Henry VIII: October 1528, 1-10

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Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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October 1528

Vesp. C. IV. 240. B. M. 4802. GHINUCCI and LEE to [SIL. DARIUS ?]
"Right honorable." Have received his letter, dated Sept. 29, with a schedule of answer from the Emperor. Will advise him how to reply, but meanwhile he must not let the Emperor or his Council suspect they have any commission to meddle in the matter committed to him.
He may use as a cloak what John Almayne said to him, that if they had any commission to treat of particular peace between the King and Emperor, they might come to court, and say that he, doubting thereof, had written to ask them. He must also be careful, in matters not expressly comprised in his commission, to speak only as of himself.
As to the answer he is to give the Emperor, he may satisfy the Emperor's doubts as to the sincerity of the French king by reference to Wolsey's circumspection and sincerity. Whereas they say that he has no mandate nor commission, he may say that on Wolsey and the lady Margaret's behalf no mandate was needed further than what he has, because they only interpose as mediators for the zeal which they have to peace; and no special mandate could be conceived from the French king before it was seen how the parties would agree. As for a general mandate, it would be hard to draw one up sufficient to pass without difficulty. He may refer to the frivolous objections that have been made to general commissions, but they remit this to his wisdom, as it touches the Chancellor. He may suggest that the first agreement should be made by parole, and commission then be given to conclude it. If they say that the Emperor should not open his mind to one that hath no mandate, he may say that he was not sent to conclude, and needed none to report Wolsey's mind to the Emperor and his to Wolsey; and that if the Emperor trust Wolsey, there can be no inconvenience in his declaring his mind to him, were it even in writing. To their saying that it is right that, before the deliverance of the pledges, all that is agreed on should be fulfilled, it may be answered that the French king likewise should have surety. To their pretence of confidence which the Emperor showed in the past treaty, and the insinuation that by occasion of the intimation the thing is altered, he can say that he wonders the Emperor is so changed, and he should not so much consider the intimation, which is a thing of ceremony, as the King's conduct in attempting nothing by virtue of it, treating the Emperor's subjects like his own, although he hears that the Emperor has not done the like. Not only has the King shown no hostility, but Wolsey has shown friendship in endeavoring to induce the French king to the Emperor's purpose, and in sending [Darius]. He has heard Wolsey say that if the King had known the point of rupture, he would have devised something to remove the difficulty. He can then lay all the fault of the intimation on Ghinucci and Lee, saying that he well knows that when he passed this way they could not avoid acknowledging their error.
Touching the Emperor's request for particular peace with the King, he may express wonder at his having altered from his desire of a universal peace, and say that he thinks Wolsey only commissioned him concerning peace between the Emperor and the French king, which would produce an easy composition of all other matters. He must find out whether John Alemand spoke of his own mind, or with authority, when he said that if universal peace does not ensue the particular peace between the King and the Emperor should be of no effect; also when he said that the Emperor would put pledges in the King's hands, when the particular peace was made,—meaning that he would not otherwise. He may make them disclose their minds by alleging the great inequality, if the French king has not assurance for the delivery of the pledges, and the suspicion he might have that they would be retained. If he cannot discover otherwise, whether they mean to give pledges, he can recite Alemand's words; and if he find they mean to give none, he may protest against the Emperor receding from what he once was content with, now that he is so prosperous.
If the news of the defeat of the French in Italy and the liberation of Genoa be true, and if his Majesty will stand to the treaty of Burgos, all difficulties cease, for there is no doubt of the French king's constancy. If it be said that the count of St. Pol is still there, and that perhaps the castle of Genoa is held for the French king, he may say as of himself that it is to be supposed that the French king may be induced to do what remains, and he can then speak of the French king's assurance for the delivery of the pledges. Do not reprove the ways devised by [Darius], but fear that the successes in Italy will make them more untractable. Leave everything to his wisdom, beg him to omit nothing to advance the peace, and try to find out their intentions.
He know that the King and Wolsey do not wish them to meddle in the new treaty until they see a chance of the peace taking effect, lest the King should seem to sue for peace to the Emperor. Think, therefore, they had better not come, lest it should be thought they had a commission for a particular peace.
My lord of Bath has written to them for a general safe-conduct for couriers, but they see no need for it yet. He may get a special safe-conduct for one to go with all diligence when the matter is settled, for Wolsey must be desirous to hear. Have sent on the tenor of his letters to Wolsey by sea, and by land by the bishop of Pistoja. Signed.
