Henry VIII: December 1523, 21-31

Pages 1514-1532

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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December 1523

21 Dec.
R. O.
3657. LONDON.
The verdict of the inquest of wardmote in the ward of Bradstret, held on the feast of St. Thomas, 15 Hen. VIII., before Henry Warley, alderman; the presentments made by Roger Wright, Robt. Lyce (signs Lesse), Thos. Crumwell, Stephen Humbyll, Geo. Wyng, Thos. Bend, Thos. Dethyk, Cuthbert Bertram, John Web, Nic. Myllys, Robt. Wellys, John Hall and John Blakelok.
Presentments.—Parishes of St. Mildred and Wolchirche. The pents before St. Mildred's Church dangerous to passers; defective pavement before Hanckokk's and Bonyfant's doors; a noisome goose house in Scalding Alley; and Ric. Bradshawe, for scolding and fighting.—St. Christopher. Defective pavement before the church; a defective cellar door; Three Nunnys Alley lacks a "draught;" and John Pyrson, a freeman, for refusing to take office when elected to it.—St. Bartylmew's. Defective pavement before Sir Gylys Capell's, St. Bartholomew's Church, John Campuche's place, &c.; dangerous cellar doors and "pentyses."—St. Benet Fynk. The Cage is very noisome and odible, and a well "dampned" thereby; a noisome and dangerous draught in Thos. Howell's house; defective pavement before St. Anthony's church, &c.; and Wm. Delke, for threatening certain persons of the inquest.—St. Martyn's. The rerydosts in Charterhouse Rents, and a hay loft under them, dangerous for fire; defective pavement before the Tailors' almshouse, and a noisome gutter through it.—St. Peter the Pore. Defective pavements before the prior of St. Elyn's rents; John St. John, Spaniard, for misbehavior and evil conversation.—St. Margaret's. Pavements; reredosts in Thrum's Alley dangerous for fire; draughts noisome and dangerous, as a child was lately drowned there; Andrew Forest, glover, a Scot, a common barator, and his wife a common scold.—All Hallows in the Wall. Defective pavement before Ball Alley; chimneys and reredosts dangerous in the small tenantries of Nich. Jenyn; defective pavement before Clifford's door, belonging to St. Peter's Church in Cornhill; also from Bishopsgate to the grate towards Moregate, belonging to the chamber of London, the grate lacking bars, and posts and rails for carts and riders; defective pavement before the Freres Augustynes' wall, Cokkes Renttes and the Leathersellers' Hall; the tenements belonging to the Tylers' Hall very noisome for lack of draughts; Spencer's wife, Harrison's wife, and Badcoke's wife for scolding. Signed by Crumwell, Lesse, Webbe, Myllys, Hall, Dethick and Humbull.
Corrected draft, partly in Cromwell's hand. Pp. 6. Endd.: The boke of the wardemote.
22 Dec.
Add. MS. 15,387. f. 98. B. M. St. P. VI. 220.
Though many rejoice at his election, none have more reason to do so than Wolsey, who has received such frequent evidences of the Pope's favor. Is now in the greatest hopes that the affairs of Christendom will be brought to a safe conclusion. From my house in London, 22 Dec. 1523.
Copy, Lat., pp. 6.
R. O. St
. P. VI. 221.
Has received their letters,—Oct.,_, and 19 Nov., of their success, and the appointment of De Medici as Pope. The King and Wolsey have sent letters congratulatory at once herewith, of which copies are enclosed. They are to express to the Pope the joy felt by the writers at his election, especially by Wolsey; "having the same person Pope whom I, above all spiritual persons living, have in mine heart most love and been most affectionate unto." Great things are expected of the Pope in the present troubles of Christendom, and he may count on the King's effectual support. Gives an account of the proceedings of the English army in France, its successes, the King's original proposal that it should winter there, and his abandonment of that design in consequence of the weather, and the conduct of the lanceknights under count Felix. Bourbon also has passed towards Spain, and could not join; and there was such default of payment of the Burgundians that it was agreed to disband the army till the spring of next year.
They are to desire the Pope's sympathy for the King's efforts in repressing the ambition of France, and show him the grounds of it, and their hopes of success. The King is anxious to know what aid he may expect from the Pope, in consideration of the great sacrifices he has thus made for the good of Christendom. They shall ascertain the disposition of the Venetians and the duke of Milan; which done, Pace and Hannibal may return home, passing by the Duke in the way. If the Pope is anxious to establish peace, no way is so effectual as to press the French; and for this purpose they shall desire his Holiness to urge the duke of Bourbon to repair to England.
(fn. 1) Although in the beginning of this letter it was mentioned that the King, without waiting for any intimation of the Pope's election, "doth send now his letters congratulatories as is aforesaid, yet nevertheless I advertise you, to be kept unto yourself, that I have received in convenient diligence, at several times, not only your letters of the 3rd day of December, but also of the 18th of the same." By the first of these the King and he were glad to find that the Pope was so well inclined to the Emperor, resolving to second his efforts, whether he inclined to peace or war; but in the last he appears to be somewhat changed, and to show too strong an inclination to the French. They shall urge on the Pope the ingratitude of abandoning the Emperor and the King's cause, and the danger which he would incur if the French were prosperous in Italy. He would then become no better than the French king's chaplain; Lutheranism would be encouraged in Germany, and spread so far in France, Spain and Italy "that the dignity of Christ's church might thereby be in brief time suppressed, and had in small estimation." They shall intimate the intentions of the King and Emperor of sending Bourbon with such assistance as shall "percase as much or more abash the French king than if the King's grace and the Emperor invaded France in their own persons." For this reason, letters have been sent to lady Margaret, desiring her to call a general council, to know what they will contribute in this behalf. The Pope should consider these things, if he desires the peace and unity of Christendom. They are to send with diligence, that the King may know what answer is to be made to Melchior, the Pope's messenger.
Draft, slightly corrected by Sampson. Headed by Tuke: Copy of my lord Legate's letters sent to the King's ambassadors at Rome upon knowledge of the Pope's election.
Vit. B. V. 240.
B. M.
2. Modern copy of the above.
22 Dec.
Galba, B. VIII. 98. B. M.
Has consulted with the archduchess of Anstria upon the affairs of the king of Denmark, and among other things, where the diet is to be. As prince Ferdinand is at Nuremberg, where the princes of Germany are to assemble, and among others the duke of Saxony and marquis of Brandenburg, electors and allies of the king of Denmark, we think it would be advisable that the king of England should send his ambassador to that King, who might learn on his coming if the diet is to be at Nuremberg or elsewhere; for Hannart will write from Nuremberg to the king of Denmark what place is appointed by the princes. Will leave this on the 26th, and be at Nuremberg in 20 days. Expects that the princes will prefer that place after they have once met there; in which case the English ambassador ought not to delay, for he will take a month to get there. The Lubeckers have got no agent here with my Lady. The secretary who was lately here in their name has left, and nothing can be treated with them in the way he stated to Wolsey. Mechlin, 22 Dec. 1523. Signed.
Lat., pp. 3. Add. and endd.
*The two leaves of this letter are separated ƒ. 96. should follow ƒ. 98.
22 Dec.
Vit. B. V. 239. B. M.
Has had no answer to his letters asking for orders about the charge he has here. Thinks his long tarrying will be more hurtful than profitable, because he has made a bruit that "that thing which I have in charge is returned with certain wines that is sent into Flanders," being put into the vessels with them. Spies are here daily from France to find out his intent. It is reported here that the French are coming over the mountains very poorly, so that some who went well horsed are returning very evil horsed, and some unhorsed. Some of the Swiss came back without passport, for which they were imprisoned; but at last 4,000 came back together, so that they were contented to release those in prison, and make no more punishments. 4,000 more are enrolled to serve the French king, and have each received a crown. They muster on the Wednesday before Christmas, and it is said will be sent to Italy.
All the Swiss would have come back, if it had not been for their captains, who receive pensions from Francis. They have been well paid all the time they were away. The horsemen have had no pay since they left France, at which they murmur marvellously. A procession was held at Salines, in Burgundy, on the 20th, as a thanksgiving for the Emperor's capture of Bayonne, which most people do not believe. Besançon, 22 Dec. Signed.
Pp. 2.
22 Dec.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 112. B. M.
In behalf of James Gibson, who has been a prisoner in Morpeth Castle since the last assizes at Newcastle. Never heard of any evil in him, but knows him as a just and honest poor man. If Dacre will set him at liberty, will be bound in 100l. for his appearance at the next sessions at Morpeth or Newcastle, or at any time on four days' warning. Durham, 22 Dec.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
24 Dec.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 138b. B. M.
3663. DACRE to ALBANY.
Has sent on the instructions for Surrey, brought by Carrick pursuivant, as the Earl was absent. Retains him till an answer arrive, which he daily expects. Desires him not to be displeased with the pursuivant, who is remaining against his will. Morpeth. 24 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII.
