Henry VIII: March 1528, 1-5

Pages 1774-1784

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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February 1528

1 March.
Titus, B. I. 309. B. M. St. P. I. 281.
3992. CLERK to WOLSEY.
On Friday last, the King, at his second mass, called lord Rochford, the treasurer, and me, into his travers, and communicated to us divers things concerning the charge of count Carpi's servant, and other matters contained in the writings now sent. He is glad to hear of the Pope's good will, and the bad estate of the Emperor's affairs in Italy; and hopes that, by the advance of Lautrec to Naples, the Emperor shall repent of the war. He takes the Emperor's proclamation of war as he should, and says, if he must go to war, he will do it substantially. He spoke much of the Emperor's bragging letter to the Romans, and willed me to read it, and send it back to you. He thinks that as the Emperor calls himself king of Germany, and attributes his glory to the Romans, it were well if Wallop divulged it in Germany.
The men of Rye have written of a prize taken in their haven by Frenchmen. Rochford, the treasurer, and I, have written on this subject to you. An ambassador (Patrick Sinclair) has come from Scotland, and had a communication with the King. The King has said nothing about it, but only of the coming of the Spanish ambassador. Windsor, Sunday, 1 March.
Pp. 3. Add. Endd.
1 March.
R. O. St. P. I. 282.
The King has written to the mayor of Rye, touching the demeanor of the Frenchmen, with which he is not pleased, and requests you will communicate with the French ambassador, that no such attempt be repeated. He says they might as well take a Fleming upon the land as in any of his havens. Windsor, 1 March.
P.S.—This Sunday, after dinner, the King showed us that the Emperor's ambassador had fresh letters from Spain. If he has any letters since the proclamation of the war, he is to come here on Tuesday or Wednesday. If they are of an older date, he is to communicate them to Wolsey. Signed.
Add. Endd.: 1 March 1527.
R. O. 3994. JOHN DU BELLAY, Bishop of Bayonne, to WOLSEY.
Hears that he has sent persons to the place of the late battle between the Spaniards and the French, to find out the truth. The Spaniards have despatched several persons to falsify the reports, in which they will spare neither money nor trouble. Advises him to write to D. de Guillefort to examine the matter, and also to the mayor of Rye.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.: Illmo, &c., Cardinali Ebor. S. D. N. de latere Legato, ac Angliæ cancellario dignissimo. Endd.
1 March.
R. O.
Is anxious at not having received any answer either touching Tadeo, the messenger whom he sent to Wolsey, or touching the Pope's opinion, of which he wrote by three posts. Fears Wolsey is displeased that he has not accomplished anything in the King's affair. The Pope thinks that he can do nothing till he obtains an answer from Wolsey on the above points. Has spoken with Campeggio to get him to come to England, which he will be glad to do if he have an opportunity. Has pressed it again upon him since the Imperialists left Rome, and will continue to urge it.
The Imperialists attempted to take some castles on their way to Naples, but lost some good men. Lautrec goes on slowly, because the Viceroy is on the confines of the Abruzzi with 4,000 foot. He intends to draw nearer Naples, and send a force from there to take possession of Apulia; which ought to be the easier, as the army of the League should be there by this time. Many think he should have pushed on more actively, but he is not a man to hazard anything, and he is sure of Abruzzi and Apulia, from which two regions come all the supplies of the kingdom of Naples, whence within a few days he can easily raise 300,000 crowns. The Imperialists, on the other hand, will be compelled to destroy Capua, Gaeta and Naples, as they have done many cities of Lombardy, and if a fleet be sent thither they will be in extreme want of provisions. Langeais has gone lately to the French king to procure one. Cardinal Colonna has gone to the army of the Imperialists, and will be made leader or governor of Naples. The cardinals Orsini and De Cesis, who were given as hostages to Colonna, have returned free. The Pope is not going to leave Orvieto, though the court suffers from a scarcity of everything. Lautrec urges him to declare in favor of the League. This proposal has been debated in a Consistory of Cardinals, and it has been determined to do nothing till an answer is received from the bishop of Pistoja. When Casale is well, he will do all he can to get him to help the League. Orvieto, 1 March 1528. Signed.
Lat., pp. 4. Add. Endd.