In Lee's hand, pp.6
1 Oct.
Crossed over from Calais on the 29th. Had a prosperous voyage, but is very ill of the gout, and is much shattered. On reaching Dover, would have sent a message to Wolsey, but found difficulty in procuring a messenger, as he has few or none about him who are well. Begs credence for his brother Antonio, who has offered to take this letter, and will continue his journey as soon as he is able. Canterbury, 1 Oct. 1528. Signed and sealed.
Lat., p.1. Add. Endd.
1 Oct.
R.O. St. P. VII. 94.
To the same effect as the above. Sends his chamberlain, Giacomo.Complains much of the gout. Canterbury, 1 Oct. 1528. Signed and sealed.
Lat., p.1. Add. Endd.
1 Oct.
Vit. B. XII. 2. B. M.
"Please it your Grace to be advertised, I [was with the Legate (Campeggio) on] Wednesday, on Barron Downe, to w[elcome him with congratu-]lassions both of the King's behalf [and your Grace's,] the which he was very glad of, fur[ther showing him how, seeing] that your Grace understood that he w[as troubled] with the gout, for that ye sent hy[m a litter,] which lytter I presented unto him, [which he graciously received,] thanking the King and your Grace [for your care of him], saying that he was so glad to come [to do the King and your] Grace service, that the remembrance o[f it took] away all his pain. I found him [mounted on a mule], and so rode all the way, and as far ... [I stayed] by him. If the weather be fair he wy[ll continue] on his mule. My lord of Chichester ... [Mr.] Comptroller and many gentlemen i ... met with him upon the Down, a[nd my said] lord of Chichester made a little orra[tion to which] he himself making an answa[r] ... till we came to the town, where ... met him a canopy, the which h[e would not] go under, but bade them go on a[fore] ... him. There met him the mayor ... [and] aldermen making unto him a[n oration] ... and he himself making answer again ... a[n oration] ... and he himself making answer again. ... The street from the gate where he ent[ered unto] the gate of the priory was set full ... with the orders of the friars and all other ... priests and clerks. At the entering in to [the church] there was another canopy, and a little afo[re] ... his clothe and cushions laid for him ... downe. My lord of Caunterbery, wyt the p[rior of Christchurch], the abbott of St. Awsteynes, and a sufferyg[an in] pontificalibus, sens hym, and so wan to t[he high] awter, ware he sange himself, and bless ... his lodging into the priory where your ... so for that night we departed. I have ... of this Spaniard. He is no great clerk ... fear in him. He came from Rome with ... [un]der this manner. The Romans made ... all Rome for Spaniards, and as many [as they c]ould get they killed, and for saving [of this] man's life the Cardinal took him with ... nt, there is no fear of him for no great ... g. Sir, in this and in all other things I [shall] be ready at all times to fulfil your [command]ment." [Canter]bery, 1 Oct.
Hol., pp.2. Add.: My lord Legate's grace.
1 Oct.
Elizabeth, (fn. 1) a religious woman, professed in St. Sepulchre's, Canterbury, "whiche hadd all the visions at Our Lady of Courtopscet," a welldisposed and virtuous woman, as he hears from her sisters, wishes to speak with him, and has asked Warham to write to that effect. Canterbury, 1 Oct. Signed.
P.1. Add.: To, &c., my lord cardinal of York and Legate de latere.
1 Oct.
Thanks him for his horses, which have brought him hither swiftly and smoothly. The Cardinal, it is said, will not come to London till Monday. Sends regards to Anthony Bonvisi (fn. 3) and Vincent de Cassaliis, who, he hopes, will not get on too well with his English before he comes, lest with his cloquence and other gifts he ingratiate himself too much with that girl of mine, the daughter of Mrs. Lauson, (fn. 4) who supped with us the day before yesterday. Richmond, between 8 and 9 o'clock.
P.1. Headed: Florentius Do. Crumuello. Endd.
1 Oct.
Complains of the prior of Cokisforde, and the ruin he has brought on his house. Sent one fully instructed to Dr. Stephens, desiring him to inform Wolsey, that some remedy might be provided before it is too late. The Bishop's hands are closed by the inhibitions granted by "the judges of your audience." By the costs and expences of the suit the poor house will be ruined. Wishes Wolsey would provide some one to take the rule of it. Refers him for further information to Sir Roger Towneshende, or any other worshipful person of these parts. Hoxne, Suffolk, 1 Oct. 1528. Signed and sealed.