P. 1. Headed: Copie, &c.
26 Dec.
Vit B. V. 250. B. M.
After their many misfortunes, God has sent them a Pope who is devoted to their order, and will leave nothing undone to restore it. He has sent letters to Henry and other princes, to show his intentions in this matter. Begs Henry to protect the order in his dominions. Rome, 26 Dec. 1523. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
27 Dec.
Calig. B. I. 1. B. M. St. P. IV. 63.
3665. DACRE to [WOLSEY].
Informed Wolsey in his last of a message sent by Albany to my lord Treasurer by a Scotch pursuivant, whom he has detained till he should hear Wolsey's pleasure. Wonders he has not heard by this time, as it is more than fourteen days since. Albany was then ready to have left Scotland, his ships lying at Dunbarton, and his gear packed. He had arranged with the lords of Scotland for a council at Stirling, where he desired leave to go to France for five months, and requested that they would not make peace without comprehending France. The bishop of Aberdeen answered, in the name of the others, that they would give him no licence to pass; and if he left, he should have no more authority in Scotland, but must first deliver up the castles of Dunbar and Dumbarton, wherein he had put Frenchmen, with all the artillery of Scotland. Albany is very angry, and has put off his departure. He has returned to Edinburgh, and summoned a new council for the morrow of Twelfth Day. The French ambassador has departed with all the Frenchmen but fifty. Believes Albany is still hoping for leave to depart, as he keeps his ships at Dumbarton, "ready crossed for sailing." He has demanded of the Lords half the spirituality of Scotland to maintain the war.
On receipt of letters from my lord Treasurer, discharged a great portion of the garrison, in addition to the 500 foot which he had discharged previously, which will save upwards of 1,100l. a month; those that still remain will come to 500l. a month. Had only 2,000l., which would not have lasted till this day; even now it will not last till Candlemas. Has laid a watch along the Border, in case of an incursion of the Scots. Ric. Candish, who has charge of the King's ordnance, is captain of 100 gunners in Berwick, and is paid 4s. a day, like other captains; yet he wants five horsemen to wait upon him, as he had by my lord Lieutenant's warrant, which would make his entertainment come to 8s. 4d. a day, though he had only 18d. a day last year. Dacre had discharged his five horsemen, with the others; but Candish says, unless he have wages for them he will not remain. He presses Dacre for money for the repair of the ordnance, which Dacre told him he had not to give. Recommends that a clerk be sent down to take the accounts of Candish and Pawne. Candish has received 700l. or 800l., and has no one to check him. Pawne is "a marvellous substantial man; good forenoon, and worse afternoon; and his childer is reckless, and not so good as he hath been." If the King be not answered 10d. again for every 7d. laid out, all manner of charges deducted, his highness is deceived. Pawne has always sold his beer, bread and corn at a high price. Wolsey might direct a joint commission to Dacre, George Lawson and the clerk sent down.—Charges of the gunners of Berwick.—Sir Wm. Bulmer, who has charge of Norham, Sir Wm. Eure and the captain of Berwick, are gone, and have left the whole charge of the Borders to Dacre. Morpeth, 27 Dec. Signed.
Add. MS.
24,965. f. 139. B. M.
2. Copy of the above, in Dacre's letterbook.
27 Dec.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 140b B. M.
3666. ii. DACRE to SURREY.
Has written the news to Wolsey. Asks him to give his opinion to the Cardinal about the accounts of Candishe and Pawne, and the gunners in Berwick. The country is in marvellous good order, "and neither hurt by stouth nor reif." Tindale and Ridesdale have done no hurt since Surrey left. The prioress of Coldstream keeps her promise, though Sir Wm. Lisle and his retinue daily rob her. Has thrice commanded him not to meddle, but he does not mend. Wishes Surrey to write to him to that effect, or else authorise Dacre to commit him to ward. Morpeth, 27 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII.
P. 1. Headed: Copie, &c.
27 Dec.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 141. B. M. St. P. IV. 67.
3667. iii. DACRE to ALBANY.
Has just received Surrey's answer to Albany's overture for a universal peace. Sends it to him by Carrick pursuivant, who brought the overture, and whom he detained till the answer arrived. Dacre will do his best to promote the object. Morpeth, 27 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII.
Headed: Copy of a letter sent to the duke of Albany from the lord Dacre.
R. O. 2. Another copy of the preceding document
27 Dec.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 141b. B. M.
3668. iv. DACRE to WOLSEY.
"Copie of a calf sent to my lord Cardinal, inclosed within his lettre (concernyng Norham), bering date the 27 day of December afore wrettin."
When last with Wolsey, Dacre was authorised to collect the revenues of Norhamshire, and deliver them in his chancery at Durham for the repairs of Norham Castle. When about to collect them, Sir Wm. Bulmer, by means of my lord Treasurer, obtained permission from the Chancellor to collect them himself; and the said Chancellor forbade Dacre to meddle with them. Advises him, now that both Bulmer and the Chancellor are before him, to call for the rents; for they might well have been levied, as the tenants have not suffered from the Scots, and many of them have been in wages.
P. 1.
28 Dec.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 142. B. M.
This Childermas day Wm. Tomson came to him for 10l. for the King's farm of Newbegyeyng. Acknowledges it is due, but he has not been paid a fortnight's wages for himself and 20 of his 100 men, which amounts to 12l. and odd money, which he asks Dacre to settle.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the reyght onorabyll me lord Wardayn be theys delewaryd.
29 Dec.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 143b. B. M.
The lord Lieutenant at his departure ordered lord Ogle "to give forth his umpirage" between them on the one part, and the Horsleys on the other part, the umpirage to be tripartited, and sent to each party and to Surrey. Has sent them accordingly. Thought Clavering did not receive it thankfully, with a free will. Wishes to know whether they mean to keep their part of it, that he may inform Surrey and the Horsleys. Morpeth, 29 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII.
P. 1, copy.
Add. MS
24,965. f. 145. B. M.
Myles Forest's servant will occupy the tynd, unless Dacre commands the contrary, for he is so commanded of his master. Wishes to know his pleasure, for there is great loss "in the wayr corne." Ric. Belesse saw his grant for the tynd, and says he has found surety for the payment; and if ma[ster] Hogyll had made any labor in time, he might have had it. Mr. Cha[ncellor], Sir Wm. Bowmer, and Sir Thos. Tempest keep company together. Bowmer has got the captainship of Norham and Harbottle, Tempest the stewardship of Northallertonshire, and Belesse the bailiwick of Stockton and the coalpits confirmed, and is admitted my Lord's servant.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
30 Dec.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 146. B. M.
Is sorry he could not speak with him when he was in these parts. Asks him to speak in his behalf about the "teith" of Conycliff belonging to the abbey of St. Alban's, which lies well for supplying his house with wheat. Is in possession, through the good will and right of parson Bayns, who has the right of the tak thereof of the House of St. Alban's. Hears that the widow of John Banes, one of his tenants, intends to make suit for it to the Cardinal. Her husband occupied it through the sufferance of the said parson. Tells him to ask the Cardinal to make no grant till the right is known. Will pay this year's rent to the receiver of St. Alban's, and so yearly at the accustomed days. Morpeth, 30 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII.
P. 1. Headed: Copie, &c.
31 Dec.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 143. B. M.
Has received his letter by Wm. Thompson, the King's bailiff. Has nothing to do with the money due to the sheriff, and will not meddle therewith. His brother Sir Philip Dacre is sheriff, and he can look to it. Told him, when he was last with him, that he should retain from his wages 10l. 2s., which he had above his allowance last year as captain of Wark, because he left before his time was expired. Told him he would pay the wages, if he would be bound to bring a discharge for the said sum from Daunce before Whitsunday, but intends now to distrain on him for the 10l. 2s., and hold the wages for a check, as neither he nor the 20 men lay in the place appointed one night out of the fourteen, and were not there above two nights during all the time he was captain. Morpeth, 31 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII.
P. 1. Headed: Copie, &c.
31 Dec.
R. MS. 13 B. II. 318. B. M. Ep. Reg. Sc. I. 340.
The pressure of business induces him to resign the monastery of St. Thomas, Aberbrothock, which he holds in commendam, to his nephew, David Betoun, chancellor of Glasgow. Requests the Cardinal to procure it with a reservation of half the fruits of the monastery to himself, and bulls of "accessus et regressus per decessum;" also that in the disposition about to take place of the bishopric of Glasgow, he will reserve the rights of the primacy of St. Andrew's. Albany is sending David Betoun as ambassador to Rome. Edinburgh, 31 Dec. 1523.
R. MS.
3 B. II. 319. B. M. Ep. Reg. Sc. I. 342.
Credence for David Betoun, chancellor of Glasgow. Edinburgh.
