The King's Book of Payments, 1518

Pages 1476-1480

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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The King's Book of Payments, 1518

1518. January.—King at Windsor; 17th, at Newhall. Dr. Fairfax, for "a pricksonge book," 20l. The Cardinal's servant, for bringing a gold cup to the Princess, 20s. The French Queen's servant, bringing a pomander of gold to the Princess, 20s. Lady Devonshire's servant, bringing her a gold spoon, 13s. 4d. Lady Norfolk's servant, bringing her a primer, 10s. Lady Mountjoy's servant, bringing her 2 smocks, 3s. 4d. Lady Darrell's servant, bringing "wardens" to her, 12d. A woman that brought queen apples, 12d. "For the passage over to Dechet ferry with my Lady Princess and her servants at 2 times," 3s. 4d. Wm. Gentelman, riding with letters to the sheriffs of Essex, from London to Byrling to "my lady mastres," and from Farnham to Enfield to Mr. Treasurer's place, 10s.; and riding to Mr. Pigot, 6s. 8d. Sigemonde Skeyf, an Almain, through Benet de Opiciis, for an instrument called a regall, 22l. York herald, attending on the King of Castile's ambrs., 24 days, at 4s. a day. Clarencieux, attending on the Bp. of Paris and De la Giesse, 10l. Geo. Lovekyn, overseeing the workmen in the armory at Greenwich, 16d. a day. Sir Wistan Browne, taking 40 male deer out of Enfield chase for Greenwich, 13l. 6s. 8d. Sir Th. Lovell, master of the wards, fee, 100l. Ponynges, rent of the Crowned Key, Southwark, half year, 40s.—Total, 1,420l. 7s. 7d.
February.—King at Windsor. Clarencieux, going to the French King, 20l. The Cardinal of Arragon's servant, 10l. Cardinal Sion's servant, 10l. Guyett Huell, 20l. Sir Ric. Weston, "repairing of the manor in the moat park, the tower in the heath, and the making of a new lodge in Cranbourn chase," 133l. 6s. 8d. Walter Forster, for the conduit at Greenwich, 100l.; for repairing the great chamber at Eltham, 200l. Dr. Fernando [de Victoria], the Queen's physician, "for transporting his wife out of Spain into England," 66l. 13s. 4d. Abp. of Armagh, going to Spain for 182 days, 5 marks a day; Lord Berners, 40s. a day; Windsor herald, 4s. a day. Repairing and cleansing the manor and moat at Hanworth, conveying a sink from the kitchen at Dutton, and glazing the nether story there, repairing the manors of Ewelme, Woodstock, Cornbury, Langley, Minster Lovel, &c., 300l. Ponynges, arrears of his diets when beyond sea, 26l. Dr. Knight, ambr. in Flanders, 50l. Ric. Pole, wages in advance, 30 days, 30s. Carriage of money from Westminster to Windsor, 31 Feb. (sic) 4s. 8d. For Leeds Castle, 300l. Magnus, repairing and rigging the King's ships, 200l. Armagh and Berners, for transporting them into Spain, 200 ducats (4s. 6d. each ducat). Wm. Holyngworth, servant to Mr. Nich. Carewe, for canvas, "lyer," thread, &c. for the hangings at Newhall, 34l. 4s.—Total, 5,145l. 18s. 9d.
March.—1st, at Windsor; 7th, at Hampton Court; 21st, at Richmond. Carriage of the guard's jackets from Windsor to Richmond, 4s. 8d. Mr. Amner (Edw. Lee?), preaching before the King, 20s. Messenger from Windsor to Hampton Court and London, thence to Windsor and Somersetshire, 10s. Dr. Fell and Dr. Standish, preaching, 20s. each. Mr. Norres, to be employed for the King, 100l. Sir John Baker, year's wages, 20l. Nich. Carewe, 6 years' wages in advance, at 50 (sic) marks a year, 400l. To Massye Villiard and _, "upon two tailles to be levied of the sheriff of Bedford," 20l. The Cardinal's subdean, preaching, 20s. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, for inclosing certain ground in Suthrey bailiwick, in Windsor Forest, 20l.—Total, 3,732l. 0s. 9d.
Sum total of payments from 1 May 1 Hen. VIII. to 1 April 9 Hen. VIII., 1,560,047l. 9s. 6d. Receipts during same period, 1,581,503l. 0s. ¾d. And so remains in the hands of Sir John Heron, 21,455l. 10s. 6¾d.
