escripte de ... laquelle je vous envoye pour leur pouvoyr monstrer. | |
"Semblablement, m'est venu nouvelle que des Mardy d ... avec troys mille lansquenetz et mille harquebusiers ... arrive a Gennes, ou je ne faictz doubte qu'il ne soit ... Chastellet ainsy que bon luy aura semble, n'estant dens ... Andre Dorya que de quatre a cinq cens hommes sans au[cune] esperance de secours qu'il n'a sceu recouvrer de lieu qu ... encores qu'il eust faict son devoir d'y envoyer pour ce ... espere bien la mectre en telle seurete qu'elle ne ... discrection dudit Andre Dorya ny de mes ennemys ... par l'inconvenient de la peste qui y esto[it]. | |
"Au demeurant, il est puis hyer j ... * * * [dem]andes des Fleurentins qui s[ont] ... hommes [d'ar]mes et deux cens chevaulx ligiers, qui est ... [dev]ant le partement dudit gentilhomme joinctz et ... Rence, en esperance non seullement de garder et a ... l'Abrusse et tout ce que nous tenons oudit royaume qu ... [u]ne bonne part des meilleures villes de la Po[uille] ... l'occasion qui se pourra a donner essayer a faire de me ... et beaucoup plus grans effectz, estans mesmement noz [ennemis] comme j'ay sceu par seur advertissement de dela tellement affoiblyz par peste et malladies qu'ilz ont este contrai[nts a] retourner dedans la ville de Naples, d'ou ce qui est rest ... ne voulloir partir qu'ilz ne soient entierement payez et satisf[aictz] de ce qui leur est deu, qui est plus de neuf moys, et par ce m[oyen] donneront lieu a nostre dite armee de leur empescher le moyen de recouvrer argent, mesmement de la douanne qui est le principal [moyen] qu'ilz avoient d'en recouvrer, et sy sera tenue en seurete la Tuscannie et tous les bons serviteurs, amys, alliez et confederez, que je y ay de present. Parquoy je ne faictz doubte que bien tost ledit sieur Rence qui a avec luy la plus grant partie des plus groz princes dudit roy[aume] ne treuve facon de bien tost recouvrer et revolter une partie dicelle [pourvu qu'il soit] secouru et ayde, comme j'ay delibere de faire par le conse[il] ... de mesditz alliez et confederez. Et pour autant que noz ... mais aussi pareillement en la Lombardye. Il ... * * * ... temps nouveau j'ay faict dres[ser] ... les ambassadeurs de mes alliez et confeder[ez] ... semble devoir entretenir pour cest yver en Italye ... communicque a l'ambassadeur du Roy mon bon frere esta[nt] ... j'ay bien voullu vous envoyer ung double pour le comm[unicquer au Roy] et a mondit sieur le Legat mon bon amy pareillement [pour avoir] leur bon conseil et advis, sans lequel je ne suis pour delibe ... chose en quelque maniere que ce soit, mais entiereme[nt faire ce] qu'ilz m'en vouldront mander et conseiller, comme chos[e qui ne] sauroit estre que au grant bien honneur et adventaige [de nos communes] affaires. Parquoy je vous prye, Mons. de Bayo[nne], ... sur les choses dessusdites entendu leur oppinion et advis ... vueillez en toute dilligence mander et faire savoir; ensemble ... de la bonne sante dudit Roy mon bon frere et de tout [ce qui est] survenu pardela." Paris, 27 ... | |
Asks him to remind Wolsey "du faict de cest ..." of which he wrote in his last letter. Signed. | |
Mutilated. Add. | |
27 Sept. Vesp. C. IV. 256*. B. M. |
4785. CHARLES V. to WOLSEY. |
Has received his letters by Silvester Darius, the bearer, seen the articles, and heard his commission. | |
Assures him of his desire for universal peace, and for renewal of the friendship with England. Has given Darius an answer in writing. Desires credence for Don Ynigo de Mendoça and the bishop of Burgos. Madrid, 27 Sept. 1528. Signed. | |
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd. | |
27 Sept. Vesp. C. IV. 259. B. M. |