31 Dec.
R. O.
3676. ALBANY to DACRE.
Has received his letter by the bearer. Thanks him for his good will. Reminds him of the talk they had together, and his promise to send a safeconduct. It shall not be Albany's fault if things do not tend to the comfort of Christendom. Begs him to keep things secret. Edinburgh, 31 Dec. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
Dec./GRANTS. 3677. GRANTS in DECEMBER 1523
1. John Harryson, captain of The Mary James. Protection for Charles Knyvet, of London; to serve in the war in his retinue. T., 1 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII.—P.S.b.
1. Rob. Hutton, captain of The Mare Kataryne. Protection for Th. Delyke, of London, carpenter; to serve in his retinue. T., 1 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII.—P.S.b.
1. Th. Kynnersley and Emot Stanley. Licence to found a perpetual chantry of one chaplain in the church of St. Mary, Uttexater, Staff., and to alienate to him lands of the annual value of 8 marks. Westm., 1 Dec.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 22.
1. Wm. Kent, of Gipwi[ch], Suff., alias of Norwich, mercer, alias chapman. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. T., Westm., 1 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
1. George Whitwham. Protection for Th. Teson; to be in his retinue in the war. T., 1 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII.—P.S.b.
7. Ric. Coo, captain of The Mihell off Deppe. Protection for Rob. Lute, of Estnamsteyd Cheyney, Bucks, miller, whom he has retained. T., 7 Dec. (year not stated).—P.S.b.
8. Ric. Coo, captain of The Mihell off Deppe. Protection for Henry Hatche, of Much Barkehamstede, Herts, weaver; to serve in his retinue. T., Westm., 8 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII.—P.S.b.
8. Wm. Knyvett, captain of The Great Spaniard, given by the Emperor to the King. Protection for John Raynold, of London, fishmonger; going in his retinue. Del. Westm., 8 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII.—P.S.b.
8. Wm. Wyse. Grant, in tail male, of the town of Chapel Isolde, co. Dublin, Ireland, and the tenement of Chapel Isolde in the said town, to hold by the service of one red rose annually. Sir Piers Butler, earl of Ormond, is now deputy of Ireland during the King's pleasure; which pleasure is revoked as far as the premises are concerned. Del. Westm., 8 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 20.
12. Commission of the Peace.—Northamptonshire. T. card. of York, Th. marquis of Dorset, Sir John Grey, Sir Ric. Wyngfeld, Sir Rob. Brudenell, Sir Humph. Conyngesby, Wm. Rudhale, Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam sen., Sir Wm. Gascoigne, Sir Th. Lucy, Th. Lovett, Ric. Burton, Geo. Kyrkham, John Hertwell, Th. Emson, Walt. Mauntell, Edw. Mountegewe, Edm. Knyghtley, Wm. Saunders, Rob. Chaunterell and Th. Brokesby.. Westm., 12 Dec.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10d.
12. Sir Fras. Bryan and Sir Wm. Compton. Grant, in survivorship, of the offices of constable of Warwyk castle, constable and steward of the lordship and borough of Warwyk, with a messuage there, called "le Stuardes Place;" keeper of the manor of Goodrest, with garden and waters, in Weggenok park, Warw., parker of the said park and master of the hunt therein; with herbage and pannage, and the fishery in the said park, at the annual rent of 10 marks, payable to the receivers of "Warwick's lands;" and fees out of the manors of Warwyk, Snytterfeld, Kyngton, Barkeswell, Moreton, Lyghtern, Weggenok, Claredon and Henley-Arderns, Warw.; as held by Sir Edward Belknap;—on surrender by Bryan of patent 20 June 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
12. Sir Wm. Compton. To be steward of the lordships of Claredon alias Claverdon, Lighterne, Moreton, Brayls, Barkeswell and Bereford, Warw.; bailiff and provost of the lordships of Moreton and Lighterne; keeper of the woods in the manors of Barkeswell, Claredon and Henley-in-Arderne; master of the hunts in the parks of Berkeswell, Henley-in-Arderne and Claredon; with fees out of the manors of Warwik, Snytterfeld, &c., as held by Sir Edward Belknap; on surrender of patent 10 July 13 Hen. VIII., by Sir Wm. Kyngeston. Del. Westm., 12 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
12. John Copynger, groom of the Wardrobe of Robes. To be keeper of the King's place called Brydewell, near London, with 4d. a day out of the revenues of the duchy of Cornwall. Del. Westm., 12 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 10.
14. Gilbert Mortemere, clk., rector of Widthrusdale church, Suff., native of Scotland. Denization. Del. Westm., 14 Dec. [15] Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 20.
15. Jasper Pen. Licence to import 300 tons of bay salt of France into the islands of Jernesey and Garnesey, and to export merchandise thence to France. Del. Hampton Court, 15 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Fr. m. 5.
17. Th. Dolling, gunner. To be gunner in the Tower of London, with 12d. a day, vice Philip Holmes, deceased. Westm., 17 Dec.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 12.
19. John Wolcote, of Exeter, Devon, son of John Wolcote, sen. Pardon for having stolen 55l. belonging to his father.—S.B. (undated). Westm., 19 Dec. Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 16.
19. Joan wife of John Wolcote, of Exeter, Devon, son of John Wolcote, sen. Pardon for having stolen 55l. belonging to the said John Wolcote, sen.—S.B. (undated). Westm., 19 Dec. Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 16.
20. Anth. Chabo, the King's surgeon, alias of London, surgeon. Protection for one year. Del. Hampton Court, 20 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 16.
23. Th. Englefild, the King's serjeant-at- law. Annuity of 100l. Del. Hampton Court, 23 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 16.
28. John Harryson, captain of The Marre James. Protection for Wm. Courtman, of London, brewer, whom he has retained. T., 28 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII—P.S.b.
29. Miles Wyllen, the King's chaplain. Presentation to the parish church of Guysnes, marches of Calais, Canterbury dioc., vice John Mynsterley, deceased. Del. Hampton Court, 29 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p.1, m. 16.
R. O. 3678. [WOLSEY] to my LORD [PRIOR OF ST. JOHN'S]. (fn. 2)
I have received your letter dated _, stating that you have granted the occupation of your house at Bridewell to Sir Thos. Nevell, and that your predecessor gave the custody thereof by letters under your chapter seal, for which reasons you could not comply with the King's request for dimission thereof to Sir John Fyneux, chief justice of the King's Bench, and John Roper. The King has redeemed the house they occupied for some buildings of his at Bridewell; and though it would be convenient for him to take in your mansion also to enlarge his buildings, he will not do so, because he wishes Fyneux and Roper to have a convenient house for the records in their keeping. He requests you to let them have the house for a certain time at a reasonable rent, out of which you can recompense the keeper. Sir Thos. Nevell has remitted all his interest in it to the King, and I advise you to comply without excuse or delay, according to the accompanying letters from the King.
Draft, in Tuke's hand, p. 1.
R. O. 3679. [WOLSEY] to the PRIOR OF ST. JOHN'S OF JERUSALEM in England.
I hear from Norroy, king-at-arms, that your house, lately occupied by Thos. Layeland, is now vacant, and I desire you to grant it to Norroy, under your chapter seal, for the same rent. I wish you also, at your next chapter, to grant him some preferment, according to the request made you "by the lord Master" when he was here lately, and considering that his brother, father and ancestors have been diligent servants to your religion. York Place beside Westminster, 10 Jan.
P. 1. Add.
Indenture between John Palsgrave, prebendary of St. Paul's, and Ric. Pynson, stationer, for the printing of 60 reams of paper at 6s. 8d. a ream. Pynson is to give six books to Palsgrave for the King and for his friends, and shall keep the rest at Palsgrave's disposal, but shall always have sufficient to sell, as shall be agreed upon between them. Palsgrave will obtain a privilege for three or four years.—day of _ 1523, 15 Hen. VIII.
ii. Another indenture for printing 750 copies of "Lesclarcissement de la lange Francoys," containing three sundry books, wherein is showed how the said tongue should be pronounced in reading and speaking, and also such grammatical rules as concern the perfection of the said tongue; with two vocabulists, one beginning with English nouns and verbs ex- pounded in French, and a general vocabulist containing all the words of the French tongue expounded in English." Pynson engages to print daily a sheet on both sides, and Palsgrave not to keep him waiting for copy.
Drafts, pp. 4.
R. O. 3681. JOHN PALSGRAVE, clerk, to WOLSEY, Chancellor.
Bill in Chancery, stating that seven years ago he was presented to the benefice of Ashfordby, Leic., on the death of Herry Wylcocks, doctor of law, late parson, by [William] Atwater, late bishop of Lincoln. Found the parsonage in ruins. The Bishop appointed indifferent persons to view the place, and ordered Wilcocks' executors to pay Palgrave 68l., of which he has only received 23l. 6s. 8d. John Wilcocks, the executor, refuses to pay the remainder.