1 March.
R. O.
3996. NEWS from ITALY.
Wrote to him several letters on the "viii. cal." Nothing has since occurred that much concerns you or the republic. Letters came from the French camp on the 7th calends, when Lautrec was thinking of advancing from Chieti on Lanciano and Nocera. He intends to intercept the revenues of Apulia, and draw nearer Naples. Trusts that the French will be a match for the enemy, seeing that they are both stronger in numbers, and have a more skilful leader. Can hardly write without indignation of the way the Venetians abuse the patience of these kings, in taking towns from the Pope, who risked his head for their preservation, and refusing to restore them, even at the intercession of this King and Wolsey, to whom they are so much bound. Laden with the spoils of the Church, they cheat the Pope, even before the eyes of the French king, and despise the warnings of the King and Wolsey. You must urge the Cardinal to show his zeal again for the Church in this matter, as he did formerly against France and against the Emperor. The fear which the French pretend of driving the Venetians over to the Emperor by insisting on the restitution of those cities is absurd; they will not risk everything for the sake of Ravenna and Cervia. The dilatoriness of France has encouraged them to dissemble with the Pope, and no one knows better than you how much he is grieved with it.
Lat., pp. 2. Headed: la Martii. Endd.: Nova de rebus Italicis die prima Januarij 1528.
1 March.
R. O.
Encloses a letter received from John Copildike, showing how Sir Chr. Willoughby had entered the manor of Eresby. A great part of the evidences touching the young lady Willoughby's inheritance remain in the said manor place. It would be much to her prejudice if they came to Sir Christopher's hands. Has informed Master Paulet, that the rights of the King's ward may be saved. Thanks Wolsey for his favor to the bearer, a servant of Suffolk and the French queen, for his advancement to marriage. Westacre, 1 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd. Sealed.
* The two leaves of this letter were found apart.
1 March.
R. O.
The dean of Lincoln has received his letters;—will visit him, and bring the King's patent for the hospital of St. Leonard's, York, and surrender it. He alleges it is of the clear value of 43l., for which he desires an equivalent. If the Dean can have a prebend of 36l. in Salisbury which Wolsey named unto him, and some other in the North, he will make the surrender without delay. "And in his accomplishing your gracious desire I trust your Grace shall be as well content with that promotion of the valor for my master as any that he hays." Lincoln, 1 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: My lord legate de latore (sic) and cardinal. Endd.
1 March.
R. O. Foxe, v. App.
3999. JOHN FLOOKE (fn. 1) to DR. COTTISFORD.
By means of "Mr. Wilkins alia[s] Chapman, of Bristol, father-in-law to Master Cole, one of your proctors," Gararde was taken at Bedminster last night. He was brought before a justice of the peace, confessed that he was a fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, and had broken out of your chamber. He has been committed to the gaol at Ilchester. On Monday, 9 March, there will be a sessions. Such wait was privily laid for him that he could not escape. As he was leaving Bristol he was captured. He is now in a courtier's coat and a buttoned cap. Requests that thanks may be sent to the mayor and aldermen for their zeal in this matter. Signed: Joh'es Flooke, vicarius ecclesiæ parochialis Omnium Sanctorum, Bristoll.
Headed: Bristolliæ, raptim primo die Marcii post vesperas.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the, &c. Doctor Cottisford, commissary of Oxon, and rector of Lincoln College.
1 March.
Er. Ep. p. 1062.
The nobility of her birth, her exalted rank, and her marriage with a most prosperous sovereign, are as nothing in contributing to her happiness, compared with her Majesty's gifts. It is most rare to find a lady, born and brought up at Court, placing all her hopes and solace in devotion and the reading of Scripture. Would that others, widows at all events, would take an example from her, and not widows only, but unmarried ladies, by devoting themselves to the service of Christ ! He is a solid rock, the spouse of all pious souls, and nearer to each than the nearest tie. The soul that is devoted to this husband is not less grateful in adversity than in prosperity. He knows what is expedient for all, and is often more propitious when He changes the sweet for bitter. Every one must take up their cross; there is no entrance into heavenly glory without it. These are blessings which none can take away. Hopes the book which he has dedicated to her Majesty will receive her favorable attention. Basle, 1 March 1528.
