Henry VIII: August 1528, 1-10

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Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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August 1528

R. O. 4595. THOMAS ABRAHAM, citizen and mercer of London.
The finding of Ric. Gresham, William Lock, Robt. Smyth and George Elyott, appointed by the merchants of the Synxon mart, 13 Aug. 1528, that the said Abraham is indebted to a factor of Portugal 207l. 12s., in consideration of a purchase made by his agent, Henry Elington, from the said factor, of certain pieces of chamletes.
Pp. 4, imperfect. Corrected by Cromwell.
Otho, E. IX. 22. B. M.
"... but also the maister and ... y barks contrary to the truce ... [hi]ghness our most dread sovereign [lord] ... [Emp]erour to thentent that uppon compleynt to be ... n not only due restitution may be made but also ... as a violator and a breaker of the said truce may be duly ponyss[hed] ... is gracious lorde the Frenshemen of the said barke byn here ... have agreed with the Spaniards and redemyd theyr shippis agayne ... farther pursute; and because we would not suffer them so t[o do, they] are discontent with us, and some have used unsittyng words, [saying that they would] leve theyr shippis here, and the first Englissheman that ca[me] ... shulde pay for it, and the Spanyard thynckith we be ageynst ... Frenchemen wolde agree and we lett theym; so we have lytell th[anks] ... Neverthelesse, forasmoche as the said Frenchemen were mynded to ... here and departe home without making farther pursute, whereby th ... longe here wolde turne to cost and be lytell thynge worthe and y ... make it a great mater and peraventure troble some of the King's su[bjects] ..." To prevent this, and considering that they have no authority to make delivery to them of their ships, have sent the masters of the two barks to Wolsey [to make their] complaints, and the captain of the pinnace "to make a[nswer for] hym and hys to the same." The pinnace was gone to sea before the arrival of Wolsey's order to arrest it and the master of it. The captain would have been gone likewise, but they arrested him as they wrote before. The town is in great necessity, owing to the feefarm and charges for the defence of the sea. Southampton, ... Aug.
P. 1, mutilated. Add.: To my lord Legate his grace.
Love Letters, XVI. 4597. HENRY VIII. to ANNE BOLEYN.
Writes to tell her of the great "elengenes" he finds since her departure, "for, I ensure you, me thinketh the time lenger since your departing now last than I was wont to do a whole fortnight." Could not have thought so short an absence would have so grieved him, but is comforted now he is coming towards her; "insomuch that my book maketh substantially for my matter; in token whereof I have spent above four hours this day, which caused me to write the shorter letter to you at this time by cause of some pain in my head. Wishing myself specially an evening in my sweetheart's arms, whose pretty dubbys I trust shortly to cusse."
1 Aug.
R. O.
Grant by John Higden, dean of Wolsey's College, Oxford, to William Capon, dean of the College of Ipswich, of the priory and appendages of Typtre, Wyks, Dodnesh, &c. Also appointment of Tho. Russhe and Wm. Bamborne, as their attorneys. At the College, 1 Aug. 1528.
Lat., vellum. Part of a seal appended.
R. O. 2. Duplicate, with Wolsey's arms and supporters beautifully tricked, with the columns and cross keys.
Lat., vellum. No seal.
1 Aug.
R. O.
Inspeximus of a bull of Clement VII., dated 31 May 1528, exempting Cardinal's college, Oxford, from the jurisdiction of the ordinary. Hampton Court, 1 Aug. 20 Hen. VIII.
Lat., vellum. Great seal attached.
P. S. 2. Privy seal for the preceding. Undated.
Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 33.
R. O. 3. Draft of the same.
1 Aug.
R. O.
Fragment of a conveyance by Hen. lord Daubeney to Thos. Arundel of the manor of Staunton Drewe. Dated 1 Aug. 20 Hen. VIII.
2 Aug.
Cal. D. x. 350. B. M.
This day Thomas Palmer, sewer for the mouth, presented your letters dated Tittenhanger the 9th ult., to me your Deputy, granting him the captainship of Newnham Bridge, with certain soldiers of the retinue here, named in the placard to Sir Rob. Jerningham, late warden of the said fort, herewith enclosed. As Sir Ric. Weston, the treasurer, has left for England, the Council here has considered Palmer's grant, to which they find various objections (specified), and therefore cannot proceed till Weston return, and they hear further of the King's pleasure. I have had express commandment by various privy seals to put upon ordinary wages certain footmen appointed to wait upon Palmer, and it is impossible for me to follow both ordinances. My patent is long after the date of Sir Rob. Jerningham's; so that, though the lord Berners, deputy before me, put two of his retinue with Sir Rob. Jerningham, yet, considering that the whole number is expressed in my patent, and in that of every deputy before me, I trust you will see that my number ought not to be abridged. Calais, 2 Aug. 1528.
Badly mutilated, pp. 3.
R. O. 2. Official copy of the preceding.
Pp. 3.
3 Aug.
R. O.
He and the Comptroller have sent a letter to the King, signed with both their hands, of which he encloses a copy, touching the patent of Th. Palmer, presented yesterday. If he is to be keeper of Newnham Bridge, hope it will be on conditions suitable to their duties and privileges. Calais, 3 Aug. 1528.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
3 Aug.
Cavendish's L. of Wolsey, by Singer, 462.