Pp. 2. Headed: To the most reverend father in God, Thos. lord card., legate a latere, archbishop of York and chancellor.
ii. Draft of the above in Cromwell's hand.
R. O. 3682. LORD DARCY.
Money paid by the receiver general of the duchy of Lancaster to lord Darcy for his fees and annuities granted by the King out of the lordship of Pomfret and Knaresborough.
1 Hen. VIII., 66l. 13s. 4d. 2 Hen. VIII., 66l. 11s. 0½d. 3 Hen. VIII., 130l. 13s. 2d. 4 Hen. VIII., 122l. 19s. 8d. 5 Hen. VIII., 121l. 19s. 8d. 6 Hen. VIII., 122l. 19s. 8d. 7 Hen. VIII. to 14 Hen. VIII., 128l. 13s. a year. 15 Hen. VIII., 124l. 13s.
Pp. 6.
R. O. 3683. The LOAN.
"The names of the shires returned before the most reverend father, &c., into the Sterr Chamber of the first views and musters."
Dorset, Hereford, Rutland, Oxford, Worcester, Cheshire, Somerset, Bucks, Gloucester, Warwick and Coventry, Hertford, Bedford, Salop and Shrewsbury, Cornwall, Surrey, Southampton, Kent, Cambridge, Northampton, Middlesex, Suffolk, Berks, Hunts, Stafford, Lincoln, with the city, Wilts, Leicester, Norfolk, Essex.
Partly brought in.—Sussex, Derby.
Not brought in.—Notts, Yorks., Lancashire, Cumberland, Westmoreland, Northumberland.
Shires of which books of the loan are returned.—Somerset, Dorset, Berks, Notts, Oxford, Cornwall, Northampton, Bucks, Norfolk, Suffolk, Surrey, Essex, Wilts (partly).
Pp. 2.
R. O. 3684. SUFFOLK.
Certificate of Sir Ric. Wentworth, collector of the first loan in "the gyldedabyll and the franchesse of Seynt Adrye," of those who have not made payment of the sums granted by them.
Hundred of Blythyng.—Sir Arthur Hopton, 31l. 2s. 2d.; the executors of Rob. Dowsyng, 4l. Hundred of Lowes.—The executors of Wm. Gardener, of Herston, 3l. Hundred of Collnes.—The executors of dame Eliz. Caundyche, 40s.; Rob. Usherewod, of Fylstow, 40s. Hundred of Waynforth.—Wm. Wyllot, of Ryngysfeld, 40s.; John Lowes, of Berkelys, 48s.
Names of those who have not paid the last loan.
Hundred of Bosmer and Cleydon.—John Rawlyn, 8s.; John Armyard, 15s.; Rob. Sterling, 10s.; Rob. Roy, 10s.; Thos. Coke, 12s. Hundred of Stowe.—Rob. Wody, 13s. 4d.; Ric. Turmod, 13s. 4d.
Pp. 2. On the dorse is a note of a recognizance entered into by Thos. Brake, of Great Mongeham, Kent, 17 Feb. ao 15.
R. O. 3685. The LOAN.
Long Compton.
Wm. Osbaston, gent., value in goods, 20 mks. Wm. Alen. John Lancaster. Harry Chaplen. Nic. Taylor. Ric. Boller, value in goods, 12l., with a testren. John Boller, 6l. 13s. 4d. Ric. Boller, the elder, 10s. John Tasker, a bowman, nihil. Perse Hontt, 5l. Wm. Donfford, 40s. Wm. Smythe, a bowman, 40s. Chr. Ardon, a bill, 40s. Thos. Boller, 20s. Robt. Baker, 30s. John Tayler, 4l. Nic. Colman, nihil. John Hewes, a bow, 3l. John Franklen, a bow, 30s. Wm. Tayler, 6l. Ric. Parsons, 53s. 4d. Alys Cowper, 40s. Nic. Franklen, 40s. Thos. Deye, 4l. Thos. Robyus, a bill, 40s. Walter Pawmer, 40s. Omffrey Joyner, 6l. 13s. 4d. John Hontt, a bow, 4l. Ric. Deye, 20s. John Veffar, 30s. Wm. Tole, 40s. Wm. Collens, 3l. Jone Bollde, 20s. John Hontt the elder, 40s. Walter Ingram, 3l. Thos. Franklen, 30s. Robt. Franklen, 30s. Thos. Kerry, 6l. John Cowper, 3l. Thos. Robyus, a bill, 40s. Thos. Overton, a bill, 20s. Persse a Howzhton, 20s. John Haclen, 20s. John Taylor, 20s. Wm. Hontt, 5l. John Avys, 20s. Edw. Grey, a bill, 3l. Edm. Porter, 30s. Wm. Baker, 40s. Wm. Allyn, 30s.
Servants.—Laurence Waterford, a bill. John Browne. Thos. Taylor. Thos. Northyn. Wm. Hobyns. Geoffrey Howys. Wm. Pawmer. Sandor Bontyn, 30s.
Laborers.—Wm. Spysar. John Esex. John Porter. John Donfford. Ric. Hoclyn. Wm. Fox. Ric. Towynsynd. Robt. Boller, a bow. John Bodynton. Ric. Hontt. John Sheppard. John Heyre. Nic. Tayler.
Lords having lands in Long Compton, living in various places. My lord of Darby, 24l. Sir Wm. Compton, 19l. My lady of Stodley, 5l. 13s. 4d. yearly. The prior of Wrokston, 26s. 8d. yearly. John Hontt, 20s. The heirs of Mr. Kebull, in Weston, 26l. 13s. 4d. The "ellde" of Brayles(?), in Weston, 12s.
Pp. 2.
R. O. 3686. The LOAN.
Humfrey Lye, lands, yearly, 68s. 8d.; goods, 36l. 0s. 8d. John Nettyfold the elder, lands, 71s. 4d.; goods, 25l. 9s. 6d. John Stere of Dorkyng, lands, 73s.; goods, 17l. 4s. 2d. John Brystow, lands, 9l. 17s. 8d.; goods, 33l. 2s. 8d. Harry Torden, lands, 4l. 16s. 0½d. Ric. Wodman, lands, 46s. 8d.; goods, 12l. 15s. Chr. Rowghey, lands, 4l. 17s. 10d.; goods, 13l. 6s. 6d. John Netylfold the younger, lands, 31s. 4d.; goods, 17l. 14s. 8d. John Monke, lands, 20s.; goods, 18l. 6s. 4d. John Coke, lands, 56s. 5d.; goods, 14l. 5s. Chr. Bell, lands, 40s.; goods, 46s. 8d. Total, goods, 214l. 7s. 10d. Yearly value of lands, 38l. 18s. 11½d.
Pp. 2. Apparently imperfect. Endd.: Values of certain lands and goods.
R. O. 3687. The LOAN and MUSTERS.
"An abbreviate" of the books of views and musters brought into the Star Chamber.
Devon, brought in by divers men; 6 hundreds wanting, according to Sir Thos. Denys. Dorset, brought in by Wm. Uvedale. Heref., by Thos. Havard. Rutland, by Fras. Broun. Oxf., by Ric. Kightley. Wore., by John Broun. Cheshire, by Randolph Lloid. Somers., by John FitzJames. Bucks, by Sir Andrew Windsor. Cambridge. Gloucester, by Thos. Matson and Robt. Wye. Warwick and Coventry, by the lord Marquis. The Isle of Wight, by Jas. Worseley. Hertf., by John Abbott. Beds, by Sir John Mordant. Northampton. Salop, by Lewis Hangmer. Shrewsbury, by Thos. Cowper. Cornwall, by John Grenfeld, with the book of the loan. Surrey, by John Scott. Middx. Lincoln. Hants, by Mr. Pallett. Suffolk. Berks. The hundreds of Shrivenham, Farington, Lamborne, Wantege and Ganfeld, by Sir Wm. Essex and others. Reading and Thele, by Mr. Englefeld, serjeant-at-law. Hornemer, Oke, Moreton, Abington, Walingford, Stonnyng, Margrave, Cookham, Braye, Reading, Windsor and Okingham, by John Hall, in the name of Sir Thos. Fetiplace.
Kent.—Shamell, Wroteham, Hoo, Axton, Toltingtrow, Chetham and Gillingham, by my lord Cobham and others. Litlefeld, Watlingston and Bryncheley, by Sir Thos. Nevile. Twyford, by Robt. Ormeston. Blackheath, Bromley and Bekenham, Litle and Lesnes. Rokesle and the vill of Dartford, by John Bere. Blengate, Ringelowe, Westgate, Whitstaple, Brigge, Petham, Kinghamford, Dounhamford, Preston, Wingham, Estrye, Cornulo, Beansborough, Lonyngborowe, Stouting, the boroughs of Langport and Sesalte, Folkestone, Heane, Bircholt barony and franchise. Wye, Langport, Hamme, Newchurch, Worth, Alowesbridge, Strete, St. Martin, Bocton, Feversham, Tenham and Midleton, Coddesheth, Westraham, Somerden, Tunbridge, Brasted, Charte, Longbrige, Philborough, by John Corroll. Larkfield and Malling, by Ric. Lee and Edw. Culpeper. Maidestone, Calehill and Eyhorne, by Sir Hen. Guyldeforde.