April. (fn. 1) —4th, 11th, at Abingdon; 18th, 25th, Woodstock. Dean of Sarum, preaching on Good Friday, 20s. John Appulbye, carrying letters from Reading to my Lord Cardinal, and from him to the King at Abingdon, twice, 16s. 8d. To the Prior of St. Bartholomew's, for Newhall, 2,000l. Magnus, rigging ships and mariners' wages, 100l. Wm. Est, repairs at Woodstock and Langley, except glazing, 1½ year, 9l. John Porth, for 2 new books for the King's receipts, and 2 others for the King's pay- ments, recognizances and obligations, for 6 skins of parchment to make indentures for the King's wardrobe, and 2 other books of receipts and payments for John Jenyns and Rich. Treis, 16s. 1d. Guyot, the French King's servant, 30l. Normandy herald, 30l. Lord of Istelstan's servant, 10l. Scotch herald, 100s. Sir Ric. Cholmeley, finding the prisoners committed to him by the Council, 100l. Lord Edm. Howard, fee for 300 days, at 20s. a day; "and so no more to be paid unto him." Dr. Knight, ambassador in Flanders, for his diets, at 20s. a day, 50l.—Total, 3,621l. 17s. 3d.
May.—King at Woodstock. Hopton, comptroller of the ships, half year's fee, 16l. 13s. 4d. Carriage of the jackets from Abingdon to Woodstock, 4s. Carriage of money from Westminster to Woodstock, and plate from the Tower, 26s. 8d. Sir Henry Wyat, for "hire of an horse from London to Woodstock, with 3 crosses of silver and gilt with the staves," 5s. Ralph Bolney, riding about on the King's business, 6s. 8d. To a gentleman of the realm of Cypres, 13l. 6s. 8d. Carriage of livery bows and arrows from London to Woodstock, 52 miles, 2d. a mile. Two men of London, for mending the organs at Woodstock, and transporting the organs of Woodstock parish church to the manor of Woodstock, and thence back again to the church, 16s. 8d. Hen. Smith, for finishing the works at Greenwich, repairing the manors of Ewelme, Woodstock, Cornbury and Minster Lovell, and repairing the closet and bridge at Windsor, 300l. Hopton, for the ships, 133l. 6s. 8d. For Bridewell, 1,000l. Ric. Gibbons, riding with a letter to Sir Rob. Brudenell, 3s. 4d. John Fouler, late gospeller of the Chapel, wages at 4d. a day, and board wages at 2s. a week. The gaoler of Exeter, for bringing up two prisoners to the Council at Woodstock, 53s. 4d. Mr. Cornish, for board wages of 10 children of the chapel, at 8d. a week.—Total, 1,822l. 17s. 2d.
June.—6th, 20th, 27th, at Woodstock; 13th, at Southampton. The 4 sackbutts' month's wages, 11l. 2s. Bp. of Paris's chaplain, 10l. Portcullis, conveying letters to Tournay, 40s. A pursuivant of the French King, bringing letters from the Bp. of Paris, 53s. 4d. Provost of Cassell, 66l. 13s. 4d. Spinelly, for money received by him of the Provost of Cassel, 33l. 6s. 8d. To the Cardinal, for money delivered to Jerningham by Dr. Sampson, 233l. 6s. 8d. Ric. a Lee, of the Jewel House, hire of a cart with plate from London to Woodstock, 54 miles, 9s.; his costs, 4s. Ric. Treis, costs to London twice, 8s. Delivered to Rob. Fowler, 2,452l. 12s. 4d., to be conveyed to Jerningham at Calais for a half year's wages of the retinue there, and 1,200l. for 6 months ending 7 Nov. next. 103 bows, 3s. 4d. each; and 103 sheaves of livery arrows, 5s. 4d. each. A courier coming from Lyons with the Pope's letters, 13l. 6s. 8d. 2 carts for carriage of the guard's jackets from Woodstock to Southampton, 57 miles, 19s.; and back to Woodstock, 19s. 6 loads of hay, 10s. a load, and 2 loads of oats, 12s. a load, for finding the deer at Greenwich. Repairs of the garden and herber there, 62s. Geo. Lufkyn, clerk of the stable, attendance on certain stuff in the gallery at Greenwich, 10l. 1s. 4d.—Total, 7,671l. 9s. 3d.
