Pages 1754-1774
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.
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February 1528
21 Feb. R. O. |
Wrote last yesterday, enclosing five letters in French received that day. Sends now a letter from one of his spies as to what the French have done in Brednarde. Last night and today there came a good number of merchant adventurers out of Flanders, who say they were well treated everywhere. Calais, 21 Feb. 1527. | |
P.S.—Thinks the news in his last must be "evil-fashioned leasing," as the adventurers heard nothing of it. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.: "xx. Februarii." | |
22 Feb. R. O. |
3947. ITALY. |
22 Feb.—Lautrec is pleased at the Pope's intention of sending the bishop of Pistoja to France and thence to Spain, for when the Emperor has refused fair terms, he can through him declare open war, which he is very anxious for the kings of France and England to approve of, and has written letters on the subject to the former. He praises also the delay caused by the Pope. He is proceeding slowly to the kingdom of Naples, crossed the Tronto on the 9th or 10th Feb. with his whole army, and six days after entering the enemies' country reduced the whole of the Abruzzi without meeting with any resistance. The viceroy of Aquila fled on the approach of Peter of Navarre, who has taken possession of the town. The bishop of Medling (Metulæ), who last year most strenuously supported the French, is with Lautrec, and has already done him great service. | |
On Feb. 17, Lautrec halted at Adria, where he intended to leave a viceroy, but what his route would then be was not known. Almost everyone thinks it certain that, if he hastens on to Naples, he will gain the larger part of the kingdom, and perhaps even the city, before the Spaniards can send assistance, as they left Rome on the 17th for S. Germano. On that day the marquis of Guasto, who had left Rome with the vanguard two days before, was waiting at Anagni for the rest of the forces which had been left to take Val Montone. This town was taken on account of the lack of powder. Count S. Baptista was made prisoner, but set free by Julio Colonna, his father-in-law. It is generally asserted that the Spaniards will fight, and intend to leave their guns behind, that they may meet Lautrec the sooner. | |
Hears from Naples that the citizens are in great commotion, partly from fear, partly from hope, and partly from want of necessaries. They do not intend to admit the Imperial soldiers. The fleet would have been a great assistance, if it had not returned from Sardinia so injured. | |
There is an increasing report that immense forces are being collected in Germany against the French. | |
The Pope is very anxious to know about the mission of the bishop of Pistoja. After Mariotti's departure, received a copy of the King's and Wolsey's letters to Lautrec in commendation of the Holy See. | |
About Ravenna and Cervia, though much is promised, nothing is done. The Pope is in great suspense. Begs him to speak for his Holiness to the King and Wolsey. | |
Lat., pp. 2. | |
22 Feb. Vit. B. IX. 57. B. M. |
Received his letter dated 7th ... last month of January, and "I have moved M. de Lautrec to ... himself with his army to the expulsion of the Imperials, showing unto him, on the behalf of your said Grace, that the tract in sending answer to the charge of Baairde is to be supposed only done to hear of the successes of Italy, and in the mean season to reinforce the Emperor's army there; in the which the said M. de Lautrec taketh like opinion, having thereunto special regard, and also trusting so to work that [the] Emperor's purpose in that behalf shall take small effect." He is always moving his forces about, sometimes as much as twenty miles a day. | |
Has required Lautrec to have consideration in repairing the affairs of Rome, and the restoration of such towns and patrimonies as have been taken from the Pope. He replied that as, in conformity with Wolsey's former letters, he had not failed to restore some of them, neither will he now; advertising the writer that the Venetians withhold from the Pope Ravane and Cervya. He therefore wishes Wolsey would urge their surrender upon the Venetian ambassador now in England, and exhort the French king to write letters in that behalf. Lautrec expresses his thanks that Wolsey has promoted his interests with the kings of France and England. If there is any default the chancellor of France is the chief cause of it. The Spaniards and lanceknights have left Rome in order to give us battle. Lanchane, 22 Feb. Signed. | |
Pp. 2, mutilated. | |
22 Feb. R. O. |
After recovering Rimini for the Pope, Lautrec went on to Lauretum. His ordnance followed slowly, owing to the winter. He waited some days at the river Truentinum, and sent Peter of Navarre to Aquila; then went on to Atri, where he learned that one of the sons of the counts at Aquila (unum ex filiis comitum Aquilæ), when Peter of Navarre was within a day's march of Aquila, and the Viceroy had fled to the Abruzzi, had entered the city with French standards, and delivered it to Peter of Navarre. The other towns of the district then submitted. The Imperialists, on obtaining a certain sum from their leaders, quitted Rome on the 17th Feb. Their leaders also gave hostages that they would place Capua in their hands as a security for other promises. They have taken their course through the Campagna to protect Naples, Capua, and Gaeta, the only towns they can be in time to rescue. After their departure the abbot of Farfa put to death every Spanish or German he could find belonging to the Court. Campeggio is set at liberty, and all who belong to the Court are going back to Rome. Is very uncomfortable at not having received an answer from Wolsey to the letters he gave to Taddeo. When I was ill some days ago I wished to speak to the Pope about your letters of the 7th Jan., and to be with Longueville, the French ambassador. I got worse in consequence; but I hope shortly to be restored. Orvieto, 22 Feb. 1528. | |
Hol., Lat., pp. 3. Add. Endd. | |
22 Feb. Lamb. MS. 608. f. 121. Tit. B. XI. 354. B. M. |
See Carew Calendar, I. 37. | |
23 Feb. Le Grand, III. 85. |
If you don't comply with the demands of the English I fear your affairs will not go well. You may be sure Wolsey will do all he can. What gives him most anxiety is that those who desire to catch him tripping are very glad the people cry out "Murder"; and some would like to see everything go wrong, that they might say, "See what the Legate has done." Most part of those who, when you were here, were urgent for war with the Emperor, now say strange things; but I think if you do what Wolsey wishes, it will shut their mouths; otherwise, though his will is good, and his influence great, I fear he would not dare put it in hazard. It is no small expence to maintain a thing against all others, and be in the wrong, or seem so to those who look nearest, though the great majority only think of what is actually before their eyes. Wolsey does not wish you to withdraw or give up, but to do it immediately; and if you put off, I fear the remedy will be too late, for you know the mischief that would occur if we fought together. It would require new plans and practices, and a whole summer would be spent before things were in order. Moreover, you would encourage the Emperor, and I doubt if you would ever get the English again to accord to you what they have done. I know what it is that made the Legate say that Latin word which I have mentioned in my letters to the King, for he is foresighted, and I am sure is very sorry when the affairs of France do not go as he desires. I hear that in Flanders they are making naval preparations, I suppose owing to the alarm they have had about these prizes, which, by all I can see, are not such great matter as they think at London. | |
Hopes if it be ill taken that he is here for the cause for which he has come, he may, if possible, be recalled; for the fear of failing has made him fail. Has given orders at Dover that if anything come for him it may be sent hither, or to wherever he has gone. Wonders that he has been fifteen days without news from France,—a thing which is taken strangely here, and they speak strangely of the health of Francis. Has excused it on the plea that they are waiting news from Spain. Sandwich, 23 Feb. | |
P.S.—This morning the booty taken by the French from the Flemings was arrested at the ports, and seemingly will have to be restored. | |
French. | |
23 Feb. R. O. St. P. II. 126. |