Hunts.—Leightonston, by Thos. Hall. Towesland, by Ant. Malory. Hurstingstone and Normancrosse, by John Castell.
Staff.—Cutleston, by Sir John Gifford. Seysedon, by Mr. Fitzherbert, serjeant. Pirehill, by Thos. Moreton.
"Books of the loan.—Dorsetshire, Surrey, Berks, Notts, Oxf., Cornwall, Northampton, Norfolk, Suffolk."
Pp. 7.
R. O. 3688. The LOAN.
Acknowledgment by John lord Grey and Sir Thos. Lucy of 6l. received from Rynhold Hull, of Castle Assheby, Northamptonshire, as a loan to the King.
R. O.
Rym. XIII. 795.
Estimate of the monthly cost of the army with which Bourbon intends to invade France in the Emperor's name.
13,000 Almains, at 3 cr. 9,000 Spaniards, including doubles payes, payes et demye, and hackbut men, 27,000 cr. 12,000 light horse, 7,000 cr. 300 men-at-arms, 6,000 cr. Artillery and pioneers, 7,000 cr. For mons. de Bourbon, lieutenant general of the Emperor and the King, 3,000 cr. For the marquis of Pescara, capt. general of the army, 800 cr. For the sieur de Beaurains, capt. general of the light horse, 300 cr. For other "extraordinaires," 4,000 cr. For 3,000 Italians, 10,000 cr. No mention is made of the fleet or the ordinary Neapolitan troops.
Fr., p. 1. Endd.: Æstimatio expensarum pro continuatione exercitus ducis Borboniæ.
R. O. 3690. SHIPPING.
Moneys paid to Robert Brigandyne, and expended by him on the King's navy, 14 and 15 Hen. VIII., for materials, wages and provisions.
Pp. 98.
R. O. 3691. ORDNANCE.
"A remembrance necessary concerning the master of the King's ordnance, the clerk and yeoman, with other, to give [attendance on ?] the same in time of war, as well in the King's field as the vanward and rearward, for the good conduct and safe keeping of the same ordnance."
A wise, trusty and diligent man should be appointed master, and under him, as lieutenant, a gentleman expert in war, always ready to attend on the Marshal of the host for "beyng" of ways, and for taking the ground for the encampment at night. The master should also have under him a foreward captain and a petty captain to lead the "payvers" and laborers when roads and trenches have to be made. The lieutenant and captains must lodge near the master, and be ready at all times. Lately "simple persons" have been headmen or wardens, with seven or eight score laborers under them, more than they could call to do service. Such a person should not have more than 20 or 30, and should lodge near the captains, to be ready at all hours upon a great pain. Neither the master nor any other must admit any person into the King's wages for favor, except those who can do him service. All laborers should wear a mattock or a spade for a badge, and care must be taken that they "use no victuallings, whereby they should withdraw and absent them" from their work. The officers must be careful to keep them together. 400 is enough for the King's field, and the same for other wards. The master or his lieutenant should muster them every month before their wages are paid. The person who pays them "shall take no bribes past 1d. a man for that month." Has seen lately 36 or 40 horses drawing a great piece, as a bombarde, colbren or postell, and 60 or 80 laborers with ropes helping them. Thinks it best a bargain should be made with the_ (fn. 3) that have great horses, and with those of Flanders who have great mares. They will take charge of the great ordnance for 13s. 4d. a day; of cortalls, for 8s.; demy cortalls, or great serpentines, for 6s.; fawkens, for 2s. 6d.; faukenets, for 12d.; and haggebushes and orgeyns, for 10d. a piece;—which will save much money. As the King has many carts and harness, both for artillery and victuals, thinks provision should be made in divers parts of England, "so that every two men as carters with six horses may be taken to serve the King." Expects many will be glad to serve him with two men and six horses for 20d. or 22d. a day, for if the horses are taken by chances of war, the King bears the loss. Carters should wear for their badge a red cross, or "the token of a horse kome." The King's bowyer should have charge of all the bows, and give out none without warrant, except in time of need, in which case he must call for his discharge from the master of the ordnance as soon as possible. The King's fletcher, with six or eight under him, must likewise take charge of the arrows, the King allowing them hammers and other conveniences. All spears and morrispikes; stakes, lath stakes and caltrops; fighting bills, scythes, sickles and axes; shovels, spades and mattocks; gunpowder and touch powder; gunstones and pellets; bowstrings, cables and other ropes; cressets, candles, lanterns and maces; tallow, soap, plates, broad nails for carts, and plate for charging ladles, must be under the charge of clerks and yeomen. The chief clerk and yeomen must oversee them, the smiths, carpenters, &c., that they do not spend the King's stuff, or use the carts with victuals, &c. for their own profit. He must also be ready to ride for provision of necessaries. The master of the ordnance must see that the gunners are skilled before he admits them. The gunner and carter must attend to their piece by night and day, and lodge within 40 ft. of it. Each gunner should have with him 12 rounds of powder and shot. All who break orders must be sharply punished; "for an ye do no punishment, farewell good rule and good service." "Rote masters" should have only 20 gunners in their charge, instead of 100 or 150, as has lately been seen. The latter number is more than they can call forth, and many men neither knew their rote master, nor were known by him. Many men will do as much service in this capacity for 12d. a day as others have done for 4s. Each rote master must appear with his men at the monthly muster, and should not meddle with the payment of their wages, which should be paid by some trusty person, "and that he take not of their wages past 1d. for that month." The powder should not be all in one place, for fear of accident, and no fires should be allowed near the ordnance. The master should appoint a man to keep those committed to ward for small faults, as lack of attendance, disobedience and unlawful games; who shall charge no more than 2d. for his fees.
Paper roll. Endd.: "A remembrance concerning the ordnance." "Elys Hylton."
Circular reminding them that many noble men and inheritors have died within this year and a little before, many of them holding from the King, but only a few offices have been returned into the Chancery or Exchequer. The King thinks, if they had been diligent, many more wards, services and fines for services would have come into his possession; and charges them, during their tenure of office, to make enquiry, and certify the result into the Chancery or the Exchequer, and also to account for all lands of persons attainted.
P. 1.
Titus, B. IV.
112. B. M.
3693. The REVENUE.
Articles made on the King's behalf touching his revenues, "according as it appertaineth to the office of his surveyors general, and by them to be certified unto his Highness." 1st. It should be certified what lands have come to the Crown by purchase or escheat since the beginning of his reign. 2nd. What lands have been alienated, and how. 3rd. What remain in the King's hand for which the surveyors are answerable. 4th. Where the several possessions lie, and in what condition. 5th. What wastes have been suffered, and by whose fault. 6th. What sums have been gained to the Crown by the sale of lead, timber, &c. &c.
Pp. 3. Endd.
"Debts due to the King's grace, whereof the days of payment be expired, and the money not paid."