Has been here three months, but can obtain no answer from the Emperor, who makes continual excuses for his delay. Some ascribe the delay to the Emperor's carelessness, others to the quantity of business, others think he waits for news from Italy. Was many days before he could tell whether there was any hope of success or not. Asked the Chancellor to procure his speedy dispatch, but could obtain nothing further from him, except that he had given his vote, and hoped the Emperor would reply in two days. Asked whether he should hope for or despair of peace, and he answered that Darius would know from the Emperor's words. Will either bring or send the answer as soon as he has it. | |
The bishop of Pistoja has returned to France. Madrid, 27 Sept. 1528. | |
Hol., Lat., pp. 2. Add. Endd. | |
27 Sept. Vesp. C. IV. 257. B. M. |
4787. CHARLES V. |
Answer of the Emperor to the articles presented by Silvester Darius from Wolsey. Madrid, 27 Sept. 1528. Signed by L'Alemand. | |
Fr., pp. 2. | |
Ib. f. 204. | 2. Latin translation of the above. Dated, erroneously, 27 Sept. 1527. |
28 Sept. R. O. |
4788. THOS. BENET to WOLSEY. |
This day, 28 Sept., I delivered your letter to my lord of Canterbury, who is content to send his litter to Dovor for my lord Legate, and so conduct him to Canterbury. He refuses to lend it any further, as he cannot do without it. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd. | |
28 Sept. Cal. D. X. 230. B. M. |
4789. [CLERK] to WOLSEY. |
"[After my most humble recommendations, please it your Grace to] understand that according to my fo[rmer letters] ... at night we shipped all our horses, an ... time, I sent your Grace the copy of th[e oration, but] by rage of sea and tempest, with great ... the ship was driven again yesterday [back into the] haven. The other ship there can no [man tell] what is become thereof. The weather [has been very] troublesome; howbeit, it is now fair, bu[t the wind is] contrary. The Legate hath been meetly ... greatly troubled with his gout since his [arrival at] Calais. The horse litter in the which he hath [come must] needs be sent again to Paris, therefore t ... your Grace must needs make provision of another ... and his gout trouble him no more than ... he saith he will ride. If the wind serve [we intend] tomorrow to take shipping. Master Gulde[ford has sent] over a ship for his transporting ..." Monday, 28 Se[pt.] | |
Hol. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace. | |
28 Sept. Cal. B. I. 84. B. M. |
Reminds him that he was appointed by the King last term to settle the differences that arose between himself and lord Dacres touching his office of warden of the West Marches. The term being adjourned in consequence of the sweating sickness, he received a summons for this next term; but, fearing that Dacres would ill treat the King's tenants in these parts, he procured a letter from the King to Dacres, commanding him not to interfere; (fn. 1) nevertheless, Dacres sends bailiffs, with from 10 to 400 persons, to cut down their corn, has imprisoned some of the tenants in the castle of Naward, and would show no authority for so doing. Would have been glad to defend the tenants, but it seemed to touch the honesty of himself and his brother Sir Thos. Clifford. Obtained letters from the duke of Richmond to Dacres, commanding him in the King's name to desist, but to no purpose. A sessions of peace was appointed by warrant addressed to Sir Edw. Musgrave, the sheriff, in the names of Sir Thos. Clifford, Sir Christ. Dacre, Sir John Lowther, and Geoffrey Lancaster, justices; but Dacres wrote to the sheriff, commanding him to repair to Naward castle for the King's affairs, so that he should be absent on the day appointed, and also kept the said Geoffrey, justice of the quorum and custos rotulorum of the county, at the said castle, as appears by Lancaster's letters to Sir Thos. Clifford, the bearer of this. Begs Wolsey not to give credit to evil reports against him. Will be with him at the beginning of next term. Carleton, 28 Sept. Signed. | |
Pp. 5. Add.: "To my lord Legat." Endd. | |
29 Sept. R. O. |
As the Almoner has written the news communicated by Sylvester, finds it unnecessary to write. Valladolid, 29 Sept. 1528. | |