1 March.
R. O.
1. Grant by Wolsey, bishop of Durham, to the dean and canons "aforesaid," of the manors of Norton, Northt., and Barnes in Brenchesley and Begham, Kent, with a pension from the rector of Bodyngton, and lands in Norton and Preston, Northt.; Begham, Brenchesley, Yaldyng, Fauntz, and Bawdewyns, Kent; and all the lands in those counties granted by the King to Wolsey by patent 4 March 17 Hen. VIII. (fn. 2)
Lat., draft, the latter part in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 3. Endd. by Cromwell: "A gift from my Lord of the lands omitted upon the patent made by the general warrant."
P. S. 2. For Thomas cardinal of York.
Grant of the site and precincts of the late monasteries of Bradwell, Bucks, and Horkislegh Parva, Essex. Also of lands, &c., in Bradwell, Wolverton, Ellesburge and Padburie, Bucks; Norton, Northt.; Barnes-in-Brenchesley and Begham, Kent; Bodesham, Camb.; Stokesby-in-Rydham, Norf.; Bodington, Northt.; Loughton, Shenley, Thorneborough, Stonystratforde, Stoke and Ellingburge, Bucks; Billing Magna, Northampton, Wikyn, Preston and Norton, Northt.; Crymplesham and Clare, Norf.; Houndesworth, Staff.; Yalding, Fauntz and Bawdewyns, Kent; lately belonging to the said monastery of Bradwell, and to those of Sandewell, Staff., Daventrie, Northt., Liesnes and Tonbridge, Kent, and Begham, Sussex. Also of lands, &c., in Horkisley Parva, Boxstede, Horkisley Magna, Wyston, Wormyngforde, Fordham, Ardeley and Okle, Essex, lately belonging to the said monastery of Horkisley Parva. Greenwich, 27 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 March.
R. O. 3. Grant by Wolsey to John Higden, dean, and to the canons of his college at Oxford, of his manors of Bradwell, Bucks; Norton, Northt.; Barnes in Brenchesley and Begham, Kent; Bodesham, Cambridgesh.; annuities of 8l. from Stokesbye in Rydham, Norf.; 26s. 8d. from the rector of Bodyngton, Northt.; messuages, &c. in Bradwell, Wolverton, Padbury, Loughton, Shenley, Thorneborough, Stony Stratford, Stoke, and Ellesburge, Bucks; Billyng Magna, Wykyn, Preston and Norton, Northt.; Bodesham, Camb.; Rydham, Stokesbye; Crymplesham and Clare, Norf.; Houndesworth, Staff.; and Begham, Brynchesley, Yalding, Fauntz and Baudewyns, Kent; granted to him by patent 1 March 19 Hen. VIII.
Draft, Lat., pp. 5. Endd.
2 March.
R. O. St. P. I. 186.
Being informed by the Emperor's ambassador that the charge he had received through a servant of the lady Margaret relates to matters before the intimation, Wolsey gave him audience this afternoon. The Emperor, to avoid war, had offered to give the King hostages like those given for Tournay, for the delivery of the French king's children on such conditions as should be arranged. Though the King has declared war against the Emperor, the latter says he will make no war against England, as he sees no reason for hostility; that he will do anything to satisfy Henry in the matter of his debts; and that he is sending a gentleman to Henry by sea, whose arrival the ambassador hourly expects. Although he pretends that these things were dispatched before the intimation, Wolsey can see that means may be devised for a peace, which will be much to Henry's honor. Will repair to Hampton Court on Wednesday, and be with the King on Thursday to confer upon the matter. Westminster, 2 March. Signed.
2 March.
R. O.
According to Wolsey's instructions, having met within 12 leagues of Lyons a gentleman of the French king's privy chamber, who had letters from Sir Rich. (Rob.) Jerningham for the King and Wolsey, we asked him to deliver them, and read those directed to you. Tomorrow we hope to be at Lyons, and will go on with all diligence to the Pope. Bishop Staphilæus told us he would be at Lyons on Thursday next. We left him yesterday at Naverre, 45 leagues from Lyons. Rowen, 2 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