Eliz. Stanhope, 140l. James Hyll, 100l. Marg. Poolle, countess of Salisbury, 2,333l. Thos. Seymer, of London, vintner, 24l. Stephen Hill, grocer, 32l. Wm. Howtyng, fishmonger, 51l. John Golder, 39l. Harvy Howerd, 66l. 13s. 4d. Robt. Goodwyn, 116l. Thos. Broke lord Cobham, 133l. Robt. Moorton, 100l. Sir Miles Busshey, 20l. Sir Chr. Askew, 12l. Thos. Purslow, 8l. 13s. 4d. Ric. Waryn, 9l. 1s. 8d. John Smyth, 1s. 8d. John Eston, 466l. 13s. 4d. Nic. Smyth, 49l. 18s. 1d. Wm. Fairfax, 30l. 11s. 7d. Thos. Jameson, 266l. 13s. 4d, Sir Piers Dutton, 120l. ... rd Hobson, 31l. 10s. 4d. Sir Edw. Guldeford, 266l. 13s. 4d. Edw. Baynton, 20l. Arthur Plantagenet lord Lisle, 466l. 13s. 4d. Ric. Goodard, 4l. ... Norres, squire, 50 mks. ... Herse, 10l. 2s. 6d. ... Whitton, 18l. [Earl] of Shrewsbury, 133l. 6s. 8d. Thos. Goodman, 300l. [Ba]rnerd Holden, 100l. ... Pillesdon, 25l. 13s. 1d. Launcelot Lowther, 131l. 1s. 9½d. Ric. Fermor, 400l. John Brigendyne, 12l. John Fisher, 5l. 13s. 2½d. Robt. Raynolde, 49l. 19s. 4d. Jas. Welles, 15l. ... White, 24l. 5s. 10d. ... y Parker, 100l. Earl of Shrewsbury, 133l. 6s. 8d. Geo. Hastings lord Hastings, 1,000l. Thos. Emson, 1,333l. 6s. 8d. Jas. Havington, 400l. John Salmon, 20l. Thos. Middilton and Annes Bretain, 1,000l. Sir ... an Browne, 60l. Sir [Rich]ard Carew, 32l. 6s. Sir [Edwar]d Guldeford, 83l. 6s. 8d. Edw. duke of Buckingham, 333l. 6s. 8d. Wm. archbishop of Canterbury, 165l. Thos. lord Cobham, 330l. Sir Fras. Cheynne, 300l. Sir John Nevile, 120l. Thos. Moreton, 400l. Sir John Carre, 66l. 13s. 4d. Wm. Seyntpere, 100l. Sir [Edw.] Grevill, 130l. ... Lloide ap John ... Gery, 12l. ... Benbow, 100s. ... t Welden, 25l. 3s. 2d. [Mar]gret Nele, 100l. ... Awdeley, 180l. [Ma]rgret Nele, 52l. 4s. 7½d. [Geor]ge Holford, 12l. 3s. 4d. ... Boolle, 7l. 6s. 8d. ... Jakson, 20l. ... Parker, 50l. John [Ro]bertes, brewer, 35l. 18s. 4d. John Michell, 40l. Lewis Orrell, 46l. 13s. 4d. Nich. Ridley, of Northumberland, 33l. 6s. 8d. Fras. Morley, 11l. 2s. 5d. Sir Weston Browne, 160l. 19s. 9d. Ant. Hansard, 50l. Sir Griffith Rise, 100 mks. Sir Wm. Gascoigne, 50l. Sir Griffith Rice, 266l. 13s. 4d. Thos. lord Darcy, 300l. [Lew]es Harpisfeld, 2,000l. ... ard Matthew, 25l. Sir Edw. Pomeray, 1,000l. Sir Jas. Darrell, 80l. Robt. Arnewey, 6l. 15s. Wm. Wynnesbury, 100l. Griffith Rise, of Carmerden, 86l. 13s. 4d. Sir [Ralph E]llerker, 36l. 6s. 8d. ... [T]empest, knt., 10l. ... Boughton, 33l. 6s. 8d. [Rob]ert Markham, 26l. 13s. 4d. ... Grevell, 7l. ... Carew, 10l. [Rob]ert lord Ogle, 10l. [Chris]tofer Cristers, 7l. Wm. Lloide, of Ruthin, 80l. Sir Edw. Nevell, 40l. Thos. Harte, gunner, 33l. 2s. 6d. Nic. Love, 9l. 2s. 6d. Wm. Blount lord Mountjoy, 200 mks. ... [B]eamount, 53l. 6s. 8d. ... ngen, 120l. ... Copleston, 17l. 6s. 8d. ... oolles, 20l. [Henr]y earl of Northumberland, 66l. 13s. 4d. John Walshe, 26l. 13s. 4d. Edm. Nowers, 6l. 6s. 3d. Lord of St. John's, 20l. Thos. Midwyntyr, 35l. Humfrey Smyrte, 100s. Sir Wm. Parre, 33l. 6s. 8d. Walter Strikland, 133l. 6s. 8d. Thos. Tannfeld, 13l. 6s. 8d. Thos. Burton, 7l. 13s. 4d. Thos. Roberts, 6l. 13s. 4d. Sir Wm. Ellerker, 26l. 13s. 4d. Thos. Bradshay, 6l. 13s. 4d. Thos. Worsley, 20l. John Rowe, 13l. 6s. 8d. Ric. Pomeray, 8l. Thos. West, 13l. 6s. 8d. John Hoogan, 66s. 8d. Wm. Davys, 20l. ... Harcour, knt., 12l. Sir [John] Hopton, 10l. Edw. lord Dudley, 33l. 6s. 8d. John lord Awdeley, 10l. Thos. Heigham, 5l. Will. lord Willoughby, 23l. 6s. 8d. Nic. Legh, 20l. Wm. Caraunt, 30l. ... Johnson, 8l. 19s. 3d. ... ap David, 60s. ... Denice, 26l. 8s. 3¼d. ... oolle, 20l. 4s. 8d. ... nton, 12l.
Lands recovered for these sums following:—Sir John Savaige owes 533l. 6s. 8d. Sir Wm. Brereton, 250 mks. Sir Edw. Guldeford, 266l. 13s. 4d. Sir Jas. Harrington, 1,250l. Thos. Chamber, 1,000l. Edm. Carew, 733l. 6s. 8d. Sir Edw. Chamberleyn, 146l. 13s. 4d. [Thom]as Emson, Esq., 1,333l. 6s. 8d. Lord Sandes, 826l. 6s. 8d. Sir [Francis] Brian, 333l. 6s. 8d. ... Barnes, 240l. Sir Robt. Poyntz, deceased, 66l. 13s. 4d. Geo. lord Hastings, 900l. Geo. earl of Shrewsbury, 1,800l. Thos. earl of Derby, 666l. 13s. 4d. Edw. lord Dudley, 200l. Lady Lucy Browne, widow, 100l. Total, 29,605l. 18s. 6d.
Debts due by recognizance.—Edw. late (fn. 4) duke of Buckingham, 1,000l. Earl of Wiltshire, 666l. 13s. 4d. Hen. earl of Northumberland, 666l. 13s. 4d. Rob. lord Fitzwater, 666l. 13s. 4d. Wm. Bourchier lord Barnes, 666l. 13s. 4d. Sir Wm. Say, 666l. 13s. 4d. Sir Wm. Parpoynt, 600l. Sir Laurence Aylmer, 866l. 13s. 4d. Thos. earl of Derby, 800l. Sir Wm. Skevington, 200l. Walter Shirwood, 10l. John Bereford, 100s. Thos. Clifford, 166l. 13s. 4d. Gilbert Talbot, 66l. 13s. 4d. Sir Wm. Gascoigne, 366l. 13s. 4d. Wm. Cooke, 131l. 6s. 9d. Sir Hen. Guldeford, 1,000l. John Pyse, 100l. Walter lord Ferrers, 266l. 13s. 4d. Geo. Kirkham, 66l. 13s. 4d. Sir Wm. Compton, 200l. Roger Pillesdon, 10l. [R]ouland Velvile, 33l. 6s. 8d. Total, 38,828l. 18s. 7d.
