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Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.
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July 1528
26 July. R. O. |
4556. RUSSELL to WOLSEY. |
I have received your letter, and perceive that you are good lord unto me, which is a great comfort. I cannot recompense your Grace with anything except my poor heart and service. The King is merry, and I am sure he would that you were so likewise. You must comfort yourself, and be of good cheer; "assuring your Grace that the King is well appeased and satisfied, as I well perceive when he speaks of you, and doubt you not but you shall have him as good to your Grace as ever he was in his life." He is a prince of so many good qualities that he will remember the good service and pains you have taken for him, and the great familiarity between you. Sometime the father and the son be in displeasure, and brother and brother "by yelle reporttes, has may fortune has bene nowe by tuxt you Gras and the Kyng." I think it would be well if you could find means to come near the King, to speak with him; which should be to the comfort of you both. I did not write an answer to your letter, because I was advertised that "my son Brouthon's evydons (evidence ?) that ys a Tyrryngton was yelle orderyd." Ampthill, 26 July. | |
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd. | |
26 July. | 4557. PRIORY OF ST. MARY, BILSINGTON, Cant. dioc. |
Assent to the election of John Tenterden as prior. Hampton Court, 26 July. | |
Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15. | |
S. B. b. | 2. Petition for the above, stating that the prior's office was void by the resignation of Arthur Sentleger, and was filled up by Wolsey, to whom the convent delegated their right of election. 4 July 20 Hen. VIII. |
26 July. R. O. |
Grant of the site of St. Peter's, Ipswich, &c. to cardinal Wolsey. Hampton Court, 26 July 20 Hen. VIII. | |
Lat., vellum. Great seal attached, in excellent preservation. The royal effigy and arms, beautifully tricked, in the top margin. In this miniature the likeness of Henry VIII. to Henry VII. is very clearly traced. | |
R. O. | 2. Confirmation of a Papal bull, dated 14 May 1528, granting St. Peter's, Ipswich, to Wolsey, for the foundation of his college there. Hampton Court, 26 July 20 Hen. VIII. |
Lat., vellum. Great seal attached; with a portrait of the King in the initial letter, and the royal arms. | |
27 July. Cal. D. X. 199. B. M. |
4559. [CLERK and TAYLOR to WOLSEY.] |
* * * "... owe well yno[ugh] ... of Flanders nothing ... [th]e Great Master also shew ... ambassador residing with the ... the 21st of this month deter[mined] ... Imperial lanceknights w ... they were not then removed ... number of them had and dyd ... ways homewards, that George ... other of their captains in Myl[an] ... the duke of Bromswyke, themper[or] ... had lost a great number of his ho[rsemen, and his foot]men were returned home a-foot. And ... the matters of Italy very clear. [The count] de St. Poule being now without [doubt] ... Ast, accompanied with 10,000 footm[en] ... [men at] arms and as many light horses. A ... [we] were had to my Lady. After sal[utation done she said] that the King her son was now ... be glad to see us, and that he ... that she thought verily that ... and also your Grace would be rig[ht] ... and that for to certify the * * * ... on of the truce, which was an ... ation of such words as had been ... Lady unto us concerning my Lady ... was reported unto my lady Margaret ... had written unto your Grace, that my [lord Cardinal ha]d spoken evil words of my lady Mar[garet]. She said she told De Barrys that she ha[d spoken n]o words unto us but honorable, and th[at she] was assured that we had none other written [unto the King and] your Grace. She said that this Mountford ... have departed into Spain and carried not ... ith the King, and that supposing that he ... [ha]ve made some evil report in Spain of h ... rnes and knowing that the King her so[n] ... s merry and lusty, thereupon determyny ... in any wise; the said Mountford s ..." * * * | |
From ..., 27 July. | |
Mutilated. | |
27 July. R. O. |
His son Gregory is not now at Cambridge, but in the country, where he works and plays alternately. He is rather slow, but diligent. He had been badly tutored, and could hardly conjugate three verbs when committed to Chekyng's care, though he repeated the rules by rote. If this is Palgrave's style of teaching, does not believe he will ever make a scholar. Will have to unteach him nearly all he has learned. He is now studying the things most conducive to the reading of authors, and spends the rest of the day in forming letters. The plague, happily, is abating. Pembroke Hall, 27 July. | |
Hol., Lat., pp. 2. Add.: Clarissimo viro et domino suo optimo, D. Crumwello in ædibus Remi (Wolsey). Ex Cantabrigia. | |
"Most dere father, I humbly recomend me unto yow, and hertily beseche yow of yowr daly blessyng, naturally bowndon thayreunto, for the wiche and other yowr manifowld benefittys to me colatyt, I am and schalbe yowr daly bedman, interely desyryng the continwans of the same, trusting soo to accomplysse and fulfyll yowr parentall commandments in the passage of myne erudicion, that yow my good father schall tharewith be ryght wel contentyd, by God's helpe, the wiche with hys grace Hee send hus. Amen. Frome the howsse of yowr bedman, Mr. Doctor Lee, thys Ester day, in the mornyng. By yowr vigelant sone, Gregori Cromewell." | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To hys right worscipfull father, Mr. Thomas Cromewel, at London. | |
28 July. Tit. B. XI. 399. B. M. |
4562. J. RUSSELL and T. HENNEGE to [WOLSEY]. |
The King thanks Wolsey for the collation of the prebend of Ripon, and desires him to bestow the benefice of Hurworth, in his gift "by reason of old Mr. Tailboys," which is worth 24l. a year, on Croke, the duke of Richmond's schoolmaster, for it is too small for Wilson or any other of his chaplains. Croke has had nothing, and does very good service. The King desires Wolsey to examine the executors of Sir William Compton, Sir Walter Stoner, and his brother, one of the yeomen of the Guard, concerning the embezzlement of Sir William's goods, and to send commissions for the attachment of his goods, and the persons who have purloined them, into all the shires where he had property, and to the sanctuaries of Beauley and Bewdley. He does not wish the earl of Kildare to have any of the King's wards or goods in Ireland, but that the Deputy should have all the customary wards, farms, and royalties. He thinks the Earl tries to make it believed that the King conld not be served without him. | |