3 March.
R. O. Ellis. 3 Ser. II. 77.
Thanks him for the dispensation for the use of meats necessary for his health. Since he wrote last about Oxford, has had fresh information about the corruption of youth by Mr. Garrett, and the erroneous books he brought thither, which it is thought came from a bookseller in London, named Goughe, and there is a priced list in his hand. Many books were found hid under the earth. The chief companions of Garrett in this business were Mr. Clarke, Mr. Freer, Sir Fryth, Sir Dyott, and Ant. Delabere; and it appears by Garrett's writing that Dr. Farman, of Hony Lane, has had books from him, and his servant, John Goodale, has often brought books from London to Garrett. If taken, he might disclose many things about Garrett. Fears he has corrupted the monastery of Reading, for he has sold to the Prior more than 60 such books. Advises him to apprehend Gough and Goodale, and to call before him some of the principals. The others, who are young and penitent, can be treated by the Dean, Mr. Claymond, Dr. London, and the president of Magdalen College, according to Wolsey's commission. Would ride thither himself, if he were in health. Prays God to extinguish those abominable errors. It is necessary that the prior of Reading should be attended to. Holborn, 3 March. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: To my lord Legate his good grace. Endd.
3 March.
R. O. Ellis, 3 Ser. II. 131.
Excuses his non-attendance upon Wolsey. Mr. Carre and Mr. Browne are absent, and there is none here but Norres and himself to attend the King in his bedchamber, or keep the pallet. Every afternoon when the weather is fair the King rides out hawking, or walks in the Park, not returning till late in the evening. Today, as the King was going to dinner, Mrs. Aun spoke to Hennege, saying she was afraid Wolsey had forgotten her, as he sent her no token with Forest;—she thought that was the reason he did not come to her. Hennege told her that his message was of such importance that Wolsey had forgotten to send a token. Was requested by my Lady her mother to give her a morsel of tunny; she said she had spoken to Forest to as Wolsey for it. Requests Wolsey to help his brother the archdeacon of Oxford to obtain some part of his goods taken from him "by that lewd person which is in sanctuary at Bewdley." Has sent the King a report touching that person's demeanor by Mr. Crofts and Mr. Gryvile, and showing what they have done in the matter.
Tonight the King sent him down with a dish to Mistress Ann (Boleyn) for her supper. She caused Hennege to sup with her, and wished she had some good meat from Wolsey, as carps, shrimps or other. "I beseech your Grace, pardon me that I am so bold to write unto your Grace hereof; it is the conceit and mind of a woman." Was ordered by the King to bid Forest remain here all night. Expects he will be dispatched in the morning. Windsor, 3 March. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: "To my Lord's Grace." Endd.: "A letter of Thomas Henege, 3 March 1527."
4 March.
[Cal. E. I. II.?] I. 162. B. M.
In favor of Pascal Spinol, a Genoese merchant, who complains of the arrest by the king of England of a quantity of alum. Begs he will see justice done. St. Germain en Laye, 4 March. Signed.
Fr., mutilated, p. 1. Add.: "A Mons. le Cardinal d'Yorlt mon bon amy."
4 March.
R. O. Pocock, I. 83.
Arrived here last night on our way from Paris. Are making arrangements with our friends here for our further progress. Intend to leave tomorrow for Jeanes (Genoa), and go on by sea to Luke, and so to Florence, which is within three days journey of Orvieti; so that we trust to be with the Pope in nine days. The prothonotary Gambara follows us in post, and bishop Staphileus will be here tomorrow. He promised to follow with all speed, and seemed only afraid all things should be sped without him. Lyons, 4 March. Signed by Gardiner, for himself and Fox.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
4 March.
Galba, B. IX. 49. B. M.
Arrived at Calais on Wednesday, 19 Feb. Spent Thursday night at Nyeuport, where the bailly presented him with wine. Dined next day at Bruges, where Mons. de Malyngham, "Scoutes" of the town, came to his lodging, and gave him eight pots of wine. He asked certain questions, and said that the English were well and honestly treated. After dinner rode 15 m. to Ecclu, and slept there. About midnight, word was brought that all the English whom he had met between Bruges and Gravelinges were arrested, and their goods. Next day, Saturday, came to Antwerp. Sent for Hacket to Zealand, but the messenger was prevented from crossing by the wind. On account of this, and because the people of the country said plainly he had come for defiance, went to the court at Malynes, on Wednesday the 25th, and told Hoghstrate of his coming. Was sent for by my Lady. Went to her at 4 o'clock, and presented her with the King's letters. She welcomed him, and, congratulating the King on his good health, said that the King in his letter touched toward war, saying that the Emperor had chosen war, although all his letters to her are to the contrary, and express his intention to refuse it unless he were compelled; that here they would do the uttermost they could for peace; and finally she desired him to return to his lodging, as the letter required deliberation. Said the King did not wish for war, unless compelled, and that the reason of his coming was to know, if the intimation of war were really passed, which the King still believed to be true, whether the intercourse here shall be kept for six weeks, as accorded by the King and Emperor. She answered that she hoped no such thing would happen. There were in presence, the card. of Liege, the lord of Palerme, lords Hoghstrate, Buren, Fiennes, and others. On Thursday, as Hacket had not come, delivered a copy of his letter to the Council; but as my Lady was ill at ease, they would not then deliver it to her. Went thither again in the afternoon. She asked for a copy of the articles; which he refused, but read them to her. Hacket arrived on Friday. Malynes, 4 March 1527.