July.—1st, 4th, 11th, at Woodstock; 18th, at More. Goldsmiths' work, 221l. 3s. Wm. Holland, "advancement aforehand" for New Year's gifts, 200l. Sir John Style's diets, from 24 Sept. 8 Hen. VIII. to 16 June last, 10s. a day, 314l. 3s. 4d. Dr. Knight's diets, 100l.; sent by W. Popley. John Hopton, 200l. Reward to Sir Edw. Guylford, 200l. The Duke of Suffolk, through Sir John and Humph. Wyngefeld, for 14,610 crowns delivered to Fowler at Calais, 2,722l. Repairs at the Tower, 100l. Bp. of Armagh's diets, 303l. 16s. 8d.; Lord Berners', 182l. 10s.; Windsor herald's diets, 18l. 5s. Carriage of jewelhouse stuff from Woodstock to Greenwich, 10s. 4d. Spinelly's diets, from his entry into Spain to 1 June last, 100l., besides 100l. at his entry; from Easter next he is to receive 300l. a year. Welsh commissioners, 346l. 13s. 4d.—Total, 6,254l. 6s. 6d.
August.—1st, 8th, at Greenwich; 15th, 22nd, 29th, at Eltham. Rob. Ustweite, for a house at Greenwich, purchased by the Earl of Worcester for the King, 200l. Hire of The Mary James, 173l. 6s. 8d. John Porth and Ric. Trees, board wages at Woodstock for 7 days, 4d. each a day, when the King was at Southampton. Mr. Cornisshe, for 2 pageants on 6 July 9 Hen. VIII., 18l. 2s. 11½d. Ric. Gibson, serjeant of the tents, 26l. 13s. 4d. Wages of Christ. Cravila, minstrel, at 20 nobles a year. House and land bought at Woolwich, 113l. 6s. 8d. John Hopton, for repairing and caulking the great galley the Mary Rose, &c., 100l. For "the jewelhouse cart" from Greenwich to Eltham, 6d. Boat hire from the Tower to Eltham, on St. Bartholomew's Day, 6d., Twelve halberds for the guard, 48s. Sir Edw. Nevell, loan, 100l. Fitzwilliam and Mabill his wife, annuity, 100l. The French ambr., in gold, 100l. Champion herald, 6l. 13s. 4d. French courier, 53s. 4d. Albone, herald of France, 100s. Deputy of Calais, for spies, 142l. 13s. 4d. Sir Edw. Guylford, stuff for the jousts to be held at Greenwich before the ambrs. now coming from France, 66l. 13s. 4d.—Total, 1,690l. 12s. 9½d.
September.—5th, 12th, at Eltham; 19th, 26th, at Greenwich. Arth. Pole, for the King's business, 66l. 13s. 4d. New gallery at Greenwich, and repairs at Richmond and other places, 400l. Buildings at Bridewell, 2,000l. Sent to Tournay by Lylgrave, for discharging the workmen and for the soldiers' wages to 18 Sept., 1,700l. Playing money for the King on St. Matthew's Eve, 20l.—Total, 5,193l. 15s. 9d.
October.—1st, 24th, at Greenwich; 3rd, at Paul's; 10th, 17th, at Eltham. Baron Corson, 50l. "Angelus Justinianus Episcopus Nibiensis" (Nebbio), 20l. The French King's gentlemen, 800l. Mons. Champney, herald at arms, 20l. Pullayn, a Frenchman, 13l. 6s. 8d.; his son, 6l. 13s. 4d. Gerard van Hertell, for making the King's ostrich feathers, 22s. 9d. Joan, wife of Peter Fever. late armorer, for harness, 117l. 6s. 8d. Playing money for the King, 1,000l. Twenty-five Myllyan (Milan) bonnets for the guard, against the coming of the French ambassadors, 112s. 6d. Wm. Wyngefeld, attending on the Dean of the Chapel and Mr. Wyndesore, commrs. on the inclosures, 4l. Wegan, riding with a letter to the Prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, for the fount, 6s. 8d. Prior of St. Bartholomew's, for the buildings at Newhall, 1,000l. Six timber of sables, 290l. Three complete harness, "with pieces of avauntage for the tilt, 13 crynis and 3 shaffrons," 50l. John Cavalcant, 150l. Four gentlemen going to France with the King's ambrs., 400l. Welsh commrs., 46l. 13s. 4d. Plate given to the French ambrs., 1,829l. 14s. Sir Edw. Belknapp, "for making of an hall place in the body of Powles Church for the marriage of the Princess," 21l. Reward to Percival Hart, 10l. Ric. Gibson, a mummery held at my Lord Cardinal's place at Westminster, and for the "disguising" held at Greenwich, 7 Oct., 230l. 4s. 4d.—Total, 9,606l. 2s. 3d.