The land has suffered great losses this winter;—this part of the Englishry from the absence of Kildare, and the counties of Kilkenny and Tipperary by great troubles among themselves, which might have been adjusted if Ormond had been at home. It is now reported that Kildare has been sent to the Tower for some late misdemeanors. If so, they are unknown to us, and it is all the more need to provide for the defence of this land; for the Vice-deputy has no power, and oppresses the people more than Kildare did, as he has no great lands of his own, and the subsidy cannot be got till it is granted by Parliament. James Butler has been at great pains for the apprehension of the unhappy earl of Decimon, whom it will be hard to take except by stratagem. Wolsey is, doubtless, aware of the lamentable decay of this land, both in good Christianity and in other things, for lack of good prelates and curates in the Church. He would do well to promote good men to bishoprics to be examples. The diocese of Meath, which is large, and the richest in this country, is in ruin, both spiritually and temporally, by the Bishop's absence. Thinks some good man should be provided for it, as it is said that the Bishop will not return. Dublin, 23 Feb. Signed. | |
Pp. 3. Add. Endd.: The archbishop of Dublin, the 23 Feb. 1527. | |
24 Feb. R. O. |
Has not only suffered great injuries from the earl of Desmond, but "hawe as well seched with my pusance the maner of Dongarvan as others dud to my grette costs and damages contenualie unto the tyme ve drven the sayd Erle unto the mayn see yn serteyn Englyshe vessels," which have landed at Youghall with as large a company as he could carry. The mayor and bailiffs, being the writer's neighbours, have requested him to inform the King of the truth. The Earl came suddenly at full sea into the town, the water gates not having been fastened, through mere negligence, not malice. Had it been otherwise, would have revenged his injuries upon them. The inhabitants have given assurance to James Butler, Cormok Oge, and the writer, that they will give no support to the Earl, but invade them to the utmost of their power. Hopes the King will therefore pardon them. Dromany, 24 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd. | |
24 Feb. R. O. St. P. VII. 54. |
Left Calais on Wednesday. Arrived at Paris on Friday, but the French king was at St. Germain's, where the Master of the Rolls was in attendance. Not being able to get audience before Monday, stayed in Paris inquiring for Staphylæus, and making arrangements for our journey. Delivered to Staphylæus Wolsey's letters, and asked him what were the French king's feelings. He told us that Francis and my Lady had commanded him to hasten to Rome, and look to the King's business. We told him that your Majesty had desired Francis to provide him with a good bishopric in the event of his accomplishing his promise. On Sunday to Poissy, where we communicated our charge to the Master of the Rolls. This day we had audience. Found the King recovered of his sickness, but suffering from the impediment of his speech. Have written an account of the interview to Wolsey. He told us he had dispatched Staphylæus to Rome for the King's matter, and would write to the Pope and Lautrec whatever we wished. Are promised an interview with my Lady tomorrow. Poissy, 24 Feb. Signed. (fn. 1) | |
Hol. Add. Endd. | |
Feb. Harl. MS. 419, f. 69 b. B. M. Pocock, I. 82. |
3955. GARDINER and FOX to WOLSEY. |
Ask for instructions, as the French king's promise to the Pope is somewhat different to what is already passed by the King. Request him to thank the Master of the Rolls for his kind reception of them, and for lending them his horses. Gardiner delivered Wolsey's letters and tokens to the dean of Wells, who made them dine and sup with him. He is honorably served, and has a greater household than Wolsey appointed; but Lupset says none of them could be spared. He is marvellously well lodged, and studies very diligently. Ask Wolsey to let the Dean know they have spoken of him. | |
Copy, p. 1. | |
Harl. 419, f. 68. B. M. Pocock, I. 79. |
3956. TAYLER, GARDINER, and FOX to [WOLSEY]. |
"... of Mons. de Lautrec, and that there is appearance of victory there, showeth himself, by answer made to the said gentleman to be made to the French king, much more prone to adhere to the League than he was before, and desireth not to b[e] assured of so many things, ne in such special manner as the prothonotary Gambara had obtained of the King's highness there, like as he said he would advertise your highness by Mons. Moret," whom he sends to England for that and other matters. He (the French king) says that he will satisfy the Pope's desire in all points; but since to pass his promise as it was passed there might cause much broilery, and the Pope does not now desire it, he thinks it good to counsel Wolsey again. Thus he takes away by this answer all the reasons we had shown him to pass the said promise, as Gambara confessed when we showed it him. Gambara now denies that the Pope had sent any such word, but Francis affirms that he has, and will inform Wolsey of it by Moret. This stayed our suit, for Francis assured us that he would do what would content the Pope, and that his Holiness would be content with less. Asked him to grant safeconduct to the person sent by the Pope to the Emperor to treat of peace, and in case of refusal "to denounce [him as] his Holiness' enemy." He answered that, considering the intimation was past, he would do nothing but by the consent of the King and Wolsey. Said that they both thought the Pope should experiment such ways of peace, and also that the Pope's denunciation would do much good, but that cannot be unless the Pope first tries ways of peace. The King answered that that was true, but still he would detain the nuncio sent to the Emperor till he heard again from Wolsey. On this took their leave. While at the court Tayler received Wolsey's letters of the 20th inst., with a letter to the Great Master, of which Tayler declared the contents to the King. He said, in reply, that he had heard from the bishop of Bayonne of the complaints made by merchants to Wolsey about his men of war, and said that the Bishop had come to Sandwich to attend to them, though he had no commission to do so; he would gladly win the hearts of the English merchants, and do what might please Wolsey and the King; but as the Emperor, since the intimation, has taken several of his subjects on the Spanish coasts, he must also take some of the Emperor's subjects as pledges to obtain restitution. He is content that Wolsey shall appoint four Englishmen to reside on the coasts of Normandy, Picardy, Gascony and Brittany to receive the prizes, and send home all that they find belong to Englishmen, and the rest also if the Emperor will do the like. He is ready to agree with the Emperor for a term during which the merchants can withdraw their goods; and will follow Wolsey's advice concerning English goods in Flemish ships if the Emperor will do the like. Moret has full instructions. | |
Gardiner and Fox went to Paris that night, intending to continue their journey to the Pope next morning, and they left instructions with Tayler. Told the prothonotary Gambara of their leaving, and the answer of the French king. He desired them to tell Wolsey that he thought the duke of Ferrara would be to the See Apostolic as Helen was to Troy. | |
Copy, pp. 3. | |
Feb. R. T. 137. R. O. |
3957. HENRY VIII. |
Letters by which he undertakes, in concert with Francis I., to make common cause with the Pope against the Emperor with all his power; to receive his Holiness in England, if driven from Italy, and make him an allowance to support his dignity; to help him to recover his old authority, and to regain Ravenna and the other cities detained by the Venetians and the duke of Ferrara. Greenwich,—Feb. 1527, 19 Hen. VIII. | |
Lat., copy, pp. 2. | |
24 Feb. Cal. D. X. 137. B. M. |
"[May it please] your g[race, on] ... I received a letter from John Gr[esham] ... [by the] which he advised me that he and divers oo[thir] ... ben stopped and retained in Newport in Flanders," and asking me to write to the Bayly, Borgmaster and Scabyns for his release; which he has done. Hearing from the messenger that there were also English mer[chants] detained at Dunkirk on their way to Antwerp, wrote to the Borgmaster there, and expects to have an answer tomorrow. As the Emperor's towns had heard of the detention of their hoys and other vessels in the Thames, but not of their release, has informed them thereof, and that they can pass and repass as before, "and furthermore that [no war] shall be begun betwixt the King and the Emperor yet, the ... intendeth not to violate the treaty of intercourse which [hath been] observed betwixt the houses of England and Borgayne, [for that no] fawte be in themselves; also I esteem that ... on the sea coast be grieved to hear that ... anchor at Margate, and part of the * * * ... d hyere on Saturday at afternoon ... yet come over, he departed hence this ... on post horses. Also yesterday in the afternoon Ma[ster] Nortown arrived here, also the lieutenant of the Staple, [to the] rejoice and comfort of the retinue here." The council and retinue, knowing that their relief comes from the King's liberality and Wolsey's contemplation, are as grateful as if they had been delivered from a painful prison. Calais, 24 Feb. 1527. | |