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd. | |
29 Sept. Vit. B. X. III. B. M. |
On the 27th arrived Herasmo, a servant of Andrea Doria, sent by the Emperor with the articles for his engagement, and he has now returned. The Pope tells him that he brought a confirmation of all Doria's demands, 20,000 cr., and provision for the payment of the fleet for six months. Mentions the arrangements with the merchants for money. The bishop of Legia, who was sent to Spain by the Pope, writes that he will return in two days, bringing the liberation of the cardinals, and the restitution of Civita Vecchia and Ostia. The general, who was declared cardinal by the Consistory, had arrived two days before the departure of Herasmo, but is detained by illness. He said that 1,500 foot were provided for Genoa at his departure. John Joachim has letters from Savona, of the 21st and 24th, stating that count Philippo had desired to hold a parley with six men of the town, but the governor had forbidden any to go, and he retired. The citadel was taken, as his brother has heard. Renzo has 3,000 cr. to levy infantry. Visconte has obtained from the Florentines 10,000 cr., and asked them to send the promised 2,000 infantry. They have made all possible preparations. Viterbo, 29 Sept. 1528. | |
Copy, Ital., pp. 2. Endd. in English at ƒ. 116*. | |
[29 Sept.] R. O. |
Has received his letter by Mr. Page, asking when he can come and speak with Wolsey about his Grace's business. Can as yet see no time, for the Legate comes tonight, and goes hence before Sunday to the court. Cromwell must wait till his Grace returns from the court. Alvard's father has sent a letter to him, and another to Cromwell, saying that the Chancellor has compromitted the matter to Wolsey's hands, who has given a very good answer about it. Richmond, Tuesday, 4 o'clock. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To hys rythe hartely lovyd frende Mr. Croumwell att London. Endd. | |
29 Sept. R. O. |
Total receipts from the lands of Cardinal's college, Oxford, from Mich. 19 to Mich. 20 Hen. VIII., 1,602l. 12s. 11d., over and above 215l. 14s. 11d. allowed for repairs, and 128l. 6s. 8d. received by Tho. Cromwell of the issues of the year. | |
Issues of fines for the year, 120l. 15s. 7½d., allotted for repairs. | |
P. 1. Endd.: Concernyng my Lord's college. | |
R. O. | 2. Valor of the lands of Cardinal's college, Oxford, Mich. 20 Hen. VIII. Total, 2,263l. 15s. 1½d. |
Pp. 2. Endd. | |
R. O. | 3. A valuation of the lands of the suppressed monasteries assigned to the treasurer of the Household, Sir Ric. Page, Sir Francis Bryan, the earl of Worcester, Sir Anth. Ughtred, Sir Edw. Seymour, and John Pen. |
Pp. 2. Endd. | |
R. O. | 4. Fragment of a rent roll of Cardinal's college. |
Badly mutilated; only one side remaining. | |
R. O. | 5. Valor of the possessions of Cardinal's college, Oxford, for the year ending Mich. 20 Hen. VIII. Total yearly revenue, 2,158l. 18s. 9¾d. Annual expences, 1,922l. 4s. 4d. |
Lat., pp. 4, large paper. | |
R. O. | 6. Valor of the possessions of Cardinal's college, Oxford, for the year 20 Hen. VIII. Total, 2,014l. 10s. 7¾d. |
Lat., p. 1. | |
According to Clerk's letter from Dover, my lord Legate (Campeggio) intends to be at Dartford on Monday next. There is no wine to be got there. Asks Wolsey to provide some. He has been well entertained since his arrival in England. Wants a harbinger to be sent to meet them at Rochester to attend on the Legate to London. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd. | |
30 Sept. R. O. |