Hol., pp. 3.
4 March.
Galba, B. IX. 46. B. M.
Wrote last on Feb. 14, by Thos. Lee, merchant of the Staple. On the 26th received a letter from Windsor, being in Zelland, to see about his wife's lands, and to remove his household stuff to the Court, which he intends to follow from time to time. On receiving Windsor's letter, returned to Court on the 28th. Windsor brought him Wolsey's letter, and said he had delivered the King's letter, and a copy of Hacket's, in French, to lady Margaret, and had showed her the articles.
Sent immediately to Hoghstrate to ask him to inform my Lady of his coming. John de Leschault soon after came to tell him that my Lady had sent for the lord of Barrow, and on his coming she would also send for him. The said Lord arrived, Feb. 28. Went with Windsor to my Lady, there being present the cardinal of Liege, the lords of Palerme, Barrow, Fyennes, Hoghstrate, Buren, Brabanson, and others. The copy of Hacket's letter had not been delivered to her, and as it contained matters of importance the Council wished to deliberate upon it; and Hacket and Windsor returned.
The next day, about 7 p.m., Leschault came to say that the letters had been again read, and answer should be given on the 2nd. Were called to the Council on the 3rd. Hogstrate said that, as they had complained that English merchants and ships were arrested and ill treated, my Lady had sent to all the ports and towns to bid them abide in the arrest, and treat the English honorably; that she does not intend to have war, or any intimation thereof, unless the country is constrained corps deffendant; that the restraint is only to know how the Emperor's subjects are treated in England. Though we say that the restraint in England is released, and that many Flemish ships are come home, they say that they know by Spaniards that all the Spanish ships are still arrested; and as they are all under one master, they can do no less than restrain English ships here, for the King's subjects will be treated here as the Emperor's are there. Asked for the despatch of Windsor, but they said that as the matter was important, it would be five or six days before he would be dispatched. Fears that it will be longer, for they go softly to work. Malynes, 4 March 1527. Signed.
Pp. 4.
4 March.
Galba, B. IX.
B. M.
Since writing to Wolsey, dined with the cardinal of Liege and other lords. Heard divers things said about war and peace between them and England. They said they would prefer the latter, but, if war were necessary, would defend themselves on all sides. My Lady has given him a passport for his letters to come and go. If Tuke does not send the man back, he can keep the passport, for Hacket has paid for it. Though they did not wish to take money for it, would not be beholden to them for such a small matter. My lord of Palermo, having sent for him, said that my Lady wishes to preserve peace, and will send ambassadors to the King, and detains Windsor that he may go with them. She wishes Hacket to write to Wolsey for a safe-conduct for them. Machlyng, 4 March 1527.
Has been sent for to the Council. Palermo and Hoghstrate desire him to write to Wolsey for a safe-conduct for the provost of Cassell and John de Lassault with twelve or fifteen persons. Sends, therefore, another letter to Wolsey. Windsor will stay till he knows Wolsey's pleasure.
Hol., pp. 2.
4 March.
R. O.
After obtaining a passport for the bearer, was sent for to Court, and desired by my lord of Palermo and Hoghstrate to write for a safe-conduct for the provost of Cassel and John Leschault, going to England to make answer to the King's letter brought by Windsor, whom they will not allow to return except with them. Till the safe-conduct comes, the ambassadors will lie on the frontiers of Flanders. The Council have also sent the enclosed letter to the Emperor's ambassador in England, of which Hackett knows not the contents. They readily granted the passport for the sending of these letters from me and Windsor, trusting that we would write nothing but what was honorable. Stephen Solempne, a servant of lady Margaret's, who was in England on Monday last, has brought some news,—God knows what; but Hoghstrate says the Emperor's ambassador in England is badly used, being so straitly kept that none can speak with him alone. Some of the Council also say that the English ships would have been released this day, and Windsor despatched four or five days after, but for a letter which arrived this morning, sent by the King to Buren, and dated 14 Feb., stating that the King and the Emperor were at utter war. Malines, 4 March 1527. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