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated. | |
24 Feb. Le Glay, Négoc. entre la France et l'Autriche, II. 670. |
Has received his letters of the 12th, 14th, and 16th inst., and is much surprised at his detention at the instigation of the French ambassador. Would never have thought that the privileges and immunities of ambassadors would have been violated in a court so renowned as that of England, espe- cially as the Emperor has never sought any quarrel with England, but has done all in his power to maintain the ancient friendship between Spain, England and Burgundy. If he has received her letters from Brussels, he will have seen that the Emperor is content, in Henry's favor, to condescend to most of the offers made to him, however different from the treaty of Madrid, provided Francis will perform his promises. He offered to give hostages to Henry that the French princes should be delivered immediately on the fulfilment of these promises. Notwithstanding this, the French and English ambassadors have proclaimed war, without prefixing any term, as is customary, and now wish to retire. For this reason, and because his own ambassadors in France were not aware of this, he detained them honorably, without the rigor and dishonor shown to his ambassadors in England and France, who were treated like criminals, although he has shown kindness to the English ambassadors, telling them of the affection he bears their master, and that he never thought to enter into a war against him. Desires him to remonstrate. | |
Is surprised at the report that libels and seditious articles are circulated to animate English subjects against the Emperor. Hopes the King and Legate will see to it. Will send his letters to the Emperor, and write to Rome as he desires, and send him news of the answers on their arrival. As to the Legate's desire for the continuation of the intercourse and commerce between England and the Low Countries, has no desire to the contrary. Will see what news the herald brings, and answer accordingly. Has before informed him of the plunder committed by the French within the last fortnight. They have been the first to break the peace; for which reason the king of England and the Legate ought to aid the Emperor as the first invaded. He is to state this, and send word what answer he receives. Sends this open, and without cipher, that they may not keep it from him. Wishes them to see it. Malines, 24 Feb. | |
Fr. | |
24 Feb. Cleop. E. v. 362 b. B. M. |
3960. ROB. RIDLEY, Priest, to HENRY GOLD. |
Criticises severely "this common and vulgar translation of the New Testament into English, done by Mr. William Hichyns, otherwise called Mr. W. Tyndale, and Frear William Roy," whom he denounces as heretics and apostates, as proved both by their familiarity with Luther and his disciples, and by their commentaries on Matthew and Mark in the first print, their preface to the second print, and their introduction to the Epistle to the Romans. No one who receives such a translation can be a true son of the Church. The preface to the first print is mere phrensy; he says evangelium is nothing but dulcis promissio gratiæ, so that pœnitentiam agite, &c., are not parts of it. Gives instances of mistranslation. "I would that ye should have seen my Lord's books. As for the translation in Franche without any postille, it is for certain condemned in Paris decreto publico, though it be truly done,—condemned, I say, that it shall not be lawful to publish it to every layman,—quorum labia custo. sc.; and so it was in the old law, and in the time of the Apostles. Vide Sutorem de Translatione Bibliæ." There are not three lines without fault in all the work; but he has not the book to mark them out. Wishes Gold had had leisure to do it. "Vale in all haste." | |
P.S.—Notes the translators' animus against scholastic theology in translating Stultas questiones devita, "Beware of foolish problems or questions in the schools," or words to the same effect. "Shew ye to the people that if any be of so proud and stubborn stomach that he will believe there is no fault, no error, except it be declared to him that he may see it, let him come hither to my Lord which hath profoundly examined all, and he shall hear and see errors, except that he be blind, and have no eyes." 24 Feb. | |
The translation is already condemned by consent of the learned, and ordered to be burnt, both here and beyond sea. "Show the people that ye be come to declare unto them that certain books be condemned by the counsel and profound examination of the prelates and fathers of the Church." | |
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To Master Henry Golde, chaplain to my lord of Canterbury. | |
* At the foot of the first page, in a different hand, are these words: Master Gold, I pray you be good to this pore whoman, Gylbarttes whyff, as yet your tenawnt. | |
24 Feb. R. O. |
Begs him to deliver the enclosed to Cromwell, containing the valor of the prebend and parsonage of Blewbery. Is to tell Wolsey that Higdon has made ready the book for the reformation of the statutes of his college. Cannot accept the prebend of Whytwange, intended by Wolsey for the dean of his college, except he may exchange his prebend of Wyghton, as it is not lawful. Wolsey proposed that he should permute his prebend with Mr. Sydnor, parson of Wytnay. Describes the advantages of each. If Wolsey were content "that I might depart from his college, being at my liberty, I would not leave my prebend of Wyghton for his parsonage of Wytnay." But if he continued in the college, Wytnay will be necessary for him. Trusts to have such provision of hay in Hanborow, "that my Lord's grace shall have carriage of his own, and to accelerate the building of his college" shorter by three years than it should have been. Would like to be at Easter next at York, to view the parsonage of Rudby and the lands of Kexby, lately given by Wolsey to the college; and so make a progress through Leicestershire, &c., and home before Whitsunday. After Trinity Sunday, to visit Calcete, Beygham, and Tornebryge (sic), and so to London, and there tarry for the reformation of the college statutes, and make a substantial statute for the good ordering of the ministers of the chapel; for divers of them are very negligent, and often absent, especially from matins and the mass of requiem "daily both in holidays, and also from matins in principal feasts." Wishes a statute for the choir, and a fine of 2d. for absence from matins, from prime 1d., from high mass 2d., from evensong 1d., from compline and the hours ½d., holy water on Sundays ¾d., from procession 2d.; on holidays, "double perdition," &c. Oxford, 24 Feb. | |
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To my right welbeloved friend Mr. Thomas Byrton, chaplain to my lord Cardinal's grace, at Westminster; or, in his absence, to Mr. Thomas Cromwell; or to John Brownyng in Flete Street, to deliver to Mr. Byrton or Mr. Cromwell. | |
Endd. | |
24 Feb. R. O. Foxe, v. App. (new ed.) |
Mr. Dean [Higdon] at his coming home brought secret commandment from my lord Cardinal to attach Garrat at one Radley's house at Oxford, and send him up secretly. Saturday last he was taken by the commissary, who intended sending him next morning to my Lord by one of the proctors and Mr. Standiche. As the commissary was at evensong Garrat escaped, went to Gloucester College, and took a secular scholar's coat. The scholar, on his examination, "hath confessed his books of heresy," and is in prison. This Monday, the vigil of St. Matthias, we searched Radley's house, and found some of Garrat's books. We find that he has distributed many books among the scholars. One of them, named John Mayow, had a table of books, of which I send you a copy. The original is in Garrat's purse. For the books "in the end of the next leaf" we gave Garrat 16s. Garrat came to Oxford on Christmas eve, and has been privily doing much hurt ever since. The commissary, "being in extreme pensiveness," caused a figure to be made by one expert in astronomy, "and his judgment doth continually persist upon this, that he fled in a tawny coat south-eastward, and is in the middle of London." Of which I thought good to send you information. Oxford, the vigil of St. Matthias. | |
ii. Anthony Dalaber helped to convey Garrat away, and received from him certain books. He became acquainted with him at Radley's house, one of the singing men in the college. He says he bought of Nicholas, bookseller in St. Paul's churchyard, the Farragines Lamberti. You will do good to advertise the Cardinal "what poison these booksellers bringeth into England." He read with Clerk in Oxford. Wishes to know what is to be done with the scholars. One is called Byrde, two are monks of Bury, and the other of Glastonbury. | |