The King thanks him for giving to Penne, his barber, the ward of the daughter of Sheuall. Trusting that the matter would take effect, "he sent his said servant to look upon her, who like very well, and have concluded, and be sure together." | |
He will bestow another ward, or a recompense in money, at Wolsey's pleasure, for he esteems it as if it had been ten times the value. One, Dockwra, who made a bargain with her father, has taken the evidences and possession, but the King has given orders for his being dispossessed. The King has granted to "me" [Russell ?] the offices of constable of Killingworth Castle and keeper of the park, as held by Sir William Compton. | |
Mr. More, chancellor of the duchy, is about to let the herbage, the pannage, and the waters, to Mr. Wiggiston, but the King wishes [Russell] to have it. Asks Wolsey to speak or write to More about it. | |
The King does not like the instructions of Ireland or Scotland, and wishes Wolsey to send Tuke or Fox that they may be newly made. Desire credence for the bearer. Bragberie, 28 July, at three o'clock. | |
The King thinks Boutteller is too young to have so great a charge, and that his father were better. Signed. | |
Pp. 3. Add.: To my Lord's grace. | |
28 July. Vesp. C. IV. 239 b. B. M. |
4563. EDWARD LEE, Almoner, to HENRY VIII. |
In the beginning of July sent a copy of a letter from the French king to the Emperor, accepting his challenge. Sends now the Emperor's answer. They both, for the sake of their honor, make countenance of readiness for the duel, which would be a strange case, and produce many inconveniences. Thinks God has reserved the King to mediate between them. Valladolid, 28 July 1528. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd. | |
28 July. Vesp. C. IV. 243. B. M. |
4564. GHINUCCI and LEE to WOLSEY. |
Received on June 26 the King's and Wolsey's letters, dated March 24, by a French post sent by Echyngham, who tarried long at Fontarabia, and came at last without safe-conduct. The Pope's collector came the same day, and also Wolsey's letters of January 19 (sic), and instructions from my lord of Bath. After deciphering their instructions, they conferred with the collector what was to be done. On July 2 he went towards Madrid, hoping to find the Emperor there, for it was reported that he had left Monson. The Emperor, however, had not come, so he proceeded towards Montson. Have already written to Wolsey that Radcliff, a London merchant, who arrived here about June 10 with Wolsey's letters, for a ship taken in Bayonna, in Galicia, told them that Mons. St. Bonet had taken his despatch from this French post, which he knew by a letter from St. Bonet to Mons. de Tarbes, taken from the said post by the captain of Fontarabia. Perceive now from the collector that my lord of Bath devised that the commission should remain with St. Bonet until [it] were time to send for it. It is, therefore, likely that he wrote to M. de Tarbes, and that that letter is intercepted and sent to the Emperor. "The French post told this to one of my servants, the almoner, and peradventure more of the said writings left at Bayonne, and had a letter of St. Bonett's acknowledging the receipt, which I took to him." The thing is therefore not so secret as it should be. Know now that Radclyff deceived them, but nevertheless it is true that their letters were opened at Bordeaux by the President and the Council, and so came open to the Master of the Rolls, and from him to Tuke. This the merchants at Bordeaux do write. | |
Perceive by the King's and Wolsey's letters that they are displeased that Lee and the rest proceeded to the intimation, although such was the tenor of their instructions, thinking that it would have been wise if they had first sent information of the state of things. Endeavored to avoid the intimation, but were forced to it to prevent what would have been more prejudicial. After Bayard's arrival, because the Emperor said that he would have the army revoked and Genoa and other places restored before the deliverance of the children, "they" (the French ambassadors) showed themselves much altered, and determined no more to resort to the Emperor, speaking of nothing but hostility and war. Had great difficulty to restrain them from the intimation, and did not do so until all the Italian ambassadors were called in as to a common council. They (the French) alleged that the instructions were plain and open against us. Put off the intimation thus for a few days, and did all they could, both with them and with the Emperor and his council, to remove the occasion of war. Tried to induce the ambassadors to write to their princes before the intimation. Lee told them that there could be no loss of time; for they, if they liked not the offer, could prepare for war, and warn their subjects in the Emperor's countries to remove, before letting the Emperor know. Could not bring them thereto. They showed a letter from the French king, bidding them look for no farther commandment from him, and write no more. Persuaded them to relent if the Emperor would have consented to the alternative, but as he rejected it they refused to write again to their Prince unless the Emperor would consent to other practices; but as he stuck utterly upon ante, they wholly set themselves to the intimation of hostility. The last time they came to council together in the count of Nassau's chamber, before the Imperialists arrived, Lee said to the president of Bordeaux and Bayard that it was a serious thing to intimate war, and that he thought they had better write to their masters, knowing how they desired peace. They answered angrily, "What, shall we lose more time ? We dare not for our lives." This conversation they repeated to the bishop of Tarbes, who forthwith came to Ghinucci's house much troubled, and said the English must speak their mind openly, meaning that if they would not come to the intimation the French must act in another way. | |