Bedfellow, after my most hearty recommendation,—this Monday, the 3rd of August, I received your letters of the 20th of July, delivered to my servant the same day at Newcastle, expressing the Cardinal's wish to have the Chapel books of my late father. I shall be conformable, though I trust to be able to set up a chapel of my own. "But I pray God, he may look better upon me than he doth," as I am no better regarded: first, by his detention of my treasurer, and his very hasty and unkind words unto him, not deserved by me also by the news blown all over Yorkshire by Mr. Manyng, that I am not regarded by the King or the Cardinal, as he will tell me when I meet him in Yorkshire, which will be this month. I fear my word to Mr. Manyng will not please my Lord, "for I will be no ward." My pains since I came hither are not better regarded; but by a flattering bishop of Carlisle, and that false Worm, I am brought to my present misery, and am in such slanders that the Cardinal cannot bring me out of them if he would. Will send four Antiphonars, such as "were not seen a great while," with other chapel books. If the Cardinal will give me leave to put William Worm into a castle of mine at Anwyk until he has accounted for more money than ever I received, I will give him 200l. and a benefice of 100l. for his College. At my monastery of Hulpark, the 3rd of August.
Add.: To his beloved cousin, Thomas Arundel, one of the gentlemen of my Lord's privy chamber.
4 Aug.
R. O. St. P. I. 323.
The King, the Queen and the Princess, with all others in Court, are in good health. Suit has been made to the King for the abbot of Morgan, in Wales, and the King desires he may be sent home again. He wishes the benefice of Horworth for the duke of Richmond's schoolmaster (Croke), and is dissatisfied with the Chancellor of the Duchy (More) for letting Kelyngworth to Wyggston, which he intended for me. Norfolk, who has been long sick and absent from Court, intends coming tomorrow. On Tuesday the 11th the King removes to Windsor, where I hope he will meet with you. I moved the King this morning, according to your commandment, touching the wardship of young Compton. Ampthill, 4 Aug.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
4 Aug.
Lettere di Principi, II. 114.
4605. [SANGA] to CARDINAL SALVIATI, Legate in France.
Italian news. Cardinal Campeggio embarked at Corneto on the 25th, and will go by sea to Provence. I send the enclosed letter in cipher for him. Obtain a copy of his cipher, so that I may use the same in writing to both of you. Dr. Stephen [Gardiner] has quitted Venice, well acquainted with the great wrong done to the Pope, and is going to England with an intention to do good service to his Holiness. I hope the King is well disposed to the Pope. Viterbo, 4 Aug. 1528.
4 Aug.
R. O.
4606. TH. HENNEGE to _ MORES.
Begs him to solicit my Lord's grace for an answer to the letter brought by the bearer touching the abbot of Morgan. Begs to be recommended to Arundel, Aulford (Guilford), and other friends in my Lord's house. Ampthill, 4 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my right well-beloved friend Mores, gentleman of the privy chamber with my Lord's grace, this be delivered.
4 Aug.
R. O.
4607. JOHN CLERK, Canon of Cardinal's College, to CROMWELL.
Asks his favor with Wolsey for a letter to the Dean to admit his (Clerk's) brother to a petty canonry. Sends a pair of gloves as a token. Poffley, 4 Aug. Wrote on Whitsunday, by a fellow of the College.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Mr. Cromwell. Endd.
4 Aug.
R. O.
Ratification, by cardinal Wolsey, of the grant of Typtre, Wykes, &c. from the college at Oxford to the college at Ipswich. Hampton Court, 4 Aug. 20 Hen. VIII.
Lat. vellum. Sealed.
4 Aug.
S. B.
To be deputy of Ireland, vice Gerald earl of Kildare, who was created deputy, 13 March 16 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 4 Aug. 20 Hen. VIII.
6 Aug.
R. O.
Was unwilling to wait upon him during the prevalence of the sickness, to explain to him the loss of his alum, which had been sequestrated and sold, and the papal briefs he has received on the subject. Now that matters are quiet, begs that Wolsey will take his case into consideration. London, 6 Aug. 1528. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
7 Aug.
R. O. St. P. VII. 91.
4611. CLERK to WOLSEY.
Dr. Stephens writes that your Grace bids me send my horses to Lyons, to bring Campeggio and his company to Calais. As I cannot spare them, I have sent Dr. Stephens 200 crowns out of my purse, with advice for ordering the journey; of which I send you a copy. I reckon that Campeggio is now at Lyons, if he took shipping on the 23rd ult. My horses shall be ready to convey them to Calais. Begs he will write to Dr. Tayler, that his horses also may assist. Fontainebleau, 7 Aug.
Hol. Add. Endd.