iii. Copy of the "table" or list found with John Mayew of the books which he says Garret counselled him to buy. | |
iv. List of the "books taken with one scholar of Mr. Garrett." | |
Hol. | |
Foxe, v. 421. | 3963. THOMAS GARRET or GARRARD. |
Account of him while at Oxford. | |
This narrative is referred to the proctorship of Ball of Merton and Cole of Magdalen College. The persons mentioned in it are Dr. Cottisford, commissary, Dr. London, warden of New College, and Dr. Higden, dean of Frideswide's, who gave information to the Cardinal. The followers of Garret were Anthony Dalaber, clk., apparently of Cardinal's College, Edon, fellow of Magdalen, Sir Fitz James, of Alban Hall, Sir Diet, of Corpus Christi, Taverner, a singing man. Among others, mention is made of Sumner and Bets, canons of Christchurch, and one Udal; Anthony Dunston, monk of Westminster, now bishop of Llandaff. (fn. 3) | |
Foxe, v. 428. | 2. Articles objected against Thomas Garret, M. A., some time curate of the parish of All Hallows in Honey Lane. (fn. 4) |
For these articles (says Foxe) he abjured before Cuthbert bishop of London, John bishop of Lincoln, and John bishop of Bath and Wells. | |
24 Feb. R. O. |
The prior of Spalding is dead. Begs Henneage to solicit the Cardinal in favor of "my prior" as his successor. Will be glad to do any pleasure to my Lord that shall be offered for it. A more able man could not be got, and all worshipful men both in Kesten and Lyndesey desire his promotion. 24 Feb. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Master Thomas Hennage, of the King's Privy Chamber. Endd. | |
25 Feb. R. O. |
In behalf of the bearer, Castillon, whom Francis sends to England with a message to Wolsey. St. Germain en Laye, 25 Feb. Signed. | |
Fr., p. 1. Endd. | |
25 Feb. Galba, B. IX. 44. B. M. |
"Mons. l'ambassadeur." Wrote to him from Brussels what the Emperor had told her about the departure of the French ambassadors, but fears he has not received her letter, as he does not mention it. Tells it him afresh, lest the French should prejudice the King and Wolsey against the Emperor. After the Emperor had set the King of France free, and made him his brother-in-law and heir apparent, the King refused to keep his promises, and has attacked his Majesty in Italy by land and sea. Although the Emperor has no reason to relax any of the conditions, for the sake of pleasing the King and Wolsey, and of tranquillity, he has been content to give up the restitution of Burgundy, taking the money which the King offered him. | |
The only difficulty is now, that the Emperor demands the recall of the army in Italy, and the restitution of Genoa, before the delivery of the children; but the French ambassadors say they ought to be delivered first. His Majesty then offered to give Henry hostages such as were given for Tournay for the delivery of the children. This offer the ambassadors refused, and took leave of the Emperor on Jan. 28, notifying that on the next day he would be defied by the King. This the Emperor thinks a very new thing, for a defiance to be made after six years of war, especially as he is still the Emperor's prisoner. There is no need for him to cover his ill will by the pretence of fighting for the recovery of his children, which depends only upon the fulfilment of his promises. | |
The Emperor has a better cause than before. He has not yet suffered any feat of war to be done upon French subjects, but the French have invaded Sardinia, and put his ambassador in prison. The Emperor has, therefore, put under arrest the French ambassadors, treating them well, until his own has returned. These things show that Francis has no wish for peace, and that the money he has raised from his subjects has been only by pretence for the delivery of his children. The Emperor is sending an ambassador to England. Hears that libels against the Emperor are being circulated in England, which she trusts Wolsey will remedy. Has never had any intention of interfering with the mercantile intercourse between the English and these countries. Malines, 25 Feb. 1527. Signed. | |
Fr., pp. 4. Endorsement pasted on: "Sir Robt. Wingfield, the xth of" ..... | |
25 Feb. R. O. |
Understands, by letters from the King and Wolsey, that they desire Will. Lisle and his son Humphrey, with their accomplices, to be attainted and executed, so that the King may be entitled to the forfeiture of their lands. As he is not experienced in attainders, requests that the justices of assizes at York be joined with him in the commission, and instructed to meet him at Newcastle after the Durham assize. On the 22nd Feb., Rob. Dodde alias Lowshorne, one of the King's rebels, was slain by the Earl's officers in Tynedale, in resisting an arrest. Requests a copy of the last league and articles of truce with Scotland to be sent him by bearer, as he cannot otherwise treat with Angus. Alnwick, 25 Feb. Signed. | |
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace. Endd. by Wolsey. | |
25 Feb. R. O. Foxe, v. App. |
Since last writing has perceived many things that make him very pensive. This unhappy Mr. Garrett, being at Oxford at Easter, sought out those who knew Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, pretending that he wished to learn Hebrew and Greek, and distributed a great number of corrupt books among them. Fears Mr. Clerk called him thither. Dalaber has confessed that Clerk sent him Farragines Lutheri, Pomerianum super Epistolas Pauli, Lambert de Vocatione, Enchiridion Precationum, Hegendorfius in Lucam, and Super Epistolam Petri ad Hebræos, Pomerianum super Deuteronomia and Uniones Dissidentium. | |
Dalaber was with Clerk all last summer at Powghley. It is clearly proved that Clerk read in his chamber Paul's Epistles to young men and those who were of two, three, or four years standing in the University. Wishes Wolsey had never called him or any other Cambridge man to his most towardly college. "It were a gracious deed if they were tried and purged, and restored unto their mother from whence they came, if they be worthy to come thither again." Were clear from suspicion till they came. Some of them, as Mr. Dean has known, have borne a shrewd name. | |
These youths have not long been conversant with Garret, nor have greatly perused his books. Long before he was taken many of them were weary of his works, and brought them to Dalaber, in whose keeping were found yesterday all the books marked in the following list. Is very sorry for these youths. Though not greatly infected, they will never avoid slander. As Wolsey has sent for Garret, he supposes he will know everything from the Bishop. | |
Nothing shall be hid, though they were all his brothers. Makes this moan for them, as they are the most towardly young men in Oxford. Encloses their First Principles, a perilous book. In the first leaf is a prophecy, and the matter following proceeds of like spirit. Prays God to send Garret to my Lord's hands, and that after this trial the University may be clear for many years. Oxford, Ash Wednesday. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd. | |
ii. List of heretical books. | |
P. 1. | |
25 Feb. Lansdowne MS. I. f. 203. B. M. |
Costs of a dinner given by the King in the lodge of the little park at Windsor, Tuesday, 25 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII. | |
The Bakehouse:—2 b. flour, 10s. "Furnage of the same," 4d. 1 p. fine flour for cakes, 15d. Carriage, 4d. The Pantry:—80 loaves of chet bread, 5s. The Buttery and Cellar:—15 g. beer, 20d. 15 g. ale, 2s. 6d. 2 kild. bought, 10d. 1 g. Romney, 12d. 6 f. Gascon and French wine, 13s. 4d. Carriage, 4d. The Spicery:—For the Kitchen: 1 oz. pepper, 1½d; 3 oz. ginger, 4½d.; 6 oz. cinnamon, 21d.; 1 q. cloves and mace, 2s. 8d.; 1 oz. saffron, 18d.; 3 lb. dates, 9d.; 3 lb. prunes, 9d.; 3 lb. "raices cors" (fn. 5) (coarse raisins?) 9d.; 4 lb. "raices gr." 4½d.; 14 lb. sugar, 7s. 3½d.; 1 yd. strainers, 2d.; 8 lb. almonds, 1s. 8d.; ½ lb. pyskads, 5d.; 1 q. rose water, 12d.; ½ 100 fine gold, 2s.; 3 lb. pysketts, 2s. 6d.; 3 lb. comfetts, 21d.; 300 wafers for marchpanes, 2s. 4d.; 2 lb. carraways, 16d. For the Confectionary: 200 wardens, 10s.; 30 oranges, 7s.; 24 quinces, 2s.; carrots and sokery, 20d.; 2 boxes for comfits and carraways, 6d.; 200 pippins, 3s. 4d.; 1 lb. sugar, 6¼d.; 1 oz. cinnamon, 4½d.; 1 oz. ginger, 1½d. Wafery: 2 lb. sugar, 12½d. Jelly Stuff: 2 oz. ginger, 3d.; ½ lb. cinnamon, 3s.; 2 oz. grains, 2½d.; 2 oz. cloves, 12d.; 2 oz. mace, 6d.; 6 lb. sugar, 3s. 1½d.; 1 ell jelly cloths, 8d. For the Pastry: 1 q. pepper, 5½d.; 1 oz. saffron, 18d.; 2 oz. cloves and mace, 3s.; ½ lb. cinnamon, 2s. 4d.; 6 oz. ginger, 9d.; 20 lb. sugar, 10s. 5d.; 3 lb. dates, 9d.; 4 lbs. prunes, 12d.; 3 lbs. "cors," (fn. 6) 9d.; 1 q. paper, 2d.; 1 yd. strainers, 2d. For the Wafery and for Cream: 9½ lb. sugar, 4s. 11d. For the Privy Bakehouse: 3 lb. sugar, 19d.; 2 oz. cloves and mace, 16d.; 1 q. paper, 2d. For Ipocras: ½ lb. ginger, 12d.; 12 lb. sugar, 6s. 3d.; 1 q. nutmegs and cloves, 18d.; 1½ lb. cinnamon elect, 9s. For the Ewry: 1 q. rose water, 12d. For the Poultry: 1 lb. sugar, 6¼d.; ½ oz. cloves and mace, 4d.; ¼ oz. saffron, 4½d.; 1 lb. "races cors,"* 3d.; 2½ lb. wax, 10d. For the scalding house: 2½ lb. wax, 10d. | |