P.1. Add. Endd.
1 Oct.
Bargain and sale by Richard Fermor, merchant of the Staple at Calais, to Christopher Coo, of his interest in the wardship and lands of Francis, son and heir of Richard Pulter, of Northburgh, Northt., which were originally granted by patent, 8 Feb. 12 Hen. VIII., to John Castell and Miles Forest, and afterwards made over to him.
Draft, in Wriothesley's hand, pp.5.
4 Oct.
Vit.B.XXI.43. B.M.
Received on ... Sept., at Frankfort, his letters, dated Hampton Court, Aug.5, sent by Friar John West, and Observant, concerning buying up English books, and arresting Roy and Huckynck (Tyndall). Neither they nor their accomplices have been seen at Frankfort since Easter. John Schott, of Strasburg (Argentinensis), their engraver, knows nothing of them. Heard that their books, full of heresy and slander of Wolsey and the King, had been pledged to Jews at Frankfort. Obtained from the senators and judges, by gifts, power to collect them; and believes he has them all, except two, which John West asked for. It was intended to send them packed in bales of linen to Scotland and England. Thinks few or none have been sent. The magistrates have promised that they shall not be reprinted, and the engraver will send him the copy. Will do all he can to arrest Roy and Huckyng, as West, Herman Rynck, his son, and John Geilkyrche, his servant, will testify.
Reminds him of his services at the election of the Emperor, and of the promises made to him if the King's daughter married the Emperor. Hopes for a reward, although the marriage has not taken place. Reminds him of his services in obtaining privileges for the English merchants from Maximilian in 1502, and offers to go to the Emperor in Spain, or elsewhere, to obtain their renewal, as there was a clause for the prevention of English rebels or heretics taking refuge in the empire, by virtue of which king Philip was required to send Edmund de la Poell to England. William Roy, William Tyntaell, Jerome Barlo, Alexander Barckley, and their adherents, and George Constans and others, ought to be delivered up. Has no copy of the privilege. Will use all his power to get possession of heretical books. Went to the fair at Frankfort, armed with mandates from the Pope and the Emperor, and compelled John Schott to confess that he had printed in English, German, French, and other languages 1,000 books of six quires (quaterniones), and 1,000 of nine, at the order of Roy and Huckyngk, who were unable to pay for them. Has nearly all of them at Cologne. Asks what he shall do with them. Cologne, 4 non. Oct. 1528. Signed.
Lat., pp.4. Add. Endd.
4 Oct.
To the same effect. Cologne, 4 non. Oct. 1528.
Lat., pp.4. Add. Endd.
4 Oct.
Cal. B. VII.98. B.M.
The king of Scotland came, Oct. 3rd, with his powers to Coldingham, to drive out Angus, but was repulsed by him, as was Home. The King never alighted off his horse till he came to Dunbar. The King intends to besiege him on the 18th. Requests aid. Coldingham, 4 Oct. Signed.
P.1. Add.: "To my Lord," &c.
4 Oct.
R.O. St. P. VII. 95.
Praises him for the good services he has rendered, and will not be ungrateful. The King will bestow some good benefice on your brother, and bounty on yourself, and not forget his gratitude to the Pope for sending the Legate. He is most anxious to show his zeal for the Church. The benevolence of the Pope has offered Wolsey the best opportunity for promoting his interests with the king of England, who is extremely indignant at the refractory conduct of the Venetians. The designs of France and England for extricating the Pope and the whole of Christendom from their miseries have nearly been brought to perfection; and therefore it behoves the Pope to remain firm. He is to urge the Pope to use all possible means to conciliate Andrea Doria on the promise of receiving Savona, with the rule of Genoa. If the Pope cannot take any course so directly opposed to the Emperor, they are to see what they can do with Doria, and shake his faith in the Emperor, persuading him to accept the offers of the king of England. Is greatly obliged to cardinal S. Quatuor, whose services are highly extolled by Gardiner. Would like to know what present would be agreeable to him. Knows that he desires the edification of St. Peter's. Will do what he can to advance it by recommending it to the King. London, 4 Oct. 1528. Signed.
Lat., in Vannes' hand. Add. Endd.
Vit. B.X. 190. B.M. Pocock, I.174. 2. Draft, in Vannes' hand, of the first part of the preceding, with an additional passage to the following effect:—
I find it absolutely necessary that the decretal bull which Campeggio brings with him should be secretly shown to some of the King's council, not with a view of producing it at the trial, but to justify myself as having omitted nothing which can contribute to the King's cause or the security of his realm. I beg you will, therefore, entreat the Pope for this on your knees, and I will take care that no danger shall arise from this indulgence.