Debts by specialties made tempore Hen. VII.—Thos. Johns, 70l. Thos. Woodshay, 100l. Wm. Cooke, 26l. Hen. Saile, 100l. John Higford, 166l. 13s. 4d. Sir John Winkfeld, 66l. Bartram Medford, 450l. Sir Robt. Pekke, 200l. Sir Rauf Gray, 80l. Hugh Surley, 19l. 18s. 8d. Sir John Sawell, 40l. Wm. Rothwell, 33l. 6s. 8d. Ric. Fox late bishop of Durham, 213l. 6s. 8d. Thos. Poolle, 10l. Edw. Courtney late earl of Devonshire, 200l. Wm. Parker, 26l. 13s. 4d. Sir Robt. Brandon, 10l. 3s. 4d. Nic. Pagenham, 140l. Robt. Fowler, 20l. Edw. Pilkington, 100l. John Kempe, 200l. Edw. Holme, 100l. Hugh Shurley, 42l. Jas. Barkeley, 200l. Sir Philip Boith, 400l. Wm. Bisseley, 30l. Chr. Parker, 6l. 13s. 4d. Sir John Winkefelde, 40l. Sir Thos. Brandon, 40l. Thos. Skerne, 40l. Jas. Songre, 10l. Roger Horton, 533l. 6s. 8d. Thos. Hobson, 10l. Thos. Kenyston, 30l. Wm. Milborne, 31l. 5s. 6d. Lancelot Warwike, 100l. Thos. Foowey, 26l. Sir John Winkfelde, 113l. 6s. Roger Wake, 100l. Robt. Suthill, 66l. 13s. 4d. Edw. Pomerey, 466l. 13s. 4d. Ric. Coode, 200l. Robt. Willoughby lord Broke, 500l. Sir Wm. Fyloll, 10l. Eliz. Hampden, 20l. John Wood, 4l. 13s. 4d. Ric. Walden, 26l. 13s. 4d. Symon Harcourt, 13l. 6s. 8d. John Berket, 66s. 8d. Wm. West, 63l. 6s. 8d. Henry Laurence, 10l. Robt. Poynes, 13l. 6s. 8d. Roger Bell, 33l. John Whitfeld, 26l. 13s. 4d. Sir Thos. Brandon, 15l. John Boolles, 15l. ... Hastings, Esq., 20l. ... Bounde, 40l. ... Trotter, 22l. ... Fortescue, 43l. 12s. [Thom]as Edwards, 40l. Robt. Wyndet, 33l. 6s. 8d. Robt. Orton, 100l. Fras. Loven, 45l. Sir Humfrey Lisle, 46l. 6s. 8d. Ric. Heton, 30l. Thos. Burdon, 13l. 6s. 8d. Wm. Grene, 10l. Thos. Tyler, 10l. Sir Audrian Fortescue, 40l. Thos. Marler, 15l. Ric. Gitons, 60l. John Herbert, 21l. Thos. Marmyon, 20l. Chas. Brandon, 72l. 10s. 4d. John Driver, 10l. Geoffrey Morton, 66l. 13s. 4d. Henry earl of Essex, 110l. Thos. Viriot, 20l. Thos. marquis Dorset ... es Barkeley, 20l. [Cu]tbert Forster, 20l. Sir John Savage, 30l. Chr. Ascue, 266l. 13s. 4d. Rauf lord Ogle, 66l. 13s. 4d. Robt. Craneson, 41l. Jasper duke of Bedford, 113l. 6s. 8d. Roger Walwyn, 27l. 4s. 10d. Geo. Goodman, 100s. Maurice Barkeley, 50l. Hen. earl of Essex, 100 mks. Thos. Edwards, 20l. Robt. Imbar, of London, 50l. [Joh]n Audeley, 23l. 6s. 8d. [Thom]as lord Dacres, 66l. 13s. 4d. Sir Wm. Scargell, 16l. 13s. 4d. Ric. Gittons, 30l. John Bristow, 13l. 6s. 8d. Edw. Chamberlayn, 66l. 13s. 4d. Wm. Etherede, 34l. 16s. 10d. Ric. Warrings, 10l. Piers Assheton, Esq., 10l. Wm. Everard, 13l. 6s. 8d. Mighell Vivian, 4l. Wm. Mersshe, 6l. 13s. 4d. Thos. Skevington, 100l. Nic. Nynes, of London, 12l. ... of London, 400l. John Norton, 100l. Sir John Husey, 133l. 6s. 8d. Jas. Barkeley, 4l. Hen. Pennagoo, 48l. 7s. David Adams, 4l. 10s. Henry Wykes, 66s. 8d. John Tame, 60l. Marmaduke Tweyng, 42l. 11s. 8½d. Lancelot Lowther, 86l. 14s. 4d. John Morres, of Clapthorne, 11l. 5s. John Saynt, 6l. 9s. Ric. Rosewolde, 40l. Rauf Sandford, 10l. ... Bukkeler, 16l. Edw. Stannope, 45s. Sir John Husey, 26l. 13s. 4d. Fras. Cheynny, 50l. Meredith ap Mathew, 3l. 6s. 8d. Hen. Raynold, 8l. 9s. John Norton, 66l. 13s. 4d. John ap Madocke, 80l. Wm. West, 69l. 0s. 6½d. Thos. Mighell, 30l. Lancelot Thirkelde, 40l. Robt. lord Broke, 45l. Sir Ric. Chomeley, 14l. Ric. Wentworth, 55l. [Laur]ence Aylmer of London, 66l. 13s. 4d. The abbot of Wigmore, 10l. Ric. Halwell, 33l. Chas. Villers, 10l. Sir Robt. Fenys, 15l. Wm. Howet, 66s. 8d. Arthur Hopton, 22l. 2s. 3d. Geo. lord Burgevenny, 43l. 10s. John Touchet lord Audeley, 10l. Wm. lord Willoughby, 65l. Christ. Moore, 13l. 6s. 8d. Hen. Saivell, 30l. Jas. Copley, 30l. ... Brudges, 98l. 6s. 8d. Thos. Fulsherst, 66l. 13s. 4d. Thos. Thomas, 10l. Sir Thos. More, 733l. 6s. 8d. Thos. lord Dacre, 120l. Chas. Jakson, 40l Miles ap David, 20l. Sir Arthur Darcy, ... Ric. Southwell, 110l. John Pakenton, 12l. Wm. lord Dacres, 766l. 13s. 4d. Ric. Scrope, 25l. Roger Ratclif, gentleman usher, 100l. ... Poolle, 54l. John Cutte, 190l. Sir Robt. Sheffeld, 4,266l. 18s. 4d. Mayor and fellowship of the Staple at Calais, 2,300l. Lewis Harpisfeld, 940l. Total, 26,461l. 6s. ..
Debts not due, for payment whereof lands be recovered.—Sir John Savage, 1,900l. Sir Wm. Brereton, 66l. 13s. 4d. Geo. Guldeford, Esq., 100l. Sir Edw. Guldeford, 400l. Sir Edw. Carew, 366l. 13s. 4d. Sir [John] Husey, 1,700l. Wm. lord Sandes, 500l. John Tutchet lord Audeley, 2,086l. 13s. 4d. Robt. Willoughby lord Broke, 2,206l. Sir Robt. Poynes, 300l. Sir Geo. Hastings lord Hastings, 500l. Geo. earl of Shrewsbury, ... Thos. earl of Derby, 2,933l. Edw. lord Dudley, 217l. 16s. 6d. Sir John Wise man, 166l. 13s. 4d. Sir Giles Capell, 50l. Lady Lucy Browne, widow, 166l. 13s. 4d. Edw. Forman, 500l. Cecille, lady marques [Dorset], 4,607l. 4s. 4d. Total, 20,163l. 1s. 9½d.
Debts by recognizances not yet due.—Sir Wm. Gascoigne, 166l. 13s. 4d. Walter Devereux lord Ferrers, 200l. Geo. Nevile lord Ferrers, 200l. Geo. Nevile lord Burgevenny, 6,000 marks. Walter Hungerford, 533l. 6s. 8d. Sir Wm. Compton, 100l. Thos. Kitson, London, 600l. Roger Pillesdon, 120l. Sir Rouland Velvile, 233l. 6s. 8d. Sir Wm. Husey, 100l. Thos. lord Dacre and his son William, 1,000l. Total, 7,053l. 6s. 8d.
Debts of merchant strangers not yet due.—Misot de Barde, Barnerd Salviat, Jas. de Capons, John Cavalcaunt, Antony Bonvixi, Guido Portinari, Wm. Corsy, John Francis de Barde, Antony Guido, Francis Guysany and ... Capelle. Total, 8,035l. 12s. 11d.
Total of specialties not yet due, 61,713l. 6s. 8d.
Specialties of Ant. Cavalari. Obligations of Peter Corse, Ph. and Leonard Friscobald, Bartilmew Salviati, John Baptist and Jerome Friscobald. Total, 91,215l. Delivered to Cavalary in addition, 20,000l.
Specialties for Laurence Bonvix.—Obligations of lord Fitzwater, Sir Rauf Chamberlain, Sir Thos. Litton, Henry Baxter, Hugh Clopton, John Campwche, John Creswell (?) and Robt. Bolte (?) Total, 4,306l. 4s. 3d.
Specialties for Peter Francis de Barde. Obligations of Cavalcaunt, Ant. Cassidony, Jas. de Capons and Gregory Cassale. Total, 11,400l. 1s.
Pp. 11, on slips of paper, formerly joined. Mutilated, and the ink much faded.
Account of the officers of the late duke of Buckingham's lands, made by the King's commissioners in the months of July to Nov.
Hants. Giles Machyn, bailiff, Sir Andrew Windsor, steward of all the Duke's lands in the county, 26s. 8d. each a year.
Wilts. [Kinw]ardestone hund.: Thos. Gower, bailiff, "a personable man, sufficient and a good payer," (fn. 5) 40s. Sir John Seymour, steward, 100s.—Somerset. Bedminster: John Edwards, bailiff, 2d. a day. John Broke, sergeant-at-law, steward, 66s. 8d.
Gloucester. Thornbury: The keeper of the manor, 30s. 4d. Wm. Skegge, keeper of Morlewode park, 4l. 11s. Keeper of Estwode park, 60s. 8d. Keeper of Milborowe warren, 40s. Steward of all the lands in Glouc., 100s. Ric. Cole, feodary, 2d. a day. Harefield: Keeper of the park, 2d. a day. Wm. Cole, bailiff, 20s. Estyngton and Alkerton: Cole, bailiff, 26s. 8d. Rendecombe and Cerney: John Herbert, bailiff, 13s. 4d. Receiver of all the lands in Glouc., 100s.