The Accatry and Larder:—3 pieces of beef, 3s. 4d. 5 br. veal, 3s. 2 stone white, 12d. 2 doz. flaylls, 8s. 1 flitch of bacon, 20d. 2 paunches, 8d. 2 gauges* of oxen, 8d. 2 gauges* of calves, 4d. 2 veale feez, 8d. 1 piece lard, 8d. | |
The Poultry:—3 capons of grease, 7s.; 7 fat hens, 6s.; 4 kids and lambs, 10s. 8d.; 12 plovers, 4s.; 2 doz. and 1 "cooks,"* 12s. 6d.; 4 pheasants, 13s. 4d.; 14 partridges, 14s.; 14 sokers, 4s. 8d.; 2 herons, 4s. 8d.; 4 doz. pipers, 8s.; 8 doz. larks, 5s. 4d.; 18 snytes, 3s. 4d.; 8 conies, 20d. For the Kitchen: 60 dishes butter, 5s.; 250 eggs, 5s.; 100 pom, 12d.; 3 g. cream, 3s. For the Wafery: 1 g. eggs, 7d. For the Pastry: 24 dishes butter, 2s.; 500 eggs, 10s.; 2 g. cream, 2s. The Privy bakehouse: 6 dishes butter, 6d.; 1 g. eggs, 7d.; ½ g. cream, 6d. For fresh cheeses: 6 g. milk, 12d.; ½ g. cream, 6d.; making them, 4d. For puddings: 1 p. "wotemele," 4d.; 1 g. cream, 8d. Carriage of the stuff for the poultry from London, with 3 horses, 10s. Wages of 3 men for 4 days, 13s. 4d. | |
The Jewelhouse:—To Rob. Draper, for washing a diaper cloth and 2½ doz. napkins, 5s.; for glazing and oiling 3 cases of knives, 3s. 4d. | |
The Scullery:—12 q. coals, 5s. Tables and trestles hired in the town, 12d. Cream from the keeper's wife in the lodge, 16d. Herbs, 12d. A gylter hired, 8d. Carriage of kitchen-stuff and water, 8d. | |
The Saucery:—2 b. flour for the bakemeats, 3s. 4d. Mustard, verjuice, and vinegar, 1s. 6d. Oil and hard cheese from the King's store. | |
Total, 17l. 6s. 11½d. "Visus per me, Willm. Thynne." | |
4 sheets; originally a roll. Endd. by Lord Burghley. | |
26 Feb. R. O. Pocock, I. 72. |
Have before written that Lautrec has seized all the towns in Abruzzi, "statuitque in Apuliam ... jam se conferre." He will send thence officers to receive the [surrender] of Apulia, and afterwards proceed to Naples to meet the enemy. Those who are going towards Naples and Gaieta have ordered the fleet which sailed from Sardinia for Etruria to return to the Neapolitan coast that the enemy may be attacked by sea and land. The allied army (exercitus fœderis) which was here is ordered to march to the same place, and is on its way. The Pope stays here, and does not intend to go to Rome, which will probably be besieged, as Ostia, Civita Vecchia ("Civitas Vetus") and Viterbo are in the hands of the enemy. | |
Wrote to Campeggio that when the city is restored to liberty, he can depart, and leave some one in his place. Asked whether he would go to England if there was occasion; to which he answered that he should be much pleased to revisit the King and yourself. | |
Am sorry that no answer has come to my letters dated at ... giving the Pope's opinion. Immediately on receiving [an answer] arrangements will be made for sending a legate. Orvi[eti], 26 Feb. MDXX ... | |
Hol., Lat., pp. 2; mutilated. Add.: Ill. et R. D. D. Carli Ebor. [Ang]liæ legato, &c. Endd. | |
26 Feb. R. O. |
Award made by Hen. earl of Northumberland, warden of the East and Middle Marches, for settling the differences between Hen. earl of Cumberland and Will. lord Dacre and Greystock:—1. That they shall lay apart all grudges, and be familiar. 2. The Earl shall not pursue any process against any of Dacre's tenants for riot or trespass heretofore done, nor Dacre any action against the Earl or his adherents for hunting in his parks. 3. 100 marks to be paid by Dacre to the Earl before Easter next, in satisfaction of several claims. 4. Dacre to pardon the Earl's adherents for "hyryng or taking of nets" in the waters of Esk and Levyn. 5. Any future complaints on either side to be referred to the earl of Northumberland. Alnwick, 26 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII. | |
Draft, mostly in the hand of the earl of Northumberland; pp. 3. | |
R. O. | 2. Another copy. |
26 Feb. Cal. B. II. 3. B. M. |
3972. DACRE to ANGUS. |
Sends him a letter from Wolsey, which came with others to himself, about the exploit made by him on the Debateable Ground, and the resistance of lord Maxwell, who burnt Nederby in revenge. At Maxwell's request is to meet him at Lochmaban Stane or Tollercrike, on Monday, 2 March. Desires Angus will make arrangements for it with Maxwell, or send down his brother or one of the Council to compel him to make due redress, as he cannot trust him. The matters of his complaint are the killing of his servant, the burning of Nederby, &c. Wolsey desires him to make immediate reformation according to the truce, otherwise there will be no good rule on the borders. Hull Abbey, beside Alnwick, 26 Feb. | |
P. 1. Headed: "Copy of a letter sent from the lord Dacres to the earl of Angus." | |
26 Feb. S. B. |
Grant, in tail male, of all the possessions of the lordship or earldom of Ossory in Ireland. Also grant to the said Peter of the offices of steward, constable, and governor of the manor and castle of Dungarvon (Waterford) in Ireland, which he and his son James have promised to attempt to recover from James earl of Desmond, with fees of 100l. a year out of the issues thereof; to hold to the said Peter for life, with remainder for life to his son James aforesaid, with remainder for life to the son and heir male of the body of the said James if he should have such issue, the premisses thereafter to revert to the Crown. Del. Westm., 26 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII. | |
Pat. p. 2, m. 20. | |
27 Feb. R. O. |
In the 18th of Hen. VIII. an agreement passed between me and Sir John Mondy, for payment of 1,720l. in four years, in full settlement of all bargains between us. At that time, at Master Broke's house in London, then chief baron of the Exchequer, present Sir Ric. Lyster, now chief baron, and Sir Brian Tuke, Mondy claimed 1,720l., but showed no specialties. I agreed to pay 400l., and that 1,320l. should be taken of the mean profits of the lands. But he is not satisfied, and sues me for 1,000l., which I never had, but was a surety for the repayment of 800l. that I lost by his means to my lord of Shrewsbury. I beg of you to hear what my witnesses have deposed, and how extremely ill I have been handled. "At my poor house at W .. e," 27 Feb. | |
P. 1. Endd.: Letter of John Awdeley. | |
28 Feb. R. O. |
"Thies are the names of the prisoners that remaynes here in Carlisle Castell, whiche is taken upon your commandment by your writing signed with your hand." | |
Dande Nicson, Clement's brother: John Nicson, of the Maynes; Cristoll Routlege, Lyon's son; James Routlege; Geo. Routlege, Donned Rolland's son; Matho Lytell, called Gutterholes; Peter Whithede; Davy Crawe. New made: Cristoll Nobill; Jok Nikson, called Deif Jok. | |
Prisoners at Hexham: Thos. Erington, called Pepe; John Erington, called Angell; Gib Erington, of Greneriche; Edw. Charlton, pledge for all his band; Geo. Horde; Chr. Lyddall; Wallas of the Kirkhouse. | |
Prisoners and pledges at Morpeth: Hen. Robson, of the Fawstane, one of those in your bill; Sande Yarowe, Henry Yarowe's brother; Clement and Rauf Charlton, sons to Thos. Charlton of Carroteith; Dombe Davy Milburne; a son of Edde Doddes; Will Charlton, brother of Gib of the Bowght Hill. | |
Think that as Tindale has "loppyn furth," and left their pledges in their own default, that these should serve instead of them. Will do all they can to apprehend others mentioned in his bill, but they have been openly warned to keep away from the Dacres till new keepers of Tindale come down. Carlisle, penult. Feb. Signed. | |
A strip of paper. | |
[28] Feb. Cal. D. x. 332. B. M. |
"[Mons.] de Bayonne, j'ay receu voz lettres ... [sc]eu bien au long par le contenu d'icelles les ... Sandouych, et l'instance qui vous a este faicte [par Mons. le Cardinal] mon grant amy d'ainsy le vouloir faire et se ... en dilligence ce courrier pour scavoir et ent[endre ma] voulente sur le faict des prises et arrestz de m[archandises] appartenans aux subgectz de l'Empereur, qui ont e[ste prins de]puis l'intimation de la guerre nagueres faicte et ... a celle fin qu'il peust en cela contenter les subg[ectz du Roy son] maistre qui luy avoient fait tant de plainctes d ... interestz que particulierement chacun d'eulx recev[ra] ... ouverture de ceste guerre, et dont sans la re[stitution] desdites prises, il luy seroit impossible les scavoir ... ne contenter qui luy estoit paine telle et sy g[rande qu'il est] impossible de plus. Parquoy il me prioit y vo[uloir] ... et y mectre tel ordre qu'il n'en peust advenyr i[nconvenient entre] noz subgectz, maiz que ce feust, de sorte que [le vaisseau] qui estoit pris, leur feust entyerement rendu et ... qu'il feust deffendu de cy apres n'en faire au[cune prise] sur les subgectz dudit Empereur; aumoins que le ... contenuz en l'article de l'intimation de la guer[re] ... passez et accompliz, voulant que durant iceulx ... du privilleige et saufconduict contenu en icelle. | |