Sends him the foreign news. Hears that Doria and the king of France are at variance. [Here the draft resumes as in St. P. VII. 98.]
Continuation of the subject—The King thinks it advisable that the Pope should take Doria into his pay; to which matter the King will himself contribute, and furnish expences.
Vit. B.X.67. B.M. 3. Draft of the latter part of the preceding, in Vannes' hand, printed in Burnet, IV. 46.
Ib. f. 68. 4. Draft of another part of the same letter, in Vannes' hand.
Pp. 4.
[4 Oct.]
The King and Wolsey are anxious to make him some reward for his services, and will gladly do anything for him or his which would prove to his advantage or honor. They learn from Gardiner how zealous and affectionate he is in expediting the King's matter. Begs that he will continue so. Begs credence for Sir Gregory Casalis.
Lat., pp.2, in Vannes' hand. Endd.: Tulit has literas Taddeus cursor qui missus fuit die sexta Octobr. 1528.
[4 Oct.]
Acknowledge the value of the Cardinal's services, especially this last, by which he has bound the King and his whole kingdom to him. Will seek occasion to reward him worthily.
Lat., p.1. In Vannes' hand. Headed: Ad cardinalem S. Quatuor.
ii. Henry VIII. to [CLEMENT VII.]
Gardiner has reported how benignly the Pope has heard the King's cause, and endeavored to advance it, so that his children may be for ever secured. Hopes, now that the King refers everything to the Pope's authority, he will do his best to strengthen his cause, and the King will labor to his utmost for the restoration of his Holiness and the preservation of the Church of Rome.
Draft, in Vannes' hand. Lat., p.1; crossed out.
Vit. B. X. 52. B.M. Burnet, IV.44. 4816. HENRY VIII. to the COLLEGE OF CARDINALS.
Thanking them for their services in reference to his cause, and promising to be grateful.
Draft, Lat., p.1, in Vannes' hand, The heading in Burnet, "Januar. 1528, ad collegium," is in the original MS., but in a modern hand, and is of no authority.
5 Oct.
Cal.B.VII. 149. B.M. St. P. IV. 514.
Has received his letters dated Topliff, 14 Sept., stating that he is instructed by the King to inquire the term and place of the diet desired by James, and the names of the personages he means to send. Has sent Lyon, master-of-arms, to the King, with large writings on that subject. Intends to send three of the following commissioners; viz., the abbots of Kelso and Cambuskenneth, the provost of Trinity College, the official of Lothian, the lairds of Balwere, Farnihurst and Lundy in Angus, and Adam Otterburn our advocate. Hopes he will suppress any rumors of a breach being likely to arise from the misconduct of Angus. Edinburgh, 5 Oct. 16 Jac. V. Signed.
P.1. Add.: The erle off Northumbreland, wardane of the East and Middle Marches of Ingland.
5 Oct.
Has received a good letter from him, by his servant Matthew Hallyday, with a copy of another to her son, dated Topclif, 14 Sept. Is glad he is so well minded for the continuance of the truce. Good answer has been made by the King her son, the better because she saw the copy of the Earl's letter to him. Edinburgh, 5 Oct.
P.1. Headed: "The copy of the queen of Scots' letter to my Lord."
5 Oct.
On Friday, 2 Oct., while riding in company with the King between Hathington and Dunbar, Matthew Hallyday was brought to him. Conducted him to the King's presence, and furthered the receipt of his writings for the Earl's sake. Sent him yesterday to the Queen, who received him well. Edinburgh, 5 Oct.
P.1. Headed: "The copy of the letter sent for (fro ?) the lord of Methwyn to my lord."
5 Oct.
4820. CLERK to WOLSEY.
This Monday, at 10, the Legate arrived at Dartford. On hearing of your pleasure by the Controller and by Brian, he determined not to pass Lewisham "for tomorrow," and intends to be there by ten, "for he can in no wise labour after his dinner." On Wednesday he will be at your pleasure. Begs provision may be made at Lewisham, and the meeting of my lord of Suffolk be spared till Wednesday. The Legate is at present very well, but has been sore vexed since leaving Canterbury. Dartford, Monday, 2 at the afternoon. Signed and sealed.
Hol., p.1. Add. Endd.