After taking leave of the Emperor they all went to Lee's house, except De Tarbes, who had gone to Mons. de Bublance (Bouclans). The President of Bordeaux, in the name of De Tarbes, proposed that the war should be intimated that day. Would not consent, thinking that the Emperor might alter his mind. Ghinucci and the President came to an altercation about it. Said that before the intimation they must ask for the King's debts, which the others did not wish. Said that the denial or delay of payment would the better justify the intimation, which should be made forthwith. The night before the intimation the bishop of Tarbes sent to ask Lee whether the heralds should intimate on the morrow. Replied that Ghinucci and he would be with them at 8 o'clock, intending to see whether they could do any good. On receipt of this message, Tarbes sent again, and Lee returned the same answer. He then sent, not without heat, a bill to the bishop of Worcester, saying it was no time to "deliver" any farther. Ghinucci then came to Lee's house, and, after a little conference, concluded that they should not refuse the ambassadors again, as they could not bring them to their purpose. Feared that further refusal would make them suspect the King and Wolsey, considering the instructions and the commands they had to act with the French ambassadors. As they had hitherto done so, a refusal would have caused suspicion of secret instructions not to make the intimation. They were already inclined to think this, for the bishop of Tarbes said to Ghinucci more than once about the time of the rupture, that De Buclans had told him that the Emperor was sure the King would never fight against him; and once he said that, if any faith were put in the letters of one who was so nigh his prince, he was sure they would have no war with England. Saw that De Tarbes was troubled at these words. Feared lest the suspicion might increase, and cause jealousy between England and France, the sequel whereof might have been greater prejudice to the King than the intimation of the war. Have always perceived, even before the intimation, that the Emperor is displeased with the King, both on account of his junction with the French king and the pretended divorce from the Queen. Have been told that, for this latter cause only, the Emperor would do nothing at the King's instance, and he has done all he could to provoke the great men and the country against the King. Feared that if, at the very point of intimation, they separated themselves from the French ambassadors, the French king might have practised with the Emperor without the King, "for they have used practises besides us." | |
Considered that there was nothing more to be avoided than such jealousy, for although the intimation has been made, the King may still induce the French king to conditions of peace. As to the King's complaint that they did not inform the nobles of the offers, that they might have changed the Emperor's mind, no great men were in the court, except the duke of Bywier, who is of but little authority; but they found secret means to bring the offers before divers great men who were absent, and also to spread the offers in time of the Parliament. If the case shall so require, will circulate them everywhere. Will not allow the Emperor to consider the intimation as proceeding from unkindness on the King's part, but will take the fault on themselves. Beg Wolsey to remove the King's displeasure. Thinks that the Emperor was privy to the contents of his answer in writing, by the answer given to Lee. Would have stopped the publishing of it after Clarencieux told him thereof. Moreover, it is in print in the Spanish tongue. Will dissemble about it until the treaty of peace is progressing. Do not think they much regard the book here, and some of the Council pretend to be evil content with the publishing thereof. | |
Remain still at Valladolid, for the comendador had commandment from the Emperor that they should remain till he came out of Arragon to Madrid. Arranged with the collector that they should be called sooner if he considered it expedient. The collector wrote, on July 16, from Saragossa, that when he was within three posts of the Emperor at Montson, he received orders to wait for him at Saragossa, where he arrived on July 12, and found the Emperor's council also waiting. He is not expected until the end of the month, or the beginning of the next. The collector spoke to Alemand about lee and Ghinucci's coming. He said that the ambassadors were so well treated in England, that it was reasonable that they should be treated likewise, and at the Emperor's coming he would find out his pleasure. Do not think it well to speak of the injuries mentioned in the Emperor's answer, nor of anything else that may hinder peace, as long as they have any hope of it. The Emperor's chancellor, and other of the Council, made difficulty about the deliverance of his obligations to the King and the fleur de lys, saying they would have them delivered at the time of the delivery of these Princes. Answered that it was not safe to carry so much so far, especially by sea. Ask Wolsey to take some order about it with the Imperial ambassador. | |
Would have written before, if they could have had conveyance. The sea is closed, English ships being arrested; and as to the land, the Emperor has sent down good provisions, but they are not obeyed. Valladolid, 28 July 1528. Signed. | |
Mostly cipher, pp. 7. Add. Endd. | |
Ibid. f. 245. | 2. Decipher by Tuke. Pp. 7. |
July. Cal. D. X. 282. B. M. |
"[Mon]sieur de Bayonne, j'ay veu par ce in ... mon cousin le Grant Maistre, ce que vous [avez fait dans les] choses contenues au traicte de la tresve suyvans ... escripre et puis qu'autrement ne sy est ... a bien faire garder et observer chacun de son a ... et accordees, ce que de ma part je suis ... y estre contrevenu en aucune maniere. | |
"Et affin que vous entendez comme il y a este ... [je vous] advise que le secretaire de Madame Marguerite, [M. Guillaume des] Barres, est venu devers moy a Paris apres la ... m'apporter la ratifficacion de sa maistresse e ... et parle a luy, je l'ay renvoye despeche sur ce ... en la compaignye du sieur De la Hargerye l'un ... ordinaire, par lequel j'ay envoye ma ratiffi[cacion] ... des biens des subgectz de l'Empereur qu'ilz ont ... et seigneuries pour enjoyr selon le contenue du ... ay depesche ung de mes varletz de cham[bre] ... le duc de Gueldres, a celle fin de pouvoir e ... sont ses affaires et la deliberation qu'il ... tresve, affin que selon celaje me ... bien delibere, toutesfoiz, de ne * * * ... z doubte que le Roy mon bon f[rere et perpetuel allye et Mon]sieur le Legat mon bon amy ne soient bien ... vous le m'avez escript. | |