"Mons. de Bayonne, vous m'avez fait plaisir ... voulente de mondit sieur le Legat mon bo[n amy] ... jusques audit Sandouych pour les ... s respondre a ce que dessus * * * ... [vous] verrez que besoing sera ... e avant l'intimation de ladite gu[erre] ... t en la coste de Bretaigne, Picardye ... ement derrenierement dans l'entree de la r ... [plu]sicurs navyres et autres vaisseaulx de mes su[bgectz] ... [ma]rchandises et iceulx menez et arrestez aux portz ... [d]udit Empereur, ou ilz sont encores de present, par navyre ... guerre; et qui sont encores, a ce que j'ay este adverty en ... floctans le long de la dite coste, endommaigeans mes sub[gectz] ... ilz les peuent prendre et rencontrer, comme ennemys ont ... de faire les ungs sur les autres, de sorte que l'on peu[t dire] que le dommaige qu'ilz ont jusques icy fait sur mesditz s[ubgectz] se monte a une merveilleuse et grosse somme, qui rem ... totalle perte et destruction de plusieurs bons, groz et riche[s] ... de mondit royaume, lesquelz, sans leurs donner moyen de se ... et faire le semblable sur les subgectz dudit Empereur, s[eront] contrainctz de mandier leur vie et de venir jusques a ... querir. Toutesfoiz, affin que les subgectz dudit Roy [mon bon] frere et perpetuel allye congnoissent l'amytie, seurete et ... que je luy porte et ce que je vouldroye faire a l'instance [et] requeste de mondit sieur le Legat mon bon amy, qui si fort ... vous fait pryer et requerir de vouloir donner ordre au faic[t] desdites prises et a les faire relascher et delivrer pour appaiser les plainctes qui luy en sont pardela faictes a cause des dommai[ges] et pertes qu'ilz disent y recevoir, vous luy pourrez sur cela ... [dire] et remonstrer que ayant eu vosdites lettres, jay incontine[nt] ... par tous les portz de ma subgection, tant de Gui[enne ci de] Picardye que Normandye, et mande a mes ... de mer que les * * * ... er en aucune maniere que ce ... intencion, et affin que la ... suit egalle delivrance du coste de d... avoir este pris de mes subgectz pour le a ... seray et suis trescontent, pour l'envye que j[e] ... dit est, a la requeste de mondit sieur le Leg[at] ... ce faire oblyer en quelque chose l'interest ... qu'il commecte et deppute quatre telz pers[onnaiges] ... envoyer pardeca, lesquelz je feray accompaigner [vers les] costes; c'est assavoir, l'ung en Normandye, et le[s autres en] Bretaigne et Picardye, et la je leur feray mectre [entre] leurs mains toutes lesdites marchandises qui auro[nt este prises] et arrestees par mes subgectz sur les Flaman[ds, subgectz] de l'Empereur, a celle fin de les leur rendre et [restituer a] ung mesme temps et a l'heure qu'ilz vouldront faire [le semblable] de leur coste, comme la raison le veult et requie[rt parce qu'ils ont] este les premiers qui ont commance, et de cela ... arrester a la seurete et fiance que j'ay vueil p ... sieur le Legat mon bon amy et a tout ce qui viendra ... davantaige faire deffense a tous mes admyraul[x] ... et autres cappitaines de mer estans en ma subgection ... par cy apres durant le terme qui sera advise ... j'ay escript par Castillon comme vous aurez peu ve[oir] ... assaillyr ny offendre aucuns navyres estrangie[rs] ... s'ilz ne sont assaillez les premiers, forcez et [contrainctz de se] deffendre. Parquoy je vous prye luy vouloir [dire de ma part] et faire entendre la raison en laquelle ... je me condescendz et soubzmectz ... contenter, et au tant en f ... * * * ... mes propres subgectz, de ... scavoir peu de gre a mondit sieur ... seul cause de ainsy le me faire ... eust este tres mal aise l'accorder de ... r les raisons, mesmement que j'ay cydevant ... [t]outesfoiz en ce qui touchera le bien, prouffict [et avantage] des subgectz dudit Roy mon bon frere et perpetuel [allye] pour la bonne et seure amytie et intelligence d'entre [nous] je ne suis pour jamaiz avoir moindre regard maiz plus [grant] que aux myens propres, et de cela le pourrez vous h ... asseurer, vous priant davantaige incontinent me faire ... si ce qu'ilz auront depuis veu qui m'est venu par le h ... retourne d'Espaigne que je vous ay envoye par ledit ... et la sorte de quoy il a este respondu a ceste intim[ation] ... aura point este occasyon de leur faire changer les v ... dela et comment tout aura este pris ensemble de ... responce qui vous sera faicte sur le tout; et ce pend[ant] je depescheray Morecte qui est ce soir arryve. Lequ[el] portera, comme je vous ay derrenierement escript, ma re[sponce] sur toutes choses, affin de la povoir debactre de del[iberer] avec vous selon les memoires et instructions qui luy en seront baillez." St. Germain en Laye, le penultime jour de Fevrier. Signed. | |
Mutilated. Add. | |
[28 Feb.] Calig. D. x. 142. B. M. |
3977. [FRANCIS I. to CLEMENT VII.] (fn. 7) |
* * * "nous estoient propres et ne fa ... prosperite que du nostre, et pour ce que par venerab[les] ... Docteurs Stephanus et Foucques (Fox) qu'il envoye ses ambas[sadeurs] ... entendu qu'il a a obtenir et impetrer d'icelle choses de ... visceralement le touchent, nous vous supplions, tr[essainct P ere] ... et tant comme faire povons, que vers notre dit bon frere [et allye le] roy d'Angleterre, vostre tant devot fils, et si tresaffect ... user de vostre humanite grace et liberalite speciale singulier ... car nous pensons le dit seigneur Roy nostre bon frere ... observance et affection cordialle qu'il a tousjours demonstree ... avoir merite envers elle, privilege singulier special, et plus la ... et pour la grande et intime amour que luy portons, nous vous [prions de luy] complaire en toutes ses justes requestes, et ne luy donner occasion [de se malcontenter] ne retirer de l'amytie commune qui seroit, comme scavez prejudier et don-... et estat de vostre dite Sainctete et tous les confederez comme inestimable vo ... tressainct Pere, que de la faveur, humanite, courtoisye et gracieusete dont ... nostre dit meilleur frere et perpetuel allye, nous en tiendrons plus estro[ict et] oblige que si nous l'avions receu en personne. Ausurplus, tres[sainct pere, vous] congnoissez la disposition du temps, telle quelle est, et entendez ... l'eslcu Empereur, et ambition immense de la monarchye, la guerre est ... par toute la Chrestiente, tellement qu'il n'y a lieu de seur acces pour as[sembler un] concille general, et si sont les partialitez et divisions si tresgrand[es en toutes] parts que a peine se pourroit faire acte universel ou il y eust vraye et ... A ceste cause, tressainct Pere, vous vous resouldrez s'il vous plaist qu ... Chrestiente n'y auroit ordre de faire celebrer pour le present, et durant ces g ... universal, en quoy vous tiendrez la main et aurez regard a ver ... la temerite de ceulx qui se sont efforces ruyner et deprimer la dig[nite de la Sainte] Siege et de toute l'Eglise, vous offrant y tenir la main et employer ... jusques a la derniere goutte de nostre sang, comme vray fils a ... Et a tant, tressainct Pere, nous supplions et requerons ... vostre dit Sainctete, Il vueille longuement maintenir pret ... ent de nostre mere, Sainte Eglise" * * | |
Mutilated. | |
Calig. D. x. 273. B. M. |
3978. [FRANCIS I. to CLEMENT VII.] |
"[Tres]sainct Pere, encores que nous soions to[ujours asseure de] l'affection et bonne volonte que vous portez [au Roy] nostre tres cher et tres aime frere cousin et perpetuel [allye] que par tant de foiz nous ayons fait entendre a ... le desir que nous avons de veoir mectre fin ... lequel il a naguieres envoye ses ambassadeurs ... icelle sa Sainctete qui n'est moindre que s'il estoit ... de nostre propre fait. Toutesfoiz, envoyant [nostre dit] bon frere et perpetuel allye de rechef pardela [les porteurs] de cestes pour les causes que par eulx elle pourra s[cavoir,] nous ne les avons voullu laisser venir pardeve[rs vostre dite] Sainctete, sans encores une bonne foiz suppl[ier] icelle vostre dite Sainctete leur voulloir donner la me[illeur, plus] briefve et plus prompte expedition de leur dit aff[aire que possible] vous sera, asseurant bien vostre dite Sainctete que ... que nous aurons a toute telle gratitude (?) et pla[isir comme] c'estait pour nostre propre personne. Nes ... moins le bien et honneur du Roy nostre dit b[on frere] ... nostre mesmes, comme nous croyons ... que vostre dite Sainctete entend mieulx que n ... este, ce qui nous gardera vous en ... le Createur" * * * | |
Copy, mutilated. | |
28 Feb. Vit. B. x. 80*. B. M. |
The King writes to him about the affairs of the king of England. Asks the Pope to grant his request. St. Germain en Laye, 28 Feb. | |
Copy, Fr., p. 1. | |
28 Feb. Vit. B. x. 81. B. M. |
3980. FRANCIS I. to LAUTREC. |
Writes to the Pope in favor of the king of England in his cause. Encloses a copy of his letter. Desires him to urge the Pope to grant his request. St. Germain en Laye, 28 Feb. 1527. | |