P.S.—The Legate is very ill appointed for wine. That sent was very bad. (fn. 5)
5 Oct.
His letter of the 23 Sept., touching the receiving of the Cardinal and Legate de Latere, was not delivered till the 5 Oct., although it contained an order to be at London on the 4th. Sends a chaplain in all haste "to intimate to your Highness" the circumstance for his excuse. Will be glad to come up if the sickness he has had every winter since he has been here does not prevent him. Lanteseye, 5 Oct.
P.1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace. Endd.
5 Oct.
Rental of his lands and tenements at Tempilnewsum, Buttercramp, Templehirst and Assheforde, 5 Oct. 20 Hen. VIII.
Lat., pp. 27.
Her will. Proved, 5 Oct. 1528. Printed in Nicolas' Testamenta Vetusta, p. 634.
6 Oct.
R.O. St. P. I. 328.
Has news of the death of the bp. of Winchester (Fox); and as, in your communications with me, you have expressed your desire "for drawing my promotions near unto your Grace," I thought it convenient to put you in mind of the great commodity now offered "for establishing my things after such sort" as I might do you greater service. I beg also to put you in mind of my poor scholar, the dean of Wells, "towards whom I have found your Highness of gracious disposition touching the bishopric of Durham, when I should fortune to leave the same." By his promotion you will have preferments to the yearly value of 2,000l., and I shall be more able to finish my poor college. Durham Place, 6 Oct. (fn. 6) Signed.
6 Oct.
R.O. St. P. VII. 101.
4825. LEE to HENRY VIII.
Have written at divers times to Wolsey, and since the 10th and 30th of Sept. a recapitulation of all. Send the Emperor's answer to the Pope's collector in cipher, and their communications with Alemayne. It is reported that the French host at Naples is wholly vanquished, that the French have lost Genoa, and that Trivulcio has retired to the castle. Many great men, it is said, have been taken prisoners. It is said that the Emperor will go into Italy, at which this country is not glad, and wish they had not a foot in Italy. Valladolid, 6 Oct. 1528.
Part in cipher, deciphered by Tuke. Add. Endd.
7 Oct.
Has advertised him of occurrents by his letters 20 Aug., 12 and 13 Sept., and 5 Oct., as the bearer, Friar West, will show him. Will be glad of an answer to his letters. Antwerp, 7 Oct. 1528.
P.S.—To bring his purposes to pass West must be dispensed with for his grey habit.
Hol., p.1. Add. Endd.
7 Oct.
This morning, before leaving Antwerp for Harman's business, I left a letter with Friar West. Since coming to this town M. de Chevance, my lord of Palermo's brother, delivered me the letter, enclosed from Madame Vendôme, for your Grace. The bearer of it is Harman Ryng's son, who brings letters from his father, who is a true knight to the King. Mechlin, 7 Oct. 1528.
P.S.—Wishes an answer to his former letters touching the prisoners at Antwerp.
Hol., p.1. Add. Endd.
7 Oct.
R.O. St.P.IV.515.
My lord of Richmond is in good health and merry. Since the beginning of this sweat he has lain in a private place with few attendants, but has now come hither. He lately paid a visit for one night to my lord of Northumberland, who pressed him to come and see his house at Topcliff, and conducted himself more like a man than a child of his tender age. Cannot be at London this term, as lady Salisbury expects; but my Lord's receiver and auditor in the South are instructed to search for evidences touching Canford. The lord Dacre called here on his way South to see the King. There is great business between him and the earl of Cumberland about the rule of the town and castle of Carlisle, which Magnus thinks should be annexed to the wardenry.
Sir Will. Parre, who is or will be with Wolsey this term, will show him what he has done in reducing my lord of Richmond's household to better order and less charges. Sheriffhutton, 7 Oct.
Hol. Add. Endd.
9 Oct.
Has received his writings, dated Oking, 19 Sept., complaining that Jeffray Middelton, of Laudesdail, and Rowland Bland, his servant, were taken by John Irrewyn, about Midsummer last, when on pilgrimage to visit the corpse of St. Ninian, and delivered to Will. Airmstrong, an outlaw, who released them on giving as pledges Oliver, the said Jeffray's son, and the brother of Bland. Will send order to the warden that the pledges be put to freedom. Edinburgh, 9 Oct. 1528. Signed.
P.1. Add. Endd.
9 Oct.
Cal.B.VI.459. B.M. St.P.IV.517.