November.—King at Greenwich. Hen. Annesley, going to London to warn the master of the Queen's barge to give attendance, 20d. Officers of the King's jewels for their good attendance at the last triumph at St. Paul's, 66s. 8d. Hopton, 200l. Knight in Flanders, arrears of his debts, 60l.; his diets going to the Emperor, 100l. Sir Ric. Whetell, 5 years rent of a house at Calais for the King's tents, 23l. Guyot de Heulle, half year's wages, 50l. Ambr. of Arragon, 100l. Herald of Scotland, 100s. Conveyance of halberds from St. Thomas to Tournay, 4l. 9s. Ambr. of Denmark, 40l. Jerningham and others coming from Tournay to the triumph held at Greenwich in Oct., 23l. 6s. 8d. each. Bp. of Worcester, for expediting of bulls and writings, 316l. 18s. Lord Chamberlain, ambr. in France, diets for 50 days, 166l. 13s. 4d. Bp. of Ely, 133l. 6s. 8d.; Lord of St. John's, 100l.; Sir Nich. Vaux, 50l. Clarencieux, going to France, 16l. 13s. 4d. Lord Edm. Howard, diets in France, 66l. 13s. 4d.; Lord Ferrers, 66l. 13s. 4d.; Lord Herbert, 20l.; Sir Th. Bollayn, 100l.; Sir John Peche, Sir Edw. Belknappe, Sir Ric. Weston, and Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, 66l. 13s. 4d. each; and Sir Giles Capell, 40l. Sir John Wallop, Sir Wm. Aparr, Th. Chenye, Wm. Paulmer, Anth. Broune, Wm. Coffyn, John Russel and Anth. Knyvet, 40l. each, going into Flanders. A gentleman of Cardinal Sion (Cidenencis), 20l. Bp. of Armagh, diets for 70 days, 233l. 6s. 8d.; Lord Berners, 140l.; and Windsor herald, 14l. Duke of Suffolk, 4d. in addition to the 4s. paid for each of 14,600 crowns, 243l. 10s. Lining arras at Newhall, 31l. 4s. 2d. John Cavelcant, for Cardinal Sion, 333l. 6s. 8d. Alice, wife of John Raynsford, 1½ year's fee, 15l. Hen. Smyth, for the new gallery at Greenwich, privy kitchen there for the Queen, the walls of Woodstock park, and repairs of Minster Lovell, 200l. Forster, for repairs in the Tower, 40l. John Savernac, a rebeck, 16d. a day.—Total, 4,502l. 7s. 7d.
December.—1st, 5th, 9th, at Greenwich; 12th, 19th, at Eltham. To Fras. Bryan, master of the Toyles, taking 60 "quick deer" to store Greenwich Park, 20l. Glaude Bourgios, minstrel, 2 months, 61s. Nich. Harvy, losses in the King's service, 23l. 6s. 8d. Gerard, plumer of the King's feathers, 6l. "St. Nicholas Bishop," reward, 6l. 13s. 4d. Guyot de Huell, going to the Emperor, 20l. For harness and spears, and their conveyance from London to Greenwich, 69l. 18s. 10d. 12 tourney swords, 48s. Edm. Travore, lord of misrule for Christmas, 13l. 6s. 8d. Carriage of jewelhouse stuff from Greenwich to Eltham and back, 12d. Prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, carrying and recarrying the font to Canterbury, 4l. Wm. Okeley, 20s.; riding with a letter and commission to Geo. Quarles and John Tornor for surveying the lordship of Shenton, 10s. Gunpowder, 200l. Cavelcant, for Rob. Derike in Almain, 200l.; and 200l. for Bastard Emerey in Flanders. To John Hopton, for bringing down the ship Henry Grace of Dewe, from Erith to Northfleet, and wages of mariners, 69l. 7s. 8d. Dr. Crowmer, going to Canterbury with the King's offering to St. Thomas, 20s.; for his costs, 20s. Compton, for the King's use, 2,000l. Master Sydnor, finding 2 litter horses for the Princess, 114s. 8d.—Total, 3,690l. 6s. 6d.
Pp. 620.


  • 1. The account is here resumed in another volume.