Is greatly pleased that his services have given satisfaction. Has both written and sent to the prior of Spalding by his chancellor and by another Doctor his chaplain, for the waters in the Fens are now great and dangerous, but cannot get him to resign. He says he will die prior. He is himself very good and gentle, but is led by others. Encloses his answer in writing, which he would have sent ere this, but has been occupied in the view of these enclosures under the King's commission. Goes tomorrow to Northampton, and the week after to Leicestershire and Rutland. My lord Brudenell and Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam have taken great labors therein with great goodwill. Must ask further time. Many things will yet come to light. There was never thing done in England more for the common weal than to redress these enormous decays of towns and making of enclosures; "for if your Grace did at the eyes see as I have now seen, your heart would mourn to see the towns, villages, hamlets, manor places, in ruin and decay, the people gone, the ploughs laid down, the living of many honest husbandmen in one man's hand, the breed of mannery (fn. 2) by this means suppressed, few people there stirring, the commons in many places taken away from the poor people, whereby they are compelled to forsake their houses, and so wearied out and wot not where to live, and so maketh their lamentation." Never saw people so glad as they are now, hoping the King and Wolsey will see reformation made. They pray for the King and your Grace everywhere. Ludington, 30 Sept. | |
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate. Endd. | |
30 Sept. R. T. 149. R. O. |
Has received the King's letters, with thanks for the falcons he sent. Notifies that he is no longer Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, having been promoted to the dukedom of Prussia by Sigismund king of Poland. The king of Bohemia and Hungary, the Electors and other Princes have asked him for falcons; but he has reserved for Henry the first choice, as Henry's messenger can bear witness. 30 Sept. 1528. | |
Lat., pp. 2. | |
30 Sept. R. O. |
4798. CALAIS. |
"The book of watches and wards kept by divers persons who furnished the rooms that should have been furnished by the spears, which had men in extraordinary wages, and was appointed to Newnham bridge." | |
Memoranda of watches to be paid by Mr. Treasurer out of the King's money, and of those to be paid by such spears as have had men in extraordinary wages since Mich. 19 Hen. VIII.; "which money is paid by the hands of Mr. Deputy." The amount for each watch is generally a little over 2s. "gr." a month, and was to be deducted from the extraordinary wages of each spear. | |
Pp. 6. | |
Lamb. MS. 602, f. 56. St. P. II. 140. | 4799. ROBERT COWLEY to WOLSEY. |
While the earl of Ossory and his son attend Wolsey's pleasure and deliberation in Irish affairs, "others run in at the window the next way, making immediate pursuits to the King's highness," by means of Antony Knevet, by which Ireland will be ruined. The archbishop of Cashel is making suit by subtle means for grants tending to the establishment of the earl of Desmond and the ruin of Ossory and his son. Hears the Archbishop has a bill signed by the King for all the premises, directed to the chancellor of Ireland, thinking to gain his suits without Wolsey's knowledge. He and his chaplain have fraudulently obtained the King's letters to the Council against Ossory, in favor of Sir Jas. Butler, Desmond's greatest friend, who, with the Archbishop's aid, by the seditious practice of the man Wolsey knows, have caused so much disorder in Ossory's country that he cannot serve against Desmond, or even defend himself. Gerald Aylmer, menial servant to Kildare, is appointed Secondary Justice of the Common Pleas, and has a bill signed to the Chancellor. Anthony Knevet has obtained the bishopric of Kildare for "a simple Irish priest, a vagabond, without learning, manners, or good quality, not worthy to be a holy water clerk," and hears the King will pay for his bulls. Those who have done the King service are much surprised. Wolsey might send a commission to the bishop of London, More, Masters Dean and Secretary, to call the Archbishop and his chaplain, Gerald Aylmer and the Irish priest, before