7 Aug.
R. O.
4612. CLERK to TUKE.
The Imperial lanceknights have returned to their country, cursing, banning and begging. Naples is expected to surrender. Vaudemont, the cardinal of Lorraine's brother, is dead. Andrea Doria has forsaken the French. Master Stephyns is at Lyons, waiting for Campeggio, who took shipping on the 22nd. The French king is recovered, ut præ se ferat speciem miraculi. Fontainebleau, 7 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
7 Aug.
R. O. Ellis, 2 Ser. II. 141.
Has found an iron chest, such as Cromwell wants, but fears the price, 8l. Fl., is more than he wishes to give. It is very strong and cleanly made, and 100 years after would be worth as much, with the loss of less than 40s., besides the security Cromwell would feel, when absent, knowing that his money was in it. Will buy it if he wishes for it. Asks him to see to the money coming from Clarencieux, and make an end for all his obligations. If Clarencieux is good to him, will do him more pleasure than he thinks of, if Penn or any of his goods come into these parts.
Exchange is at 25s. Fl. for 1l. st. The slack trade is owing to the abundance lately coming, and to the war between the Gelders and these parts. Sent an answer to Cromwell's letter by a servant of Mr. Palmer's. Antwerp, 7 Aug. 1528.
If Cromwell could get a licence for cheese they might both make much money.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To, &c., Mr. Crumwell in London.
7 Aug.
R. O.
The shire day is Aug. 7. Distrained Mr. Pecok for Mr. Denton's quit-rent in Whatley. Wrote four weeks ago by Mr. White for a recordare. Has written to White to ask if he delivered it. Mr. Dean wishes all matters done as soon as possible, now at the beginning of my Lord's college. Has asked the subdean to give Cromwell information about other matters. Mawdlen College, Oxforth, 7 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Mr. Cromwell, of my Lord Cardinal's council.
8 Aug.
Béthune MS. 8527, f. 48.
Thanks him for procuring a speedy despatch for George Hampton, the bearer, whom she sent over lately on the matter of her dower. Begs him to continue his good offices. Wingfield Castle, 8 Aug. 1528. Countersigned: De Sainct Martin.
Fr. Add.
8 Aug.
Ib. f. 50.
To the same effect. Same date.
8 Aug.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 266.
4617. FRANCIS I.
Commission to John du Bellay, bishop of Bayonne, to give acquittance for money received from England. Fontainebleau, 8 Aug. 1528.
Lat., vellum. Sealed. Endorsed by Vannes.
8 Aug.
R. O.
As upon Wolsey's application in his favor to the earl of Arundel for the stewardship of Oswestre, the Earl agreed to give it to the petitioner upon the first vacancy, and it is now void by the death of Sir Wm. Compton, begs Wolsey will interpose in his favor. Pelton, 8 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
10 Aug.
S. B.
Licence to alienate lands to the annual value of 20l. to the prior and convent of Christchurch, Canterbury, for the support of one or two secular chaplains to pray for the good estate of the King and Queen, &c., at the altar of a certain chapel there, lately built by him under the great wall of the said church, near the place commonly called "The Martirdom of Saynt Thomas." Del. Hampton Court, 10 Aug.
Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 12.
10 Aug.
R. O.
Is thankful that the King hath signed the bill presented by Thos. Bedyll, his secretary, for a new patent giving lands in mortmain to the monks of Canterbury, for the exhibition of one or two priests to say mass for the King, and for the souls of Henry VII., queen Elizabeth, and others. Objections had been made to the old patent on the words "Thomas," "capitulum," "cathedralis," and "prædictis." Canterbury, 10 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: My lord cardinal of York and legate de latere. Endd.
10 Aug.
Lettere di Principi, II. 116.
I sent you a letter for cardinal Campeggio. We have heard nothing of him since he quitted Piombino with the galleys of Rhodes, taking the direct road to Nice. On landing, he will have to provide himself with horses. Viterbo, 10 Aug. 1528.
10 Aug.
Add. MS. 19,401. No. 2. B. M.
4622. WOLSEY to JAMES V.
As one devoted to your honor, I regret to learn that you have been alienated from the earl of Angus by those who seek your hurt more than his. His fidelity has always been regarded here as sincere, and the thing surmised against him sounds to the offence of the King my master. And though the King touches it but succinctly in the letter he now writes you he cannot but wonder at your conceiving suspicion instead of assuring your self by "making large answer for justification of the truth." If ever so virtuous a prince had intended getting you into his hands, there have been better opportunities, and, if he had meant it now, other orders would have been given upon the Borders, where answer was made at your request to assist you in repressing the broken men of your Borders, and apprehend such as came to England. Angus has done much to promote good understanding between the King and you. Hampton Court, 10 Aug. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.
10 Aug.
R. O.
Power of attorney by William Capon to Ralph Sadleyer and Nich. Gyfforde, to take possession of the property of the priory of St. Peter's, Horkesley, granted to the above by cardinal Wolsey. The College, 10 Aug. 1528.
Lat., vellum. The College seal attached (fine impression).
R. O. 2. Power of attorney by the Dean and Canons to Ralph Sadler and Nicholas Gyfforde, to receive from the dean and canons of Cardinal's college, Oxford, possession and seisin of all the possessions of the late monasteries of Typtre, Wikes, &c., in co. Essex, and Dodnessh, Snape, &c., in co. Suffolk. Dated at the College, 10 Aug. 1528.
Lat., vellum; with the College seal appended.