"[A]usurplus, Mons. de Bayonne, pource qu'il y a long temps [que vous n']eustes de nouvelles de nostre armee de Naples, je vou[s envoye] ung double d'une lettre intercepte du prince d'Orenge pour mo[nstrer au] Roy mon bon frere et perpetuel allye et a mondit sieur le Ca[rdinal], mon bon amy, affin que par la ilz congnoissent l'extremi[te a] laquelle ilz sont reduictz dedans Naples, laquelle depuis ... est tellement creue que par ce que m'escript mon cousin [le sieur] de Lautrec du 20me du passe, le vin et les chair [leur] estoient faillez, et estoient remis en telle necessite qu[il] esperoit dedans peu de jours rendre sy bon compte de [la ville] qu'il reviendroit a temps pour ayder a rechasser de la Lo[mbardie] le secours qui y est arrive, lequel jusques icy a faict ... si peu d'effect, veu de long temps qu'il y a qu'il y est, qu'il ... est a esperer que ce qu'ilz feront pour ce coup ne sera grant ... car ilz ont donne loysir a mon cousin le sieur de St. Pol ... d'assembler et faire passer ses forces qui sont de huit mille ... [Al]lemans, tant Suysses que lansquenetz, 8,000 adventur[iers] ... les gens de pye de la Seigneurye et du duc de ... [a ce]ste heure 12,000 ou 13,000 * * * ... que de vivres. J'espere que mon ... [t]outes les forces dessusdites, joinctes et unyes ... de brief, il les pourra aller veoir de s ... l'ayde de Dieu que nous en aurons bonne ... pource que ceste despence de l'une et de ... sy grosse et lourde et sy malaisee ... ne la sauroye plus longuement porter ny ... dudit Roy mon bon frere et perpetuel allye ... cause remonstrer et faire bien entendre a Mo[ns. le Cardinal mon] bon amy, le priant voulloir tant faire envers [le Roy mon bon] frere que de ceste heure, la somme qu'il [doit prester pour] la contribution d'Ytallie soit promptement e ... que Morette m'a dict que vous l'aviez arres ... entendez que sans cela mon affaire se pour ... et conduire, et croyant fermement qu'il n[y aura aucune] difficulte, je ne les en presseray au[trement] ... mais le remectray a ce que vous leur en p ... remonstrer de ma part, saichant ... la sorte en laquelle il veult et ... contribution estre depeschee ... dee je ne ... * * * ... [pu]isse congnoistre que ... nce d'eulx mais entierement tro ... [s]eurete qu'ilz voudront me bailler, ne voullant ... bre qu'ilz soyent pour faillir a chose qui m'ayent [p]romise comme de ma part je suis resolu de ... faire tant que la vye me durera. | |
"Au demourant, vous avez peu veoyr ce que derrenierement [j'ay escript] a nostre St. Pere de ma propre main, par le double que [je] vous en ay envoye, et avez peu savoir l'instant et pou ... que j'avoys commande au viconte de Turanne allant dev[ers] sa Saintete de faire de ma part envers icelle pour l'exped[ition] et depesche du docteur Stephanne et autres ambassa[deurs] dudit Roy mon bon frere et perpetuel allye et combien qu[e] sur cela la deliberation de nostredit Sainct Pere ait este ... de despesche le cardinal Campegio pour venir pardeça ... auquel j'ay commande et escript expressement au sieur ... de Barbesieux, cappitaine general de mon armee de mer offrir ... pour son passaige tout tel nombre de mes gallaires ... [qu]e bon luy semblera. Toutesfoiz, ayant veu par lettres inte[rceptees] ... r du prince d'Orenge estant devers sa Sainctet[e] ... nt ceste affaire, j'ay bien voulu vous * * * ... veoir a mondit sieur le Legat ... prandre tel jugement qu'il verra devoir ... ce qu'il verra, et congnoistre que de ma ... non seullement en cela mais en toutes a[utres choses que pourront] toucher ledit Roy mon bon frere et perpetu[el allye] ... jamais riens moins que pour mon propre ... | |
"Monsr. de Bayonne, vous continuerez a so ... voz nouvelles, et mesmement de la bonne sa[nte de mon bon] frere en ce temps si dangereulx, et semblab[lement de Monsr.] le Legat, mon bon amy, et si ce mal de suti[n] ... appaise; et quant a vostre affaire, ayant enten[du] ... encores depesche encores que je leusse comm[ande] ... temps j'ay ordonne et envoye expressement de ... pour ceste affaire, de sorte que j'espere que ... en payne; et sur ce je vous diray adieu ... [qui] vous ait en sa garde. Escript a Fonta[inebleau] ... jour de Juillet." Signed. | |
Mutilated. Add. | |
28 July. Cal. D. X. 288. B. M. |
* * * "Comme par le traicte de tresves nagaires [faite et conclue] entre les roys de France et d'Angleterre, [et Madame l'Archiduchesse] d'Austriche, &c., pour l'Empereur et les pays ... a le gouvernement, soit entre aultres choses d ... que madame la duchesse douairiere de Vendosm[ois] ... tresve des biens qui luy sont succedez esdits pays ... deces des feuz sieur et dame de Ravestain a con ... de Chalon prince d'Orenges jouysse de ceulx ... dudit sieur roy de France. | |
"Pour l'effect d'icelluy article a este par le ... pour ledit sieur roy de France, et le conseil de ma [dite dame l'Archiduchesse] accorde et convenu en la maniere suyvant. | |
"Assavoir, que ledit sieur de la Hargerye a la dilligence ... de madite dame duchesse douairiere de Vendosmois fe ... le prince d'Orenges, desaisissement et main levee de sa [principaute] d'Orenges, et de toutes et chacunes les aultres ter[res] ... rentes, revenuz et biens qu'il a eu et soubz l'obeissan[ce du roy de] France, tant en Bretaigne, Daulphine que ailleurs ... ladite tresve, et luy en fera ou a ses procureurs ... [par] lettres patentes dudit sieur Roy tres Chrestien depeschees [en bonne] et ample forme. Pour par icelluy sieur prince d'Or[enges] ... sesdites terres durant ladite tresve, ensemble des f ... depuis la publication du traicte de Madril jus ... tresve plainement et paisiblement ainsi qu'il f ... les guerres d'entre l'Empereur et ledit sieur roy de [France]. Et si aulcune chose desditz fruictz escheuz jusqu ... de ladite tresve, se treuve avoir este ... France et leve par cuy que ce so[it] * * * ... tene le faire bon audit sieur prince d'Or[enges] ... rembourser ou faire rembourser dedans v ... les lectres du don dudit sieur roy de France et r ... sdits deniers receuz luy auront este delivrez de la part ... sieur prince d'Orenges, ou que par certiffications auctenti[cques] ... luy en sera apparu. | |