Copy, Fr., p. 1. Endd. | |
28 Feb. Vit. B. x. 81** B. M. |
To the same effect. St. Germain en Laye, 28 Feb. | |
Copy, Fr., p. 1. Endd. | |
28 Feb. Vesp. C. IV. 333. B. M. |
3982. CHARLES V. |
News received at Bayonne, 28 Feb., from the Emperor's Court. | |
The Emperor left Burgos last Saturday to go to Madrid, to hold a Cortes, and with him the Empress and the Prince, whom he wishes to have sworn. The ambassadors are at Posa, waiting the coming of the Imperial ambassadors from France and England. The Emperor has commanded the English ambassador to retire to Posa with the rest. The Emperor has ordained that the French princes shall be kept in the castle of Segovia. All their servants are taken away, except one dwarf, and Orleans's tutor. All the rest will go to Villapendo. This is creating a great outcry throughout Castile. There is a great report that the king of France has been very sick; and the Queen, hearing that the French princes had been thus treated, has fallen melancholy, and retired to a monastery. The Emperor sent her the archbishops of Toledo and of Saragossa to bring her back, but without avail, until the Emperor went and fetched her. The Emperor has sent a letter, signed with his own hand, to the constable of Castile, commanding him to put away from the French princes all their French attendants. The Constable did nothing all that day; but when they were gone to bed he showed the servants the Emperor's orders. He has appointed the countess of Haro and other persons of honor in their place. The Princes are very well. | |
The Emperor has sent notice of his defiance to all the towns, and has ordered processions and prayers to be made in the Church for the safety of the State. All French, Venetians, &c. are ordered to depart, and all of them who are married and are domiciled contribute a sum of money. He is trying to sell his patrimony. Soldiers are ordered to be in readiness everywhere, and especially at Barcelona new gallies are ordered. On the 20th, a gentleman was despatched to France, named De la Taillera. Details of the orders given to different parts of Spain and Flanders to prepare for the invasion. A courier, named Gaspar le Breton, has brought various despatches. Dom Martin de Bellasco is appointed captain general in Navarre, with orders to discover what preparations are made in France. Machin de la Renterye is vice-admiral of Guipuscoa and Biscay; he will build eight galleys, like those of sieur Jehan de Luces, and arm eight great ships of 100 tons, to protect the harbors. It is said that 60 well armed ships have left these two provinces to go against the ports of France and Brittany. | |
Fr., pp. 6. Endd. | |
28 Feb. Er. Ep. p. 1062. |
3983. ERASMUS to MORE. |
Has received great consolation from the King's letter, inviting him to England. Things are now in such a state that he must look out for a grave where he may rest after death in quiet, since that is not possible in this life. The heresy of the Anabaptists is more widely diffused than any one suspects. Quirinus, who is going to England, will tell him all. (fn. 8) Begs More will explain to the King the feelings of Erasmus. Basle, 28 Feb. 1528. | |
Lat. | |
28 Feb. P. S. b. |
3984. PRIORY OF USKE, Llandaff dioc. |
Petition of the Sub-prioress for a congé d'élire on the resignation of the Prioress, Joan Harryman, from old age. 28 Feb. 1527. | |
29 Feb. Cal. E. I. 80. B. M. |
Has received his letters, and communicated the contents to the King, who has at considerable length talked of this affair with his ambassador. He desires to conform to Wolsey's wishes, "non se voullant arrester aux tors et griefs." Neither he nor any of his subjects interposed in this matter touching the Princes; it is entirely an invention of the Emperor. Has given his answer to the Master of the Rolls, as the Cardinal may perhaps have been informed. Mons. de Bayonne will tell him more. St. Germain en Laye, last day of Feb. | |
Fr., mutilated, p. 1. Add.: "Mons. le Cardinal d'Yorth, chancellier et legat d'Angleterre." | |
R. O. | 3986. [HENRY VIII. to LOUISA OF SAVOY.] |
Is sending Sir John Wallop, a gentleman of his privy chamber, to visit his good brother, and her, with congratulations on the recovery of his health. Not Signed. | |
Fr., p. 1. | |
29 Feb. R. O. St. P. VII. 57. |
Arrived on the 27th at Poissy, where all the ambassadors are lodged a league from court. Was desired to visit the King next morning, when he presented Henry's letter, and congratulated Francis on his recovery. He thanked Henry for sending him one of his privy chamber, which he took as a great favor, and said he was well amended, and able to go abroad. However, I had much trouble to understand him, as he had lost most of his upper teeth. Needs not write of Italian and Spanish affairs; of which the Master of the Rolls and Dr. Stevyns have informed him. Awaits the King's pleasure, "and for mine instructions, which the French king hath sent your Highness by Chatillon." Poissy, the last day of February. Signed. | |
Add. Endd. | |
29 Feb. Cal. D. X. 187. B. M. |
3988. _ to the DEPUTY OF CALAIS (WINGFIELD). |
Have received a letter from him, dated the ... of this present month of Feb. 1527." | |
Are detaining some ships (n[avires]), arrested at their town: "Car nous ne sommes pas ceulx que vouldriesme ... faire telle choses de cy tres grande et ... mais bien est il vray et veritable que le c ... de ceste ville de Neufport pour auchun j ... il aura aultre charge de par son maistre ... bien nostre gre. Esperons toutesvoyes qu ... seront elargez a leur france liberte ... Neuport in Flanders, ult. [Feb.] 1527." | |
Hol., Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Add.: [Au] noble et puissant Monsieur, le Depute de [son ma]istre Roy d'Engleterre, a Calays. | |
Feb. R. T. 137. R. O. |
3989. HENRY VIII. to the DOGE OF VENICE. |
On the capture of the Pope last year, the cities of Ravenna and Cervia, together with a great load of salt and other goods of the Church, came into the hands of the Venetians. The Venetian ambassador in England, being asked about it, said that the Signory had only taken the custody of them, to prevent their falling into the hands of the Emperor, till the Pope should be at liberty again. As it is now nearly three months since he was liberated, Henry strongly urges the Signory to make restitution. | |
Lat., pp. 2. | |
Feb. Love Letters, XIV. |
The bearer and his fellow are dispatched with as many things to compass our matter and bring it to pass as wit could imagine; which being accomplished by their diligence, I trust you and I will shortly have our desired end. This would be more to my heart's ease and quietness of my mind than anything in the world. I assure you no time shall be lost, for ultra posse non est esse. "Keep him not too long with you, but desire him, for your sake, to make the more speed; for the sooner we shall have word from him, the sooner shall our matter come to pass. And thus, upon trust of your short repair to London, I make an end of my letter, mine own sweetheart. Written with the hand of him which desireth as much to be yours as you do to have him." | |
Hol. | |
Feb./GRANTS. | 3991. GRANTS in FEBRUARY 1528. |
3. Commissions of Gaol Delivery. | |
Midland Circuit: Sir Humph. Conyngesby, Rob. Norwiche, John Jenour. | |
Oxford Circuit: Sir John Porte, Sir Wm. Rudhale, Tho. Brudenell. | |
Western Circuit: Sir John Fitzjames, Wm. Shelley, Rob. Dacres. | |
Westm., 3 Feb.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 1d. | |
4. Richard and Stephen Cussheman, and Thomas Kent, all of Mylkchouse, in the parish of Cranebroke, Kent, clothmakers. Pardon for having broken into the close of Richard Paching, at Cranebroke, and killed Thomas Pachyng. Del. Westm., 4 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—Pat. p. 2, m. 23. | |
5. John Lynesey, one of the six clerks of Chancery. Grant, in tail male, of the reversion of the manor of Walkehamstowe Frauncs, als. Lowehall, Essex, parcel of the lands of Anne late countess of Warwick, which was leased for the term of 21 years by patent, 14 May 12 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m.10, to John Jenyns; to hold at the annual rent of 15l. 8s. Del. Westm., 5 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 26. | |
5. David Appowell. Licence to import wine and woad. Del. Westm., 5 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. | |
6. Sir Wm. Kyngston and Anthony his son. Reversion of the manors of Upton Snodesbury and Wykeburnell, with appurtenances in Bryght-Hampton, Broughton, Pepylton and Parshore, Worc., formerly of Francis Lord Lovell, granted to Giles Grevell by patent, 4 Dec. 23 Hen. VII., for 31 years, at the yearly rent of 40 marks, which Ric. Blounte, deceased, lately received; on surrender of patent, 11 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII., granting the same to Sir William alone. Also grant of the said rent from Blounte's death. Del. Westm., 6 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. | |