them to examine their warrants, &c.; and might also order Sir John Russell, Dr. Bell, and others, who promote letters to the King's signet, to pass no Irish matters till Wolsey has seen them. Wishes to know his pleasure concerning the earl of Ossory's causes and his son's, and who is to be the Deputy. Hopes he will remember his old servant James. One Bathe of Ireland has lately made a book for Wolsey, "feigning it to be for the reformation of Ireland, but the effect is but to drive the King to the extremity to send home my lord of Kildare with authority, to accomplish his inordinate affection to my lord of Kildare. He hath no more experience of the land than I have in Italy; and if he were a little touched for his presumption in repugning at the King's pleasure, and provoking to be done that which should sound to his dishonor, it would make others fear to attempt such matters." | |
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace, with speed. | |
Sept. Egerton MS. 2108, f. 56. B. M. |
4800. DOVER. |
Receipts of the money of the Wyke of Dover, from the Sunday after the Nativity of Our Lady, 13 Hen. VIII., to the same Sunday, 14 Hen. VIII. | |
Half passage of a horse, 2s. Half passage of a "cache" of Calais, 9s. Half passage of a hoy of Calais, 15s. Half passage of a boat of Calais, 3s. The sums paid for vessels vary from 2s. 10d. to 24s. for the Christoffer of Calais. 16 and 22 Dec., received for the shift of the ferry box, and for setting over the lord Cardinal, 11l. Total, 23l. 19s. | |
Payments to masons, for hewing stone; to labourers, for felling the pier; and to John Payntour and Thos. Godelad, collectors of the half passage. | |
Receipts of the Wyke in the hands of John Clerk, master of the Mesondue, from the Nativity of Our Lady, 14 Hen. VIII., for one year. | |
Procured by Mr. Mayor for the Wyke, from such as carried horse to Rome, 4s. St. John's Eve, half passage of a Fleming man-of-war, 8s. St. Mary Magdalen's Day, half passage of my lord Admiral's bark, 7s. 8d. Total, 31l. 5s. 5d. | |
Paid for masons mending the wall at Snargate, for stone, sleds, drays, and other things for the Wyke. 1 March, thorns to stop the hole at the Wyke, 3s. 17 March, to the man of Hastings, for his counsel for making chains for tuns to draw rocks to the Wyke, and for his wages, 3l. 10s. 4d. Wages for dragging, and other expences, 31l. 11s. 1d. | |
From the Sunday after the Nativity of Our Lady, 15 Hen. VIII., for one year. Receipts, 5 Nov., from John Alowe, for his voyage to Calais with Mr. Vice-admiral, 6s. 8d. 13 Dec., from Mr. Mayor, for the Emperor's voyage from Dover to Calais, 40s. Christmas Eve, from Sir Robt. Yong, curate of St. Mary's, "coming, by the grace of God, for the reparation of the Wyke," 6s. 8d. 28 Feb., received in the Mesondue, for half passage of Welsh pilgrims to Rome in the year of grace, 5l. | |
Receipts and payments from the Sunday after the Nativity of Our Lady, 17 Hen. VIII., for one year. Payments, for iron and steel to make "hadsys to plane the rockes where the gey shoulde stonde," 15d. Hauling away the rocks from the same place, 8s. 6d. For piles, wattles, dragging, wages, &c. | |
From the Sunday after the Nativity of Our Lady, 18 Hen. VIII., for one year. Receipts, 1 May, from my lord Warden, half a forfeit of John Mighell, lodesman, 6s. 8d. Total, 9l. 17s. 7d. | |
Payments, 20 Dec., to Mr. Couche, mayor, for sending to London a letter to Mr. Waren to show to the Merchant Adventurers the mind of Mr. Mayor and his brethren concerning the 100l. they promised to the Wyke, 3s. 4d. | |
9 Feb., dragging six tides for the ambassador of France, 6s. | |
3 July, to the vicar of Ewell, for the tithe of an acre of wattle and four loads of piles, 5s. 6d. For attending the wattles in the storm at the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 2s.; and other payments for wattles, dragging, &c. | |