"Et en baillant lesdites lettres patentes de main levee et desa[isissement] dudit sieur Roy tres Chrestien audit sieur prince d'Orenges ou a ses p[ro- cureurs] et commis en la forme et maniere que dit est, icelluy sieur pr[ince] d'Orenges fera quant et quant avoir et delivrer semblables l[ettres] patentes de l'Empereur a madite dame de Vendosme, pour jouy[r des] biens que luy sont advenuz et escheuz esdits pays de l'Empereur pa[r] ledit deces diceulx feuz sieur et dame de Ravestain, fruictz et le ... diceulx depuis le trespas dudit feu sieur de Ravestain, et des ... de Sainct Pol, terre d'Oysy, et aultres terres d'Arthois arrestee[s] ... a la requeste dudit sieur prince d'Orenges et des fruictz escheuz de[puis] le traicte de Madril. Ainsy accorde et conclud entre les dessusdits." 28 July 1528. (fn. 1) | |
Mutilated. | |
Extract of a letter of Francis I. to Mons. de Bayonne, his ambassador in England. | |
Has sent the sieur De la Hargerie to Madame Margaret, not to treat any thing new, but only for an explanation of the truce lately concluded, and to carry the ratification of it; also to appoint commissioners on either side for restitution of goods seized during the war. De la Hargerie has executed his commission, of which a copy is sent, to be shown if necessary. Has informed De Bayonne that, if he see fit, he may communicate it to the English, so as to treat them as they do us. | |
Fr., p. 1. A portion cut off at the end. | |
28 July. R. O. |
4568. LEE to TUKE. |
Sent this morning towards Bilboa a great packet, of which I keep the double for next post. I think we shall soon be dispatched. The Emperor is now at Saragossa, and will be at Madrid by 2nd August. He who writes the ciphers does not understand the figures, nor yet English. Valladolid, 28 July 1528. | |
P.S.—I find the cipherer makes [symbol] for [symbol] and [symbol] for [symbol] et e contra. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.: From Master Almoner, the 28th day of July and 9th of August. | |
28 July. Galba, B. IX. 131. B. M. |
Petition of Richard Harman to the Emperor, showing that he had been put in prison by the Margrave of Antwerp for selling some English New Testaments to a merchant out of England, and for harbouring Lutherans in his house, &c. | |
Dutch, pp. 2. | |
Ibid., f. 132. | 2. Another petition for the same. |
Dutch, pp. 3. | |
In the margin: "The 28th day of July it is ordained by the lords of the Emperor's Privy Council at Machling, that the King's ambassador shall cause his information to be brought or sent out of England for the examination of Richard Harman within three weeks from the date above written, else that the said Council shall proceed according to the laws of these Low Countries." | |
Endd.: "1528. Copy of Richard Harman's request to the Emperor's Council at Machlyng." | |
28 July. R. O. |
4570. RIC. BANK to CROMWELL. |
Thanks him for his goodness to his master and himself. Sends the bearer for the letters of which he left a remembrance, to be obtained from Wolsey; one to my lord suffragan, another to the abbot of Cristall (Kirkstall), and the third to Bank himself. While Bank was absent, Sir Ric. Warde, a priest of Sir John Hussy, has let, in his master's name, all my Lord's demesne lands, the herbage of the park, and the benefice of Mellynge, to divers of my Lord's servants, for Sir John's profit, which lands Bank occupied with such cattle as my Lord had left. To support Ward, Sir John has written letters of assistance to Mr. Edw. Stanley, my Lord's bastard brother, and his other servants. Warde has also taken large sums of money from the tenants, besides their rent. The country would be much obliged if he can provide some remedy. | |
Promises him 20 nobles a year, if he can get my Lord's first tack of the benefice of Mellynge to take effect, Mr. Wyngfield's to be admitted, and the new increase that the abbot of Croxton has set on it, to be laid down. Must have help in his lord and master's causes, or can do nothing. If my Lord could have what the King has assigned for his keeping, to be at his servant's ordering, trusts he would be better found than now by Mr. Hussy. Would like a subpœna for the priest for next term. Reminds him of the bill he gave him about Laurence Starky, and his wrongful suit with my lord of London and the abbess of Syon. | |
Many poor men in this country would complain of Wm. Tunstal if they thought to have as good remedy as Ric. Cowpland. Sends Cromwell a gelding for his mail. Asks him to advise his lord. Hornby, 28 July. | |
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To the right worshipful Mr. Crumwell, being with my lord Cardinal's grace. | |
28 July. | 4571. JOHN AT WOOD. |
His will. Proved, 28 July 1528. Printed in Nicolas' Testamenta Vetusta, p. 640. | |
28 July. R. O. |
Wolsey's foundation charter for the above. Hampton Court, 28 July 1528. Signed, and seal attached. | |
Lat., vellum. | |
R. O. | 2. Duplicate. |
Lat., vellum. Signed and sealed. | |
R. O. | 3. Another of the same, with Wolsey's arms and supporters beautifully tricked, apparently by some foreign artist. |
Lat., vellum. Fine seal attached. | |
29 July. R. O. |
Asks him to send a recordare concerning Mr. Denton's matter. Sent him a letter by Mr. White, viear of St. Laurence in the Old Jewry, enclosing Pecok's answer for Denton upon the replevin for the distress which Porrett took of Pecok. Must have the recordare before the next shire day, 7 Aug. Mr. Dean would like to have it as soon as possible. As to the rent of 20s. concerning the dean of Powles, Mr. Essex does not know whether the Dean ought to pay it. Cromwell had better consult his lease with the Dean's counsel. Showed Mr. Essex the acquittance for the last payment. Edw. Fetyplace, farmer of Sandford and treasurer to the duke of Suffolk, has agreed to come to Mr. Dean or to Cromwell to pay all his duties. Can have no sufficient distress of the land Mr. Brown withholds, but will wait his time. Mawdlen Coll., Oxforth, 29 July. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Mr. Cromwell, of my lord Cardinal's council. | |
29 July. R. O. |
Grant to Wolsey of St. Matthew's, Ipswich, with licence to impropriate it to his college there. Hampton Court, 29 July 20 Hen. VIII. | |
Lat., vellum. Great seal attached. Royal miniature and arms, exquisitely tricked, in the top margin. | |
R. O. | 2. Duplicate. |
Vellum; with the great seal and royal miniature. | |
30 July. R. O. |
1. Grant by Wolsey of St. Peter's, Ipswich, with appurtenances in Bornehall, &c., to his college at Ipswich. Hampton Court, 30 July 20 Hen. VIII. Signed by Wolsey. | |
Lat., vellum. Seal attached. | |
R. O. | 2. Grant by Wolsey to his college at Ipswich of the priory of Horkesley, with its appurtenances. Hampton Court, 30 July 20 Hen. VIII. |