4 March.
R. O.
Thanks him for his letter of 28 Feb., ordering, among other things, that the wheat at Colchester should be sold to the inhabitants. According to the King's commission last week, when on his journey to Walsingham, Norfolk appointed divers gentlemen of Suffolk to meet him here today about the prices of corn. Sends a letter from Sir Robert Drewry, showing how divers lewd persons of Bury meant to have made an unlawful assembly. He has committed the offenders to Bury gaol, and made a searching inquiry to find if others were implicated; for which Norfolk thinks he deserves thanks. Advises that a letter be directed to Sir Robert and Thomas Jermy, understeward of the franchise of Bury, to convey them to the King, as their punishment there would deter others more than here,—unless they can be lawfully put to death, which Sir Robert thinks they cannot, as they did no act. Wolsey will remember that my lord of Suffolk imprisoned divers persons at Norwich for like offences; "and for my part, in Suffolk, I have caused some, on the market days, to be set openly in the stocks, some on the fair days on the pillory, some kept in prison in Yepswyche and in mine own house, and after banished them the country; and yet all this can be no warning to the light ill-disposed persons." Thinks some more fearful punishment necessary. Wishes to know Wolsey's pleasure in time to put it into execution before his departure to London on Monday or Tuesday next. On Sunday is to have with him a number of the most substantial clothiers of Suffolk, whom he must "handle with good words, that the cloth-making be not suddenly laid down," in consequence of a rumor from London that English merchants are detained in Flanders. Hexon, 4 March.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: To my lord Legate. Endd.
R. O. 2. Persons examined by Sir Rob. Drury.
John Davy of Bury, thacker, said before the wife of one Cage and others, at dinner, on Saturday the last day of February, that the Monday following would be moonlight all night, and on Tuesday there would be 200 or 300 good poor fellows together who would have a living, "and he that had most should have least, peradventure." He induced his servant John to be of the company, telling him that all the poor men in all the streets in Bury were of mind so to do, except those of Northgatestrete. Davy confessed, before the abbot of Bury, Drury and others, that one Rob. Andrew, a smith in Bury, agreed to join him; and both Davy and Andrew acknowledged they had arranged to go up to the King and my lord Cardinal with as many as they could assemble, and beseech a remedy for the living of poor men. Two pinners, accused by Andrew, acknowledged that they had agreed to join them. Signed by Drury.
P. 1.
Sends the three men whom he committed to ward for their seditious language, mentioned in his writing sent to Wolsey by Norfolk. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate.
4 March.
Calig. B. II.
B. M.
i. "Copy of a letter sent from the lord Dacres to the earl of Angus." Had sent him a letter from Wolsey and one from himself. At his meeting yesterday with lord Maxwell, for redress of the burning of Netherby, could get no determinate answer. Is surprised angus did not send some one to the meeting to force Maxwell to redress. Received a demand touching the burning of Hollhouse. Sends him the correspondence. Will not meet Maxwell any more. Naward, 4 March. [N.B.—Before the day of the month Nos. xxvj. and v. are struck through with the pen.]
P. 1. The heading in Dacre's hand.
Ib., 378. ii. (1.) "Copy of a bill yeven in to the wardens of the Marches upon the party of England," against William and Peter Moffett, Andrew Litell, George Scott, and John Armestrang, for coming to Netherby.
(2.) Lord Maxwell's answer that at the same time lord Dacre and Sir Chr. Dacre made an inroad into Cannonby, and burnt "the Hole house."
(3.) "Copy of the bill given in by lord Maxwell on the part of Scotland. John Armestrang, of Stabilgate, complains against the Dacres for the same
(4.) Dacre's answer that the Holl house is not in Scotland, but in the Debateable Ground.