From the Sunday after the Nativity, 19 Hen. VIII., for one year. Receipts, 5l. 15s.; 3l. having been lent to Mr. Mayor to fetch home St. Martin's jewels that lay to pledge at Sandwich. | |
Payments, 24 Sept. Dragging four tides against my lord Cardinal's coming, 4s. The Prior gave half a tide dragging when my lord Lyle went over. The master of the Mesondue gave 23 tides when my lord Cardinal went and came over, and when lord Lyle went. 6 June, to Anthony Mores, servant of the commander of Swynfeld, for half an acre of wattle rod, 8s. | |
Total, 14l. 18s. | |
Due to the said master [of the Mesondue], the Sunday after the Nativity of Our Lady, 20 Hen. VIII., 35l. 1s. 10d. | |
Pp. 48. | |
Sept./GRANTS. | 4801. GRANTS in SEPTEMBER 1528. |
1. John Nerbonne alias. Rysbank, pursuivant-at-arms. To be Blewmantle, vice Guisnes, pursuivant, with 10l. a year. Del. Hampton Court, 1 Sept. 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. | |
4. John Wellisburne, squire of the Body. Annuity of 50 marks. Ampthill, 20 July 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Sept.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 22. (undated.) | |
4. John Wellisburne. Grant of lands in Moreby, Yorks., late of visct. Lovell, attainted. Esthampsted, 28 Aug. 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Sept.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 25. | |
4. Sir Ralph Ellercar, jun., squire of the Body. Annuity of 50l., to commence from Easter 19 Hen. VIII. Ampthill, 20 July 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Sept.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 22. (undated.) | |
8. John Olyver, clk. Presentation to the church of Whitchurch, Linc. dioc., void by death. Oking, 4 Sept. 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 8 Sept.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 16. | |
11. John Matheus, of the island of Colam, in the marches of Calais, brewer, native of the county of Horne, in the dominions of the Emperor. Denization. Del. Hampton Court, 11 Sept. (fn. 3) 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 23. | |
12. Joan Wyatt alias. Whyte, of Willesdon, Middx., spinster. Pardon. Del. Westm., 12 Sept. 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 22. (undated.) | |
12. John Kirke, of London, leather dyer, alias. gold refiner. Pardon. Del Westm., 12 Sept. 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 25. (undated.) | |
17. Rob. Acton. To be the King's saddler, with 12d. a day, vice Nich. Maior, deceased. Oking, 6 Sept. 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 17 Sept.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 16. | |
19. John Drake, of Wethecombe Raleght, alias. of Exmoth, Devon. Licence to alienate to his second son John, 25 messuages and lands in Hyll and Exmoth, Devon, a portion of which was alienated to him by Thos. Coole, and the rest has been lately recovered by him against And. Hillersdon and Nic. Deny, who had sued out their liveries; with certain remainders. Westm., 19 Sept.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5 and m. 17. | |
19. John Croke, one of the Six Clerks of Chancery. To be comptroller and surveyor of the Hanaper of Chancery, with 10l. a year out of the issues of the said Hanaper. Del. Hampton Court, 19 Sept. 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 23.—Vacated, on surrender by the said John, 12 July 3 Edw. VI., in order that the office might be granted to Thos. Powle. | |
20. Thos. Earl of Rutland. Reversion of the offices of warden forester of Thornewod, in the south bailiwick of Sherwoode forest, Notts, granted (on surrender of patent, 17 March 11 Hen. VIII. by Hen. Parker,) to Sir John Bryon, 12 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII., and of one of the four foresters of the said forest, which was also granted to the said Sir John, 20 May 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Sept. 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 13 (undated.) |