On the 2 Oct. the king of Scots with 700 men came to Coldingham abbey. The prior, brother to Angus, was dead before their coming. The Earl, who had warning, escaped with 200 men, and pursued the King on his return, who had put in the abbey lord Home and his brother the abbot of Jedburgh, so fast that he drove him to Dunbar. Returning to Coldingham, he drove out the Homes, as by his letter enclosed, and has sent lady Margaret, his daughter, to Norham castle. The Earl must, of necessity, take refuge in England, to avoid the army which the king of Scots is bring- ing against him, and has asked for protection. In his attack upon the King he was secretly assisted by many on the Borders. Can obtain no redress from the Scots, who have lately been on the water of Tyne, taken 23 men and 16 cattle. All wrongs done by Englishmen are sharply corrected, except that Sir William Ellercar, "to the parlous example of all the country," hath ridden into Scotland, and brought with him Mark Carre, and other Scotchmen, to Werke Castle. Wishes to know how he is to deal with them. Begs credence for Leonard Musgrave. Received letters from the king and queen of Scots on the 9th, which he encloses. Newcastle, 9 Oct. Signed: "Hy. Northumberland."
Pp.2. Add.: "To my lord Legate's good grace."
9 Oct.
Since he left Wolsey his knee has begun to swell. If he were wise, as he is not, would remain where he is, even if he did nothing. Begs Wolsey to allow him to go while he can ride. From his small house at Clapham, 9 Oct.
Hol., Lat., p.1. Add.
9 Oct.
Lanz, 290.
Has written to England, as she will see by the copy of his answer to the Cardinal's messenger, who came here with Marnix. Wrote also to the bishop of Burgos, directing him to take leave of the King, and to return upon safe-conduct through France to Fonterabia, as the English ambassadors here will not be allowed to depart until his arrival. As king of Spain it is impossible for Charles to retain a Spanish ambassador in England; but if Margaret thinks peace or truce would be desirable for the interchange of merchandise, and for the purpose of learning the news, she may send an envoy from Flanders, charging him to inform Charles of whatever he can learn, by the merchants who often come hither. Madrid, 9 Oct. 1528.
10 Oct.
Vit.B.X.112. B.M.
4833. ITALY.
Extracts from the letters of Gregory [Casale], dated Loretto, 10 Oct.
The Imperialists at Naples, after the defeat of the French, were found not to exceed 4,700, both Spaniards and Germans. There were 1,200 Spaniards at Gaeta, and a few Sicilians in Calabria, in all not more than 8,000 foot. The Spaniards and Germans are clamoring for their wages, which amount to an immense sum. The Imperialists are trying to extort them from the cities and nobles of the kingdom. After a consultation between Renzo, the viscount of Tur[enne] and others, it was determined that 5,000 foot should be sent to garrison Barletta, Trani and Brindisi, if they were still safe. Renzo has embarked for Barletta with 1,000 foot. The prince of Melphi and the Florentines will raise 4,000, and send them after him. Renzo does not think the Spaniards will attack these towns, as they are strongly fortified. He wishes St. Pôl to send him 5,000 Germans and 2,000 Italians, to make up the number of 12,000, with whom he thinks he can easily recover the kingdom and blockade the enemy, or at least prevent their exactions of money. The Imperialists want both men and money, and would be destroyed if the French king would act with energy, which he has never done yet. He ought to trust more to Italian forces than to French. De Guise should bring with him about 6,000 Germans. Is still at Loretto, and will return to the Pope when he has recovered from the fever.
In Vannes' hand. Lat., pp.2.
10 Oct.
Recommending John Bauer as a skilful judge of metals and minerals, and fit to be in the King's service. Germany is quiet at present. If he hears of any movement, will let him know. Sends him specimens of metals found in Germany. Nuremberg, 10 Oct. 1528. Signed.
Lat., p.1. Add. Endd.


  • 1. Barton.
  • 2. Wilson or Wolsey, author of the celebrated treatise De Animi Tranquillitate. He was tutor to Wynter, dean of Wells, generally reputed to have been Wolsey's son. He mentions his coming over to London, probably with Clerk, and his conversation with Fisher. See De Tranquillitate, p.250.
  • 3. Ib., p.165.
  • 4. "puellæ isti meæ, filiæ inque (inquam ?) dominæ (or domini ?) Lausonæ."
  • 5. This postscript was found apart.
  • 6. This letter is three weeks later than the date of Fox's death as given in Le Neve (14 Sept.); yet the words of the letter seem to imply that he had just heard of it.