P. 1.
4 March.
R. O.
Need not write to him at length, as George Hampton can report everything about Master Dean (Wynter). His hopes have been disappointed, his fears more than justified. The Dean's goodwill to himself, however, is even more than he expected, and no one could be more inclined to probity, humanity, and letters. Saw even greater symptoms than he expected of his good disposition (probæ indolis), but in other things he was disappointed with the whole house, which was not furnished sufficiently either with wine or wood, and he was spending money at a great rate. A large part of the year's allowance which Wolsey made to Lupset has been consumed beforehand, and Wolsey must not be surprised if he petition him one day for an increase. Has determined in his own mind the course of life and studies to be pursued with his pupil when he is strong enough, but has not made a beginning hitherto, both because he has been but so short a time here, and because it is the holiday season in which, at Paris especially, people indulge in jokes and antics. Moreover, the agreeable presence of Stephen [Gardiner] and Fox has given him other duties. Paris, 4 non. Martii.
Hol., Lat., pp. 2. Add.
5 March.
Otho. E. XI.
B. M.
4016. SIR JOHN JERNEGAN and others to [WOLSEY].
[According to his] letters ... "in London the 27th day of February," [have arrested a ship?] laden with grain, which chanced to come into Leystoft Rode, "some being str[angers, and some] Englishmen." They have cockets of the customer of Lynn, to colour their subtle imagination. Yet we have made restraint [of the] last coming ships, as we did of the first. Send a breviate of the cockets, and names of the persons so privily conveying themselves. Have spoken to the bailiffs and customers at Yarmouth to make restraint of carriage of corn, malt, and grain, and made them send to Blakeney, Wynston, and other places in Norfolk, for execution of the premises. Cannot stow away the corn and malt contained in the first ships as [Wolsey] commands; all Leystoft has not room to receive it. Many of the ships are so deep they cannot enter Yarmouth Haven, while in the Road they are liable to injury. Laystoft, in Suffolk, 5 March. Signed: John Jernegan—John Harvy—Robert Hoddes—John Botolff.
P.S.—Since writing have seen Mr. Brian, customer of Yarmouth, who says that a pursuivant was with him this morning to command all sails, both English and foreign, to be taken, and all corn found in the ships to be left till the King's pleasure be known. If Wolsey will send orders for the building up of the Blockhouse at Laystoft, it will go the better forward.
Pp. 2, badly mutilated.
5 March.
R. O. Foxe, v. App.
The wicked man, Master Garrot, who escaped from Oxford, is now taken, as Wolsey will see by the letters enclosed, and is in Ilchester prison, the common gaol of Somersetshire. The commissary of Oxford has made great search, "and did set for his taking Dover, Rye, Winchelsea, Hampton, Chester, and Bristowe." He was at Bedminster, a mile from Bristol, the last day of Feb. Advises Wolsey to order his examination as soon as possible, as he has many adherents, who may thus be discovered. Now that he is recaptured, thinks his escape was fortunate, as so much has been discovered by the search for him. Master Freer was taken yesterday at the Black Friars, London, immediately after Wolsey's departure. Garrott, Clerke, and Freer have done much mischief; "for the love of God let them be handled there-after." Fears they have infected many other parts of England. Begs he will remember the prior of Reading. Hopes now, while Wolsey is at Windsor, he will send a chaplain to put the prior in custody, and search for his books, in whose hands they be. Wolsey might find out, "many infectuous persons" from the parson of Honey Lane and his servant Goodale, by keeping them in custody for a while. Holborn, 5 March. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd.
5 March.
Galba, B. IX.
B. M.
Ellis, 3 Ser.
II. 80. (fn. 3)
All Englishmen, with their ships and goods, are arrested here, because the Emperor's ambassadors and divers ships were arrested in England. The bearer, Jochem Howstetter, of Osboroughe, one of the richest merchants in this land, and a great importer of wheat to London, goes expressly to obtain Wolsey's favor in certain affairs. He has very great power in the court and in Almain, and if Wolsey wishes anything done here, there is no person so able to bring it about. He has also taken great pains to help Gresham and other Englishmen, and obtained a safe-conduct for him and his two brethren, who are here arrested. It will not help them, as they were arrested before it was granted, and he has to come to the court and prove that he had it before his arrest; which done, he trusts to be at liberty. Neweporte, 5 March xvcxx ...
Hol., p. 1. Add.: [To my] lord Cardinal's [good] grace. Endd.


  • 1. Misprinted "Fooke" in Foxe.
  • 2. No patent to Wolsey of this date appears upon the rolls.
  • 3. Wrongly dated by Ellis.