6. Somerset: Simon White and John Andrewe. Commission to make inquisition concerning the lands and heir of Richard Harvy, deceased. Westm., 6 Feb.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m.19d. | |
8. Wm. Dawe and Barth. Flammank, yeomen of the Chamber. Grant of a messuage and land in Hele, by Lampford, near Lostwithiell, Cornw., which came to the Crown in 2 Hen. VI. because John Wilcot, the King's native of the manor of Restormell, died without issue; also of the moiety of 27 messuages and land in Tresussamour, Tresussavyan, Trevidell, Kerrewer, Bosconwell, Bosconvey, Tregorrek, St. Anstell, and Lepthorum, Cornw., late of Eliz., one of the ds. and hs. of Rob. Tresilian, and which came to the hands of Edw. IV. by reason of Elizabeth's idiotcy; also of two gardens in Tregony, late of Sir Henry Bodrigan, attainted of high treason; the whole being worth 62s. 10d. yearly, as appears in the account of Sir Peter Eggecombe, feodary of the duchy of Cornwall; to hold in survivorship, according to the customs of the customary tenants of Restormell. Greenwich, 1 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Feb.—P.S. | |
8. Sir Anth. Browne, knight of the Body, and Alice his wife. Grant of the lordship of Stewton, Linc., with appurtenances, partly leased by Jo. Henage, and partly by John Jacson; also the manors of Newhall and Coppenhall, Cheshire, and Egylton, Rutland. Del. Westm., 8 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m.14._Vacated on surrender 22 June 22 Hen. VIII. | |
9. Bernardine Bossa or Buzza, of London, corseweaver. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Rob. Wingfield. Del. Westm., 9 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. | |
10. Sir William Kyngeston, knt. of the Body, and George Baynham "unus appositorum Regis, ad mensam." Grant, in survivorship, of the office of constable of the castle of St. Briavel, in Dene forest, Glouc., with the usual fees payable out of the issues of the said forest and of the lordship of Newlond. Del. Westm., 10 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m.13. | |
10. John Smyth, remembrancer of the Treasury of the Exchequer. Wardship of John, son and heir of Tho. Deny. Del. Westm., 10 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 6. | |
10. John Nosett, alias Baptist, chaplain, a native of Picardy. Denization. Westm., 10 Feb.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 2, ms. 4 and 27. | |
12. Rob. Buste, chaplain. To have a chantry in the manor of Eltham, Kent, with the chantry-priest's house, vice Ric. Store, deceased. Greenwich, 7 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Feb.—P.S. | |
12. Devon: John Ford, Alexander Wode, John Hext and John Pomerey. Commission to make inquisition concerning the lands and heirs of Brian Travers, John Bere of Wodemanston, and Margt. Hille, widow, deceased. Westm., 12 Feb.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m.19d. | |
12. To Thos. Chafyn of Salisbury, merchant. Pardon of all payments of gold coined in England, and delivery of plate, &c. to aliens, contrary to the statute 4 Hen. VII. Del. Westm., 12 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m.13. | |
12. Richd. Swyfte of London. Pardon for having killed John Apharry. Del. Westm., 12 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 7. | |
12. Thomas Bysseley alias Blewmantell pursuivant. To be York herald, with 20 marks a year. Del. Westm., 12 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 9. | |
12. Geo. Nevile lord Bergevenny. Wardship of George ap Harry, s. and h. of Thos. ap Harry of Puston, with custody of the manor of Monyngton Stradell, and of the moiety of the manor of Eton Tregose. Del. Westm., 12 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. | |
12. Justices of Assize. | |
Midland Circuit: John Jenour, with Sir Humph. Conyngesby and Rob. Norwich. 12 Feb.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m.12 d. | |
12. Commission of Sewers. | |
Cornw.: John bp. of Exeter, Sir John Arundell, John Chamond, John Arundell of Trerise, John Carmynowe, Wm. Godolghan, Wm. Loure, Wm. Carnsuyowe, Hen. Trecarell, Nich. Carmynowe; for the water of Tamer and marshes adjoining, from Corgrewyn to Bainham in the parish of Lawhitton, Cornw. 12 Feb.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m.13d. | |
13. Ric. Bolokard of Sengylton, Sussex. Pardon for having, with John Goff, killed Thomas Stanerden. Del. Westm., 13 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m.13. | |
13. Northern Circuit: James Fox, Anthony Fitzherbert, and Richard Lyster. Association as justices of assize. Westm., 13 Feb.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 8d. | |
15. John Burchier, lord Berners. Grant of the manors of Okeham, Effyngham, Chepstede and Waldingham (Surrey), 3 messuages, 1,000 acres of land called Porteley, Upwode, Halyngbury and Gaters in Caterham; 4s. 6d. annual rent in the manor of Tittesey, Surrey; 8l. annual rent out of the issue of "Derby londe in Etenbrigge" [Edenbridge] in the parish of Westerham, Kent; and the manors of Stratton Awdeley, Oxon, Knok, Wilts, and Upclapforde, Hants. Del. Westm., 15 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m.18. | |
16. Henry marquis of Exeter. Livery of lands as s. and h. of Wm. Courteney, earl of Devon (son of Edward earl of Devon), and lady Katharine his wife; and as kinsman and heir of Tho. Courteney earl of Devon, son of Tho. Courteney earl of Devon. Del. Westm., 16 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. | |
16. John Broke, of London, clothier. Custody of lands in James-feld at the Spoute, Middx., which belonged to Steph. Chese, deceased, and were appropriated without licence by the abbot of Westminster, and the master of St. James'. Del. Westm., 16 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—A Treasurer's fiat for letters patent. Signed by Norfolk. Add. to the Chancellor. | |
17. Austin prior of Butley. Licence to acquire lands, &c. to the annual value of 10 marks. Del. Westm., 17 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 26. | |
20. Wm. Holwey and Thos. Lofte, late of Hankerton, Wilts. Pardon for robbing John Daves of a pair of black breeches and 2 buckskins, value 5s., and 40s. in money in a purse, value 4d. Del. Westm., 20 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. | |
20. Maurice Birchinsha, clk. Presentation to the rectory of Flamstede, Linc. dioc., vacant by resignation of Jo. Davenport. Del. Westm., 20 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII. | |
23. Sir John Bruggs, of Coberley. Grant, in reversion, of the office of steward of the lordship, &c. of Beesley (Glouc.), on the death of Katharine, queen consort, who granted him the same during her lifetime (on surrender of the premises by Sir William Blounte lord Mountjoy, her great chamberlain) by patent 10 Jan. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 9. | |
26. Ric. Roscarrok and Isabella his wife, and Margaret Trevenour. Livery of lands, &c. to the said Richard, Isabella, and Margaret, who is sister and heir of Wm. Trevenour, deceased, son and heir of Ric. Trevenour, deceased; the said Richard and William having been tenants of the duchies of Exeter and Cornwall. This livery is for all lands of the said Richard Trevenour and William, or which came to the King's hands on death of Joan, wife of Richard Courteney, late wife of the said Richard Trevenour, or on the death of Isabella, wife of Hugh Chauntrell, late wife of John Trevenour, elder brother of the said Richard, &c. Del. Westm., 26 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—Pat. p. 2, m. 6. | |
26. Wm. Kechyn of Calais, late of Benyngton, Surr., yeoman. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Rob. Wingfield. Windsor, 26 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—P.S. | |
26. Tho. Whyte. Livery of lands as s. and h. of Rob. Whyte, of Southwarmborowe, Hants. Del. Westm., 26 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. | |
27. Henry Norreys, squire of the Body, and Hector Assheley. Grant, in survivorship, of the office of keeper of the site of the manor of Hunnesdon, Herts, and some other neighboring possessions.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2. | |
28. Doctor Wm. Knight, the King's secretary, Sir John Russell, and Gamaliel Clifton. To have the advowson of the first canonry and prebend which shall be void in the church of SS. Mary and George, in Windsor Castle. Del. Westm., 28 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 21. | |
28. William Knyght, Richard Wolman, and William Benet, LL.D. Advowson of the first canonry and prebend void in the collegiate chapel of St. Stephen's, Westminster. Del. Westm., 28 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 21. |