South Wales. Newport, Wenlouge and Maghan: The earl of Wiltshire, formerly steward with 13l. 6s. 8d., gave 6l. 13s. 4d. to Thos. a Morgan as his lieutenant, and he and John a Morgan are to be continued in the office. Thos. a Morgan, constable of Newport Castle and receiver, 6l. 13s. 4d. Porter of Newport Castle, 2d. a day. Approver, 2d. a day.—Brekenoke: Stewardship of Brekenoke, Hay and Huntyngdon, 20l. a year. Llewellyn ap Morgan, Hugh Mervyn, John Walbieff, Robt. Whyteney, Jas. and Roger Vaughan, appointed lieutenants by the commissioners. Hugh Mervyn, receiver of Brekenoke, &c., Cantrecelly, Penkelly and Alysaundrestowne, and porter of Brekenoke Castle, 13l. 0s. 8d. Constable of the Castle, 6l. 13s. 4d., vacant. Clerk of the court, 33s. 4d. Attorneyship at the court called the Bally Place, 20s. The master sergeant, and under him seven sergeants, the baylly sergeant, ryngilde and sheriff, no fees "but only old colorable bribery." Stewardship of Cantrecelly, &c., Henry Myles and John Lowes Havarde, lieutenants, 66s. 8d. Porter of Brendeles Castle, 60s. 8d. Constable of Hay Castle, 100s. Porter of Hay Castle, 2d. a day. Constable of Huntyngdon Castle, 100s. Thos. Shyrley, keeper of Huntyngdon Park, 2d. a day.—"Caurs" with the members: Earl of Wiltshire, late steward, 6l. 13s. 4d. Lieutenants, Humfrey Lloyd and Wm. Reygnold. Lloyd, constable of Caurs Castle, 100s. John Corbett of Legh, receiver, 66s. 8d. John Corbett, forester of Haburley in Hogestowe Forest, Reginald ap John, forester of Minsterley Park, John Amyas, sergeant-at-arms, and Hugh Burley, foresters of the Heth, 2d. a day.
Stafford, Salop and Chester. Earl of Shrewsbury, steward, 100s. Jas. Nowell, receiver, porter of Stafford Castle and keeper of the park, 8l. 0s. 8d. Keeper of Mawdeley Park, 60s. 8d. Baylly of the liberties of Forbrigge, Staff., 60s. 8d.
York. Holdernesse: Earl of Northumberland, steward, 20l. Buckingham had 20l. as steward of the said Earl's lands in Somerset, of which the King ought to be answered. Wm. Stanley, clk., receiver, 6l. 13s. 4d. Chr. Hyllyard, keeper of the South Park of Brustewyke, 60s. 8d. Rauff Warbleton, yeoman of the crown, keeper of the North Park, 60s. 8d. Walter Grimstone, escheator and coroner, 6l. 1s. 4d. The pinder of Brustewyk, 30s. 4d. Deputy steward, 40s.
General Circuit. Warwick. Maxstoke: Hugh Mervyn, keeper of the park and bailiff, 4d. a day. Wm. Phippes, porter of the castle, 90 years of age and above, 40s. John Archer, constable, 66s. 8d. Wawenswotton and Sheldon: Robt. Ryddell, bailiff, 2d. a day. John Brokehurst, bailiff of Rokeby, 40s. Steward for the county, 40s.
Notts. Knesale: John Walhede, bailiff and keeper of the park, came in with Hen. VII., 4l. 6s. 4d. Bailiff at Colston Bassett, 60s. 8d.
Rutland. Henry Gerveiz, bailiff of Okeham, 2d. a day. Symon Swafelde, porter of the castle and keeper of Fleters Park, 4l. 11s. Steward of lands in the county, 66s. 8d.—Northampton. Edw. Osborne, bailiff of Rothwell, 60s. 8d. Christ. John, bailiff of Navesby, 60s. 8d. Sir Andr. Windsor, steward, 4l.—Hunts. Kymbalton: Wm. Wodgate, keeper of the castle, 1d. a day. Wm. Bedell, bailiff, and keeper of the park, 3d. a day. John Darrington, reeve and beadle, 47s. 5d. Walter Luke, learned in the common law, steward, 40s. John Power and John Tyse, feodaries of Gloucester honor, 13s. 4d. John Tyse, bailiff of Southo, 13s. 4d.
Norfolk. John Russhebroke, bailiff of Stafford Barnyngham, 20s.; and receiver of all lands in the county, 100s. Sir Thos. Lovell and Sir Thos. Wodehouse, stewards, 40s.—Suffolk. Wm. Cowper, bailiff of Desenynge manor and keeper of Comley Park, 60s. 8d. John Cotton, keeper of Southwode Park, 60s. 8d. Wm. Matresse, bailiff of Haverhill cum Hersham, 60s. 8d. Duke of Norfolk, steward, 66s. 8d. Duke of Norfolk, steward, 66s. 8d. Wm. Cok, bailiff of Hengrave, 40s.—Essex. John Skegge, keeper of the manor of Wrytle, 2d. a day. Bryan Vavosoure, bailiff, 2d. a day. John Hasylwode and Mistress Phelipps of London, keepers of the park, 2d. a day. Thos. Kemys, keeper of Horsfrith Park, 2d. a day. Duke of Norfolk, steward, 6l. 13s. 4d. John Borell, keeper of Hattefelde Bradok Park, 2d. a day. Nic. Clerke, yeoman of the crown, bailiff at Fobbing, 2d. a day.—Bucks and Beds. John Kyslyngbury, bailiff at Bourton, 20s. Hen. Brett, bailiff of the honor of Gloucester, 26s. 8d. Wm. Meredale, bailiff at Brykhyll Parva, 26s. 8d. Richard Stevens, bailiff at Agmondesham, 40s. Wm. Tracy, bailiff at Polycote, 13s. 4d. John Tyse, bailiff of the honor of Gloucester, Beds, 20s. Sir And. Wyndesore, steward, 4l. Thos. Cade, clk., receiver for the "general circuit," 10l.
Surrey. Ric. Cholmeley, bedell and bailiff at Blechyngly, 26s. 8d. John Scote, keeper of the South Park there, 4l. 11s. Ambrose Skelton, keeper of the manor and the North Park, 4l. 11s.
Kent. John Pelle, bailiff at Tunbrigge, 40s. John Fisher, keeper of the office of Chamberlain in Kent and Surrey, 40s. Constable of Tunbridge Castle, which is in decay, 6l. 13s. 4d. Thos. Barnwell, porter, and receiver of the lands in Kent and Surrey, 8l. 0s. 8d. Sir Edw. Nevile, steward, 5l. Sir Hen. Owen, keeper of the Postern Parks, 4l. 11s. Sir Edw. Gylforde, keeper of Northfrithe Park, 4l. 11s. Ric. Fisher, keeper of Northlegh Park, 60s. 8d. Bailiff at Penshurst, 20s. Wm. Wodgate, keeper of the manor and parks, 7l. 11s. John Uvedale, keeper of Brastede Park, 4l. 11s.—London and Middx. Mistress Philippes, keeper of the Redrose, and collectrix of the rents in Temestrete, 40s. Chr. Halys, attorney-general and receiver, 5l. Total of yearly fees and wages, 413l. 12s. 1d.
Annuities. Thos. Chubbes, of the common law, 40s. Ric. Langhurst, groom of the Beds, 40s. John Bordesley, gent., 66s. 8d. John Kyrke, yeoman, 10l. Thos. Rowse, 17s. 4d. Ambrose Skelton, 6l. 13s. 4d. Robt. Walhedde, for keeping of Crawle, 60s. 10d. Robt. Whitok, for keeping the woods at Bedmystre, 40s. Wm. Cholmeley, gent., 6l. 13s. 4d. Thos. Denton, esq., 10l. Lord John Graye, 6l. 6s. 8d. Sir Thos. Wodehouse, 20l. Thos. Kemys, 6l. 13s. 4d. John Hasylwode and Mistress Phelyppes, 613l. 4s. John Hasylwode, 10l. John Carter, 66s. 8d. Ric. Stubbes, scholar, 66s. 8d. Wm. Hasynge, herald of arms, 10l. Thos. Wyottesley, Garter King of arms, 4l. John Pierson, scholar, 66s. 8d. John Borell, 40s. Margaret Borell, 40s. John Fraunces, doctor of physic, 66s. 8d. Sir Edw. Nevyll, 100s. Wm. Norreys, 40s. Total, 145l. 17s.
12 sheets; originally a roll.


  • 1. This paragraph appears to have been added at a later period. It was clearly the intention of the writer that this despatch should have been forwarded to its destination at the same date as the letters congratulatory of 22 Dec. If the expression "18th of the same" be correct, this letter must have been sent at the very end of December, or in the beginning of January 1524.
  • 2. It appears by the document vol. i. no. 837, that the prior of St. John's held property at Bridewell. Sir Thos. Nevill was one of the knights of the Order.
  • 3. Blank in MS.
  • 4. This word is an insertion.
  • 5. The qualifications of several of the officers are stated in this manner.