Lat., vellum. Seal attached. The Cardinal's arms and insignia tricked at the top. | |
30 July. R. O. |
Licence by Wolsey to the dean and canons of Cardinal's college, Oxford, to assign the priories of Typtre, Wykes, Dodenassh, &c., to his college at Ipswich. Hampton Court, 30 July 1528. | |
Lat., vellum. Seal, with silk and gold fringe. | |
R. O. | 2. Duplicate of the same; with Wolsey's arms and supporters, beautifully tricked. |
Vellum. Seal attached. | |
30 July. R. O. |
Confirmation by Wolsey to Wm. Capon, dean of Ipswich, of the manor of Sayes Court in Deptford, and that of Cheshunt, &c. Hampton Court, 30 July 20 Hen. VIII. | |
Lat., vellum. Seal attached. | |
R. O. | 2. Duplicate of the same. |
Vellum. Seal attached. Wolsey's arms and supporters tricked. | |
R. O. | 3. Similar confirmation of Horkesley. Same date. Signed and sealed. |
Lat., vellum. | |
R. O. | 4. Similar confirmation of the site and lands of the priory of St. Peter's, Ipswich. Hampton Court, 30 July 20 Hen. VIII. |
Lat., vellum. Seal attached. | |
30 July. Galba, B. VII. 89. B. M. |
I have already written of my communications with the dowager of Savoy and the Emperor's council. The latter think that the arrangement that we have made for the fruits "des recompenses du passe," from the treaty of Madrid till the present truce, does not affect the king of England, because his subjects have no lands on this side of the sea, from which differences might arise, "des levées passées." It is well, however, to notify the King and Legate of everything, that they may not suppose we are making treaties apart. You must show the Legate, however, that complaints are daily made of depredations by land and sea, and more on the side of the Emperor than on ours. And as the Legate is appointed one of the conservators of the truce with the cardinal of Lorraine on our part, and the cardinal of Liege for Madame of Savoy, we have thought it advisable that each should send a commissioner to Cambray, as a neutral place, empowered to execute justice and make redress. Malines, 30 July. | |
Copy, Fr., pp. 2. Endd. | |
30 July. Galba, B. VIII. 180. B. M. Léonard, II. 342. |
In consequence of the truce between the kings of England and France, and the Archduchess of Austria on the part of the Emperor, for the Low Countries, it is agreed between Fras. de Raisse, sieur De la Hargerye, maître d'hotel to Francis, and Jehan de Carondelet, archbishop of Palermo, that three commissioners from each party (Francis and the Emperor) shall meet at Cambray by 4 Sept., to adjudge the restitution of goods, &c., for all injuries committed from 15 Feb. 1525 till 15 June last. This is to be published in both countries before 28 Aug. The Archduchess, the dowager duchess of Vendôme, and the Prince of Orange are not to be included. Letters patent from the two Princes to be produced in three weeks. Malines, 30 July 1528. | |
Fr., pp. 4. Headed: Coppie. | |
31 July. Galba, B. IX. 174. B. M. |
Since his last letter on the 14th inst., has received one from Wolsey, dated the 15th, the contents of which he has showed to my Lady. She took the articles of peace in very good part, desiring Wolsey to continue his good mind, and she would not fail to keep hand with him to the uttermost of her power. She fears, however, that the odious letters between the Emperor and the French king will do much to retard peace, but she will always employ herself in mediation. As he stated in his last letters to Tuke, Mons. de la Harger[ie] came to my Lady from the French king, with the ratification of the truce, and letters of credence. He was honorably received, and has today returned with good despatch. As to the enterprises done by Frenchmen, Burgundians and English, it is concluded here that Wolsey and the cardinals of Lorraine and Liege shall send each a commissary to Cambray to settle them, and my Lady promised to write to Wolsey in that behalf. De la Hargerie left two letters for the bishop of Bayonne, which Hackett sends to Tuke. Encloses the copy of his last letter. Harman is fast in prison at Antwerp, and makes great solicitation to come to his examination. He has sent two requests to the Emperor's council, of which Hackett encloses copies. (fn. 2) Is daily required to bring him to his examination, and has deferred it, as he is waiting for instructions. The Council has given him a term of 18 days from now, at which time they will do justice according to the laws of the country. As they will not send any heretics out of the country, the sooner the information is sent the better. Cannot write himself, as he is suffering from ague. Malines, 31 July 1528. Signed. | |
Pp. 2. | |
31 July. R. O. |
4581. T. DERBYE to CROMWELL. |
Cannot resort to Cromwell, being here at the marriage of his old master's daughter. Sends, therefore, one of his old companions, that Cromwell may explain to him "at what point Mr. More and I be at concerning our reward for passing of my Lord's warrants." Begs him to deliver Derbye's part to the bearer, William Brown. Portgore, 31 July. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Master Cromwell, councillor unto my lord Legate's grace. | |
R. O. | 4582. _ to WOLSEY. |
Asks him to procure for him some room which Sir William Compton had. Will not fail to do the King service, and your Grace may rejoice to see his Highness truly served by your Grace's pupil and servant. Has not refused any labor to serve the King in that whereto Wolsey has appointed him. It is known how well he has behaved for the ease of suitors before Wolsey. Never got as much as 20l. from his office in one year, though he got 100 marks from the previous office, which he gave to Mr. Taylor's kinsman, at Wolsey's desire, besides selling it to him for 200 marks less than another would have given. Asks Wolsey not to regard his poor estate, but his true intent. The offices commodious for him are the under-treasureship and the stewardship of Warwick's lands, Oxon, and the keeping of Cornebery park. | |
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. | |
R. O. | 4583. For SIR NICH. CAREW, Master of the Horse. |
Draft patent appointing him constable of Warwick Castle and town, with a mansion called the Steward's Place there, and 10l. a year as constable, and ten marks for the stewardship; also, keeper of the manor of Goodrest, with the garden and waters in Weggenok Park, with fees of 4d. a day. All these fees to be paid out of the issues of the manors of Warwick, Snytterfeld, Kyngton, Barkeswell, Moreton, Lyghterne, Clareden, and Henlyarden, as enjoyed by Sir Edward Belknappe, or Sir Fras. Bryan, and Sir Wm. Compton. Also, to be parker of Weggenok Park; with 6d. a day, and the appointment of inferior officers and master of the hunt in the said park. | |
Draft in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 6. | |
R. O. | 4584. RICHARD PAGE to WOLSEY. |
Has ascertained that the King answered those who sued him for Mr. Cheyny that he was proud and full of opprobrious words, and endeavored to dishonor those who were most glad to serve him, and that he shall never come into the Chamber until he has confessed his fault and agreed with Mr. Russell; for he will have no grudge amongst his gentlemen. He has, however, consented that he shall come before the Council, and state his suit, and they shall report it to his Highness. Hears that some of his friends have sent for him privily to be here today. | |
Some of those who sued for Cheyny say that they also asked the King for him touching the age of young Mrs. Broughton, telling him that she was of full age at her brother's death, so that he had no interest in her. To this the King answered that he knew nothing but by her mother's report, and the laws should try whether she were his ward or not. Can learn nothing further. Cheyny seems to have little other comfort, but there are some who make such suit for him as they can. | |
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace. Endd.: A letter of Maister Page concernyng Sir Thomas Cheyny. | |
Cott. App. 1. B. M. | 4585. [WOLSEY to HENRY VIII.] |
Thanks him for his gracious letter written with his own hand. Has instructed the bearer, whom he trusts the King will henceforth find conformable in all things, as well in giving better attendance as in leaving his prodigality. He submits as if he were Wolsey's son, and promises to be ruled by his counsel. | |
Draft in Wolsey's own hand; mutilated, p. 1. | |
R. O. | 4586. [WOLSEY to JOHN EARL OF OXFORD ?] (fn. 3) |
Thanks him for the venison he sent while the King was with him at his manor of Tytenhangor. The young countess of Oxford has complained to the King, the writer, and others of the Council, that he has expelled her and her servants by force out of the park of Lanam, the castle and park of Camps and the manor of Bumsted. At the same time his letters containing contrary matter arrived. Showed them to the King, and it was thought advisable, as he had entered forcibly and she had three years peaceable possession, that she should be restored and the matter tried at the beginning of next term by the writer and another of the Council. Asks credence for his servant Sencler, the bearer. From my manor. | |
Draft, pp. 2. | |
Asks to be excused for not having come at this time. Asks for Wolsey's countenance in his causes. Is very ill, but trusts to be able to come up before the end of the term. Thanks him for sending Mr. Hansard, whom he perceives to be a very wise man, and discreet in entertaining the Earl's causes. Asks that he may be his counsellor and officer, as steward of his house and surveyor of his lands, for he is sore hindered of his inheritance for lack of such a one. Signed: John Oxinford. | |
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. | |
R. O. | 4588. The EARL OF OXFORD. |
Petition to Wolsey of Sir Ant. Wingfield and his wife Elizabeth, John Nevell, Esq., son and heir of Sir John Nevell and Dorothie his wife, deceased, Edm. Knyghtley, Esq., and Ursula his wife. | |
The possessions of John late earl of Oxenford in Hednyngham, Essex, and elsewhere, yearly value 2,260l., ought to descend to the said Elizabeth and Ursula as his sisters, and to John Nevell as his cousin, but the present Earl claims them as being [ne]xt cousin and heir male. He has obtained permission to hold them till Wolsey has decided the case, promising to restore all issues if it is decided against him, and not to procure any office to be found, or anything to hinder the petitioner's inheritance. He has broken this promise, and caused feoffment to be made to divers persons unknown to the petitioners. Beg Wolsey either to settle the variance, or else to cause the Earl to revoke all such acts. | |
P. 1, mutilated. | |
Writes in behalf of the bishop of Worcester, to whom Brian Tuke refuses to pay, besides his diets, the costs he has incurred in providing post horses. If he have to pay them out of his own pocket he will spend 3l. or 4l. a day, which will be very serious, the Bishop being poor, for when he has paid the pension due to the bishop of Verona out of the fruits of the see of Worcester, very little will remain to him. His house was spoiled at the sacking of Rome, and his brother taken prisoner, for whom he had to pay a heavy ransom. Hears also that the cellarer of the monastery of Worcester intends to ask Wolsey for the office of sacrist of the monastery, and expel the present holder, who had it of the gift of Wolsey, and has exercised it with so much modesty. Hopes Wolsey will not allow a thing so detrimental to the cathedral. | |
Hol., Lat., pp. 2. Add.: Cardinal Ebor. Angliæ legato. | |
Add. MS. 4620, f. 274. B. M. | 4590. The SIEUR DE LA HARGERIE. |
Extract from a letter from the king of France to Mons. de Bayonne, his ambassador in England. | |
Sent the lord of la Hargerie to Margaret of Savoy, not to treat of anything new, but merely for the explanation of the last truce, to take the ratification thereof, and agree upon a neutral place for the meeting of the commissioners for restitution of injuries. Encloses a copy of what he has agreed to, that he may see that nothing has been concluded touching the king of England, and that he may make it known to him. | |
Copy of the article agreed upon between Hargerie and Margaret. | |
Fr., copy, pp. 2. | |
R. O. | 4591. JOHN EDMUNDES, D.D., to WOLSEY. |
Petition to Wolsey, as chancellor, to be excused from the loan of 100 marks, for which he has received a privy seal. Has had much expence in the building of his benefices; has spent 100l. in conveying a common conduit for his parishioners, and 400 marks about the foundation of a grammar school in Somerset, where the chief baron, Sir John Fitzjames, lives. Was robbed by his servant of 40l. when ill. Could not raise 100 marks if he sold all his substance. | |
P. 1. | |
Summary of the account of John Hughes to my lord Cardinal of money received by him for dispensations. | |
Dispensations dated May and June 17 Hen. VIII., 8l. 16s. 8d. From 30 June to the death of Mr. Toneys, 206l. 16s. 8d. Others not mentioned in Hughes' account, but noted in Toneys' register, 46l. 16s. 8d. Others fetched by Hughes since his account, 15l. 16s. 8d. Others remaining with Hughes, 55l. 13s. 4d.=334l. | |
Discharge.—Hughes has paid to Robt. Toneys, by three acquittances dated May and June 17 Hen. VIII., 66l. 13s. 4d.; by three acquittances dated Aug., Jan. and March 17 Hen. VIII., 93l. 6s. 8d.; to Dr. Stubbes, 68l. Asks allowance for the dispensations not yet delivered, 55l. 13s. 4d.=283l. 13s. 4d. | |
Allowing the first three acquittances only for 8l. 16s. 8d., as their date purports, there is due to Wolsey 108l. 13s. 4d. But allowing them for their whole content as Hughes desires, there remains due 50l. 6s. 8d. | |
Pp. 3. | |
A valor of the possessions of Sir Wm. Compton in 22 Hen. VIII. Clear yearly value, 290l. 5s. 4d. | |
Lat., p. 1, large paper. | |
July./GRANTS. | 4594. GRANTS in JULY 1528. |
1. David ap Griffith, of the lp. of Gower, S. Wales, yeoman. Pardon for the death of Hopkin ap David of the said lp. Del. Westm., 1 July [no year].—S.B. Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 23. | |
2. Humph. Ferrers, Wm. Repyngton, Hen. Hopwood, draper, Hen. Sell, merchanttailor, and Wm. Reynolds. Grant of the advowson of the first prebend and canonry void in the collegiate church of Tamworth, Cov. and Lich. dioc. Del. Hampton Court, 2 July 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 14. | |
5. Wm. Lane, grocer, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Rob. Wingfield. Tetinghanger, 30 June 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 5 July.—P.S. | |
8. Tho. Richardson, of Norwich, dyer. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Rob. Wingfield. Tetinghanger, 8 July 20 Hen. VIII.—P.S. | |
11. Sir Tho. Eynon, priest. To have the pension which the abbess of Wilton, Wilts, gives to a clerk of the King's nomination till promoted to a competent benefice. Del. Hampton Court, 11 July 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. | |
Duplicate of the above, undated.—S.B. | |
11. Tho. Wescott, one of the ministers of the Chapel Royal. Presentation to the prebend of Wylmecot, in the collegiate church of Tomworth, void by the death of Wm. Blakden. Del. Hampton Court, 11 July 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 26. | |
12. Wm. Vaughan, LL.D., King's chaplain. Presentation to the church of Mark and Oye, marches of Calais, Cant. dioc., void by death. Tetinghanger, 10 July 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 12 July.—P.S. Added at the foot: "This passed not by the King's warrant but by my Lord's gift as chancellor of England."—Pat. p. 1, m. 16. | |
13. Roger Dingley, clk. Presentation to the canonry and prebend of Wiginton, within the collegiate church of Tamworth, vacant by resignation of Edw. Stapels. Tetinghanger, 10 July 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 13 July.—P.S. | |
14. Wm. Beynam, of Calais, merchant. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Rob. Wingfield. Tittinghanger, 5 July 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 14 July.—P.S. | |
14. Owin Griffith, of Powesland, Wales. Pardon. Having on the 11 Jan. 19 Hen. VIII. abjured the realm for felony, before Wm. Holbache, coroner, at Rokby, Warw., and had the port of Angulsey in Wales appointed him by the said coroner to leave the kingdom, going from the churchyard of St. Andrew's, Rokby, and to be conveyed from town to town to the said port by the constables of the said towns, a wooden cross being placed in his hands, &c., he escaped from the custody of the said constables into Wales. Tetinghanger, 10 July 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 July.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 14. | |
14. Wm. Barlee, King's chaplain. Presentation to the church of Wotton, Linc. dioc., void by the death of Wm. Blakden. Tetinghanger, 10 July 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 14 July.—P.S. | |
18. John Reede, of Lynne, Norf., vintner. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Anth. Ughtred. Ampthill, 18 July 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 18 July.—P.S. | |
20. Ric. Gawen, gunner of the King. To be a gunner in the Tower of London, with 8d. a day, vice Wm. Verbayte. Ampthill, 14 July 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 20 July.—P.S. Endd.: "You must remember thys patent, and the payne shalbe deservyd."—Pat. p. 1, m. 22. | |
20. Wm. Kele, mercer, London. Inspeximus and exemplification, at his request, of the following documents:—1. Petition by Tho. Keyle, mercer, of London, to Tho. card. of York, chancellor, showing that Christ. Appowell was seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Bakber, and certain messuages, &c. in Shaftesbury, Bakber, Middleton, Corffe Molen and Corffe Hubbert, Dorset, on 20 Jan. 18 Hen. VIII., when he sold the same to the petitioner, and made estate of the premises to Tho. Baskett, John Davester, John Clerke and others, by virtue whereof the said Tho. Baskett and his co-feoffees were seised to the use of the said petitioner, &c. Nevertheless, Wm. Clement, of Wylton, Wilts, pretends title to the said manor, &c. by a former sale made to him by the said Christopher. If any such bargain had been, it would be void by the said Christopher not being of age at the time. In order to clear his title the petitioner desires witnesses may be examined who will give evidence as to the full age of the said Christopher at the time of the bargain made to the petitioner, and as to his nonage at the time of the supposed former bargain; and sues a writ of subpœna to be directed to Pat. Savage, John Metyerd, Tho. Abraham, Wm. Butler and John (Joan) Bogarde. 2. Writ of subpœna, dated 12 June 20 Hen. VIII., directed to the said Pat., John, Tho., Wm. and Joan Bogarde, summoning them to appear before the King in Chancery in the quinzaine of St. John the Baptist next. 3. Depositions of the said Pat., John, Tho., Wm. and Joan. Westm., 20 July.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4. | |
22. Ric. Yarrowe, page of the Pantry. To be keeper of the park and woods called Parowtyn, in the lp. of Brounfeld and Yale, marches of Wales, vice Elias ap Edwards, dec. Ampthill, 20 July 20 Hen. VIII.—Del. Hampton Court, 22 July.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 15. |